##VIDEO ID:xISpMbT6ZvY## e e e e good evening I'd like to call the meeting to order at 7:01 can I have a moment of silence please please stand for the flag [Music] salute I pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America and to the for which it stands one nation under God individual with liy and justice for all all right all right roll call Mr Kenny here M blin here Mr Bramhall here Mr Evans here miss Ione here Mr Meer here m trumpe m Topps here miss Fitzwater here statement is hereby made that adequate notice of this meeting was given by submission of said notice to the Burlington County Times The Courier Post the cinnamon and Township Clerk and the district website on the following date January 17th 2024 um moving down to section four routine business we have the secretary's report for August of 24 the treasur report for August of 24 the receipts and Appropriations adjustment for August of 24 the monthly transfer report for August of 24 the high school activities report for September of 24 the Food Service management cost performance statement for September of 24 certified Bill list for October of 2024 the approval of minutes uh the regular session 92424 uh Mr Kenny can I have a motion to approve section four routine business items a through H so moved second second thank you Mr Evans comments or questions from the board hearing then we'll take a vote Mr merer i i i i i i i i motion approved moving on to section five routine matters uh we have the enrollment report as of October 11th 2024 the health report for September of 24 the fire alarm report for September of 24 the crisis drill report for September and the superintendent monthly report Mr Capello thank you Mrs Fitzwater thank you members of the board thank you members of the public for being here this evening uh just a little bit we're going to be treated to a presentation by Dr goldurn uh so I will try to keep my remarks relatively brief so that we can focus our efforts on the important information that he is going to share I'd like to congratulate uh Mr kin the staff over at the high school uh last week our students took part in the PSATs and this was the second Administration of an all digital PSAT and congratulations to them on a successful Administration um for those of you who frequent our board minute meetings uh you may recall last year I I named October the month of weeks because there are so many different celebratory weeks and we started out uh the month of October it was Spirit Week at the high school and I suspect we might get um an update on that from our high school rep but a very spirited and great week uh at the high school um the first Monday in October uh Begins the week of the uh week of respect and uh all of our schools had some fabulous activities for the week of respect and some of those themed activities can be seen on our social media uh the 6th through the 12th is fire prevention week I'd like to take a moment to recognize the members of the cinon and fire department who always have a presence in our schools and they were in attendance at the New Albany school and Memorial School and whenever they show up uh our kids are enamored by uh everything fire department so and finally October 23rd through the 31st always the last week of October is Red Ribbon Week uh where we recommit uh to keeping students and our schools drug free let also give a special thank you to our second grade teachers who helped organized the first major field trip of the Year this past week uh our second graders visited pensbury Manor where they took part in various different Station activities including Animal Care cooking housing uh medicine and they also learn to write with a quill pen which is a unique skill uh some calendar items coming up we're looking forward to the annual Water Festival which will take place at the pyra Cove this coming Thursday uh that's always a hit with our students uh New Albany School excuse me um Rush school will be hosting a literacy um a math and literacy night uh this coming uh Thursday 24th on the 24th at 6:30 p.m. and of course our annual Halloween Halloween parades more information will be coming out from the schools but those are always a fun celebration and especially now that we celebrate at the Memorial School New Albany and the rush School uh I do have a couple of hot off the press items uh so while we're here I did want to recognize uh cuz I don't know that it made the high school report uh for girls tennis our second doubles team of Saad berol and Grace Gonzalez were the winners of the bcsl tournament today beating mortown which is always a great thing 6464 i' also like to recognize our other doubles team of Eva Quinn and Karly Marinelli who were finalists in The Doubles events as well so congratulations to them and finally also uh happened earlier today i' like to recognize Mr McMullen who's in the audience this evening along with Kathy Justin who presented at the New Jersey science convention uh Mr mcmull what was the topic of the presentation Mr Justin and I uh present to 10 of our clroom projects that we do throughout the year plus our nine stem projects shared them with the audience of 36 plus teachers administrators and then gave them copies of everything we did so they can go back and ter K right fantastic congratulations I understand it was well attended and very well received so congratulations uh and I did look back on my remarks last year just to make sure I didn't miss anything and I closed my remarks last year with a G Phillies so that's the end of my remarks um missone can I have a motion to approve section five routine matters items a through e so moved second second thank you Mr Topps comments or questions from the board hearing then we'll take a vote Mr merer i i i i i i i i motion approved uh moving on to the student uh representative reports first from the high school we have Gwen chansky good evening everyone the students of the month for September are as follows class of 2025 Donovan Wilkinson class of 2026 Dylan hutchcraft class of 2027 Risa de Al Marita class of 2028 Connor Jenkins the athletes of the month for September are as follows Junior Nora Quinn of the girls soccer team and Senior Saudi Gan of the football team fall sports teams are continuing their seasons for football the team's record is three and four after their senior night game against Glassboro Last Friday Night the boy soccer team record is 102 and one after defeating Del Ran on Thursday and securing the 2024 