##VIDEO ID:w77FIB7cbqM## September 16th 2024 regular session meeting of the cin and Township committee is now called the order everyone please rise and join me in the flag salute I pledge aliance to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all amen okay this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings ACT public law 1975 chapter 231 notice of this meeting was published in the buron county times and the courrier post on January 8th 2024 roll call please Madam Secretary yes mayor Mr horer here Mr Miguel here Mr SE here Deputy Mayor crille present mayor cond here thank you um tonight we have committee liaison reports so we'll start with Committee Member her finance and economic development Mr Mayor I have nothing to report this evening I do anticipate an extensive report um in October okay thank you very much uh Committee Member seist public works thank you Mr maror just a couple things cinamon annual fall cleanup day is scheduled for September 28th from 8:00 a.m. to noon at the Public Works facility located at 1601 Union Landing Road residents may bring tires with and without the rims paint batteries except lithium batteries Electronics TVs motor oil cooking oil household chemicals and trash brush and leaves can be dropped off at the resident drop off area at the entrance closest to the Walmart uh one more note October is the last month for the 2024 that residents May Place brush at their curve for collection brush will not be collected again until March 2025 uh let me see one more note construction is underway on two projects in town Morgan Avenue and Taylor's Lane please obey any traffic detours in that area night Paving is scheduled for Taylor's Lane starting the week of September 16th that concludes my report Mr Mayor thank you Mr sigrist Comm Committee Member Migel Public Safety thank you Mr Mayor I have quite a few things so hopefully we get out of here by midnight um okay the monthly report for August total uh incid responded to were 2,662 total arrests made were eight total property checks 896 total motor vehicle stops 271 total motor vehicle summons is issued 197 and total D DWI arrest 21 for Morgan sary there was no calls for service just normal property checks and there's there's a few uh interesting incidents noteworthy that uh I'd like to bring bring to uh the detention we have a a theft investigation arrest August 5th 2024 officer Dominic Ellie responded to Precision automation company 2303 Gary Road for a report of of copper that was stolen off multiple AC units further investigation revealed two entire commercial air conditioning units have been stolen in addition to the copper piping surrounding the two AC units total damages and repairs were estimated to be approximately $30,000 after reviewing nearby video surveillance of surrounding businesses it was determined that the theft occurred on the previous day with the assistance of crime analyst Christine payner the subject was identified an interview was Set uh conducted by Officer Ellie and officer Adam Summers during which the suspect admitted to the theft and was charged accordingly as a result of the investigation it was discovered that the suspect had also involved was also involved in numerous related incidents that occurred in several surrounding municipalities ities second one is a uh suspect apprehended uh in cargo theft incident at the Pilot truck stop August 28th 2024 approximately 1:43 a.m. Lieutenant Michael Curran was on patrol near the Pilot truck stop when he observed the white for cargo van parked illegally on Union Landing Road Lieutenant Curr uh initiated his investigation and witnessed two individuals burglarizing a refrigerated trailer at the at the location pra approaching one suspect entered the van and attempted to flee while the other ran into the truck stop Lieutenant Karen attempted to stop the van which entered the truck stop in order to pick up his accomplice who fled on foot when the suspect operating the van was unsuccess was unsuccessful picking up his accomplice the vehicle exited the business onto Route 130 South Lieutenant Karen began chasing the other suspect who fled on foot after a brief foot pursuit the suspect was apprehended near the truck stop without incident the investigation revealed that suspects had broken into a trailer and attempted to steal approximately 4 8,000 $8500 worth of Frozen Seafood it's a lot to carry suspect was charged and lodged in Bron County Jail uh next one is a uh burglary arrest at Hayes farm and garden supply September 5 2024 officers dispatched to hes farm and garden supply 196 Route 130 North resp to a burglary a witness reported discovering solo merchandise from the business loaded into a wheel barrel including a dirt bike the witness also observed a suspect fleeing on foot the officers set up a perimeter with with assistance from Riverton Maple Shade and pyra and initiated a search with canine unit Witnesses describ the uh seeing a suspect matching description running toward Route 130 North with an object under res arm while patrolling near Church Road in Lenola officer Joseph fogia Foria sorry uh heard rustling in a wooded area after setting up a perimeter and conducting a search officers spotted the attempt suspect attempting to hide despite commands to surrender the suspect fled on foot but was quickly apprehended suspect was charged accordingly and transferred to another jurisdiction for processing and was eventually lodged in BR County Jail uh one more CDs arrest on 910 2024 officer C uh conducted a suspicious vehicle check on a vehicle parked inside Memorial Park after park hours he discovered the suspect passed out in the driver's seat the suspect suspect uh displayed signs of possible narcotics usage and austar C uh soon soon therea deployed his partner canine partner Bane can9 Bane positively alerted for the presence of Narcotics on the vehicle and a search was conducted officers mugan Li freed and how was that Z how do you pronounce that guy his name I did it once officer Z all respon what is it what he said all responded to the location and assisted during the incident the search of the vehicle yielded 300 bags of heroin drug paraphernalia bottles of methadone along with a large sum of cash the suspect was arrested charged and released on her own recognizance Mr Mayor that concludes my lengthy report thank you uh Mr McGill uh Deputy Mayor crille Parks and Recreation and Veterans Affairs okay thank you Mr Mayor uh for Parks and Recreation uh we are hosting cinnamon and townships music fesal on Friday September 27th at 5:00 p.m. at Wood Park there will be live music on two stages food trucks breweries and fireworks to close out the evening uh bring the whole family as there'll be something for everyone uh we will be