e e e e e e e e e e e e e e thank you we can get some fol out that's yep just cuz we're now about 10 minutes Y and that's the name of the rush reporter who didn't think it was be doing this but it's here and so we'll go High School Middle School brush right sorry for all the uh curve balls okay all right so we're going to do presentation okay got you Mr Kenny can I have a motion to reconvene into public session so moved second second thank you Mr Evan all in favor I opposed we're not now back in public session we are going into section five routine business uh we have the board secretary's report for January 24 the treasures report for January 24 the receipts and transfers for January 24 the monthly transfer report for January the high school activities report for February the Food Service management cost and performance statement for February certified Bill list uh for the period ending March 13th of 2024 the approval of minutes regular minutes of February 20th and confidential minutes of February 20th and Mr Evans can I have a motion to approve routine business items a through H so moved second second thank you Miss ion comments or questions from the board hearing number take a vote Mr Maker i i i i i i i i motion approved moving on to section six routine matters uh a is the enr enrollment report as of March 15th of 24 we have the health report for February of 24 the fire alarm report for February 24 the crisis drill report for February 24 the superintendent monthly report Mr Capello thank you Mrs Fitzwater thank you to members of the the public for joining us here this evening lots of very exciting things happening in our school district I'll leave uh the line share to our three reporters tonight uh to share with you what's going on at the high school the middle school and the rush school um but earlier this evening as we'll also hear from in just a little bit um we had our future chefs competition so we'll look forward to recognizing the winner it happens this time every year uh it was a great event and uh we thank our partners with sedexo for helping sponsoring this great student facing event that we'll hear a little bit more about in a little bit uh this past March 11th was National seal day as many folks who attend these board meetings know uhal has been an important part of this district for the past several years including our commitment to being a stigma-free district we celebrate our second anniversary of our Proclamation that cinnamons and schools will remain stigma-free uh bringing help and support to promote uh good mental health and wellness to all of our students and our faculty members uh they hosted an event last week at the new Alan School uh they had a glow party and I know glow was an acronym uh for grow learn own and win the students had a lot of fun at this event and we appreciate the efforts of the staff that brought uh fun events surrounding social and emotional learning to our students like to recognize the Arts departments it's this time of year where uh our CHS play uh took Oklahoma took place last month uh was under the direction of Miss schwitzer um miss dietro Mr Kon Miss mul Miss Harding Dr D salvio and all of the students who performed in absolutely outstanding show we find ourselves right now if you look behind us and around you may see some of the play and props for susal the musical which is uh in between weekends here at the middle school I had a chance to see the show last Saturday night uh and as per usual it was an outstanding production our kids were fabulous and congratulations to all of the students who are uh performing and to the directors who helped make it a large success uh thank you to our very Cooperative students at the high school last week was the administration of the NJ GPA graduation requirement with class of 2025 uh and I'm told that that was another successful Administration so thank you to Dr Gober and to Mrs spear for helping to make sure that it was a successful Administration and all the staff of the high school uh who accommodated on this evening's agenda is the first public facing steps for the uh fiscal year 2425 school budget uh with the approval of the board this evening Mrs living good will be permitted to submit this preliminary budget to the county office for review uh members of the public who attend our meetings are invited to come back to our public hearing which will take place in April where we will discuss the details of what we're proposing uh in the next uh fiscal year school budget uh details of this will also be made available on the school's website ahead of this public hearing um finally I have one last uh announcement tonight that's been circulating uh throughout the community uh cinnamon schools is the proud recipient along with 15 other schools in the state of New Jersey of preschool expansion aid grant money uh that goes into effect this year the district this year received a grant for $290,000 which we can apply towards providing full day pre to uh members of our school Community um that said this is a multi-year implementation uh so that money that's been allocated was allocated for this year with an additional matching uh grant funding for next year that's going to allow us to incrementally increase the access to integrated prek programs that we have now with the ultimate goal uh within the next several years of being able to universally offer full day tuition free prek uh to every student in the cinnamon and Township School District per view uh obviously as a board we have some challenges ahead of us if you've ever been in any of our schools uh you'll notice there's not uh 20 spare classrooms anywhere so uh right now in the planning phases we are working uh on some options for public private Partnerships to some expansion and definitely some conversations coming our way about expanding the footprint of the physical uh square footage of our buildings as well to accommodate for prek but um a lot of really exciting news for what's ahead we have a lot of young families in our towns who will be serviced by this and uh research uh continues to show that students who have access to Quality full day pre make for better prepared students as kindergarteners and that carries with them throughout their entire School career so uh very exciting news coming to uh many of our families and we look forward to um sharing some of these details uh as they come to light so with that that is the superintendent's report for this evening Mrs Fitzwater thank you Mr Capello now Mr Bramhall can I have a motion to approve section six routine matters items a through e so moved second second thank you Mr Kenny comments or questions from the board hearing none will'll take a vote Mr merer I I I i i i i i motion approved uh we're going to skip student rep reports and move on to the presentations first and then we'll come back to our student Representatives uh so we have the um do not have the cinnamon and Pirate players performance because we have a bunch of ill Pirate players tonight unfortunately in addition to being drama and play season it is also flu season so we're trying to keep our performers as healthy as possible so uh they are here with us in spirit will not be able to perform the song they were going to sing for us tonight so fortunately you'll have a couple of opportunities to come out and see the whole show for yourselves this weekend uh this point though we are going to move into a couple of student recognition I know that's why a number of you are here this evening uh so at this point I'm going to uh welcome Miss frederck if she is here uh up to discuss the Healthy High School challenge so we're very fortunate here in cinon now if any of your children have come home you know