years already okay I was just wondering thank you you can talk to Steve huh if you want to be closer to me you can talk to yeah you don't basketballs again I just you sort of move your it's hard to have a basketball in your hand on keep a baseball on my desk every day so we only have one two three four five six seven good I'm upd [Music] ready for Miss ion can I have a motion to reconvene the uh public meeting so move second second thank you Mr Evans we are back in public session we're moving to uh section four routine business uh we have the board secretary's report for November 202 23 and December of 23 the treasures report for November and December the receipt and transfer reports for November and December the monthly transfer reports for December of 23 the high school activities report for December of 23 the Food Service management cost performance statement for December of 23 the certified Bill list uh for January of 2024 the approval of minutes regular minut minutes December 12th of 23 confidential minutes of 20 of December 12th of 23 the reorg meeting minutes from January 2nd and the confidential minutes also from January 2nd of 2024 Mr Bramhall can I have a motion to approve section four routine business items a through H so moveed second second thank you Mr Kenny comments or questions from the board hearing none we'll take a vote Mr Evans I I I I i i i motion approved moving to routine matters section five we have the enrollment report for January as of January 12th 2024 the health report for December of 23 the fire alarm report for December of 23 the crisis drill report for December of 23 and the superintendent's monthly report Mr Capello thank you Mrs Fitzwater thank you members of the board and thank you members of the public for braving the web to be out here with us this evening of course thank you to the folks who are watching at home uh well I'm going to begin with my thank yous we'll continue uh special thank you to Mr Mark Tindle and all of the members of our buildings and grounds Department as all of our folks know uh the weather over the last 24 hours has certainly been trying I was very proud that we were able to open our school safely today and through uh thanks to them and all of their efforts staying up through the night and making sure that our our Lots were safe um and our transportation staff uh Mr Silva and his team special thank you to all of them for ensuring that our students were uh delivered to school safely this morning and arrived home safely in the afternoon so thank you to them um I had made a note uh to parents that they were going to receive a possible call tomorrow morning calling for a two-hour delay uh in the time that I wrote that until now that decision has already been made so uh we will continue to ER on the side of caution out of an abundance uh of care for our community uh we will be opening on a 2-hour delayed schedule tomorrow as well so uh enjoy the extra sleep and and or play time in the snow uh congratulations to Brothers Douglas and Dwayne forsome for being the top readers in the jump into reading challenge at New albony School both boys had the opportunity to meet with our state senator Troy Singleton last week to be awarded a certificate for reading the most books at their respective grade level and also like to recognize Mrs Jones in new ALB school who were awarded a proclamation for having read the most books in Burlington County out of any elementary school so uh keep reading kids that's an awesome distinction I'd also like to recognize miss Karen sweet who was named the December employee of the month at the Eleanor Rush school and she was recognized for her unwavering commitment to both the academic success excuse me to the academic success of all of her students January is National bra literacy month I'd like to thank the members of our child study team and Mrs lell and for promoting awareness uh for those in the visually impaired Community um and helping to inform the public um during National BR literacy month congratulations to many of the winners from this year's local Deca competition I imagine we'll hear a little bit more about that this evening from our high school representative but we wish them the best of luck as they continue in their competition regionally and Statewide and hopefully ultimately nationally uh this past Friday I got to enjoy the Poetry out loud competition at cinamon high school congratulations to Junior Eva Quinn who was the winner and will move on to compete at Rucker she was absolutely fantastic um ignore my announcement about tomorrow that has already happened um during the month of January um actually between January 15th and February 15th I have an update from Mrs d clementy The District's character education coordinator and she writes on MLK Day in 2020 Our Town including many staff members and students came together for an MLK Day of Service this year we are attempting to kick off 2024 with a month of service for cinnamon and schools there will be service opportunities scheduled for our students and staff we will showcase the events we already have in place and we will highlight the planning for five events scheduled for the month of February we're hoping to get students back into a service mindset and grow our opportunities in District even further than in the past please follow the character strong pirate proud um I guess that's a hashtag or a group on Instagram as well as the district Facebook page for more information Board of Education members are welcome to join us at every event and we'll be send an invitation uh shortly to the super supper which will take place on February 7th um and in the month of January and February just a couple of highlights