##VIDEO ID:wQC4BEHxEiY## Okay. We are. Please join me for our pledge of allegiance. State. Public. Public notice of this meeting, pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act, has been given by the Board Secretary on August 2024, in the following manner. Posted notice on the School Bolton Board at the Administration Building, transmitted to the Courier Post, Philadelphia, in choir and clerk of the Cherry Hill Township. This is sugars. Can you please call the role. Mrs. Chirane. Mrs. Gallagher here, Mr. Greenbaum, here, Mr. Mayor, here. Dr. Rood. This is Niaz here. Mrs. Tong, Mrs. Winters, here. Ms. Stern. Here. We start with. We do not have any presentations or administrative reports. So we will go on to correspondence. Are there any Board members who would like to share correspondence. This is Winters. Thank you. I had the opportunity to welcome new staff at New staff orientation, which was really fun. It was neat to see all the new faces, and to give them just to greet them on behalf of the board. Congratulate them on joining us here in Cherry Hill. Talk about all the exciting things. We have plans coming up. And one of the best parts about it was that a lot of the administrators were there. So it was really cool to see the administrative team that Dr. Morton has assembled together, excited for the school year to start. It's just really nice to watch how we're beginning to really move forward and pick up steam together. So it was a great morning. I also attended the Ec. Which is our Preschool Advisory Committee or Early Childhood advisory. There were about 12 members there. We had an update on activities that are planned for preschool families for the upcoming school year. From the Cpis Amanda. She did a really nice job. She's gonna be having coffees with the Cpis that families can come to to get information. There's activities, plans that incorporate all of our Cherry Hill Preschool locations. One of the changes she's made is that the branding will no longer be all about the Malberg building. It will be all Cherry Hill Preschoolers. It was just a really nice meeting with an overview of things that are planned for this year. Dr. Mayhan has done a great job assembling a full team, which I think is gonna help preschool move forward. There were a couple of questions about. Buses and teachers all the things that families are always wondering about coming into the beginning of the next school year. So. That was the second thing I did. And then the 3rd thing was Monday morning. I went on a tour of the Coles program. With a couple of other board members. And we got to see the new spaces created for the coal students and talk about. What their day will look like. See all their furniture that's been moved over there and set up for them the renovation of the wing. Talk about the schedule, and how that will work for them. Arrival and departure. Just really answer a lot of the questions and concerns that the Community and Board members had going in. It's nice to see the level of thoughtfulness and care that's been put into the student experience for this year. It's always bumpy when you're starting something new. But I really feel like. They listened and reflected on the concerns. And laid the groundwork for success for coal students in their new home. So we wish them all the best. Coming up in the next school year. That's it. That's a good stuff. Before the start of the school year. Great other Board members have correspondence. Mr. Green. Thank you. So I will. Piggyback on. This is winter's comments about the tour of the new location for the Coles program at High School, East. You know it was. It was really wonderful to get a tour with Ms. Giordano and Ms. Hudson walking us through the new classrooms, answering many of the questions that we had. Some of my biggest questions had to do with how families will adapt to change, and any concerns that may have been shared by families. And my the main takeaways I had. You know, for students looking for increased opportunities for inclusion. There are a lot of new opportunities that will be available to them. And those who benefit from a more self-contained environment don't need to leave that wing to have their needs met. I'm really grateful to the amazing administration staff running the program, and I'm confident they will be the keys to successful transition. To a new space with some great new opportunities. Okay. Other board members have any activities, events. They want to share. Mr. Mayor. So jumping on the on the calls, the calls wing calls program. Tour. Just wanted to add that another thing that I felt was. Great to see was that Mr. Giordano. Is scheduling and is in the process of meeting with every every incoming family and other families that are interested in a personal tour. Of the wing. And of the program. She said, that those families that she has met with have been. Overwhelmingly supportive, really looking forward to the new opportunities that their children will have. There. And the fact that she and her staff is going out of their way. To make it accommodating, and to make it as welcoming as they possibly can. It's a good change, but it's still change, and that's that's always uncomfortable. So I I just wanted to point that out as well that they they get it. It's not just the facilities. It's not just the options. It's not just the programs that it's not just the staff. It's also their recognition that. That there's more to do. There's there's some hand holding and. And making families comfortable, and they're really going out of their way to do that. So that was that was good to hear. And then briefly, also just added an opportunity to meet. With my gritsiest And. Dr. Morton and a few others. On a essentially kickoff meeting. With Njea. They are so impressed with how our Lmc is running here in Cherry Hill. That they they would like us and Cherry Hill to be a hub. Lmc. For all of South Jersey as a model. Which speaks again. Volumes for. Lmc is working. It's not just our staff that sees it and is participating. It is other districts out there. It is. Njeaa. They want to use our model, and they want to take advantage of our expertise. That's still building new and Lmc, but it's. It's been such a positive experience for all involved that. They think that that we can really be a shining light and and help. Other districts in South Jersey. Bring Lmcs online and learn from what we are doing. And at the same time give Jerry Hill an opportunity. Also to to listen and learn. Other opportunities and things that other districts are doing or thinking about. So let's just kick off meeting. Much work to be done, much planning, but. It's good to know that others are taking notice of the successes that we're having. So. Okay. Anybody else. Any other correspondence. I'm happy to share that I had the opportunity to attend. The every student succeeds. Act. Stakeholder meeting along with. Jenna, and solemn thank you both for attending. And this is a meeting that happens annually, that is, takes place in order to. Share with our stakeholders from, you know, every group in our community and our district. About the different parts, so to speak, of Federal funds that we get. And to. You know, which are there to ensure. Equitable access to education. Educational resources and opportunities for all of our students. And the fund. There's a lot of, as you can imagine. With Federal funding there are a lot of very specific and strict requirements. For our funding. How we use the funds. Who which students they go for. And there's really You know very little wiggle room, so to speak. And the way We have specific requirements for compliance. By the way, Mrs. Was the one who presented primarily, and and Dr. Mayhem was there, as well as adding in the fund. The funding, as you can imagine is heavily weighted to go towards students who live in our district. You know who are living through poverty. And also a lot of the funds it's important to note. Go via the State, and then directly are passed to different districts. And we also not only have funding for our own students, but we are a pass through for private schools as well, that are that are in Cherry Hill. And Federal funds make up about less than 10% of our total budget. So. We went through all the different titles, so to speak. Title one. Title, 2, title, 3, title 4, Or if I missed any more lots of information, and and I've been there before. But I've been to this meeting before, but it was helpful to get a refresher once a year. Things like we have the requirements that we have to get to quotes No matter what for you know most services. We. Bundle. Our quotes. From different schools. If they're under the same title, funds will have different schools put together to meet a certain threshold. And the different types of ways that we can use. The different funds throughout the district. So. And you know, think things that we are specifically. Have to only use for certain students who meet the poverty threshold versus. Funds that can be used for schools that are part of our whole school ecosystem. So just. Lots there. There's a whole handout which actually I had meant to share with everybody on Saturday, and I'm sorry that I didn't in my weekly, but I will send it out this coming Saturday, so there's more information for everybody to look at. But. So that was on Friday and earlier in the. I had a chance to attend. I think it was Monday morning. It was Monday morning. Was administrators, retreat. Monday morning There was the Administrator's retreat. Which was a retreat. Right here at the Lewis Building, and it was great to see you know, so many faces returning. Together, and I had to. It was really a privilege to see everybody and to, you know, have just a minute or 2 to. Welcome everybody back, and and thank everybody for their hard work and their efforts, and get see the excitement in the air. So. It was great. It was a great opportunity. So thank you. That's it. Alrighty, and we move on to our. Representative reports, very excited that we have. He's back again. It looks like we're starting with, are we? Starting with West. I, so that. East. East. Okay, we're starting with East. So yeah, and I'm looking. I'm looking so on my my cheat, it says East. But it has your guys names? So I was a little confused. So we will start with a report from Solem. If you would kindly give your East report. So a lot went on in the East community this month, as we prepared for the school year to begin. In regards to academics, guidance counselors hosted. A common app slash navion's workshop. On Monday, August 12.th To talk to rising seniors and their parents about the college application process. Cherry Hill teachers also offered SAT slash PSA and college a workshops at east from August. 