##VIDEO ID:KfWCiRJnLgA## Marcus H: all right. We're going to come to order. Thank you. Welcome to our Marcus H: be away meeting right before Thanksgiving. We are mindful. Thanksgiving is 2 days away. Marcus H: so we'll try and move through our agenda as quickly as possible. We have a lot to accomplish, and a lot of people Marcus H: and students to recognize Marcus H: before we get to that the business has to come first.st Public notice of this meeting Marcus H: pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act Marcus H: has been given by the Board Secretary on November 19, th Marcus H: 2024, in the following manner Marcus H: posted notice on the School bulletin board at the Administration Building transmitted to the Courier Post, Philadelphia Inquirer, and the clerk Marcus H: Cherry Hole Township. Would you please join me for the pledge of allegiance. Marcus H: 1st Marcus H: item of business is board recognition this evening. Oh, before we do that, let's see who's here and who's not? Shall we. Marcus H: Mrs. Sugars? Would you please take the role. Marcus H: Mrs. Sherfin? Here, Mrs. Gallagher here, Mr. Greenbaum, here, Mr. Mayor, here, Dr. Rood, here, Mrs. Niez, Mrs. Tong Marcus H: Mrs. Winters, here, Ms. Stern and now on to board recognition for this evening. Marcus H: Thank you very much, Mr. Mayor. It is my privilege and honor this evening to recognize Marcus H: many outstanding young people and their faculty members who have supported them in helping them to achieve greatness in their marching band season. I'm going to call up before we call up each of the marching band leaders, we're going to call up Miss Roskoff Marcus H: to introduce a quick video. Marcus H: We're we're gonna do Cherry Hill East and their video and their kids. And then we'll do Cherry Hill West and their video and their kids Marcus H: beautiful. So tonight, we're recognizing the marching band and color guard of both high schools. Both schools have had very successful seasons. This year East won 4 1st place and 1 3rd place awards in the Yankee, a division, and East for the 1st time, also won a medal at the Calvocade of bands and overall. They've had a challenging but successful season, and both Marcus H: Mr. Palmer and Mr. Saggedy wanted me to let you know that we are competing with spirit week activities tonight, so some of their students may not be here, but they will get their certificates from their teacher. So I'm going to ask Mr. Povinsky to play the Marcus H: snippet from the east video. Marcus H: So I'm going to ask Mr. Palmer to come up. Marcus H: so Mr. Palmer is going to ask going to read the names when your name is called. Come up and get your certificate. Marcus H: and then we're going to ask everyone to go out into the vestibule, and Miss Farati will take some pictures with the the whole group. Marcus H: Thank you for having us 1st is Sonia Abdul Qadr. Marcus H: Next is Nabia Argwal, Mason, Ames, Matthew Einbinder Navig. Marcus H: Adam Bahar. Marcus H: Oh, Dylan and Marvin Balzer. Marcus H: Let's go this way and see Dr. Morton. Marcus H: Students, if you can shake, shake Dr. Morton's hand as you get your Isaiah Banas. Marcus H: nomish fansul, where's nomish? There he is Aaron Becker. Marcus H: Viraj. Bharatiya, Libby, Brill, Alexis Boyd. Marcus H: Daniel Cesar, Angela, Chang, Sarah Chase, Gabriela Chase. Marcus H: Vienna, Chen Marcus H: Aiden Chong Marcus H: Lucas Coazo, Nathan, Convisar Caitlin, Doles Marcus H: Peyton, Drum Marcus H: Ben Elliott, Grace Fong. Marcus H: Hayden, Faria. Marcus H: Ben Fields. Marcus H: John Gabrielson. Marcus H: Devin Gallagher. Marcus H: Alex. And Philip Gorikovich. Marcus H: Eli Greenberg. Marcus H: Max Gutshall. Marcus H: Danny Hersfeld Marcus H: Danny Hoffman. Marcus H: Ryder, Hopkins, Matthew Horowitz Marcus H: Nikki, Zheng, Ariana categor. Marcus H: Leah Cats. Marcus H: Kristen, Kim. Marcus H: Cecilia Kish. Marcus H: Shreyas, Krishna. Marcus H: as Rakuchik. Marcus H: Raphael, Kurukawa. Marcus H: Will Lamb Marcus H: Connor Lawson, Ellie Maisel Marcus H: Danielle Malaccord Marcus H: James Manila. Marcus H: River, Mcdonald Izzy Mercado. Marcus H: Adam Romina. Marcus H: They're near wits ava mulatto, Abby Morley. Marcus H: Dash, Moosey. Marcus H: Joseph Naugh, Lucas Ortega. Marcus H: Danielle, Ottenberg. Marcus H: Aaron, Ottenberg. Marcus H: Joshua, Park Sanitello Marcus H: Gloria Pollard, Peyton, Reeves. Marcus H: Nick Reynolds. Marcus H: Philip Shelton, Hayden, Simon. Marcus H: Jonathan Smolsey. Marcus H: Logan, Snively. Marcus H: Guy Swarovski, Nico Spatucci. Marcus H: go resign them. Marcus H: Cool. Marcus H: Kayla Tavares Sean Tran Marcus H: Maxillo Marcus H: Donna Wallet. Marcus H: Gabby, Watson. Marcus H: John Winters. Marcus H: Sega Yanushkovich Marcus H: and Jerry. You. Marcus H: Thank you, Mr. Palmer. Marcus H: So at this time we'll recognize the West Marching band in color guard. I'm going to ask Mr. Saggedy if he could come forward. West earned second place at a competition at Washington Township, 1st place at a competition at Millville High School, and 6th out of 15 bands at the State Championship. This year the West students had a challenging show. There are a lot of new members who all rose to the challenge and exceeded expectations. Mr. Saggedy and the West community are incredibly proud of the students and the community they built. Marcus H: I bring it home. Marcus H: I'm such a small you throw Marcus H: greatest Marcus H: to. Marcus H: And I also want to just thank you all for having us here today and for recognizing our amazing students. Marcus H: Palmer, Linaz. Marcus H: Aura, Lopez, Perez Marcus H: Avery marks Marcus H: Virgil Tire, Patrick Riley, Julia Mara Zarate, Joseph Gowna, Molly Tipper. Marcus H: I didn't see you, Molly. I'm sorry. Marcus H: Lucas Carlson Marcus H: Jamal Green Marcus H: Lindsey Hughes Marcus H: Connor Tommaso. Marcus H: Christian Creek. Marcus H: Justin Lansing. Marcus H: Natalie Badron. Marcus H: Amor, Bishop. Marcus H: Emma Cruz. Marcus H: Madison, Dempsey. Marcus H: Kayla, Floyd. Marcus H: Hannah Mai. Marcus H: Madison, Manna Marcus H: Jillian Mcdonald Marcus H: You're Welcome, Gracie Moy Marcus H: David Salvatorelli. Marcus H: Samantha, Ventura, Garcia. Marcus H: Xavier, Brzezki. Marcus H: Michael Dennigan. Marcus H: Benjamin Regal Marcus H: essence, Bishop. Marcus H: you're all Eleanor Griffiths. Marcus H: Lucy Ryan. Marcus H: Isabella, Barrios Gonzalez Marcus H: Charlotte Curbwe Marcus H: Miriam Reyes, Mura. Marcus H: Elena, Cote. Marcus H: Walter Marinovich Marcus H: Sasha, Manessa's Castillo. Marcus H: Christina Zorn. Marcus H: Nathaniel Goldwasser. Marcus H: Shayla, Umanski. Marcus H: Kaitel, and Wood. Marcus H: I'll be Roni Marcus H: Kiera Yeiser Lundy Marcus H: Julia Bracey Marcus H: Julian Daplow. Marcus H: Samantha, Luhrman. Marcus H: Alain Ramadi Marcus H: Sebastian Romero Ramos. Marcus H: Anna Badrono. Marcus H: Elijah Tire Marcus H: and Aidan Pizzarellos. Marcus H: Thank you, Dr. Morton. Marcus H: We won't take it personally when you all leave. Really, you can keep leaving. Marcus H: Yeah, thank you. Thank you. Mrs. Roskopf, thank you for Marcus H: organizing that recognition of our students Marcus H: in both schools and bands as a former High School Marcus H: stage band member and lifelong musician. Marcus H: You know it's important. It's the the Marcus H: time and effort that the students. Marcus H: none of whom will remain to hear this put into what they do and how much they love is. Marcus H: It's truly something that I think is is not understood, and it is Marcus H: benefit to all of the students and thank you to the parents for supporting that. Marcus H: It's wonderful. Unfortunately, we can only do this once a year, but Marcus H: glad they were all here tonight. Congratulations Marcus H: with that we will move on Marcus H: to our one presentation this evening, our state of the district presentation. I'll turn the microphone over. Marcus H: To Dr. Morton. Marcus H: Thank you, Mr. Mayor, just give me one second. I'm going to get set up. Marcus H: Thank you. Marcus H: I think I'm good. Marcus H: All right. Well, thank you very much. It is my pleasure to Marcus H: present the state of the district. This gives us an opportunity to provide information and overview as to how Marcus H: things are progressing within the district. Marcus H: We'll cover a number of different areas within this presentation itself. Marcus H: These areas will include academic growth, preschool expansion. Marcus H: cherry Hill tomorrow, which is buying construction, inclusive practices, wellness. Marcus H: community engagement, effort, and future plans. Marcus H: One of the things that's very important for us is to always be mindful and to Marcus H: have a clear understanding as to Marcus H: who it is that we serve. And with with that being said, we have a quick video Marcus H: that allows us to to gain that understanding Marcus H: who it is that we actually serve here in the district. Marcus H: mark, I might need your assistance with this video. Marcus H: Thank you very much, Mr. Pasinski. Marcus H: I went to other schools, and I feel like this is the best school in my life that I ever had. Now. I always feel constantly supported with my goals and aspirations for the future. My teachers are kind of helpful, the teachers, because they're all kind, and they treat you with respect. Marcus H: love, learning, math. Marcus H: I love the choir program and the theater department. My teachers, my friends, are math theoretical narratives. There's always a safe space to share my ideas, and what I truly believe in. I love how we continue the Spirit Week tradition in our school. I like all the different cultures that are in our school, and all the different people that I meet now that I honestly haven't ever met before. Marcus H: D. Marcus H: The thing that I'm looking forward to in Christie Middle school is all the construction that's going to be done just like the locker rooms and everything else. I hope that when I get older I can learn how to do algebra do more activities and to become a better writer and to learn more Marcus H: future kids in school get to do like the old things I would have to do in PE like play actual dodgeball and get to climb the rope. I hope that I can improve my art skills. I hope that we can work out a way to better how lunch and learn is for him. Marcus H: Happy. Marcus H: awesome. So you know, our kids set a platform for us and explaining and describing the experience that they're currently having. And also they give us an impetus for the future, and something for us, and a reason and a purpose rather. Marcus H: for why we do what we do and the type of district that we want to build and move them forward. Marcus H: So academic growth. We recently had Njsla presentation where we went through Marcus H: our our Njsla data and really took a deep dive. Believe in our Cni meeting, and then a follow-up Marcus H: discussion as well at our at our full Marcus H: board meeting, where we covered the trends that we're seeing, as it relates to Njsla. And I'm pleased to emphasize and to share as much as often that we are definitely trending up on an upward trajectory. Marcus H: Our kids are making progress. Our teachers are doing a very nice job. Marcus H: focusing their efforts and ensuring that things are trending upward. Marcus H: This particular slide here. Marcus H: So since Marcus H: 2022 school year, we've seen increases in the number of children who are proficient in advance in both Ela and mathematics. Marcus H: and we are extremely proud that concerted and intentional efforts and focus around algebra, one Marcus H: has allowed us to see some of the greatest gains that we that we that we've seen in recent years with a 23% Marcus H: higher proficiency rate. Marcus H: Get it, Ela data. Marcus H: We've continued to rise to higher levels proficiency most notably grade 6 Marcus H: percentage of students in levels one and 2, which are the lower performing levels decrease while we continue, we saw double digit increases in students in the higher levels, levels Marcus H: 4 and 5 again, upward trajectory Marcus H: mathematics is that, as I just indicated, has been very promising Marcus H: grades. 