##VIDEO ID:7chqRP0enQw## Whatever. Well, I just show up. Yeah. Not necessarily on purpose, though. It was first.st Meeting is called to order. Public notice of this meeting pursuant to the Open Public Meeting Act Meetings Act has been given by the Board Secretary on September 3, rd 2,024, in the following manner, public posted notice on the School Bolton Board at the Administration Building. Transmitted to the Courier Post. Philadelphia. Inquire. And the clerk of Cherry Hill township, and I. Mrs. Sugars, can you. Please join me for the pledge of allegiance. Of the United States of America. Unlike a witch's stand. This is. This is your fame. Here. Mrs. Gallagher here Mr. Greenbaum. Mr. Mayor, Yeah. Dr. Rood, here. Mrs. Niaz. Here. Mrs. Tong, yeah. Mrs. Winters. Here, Ms. Stern. Here. Okay. So tonight, we do not have any board recognition. We do not have any presentations. Reach out to Martin. So we're gonna move right onto and we don't have any. Administrative reports. So we're gonna move right onto correspondence to any board. Members have correspondence. This is Winters. I had the privilege of going to the 1st day of school at 2 of our schools. Russell, Knight, which is where my youngest goes to say Hi to families, and I helped some kindergartners find their line. So that was very exciting for me, and then I was able to run over to the Malber building to meet some preschool families. And it was really nice. I got to speak to a lot of families who were waiting online to check their kids in for their very 1st day of preschool, and lots of returning families, too, had some nice conversations. Everybody seems really excited, and it was nice to see those. Families and welcome them to the school district in the new school year. Great. Thank you for doing that. This is. I intended the back to school Johnson Elementary School. This is my 1st time there. I never been there before. And I did try to help 2 parents find classrooms, and I sent him the wrong direction. So I stopped helping. After that But it was nice. A lot of the younger students were very excited to come in and show their parents where the classrooms were, and the 3rd and 4th graders were kinda just like slugging in coming like we're back here. But it was nice it was nice meeting the staff. I have to say the principal really knew all the students, and all the parents and stuff and. Was very good about welcoming them and giving their directions on you know where to go. It was very nice. It's fantastic. Thank you. And I think that's a classic board member. Mistake is we try to give directions and schools that we are not as familiar with. Sometimes we send people to the wrong way. So. Word to the wise. We'll all learn from you, Mr. Green. Thank you. So I joined a number of other board members doing a tour of some of the construction at some of our buildings few days before school opened. Folks primarily on Kingston. At Kingston. The main focus was the Apr. It's the one that's the furthest along. It's really great progress. It's a very impressive building. It's really well thought out. It's nice to see it's fully accessible, including the hallway ramp and to get to the stage. Tentative completion date this is not official, but tentative, at least in my notes, is around spring 2,025. With the other five's to follow. At Carusi. There's been a ton of work going on. An entire wing has been gutted to do hazardous material remediation which completed over the summer. Jim and locker rooms are completely gutted. They're expected to be completed mid October. And the main office should be done around Thanksgiving. Students going to cruise may have also noticed a new traffic pattern. It separates cars, car and bus traffic. It eliminates a situation where students might have to cross the bus line. It's really just improving traffic flow and improving safety. And then, lastly, temporary classroom units. Something we're expecting next year. A couple of people asked when we're getting those expecting, probably in the April timeframe having them ready for June of next year. As we see construction really ramp up over there. And then, lastly, we took a look at some of the critical hvacments. This one. Doesn't look as exciting, but it's basically all the heating and air conditioning units and all the classroom making them consistent across the district. Centralized controls, heat and air conditioning. So there's no more window units. Nobody has to show up to their classroom an hour early. If they're using it later in the day. Standardizing temperatures with the ability to make it plus or minus 2 degrees. And something I thought was really cool is. Just they're a lot more energy efficient. With the controls, they can monitor the carbon dioxide levels in the room. If kids just get back from gym class. They're breathing heavy. CO. 2 levels are higher. It'll open louvers to get fresh air from outside. If it doesn't need to do that, it'll be more efficient and recirculate the air. It's I thought, those kind of a cool thing going green doesn't always mean just installing solar panels. Sometimes it's just. A more efficient control system for Hvac. But. Anyway. Appreciate the Appreciate the administration staff or facilities folks for all the hard work. Forgiveness. A Guided Tour. Fantastic. Other board members have any tours that you took that you wanna talk about, or. Any other activities you've attended or. Polls program. Because last time. Alright! We will not do calls again. I also had the chance to Attend the 1st day of school with our youngest learners. Who? We had a number of students who are temporarily attending their discovery. Center here in our Lewis building. Because of some renovation that is being done over discovery. So I got to meet those kids, and and I took me back to when the parents, many of us parents. Well, mine were walkers, but a lot of parents. Ride behind their kids school bus when they 1st start school, and we had a lot of parents do that. They showed up waiting to get their kids off the bus here. And just a ton of lewis building. Administrative staff were on hand to just bring lots of excitement and energy. You know, under leadership of Dr. Mayhan. It was. It was a really it was. It was really exciting and nerve wracking. And most of the kids actually were not crying, so I thought that was. Fantastic. You know, it's a really. It can be a really stressful time for parents, especially when their kids start. You know, school for the 1st time. Some of those kids was their 1st time starting school. So. It was an amazing. Quick transformation of that wing and those classrooms. You honestly would never have known that they were not previously preschool classrooms. To see them, you know, the 1st day of school, so. And of course you know always a few. Snafu is around the district on the 1st few days of school, unfortunately. But I think hopefully, you know, kinks are working themselves out. But it was really impressive, really impressive, and I think the families were very happy to be here so. Okay. Any other corresponding. And so we don't have anymore. So we'll move on to our 1st public comment. There are 2 opportunities for public comment this evening. The 1st public comment, session. Is for board action items only items 18 through 20. There will be another public comment for any school related topic later on. In the end of our meeting. And if you were a student in the district, and you'd like to speak on any topic school related, you may do so now during our 1st public comment. Public comment is an opportunity for members of the community to comment on matters relevant to operations of the Terry Hill Public school district, or within the authority of the Terry Hill Board of Education. The Board welcomes diverse opinions. Unrelevant matters under established Federal law, governing reasonable restrictions on speech and public forms. Statements which demean individual community members or groups, or which are irrelevant to the operations of the school district. Or our repetitis will not be permitted. Community members who would like to present information not relevant to the school district. We're always welcome to communicate to the District Superintendent Board, President, and all board members via email or other alternative means. So if you'd like to speak now, please approach the podium, we will start in the room, and then we will go online. If you're online and you are a student, please put an S after your name. So we know to identify you first, st and when you speak you will have 3 min. Speak, please state your full legal name and your municipality. Just making sure we're at the timer. Okay. Okay. Thanks. Jack Edward Hill. I want to address a new phone policy and its implementation. I want to say, a hundred percent. I agree. Structure needs to be. And control within the building. That that is an absolute. However. The the enforcement is slightly arbitrary when it comes to the full blanket statement of everything I mean. I. I can aim a few instances where ad teachers it could be probably a loud like photography. We do use our phones for a certain lessons or. On to take pictures during the school day for But, like last year, we used it for portraits. Well, it's 1 of the most powerful cameras we actually have. Google classroom. We take