5 to 8 in August 12th to 15. And In regards to activities. Rising seniors had the opportunity. Opportunity to take their senior portraits from August 12th to 15. The next opportunity to do so will be during school hours. From September 16th to September 20. New students, like freshmen and other new students, were able to attend. 3 Tornites this month, led by current E. Students. On August 7, th 14 and 21. Freshman orientation was also held. Today at Easter I was able to go to that. The freshman in class of 22,028 were split. A morning session and afternoon session, and each student had the opportunity. To meet administrators at East. Members of the Guidance Department, and also students involved with student government and peer leaders. So the new students receive the T-shirt for the class of 28. From the Chair Education Foundation, and they were also able to take their photos for the new school year. And use their schedule to find their classes. Tonight. At 7 Pm. Leaders are also holding a freshman night. Where a freshmen can attend, while their parents or guardians are attending a parent orientation. So the new students who attend will have the opportunity to play games. Get ice cream and get to know their freshman year. Homeroom. In regards to athletics, East sports teams have continued to practice and participate in scrimmages. In August, in preparation for the fall season, which is rapidly approaching. East football plays their 1st game this Thursday at clear view. So for the 1st time in a few years, when we received our class schedules this past Thursday, sophomores, juniors, and seniors were assigned to a home. Previously I used only freshman, for, like a few months, were given a home room and all other students, and then freshmen, after a few months, usually in January, we're able to participate in what we called lunch and learn, and which students. Basically had the opportunity to spend, like the hour of. The lunch break to do whatever they wanted on school grounds. Go to clubs, talk to get extra help, or Some people just walk around. But this year, and considering the safety of our school community, Principal Finkel has decided that it's best for each students to attend assigned home rooms, and the cafeterias are annexed. During lunch, breaks I. I do believe that students will have the opportunity to choose their home rooms at some point in the year, though. So with the school. You're rapidly approaching in just a week. Or returning students will be adjusting to a lot of changes, including a new principal and phone policy. The and Homer. And the welcoming of students from the alternative High school program into. That, of course, is a lot of change in a short period of time. So we ask for the boards. Guidance, support, and patience as we adjust to this new normal. Thank you. Thank you, Solomon. Before we go on to the West. Report I wonder if. Perhaps a little bit later, Dr. Morton, you can speak a little bit about the changes with the lunch, and learn. Remember? Yeah, in your comments. Because This has been a very hot topic. Amongst students and parents. And We wanna just make sure that on record there's a clarity about. How that will work. So. Thank you. And thank you for all the updates. I'm taking some notes just today. Got a question from another parent whose child missed their senior portraits, and wanted to know when the next date was so. Helpful to have the information. Thank you. All right. Move on to high school West. Jenna. Jenna's up. Okay, great. For academics summer reading for all grades. Is underway with resources provided in district and was provided emails. We have students picked out rooms and schedules were provided this past week. Any schedule changes students may be seeking through the Google form via West Guidance Office. West provided an AP. Summer readiness workshop. On August 21, st students looking to participate in high level courses will be prepared for. The school year ahead. Students getting ready. School getting ready for students and cleaning were underway. Ps. A. TSAT. Workshops, a workshops as well as opportunities for for seniors to do mass seminar. We're offered at west over the summer and A/C tech A/C testing will be held at West September 14.th Freshman orientation was held today. It included 2 sessions where students were given time to tour the building meet classmates, faculty as well as. A parent meeting to provide resources to help the newly adjusting 9th graders. As far as athletics go, West. Football is back in action, having a media day, preseason practices and even scrimages. Starting as early as last week. Their 1st game is on August 29, th against Triton. Field hockey and boys and girls, soccer and cross country have all been busy with practices and scrimmages. Tennis, busy with practice, has created advertising for a new additional tennis coach at West. Cheerleaders have been up at cheer throughout the summer and participated in practices to learn routines for the upcoming season. General workouts were also held throughout the summers, who allow athletes to keep in shape, and recently have come to a close to due to preseason. Girl. Volleyball tryouts were held august 19th to August 21.st Marching band competed in their band camp last week West senior, Emily Davidson won the contest at American Legion Post to paint and mural in their building. This was her second year in a rowing. Congratulations to Emily and. Her stunning talent. Who has vocal and archella groups have been rehearsing over the summer, preparing their standards. Rocky was announced as the fall play at. At West, as well. For extracurriculars. Peer leaders were able to participate in freshman orientation today, and we are looking forward to the activities at the beginning of the year. More news on that soon. Other notes. West seniors are invited to Senior sunrise at 6 Am. On the 1st day of school for car decorating and other activities. We're looking forward to seeing our seniors bright and early. September 9, th October 28 and 29th are the new dates for senior picture makeups. Students and parents have received ample notice regarding the cellular device policy for the upcoming school year. They are digesting and working to accept this new practice. And that is it. Thank you both for that. Great, shared. Sharing of the updates. Okay. We will move on to our. First, st public comment. There will be 2 opportunities for public comment this evening. The 1st public comment session is for board action items only. Items 13 through 17. There will be another public comment section for any school related topic at the end of the meeting. If you're a student in the district, you may comment on any school related topic during the 1st public comment. And we always give priorities to students to speak first.st So if you are a student in the district, please identify yourself as a student. If you were online by putting an S after your name. If you were a student in the room, you can certainly approach the podium first.st You would like to speak. Now please identify the agenda item that you're. Speaking on and clearly state your name and your municipality. We will alternate between speakers who are here in the room and those who are online. Each speaker will give a maximum of 3 min to speak, and the timer on the screen. Will indicate the amount of time you have remaining. Public comment is an opportunity for members of the community to comment on matters relevant to the operations of Cherry Hill Public School district, or within the authority of the Cherry Hill Board of Education. The Board welcomes diverse opinions on relevant matters. Under established Federal law, governing reasonable restrictions on speech and public forums. Statements which demean individual community members or groups, or which are relevant to the operations of the school district, or our repetitis will not be permitted. Community members who would like to present information not relevant to the school district are always welcome to communicate directly to the Superintendent, district superintendent, board, President, and all board members via email or other alternative means. And we will start in the room if anyone would like to speak. Please approach the podium now. Finally state your full name, your municipality, and the action item that you are speaking on. Sure it's a rick short. Cherry Hill. 14 14.1. I'm wondering. What's going on at this Njpsa Fall Conference in Atlantic City. Because, as it stands. I can't tell whether it's 20 people going. I can't tell if it's 32 people going. Seems like a lot of people are going. I think I saw. Our technical guy going. I think I saw Miss Wilson going. I think I saw. Dr. Morton's executive secretary going. I mean, who else are we bringing the. Janitors and Maintenance people, I mean. Who else are we bringing? I don't think I've ever seen so many people. Go to a meeting. Maybe we could Save money on tolls and. Possibly rent a bus. Maybe you could take a bus and. Save on tolls. That might be a good idea, because there's let's see here. Does say mileage tolls. Maybe the bus could stop. Get $5. Mcdonald's or something like that, because it's. Looking like. Almost a thousand dollars. So, if 30. 