we have wonderful staff who work with our kids every single day uh and while they are employees of sedexo they are very much a part of our cinnamon and family uh the folks who work in our cafeterias uh are definitely uh valued members of our community many of them are members of our community uh and at the helm is our food services director Miss Lisa Friedrich uh who um is involved in a number of initiatives to promote healthy habits and positive food choices for our students in here tonight she has a special uh well I'll I'll let you do the I'll let you do the talking so uh Mrs frer thank [Applause] you thank you um we while we do run our future Chef Every Spring we actually start in the fall with our high school students and we run a couple programs encouraging them to purchase healthy meals purchase water over any other drinks uh healthy snacks uh reduced fat Doritos baked chips and each year it's a competition between all of the sedexo schools throughout the country and this year again uh we were awarded $500 for our district for the amount of meals we have purchased uh towards how many students we have in our district if I could present this to Mr gourman sorry Mr Gman no large ceremonial I promise you the bank will accept this [Applause] very so one of the things we've been doing this year uh for anybody that follows along monthly with our board meetings is we we've always held this this large group gathering in June where we try to recognize students from the entire school year for all these outstanding performances and we're kind of test driving this in real time this year in trying to recognize students closer in proximity to when these achievements have happened so uh for this evening we have a couple of students that we'd like to recognize for recent achievements so with that we will go in birth order of school uh from our youngest to our oldest so I'd like to welcome Mrs Jones from the new alony school good evening everyone I would like to introduce two of our coordinators of The Invention Convention Mr Craig Angelini and Miss Gabby Lopez thank you all for coming um we held The Invention Convention on February 29th sorry my voice is a little horar from coaching today um basically The Invention Convention showcases students um initiative toward working to solve some problem that they have to engineer a solution to and the competition is held from K through 12 we have uh a judging portion of the competition during the school day and then at night we come back for an award ceremony and um Lisa catered it it was a really nice evening and we had the parents come and we honored some of the outstanding projects that the students had uh had invented so we're just going to give out some certificates to additionally recognize in front of the board some of the achievement that these students made we had an award ceremony that night where the students got um certificates they won small scholarships um we had some prizes and stuff like that and uh we hope to keep building this event year after year and regrow this event um so without further Ado we'll bring up and recognize some of our student participants all right so new Al school had one participant who took first place savani Patel unfortunately she was unable to be with us this evening however sani's uh invention was the cleaning crew for you I think I'd like one of these because she created a robot who not only collects washes dries folds and puts away all of the clothes I could use one of those so congratulations to savani at this time I'd like to invite Mrs D Simone from the rush [Applause] school okay my readers here okay so we also have a few students here that we are uh recognizing for their uh participation in The Invention Convention and in third place uh no wrong way there we go okay in third place we had fourth grade student Max Cali with his writing claw say goodbye to wrist pain and boredom when you slip on the writing claw and glide across the page uh Max are you here I don't believe he is no okay okay in second place we had our third grade student Abby Stockton with her happy glasses so like the saying goes don't never let them see you cry uh these will definitely help with that so come on up [Applause] [Music] Abby [Applause] and in first place uh with her litter roller was third grade student Elizabeth McCoy come on up Elizabeth so Elizabeth's invention was a bike with a collector that would roll and collect all the litter that you would drive over or ride over so you could exercise and also clean up the plant at the same time so great job [Applause] Elizabeth okay so this year at uh rush and actually for the past four years since Mr bisari has taken over our fizzed program uh we have done the kids heart Challenge and with the kids heart challenge uh there is a ton of fundraising uh for the American Heart Association and we have hit over $100,000 in fundraising over the last four years so I'd like to give a round of applause to Mr baleri for all the work that he puts into that this year we've raised $2 23,522 with one of our students who was the top fundraiser for the last three years fifth grader Luke faren has been the number one fundraiser he has raised a School record of $2,525 this year and he has raised over $5,000 in the last three years so congratulations to Luke [Applause] faren [Laughter] and finally uh really just added tonight after an amazing future chef competition there were 35 entries I miss Frederick if you want to come up there were I believe 35 recipes and entered into this program uh they the sedexo crew had chosen six that really would fit into the um the time slot that we had as well as really give us a different taste from um different families the theme this year was uh family traditions correct so uh our winner for the sedexo future chef competition was Miss Mila Bolton and her barbecue beef biscuits Mah they were fantastic chef's kiss there and again thank you to sedexo for running that annual program it's a really fun great night for all the students involved and next I would like to introduce Mrs Kristen Melcher our principal from the Middle [Applause] School good evening um The Invention Convention uh Patel running the uh running running first place here theme continues unfortunately AO also unable to be present tonight uh what impressed me most after I talked to her about her project is she said that this is very important in her family and she basically has no choice but to do it for the rest of her Middle School career so I'm very excited to see what she comes up with in seventh and eighth grade as well but congratulations to AA and to the Patel family uh additionally tonight is my pleasure to spend time recognizing um an event recently hosted by the New Jersey school boards associ iation it was great to see this tradition brought back in person last year after going on a brief Hiatus during the pandemic and schools throughout Burlington County at the middle school level have the opportunity to choose one representative from their eighth grade class to participate in the eighth grade dialogue so tonight we are recognizing CMS 8th grader and student council president Reed Hobson who was um elected to serve as the school's representative this event was a celebration of e8th grade students who have demonstrated exceptional character determination leadership and community service and at the event Reed was able to speak about what makes cinon a unique Community he offered suggestions on ways we can improve our school and he highlighted his personal aspirations for both high school and Beyond and a special thanks to our board member Mrs Ione for being present at the event and congratulations once again to Reed for being an excellent student representative