you that's right you the July 15th 2024 work session this is not a work session this is a regular session correct sorry' yeah regular regular session of the township committee is now called the order everyone please rise and join me in the flag salute pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America and the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all okay this meeting is being held in accordance with the public open public meetings ACT public law 1975 chapter 231 notice of this meeting was published in the brington county times and The Courier Post on January 8th 2024 uh roll call Madam Secretary yes mayor Mr Herer here Mr Miguel here Mr C here Deputy Mayor gra present mayor here thank you okay committee liaison reports we'll start with Committee Member Herer with finance and economic development thank you Mr Mayor I am uh happy to say tonight I do have quite a few updates I know it's been some time since I've had a comprehensive update so I'm looking forward to sharing some information uh with the committee also with the members of the public uh first I'm pleased to report that the Chick-fil-A Redevelopment project is back on schedule the two private land owners have resolved their differences and their combined commitment and collaboration has allowed for the restart of the demolition of the four homes along Route 130 as well as the start of site work the township is encouraged that the parties worked out their issues without uh quite a bit of Township involvement and we are looking forward to the project moving forward in the near future also aware there's been some publicity about the opening of uh Bath and Body Works the shops in cinon uh we did have the grand opening unfortunately the business was um delayed in opening due to some fire safety measures not being completed in accordance with the uniform construction code as of today the contractors were working on these deficiencies and we're hoping that the store will open either tomorrow or Wednesday the Goodwill donation center has opened uh we remind the public that this is a drop off facility only and the Zoning Board of adjustment has placed a number of restrictions on their operations to ensure that the setting along Route 130 is not diminished we will continue to monitor Goodwill so that this standard is being maintained Freddy's Frozen Custard and Steak Burgers at the old acne location is nearing completion stay tuned for an update on a grand opening and also one of our favorite businesses Stout and calwell Engineers has merged with a national architectural engineer in company we'd like to wish Bob Dan and the entire team well we note that they will be relocating their office and the former Lancaster dress building is Seeking a new tenant we will provide our assistance we still are going to continue to look for the correct reuse of the forers long the former Longs automotive and as well as our warehouse uh in box Park located on Tailor Lane lastly in the coming weeks the first of two fully permitted cannabis manufacturing and warehousing facilities will open both these products will generate significant additional tax revenue to support various unfunded projects in our committee while we recognize that this type of business has been somewhat controversial I applaud Deputy Mayor crille and her subcommittee along with the entire Township Committee in Striking the proper balance minimizing the impact of our business Corridor homes churches and schools cinamon has legislatively implemented strong restrictions requiring that these facilities be located within our industrial Zone and only providing limited retail operation and only as a part of manufacturing or a warehousing structure unlike some of our neighboring communities Mr Mayor that excuse me concludes my report for for this evening thank you very much thank you Committee Member Herer uh Committee Member sigis public works thank you Mr Mayor just a quick reminder for residents that Interstate Waste Services or iws is the Township's new collect trash collection contractor for any concerns or misol please contact either the public works department at 856 829 673 or ID iws directly at 86 6 dial iws that's d i a l i WS road construction of Morgan Avenue is anticipated to begin the week of July 29th construction limits are from villager Avenue to Cleveland Avenue the work is being completed through a 2023 NJ do trust fund Grant secured by Township Township committee this work includes select curb and apron replacement to Aid in drainage drainage Inlet structures as well as milling and paving road construction of Taylor's Lane is anticipated to begin the week of August 12th construction limits are from Route 130 to Broad Street this work is being completed through a 2022 NJ doot local Freight impact Grant secured by Township committee this work includes select curb and apron replacement for drainage as well as milling and Paving as previously reported the township has ordered canopies to be installed at the new passive area in East Riverton Park due to a manufacturing delay the equipment has yet to be delivered today the public works department was provided with a new shipment date of July 25th upon receipt the public works department will immediately schedule installation anticipated the beginning of August thank you Mr Mayor that concludes my report thank you Committee Member sigis uh Committee Member McGill Public Safety thank you Mr Mayor uh due to recent incidents which occurred in Wildwood glester Township and pensak Township the police department was on heighted heighted alert during the St Charles Carnival security was augmented as a result there was just one disturbance at