Liberty division championship the girl soccer team record is 92 and two their senior night is next Tuesday against bordon town for field hockey the team's record is 8 in four their next game is the 19th against bordon Town girls tennis had their senior night and breast cancer awarness game on Wednesday October 9th the team's record is 7- s the boys cross country team moves up to the sixth place in sjtca coaches pole after strong showing at sh coaches meet the girl the girls cross country team performed well at the new balance Shore coaches Invitational at Homedale Park special recognition to jamaah massenberg on her medal in the Freshman race this past weekend they participated at dream in Logan Township New Jersey with personal best for Jenna Kirsten Emmy Keyport and Jayla Jenkins girls volleyball defeated Del Ran on their senior night on Wednesday October 8th and improved their record to 13 and 5 after their win against candid on Monday s danowski had 14 assists which put her over 300 assists for her career last week unified soccer had a great game against mortown congratulations to the following officers of the 2024 2025 UniFi Club presidents Sarah Del gero and MV caraman vice presidents grace Morris and Ashley Chen secretaries Olivia goola and Alex chomez social media bassadors Quinn Barnes and Kieran Gallagher the marching band has been doing an amazing job all season but yesterday they took first place with a 9011 and an award in high percussion for student council at the end of an exciting Spirit Week the results were announced at the homecoming dance on Saturday October 5th in the commitment gym in fourth place were the Freshman with 205 points in third place were the Juniors with 200 50 points in second place were the sophomores with 256 points and the Spirit Week winners were the seniors with 310 points congratulations to the following officers of the 2024 2025 Spanish club president Grace Gonzalez vice president Emily renol secretary Ryan week and social media Ambassador Holly Kirsten thank you thank you Gwen uh from the middle school now we'll hear uh the student representative Noah Bundy thank you and good evening to all of you the student of the month core value for September was perseverance the students of the month are sixth grader Anthony WS seventh grader Gabby Moyer and eighth grader Sierra Morris our faculty member of the month was Mrs Crowley 8ighth grade reading teacher congratulations to all our school supported really for life in September by wearing purple in honor of Mrs mcu's purple pirate team the shock Club is celebrating October by collecting donations of new socks for the senior citizens of camenson the sock Drive will run until October 31st and collection boxes will be outside the main office the Unity Club is partnering with Foster love to donate and assemble our goal of 40 sweet cases for local children entering the Foster hair system over the next 2 weeks Unity Club will be collecting monetary and physical donations to reach our goal you will see the students at upcoming sporting events collecting donations as well once the fundraiser closes Unity Club will meet and assemble sweet cases which will include a duffel bag filled with essential items for the child Unity has also been fundraising at the CMS athletic events they raised over 1,500 for this worthwhile cause athletic teams and the Unity Club will assemble the bags as I mentioned in the last board meeting October is a busy month during the first week of October our middle school students participated in the week of respect a week full of activities geared towards building character and preventing bullying students completed an activity highlighting important themes such as the power of individual action hope and optimism and responsibility and compassion on Monday October 7th our sixth graders enjoyed a trip to pinsetter bowling alley they had a blast this Friday is our Harvest Dance for seventh and eighth graders only it will be head at P MMS from 6:00 to 8:00 permission slips and money are due by Thursday on Monday October 21st the six elected student council Representatives will participate in Youth and government day during the day students will visit the cinamon municipal building and police department the students will take a tour and learn about the function and role of each department in the building the students will meet the stakeholders from the building and run the meeting at 6:30 p.m. that night fall sports are continuing and theud student athletes are having a fun and successful season so far the girls a field hockey team is 4 1 and five girls B team is 3 2 and five the boys a soccer team is 6 and three Additionally the boys B soccer team is 4 and five the girls a soccer team is also 4 and5 the girls b soccer team is 5-0 the cross country teams are doing well the boys and girls cross country program is an impressive 14 and five and we are waiting on the results for yesterday's meet at Kingsway Middle School overall all fall sports teams are doing amazing and working hard to improve each week Red Ribbon Week will be held the last week of October there will be activities supporting drug abuse awareness as well as a dress up theme for each day this year's theme for red women week is life is a movie film drug- free each year the stop club and student council team up to make this initiative more meaningful by combining Red Ribbon Week and spirit week this year the weekl long event will take place from Monday October 28th to Friday November 1st students will complete a hom room activity about this year's theme Spirit Week themes are as follows Monday October 23rd you too super to mess with drugs wear your favorite superhero costume shirt or accessories Tuesday October 24th don't let drugs get in the way of your dreams wear your favorite Disney accessory shirt socks or even dress like your favorite Disney character Wednesday October 25th team up against drugs and where your favorite team jersey shirt or colors Thursday October 26th say boo to drugs and wear your Halloween costume to school Friday October 27th the spirit of a great movie never gets old show CMS remaining drug-free by showing your pirate Pride Spirit we will once again be hoarding our take a veteran to school Day celebration on Friday November 1st CMS students will be encouraged to invite a family member or friend who is a veteran or an active member of the military we will hold a breakfast in the cafeteria for our guests followed by the veterans