I know but I good evening I'd like to call the meeting the order at 7:03 can I have a moment of silence please I'll stand for the flag salute I pled aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all uh roll call Mr Kenny here M blin here Mr Bramhall here Mr Evans here Mrs Zak con here Mr Maker here Mr trumpe here M tops here M Fitzwater here statement is hereby made that adequate notice of this meeting was given by submission of said notice to the Burlington County Times the courrier post the cinnamons and Township Clerk and the district website on the following dates March 3rd 2023 March 28th 2023 and January 17th 2020 2024 uh we're moving ahead to section four routine business we have a the board secretary's report for March of 24 B the treasurer's report for March of 24 C the receipts and transfers for March of 24 D the monthly transfer report for March of 24 e the high school activities report for April of 24 F the Food Service management cost performance statement for April of 24 uh G the certified Bill list for May of 2024 and the approval of minutes regular minutes from April 16th confidential minutes from April 16th and the public hearing on April 25th all 2024 Mr Kenny can I have a motion to approve section four routine business items a through H so moved second second thank you Miss trumpe comments or questions from the board hearing n we'll take a vote Mr merer i i i i i i i i i motion approved moving on to section five routine matters we have the enrollment report as of May 3rd the health report for April the fire alarm report for April the crisis drill report for April and the superintendent's monthly report Mr Capello thank you Mrs Fitzwater thank you to members of the audience and those of you watching at home we appreciate your attendance at this evening's board meeting um ironically uh we normally are in a very big room with many many empty seats and lots of extra square footage so we appreciate everybody cramming in here with us in the library uh temperature is certainly nice in here so uh Welcome to our regular meeting of the Board of Education during my superintendent report if you've never been here for them before uh we talk about some of the things that are going on in the district and recognize uh some of the people that are doing outstanding things and I'll start that presentation this evening with our New Albany students of the month uh for preschool uh and more to come on preschool no Nolan Torres kindergarten shaan first grade Ryan mccuan second grade Charlotte appuchi and our special star student Logan kazinski um I also have some names of some Rush April students of the month but I understand they will find out tomorrow so I'm not going to read them just yet we'll table that until June is it okay do I have do I have okay I have the green light so this is hot off the press no one tell them I'm sure if you're watching at home Rush students stop watching right now act surprise tomorrow so congratulations to third grader Colton rinsky fourth grader Bella Dominguez pilot fifth grader Kendall lorensen and our specialist student of the month Ella trotman uh speaking of hot off the press just received this from Mr Wilkinson congratulations to our boys track team who won their division also congratulations to our girls lacrosse team that won the division for the second year in a row and this is the first time in the history of the sport for the school that they've ever had consecutive titles so congratulations to them also congratulations to our golf team that won the group to South State sectional um in other news it is testing season here in cinnamon so our students will be taking the njsla the coats AP testing so there are a number of Assessments this time of year we certainly wish them all the best of luck particularly students who are testing here at the middle school this week like to uh recognize and thank members of cinnamon and cpeg uh you probably have seen their announcements come out through my office and also on our Facebook page uh thank you to Mrs Joyce Mrs Neil and Miss peplowski who came to my office to meet with me in late April to discuss the progress of the cpeg group and to help set goals or for them to share their goals with me for the following school year and as always I want to thank them for their continued partnership last month I also mentioned it's performance season we have a large commitment to the Arts here in cinamon and uh this past Wednesday an excellent performance from our CMS choir uh on the 16th and 17th for the first time ever Russ is putting on a School Musical they'll be doing Lion King Jr and I know many people in this room will be in attendance and are very excited to see this new program in the art start with our um younger students on the 23rd of May is the District Strings concert on the 30th is the District Band concert and on June 5th we have an outdoor Cabaret here at the middle school and at the high school we have a cabaret on the 9th those are always excellent performances last week I had the opportunity to attend the County New Jersey school boards associ assciation dinner so for members of the board I highly encourage you uh to check in with your state and County Association our Mrs I con is the vice president for the county and we look forward to having her give a report on what's happening in the county at a future board meeting uh preschool update uh many of you may be aware that this wednes this past Wednesday we officially launched the first full day prek program for students in cinon we opened up with two classrooms and we are looking to expand that until ultimately we can reach the entire unit ver of three-year-old and four-year-old students for full day prek program so we're very excited to kind of dip our toe into the water at the end of this school year and looking to expand it next year and into uh the following three school years after that um on our path to opening up for all students so I mentioned this at the last meeting one of our biggest obstacles has been something you've heard me say a number of times we have some square footage issues in the district we continue to grow in student population uh but our buildings are not growing in kind so uh we are turning over every stone I applaud the efforts of the board and their commitment to uh you know putting some Band-Aids on some of our problems but also looking to invest uh in some possible future brick and mortar construction to accommodate our new students and our new programs uh it is recognition season in addition to Performance season so this past May 1st was principal's recognition Day so I'd like to recognize Mrs Jones Mrs D Simone Mrs Melcher Mr Gorman and even Dr goldurn who is the principal of our Memorial School uh on National principal day uh which was also substitute appreciation day um as many of you also know this week is Teacher Appreciation Week and we've always applauded and thank the efforts of our home and school associations uh for providing lunch for all of our staff um they let them know how much they are appreciated throughout the year uh last month we had an update uh from Miss merer from the Homeland School Association talk about all of the wonderful things they do to support our staff uh but we have we have another committee that meets in the district the staff recognition committee and this year they developed an idea to try something new to reach out to uh Partners in the community to see who might be willing to engage in a partnership with us to show how much they support our schools and being displayed behind me now are all of the businesses that donated um discounts to teachers gift cards um some of the businesses you know handed cash to go out and buy gift cards for other businesses uh but every door that we knocked on folks could not have been more supportive to show how much they appreciate and recognize the value of the teachers who work with all of our students and certainly goes beyond just the classroom teachers our esps support staff secretaries everybody that's involved in educating the students so I wanted to give a special recognition to all of these businesses that are behind me we're going to repost this on our social media Outlets as well um you know they they've committed to reinvesting into our community so I hope you would uh show them your appreciation and support them as well and we certainly uh appreciate all of their generous support so tomorrow evening our our staff are invited to a special raffle giveaway uh for some of the prizes from these businesses and I just also wanted to say on a personal note uh I myself am a third generation educator my son goes off to school next year to hopefully become a fourth generation educator uh it is my family business it is all I have ever known in my professional life uh my brother my wife my sister-in-law my mother my father my grandfather teaching is our family business and I can think of no better and more noble profession uh I am so indebted to all of the practitioners who work with our children your students every single day uh I thank them I am indebted to them and if you haven't done so my theme this week is teachers are awesome and if you know they have that teacher in your life who did something special for you uh as Educators we we we never um we never don't love hearing from former students who may share a word of thank you so uh my unsolicited advice go out there and just thank a teacher for what they've done or the impact that they've had in your life and certainly to all of our teachers here thank you to all of them and we look forward to recognizing some of them in just a little bit later on this evening and with that Mrs Fitzwater I apologize for my lengthy report but there it is well said uh Mr Bram hul can I have a motion to approve Section 5 routine matters items a through e so moved second second thank you Mr Evans comments or questions from the board hearing them