the very end of the of the event the incident resulted in arrest of two juveniles National Night Out is October or I'm sorry August 6th this year's event will take place behind the police station in the municipal complex from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Dunka cop uh hot dogs ice cream and other activities are planned parking for this event will be available in the municipal Lots the PNC Bank and veneria dental parking lots along with Manor Road this is a great opportunity for the community to get together and meet the offic officers of the police department and fire departments as a safety reminder there is an ongoing issue throughout Burlington and camon counties with subjects going to different neighborhoods at night and attempting to open doors of vehicles as a general reminder all residents are reminded to protect themselves from theft by locking their vehicle doors and do not leave any valuables and key fobs in the vehicles or anything it's that anybody can see smash the windows Department statistics for June total incidents for June was uh 2,311 total arrest arrests made were 35 total car stops or 126 total summons is issued 171 total DUIs was five finally the police department would like to acknowledge officer Dominic Ellie for his handling of a theft case the case involved a male juvenile who had a cell phone stolen the family did not have enough money to replace the cell phone so officer ell took it upon himself to buy the young man a cell phone with his own money what makes this even more unique is that officer Ellie did did this on his own and did not tell anyone he did not want any attention for himself and he did not want he did not do it for personal reasons for personal recognition his kind gesture is the epitome of why people become police officers and what makes sentiment of Township a great Community that's all I have Mr thank you Committee Member mckill Deputy Mayor crille Parks and Recreation and Veterans Affairs thank you Mr Mayor uh our summer concert series kicked off last week uh with an amazing turnout probably the largest attended concert that we probably had to date um so we're looking forward to a an exciting and um an exciting concert season and hopefully the weather participates uh it was there was a cool breeze at this last um Thursday night uh concert so don't be deterred if we have weather in the 90° uh performing at this week's coming concert will be Jersey Shakedown playing Rock Indie and pop hits a reminder that the concerts are Thursdays at 700 p.m. at Wood Park the summer tennis lessons will start tomorrow Tuesday uh July 16th at the Wood Park tennis courts the tennis lessons will continue through mid August every Tuesday and Thursday uh thank you Mr Mayor that concludes my report thank you deputy mayor crille uh and myself for administration and Health and Senior Services uh you guys get to hear me talk way too much during these meetings I have no report this month um which moves us to uh ordinance introduction uh ordinance 2024 d8 is the amending of the code of ordinances to repeal chapter 290 for flood damage prevention to adopt a new chapter 290 flood damage pre prevention to adopt a flood ha new flood Hazard maps to designate a flood plane administrator and provide for severability and an effective date to be advertised in the brona County Times Public hearing is scheduled for August 19th 2024 may I have a motion to introduce ordinance 202 24-8 I'll make that motion Mr Mayor thank you Mr seus may I have a second I'll second that Mr Mayor thank you Mr Migel uh roll call vote please yes mayor Mr horer I Mr Miguel I Mr SE I Deputy Mayor crao I mayor cond I all right the consent agenda uh we have a few items on the consent agenda looks like got six um resolution 2024-the the release of a performance bond for the cinamon and Baptist Church project um project engineer Remington verick verick has reviewed the project performed the necessary inspections and recommends the release of the performance guarantee in the amount of $1 15,364 resolution 2024-25 uh proposals were received for municipal prosecutor Township professionals have reviewed the bids and recommended that the governing body appoint Brendan moles of the law office of GRE and moles resolution 20 2486 this authorized contract with Atlantic Tactical through the state contract for firearms and Equipment police chief bill obuchowski has secured pricing for the purchase of firearms for the police department CFO purchasing agent Julia Edmonson has determined that sufficient funding is available in the federal forfeit forfeiture account for the purpose and recommends that the governing body authorize the award of contract to State contract contract vendor Atlantic T tactical in the amount not to exceed $69,000 the total cost will be reduced based on the trading value of the current Firearms resolution 2024 87 authorize the renewal of agreement with morrestown Township for tax support staff this shared service provides Personnel support of the tax assessor office office and has been in place since 2010 tax assessor Dennis De clerk recommends that the township extend this agreement for an additional three-year term through July 31st 2027 resolution 2024-the ired by both local municipality and the division of local government services Miss Edmonson recommends authorization by the governing body so the adopted resolution may be forwarded to the division for their review and approval uh resolution 2024-the budget amendment for Grant appropriation chapter 159 the township received Grant Awards in the amount of $ 48,8 7153 from New Jersey Department of Environmental Protections clean communities program and $686 