and I hope you keep your great ideas coming so come on up re thank you very much and next up I will pass it off to Mr Gorman president I'm president principal at cinnamon High School uh so the the high school for the last several years has had the privilege of getting to host the event so I I really had the I had the privilege of being there uh for the night of the award ceremony I think I can speak for everybody when I say uh how how impressed I was by the quality of the ideas uh and the craftsmanship with which the inventions were created uh every year this year is no exception there's at least one that I wish I had thought of and found a way to Market first but it never works out that way uh so I would I would love to recognize Nicole kareah and Zoe Howard who took first place for the high [Applause] school congratulations in second place we have Katherine and lahti they created an amazing project that solved a lot of problems including houses crising um the expenses of bills and all of that they created a small house that really solved a lot of issues they did a great [Applause] job [Applause] and then in third place we had Owen and Michael they created a book that teaches young children about electrical circuits they actually got this idea from I think it was a a video on Instagram or it was like an electrical circuits and they were like what if we made this into a book so I thought that was very creative and congratulations to them neither of them are here uh before I sit down if we could just offer a round of applause to Mr Angelini and Miss L uh I I get a front row seat for all of the effort and time and energy that they put into making Invention Convention a reality every year uh and I I really appreciate it it's one of the one of the highlights of my year thank you so a little foreshadowing for next month uh Mr Gman will be back we'll be recognizing some of the athletes from the winter season and we have a number of them hope we recogniz it I appreciate uh everyone who came out for the recognition portion of the board meeting of course uh everyone is welcome to stay for the full balance of the board meeting uh I understand that we have homework in bedtime so uh the next portion up is going to be some reports from our student Le ASM Representatives including our uh first second annual uh update from the rush school so uh it should be very exciting uh and very informative as well uh but of course we understand that there are other uh family obligations as well so thank you so much for anybody who might be leaving for everybody else we would love for you to stay with us all right I'm going to hand it back over to Mrs Fitzwater yep go okay we have our high school representative report from mateline hubard good evening the Golden Apple award for February was presented to miss Kate Laskowski she was nominated by the following students Luke Saro Hannah Derbyshire Addie Evans Abby MTZ and Eva Quin the students of the month for February class of 2024 Warren Baron Brock class 2025 Jasmine D Silva class of 2026 Sarah delgrippo and class of 2027 Bruna cell winter sports have concluded their seasons and spring sports teams are practicing wrestling congratulations to Dylan vone and Donovan Wilkinson who competed in the njsiaa state wrestling tournament girls wrestling for the first time in school history the CHS girls wrestling team competed in the njsiaa South Region tournament congratulations to Emily D Silva who went two and two before following in the constellation semi-finals congratulations to Hannah bmer Riley Evans desire Dow and Phoebe Kershaw for all wrestling their best season swim team Eden MCN Carly shampe Megan shallow and Tessa Devone competed at the NJ saaaa meet of Champions congratulations to Eden MCN for breaking the CHS School record in the 100 backstroke Mason Dr Noah mcris Brenan fra and Bryce Bastion represented boys swimming at the njsiaa meet of Champions congratulations to Noah mccy for breaking the CHS School record in the 100 backstroke by two seconds class of 2024 the senior class returned home from their senior trip at Disney World and one day Universal they had a wonderful time making many memories in the happiest place on Earth CHS drama club Oklahoma delighted audiences over two weekends the CES drama club extends a warm thank you to the cinemon community for their support and appreciation of a wonderful show they would like to give a special thanks to the parent volunteers and wish the best for their graduating class to 2024 and the incredible contributions they have made to our school Deca camon Deca was well represented at the 63rd annual NJ Deca State Career Development conference 19 members from the CHS chapter attended 11 competed in individual events and seven presented manuals in either the marketing or entrepreneurship Arenas our VP of leadership Evelyn soua Silva had the opportunity to work for the conference as an intern Junior Benjamin tiof placed six in the restaurant and food service management event allowing him to represent both cinnamon and New Jersey in competition at the upcoming 2024 Deca International Career Development conference which will be held at the end of April in Anaheim California Glam gals some of the members made Valentine's bracelets on their January trip to Riverview Estates While others gave manicures at the beginning of February the group met during smart lunch to make the residents bracelets and cards so that they could hand them out at the meeting the club met again February 26th to do more manicures and their next trip will be Tuesday March 26th future Healthcare professionals the club had a virtual visit from the physician assistant who works in New York City she went through the education necessary to become a PA explaining two Pathways one can take the PA also described a typical day including what she does and what she sees the group enjoyed the presentation interact several interact members help symthic key ports make multi Multicultural dolls for the Ronald McDonald House in Camden Samantha is a member of interact the Girl Scouts of America and she serves on the student executive Council for the Ronald McDonald House in addition the group continues their monthly sandwich making for the cathedral Kitchen in Camden after school on March 13th the students will also have another opportunity to volunteer at the Easter celebration on March 30th at the Calvary Church in Riverson plans are also in the works for this cinamon High School talent show to be held on Thursday April 25th at 6:30 p.m. in the school auditorium thank you thank you Maddie now we'll hear from the Middle School representative uh Kathy Bo good evening I would first like to report on our February students of the month Ryland white for sixth grade Rana NS for seventh and Cilia peroski for eth spring Sports began this week and student athletes are looking forward to a competitive season March is women's History Month students will be involved in some activities highlighting women's rights in their social studies classes on Tuesday March 5th 50 students traveled to rcbc for the college for a Day program where students spend the day engaged in various activities and learned about a variety of career paths the day ended with a campus tour and lots of questions for the staff staff and students agreed greed it was an excellent and amazing experience for all the senon school district and other schools around the world celebrated International seal day on Friday March 8th each School celebrated the day by participating in various activities and lessons to promote social and emotional Wellness CMS celebrated read Across America this month the students participated in them days to celebrate the week students staff