pictures of assignments and can submit through there. If the teacher is supervising, and understands what it is being used for, I believe that should be fine. I mean, for example, when I dropped room this year. For positive reasons, but. One of envoys last year when I signed up, but we could listen to music, and while we work out, or whatnot. But. We're not allowed to do that anymore. And working on silence just. Way too uncomfortable. And. With how it's written. I I would like to point out that. I mean specifically, I will address this As used in this policy. Wireless communication devices include cell phones and other devices like transmitter receive phone or data via electromagnetic signals. Or without the use of cables, including, but not limited to, devices, such as smart watches, earbuds, and wireless headphones, that that would include chromebooks. I just wanted to point that out. So it's kinda but. What I'm what I'm trying to state is that necessarily it's a blanket statement, and there's a lot more nuance to it. And, I understand, for rigidity, for control. I believe, more or less. It was a lack of punishments being dealt out or not punishments, but disciplinary. At Easton. I don't know how it is at other schools. I I can't attest to that. But what I will say is. I don't think students were properly addressed, and for those who. Understood how to use it. They kind of get screwed in the grand scheme of things. That's really it. And I just want to say, I understand there's always a time and place, and that comes with everything. Thank you. And we will go online. See if there are any hands online. And. I do? Not see any hands online. Thank you. And we go back to the room. If anybody else would like to speak. During 1st public comment. Please approach the microphone. Podium doesn't look like we have anybody there. So I'm going to close public comment. And we move on to our board work session. Going to ask Mrs. Winters to please provide the curriculum and Instruction Committee report. Sure. Percy and I. Committee met on the very 1st day of school. Which was fun. I wanna thank Ms. Gallagher for subbing into the meeting. Mr. Rood was unable to make it Dr. Rude, so Kim stepped in, and we appreciate you. We had a few things on the agenda. We have been receiving different policies. All the committees have from Pnl. Where they're going to the committees where their subject area expertise. So we received a policy about attendance. And it is about a new State law that allows for an absence for a civic engagement. So we discussed that we discussed that the curriculum for the entire district needs to be approved. This is an annual process that we do. It is a combination of the work that the Cni Committee does throughout the entire year. Looking at the revisions that are needed to align our curriculum with State standards that are ever changing. Just as a. Public service announcement. If anybody wants to view our entire curriculum, it is online available to the public through Atlas. Anybody can take a look at that. And you will see the current curriculum being used in the district. All the updates were made. To align with the new State standards, just to highlight. Some specific pieces, significant changes. To Ela, especially grades K. To 5. And changes with respect to the math pathway courses at the high school level. So all of those things are in Rubicon Atlas for anybody to view at any time. We approved 2 research. Proposals, one for a dissertation research and one for master's level research. We also approved. The High School East Winter Show, which will be miracle on 34th Street. And then the major work of the committee was beginning the portrait of a graduate work that is going to come through Cni. This is taking a look at. What really we want our students to be able to do and know. Once they reach the culmination of their senior year at Cherry Hill public schools, and to do that in looking backwards. Through a student's academic career, starting with the Pre. K. To K transition, also looking at the transition between 5 and 6 and 8 and 9, and discussing what kinds of skills and competencies we think are important for students. A lot of what the committee discussed was skills that we think are applicable, no matter which pathway a student chooses following high school things like self-management of learning, time, management skills. Life, skills. These are things. Collaboration was something that was raised. These are things that all students, no matter which pathway they choose, following high school. They'll need to have these con core competencies. So this was just the beginning of the conversation. The conversation will continue through Cni, and also through the strategic planning work that the district is undertaking in 25. Do any committee members have anything to add, or any board members have any questions about Cni. No. I must have summed it up. Well, it's actually one of our more laid back meetings which I enjoyed a lot of times. C. And I have such a full plate in that hour that it's challenging to get through everything. But we actually had a minute to breathe and really think about this higher level planning work, which is something I really love to do. I want to thank the committee members for participating in that. It was a really nice discussion. And Dr. Bird. For helping us out and framing, and Mr. Guy for helping us frame out some of the. Conversations we were having. I think sometimes the committee members weren't sure what directions we appreciate. Everybody roping us in and sending us in the right direction of what we're supposed to be thinking about. Right, seeing nothing else. That is, Cn. Thank you very much. And we move on now to business and facilities. Mr. Can you please give the Bnf. Report. Thank you. So I think we're going to start with a presentation from Mrs. Sugars. A picture's worth a thousand words, and. We've got. Lot of great pictures of the construction progress at our various schools. So this is something that I shared with the B. And F. Committee. I did not share pictures of Kingston, and we had done the tours there, but I thought it would be good. For the committee to see all the other construction that we have going on throughout the district. In addition to Kingston and. So I tried to put the All purpose room projects because we have 5 other sites where all purpose rooms are being. Installed So I put them sort of in the order of. Where they are in the in the progress. This is the night Ap. This is over at Russell Knight School. So this is the second one. The second furthest along next to Kingston. These are the playgrounds that are being installed at the back of night. There's actually 2 playgrounds in the 1st picture you can see the larger playground. And then, if you look through that playground and past the shade structure, you can see there's another playground area on the other side as well as swings that were there originally. So it's gonna be a very nice setup back there when it's all done. You have your gag up hit there, so I think it'll be a nice setup when it was done, and I had told the committee that I'd actually heard from Don Bart. Who has grandchildren, and is excited to take his grandchildren once. That's he lives right near nights. He was excited to take his grandchildren. Over there once it's done so he had reached out to me to tell me how great it looks, so. That's the night school. And then the next furthest along is Johnson. This is the only yellow brick building that we have. The other buildings are all traditional red brick, but, as you know, Johnson is a yellow brick building. And this one I noted. Because we had talked about this at Kingston, that the. At Kingston we were able to create a slope. In the link that links the. New Ap. To the existing building at Johnson. We didn't have that option because of the topography. There. And so we have both steps that go down there and then we have a ramp that goes down as well to make it Ada accessible. So this was, I wanted to highlight this because it was a little bit different than what we had seen. Over at the Kingston Building. All of the Ap's are the same model in terms of size. In terms of having a stage having a accessible stage. And what their layout is, but there are some nuances when it comes to the site work and to the connecting to the building. Man. Apr. Is the next furthest along, and I commented that this is one of our tighter sites. There's not a whole lot of room behind. And this is a 9,600 square foot building. So this is one of our tighter sites. This is the man building, and then this is the Barton building, not quite as long further along as some of the other buildings. But that one getting it steel and some of its block. At this point. And our least furthest along is sharp. The day that we were there they were pouring the slab. And they were riding around on these. Call I called them. They were calling them bumper cars, but they were machines that kind of spread out the the concrete there, so that that building happens to be the the least. Furthest along in terms of the projects, but they're all moving along. We're hoping for all of them to be done by next summer. Including the site work. Adam had mentioned the critical Hvac work. This is an example of some of that