##VIDEO ID:CUcV8tf8F1g## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e can I have a motion to uh reconvene the public session so move second second thank Mr trumpe all in favor I oos OS we're back in public session our apologies for the delay we had some uh work that went over in executive session uh before we get into the regular board meeting I'd like to just um make a statement about um the way that we do things we figure it's the beginning of the year so that everyone's informed of what happens behind the scenes um with the board of education so I want to take this opportunity to explain a bit about we as your board of education do behind the scenes to prepare for our monthly board meetings if you've attended or watched previous meetings you may have noticed that we usually all vote Yes or I to the board business we make it look easy uh but it doesn't always begin that way we have a process that we go through before we sit down here each month so here's a little look behind the curtain I swear it's not fist to cuffs usually uh we receive weekly updates from Mr Capello uh that tells us what's going on at the schools throughout the district uh the board members are assigned to two standing committees which meet several times each year these committees are facilities Transportation policy legislation curriculum Student Activities and finance Personnel these committees make preliminary decisions that we that are passed on to the full board to vote on during our meetings we occasionally form ad hoc committees when we need a small group to make decisions on items that are not part of our routine business uh such as Union negotiations we have the agenda available to us the Friday before our meeting usually so we can read through it beforehand should we have questions about any agenda item we email call or text the appropriate person different people up here are in charge of different parts of the District administration for general questions we contact the superintendent Mr Capello for curriculum Dr goldurn for special ed Mrs Luellen and for finance questions we get in touch with Mrs living good they're all very good about answering our questions ahead of the meeting so we all come in with a clear understanding of any agenda items so that's why when we sit down here each month we sound like a well oiled machine we work together to ensure the decisions we make are thoughtful and in the best interest of the children of the district so thank you for listening and on to tonight's business all right so we are starting at uh 4 routine business we have the board secretary report for May and June of 2024 the treasurer's report for May and June of 24 the receipts and appropriation adjustments for May and June of 24 the monthly transfer report for May and June the high school activities report for June and July the Food Service management for June and July the certified Bill list uh for it's a little slow I'm pretty sure certified but yes uh oh we're still one below really slow yeah get Stu yeah certified Bill list for um for also for June and July I'm sorry uh for the period ending August 21st of 2024 and the approval of minutes it is slow uh Comm yeah J it's the public it's internet issues with board docs okay so ex uh the executive session number one on June 11th exe executive session number two on June 11th and the minutes of the regular board meeting on June 11th uh so miss Zone can I have a motion to approve section four items a through H so moved second second uh thank you Mr Evans comments questions from the board hearing none we'll take a vote Mr Maker i i i i i i i i motion approved uh moving on to section five routine matters we have the enrollment report as of August 23 of 2024 the health report for June of 24 the firearm fire alarm report for June and July of 24 the crisis drill report for June and July and the superintendent monthly report Mr Capello all thank you and I'll reiterate uh just so members of the public know since we are pulling the curtain back um we do use a service called board docs that's how you access our public agenda and I don't know if there's just a run on opening board meetings uh Nationwide right now but board doc seems to be having a slight outage so uh we're going to transition to our paper copies for the duration of the meeting for anything um that might be listed um if you are following along um do do we have paper copies available excellent thank you um welcome this is uh one of my favorite uh times of year uh last time we met we were wrapping up another wonderful school year and here we are about to launch I have that excitement in the pit of my stomach we are one week out uh ready to do this um it's been an awfully long summer a lonely summer here administratively without our staff and without our students um we are very excited and it's it's happening now so uh last Thursday we had our first kind of Welcome Back kickoff event it was our kindergarten orientation they do such a nice job at the New Albany schools so thank you to uh the administrative and leadership team and all of our kindergarten teachers for welcoming now another class of over 200 uh kindergarteners many of whom it is their first experience in public school and it's always such a wonderful and well-received event um so thank you and great job uh yesterday was a huge day in the district it started with our transportation orientation we welcomed our drivers our assistant secretaries from the Transportation Department back um for their um welcome back meeting some safety training um and some meeting with uh our leadership team here in the district uh they are ready to go and our buses are ready to roll uh so thank you to our leadership team over in transportation for putting on a great event yesterday uh yesterday we also welcomed our third graders uh to the rush school so thank you to the staff of our third grade teachers Mrs mey and her new role as principal uh it went off without a hitch and we are excited to welcome uh over 2003d graders to the elano rush School uh at the same time is uh Mrs D Simone and the admin team and the uh sixth grade teachers were here at the middle school welcoming another batch of over 200 sixth graders uh to start their middle school experience and that was also another very well-run event so uh thank you to everybody who participated and then finally uh last night was our freshman picnic that started um in the afternoon and then our freshmen were joined by our parents as they start and embark on their last experience here in cinnamon schools at cinnamon high school it's a wonderful job uh by all of our teachers and our administrative leaders and our maintenance and custodial staff for making sure that that uh those events all went off without a hitch uh today is another great day in our district every year if you've been to this meeting we've talked about welcoming new staff members many of whom are here this evening tonight um we'll get to maybe um get introduced to some of them but today was new teacher orientation uh it's a two-day program uh that started today with some training from our admin some ice breakers uh I understand that the bus tour was wonderfully well received whoever ran that uh did a nice job acclimating our new staff this is such a wonderful town and those of you who grew up and have lived here um maybe even take for granted at all the wonderful things in Rich history that's in this town so it's a great opportunity for teachers to learn about and uh teachers nurses counselors I'll use as Educators kind of as a general statement uh just learn about cinnam and and all of the different aspects that make this a great place to work and a great place to live so um that was day one and day two uh we're going to get a little bit more into the weeds of the education side of welcoming new staff and our expectations here as a district and then Thursday is a big day as we welcome back all of our staff uh many of our staff members uh have been in their classrooms preparing for the school year uh if any of you have Educators at home you know that the school year does not begin the day the students arrive it begins well in advance of that so um we are usually um kind of tamping our teachers back chomping it the bit to get into their classrooms to get set up and get organized for the school year so uh we're really looking forward to welcoming them back with some Fanfare on