recognition program which will include speeches musical performances and a gun salute by the visiting VFW members information about the event was sent home last week this concludes my report thank you and have a great night thank you Noah both of you did a great job thank you for all that good information now we're going to move on to section s presentations and we're going to hear from Dr goldurn all right thank you very much um back in August we did our assessment results for the New Jersey graduation proficiency assessment and this month we have the New Jersey student learning assessment uh for grades 3 through nine as well as some AP test results from sentiments in high school for last school year I will do my best to be succinct to the point uh there is a lot of information though all right so each year uh we administer the njsla to students in grades 3 through n we do so because it's mandated in federal law the every student succeeds act which was previously known as No Child Left Behind which says that students are to be assessed annually in grades 3 through eight and once in high school New Jersey has elected that 9th grade is the grade in high school uh we received the official scores uh around the end of of August we received the individual score reports for students and their families around September 15th and those score reports were published in the Genesis Parent Portal uh shortly thereafter uh the test itself uh the students take a test in both English language arts and Mathematics scores range from 650 to 850 with varying levels assigned to each uh to different number ranges this presentation that we're doing here tonight is actually a qac requirement we would do it regardless but qac mandates a couple of components of this presentation one of which is to say the participation rates for each school and you can see them right there uh in grades three four and five last year 98.4% of Rush students took the exam 97.5 at camenson Middle School 99.1% of n9th graders took the exam so the next couple of slides and there are a couple uh what we will see are some line graphs showing some historical data as to how our students did third grade fourth grade all the way up through ninth grade and the cinnamon and uh score the passing rate the percentage of students who pass the test will be in red and because cinnamon is red and black and the percentage of students in New Jersey who passed the test will be in green the hope the goal the expectation that we always have is that the red will be higher than the green so off we go so this is our third grade ELA passing rate across the state of New Jersey when it comes to language arts the third grade test is the one that traditionally has had the lowest passing rate and they tend to creep up incrementally we can see here looking back over the last five administrations of this test so all the way to the left was 2018 followed by 2019 a gap for two years we know why resume testing in 2022 2024 last Spring's administration of the test is all the way to the right 45% of third graders last year passed that assessment and we see right below it 44% of third graders Statewide passed that particular test moving on to fourth grade we can see that 57% of fourth graders last year past the njsla and we see the state passing rate there uh slightly below fifth grade 57% of students passed the uh njsla compared to 52 we should always point out that this is based on a Year's worth of information um from September to June science it's actually three years we'll get to that in a moment uh but this is a Year's worth of State Standards uh that students are asked to demonstrate proficiency on so 57% in fifth grade sentiments in middle school last year 6th grade 63% of the students passed the exam we can see somewhat of a steady Gap there between the state passing rate and our own 7th grade 66% of the students passed the exam last year compared to 54% of seventh graders Statewide and in 8 grade last year's eth graders 58% of them passed the test 53% of eth graders across the state passed the e8th grade ELA exam and then the last test that students take in ela ninth grade 72% of the freshmen last year passed the test compared to 58% Statewide if we were to go back to August's August's presentation the 11th graders last year that took the NJ GPA 94% of them passed the test so we appreciate the upward climb that we tend to see from third grade all the way up through cinam in high school switching to math now uh we see there 60% of our third graders scored at level four or five last year in the njsla math portion of the Test passing rate is 48% you'll see surprisingly in the previous previous group of uh results for um language arts the state passing rate crept up every single grade from 3rd to 9th you'll actually see the opposite happen Statewide not in camenson Statewide the passing rate 48 is the peak number it will slowly go down all the way to 20% in 8th grade again not in ciments and but Statewide so these tests are more challenging and we do know you know coming out of the p mic that the mathematics tended to be more adversely affected than Ela fourth grade mathematics test 58% of the students passed the exam 45% Statewide in fifth grade 64% almost 2third of the fifth graders passed the exam passing rate in the state was 40% by the way I do acknowledge I'm going somewhat quickly this P this presentation will be on the district web page uh either tomorrow or Thursday uh anybody wants to take a deeper dive sixth grade njsla 49% around 50% of our students passed 36% you see the numbers for the state continue to trickle down 36% of sixth graders Statewide passed the test almost 50 here in camenson seventh grade math which has had as you can look back to the left has had a a turbulent time we see going all the way back to 2018 above the state passing rate below above below and Bam a 20p point jump uh 52% of our seventh graders uh were successful level four or five last year there were some programmatic changes that happened at the middle school that went into effect last year that allotted some more instructional time we assume that there's some sort of relationship there we can't say with any definitive measure that it caused the outcome but likely a relationship as to why there were more students who were proficient 8th grade Statewide 20% of students passed the exam 22% in camenson I put an asterisk next to e8th grade eighth grade is when there is a a a bit of a Divergence in the