we did critical Hvac work across 11 buildings. We were able to use some of our esser funds, our Federal funding to pay for this work. In in addition to other funding sources. So you can see here we have some of the new equipment. We have the new thermostat. And we have the new unit ventilators here. And I pointed out that over here, over to the left you can see this here that is. Like a heavy duty cardboard. The tube covers, as they are called, have not come in yet. They're on. They're on their way in, and they will be installed when we. Receive them. But until that point some areas have this kind of heavy duty concrete or sorry. Heavy duty cardboard over this area here, covering up those items. Eventually this work will be done throughout the rest of the district, as it was one of the priorities in the bond referendum. But we focused in this particular phase of it on areas that we're failing. Woodcrest site work. We did the part of the Woodcrest site work couple years ago. This finishes off all of the site work at Woodcrest. And this is the playground. We are waiting for a part to be installed. I'm being told. That will be installed on Thursday. And that the port in place. Surface people will be out there this week to try to move that project along so we can open up that playground. The East dance gym is another project that we did this summer. It's it's almost done. It's got a few more things that need to be done. There. One of the reasons this particular room has been closed for some time due to structural issues. One of the reasons that we move this up on the list was because. When we do the fing work, we're gonna need that area for swing space in that building. So that's 1 of the reasons why we move this project up on the list. And that's that's all of our. Projects. Thank you very much. It's always great to see just the the rapid progress on so many of these big projects. Stewart. A quick rundown of of the report out. I think we covered most of it. But Mr. Sugars provided an update which we just saw on current projects in the district, including 6 Ap's critical Hvac work across 11 schools site work at Woodcrest, including the playground. The east dance, gym. The presentation we just saw. It's embedded in the agenda in item 12.1. If anybody would like to download it and and view it at their leisure. It is available for folks to look at. We also did a financial review of the bond referendum projects to date. Mrs. Sugars led the discussion, reviewing financial status of projects at each building, and discussed what projects are going to be considered next. Upcoming work includes additions and renovations at Rosa Middle School, which will include a new music rooms and a front entrance. Other projects being considered. Next are upgrades, the East and West auditoriums. And lastly, we discussed the triannual district for water outlets. The district conducted water led testing, which we're required to do every 3 years. This is performed previously in the 2016 school year, with the follow up 5 years later, in 2021, and 22. The law has recently been modified to require testing every 3 years the district is currently awaiting results, and then we'll begin the notification and remediation process for any drinking outlets that may exceed the testing threshold of 15 parts per 1 billion. The district's preschool. Provider partners will need to conduct testing to the same standards as the district, since they're part of our preschool program. And I think that wraps it up. There any questions from other committee, members, or other board members. This is true. Not so much a question, but I did want to highlight the conversation that we had about the responsibility for that testing and the costs of those testing in the provider sites. If I don't know. We're just to mention whose responsibility that is. So we've We've done some further digging on that. And we believe there's grant funding available to cover the cost of that. So we're still looking into that. We're actually meeting with preschool directors. In a couple of weeks to go over everything. But we believe that there is sort of we have a. We have a pot of money as a public school, and we believe there's a separate pot of money. For the providers, as well. Mrs. Stern. Just a comment. I want to. Save. The pictures are fantastic to see. They just don't do the work justice. You know, and I, I have to say, having been on the board to the bond passing, and then and then since and through the process, you know. I remember taking. The tour of the Carusy locker room. And it was shocking. And the parents on the tour were shocked. Literally looked like you're in the 1950. S. It was that like. Teal color paint. And there was some. This big. Like heating unit something I literally I don't know that I've ever seen in like a modern day building, like coming down from the ceiling and to see. Like. Those rooms completely gutted now, and you know completely being Redone, you know. Learning about like. The entire building and crew see having, you know, asbestos. Untouched in the ceiling and untouched, but was preventing that building from being modernized to meet. To run. You know, Internet, you know, for Wi-fi, I mean just the updated electrical to see. Like all that being done. When we were on our tour of Kingston. You know, and to see all the workers doing the work, and the one gentleman saying, You know. To you guys, this is just, you know, an accessibility ramp. He's like, you have no idea how many like, how many phases of work that go into creating this one accessibility ramp. But this one door. You know the amount of time and effort, the number of people it just it was. It's really amazing. And the dance I remember being on the. Tour at east. And at the time I didn't know that we even had a dance, and I didn't know that it'd been closed because the ceiling had been caving in. So they closed it off, and there was a big, you know, like warning sign on the door, like, you know, do not enter, you know, just. To see all of this being done. It's really, you know, I know it's a true. I I don't know. I I only begin to have an inkling of an idea of the tremendous amount of work that it takes to get it done. Under, you know. Mrs. Sugars, I know you always say takes a team, and that's true. But you're at the helm of the team. And you and Dr. Morton work together. You know, but it's really it's phenomenal, and I think I always just. I have such gratitude for the community for agreeing to do this work. And a lot of it is not, you know, beautiful. And it's not pretty. And it's not shiny. Our Ap's are. They're definitely gonna be pretty and shiny and beautiful, and our playgrounds are. Amazing. Truly, but like it's. It was. It's really it's such a gift that the community agreed to do this work. Even though. You know. Would we all love to see banking, branding new buildings? Absolutely? Would we all love to see, you know, completely. Florida ceiling, every building completely touched. Yes, but all these things that need to be done that have been. Put off for so long. It's just. I just like the the visceral experience on those tours was like, and I, you know, I just hope that community members are getting out and. Looking at the playgrounds and seeing the Ap's and the schools when it's your kids' school, and you're in your kids' school, and you get to see what's going on in that school, I mean, eventually, the you know. Some. We will have community tours down the road when it's safe to do so, and there's enough. To tour But until that time, families, please take note when you're in the buildings. Like what is changing and what a difference it makes to the staff and the students in the building. Really. You know, just the sense of pride to have our buildings looking so much better. It's phenomenal, so. I just had to say all that. Alright. Any other questions or comments. Mrs. Winters. Thanks. Do you know how many playgrounds have been completed already, and how many are still left to complete. Sorry if you had asked about a specific one, I probably could have answered. So I'm going to. But Mrs. Sugars on the spot. So pain and heart have been completed. Malberg has been completed. So. Night is almost done. Wood Crest is almost done. That's that's it, for now. But. Through the course of the work, all of them will be done eventually. I love this, and I just want to highlight it, because I think that one of the positive things that came out of. The pandemic was the importance of outdoor time. For our kids. And. Having those spaces for gross motor activity. It's huge. And I think it's gonna make a fundamental difference in the lives of all the kids. I remember years ago taking my son to play over in Haddonfield at the new playground that their community funded over at Central. And just the experience of going there and playing there and then coming back to look at the playground at our elementary school, where there was a broken slide for years. That was. Cautionates because it had a giant crack in it, I mean, and thinking to myself as a parent, I wonder if there's anything we could do. And now we're doing. So. Just again just a little joyful note that I think that. Some of the work is not. Immediately visible like the Hvac work. It's important, and it's necessary. To have