##VIDEO ID:00orDf2HyBw## e e e e all right God please stand for the flag salute pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republ for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all can we have a moment of silence please all call Mr Kenny miss blin here Mr Bramhall here Mr Evans here miss I cone here Mr Meer here M trumpe here M Topps here M Fitzwater here Mr Kenny here statement is hereby made that adequate notice of this meeting was given by post the sentiment and Township Clerk and the district website on the following date January 17th 2024 and moving on to section 4 routine business uh we have a the secretary's report for July of 24 B the treasurer's report for July of 2024 C the receipts and Appropriations adjustments for July of 24 the monthly transfer e the high school activities report activities reports for August uh F the Food Service management cost performance statement for August G the certified Bill list uh for September of 2024 uh and H the approval of minutes the regular session minutes on August 26 the exec session on August 26th the regular session on August 27th and exec s Session 1 on August 27th and exec session 2 on August 27th um Mr Kenny can I have a motion to approve section four items a through I so moved second second second thank you Mr trumpe comments or questions from the board hearing n we'll take a vote Mr Meer i i i i i i i i i motion approved U moving on to section five routine matters we have the P report as of September 20th of 2024 we have no Health Report this month the fire alarm report for August of 2024 the crisis drill report for August and the superintendent monthly report Mr Capello thank you Mrs Fitzwater i' like to welcome everybody to our first official board meeting since the launch of the school year like to welcome everybody back to the 2024 2025 school year I want to extend my appreciation to all of our teachers our administrators our staff members our family and especially our members of our buildings and grounds uh department for uh working so hard over the summer to prepare for what was uh certainly a very smooth start to the school year I'd also like to recognize the members of our transportation staff uh who have gone through some uh CH lately but have uh done so with Grace and also open the school year uh to much success uh last week we had two of our back to school night so uh special thanks to the folks from the New Albany school and from the rush school for a fantastic back to school nights and we look forward to uh the high school and the Middle School back to school nights later this week uh I'd like to also mention at rush on November 22nd they'll be having a fifth grade career day um and uh so right now seeking members uh from our community we have some parents and family members who do uh diverse host of jobs and looking for some excitement to come to our fifth graders to let them know uh all of the wonderful opportunities that await them out in the community I'd like to give a plug to Mr Gorman and the folks from the high school who are putting together a military tribute wall uh which will give honors to all of our alumni in the community uh who are actively serving or have served in the Army Navy Air Force Marine space force Coast Guard National Guard uh to recognize them and honor them uh in a prominent location that will be in the main hallway uh in around or near uh the installation of the current existing cinnamon in Hall of Fame which if you've ever seen that display uh it's a beautiful dis display and looking forward to paying tribute to the folks who have served uh our community and the greater uh community of the nation as well uh this coming Saturday the cinnamon and Board of Education and a lot of stakeholders in the district will be taking part in the Relay for Life which will take place from 4:00 till 8:00 at cinnamon High School uh so we would invite you to come out for uh a very worthy cause and a couple of news item announcements uh addressing some of you know uh if you check our enrollment report we're just under 3,000 students that number continues to creep up uh in fact even a few more today than there were a couple days ago when that report was run uh we are excited for uh what will hopefully be an early November uh footprint expansion as we're uh preparing for the delivery and installation of learning Cottages a third one at the New Albany school and a third one at the rush school and going through the final phases uh of that and we have some uh students and teachers who are uh very anxious um to to populate those uh brand new classroom spaces uh and also on this evening's board agenda uh the board is um very excited to enter into uh a lease space at Colonial Square shopping center we'll be relocating uh the district's child study team offsite uh to make room uh for office Spa excuse me to take what was otherwise office space and reconverting it back into classroom space uh so that the district can continue its expansion for prek services uh so we look forward to having an early 2025 announcement for our families of students who are four years old uh to re-engage a lottery uh to welcome more students uh to our prek program as a part of our prek expansion grant that we announced last year so we're very excited uh about the new spaces that we'll be adding to the district we have certainly outgrown the square footage that we have here and I applaud the members of the board for being so creative uh and allowing us to expand our Footprints uh while maintaining costs at the same time so with that Mrs Fitzwater have an abbreviated report this evening because I'll be talking again in just a few minutes we look forward to that uh Mr Bramhall can I have a motion to approve section five items a through e so moveed second second thank you Mrs tops comments or questions from the board hearing n we'll take a vote Mr Miker I I I I I I I sorry I motion approved uh moving on to section six our student representative reports uh we have from the high school Gwen chansy good evening everyone for the September agenda we have the students of the month for September will be announced at October's board meeting congrats to the newly elected class of 2028 officers president Reed Hopson vice president Al McCoy Treasurer James Kohler secretary Mia Hamill historian Samantha de Barberry student council liaison Payton Parson fall sports teams have started their seasons for football the permanent captains are Saudi Gant and JJ strob the football team beat Haden Heights 31 to Z last Friday giving them a record of 2 to2 on the season their next game is September 27th and Northern Burlington senior