hosting a fall townwide yard sale on Saturday October 12th from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. to register your address please email C Turner camenson nj.org we will send out reminders and updates uh leading up until uh October 12th and also trunk Retreat which will be scheduled for Friday October 25th more information and registration details will be coming out over the next couple weeks uh thank you Mr Mayor that concludes my report thank you deputy mayor uh and for myself Administration and Health and Senior Services I have no report this evening um which takes us to a presentation um we have environmental resources Incorporated uh to present um a rough sketch basically of our of an active transportation and micr Mobility plan if I could put that into English I I think it's a pedestrian and bicyclist circulation type of situation correct it's also uh like the uh motorized bikes and scooters kinds of things ways to connect I'm hoping one side of 130 to the other would be nice but yes it would that be nice to breach that wall yes sir I am Dave Benedetti uh senior planner at environmental resolution I have with me uh Patrick van vernham he's an assistant planner and he's the uh the brains of the uh presentation tonight as far as the uh the PowerPoint um so we're looking at uh an active transportation and micromobility and that would be uh uh going to take us to uh going to need to do out prepare a vision statement uh which basically we need to look at the future and try to make sure that what we envision is what happens uh as best we can anticipate uh a vision statement needs to be focused it needs to be uh narrow in its focus so that it does not uh distract and wander off you want to keep people going in the same direction and it also has to be a feasible what the recommendations or would need to be feasible for everyone to keep working on the uh on the project and Mak sure that that Vision comes to to fruition uh and it also has to be desirable for the broad population of the township uh because if it's not what they want it's not going to happen um the goals and objectives are also uh part of the uh the this whole project and the goals and strategic obje is uh they should be specific they should be measurable they should be achievable relatable and they should also be time oriented uh they should be uh be able to put into into a schedule as to when it can or can't be done um next we're having the uh the active transportation and micromobility um okay uh we're PR which would be prioritizing uh active Transportation networks roads uh bikes uh pedestrian pedestrian paths and uh we also want to ensure that there are means of transportation for all ages uh so even we would be looking at wheelchairs handicap accessibility um uh sidewalk linkages making sure that there there are sidewalk linkages and where there aren't trying to prioritize them as to where they will be uh put in in the future uh we also looking at complete streets uh adoption of a complete streets policy and designing streets so that they meet the needs of the entire population uh economic and health benefits also uh would go for uh making sure that traffic is moving in a way that it will uh make sure that Commerce and businesses are able to uh actively pursue their Endeavors uh and you w to take it from I'm on [Music] seven um so like Dave mentioned you know those are kind of some of the general themes that we're seeing in um you know Transportation Planning and looking at The Pedestrian realm and sort of what improvements we can make um you know and what generally is recommended uh maybe best practices is you know what people will hear um also as part of this plan you know on the next slide we're looking we're planning on looking to uh do an analysis on the features in the Township in terms of destinations and [Music] um got it in terms of destinations attractors things like that that where people are walking to how they're getting there and sort of a an analysis and an opinion on that um Dave if you want to go to the next slide there so some of the three the three Realms that we've kind of highlighted in terms of institutional uses and Community destinations uh the first one being institutional buildings you know looking at your government facilities that uh become crucial at specific times you know whether it be uh tax season voting season things like that making sure that people have adequate access um another Realm that is very important in the township is schools um there's kind of a spread of among schools in in the town on the Northern side of 130 in the southern side of Route 130 and um you know this plan is envisioned to see how it can prioritize access to the schools um and how you can mitigate any um any conflict points along along the Route 130 Corridor um that also includes like David mentioned um keeping in mind just non Walkers as well in terms of E Scooters cyclists things like that um and finally the Third Realm that we're sort of looking at in terms of attractors are in the open space and Recreation uh like we heard before where we have events happening at Wood Park and events happening at the various uh open space centers in the township and uh how you can provide more access options for people throughout um other than everyone kind of crawling over the pedestrian bridge right outside of the door uh so you know looking first at where people are going and where the destinations are would be one of the first steps for the plan uh in doing this we envision on the next slide to elicit some level of community engagement um in order to get the actual opinions of people um this doesn't really have an anticipated form yet this is sort of uh in the uh in the in the distance um in terms of how we're going to elicit it uh we recently had a pretty successful project amongst Dave and I of doing community surveys public Community surveys um we're mapping and sort of you know emotionally saying this is where I want to go this is how I get there was pretty feasible um but you know whatever is the best option for the township for this plan is uh what we'd like to pursue um so at this point you know we just know that we're going to have that that Community feedback element um if you want to go to the next slide so we talked about sort of points you know places where people like to go I like to go here I like to go to this address um the second element is how do people get there what's the routes that they take um how do they prefer to get there and and can they be improved from a pedestrian and sort of the ground level standpoint outside of the car on the next slide Dave um there's been prior planning efforts that have looked at this in the township um both in the past and then they've sort of kind