and 69 C from the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety alcohol education and Rehabilitation fund the action will insert additional Appropriations into the budget and Miss Edmonson recommends the authorization by the governing body and lastly uh we have a raffle for the moristown Theater Company Inc for 1019 202 4 and that's the end of the consent agenda may I have a motion to open public comment on the consent agenda items only I'll make that motion Mr Mayor to open uh consent agenda items only thank you Mr Miguel may I have a second I'll second thank you voice vote all in favor I nay extensions okay public comment on the consent agenda is now open please state your name and address for the record good evening Renee oler Davis 2108 Hunter Street I'm curious about two things one the storm water management what does that entail and what were the grants um given by the EPA what were they for um well we have the we have the one Grant uh from the Department of Environmental Protection which is for clean communities programs and that is traditionally funded did um multiple things but off the top of my head I don't know what they are but you guys do clean up days oh just cleanup days okay uh and the other one is for Public Safety um and that's actually from the New Jersey Department of Law and public safety for alcohol education and re the rehabilitation fund which is mostly is used for D what's that DW just gwi um cour activities yeah so they are they are the two and the stormm water entails yeah I am going to defer um I'm going to defer to Mr schubiger and possibly um Mr barbadoro it it it has to do with creating a fund for storm water management money that may be collected from um well let me just let let's let me just let me defer to I can answer okay it's just a separate bank account so we're going to put any money because he's ripping up all the old storm wers and he we're going to get money for that so we're going to put that in there to be able to spend it on new directly for that purpose so it can goes into that account for that purpose thank you than right I'm thinking she was asking know good evening everyone jela Shepard 215 Front Street in palara New Jersey speaking on behalf of the Civic Club of of Riverton East Riverton and palar I want to thank Mr seis for answering my first question that I was going to ask about the uh construction down Union Landing from Broad Street to Union L uh to uh Route 130 I heard you say curb construction does that also include the sidewalk I'm Sorry Miss Miss Shephard this is for cons sent agenda items only um I'll apologize that's okay give me the signal and it's time to repeat it again you got it you got it all right now we know cheated a little see now you have some time yeah got the questions to attest ahead of time okay seeing no one else come forward uh may I have a motion to close public comment on the con agenda I'll make that motion thank you uh I will second that um Voice vote please all in favor I I Nays abstentions okay public comment is closed May I have a motion to approve the consent agenda I'll make a motion to approve the consent agenda thank you Miss Crable may I have a second Mr Mayor I'll second that thank you um I guess we could do a roll call vote here or just roll call vote right thank you Mr hi Mr Miguel I Mr hi mayor hi mayor I thank you okay the approval of minutes um I'll make a motion to approve the minutes of June 17th 2024 may I have a second I'll second that Mr Mayor thank you Mr McGill uh can we have a roll call vote please yes Mr Warner I Mr Miguel hi Mr hi mayor hi May I thank you I may have a motion to approve the bill list Mr Mayor I'd like to make a motion to approve the bill list thank you Mr mcel may I have a second I'll second thank you Miss crille uh roll call vote Please Mr Herer I Mr Miguel I Mr C iyy i i all right staff and professional comments do we have anything from our staff or our professionals this evening okay um two things I reported may I have a motion to open public comment I'll make that motion to open public comment Mr Mayor thank you Mr Miguel I will second that uh Voice vote all in favor i i n abstentions okay public comment is now open please state your name and address for the record and you already gave us a head start let's start again I apologize for coming up too early no worries once again my name is Jala Shepard 215 Front Street paly New Jersey speaking on behalf of the Civic Club of Riverton East Riverton and palmy uh Renee has just informed me that I took my notes wrong because Mr secis was talking about terror's Landing am I correct yeah I heard Landing so I and of I took the notes incorrectly and I wrote Union Landing landing and we all know that every time that I come my first thing I want to talk about is how soon we're going to get the sidewalks in now I do understand because Mr babad Doro was graciely enough to keep me informed however I need to keep the Civic club members informed and I don't want them to think that we're stalling so any more new updates on when we'll see it started working on hopefully soon like maybe we're still designing it we do have to submit to the state for an approval so you know we looking at best case starting in the fall worst case starting in the spring okay okay just is just is just a little side note I would like to know if there's any chance that we may get it done before I die let hope so and I'm just saying that because I want you to know of all the members that are sitting up there I'm older than all of you so it is a concern okay the next thing is uh is there any chance the Civic Club could get a free trash can we have one that was issued to us yes is