night is October 10th for Glassboro the cheerleaders the captains are Eliza Jeff Kaylee trost and Jordan Welsh their senior game night is October 10th the boy soccer captains are Owen digy Noah Huber John cassic Shane mcdevit the boy soccer team record is 3 2 and one their senior night game is September 28th vers shot the girls soccer captains are Avis svage Siri Herer Bailey colon Shila Moore and Nora Quinn the girls soccer team record is 42 and one they lost their last game on September 20th for Paul the 6 3-2 their senior night game is Tuesday October 22nd vers Bard in town at Memorial Park the field hockey captains are Ali yodis Olivia Marinelli via mcdermit and Lauren Brown the team's record is 5- one they won their last game vers Cedar Creek on September 25th 21st 3 to one their senior game night is October 5th vers Pence Hain the girls tennis captains are Nicole Jones and stie beroff their record is 2-2 in the division and two and5 overall their senior night game is Wednesday October 9th versus Bishop Eustace the boys cross country team captain is Brandon Smith the boys had a good day at the Thompson Park 2 Mile two weekends ago and medled each race Jacob Wickersham placed first in the junior class and set numerous personal records the girls cross country team the captains are Olivia Moyer Abby flry and Sarah Sereno at the Thompson Park 2 Mile two weekends ago ago the girls had five girls running personal records the girls volleyball captains are Sam danowski Hannah Derbyshire and Anella Asbury the team's record is 5 and3 with home games on September 23rd vers Sterling and the 26th vers Collingswood their senior night game is October 9th vers Delan the play unified team kicked off its season on Tuesday September 17th they have practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays their first game will be against mortown on October 1st at home for student council homecoming 2024 planning is underway the theme is US cities seniors took Philadelphia Juniors took New York City sophomores took Los Angeles and the Freshman took Miami spirit week officially begins with Hall decorating on Sunday September 29th from 1: to 4:00 p.m. this spirit days are Monday is Disney day Tuesday is Twisted Tuesday in which students dress as a typical teacher while teachers dress as a typical student Wednesday is under the sea Thursday is Tourist Day each class dresses like they're visiting their chosen City and Friday is class color day the week's competition culminates on Friday October 4th with the homecoming pep rally Friday night is the homecoming football game vers Florence where we will announce the homecoming court at halftime after the band's halftime performance on Saturday October 5th the homecoming dance is from 7: to 10: p.m. in the commitment gym and the winner of spirit week will be announced interact is currently working on the Year's plans and activities the National Honor Society has started the year strong helping freshmen and new students new students a climate to school throughout the building during freshman orientation and other events the NHS will soon begin after school tutoring on Tuesdays and will help out on back to school night on September 25th a CHS marching band halftime show for the 2024 season is titled bent the marching Pirates took second place out of nine bands at their band competition at Washington Township High School on Saturday P DEA then cinnamon and DEA officers had visited the CHS business education classes to present information to the students about joining the chapter for new school year the fourth annual students vers staff basketball fundraising game has been approved and planning is underway for the November 21st event the recipient from the event will be NJ de nj's Deca charitable organization for 2025 the American Cancer Society thank you thank you Gwen now we'll hear from the U Middle School representative Noah Bundy good evening my name is no Bundy and I am honored to be your Middle School Board of Education liaison this year I a student athlete and play for the boys soccer team and play lacrosse I'm a member of the National Junior Honor Society and I like to play video games and hang out with friends in my free time furthermore the student council election was held in June of 2024 the candidates presented their videos speaches and the student body voted during Home Room the officers for the 24 2024 to 2025 school year are as follows president Kai Quigley vice president Juliana delapena secretary Sita Sun Treasurer Gavin Lane Board of Education liaison myself Noah Bundy home and school liaison Charlotte leits the student of the month core value for September is perseverance I will be reporting the students nominated for this core value next month students participated in tryouts for fall Sports over the last couple of weeks the teams are set and the students have began playing records for these sports are boys soccer A Team 1 in one boys soccer B Team 1 in one girl soccer A Team 1 and0 girls soccer B Team 2- 0 girls field hockey a team 1- one and finally girls field hockey B Team 1 and0 clubs and activities are starting this week as well the student council along along with cinnamons and staff and students will be participating in Relay for Life this Saturday September 28th from 400 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. participants will walk laps as we celebrate our community's cancer survivors honor our Fighters and remember those we have lost we are busy planning the back to school activities our first activity is a sixth grade only bowling trip on October 7th as well as a back to school dance for 7th and 8th grade on October 25th October is a busy month students will be participating in activi for week of respect violence and vandalism week and red womon week thank you very much have a great evening thank you Noah very good we look forward to uh hearing your report every mon all right you guys can leave if you [Laughter] want uh next we're moving on to section s presentation uh this tonight we have a presentation from Mr Capello Dr goldurn on the NJ qac this how do I let me pull this [Music] out exactly Perfect all right good evening again everyone I appreciate your attendance and uh this is something new um for me uh for our school district in the last few years as um we have not done a qac presentation as a district in the better part of 9 years and for those of you unfamiliar with the quality single accountability Continuum you are probably in Good Company um so the New Jersey quality single accountability Continuum pronounced qac for short so over the course of the last year or two you may have heard