Thursday and then as many of you know Tuesday one week from today is The Big Show uh where we will welcome 2,950 is students our largest population yet uh back for the 2024 2025 school year um summer has been a busy time and I have a lot of thank yous to extend to some stakeholders in our district who help keep things running uh when the students and staff are away uh first uh we we do have programs that run in the summer I'd like to thank all of our teachers esps and administrators who helped run things like our esy program uh our Rush Camp Kickstart program uh they run throughout the end of June and into July uh of course there are buildings and grounds staff um the summer months are really their busiest time of year uh just looking around this room the last time we were in this room number one it was very very hot um the lighting um is much brighter the floors you can see your reflection off of and this is s of an indication of the quality work that they've been doing all summer throughout the district uh they usually tend to do their larger project work and we had some projects happen this summer um if you have students here in the Middle School you may have gotten to take a peak during sixth grade orientation at the new culinary room uh it has been completely gutted and revamped and ready to welcome students for another generation of family and consumer science classes we continued an effort that started 8 years ago now of maintaining and refreshing our classrooms we've been doing four classrooms a year and when I say we've been refreshing the classrooms it means um putting down new floor doing some asbest remediation um installing new VCT Floor Tiles new LED high efficiency lighting putting Fresh coat of paint on the walls and um just kind of giving them an overhaul and sprucing them up because a uh a clean bright space to learn um is really great for everybody our kids and we've spent so much money um investing in our schools um we pride ourselves in how we maintain them and creating great educational spaces for students um if you get a chance on your way out uh the doors may or may not be open but you can peek in through the window uh advise you to check out the new floor uh in the cinnamon Middle School um it was refurbished uh resurfaced gy uh I'm sorry the gym the gym floor was resurfaced restriped repainted and it just it looks fantastic um h projects uh for those of you who frequent board meetings you've heard some chatter about HVAC it um it was our Nemesis last year but I feel like we're finally on the other side of it um we are enjoying uh two new uh HVAC units that were launched last week in this room and out in the hallway areas that surround this space so we're very happy to have them online a lot of prep work was done if you've been to these meetings as well you know that um I've referenced certain square foot square footage issues um we are moving forward with the addition of two learning Cottages one at the wbony school and one at the rush school so both will have uh three cottages for an additional two classrooms uh Mr Tindle and his team have been preparing and as soon as we got the go-ahead from the Department of Education that our projects were approved uh we're anticipating delivery of those units uh by the middle of September and then uh we're doing the rest of that work in house to get them online and we hope to have them online uh as soon as possible and ready for uh our students to move into them and uh finally uh it was a multi-year project but we um put the last bit of work into the completion of the outdoor fueling system at the high school so if you find yourself behind cinnamint in high school uh we took a multi-year project to dig up uh some end of life buried tanks and now we've replaced it with an 8,000g uh fueling tank with a canopy over it that should serve uh us for another generation of fueling buses um another set of thank yous I'd like to since we're talking about Transportation staff uh many of them work this summer as well transporting students back and forth to our esy programs and some of our outed District students who are involved in placements uh throughout Southern in central New Jersey so thank you to all of our transportation staff members also like to um thank Mr creel and his team from technology they do uh the bulk of their Project work and upgrades uh during the summer months and um make sure that our technology is ready for our staff and students to uh begin the school year uh if anybody out there is looking for work we would love to have you as a part of our team cinnamon schools is hiring we're actively searching for members of our community to join us as substitutes uh esps drivers Transportation AIDS hallway supervisors uh it is it is a great District to work for and uh we'd love to have you so look out for information that we'll be blasting throughout the community uh outlining some of the needs that we still have as a district uh our high school liaison is here and we'll hear from her for the first time in just a little bit and I don't want to step on anybody's toes but we are really excited that um towards the end of summer our athletes return to cinnamon and high school so if you've driven by the high school you've seen them out there playing scrimmages have begun and uh the official kickoff for our football band and cheerleaders happen this Thursday at Mr Gorman 4:00 uh the battle at the beach down in Ocean City we are hopeful that we have a large contingent from cinamon uh willing to make the trk down to Ocean City to open up the air and cheer on our football team our marching band and our cheerleaders as they start competitive competition uh while I'm talking about the marching band I do also want to uh give a shout out to our marching band who will have their first home competition next Saturday uh that is not something that we've hosted in the past and we're really excited uh about um hosting other bands from the area here on site in cinamon like to extend congratulations to miss Natasha Sigman she received the middle school music grant for the Peter R Marsh from the Peter R Marshall foundation and with that she was awarded $1,250 that she can apply towards her program and continuing to build the vocal music program here at cinman and middle school with new equipment new music or other essential suppli for the success of her program congratulations also to CHS biology teacher Mrs Jen Alvarado who was named the outstanding biology teacher by the state of new for the state of New Jersey by the National Association of biology teachers so congratulations to miss Alvarado uh for board members in the public I wanted to put a couple of dates on your radar back to school night season is upon us as well New Albany will be on September 18th Rush on September 17th the middle school on September 26th and the high school on uh September 25th all of those events start around 6:00 in details can be found on the cinnamons and.com cinnam and.com website um and with that uh that is the superintendent report for the board thank you okay thank you Mr Capello Mr Bramhall can I have a motion to approve section five items a through e so moved second second thank you Mr Kenny comments or questions from the board hearing now we'll take a vote Mr Evans i i i i i i i i motion approved we're moving on to section six the student rep reports and this uh year we have with us from the high school Gwen sansi did I pronounce that correctly it's chonski okay chansy thank I hopefully will not get it wrong again I'll thank you uh G good evening everyone my name is Glen shony I'm the Board of Education liaison for the 2024 2025 school year I'm very excited to start this new position and I look forward to everything I get to accomplish this year on student council f sports teams have started practice for their 2024 Seasons starting off with the football team they're ready to go and looking forward to their opening game against Ocean City High School's Red Raiders on Thursday August 29th in Ocean City at Battle of the beach for the cheerleaders the squad attended UCA camp they worked so hard and improve their skills with UCA staff congratulations to Olivia Riri for winning jumping Queen The Varsity cheerleaders also used some of their summer break to volunteer their time to teach the youth cheerleaders K through 8 grades new stunts they worked so hard and did a fantastic job with the youth