healthy, safe. Spaces for our teachers and students. But some of it is very visible. And some of it's gonna make an immediate impact. And the playgrounds, I think, are one of them. So again, I wanna thank. Miss Sugars one more time, for I can't even imagine the amount of effort it took to get all of this done. During the summer. When such a limited amount of time, the scheduling just the scope of organization. So thank you for all the work that you did on top of your regular job responsibilities that you already do to make it happen for our kids. We really appreciate it. Okay. Any other questions or comments. Seeing none, I will hand it back to Mrs. Turner. So I'll give the human resources report. It will not be nearly as exciting and joyful. But it's not, but it's not a bad report. The highlights of a human resources. Report which I can talk about are. We have a job description update which is on our agenda tonight, and that is for the chief information. Public Information officer, not chief information. That's a tech person, public information officer. That's the position. So as we all know, Mrs. Barbara Wilson will be retiring. She. Or leaving our district, and the voice of School closures will be different going forward after her that. But she does way more than that. And we were taking a look at making sure that that job description now fits the kind of demands of today's. Communication. And really. Kind of media, and needs so. Definitely, quite a few changes on the job description or updates to it. So we wanna make sure that we're staying current. And that's part of our district goals is to continue to update all job descriptions as needed. And then there's another important. Topic that I'm gonna turn over to Dr. Morton regarding an additional. Yes, thank you very much. Mr. So this evening we have on the agenda for board action the reassignment of Violetta Catsikus. As the supervisor of preschool. It is a position that. Is Definitely needed, we we believe, at this current time. There's thresholds that are established for staffing ratios based upon the enrollment of students at the preschool level as part of our preschool expansion. Application. So for every 750. Preschool students. We actually need. One supervisor for each increment, or 750. So we've we've had. Dr. May. Amongst other things, serving as director of our preschool. She's currently a principal of the preschool program at Lewis, in addition to other responsibilities. But as we look at the next This, this, this next several months. There are growth targets that we have established. As it relates to our enrollment. There are specific thresholds that we're required to hit by the end of a 5 year period, and in order for us to. Meet those growth targets. We, we believe that is that it's just wise. At this point. For us to. Bring on that position. Provide the additional support. And allow those connections to be established. I've said from the outset. Of us commencing our preschool program is literally a district within our district. If you think about the number of different provider sites. The nuances of interacting with the various providers. And all that that entails. So you know this this staffing that's necessary as well. The timing was optimum for this move as well. Recently the Board approved the reassignment of heather esposito as the principal as the assistant principal. Of high school, West. She currently she. Prior to that was. The technology teacher coach for the district. Believe that our needs have shifted and changed a bit as we've. Moved away from. Covid, and we we've moved away from times. In the past. And that the allocation of those funds can be better suited and providing support for the district in the area of Preschool, so. That that makes it. Even for us, where we're not. Asking the Board for the approval of additional funding to, you know, approve additional position. Thank you. Dr. Morton. So. And I think you you were talking about certain targets. Specifically there are. There's a threshold for many positions, right with preschool. If you could just. Validate. Or verify, so. Like supervisors. Nurses? Are there social workers? I believe there are other positions that we write or mayhem. Yeah, I have to pass the ball over to Dr. Mayhan for specifics about other positions. There are thresholds. So for. The preschool, instructional coach. For every 20 classrooms you add an additional coach. For. The. Pers. I believe it is also for every classrooms. The social worker is actually based on a number of students. And the Cpis is one. Per district. So we are advocating for an additional Cpis with the State, because. Again with the number of private providers that we will have to. Partner with. We feel as though that will be. A very helpful role. So. Thank you. Yeah. Given our size versus a district that might be instituting preschool. That might be a quarter of our size if. If we each get the same number of the. Parent. I can you remind me what. Community parent involvement specialists. Yeah, it would make sense that we would have more. Thank you. So thank you for that. And I mean, I just. No, I think in all honesty, one of the pieces for me that's been a driving force on the board is to really look at? Are we being as proactive as we can be rather than reactive. You know, we wanna be setting ourselves up for success rather than finding ourselves in a tough situation. And you know, as we grow so much. I think it, you know. I think this to me. I see this as like a proactive. Effort to. You know. Ensure that our littlest ones that we have, you know, all the. Support and oversight that we need to have to have that. Program really be successful. So I mean, I know. You know to me, I appreciate that very much. That's that's important. So anyway. Thank you for all this. That Information board members who are on the committee members have any comments or questions. Mrs. Surfer. Well, I guess my comment would be, I appreciate you having that discussion, since it was personally requested that you mentioned that and I do appreciate all of the discussions that we have in our committee, because it's my favorite. We had we had we we? That was a little bit of a setup, but. It was. It was great. We great discuss. Thank you. Alright, anyway, other comments, questions from either committee members or board members. That's a lot from coming from. Hr, right? Okay. And We're going to move on to our policy. And, Mr. Mayor, can you give the report out? Please? I can and Unlike that laid back Cni committee list. Week. As as Mrs. Winners knows. Thank you for sitting in with us. At. At P. And L. We did an extremely packed agenda. I'm not gonna go over. The specific or too many of the specific on all the polycept 1st reading. Of course, we're going to go over those again. In more detail. In October. But I do want to touch upon them, just so that the rest of you are all familiar. And thank you also, Dr. Mayhand. This was her 1st meeting, as liaison. Very. In, bringing. Out some of the details. Those policies that were up for first.st For 1st reading largely, we're there to align with new statutory requirements in language. There are 2 in particular that. For 1st reading. We're up for to be abolished. Those are specifically 0 1 64.6. On remote public meetings for declared emergency, that one was originally enacted. To address the Covid pandemic that is. Fortunately in our view mirror with respect to. Meeting, so that was abolished, and also. The. Policy, 73, 21, just for vendors, was abolished simply because that applied. Specifically to the former Abbot districts, and since there are no former Abbott districts by definition. That policy no longer exists. However, the ethical constraints. That are attending to. Board members and school staff are still in effect, they are covered under other policies. So we are also thankful that for the most part most of these policies were also reviewed by other. Committees as well. Specifically 53, 50. The students, student suicide prevention, the revisions. Was also. Robot. Or reviewed by Hr. And Bnf. C. And I also had an opportunity to take a look at policy 84, 20 on emergency and crisis situations for the most part. Both of those policies were strengthened. Also to align with new statutory requirements. They were strengthened with respect to trainings, mandatory trainings. The number of staff that are required to attend those trainings, and what. And what is included specifically included in. Policy, 31, 60, and 41 60. Those are really mirror policies. Both on physical examinations for employees, staff employees and also support employees. They mirror one another. They were. They are also policies which were. Socialized with our nursing staff, so that they are also well aware of those. That is also true. Of policy, 53, 7, on service animals which largely. Simplified some language, didn't delete any language but simplify language to. Handler control. And added some specific language dealing with vaccinations and licensing. There's an outstanding question. Mrs. Gallagher, thank you for bringing this to the committee. With respect to how this policy. Would apply, or if it applies specifically to emotional support, because the policy is written is for service animals and. So that that is still outstanding, and