us make reference uh to qac accountability or qac alignment uh but it is essentially the district's uh self- evalu and performance evaluation model and uh for lack of a better word it is the district's accreditation uh all districts in the state of New Jersey go through a qack process once every 3 years uh so you may be wondering why we haven't done this in N9 years and I'll get to that in just a moment so um uh qac is a statutorily mandated right so it is required by the state legislature um system of school district performance accountability and assessment uh it is a set of standards for measuring how well our local school officials manage tax dollars and educate our children and it serves as a yard stick for determining an appropriate level of State oversight of Local District uh government and administration uh qac was created Again by Statute from the quality single accountability Continuum act and that dated back to 2005 when cusac first became a thing uh in the state of New Jersey and managed by the New Jersey Department of Education um presently the uh Paradigm by which we are measured was re-evaluated in November of 20 2017 giving us the current model for qac and this existing model is once again up for consideration and right for changes uh so qac focuses on monitoring school districts in five areas uh which based on Research have been determined to identify key factors uh in effective school districts and these five areas that you'll hear about in just a little bit are instruction and programming uh fiscal management governance operation and Personnel all right uh so essentially uh this single accountability system consolidates and incorporates monitoring requirements again from state law but also complements federally uh required improvements to the school district again it's essentially a measure of how well the district provides the constitutionally mandated thorough and efficient education I mentioned it's been a while since cinamon has gone through QC so a little bit of the history 20145 uh the district uh was the last time the district went through qac and passed qac at the time in 201718 the department of education provided a waiver for certain districts that met uh High performing performance benchmarks uh cinamon as a high performing District exceeded the minimum expectations to wave through the qac process and um when we talk a little bit about the work that goes into qac you'll understand why we opted to wave uh through the qac process that time and then again in 200 uh 2021 everybody knows what school districts we're dealing with that year uh once again districts were given the option if we wanted to wave through uh the qac process we opted to wave through the qac process despite uh the volumes of work that uh folks like Dr gurn did to prepare us uh for passing at that time uh so a little bit about the timeline the background and what goes into uh going through this qac the process you know while it took place essentially last year throughout the entire course of the school year it is ultimately a three-year process that leads up to preparing us and getting us ready for qac uh the district submits a series of what we call dprs or District performance reports a self assessment essentially a test to the Department of Education this is what we are required to do and this is what we have done and this is how we can prove it with evidentiary documents uh if you look up at the the two pictures up there for illustrative purposes that was essentially our District's data dump right that is the record of everything that we proport that we do uh that we were able to submit to the Department of Education uh for evaluation uh these materials are then reviewed by the executive County superintendent's office uh they review our documentation in sort of a a preview and then they come on site to do a series of official evaluations so they make on-site visits and we'll talk about each of the five areas and what the on-site visit may have looked like for that area uh certain aspects of our data are already submitted to the New Jersey Department of Education such as student performance reports uh those are uploaded through the New Jersey smart system uh so there is there is no self-reporting that is required uh for certain measures the department actually knows our data uh going in and Dr goldber will talk a little bit more about what that looks like from uh instruction and programming purposes so uh it is a holistic evaluation they take all of these things the county department of education does an evaluation they do as I mentioned an on-site visit and then ultimately uh that data gets sent up to Trenton where someone from the State Department of Education the team the qac team there uh then reviews and then they give us notice and uh I don't want to foreshadow but we did get the news very recently on on how we did so with that uh I'm going to turn it over quickly to Dr goldurn Who will talk about some of the individual areas by which we are assessed thank you very much so all five of the sections instruction and program Personnel Finance governance and operations uh there's a voluminous manual that shows all the different indicators in each um each realm and each one is worth different amounts of points and within each section you have to get at least 80 points to pass that section and you need to get at least 80 points in all five sections to pass and be deemed a a high- performing School District if you look um at the State Board of Education each month they approve uh a batch of districts each County every three years everybody goes through it so say in in uh Burlington County there's 35 school districts 35 divided by three basically you know 12ish 12 12 school districts go through the process each year so it's not everybody all at once but we have found in the last couple of years that this very first section has been the one that has been most challenging to school districts because it's not just you know the work that we do you know as a board as administrators and adopting policies and everything like that but you see the items there in the white font uh those are student performance indicator so it's based on you know the work that our students the work that our teachers are doing in the classroom that's a substantial amount of points so if you were to look at the State Board of Education uh meeting minutes you'll find lots and lots of school districts that have like a 78 in instruction and program 90s and hundreds and everything else um so this has been uh a bit of a challenge uh coming out of covid so the first uh three bullet points there student