cheerleaders for the boys soccer team their season started with a 5 to zero victory over Ocean City in their first scrimmage they're looking forward to a great season the girls soccer team attended a week of camp in the beginning of August and they're ready to kick off their season the field hockey team started their season yesterday with a scrimmage at had in Township for girls tennis the team has started practice and is getting ready for their season by having wacky dress up week the boys cross country team attended Camp two weeks ago for training and heard from some fantastic speakers they also had time to make friends preseason started last week the girls volleyball team had its first scrimmage yesterday versus Princeton day school they're looking forward to a great season on Monday August 26th the members of the class of 2028 attended the annual freshman orientation the CHS pep band and cheerleaders greeted the students as they arrived the student council and class officers provided fun activities and the students received their class of 2028 t-shirts designed and produced by CHS CHS graduate Jack shallow the class concluded the event by gathering for barbecue before joining their parents for the final presentation by Mr Gorman and members of the CHS staff we are excited to welcome our newest CHS students the NHS has started their Year Strong helping freshmen and new students ACC climb it to school throughout the building during freshman orientation oh that's it right thank you Gwen thank you thank you uh very good you'll do great all year long thank you all right um next we're moving on to section seven a presentation from Dr gburn and Mrs Suzanne Fisher all right there we go hi good evening everybody uh we have uh this time of the year do a couple of presentations based on assessment results from the previous school year and this evening we'll be talking about two tests that our students took last year uh the first being the New Jersey graduation proficiency assessment which is New Jersey's exit exam if you will and my colleague Mrs fiser our director of world languages ESL and music will be going over the access test results which is the test that is taken by our English language Learners so the NJ GPA as we may or may not know um was uh resurrected three years ago many many years ago students used to take a test called the NJ excuse me the HSPA which they needed to pass to graduate from high school New Jersey is one of a small collection of states that still has an assessment requirement you obviously have curricular requirements you need four years of English four years of fizzed three years of math attendance requirements you need to be in school X number of days New Jersey has a testing requirement for mathematics and for English and this particular test is the first Pathway to meeting that requirement uh we received the score reports back in June families received their uh Sons and Daughters reports uh shortly thereafter and uh the results uh are uh here for you on these bar charts and also this table here back in 2022 was the first time this test was given and you'll notice and it would be no different in any other school district you'll notice from 2022 to 2023 there was a dramatic jump that's because after the first administration of this test the New Jersey Department of Education lowered the score that was required to pass in previous years uh back when it was the park test and students needed to pass the that test to graduate the score was a 725 um and when this test was put back uh a few years ago they were going to set the score at 725 and some legislators said that you're setting the bar too low it needs to be 750 so across the state of New Jersey you can see there this is for English language arts 40% of students in cinam Inon passed it 39% of students Statewide passed the test and in mathematics it was similar numbers so before the test was given in 2023 they returned that score that passing cut off to 725 so most school districts saw uh a a nice climb there we did went from 40 to 93% of students passed two years ago and this past spring uh with very little room to grow the scores went up a little bit as well 94 4% of our Juniors last year passed this test the state passing rate 82% we is always our goal it's always our expectation here in stimens and that we will uh exceed uh the state averages next slide is mathematics uh the math scores in year one were actually slightly better than Ela which is a rarity in New Jersey usually the English scores outpace math uh but in year two 2023 68% of our students passed this past March 76% of our students passed so we're pleased to see uh the continued growth the Statewide passing rate more or less flattened though it was 55% in 2023 a tiny bit below that last year so glad to see um continued Improvement uh for our overall student body when uh the No Child Left Behind Act was passed almost 20 years ago it requires that schools don't just talk about the total population but also look at individual subgroups that exist uh within the schools males and females ethnicity you know black white asian two or more races students with disabilities members of our English language learner Community if those subgroups have more than 10 10 or more people we are to report those results publicly so for English Language Art so this is three years the black bar to the left is 2022 year One the red bar is 2023 the gray bar is last March we see the overall passing rates of those groups of students so we have males and females the two ones on the left Hispanic black white student groups there and their passing rates there are other you know there are Asian students we have students two or more races but there were fewer than 10 so we don't have those on the bar chart there free and reduced lunch uh in state of New Jersey economically disadvantaged is one of the categories that is reported and in New Jersey that is measured by students who are eligible of receiving free or reduced lunch so you see the passing rates there and then the last group on the right are students with an IEP and we see um from 2022 versus 23 and 24 uh a dark contrast in the percentage of students who passed the English language arts portion of the test as I alluded to earlier the math test is always and has always tended to be a bit more rigorous again in cinamon 76% overall of our students in 2024 passed the math portion of the test so we see there the males and female more or less you know hovering around 75 Hispanic students slightly more than 50% African-American students near 60 white students around 75 76 free and reduced lunch and students uh with IEPs on the bottom again bottom excuse me all the way to the right there there is gradual Improvement there but obviously there's always work that can be done um with any of these uh subgroups or when we dive deep and look at the data there so this is the subgroup data again other subgroups do exist we have students in other groups but again there were fewer than 10 of them in that uh pool of students who took this test last March so what do we do with this information after we get the individual score reports obviously we mail them with families we have teachers coming back in two days and they will be able to review this information as well about the students that they had in their classes we also receive uh reports from the NJ dooe that tell us although they don't let you see the actual questions they'll let you know that there was a question that correlated to this standard and they'll tell you that this percentage of your students got it right and Statewide this percentage of students got it right so we look to see where there are areas where our students do uh not as well as we would have liked see if there were areas in which we were below uh the state average but that is laid out for us for all the questions in English language arts and same for mathematics again they never let you see the questions but they let you know what standards were being addressed of all of the questions there were only three questions out of two tests in which students from cinamon were below average uh and in all three cases they were slightly below one had to do with finding the volume of a a spherical object I'm sure that's what we all think about when we're at home um graphing the square and cubed root of numbers was an algebra one standard and the other one was