tests that are given last year in 8th grade there were about 40 students who took honors algebra here at camenson Middle School those students do not take the e8th grade njsla they take the algebra 1 test so there was a like I said a group of 40 students who along the way from third grade up through 7th had taken the test with their their classmates but in e8th grade those students um were taking a totally different test Algebra 1 this is about 40 eth graders and about 180 nth graders at sentiment High School who took this exam last year 53% of them um passed the exam 40% was the Statewide passing rate and the last njsla test for math was geometry 88% of ninth graders who were in Geometry passed the test you're probably wondering why there is such a steep climb from the left to the right before covid the njla was given to freshman and sophomores so if you were a freshman you took the algebra 1 test or geometry if you were in honors geometry if you were a sophomore you took geometry or you perhaps were in honors Algebra 2 after covid they changed it and the only students who take the njsla now at sentiments in high school are ninth graders so the only students at sentiment in high school who are taking geometry are pretty much in honors geometry and with an 88% acceptance uh not acceptance rate passing rate um that would make sense all right student groups the No Child Left Behind Act said all the way back in 2004 we can't just focus on the whole group we need to look we need to disaggregate the data and look at different individual groups of students within the population to see if anyone is uh lagging behind we report any group in which there's more than 10 students so the first group that we're going to look at here are based on race and these are all groups in which there were at least 10 students who took the njsla from grades three through nine so we look to the left that is cinnamon we look to the right that is the state of New Jersey you'll notice on the left there are four sets of bars from 1819 to 23 24 on the right there are only three because New Jersey doesn't release the demographic information until usually they're December State Board of Education meeting but if we look at these charts here blue represents uh students who are Asian red African-American students yellow is Hispanic green white and the orange color is by or multi-racial students so we can see there if we look all the way to the right on the first chart which is on the left I'll read the numbers here because I know they're hard to see 72% of Asian students passed the ELA portion of the test 35% of African-American 48% of Hispanic students students 62% of white students 72% of students who are by or multi-racial right we can kind of look from right to left on the chart on the left and see that that pattern has more or less repeated itself over the past couple of years and if we look to the state percentages to the right we see a very similar pattern and we certainly note the existence of an achievement Gap that we can see there when we look at English language arts we will see something similar to that in math I'll get to that in a moment and in a few minutes talk about what we can do other subgroups that we have are here in three different colors again we had at least 10 students who were receiving special education services students who have an IEP that is coded there in blue students who are English language Learners in our multilingual learner program they are in red and the yellow is students who are economically disadvantaged which in the state of New J state of New Jersey excuse me is students who receive free or reduced lunch right and we can see there in the 2023 2024 school year again I know it's hard to see I'll read it aloud 23% of students in grades 3 through n passed the ELA portion of the exam 4% of students in the multilingual learner program passed the exam 41% of students who are economically disadvantaged passed the exam typically students who are multilingual Learners during their very first year in our school they are exempt from taking the language arts portion of the test um you would understand because of the language challenges that exist um but again we see four years of camenson on the left Statewide numbers there on the right um let's take a look at mathematics again looking there on the left is camenson the right are the Statewide numbers similar trends that we saw on the ELA slide a moment ago but last year 64% of students who were Asian passed the exam 23% of African-American students 34% of Hispanic students 59% of white students 6 excuse me 54% of students who are by or multi-racial again we see the evidence of an achievement Gap we'll talk about that um momentarily going back to the other groups that we have here students with an IEP special education students we see in blue there last spring 22% of students with an IEP in grades 3 through n scored at a level four or five 14% of students in the multilingual learner program 31% of students who are economically disadvantaged pass the exam again as I said a few moments ago all this information will be on our school district website for people to take a look at uh if they so choose the njsla is also given in science and the state federal law says that it should be administered in grades five 8 and 11 and in grades five students are assessed on third fourth and fifth grade science in the middle school 6th 7th and e8th grade science so this is like a final exam on steroids 11th grade 9th 10th and 11th grade and it's conceivable there's some material they may not even be exposed to until their senior year which is one of the real challenges that exists in New Jersey for this test being given in 11th grade different scoring plan than the njsla it goes from 100 to 300 four levels of proficiency as opposed to five in the ELA and math portion of the test why that is I couldn't tell you but here we go so this is again based on 3 years worth of information so this is certainly exceptionally challenging but we see last year uh fifth graders at rush School 42% of them passed the science portion of the test 28% of the students in the state of New Jersey tens of thousands of fifth graders who took the test were passing njsla in 8th grade last year Sentiments of Middle School 177% of eighth graders passed the exam Statewide the passing rate was 19% and lastly in 11th grade 34% of Juniors last year passed the science portion of the exam 28% of students Statewide passed