performance and progress on state tests that's the njsla in English Math and Science performance progress how well students are doing from one year to the next that is measured in English and Mathematics the high school graduation rate and the percentage of students who are chronically absent a chronic absentee is defined as a student who has missed 10% of the school year so those three bullet points it's really seven indicators make up 60% of the inp as it's affectionately referred to I don't think the word AFF acely has ever associated with qac but um those are the uh the big batch of points there the items in red are documents that we needed to produce um for the doe curriculum documents in English Math Science Social Studies World Language Visual and Performing Arts and health and physical education and evidence of a multi-tiered system of supports so just looking at curriculum for a moment this is straight out of the handbook from last year mathematics so there is a person in the county office the education specialist who reviewed all of our curriculum documents and you see there number 10 letters a through I all the different things that were expected to be in each of those Maps kindergarten math through calculus and everything in between kindergarten science through physics you get the idea so we had to have a curriculum that is meeting the grade level expectations based on standards that are unique to that grade span specified letter C there different types of Assessments that would be implemented throughout the course of the school year what are the instructional materials that are being used a pacing guide this unit's going to take six weeks this unit's going to take eight weeks how much time is going to be allotted there interdisciplinary connections what is something that is being taught in math that may very well have a connection with science something in science that might have a connection with health um uh what else do we have there 21st century skills that's a different uh Realm of the standards that has to do with um technology uh what are known as life literacies and key skills and Al also um financial literacy letter H integration of technology which I just mentioned and Career Education as well so if you ever look at our curriculum documents they're on our sentiments and web page some of them are 50 pages some of them are 100 pages and a lot of them are uh done so because of all the different requirements that are uh that are expected there so for instruction and program The District received a score of 84 which meant that we passed that particular section on the performance accountability data we received 44 out of 60 points for the documents 40 out of 40 I'll take one example this is how these numbers are calculated each of the diff the seven uh perform performance indicators has a different uh amount of points that's associated with it take the high school graduation rate for example the high school graduation rate was around 92% so set aside 92 and then for sentiments in high schools class of 2023 this was based on the 2022 2023 school year you had every single student group that existed in that class so a group could be be based on race could be based on uh certain educational program for which there was at least 10 students so students who were Hispanic who were white who were African-American who were Asian um students who may have been in the multilingual learner program students who may have an IEP all those different subgroups the state calculates the graduation rate for all of them as well so those seven or eight graduation rates you average those numbers together you get number it's probably somewhere in the 80s and then that 92 that I spoke of a moment ago the overall graduation rate those two numbers get averaged together and then that came to 90% so the school district got 90% of the graduation rate points so you add those all up and through njsla performance njsla growth chronic absenteeism and the graduation rate adds up to 44 points out of 60 so that is the the Imp section again the one that has been uh a bit of a challenge for many uh many many school districts in New Jersey operations is another section goes over an array of different topics um policies that the school district sets with regard to the code of conduct if you were here at the August board meeting we annually approve the codes of conduct for each school that is a qac requirement HIV policy attendance policies alcohol and drug abuse and prevention policy policies that they are in place that they are being implemented um home instruction policies ensuring that students who are on home instruction are being taught by a certified teacher being taught by a certified teacher who has a background check data reporting to the NJ dooe about staff uh certifications and whatnot ssds two times a year Mr Capello shares the data with regard to uh violence HIV things of that nature transportation services nursing gifted and talented Services Counseling Services did the school district have theou the memorandum of understanding with law enforcement signed by the appropriate date monthly security drills each month the school is supposed to have a both a fire drill and a crisis drill there are eight mandated drills schools have to show that they did all eight of those mandated ones and for two other months of the year they could repeat one of them or do another type of drill as well operation score 98 out of 100 Personnel evidence of professional development we had to show that we had a professional development plan as a district that all of our certified staff members had professional development plans showed evidence of what we did at our professional development days showed evidence that we expended uh funds to pay for conferences guest speakers alignment with the teach NJ law which mandates that school um certified School teachers get evaluated X number of times that they happen within certain time frames we needed to show proof of that evidence that we did the appropriate evaluation of people in school leadership positions again that they happened in the right time the frequency of them all of that evidence needed to be shared with the executive County Superintendent proof that we are uh per code mentoring our brand new teachers uh who are joining us and this is their first career straight out of college career shift evidence that that mentoring was taking place making sure that the folks who are in the classrooms have the appropriate certifications the appropriate background checks job descriptions for the different jobs that exist in the school and maintaining uh attendance records