2 people are going. That would be about. $32,000. So. Quite fascinated. And then we have. It's like Dr. Morton is heading to the. League of Innovative School Fall convention. Is anyone else going? It looks like it's just Dr. Morton going. It's all I can tell here from from this. I guess inquiring minds would like to know. Okay, we go back to the line. And the name is Harvey Vasquez. If you could please. State your full name, your municipality as soon as the timer goes on, and the action item, you're speaking on. Harvey Vasquez. If you'd like to speak, please unmute. Okay. Mr. Vazquez, if that is you on the line, and you're intending to speak. And we will come back to you because. You're not. You're still muted. And your hand is down, so we'll go to the next hand up. Online, which is Phone number ends in 7 8. If you could. Please state your full name, your municipality and the action item you're speaking on. Soon as the timer goes up. Okay. My name is Jeffowitz, and I live in Sherwood, New Jersey, 1st 16.9. Changing that a job description for administrative assistant. To the the superintendent, and that you that's that's the revision that you have an administrative assistant to the assistant superintendent. That's a revision, and then you have a new one, and you have an administrative assistant to the to a director. Now that's unusual. Before I was executive Secretary. I believe that's what this. That was what the change was about, and maybe not. And and actually, what happened was those 2. Positions were, those would change to administrative assistance. And now, and as far as I know, they were specifically superintendents. And now you've added one for one director. Is that so? Will all directors now have administrative assistance. We're gonna have that much more personnel that is. Administration, I'll be adding more, well, every director have that. It's a question to be asked, so I would say, Don't set a President, the answer would be, no for that. 14.1 Doctor Morton League of Innovative School. He's going to that convention. I would vote no, because we don't need any more innovation in supposed innovation. And that adds to confusion. Too much innovation, too much change actually can cause problems. And also, will there be other costs involved in this, if you want to belong to that organization, do we belong to that organization? Too many questions. And at Cherry Hill it seems to be we need more constructive focus. And we we don't. You know, innovation. We've had plenty of innovation, and it hasn't been. Constructive with all the. Innovations that you. That you have. Then there's 14.4. Professional services that, of course, there, when there's no competitive bidding, because you don't have to do competitive biddings. I know it's in North Jersey Corporation Company and the. Some money came from our Special Education Department $450,000, $450,000. There's a lot of questions to be asked about. It's called the Language Learning network. And when I and it came from Special Ed, we'll only be spent on students in middle school and high school who need help. By the way, with our Ips and 5. And learning different languages. I that's what I would like to know. That's a lot of money, and it's will money be spent on. On others. That's important. It really is. Will the teachers be. In classrooms. Thank you. And time is up. That's important. Or will it be done by zoom or something like that? Because they're very good at that. They're also very good at technique. For your call. We go back to the room. An on her chair. New Jersey. Regarding 14.4 and 17.3, because I think they walk hand in hand. For the on-site. Spanish instruction at $450,000. Does it also include virtual instruction by the said provider. If we can't provide on-site regular teachers. And are we going to have regular teachers? Or are we going to have a series of substitutes. To fulfill any position. For 17.3 doesn't include how we implement. Implement virtual instruction for a foreign language that is not considered an emergency. 15.6 edition at Kilmar at 9.1 million, plus how much is going to be covered by the partial Grant fund. That's not clear. 16.9. I also have issues administrative assistant to the superintendent. I believe we just hired one for Dr. Morton back in April, and I'm very curious as to why. Now it needs to be revised. The administrative assistant to the Assistant Super. Superintendent also is being revised. The administrative assistant to the director is also new, and since there been a series of new directors being hired by this Board. At the recommendation of the superintendent. How many more positions will you need. 17.3. I'm sorry I did that already. I don't like to confuse myself. I am 16.10. Once again. How many times have I asked this board. Do you have no concerns about the addition of extra classes for individual teachers? This particular agenda shows 9 special Ed classes at West. Need. An instructor who has to take on an extra class, and then 5 world language at West. There is a problem here. So as as long as we keep doing this, we're going to face more and more burnout by our teachers. And I think that's the last thing that we need to do. And I am going to say one thing. When people speak to you, whether it's on the phone or the mic. Please don't roll your eyes or grin. Or laugh at each other because everybody should be respected at this mic. Whether you agree with them or not. Thank you. Okay, there are no hands online. So we go back to the room. If anyone would like to speak, please approach the podium. And please state your full name, municipality, and the action item you're speaking on when the timer resets. Alan Eris, cherry Hill, 16.9. As a parent of students at Kilmar. I'm just wondering where that edition will go. I heard discussions about the addition to build. I thought that preschool students would start at Kilmar for the 2526 school year. Does that mean they're starting in the middle of that year? Starting a year later. Where is it going on the grounds? What playground is going to be disrupted by it? Will it disrupt the learning of the students currently at Kilmar? These are a lot of questions that. The public has asked that not necessarily received answers for, and as a parent of students in that school I'm now more concerned. I have an upcoming preschooler, who I thought was going to be starting at. Kilmer in the preschool program if they made it within the lottery. But. I'm not sure if that's the case. Now. So if some of those questions could be answered, that'd be helpful. Thank you. Okay. And we go back to the line and. Do not see the other hands. Raised online. So we go back to the room. If anybody else would like to speak. He's approached the podium. Just wait for the clock to reset, please, and see your full name, municipality and the action item. You're speaking. Sure. Alright, Dr. Yar Shari Hill. Of course the engine doesn't want to load, so I'll do the best I can on that one. Hr, I just wanna acknowledge Mr. Valez is leaving Kilmar, and he's 1 of those administrative assistants that. Every kid talks about he also was housed in the 3rd grade classroom of the Lewin, which happened to also be one of the main El classrooms in that building. His ability to speak Spanish and connect just was a genuine joy to have around. So he is really going to be missed. I want to echo the previous speaker's comments about the construction and Kilmar, just to get a little more details on that, so that we know what to expect in terms of the impact. Especially as we're seeing the impact that other buildings through the bond construction. And I think that covered it. Thanks. Okay? And we go back to the line again. No hands online. Come back to the room. Don't see anybody at the podium, so we will close public comment and move on to superintendent comments. Thank you very much, Miss Stern. So we are 7 days away from the return of students, and this is a time of much excitement. Optimism, enthusiasm. We heard our board rep speak about student visits and student orientations with with freshmen taking place today. It's been very exciting to see the kids in the building. The anxious anticipation of starting 9th grade in high school is something that's always. Wonderful to see! And to see what you know, what our kids. Develop into as they they move forward. Is even that much more exciting. The middle school level, the same as is occurring. Students who are transition into into the building are being transitioned in. And they've had wonderful orientation sessions. We're scheduled for orientation sessions at the elementary schools. On Thursday. And at the preschool level on Thursday as well. So we're looking forward to further acclimating our students. Into the school building. Principals have sent out welcome back messages. There should be information that's been communicated across the board to to all families, and to. All students, And so in reference to. Home home room in the lunch at High School East. The expectation for the district always was that. Students. Participated in a home room. And a lunch. The way that. Our district. The district approves schedule works. Is, that. Have to be accountable for a specific location. If they're not. At lunchtime. A home room does not mean that students do not have the opportunity to choose where they may seek to go for additional support. Help. Team meeting. Socialisation, setting. The most important thing is the safety of students. So when students report to a specific location. They just have to make sure that they. Take attendance and are accounted for essentially that that's what it is. That's what it's gonna look like. Students at high high School west have the same exact. Arrangement. They've had that same exact arrangement. I'm sure you could speak to Jenna, and Rebecca and Neil provide you with. More information as well about that. So students will continue to have choice. But it's just yeah. They will. Be at a specific location. And and have their attendance recorded. We're excited about the cell phone policy. The cell phone policy is a new policy and that it takes and it removes away the discretion from teachers to decide if cell phones are utilized during instructional time in classrooms. You know. I think the Board Administration did, and speaking to the community serving. Approximately 4,000 people in our community. And also gaining an understanding of of students, staff. Parents and everyone else. The policy that we've constructed, and that's that's been implemented is exactly what the community said. Would be the best policy for us to to follow. We wanted to preserve and protect instructional time. So if you think about it. While one is in classroom. Learning, and being presented with information. You. You know, we wanna minimize the distractions during that time. So that's essentially what the cell phone policy does. During instructional time we hold that time sacred. The use of the wireless devices are are prohibited during that time. I I believe our students will step up to the plate. And that will respond accordingly. For some it may be an adjustment. But. I think I think it'll be smooth after, you know. A couple of months. I'm happy to hear that communication has gone out to all students, and that this is a discussion. New staff orientation concluded. Today we had about 101. Participants and new staff orientation. This includes some staff who were hired after new staff. After new staff orientation again last year they were hired. During the school year they participated as well. But it's truly tremendous energy as well this wonderful to welcome new staff, and we understand that they are the life blood of the district, and they are the ones who provide that direct support, service and interaction for our kids that help our our students to learn and to grow. I just wanna say thank