and special guests from the district read in the afternoon for 224 seconds 33.7 minutes along with celebrating read Across America CMS collected baby kids and teen books donations were dropped off to book smiles to benefit kids and schools in need of reading book Power Players presented susal Jr the musical the play opens last week the final shows will be on March 20th and March 23rd the casts and crew are looking forward to seeing families and community members at the shows March 21st is World down aw awareness day it is also known as rock your socks students and teachers and staff are encouraged to wear crazy or any kind of fun scks to celebrate being unique on Tuesday March 26 Scarlet Lewis founder of nonprofit Jesse Lewis Choose Love movement will be speaking to grades 6 through 8 by sharing what she learned from her personal tragedy and create compassionate communities this will reinforce the work we've done within our schools implementing the Choose Love curriculum thank you and I hope you all have a great night thank you Cassie and now we will hear from an exclusive tonight from a fifth grader from Rush Fiona kellerer good evening my name is Fiona kellerer and I'm a fifth grader at rush School the February students of the month were recently announced and are as follows McKenzie danowski for third grade Thomas Apperson for fourth grade Cyrus Wagner for fifth grade and Lexi beverage who receiv received the specialist nomination these students are constantly going above and beyond the Earths expectations the February staff of the month was Mrs Moran Davis Mrs Davis is a wonderful educator who teaches fourth grade literacy and science the kids heart Challenge end recently and the rush School Community came together to raise $ 23,522 3,236 Luke f was the top earning individual for the third year in a row raising $2,525 ERS is hosting its spring concert on Wednesday March 27th at cinnamon High School fourth graders and advanced choir students in all grades will perform Rush stock as CHS goes back in time for to 1969 under the direction of Mrs Mah the show is sure to be a tiey sensation for those unable to attend a live stream link will be shared for anyone interested in watching from the comfort of home there will be a Rita's Water Ice DIN and Dy event sponsored by the cinamon elementary home and School Association on May 21st from 3:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at their cinnamon and Avenue location this will be held rain or shine and a portion of the total sales will benefit Rush as well as new albony school lastly there are a few exciting events and field trips coming up on March 26th fifth grade teams will participate in the battle of the books competition in the in the rush School AP are the winning team will go on to compete in the county battle on April 18th hosted by Steen hire Elementary School in Maple Shade on April 10th fourth grade will be going to see the play Number the Stars on May 14th Russia is hosting a multilingual night complete with family events and important information and support for our multilingual families on May 16th Rush will hold its annual Unity day assembly organized by Mrs catlet and Mrs M NE as well as memb of members of the Unity Club on part on May 17th fifth grade students will visit the national Constitution Center as well as take part in a walking tour of Historic Philadelphia lastly fourth and fifth grade students look forward to heading back to campakan nickin in early June thank you for listening and have a wonderful evening thank you Fiona three fantastic reports great job everyone yeah maybe we'll see you back here on a regular basis in 3 years Fiona you never know okay uh so we are jumping now to uh nine correspondents to the board anyone have anything to share had a couple of emails concerning the prek um which have now been explained uh so we'll move on to section 10 the committee reports uh we have two committee reports both from finance and Personnel this month so we will turn that over to Mike bramall thank you the finance Personnel committee met on Google meet on Tuesday March 5th at 9:00 a.m. and then again on Monday March 18th at 700 p.m. the purpose of these meetings was to review the 2024 25 proposed budget submission Mr Capello discussed proposed staff additions existing needs and potential staff changes for the 2425 school year miss living good reviewed the following budget items with the committee tax levy increase state aid Bank cap adjustments Revenue adjustments and proposed budget additions the preliminary budget submission tax rate impact results in A99 per year which is a825 per month increased to the average assessed home in cinon the preliminary 2425 budget submission is on the agenda for approval at this evening's Board of Education meeting the full budget presentation and final request for approval will be on agenda at the April 25th Board of Education meeting the next meeting of the committee has not been scheduled at this time thank you thank you Mr Bramhall uh Miss blin can I have a motion to approve section 10 committee reports item a so moved second second thank you Mr Evans comments or questions from the board hearing n we'll take a vote Mr Maker i i i i i i abstain I uh motion approved moving on to uh public comments on agenda items so members of the public are reminded the comments at this point should be limited to items appearing on this meeting's agenda there will be another opportunity during this meeting to comment on non-agenda items do we have anyone who wishes to speak on an agenda item okay seeing none we will move on to section 12 uh Personnel certificated and non-certificated Mr capella thank you Mrs Fitzwater under section 12 letter A seeking the board's approval on the items listed in the agenda under number one items a through D certificated staff and under number two items a through H non-certificated staff under letter B transfers there are three items listed in the agenda looking for the board to ratify and affirm uh those following items under letter c number one items a through H seeking the board's approval for the following non- certif IED resignations and retirements and under number two seeking the board to approve items A and B under certificated staff resignations Andor retirements under letter D extra Duty appointments seeking the board's approval for items 1 through 14 as listed uh in the agenda under letter e leaves of absence there are four uh items listed by employee number for the board's consideration and approval in the agenda under letter F seeking the board's approval on items 1 through six as listed in the agenda under letter G seeking the board's approv them on the one item listed in the agenda for advancements on the salary guide uh we have no Mentor teachers for approval under student teachers letter I seeking the board's approval for item number one under student teachers under letter J seeking the board's approval for items number one and two as listed in the agenda for Stu substitute teachers non-certified and volunteer positions under letter K seeking the board's approval for the one item listed uh for tutors and that is the Personnel section Mrs Fitzwater thank you Mr Capello Mr Meer can I have a motion to approve section 12 certified non-certified items a through K so moved second second second thank you Mr blin comments or questions from the board hearing none we'll take a vote Miss tops abstain i i i i i i i motion approved approved moving on to section 13 curriculum and instruction uh Mr uh Dr goldurn thank you very much under 13 letter A requesting board approval of the professional development requests that are attached under letter B requesting approval of the field trips that are attached under