for staff and noting if there's any Trends uh taking action with that regard so those are three of the five um got at least an 80 in those three so I'll leave you all in spense the last two back Mr cello thank you Dr goldber and I'll apologize in advance if it if the text seems small uh there were about 17 areas under fiscal management uh by which we needed to provide evidence uh broken out into 15 different indicators uh number of the items that appear on board agendas I know we have some regulars here uh who see the board meeting uh agendas week by week secretaries report financial statements transfer statements uh a lot of the things that happen under routine business and routine ma matters are mandated by Statute and are also a part of our evaluation and assessment through qxo uh and I I and I will not read all of them to you um but I will say that this portion of the review is very detailed uh Mrs living good in her office were're tasked with providing evidence that every month we are in compliance with this and seemingly missing one date can cost you as much as six different points um on the qac uh review so attention to detail is certainly large part of the fiscal management evaluation piece and if I can um on this next slide I just wanted to show you some specifics uh and this is taken right out of the state's PowerPoint uh and what these 15 indicators in fiscal management look like so just examples of we have to be able to show things like um you know the relationship between our fiscal management and our facilities facilities are a large part of the fiscal management category so uh for instance we have to be able to show that we have a certified educational facilities manager uh who is in charge of our facilities working under lure of the state of course we do um and then uh budgetary transfers are made in accordance with the law so the things that are statutorily required that say that if you are transferring money from column A to column B it is happening in the statutorily prescribed timeline and that it is being board approved at a monthly meeting uh our cash flow uh reimbursements from federal grants um a lot of the action that we take again is dictated by um either state or federal mandate and that purchasing is happening in a certain way and again this is just a small snapshot of all of the things that are uh required under the fiscal management piece and uh at this point I should also note that um there is a health and safety evaluation uh for every building in the district we have five physical plants our four schools and of course Memorial the annex of New Albany school and each one of these facilities has to go through a 51 Point checklist to ensure uh that the facilities uh meet the state requirements uh for our walk through and they came on site they visited each of our five buildings and went through the indicators to ensure that the things that we reported we were doing we were actually doing and uh these inspections are are I will say our County Business official I will give him great praise he is extremely thorough um measuring all of the things that you know what what is on the wall and is it in compliance with uh what is allowed to be on the wall and is is there stuff within 2 feet of the ceiling and rules that you wouldn't necessarily know uh are in existence uh thanks to this checklist dictate uh a lot of the things that we look around and see things like are we in compliance with Janet's law which requires that we have a panic button in each of our buildings uh and as our County Business official walked through uh he certainly checked and evaluated all of those things um just for example drinking water the results of our lead testing fire protocols if he went into a science room was the vent fume properly working not just installed but ready to be working our electrical compliance our kitchens they walked the kitchens to ensure that they were meeting certain health and safety standards and uh I'm happy to report that uh our facility showed off extremely well um the last area is governance and um governance deals with a lot of also the things that our board of education does on a regular basis uh an important one evaluating the superintendent uh every year alignment of all of our curriculum as we indicated with the njsls and that's where I talked about this is a three-year process if you've been to a board meeting again I know we have a lot of regulars uh sometimes on a monthly basis we are adopting and updating our curriculum to be in compliance uh with the state standards and I will also give a compliment to our County Ed specialist he is also extremely thorough in ensuring that if we say we are doing something to actually check and present artifacts to show examples of where we are doing that um also again getting back to some of the things that are in the routine matters and the routine business on a Board of Education meeting uh that our Personnel is appointed uh in accordance with policy and in accordance with state law that uh anybody that is uh approved to work in the district is appointed at the recommendation of the superintendent uh we have certain budget timelines and expenditure uh expectations out of the business office that also come under governance uh things like the meeting that we're having this evening there will be accurate minutes reflected of this meeting that will be made available on our website that is done every every month uh all of the board members all of the administrators file an Ethics disclosure on an annual basis that is also part of the requirements and then more granular things that we are offering you know Media Services to students and programs for our multilingual Learners so uh proud to report that our governance score there was 100 out of 100 and uh just to get a one last big picture of and I will I will credit the state as as Dr goldber mentioned we don't always necessarily refer to qac with affection but uh I will recognize the fact that um the way qac is designed is um there is representation of the interplay between these five indicators and making connections between governance and fiscal indicators again this was taken out of uh the PowerPoint uh made available to us from the Department of Education but essentially to show that uh what happens in government is reflective of what happens in our fiscal indicators and the same thing can be said uh for the relationship between governance and things like our curriculum which would happen under program and instruction so uh just some sample so uh our district is presented with this and everywhere where you see a governance indicator we provided