3. Through 8 specific tests. We're seeing higher levels of proficiency. We mentioned algebra one just a second ago. But what this this data tells us is that Marcus H: the interventions that we are implementing are having a positive impact Marcus H: science as well. So in in science. Marcus H: we're seeing positive signs as well that point to the fact that our interventions are working there. Also. Marcus H: we've implemented the openscied curriculum. Marcus H: 8th graders have started that when they enter middle school. Marcus H: and as they ascended to high school. Marcus H: we've seen decreases in students scoring, scoring below proficient and increases with students scoring at the proficiency. Marcus H: So as we think about student outcomes. Ultimately our our goal is to ensure that our children are graduating on time, prepared for post-secondary opportunities. That is the 1st milestone of achievement that we that we've established, and, as we intentionally say, you know, we began with the end in mind the end for us Marcus H: that our children are graduating. Marcus H: We see upward trajectory on graduation rates as well. With that in mind. Marcus H: Graduation rates weren't terrible from 2022. But we've seen increases each successive year Marcus H: from 93.5 to 95.2 and 20, Marcus H: the class of 2024. Marcus H: So advancing literacy. So this year we've implemented a new curriculum. Marcus H: an Ela at the elementary level, Ckla amplified curriculum. Marcus H: So the idea behind this curricular adoption was to ensure that the district aligned with the updated Marcus H: and changed New Jersey State standards. It was a necessary move for us Marcus H: implement new curricula that would ensure that our children are being taught the standards we just spoke of Njsla. So the Njsla actually is the assessment that tests our students proficiency of and knowledge of the standards. So we want to ensure that there's alignment across the board with what we teach. Marcus H: what we're required to teach, what we do, teach, what our children are assessed on. Marcus H: So the curriculum in and of itself Marcus H: really focuses on the science of reading but Marcus H: it's designed to build the foundational skills of our students. Marcus H: Obviously, as children, progress and advance in their literacy skills as readers and writers. You know, it's important that they have Marcus H: strong foundational skills. Marcus H: Another beautiful thing about this program is that it provides differentiated instruction. In other words, teachers are able to tailor their instructional approach to the needs of individual students. And you know we've taken an approach that is personalized and individualized for our children. So this curricular resources allow us to to do just that. Marcus H: The content in and of itself is interactive and engaging. Marcus H: You know, naturally Marcus H: captures the attention and engagement of our students, which hopes to spur on their their motivation and their desire to to delve deeper into the curriculum. Marcus H: Again, preparation for future academic success by fostering greater critical Marcus H: thinking and comprehension skills as well comprehensive. Marcus H: The comprehension components are very important, this Marcus H: program itself and this curricular provides, robust assessment, tools, digital resources, and other support materials Marcus H: that helped to to spur on achievement Marcus H: and to help our students to grow. Marcus H: And then, finally, this an integrated approach with reading and writing. Marcus H: helps to promote overall literacy. And again, as we spoke about the foundational skills that our students need Marcus H: this intertwining of reading, writing, listening, and speaking, allow our students to develop the foundational literacy skills that they do need. Marcus H: Now, with that being said, it is a new curriculum Marcus H: any, any new endeavor, especially a comprehensive curriculum such as this. Marcus H: can be very challenging for teachers to implement. Again we spoke of the spoke of the science of reading as well, which is a change in philosophy, so to speak, for many of our teachers. Marcus H: So our teachers are grappling with this. They're they're working through the nuances, working to understand the program Marcus H: work into. Marcus H: do their best to make sure that they're delivering solid instruction every day to to our children we recognize it's a. It's a work in progress, and we are working to support our teachers as well as we align with the standard. Marcus H: So advancing numerical literacy. Marcus H: So we we also implemented Marcus H: curriculum and mathematics, the Eureka squared curriculum and grades kindergarten all the way through algebra one. Marcus H: The beauty in this implementation is that it it allows for progressive articulation Marcus H: of a program using common language that is sequential in nature, and that builds year upon year. Marcus H: This common language, this common vocabulary. This common understanding is critically important in helping our students to Marcus H: to develop more sophisticated mathematics skills as they start out from, you know, grades K and work their way all the way up Marcus H: through algebra. Marcus H: We're also using the St. Math program as a supplemental support. Marcus H: Sd map program is lots and lots of fun for those Marcus H: who have traveled throughout the district. You may have seen the giant penguin outside outside of your child's school. Marcus H: but that is associated with Sd. Mathematics, Sd. Mathematics Marcus H: seeks to use fun and gamification Marcus H: and its approach to help students feel more engaged to help to make math more relatable and more accessible for our students, who who may have difficulty with mathematics. Marcus H: Clara Barton, Elementary, which had piloted this this program the previous year. Marcus H: saw tremendous gains in their 3rd grade mathematics scores. Again, we look for indicators of success. We look for trends. We look to see where Marcus H: there are positive impacts, and there are signs that tell us to to double down and to and to extend even further Clara Barton's 3rd grade. Njsla. Results Marcus H: with just that Marcus H: at the High School level. We've had much conversation in the previous school year about our mathematics, pathways, and about Marcus H: new opportunities that we're exploring for our students, allowing them to align Marcus H: better with, you know, future career and college Marcus H: pathways that they may be interested in, but also make making coursework more accessible. Marcus H: For students as well. Marcus H: So we've introduced just 2 of those path of 2 of the pathways. Thus far Marcus H: I am not going to steal the thunder from the course of study presentation scheduled for January. But we'll introduce Marcus H: host of other pathway courses as well. Marcus H: But the 2 that we've introduced us for our quantitative reasoning and data science are off to a great start. Marcus H: High School east. There are 2 sections of each of those courses running Marcus H: currently high School west. We have 3 sections of quantitative reasoning, running, and 2 sections of data. Science running. Marcus H: By all accounts things are things are moving Marcus H: in a beautiful direction as well. Marcus H: So professional learning is is critically important for us. It is important that our teachers are equipped with the latest research. Marcus H: the best understanding of the curricular and the best tools and techniques and pedagogical strategies and helping to Marcus H: impact our children and our students. Marcus H: You see here in the pictures we have Ela teachers Marcus H: analyzing benchmark data to assess student achievement. Benchmarks are formative assessment Marcus H: tools that we use here within the district to ascertain how well the children are learning the curricular content. Marcus H: Benchmark tools allow us to understand that Marcus H: the child demonstrates a lack of proficiency or a lack of understanding a specific strand. It allows a teacher to then go back and differentiate their approach and provide additional support for them. Marcus H: Children are doing well. It allows us to accelerate the the approach, and, you know, helping them to to further extend and expand Marcus H: their their learning and their understanding. Marcus H: We are also delving into the world of AI, begun with Marcus H: a district accounts for platform called School AI, our Ela Ela Ela. Teachers Marcus H: have begun to utilize this this program, to establish prompts Marcus H: for intervention strategies and working with students. Amongst other things as well. Marcus H: We also have our district literacy teacher coaches working on boost reading and and amplify Ckla materials to support Marcus H: good teachers. Marcus H: So something I'm very excited about. I think there is great excitement throughout the district as well, and I can certainly say, for faculty, staff and administration as well, has has been our concerted effort and focus Marcus H: on our Njtss model. Njtss is essentially a multi-tiered systems of supports Marcus H: approach New Jersey has a specified specific Marcus H: approach. The New Jersey tiered system or supports. Marcus H: but essentially what it is is Marcus H: it's a tiered approach to looking at Marcus H: achievement and looking at working with students. You see down here in the tier one, it says, universal Marcus H: supports. In other words, all students are entitled to these specific supports. They may take place within the classroom. Marcus H: and they may be provided directly by the classroom teacher Marcus H: as we go through the process of benchmark assessments and other indicators of learning. When students demonstrate a need for a more intensive approach. The student then elevates to Marcus H: tier 2 Marcus H: tier 2 would be a more targeted small group. Intervention approach could look like an in E period where students come out for a specific Marcus H: inferential comprehension. For instance, group working with the basic skills Marcus H: teacher or or working with their Marcus H: teacher. But just in a smaller group as challenges persist. Marcus H: We, we raise the stakes, we raise the level, and interventions become more intense. Marcus H: The way that this triangle is drawn. The the expectation here is that not all students will need the most intensive tier. 3 Marcus H: approach right? So if if we are providing instruction and providing Marcus H: learning in the way that it's it's intended to to work. Marcus H: The majority of the kids should be able to receive the support that they need through their Marcus H: through their their classroom teacher. Marcus H: Additional kids that that need additional support. Teacher may target or may do some differentiated type of approach at the tier. 2 level. Typically don't see as many Marcus H: children at the tier 3 level. Marcus H: But those who are there may have foundational gaps that need to be that need to be addressed. Marcus H: One of the things that we had discussed Marcus H: relative to the Njsla. Presentation was recommendation to Cni meeting for additional interventionists. Marcus H: particularly at the schools that do not have currently have interventionists. Marcus H: The reason being is because at those schools there are children Marcus H: who are in need of tier, 3 intensive interventions. And this is the model. This is the way that we provide Marcus H: those foundational support for them. Marcus H: So just to give just a general additional information. Marcus H: the multi-tier system of supports is just a framework that looks at academic and behavioral interventions. Marcus H: that's all pointed toward and targeted toward raising student achievement. Essentially, any barrier to to learning is what Marcus H: was what we designed to to address. Marcus H: So the New