we'll take a vote Miss tops i i i i i i i i i motion approved moving on to section six the student representative report uh the high school representative tonight is Anthony udon thank you the April students of the month are the following students class of 2024 Barat alanga class of 2025 Eric vicker class of 2026 Sophia spite class of 2027 kayin Quinn all spring sports are continuing their 2024 Seasons Baseball the team's record is currently six and five having solid victories over rival Del Ran Cherokee and Princeton softball the team's record is 14-6 their next game is Wednesday May 8th against New Egypt golf the team's record is 13-3 with a 6 and2 division record they took home the South Jersey group 2 title last night the team was led by an amazing 72 from Ryan Gibson and other amazing team members Boys Tennis the team continue its season and the record is 8-2 Drew Harvey has has his ninth win while Evan kek and Davi de Britto Melo each have won eight matches boys volleyball the team continue their season with the record of 11- four with their win against collinswood which puts them on a four game winning streak Chris leits led the team with eight kills and Jared Edwards had 12 digs Andrew Zeki had 18 assists and RJ trampe had five blocks and a game-winning kill girls lacrosse the team's record is 9-2 last night the team clinched the 2024 bcls division championship and they are the first girls lacrosse team that earn back-to-back championships in CHS History Boys Lacrosse the team's record is n and three their next game is Thursday May 9th against Bishop Eustace track and field Jim logren finished 10th with a PR of 1105 in the South Jersey Elite his time is only 0.15 seconds off the school record and one of the fastest times in CHS history in close to 40 years Junior Victor mea threw a PR of 15910 in the South Elite at dce and finished fifth in the event Jordan Flounder with the pr in the 100 meter hurdles and Kellen ker with the pr in the 400 m hurdles congratulations to the boys track team for coaching the Patriot division championship with the 111 to2 victory over bording town on Monday congratulations also to the girls track team on winning the bcls Patriots division title with their 75 to 59 win over bordon toown as well CHS play unified the UniFi track team crushed it at the morrist toown on Monday May 6th Isaiah Williams Isaiah Phillips and sieran gallager took first in their 100 meter Heats and Isaiah Williams jumped the meat best and long jump at 157 congratulations to all athletes student council elections for the 2024 to 2025 School school year are currently underway election materials are available from student council advisers the student council elections Google classroom and the high school website on the student council page all materials are due on Wednesday May 29th and elections are Monday June 3rd CHS music department our CHS music students are hard at work preparing for our spring concerts the CHS Coro concert is May 15th and the spring and the strings concert is May 23rd and the band concert is May 30th all starting at 700 p.m. in the CHS Auditorium and free of charge additional congratulations go out to Sam bobin and Kim Mason on their selection to the 24 to2 New Jersey All State Choir great job Deca cinnamon Deca had 10 members attend the 2024 Deca International career development in Anaheim California from April 26th to May first including seven who attended and from three different emerging leadership acmis dea's vice president of career development Benjamin tof completed in the competed in the restaurant and food service management event and achieved recognition as a top 20 International finalist and received two medallions on stage during the achievement award session a silver ribbon for a top marketing assessment score and a blue ribbon as one of of 20 finalists overall the the conference was a success interact interact held a talent show on Thursday April 25th in the High School auditorium and it was a great success the performers were primarily cinon high school students as well as some faculty members interact has not held a talent show since 2018 and we had great reviews and are hopeful that it will become an annual event they raised over $500 that will go toward interact scholarship seniors on Friday April 19th the League of Women Voters the NJ Department of State and the burington county superintendent of Elections visited CHS to lead a voter registration Drive the event was part of New Jersey's voter registration week seniors visited the library during their physical education classes to learn how to Reg how to register to vote and participated in a mock election students cast their ballots on actual voting machines used in Browning County elections nearly 100 students registered thank you thank you Anthony thank you and now we'll hear from the Middle School representative Kathy vau good evening camenson Middle School is proud to announce its stud of the month for April congratulations to sixth grader Ashley Abel seventh grader Ryder Lawrence and eighth grader Jen Ben Jacob May is better hearing in and speech month a speech language hearing disorder can affect people of all ages May is also Asian-American and Pacific Islander heritage month this month we celebrate the Traditions legacies and culture of Asians asian-americans native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders across the United States spring sports are coming to a close soon and the teams have done well the boys baseball a team is8 and two and the B team is 8 and4 the softball a team is 10-2 and the B team is 6 1 and two the lacrosse a team is 8 and Zer and the B team is 3 and three the track and field has their last home meet on Thursday May 9th at CHS in a pizza party on Friday the seventh graders went on a zoo trip on February May 1st students had a fantastic time learning about the animals habitats the sixth graders will be going on a trip to Philadelphia to visit the Pen Museum and on June 6th and 13th CMS course just wrapped up their spring concerts with amazing songs small group acts and solo acts congratulations to the students who received awards that night this year the eighth grade luau dance will will be on Friday June 7th and their class trip to Great Adventure will be on May June 10th Monday May Monday June 10th we hope the dance and the trip will present a final opportunity for the 8th grade class to celebrate their years together at cinamon middle school so important dates in May May 6th to 10th njhs njsla LA and and math and science is May 13th and 14th May 17th Fitness frenzy have day for the students and May 27th school is closed for Memorial Day congratulations to all the Teacher of the Year winners and the Board of Education Award winners thank you and I hope you all have a great night thank you Kathy any comments or questions from the board members for either one of our uh students awesome thank you thank you we're moving on to section seven we have a couple of presentations uh tonight the first one is the camens and middle school boys group presentation yes thank you and as uh Mrs Nelson is preparing to come to the podium to offer a presentation I will say to any board members if you'd like to relocate uh there is a video portion of it so uh you may choose to join me over and off to the side uh originally we were going to recognize our Educators first uh as the first presentation but I felt that it was really important for uh I knew we were going to have a little bit of a a larger than usual audience uh so after uh Miss Nelson uh presented her remarks and her presentation to the administrative group tonight we called an audible and invited her to do this presentation for the larger group because I think it's really um a meaningful program for as many stakeholders in our community to learn about as possible so uh with that I going to uh turn it over to Mrs Nelson who has some uh introductory remarks and uh just give us one second to relocate and yeah good evening everyone and welcome this year uh CMS we had the pleasure of piloting a wonderful boys mentoring program that we truly saw so much growth in our students uh so a little bit about the program this was a mentoring program specifically for 8th grade male students just in our pilot year it's a 12we program launched with parent Guardian support and it was facilitated both by a licensed clinical counselor who you hear from a little bit later as well as two of our CMS staff members uh we selected students uh just from a crosssection of our student population we felt it was really important in our pilot year to include students from all different backgrounds cultures academic performance uh students who are involved in sports Etc so that we truly have a representation of our student body so with that what was our mission our mission was to build capacity in our students and of course to assure that they can be successful academically socially and emotionally as well as contribute very positively to our sentiments and Community our program leadership was twofold like I said we had the pleasure of having um CMS staff as our mentors for the program and that was Mr Bill sin who is one of our crisis counselors and also a coach of many sports um and very actively engaged in sports and activities with our students as well as Mr will welchire who's a sixth grade social studies teacher who also is very active as a coach um as an adviser and um just someone that the kids again are very familiar with having come through the social studies program and on the other side we also had a licensed clinical counselor counselor Mr Jonathan Drummonds who is also a former language arts teacher at the middle school level um he was a teacher for 16 years and also an experienced boys group facilitator so at this time I'd like to turn it over to him so he can talk to you a little more about what the students learned during this program thank you good evening