identifying the uh the main idea of a primary source which is usually something our students do in History Class where they look at a at a letter a document and they review that trying to again identify what the uh what the main idea of that was so those were the only three uh that stood out so as we uh lead into March of 2025 uh our teachers again will you know review this information with the Juniors uh as the testing time gets closer and closer students who may be in need of additional support uh we offer uh After School lunchtime support for those students uh in the weeks and the months leading up to it because this is um this is surely love or hated a high stakes test because graduation uh is dependent on passing it if a student is unsuccessful I said a few minutes ago it's the first pathway there are other alter alternate ways to meet this graduate uation requirement New Jersey has identified a number of tests you can see them up there a lot of them have to do with the college admissions process whereby if a student is unsuccessful on the NJ GPA they if they were to take one of those tests and it's English and Mathematics and they meet the minimum score that is set there they would be able to meet that requirement if they are not successful on the second pathway as well there is a third pathway which they would do during their senior year quot a portfolio in which they would work with one of our Math teachers English teacher depending on the subject and they would work with them over the usually it takes about the first semester working with students on the individual skills and standards that they need to be proficient in and then a literal portfolio is shared uh with the NJ dooe for those particular students uh who needed to access that third pathway so we each year by August 31st need to uh release at a board meeting and then share back with the county office that we uh did so a graduation report so what I just shared with you are students who are seniors now this report right here is for students who graduated last June and we have to do a graduation report which talks about in essence what I just discussed on the previous slide did all of our students graduate how many of them needed to take which ones needed to use the first pathway the second pathway the third and so so on and so forth so last year we had 27 students graduate from sentiments in high school and the first uh the second row says the number of students who graduated Under The Substitute competency test so this is a student who was not successful in NJ GPA but had the right score on the PSAT or maybe the sat four students did that in English language arts 41 in mathematics the next one down is students who did so through the third pathway of the portfolio appeal five in English 15 in mathematics the next uh row down is the number of students who received a diploma because they met the alternative requirements that were established in their IEP and we see they're 12 and 16 and the next two rows are the number of students who were denied graduation we were 207 out of 207 so it is zero and then again obviously then the next one was be zero as well the number of students who are denied graduation because they did not pass one of the assessment requirements the answer to that is zero as well um any questions from board members about the NJ GPA or the graduation report before I all right so at this point I'd like to call up Mrs Suzanne Fischer who is our director of world languages ESL and music and she is going to go over the results from last year's access test thank you Dr goor good evening the access for MLS test or multilingual Learners is a state mandated assessment that's given every late winter early spring to all of our multi lingual Learners in the district the test assesses a multilingual learner's Proficiency in English in four domains listening reading speaking and writing the test has a variety of formats depending on the grade level cluster the kindergarten test is 100% paper based and is given on a onetoone basis so the ESL teacher sits individually which with each kindergartener for about 45 minutes to administer the exam using picture books stories Etc uh the grade 1 through five test is paper based for the writing section only and then the rest of the sections are given online where the students are using headphones and microphones um to do the listening and speaking sections the grades 6 through 12 is completely online um and students are using the headphones for the listening and the speaking portions the students earn a score between 1 and six on the exam and those numbers correlate with Wah's can do descriptors those descriptors tell us what the multilingual learner can do in English at that particular level that information is extremely important for our content Area Teachers who are modifying work for the ml in the classes students must receive a 4.5 in order to exit the program and to exit ESL um after they exit after they score the 4.5 or higher um we monitor their progress for two school years this past school year 2024 128 multilingual Learners took the exam in late winter early spring um you can see the averages that are listed for each building up on the screen there with our highest population um at New Albany the test is very rigorous uh it is lengthy and it is content-based um it can take some multilingual Learners years before they are able to earn the 4.5 or higher um which is why we tend to have some lower averages at our elementary schools um this year 18 students scored uh 4.5 or higher and we're able to exit ESL uh and they will start their monitoring um in September thank you Mrs Fisher anybody have any questions about the exess results again it's usually a multi-year process to get to that passing score um for our ml students and as I've said many times a bit of a broken record my first year in this job there were 26 ml students in camenson and now there are 128 and there were 26 students with a single teacher and we now have 4.5 people four teachers and a few World language teachers also on an overload who the 18 students who scored the 4.5 or higher they predominantly at what around what grade level or is most of the students were exiting from Rush who had been in the program since any other board members have a question right well we'll be back in either September or October with our njsl if you enjoyed this we'll be back with our njsla results for grades 3 through nine um in either September or October so thank you very much thank you Dr goldber you always do a fantastic job we can't wait all right uh we're moving on to Section 8 correspondence to the board I had something that I shared with all the board members uh from one of our staff members other than that um a few emails that we had gotten um but nothing that was not shared so far uh so we'll move on to uh section nine the committee reports uh we had three committee meetings this month a curriculum meeting a finance meeting and a policy meeting uh the curriculum meeting was uh chaired by Mrs trumpe and she has a report on that thank you the curriculum and Student Activities Committee met virtually on August 19th committee members reviewed a proposal from Rush school about piloting a new math club Mrs Jones provided the committee with an update on schoolwide behavioral expectations for the coming school year at wbony the high school administration provided a demo on the new smart pass system going into effect this year committee members reviewed professional development and field trip requests and were updated on the njd O's decision to delay implementation of the new math standards the committee was briefed on the school calendar adjustments on this evening's agenda lastly the committee heard from Mrs D Simone regarding changes to Middle School protocols related to backpacks and cell phones that is all thank you Mr trumpe our finance and Personnel committee also met and Mr Bramhall has a yep thank you summary I do the finance and Personnel committee meeting took place on Monday August 5th at 9:00 a.m. via Google meet uh during the Personnel portion of the meeting Mr Capello reviewed Staffing for the 2425 school year additionally Mr capella also gave a brief legal update and reviewed important upcoming dates and the committee was informed of a recent policy committee recommendation uh during the finance portion of the meeting Mrs living good and Mrs