all right good evening this a public meeting of the Board of Education Clark Public Schools adequate notice of this meeting has been given accordance with PL 1975 chapter 231 and that a special notice was made in conformance with Section 13 of the ACT get a motion to go into public v v and M Harrison all in favor good rice for the pledge please PL aliance to the FL United States of America and to the rep stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all okay we'll do a roll call M Colones here Mr Ben singer here Mr B here Mr breedy M Guerrero M Harrison here M Hickman here Mr Lewis here Mr smoral here and Mr Dunc L here having a board members we have a Corum thank you at this time we'll hand over Mr Grande good evening tonight's always one of our most exciting nights of the school year because we're able to Showcase a number of our students and staff members across the district for the great work that they do we're going to begin with our Governor's educators of the Year each fall the New Jersey Department of Education releases a complete for each school in the state to solicit nominees two for each building one being a traditional classroom teacher and the other being what they call an educational supp professional someone who has an important impact on children but outside of a traditional classroom role each principal then convenes a committee of various stakeholders across their schools to evaluate these applications and the state gives us very strict guidelines that only the information and the application is to be considered no external knowledge is to be considered so that the process is fair and consistent and that brings us to who we have tonight our nominees and recipients for each school and I'd like to begin with Mrs Aliva alj principal for her two nominees good evening it is my honor to introduce to you this evening our Arthur El Johnson educator of the year Mrs Joy Donaldson as a member of our English Department for over 20 years Mrs Donaldson has taught all levels and grades most recently initiating our AP Capstone program she teaches both AP research and AP seminar which are two of our most rigorous courses at alj any student who has had her as a teacher leaves the class with an abundance of knowledge feeling more confident with their thinking reading and writing skills and although in an English classroom these skills are important the most parent Paramount skill Paramount skill that Mrs Donaldson provides those in her classes is the ability to critically think Joy uses literature as a vehicle to help guide students into adulthood where they will actively use their critical thinking skills and communication skills as a lifelong learner Mrs Donaldson empowers students by giving them a voice in their education she frequently asks students for feedback not only on the content she is teaching but also on her strategies they help her to identify her areas of strength and what she needs to improve upon this constant reflection this willingness to embrace the feedback of others is what makes Mrs Donaldson a great teacher she will never stop learning growing and evolving Mrs Donaldson goes above and beyond for the high school on a full-scale level she is involved in our NJ GPA refresher program she meets with students to provide information and insight on this important New Jersey state exam additionally she makes herself available to any student student that would benefit from her expertise on the college entrance essay and she assists them in working with them independently to structure create and edit student writing she believes in instilling in students a lifelong love and respect for learning which they clearly recognize as she was also heralded as the alj National Honor Society Teacher of the Year this year I have personally been fortunate to work with Mrs Donaldson this year as she is completing her administrative internship on her path to obtaining her principal certific ation she is hardworking dedicated and always thinking the positive effect that she has had in our students in our school Community makes Arthur L Johnson a better place please join me in congratulating Mrs Joy Donaldson try thank you congratulations Jo it is now my honor to introduce to you the Arthur L Johnson Educational Services professional of the Year our media specialist Mrs Carla Wagner Mrs Wagner is one of the most in demand staff members at alj as the media specialist she creates and presents educational information for students based on teachers assignments every time she does a presentation it is uniquely catered to the teacher and class she then houses these presentations on the alj media center page so they're easily accessible to all she's a clearing house for Tech help research help and she also runs our school Instagram which I am very thankful for in addition she is the class of 2027 adviser and has very creative fundrising ideas she also started the alj book club and she has nearly 10 new readers in that club this year as we have seen growth in the AI industry Carla is ahead of the game she's looking for ways to work with the tide as opposed to trying to combat it an expert at our subscribed databases she can also find obscure information for such students as those that are enrolled in the AP seminar and AP research courses that I discussed earlier she's happy to do research and support our student students her attitude is contagious and that positivity models for students all the positives that we can find in education and in knowledge Carla is constantly working for ways to showcase our media center through her redesign student challenges advertising books that coordinate with our nation's holidays the IMC is a revolving door there's board meetings Flex blocks classes art shows