everybody um to the board thank you for affording me this opportunity to speak before you um to the staff Mr sin um Miss Nelson Mr Welter uh rest of the staff thank you for welcoming me into the building um to the parents thank you for um trusting me with your most prized possessions um it's truly an honor and to my guys up here uh thank you for trusting me thank you for opening up thank you for being yourselves and just being you know open to everything um and and it it really was an honor to work with you so um thank you all for that um my name is Jonathan Drummond I'm a clinical mental health counselor um another term for it is a psychotherapist we usually shorten off the psycho not to scare people so we just call it therapist um I was a teacher prior to that for 16 years um as a therapist I work in Camden and Burlington County so that shows I it's a lot of diversity um I work with kids from Camden that have issues that you wouldn't believe and then I work with kids from mortown with winding driveways that you wouldn't believe um there's a common theme and they just a lot of them need somebody to talk to um and it's just uh helping them to hear the voices inside of them that they should be listening to and that's something that we did with our our group and we we really opened up over the course of the 12 weeks and it was really successful um Monday mornings uh Mr Welter and Mr sin really set goals and intentions for the week um they worked on a connection and conversations related to whatever we were working on uh during the week um and they brainstormed ways that they could contribute positively to um the school Community the environment um just being a positive person you know just be a be a good person be kind and ways that you can do that and how it impacts someone else it's like the butterfly effect you never know how your interaction can change someone else and that's really what we um like to focus on um during weekly group sessions we worked on different things like compassion coping skills um emotional intelligence um knowing what you feel and understanding what other people feel can really solve a lot of problems um being a helper confidence in public speaking um the next one okay um building coping skills um in life things happen to you we we can't avoid that um you can't control what happens to you but you can control how you react to them um your choices that you make a choice will either help you or it'll hurt you two hes you have to decide if this choice is worth the risk of hurting you or hurting someone else or if it's not you got to let go and find a way to help yourself um also um control controlling and coping if I can't control the situation how can I find a healthy way to cope with it also we covered etiquette and first impressions um Mr welshire brought in a lot of ties for the boys and they they got to go home with the ties and really work on that and tie their ties and things like that I used to have a bunch once I left teaching those those TI went bye-bye um uh risk assessment strategies and that's really stopping and thinking sometimes that involves taking a deep breath because when you stop you think it gives you a chance to process um at this age their frontal lobe is not developed until they're 25 so a lot of the time they work from the pleasure pleasure principle where they just they're reactive they do something because it feels good right now and they don't think about the consequences and that's what risk assessing is if I do this what will it lead to and then if it does lead to something how am I responsible enough to deal with what I did taking responsibility taking ownership for your choices um effective communication most situations can be solved with communication you just have to talk you know and you have to be real and you have to be open if your mom's at the park and you she says um your body language shows like you're at the park and she says put on a coat and you say Mom I'm not cold your body language is saying that you're cold you have to be in tune with what you're feeling and what you're putting out there so that uh you're more successful um and lastly well not lastly but this slide lastly um healthy relationships what's functional and what's not functional um and exposure it's really exposing them to things that they will be greeted with even if it's years down the line if we can just show them like hey we we a topic that we discussed was um consent and if someone says no you stopped then or you don't get permission permission for somebody you're tickling somebody and they say stop even though they may it's done it has to be done so just exposing them to different things that most people aren't exposed to and they're unaware of it arms them with the tools that they need to be successful not just in school but out in the community um I'm going to hand it back over to Miss Nelson sorry I talked a lot but usually as a therapist we listen but I had the mic so thank you thank you Mr Drummond so some of the growth that the students the staff uh parents saw were academic growth building positive relationships with staff and peers of course improved confidence increase in self-discipline reduction in some of those impulsive behaviors that Mr Drummond was talking about an increase in positive peer interactions problem solving utilization and of course increased self-awareness and self-reflection and some of our student reported takeaways uh we actually sent out a survey to the students and just had them share some of the things that they took away from it and these were some of the of the things that they did share learning how to walk away from negative situations setting goals thinking before I act having confidence showing patience being a good friend and turning into a well-respected man and showing etiquette and now uh I'd love to share with you guys a few words from our students and our mentors so please please tune in hi my name is William Welter I'm one of the 8th grade middle school uh mentors for our boys boys group um one of the things we tried to do this year right in the beginning was to help the young men become more comfortable so we introduced ourselves to them as men who are not just Educators or people who work within the school but we gave them an opportunity to find out who we actually are and knowing that we too have to deal with certain situations throughout the day so that gave our young men an opportunity to um feel a lot more comfortable with us in opening up and let us know like some of the things that they're dealing with um a couple weeks into the program the young men actually were given an opportunity to research topics that they were dealing with and that gave them um you know a more more of an opportunity to come to us and have those Communications some of the things we talked about in the beginning were uh etiquette uh building confidence how to make decisions on their own um conflict resolution and uh one of the most important things was to give them the ability to work on their public speaking and I mean after 13 weeks the young men they felt more comfortable and it gave us an opportunity to know that or we gave them an opportunity to know that where whatever was said within you know uh the room stayed in there and um it was it's definitely an opportunity for me to work with this group and we look forward to continuing hopefully in the near future one word you would use to describe your experience with the boys group helpful how is it helpful to you um I think I'm a lot better at controlling my emotions and not letting my anger get the best of me and I have more respect for adults knowing that other people like it's helped me to realize other people have feelings and it's helped me to like think before I act and think like what is this person going to feel after I do this Sky boys group is enriching because we get to learn things about ourselves and we gain confidence and we got to learn a lot of things describe the boys group one I was say Brotherhood how would you describe it helpful it was helpful because it helped me make friends and learn to think before I act and to do things with purpose and altitude I would describe it as a good opportunity to have us connect I could describe the boys group I would say it's a a good environment one of my favorite moments in boys club is talking about patience because patience is a big part of life and it helps you get through things and get through obstacles in life and so um the boys group was a really great opportunity um for us to be able to work with some of the young men in our building uh in a different capacity um and especially being able to bring in uh Mr Drummond's uh an outside voice um who was able to you know maybe communicate some of the same messages but having it come from um another perspective I think was really a powerful um tool that we were able to tap into um we broke down uh I think some boundaries as far as the boy's understanding how to be vulnerable um as a man uh as a young man and and that being okay uh and being able to sort of tap into some topics and things like that that maybe we wouldn't ordinarily get to um but having depth of those conversations and providing insight for them um in those conversations to understand um having more depth to it I guess would be the best way to say um and hopefully that is insight and and and knowledge that they're able to carry forward with them you know obviously that's the goal is to be able to to take these things forward and make them part of their daily life and hopefully you know impact their decisions as they move forward and becoming young man my name is Sean rinkin and this boys group has helped me with my actions and my respect uh to staff and friends I used to be the kid that gets in trouble but now I think before I act and I listen and I know when to walk away I know when to calm down and be respectful with my time and boys group my