meeting if so does there anyone have any comments seeing none can I have a motion to approve second Eric I mean who's that Lance Lance and who else I did second okay second okay um I like also have a motion all corresponden is available at town hall for the review by the public um as such I'd like a motion dispense with reading of the correspondence motion thank you Mike thank you Mike first M Mr chairman one second please Donna we're getting no sound at home on the TV I don't do you want to call over to the studio or send him a text okay now it's okay now okay thank you sorry for the interruption Mr President okay next order of business site plan application resolution to memorize the tkg pro1 LLC 1085 Central Avenue block 69 lot 18.01 also the Starbucks do anyone have has everyone had a chance to review the resolution is so any comments or questions seeing none I'd like a motion to approve so moved thank you Jim second second thank you Lance roll call please mayor B Corso yes Mr Ock yes Mr Manti yes Mr cotch yes Mr triola yes Mr Alman yes Mr Jacobson yes Mr Steinberg yes Mr C yes memorialized order of business is application seeking an amendment to make a payment in Li of affordable housing unit counselor good evening Mr chairman members of the board thank you my name is Donald B Fraser Jr I'm a member of the law firm of Pata Fraser and Forester here in Clark uh I represent this evening spring Enterprises LLC which is excuse me which is the owner of 60 to 62 Westfield Avenue block 106 in Lots 3 and four in the D in the downtown of Village zone I'm here tonight connection with an approval that this board granted back in 2021 for a mixed use am I doing something wrong I AP I walk I for a mixed use project uh on Westfield Avenue uh simply stated there is commercial on the first floor two floors of residential total of four Apartments as I assume everybody on the board is well familiar with there has been an a change to the township ordinance that was adopted this past fall with regard to the obligation of a developer to um the nature of the developer contribution to the Township's affordable housing obligation uh essentially prior to that obligation or excuse me prior to that ordinance change a developer was required to put .15 or 15% of the units being constructed had to be dedicated as affordable units in my client's case we have four units you apply the 0.15 ratio to four units you get 6 units at the time of the hearing [Music] in 2021 it was not entirely clear but it was our understanding that the applicant would be required to construct or devote dedicate one of the four units or residential units to be an affordable housing unit the it wasn't totally clear to me but that was the testimony that was put in and that was what we understood we were required to do Under This board's approval as a result of the ordinance which the township adopted just this past fall the situation has been clarified with the new ordinance as the board is no doubt aware if you have six or six units res residential units or above you provide a unit or units if you have four units five units or less you can make a payment to the township affordable development affordable housing Fund in lie of the production of a unit or a dedication of the unit so the nature of our application is we would like the board to amend the prior approval for this project so that my client can make the affordable housing fund contribution which would be1 19,000 and some odd dollars the applicant would contribute to that um um fund consistent with the present ordinance scheme of the township rather than the one unit that had been contemplated at the time of the approval I'm happy to answer any questions but that's the application in a nutshell just to clarify this is also known as the old CVS site is the CVS yes I thought the answer was I thought the answer was yes but I didn't want to say yes and wrong just want the other board members to to know his location I appreciate that Mr cotch given that my business is in town I probably should just know that off the top of my head that building is up already and is it closed ready for occupancy or um I believe that cosos have been issued but that none of the um spaces have yet been actually rented to tenants my client is actively seeking that now I think this is a reasonable request does anyone on the board have any discussions uh Mr chair I just have uh two comments um the affordable housing development fee has been calculated or the payment in Lee of an affordable housing unit has been calculated at $1,229 61 however um I would suggest that any approval be subject to verification of that amand by the tax assessor and the affordable housing administrative agent additionally as was pointed out this is a mixed use develop with the uh uh commercial on the first floor residential above it uh because it's a mix use there would also be a development fee applicable to the uh commercial component of it by State law so the payment of the uh in Le of payment of an unit does not uh absolve the applicant of having to pay the affordable housing development fee uh for the commercial portion of the of the property I see Mr Frasier shaking his head but if he interested in confirm on the record Mr Cruz uh first of all with regard to that 19,000 some OD dollar number that you just read into the record uh certainly that is subject to confirmation from the tax assessor and the uh planner but I will note for the record that I didn't come up with that number they did I got it from them and I independently came to it when I did the math within a couple of dollars of what they said and I went with their number so uh we're certainly good with uh letting that be subject to confirmation but we didn't make that number up secondly with regard to the um fee that would relate to the uh commercial unit yes we understand that's not included within the $119,000 uh I'm not able myself to come up to a good guesstimate of that calculation I know it's 2.5% but somebody at the tax assessor's office is going to have to say well how much of the tax assessment here relates to the residential portion and how much relates to the commercial portion and when we know that answer we can calculate that but yes Mr Cruz we know that's not included in the 19,000 and change and there will be another fee thank you is there any other discussion like to make a motion to approve this application with the conditions set by our Council I'll second it I'll me I'll motion it you motion yeah M motioned it second it okay roll call Mayor Bon Coro yes Mr ol yes Mr manini yes Mr cotch yes Mr triola yes Mr Alman yes Mr Jacobson yes Mr Mr Steinberg yes Mr Cay yes approved Mr chair I'll prepare a resolution for the March meeting thank you thank you Mr chairman members of the board Council I I can just say I wish my meetings in uh Garwood went this smoothly on that side thank you very much this point we are opening the meeting to the public anyone wishing to come forward uh may do so to discuss any matter may have a motion to open the meeting to the public motion thank you Mike second thank you Mike that's you please state your name and address Nancy tasus 43 Colonial Drive I know the train has already left the station on this but I've given it a lot of thoughts since the last meeting and just want to give an opinion for the next time the town has an issue that came up with the Starbucks development in particular at the traffic and I'm focused more on the traffic driving into not so much the pedestrian traffic I mean the company is a very large company Starbucks it's like an elephant they're the elephant and we're The Ant and I really didn't feel like the traffic analysis was appropriately done by somebody with a clipboard and a stopwatch that was about it for what I learned that day is the most heavily trafficked intersection in the county now Mr triola had a very good idea and asked the question did they simulate 20 cars 30 cars 40 cars going in between 8 and 9:00 in the morning no I didn't think of doing that there's plenty of software out there I'm sure that parameters could have been put in to simulate that intersection I didn't hear that discussed either so I'm just asking the board maybe that'll be the last time we ever have a developer that's going to take up space in such a heavily trafficked area but if we do have that situation in the future require the business to do a little bit more than come with a clipboard and a stopwatch okay thank you thank you anyone else wishing to come forward seeing nobody I'd like a motion to close the meeting to the public motion second thanks Nat Nate um do we have any new business all right do we have any new business actually I do um I noticed the cubes smt while the building is attractive um there's a pole right in the sidewalk do we know if there's plans to relocate that it's as it is the building is close to the street I know it's outside the jurisdiction of our group now uh utility pole K yeah the utility pole smacking they poured the concrete around it um and looks like you now either can tuck yourself close to the street about 18 inches of sidewalk or 18 inches on the other side check into it I didn't even notice it myself and I drive by it every day I but then again as a safe and cous driver I keep my eyes on the road well I after I pick my pizza I'm we'll check into it for sure I I get at that light I'm looking around and like whoa all right any other new business we have any old business okay our next meeting is March 7th April 4th or meetings March 7th April 4th May second I have a motion tojn the meeting motion Mike triola who second it s thank you meeting is closed