letter C instructional materials uh one new textbook for uh new science course at sentiments in high school next year under letter D there is nothing this month under letter E the monthly Hib report as attached under letter F the suspension report that is attached and letter g g the adjustment to the school calendar for this year as a result of the snow day on January 19th making Friday March 29th a single session day and those are the items this month Mrs Fitzwater thank you Dr goldurn and could you reiterate that section g please the calendar change only because I've seen it on Facebook and it wasn't clear to everybody the uh school was canceled on January 19th because of snow and the uh pecking order that was laid out on the calendar that was approved a year ago so that if there were any cancellations the first day that would be utilized was Friday March 29th uh so that will be a single session day uh for students thank you Dr goldurn uh Miss Topps can I have a motion to approve section 13 curriculum and instruction items a through G so move second second thank you Mr Evans comments or questions from the board hearing n we'll take a vote Mr merer i i i i i i abstain I motion approved moving on to section 14 special education Mrs lellan thank you Mrs Fitzwater under letter A contracts seeking the boards to approve two contracts for one student with the commission New Jersey commission for the Blind and ually impaired to provide services as followed in the agenda under letter B student placements seeking the board to approve two tuition contract agreements as attached in the agenda and under letter C consultant agreement seeking the board to approve at consult consultations as requested by the district uh thank you very much thank you Mr thean Mr Kenny can I have a motion to approve section 14 special education items a through C so moved second second thank you Mr Evans comments or questions from the board hearing n we'll take a vote Mr Maker i i i i i i abstain I motion approved moving on to section 15 policy and regulations uh Mr Capello you want to yes there are thank you Mr sitwat there are a few policies that were on for first reading at the last board meeting uh these were revisions to policies not uh new policies uh so they are listed for adoption under second reading uh as listed in the agenda thank you Mr Capello Mrs Ione can I have a motion to approve section 15 policy items item a so mooved second second thank you Mr Evans comments or questions from the board hearing none we'll take a vote Mr merer i i i i i i i i motion approved um moving on to section six team business and finance Mr living good thank you Mrs Fitzwater under Section A grants item number one that the board accepts the revised 2324 funding statement for services under chapter 192 193 is attached and item number two that the board approves the submission of the preschool expansion Grant workbook as attached section B Finance item number one that the board approves the mileage reimbursement requests for the staff members as attached item number two donations to a that the board accepts with appreciation the donation of $200 from the club ebets to the cinnamon and high school Wellness Center and that the board accepts with appreciation the donation of $500 from sedexo to the cinamon high school for the Healthy High School challenge item number three the transmittal of the preliminary 2425 budget that the board approves the tentative fiscal year 2425 school districts budget for submission to the executive County Superintendent for approval as outlined below item number four that the board approves the tax levy cap adjustment of 118,000 330 based on enrollment increases calculated for the pre-budget adjustment tax levy for the 2425 cinamon School District budget item number five that the board approves a tax levy cap adjustment of 54,5 49 based on health care cost increases calculated for the pre-budget adjustment tax levy for the 2425 senson School District budget item number six included in the budget line 630 budgeted withdrawal from maintenance Reserve is 771 370 for required maintenance projects including Electrical Plumbing and mechanical maintenance and any support of required maintenance cost of District facilities item number seven that the board approves the resolution establishing the maximum budget amount for travel and related expenses for the 2425 school year as attached and item number eight the the board approves the travel and related expense reimbursement of school staff and Board of Education members for the 2425 school year as attached section c operations item number one that the board authorizes Garrison Architects to amend the long range facilities plan and prepare and submit as other capital projects applications for modular classroom site work and utilities for the New Albany School Rush school and Memorial School item number two that the board authorizes the cinnamon in school district to enroll and gov deals for the purpose of buying and selling Surplus as per attached and item number three that the board approves the revised School Bus emergency evacuation drills to be conducted as per attached section D contracts item number one tuition contracts that the board approves the 2324 receiving tuition contracts is attached that the board approves the sending tuition contract between sentiments and Board of Education in Burlington County Alternative High School as attached item number two that the board approves the renewal agreement for services between cament and Board of Education and educational data services as attached item number three that the board approves a change order number one in the amount of $600 for the installation of the above ground fuel storage tank project as per attached item number four a that the board approves Garrison Architects to conduct pre-referendum exploration Services as per attached and item 4B that the board approves new road construction to conduct pre-referendum exploration Services as per attached thank you Mr Fitzwater thank you Mr living good Mr Evans can I have a motion to approve section 16 business and finance items a through D so moved second second thank you Mr Kenny comments or questions from the board hearing none we'll take a vote Mr Maker i i i i i i abstain I motion approved moving on to other business Mr Capello yeah thank you Mrs Fitzwater there is one item listed under other business uh for any folks who were here with us last month we reported on our biannual student safety data systems report uh I did want to report that uh in the chart there was a typo inaccuracy inadvertently listing the number of programs and trainings done at the rush school and the New Albany School uh those two were uh swapped uh so to correct that we're reapproved those numbers this evening uh so that we could report them as a part of the ssds system so that's why they're appearing on this evening's agenda for re-approval thank you Mr Capell Mr Bramhall can I have a motion to approve section 17 other business item a so moved second second thank you Mr Evans comments or questions from the board hearing n we'll take a vote Mr Meer i i i i i i i i motion approved moving on to section 18 uh public comment during the public comment section of the meeting the board will ask public comment on any item members of the public are reminded that if they wish to speak when called upon participants should State their first and last name and address clearly for the record in accordance with senson Board of Education bylaw 01646 comments will be limited to a maximum of four minutes per person in the Comon period will not exceed 30 minutes and sure I'm go up to the uh Podium please hello my name is Douglas cell I live at 104 cubert Road