greets have also progressed I used to have water 2 80s so I would never make principles this but now I'm getting old 90s and focusing more this place is helping be a better person before joining the the boys group I think I was confident but not when it came to trying new things or having to do something in front of others after meeting with my Pierce Mr sin Mr Welter and Mr Drummond I now have confidence in everything I do for example I am more confident on the court in showing my coach what I am capable of doing with my teammates in addition to being more confident in basketball I think I am more confident in school some of my teachers have com commented that my work ethic has improved and I'm now proud to show what I can do in the classroom as well my favorite thing about the boys club was we met every week and we talked for a whole period the boys club helped me gain confidence in myself and not be shy around new people when I joined the bull group I really wasn't like like stand up for like the bullying and stuff like that and people arguing and stuff like that and I stepped into it and be brave and try to stop people from arguing or like starting a fight I like to thank my mentors Mr Welter Mr sin and Mr J and especially Miss Nelson for guiding me through through every difficulties I had this year and with persevering through my academic [Music] success thank you how about a round of applause for our gentlemen and our mentors Our Hope moving forward uh with the support hopefully of the board will be that we can now now having completed a P pilot year is that we we can now expand um and have a boys and girls mentoring program as well as a tiered mentoring program moving forward next year um so at this time we would love to recognize some of the young men they all could not be here as you know our camenson students are active students so I'm sure many of them are out as sports activities CCD you name it um but we just want to take that time and recognize them so gentlemen if you can stand and come up and please receive your certificate from your mentors when I call your name first Mr Oliver [Applause] Huber Ryan Murphy [Applause] Christian Piva [Applause] ala Shan Rinko and I would also like to take the time to read the names of the gentlemen who dedicated their 12 weeks to participating in this program um if you would allow me just to read all of the names and applaud at the and Davi Rodriguez cassir randel Patrick O'Brien sha Lane Amir Holan Jan Harvey Mason D Ro and Tyrone bans thank you all very much if I can get you join your gentleman there we'll take a a quick group picture too make one exception to the congratulations once again gentlemen and uh finally before we transition to the next portion of this evening uh this idea seated back in the beginning of the school year uh back in September we have goal setting meetings with our administrator staff in my office Dr goldurn and I and all of the principles and supervisors and we look at this year and there are certain goals that we need to achieve academically certain goals that we want to do know Visa V attendance or student discipline and then one idea that is the administrators you know kind of their pet project that they get to seeed and Miss Nelson mentioned uh this idea to me and then from there she took it and Ram with it and did an absolutely fantastic job she presented before uh Committee of our board uh she knew all the resources and connected all of the dots to make this happen so the last round of applause please for Nelson on excellent job and definitely something that we would love to uh to replicate in the future so um at this point uh I've certainly spoken enough this evening so I'm going to turn it over to uh some of our administrative staff we're going to introduce some very special people to our district I appreciate everybody's patience uh and getting to this point I know a number of you are here for our of the Year presentation so at this point I would like to turn it over to Mr Tindle who will be representing uh our facilities and operations Department z Mr Tindle I'm not Mr Tindle can be if you want good evening Mr capella members of the board uh honored guests family and friends uh this is a good one this is a fun one uh the achievement award winner for the operations Department this year is Mr Tommy Q theii uh Tom is a graduate of Camen in 1974 he's been with us approximately 43 years wow uh I can go on on about him every snowstorm every brutal summer um he's retiring this year um which is I'm going to miss him he's a great guy I can count on him for almost everything so if you see the lines on the fields are a little bit crooked Tommy Tomy usually Paints the field we're going to have to break a new guy in for that but you know the saying is they don't make him like they used to and that's definitely it right there Tom thank you [Applause] and now I would like to invite up Miss tomitz from our transportation department go in hi good evening to everyone it's only going to be a few words uh Rick our male Courier has been with C for five years he's been a dedicated loyal friendly do anything you want as one of the bus drivers described him as he's the best so he deserve he deserves the appreciation uh tonight [Applause] [Applause] all right moving right along we always have a little bit of a conversation in the order in which we're going to present these Awards and we said we were going to do it tonight in birth order now saying that birth order of the students in the schools that they that we serve so we'll be starting with our prek um K12 uh school so I will introduce uh Mrs Jones who will come up and uh introduce a couple fine people to you good evening thank you so we have several awards that we will be uh honoring several of our staff members so I'm going to open it up with Mrs Oliver we would like to honor our 2024 Governor's educator of the Year Mrs Mary K Sutton she is one of our second grade teachers at New Albany and she is such a dedicated teacher she shows empathy understanding and the willingness to meet each student where they are all of the time she recognizes their unique strengths and their challenges as well she infuses creativity and engaging lessons just to to get the kids excited about learning learning Mrs Sutton always uh oversees student teachers as part of her commitment to shaping the future of Education she devotes a lot of time and mentoring and energy into helping future Educators become hopefully future Governor's educator of the year as well but you know getting them ready for the real reality of their first classroom job so she um just this year spearheaded the establishment of an outdoor science classroom with the help of the Boy Scouts she hopes to plant seeds and bring science lessons Outdoors for the students in New Albany as the Outdoor Classroom gets finished she is a dedicated member of new oby schools Community she's a part of our mert team she's an after school tutor many different committees at New Albany last year she began uh one of our after school clubs called groovy games they run in five week segments and um the kids are always happy and enjoying all the different games they're playing headbands and um Shoots and Ladders they're just very engaged and excited in there so she's just a wonderful example of how she takes the the look at the whole Community the school as a community and really just creates future you know successful students and awesome Learners and future successful teachers as well so congratulations Mrs Mary K suon w [Applause] so this next person Mrs Heather Toco has been awarded the governor's educational support professional of the year for 2024 Mrs too is not only a reading specialist and has been for many years last year she took on the challenge of becoming a reading recovery specialist she spent countless hours studying learning her craft and then poured into her students last year as well as this year and we were able to see many gains in our students growth in Reading in addition Mrs Toco consistently looks for new ways to perfect her craft but also make learning fun for her students you can often find her students with her in in one of their reading sessions They're laughing they're giggling they're enjoying their time with Mrs Toco she's also instrumental in plan and coordinating events across new Aly including read Across America as well as literacy night in addition Mrs Toco is instrumental in mentoring new staff members and she also assesses incoming students not only throughout the school year but also during the summer months it is with great pleasure that I congratulate Mrs Toco as the 2024 Governor's support professional of the Year Mrs Toco h [Applause] all right so this next person is adored by many and it's clearly evident by the fan club that she has with her this evening Mrs Deb SEL is honored as the Board of Education Achievement Award recipient this evening and Mrs soel is instrumental and has been for many years at new alony school not only is she the assistant in the classroom for T1 but also first grade this year Mrs soel takes care of everyone she starts her day at in the driveway of New Albany directing buses parents as well as staff to their parking spots unloading students safely so we thank her for that in addition she is constantly guiding new staff older staff colleagues and everyone adors her it's clearly evident in the students that see her in the hallway they run over to her they hug her they just enjoy being around her and we are so proud to announce that Mrs soel is the Board of Ed Achievement Award recipient for 2024 no words you're lucky [Applause] and our last award is a 2022 volunteer award Mrs garbett is a lifelong resident of cinamon as well as a former educator and administrator in cinamon school district over the past several years Mrs bar garbett has given back in so many ways to the students and staff of New Albany she's helpful with