Jersey tiered system of supports incorporates Marcus H: Mtss. And response to intervention, which is Marcus H: a common model that's used to provide intervention is 9 components of Marcus H: Njtss. So you know, there's 3 foundational components Marcus H: focus on positive climate and culture which we which we began to address in the previous school year, we did a survey of our entire Marcus H: entire district. Actually, New Jersey school climate improvement survey in our Marcus H: principals and labor management. Collaborative teams Marcus H: developed action plans for climate improvement. Marcus H: Reason we did that was to set the stage and to set the set the foundation Marcus H: that would allow us to now implement Marcus H: in Jtss with with fidelity and allow us to make the academic growth necessary. But again, effective district and school leadership, family and community engagement is another component of it. Marcus H: And then there's 6 instructional components, Mtss Marcus H: high quality, learning, environment, viable curriculum. Marcus H: effective pedagogy, universal screening at that tier one level so that teachers understand Marcus H: children need. And they're able to make data based decisions about what children need. Marcus H: When children demonstrate difficulty. There's teams of teachers that come together that develop. Marcus H: We call student success plans for children. Marcus H: then the other components of that are effective progress monitoring. And then, as we mentioned. Marcus H: effective professional learning as well as a district. We're focused on providing inclusive opportunities for our children. Marcus H: Our Cni office, well within the Cni office, special Education Directors of Special Education, our director Marcus H: of curriculum instruction work very closely together, and the intention is to provide the least restrictive environment Marcus H: for our students. Marcus H: Some example, some examples of some of the wonderful inclusive opportunities that have taken place include the Marcus H: spire training that took place this past summer. It's a multi-sensory reading approach for elementary schools Marcus H: in the picture. You see here. Marcus H: Child, who is working what we call active floors. Marcus H: This is being used in in the Asd and Md. Marcus H: Programs at the the middle level as well, very engaging. Marcus H: very hands-on, very, very relevant for our students. Marcus H: Additional inclusive opportunities include a reverse inclusion. Grant program at Carusi, Middle Marcus H: best Buddies program at Beck and Rosa. Marcus H: Our Bcbas have been very active in the district, providing support and training Marcus H: for our teachers, and our staff shifted to safety care. Marcus H: There's been a concerted effort on expanding programs and as much as possible keeping keeping our children Marcus H: in the district rather than sending them to out of district placements. That's been evident at Marcus H: in multiple classrooms, at the secondary level and at the elementary level. For that matter as well. Marcus H: Cole's program in high School East, you know that move was made out of this building to move the children over to high School East, to put them in one of the comprehensive high schools, and give them more of a traditional high school experience than one that was detached. Marcus H: Our special education staff have received coaching and training on amplify Ckla. Marcus H: It has been staff training as well on a pre-ap platform Marcus H: as well as on mathematics pathways. There's this inclusive, inclusive partnership that's taking place, that's evident. Marcus H: As you can see, Ms. Staffan and Ms. Mallory seated next to one another. I think it's indicative of the partnership, and the work that's been Marcus H: evident preschool expansion. Marcus H: So, as we know, the district was awarded preschool Expansion Aid Funds. Marcus H: In October 2023, we launched our 1st cohort in January of 2024 Marcus H: launched a second cohort in September of 2024, Marcus H: and Dr. Mahan and the team is is hard at work. Marcus H: Prepare for a huge launching of cohort, 3 for the for the coming September 2025. Marcus H: The program is growing. It's growing considerably and 25 Marcus H: for next year, the 2526 school year. We'll be looking to expand by 41 classrooms. Marcus H: We're looking to add an additional 41 classrooms Marcus H: of those 41 classrooms 16 Marcus H: will be as a result of Marcus H: construction that's currently taking place at Kilmer, Elementary and Malberg early childhood, the center Marcus H: 8 classrooms are being added to each of those sites. Marcus H: Ultimately the goal is that in within 5 years we have to to reach 90% of our eligible pre-k universe. Marcus H: which is approximately 1,700 students. Marcus H: And as we like to say, that is a district within a district Marcus H: right? 1,700 is larger than some districts, and if you think about the number of providers that we'll have. Marcus H: There's there's quite a bit to manage. Marcus H: But back to me. Marcus H: So we've we've Marcus H: had great support out of private providers we've worked with, so far as we think about the expansion and the additional classrooms Marcus H: that we'll need to add just in the coming year, and and the subsequent years we need Marcus H: more providers, not a huge audience tonight. But if anyone knows of providers who are interested in partnering with us. Marcus H: we'll gladly take the recommendations. But but thus far. In addition to our program at Melbourne. Marcus H: we partnered with cadence. Academy, Discovery Corner, kindercare and mosaic early learning Center. Marcus H: As the program grows Marcus H: and continues to grow there, there will continue to be, or a need for an expansion of staff. This is actually stipulated within the the application itself. Marcus H: There are specific positions that are needed. Marcus H: Obviously, teachers Marcus H: being primary. We've mentioned that we're going to have 16 new classrooms in district. Those classrooms are scheduled to be done. Marcus H: December 20, th 2025, Miss Sugars, you can give me a shake. Marcus H: Yes, December 20.th So we're looking to launch in January Marcus H: of 2026. So that's an immediate need for 16 pre-k level teachers. Marcus H: We have certification. Marcus H: We need you. Marcus H: And additionally, as we grow and expand their thresholds for additional positions as well, including preschool, supervisor and preschool intervention and referral services. Marcus H: preschool, social worker and preschool community parent and involvement specialist. Marcus H: The most important thing is to have an understanding of what our kids are experiencing. Thus far we saw a video with some of our children speaking Marcus H: and providing some anecdotes, but we also are looking to do quality control and to hear from our community Marcus H: about. You know how well our children are being served in service. These are just some quotes from parents. Marcus H: It made my son's transition into the classroom so smooth, and had given him Marcus H: so much love to him. I have the utmost confidence in him as a mother, because I know that every day I'm sending him to teachers who love him Marcus H: and believe in him. And, most importantly, who value his uniqueness. Marcus H: What I love most is that they see him. Marcus H: My daughter comes home talking about her teacher every every day. Marcus H: She shared her blanket and special turtle necklace with my child to help her during rest time. Marcus H: Thank you for being so kind and caring Marcus H: she always finds, finds a way to make to meet each child where they are individually, and uplift them in a successful and swift manner. Marcus H: Finally, thank you for growing my child's curiosity and love for learning. Marcus H: That's what it's all about Marcus H: the Cherry Hill tomorrow. Marcus H: Bond construction you've driven around Cherry Hill. You've seen there's been a considerable amount of construction Marcus H: that is, that is currently underway, and that has taken place already. Marcus H: In October 2022, our community Marcus H: passed the largest bond referendum in State history, 360. Marcus H: I'll just round it up 4 million dollars. Marcus H: and with all the construction that's taken place thus far. Marcus H: that only accounts for about a 3rd Marcus H: of what's scheduled to take place. Marcus H: So a 3rd of the funding has been committed thus far to the renovations that have taken place. Marcus H: These include roofing, repairs and replacements. Marcus H: all purpose rooms at 6 elementary schools, new playgrounds and site work improvements, Hvac replacements. Marcus H: and a comprehensive multi-year renovation project at Karusi. That is currently underway. Marcus H: We heard one of the students mention that he can't wait until it's done. Marcus H: Take a look at Karusi. Marcus H: It has been Marcus H: massive. The amount of work and the amount of coordination that that's taken place, truly astounding the level of coordination and the pieces Marcus H: the domino pieces, as a matter of fact. Marcus H: as they, you know, have been laid out Scriptures just give you Marcus H: general idea of where we've we've come, I believe. Marcus H: Picture at the top classroom main. I'm sorry. Main office that was reconstruction Marcus H: reconstructed the picture to the right of it looks like Marcus H: bit of progress that's been made. Marcus H: Pictures at the bottom, locker rooms, locker room, and then the foyer area of the gymnasium. And then, obviously. Marcus H: this is the gymnasium. Marcus H: Only a 3.rd Marcus H: We need patience. Only a 3rd of the projects have been Marcus H: underway thus far. So there's there's significant amount of work left. Marcus H: Next phases will include the installation of Marcus H: Tcus or temporary classroom units at Karusi. As that work continues. Marcus H: additions and renovations at Rosa middle school. It'll be quite significant Marcus H: accessibility and security light improvements at high school, West Marcus H: front interest enhancements at Beck Middle School, and many more as well. Marcus H: Many more Hvac upgrades, electrical upgrades, media center improvements. Marcus H: improvements to the high school, high school auditoriums, new elevators, new interior doors, gymnasium and locker upgrades. Marcus H: new lockers at the high school floor lighting and painting as well. Marcus H: because we think about wellness. We've Marcus H: had to have heard the terms. Lmc. Marcus H: Labor management, collaborative labor Management Collaborative for us is a collaborative approach to the management structure that we've taken Marcus H: for this district, you know, typically, there's a hierarchical top-down approach that takes place in organizations. Specifically, schools with principal superintendent, those directors or assistant superintendent make Marcus H: decisions and basically hand those decisions down. And you know, in individuals who may be subordinate are just compelled to follow. Marcus H: We've taken an approach where we Marcus H: utilize a top, a bottom up approach, so to speak, and Marcus H: we collaborate around the key and important issues. Marcus H: And we allow our staff members to share in that decision-making process. Marcus H: Labor management is a beautiful process, because it not only allows for the identification of challenges and issues. Marcus H: But it also allows for a measurement amount of shared decision making. And, you know. Marcus H: pulling our collective expertise to solve the problems that that may exist does not mean that we are immune Marcus H: to issues and to challenges. Marcus H: It just means that we're gonna work together to solve Marcus H: the beauty in a labor management collaborator is that there is research that supports Marcus H: that when it's implemented with fidelity and implemented well, there is Marcus H: rate increases to student achievement irrespective of any demographic or mitigating factors that typically hamper