to look out for the cathedral Kitchen Food Bank of South Jersey pens Salin students will be putting together dignity bags uh the Trinity am church and grounds cleanup will be taking place uh the super supper which I just mentioned is coming back that's always been a highlight of the district we'll look forward to having that on February 7th uh we'll be doing a Serial for pajamas Drive the second week of February uh the High School National Honor Society will be conducting a blood drive on February 2nd CMS American Heart Association volley F cure which will be the PE uh department and student council uh volleyball fundraiser and districtwide what can we do uh the first week of February caned food dry fly will be distributed shortly uh to all members of the cinamon community so very proud of the events will be taking place over the course of the next 30 days here in cinamon to recognize uh our month of service so with that Mrs Fitzwater thank you Mr Capello um Mr Evans can I have a motion to approve section five routine matters items a through e so moveed second second thank you Messiah con comments or questions from the board hearing I will'll take a vote Mr Maker I I I i i i i motion approved uh moving on to section six six the student representative reports first we will hear from high school student representative Maddie hubber good evening Golden Apple award for December Miss Jana Dawkins received the Golden Apple award and was nominated by Anthony Allison drony Matt mcclusky and nissana coron December students of the month class of 2024 Lauren ringer class of 25 Ben tanov class of 2026 Anna costanti class of 2027 Casey goola winter sports are continuing their Seasons boys basketball the record is 11- two senior night is January 23rd versus Kip Academy girls basketball the record is 11 and two senior night is Friday February 7th versus pyra wrestling the record is currently 8 and3 senior night is January 31st versus leny winter track the track team took second on girls and boys sides in the small School Division at the merly invite on the first weekend in January Derek Robinson placed first in the high jump Jordan flunder placed second in the high jump Sophia lers placed first in the P Vault Charles K placed first in the shock putut followed by Killian peas in second Jack rupture in fourth and Curtis Jenkins in sixth swimming the swim team's record is 4- one the senior meet is on Saturday January 6th bowling the bowling team's record is 5- seven for the girls and 5- seven for the boys and girls is 8 and four senior night is January 30th recent High series are Nate Evers with 452 for the boys and Frankie Romy with 431 for the girls student council during January's month of service student council is sponsoring chs's first Super Bowl of caring students will bring in cans of soup into to their second period teacher from January 2nd to February 99th the second period that collects the most cans will win a bagel breakfast hosted by student council the week of February 12th all soup will be donated to the food bank of South Jersey our goal is a thousand cans Deca 17 17 students from Deca qualified at Tuesday's conference for the upcoming 2024 NJ Deca State Career Development conference competition which is held March 4th to the 6th in Atlantic City these students receive medallions for their achievements at the award ceremony in addition those students placing in first second and third also received a Deca glass trophy National Honors Society NHS will be hosting their annual blood drive on February 2nd in the honors gym from 8:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. students and community members will be able to donate this year's theme is Choose Love donate blood schedules and information to sign up are posted to Cinnamon High School's Instagram Facebook and X platforms CHS blint band CHS will host its first tournament of bands for our indoor drum line and color guard competition on February 10th there will be nearly 30 groups from all around the area in attendance poetry out loud our annual poetry out La competition was held on January 12th in the auditorium during periods 8 and N congratulations to Junior Eva Quinn who will represent CHS at the county level competition on February 13th at Ruckers University interact interact collected $103 from the the sale of candy grams to donate to the Ronald McDonald House they collected they also collected winter jackets and other items which were donated to the American veterans they will be making sandwiches after school on January 17th to give to Cathedral Kitchen in Camden and will be making Multicultural dolls for the Ronald McDonald House in Camden as well Asian-American Pacific Islander affinity group the group raised $463 by selling string bracelets that reflected Hawaii's culture funds were donated to the Maui strong fund that supports the recovery efforts in Hawaii after devastating wildfires this past summer destroyed whole communities several of group members have family and Mali that were directly impacted by the fires world affairs Council on Tuesday December 12th 12 students from CHS participated in the world affairs Council of Philadelphia's model Senate Science and Technology committee meeting simulation at Temple University's Fox School of Business the students engaged with nearly 200 students from 20 schools across the Philadelphia region discussing solutions to issues regarding cyber security Ai and medical Innovation students were assigned to research a specific person's view on a topic and then roleplay the person during a senate subcommittee hearing Kellen CER portrayed senator Tammy Baldwin and served as co-chair of the medical Innovation subcommittee Lun Jang was recognized