student testing has run a book club for second grade students as well as the Thursday thinkers group in kindergarten we are extremely appreciative of Mrs garbett generosity as she continuously gives back to the school community that she loves thank you so much for your volunteer efforts and for making a positive impact on our staff students and school [Applause] Community she was on a board when I first at this time I'd like to invite Mrs D Simone and Mrs mey from the rush School [Applause] so they told me I had to be concise and I swear I cut this down I'm just saying I will still cut it down more but I am very pleased to announce Mrs Nissa Barker as Rush school's candidate for the New Jersey Governor's educator award congratulations Mrs Barker so Mrs Barker can definitely be described as a teacher leader on the third grade team she is highly proactive in serving her students first and foremost she works very diligently to create connections with her children to get to know them on a personal level using those bonds she has created an environment that is supportive and inclusive she ensures that her students uh understand their skills comprehensively she utilizes valuable data in order to create groups uh instructional groups to best Focus uh her instruction for her students and she uses um accountable talk with her with her students as well as communication skills to enhance their Cooperative groups uh she is a staunch ad advocate for her students uh Works tirelessly to hit every resource she possibly can to Garner strategies from others um to work alongside our other specialist in the building to make sure that her students are getting everything that they possibly need she also deserves Commendation for her self-reflection um I think those of us who have worked with teachers we know that they are the absolute hardest on themselves so when Mrs uh Barker comes in for her summi of conferences or just you know just a conference talking about you know something that's going on in her class she's very often coming in with so many strategies and ideas of things that she would like to try to to work on and and to come up with those constructive goals for herself uh she is absolutely um you know committed to her to her professional development she has been part of our book club uh which we are focused on um on grading policies and making them Equitable with regards to her collegial relationships Mrs Barker is absolutely a leader among her peers they often go to her for for assistance uh for ideas they she works together collaboratively with a fantastic group of third grade teachers um but she really adds to to that group with with her creativity uh she just like I heard with the other uh the other teachers who have been nominated she is has an open door for new teachers for student teachers she is always looking to further the profession of education and we're super uh we're super excited every time she decides that she will take on someone in her classroom um she's also a wonderful volunteer and leader uh in the school Community she is an Afterschool tutor she runs the Creative Arts Club uh she is part a critical part of our diversity equity and inclusion committee and she has spearheaded along with a few other teachers a stand up against hate art competition in which this year they received hundreds of submissions that they had to really go through and and fine-tune to come down to uh a top three in the grade level so it was a lot of work on her part all volunteer-based she's also now Co organiz co-organizing our YMCA Camp trips which she might be rethinking at this point you may have seen her play against the Harlem wizard she loves to go over and and have fun with that she also runs stations during our math literacy and steam nights we asked for some feedback from her students families and they had these thoughts to share Mrs Barker creates a classro environment that her students are excited to enter each day it is a safe place where our son made strides we could not have imagined she works hard to ensure that every student is able to learn in a way that fits them best she uses positive reinforcement to give the students the confidence they need to achieve their goals she connects with each individual student and gives 110% so that they are all set up for Success our child's time with Mrs Barker is a year we will never forget for this multitude of reasons and more it is a true pleasure to announce Mrs Nissa Barker as our Rush School candidate for the New Jersey Governor's educator of the [Applause] Year thank you [Music] [Applause] you there's no lollipop with that Mrs D Simone come on good evening everyone it's my very great pleasure to recognize Mrs Jackie Doos as the rush School Board of Education Achievement Award recipient for 2024 we've been referring to her as of late as an unsung hero of Rush school but that ends tonight since you're all going to know how wonderful she is just as we do Mrs Doos is uh joined our district in 2013 she is one of our math Specialists and interventionalists so she works very tirelessly supporting students who historically have not always been met with immediate success in mathematics and does a tremendous job of giving them strategies and techniques that they can employ to not only understand the material but also to increase their mathematical confidence and competency which is a gift to them in and of itself Mrs Doos connects the activities in her classroom to real world application and makes the content very relatable for them drawing them in right from the start and does not consider a lesson finished until students not only have demonstrated the content but also have the ability to teach the information to one another and I have witnessed that firsthand as well they all argue over who will be the teacher that day uh and support Mrs Doos in the classroom Mrs Doos in addition to being a phenomenal teacher is an incredible colleague her peers will tell you that she is a Dependable person she is caring she is kind but she does this all behind the scenes without ever seeking praise or Rec recognition so we are very very happy that Mrs Doos is a member of our Rush family and we congratulate her tonight on this achievement [Applause] at this time we would like to welcome Mrs Kristen meler Mr J Miley and Miss cations for students encourages them to put forth their best effort and truly understands the unique needs of her classes her lessons are well prepared detailed and engaging for her students she makes Vigilant effort to meet her students where they are and build upon their needs on a daily basis she strives to find Opportunities to bond with their students and their families in an effort to make them feel supported connected and safe in School Mrs aguad actively seeks out many students in need of making connections to help better both their education and overall School experience in addition to being a highly effective educator Mrs aguad also serves as the field hocky and lacrosse head coach at CMS through her steadfast preparation her relationships with her athletes and their families and the joy she exhibits watching her girls compete it is evident that she demonstrates that same dedication to the students both on and off the field each year Mrs aguad personally purchases keepsakes for her eighth grade athletes to enhance their memories they had during their time with her she's in contact with the high school head coaches develops schemes plans and practices that are designed to prepare her athletes for Success at the next level in addition Mrs aguad has developed a mentoring program for a number of her athletes allowing her players to build upon their skills leadership and capabilities and to learn to balance the role of being a student athlete in and out of the classroom many individuals around the community known Mrs uad not only for her good work at the middle school but also the service that she does for this town each year she runs a holiday Facebook raffle in which she all the proceeds are donated to the Jane wellenbach needy family fund her sister helps her toe guy and the big guy this is a weekl long event where several prizes are auctioned off each night the organization and thoroughness that it takes to execute this event is no easy feat Mrs aguad takes on the challenge year after year in order the help spread the holiday chair for some one of our families here in senson furthermore she helps spearhead a donation for the women and infants of the good Council home in partnership with cms's cms's stop club which he also co- advises women's toiletries diapers wipes formula clothing blankets toys and bibs are all collected by the school club during the month of March Mrs aguad strives to teach the students involved in this club the importance of giving back to their community and taking care of those that are in need finally the relationships she has formed with her students their families and her colleagues are second and none many rely on Mrs aguad for advice assistance knowledge of students and her love for her community her unwavering will willingness to go above and beyond her students her athletes their families and their colleagues is a remarkable quality that she possesses and therefore deserves to be honored as this year's recipient of the governor's educator of the Year award congratulations [Music] future [Applause] good evening CMS is proud to announce Mrs Jen Barry as our Board of Education Achievement Award winner Mrs Barry is the secretary in the CMS Council office whose role comes with many responsibilities let me start by saying being the new kid in your middle school years definitely comes with its unique set of challenges I was actually a new kid myself in sixth grade so this transition always holds a special place in my own heart and I am so happy for our new students that the first person they get to meet is Mrs Perry while she doesn't have formal counseling