of have not been uh upkept in recent years uh you know dvrpc has done work in terms of um analysis on Route 130 and along the river towns and seeing how they can improve access there um I believe the most recent plan that the dvrpc released was in the mid 2000s specifically for improvements uh don't quote me on that I only work for ER not for dvrpc um but you know we're going to be looking at the plans that the dvpc has produced in addition to they have some really great uh statistics that can be used to identify problem areas uh Dave used the term sidewalk gaps before and sort of looking at where the broken linkages are and they could potentially be areas to prioritize for improvements um and then finally they maintain a series of regional crash statistics um in terms of Fatality and severity and things like that so we'd probably be looking to use dvrpc statistics for that as well to look at what intersections may be Troublesome in terms of pedestrian and vehicular conflict which we're trying to mitigate and avoid with this plan uh in addition to dvrpc we're looking to use uh information from NJ doot in terms of any plans that they have for intersections in the township uh in addition to the any plans that they may have to install sidewalks along Route 130 um that is something that we've seen in several towns uh up and down the Route 130 Corridor is incorporating the land to install some sidewalks and sort of how any plans can be worked with the state in their Endeavors um there's also an analysis on uh the department of transportation's complete streets policy where uh one of the intersections or one of the areas in the township was actually cited um the traffic circle outside of the shop right was cited as an example of sort of how to incorporate different complete streets policies um so that kind of gives you an example of you know the level of improvement that that we could see because that was a pretty big intervention in the township when that occurred uh finally looking at the County's resources uh the county adopted a bicycle master plan in 2014 uh that highlighted two of the county routes that run through the township that could be potential for bike pads in the future kind of identified as a something could go here in terms of uh access and usability um and looking to see if that's realistically feasible um in addition to the county released a taiway master plan 5 years ago in 2019 uh so we want to take that that information but actually apply it to the geometry of the township and what constraints there may be in terms of the rights of way um in discussing this Dave and I were looking at different parts of the township and I um I used the example of Union Landing Road and saying well that's a pretty narrow roadway trying to install any sort of non-vehicular infrastructure there would be would be pretty tight and it may not be the safest route and so that would be an example of maybe a roadway that could be more constrained than others which may be larger rights of way um so really just looking at what physical restrictions may be in place and then how can we work with the different you know variety of rights away in the township um and using that would also just be looking at some of the recommended best practices uh both by the APA um American Society of civil engineers um and Traffic Engineers so like we mentioned before including the engineering background in this um if you want to go to the next slide Dave so all of this would lead to the recommendations that would come out of the report um you know this would like I mentioned analyze feedback from the community uh prior plans feedback from other plans that have been made and sort of what is envisioned by other governmental entities around the township um also looking at current Transportation Trends and sort of how they can be incorporated into a set of recommendations for the township to consider um and how they can be recommended how they can be incorporated how Trends can be incorporated so that we're providing access that is is current and uh is is wanted to be used by many people um next slide Dave so I noted in the header here that this is somewhat to be determined uh this would be sort of the end result and we're not we're not putting the cart before the horse here we we want to do the leg work and we want to know what what would work best in the township uh but just some examples that you know we we drew up in terms of what could be in the realm of recommendations um like we mentioned at the start of this meeting looking at linkages at Route 130 and how pedestrian connectivity can be examined there and how they could make sense and uh you know be be feasible in terms of use um looking at different facilities so improvements and these are like the physical new things to add so for example bike boxes or improved crosswalks or attenuated crosswalks um something to kind of draw to potentially the safety and the enhanced usability of The Pedestrian bicycle e scooter Network the whole the whole nine uh one of the things that we also considered is imagery and sort of the Aesthetics um that goes sort of with the prior point of people want to use it um so improving the Aesthetics improving way finding was one of the things that we pointed out as being important um to help bridge the gap between the you know both sides of Route 130 um and incorporating more way finding of this is how you can get from either side to the other these are the destinations to get to sort of what the distance is to get there and making sure that people are taking the safest route to get there um looking at if paths and routes and different multimodal paths are possible pedestrian paths um and identifying areas for improvements or installations of that um this plan also is going to look to the funding for this and how um you know maybe different plan elements like Dave mentioned incorporating a complete streets uh policy could unlock more potential funds from the state in terms of making these improvements uh so that the township doesn't have to shoulder the cost of it um so exploring different funding opportunities um is going to be a part of this and and I mentioned it kind of at the start that schools are one of the um larger destinations because of the emphasis on safety that's placed on them and that's going to be a key element in this too is how you can improve safety for pedestrians um and how you can prioritize their safety across all areas of the township and wherever they may be walking or biking or rolling or however um if you want to move on to the next slide and so now we're kind of at the conclusion uh this is sort of the the wrap up for what the plan should entail what we're envisioning the plan to entail after working with the