or miss Tom ktz reviewed the current bus driver salary guide and presented a proposal for a revised guide for the upcoming school year and at the conclusion of the meeting Mrs living good provided an update regarding the withdrawal of capital reserve to purchase two learning Cottages one will be at the New Albany school and the other will be at the rush school and the withdraw and purchase are on the agenda this evening um the next meeting hasn't been scheduled yet and thank you very much thank you Mr Bramhall there was also a a policy committee meeting uh Mr Evans the policy and legislation committee met on July 31st via Google meet members of the committee reviewed the latest policy alert from Strauss Esme the committee reviewed the recommended language updates and changes to a group of policies and corresponding regulations most of which are included on the board of agenda for adoption this evening the committee also engaged in an ongoing discussion about a request to amend board policy 2431 the following statement is being offered to address this request at our March 19th Board of Education meeting a member of the community requested a review an amendment to policy 2431 with the goal of allowing homeschool students to participate in District Sports over the last 5 months the policy committee conducted several meetings with cinnamon School stakeholders and the individual who requested the policy review we also consulted with the New Jersey school boards Association school board members and other districts and school dist and the school districts themselves after careful consideration the committee's recommendation is that policy 2431 remains as it is and no revisions will be made at this time the prevailing reason for this committee's recommendation is its concerns about fairness it is important to remember that co-curriculum activities such as Athletics are an extension of our educational program participation in any co-curricular activity is contingent upon our students maintaining their grades and adhering to the code of conduct while we recognize the importance of providing our students with opportunities to learn and challenge themselves as outside a classroom setting we do so by ensuring that they remain accountable to their educational program first and foremost we have no ability to ensure homeschool students are similarly accountable which can create an unfair advantage and undermine our educational growth as a district as the sentiments and Board of Education our Authority is limited to setting policies that impact students enrolled in our district home school students are Outsider purview and are governed by guidelines that differ from the policies set by the Board of Education the policies we establish are designed to ensure that we are meeting educational standards while providing a safe and supportive learning environment for the students of the cinnamons and School District before making the decision the committee took careful consideration of the fact that we live in a town that offers a multitude of travel and Recreation sports teams to Children regardless of the educational program or school they're enrolled in as the chair as the chairperson of the policy legislation committee I want to thank I want to take a moment moment to thank everyone who waited on this policy review we appreciate your time and input it was an informative exercise for our committee to undertake thank you the next meeting of the policy and legislation committee has not been scheduled at this time U Miss blin can I have a motion to approve uh section nine letter A so moved second second thank you Mr trumpe comments or questions from the board heing n will'll take a vote Mr merer i i i i i i i i motion approved U moving on to section 10 public comment on agenda items uh members of the public are reminded that comments should be limited to items appearing on this meeting's agenda there will be another opportunity during this meeting to comment on non-agenda items all members of the public wishing to speak on agenda items only should raise their hand to indicate their wish to speak when called upon participants should State their first and last name and address clearly for the record in accordance with sentiments and Board of Education bylaw 01 64.6 comments will be limited to a maximum of 4 minutes per person and the comment period will be limited to 30 minutes in duration pursuant to the open public meetings act the board will not publicly discuss or comment on matters involving Personnel litigation negotiations or the attorney client privilege the board may choose not to respond to comments made by members of the public during this portion of the meeting however all comments will be given appropriate consideration matters requiring followup will be referred to the superintendent for resol resolution Please be aware that all board employees retain the right to privacy and shall retain All rights against defamation and slander according to the laws of New Jersey the board shall not be held liable for comments made by members of the public and with that said does anyone um have anything to comment on on agenda items hi welcome back so I apologize I didn't have as much time to prepare I wish the agenda came out a week in advance I can read everything that you guys put in there um but I do have a few questions so I'm Edy uh when we'll drive so the first one is with the new uh smart pass system that requires children in high school to have access to their cell phone at all times to I'm assuming go to the bathroom what happens when they don't um what if a child doesn't have a cell phone what happens then how do they get that pass where would I be able to find the guidelines for that particular implementation cuz I haven't been able to find them um I'm a little concerned cuz if my daughter forgets her cell phone what happens then so that's one um in reference to the policy for homeschool children just out of curios it the Board of Education can H hold a public for like an open um listening session for the public you mentioned stakeholders I would love to know who those stakeholders were if you had a public listening session you probably would have gotten input from the public that live here not just certain key members that you would like to listen to just a suggestion listening sessions are awesome other schools do them they provide a lot of feedback from the citizens in the community not just from the members that are sitting in front of us right now um another one there's a list of tutors that you published in this agenda I would love to know how my child can access these tutors then I wouldn't have to pay every single month for private tutoring so if I can get a how of how my kid can tap into these resources ources or any other kid in the district can top into these resources that would be wonderful um next question in reference to finance you have a breakdown of idea funding I would love to know what other purchase services for 3/4 of a million dollar are under that funding what would be considered other purchased Services um by the way there's a lot of other buckets in the financials and they're never explained what they are and there's quite a bit of money in that other bucket it's a little concerning that it seems like every time something doesn't want to be explained it's just get puts in other and with the new um Oprah regulations where I have to pay for Oprah makes it a little hard and expensive so I think that's no last one sorry we adapted a new provider for mental health so I printed that contract or the one that you actually published and maybe I'm wrong in the way it reads but it almost gives a blanket information release to this provider of all of our child's records and then on top of that that provider has the right to share that with other partners that they have I really hope I'm reading that wrong and if I'm not then how do I opt out of that completely so my child never has that and doesn't have that in the school and her information cannot be shared or released without my consent so that's that's everything thank you thank you Mr pelowski uh numerated five items and as I have in the past I'll certainly respond to and happy to meet with you in person about those items so thank you for your comments any other members of the public who' like to comment on agenda items at this time okay uh we're moving on to section 