this exam again exceptionally challenging three years worth of material so we look at the subgroups again you'll notice that the Buy multi-racial group is no longer there because there were less than 10 so therefore we don't report it in this particular portion of the presentation we can see there last spring 38% of uh White students 8% of African-American 15% Hispanic 36% white um scored at level four or five we see similar um passing rates off to the right there Statewide and for special education students 12% of them passed the exam zero students in the multilingual learner program passed the exam and 20% of students who were economically disadvantaged passed the science portion of the test so what do we do with this information so we receive statements in ela and Mathematics from the Department of Education that says they don't tell you what the exact question was but they'll say that this question question was based on this standard and for example 55% of your students got the question right and oh by the way Statewide 40% of kids got it right and on the other hand this question was based on this standard 20% of your kids got it right 35% of the kids Statewide passed so in that case why are we lagging behind so these reports come out again for ELA and math Unfortunately they don't produce them for science and teachers use time during their department meetings faculty meetings professional development day to look at this information and try to you know learn what particular areas were we uh successful at and perhaps ones where more attention needs to be uh focused we offer after school tutoring we have Title One money that we received from the federal government through the state of New Jersey that um takes place in grades one through high school and we will be uh offering that again starting in the month of November teachers also use some of this information for their own small group instruction that they have in their classrooms to work with students at different ability levels uh to meet their individual needs and we give Benchmark exams multiple times a year that our teachers receive feedback on that they can again also use in their small groups to help uh Point students in the right direction looking specifically at the certain subject areas information that we received back for ELA um at the rush school was a bit of more focus on writing skills they've had a a comprehensive reading program there for a number of years again it is a reading program though so adding some more time where it exists for writing skills which lagged a bit behind the state at the middle school some of the standards that they wanted to focus more attention on had to do with reading non-fiction text that is rooted in science or technology everybody loves to read literature and stories but a lot of times the reading passages on these tests are based on historical information or science or technical information so that is an area of focus there and in nth grade there was one standard that was just a a a smidge below and it had to do with the development how a theme and how characters change over the course of a literary text so Mrs Melcher will be working with the high school teachers on that mathematics at rush School some of the standards that were slightly Below had to do with data and measurement at the middle school probability and statistics so that Miss baren and the teachers will find ways to weave that in throughout the year where it's appropriate there weren't really many standards at all that were below at the high school so we will continue Mr Gorman is a nice setup with extra support for our students in need during the lunch period but providing extra support for students um who need it and lastly in science trying to just do a better job of making sure that our classroom assessments mirror some of the types of questions that students will see on the exam right so again New Jersey is not very good at publishing different type of what the questions look like nor do we expect them to show us the actual questions but they haven't put any new ones out in about five or six years um but our teachers will work to come up with questions that are similar to the ones that they'll see on the exam so they're not shell shocked when they're taking the test in May all right that's the njsla one slide left sentiments in high school each year offer an array of AP tests last year there were 19 excuse me AP courses last year there were 19 AP courses offered in the month of May there were 209 tests that were taken and students who get a level three have passed the exam level four and five means that students may possibly receive credit at certain colleges some colleges take them some colleges don't of the 209 tests that were taken 63% of the student excuse me not 63% 63 tests were at a level four 37 tests were at a level five so those scores there would likely allow a student to get some credit depending on what college or university they choose to go to students should always reach out to their counselor or individual colleges to be mindful of whether or not credit will be uh awarded before they pay and they actually have to pay and register for these tests in the next couple of weeks some of the tests that had more than 10 students again if it's less than 10 we don't talk about it publicly but some of the tests that had more than 10 students that had high uh average scores was calculus AB average score of the many students who took that test was a four English literature which is the 12th grade AP course was a 3.9 uh world history was 3.85 statistics 3.73 there were other tests that had numbers like that and higher but there were uh fewer than 10 students who took the exam so we can't we don't uh report it publicly so that is my last presentation for the three months in a row does anyone have any uh any board members have any questions about any of the uh information that was shared I just have the math the extra math that we're doing that we were doing in in the the Middle School are we continuing that this year mhm yes and we'll see what see what year two brings all right well thank you all for my attention my your attention my voice is getting scratchy but you know we did a you know it's always good to see Improvement but there's always uh room for growth each year so thank you all for your attention thanks Dr goldber thank you Dr goldurn uh we're moving on to Section 8 correspondence to the board anyone have anything to share this