township um and sort of how the implementation the agenda and other things can be incorporated into the report if you want to go to the next slide Dave so part of this is looking at you know Finding key areas to focus on um both by looking at destinations and by looking at you know routes and linkages that's one thing that we've talked about um including more infrastructure for electric scooters and bicycles and other you know Micro mobile uh realm uh technology and and utilities so that you know you have a complete network of uh routes for people to get around and that leads us into complete streets and you know looking at recommendations that could be incorporated along Route 130 and looking at where complete streets may be applicable throughout the township to sort of uh improve from that major spine that runs through um and as we mentioned before a lot of this would you know focus on pedestrian and bicycle planning um when looking at the Township's Master planning efforts of 2009 uh there was a large emphasis based on improving the vehicular Network at the time with mention of you know improving pedestrian and cyclist and micr mobile uh facilities and the network later um we think that we're kind of at the point now where the improvements may have been made or you know that has been recommended for several years over a decade at this point and maybe the next step is looking at that uh pedestrian and bicycle uh recommendation and sort of how we can improve connectivity for all um next slide there Dave building into that um you know looking at how any amendments or recommendations you know designed can support all residents as Dave mentioned before people have all abilities um people that you know may be Aging in the community that you know require special attention in terms of safe uh infrastructure and pedestrian infrastructure um and promoting kind of healthier Lifestyles you know incorporating more Local Economic Development by increasing foot traffic and sort of allowing more access throughout the township um to do this and you know we mentioned in terms of we're planning on having multiple meetings on this this isn't the only one we're not going to go away we'll be here um but you know we envision having a community meeting in terms of eliciting that public feedback like I mentioned before uh or several of them not just one um several planning board meetings to make sure that the plan is consistent with the townships Master planning goals and efforts um and then you know we'll we'll be around to answer questions throughout the planning process um and work with the township as needed um you know there's there's definitely questions about this and there's definitely areas that could be improved and it's a it's a building process um identifying oh this could be a potential for a link um and so we're you know we're we're intending to be around for that um so on the next slide you know we want to thank you for your time um and we're here for any feedback questions anything specific um as this was sort of the kickoff of the plan uh inevitably it's going to be sort of just the starting point um and you know after tonight we're looking to how we can take this and kind of move forward with the plan so thank you for your time and any questions we we're we're here thank you anybody have a question okay so I I um I for one am a person who rides a bicycle um and I walk not as much as I should but this Township is not a great place to do either of those things in um just a I guess a quick yes or no does everybody on committee think it's so worthwhile calls to pursue this further I mean yes we good yes I think so okay so I I I think uh the next step is to U get Mr schubiger to get together with you guys and see what the first actual steps of this process would be absolutely so I I'd like to move forward with it because I'm tired of carrying my bicycle over that ramp I have I do have a story about so I I if you'll humor me for a minute I have a quick story and I was telling Dave about it when we were starting this process um so I'm I'm pretty local to the township I grew up in Riverton um I'm I'm very familiar with the area and uh I as soon as we started talking about this I said Dave when I was a kid I took my bike to go play basketball at Wood Park and I took it up the ri I took it up the steps and then I took it down and by the time I got to the bottom the chain had fallen off and my friend's chains didn't and so they rode and they were playing basketball by the time I caught up after I got my chain on so any improvements that can be made in any any improvements we can make with The Pedestrian okay there you go so any any improvements we can make with regard to pedestrian and bicycle circulation would would be wonderful so I I I say we start this what's that if I have a question go right ahead I just want to U clarify so you you referenced the master plan and and how it relates to this proposed plan so the township authorized and got approved our master plan reexamination I think in 19 we did that was it 18 or 19 yeah in that area so you referenced the 2009 actual plan but as it pertains to this this would be something that hopefully a culmination of all this work would be to include an this element into our master plan is that is that the goal or I should have been clearer in that so the Township's last specific circulation plan element update as part of Master planning took place in 2009 that was the last time the circulation plan was updated and so this we were discussing in terms of how it could function with the master planning documents uh potentially it could be an agenda or an amendment to the circulation plan element because that's really where it fits into um and then in future reexamination processes and master planning processes you know this would be incorporated as parts of the uh parts of the master plan okay or you may even decide you want to do do a new circulation element too as we move forward too depending on how this all plays out there's some options for us all right thank you okay all right gentlemen thank you very much thank you all next discussion item is the backyard chicken ordinance um our chicken Advisory Board chairperson Janice Smith is here this evening to provide us with the current status fck you know this is my favorite thing right public speaking uh Janna Smith 109 Pernell a senent so my request was well let me State let me start by saying we have 25 maximum of 25 licenses available so my request was to push that to 30 and currently we are allowed eight hens and I wanted to push that to eight um as for the number of licenses we have 22 residents currently approved and or working towards approval I think I have about four that are in the midst of uh building