those volumes of of backup and support to be able to show the state uh where we were at with that so uh our final slide here is in summary and I will not read it to you but the um the parts that are highlighted in red um essentially our district were very proud to report was to be high performing under the New Jersey qac standard and I take exceptional pride in that this year with our cohort uh because if you do what Dr goor said and go to the State Board of Education uh monthly reports where they certifi districts that have passed USAC you will see a not passing rate exceedingly higher than the passing rate uh somewhere on like a 3 to1 curve this year uh most of that coming out of uh program and instruction so um I'm very proud of the district I'm proud of the work that uh our folks did to ensure that we received um passing remarks uh and passing scores on qac our final summary scores are there hopefully they're large enough to be legible for everyone and I have some uh thank yous I'd like to address because again this does not happen in a vacuum uh aside from our Board of Education and their leadership in ensuring our compliance uh all of our administrators uh Dr goldurn uh worked exceptionally hard over the last several years to make sure that we were set up uh to be able to receive such high marks uh Mrs living good Mrs lellan uh Mr Tindle with all of our facilities and the uh administrative assistants Mrs pette Mrs uh Dreer and Mrs Weiss from the superintendent and business office uh who did a lot of those that early slide with all those binders and all those artifacts um that was an exceptional amount of work and we're we're very proud to report this to the board and even the reporting of this is also statutorily required So within a month of getting this news we are here uh reporting it publicly not that we didn't want to celebrate but if we had different news we would still be here uh providing this report so with that uh any members of the board who may have a question for Dr Gober or I so will they allow you to will they allow us to skip the next one because of the results that we got or we're not that lucky interesting that you should ask um the QC process and perhaps it is indicative of uh the higher rate of folks who did not pass is currently under review so we will expect the rules to change uh for next time but nonetheless we expect to be prepared and if um look we we hold ourselves accountable Above All Else so whether the the state requires certain uh procedures to be followed uh we will certainly be in compliance with them but even if we're not required to and we wave out of it we will still hold ourselves to that same high standard right on thank you [Music] okay we're going uh back to the agenda uh number eight correspondence to the board I believe the board received an inquiry as to the um women the girls wrestling team at the high school I do know that Mr Capello is in contact with that parent uh anything else okay moving on to section nine uh we had no committee meetings this month so we have no committee reports uh moving on to section 10 uh public comment uh and that is for items on the agenda and I will share I find it all right so members of the public are reminded that comments should be limited to items appearing on the meeting's agenda tonight uh there'll be another opportunity during this meeting to comment on non-agenda items all members of the public wishing to speak on agenda items only should raise their hand to indicate their wish to speak and when called upon participants should State their first and last name and addresses clearly for the record in accordance with sentiment and Board of Education bylaw 01 64.6 comments will be limited to a maximum of 4 minutes per person and the comment period will be limited to 30 minutes in duration pursuant to the open public meetings act the board will not publicly discuss or comment on matters involving Personnel litigation negotiations or the attorney client privilege the board may choose not to respond to comments made by members of the public during this portion of the meeting however all comments will be given appropriate consideration matters requiring followup will be referred to the superintendent for resolution do we have anyone who wants to comment on agenda items hi Edie uh where do I live whenwood drive and cinnamon um sorry I didn't have uh time to go through your agenda cuz you didn't give us enough time to actually go and review everything in it so I would highly ask that you print it at least a week in advance to give the parents actual time to review them that would be great again with the policy changes um every single policy that you posted was a revision I've been to other districts they redlined their changes um going through one and comparing them is so timely and when the agenda is printed a week a day in advance it's impossible it's impossible for anybody to go through that and see what you actually change so here are my questions student suicide prevention absolutely for the policy I do have a question why would the student be referred to a child study team for evaluation and not a suicide intervention team that's trained in that because it's it's or it's not end it's or so it would be either or so why would that happen why would we choose to not call somebody in that's trained in that aspect and instead decide to keep it with our case managers in District that are not as highly trained or may not be trained at all well they they have some limited training right 2 hours I think it is so that's my first question um I love the curriculum can you do me a favor can you add a syllabus requirement for each class because I've been now waiting for two and a half weeks to figure out which books my kid is going to have to read this year and I can't get it I've emailed we've had a meeting I would love for this curriculum requirement to be built out just a little bit more and give parents just a little bit more insight in what their children actually going to be learning cuz that's a really really tough thing to get from your school that's all thank you thank you thank you anyone else okay we're going to move to section 11 personnel certificated and non-certificated Dr Capello sorry about that Mr uh thank you Mrs Fitzwater I am under Section 11 personnel uh seeking the board's approval for the following under letter A numbers one and numbers and number two under letter B transfers uh seeking the board's approval for item number one names listed in the agenda under letter C resignations retirements there are four names for the board's consideration for approval listed in the agenda