month okay uh moving on to committee reports we had one uh committee meeting the curriculum and Activities Committee met this uh this month and um Mr Kenny will give us the report on that yep thank you the curriculum and Student Activities Committee met virtually on October 8th committee members reviewed a proposal from the high school to Pilot electronic ticket sales for High School athletic events this coming winter season the committee also heard from the high school administration about the need to create a spectator code of conduct this will be referred to the policy committee for review the committee reviewed the preliminary Hib grades for the 23 24 school year and the committee members reviewed professional development and field trip requests as well as two Curriculum maps for high school family and consumer science courses and that's it thank you thank you Mr Kenny U Mr Bramhall can I have a motion to approve the committee reports uh letter A so moved second second thank you Mr blin comments or questions from the board hearing then we'll take a vote Mr tops i i i i i i i i motion approved uh moving on to uh section 10 public comments uh members of the public are reminded that comments should be limited to items appearing on this meeting's agenda there will be another opportunity during this meeting to comment on non-agenda items all members of the public wishing to speak on agenda item should raise their hand to indicate their wish to speak when called upon participants should State their first and last name and address clearly for the record in accordance with cinnamon and Board of Education bylaw 01 64.6 comments will be limited to a maximum of 4 minutes per person the comment period will be limited to 30 minutes in duration with that said do we have anyone who wants to comment on any of the agenda items hi sorry I left my notes at home I ran out so um two things when we were going through the statistics uh one of the points was geometry and it was said that the reason the scores went up is because we only gave them to freshman and not freshman and sophomores does that mean that when we gave it to freshman and sophomores the scores were lower and then we eliminated the sophomores and the scores went up could you ask that question again I'm not sure I'm so on those statistics for geometry yeah one of the comments was that the scores increased but then the followup was that we eliminated we used to give that test to freshmen and sophomores and now we only give it to freshmen it would ass you can assume right that so we eliminated the sophomores and that caused the score to drastically go up so then I have a question then are the sophomores getting worse in Geometry than the freshmen are well there could be a number of reasons that contribute to that and again it's not it's not us not reporting that score the state only requires the ninth grade scores to be reported um if you were to disagre the data and look at when the students actually take geometry it is not a unique Trend to sents in that um generally the higher success rates the earlier of the students take geometry tends to uh yield higher successes um we can't um so we only report who 10 or higher but so with the students who are taking geometry even in eth grade are yielding a higher score overall and again it's not unique to Sentiments and then students who are taking geometry later in their academic career um not to apply any qualitative reason for it but um generally um some of our top performing students have a Faster Math track um or we wind up you know taking more advanced math courses along their High School career um than some of their peers again I'm happy to meet with if you want I it's easy I can lay them out on the table thought like that just from but I hope you're understanding what what I'm I'm saying no I understand what you're saying I'm just a little concerned with with that and and math is is unique in that way in that the content Spirals and students maybe taking geometry as an eighth grade versus others who may taking 10th or 11th grade it's just math is is one of those subjects where you may find um Tak different years um and then just out of curiosity I know you're only exploring the code of conduct for Spectators but just playing that was how would you enforce that I mean like I understand if somebody gets Rowdy they get escorted out of the the stadium out of the event but I mean how would you really enforce a code of conduct for spectators are we going to start expelling parents from attending events I mean I I'm just a little I I tried to look at other schools if they had one and it's really hard it's usually like a college level thing so uh not to interrupt you but I promise you will be seeing them from from every District it's an njsi requirement to develop a a spectator code of conduct so um we obviously have expectations right now in in regard to who is attending our games these are students athletes and uh for the most part 99.99% of the time everybody that's in attendance you know is good is great but unfortunately every now and then and it could be a spectator from cinon or could be a spectator from one of our guests and if they you know violate that then yeah week we would look at what fully understandable I'm not opposed to it don't get me wrong I'm just wondering how one would be enforced and just there there's some recommended guidelines um okay where can we find those guidelines so again this this is a mandate from njsiaa so um again as Mr Kenny um explained it'll be referred to our policy committee we'll have a sample up for two readings just like um any other will it be redlined uh it won't be redlined but I can provide it'll be a brand new policy so there will be there'll be no lines oh there is no lines correct cuz it's new never mind um and then another uh point is you conveniently printed one page out of the BCIT contract with what we pay to that school and it's very misleading right um there's one page pull out of that contract I'm sure that contract is a lot longer than one page and it could mislead somebody to think that the entire tuition that we PID to BCIT per student is like $3,000 so if we released one page we maybe should release the whole contract because it's public information so that the parent and the whoever lives in this town can get a holistic view of what that actually costs cuz in reality if we're paying $3,000 a student to BCIT let's send all of our kids there and save some money