you to our principals for the great job, and hiring excellent candidates. Thank you to the Human Resources office. Ms. Lieber. They've been abuzz down there, and they've been very accommodating. So thank you. Thank you to Dr. Mayhan. The staff in and the Cni office for putting this, the sessions together make it to the technology office. For your great support. Administrative assistants who have been there to support the Principals Association, Chia all presenters. It truly was a team effort. We talk about collaboration, but this was. An exhibition of collaboration. An effort. So there's a tremendous amount of construction taking place throughout the throughout the district board members speak about an opportunity to visit. The Coles program over at High School, East. It's remarkable to see what's been done. And you know, with that wing and what's been done to provide our students who are part of that program with a place that they can call home. As I've traveled about throughout the district, is somewhat overwhelming, but it's also something that you know. Stokes. My level of appreciation. For the the, the truly fantastic work that our custodial staff and our maintenance staff. Have done across the district. Really is impressive, really is impressive. I asked. Mr. Poinski to share a quick video that we have. That, you know, we we want to put out. And, you know, recognize our custodial team with. Our custodial staff are truly rock stars. I do what I do because I love. Thank you so much for all your hard work, and I can't wait to go to school here with all of you. Custodial staff, led by Sarah. And absolutely. Just a brief chat after a studio staff. They do incredible work. Thanks so much. Appreciate. I'd just like to take the opportunity to say thank you to our custodial teams. Our maintenance crews, our buildings and grounds, and the entire staff. For the wonderful job that's been done. Preparing our buildings for the return of our students. The schools and classrooms look amazing, and you deserve much gratitude and. You're appreciated. Thank you. Awesome. Thank you. Thank you so much, Mark. It's important that we recognize that everyone plays a part in supporting our our students. It's important to say, thank you and express gratitude. So we wanna make sure that we're we're doing just that. Just a couple of notes of clarification. Njpsa Njpsa is the New Jersey Principals and Supervisors Association. They hold an annual conference that principals participate in. The individuals who are on the list for approval to attend are either principals or district-based administrators. We are very excited that this year one of our very own is being recognized as a principal of the year. Dr. Neil Birdie. This is a conference that is a statewide conference. So there are thousands of administrators throughout the State that come and take part. It's a place for great learning. It's just wonderful opportunity for for engagement. Ll n. It's not a special education. Resource, Ll. Is designed to provide the district. With. World language teachers, particularly Spanish teachers, to fill vacancies that we've been unable to fill. You may have heard that there's a teacher shortage and the availability of world language teachers. Has been scarce. So Lln is a company that we're working with to provide full time in person. Teachers that substitutes not virtual. Full time, in person. Job descriptions have been updated. We've shifted from. Assistant superintendent positions to directors, positions. So the job descriptions are being adjusted accordingly, to reflect the fact that those individuals are supporting the. The assistant superintendent position that I've. Previously. Years, past. As well as Miss Wellington's position is not being filled. Instead, we have. Director of Elementary and Secondary. And those positions. And then my my last piece, for now additional class periods. At high school, West special education and and world languages as well. There were. There were a number of positions. They've done a great job in hiring. Part of the provisions that are that employees are required in the State of New Jersey is, they're required to give 60 days notice to their current employer if they're under contract. So if teachers left their district in January, and they signed the contract. They have to give 60 days notice from whatever that board approval date. Is, you know that that they are board approved. Consequently. Teachers may not be ready to start on September 3, rd but they may start at a point later in the school year. As a result, we wanna make sure we have high quality. Well trained, staff. To support students, so that there's not any kind of drop off in terms of their level of education. That's why we have the number of additional. Teaching periods that we do on the list. And with that. Thank you. Mister. Thank you for all those very helpful comments and. Officially on the record, clarifying concerns and questions. Okay. We move on to the action agenda. And we will start with. 13. Point one, and I'm going to move the appointments. The superintendent recommends, and I move the following 13.1 affirmative action officer. 13.2 title, 9 officer. 13.3 section 504, offic. 13.4 Ada. Officer. And that's it. Do I have a second. Dr. Rood. Are there any board member? Questions about this one. Seeing none. Mrs. Sugars, can you take the roll? Call the call. Can you take the vote? Please. Board members. You make asterisk. This is sugars. I'll be abstaining from 13.1 to 13.5. Due to a conflict of interest. Other than Mrs. Niaz. Is extension. We have a unanimous yes vote. Okay, thank you very much, and we move on to curriculum instruction. And Mrs. Winters, can you please move the Cni agenda. Certainly superintendent recommends, and I move the following 14.1 approval of attendance at conference and workshops for the 2425 school year 14.2 approval of out of district student placement for the 2425 school year. 14.3 approval of services with Nj. Commission for the blind and visually impaired. But the 2425 school year, 14.4 approval of professional service agreements for the 2425 school year, 14.5 resolution for the award of settlement agreements, and 14.6. 1st reading of policy do I have a second. Ms. Stern. Are there any questions on the Cni agenda tonight? Mr. Greenba. Thank you. There were a number of questions this week on how the program will operate in 14. The Professional Service Agreement for World Language instruction. Can you provide some clarification on the program? We'll be in person. Sure I'd be happy to. So like Dr. Morton indicated in his comments. There's been a longstanding conversation about needing to fill world language positions. It's. There's a teacher shortage, but it's especially acute when it comes to world language positions. So ever since I joined the Board 2 years ago. It's something we've been discussing. Coming into this year we had a number of vacancies, and at 1st the conversation was around. Filling them with virtual instructors. They'd be teaching, live. They wouldn't be physically in the room. But. It was a solution to the problem, but it wasn't something that I was particularly thrilled with. I know that other people were still looking into it, and fortunately we've come up with a really good solution. This contracted position with learn language learning network will allow us to have. Certified New Jersey teachers. In classrooms for kids to fill all the positions that were vacant. So now we're going to have certificated teachers teaching Spanish. It'll be grade 6 through 8, and also at one of the high schools. So that students will all have equity in the level of instruction they receive in foreign language. It's something that I'm really happy with. And I'm really proud that the administrative team kept pursuing and working on a way to resolve this problem. Unfortunately, from all the research that I've done that this conversations I've had there just aren't world language teachers out there. If anybody out there wants to be a world language teacher. Now is the time. I encourage everybody to go into world language. Because. For me personally, world language is something that's really important, I think, as our. Community becomes more and more diverse and global society is something that we're. Part of now learning how to speak another language is key learning to understand another culture. So it's not something that I want to cut back on. But we do need to be able to fill those positions with instructors that will provide high quality instruction for our kids. My understanding is that the amount of money for this contract is going to be coming out of the money that was already allocated for the positions that we had set aside. So this isn't in addition to this is we didn't fill those vacancies that money was there. So now we're gonna be using it to with this contracted group that can come provide the instructors for our students. So I think it's a good resolution for this year. Hopefully moving forward, we'll be able to hire more district teachers. But for now I think this provides equity to our students and high quality instruction that we all expect. Very thorough. Thank you. I worked really hard on that. Could you tell? Because I had questions, too? Really coming into it? It really has been. It was a conversation C. And I. It was also a conversation in Hr. That we've had because it touches both committees. So it was something that I really wanted to understand before voting on it. But I really think that. This is the best possible. Solution that we can have for this coming academic year, and then moving forward, continuing to explore how we fill world language. Any other questions on Cni. Ms. Tom. Yes, having that said that we contracted out. Would the teacher be the same teacher. In each like Consistently for that class. The teacher is going to be there for the full academic year, so the teacher will be assigned to the class for the full school year. It will be consistent, not like a sub. Thank you for Clari. No, that's really important. That consistency for our kids. Any other questions. Dr. Morton. Did I get all that correct? I tried real hard. Thank you so much, seeing no other questions. Can you please call the vote on the Cni agenda? Board members, you may cast your votes. We have a unanimous I'm sorry, unanimous vote. Okay, thank you. We're having some problems with board docs tonight. So boats are a little so. I almost didn't think I'd be able to. See my agenda so got kicked out. We move on to Mr. Green. If you could kindly move the business and facilities agenda. Thank you. Superintendent recommends, and I move the following. 