their Coupe and run so they will be approved so we're we're pushing that limit um I'm in contact with them so I know they're you know they're physically working on those things and as for eight that seems to be the number the maximum number of ordinances in other towns that have similar demographics to us and it seems to work well for those towns so that's why I'm requesting eight currently we're six and to date and to my knowledge I do not think that we've had any complaints about legal chicken owners so had any any any complaints or questions or problems with them I think the program's gone pretty well as far as my concern you know based upon the information that I have and call so I appreciate all your efforts yeah know I appreciate you guys listening to me talk about chickens so you're looking at the the the number of hens to go from 60 to 8 yes okay and the number of licenses from 25 to to 30 yeah and you know I feel like that would I haven't had a huge amount of interests this year a lot of people how many how many current licenses did you say are out 22 right now and that is approved and or working towards approval meing that they're building we actually have three open licenses at this point okay yeah yeah so great does anybody have any other questions or yes okay what's up so if you're going to increase the hen from 6 to 8 that's what you're asking I know the coupe has certain dimensional requirements are you also asking for that to be increased no because it's four square feet per bird so no larger than 100 square any larger than it is now you're just has to be four square fet per per hen and the Run has to be 10 square feet per hen okay so eight chickens 80 you know 80 squ foot run don't make me do the math on the C been there done that but any other questions no we good no I'm good okay good okay I think we're good thank you Janice thank you thank you Janice all right next is uh an ordinance introduction um this is uh ordinance 20 24-10 amending the code of ordinances to adopt the new chapter 441 entitled storm water management requirements and controls for major development should be advertised at the BR County Times Public hearing to be October 30 21st 2024 at 6:30 p.m. May I have a motion to introduce ordinance 202 24-9 I'll make that motion Mr Mayor thank you Mr seagis may I have a second I'll second that Mr Mayor thank you Mr Migel can we have a roll call vote please yes mayor Mr Horner uh just to clarify um is it 20249 or 2024 d10 thank you for catching that good call good okay so 202 24-10 I thank you Mr Miguel I Mr SE I Deputy Mayor crille I mayor cond I catch I miss that one too all right which brings us to the consent agenda which is fairly short um we have resolution 2024-25 authorizing the cancellation of taxes for totally disabled veteran block 1709 lot six tax assessor Dennis De Clark has confirmed that the property owner meets the criteria for the eligibility of this benefit resolution 2024 108 authorizing the cancellation of taxes for totally disabled veteran block 3412 Lot 8 tax assessor Dennis De cler has also confirmed that this property owner meets the criteria for the eligibility of benefit resolution 2024 109 authoring a property lean block 1704 lot two director of Community Development Michael mitt has recommended that a lean is placed on the following property due to Property Maintenance violations which required the Township's public works department to to remediate resolution 2024-the a property lean on block 2901 lot 61 also development community development director Mike bitton has placed has recommended that a lean is placed on the following property due to Property Maintenance violation that also required the Township's public works department to remediate and we have two Raffles this evening one for the food bank of new Jersey for 1114 24 and one for St Charles Baro church for 1012 2024 and that is the end of the consent agenda may I have a motion to open public comment on the consent agenda items only I'll make that motion Mr Mayor to open up uh public comment on consented and agenda items only thank you Mr Miguel I will second that can I have a Voice vote all in favor I nay extensions okay public comment on the consent agenda is now open please state your name and address for the record you good for the consent agenda just thought just for the consent agenda items for now okay seeing no one come forward may I have a motion to close public comment on the consent agenda I'll make a motion to close public comment on the consent agenda thank you Deputy Mayor may I have a second I'll second that thank you Mr Mill Voice v please all in favor I I Nays abstentions okay may I have a motion to approve the consent agenda Mr Mayor I'll make a motion to approve the consent agenda thank you Mr Herer may I have a second I'll second that Mr Mayor uh we need a roll call vote here correct yes Mr Herer I Mr Miguel I Mr C i Deputy Mayor c i mayor cond I thank you uh next is the minutes um I will make a motion to approve the minutes of august 19 2024 as read can we have a second I will second thank you deputy mayor uh roll call vote Please Mr Horner I Mr Miguel hi Mr C hiut mayor I mayor I thank you and it's now time to pay the bills so may I have a motion to approve the bill list I'll make a motion to approve the bill list may I have a second I'll second that sir thank you Mr seagis a roll call vote Please Mr hor hi Mr Miguel hi Mr hi I I thank you okay um do we have any staff and professional comments staff or professional comments for this evening anybody I have a couple mayor if that's okay sure uh first I I just want to thank environmental resolutions for coming out tonight giving that presentation I've had the opportunity in the past prior to working here with you guys to to be part of a project like that I found it to be a good experience and very helpful I think it'll be something that'll be good for the community I'll work with all of you and and our staff uh to get that going sounds like I have the authority to do that tonight so I think it'll be a nice project for us and there will be members of the community and our professionals involved so uh just looking forward to that number two uh I just have to to say you know and our superintendent of Public Works is here tonight uh I I've received two uh sort of accommodations from agencies about our public works department uh recently and for something that a lot of people wouldn't know about uh our public works department led by Mr gun and all the GU all the uh employees over there um they have a training and development room at our Public Works facility which is pretty neat because um we undergo a lot of training in person but also online and our Municipal J the Garden State Municipal JF has highlighted