11 personnel uh certificated and non certificate and Mr Capello yeah I had a feeling this would be right around the time when the uh internet crashed out on me again so go and uh go and analog here um under Personnel section 11 uh we are seeking the board's approval just came through uh under letter A for appointments and reappointments uh under item number one uh letters a through Q uh under for certificated staff and then non-certificated staff seeking approval of items a through Q they are listed in the agenda under letter B transfers have any more luck than me uh no we are seeking the board's approval for bear with me for a second I got you there we go uh items one and two excuse me items one through three and they are listed in the agenda under letter C resignations and retirements we are seeking the board's approval uh for the resignations and retirements listed uh by certificated and non-certificated staff as listed in the agenda under letter D extra Duty appointments we are seeking the board's approval for uh items one through five and those names are listed in the agenda um and then under non-certificated staff and then there is one item under certificated staff for the board's consideration as well under letter e leaves of absence uh seeking the board's approval for items 1 through 8 as listed by employee number in the agenda under letter F teacher overloads seeking the board's approval for items number one and two as listed in the agenda under advancements on the salary guide letter G seeking the board's approval for items number one and two as listed in theob yes as listed in the agenda under letter H Mentor teachers seeking the board's approval for item number one and the names along with the corresponding Mentor teacher are listed in the agenda under letter I student teachers uh there are two student teachers for the board's consideration they are listed in the agenda under items number one and two substitute teachers uh coming through in just a second seeking the board's approval for items number one through three those names are listed in the agenda under letter K tutors uh seeking the board's approval for number just attach just number one and those names are attached under letter L job descriptions seeking the board's approval for item number one under job descriptions and under salary guide letter M seeking the board's approval for uh item number one uh new salary guide for transportation department uh as listed in the agenda uh those are Personnel items for consideration by the board uh so seeking approval on letters a through m thank you Mr Capello uh Mr Maker can I have a motion to approve section 11 personnel certificated non-certificated items a through M so moved second second thank Mrs trumpe comments or questions from the board hearing now we'll take a vote Mr Evans i i i i i i i i except I will abstain from uh item 11j number one motion approved moving on before we move on fitw uh we do have a number of our new staff members who have taken time to be here this evening and I do apologize it's getting a little later than we would like uh so at this point I would ask uh any of our principales who have staff member in your build in your respective buildings uh to introduce any new staff members who came out this evening to members of our board and then I will follow that quickly by uh no one at all will be offended if you choose to leave after that because we do need you for new or new teacher orientation at 8:00 in the morning so um at this point uh we'll go in student birth order Mrs [Music] Jones we have a microphone tonight I was hoping he was going to start over by thank you so much um I have several new staff members to introduce uh I'll start over on that side I'd like to introduce Brena McNair who is joining New Albany as a part-time PE teacher she is a graduate from Rowan University next to her is Miss Jackie McDermot she is joining our kindergarten team and she is coming to us as a seasoned kindergarten teacher with 13 years experience from Florence let's see I'm coming over here all right Kate Ormsby is going to be the new alany nurse she is a graduate of Chamberlain University and received her Nursing degree from Our Lady of Lords behind her we have Miss Asia Jones Linda Kella is here as well to support um she is joining us as our new part-time counselor and we are happy to have her on board um we have Leandra Cali who is joining us is a special education teacher and she is a graduate of Ruckers University and finally we have Jillian Wier who is joining our preschool teaching team and she is a graduate of Westchester University thank you congratulations everyone welcome Mrs thank you good evening this evening we're joined by one new addition to the rush family and that is Miss Cassandra Shields she is a graduate of Rowan University and she'll be teaching vocal music at rush [Applause] welcome no you don't have anybody here you go sir so finishing off the hiring season at the high school I'm excited to welcome two new members to our social studies Department dep we have Anthony fman uh he will be with us uh fulltime for the entire year in a in a social studies position he comes to us from Eastern uh University in Pennsylvania uh we also have Mr Ben Ross who will be filling a long-term sub position for us uh from September to December so we're super excited to be adding two very strong members to our team M Mr Krill we we enjoyed watching you run across so much that uh the microphone does need to go back to the other side thank you Mr Gman uh last but not least I'd like to introduce two new members to the child study team we have two new bcbas board certified Behavioral Analyst uh we have Lauren dichi and we have Katie neilie welcome ladies does it does need to go back to Mrs Jones she she's got one more to introduce getting your steps in room it I apologize joining me as my counter part as an assistant principal is Miss Janette Oliver uh thank you as I echoed the sentiments earlier today uh at new teacher orientation and certainly when I met with you and offering you the positions uh this is a wonderful District you're going to find a great home and we all hope that you retire from here many many many years from now and that you find this job uh very fulfilling I think you will uh find a wonderful home here in cinon so congratulations and welcome uh go out and buy some more black and red and um any new staff members again you are excuse you have an early morning tomorrow so thank you for being here this [Applause] evening all right and now we're moving on to section 12 curriculum and instruction and Dr goldurn thank you very much under uh number 12 letter a professional development requests requesting board approval for numbers 1 through four under letter B field trips requesting approval of those uh attachments nothing under C this month under letter D curriculum numbers one and two under letters E and F the hibb and suspension report those are from the time period of the June board meeting and the last day of school letter G evaluation instruments reopt the instruments numbers one and two for our certified staff members letter H revision to the 2024 2025 school calendar which makes um Friday May 16th a half day for our middle school and high school students letter I all New Jersey public school districts are now required to submit an emergency remote instruction plan and that is attached and under letter J uh approving the piloting of a new math club The Crazy Eights they would be called at rush School for the 2425 school year and I just did want to add one thing uh Mr Capello you had a very very long report but I also wanted to point out that my colleague former colleague at the Middle School Mr Bill sin was recognized as an allpro educator for the Philadelphia Eagles got himself a grant as well as four tickets to a game so everybody be nice to Mr sin um congratulations to him uh just wanted to make sure he got his due as well for the good work that he does at senson middle school and those are the requests for the uh ulum Department this month thank you Dr goldurn Mr trumpe can I have a motion to approve section 12 curriculum and instruction items a through J so moved second second thank you Mr Evans comments or questions from the board hearing and we'll take a vote Mr Meer i i i i i i i i motion approved moving on to section 13 special education Mrs lellan thank you Mrs Fitzwater