we expect that we'll have an answer before second reading in October. So those are. Those are the updates I'll touch also on 84 84, 67. Which. Deals with firearms and weapons to really the revision there simply is that it spells out. Firearms, in addition to weapons previously the. That policy really, word for word has not changed. What has changed is that previously firearms which are weapons were just. Considered by definition to be a weapon. In order to align more specifically with the criminal code in the State of New Jersey. The the term firearm has just simply been added as a. As a separate as a separate title. So everywhere where weapon is involved, it also now includes a firearm. Again, it doesn't change functionally what that. Policy has always done it just simply. Splits splits them out, but they are both treated exactly the same. There was. Really great discussion. On a Proposal that was brought to To the committee. Originally it was brought to Dr. Mort. Into myself in a meeting with a current least student. Who, in. An attempt to address student wellness. Has proposed that. Students be allowed. Who use discretionary up to a certain number of days. The number we landed on was 2, but it's still up for discussion. For. Mental health. At their own discretion. Rather than having. Scheduled half days which we had last year. The the thinking behind the proposal is that that students should be able to. Moderate themselves, recognise when they might need a break from school, whether it's a half day or a full day. And really the proposal is, how and can we. Affect that in policy? Do we need a new policy to address that? Or can we. Expand in in the list of absences. Mental health day or stress, for instance, as a day to take off similar to the other already excused absences that that students. Have, now. So we had a really robust discussion about that. Student who proposed it was present. Thankful that we had the discussion. All committee members were. And support. I think I think I can say that. And certainly, you know, please Chime, in. There are some areas that need some further discussion with respect to. Exactly how to implement that. But. The committee was, was very much in support. It it aligns very well with what. We have been doing all. With respect to supporting student wellness and staff wellness, for that matter. But some some more discussion needs to needs to be had as far to how to effectuate it. Make sure that we're doing it in a way that is also. Not just. Easier for school staff to understand at the attendance level. But also to ensure that we are. Looking after the best interest of the students, who call out and say that the reason that they are not going to attend school that day, or fill in that that area of the. Online form. That perhaps someone at the school staff level would reach out to ensure there really isn't. Another issue that needs to be followed up more carefully. We don't want, you know. We certainly don't want that to be the case. So more discussion needs to be had. We look forward to doing that, you know. But again, we're really happy to have had the discussion. And that was that was P. And. Any other Pnl members. Permanent or visiting P. And O. Members, have any anything to add. To that. Okay. Any other questions from other board members. See none. Okay, and that's P. And L. For last week. Thank you. Now we move on to the Strategic Planning committee report with Dr. Rud. So I was actually in Massachusetts last week. My. Daughter, was. And reciting a poem at her college's convocation. So I wasn't at the meeting, so. Check with, okay, Mr. Mayor is signalling that he'll give the report. Thank you. I will happily do that, and congratulations. By the way, to your daughter, if ever there's a great reason not to be at one of our meanings, that that certainly at the top of the list. So strategic planning was also. It's great meeting. One of the more. Packed meetings. We addressed a number of issues. This may be the year that I think that strategic planning takes on a much heavier role and burden thankfully. So we're looking forward to that and thank you to Mrs. Roscoff. For helping to lead a good part of that meeting. I will, if there are questions. This is a heads up that you might need that microphone. We'll see where this goes. So we we 1st talked about elementary. And in and in in doing that. Discussed where the community collaborative is on that they have. Begun their meetings, and I will just. Simply give a high level. And sort of a report out of where their community collaborative. Landed. In their last meeting, which was towards the end of August and August 21, st there were. You know, 5 buckets, 5 areas that were discussed. One was the criteria success. What does success look like? What? And at the at the end of the day. That goal is to reduce overcrowding in schools. Obviously. Where space is currently limited, and ensure that schools have enough seats for all the students. Also a recognition. All that in discussing elementary. Which certainly is, you know, is triggering. For many in the community, for for understandable reasons. That it can't be done in a vacuum. This is not just about the elementary schools that whatever happens at the elementary level with regards to boundaries and sending districts. Will ultimately affect. All of the students in the district. The middle school level. And of course, at the at the High School level, so. It's not being done in a vacuum. And thankfully the both Mrs. Roskov and. Community collaborative and the staff and administration recognize that. So in order to affect. An overall success for the district. All of those issues are being considered at the same time. Another area of concern, of course, is transparency, and making sure that. What is being communicated is accurate. And can be relied upon both by members of the community collaborative or helping to work through this issue, and also for members of the of the community, as well. And all of the other stakeholders, whether formal groups or others. That would be the Ptas. Intercept. You know I could. I could list them all. They're all important. So it's important that information be. Be available, and it be transparent and accurate and done in. A number of different ways to ensure that as many people as possible can have access. To accurate information. There was certainly acknowledgement that there are challenges, and certainly concerns with regard to redistricting. Frankly, one of them being you know what how to address. The the overall jury, the perception at least versatile West Side West Side. That we I mean we we say it all the time, and we and you know that there is one Cherry Hill. But that doesn't mean the demographics are necessarily the same across Jeril, because they're not. That does not, however, mean that we should. Accept. That you know. Certain schools are not going to be given the same opportunities. And students we have to, you know, use this also as an opportunity. To ensure that we are in a position to. Provide the best possible public school education to all the students, regardless. Of where they live. You also wanna make sure that. Redistricting is is done, collaboratives is ensuring that it be done as efficiently as possible. Is inexpensively as possible. And that will have. As minimal effect as it count on families, and it's not going to be possible to do it for everybody. And there are going to be. Depending on where boundaries end up. It's gonna be somewhat more challenging for some. We recognize that not everybody is going to be happy any. You know, and and it's not just redistricting. But with regard to redistricting. Specifically. The idea is is going to be, do what is best for them, for the overwhelming majority of students and families in the district. That doesn't mean that every single family is going to be. As happy as as every others. But you know the community understands that the collaboration understands that. As Roscoff and the team understand that, and are working through it. And one of the things that. We also want to ensure that we're doing is making sure. And we're looking as far ahead as possible, but doing so realistically, with an eye on the grip study and the fact that demographics. Denver office is Cherry Hill today are not what they were 40 years ago. They are not going to be the same 10 and 20 years from now. And and you know many of the lines and many of the. Sending just sending lines now really are still aligned with where. The district was demographically many years ago, and that's not. It's no longer realistic. So. Just like in as Mrs. Sugars went through the photos and and all the work that's being done. At the. At the schools with the bond work. I mean, that's done to address needs that we have physically. To make sure that the students at those schools have. The best possible. You know physical plants. Demographically, we have to do the same thing, and that's why the elementary redistricting is is such is so important. So thank you. Mrs. Roscoff for the discussion. And for the hard work. There was also discussion in community partnerships which. Overlaps a little bit. With redistricting. In an attempt to try and. You know. Uses as best as we can. The vibrant community we have. And we really have