15.1 approval of minutes boardwork sessions, special action meeting minutes and executive session minutes for July 9, th 2,024. Approval of minutes, regular meeting minutes and executive session minutes for July 23, rd 2,02415.3. Financial reports, 15.4. Method of compliance. Toilet rooms for early intervention, and prekindergarten. 15.5 resolution to approve solicitor for affirmative action, 15.6 resolution for the award of bids. 15.7 for the order of transportation. 15.8 approval of Cherry Hill, Mckenna, Dcp. And P. Students going out of district and out of district placement for the 2425 school year. 15.9. Acceptance of donations. And this week we have a donation from Bank of America to be used toward the music program at High School, east. And I think that'll do it. Do I have a second. Mr. Mayor. Are there any questions? This is Winters. On 15.6, which is the preschools and. The toilet rooms at the Mall Building. This is the preschool rods correct, so a portion of that money was the rod grants we applied for and got from the State, and then a portion is funded by the district. Yes. So it took some notes when we had the question. During 1st comment. So if our share is about 9.2 million that represents. Our 60% share. So 40% share coming from the rod should be around 6.2 million. And that's something we discussed when we allocated those funds last year. I want to say April of 23. When we had the budget discussion. Then. And for those I have a I have like a picture memory of the Mall Building in my mind because my kids attended. They're the additional toilet rooms will be that front wing. Those classrooms that did not have toilets in the classroom. The kids had to go down the hall, which, if you've ever been with a flock of preschoolers. That is an extremely challenging thing to do is to take a group of preschoolers. So I'm really excited that this will be in place. For them going forward. And then the addition is going to be the other hallway that goes straight back when you walk in the addition, for the new classrooms will be going back off that. But I'm not as familiar with Kilmar. Do you know where the addition will be placed at that building? I have seen pictures, but it has been some time. I'm gonna look over towards Mrs. Sugars and see if she has any recollection, otherwise we can follow up. It's gonna be kind of if you're in the parking lot. And you're facing the building. It'll be. At that back part where the. Current. Playground is located now. That will be relocated. They'll get a new playground as part of this project, and we'll also have a preschool playground installed as well. That's awesome. Thank you so much. When I went to board Conference last year, the need to have a preschool level playground at schools. You have preschool students with something that was talked about a lot. When I went to all the preschool sections. So that's thank you for saying that that's gonna be a piece of the renovation going forward. And it's 18 months right for the build out for these classrooms. We're voting tonight to award that contract. Once they breakground. It's approximately 18 months for construction. So to answer your question from earlier, we're looking at the 2627 school year. Once the additions at Kilmar and Malberg are completed. That's when the additional toilets will be added at. And everything, if all goes well, should be ready for the 2620. As far as any anticipated disruptions. That's something we could ask at our at our next construction meeting, unless you have. Any additional information. Well, of course, we want to keep the disruptions to a minimum as much as we possibly can. I think probably where we may run into issues because this is new construction. You know it's not disrupting necessarily what's going already going on in the building. But connections will have to be made right. So we'll have to connect to the current. Hvac. So that's those are the kinds of things that we'll try to do in the summer or. Weeks off, or things of that nature. Thank you. And as as we resume or I assume, we're resuming our monthly construction meetings as the school year starts. The questions I typically ask are, When is this gonna be done? And what is the disruption going to be? Because those are the questions we always get asked, and I always want to have those answers. So I'll certainly follow up as I get those answers. Are there any other questions? Mrs. Stern. I'm sorry just any. You were talking about the 60% and 40, can you please like. Clarify the where the funds for the 40 will come from. Sure. So when we applied for the rods, my understanding is we pay the districts 60% of the cost and the rod grants from the state cover the other 40%. And that's it. So, for the 3 rod grants, is it? 3. Or Kilmarberg, and the toilets. Yes. And so that I'm sorry. Let me rephrase the question. The 60, where is that money coming from? Those are in capital reserves. We set those aside last year, I believe, right. As part of our budgeting process. We allocated funding out of the capital reserve. For our 60%. Yep, that was part of last year's budgeting process in April of 23. So that's when we decided to set those aside. When we opted, to move forward with preschool. Thank you. Okay? Are there other questions? Okay, seeing none. Mr. Sugars, please open the voting. Board members, you may cast your votes. I'm gonna vote, no on 15. Mrs. Sugars. I'm gonna recuse from 15.3, due to conflict of interest. Mr. Sugars. I think I have to stain from 15.1. I wasn't here that day. Let me share. I need to abstain from 15 point. One in 15.2. And yes, to the west. Okay. So we have. 2 abstentions on 15.1, and Mrs. Tong, we have an extension on 15.2. Mrs. Tong. Mrs. Nia has recused herself from 15.3. Mrs. Gallagher has voted No. On 15.6. The rest of the votes were all yes. Motion, carries. And we move on to. The Hr. Agenda, and I will move that the superintendent recommends, and I move the following. Termination of employment certificated 16.1 2 termination of employment, non-certific. 16.3 appointments certificated. 16.4 appointments, non-certificated. 16.5 salary change, certific. 16.6 assignment, non-certificated. 16.7 leaves of absence certificated. 16.8 leaves of absence, non-certificated. 16.9. Approval of new and Revised Job descriptions. 16.10. Other compensation certificated. Do I have a. Dr. Rood? Are there any questions. Board members. Seeing none. Mrs. Sugars, can you please call the vote. Board members. You make your votes. This is sugars. I'm going to abstain to avoid a conflict of interest on 16.10 and yes to the rest. Mrs. Sugars, abstaining from 16.8 due to conflict. Okay. So we have an abstention from Mrs. On 16.8 an abstention from Ms. Stern on 16.10. And the rest of the votes are yes, motion carries. Before we move on. I know that Dr. Morton would like to introduce us to one of the newest. Members of our team. Absolutely. Thank you so much, Miss Stern. So at our July 23rd Board meeting the Board approved the appointment of Mr. Ray Robertson, Julia as a new assistant principal, that High School East. Mr. Robinson was unable to join us at that meeting. But he so graciously offered to come to this meeting to just share a few remarks. With the board we're excited about. Haven't Mr. Robertson join the team here? And even though he is. Still fulfilling his 60 day requirement. He has been present on every other day that he's available at High school East, anyway, Mr. Robinson. Hello! Good evening. Good evening. Wanted to just introduce myself. Again, ray Robinson coming to you by way of Eastampton Community School, where I served as. The assistant principal and athletic director. For the past 3 years. Prior to that I was a health and phys teacher. And head football and head baseball coach at a high school in Burlington County. Excited to be here. I can't thank you enough for this opportunity. I'm really looking forward to getting started. One thing that you will find out very quickly about me. And it's part of the reason that that drew me to. This district is that I really have a heart for the kids. So I want to make sure that all students and all stakeholders enjoy their. Their educational experience, but. I'm really here for the kids. You'll find that out very quickly. I'm excited about being a part of the Cherry Hill connected learning community. Mini. Thanks, Markinsky. He told me that one time, and it stuck in the brain. So I'm proud of myself for that. But thank you guys for having me. I will not let you down. Mr. Robinson welcome, and it's nice to have you with us, and you'll be seeing some of our faces in the schools because. Whether we're visiting as board members or as parents. You'll be seeing us. And I don't know, Mr. Mayor. I know you were wanting to make a brief comment as part of Hr. As well. I do So this is the last meeting that Lavington. Will be attending, although I believe she's attending virtually. I was not here, didn't have, did not have an opportunity to. To thank her, or see any sort of parting remarks at. Last meeting where she was here herself. So I wanna take that opportunity to do that. So Lakoya is is a fixture. Here has been in school district for. Many, many years, long enough that she was. She's probably. Who must have been here at least. Decades, even. Or. First.st Of 3 Jerry Hill School district students entered. And. I've had an opportunity to work with her in various capacities. She has been nothing but professional, nothing but. Caring. And has unfortunately. You know she's. She has been the target of. Some some anger. Because she does her job so well. Sometimes people who do their jobs well, and jobs that are not always appreciated. Unfortunately. No, they they are the they can. Attract unkind words and and That is unfortunate, but I have to say. That La has always handled that with the greatest amount of dignity. Professionalism. She. She elevated her game. Year after year she handled. More responsibilities than many. And has been a mentor too many. And it is my hope and expectation that those who have worked with her and worked under her, and are assuming. The duties that that she handled and handled so well. You know we'll take Peed of the guidance that she's given them. Weather, through words. Whether through direct instruction, or whether just sitting back and watching how well she did what she did. Under circumstances which were not always easy. So I appreciate you for. Dedication you gave to this district for the mentorship you gave to staff that follow you. For. Guidance you've given to students. Who? You know, are off to live brighter lives. Because of the work and the care that you put into them. And the programs that you supported while you were here. Congratulations. Good luck! I'm sorry to see you go. Really appreciate your recognizing this Islington on her. Last. Board meeting night before a retirement so. Best wishes. Thank you. Okay, we don't have any action items to move for our strategic planning. So we'll go on to. Oh, but of course, thank you so much for keeping me on. I think I got caught up in the fact that. Mr. Mayor was done. I have more. I have more boring things to talk about. I am not gonna diss you tonight. I promise. No, I was the one that just got this. It's Mr. Mayor's turn It has to be one. Every meeting, at least right. Mr. Mayor, could you please move the and Linda? Sure. Superintendent recommends, and I move the. Item 17.1 approval of harassment and bullying investigation decisions. 