I mean it's very it's a little slightly misleading so it would be great if you printed the whole thing and release the whole contract but thank you thank you anyone else have any comments on agenda items okay we are moving on to uh section 11 personnel certifi certified and non-certified Mr Capello thank you Mrs Fitzwater under Section 11 letter A appointments and reappointments seeking the board's approval on items 1 through three for certificated staff and item four for non-certificated staff under letter B transfers there are two items for the board's consideration and approval under letter C resignations and retirement there are four names in the agenda for the board's consideration under letter D extra Duty appointments seeking the board's approval for items one through five excuse me 1 through four as listed in the agenda under letter e leaves of absence there are three listed by employee number in the agenda under letter F teacher overload there is one teacher overload proposed for board for consideration this evening and we have nothing under letter g under Mentor teacher seeking the board's approval of item number one as listed in the agenda agenda student teachers under letter I there is one name for consideration for the board for approval this evening and under letter J seeking the board's approval for items numbers one and two with names listed in the agenda and finally under letter K seeking the board's approval of items one and two as listed in the agenda and that is Personnel Mrs Fitzwater thank you Mr Capello Mr Evans can I have a motion to approve section 11 personnel certified non-certified items a through K so moved second second thank you Mr Kenny comments question from the board hearing n we'll take a vote Miss tops i i i i i i i i motion approved uh moving on to section 12 curriculum and instruction Dr goldurn thank you very much under uh number 12 letter a professional development request uh that those are attached under letter B requesting approval of numbers one and two nothing under letter C this month under letter d uh number one letters a and b letter E the monthly Hib report is attached under letter F the monthly suspension report as attached and under letter G the submission of the schools preliminary Hib grades for the 2023 2024 school year to the NJ dooe these are developed by each school has a committee that uh reviews a it's a 40 page rubric uh with point totals that could add up to 78 and we see the different School uh totals that are there so Mrs Fitzwater those are the uh curriculum instruction recommendations for this month thank you Dr goldurn Miss blin can I have a motion to approve section 12 curriculum and instruction items a through G so moved second second uh thank you Mr Meer comments or questions from the board hearing none we'll take a vote Miss to i i i i i i i i motion approved moving on to section 13 special special education Mrs lellan thank you Mrs Fitzwater under letter A contracts seeking the board to approve one contract with the New Jersey Commission of the Blind and Visually Impaired to provide level one services for one student and number two seeking the board to approve an agreement with brington County Educational Services Unit to provide services for two one:1 teacher assistant for two students under letter B student placements there are none under letter C consultant agreement seeking the boards would approved two consultant agreements as requested by the district for the 20242 school year at the rates listed in the agenda number one Thomas O'Reilly MD to provide psychiatric evaluations and number two out ofsight teaching LLC to provide teacher the visually impaired Services thank you thank you Mr lellan Mr speaker can I have a motion to approve section 13 special education items a through C so moved second second second thank you Mr blin comments or questions from the board hearing n we'll take a vote Miss Topps i i i i i i i i motion approved moving on to uh section 14 there are no policies to approve this month um moving on to section 15 business and finance um Mr Capello uh thank you Mrs Fitzwater members of the board Mrs living good sensor regrets um so I am carrying her section for this evening under section 15 letter A seeking the board to approve items 1 through 4 they are listed in the agenda under letter B Finance seeking the board to approve items 1 and two as listed in the agenda under operation seeking the board to approve items 1 through 5 those items are listed in the agenda and under letter D contracts seeking the board to approve items 1 through five as listed in the agenda business and finance thank you Mr Capello Miss tops can I have a motion to approve section 15 business and finance items a through d i so so moved good job second second thank you Mr Evans comments or questions from the board I did that before to hearing n we'll take a vote Mr Maker i i i i i i i i motion approved uh moving on to section 16 other business uh Board of Education goals Mr capella thank you again Mrs Fitzwater we're seeking the board to approve the following goals for the 2425 school year and that summary document is listed or attached in the agenda thank you Mr Capello I imagine we need a motion on that we do need a motion on that um Mr Kenny can I have a motion to approve the Board of Education goals for this year so moved second second thank you Mr Evans comments or questions from the board hearing none we'll take a vote Mr Maker I oh I I I I I I I motion approved now moving on to section 17 public comment uh during the public comment section of the meeting the board will seek public comment on any item members of the public are reminded that if they wish to speak when called upon participants should State their first and last name and address clearly for the record in accordance with the sentiments and Board of Education bylaw 01646 comments will be limited to a maximum of 4 minutes per person the comment period will not exceed 30 minutes pursuant to the open public meetings act the board will not publicly discuss or comment on matters involving Personnel litigation negotiations or attorney client privilege good we're good Britney RIS senson I missed all you guys I'm sorry I I've been busy man um but still you know on it like white on Race um couple things um I just wanted to clarify um because uh met with some of the candidates that were running and since they're current candidates or current board members um I wanted to clarify cuz I think