an invested community. We have a number of large and small businesses. We have. Plenty out there. That are willing to if we ask the right way, and if we can, if we can, work the right way with them. Provide opportunities for our students. For learning. Outside of the classroom. Possible funding streams. So there was a good discussion about that and using the community. In that way also. And this is this tremendously important. It. Touches upon strategic planning and. Using community partnerships. And. Using ambassadors similar to the bond work, when when we were so thankful. For so many members of of our community who are out there helping. Talk to other community members about the about the bond and about you know why it was needed. Using that same dynamic. To ensure that the community has. The most. Accurate, truthful information they can possibly have on any number of of matters that come before the district, and. Recognising that not everybody is able to attend meetings. You know. There's another event going on this evening, which might be, you know, keeping our our numbers down tonight. But. Even in meetings, when we have a lot more people. So a very small percentage of people who are actually attending our meetings. More intended line, which is great, I mean, the more the more we have, the more the more ears we have in our meetings, the better. But the reality is that many people don't get their information by hearing it directly from. From the source. So community members who are more engaged. As ambassadors. Can be very helpful in ensuring. That information that is out there is accurate, and they can help. Community members know where to look. For instance, information. Source documents. Than relying upon. Whisper down the lane and and Facebook groups, some of which are very helpful. Sometimes that information is helpful. Often it is not. Often it is, is incorrect, and is, and information is allowed. And to be out there, and not. As quickly as community members can if they are, you know, if they're empowered to do so. That was one of the areas that was discussed. There was a very brief discussion on the Hanover Hanover Update. I know I I jumped in and I completed survey. I don't know if I know, you know. Hopefully the rest. Have done that. So thank you, Dr. Morton, for. Working with Hanover and getting that getting that up and running, because that is gonna go a long way towards. Us being able to build out the data, dash. As quickly as possible. There was a brief. Opportunity for Mr. Plovinski, to give us show us a really quick mockup of. Of where the website redesign is on communications, looks great. Really, what what we saw was sort of just a framework of of this is what this is, where. We expect things to start looking much cleaner design. Much easier for people. To find what they're looking for quickly, much more user, friendly. But. You know, it's it's a work in progress, as I, as I understand it. The the work right now currently is beginning to port so much of the currently existing data over to the new framework and the and the new website. But. It looks really good so far. I know it's hard work, and so thank you. Thank you, Mark, for. Give us an opportunity to. To see where it is. Finally. There was a brief update on where we are in strategic communication plan. A lot of that also taught really went. Into the the idea of. The community community ambassadors, but also. It was it really was Barbara Wilson's last opportunity to speak. To us as a committee, and and where she is, and and sort of putting her stamp on where we're going to be in the next next several years, as we work through new community. New. New dynamics of communication. And the. And the work on the Strategic Plan. I would encourage all board members to take a look at the meeting notes that Mrs. Roskov typed up there in the agenda, and they're available community as well. Those who were not able to attend our. Or meeting, because they're they're detailed and do a much better job. I think of. What we did on that hour than I did in the last, probably too many minutes. That said. Any other Sp members have anything they want to add. That I left out that I forgot. That I butchered. Any. Other board members have any questions. This is your thing. I was just curious if there was any more I guess details to give around the discussion around. Thoughts about special education for redistricting, and where everybody's minds were in that. I know it's a massive undertaking, but I was just wondering if there's any more details. One of the 5 buckets that. The collaborative is working on, and one of those was looking specifically at Special Ed, so they will come back to the next meeting, which will be. September 26, th and they should have recommendations for the special Ed at that time. Thank you. Alright, seeing. Mrs. Stern. I guess I just comment. I think, hearing about the process, seeing the processing, how. Engaged. It is You know. Think Mrs. Tong. Mrs. Winters and I are, and an actor actually so. I think the 4 of us were previously on the board when. We did redistricting with middle school. This is. 180 degree different process. Completely. Different. And it's fantastic. It's just a level of input and information gathering and. You know, with with really No, it just. It's truly a community effort, and you know it just feels that way. It's kind of nice. To be on the board, and yet. Be somewhat on the outside. I'm not on strategic planning. I'm not on the, and that's great, because. Other people are doing all this. You know, development work. And then, you know. You know, we get to be part of giving input but it's it's nice to see so many people involved. And You know, I think it's a tough topic, and I think on such a tough topic. It's fantastic to know. Ultimately, you know. Representative people of all the voices are heard. And I think that's really important. So I just wanna thank. Really the administration for taking this. Path. For redistricting and. To Mr. Mayor for last meeting, and Dr. Rood for. You know. Continuing to lead this forward on the board side, so. That's great! That's it. Okay, great. And we're gonna move on to our special action agenda. I'm gonna ask Mrs. Winters, could you please move the Cni. Agenda. Of course the superintendent recommends, and I move the following 17.1 approval of attendance at conference and workshops. For the 2425 school year and 17.2 approval of professional service agreements. For the 2425 school year. Do I have a second. Miss Stern. Are there any questions about the Cni agenda this evening? No questions. Ms sugars. Please open the vote. Board members, you may cast your votes. I'm not logged in Yes. I am also not logged in, and yes. We have a unanimous yes, vote. Okay. I'll give board Members a. 30 seconds to try to get back in and. We'll go slow. We'll slow it down a little bit, but You're in. Okay. Is, are you a missus ruffian? Getting there. Okay, Mr. Graymond, can you slowly be an fadent. I have a lot to read. Take your time. The superintendent recommends, and I move the following. 18.1 financial reports. 18.2 resolution for the award of competitive contracts, 18.3. Resolution authorizing all necessary actions for Rosa, International Middle School, 2,025 additions and renovations. 18.4 resolution authorizing the specification for proprietary goods related to the Rosa International and renovations. 18.5 resolution authorizing acceptance of the fiscal year 2,025 teach stem classes in non-public schools. Grant. And 18.6 resolution for the award of transportation. Do I have a second Mrs. Winters. Are there any questions? Seeing none, Mr. Please open the voting. Board members, you may cast your boots. Mrs. Sugars. I'll be recusing myself from 18.1 due to conflict of interest. Okay, we have one recusal on 18.1 from Mrs. Otherwise we have unanimous yes, vote. Okay, I'll move the human resources agenda. Superintendent recommends, and I move the following 19.1 termination of employment non-certificated. 19.2 appointment certificated. 19.3 appointments, non-certificated. 19.4 assignment salary change, certificate. 19.5. Salary change, non-certificated. 19.6 other compensation certificated. 