credentials she does have a natural innate ability to relate to human beings and her warmth is genuine she somehow makes you feel like you've known her for years counselors walk out of their offices and say what is happening here um but her sense of humor is wonderfully suited for middle school students she came to this position because she wanted to find a connection with kids again and it shows every single day another strength is she consistently shows empathy to students on their toughest days whether it's some teenage heartbreak some grief or challenges with friendships she shows care and compassion and concern Mrs Barry also shows commitment to fostering a sense of belonging about a month and a half ago she participated in a chocolate chip cookie baking competition with a student when she found out he had some culinary interests um she was smart enough to bring the judging responsibilities over to the main office side of the hallway um but she never hesitated for a moment to invest her personal time in making that student feel excited to come to school the next day and of course the Middle School counseling office is a very busy place especially during testing week her organization skills and her ability to prioritize needs and tasks are second to none and she is definitely um a consumate professional she seeks Solutions in an an environment that is literally rooted in problems and she never says no to a student or staff member in need and one of her hidden talents is that when she wears a Blazer she has the unique ability to look like the curly held building principal and I don't stop her um so in summary Mrs Barry you are truly an integral part of the cinnamon school district and you are very deserving of this recognition she is truly kind and humble and hardworking and it is so easy to see why her colleagues nominated and selected her for this um Achievement Award so congrats than last and certainly not least thank you for everyone's patience it's my pleasure to introduce Mr Ryan Gorman and Dr Caitlyn mccan from cinnamon High [Applause] School good evening um I'm excited to recognize Mrs Nikki arales as this year's cinon and High School Board of Education Achievement Award winner I'm in a unique position as I've been able to see Mrs ares's love of math as a former math teacher myself we kind of talk about it sometimes um as well as being her Mentor for her master's program and being able to talk through various facets of the school with Mrs arales what I've come to know is that Mrs arales lives her life passionately when teaching our most advanced mathematicians Mrs arales shows that passion through weekend review sessions planning this year's Pi Day celebration and decorating the hallways students happily join join her to advance their math skills many on weekend days or evenings leading up to the AP exam to ensure that they are well prepared Mrs arales shows her passion for our school by co-coaching the math league and ensuring students have an Avenue to pursue this passion additionally when we suffered a tragic loss in our community last year a group of our students wanted to play a soccer game as a fundraiser in honor of that student Mrs arbz stepped up to organize the event which was no ordinary effort Mrs arales helped students design and sell shirts organize staff to play and ensure that everything ran smoothly the event was a huge success in her work towards her Masters Mrs arales shows this passion of a lifelong learner she doesn't just want to watch the schedule get me she wants to understand it why does it work how does it happen the way it does when learning school law or completing a paper about a system in the school she Embraces how she can use all that knowledge to support her teaching her students and her Department one of Mrs ares's nominators spoke time and time again about this passion saying Nikki's heart is big and the students in our district mean the world to her I could go on and on but I hope that you have somehow been impacted by her kindness and generosity and understand that she is very deserving of this award those words ring true for me as well I'm excited to call Mrs arales for this award than [Applause] okay so it is is my privilege to announce the teacher of the year for the high school is Mrs Julie leits if you'll allow me the shores of indulgences I know I'm going second to last but it won't take long I recently became really enamored of the show called masters of air it told the story of a bomber Squadron in World War II and it's full of all these really dynamic characters right there's Pilots there's bombers there's Navigators there's brass there's politicians there's all these people who are doing their very specific job to make sure that we are successful uh in that in that compact campaign however the character that spoke to me the most was this crew chief right he's this guy he's he's the guy that is keeping the whole thing running right he's a Master at his own craft he's in and out of the planes he's making sure that everything's running they're they're really scrambling for parts they and then this incredibly Dynamic scene the the pilot is looking to take off and the the the plane's not working and the the mechanic jumps into the plane and he's fixing it as they're taxing down the runway getting ready to take off literally one second before they fly off he jumps out of the plane gets in a jeep success yay everybody wins right uh yeah I hope you have all watched it cuz if I just red the whole epod um that is in my mind who Julie leits is as a teacher right she is a master at her craft and her craft is teaching kids how to learn right so above and beyond any topic Mastery or or subject specific content she takes every kid exactly where they are and gives them exactly what they need to be successful and a lot of that focuses around building reading comprehension and reading skills but it's also about where are you where do you want to get to what do you need to get there and what can I do to make sure that you have what you need and I think that that describes what is a master teacher and I think that that also describes uh who Julie is uh she's a fundamental part of any success that we have have attained within State Testing within any any reportable piece of information in which literacy is a part which again spoiler alert is all of it that is a direct byproduct of her efforts and her work and the impact that she has had on the students at cnat in high school for as long as she has been there outside of the classroom she's everywhere right if you if you go to an event Julie planned it if you if you enjoy a cookie after an event Julie made sure that cookie was there and it's probably your favorite kind you didn't have to tell her what it was but she knew what it would be and she knew what you needed because that's what she does she finds what people's needs and she gives it to them I think she she plays a fundamental role in making sure our seniors have everything they need for all of the Marquee events that lead up to graduation whether it's making sure they have all their caps and gowns making sure they have their their their permission slips in making sure they have they have the the bobby pin that they need to hold their hair back for the graduation ceremony don't worry Julie will have 50 of them please make sure you send them with them though because it is a limited Supply uh she's the voice of cinemag social media so if you get a message it came from Julie uh and and really she is she is the Lynch pin in my opinion around what the whole building runs on I couldn't do my job without her I don't think anybody in our building could do her their job without her and to quote uh this one of the students that nominated her Mrs leits is awesome simply put I could not say it any better please welcome Mrs Le oh hey you very IIM jacket and so that wasn't quite last uh at this time i' like to welcome Mrs L Ellen uh supervisor special services excuse me director special services for the district good evening everyone all right so we are the last we are we are pulling up the rear here um so I have the honor tonight to uh welcome uh Miss Kelly white as the cinamon Board of Education Memorial School uh Achievement Award winner for 20 23 24 so congratulations so most teachers say they believe they were going to be a teacher or found their passion in teaching at a very young young age well this is Kelly but it may not be for teaching but is definitely for special services Kelly started working for BCIT as the child study team secretary as a student at the age of 16 years old and hasn't stopped working for a child study team since fortunately for us they tried to transfer her to a guidance position so she left and came the sentiment about seven years ago and it has been our we have been very lucky uh recipients of that like like most secretaries she runs the department Kelly Works Beyond her hours year round she's the first one in the office every day to be able to get ahead of the case managers and calls she can answer just about any question thrown at her she is knowledgeable in most things special ed paperwork deadlines timelines I PS you name it her depth of knowledge and child study team related information and overall knowledge of public education the system is is incredible Kelly is the district IEP direct wizard she is the person that everyone goes to with questions and concerns she knows our IEP system inside and out and checks to make sure every student's document is ready for finalizing and while the case maners can be very frustrating at times and Kelly will attest to that she demonstrates an incredible amount of patience taking time to explain how and why they need to make changes and any questions they have she's always there to answer or willing to find those answers Kelly is also our semi-expert and not a semi-expert she is the expert in semi which is semi and most people