cinamon New Jersey um well I have lived in cinamon for almost 20 years I have a daughter who is graduating this year from cinnamon high school I have two younger children Dutch a cinnamon and eighth grader and morle a cinnamon and fifth grader you will hear from them shortly about a month ago my wife and I decided we were going to pull our youngest two children out of school to pursue homeschooling the basis for our decision was simple we thought camenson did an excellent job embracing technology during the 2020 pandemic lesson plans were posted for an entire week technology was leveraged so students could work from home at their own pace and teachers were available for lectures and assistance during predetermined times cinnamon had captured lightning in a bottle my children children were free to work at their own pace they learned time management and they were not limited to the day-to-day pace of a lesson plan for our household this was one of the most prosperous and happy times we came beside our Educators and took responsibility for our children's education in a way we never had before based on that positive experience we had with remote learning through the sentiments and School District we decided we would try homeschooling ourselves homeschooling comes with its own hurdles and challenges as you can all imagine one of those hurdles which I'm here to speak about is the exclusion of cinnamons and students engaged in homeschooling from extracurricular activities this would include clubs Sports and other related activities as you are all aware New Jersey leaves it up to individual school districts on how they handle homeschooled students Inc sentiments in the policy is currently total exclusion I don't know the rationale for total exclusion I'm not sure all of you understand the rationale for total exclusion either my ask from this board of education and our superintendent is to revise the current policy towards homeschooled children for participation in extracurricular activities homeschool students living in cinamon ought to be allowed to participate in in the districts extracurricular activities this is my ask from you please revise your policy in addition to hearing from my two children I've invited some family and friends from Maple Shade Township they're going to give you some information on how Maple Shade changed their policy of total exclusion of homeschoolers from extracurricular activities you'll hear from Anne Fox a parent of homeschooled students and how she worked with their Board of Education you'll hear from Ellen whest a Maple Shade Board of Ed member for over 20 years who recently retired and her perspective on how the Maple Shade bard of Ed went went about changing their policy and lastly you'll hear from Rees Fox Rees is a homeschooled student and an's Son Rees will talk about the impact participation in Maple Shade High School athletics has had on his life and development all while being homeschooled I've emailed all of the sentiments and Board of Ed members as well as our superintendent Mr Capello in the last month some of you ve heard back from and others I haven't I encourage you to contact me and ask questions I'm here to be an ally and an asset to the Board of Education I would like to work with you thank you also I was expecting uh barbecue beef biscuits about an hour and a where are they thank you everyone um Mr cell thank you for your comments and before we hear from everyone we look forward to hearing from them uh just so so you're aware um the policy committee um subset of the board board uh does give consideration to any policies that are up for review uh there is a a scheduled meeting of the policy committee on March 28th and uh we do expect that this policy will be up for consideration that uh evening so we would certainly thank you for reiterating that Mr Evans had mentioned that it would be brought up during that meeting and Mr Evans thank you for your very prompt response to my email I really appreciated it all right next is going to be Morley my daughter Morley s 104 cubert Road cinnamon in New Jersey hi my name is mole sell and I am a fifth grade student at Rush Elementary I can't wait to start homeschooling I would start today if I could as I grow older I want to be able to participate in clubs and sports at the middle school and high school I like playing lacrosse and I would like to play at the high school one day I would also like to join clubs please change the policy so that homeschooled students can participate in extracurricular activities in cinnamon thank [Applause] you talking in the mic Doug cell 104 Cub Road stimon New Jersey good evening my name is Dutch cell and I'm an eighth grade student at the cment in middle school during the pandemic I was able to work at my own pace and because I already a good student frequently on honor Ral and a fast learner I was able to move through my assignments very quickly because I could finish my assignments quickly at home I Sav myself hours each day that was not spent riding a bus moving from class to class or limited by my teacher's lesson plan I'm excited to start homeschooling and modify my education around my passions as excited as I am to start homeschooling I'm also upset that I will be excluded from joining the High School lacrosse team next year ever since kindergarten I I was I have played for La cinnamons and Lacrosse Club I look up to coaches like Mr Angelini the High School varsity lacrosse coach and former players and former coach Sean tippen I also have friends who are upper classman and currently play on The High School lacrosse team I also want to be a member of the fishing club also run by Mr Angelini I have always wanted to play high school sports and be in clubs at cinamon High School school but now I have to make an impossible choice between my education or my participation in sports and clubs I shouldn't have to choose between one or the other as the Board of Education you can eliminate the exclusion of homeschooled students from extracurricular activities in the school district please change the the cinamon and Board of Education policy to show to allow homeschooled students to participate in extracurricular activities thank you thanks Doug um my name is Ree Fox and I live at 503 East woodon Avenue um I would like to uh thank superintendent Capello and all the members of the board of the board of education for Grant granting me this opportunity to speak with you today um I am a sophomore student and uh I've been and I've been homeschooled from April shade uh due to the pandemic um I missed the chaos of said pandemic my family decided uh to home school and 3 years ago I stood before my own board board of education advocating for a simple yet profound amendment to their policy so that homeschooling students can participate in extracurricular activities I'm incredibly fortunate that Maple Shade did decide to amend their policies allowing me the opportunity to participate in the sports moreover being a maple part of the Maple Street Sports Community isn't just about competition it's about it's about continuing a leg a legacy a legacy that resonates deeply within my family a tradition of sporting Excellence that spans Generations participating in these Sports isn't just about Personal Achievement it's about honoring the Legacy and contributing to the rich tapestry of Maple Shade athletic Heritage in granting me my in granting me the chance to pursue my passions Maple Shade has has given me more than just an opportunity to run they've given me a sense of identity and belonging and for that I'm internally grateful as I stand before you today I'm reminded of the power that lies within decisions you as a board you as a board make as Educators