19.7. Other compensation, non-certificated. Do I have a second. Mr. Green? Are there any questions? It's the sugars. I'm gonna mix it up and ask you to do a voice vote tonight for this. Ruin you a little bit of a curveball. On the right. Yes, please. For item 19.1. Mrs. Chirane. Yes. Mrs. Gallagher. Yes, Mr. Greenbaum. Yes. Mr. Mayor. Yes. Dr. Rood. Yes. Mrs. I'm recusing myself, due to conflict of interest. Mrs. Yes. Mrs. Winters. Yes. Miss Stern. Yes. Item, 19.2 appointment certificated. Mrs. Chirane. Yes. Mrs. Gallagher. Yes. Mr. Greenbaum. Yes. Mr. Mayor. Yes. Dr. Rood. Yes. Mrs. Yes. Mrs. Mrs. Winters. Yes. Ms. Stern. Item 19.3 appointments, non-certificated. Mrs. Chirane. Yes. Mrs. Gallagher. Mr. Greenbaum. Mr. Mayor. Yes. Dr. Rood. Yes. Mrs. Nia. Recusing myself, due to conflict. Mrs. Tong. Mrs. Winters. Yes. Miss Stern. Yes. Item, 19.4 salary change certificated. Mrs. Chirane. Yes. Mrs. Gallagher. Mr. Green. Yes, Mr. Mayor. Yes. Dr. Rood. Mrs. Nia. Recusing myself due to conflict of interest. Mrs. Tong. Mrs. Winters. Yes. Miss Stern. Yes. Item 19.5 assignment change, non-certific. Mrs. Chirane. Mrs. Gallagher. Yes. Mr. Greenba. Yes. Mr. Mayor. Yes. Dr. Rood. Yes. Mrs. Nia. Recusing myself due to conflict of interest. Mrs. Tong. Yes. Mrs. Winters. Yes. Miss Stern. Yes. Item 19.6 other compensation certificated. Mrs. Chirane. Yes. Mrs. Gallagher. Mr. Greenbaum. Yes. Mr. Mayor. Yes. Dr. Rood. Yes. Mrs. Yes. Mrs. Tong. Yes. Mrs. Winters. Yes. Ms. Stern, yes. And item 19.7. Other compensation, non-certificated. Mrs. Chirane. Yes. Mrs. Gallagher. Yes, Mr. Greenbaum. Yes. Mr. Mayor. Yes. Dr. Rood. Mrs. Nia. Yes. Mrs. Tong. Mrs. Winters. Yes. Miss Stern. Yes. Thank you very much for doing that. I don't know if you need to announce the whole. Okay. Before we move on. Okay, alright, very good. And we move on to policy and legislation. Mr. Mayor, can you please move the pl agenda. Sure the superintendent recommends that I move the following item 20.1 approval of harassment, intimidation, and bullying decision. Do I have a second. Mr. Greenbaum. Are there any questions? Seeing none. Mr. Sugars, would you open the voting? Please. Me! Take your roots. Doopes. If I open it up you may take your votes. There you go. Mr. Sugars. I am going to be recusing myself, due to a conflict of interest. You can just abstain it to one item. Okay. So Mrs. Chirane and Dr. Rood are abstaining from the motion. Voting S. Is Mrs. Gallagher, Mr. Green, Mrs. Tong, Mrs. Winters, Mr. And Mr. Mayor. I didn't get it. So I'm just gonna say, yes. Good. Mrs. Sugar. Okay. Great. All right. That are. Those are all the Items that we had to move tonight. So we move on to new business. Do any board members? Have I. Any board members have a new visit. I'm a slow learner, but eventually I learn. Okay, Alright. We move on to old business. Do any board members have old business. Okay. So we will move on to our second. And. Just get ourselves ready. Here. One second. This is a second public comment. This is an opportunity for members of the public to comment on any. School related matters under the about the operations of Cherry Hill public schools, or within the authority of the. Chair Hill, Board of Education. The Board welcomes diverse opinions on relevant matters under established Federal law, governing reasonable restrictions on speech and public forms. Statements which to mean individual community members or groups, or which are irrelevant to the operations of the school district, or our repetitis will not be permitted. Community members who would like to present information not relevant to the school district are always welcome to communicate directly to the District Superintendent board President and all board members via email or other alternative means. If you would like to speak. Now, please. Clearly state your full legal name and the municipality. We will alternate between speakers who are here in the room and those who are online. Each speaker will be given a maximum of 3 min to speak. And the timer on the screen will indicate the amount of time you have remaining. We will start with speakers who are in the room. I already said that if you are a student and you'd like to speak. Please put an S after your name if you were online. And we will start in the room as soon as the timer goes up. You could please state your full legal name and your municipality. Sara, Jocelyn, Cherry Hill. I had several questions. The 1st question I have is, what is the long-term funding anticipated for our universal pre-k plan? I did not see that information. And it is a significant amount of money, so I would like to. Have that kind of planning. In the public. The second item that I had is we talked about playgrounds. We are also adding planning to add buildings or rooms to Malberg and Kilmar. And I wanted to understand whether there will be additional playgrounds that will be added as well. I brought up the issue of chronic plant absenteeism. At the last meeting. I also asked about individual school plans to address that issue. Tonight I heard A discussion both about civic engagement attendance and also mental health days. Certainly there is a need to clarify excused versus chronic absenteeism. The excused absences that are allowed are stated in the law. And anything else may be excused, but it still counts towards chronic absenteeism. So I just remind the Board. That. This is an item that should be watched by the individual schools as well as the School Board, and it should be part of the policy to clarify. I also wanted to. Bring forward the issue of that. We're coming up to the next 10 year, target for affordable housing by Cherry Hill. And we all know that we're moving into our timeline for planning. Adjustment of boundaries. And I, just, I'm asking whether the whether the group that is providing input also includes our community development group. Certainly they. The next step for affordable housing will be a 25 number. It will be for 10 years, starting from 2025. There is a new State law that relates to how those decisioning. One of the important aspects of it is Pilot. Payment in lieu of taxes, because that's an important thing for funding school boards. The last thing that I would like to ask. Relates to the activities, both events, and school curriculum that relate to our fall. Seasons of of holidays. And I will, of course, make sure you're aware of that. We're coming up to Hispanic Heritage month. Native American Day, and and other. Things. It's extremely important that we broadly students to a wide diversity. Oh, thank you, thank you. And we go to the line, and the phone number is 7, 8. If you could please state your full legal name and your municipality. My name is Jeff Powwowts. I live in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Please do a Google search. And the article on Nj. To spotlight spelling out how school funding formula needs to be overhauled. March 15, th 2,019. Please Google, it, please read it, please read the comments also Jsb. Is Jeffrey Bennett. Jeffrey Bennett has mentioned in the. Article itself. I'm Jeff. And I received uncapped state aid numbers that I wrote in the comments from Jeffrey Bennett. Note that 2,017 or uncapped aid was 33 million I typed in correctly, but those are the correct numbers Jsb. Provided and in-depth discussion of Sfra that should be interesting to all. School Board members and members of the public. So please read that in New Jersey, good really in depth, especially when he writes about. Local failure multipliers their effort and their effect on equalization aid. And we and our equalization aid was significantly cut. This year. I focused on special ed. As usual, 2 thirds of our special ed is wealth equalized and significantly reduced. The other 1 3rd is going as a categorical aid. Read the comments, please, Dr. Baker, the. Educational Law Center desires all special education aid put in the wealthiest formula, and the result of that for Cherry Hill would be even greater decrease in our State aid. Our State aid will continue to decrease because of that formula. Dr. Becken education Law Center also desires all preschool aid. Okay, given to be also placed in this Sfra form. Low wealth equalized. Again, what this is going to do is. After a period of 5 years. What's going to happen? Will then our State aid to preschool, decrease, and become part of the formula which the State wants. The State wants that unless our State will go down to approximate from approximately $12,800 a student to 3,000 to 4,000 a student for. We're gonna get the expense to be unbelievable. And right now that is what the State may have planned unless you are promised. The State did promise certain districts that that would not happen, but they didn't. As far as I know, they haven't promised us, so will our State aid go down from 12,800 students, which is still less than 15,000. The State estimated to 3,000 to 4,000, which is what our Sfra did now. Or will it stay the same? Well, you promised anything school Board. Do you know that? Because I will tell you goes down to 3,003, $4,000, with all the administrators that they have, with all the all, everything that the State wants and demands. Thank you. Your time is up. Thank you. And we move on back to the room. And if you could please state your full legal name and your municipality, when the timer resets. Bridget, Palmer, Cherry Hill. So 1st I want to thank all of you in this room all our teachers and faculty for a fantastic start to the school year. Wish you all a great year ahead. I also just want to say, as a parent, how thrilled I am to see the update on the bond work that's being done, and the improvements that are being made at our schools. Especially as a Corusi parent. I've got to be honest with you. The 1st time I toured as a parent it. Kind of took my breath away. The condition of the building. To the point where I was like, almost embarrassed. I had this moment of like Oh, God! Is this really where my kids are gonna spend the next 3 years of their school. And of course I know academically. The physical plant, that the environment was not a reflection of of the education and the quality of of the environment, that my kids are learning in. But it was jarring, so I hope, just as a board as a district, as an administration. That you know you take it. Take this as a lesson for the future. You're certainly not responsible for the sins of the past and