Our Town s Minon for having that because uh they don't see it all the time and and that's good for us hopefully good for our premium uh and also recently a federal agency was in looking at how we operate and and they made a comment I believe to Mr gun just last week uh that they typically see that in a police department and by the way our police department has a a great training and development room as well as many people might know that but for public works I think it's kind of different and and really great so um that's the kind of uh staff we have who find training and development important and I wanted everyone to know that um and then finally uh quickly the the Trap neuter return do I have that right uh information we received recently I I've been going through our existing code and then the model ordinance that you shared with us uh I'm going to be working with our Township solicitor on that and trying to put together some recommendations for the governing body very soon so thank you very much mayor thank you anyone else Mr sario you good good than sir um we can open the floor to public comment may I have an may I have a motion to open public comment make that motion to open public comment thank you Mr McGill may I have a second I'll second that Mr Mayor thank you Mr seagis Voice vote all in favor I I a abstentions okay public comment is now open please state your name and address for the record hi Wendy Sanders 372 boxwood Lane um I'm back talking about cats um I appreciate you saying you know you reached out to me so that's all right we we'll figure that out I'll wait till tomorrow and that's all I'll wait no I'm just kidding um so today I have some people with me because the cat thing is just not me in Cinnaminson trying to fight for cats there's there's a lot of people that advocate for animals in general so I just reached out to a few people that I thought maybe could show up here like at last minute um Caitlyn perie is a cinnamon resident who reached out to uh the Friends of the Bron County Animal Shelter in May of 2023 because she had some unfixed cats who um H gave birth to kittens in her yard and she wasn't sure what to do so she reached out to fobus and they in turn reached out to me because I live in cinam Minon so I reached out to Caitlyn coordinated gave her lessons on how to trap and now if she's still here um she now does all kinds of trapping and rest and kitten rescue on her own so yay I have here's Sue Harbor and Joe Rizzy they reached out to me at one point in 2020 because they had kittens under their shed uh cat gave birth kittens under their shed four or five of them they fostered them then I put them in touch with the rescue and those kittens were able to get adopted uh Lyn um I'll go to Glenn green W I'm not sure okay Glenn Greenwood is a business owner on Union Landing he reached out to fobus he had cats smilling about his property fobus reached out to me because I live in cinon I met up with him and his wife and showed them how to trap and they successfully trapped countless cats in that location 10 a dozen yeah so they they're actively trapping still um if they see a cat that is not fixed so I thank them for for that they also took in uh one kitten and then a little bit later they took that kitten's brother in and then they took a third in and now they have cats in his business like a working cat working gap program which would be awesome to start um I don't think Linda's here but Linda Herer was a woman that I helped in cinnamon and on Pear Street Feeding countless cats for unknown amount of years but I trapped over 20 cats and kittens and got them spay neutered um Kathy and John D are not here they're they live on Arbor and they reached out because they had an unfixed mom cat with kittens had those kittens put into a rescue got adopted uh lastly Linda vas Diaz is here with her friend Jean there cinnamon and longtime sentiments and residents and TNR Advocates um I just recently met Linda through a mutual friend of ours arvet Linda back in 205 or 2005 2006 she was feeding some cats that were all fixed but because it was 20 years ago I guess things were different then and she got fined um countless times and really uh um had to deal with a lot because the ordinance was what what it was however in thinking of that I realized today the ordinance is no different today than it was then so any of the people here are risking what she kind of trailblazed and had to deal with back then in terms of just trying to do the right thing um lastly Al Mar Ino is here and he is the adoption coordinator with the bur County animal Alliance um Al actually has been in animal rescue for like 40 years he has kittens that were rescues from Cinnaminson because of me that live in his house now because he was fostering them to be put up for adoption and then we had a pandemic and PetSmart closed and our or the cat Center closed and so all those cats have had to leave and now Al was an owner of cats from Cinnaminson so just because the cats are here doesn't mean it doesn't affect anybody who's working with animals um ba uh Jerome is here she is an extremely active Trapper for the friends of the Brun County animal shelter every time I talk to her she's in a tizzy because she's trapping trapping trapping trapping and that just proves that there's that many cats out there that need to be trapped um again we're all we're all not from cinnamon sin but for the most part we are but it all affects everyone um somebody just told me as they walked in that currently our County shelter is closed to intake for cats and that's a problem because it it opens up this this venue of people saying oh great what am I going to do with these kittens now and they dump them and they dump them and they dump them they're not fixed and they make more so it's really a NeverEnding battle um and for those of us who feel like we're doing the right thing it's always there it's always present and so I think there's a lot of things that can be changed to improve I the cats are there they're not going anywhere to punish the people that are that are doing the best they can to do the right thing and and to to help the cats to fix the cats it's it's a community effort but it's it's serving our community where we live so um I'm hoping to speak to Eric soon and thank you for listening to me talk about cats uh I think the first time I was here one of you said to me thank you for doing what I do or and I I thought that was ironic when I was thinking today because you're thanking me today but 20 years ago Linda was punished I mean she she paid fines and got arrested so it's really you know it's heartbreaking to to know that you're you're just trying to be a good person and do the right thing so I'm hoping that things will