achievement. Marcus H: there are increases in teacher morale which directly impacts teacher retention and teacher recruitment as well. Marcus H: Some of the successes that we've had with labor management already. Marcus H: We've seen a greater level of an empowerment. There are building-based teams that exist. Those building-based teams then Marcus H: confer and interact with district level teams. Marcus H: they have an opportunity to share their voice again and engage in the share purpose of Marcus H: ensuring that our kids are learning, but also in the shared decision-making process that you know that exists. Marcus H: And doing this is important, that the system Marcus H: provides a framework that can support the work. So we've created a structural framework the previous school year. Marcus H: As I mentioned previously, we had undergone a school climate improvement process. Marcus H: The Lmcs were the vehicle to help us to move that school improvement process forward Marcus H: something that you know. I think that has been awesome, that the Board has done has been to emphasize staff wellness and to ensure that that's included in our district goals with, you know, clear indicators, clear, measurable deliverables Marcus H: for the Administration to implement our Lmc team was integral in the modification and development. Marcus H: Rogers, Miss. School Calendar, including extending the professional learning opportunities, including the addition of 2 in-service days. Marcus H: Lmc. Teams, planned our staff wellness in service. End of year. Staff. Well, wellness in service Marcus H: really came as a request from Lmc. Team members as a way to Marcus H: bolster staff morale and to send teachers off the staff off Marcus H: to the summer, you know, for a great summer and truly phenomenal, planned by teams. Marcus H: 4 teams, and executed beautifully something that we're extremely proud of Marcus H: and grateful and appreciative of his, our salary guide enhancements. Marcus H: This is the Lmc discussions and process that took place that involved all levels, including our board as well. So our board added 1.5 million of the stabilized Marcus H: State stabilized aid funds that we had received back last year Marcus H: our Board infused that into the teacher's salary guide without being in the negotiations. Marcus H: We're in negotiations now, but we went out in negotiations last year, but did this without negotiation. Marcus H: and truly remarkable, it helped us to raise starting salaries, but also to infuse Marcus H: money throughout. The guide itself has caught the attention of quite a few people, including those at the statewide level and national level as well. Marcus H: Truly truly fantastic. Marcus H: That's something that we're we're looking to do. As we look ahead. Marcus H: We'll be looking to become a hub or a center place for other districts who want to learn more about Marcus H: this collaborative model, and also who want to be a part of this collaborative model. As we as we build this and Marcus H: and learning grow together, you're gonna wind this down community engagement has been Marcus H: concerted effort for us and a focus for us. You know, we want to hear from our community. We want to hear from diverse groups. Marcus H: You know, this idea of capturing voices of our community the more vocal individuals, but also those who who may not be as vocal. It's important that we capture a wide range of voices. Marcus H: So just some of the things that that we've done, community advisory advisory panels, our strategic planning meetings Marcus H: taken to the, you know, taken to the community. Marcus H: These will focus on portrait of Cherry Hill public schools, graduate Marcus H: for students. We have a superintendent student advisory panel Marcus H: currently working on a number of projects Marcus H: mentioned, the portrait of a graduate work community construction meetings Marcus H: seeking to meet with civic associations. We've done that process already. We're hosting a chamber breakfast here next week Marcus H: next week. Marcus H: This picture here participated in the the foundation, the Educational Foundation's golf outing. Marcus H: spotlighting. You know, people in our community who go above and beyond to do a great job. Marcus H: and we are partners, partnering as well with Camden County and South Jersey, regional chambers of commerce, few pictures. Marcus H: so future plans and goals. Marcus H: So we are currently immersed and underway with an elementary redistricting process. Marcus H: As we mentioned, you know, some of our community efforts to capture voice. We are. Marcus H: we will be implementing a new Marcus H: 5 Year Strategic Plan next year. Our strategic plan expires this year. So we are engaging community around that effort. Currently. Marcus H: there's 2 other things of note in January. We will have a new district website. Marcus H: district data dashboard as well. Marcus H: So elementary redistricting to give them a bit of context. For this march of 2024, Marcus H: we had a demographic study completed Marcus H: from that demographic study. There were 5 schools that were projected to be over enrolled in the 2829 school year. Marcus H: You can see from this list here. Marcus H: Other schools are Clara Barton, Joyce, Kilmer, Stockton, Woodcrest, and man. Marcus H: So it requires that we begin a process to examine. Marcus H: We might be able to do, and how we might be able to move forward Marcus H: and helping to alleviate this overcrowding. Marcus H: As you see, the number of seats that are projected to be needed at Barton, 111 seats Marcus H: is untenable. Marcus H: There's no place to Marcus H: 111 additional students. So you know, there needs to be a process now. And that's that's exactly Marcus H: what we are doing. Marcus H: Dr. Grip is currently running multiple scenarios for us to reimagine boundaries. Marcus H: There is conversation or consideration to include this facility that we're currently in this Lewis facility Marcus H: as an Elementary School Elementary Steering Committee await Dr. Gripps Marcus H: recommendations which we expect to be delivered, probably late January. Marcus H: The Elementary Steering Committee will work through those those Marcus H: scenarios and then present recommendations to the Board. Marcus H: In February Marcus H: this information was posted relative to our our strategic plan. Marcus H: We have this information posted on the district website Marcus H: sent out in one of our weeklies as well. Marcus H: But this is a highly involved process with multiple layers and multiple steps. Marcus H: We have stakeholders meeting that has already Marcus H: taking place. We have a survey that we'll be sending out to the entire community 2 weeks Marcus H: for feedback and information. We have stakeholder groups that will be coming back together in February to review data and to begin to, you know, process and put substance to the information and the feedback we've gained. Marcus H: we'll be doing focus group conversations, various groups in January. Marcus H: We're looking to hear a wide range of of Marcus H: voices, you know, parallel to parallel and attached to this process is the portrait of a graduate Marcus H: conversation as well. Portrait of a graduate simply Marcus H: encompasses the skills, the qualities, the attributes, the characteristics that our community collectively seeks for our children to embody as they progress through their academic career, and they they leave us and they they move on. So Marcus H: who are our students essentially, is what the portrait of a graduate will hopefully answer myself, Tara Roskoff Marcus H: are going out to the community to talk to community members. We, you know, we want to Marcus H: gather feedback and gather information about just that. Marcus H: And finally, a new website and data dashboard are on the way. Marcus H: Mr. Blavinsky is working very diligently Marcus H: to ensure that we have a streamlined easy to navigate website. Marcus H: But as an added feature, something that we'll we'll have on there as well is a data dashboard. This data dashboard will provide a level of transparency not seen in this this district. Marcus H: but it will. It will allow community members to Marcus H: pull data. And to, you know, configure data filter out, you know, different strands of data Marcus H: to obtain information about, you know, attendance Marcus H: achievement data and multiple strands that are in there as well. Marcus H: So that's being built beautifully. Marcus H: I'm looking forward to it. Marcus H: January 2025. Marcus H: And with that are there any questions? Marcus H: Thank you, Dr. Morton, very comprehensive. Marcus H: Any board members have any questions, this, Mrs. Winters? Marcus H: Just one question Marcus H: when we're thinking about multi-tiered system of support. And we're looking at that pyramid model that you use? Can you estimate approximately what percentage you would think would be tier, one tier, 2 tier, 3 when you're looking at. Marcus H: Yes. Marcus H: that's actually a great question, Mrs. Winters. Marcus H: When we think about the triangle. If you look at the Graphic. Marcus H: we expect that 80 to 90% of our students. Although all children should have access to tier one supports in their in their classroom. We expect that about 80 to 90% of children for them that will suffice in terms of adequate support and intervention as needed. Marcus H: When you look at that second band, which is a little bit more intense, we expect that that should include about 10 to 15% of our kids. And really, in the 3, rd most intense band of support that should really be between 5 and 7% of our kids. Marcus H: There's obviously no exact formula. But in round numbers. That's that's the approach we've taken to numbers by tier. Marcus H: Excellent. And just to follow up so tier one, which is all students. That would be mostly the classroom teacher Marcus H: and tier. 2 sounds like it would be a lot of the classroom teacher as well, pulling small groups. Marcus H: But by the time you get to tier 3, that's where you're really talking about interventionists. Correct? Marcus H: Yes. Marcus H: So what does that model look like in those elementary schools that currently do not have basic skills teachers, what happens to a kid who needs tier 3 support? Marcus H: Yeah. So that's that's a great question. You know that it provides great difficulty. So there needs to be great creativity. I believe that is utilized by Marcus H: specific team. So, as I mentioned, if there are a number of teachers that are on a particular grade level, the teachers may work together Marcus H: to shuffle kids and and move kids into different focused I and E. Marcus H: They could also be Marcus H: aligns by size or group size, so that you have a smaller size. You can provide Marcus H: greater, more intensive interventions and supports. Marcus H: Thank you, Dr. Moore, just to follow up when we talk about multi-tiered systems of support. We're talking about academics. We're talking about behavior. We're talking about chronic absenteeism. So in one of our non-title one schools, you will see Marcus H: from a behavior standpoint if we have that 5 to 7 that you heard Dr. Birdie talk about, which could be one or 2 students. You may see a guidance counselor working with our Ltdc. Who. Marcus H: even though she's within the special Ed realm can give recommendations for typically developing students about behavior plans. And then that guidance counselor could be doing some very intensive work during I. And E, or lunch and recess with that child, as it relates to behavior supports. Marcus H: That's a pre-referral. That's not special education. But we are pulling from Miss Mallory's department to get consultative advice to be able to support in our non title one classes with that behavioral tier. 3 intervention. Marcus H: Thank you so much for the information, Mrs. Gallagher. Marcus H: I think Mr. Guy answered my question, but I just want to clarify, because I think I get a little confused between