as outstanding Senator portraying Senator Peter Walsh and Bui Mustafa received honorable mention as the expert witness Amaya capellan for their cyber security and AI subcommittee Ben tenof received honorable mention for his role as Senator John Bosman in the medical Innovations subcommittee of the 24 Awards presented cinemat in high school earned three of them thank you thank you Maddie and now we'll hear from middle school student representative Kathy Bo good evening to all of you I it's been a while since I last shared I hope every everyone had a relaxing and healthy couple of months I would first like to report our December students of the month our Middle School rep middle school students for December were sixth grader Christopher Dickinson seventh grader Cassidy freeable and eighth grade Eric Mercer Unity Club donated over 200 snack packs to Ronald McDonald House of South Jersey and hosted a holiday breakfast for senior citizens in cinon student members of Unity Club greeted guests served breakfast and coffee and raffled off door prizes throughout the event Unity Club was also joined by CSS the jazz band and the dance club to provide entertainment while everyone ate breakfast this month Unity Club will make PB&J sandwiches to donate to soup kitchens around the area the environmental awareness Club collected 150 items to donate donate to local animal shelters thank you CMS families for your generosity and support on January 4th the CMS counseling department and the centors hosted a winter breakfast for new students the students had the opportunity to reflect on the start to their new school year and enjoyed some Icebreaker activities to learn more about their years and our school winter sports have started started congratulations to wrestling team for being undefeated the boys's basketball is 4 and four and the girls basketball is 3 and four the Pirate players just started their first three rehearsals for susal Jr and the show dates are March 15th 16 17th March 22nd and two shows on March 23rd the cast can't wait for the show to come together and are so excited to show everyone their hard work our CMS student council helped out with organizing the theme for winter snowball for sixth and seventh graders students only this Friday from 6:00 to 8: weather permitting students should wear casual attire thank you and have a great night thank thank you Kathy uh comments or questions from anyone any of the board members great job by both of you as always uh we're moving on to section seven which is a presentation tonight by Mr Robert inverso of inverso and Stewart LLC on the results of the audit year ending June 30th 2023 good evening sir okay thank you good evening uh I'd like to go over the financial summary where we stand as ofune June 30th 2023 I think in front of you I put a financial summary so if I could direct your attention to the left-hand side this year in tax levy we took in 35,5 44,000 tuition 66,000 Transportation Aid 1,608 miscellaneous Revenue 240,000 federal aid 64,000 state aid 16 m631 16, 831,687 601 resulting in a net profit for the year of 2, 33621 we started the year with a fund balance of 16, 760 613 we're ending with a fund balance of1 19 milon 91234 which sounds like a lot of money and it is it's further defined right below what makes that up reserve for incumbrances 1,83 capital reserve 4,248 663 maintenance Reserve 2,535 excess Surplus 4,084 870 that's the amount that is required to put be put in the 2425 budget designator as uh next year's expenditures 4,609 625 that's the amount that was put in this year's budget 2324 unemployment compensation 489 excuse me 9004 and unreserved and undesignated 2,038 843 total fund balance 19 mil 91234 the unreserved and undesigned uh fund balance is defined below what makes that up it's the expenditures times 2% plus the extraordinary Aid of 963 507 and non-public uh Transportation Aid of 24024 resulting in the 2, 03843 we expended this year the budget was 58 million 479 we spent 53 649 or about close to 92% 91.7 4 kind of close to last year the way we replace fund balance is by watching what we spend so that's what's happening what's happening in the board though we're using a lot of surplus in our money you know we're using 4 million you know 609 and 4 million again it's difficult to replace that money it's putting pressure on you to do that so but we're okay financially we're okay we have good capital reserve we have a good maintenance reserve and we have the maximum an unreserved unassigned Surplus uh as far as the board office records they were in very good shape there's no comments or recommendations the board office did a good job they're very helpful in doing the audit and they did a very good job so melissen staff should be complimented thank you Mr Embers okay there any comments or any questions questions from the board hearing none thank you Mr good night thank you drive safe okay uh next section is uh Section 8 correspondence to the board does anyone have anything to share there right then uh committee reports we had no um Regular committees we did have one ad hoc committee uh and we're going to um vote on a motion to approve that committee report uh Miss blin can I have a motion to approve section nine letter a committee reports so moved second second thank you Mr Evans uh comments or questions from the board hearing n we'll take a vote Mr Maker i i i i i i i motion approved uh next is uh 10 public comments members of the public are reminded that comments should be limited to items appearing on the me meeting's agenda there will be another opportunity during the meeting to comment on non-agenda items anybody have any comments for agenda items okay hearing none we will move to