even in special education have no idea what that is as well she constantly tracks down with many gentle reminders our teachers child study team our related service providers and our educational support professionals to make sure they've complete their random moment in time and if you've never heard of that term as well you are very very fortunate uh because it it's pretty pretty much just the pain of in special education uh when projects come up I know I can always count on ke Kelly to drop everything and pitch in over the years her responsibilities continue to grow adding that to U manage management of star which is another acren and special education docu sign and a different state indicator that we respond to every year she never complains and is willing to drop everything to get the task done Kelly is truly someone you want on your team she's a jack of all trades and a master of her domain her welcoming personality and K do attitude make her a joy to work with and she is example of her pirate Pride congratulations Kelly [Applause] [Laughter] it [Applause] uh thank you to everyone for your patience um I know this this seems like it's a it's a long meeting but in all honesty the principles were tasked with keeping as short as possible and that's a uh very difficult thing to do when you have so many wonderful things to say about these folks so uh I'll ask for one last round of applause and uh we're going to take a I should note one one housek keeping item I I know we have a lot of young folks in here we've got bed times um we've got homework to do right gentlemen um so we're we're GNA take a I'm gonna ask Mrs uh Fitz to take a brief recess and uh if you would like to we have our our backdrop set up outside if you'd like to take some pictures and uh we'll reconvene here in just a couple minutes but everybody is invited to stay the most fascinating parts of the board meeting are yet so thank you and congratulations pleas call for a y call for a two-minute recess e e e e e okay we're moving on to section n the committee reports we had one committee meeting this month and that was the policy committee U Mr Evans the chair will give us a report on that uh here are the meetings for the LA or the here are the minutes for the last policy board meeting uh the policy committee met online via Google meet on Tuesday April 30th the committee continued their review of policies related to homeschool students and participation in extracurricular activities committee engaged in a discussion based on a list of articulated concerns by committee members and members of of the full board Mr Capello shared survey results he gathered from polling superintendents in Burlington Camden and gar counties related to their practices the committee scheduled a follow-up meeting to continue discussion of these policies for Monday May 20th thank you Mr Evans Miss Sone can I have a motion to approve section nine item a so mov second second thank you Mr Kenny I heard it I was sure comments or questions from the board hearing them we'll take a vote Mr merer i i i i i i i i i motion approved moving on to section 10 public comments uh on agenda items members of the public are reminded that comment should be limited to items appearing on this meeting's agenda there will be another opportunity during this meeting to comment on non-agenda items anyone in the public wish to speak on agenda items none okay we're going to move on to section 11 personnel certified and non-certified Mr Capello thank you Mrs Fitzwater under Section 11 letter A seeking the board to approve the following appointments and adjusts adjustments as listed in the agenda under number one items a through F on certificated items a through D on non-certificated and item number two through 8 we have no transfers this evening under letter C resignations and retirement seeking the board to approve items one and two under letter D extra Duty appointments seeking the board to approve items one and two as listed in the agenda letter e leaves of absent seeking the board to approve the three items that are outlined in the agenda under items 1 through three letter F teaching overloads seeking the board to approve items one and two as listed in the agenda letter G seeking the board to approve item number one uh there are no mentor teachers on this evening's board agenda under student teachers there are three we're asking the board to approve uh the three items listed in the agenda under student teachers letter I 1 through 3 substitutes uh seeking the board to approve item number one letters a through H and under letter K tutors seeking the board to approve item number one letters A and B and finally we do have a job description for this evening seeking the board to approve item number one as listed and attached in the agenda Mrs Fitzwater thank you Mr Capello Mrs trumpe can I have a motion to approve section 11 certified non-certified items a through l so moved second second thank you Miss blin comments or questions from the board hearing n we'll take a vote Miss Topps i i i i i i i i i motion approved uh we do have some uh new folks who will be joining us in the future here here in attendance with us this evening I'm first going to turn it over to Mrs living good who is going to introduce someone special who is joining our district M thank you Mr Capello at this time I would like to introduce Heather van modder if you could please stand up Heather is going to be our new Transportation supervisor for the district um she comes to us with 20 years of experience in the school transportation business she started as a bus driver in Columbus she later went to Tabernacle as a supervisor and then she finished up at Hopewell as a supervisor and now we are very lucky and excited to have her join us at the beginning of July so welcome to Heather congratulations Heather welcome to as you already know it is it is a tall task and we're very happy to have you here with us now um principles we'll we'll pass it around so we'll start um Mr Gorman you're we'll go reverse birth order you get first it is my privilege to introduce you to Elizabeth GRE uh she is a chemistry teacher will be with us in starting September a graduate of tcj and of course congratulations and welcome um Mrs meltra anyone to introduce no uh Mrs D Simone um it is my pleasure to introduce you to miss Alexis Olson Alexis is a graduate of ruers for both her bachelor's degree and Master's of Education uh she comes to us via nor uh New Brunswick school district and and she where you are teaching special education in an inclusion setting and we look forward to having her join the fres staff next year the honor of introducing Miss Jessica BR she is Rec graduate I graduated yester [Applause] congratulations oh looking around I don't think I missed anybody but uh welcome to uh welcome to the team we know you're going to have a great career here with us congratulations again congratulations but you are slipping it's only 33% TCNJ graduates this time I could be accused of things welcome everybody all right we are uh moving on to section 12 curriculum and instruction Dr goldurn thank you very much under uh letter 12 excuse me number 12 letter a professional development requesting those uh requests that are attached under letter B requesting approval of the field trips that are attached under letter C uh new instructional materials letters a b and c nothing under letter D this month requesting approval of the Hib report letter e letter F is the monthly suspension report and under letter G request requesting renewal of several memberships for the 2425 school year letters a through D thank you Dr goldber Mr Evans can I have a motion to approve section 12 curriculum and instruction items a through G so moved second second thank M trumpe comments or questions from the board hearing n we'll take a vote Miss tops i i i i i i i i i motion approved moving on to section 12 special education Mrs lellan thank you Mrs Fitzwater under letter A contracts seeking the board to approve an agreement with Walsh Legacy LLC to provide home instruction from April 28th to the remainder of the year uh number two seeking the board's approve an agreement with interactive kids to provide home instruction for the 2324 school year and number three for the 20242 service contracts seeking the board to approve agreements with the Educational Services Unit of burington County dve following services for the 2425 school year a Professional Services as it's scheduled be attached uh B nonpublic School nursing Services C nonpublic School chapters 192 and 193 as set forth by the New Jersey Department of Ed education and letter D idea services to eligible non-public students as attached oh sorry have to move on here uh letter B uh student placement seeking the boards would approve student contract agreement with Titusville Academy for one student from April 11th until June 30th 2024 as attached and letter C consultant agreement there are none thank you thank you mrwan m bin can I have a motion to approve section 13 special education items a through C so moveed second second thank you Mr Maker comments or questions from the board hearing n we'll take a vote Miss tops I I I I I i i i i motion approved section uh moving on to section 14 policy U Mr Capello thank you again Mrs Fitzwater under section 14 letter A seeking the board to approve on second reading and adoption the following policies as listed in the agenda thank you Mr Capello Mr Maker can I have a motion to approve section 14 item a so moved second second thank you Mr Evans comments or questions from the board hearing n we'll take a vote Mr tops i i i i i i i i i motion approved moving on to section 15 business and finance Mrs living good thank you Mrs Fitzwater under Section A grants item number one that the board accepts the revised 2324 funding statement for chapter 192 193 is attached and item number two that the board approves the amendment to