there was some uh misinformation I I don't like to provide oh look at this uh misinformation so I asked and I would have asked it if i' been here but I asked about the trailers all right I'm not I'm not going to call them Cottages cuz let's call them what they are they're trailers okay so my question was about the trailers um because I sat at a dance class not that long ago and listen to parents you know have a conversation on the side and of course I can't just help myself so I had to get involved in that one and the biggest concern was that their kids in in trailers all day long that don't have bathrooms so my first thought is safety which you guys know that I come here all the time and and talk about safety safety safety so we you know broke the molds even though I had an SRO in 2002 when I graduated but anyway we have SRO in the building um and my question was safety so where are these kids going when they have to use the bath bathroom right so I asked my daughter and a couple other students and I was told that they're given the teacher swipey which is a security concern okay um I mean anyone that works at a a building that gets assigned a swipey which everyone knows what I'm talking about to access a locked facility or door that swipy is assigned to you and you only um so I'm a little confused on why the kids are just handed a swipey to go to the bathroom and then also our campuses aren't locked so I guess my question is we're we're just letting these kids go at New Albany so I said it was a kindergarten class so Excuse Me Miss Fitzwater I'm going to correct myself it's actually two second grade classes that are in trailers all day with no bathrooms and then I asked a question about the child study team who should really be in the tra in the trailer with with no bathroom over our children children I asked about the location and I was told that it wasn't public information yet but then after making a couple phone calls and doing some research it was on the agenda last month it was public information it's right behind the Wawa so they get some beautiful building when we've got children in trailers so I'm wondering who's paying to clean those buildings does that mean our staff here now that does a great job in these facilities are now going to be cut a little short cuz they got to go clean over there I don't know it's just very strange just got a lot of questions I know the board was taken to see a trailer but you're not going to answer me but just out of curiosity were you taken to a trailer that didn't have a bathroom that's all have a great night oh wait one more thing shout out to Mr Gorman yo everything coming out in Portuguese in Turkish and Spanish that is what's up I mean we talk about this all the time you guys know how I feel about this too we got to do better I mean even looking at those nonsense scores I exempt my kids from so they those ain't my kids failing up there just to be clear okay um we we got to do better we got to do better Miss tops I know I had a conversation with you we have to do better we got to I we this is not we don't live in a bubble here in sentiments and we got to do better we got to hire better we got to think outside the box start coming up with some incentives this is a great town everybody wants to be here get the adults here to teach to these kids okay so that's all I got to say and maybe rethink the superintendent contract right have a great night everyone Take Care thank you Mrs RIS you are so welcome Mr Capell any other members of the public who'd like to comment at this time Ed um so I'll add to her comment actually about the facilities for a child study team so I used to do facilities for work and I know that when we leas the building it's not just you walk into a beautiful office space right the office space is one fee and one charge but then the buildout of the space itself is a whole other Beast that you have to deal with usually that entails scrapping the building putting up walls putting up offices making secure it's a child study team which means that there have to be private offices what does that bill look like and did we quote that before we lease the building because the lease itself is about 102,000 over I think three or four years and again I don't have my notes um but my concern is is 101 or 102,000 plus the buildout plus janitorial are we using our staff or are we hiring so it's not 2000 this can be a half a million dollars we're talking about um we have to use specific labor because it's for a school a lot of things go into play for that so when are we going to see the whole cost of that and it is a concern right if we're having little kids in trailers like we could have easily stuck the child study team in a trailer actually they don't even really honestly need space like they're in and out of buildings all day so they could have used spaces within the building buildings if we are so strapped for space one and number two if we don't have the funds that we can allocate to students that are struggling maybe we should have rethought that spend and spent it somewhere else where it really really mattered like our kids so that's that's my two cents have a good night other members of the public would like to comment at this time okay we're moving on to uh item 18 board comments Mr Kenny thank you Mrs Fitzwater congratulations to the cinamon high school marching band for the number one ranking in their competition bracket recently great job congratulations to the cinat and tennis team that won the bcsl tournament earlier today and to all of our play unified athletes keep up the good work thank you to our student Representatives their excellent reports again tonight thank you to everyone who came out tonight we appreciate your time comments and questions and thank you to Mrs Bois I'm saying that right and Miss Kim for the Hispanic heritage event today in the high school our Rush students learned a lot about Hispanic heritage and had a great time and lastly the next regularly scheduled meeting is November 19th at 700 p.m. right here in the Middle School cafetorium more information can be found on the district website thank you good night um U Mr Bramhall can I have a motion to adjourn nope no no no n I'm sorry Mr Bramhall can I have a motion to uh go into executive session so moved second second thank you Mr tops uh all in favor I oppos we're moving into executive session we will not be making any business after the executive session so have a great night for