section 11 personnel certificated Mr Capello thank you again Mrs Fitzwater under Section 11 letter A appointments and transfers seeking the board to approve item number one a through D under letter B retirement seeking the board to approve the two items listed in the agenda under letter C teaching overload seeking the board to approve item number one is listed in the agenda there is nothing under letter D extra Duty appointments under letter e seeking the board to approve items one and two as listed in the agenda under leaves of absence there is one listed under number excuse me under letter F in the agenda under substitute seeking the board to approve the following items under number one and they are letters a through L under tutor's letter H uh seeking the board to approve the one that is listed in the agenda under letter I seeking the board to approve items 1 through four uh that are listed in the agenda and under letter J we have no Mentor teachers and that is certificated Personnel thank you Mr Pell Mr Meer can I have a motion to approve section 11 personnel certificated items a through J so move second second thank you Miss bin comments or questions from the board hearing none will take a vote Mr Evans I I I I I I uh I to all except I abstain from letter G from letter G number one letter j i to everything else uh motion approved moving on to section 12 Personnel non-certificated Mr Capello uh real quickly Mrs Fitzwater I did want to mention that uh our new ESL teacher was scheduled to be here with us this evening but because of the weather we asked her to stay at home but she does uh send her appreciation to the board for approving her at this evening's board meeting and we're excited to have her join our staff that said under number 12 letter A see taking the board to approve items 1 and two as listed by letter A through D number one and a and b under number two we have no job descriptions this evening to letter C extra Duty seeking the board to approve items 1 through four as listed in the agenda letter D transfer seeking the board to approve item 1 a through c as listed in the agenda substitutes and volunteers seeking the board to approve items 1 through four as listed in the agenda and under leaves of absent seeking the boort to approve number one as listed in the agenda and that is non-certificated Personnel Mrs Fitzwater thank you Mr Capello Mr Kenny can I have a motion to approve section 12 non-certificated items a through F so moved second second second thank you Messiah con comments or questions from the board hearing n we'll take a vote Mr Evans i i i i i i i motion approved moving on to section 13 curriculum and instruction Dr goldurn thank you very much under uh 13 letter a request resting approval of the professional development requests that are attached under letter B the field trip requests that are attached letter C I think was supposed to be in the previous section but items one through four under resignations for non-certificated personnel uh nothing for D or E this month uh under letter F requesting board approval of the Hib report for the previous month and letter G the suspension report for the previous month and Mrs fitzner those are the items for curriculum and instruction thank you Dr goldurn uh Mr Bramhall can I have a motion to approve section 13 curriculum and instruction items a through G so moved second second thank you Mr Evans comments or question from the board hearing none we'll take a vote Mr Maker i i i i i i i motion approved moving on to section 14 special education Mrs lellan thank you Mrs fitor under letter A contracts there are none under letter B student placements requesting the board approve two contract tuition contract agreements as listed in the agenda under letter C consultant agreement there is none thank you thank you Mrs lellan Mrs ion can I have a motion to approve section 14 special ed items a through C so move second second thank you Mr Evans comments or questions from the board har none will take a vote Mr Meer i i i i i i i motion approved uh we've got nothing under section 15 policy uh so we're moving on to business and finance Mrs living good thank you Mrs Fitzwater under Section A grants that the board accepts the revised 2324 funding statement for services under chapter 192 19 3 is attached section B item one that the board approves the mileage reimbursement requests for staff members as attached item number two that the board approves the closeout of the Dr Frank Davis scholarship as requested by the sponsor and B that the board approves the establishment of the Robert J Ashley the fourth Memorial Scholarship fund item number three that the board approves the annual comprehensive financial report and the auditor's Manager Management report on administrative findings for the fiscal year ending June 30th 2023 as attached item number four that the board approves the withdrawal from capital reserve in the amount of $494,900 the following donation $1,738 19 from the Robert Ash the Robert J Ashley the fourth memorial fund to the cinemat in high school for the establishment of the Robert J Ashley the fourth scholarship fund item number two that the board approves the revised board meeting schedule for the remainder of the 2324 school year and for the 2425 school year is attached and item three that the board approves the implementation implementation of school breakfast for the 2425 school year as attached and section D contracts that the board Awards a contract for the HVAC replacement system at the middle school to cm3 Building Solutions as per the attached documents thank you Mrs Fitzwater thank you Mr Li Mr Evans can I have a motion to approve section 16 business and finance items a