and guardians of this opportunity in conclusion I implore you to continue CH Champion policies that F Foster inclusivity and Empower individ individuals your unwavering support has the potential to transform lives just as just as it has transformed mine thank you once again for this opportunity to to speak thanks [Applause] Reese good evening superintendent Cabella and the members of the cinemon Board of Education I'm deeply gratifi grateful for the opportunity to address you this evening my name is Anne Fox I live at 503 East Woodland Maple Shade New Jersey I am a homeschooling parent of four children and I feel compelled to share our journey with you during the P pandemic my family faced a difficult decision at the beginning of the 20 20 2020 21 school year it was a decision born out of necessity driven by the masking policy that prevented my eldest daughter who has a congenital heart defect from attending school faced with this challenge we chose the path of homeschooling three years ago taking my son's lead we approached Mel Shay's Board of Education to amend the policy to allow homeschooling students to participate in exur activities initially granted as a temporary change for one year it was with my son's persistence and dedication that ultimately led to the permanent amendment of this policy in beginning at the 22 23 school year the Maple shet Board of Education recognized that allowing all students to participate in extracurricular activities enriches not only the individual lives of students but also the fabric of the community itself it was heartening to witness that my son was also honored at his varsity dinner in his freshman year for his dedication to the team a testament to the transformative power of this inclusivity and opportunity given to homeschooling students I want to emphasize that my children like all athletes adhere to to the um duties and outline in the athletic handbook we understand the importance of academic excellence and provide the athletic director and the principal of a copy of their transcripts every semester ensuring that they maintain the same balance between AC academic rigor and athletic Pursuits as I stand before you today I remind of the profound impact the policies decision that you have on these children's lives and families I want to including I want to say there's no downfall to changing the homeschooling policy my children um have done nothing but flourish there was none of the issues that they thought that would happen came to fruition there's um my children and one other family in Maple Shade have chosen as homeschooling students to continue to participate in schools into the school activities there's not an influx of homeschooling students in the community have joined all the sports teams um it's been nothing but positive so I uh I hope that you will amend the policy there's really there's no downfall to including these students so thank you for your time thank you Miss [Applause] Fox superintendent Capello and um school board members I know just tell you what you're going through because I sat where you ladies and gentlemen have been seeing did tonight for over 23 years um for Maple Shade my name is Ellen whest 508 East Wood law Avenue Maple Shade New Jersey I was always proud to be a school board member you run into many things you run into heartaches sitting there when you have closed sessions you have to discuss um I happen to be very fortunate to be invited tonight by by Doug's family to come and just to give you um a little synopsis of what I have felt about that uh we were in your same boat uh what do you do you sit on a school board for a reason primarily because you want to help the children receive a good education a well-rounded education so they can graduate from school go on to be good good American citizens we had um reys come to us three years ago as he told you and he said essentially what he's what he said tonight um when you have a child in school that needs correction you correct them whether it's after school staying or whatever when you have a child who means well does well is a good student is a good citizen of your town you want to reward them and we had a discussion like you folks will have a discussion and it was unanimously agreed upon that he should be able to play um the sport he chose which is his stop is um track and as you can see uh he has made quite an an improvement to the track team and um you won't find better kids than kids that do a lot of things in their community and I I hope that when you discuss this you you come to the agreement that we came unanimously that yes he deserves to play a sport if he wants to and again thank thank you for letting me get up here and talk um and uh I I have been off the school board for now for two years because I retired I think I did my community of Justice um and um thank you all for sitting on a school board you're very important thank you thank you Mrs whis and thank you for your 23 years of service um could I ask just to sprinkle some context Mr cell um and any members of the fox family um the the ask uh for board's consideration and as I've mentioned of course the board uh will consider in policy committee um uh to the two students that spoke great job I know it's a little nerve-wracking um you expressed an interest in athletics um and also clubs and activities um can I ask do we know if the the Maple Shade policy also uh invites participation in things like clubs uh activities before school and after school programs graduations any of those things outside of just njsia sanction Sports okay [Music] any sure great thank you for that context I appreciate it can I add to that sure okay um I think so my ask is not just for sports activities but all extracurricular activities um I'm so glad we came to this meeting tonight and I'm so glad as a board you decided to honor students throughout the year uh because tonight more than any other night hearing all of the different accolades for the different uh activities that the kids are participating in really only steals my resolve as a parent to make sure that those things are open to homeschoolers as well I'll also say this um probably for the last 30 years now school districts uh just throughout of their own through through their own preservation acts of preservation um they've just it seems like everything's getting smaller and Tighter and more locked down in the name of school security and and we can all abide by that we all agree with it um amending this policy to me is a way for the board to be Progressive and really make the tent bigger I think we can all agree in this room that education doesn't occur just within the four walls of these buildings that it it it it occurs throughout our entire community and you have an opportunity to take that education Beyond The Four Walls of these buildings thank you Mr s appreciate your remarks do you want me to leave the podium because I can stay here all night with you we always appreciate your remarks Mr I do think at your first remarks you're close for but if there's anything else thoughtswise you'd like to share with the board of course we will forward it and uh please feel free to send it to the board and I told you I just want you to know that I'm always available for a discussion whether it's a phone call email or iners meeting I thank you for and I and I should also say we have had guests at our at our policy committee meetings when addressing a specific policy so um I could certainly pose that to Mr Evans as well but I feel like all right sounds like an invite to me I feel like you provided lot of discussion to have so thank Mr thank you say one more thing um there are currently 33 states in the United States without a doubt Alles