the multi-tiered level of support. And the Inrf. Marcus H: I think, from what Mr. Guy said, the multi-tiered, level kind of is a larger umbrella of intervention, where inrs is more geared towards like academic support. Is that what I'm understanding? Marcus H: We are actually transitioning from intervention and referral services to multi-tiered systems of support under the broad umbrella of New Jersey. Tiered systems of support, very analogous inrs does have 3 tiers as well. But when you talk about family engagement from New Jersey, tiered systems of support. Marcus H: Now we're reporting inrs. Teams were doing that with families. But now we're pulling in families as an additional support to help us, so that tier 3 support that I talked about would probably run about 6 weeks. But we would want, you know, Mr. Guy and Mrs. Guy, to come in and talk about the response to intervention with that? Are there things that you're doing at home that are analogous to what the guidance Counselor is doing during in recess that you can duplicate so that we're seeing the things at home Marcus H: and at school. So they're good. They're so they're transferable. So we're we're switching from intervention and referral services to multi-tiered systems of support. And then the District umbrella is New Jersey, tiered systems of support Marcus H: all right, perfect. And then these are all interventions Marcus H: before the potential need for special education. Marcus H: like like, pull out resort like more. Is that what I'm understanding? Marcus H: Yeah, our multi-tiered systems of support are currently as we shift from intervention and referral services are pre-referral services. So these are things that actually, Ms. Mallory is intimately involved. Marcus H: Because if kids go through tier one tier, 2 and tier 3. And then we've gotten all the data we've done all the interventions that we can do. Maybe one of our next logical steps could be Marcus H: an opportunity to share that data with the child study team for potential identification meeting for special education services. But we know, as Dr. Birdie said. 80 to 90% are going to be caught in that tier one. And then, as you move through tier 2 and tier 3, we're trying to move away from special education services. So these are pre-referral supports for all of our students. Marcus H: Great. Thank you. Marcus H: Any other questions, Mr. Trevein. Marcus H: It's unrelated. So I'm moving on to something different. But I think I remember from last meeting we were given a response in reference to the 16 classrooms that we can open them midyear. Obviously, you just said that. So I guess I have a kind of a two-tier question. My 1st is, does that mean that we can include those numbers in our predict our enrollment numbers for the year. Marcus H: yes, thank you. And then the other question is, so when we open them can will. Marcus H: Looking towards hiring teachers. Obviously 16 is a large number, so it would be fantastic if we find 16 all at once, assuming that we will likely not find 16 all at once. Will we open a classroom, as we have Marcus H: a teacher available for that? And if so, is there a specific school. We will open them in first.st Or how does that work Marcus H: so great? Question. Marcus H: We are quite ambitious with opening 41 classrooms in total. Marcus H: So we are working already to actively recruit preschool teachers Marcus H: with local universities, so that we do have staff in place. Marcus H: A teacher shortage is not unique to Cherry hill. So our goal obviously is to open all of the classrooms Marcus H: at the same time not a staggered or tiered approach, so Marcus H: we do not have a necessary necessarily a plan for oh, we're going to assign this teacher to this school and this teacher to this school. Marcus H: So you know something for us to consider. But Marcus H: we have already started being proactive in the recruitment of staff. Marcus H: Thank you. Marcus H: Anyone else. Other side of the board, too. Have any questions. Marcus H: Just one quick follow up with regard to the positive trends on academic achievement. Obviously, really, the barometer Marcus H: by which I think most of us Marcus H: look at to see how things are going. So 1st of all, thank you. Marcus H: To those in and out of the classroom that contributed to that. Marcus H: To those results I do have a question about. Marcus H: I know this is probably difficult to quantify, but last year we have a high impact. Tutoring Marcus H: may be that some of those improvements are attributable to that assistance. Marcus H: since that is no longer in the district. How is that accounted for? And you know what steps. Marcus H: what steps are being taken, or can be taken to ensure that that trajectory Marcus H: which we love to see can just continues to move in the right direction. Marcus H: Great question, so high impact tutoring, we did find. When we we looked at the data Marcus H: did prove successful. We had 57% success rate in our Ela students in their Njsoa. Marcus H: and we had 50% in mathematics. This year the State did continue that Grant. Anybody who had received the grant received a small amount of funds for this school year. We're in the process now. We put out Rfp. We're in the process now of veteran, our vendor tutors, and we anticipate having something set up for the second semester, so that the high impact tutoring occurs just before State testing again Marcus H: good news questions. If there are no additional questions, Dr. Morton, thank you Marcus H: thank you. To everyone else who Marcus H: participated and contributed to the presentation. Marcus H: We will move on correspondence. Marcus H: Any board members have any correspondence Marcus H: that they would like to share. Marcus H: Rebo. Marcus H: Thank you. Marcus H: So I went to a couple meetings since our last since we last met here Marcus H: I attended the the last fair funding meeting of the year meetings will resume in January, or possibly February. Marcus H: Fair Funding Committee is currently encouraging people to send thankful Thursday messaging until the Budget address in February. This is to thank legislators for their past support of Cherry Hill Schools and stay fresh in their minds. Marcus H: In February, after the budget announcement. Marcus H: I'm going to change the messaging to advocate specifically for funding in Cherry Hill. Marcus H: We'll see how good or bad the news is as we move forward, but I anticipate Marcus H: advocacy will be needed. Marcus H: There's a discussion of ideas to increase community engagement, an advocate in Trenton. Marcus H: as well as ways of providing information to district families and community members about the fair funding committee, particularly for new members who may not be familiar with the history of school funding. Marcus H: I'll give a little plug you can find Cherry Hill Fair Funding Committee on Facebook, or contact them at Fairfunding chps@gmail.com. To get involved. Marcus H: I also joined Dr. Morton in attending the Garden State Coalition of schools, November meeting, and there is a Marcus H: some presentations and roundtable discussion on staff recruiting, and retention. Marcus H: This included a discussion of various topics about recruiting and retention. Looking at addressing barriers, to entering the teaching field, to increase the supply of teachers, understanding challenges with retention, and how we can address them. Marcus H: We also took a look at current and pending State legislative legislation opportunities such as apprenticeship programs, streamlining the path to certification, reconsidering New Jersey Residency requirements, licensing fees, and the possibility of stipends. Marcus H: The majority of these bills that have been proposed past the Assembly haven't moved to the Senate. Marcus H: But there's lots of great information on challenges faced across the State and the country, and some strategies Marcus H: being discussed and implemented to address them at every level. Marcus H: Thank you. Marcus H: Thank you, Mrs. Gallagher. Marcus H: On Friday I attended Rocky at High School West. My whole family came, and we all had such a great time. Marcus H: The students at West put on a fantastic performance, as always, and Marcus H: I would say, go see it, but it's over so. But you know I always recommend Marcus H: all of the performances at the high schools. They always just do such a fantastic job. And I was particularly impressed by the Marcus H: the the fight choreography. I was like thinking like, Oh, gosh! How many times did someone get hit? Maybe during practice, like rehearsals? But it was done really well, and it was as I said it was a fantastic show. Marcus H: Congratulations. Marcus H: Anyone else, Mrs. Winters. Marcus H: I had the opportunity to go to the 1st strategic planning community meeting at Russell, Knight elementary Marcus H: with Dr. Morton and Miss Rosskopf meeting. We talked about portrait of a graduate. Marcus H: The room was so packed that we had to open all of the cafeteria tables to seat everybody. Marcus H: It was really an amazing turnout. I sat in the back. I picked a group of people that I didn't know. Marcus H: So I was actually at a table with parents who had children who are not yet in the school district, which was kind of a neat experience. Preschoolers Marcus H: and a few young elementary schoolers who were just entering the district, so that was kind of neat to hear what they Marcus H: pink. Marcus H: that they hope their students will learn and grow in the next 5 years, because for them the next 5 years is really that elementary level. So it was kind of interesting being in that perspective of really young new parents into the district, and see their aspirations for what Marcus H: they think it should look like going forward. So that was a really neat experience. Marcus H: I also ambitiously went to the Math and Literacy nights at both Cherry Hill, West, and Cherry Hill East. Marcus H: I really wanted to try to get to to both schools, and I'm really glad I did, because it was nice to see Marcus H: teachers and students Marcus H: from all of our secondary schools. When I was at West. I got to sit at a literacy table with middle school students from Rosa and Karusi working together to teach me Marcus H: which is really wonderful experience. And also I sat and listened to them. Talk about Marcus H: how excited they were to be at High School West. Marcus H: and what they're looking forward to in high school, so that was kind of a neat moment as well. It was a really great night, and then I went over to High School East. Marcus H: and I floated around over there, heard a little bit about Marcus H: the high School math courses and how that's going. They're going really well, a lot of anticipation for the new courses being added next year. So that was really neat to see, too. So it was really just a great night. I was really impressed with the amount of students Marcus H: who enthusiastically came out to help that. To me Marcus H: it created a really nice community feeling and just being able to see our students from all different schools. Marcus H: The 3 middle schools and the 2 high schools work together was really a cool experience. So, thanks to them and kudos to all the teachers and staff who came to support. It was a nice night. Marcus H: and then finally, I attended the Lmc. Meeting. It was a really spirited meeting. There was a lot of conversation around communication around the implementation of some of the new curriculum in the district moving forward, and how we can continue to progress together. Marcus H: I think Lmc is really great in that. It gives a structure Marcus H: for problem solving in a cooperative way. And I think that's a really positive thing for the district overall, and most of the time when I'm there, I'm just happy to be in the room and listen, because I learned so much about what's going on in all different corners of the district and from different perspectives that was really neat. Marcus H: Thank you. Anyone else. Marcus H: All