the ARP aser Grant as attached under Section B Finance item number one that the board approves the 2425 student Activity Center budget as attached item number two that the board approves the withdrawal from capital reserve in the amount of 1, 347 840 to be withdrawn for the Middle School boilers and domestic hot water heater project as attached item number three that the board accepts the 2324 commission for the blind funding statement and obligation as attached item number four that the board approves the tuition adjustment due to Gloucester Township Public Schools for the 22 23 school year as attached item number five that the board approves the district to become a member of the following Cooperative purchasing agreements at no cost to the district Bergen bids and Ocean County procurement portal under section c operations item number one that the board approves a district piano which is in disrepair to be placed for sale through gov deals item number two that the board accepts with appreciation in the donation of $942 from The cinamon High School class of 1973 to be applied to outstanding lunch balances and item number three that the board approves the completed School Bus emergency evacuation drills that took place on Tuesday May 7th as attached under Section D contracts item number one that the board approve the anticipated 2425 contracts as attached item number two that the board approves the parental contract for student transportation as attached item number three that the board approves a contract with Red River Technologies for absence manag agement and recruitment and hiring Services as attached item number four that the board approves a contract with Rico for a replacement printer as attached item number five that the board approves the award of request for proposal to sedexo management for the 2425 school year as attached item number six that the board approves the revised receiving tuition agreement as attached thank you Mrs Fitzwater thank you Mr living good Mr tops can I have a motion to approve section 15 business and finance items a through a day so move second second thank you Mr Evans comments or questions from the board hearing n we'll take a vote Mr merer i i i i i i i i i motion approved uh we have no other business tonight so we're moving on to section 17 public comment uh during the public comment section of the meeting the board will seek public comment on any item members of the public are reminded that if they wish to speak when called upon participants should State their first and last name and address clearly for the record in accordance with stimens and Board of Education bylaw 01 64.6 comments will be L limited to a maximum of four minutes per person the comment period will not exceed 30 minutes with that said anyone wishing to um make a public commentor discussed I no this is public comment on anything how you doing my name is Anthony flunder I live at 24 Hill Drive last time I spoke um it's about race for my daughter I had another incident not even a month later I'm tired I've been on third shift 18 and a half years I just went the first shift yesterday yall have my full and undivided attention if you'reall not going to help me no one's going to address anything I'm going to do what I have to do it's not fair and it's not right that girl 12 years old she got caught a black on the bus so it's hard being the minority in a room when you're not the majority whether you're Jewish gay Muslim it doesn't matter we pay taxes we live here she has a right to maximize her potential and her education and any outside activities as needed enough's enough and I've been speaking with the other black and brown members of the community they are scared I'm not scared I will come to every meeting if youall don't want to be to change I'm a change same incidence little fires everywhere everyone's scared to speak up hush and go to school it ain't right that man knows me I've been I worked at BCIT since 2015 I resigned in 20 it's hard and it hurts I'm her protector I'm a hero and I feel like I'm failing because y'all failing me so I'mma hold y'all accountable cuz when she do something y'all hold her accountable cuz she's a representation of me it's not right I want to know the last meeting I spoke uh I don't know when this is my second meeting ever I'm not polished speaker I'm not no politician I'm a concerned parent and if I coach if this is one of my students I've been there before where I spoke on behalf of one of my my players so it's not just about my kid it's not but it is about my kid right now I still want to know about applications that are that are minorities that have applied have they had any interview process R the process I want to know how many hibs have been filed at the end of the year how many were race driven um any type of prejudice pre we put in off fires everywhere not making us better I want to come here I want to clap I want to be happy I want to be a dead be Downer I ain't clap for nothing in here I have nothing to clap for cuz my child's not happy she's upset and then they want include her in the activities why would she be why would I subject her to activities when she don't feel safe in the school district then there was an incident last week with with a teacher where she said she wanted to slap the class or and shut up the principal handled it but yet you don't feel included with the teach with the staff you don't feel incl included with your students and your peers and went from we're not going to talk to you we'll shy away from you grown up from kindergarten fifth grade now it's just it's getting verbal what's the next step my daughter not going to kill herself thank you Mr flunder hi I I blin I live in cinamon um I kind of agree 100% with Mr Flander you know there's a lot that goes on we talk about bullying we talk about all this stuff and I've got I have people texting me throughout the town saying that their kids in class are being bullied because they're Christian by a teacher you know being made fun of and that they don't want to their parents to say anything to the school because then they there'll be more ramifications so it's not just bullying it's a lot of bullying and unfortunately what you're teaching you teach you know HIV you teach bullying you're teaching bullying we're getting more bullying I don't know what is happening from it but I really ask that everyone look at that bullying policy and do something different because there's more bullying and this this is horrible I can't I can't believe that nothing is happening with what these kids are doing what's going on it's it's ridiculous it's disgusting you know this is you know we Pat ourself on the back back cinnamon in such a great school it is but you know what it's not it's not that should never ever happen that teacher should be held accountable every student should be held accountable kids are afraid to say something because they're going to be a Target you know we need people to step up we need you all to change the policy it's not effective if this continues I mean I don't understand why there's more race problems more religion problems more bullying when we have this policy so please look into it and hold these kids accountable do something that holds them accountable don't you know I know a thing is just you just suspend people for so many days I don't know how many people learn from being suspended they're learn how to do time they get time off it's not good enough there they have to be held accountable maybe they have to write an essay maybe they have to attend a a class or something but you got to do you have to do better you know Britney's not here you guys have to do better and I and I I mean that because I love this town but I don't love that and that's disgusting and I thank you all for your time thank you Mr blin any other members of the public who'd like to address the board at this time see okay thank you we will move on to the comments from the board Mr Kenny congratulations to our first graduates of the mentoring program we're proud of you for trying something new and for taking the challenge congratulations to all the faculty and staff Award winners tonight and thank you to our volunteer Award winner congratulations to all of our athletes makes senson proud and to Mrs Miss Riley garton who was recently honored by the new New Jersey state board of education and Commissioner of Education as a 2024 milk and award winner she's here congratulations little out of turn but congratulations thank you to everyone for coming out tonight it's nice to see a big crowd uh please join us again and thank you to those who from the audience who spoke during the meeting we appreciate you speaking up thank you to our principles we hope you had a wonderful princip principal day last week and thank you to all of our teachers you go above and beyond every every day to bring out the best in our students and we appreciate it more than you know happy Teacher Appreciation Day today thank you to our nurses thank you for your endless support for all of our students it does not go unnotice and happy School nurses day tomorrow thank you to our local businesses for their continued support of our school district that was an impressive list behind us earlier tonight agreed and best wishes to all the students participating in their spring concerts this month and that's about it the next regularly scheduled meeting is June 11th the final meeting of the school year beginning at 7:00 and hopefully will be held in the Middle School cafetorium information can be found on the district website thank you thank you Mr Conny uh we will be going into executive session but there will be no business after the executive session so with that um Mr Kenny can I have a motion to move into executive session so moved second second thank you Mr TOS all in favor I oppos we're moving into executive session good night folks and thanks for coming out thank you