[Music] okay good evening this is a public meeting of the Board of Education of Clark Public Schools adequate notice of this meeting has been given accordance PL 1975 chapter 231 and that a special notice was made in conforming with Section 13 of the ACT then can we get a motion to return to public Miss acalones followed by Mr smoral loc call favor I okay at this point can we just rise for pledge United States ofice can we get a roll call please vonis here Mr beninga Mr bone yes Mr breedy Mr Guerrero here Miss Harrison here miss Hickman Mr Lewis here Mr smoral here and Mr duners SLO here having seven board members who have a quorum all right can I get a motion for the approval of minutes from June 3rd and June 17th Miss Gro followed by can I get a second can I get a second can I get a Mr smoral all right any questions or comments roll call please shones Mr bone yes Miss Guerrero yes Miss Harrison yes to June 3 abstain from June 17th excuse me which which one yes June 3 abstained from the 17th Mr Lewis yes Mr SML yes and Mr D SL yes motion carried all right so at this time um we're going to open the floor to the public for agenda items only so if there's something on the agenda and then you'd like to discuss it now would be the time if not at the end of the meeting there'll be time for non-agenda items so seeing none we'll move on so we go into Personnel we have items 1 through 17 can I get a motion see Miss Harrison followed by Mr Lewis questions or comments roll call please M Colones yes Mr bone yes Mr barrero stay on 6784 16 yes on the rest M Harrison yes Mr Lewis yes Mr moral yes and Mr duners yes motion carried then we have board governance we have item 18 can I get a motion I see Miss acalones seconded by Miss Harrison any questions or comments roll call please Mr ionus yes Mr bone yes Mr breedy I'm Excuse me m Guerrero yes M Harrison yes Mr Lewis yes Mr smoral yes and Mr duners yes motion carried and finally we have items 19- 44 for finance can I get a motion Miss Harrison can I get a second Mr soral questions or comments roll call please iones yes Mr bone yes Mr Guerrero abstain on 19 2225 yes on the rest M Harrison yes Mr Lewis yes Mr smurl yes and Mr dunker SLO yes motion carried all right Mr gry I'll hand it over to you for the report of the superintendent thank you good evening and thank you Mr donut on this evening's agenda we have a number of new hires as a carryover from our new hiring in June meeting two very important new hirers are with us this evening Dr Heather Austin as our new director of special services coming to us from the Cranford School District where she spent many years as a teacher and then a supervisor and most recently at old taen as an administrator um she went through a rigorous interview process Mrs ala and I did initial screenings and then Google meets and then we brought a panel together with Mr Del Monico Mr amandola and Mrs Mendes at the elementary level and Heather you were our recommendation thank you to the Personnel committee and the full board for the support Heather if you'd like to introduce yourself I'm Heather Austin I'm very excited to Jo [Applause] and another very important new hire is Mrs Donna arino who will be our new Public School accountant when Mr zetti retires at the end of this month Donna is coming to us from the do school district most recently as an assistant ba and we're excited for Donna to join the central office Donna's also with us this evening Donna [Applause] it hasn't been all that long since our last meeting since we're in early July and we had our last meeting in the end of June but since that time our asy program began for our special needs students to give them a more extended school experience that program has been off to a good start and many thanks to the staff in that program for their work with our students we've been busy with the curriculum writing process School counseling and child study team summer work and our summer building projects thank you and have a great evening thank you Mr Grandy so at this time we will uh I'll look to the Committees for any reports seeing none any in Mr Lewis yeah I I want to congratulate from the Board of Education from the Personnel side to join our administrative team don and Heather uh I certainly from the board we're we're excited anxious and we look forward to a great journey with uh the Clark schools so thank you for coming aboard thank you Mr Lewis any other report of the Committees unfinished or new business all right so seeing none we will open it up to the floor to the public for um any non-agenda items so if you'd like to come step to the podium state your name your address and you have three minutes rest s was all also e with that is there anybody else that would like to talk about non-agenda items I have something Steve yep I'm sorry can you just hold on one second I'm sorry no no it's okay you sure okay you can come back just state your name and your address sure sure it's a great question um we did review some of it the ad didare now we're not decision we're still I can assure you that before the next they very welcome is there anybody else in the public that would like to talk about non-agenda items okay so seeing none going to close that portion out anything else from the board all right motion to adjourn Miss Harrison s all in favor I thank you see you in August for for