right. Marcus H: Correspondence. We will now move to our student representatives Marcus H: of the Board. If this meeting was taking place at the Thanksgiving table. Marcus H: I would ask the 2 of you to come up, and you could split the the wishbone and see who goes first.st But Marcus H: since we're a couple days early, believe me, sure, at least 1 first, st last week, last time. Marcus H: So, Jenna, if you would like to give the Cherry Hill West report, we would love to hear it. Marcus H: So at Cherry Hill, West. Marcus H: In academics we have the Amc. Math. Exam. Took place Tuesday, November 12.th After school, with students being nominated for this extremely challenging exam marking period. One ended on November 11th with grades being finalized the following week Marcus H: week, the the following week. Now, students are in marking period 2 and are working with a fresh start. Marcus H: Seniors are submitting college applications, waiting for early action, slash decision results Marcus H: and reminder that there's peer tutoring and Homework club and athletics Marcus H: opening gym times and captains. Practices have begun for the winter season Marcus H: contact, the athletic director, or any of the coaches for information Marcus H: about how to sign up for winter sports, seasons. Marcus H: basketball tryouts are currently happening and swim practices have also begun. Marcus H: Playoffs took place early November, with great games played by boys and girls, soccer, field hockey, and more. Our cross country runner qualified Marcus H: for the championships, shout out to Rex. Marcus H: and powder puff took place last week. Congratulations on the on the victory to the sophomore and junior classes Marcus H: playing for the purple heel trophy Marcus H: in the arts we have. We want to give a congratulations to the cast of Rocky. We just finished their production over the weekend, bringing in wonderful crowds to celebrate their Philadelphia pride. Marcus H: They had a wonderful senior citizen performance, hosting a lunch afterwards and creating a wonderful sense of community. Marcus H: There was also a guest star Marcus H: which was a dog, and we also had a reporter come to our school to report about the play. Marcus H: So we want to wish congratulations to them. The cast crew and directors all did an incredible job. Marcus H: Art students went to the Marcus H: to the met as a field trip. Photography went on, field trips as well. A Raku firing event took place on Saturday. There was a zoo trip for art students, and all music groups are preparing for their winter concert Marcus H: and the extracurriculars we have. The principal's advisory will meet next on December 12, th and photos is taking place for all clubs and activities for the yearbook. Marcus H: Other notes we have is homecoming will be taking place on November 21st spirit week activities are taking place. All this week Marcus H: we hosted a movie night on Monday. Marcus H: Where they watched Jumanji. We did door decorating powder, puff, and more, and lip sync is also happening right now in the auditorium. Marcus H: we are also hosting a food drive for Spirit Week with donations, donation bins. In the cafeteria, students are encouraged to donate as a way to give back to the community congratulations, congratulations to the purple cobras on their dodgeball victory. Last week Marcus H: in a tournament hosted by the National Honor society raising money towards the Ronald Mcdonald House. Marcus H: A pep rally will be taking place tomorrow as a battle of the classes to close spirit week. Marcus H: Students will have shortened classes, and may the best class win. Marcus H: and they're also hosting a books, smiles currently through the next few weeks. We wish everybody a happy Thanksgiving. Marcus H: Fantastic. Thank you. Marcus H: Let's move on now to Cherry Hill, east. Marcus H: Okay. So Marcus H: at East, in regards to academics. The 1st marking period ended on Monday, November 11th of report cards became available to view. On Tuesday, November 19, th Marcus H: Cherry Hill, East was recognized by the college Board on the annual Ap. Honor roll earning silver recognition for the class of 2024 by showing exemplary performance in the metrics of college culture, college credit Marcus H: and college optimization. Marcus H: e students sujada Chaudhary, Isha, Kalkiri, Andy Lee, Roshna, Mohan, Dipti, Reddy, David, Vieta, and Zachary. We also earned the ap capstone diploma by earning a score of 3 or higher in Ap Seminar ap research, and on 4 additional Ap. Exams of their choice Marcus H: East students had the opportunity to and to attend the South Jersey, Malcolm Bernard, Hbcu College fair. Marcus H: and learn about the many hbcus present at the event, and take advantage Marcus H: of the schools offering on-site acceptances. Last Wednesday. There's a math literacy night held at East, and many East students volunteered to help Marcus H: in regards to activities. The East Side newspaper editorial board attended the National High School Journalism Convention Marcus H: in Philadelphia on November 8 and 9 board members got to attend many sessions and meet thousands of student student journalists from across the country. Marcus H: Eastside online was named 5th place for best of show, making it the Marcus H: 5, th highest rated of all online newspapers based on this school year. So far. Marcus H: the East Side Board members also took many other awards from the on-site competitions at the Convention and the National School Press Individual Awards, which recognize, published and online work in the 2324 school year congrats to the board for their great work. Marcus H: East students and staff helped run a successful fall blood drive on November 12th and 13, Marcus H: the junior and senior girls faced off in the powder puff football game. On Monday, November 18, th Marcus H: with the senior girls winning East Indian Culture Society, hosted a Diwali celebration on November 18, th after school Marcus H: spirit week began last Wednesday, November 20. The theme this year was cities with freshmen being assigned Honolulu Sophomores Las Vegas. Marcus H: Juniors, Los Angeles and Seniors, new York City. There have been different dress-up challenges and games every day of spirit week, allowing students to win points for their grade. Marcus H: Each class is also collecting canned goods to donate to the Cherry Hill food pantry as a way to win points Marcus H: tonight going on right now, actually, the Spirit Week Dance competition is taking place Marcus H: which all 4 grades will perform their routines, and the winner of this year's Spirit Week will be announced Marcus H: in regards to arts. The East Theater Department has been has been preparing for the performance of miracle on 34th Street, which opens on Friday, December 6, th and then plays through the weekend. Marcus H: The East Marching band received 1st place awards at 4 of the 5 marching band contests they attended. They also won 3rd place in their division at the Cavi, called of bands of bands championship contest. Marcus H: They ended their season yesterday by performing for students at Rosen Middle school Marcus H: in regards to athletics. The fall sports season came to an end this month, and many of the teams ended strongly. The boys cross country team finished as the 5th best team in the State, and East Student Brody Bogos was named the South Jersey Track Coaches Association runner of the year. Marcus H: The winter Sports Preseason has begun with East swim, basketball, bowling, and wrestling teams beginning to practice and preparing for that Marcus H: upcoming season. Marcus H: And right now we're just looking forward to a great Thanksgiving break. Thanks. Marcus H: Wonderful! Thank you to both of you. Good luck to those students who are participating in spirit week activities. Marcus H: even though Spirit week ends tomorrow. School spirit never ends. There's at least one spirited Cherry Hill Marcus H: West graduate still in the room. Right? School spirit doesn't go away even a few years after graduation. Marcus H: No, it's wonderful. It's great to hear all the things that are happening on all fronts, academically Marcus H: and and with extracurriculars at the schools. Marcus H: We will move on now to our 1st Marcus H: public comment. There will be 2 opportunities for public comment this evening. Marcus H: First, st public comment session is for board action items only tonight. Those are agenda items 13 through 16. Marcus H: There will be another public comment section for any topic at the end of the meeting. Marcus H: If you are a student in the district. You may comment on any agenda item on any item during Marcus H: the 1st public comment period. Marcus H: Just identify yourself as a student. If you're online and you're listening, put an S next to your name. Marcus H: So we know you're a student. If you would like to speak. Now, please identify the agenda item and clearly state your name and municipality. Marcus H: We'll alternate between speakers here in the room Marcus H: and those online. Each speaker will be given a maximum of 3 min to speak. Marcus H: Timer on the screen will indicate the amount of time you have remaining. Marcus H: Comment is an opportunity for members of the community Marcus H: to comment on matters relevant to the operations of the Cherry Hill School district, or within the authority of the Cherry Hill Board of Education Marcus H: welcomes diverse opinions on relevant matters Marcus H: under established Federal law, governing reasonable restrictions on speech in public forums. Marcus H: statements which demean individual community members or groups. Marcus H: or which are irrelevant to the operations of the school district or are repetitious. Marcus H: will not be permitted. Community members who would like to present information not relevant to the school district. Marcus H: welcome to communicate directly to the District Superintendent, board, president, board members by email, or other alternatives Marcus H: with, we will open our public comment. Marcus H: We'll start in the room. Marcus H: Any Marcus H: members present who would like to approach the microphone for public comment. You're welcome to do so, seeing none, we will go right Marcus H: to the line. Marcus H: The 1st number with a hand up is allura and ipad is yours. Laura Anne’s iPad: Hi, Anne Einhorn, Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Laura Anne’s iPad: I'm sorry. Can you hear me? I can't tell. Marcus H: Yes, we can. Laura Anne’s iPad: Thank you. 15.9. I raised this issue before with this with the Board. I'm Laura Anne’s iPad: truly concerned that we keep adding additional classes to our teachers. And while compensation is one thing, are we also monitoring them so that they don't become classic burnouts in their respective subjects? And I see, the one area is the area of science at Cherry Hill East. I'm making the assumption that we're trying to find another science teacher for that school. Given their number Laura Anne’s iPad: of enrollment enrolled students. I certainly hope that we're doing that. That will always continue to be my concern, that the amount of additional classes that we're giving to our teachers. Thank you. Marcus H: Thank you. We'll go back to the room and 0 people at the microphone. Marcus H: There are no hands up online. So we will close 1st public comment, busy cooking for Thanksgiving. Marcus H: We will then move along to Marcus H: this evening's superintendent's comments. Dr. Moore. Marcus H: Yes, thank you. Marcus H: Just a couple comments, couple of thoughts as well. Marcus H: So, 1st and foremost, yes, congratulations to the children who performed the rocket musical it was outstanding. I had an opportunity to see the musical twice. Marcus H: It was even better the second time that I did see it. Marcus H: Thank you for everyone who came out. It's always wonderful to see the kids. Marcus H: Just have a great time. And the performers, student performers. Marcus H: phenomenal phenomenal time. You can see the enthusiasm on the stage. Marcus