be different moving forward so I appreciate your time you thank you thank you I just one more come forward and come up here stay your name for that record please thank you uh hello everybody my name is B Jerome I'm actually Mount cler resident but I'm very involved in cat community and rescuing I've been doing it for 12 years plus um I work All Over Burlington County kemen County various uh various rescues this is big passion of mine normally I'm a doing I'm actually first responded I'm also in business world but this is something I DW aside this is a huge uh part of my life and what Wendy said I want to ask it's not only we are here for the cats for the animals but it's a ripple effect on communities what people don't realize when we do TN R we don't only help the cats we also help the neighborhoods when we do TNR we treat those cats for rabies which we prevent spread of rabies if God forbid it's there uh we vaccinate for other diseases we uh do parasite control we prevent um population so many people don't relize people don't like Cuts they said oh alcohol Animal Control they take care of their business they'll trap them kill them because that's what they do um they don't realize that 6 months later new population will come and will take over um cats have been always a part of ecosystem they they're here they will be here probably those Generations where there before many of us um and this is how it is they populate the mom cat the the female cat will go uh in heat three times a year every time she will have kittens not all of them will survive but that they will keep populating what we try to do we try to control it uh that's why we need help of you we need help of townships uh to help us do that uh this thing is very expensive it's time consuming it's emotional for us but we do it not only for animals but we also help communities um aside from that when those animals are and their part of neighborhoods they have all those obnoxious behavior that's why the neighbors complet plane once we do TNR that stops or at least is limited and that helps all the communities people don't know the cats are territorial once we do the TNR the cats will kind of guard the territory for newcomers come in so even though our job is not done it is done for certain community and that will prevent many of the new offsprings that will prevent diseases that will prevent parasites that will preent event that will actually bring benefit not only to the cats but also for the communities that we work with we are all volunteers we do it out of passion we do it out of love for the animals but we need support of townships to support us to do what we love to do thank you thank Youk you thank you hello uh my name is Joseph Rizzy 316 boxwood Lane these ladies that preced me they may have said uh some statements that may have been minimized I feel they have done so much for the community they have helped us TNR 13 cats I have neighbors that come over and say hey your cat's digging in my yard whoa it ain't my cat buddy it's the community's cat all right and if it wasn't for us and other people like this in our Township there' be maybe thousands of freaking cats okay Atlantic City they were overrun under their Boardwalk they had hundreds of people putting out hundreds of traps years ago there aren't that many now it it it takes it takes a a vill a village yes I'm sorry it takes a village we all have to get involved somehow or another if you just ignore it I grew up in South Philly and we just ignored cats like who gives a hoot about a cat right but they're overwhelming sometimes I mean we had thir cats at one time on our steps and with the help of these ladies we were able to trap one two three it took us a year and then we find four little kittens during the pandemic under the shed they helped us I mean we had to defle them every night we we both have jobs we come home we're def fleeing little kittens and everything most of the times they'd be ignored and then there's four more cats making d dozens more I just wanted to tell you that these ladies are like heroes in my eyes I never gave a hoot about a cat but these ladies made me see what is involved and you have to just get out there if you don't get out there that's fine just don't break them for me while I'm doing the job all right please fair enough and as far as that goes go Birds tonight let's go yes thank you thank thank you thank you we moved on from chickens what's that we've moved on from chick no no no I know is it are we still in a pilot or are we is it an actual ordinance now I can't remember I think was it a two-year did we I think we did a two-year pilot right I think it's up for review to make any po CH that you're open to I'll take a look at it so that was gonna be my other request is if we could move it into an actual ordinance and not a pilot I mean I'm good with another year of a pilot if you guys want to wait but if not I don't see any har yeah I know I'm not going to ask for any more than eight so and thank you guys you know bcas I have three of my pets came from that so thank you guys you're do Ben young 116 Wood viw Lane first of all I know I've always been an advocate of you having your 911 ceremony and I missed it and I apologize I made the morning when a mors down but I got stuck at a school in Philly so I couldn't make it back but thank you for having me thank you um we're talking about presentation on bike riding and I know that Paul Mayor you've spoken in the P you've spoken in the past about you're advocating for 130 but you know I got rerouted recently I usually go down through the shopping center to go to my office but I've gotten rerouted because of some of the things going on over there and going up 130 have you really walked along there and see what 10 foot RightWay would do to that neighborhood I have not walked um the length of what is going to be in cinam Inon which Ben is about a half a mile um I know it's going to affect um probably mostly where Pat's pizza is because it's going to take a bit of parking lot there in 10 foot right away will take away the drive-thru at the Veterinary Clinic that's how that's how and it's going to cut out all the I don't know where the Landscaping goes for for dealership and if you go up by roswald he a going to have any parking left that's going to lose everything in the front that that's a that's a concern that was brought up during the the meeting we had with the state um I I think I think they're going to do a lot of rethinking before anything happens there I mean I I believe in a biking stuff really but it it's a real danger out there and you know and if you tried to extend that down past the cemetery I mean we've got Graves that are less than absolutely all the way to the we're going the other