under letter A contracts there are none under letter B student placements there are none and under letter C consultant agreement seeking the board to approve the following the following consultant agreements as requested by the district for the 2024 25 school year uh these are there are eight lists in the agenda with their attached rates thank you thank you Mr lellan Mr Evans can I have a motion to approve section 13 uh special education item C uh so move second second thank Mr trumpe comments or questions from the board hearing none we'll take a vote Mr Meer i i i i i i i i motion approved U moving on to section 14 uh policy and regulations uh Mr capella thank you Mrs Fitzwater seeking the board's approval for items uh under policy numbers one number two and number three uh number one is the adoption uh approval of the code of conduct for each school is required by cusac uh number two a list of policies that were discussed at committee and number three some policies that are uh recommended by our uh Strauss smme uh to be abolished from the district so those items are up for consideration of the board uh with your approval numbers one through three thank you Mr Capello U Mr Kenny can I have a motion to approve section 14 policy letter A so moved second second thank you Mr Evans comments or questions from the board hearing none we'll take a vote Mr Maker i i i i i i i i motion approved U moving on to section 15 business and finance Mrs living good thank you Mrs Fitzwater under Section A grants item number one that item number one a that the board accepts the revised 2324 funding statement for services under chapter 192 193 is attached that the board accepts the fiscal year 24 extraordinary Aid allocation as attached and that the board accepts the fiscal year 24 homeless reimbursement allocation as attached item number two that the board approves the submission of the fiscal year 25 Essa Grant as attached item number 3A that the board approves the submission of the fiscal year 25 idea Grant as attached and Item B that the board approves partial teacher salary payment to be paid from that Grant as listed below and attached section B Finance item number one that the board approves the mileage reimbursement request for the staff members as attached item number two that the board approves the estimated tuition rates and hourly service rates for the 2425 school year as attached item number three that the board approves the establishment of the following petty cash accounts listed effective July 1 2023 for the um excuse me July 1 2024 for the 2425 school year as attached item number four is the board accepts with appreciation the donation of $500 from the cinnamon and police department to the rush school for the end of the year Student Activities item number five that the board approves the withdrawal from capital reserve in the amount of 345,000 for other projects for the New Albany Elementary School temporary classroom unit item number six that the board approves the withdrawal from capital reserve in the amount of $345,000 for the Eleanor Rush School temporary classroom unit item number seven that the board approves the purchase of two temporary classroom units one at the New Albany Elementary School and one at the rush school as per attached item number eight that the board approves the Educational Services Commission of New Jersey to advertise for the bid of the lease purchase financing for three wolfington school buses as attached section c operations item number one that the board approves the closure of the Jim Robinson award at the request of the award sponsor item number two that the board approves the 2425 County facility approval forms as listed below and attached and under D contracts item number one that the board approve the revised list of anticipated contracts for the 2425 school year item number 2A that the board approves the agreement between the cinamon Board of Education and the Cooper health system for school specialty Physician Services as attached and item number B that the board approves the agreement between the sentiment and Board of Education and insight health for Health Services as attached item number three that the board approves a joint Transportation agreement between cinam and Board of Education the host district and Camden City school district as the Joiner item number four that the board approves the settlement agreement between the cinamon Board of Education and the cinamon Education Association as attached and B that the board approves a settlement agreement between the cinamon and Township Board of Education and Altria as attached thank you Mrs Fitzwater thank you Mr living good Miss Ione can I have a motion to approve section 15 business and finance items a through D so moved second second thank Mr trumpe comments or questions from the board hearing n we'll take a vote Mr merer i i i i i i i i motion approved and moving on to section 16 other business Mr Capello we do have one item under other business receiving and seeking the board's approval from the stand through the standing orders from our school physician so that our nurses can work under that charge for the 2425 school year those standing orders are attached uh under other business in the agenda thank you Mr Capell Mr Bramhall can I have a motion to approve section 16 other business item a so moved second second thank you Mr Kenny comments or questions from the board hearing now we'll take a vote Mr Evans I I i i i i i i motion approved moving on to section 17 public comment uh during the public comment section of the meeting the board will seek public comment on any item members of the public are reminded that if they wish to speak when called upon participants should State their first and last name and address clearly for the record in accordance with the sentiments and Board of Education bylaw 01646 comments will be limited to a maximum of 4 minutes per person and the common period will not exceed 30 minutes mention that the same um continued dialogue that I mentioned during the public the original public comment applies to this section as well hello good evening welcome back we're glad to be here again um we're the cinnamon and sepag we have shirts now so people can um identify us um feel free to follow our social media um we wanted to provide an update on some of the things that we accomplished last year in our plan for this upcoming school year um we wanted to remind the public what a cpeg is this is a special education parent Advisory Group this is a state mandated District level parent-driven group charged with providing input to the local school district on systemic level challenges and special education and related Services the New Jersey Administration Administrative Code states that each each District's Board of Education shall ensure that a special education parent advisory group is in place in the district and to provide input to the district on issues concerning students with disabilities the mission of the cinnamons and cpeg is to help students with disabilities succeed academically and socially by providing feedback to the district on policies and pro programs that affect special education we will try to do this by Empowering Families through knowledge and understanding ensuring a space for parents to have a safe free and unbiased exchange of information Bridging the Gap between parents School administrators and teachers and we're focused on providing a supportive collaborative environment for all during the 2023 24 school year some of our highlights were holding four meetings we created a public public Facebook page and relaunched our private Facebook group for parents we surveyed parents who attended our meetings we sent emails and newsletters and updates we connected with other CPAC leaders throughout New Jersey and we attended various trainings throughout the school year we'd like Tok Mr Capello for having us today um at new teacher orientation and we are really happy to have all of our new teachers I know that they already left but thank you for letting us attend that event and introduce ourselves today thank you for coming uh Ed is going to take over okay um so the goals for the current school year 2024 to 2025 uh we want to expand the executive board and general membership any District parents with an interest in special education in our town are welcome uh we want to establish bylaws continue to