through D so move second second second thank you missah con comments or questions from the board hearing none we'll take a vote Mr Meer i i i i i i i motion approved uh moving to section 17 other business Mr capalo thank you we have a few items tonight under other business under letter A seeking the board to approve the uniform State memorandum of agreement between the cinimon school district and cinamon police department with the 2023 revisions for the current 202 23 2024 school year seeking the board's creation of the law enforcement unit as part of the uniform State Mo MOA between the cinon school district and the cins and police department for the 2324 school year and seeking the board to approve the memorandum of understanding regarding live streaming between the educational unit and law enforcement unit for the 2324 school year under letter B seeking the board to approve the appointment of Tony Topps to complete the vacant Board of Education term through December of 2024 under letter C residency finding seeking the board to affirm the ad administrative finding uh that the listed students are ineligible to attend and that is other business thank you Mr Capello Mr blin can I have a motion to approve section 17 other business items a through C so moved second second thank you Mr Evans comments or questions from the board hearing none we'll take a vote Mr merer i i i i i i i motion approved uh section 18 uh public comment during the public comment section of the meeting the board will seek public comment on any item members of the public are reminded that if they wish to speak when called upon participant should State their first and last name and address clearly for the record in accordance with sentiments and Board of Education bylaw 016 4.6 comments will be limited to a maximum of four minutes per person the comment period will not exceed 30 minutes with that said anyone like to make um public comment hi everyone I blin um cinon um I know that the new board member was chosen it was updated on the agenda I believe and I just have a couple questions for transparency sake um can you please share with us the people of the Town who elected people to represent us on the board of education can you share with us the criteria you you Ed to choose the new um board member and also has this board member attended any school board meetings in the past year or past two years um and also um you didn't choose someone who just ran for office and I'm curious as to why because people in this town actually voted for Mr Horgan and I'm just those are a couple questions that I have and I'd like them to be answered for transparency sake thank you thank you m blin um Mrs Fitz's permission sure um this for because we are speaking transparently um I could let members of the community know that six people did apply um to be um for the vacant seat that was available uh the board is able to determine their own criteria and selecting you know what it is that they are looking for in a board candidate you ask specifically about uh any of the candidates attendant of board meetings obviously I have what I can observe and uh who comes before board meetings so uh I could not say with 100% certainty that this board that the person that was appointed this evening has been at um a board meeting in person however I don't know you know if folks are watching at home or what their level of involvement is at the board meeting uh the board this evening voted um based on their interview process uh for an appointment for the balance of this term through December 2024 at that time it will once again be turned over to to the public for this role uh for this position that will need to be elected on by the uh by the public at that time so that's what I'm able to share sure I I I am not a voting member of this uh of this body so I'm a non- voting member but there's a standard set of questions same questions are asked to every single person so that it is fair well I think in in any process it is up to the board but the actual like questions and uh defining criteria is not outlined thank you any other I'm I'm not at Liberty to discuss what was talked about in an executive session alls we can say is in the end a um we it we reached consensus on the person who was selected any other members of the public that would like to uh address the board certainly sorry my name is Asha Quinn I live at 110 Winding Brook I was wondering if you could say the gentleman's name who will be serving on the board a little bit slower um actually I I should clarify um the uh lady's name is Tony T N Topps T PPS and she will we are anticipating uh that she'll be sworn in uh any member of the board is pending uh background clearance so as soon as the background clearances we are motivated to uh have that person sworn in so that we can serve as a full nine member board okay and then are the names of the people that applied public that is a great question um yeah I that's actually one I would you know would certainly love to but I would love to respect their privacy as well I would just like to verify with those individuals and verify with our attorney before I share that publicly but I'm perfectly happy and I believe that the the candidates themselves May um wish to Avail themselves and let the public know that they were interested but uh that is one that I would prefer to consult with our attorney to make sure I don't violate anyone's confidentiality or their expectation of privacy okay certainly thank you thank you I will follow up though Britney rvis we're transparent until we get stumped um I have a question about the the mo MOA with the law enforcement um are we making revisions because we weren't up to code now that we've