the lack of planning in the past. But we see you know the the danger that comes in not being strategic and planning ahead and planning, not just for today. But for the future of our district and the future of our schools, and what our needs are, gonna be. Making sure that we're investing wisely, not just curriculum and education, but the physical environment, because it does matter. And our kids deserve. The best and the brightest, I think, Mrs. Stern said. You know we'd all love to see beautiful, shiny new buildings that's not reality in a district that is, you know, the age of Cherry Hill, the size, the scope. But we can do things now and plan for the future and make wise decisions today, moving forward. So thank you for all the work that you're putting in there. Thank you to the the facilities, teams and everybody involved in the work that is currently being done. I can't wait to see it. You know, and I think we're in good hands. So thank you. As a parent. For for everything that you're doing. Thank you. Okay, and we go to the line, and the name and the line is Laura Einhorn. If you could. Please take your. Full legal name, and your municipality. Laura Ann Hitchens einhorn. Cherry Hill. So I'm just curious about the votes. Of 13.4 the revised job description. It's my understanding that that job has already been advertised. And that the filing date for an application. Has. Been closed. So what I don't understand is. The, the. Description of the job. Match this new revised policy after the fact. Little confused as to how you. Revise a. Position or an employment. Resume. What have you? After you've already advertised that job. Thank you. Okay. We go back to the room. Don't see anybody at the podium. If anybody is wanting to. Students always have priorities. If there are students who'd like to speak. Alright! Well. We won't put anybody on the spot. If anybody does want to speak, please approach the podium. Cherry Hill. 1st of all, before I even get started and issues related to specific. I want to give a shout out. To the Cherry Public Library system. And for any students who might be tuning in, or parents might be tuning in. And people who aren't familiar. The Public library in Cherry Hill has become officially called a book Sanctuary, which it means a lot to me, meaning that they put the protection of literature and books at the forefront of their mission. And that's that's. Very important to me raising a young daughter. I want her access to every book that's out there. So. Everybody kudos to the Cherry Public Library system. Second, for those of you that have following these board meetings know that I go digging into research to learn stuff and. I've been following a few things. Online criticism of the Board in relation to certain things. And I was looking into the issue related to restorative justice and Hib in the cherry schools. I was initially unfamiliar. I knew what it was generally, but I wasn't sure about the specific elements of it or its effectiveness. And digging to the literature for those who aren't familiar studies. Meta analyses qualitative reviews. They all say that it's effective in the Us. And abroad. There's still more work to be done. But I do want to give props to the board to Superintendent Morton for trying to implement this, because it does seem that there's pretty significant evidence for it. There's a lot of criticism of it online. And that's where a lot of people go. And that's what they see. But the research seems to suggest that it is actually an effective way of going about things. And I'd like to see. Some measures of its efficacy. Here, as a last note, I plan on putting the research that I find. So you don't have to take my word for it, if anybody's listening, I'm gonna put it on reserve at the Cherry Hill Public Library at the Circulation Desso, whenever I come up here and make some claim, you know, and not just, you know. Blowing smoke so you can find the studies there. It should be there by the end of the week for anybody who wants it. Thanks very much. Okay. We go back to the line. I don't see any hands up online, so we will come back to the room. If there's anybody else who would like to speak in the room. Please approach the podium. And I don't see anybody at the podium, or it's really just a microphone these days. I don't see anybody online, either. And so I'm going to close public comment. And turn it over to. Dr. Morton for superintendent comments. Excellent. Thank you very much, Miss Stern. Thank you to everyone. For your comments this evening. I just have a few comments 1st and foremost we are off to a great start. The first, st I guess. 5 days now have been outstanding Thank you to all of our staff, our teachers, our personnel, our maintenance crew district administrators, everyone for coming together to ensure that our students were able to to be welcome back. To their buildings and a joyful fashion. And so it's always wonderful. Talk about it all the time. How our students infuse our buildings with energy, enthusiasm, optimism, hope. And the start of every New year. Truly, is a New year for us. Yates, a pre K. As Dr. Mayhem would say. We've welcomed 4 prek classes. Here into the Lewis facility, and the students have infused this building with so much energy and so much positivity. It's it's something like we've have not seen before. I had an interesting conversation with Miss Roscoff, who. Talk for several couple of decades at the High School level about her interaction with Preschool students, and just the perspective. Giving that, you know, that was able to do for us. So it's it's been amazing. No, we. We spent a lot of time in the in the spring. Discussing the shift of the alternative. Program or the Coles program over to high School. East had an opportunity to spend time. There yesterday with Mr. Dano. And they're off to a fantastic start. As well. You know, we talked about this idea of inclusivity that we're a district that ensures that our students are included, that they belong, and that they have a place. And and what we do. And I just wanna mention. This one tidbit, just to reflect how how positive this change has been. For the 1st time ever. Students in that program. Are able to take. A plethora of courses that are available to our students at the comprehensive high schools. We have multiple students taking German. We have students involved in musical theater. Marketing courses, English. English, 10. College, algebra. And. Get this one ap precalculus as well. So truly amazing opportunities. And the program is accomplishing exactly. What we wanted it to accomplish. It looks beautiful. Thank you to. The students and staff and faculty of high School East for welcoming. The kids over into the building. Things are going extremely well. So I just wanted to mention that just a couple. 2 other things. The 1st one September 20, second marketers. This is actually on our district calendar as well. 7 pm. We have our Board of Education. So the 10 individuals who are seeking. Are running for board of that seat. We'll have an opportunity to share their thoughts. On on the 20 second, so please tune into that. And then I'll I'll just end with saying we have a number of. Big items, big ticket items that we are undertaken this year. You heard about. Or dialogue about our redistricting effort. But we also are undergoing our 5 year strategic planning process. Strategic planning process really determines and sets the pathway and the and the framework and the. Blueprint. For what it is that we will aspire to accomplish as a district that examines our. District Mission. Our goals. Our values, our vision for moving forward, and as part of that work we'll we'll take a look at a portrait of a graduate. In other words, the characteristics, the knowledge, dispositions, that we aspire for our students. To to be able to attain and progressively move into as as they Start with us and move to 12th grade. And, more importantly, when they leave. Us. You know. What characteristics do we hope that they have. We need your voice. Alright, so there'll be opportunities for the public. To provide input. And we really need your voice. Please understand. We are listening. To your voices. So we we wanna hear your perspectives. So as we cultivate this, and we put this. This portrait together, and we put together this framework. It will encompass our community's voice. And you know ultimately that's the goal. That's the hope. That we have for moving forward. With that said Thank you again to everyone for the great start. And let's keep it up. Thank you very much. Appreciate that. And. Yeah, looking forward to all the work we're doing, and. And and to the suit, the. Candidates form on September 20 second. So. Okay. So I'm. Shock to say it at 8 0. 5. But. So, Mrs. Tong, you're looking at me. We do not have student reports tonight. They'll be at our next meeting. So. Yeah, I know, I know, and I know I was like to have our students here the 1st second week of school and not get reports, but we it's on our agenda for our our. It's every other meeting. So. But thank you for bringing that up. So we. We will not have second executive session tonight, so we will just be finishing with a motion to adjourn. Do I have a second. Dr. Rood, all in favor. Motion carries, meeting is adjourned.