##VIDEO ID:MjYlfqGc_m8## reor meeting and history reor meetings we waiting on anybody I probably need my computer e e for the flag salute I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all statement is hereby made that adequate notice of this meeting was given by submission of said notice to the Burlington County Times The Courier Post and the cinamon Township Clerk and the district website on the following dates January 17th 2024 item number two a summary of the results of the cinamon Township Board of Education school election held on November 5th 2024 are as follows candidate Donna Marie ion for a three-year term with 4,635 votes candidate Jennifer falconero for a three-year term with 3,757 votes candidate Laura Fitzwater for a three-year term for 4,410 votes and candidate Eileen blin for a one-year term unexpired with 3,917 votes now now on to the swearing in ceremony in accordance with the results of the election the following individuals have been duly elected to serve on the cinamon Township Board of Education Mrs ion Miss falcon nrow Mrs Fitzwater and Miss blin please join me up front I will now administer the oath of office please raise your right hand and repeat after me I state your name I do solemnly swear or affirm do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments and to the same and to the government established in the United States and this state establish in the United States under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I state your name I do solemnly swear or affirm do solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education for office of member of Board of Education and then I am not disqual disqualified and that I am not disqualified as a voter pursuant to as a voter pursuant to rs19 rs9 4-1 4-1 nor disqualified due to nor disqualified due to conviction of a crime or offense conviction of a crime or offense listed in njs listed in njs 18a 18a 12-1 12-1 and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially and justly impartially and justly perform all the duties of that office perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations and welcome to the board congratulations congratulations congratulations okay at this time I'm going to take a roll call for attendance Miss Eileen blin here Miss Katherine blin here Mr gramal here miss falconero here Mrs Fitzwater here Mrs ion here Mr Kenny here Mr merer here Mrs trumpe here moving on to item number three nomination and election of board president may I have a motion to open the floor and to accept nominations for the office of board president motion motion by Mrs trumpe can I have a second second second by Miss Eileen blin all in favor I all opposed at this time the floor is open to accept nominations for the office of board president according to bylaw number 0152 a second on the nomination is not required like to nominate Miss Fitzwater for president thank you Mr Kenny I nominate Michael Bramhall for president thank you Miss Eileen blin are there any other nominations for board president hearing none may I have a motion to close the nominations for the office of board president so moved thank you Miss Eileen blin may I have a second second thank you Mrs trumpe all in favor I all opposed at this time I will take roll call for each nominee in the order of which they were nominated when I call your name please say yes or no nominee number one is Laura Fitzwater Miss Eileen blin no Miss Katherine blin no Mr Michael Bramhall yes Miss falconero no Mrs Fitzwater yes Mrs Ione no Mr Kenny yes Mr Meer yes Mrs trumpe yes nominee number two is Michael Bramhall Miss Eileen blin yes Miss Katherine blin yes Mr Bramhall no Miss falconero yes Mrs Fitzwater no Miss aone yes Mr Kenny no Mr Meer no Mrs trumpe no okay with a total of five yeses and four NOS Mrs Fitzwater is the board president approved by the board congratulations and at this time I'm just going to take a two-minute recess to turn the meeting over thank you e on to item number four nomination and election of board vice president may I have a motion to open the floor and accept nominations for the office of board vice president motion second second thank you Mr Maker all in favor I opposed at this time the floor is open to accept nominations for the office of board vice president according to bylaw 0152 the second nomination a second on the nomination is not required I'd like to nominate Mr Ed Kenny I'd like to nominate Eileen blin are there any other nominations for board vice president okay uh may I have a motion to close the nominations for the office of Vice President motion second second thank you miss blin all in favor I I opposed at this time I will take a roll call vote for each nominee for Mr Kenny Miss bin no oh I'm sorry it was Miss Mrs Miss Eileen blin no Miss Katherine blin no Mr Bramhall yes Miss falconero no Miss Fitzwater yes Miss iak con no Mr Kenny yes Mr Meer yes Mr trumpe yes uh nominee number two uh for Eileen blin all right Miss Miss Eileen binstein yes Miss Katherine binstein yes Mr Bramhall no M banero yes M Fitzwater no Mrs aone yes Mr Kenny no Mr Maker no Mrs trumpe no and by a vote of 5 to four the board approves Mr Ed Kenny as the board Vice president thank youat congratulations all right moving on to uh number five the district mission statement Mr Capello uh thank you Mrs Fitzwater seeking the board to approve the district's mission statement under letter a uh under Section Five and that mission statement is written in the board agenda U Mr Kenny can I have a motion to approve section five district commission statement letter A so moved second second thank you Mr trompe comments or questions from the board hearing n we take a vote Mr blin yes we're going on the line yes which way yeah I oh I sorry I okay I takes time I I I I motion approved moving on to organization agenda items U Miss Wilkey thank you Mrs Fitzwater that the board appoints the following Personnel through the organization meeting in January 2026 um item one Melissa Wilkey as board secretary item two Melissa wilky is the public agency compliance officer to assist the state treasurer in the implementation of pl1 1975 c127 and item three that the board approves Melissa Wilkey is District purchasing agent as required by 18a 18 a-2 item number I'm sorry item letter B District policies and regulations item one the board approves the read-option of the bylaws policies rules and regulations of the cnamts and school district from January 1st 2025 through January 6 2026 item two that the board approves that the school administration be authorized to compile data regarding individual pupils in pupil records from January 1st 2025 to January 6 2026 as follows and listed below items number three that the board approves the new release of directory information about students to the public directory information is name address and telephone number no other records may be accumulated unless the board has authorized a collection of such facts item C that the board approves the following designations and appointments item one the designation of the Burlington County Times career Post in the cinamon and School District district website as the official School notifications for the Board of Education information item two that the reappointment of Mark Tindle is the asbest manager under the asbest hazard emergency health and safety design as the right to know coordinator as the safety officer and as the integrated Pest Management coordinator and as the bloodborne pathogens co-manager for January 1st 2025 through January 6 2026 item three that the board appoints Matthew parupa as the bloodborne pathogens co-manager and right to know co-coordinator for July January 1st 2025 through January 6th 2026 and item four that the board approves the meeting dates for the remainder of the 24 to 25 school year and the upcoming 25 to 26 school year as attached thank you Mrs Fitzwater thank you Mrs Wy Mr Bramhall can I have a motion to approve section six organization agenda items items a through 6 so moved second second thank you Mr Maker comments or questions from the board hearing n we'll take a vote Miss Fano i i i i i i i i i motion approv moving on to section seven Personnel Mr thank you Mrs Fitzwater uh seeking the board's approval for five items this evening under Personnel those items are listed as items one through five under letter A in the agenda thank you Mr cello Mr trompe can I have a motion to approve section seven Personnel item a so moved second second thank Mr Kenny comments or questions for the board hearing n we'll take a vote Miss blin i i i i i i i i i motion approved I'm moving on to Section 8 public comment during the public comment section of the meeting the board will seek public comment on any item members of the public are reminded that if they wish to speak when called upon participants should State their first and last name and address clearly for the record in accordance with sentiments and Board of Education by law 01646 comments will be limited to a maximum of 4 minutes per person the comment period will not exceed 30 minutes anyone wish to speak see okay all right we have no executive session tonight uh so missah can I have a motion to adjourn so move second second thank you miss blin all in favor opposed meeting adjourned Happy New Year