collaborate with other cegs across the state um hold at least five meetings throughout the year some with guest speakers continue attending relevant trainings and Board of Education meetings uh L on be uh L on between building principles or with building principles meeting reg regularly with Mr Capello sorry um to review successes and concerns ra raised by our members um we would love to possibly set up a superintendent round table with parents um Board of Education leis on uh request that a board member be designated as a relay aison to the CPAC to attend meetings and share updates with the board uh we have a couple of things that are already in the pipeline planned the upcoming dates our first meeting of the year will be in open house on Thursday September 19th from 6:00 to 8: at the community center in camenson we will have a virtual meeting the following Monday at 12:30 in the afternoon for anyone that can't make it in the evening children are always welcome to these open houses and meetings um we have meetings scheduled for October November and December December's meeting will be a virtual presentation by njcie which is the New Jersey Coalition for inclusive education we are particularly excited about this one because their presentation to The District in March 2023 was well attended and we received a lot of positive positive feedback on it um again follow us on Facebook you can scan our shirts um for more details more updates uh what's not on here we also have a meeting that that the division of Department of Developmental Disabilities will'll be presenting on transitional planning for any older children uh you can also email us at sinag gmail.com to be added to our email list for updates and then thank you for your time thanks everyone you thank you we we do like the shirts recommending some red and black but just you know but thank you for um that and I look forward to our I believe we have a meeting on the books in October welome here so long hi everybody my name is Eric hymon I live at 117 White Birch Drive uh first I want to start out by saying I don't really have a as called Skin In the game here and sentiments and I obviously in my early 20s so I don't have any kids clearly um and I grew up going through the Mount Laurel School System I graduated L High School am the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic what compelled me to come here today is see I've seen as being active in the community I've seen a lot of discourse on the supposed cell phone ban through the middle school and being a young person who's hasn't graduated that much earlier as I like to think anyway um I think I could bring a unique perspective about our relationships with cell phone as a young person or a younger person uh I've seen a lot of people say that you know when they were in school they obviously didn't have cell phones or they didn't have X Y or Z honestly our I just our relationship with technology and with other things have changed over the years our cell phones have become more fundamental uh more needed during our daily lives when I was in Middle School you know cell phones were around and a lot of people had them I didn't use it and you know I had it in my locker most of the time but as the years have gone on our cell phones have become more fundamental the need to reach parents or our are the need for parents to reach kids have become more necessary over the years and as somebody with a chronically ill parent and somebody who when I was going through high school had a older relative living living with us due to health reasons I needed my phone I wanted my phone to make sure in case there was a doctor's appointment or I needed to know at the minute kind of thing obviously that's my circumstance and everybody is different but everybody has a sick relative everybody has an older relative I feel like everybody has a reason why they need to have their cell phone with them my second point being I think this could be kind of an easy pipeline for kids to get in trouble with because you know you're always going to have kids that sneak their phones or have their phones with them regardless of how much they try to prevent them from having it for Hoster reasons so I would just be concerned if anything that it could kind of be make it easy for kids to get in trouble more and more and more again because you know it starts out with the verbal warning and then take your phone away and then kind of kind of quickly accelerate through here honestly I don't even know if this is something that the board can has authority over or something that it can control um but I think it would be much better discourse to have here more than anywhere else including Facebook so I just want to give my perspective again I'm not a I don't have obviously I don't have any kids I didn't grow up through the cinnamon and school system but as somebody who just likes to pay attention in the community and somebody who at least I think is on the younger side anyway being 22 um I just want to give my perspective and thoughts that you guys can take with you or talk to the necessary people and I just want to say I appreciate the work that you all do uh I know that the kind of uh the aggression towards school board members have kind of at least publicity wise decreased over the years since we're getting out of the pandemic but nonetheless the work that you guys do is fundamental and I personally appreciate all the work you do thank you very much thank you Eric thank you any other members of the public who' like to address the board at this time on any matters okay uh we're going to go to comments from the board Mr Kenny uh it's a quick one tonight thank you to everyone who contributed to Preparing our schools for the school year I know a lot of people are mentioned through throughout the meeting I don't want to leave anybody out but we appreciate everybody's work thank you to the members of the community who came out tonight especially those who spoke during the meeting and thank you to the cinat and police department for Their donation to the schools good luck to all of our students family and staff we hope you all have a fantastic School Year and welcome to all of our new staff members we hope you find a new home in cinnamon the next regularly scheduled meeting is September 24th at 7:00 p.m. right here in the middle school cafetorium cafetorium and more information can be found on the district website that's it thank you thank you oh no one more uh comment from the board but I'll throw it to Mr Capello since he has a little bit more history here thank you Mr fitw I just wanted to take um a second to recognize one of our retirees Mr Dave schroer uh who is retiring after a long 27y year career uh here in cinamon and I wanted to publicly thank him for his service to the students uh throughout the district and didn't want the board mean to go by without specifically recognizing him and all of our retirees for the work that they do um so to Mr Sher we wish you the very best in the next phases of your life and congratulations on a well-deserved retirement so thank you appreciate you letting me get that in y uh with that we're we uh did not finish our earlier business so we are going to convene back into executive session we may take one action when we come back um so uh Mr uh Bramhall can I have a motion to to return to Executive session so moved uh second second thank Mr trumpe all in favor iOS okay we are going back into executive session e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e can I have a motion to reconvene the public meeting we good Mr second second thank you Mr Evans all in favor I opposed we're back in public session uh Mr capella we're going back to other business thank you Mrs Fitzwater uh m fitw are indicated we are under section 16 other business there is now an item number two that the board authorizes the superintendent of schools to enter into a lease agreement with Colonial Square Associates for the premises located at 2103 Branch Pike following review and in consultation with board counsel seeking the board's approval on 162 16 A2 that's it that's it all right um Mr rans can I have a motion to approve 16 A2 so moved second second second thank thank M trumpe uh all in favor I opposed okay um that motion is approved and now we are going to uh Mr Kenny motion for adjournment so moved second second thank you Mr trumpe all in favor I e