17.2. Approval of harassment, intimidation, and bullying decisions. 17.3 resolution for the approval of remote Virtual Instruction, Plan. And just a reminder that that is a resolution. That attended to a required statutory policy, that that every district in in New Jersey. Must have a plan to. Shift to virtual online instruction, virtual instruction, you know. In the event that. There's a. A reprise. You. Of the last. The last one. 3 4 years ago. Some movies, some some movie sequels are good. This is not a movie sequel. Anyone. Expects. Bottom line is, it's a required policy. That every district has to have. That's what 17 is. Do I have a second. Mr. Green. Are there any questions? Seeing none. Message sugars. Would you please open the voting. Board members, you may cast your votes. Mrs. Schrers. I have to stay in from 17.1 and 7. 17.2. As I was not present. At the last meeting. But I need to extend from 17.1 and 17.2, and yes, so 17.3. Okay. So we have extensions on 17.1 and 17.2 from Drud and Mrs. Tong. Otherwise we have all yes, votes, and the motion carries. Okay, so take 2. We do not have any items, unfortunately, but we will continue to have more in the future for 18 for strategic planning. So we'll move on to. New business. Is there any new business. Okay. And so if, seeing no new business, we'll move on to old business. Is there any old business. Dr. Morton might have some old business. Yes, absolutely. I I'd like to take an opportunity to To publicly recognize the 10 members of our community who are running for board seat. And our November 5th election. If you are online, or if you're in person, you can feel free, raise your hand or stand whatever's most comfortable for you. But just going through the top of the list, Omar. Al Kelly. David Berkovic. Kurt, Braddock. Naraz choudary. Dean drizzle. Ava fidel. Samia, mia. Qatia, Nia. Bridget, Palmer. And Harvey Vasquez. Okay, thank you very much. Any other old business. Okay. Seeing none, we move on to our second public comment. This is the opportunity to speak. For members of the public to speak on. Items related to our public school district. Any topic related to our public school district. If you would like to speak. Now, please state your name and your municipality, we will alternate between speakers who are here in the room. And those who are online. Each speaker will have a maximum of 3 min to speak. The timer on the screen will indicate the amount of time you have remaining. Public comment is an opportunity for members of the community to comment on matters relevant to the operations of the Cherry Hill Public School district. Or within the authority of the charitable Board of Education. The Board welcomes diverse opinions on matters relevant. To relevant matters under established Federal law, governing reasonable restrictions on speech and public forms. Statements which demean individual community members or groups, or which are irrelevant to the operations of the school district, or our repetitist will not be permitted. Community members who would like to present information not relevant to the school district are always welcome. To communicate directly to the Superintendent Board, President, and all board members via email or other alternative means. We always begin to offer. Students to speak first.st So I'm just going to check to see. I don't see any students in the room. If you are student and you're online. Please put an S after your name, so we can call on you first.st There are no students in the room who like to speak. Then we will start in the room with the non student. Please state your full name. When the timer goes up. Aloni Eris, Cherry Hill, speaking as the Fairfunding Committee chair on behalf of the Zone, Pta. The fair funding committee will be meeting September through June this year, usually on the 4th Thursday of the month. But we are currently actively recruiting people who can attend back to school nights at all of our. Schools through the district, so that if there is a funding shortfall this year, we already have community members in line to help us and to help with our mission. So if you could email me at Fairfunding, at Gmail Com, I'd be happy to add you to our email list. You could follow us on social media at Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or X, whatever it's called. Now. Again. That email addresses chps@gmail.com. Thank you. Thank you for. Your leadership on that. Okay, we go to the line, and the phone number is 7, 8. If you could please state your full name and your municipality when the timer resets. Name is Jeff Powowts, and I live in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Rutgers School of Graduate Education, is the home of NIER. The National Institute for Early Education, NIER. Is a cheerleader for preschool expansion from an early, and that's from an early education standpoint, however, the science is unsettled. Please see the article unsettled. Science on the. Long-term impact of Early Education, published May 2,024, University of Delaware. It describes a new review published in Science Magazine by University of Delaware, assisted Professor Anne Marie Whitaker and her co-authors, which include a co-author from the University of Virginia University of California at Irvin, and. Teacher College of Columbia University. That's diversity. Of opinions. These authors find that the science on long-term effects of early childhood education is unsettled. Alright, I would say, given the enthusiasm of our administration. They will do their best to show how successful preschool. The preschool program will be in Sherry Hill all right. There has been a major focus on preschool by our administration. That's investment in their time and our money. However, a member of the public at a board meeting. What about the learning loss of students due to Covid. To to paraphrase that with the when they when they, to paraphrase that that member of the public and I may not be exact. These students have one year left in our district? Not 12, not 14. Yeah, I agree. What about those students as a reference? Please read proof points. Why, our kids are still struggling in school 4 years after the pandemic. By Jill Barbary, August 19, th 2,024. Heckenger report. They gave an example how kids for 80 to 12 are struggling. In fact, they're progressing slower. Than they did right, even right after the pandemic was over. Meanwhile, the kids that kindergarten 1st grade they're performing just as well as students. Were. Before the pandemic. So they have been less affected than these students that are in a 12th grade, and especially those 12th graders. It is the students in. High school and middle school that really needed their focus on. And someone like me and others mentioned that that. Why don't you focus on the kids, these kids that have extreme learning lists. You chose to focus on other things. And you did preschool expansion needed to be deferred. You didn't do that. That's you did what the State wanted at the expense of our community. And not the expense. Students. Doctor Paul, but your time is up. You appreciate it, and we go back to the room. Anyone like to speak. Please approach the podium and state your full name and municipality. Sara, Jocelyn, Cherry Hill. I'd like 1st to comment on the. The wonderful pre-k Powerpoint that was placed on the district website, which I did review and answered many questions. And then tonight the excellent report that Mr. Greenbaum and. Miss Sugars gave that that clarified the funding. As well as the facilities plan. For the pre-k expansion. I did also really note the importance of the playgrounds, because this is extremely important for this age group. And with the large number of children that are at Malberg. I'm very much interested in understanding not only the playground facilities that will be provided, but how those children will have access to it. And I'm sure that. Ongoing. There will be discussion about transportation of the inboarding and onboarding and outboarding of all those pre-k kids at Melbourg. I did not know if you were having a secondary access point. Besides, the main. Entrance right now to move all the children into the classrooms within the timeframe. I noted, and I mentioned that there is a sustainable Development Goals from 2,015 to 2030. And under the education goal, which I think is 4. Target number 2 is universal. Pre-k, so I really want to make sure that's awareness in the room. That we are working as a country to work towards a sustainable development goals which is a United Nations. Effort. I do appreciate the work that is going on. With all the the school plans. Thank you for that. I just would like to follow up. And be sure that the school plans, and of course this board. Are aware of the importance of addressing the issue of absenteeism which I had brought up before. And that we correct. Record, as was mentioned here, attendance at all grades, and as is needed for the graduation. I thank you all as a board for their service and the excellent meeting tonight. Thank you. Here we go to the line. And it is Harvey Vasquez. You could. Please set your full name and municipality once the timer restarts. Yes, it'd be better. Squish. Cherry Hill. I just wanted to take an opportunity to correct the records. For the last board hearing, I mean I mistakenly. Spoke on who had prepared the presentation. So, Dr. Morton, my apologies. My. Apologies to you. I was under impression that administration. Had. Created the presentation that was given to us as a community. However, the facts still remains that There's a lot more details. Report that. Some of the community members requested. I would only think that I would be fair, not only for the community, but for many other candidates who are. Running for the Board of Education. This coming election. We have to engage with our community and our meeting greets, and I would like to be able, and I speak for myself. I would like to be able to make an informed decision and responses as I communicate with our community. I cannot do that if I don't have all the details. Have the full report. I have appreci. Bit of. Request. So I hope that this report is given to the public. Sometime soon. Coming days, so that. We could become informed. On all of the details. That That surrounds around the redistricting, and so forth. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Thank you. Me go back to the room. If anyone would like to speak, please feel free to approach the podium. We state your full name and your municipality when the timer restarts. Rickshaw, Cherry Hill. I wanna. 1st off I'm gonna apologize. I will correct that. Quote Dr. Morton. But it did make. The speech tonight is dedicated to the students in this room. Because there's a lot of security gaps. And nothing is being done. Madam President. Vice President. Mr. Green. Do you remember standing. On the bus. Hit, a student. You remember. The blood. Stop up. Material that was used. You remember where you were standing when 7 shots were fired. At Cherry Hill, West. These are all security failures, ladies and gentlemen. Remember where you were when the. When the student committed suicide. Mr. Greenwall again. Plastic. Plastic protection has been removed from the bond. Money it was in it. They took it out, and you do nothing. Mr. Green. You do nothing. You have paving worth $741,000. And they did so short. If you'll have comments, please direct them directly to the chair of the meeting, which is me the present, not anybody else at the table. Thank you. He's responsible. For the bond. Mr. Short, please direct your comments to me. If you'd like to target one of us, please target anyone. I'm. He's in charge of the bond, and he's failing. Now you're stopping me again. Okay. All onto Dr. Morton. Dr. Morton. There were. 76 HIVS. An increase. A 76 HIVS. And between 2,018. And 2,023. Rough amount of people that it involves is about 4,120 people that are involved in this. In these extra 73 HIV. Cases. If you take the 3 people in each case. Which equals 6. Times the 9 board members. That's the amount of people that are involved. Dr. Morgan. You're also responsible for the extra 173 cases. Of HIV's under your restorative Justice plan. Which. Involved over 9,120 people. You, sir. Are failing. We go back to the line. I don't see any hands online. So we come back to room to the room. If anyone would like to speak. Please feel free to push push the podium. And I'm home, Chair Hill. So I I'm really disappointed. You had a very. Robust, strategic, planning. And there were absolutely no notes associated with that. Meeting. So it's really hard for the members of the public. Who can attend a 5 o'clock meeting to understand what was even begun to. Discuss that evening. So I would hope that in future. That. Mrs. Stern as President of the Board, you can ensure that we see the appropriate notes. Because all community members can't attend meetings. Thank you. Okay, we go back to the line, and the name is Karen Ersman. If you could kindly state your full name and your municipality as soon as the timer restarts. Hi Karen, Grossman, Cherry Hill, or Karen Fusco. I should say. I miss. Awesome. App. I emailed the Board and Dr. Morton earlier today to express my concerns. With the high number of turnovers at this particular school. I wanted the Board to know as well as everyone here, and listening afterwards or online, that I'm asking for something to change, a plan, something to retain our new and current te, or teachers coming in. Our little student body deserves a stable environment, and our teachers deserve more recognition. Happy Teacher. Happy Classroom. Happy parent. I would also like to agree with the gentleman before speaking of the effects of Covid. Our curriculum is pre covid, and our curriculum waits for no student. No teacher, really, you don't understand. Too bad. Next lesson. It is a shame in my experience. The schools curriculum only benefits students. That do not need any learning support. My children included. Also. This is my 1st meeting attendance, and it's really eye opening. The district spending. It seems there is so much spending of our kids money that. Should be getting put back in our classrooms. Hold on one second. Added to teacher and support. Staff, not hiring more admin assistance. For people. Who are quite capable of fielding their own calls and emails. I actually, I could probably use an assistant right now. You screen budget cuts. But all I see. Are you spending money on crazy things like 450,000, for instance, conferences? If teachers must pay for their own conferences, why are the administrators getting their expenses paid for? Administrators get paid 2 to 3 times more than our teachers? That's my little guy. He's being affected by the malber thing. I was not present to see if the Board approved those conferences, but if they were approved. You say you appreciate teachers, but your actions in the Board's approval of their travel show otherwise. And I'll give the rest of my time back. Oh! Oh! Yeah, I know. I know you're busy with little guys, but would would strongly Suggest if you have time to stay on to listen. We do have superintendent comments after public comment. May or may not know that. Okay. I'll try. So if you're able, yeah, if you're able to just stay on and listen. You don't. You don't have to. You can have to stay on the phone. You'll hang up after your time. But Okay. Thank you. A/C. You'll hopefully hear some helpful responses to concerns as as a lot of members. Thank you so much for calling in and take care, you little guys. Okay, we go back to the room. If anyone would like to speak. Please, press, 20. Yeah, we are still Cherry Hill. I just want to say the construction are amazing. They just care so much. We cross movement through that area to go to the Park. On the dry land soccer at my one of my younger children is obsessed with construction equipment while I was watching everything, and just. The crew has just been awesome and just incredibly friendly and just really dedicated. We had a chance to say thank you to them. We have a student at Russell. I was a student at Rosa when that was getting done. So I feel like I'm living through this all over again. But this time I got to watch it. So just really grateful for all their work in getting it done based on the email. It seems like there won't be Tcu's atk. Crazy in the fall, which would be incredible. They were able to get through the Aing like that because that is unheard of in construction world, especially in Cherry Hill. To say that we have classrooms that were fully done in the time that they needed to be done without delay. Really is understated. So major props to that also acknowledging the communication coming out of summer has been amazing. For people who have lost their offices. We're here for several weeks. While Cruzi was shut down, due to the asbestos abatement and health concerns. Dave. Just a new principal is just hit the ground running. I'm so excited to see what she does. As the actual principal, and the kids are in the building. Looks like an amazing hire. And really, credit is great. Every time she's emailed. She also, you know, to go check your email. As a parent of many children. I appreciate that. Because sometimes emails get lost. So that visual reminder is really helpful, also going to Kilmar, really exciting to start the year for only the second time with the same principles the year before. Really appreciate that. Miss Daniels has been absolutely incredible. She has revived the building revived spirit. You hear it from the teachers, you hear it from the students. She is incredible. And it's really fun. When you get to Year 2, which is when the person really starts making the school their. And I'm so excited to see what she does with that. I really loved the facilities video. I spent the last month at my school in Willingboro, and I see how hard they work, and we've only got 8 buildings, and you have 19. And just really awesome to see that acknowledge, because there is thankless work in a way, and if they don't do it, we see it, and people will complain. But when it is done they don't see it. They're not in the building. Don't see the smell of the wax. They don't see the experience of it. I'm just really grateful for everything they've done to get 19 buildings up and running, including the new construction in East for the Alternative High School. So just lots going on. And they're gonna be facing 5 interesting summers during bond construction on top of that. So really nice to see that I feel terrible that. A student tragedy was being used at this meeting as an agenda item. I was here in Cherry Hill from the massive suicide crisis. It's personal to me. And is never appropriate for those incidents to be used. For anything but to express sorrow for the family and support them and grow as a community, so that we can support mental health. And just to switch gears to the preschool study. I just it's 1 study based on Boston. This is this little.in the world of things. It's always good to read them. But thank you. Thank you. Dr. Okay, do not see any more hands online. We come back to the room. If there's anybody else who'd like to speak, please approach the podium. And doesn't look like there's hands online or in the room. So I will close public comment and turn this over to Dr. Morton for superintendent comments. Thank you again. Ms stern. So staff morale is is ex is of extreme importance to us. We we've utilized the buzzword management collaborative quite frequently. But truly an intention behind it has to do with the research in. Promoting staff wellness and giving staff a voice allowing administrators and staff to work together in a cohesive manner. That, you know, promotes togetherness, promotes unity, but also promotes the success of students. It. It is a bedrock. Of ours for the district, and anything that happens that's contrary to that. You have to assume would be of concern. It's never a good thing for staff members to leave. They're buildings that you know, we that they've been at. And we examine and take very seriously. Any kind of patterns where staff members are leaving the building? Personnel matters or personnel matters. They're they're not to be discussed publicly. But for those community members who do have concerns and reach out. The