under letter D extra Duty appointments seeking for the board to ratify and affirm the following under uh numbers 1 uh through 16 uh as listed in the agenda under leaves of absence there are four of them listed for board approval in the agenda under letter F teacher overload seeking the board to approve numbers one and two uh we have no items under g& H this evening and under student teachers there are two for consideration uh by the board numbers one and two as listed under letter i in the agenda and under substitute teachers uh there is only an item two is one uh which should be listed as number one seeking the board's approval for uh items a through J uh that are listed in the agenda and under letter K seeking the board to approve the four names under item number one uh for approval and with that that is Personnel Mrs Fitzwater thank you Mr Capello um Mrs trumpe can I have a motion to approve section 11 personnel C certified noncertified items a through K so moved second second thank you Mr Evans comments or questions from the board heing will to take a vote Mr Topps i i i i i i i i i motion approved moving on to section 12 curriculum and instruction Dr goldurn thank you very much I just wanted to begin I neglected to say one thing when I was at the podium I also wanted to extend my appreciation and thank you to all of our department supervisors and leads who helped with rewriting and updating curriculum making sure all the eyes were dotted and tees were crossed I wanted to thank those folks as well I forgot to do it when I was up there uh but under uh number 12 letter a professional development requests uh requesting approval of those items that are attached under letter B the field trip requests that are attached nothing under letter C this month under letter D curriculum four maps for uh sentiments in high school Under letter E the monthly Hib report as attached under letter F the suspension report report and under letter g a uh student enrollment uh for the 2425 school year thank you Dr goldurn Miss Zone can I have a motion to approve section 12 items a through G so moved and I'm stain 12a item line 32 second second thank you Mr Kenny uh comments or questions from the board hearing n we'll take a vote Mr Maker abstain from from item 12 a line 30 otherwise I um abstain from 12 a line 31 otherwise I abstain from item 12a line 25 I to everything else I for everything my turn thank you I for everything but abstain from curriculum and instruction item 12 a line 34 reason self abstain item 12 a line 32 self I for everything abstain for curriculum and instruction item 12a line 33 for self I for everything else okay and I also um I abstain from curriculum instruction item 12 a line 26 uh reason self I approve everything else uh so motion is approved uh if you're wondering what that all is is the the um New Jersey Schoolboard conference is in um October and so most of the members of the Board of Education are attending that and so we cannot vote for ourselves to go there so we have to abstain from the line in which we are um listed okay so that's what what that's all about uh moving on to uh section 13 uh special education Mrs lellan thank you Mrs Fitzwater under a contracts seeking the boards approved two contracts with the New Jersey commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired for to provide level one services for the 2024 25 school year under letter B student placements seeking the board to approve the out of District placements for the 2024-25 school year as attached and under letter C consultant agreement seeking the seeking the board to approve two consultant agreements as requested by the district for the 20242 school year uh to provide the services and rates as listed in the agenda thank you thank you Mrs well M Mr Evans can I have a motion to approve section 13 items a through C so moved second second thank Mrs tops comments or questions from the board hearing n we'll take a vote Mr Maker i i i i i i i i i motion approved moving on to section 14 uh policy there are several policies please uh hand that over to Mr Capo yes thank you Mrs Fitzwater uh seeking the board's approval for the policies listed in the agenda under item number one and this would be for their second reading thank you Mr Capello um Miss blin can I have a motion to approve section 14 uh item a policy and regulations so moved second second thank you Mr trumpe comments or questions from the board hearing now we'll take a vote Mr tops I I I I i i i i i motion approved moving on to section 15 business and finance miss living good thank you Mrs Fitzwater under Section A grants that the board accepts the 2425 UniFi Champion schools Grant in the amount of $3,000 as per attached under Section B finance that the board approves the mileage reimbursement requests as per the staff members as attached under section c operations that the board accepts with appreciation the donation of $20.60 from the cinamon and Elementary home and School Association to the new teacher orientation under Section D contracts item 1A that the board approves the agreement between the cinamon and Board of Education as the sending District to Oakland board of education for the contract as attached item 2A that the board approves the renewal of the interlocal service agreement with Riverside board of education for transportation services for the 2425 school year is attached to B that the board approves the renewal of the interlocal service agreement with Maple Shade board of education for mechanic services for bus repairs for the 2425 school year as attached and item to see that the board approves the renewal of the interlocal service agreement with the Palmyra board of education for mechanic services for BS repairs for the 2425 school year as attached item number three that the board approves the contract with Thomas Jefferson University is attached for student physical trainers item number four that the board approves the change order number one for the middle school hbac project is attached item number five the approval of the 2425 anticipated contracts revised as attached and item number six that the board approves the multi-year lease agreement between the cinamon and Board of Education and Colonial Square Associates LLC as per the attached agreement thank you Mrs water thank you Mr living good Mr Meer can I have a motion to approve section 15 business and finance items a through D so moved second second thank you Miss blin comments or questions from the board hearing I will take a vote Miss Topps i i i i i i i i i motion approved uh 16 other business don't think we have any not tonight okay uh section 17 uh public