thank you right any other members of Y any other y you did any other members of the public who wish to speak good evening Board of Ed my name is Susan vanhorn 108 Harbor Boulevard cinamon New Jersey um as you all know I have a student he would have been in 9th grade in cinnamon but during the pandemic unfortunately cinnamon School District would not honor my son's medical so he could not attend school unless he complied wore a mask and got sick so my son's Health had to take precedence I um put him into a Christian School and uh Christian School was good got to meet other kids that didn't have to wear the masks no they honored his medical there were no issues with that um but unfortunately Dominic has an IEP and they weren't capable of meeting the academics on that part so unfortunately he didn't pass and he didn't fail but they didn't realize with the IEP that they would struggle so I have chosen homeschooling for Dominic um also to we've also been working working like Doug s said with uh the New Jersey family policy Center of um in Trenton so last year I had to write a letter to them stating different school districts that do allow children that are homeschooled to participate as of last year this is the list that I had that do allow homeschooled children to participate in all school activities proms musical events Etc haddenfield Township Washington Township Burlington County Institute of tech gler County Institute of tech gler Township barnegate Westwood Franklin Township Pinelands Regional rimed North Hunton and Vorhees Regional High School um and like the director was saying over there there's just more and more kids that are being homeschooled and schools are allowing it even at the Christian School many of those families have very big families and they're all homeschooled and they're allowed to come and participate so I too am requesting hopefully that our children that are homeschooled for medical reasons bullying issues or just different education ways of learning are allowed that opportunity because I believe a child zip code should not deserve determine what opportunities they have access to so hopefully we can get this on board and the kids can start participating and being a part of the district they still see the kids at school at their homes in their developments they're just excluded so thank you thank you m Manor any other members of the public wish to speak Britney RIS camenson um wow shout out to your family well spoken all these kids up coming up here probably better spoken than most of our kids in the district um I I think it's crazy that they're even having to come up here to have this conversation as a fellow parent I 100% support you and I would love to hear any parent in a valid reason of why these kids shouldn't be participating with our children they live here they pay the taxes here they're raising their kids here whatever they choose to do the style of schooling they choose to do really shouldn't be your concern um if there's families that have concerns with their children's grades they should probably look within um I 100% agree that it should be it should include everything not Not Just Sports should be for the plays for the proms for the extracurricular any kind of clubs or things that we can offer here in this District they are a part of us um so I'd be very interested to just see um regardless of being Progressive or whatever just do the right thing I mean I I hope most of you are parents up there and I I I I try to I ask you to put them in in these people's shoes we've lost a lot of Education during the pandemic with virtual learning um so I I I I just I'm supporting 100% these these parents here and what they choose to do and how they choose to school um most of you know I came from a Catholic school and this is my first public school with my kids I got twins in eth and a one in third grade um is it perfect here absolutely not is there issues of course but it's your job as the board you know to to kind of help us navigate and address these issues I went to a a neighboring towns board meeting uh last week and I thought it was so interesting cuz when the meeting was over the board members all stayed they like went to the audience and talked to people about the issues and concerns that they raised usually I'm here every month door shuts the meeting's over and everyone beines to the parking lot I know it's late I know we all want to go home but these are our children and this is the future so we need to do better talk you guys have email addresses you should all be responding I had the same issue with you guys it's like well I didn't know who took the lead everyone respond who cares who took the lead at least show us that you care enough to shoot back an email to say received the other issue that I've brought up over and over again is the documents for the meeting minutes there is no attached reports so if anyone would like to sit with me after here and show me where I can find the Hib report the suspension report the superintendent report the special education contracts because they are not attached so I will sit after and I'm hoping that somebody can lead me in the right direction have a good night thank you Mr [Applause] Rob anyone else okay we're going to move to section 19 comments from the board Mr Kenny thank you Mrs Fitz uh congratulations to the middle schoolers on a great opening weekend for sus gold Jr remaining shows if you haven't seen it yet are Friday night at 7:30 and Saturday at 2:00 and 7:30 congratulations to our future Chef winner uh Mila Bolton and all the contestants who delivered delicious dishes today and of course congratulations to all of our student Award winners who are recognize tonight thank you to all our retirees and best wishes um we appreciate your years of dedicated service to the children of camenson and wish you a fulfilling re retirement and thank you to everyone who came to the meeting your presence is greatly appreciated especially the those who spoke during the public comment portion of the meeting and that's it so please consider joining us on Tuesday April 16th at 7:00 right here in the cafeteria for the next regularly scheduled meeting and there's more information available on the district website good night we're going to be going back into executive session uh there may be um I do I'm sorry didn't interr I we do anticipate possibly uh one Personnel item to be added at the end of the executive uh discussion okay so miss blin can I have a motion to convene back into executive session so move second second thank you um all in favor oppose we back into executive session thank you have a good night folks we can across the hall rather than go back to the library e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Carnival competition I like spreading it out it's true I like this little bit every meeting like do I am by the way the job can I have a motion to reopen the meeting so moved second second thank you uh Ione uh all in favor I opposed we're back in public session uh we're going back to Personnel certified and non-certified Mr capella thank you uh under section 12 uh under appointments letter a uh there is now in the agenda item number three that the board approves the appointment of Joanne tomit as interim Transportation supervisor for the time period of March 4th 2024 through June 30th 2024 seeking the board's approval on that item only thank you Mr Capello uh Mr Meer can I have a motion to approve section 12 item a number three so moved second second all in all in favor I opposed okay motion approved uh we are going to uh adjourn uh Mrs tops can I have a motion to adjourn so move second second thank you Mr Evans all in favor I opposed meeting is [Music] adjourned e