administrative team and myself do respond accordingly, and are willing to engage and have the conversation with you to clarify. Your understanding, and to answer questions that we are able. To answer. I know there was much chatter and Many questions. Authored about, and vacancies that may exist, or vacancies that. Maybe existing. I can tell you that. Malber will be ready to go. On! The 3.rd On Tuesday. All classrooms will be staffed accordingly. There've been a number of high quality candidates that you know. We've been fortunate enough to hire. Others aren't. Have been higher, but through are going through the the finalization of the hiring process as well. But we believe that the school will be in a good place. As it relates to staffing. We are not hiring additional administrative assistants. We are, we are not hiring additional assistance. Again. We've made. Reorganization moves where, instead of. Having assistant superintendents. We have directors in those positions. The job, descriptions. We're we're tailored to the role of assistant superintendent. The job. Descriptions needed to be adjusted because we've hired the directors and the directors are working instead of the assistant superintendents. These are not new people. There aren't new positions that we've hired. We're just making the adjustments to reflect the staffing that we have. As a matter of fact, the reorganization that we've done. Has actually allowed us to be in the green. We're. Running in a place where we're spending less on administrative staff than we did in the previous year. But we're not hiring new positions. As it relates to Njpsa and administrative conferences. It's critically important that we have an opportunity for our. Administrators to to learn. And grow. To participate in networking opportunities to be exposed to. The best, the most effective practices, as it relates to leading schools. And educating our our kids. Professional. Is of critical importance, and without professional learning there is truly no growth. So for individuals that were charged with leading. Entire school communities. It is necessary that we ensure that they participate. And. Relevant. Cutting edge research, based professional learning opportunities. The Njpsa Conference. It's a great conference. Njpsa is a phenomenal organization. They do great work. In addition to that, our contractual agreements that we have, with various associations. Provide Opportunities. For administrators to to engage in professional learning experiences. We would be violating their contract. If we were to withhold the opportunities from administrators to to go, you know, forward! And there's a certain limit to spending that, you know, occurs, but every building principle, and everyone who's a part of. The Chasa Association has an opportunity to identify. Relevant training. And to participate and attend that that training as part of their contractual agreement. I think. Think that's about it? Thank you, Dr. Morton. I have a few more for you. If that's okay. If you could speak to a couple of things. Cause I I think it's really we're really part of our goals to. Have better communication. And help make sure that the information coming directly from the district is accurate for the community. Right? So some of the things that came up tonight, were also about. And I hear this a lot. One thing away from another. Right, so. For instance. In addition to our. Our administrators, Contractual obligation we have to them to support their professional development. We do. Could you speak a little bit about the contractual obligation and support. That we have for other. Staff, including teachers in our district. For continuing education. Yes, absolutely so. I mentioned new staff orientation when we started this out. New staff orientation, with 3 and a half days. Professional learning as teachers transition into the district. Throughout the course of the year our new staff. Have a requirement to do an additional 18 h and then, on top of that, all staff. Including new staff, have 6 h. Professional learning. Requirements that they have to meet. On an ongoing basis. They typically do that after school hours are over. But they are a mandatory trainings. To ensure that there's consistency in terms of. The delivery of information consistency in terms of. What has been learned and consistency in terms of the implementation. Of those Those items as well. In addition to that, you'll see opportunities for teachers to engage. Professional learning experiences outside of the district. If you think about just the number of certificated staff members that we have. It it. It's. More fiscally responsible for us. To have staff. Key staff members go out, receive training, and then come back and turn key. That training. For other faculty and staff, as well. But it's important. I mean, critically important. Professional learning, professional development is part and parcel of a dedication to continuous growth. And you know without that I. Very concerned and very worried about our ability to continue to move our kids forward. Particularly as it relates to the changing times. So we heard a comment about Covid. And how the curriculum hasn't been adjusted. And I'd have to push back on that and say it couldn't be further from the truth. I think what we've done is we've attempted to examine. Practices that we've utilized prior to Covid. And what we're utilizing after Covid. There's been presentations about new curricula at the elementary level. We have new Ela curriculum we have, Eureka squared, being utilized in elementary schools. The high schools we're looking. The introduction of mathematics, pathways, additional stem opportunities. The middle schools alter and schedule, and your you know, Eureka, is evident there as well. So that's quite a bit of work that we've done the conversation around. Social learning truly is attached to the trauma that we saw. Produced from. From kids as they experience. The isolation associated with Covid! So us attempting to understand. Social, emotional learning. Needs of our students is is attached to that as well, and you know we we've heard much conversation about it. It's a conversation that will continue as well as we move forward. So. Thank you, Dr. Morton. And I, specifically just. Forgive me for having carrying this a little bit longer, but You know it's it's. Lovely to hear from people from the community. People who speak very frequently and also brand new people who say, This is our 1st meeting, and you know we heard someone, and I think she might still be on the line. I don't know how she's doing it with little kids at home. Thank you for for hanging in there. You know, and. I would just say to you, you know, last meeting, you know. Actually, we spoke extensively about I think it was the last meeting about the new we have a and this is speaking to other callers. We have. To really amplify what Dr. Morton is saying. Brand, new. English language curriculum for our entire district. K. Through 8. And pre-kwell, Pre. K. Through 8, and then our high school as well, and. Significant revamping of curriculum and instruction. You know in a few short years that I've been on the board, there's been an enormous shift in the way we're teaching and Or at least focus on making sure that we're teaching and have the materials and the resources. That really reach. All of our students, and in addition to that, we discussed the New Jersey Tiered system of support. Which is. A very involved. System, and we don't. You know, would take a lot to go into it. But essentially, it's geared specifically to catch. Children who might not. Always even be showing significant learning challenges, but maybe have moderate learning challenges. It's also There are 2! To address. Children who have more significant learning needs. And and intervene with them. So There is an enormous amount that's coming. That came last year with. Our high impact tutoring, which was across elementary students up into early Middle School age. So you know, while absolutely, you know, we talk about the importance and the, you know, years and decades of research that does support the best practice of starting as early as possible in preschool for To really start our, you know, with. You know, not just obviously not speaking about book learning, but all kinds of different learning ways that children learn early. But we that's that's 1 aspect of what we're doing. We are doing a tremendous amount to address. Some of the learning needs of our students at every grade level, including our seniors. So You know, I think it's it's an inaccurate portrayal to say that that's not happening. It's very inaccurate. We had a whole discussion in our last meeting as well about our 12th grade students, or in a week will be 12th grade students. So. And some of the you know. How do we address. Sorry. It's true, right? The last few days of former 11th graders. So you know, I just I really think it's important. I I think it's very hard to sometimes see that this is a very large district, and it's a lot to know. And we don't. I don't expect any of us to know all of these pieces. And I can see why in isolation and one meeting, or, you know, one focus and one report. It might seem that way. But it's really inaccurate, and it's quite honestly I worry very much about what that sounds like for the teachers who are listening, who are working really hard to implement this new curriculum, or to understand this whole New Jersey tiered system of support that we're implementing. I don't want them to feel that there's a misunderstanding of all the work they're putting into it, and And yes. You know, having opportunities to take a break and go. Do some new. To learn at professional development. Is redenergizing for teachers who might. Wanna break from the everyday in and out of intensity of teaching and from the administrators, the in and out every day. Having a chance to learn with peers. And generate new ideas and think differently, and look at new research and best practices can be very energizing. So when we talk about teacher wellness, in addition to student wellness, teacher and staff wellness. It falls under that as well. So. I just. Thank you for. Allowing me to to share some, some to really ensure that the the record is more accurate in terms of You know, we're getting an act trying to get an accurate perception out there of what's really of what's going on. Okay. And with that. I make a motion. At a 24 to adjourn. Do I have a second. This is Winters. Are there any? I'm sorry, all in favor. No questions on that motion carries meeting is adjourned.