H: Believe miracle on 34th Street, the High School East play opens next week Marcus H: next Friday next Friday as well. So I'm definitely looking forward to seeing that also, just as a reminder. Marcus H: You don't realize the district is closed Thursday and Friday. Marcus H: The Thanksgiving, wishing everyone definitely a happy thanksgiving Marcus H: just in reference to additional additional classes. Marcus H: absolutely definitely acknowledge that it is challenging for teachers to take on additional teaching responsibilities. Marcus H: There's been challenges around Marcus H: a teacher shortage and individuals going to leave of absence. There's a need for us to ensure that there's continuity in instruction, and the assignment of additional classes allows us to maintain instruction Marcus H: for our students. Marcus H: Just want to mention as well. So last week the district received a tremendous amount of Marcus H: media attention and social media attention specifically with within the coverage there was Marcus H: information that suggested that the district intentionally leaked student names and student information Marcus H: we had. We had discussed it a few times. Leave at you know this at the board level. I know I gave comments at the last meeting Marcus H: just again to reemphasize the fact that the district did not leak Marcus H: any student names or or information Marcus H: from the 2223 school year. Information that was shared was redacted in Pdf. Format. Marcus H: Unbeknownst to us the information became viewable. Marcus H: What's converted to a different format. Marcus H: but more problematic. And you know, as a as a reflectant, more problematic in that Marcus H: information was posted on social media, social media site Marcus H: with my image and a caption that was that actually went viral last week, coming into to work Marcus H: received a tremendous amount, a vial, vulgar, disgusting emails post as well Marcus H: from. You know that information that had gone out, racial epithets, threatening messages. Marcus H: You know things that truly have no place. Marcus H: I think our society Marcus H: it's very disappointing. Marcus H: Share one such message that was posted on social media that I received. Marcus H: Anyway, the this is a message. So this is Marcus H: something that was posted on social media. This is the trail of Marcus H: my picture was on, and the district was on, and the individuals began to target and and to make these these type statements, but essentially is make tar and feather great again, you know, with a noose and hanging someone. Marcus H: and I guess you know where I am. Am I, in Marcus H: my mind is that you know I understand that this is a national, politicized conversation and politicized agenda. Marcus H: that truly, that we're not taking part in, you know an individual who loves children. Marcus H: It's about doing the best that we can do for our children. That's what Marcus H: our administrative team and our teachers are all about Marcus H: for what I know of Cherry Hill Community. This community loves kids that you know, love people and want the best to happen for their kids. Marcus H: But in all things, as we move forward, I just think it's important for us, as a community Marcus H: to be mindful of the need to maintain stability Marcus H: and all of our actions. And listen, I'm good. I'm great. Marcus H: My kids aren't. Marcus H: Because my kids saw this, my kids sent it to me, and my kids were a little bit concerns. Marcus H: but I'm I'm good, you know I'm I'm great, but there's a need for civility, you know. Civility Marcus H: is a even if we dissent, you know we can do so in a courteous, polite manner. Marcus H: We can work through the most challenging things and come to a great solution Marcus H: if we do so keep in civility at minds and at heart. Marcus H: We know there's a tremendous amount of division Marcus H: that exists within the world and another. So Marcus H: within our town, you know, we don't have to subscribe to that. Marcus H: I think there's a unifying factor Marcus H: center centers on our children. You know. I think everyone commonly understands our shared purpose. Shared mission Marcus H: is to ensure that our children are safe. Marcus H: They're educated well, and they have an outstanding experience. Marcus H: So you know, I'm asking everybody and and and Marcus H: call into action. You know our community to just be mindful of our role as role models, as adults. Marcus H: as individuals who maintain civil discourse Marcus H: that ensure that, you know civility is paramount in all things. Marcus H: As a district. We do have a civility policy. Marcus H: policy number 1250. If you haven't, if you haven't read it. Marcus H: But we have to support one another, support our neighbors. Marcus H: be accountable for our own words and actions, and hold other people Marcus H: accountable as well, you know, when it goes too far. Marcus H: and that picture I showed you far. Marcus H: So you know, with that being said, I'll close close my comments. But yeah, civility very important. Marcus H: So 1st of all, thank you, Dr. Morton, on a personal note, I'm sorry that you and your family have endured those those hateful attacks. Marcus H: and you know the the overall growing majority of Marcus H: of us here in Cherry Hill and and outside jail are better. Marcus H: Do hear those words. Marcus H: Some, however, are not. Marcus H: I don't want, however, to lose site of the reason that these attacks were towards you. Marcus H: We're really was the result of Marcus H: relatively small number of people who knew Marcus H: they were saying out there was simply not true. Marcus H: and for whatever reason thought it was Marcus H: good idea to send that out to some groups who have a mindset that Marcus H: turned into the attacks that they did against you personally, against Marcus H: your family saw. And yeah, we are better than that, and we have to be better than that. Marcus H: But that starts here, and it starts with not spreading this information. Marcus H: But we are still in the Thanksgiving spirit. So let's get back to that. Marcus H: and we will start with moving to our action, agenda and curriculum and instruction. Marcus H: Mrs. Winters, this is your domain. Marcus H: Be willing to move. Cnr. I would. And it's quick tonight. Marcus H: superintendent recommends, and I move the following 13.1 approval of attendance at conference and workshops for the 2425 school year, and 13.2 approval of out of district student placement for the 2425 school year. Do I have a second Marcus H: Dr. Rood. Are there any questions? Marcus H: Seeing none, Miss Sugars, please open the voting Marcus H: Board members. You may cast your votes. Marcus H: We have a unanimous yes, vote Marcus H: to business and facilities, Mr. Greenbaum, would you move, Mr. Greenbaum? Would you move? That agenda? Please? Thank you, Mr. Mayor. Marcus H: Superintendent recommends, and I move the following Marcus H: 14.1 approval of minutes board working session and special action meeting minutes and executive session minutes, dated October 8, th 2024 Marcus H: 14.2 approval of minutes, regular meeting minutes and executive session minutes, dated October 29, th 2024 Marcus H: 14.3. Financial reports, 14.4 resolutions, 14.5. Resolution for the award of bids Marcus H: 14.6 resolution for the award of transportation. Marcus H: 14.7 approval of Cherry Hill, Mckinney-vento, DC. Pmp. Students going out of district for the 2425 school year. Marcus H: 14.8 acceptance of donations, and this week we have Marcus H: a donation from Cooper Pta to be used for grades 1, 2, 3, and 4 field trips. Marcus H: another donation from Cooper Pta to be used to purchase xylophones for the music room. Marcus H: and a donation from sharp Pta to be used for 4th grade field trips. Marcus H: I just want to point out when our school ptas have fundraisers. This is where that money goes a lot of the time. So thank you very much to everybody that supports those and to our Pta volunteers. Marcus H: Okay, think that does it? Do I have a second? Marcus H: This is your family. Marcus H: Any questions, seeing none. Ms. Sugars. Please open the vote Marcus H: board members. You may cast your votes. Marcus H: I need to abstain from 14.1. I was not at that meeting, and Mr. Sugar's on Marcus H: to Ess. I need to recuse myself from that particular payment Marcus H: as sugars. I'm going to abstain from just Marcus H: part of 5th bill list, related Cooper Marcus H: and Mrs. Sugars. I need to abstain from 14.1, Marcus H: because I was not at that. Marcus H: We have 2 abstentions on 14.1, which is the minutes from the October 8th meeting. Marcus H: and then we have 2 extensions on the bill list, Mr. Fain, for Cooper and Mr. Mayor for Ess, other than that, we have a unanimous yes vote. Marcus H: Thank you, Mrs. Marcus H: Sugars. Let's move on now to human resources. Marcus H: Normally that would be Mrs. Stern. But in her absence, Mr. Chaffain, would you kindly move that agenda? Marcus H: Sure, the superintendent superintendent recommends, and I move. The following 15.1 termination of employment certificated 15.2 termination of employment non-certificated. Marcus H: 15.3 appointments certificated, 15.4 appointments, non-certificated. Marcus H: 15.5 leaves of absence certificated. Marcus H: 15.6 leaves of absence non-certificated. Marcus H: 15.7 assignment salary change certificated. Marcus H: 15.8 assignment assignment salary change, non-certificated, and 15.9 other compensation certificated. Do I have a second. Marcus H: Mr. Mayor? Marcus H: Are there any questions? Marcus H: Okay? Seeing none, as sugars please call it Marcus H: board members? You may cast your votes. Marcus H: and we have a unanimous yes, vote. Marcus H: All right. We'll move on to policy and legislation. I'll move that short agenda. Item 16.1 Marcus H: superintendent recommends, and I move the following 16.1 approval of harassment, intimidation, and bullying investigation. Marcus H: Decisions do want to have a second. Marcus H: This is for me. Marcus H: Were there any questions, Mrs. Sugar, would you please open the vote Marcus H: Board members? You may cast your votes. Marcus H: We have a unanimous yes, vote moving on. Marcus H: and no agenda items for strategic planning. This evening we move to new business. Do any board members have any new business they would like to raise this evening. Marcus H: None. We will move to old business anymore. Marcus H: Business items address seeing, and we will move to second public comment. Marcus H: reread our preamble. Marcus H: This is our second public comment of the evening. Marcus H: This is for any agenda, any non agenda. Item. Marcus H: again, if you are a student, and if you are online, please put an S. Next to your name. So we know, and we'll call on you 1st Marcus H: if you would like to speak. Now, please identify the agenda item and clearly state your name in municipality. We will alternate between speakers in the room and those online. Each speaker will be given a maximum of 3 min. The timer on the screen will indicate the amount of time you have remaining. Marcus H: Public comment is an opportunity for members of the community to comment on matters relevant to the operations of the Cherry Hill School district. Marcus H: or within the authority of the Jerry Hill Board of Education. Marcus H: welcomes diverse opinions on relevant matters under established federal law governing reasonable restrictions on speech in public forums. Marcus H: statements which demean individual community members or groups, or which are irrelevant to the operations of the school district or Marcus H: repetitious will not be permitted. Community members who would like to present information Marcus H: not relevant to the school district are always welcome to communicate directly Marcus H: to the Super District Superintendent, Board, President, and all board members via email, or from the Tube. Marcus H: as we did with the 1st public comment period we Marcus H: start in the room. If there is anyone