there any chance that we could get a free one it could be slight deep damag but it would be something that the new um trash collectors would pick up we had purchased two of our own on the outside before but uh we were informed from Kevin that we are no longer able to use those because they are not authorized to pick them up mhm so just I'm just asking maybe you could table with her yeah think about it before the next meeting Kevin do we have any up there extra do we have do we have of them up there do have okay okay let's let's look into this and we'll let you we'll let you know and thank you so much for that and let's see what else I have here okay thank you very much thank you you Renee oler Davis 2108 Hunter Street um I wanted to know if cinamon has any cooling stations uh for people in this heat who may not have air conditioning or anything like that and if cinamon doesn't are there any Burlington County I don't believe cinam Inon does and I wouldn't be sure about anywhere in Burlington County but we can certainly look into that with this heat thank you and um I suggest I'm sorry go ahead that we don't use that company again who are supposed to be putting up the awnings in the park that's a fair suggestion thank you thank you thank you so Ben young 116 Wood viw Lane thank you got new Street didn't you I did you did it today so I could say that tonight they paved it this morning they late um milled for a week and a half but today they showed up to yeah the other only other thing I have a comment I don't know what you guys can do about waste management but that is an embarrassment what they did on on Union Landing Road they sent that guy up there the other night to cut and I saw him like Friday night he's not even close to the curb he's left weeds all along the curb it is a mess and it's ridiculous I mean these these people can certainly afford to do that they mow the inside of the damn place all time the other thing is they haven't touch Taylor's Lane and you're going to go up there and start to work and that thing's overgrown way worse right now than well not wor because about the same as it was on on Union Landing you really need to come down and as I said to Kevin before look send him a note and then cut it and send him a bill I do know to do that all the time for residential stuff yeah you did just send them a notice and if they don't get their butts out there to do it cut it and Bild them okay that's fair because it's embarrassing what they did is a is Criminal thank you thanks Ben Miss Davis just to get Miss Davis just to get back to you on the New Jersey cooling centers that's what they're calling them cooling centers so there's a list um on on one of the New Jersey state websites and it lists our library as one of the cooling centers uh and it really lists it lists libraries throughout the county as cooling centers nice I didn't I didn't realize that oh we learned something today Mike goes 100 Perell uh Mr horer since you brought up longs does anybody know about the truck that's been there for a month it was down in Daran moved from uh one of the empty gas stations in Daran to this one up here so uh Old State or County dump truck big big one currently on long oh okay so I don't know who's we're aware of it we'll find there not we are aware of it you didn't mention anything uh uh about uh Mr Miguel for Morgan for June and I know there was at least two calls and the officer did respond talk to one of the Residence at the time so I don't know that you didn't get that information um last thing I have I'll find out and have it next time we come okay last thing I have to say and I don't want to talk about the ordinance introduction but does anybody know if cinnamon and sewers Authority is looking at their acreage down there and how low it is and the floods and all that type of thing I'm sorry where cinnamon and sewage Authority oh yeah because I know they had flood problems when everybody else did so that's going to affect all residents to does anybody know if they're looking to do anything I don't know that they are looking into it um that would probably be a question better asked at at to the sewage Authority themselves okay thank you thank you thanks two things I forgot you're not rid of me yet um one I want to commend that officer who out of the kindness and goodness of his heart did that for that young man I mean I think that is a great thing and number two um I have forgotten about Union Landing I like to make Union Landing my special project because it is not very nice looking in most spots and there are people who should be doing better not only do they need to cut grass and weeds but they need to cut down some of the weed trees and have them further back and there's no reason some of these companies couldn't plant decent Shrubbery I I don't I think they probably make enough money where they could afford a little bit of Shrubbery so I would really appreciate assistance on that because you are the people who can get that done thank you okay thank you thank you right seeing no one else come forward um may have a motion to close public comment I'll make that motion Mr Mayor thank you Mr seagrist I will second that uh Voice vote please all in favor I I nay abstentions okay um committee comment do we have any comments from committee members this evening no sir nothing further sir we good no sir No not tonight it's quiet all right last but not least may I have a motion to adjourn Mr Mayor I'd like to make a motion to adjourn the meeting thank you Mr McGill may I have a second I will second thank you m crille all in favor i i n extensions meeting is adjourned next meeting is Monday August 5th 2024 at 6:30 p.m.