comments uh so during this time public comments section of the meeting the board will seek public comment on any item all members of the public wishing to speak on on the um on any item uh should raise your hand to indicate your wish to speak and when called upon you will stand State your first name last name and address uh at the podium in accordance with the sentiment and Board of Education bylaw 0 64.6 comments will be liit limited to a maximum of 4 minutes per person and the comment period will end after 30 minutes pursuant to the open public meetings act the board will not publicly discuss or comment on matters involving Personnel litigation negotiations or the attorney client privilege the board may choose not to respond to comments made by members of the public during this portion of the meeting however all comments will be given appropriate consideration matters requiring followup will be referred to the superintendent Mr fellow for resolution do we have any members of the public wishing to speak see none okay what's wrong with you people we always have comments all right then we're moving on to section 18 comments from the board Mr Kenny he jinx this oh sorry that happened at the Oscars one timeo okay good evening members of the school board my name is karice hunt and I'm the district liaison for seasa this year I'm here to provide an update on our back to school activities and initiatives uh the last fiscal year seasa invested 37,000 directly in learning student and teacher support we ended the year with strong financial reserves allowing us to continue our commitment to the enhancing the educational experience welcome back events we kicked off the school year by welcoming our Elementary School staff at Memorial New Albany and rush we restock snacks and staff lounges to show our appreciation additionally we hosted welcome picnics at both Memorial and New Albany schools facilitating Community connections among students families and staff these events were well attended and received positive feedback Spirit Weare inititive iives we have been actively selling spirit wear at kindergarten and third grade orientations as well as during back to school nights at russan New Albany this week we will continue our spirit well spirit wear sales at the CMS back to school night in the cinen and music festival we encourage families to purchase Spirit Weare ahead of the first Spirit day which is on October 11th during the week of respect our annual Spirit Weare pre-sale is currently live online featuring new designs the order form will remain open until October 14th with delivery scheduled for November pirate Pride initiative we launched a new initiative to celebrate pirate Pride on the first Friday of every month staff members from Memorial New Albany and Rush are invited to wear cinnamon and spirit wear and participate in a raffle for prizes in September 133 staff members joined in and we anticipate even greater participation in October a special thank you to Patient First for their $500 donation Wards our raffle prizes and to Tony Sopranos and Wawa for their generous support in extending our offerings upcoming events and fundraisers Winterfest vendor registration is now open with no cost for teacher and student clubs we encourage groups to plan fundraisers and can provide the necessary coupon for registration we're closing out our pretzel sale sign up and will begin distribute distribution next Friday and additionally we have DIN and donates planned Chick-fil-A on October 7 17th and the 24th Community engagement finally um we invite our elementary school families to join us for our first meeting which will be Tuesday October 1st at the rush School library and we're looking forward we're looking to recruit a recording secretary and a memorial prek chair to complete our board our cor our current board represents a diverse mix of parents with various backgrounds and experiences all committed to supporting our elementary school community thank you for your attention and I look forward to your support as we continue to enhance the educational experience for our students thank you thank you Miss hunt thank you thank you thank you to shasa for the hard work that they do every year all right uh anyone else okay now we're going to Ed Kenny for comments from the board thank you Mrs Fitzwater uh congratulations to the marching band for the second place finished last weekend also congratulations to our students teachers supervisors oh there we go did you lose me for a second congratulations to our students teachers supervisors and administrators as our district was deemed High performing in our QC review this is a testament to the hard work and dedication to our curriculum implementation and instructional process Kudos uh thank you to Mr Capello and Dr goldber for the extremely thorough presentation tonight on the qac thank you to Gwen and Noah for your reports you're both doing a great job thank you to C hassa for Their donation to our new teacher orientation and of course for all you do thank you to everyone who came out tonight and for everyone who came up to address the board we appreciate your time and your questions it was also wonderful seeing so many parents at last week's back to school nights and we look forward to seeing more at our remaining back to school nights this week at the middle school and the high school Wednesday and Thursday thank you for attending and supporting your children and our schools and thank you to our teachers and staff for the hard work and dedication in the preparation for the events we hope to see you at the Relay for Life on Saturday at the high school track which runs from 4: to 8:00 p.m. and the next regularly scheduled meeting is October 15th at 700 p.m. right here in the Middle School cafetorium more information can be found on the district website and before we leave I'm going to kick it back to Mr Capello for one final item yes and I appreciate that Mr Kenny I did forget uh for the board uh as a special token of their appreciation the team from The Culinary team of students from the Middle School uh and their inaugural cook in the kitchen and they have prepared a a small treat for the board to indulge in after the meeting so thank you to miss basil uh the administration and the students from the Middle School who are putting their revitalized uh kitchen to Great use so be sure to stop across the hall before you go home this evening thank you Mr the end of the meeting it certainly was all right um Mr tops can I have a motion to adjourn so move second second thank you Mr Evans all in favor opposed meeting is adjourned see you next month for