in the room who would like to speak the microphone. Marcus H: you're in the municipality. Marcus H: Sarah Jocelyn, Jerry Hill Marcus H: first, st I would like to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving. I thank you for being at the Board meeting, and I want to thank Superintendent for giving the state of the district to this. It's always informational Marcus H: to come to the board meetings. Marcus H: We know that we are going to be having new communications or improved communications through the new website and other means coming in January. Marcus H: I just would like to remind people that many people, many people in this district are not able to attend board meetings are not even familiar, perhaps, with the board page. Marcus H: And so when they are invited to give input or to share from their individual school point of view, it's important to be communicative of the objectives that you have as a board or as the school, but also to be receptive of what the people are coming, expecting to hear. Marcus H: And so I'm sure that the messaging that's being given out Marcus H: into the board into the community is targeted is is explaining Marcus H: multiple purposes. If that's the appropriate message. Marcus H: and it's also respective of the opportunity to engage in conversation. Marcus H: In our dis. In our state of the district thing there was at least 4 major initiatives Marcus H: that were raised there, which included very specific school things, such as enrollment, very high level things, such as strategy. Marcus H: And so the messaging needs to be engaging on the specific outcomes that you're looking for, but also be engaging for the fact that people are expending their time and their energy coming to expect to be able to truly engage with the conversation. Marcus H: And so I'm very excited that we are starting these conversations. Marcus H: They're needed at all times, because these are some of them are short term, and some are longer term things, but I understand at least from one person. I spoke with one person that there was some mixed messaging between expectations and the reality of the meeting that was at Russell Knight, and so I would just ask you to reflect on the messaging that was given to that community. Marcus H: and then on both in advance. And then what? You what was at the meeting, to try to meet the expectations of the community. Everyone is very interested, of course, in something that affects their their own children in terms of such as enrollment, a very big issue, but also on these other items. So I thank you for your attention and for your support of communications. Thank you so much. Marcus H: Thank you. We will go to the line. The 1st hand up ends in 7, 8. 1856****788: Okay, and I may have trouble with modulation. Tell me if I'm too loud or not. In an article in 70 73, from November 13, th 2024 Ms. Janelle Miller. It was written that all 9 members of the School Board that were present approved a memorandum of understanding with a nonprofit digital promise. 1856****788: You can read this specific memorandum of understanding in the agenda of the last School Board meeting on November 12, th I believe, and it's number 17.2. Digital promise is a multimillion dollar nonprofit. That is, the parent group of the League of Innovative Schools. Dr. Morton flew out to California to go to a meeting in that league. 1856****788: And we are now members of that league in the memorandum. It was about accepting a grant of $5,000. It states that this, that this grant 1856****788: will not exceed $5,000. It also states that digital promises responsibilities which include creating 1856****788: opportunities for credit and acknowledgement 1856****788: for the parties involved in this as contributors to this national initiative and any resulting output, including in publication, research and other public facing documentation. Basically, it's good publicity. However, our students, school, district community, are being involved in research. 1856****788: What about confidentiality? If you accept gift cards, what does not? 1856****788: What does that mean what will be the cost to us. 1856****788: No mention is made of that course. However, when you look at the long list of responsibilities that the Cherry Hill public schools have, it is obvious that the cost will be will far exceed that $5,000. It's going to exceed it, and no costs were ever mentioned example, we have to designate a point of contact 1856****788: who makes decisions and sponsors the initiatives for the district. Also, also, we have to designate a contact that will manage the day-to-day program, this program on a day to this research program on a day-to-day basis. There is a very, very long list of responsibilities that our district has district total cost for this 1856****788: not mentioned. For this research project is never mentioned. What is mentioned is supporting all aspects of research and implementation in schools and sharing data and feedback with digital promise for the purposes of research and evaluation of the program design and implementation. Basically 1856****788: for a grant of $5,000. We're involved in a research project that we will basically be financing in Cherry Hill. What about students? Confidentiality? What about that? What documents. Will parents and guardians have to sign? What about teachers? Will they have to give their consent and sign a document? Please read that 17.2. Marcus H: Thank you for calling. Marcus H: Hello! 1856****788: Hello! Marcus H: Thank you. Your time is up. We will move on back to the room. If anyone is in the room has a public comment. Please approach Marcus H: the microphone name and municipality. Marcus H: Rick Short, Cherry Hill. Marcus H: I've stood here many times and asked and challenged everyone in the public to name 12 schools Marcus H: that have done DEI. Marcus H: Successful for 12 years in a row, and we can't find anyone Marcus H: that has done Dei for 12 years straight and shown any academic success. Marcus H: So we can talk about inclusion. Marcus H: We can say it 2 million times. And you do you say inclusion all the time? And it means absolutely nothing. It leads nowhere to academic success. Marcus H: I'm very concerned about a report that just came out from Rutgers University social perception lab. Marcus H: It shows that Dei is causing more Marcus H: tensions within schools. It's causing more hate. Marcus H: If you didn't hear the news. Walmart Marcus H: has just canceled all their Dei program for over 1.6 million. Marcus H: At what point will we actually get back to academic success Marcus H: and not be stuck on this radical Marcus H: pedagogy that we are stuck in? Marcus H: It is a black hole that just causes more division, more hate. Marcus H: And this whole other thing of what's called trauma informed teaching. Marcus H: based all around our no hate is another sick hole, a real dark hole where you tell kids that Marcus H: they have trauma. And it's based all around. Hate Marcus H: really, really sick. What you guys are doing to our kids. Marcus H: And the crazy thing about it is Marcus H: is when you start looking around at schools across New Jersey, the 26 schools. Marcus H: the ones with the most hate Marcus H: are the ones with the Ap African American course. Marcus H: It's fascinating, and these districts are all into restorative justice. They're all into no hate. Marcus H: and they all have a mental health crisis. Marcus H: So how can the schools that just base themselves around Ap. African American have so much hate and so much problem. Marcus H: How many more months and years are we going to be on this radical pedagogy that this administration brought in Marcus H: time will tell. Marcus H: Thank you, Mr. Short, we will move back to the line, and Laura and Ipad. Laura Anne’s iPad: Annehorn, Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Thank you, Ms. Joslin. I completely agree with remarks that you just made when it comes to the new dashboard. Is there going to be accessibility for people like myself who haven't any children in the district but would like to keep abreast of what our school district is doing. Laura Anne’s iPad: I'd like to go back to last the last Board meeting in November. Laura Anne’s iPad: where the idea the grant for $5,000 from digital promise Laura Anne’s iPad: The wording on the grant says, to help offset the cost Laura Anne’s iPad: to the Cherry Hill public schools and its responsibilities. So my question is Laura Anne’s iPad: over and above the $5,000. Grant is the school district of Cherry Hill, spending money. Laura Anne’s iPad: So far from what I can read on their website, which is very limited unless you're a member of the organization. Laura Anne’s iPad: is that there's a $25,000 dues. Laura Anne’s iPad: Are we responsible for the dues? Laura Anne’s iPad: Thank you. Marcus H: And with that we'll go back to the room. If there's anyone left in the room that would like to make a public comment. This is your chance going once, twice, 3 times. We're closing public comment, no other names Marcus H: online. So that brings an end to public comment for this evening, and we will move to Marcus H: our final superintendent comment. Marcus H: if there are any. If there's anything that Dr. Morton, you would like to respond to. This is Marcus H: yeah. Just just your microphone. Absolutely. Thank you, Mr. Mayor, just a quick clarification about Marcus H: digital promise and the League of Innovative schools. Again, just to emphasize Marcus H: digital promise is a national, global, actually international, nonprofit organization, affiliated with many outstanding districts across the country. Marcus H: They aim to further innovation in education. And you know, great teaching and learning Marcus H: across the State. You know you have Marcus H: many school districts who are involved with them. Marcus H: Hillside School, District, Harrington Park, Freehold. Marcus H: West Windsor, Plainsboro, Cherry Hill public schools amongst other districts as well. Marcus H: they receive funding through a number of benefactors. Marcus H: So it's wonderful that membership is not Marcus H: one that involves a high cost payout. Marcus H: There's not a $25,000 Marcus H: membership fee. I'm not sure where that where that's come from, but that is inaccurate, an incorrect Marcus H: there is a fee of 3,500 Marcus H: to be a member of digital promise. Marcus H: But digital promise did just provide. Marcus H: $5,000. No strings attached Grant for us to help offset some of the additional costs. Marcus H: There's questions about the fall convening that I actually attended did attend the fall convening. Marcus H: and to encourage superintendents to participate and be part of the national dialogue and discourse. Marcus H: They provide an offset of funds, so they provided the district back $600 to to sort of offset some of the costs that might be associated. Marcus H: I'm not sure where this speculation these questions are coming from, but they're inaccurate, and they're wrong. Marcus H: I'll just end in saying comment that we just heard. The public is highly offensive Marcus H: and triggering to some members of of our of our community. Marcus H: And again. As we go back into the idea of civility. Marcus H: we need to be conscious about what we say as role models specifically Marcus H: have an understanding of things that we say they trigger and cause trauma for some of our children. Marcus H: So you know we we're better. We can do better. Please let's do better. Marcus H: But with that happy thanksgiving. Everyone have a great night. Marcus H: Yes, happy Thanksgiving! Let's all be grateful for those around us, for the staff, the administration, the the wonderful work that you do for our students. Marcus H: Let's all have great thanksgivings on Thursday. Marcus H: without too many visits to the er for food poisoning. Marcus H: And may we all endure our uncle's bad jokes. Marcus H: With that I make a motion to adjourn. Do I have a second Dr. Rood all in favor? Marcus H: What's up? Marcus H: We are.