way we're going from and over towards right now it's and over to the bridge Brower bridge and I I quite honestly I think that my personal opion is that's going to change significantly between now and 2029 when they're talking about doing this I think it's north the north part of Andover yeah from the north side of North all the way through Delan if that is North it's north 130 but if that isest uh the other part of this and I happen to live this down a daily basis is to realize that no kids wear helmets anymore why become p a i I'm not sure the law still in effect isn't it it is but it's almost a possible I yeah hundreds of them I'm not hundreds of them but probably 50 or 60 every day come by my house to Middle School oh yeah oh yeah and they also ride down the middle of the street so I don't know what a bike pass going to do for you they they ride down the middle of the street on one one wheel generally like they own it um and I don't know how to even enforce that I don't either um and they're starting to challenge you if you're coming the other way so what you're saying is if you hit a couple the rest will stop I don't know I mean they gang up on you um the the other good thing about what the presentation was tonight to create more biking I will say on the positives is I've seen electric bikes now arrive at Memorial Park and they're getting pretty prevalent when we're down there botch and there there's three or four of them riding and rolling it's got to be a speed limit or something um come out say while I'm on while I'm on Memorial Park bot of course again thanks you this year for getting the electrical outlet in we appreciate it would have been better in the middle because our extension cord we need a longer extension cord to do the blower but that's okay I saw you put it where it was no cost effective um cost effective that's right right right right cost effective for the township but these guys had to buy a longer extension Court uh it was very good good management not necessarily good to listen to the affili but good management uh and as far as bot the other thing is um and I know Deputy Mayor if you could maybe add on your budget list we're about do for carpet to take a look at it I'll send some pictures that's what the courts are carpeted with oh okay let me just make a note of that it was and it's a little bit like w view Lan it was last carpeted when I was in office oh wow yes that was that's harsh that but years how's wood VI lane today W VI Lane is terrific um Union Landing and I heard that conversation Union Landing I don't know what your what the plans are this overall activity but Union Landing still is desperately in need of biking access because those people that come up that hill and walk between there and w wart it's it's amazing the number of people that do that walk it just really is I I I never realized it until uh it was mentioned um in previous meetings and I and every time I'm on Union Landing I see somebody yeah walking from Hunters to the highway and I'm not sure how close we are to that but I know we've got the funding and I know they've done some workouts and some surveying surve yeah under way so yeah they did some other things it's underway so hopefully uh in my lifetime quote Miss Shephard from previous meetings uh in my lifetime we will see sidewalks there I know I know the ladies aren't here tonight so I'll speak on their behalf did we get umbrellas two 20 20 of canopy sir H I'm sorry canopies there there are there are two I haven't been even to see them yet they're up right uh Kevin 23rd right 23 23rd is the due date for the installation they're not up we have them though right or they're up no we have them in they're not 23rd 23d 23rd 23 and time for fall exactly the sun still comes out yes it does that's absolutely cost effect uh cost I know the other thing is you is the landfill they came down and did pardon my French but a half-ass job of brush hogging along the side of the road right I mean it's embarrassing what they try to get away with we really need to do something about that and who owns who maintains the RightWay access the 50 foot wide or whatever it is RightWay access across from the the public works is that still the landfill or because that's a future access do that fall in the township I honestly don't know I believe it's that's like Wallace Boulevard extension yeah if you if you were to follow Wallace Boulevard straight through well kind of offset because it comes up right right in front of the Public Works build because that's another one that's overgrown that needs to be maintained I don't believe the township owns that yes I don't think we own it I think we have the right of access to it long term if we want it we'll look into that I'm like Biden I have a list I checked my list off I'm done thank you Ben thank you thank you uhuh good morning AR yeah good morning good evening folks uh Jim Francis 804 Belleview Avenue um uh question about this this presentation um when this study goes down is this going to include like camenson Avenue Highland Avenue uh Union Landing Road tayor Lane River Road uh like so we're we're talking Route 130 but I mean in a grand plan we go ahead my I'm sorry my my impression is that they are going to look at cinnam Inon as a whole from pensan to Daran to Maple Shade to moristown to Riverton um every street every uh path every sidewalk just to see where they can create some kind of a pedestrian access or circulation um infrastructure so it's it's going to be the whole town and who funds this what's that where who's who's going to fund this whole not besides the work being done like this whole uh investigation as to like what they're going to do and I see Mr schubiger with his hand up over there you want to take do that may by all means it it was just one finger but okay my peral vision isn't what it used to be so the the their work is going to be funded by the township as part of of our budget because it's something that we found to be pretty important and we had that earmarked but what this will do is actually one of the great things it does is give us access to secure more grant funding so when we apply for Grants which we do we've had some pretty good success lately with grant funding but the funders love plans like this that are done professionally and involve your community and when you have this and you include that in your submission I'm not saying it's a guarantee but it really helps our ability so the long term the work that gets done is later which comes out of the work of this plan and then it's 3 years 5 years 10 years we just decide what's most important uh that the community wants so it's going to be grant funding and we probably I I'll be asking the governing body to approve some Capital fund