been doing all these crisis plans and everything so I guess I know you're not going to answer my question but that's I mean we're almost we started school in September in the middle of January that's concerning um actually if you if you don't mind I would like to clarify because you are oh my God it is it's um because you're you're bringing up a very important question about student safety I uh every year the Department of Education releases guidelines for the mo MOA agreement between public school districts and local law enforcement um while I can't necessarily um agree that they should be releasing it in the middle of the year as soon as they release it we sign those papers so they were released by the Department of Education just within the last 30 days soon as that was released the updated guidelines right currently we were working under the previous guidelines which um any revisions are typically minor but we are um signing a document that is given to us with updated guidelines from the NJ doe which again happened in the last 30 days so that's why it's happening this evening whereas typically one one would expect within reason that you would sign that ahead of the school year but with um questions as to the timeline for win and releases it to us is out of our hands okay so in line with that it mentions the creation of a law enforcement unit so what is that um again for camenson what does that look like I mean we clear we all know we have sro's in the school um what what what's the law enforcement unit who's spearheading that law enforcement unit who is making up that law enforcement unit other than an SRO yeah so essentially the law enforcement unit is the cinamon Township Police Department it's very easy in the township of cinamon to know these are the police and these are the police that support us but in every Township in every Public School District that's not necessarily the case in the state of New Jersey particularly uh for townships and districts it may be covered by State Police so our law enforcement unit is our cinamon and police St so basically we're approving the creation of the cinamon and police department is that what you're talking as an educate as to to be able to enforce the mo MOA between school district and law enforcement is basically identifying the parties that enter into this agreement it's been a uh an annual document that's been signed every well I would assume our hometown police would respond to the schools in within their jurisdiction I would also assume that we would have backup from other towns if necessary right or would we Absolut we we do end question um the live streaming between the education and law enforcement that very vague um just to be clear is this stating that law enforcement now has access to live stream and tap into any of the cameras that are within the school at any time within certain restrictions but yeah I mean it is it is a requirement that we allow law enforcement to have access to our live stream for a God forbid uh emergency that happens in real time they have the ability to be able to tap into our system to be able to respond in real time to our camera system so are you telling me this is something that's just now happening in senson absolutely not I'm saying this is something that we need to renew every year and so you're just renewing that the law enforcement whatever law enforcement unit we have created here is because I mean there's lots of different law enforcement within the Cinnamon's Police Department we've got juvenile law enforcement officer detectives I I mean so it's very vague so basically the law enforcement units the sentiments and police department correct and live streaming capabilities by anyone employed by the law en law en enforement officers employed by the camenson school district correct no or not the school district the camenson police department that is not correct right there so so there are limitations into what officers can access where can I see where that is um I would suggest that you contact Rich calibri the chief of police and he can give you some of the guidelines that that we we have well I send my kids to your school so I was just curious on what your response is to that sure but I will have no problem contacting rich calibri as well but I'm asking I mean concern related to it I can tell you I just want to be very transparent for everyone here and everyone live going to argue with me okay you want me to finish my thought sure go ahead finish your thought I'll reach out to Rich have a great night see you thanks any other members of the publicom okay all right um all right we're going from um public comments to comments from the board Mr Kenny congratulations to our Deca students on your representation of s Menon High School you make us proud to those students and organizations whose goal it is to take care of others in our community keep up the good work thank you to all of the applicants who applied and interviewed for the open board position tonight thank you to all the members of the community took the time to address the board this evening and to the members of the community who Brave the weather and the roads to come out to this evening's meeting thank you to Mr Robert anderso for his report on this year's audit please consider joining us on Tuesday February 20th at 7 p.m. for the next regularly scheduled meeting for the Board of Education right here in the Middle School cafetorium more information is on the district website good night thank you Mr Kenny uh we do not we are not going back into executive session so um Mr Meer can I have a motion to adjourn so moved second second thank you Mr Evans all in favor I opposed meeting is adjourned good night