parent University Club Fair students in classes simply just working she moves the room around to meet everyone's needs and whoever is sharing her space that day regardless of need the IMC is welcoming bright and cheerful a true reflection of who Carla is students gravitate towards the IMC seeing Mrs Wagner as approachable and helpful which is what we strive for in education as a testing coordinator for our alj standardized assessments the AP the PSAT the njsla NG ggpa all of our exams run seamlessly which alleviates much of the stress that testing can bring to both students and staff as we cross the digital Divide from paper to computer she has prevented many problems with her amazing preparation she has worked with the Middle School population as we now give the PS at Carl H com as well she has embraced supported and organized location changes for our AP students in fact Carla sits on the board for Clark Public Library as a trustee and the superintendent design she has been effectively aison in this position for over 5 years and this partnership ship meant that when we decided to move AP tests to the library it was seamless in short Carla Works tirelessly effectively efficiently and with a smile Arthur L Johnson is blessed to have her as our librarian congratulations to our Educational Services professional of the Year Mrs Carla Wagner thank you thank you Mrs Olivera and now I'd like to call forward Mr Dom Monico and Mrs Clark for Carl h k Middle School thank you Mr Grande congratulations to all the recipients tonight you're all well deserving of these accolades tonight um the educator of the year for KF Middle School is Miss Lauren Fernandez Miss Fernandez teaches sixth grade math at K Middle School she started at com in 2017 she has a ba and Ma from Quinn Pak University in mathematics Lauren is such a pleasure to observe as a math teacher her lessons are creative and Innovative as she incorporates real world examples and practical uses for math that halter students interest which is no feet easy feat with middle school students as a new teacher it was obvious the maturity Lauren had as a teacher and passion she has as for Math and Middle School Miss fernandz has endeared herself to the parents and students by always making herself available to help she is willing to work on new initiatives in the school when we rolled out our Arts integration program Lauren was one of the first people to embrace the program she became an advocate and helped her colleagues come up with uh ideas to incorporate Arts into other lessons she has done so well with this program she has even presented on Arts integration at State conferences Lauren also serves as the co- sixth grade team leader in this role she has been instrumental in bring building enthusiasm within our sixth grades by creating a battle of the home rooms the kids love the competition using academic social and athletic challenges to gain points for their teams she also serves as the adviser to the builders Club as a and as a counselor at our camp cougar program in the summer which helps our students prepare for and adjust to middle school life Lauren Fernandez is a dynamic and talented educator who is passionate about her work with students at the middle school level she is a tremendous asset to come middle school and is so deserving on the recognition of educator of the Year congratulations Lauren Michelle Berto is an occupational therapist who works in all the schools in the district and is CS Middle School Governor's Educational Services professional of the Year recipient this year this is Michelle's fifth year in the district she works tirelessly with our struggling students to improve their physical sensory and cognitive issues she helps them REM regain their independence by teaching them the skills to break the barriers that affect their emotional social and physical needs it has been a pleasure working with Michelle and I look forward to working with her for many years to be to come on behalf of myself Mr Del Monaco and the K Middle School it's my honor to present this year's Governor's Educational Services professional of the Year award to Michelle Berto thank you Mr do Monico and Mrs Clark and now Mrs Bergen for the Henley School good evening tonight I would like to honor our teacher of the year Kayla Rodriguez Kayla is a naturally GI gifted special education teacher she demonstrates an insightful understanding of Child Development and has acquired a vast knowledge of instructional techniques and strategies while teaching students in kindergarten through fifth grade Kayla has mastered the implementation of specialized and differentiated instruction while maintaining a learning environment in which each student celebrates their personal achievements and those of the of others Kayla is able to meet the need needs of a significantly diverse group of students due to her ability to use ongoing assessments combined with targeted individualized instruction Kayla students benefit from opportunities to use manipulatives flexible steing options engagement in movement and an a selection of a range of sensy tools provided in her small group classrooms for the past two years Kayla has also been honing her skills as a part-time inclass support teacher in a fourth and fifth grade setting she has demonstrated commitment towards establishing effective Partnerships with her general education co- teers and has embraced various roles to support all of the students participating in these settings Kayla has researched and tried effective modifications and accommodations that allow students with diverse needs to actively participate in class activities and Achieve learning objectives some examples include use of alternative assessments test formats use of Technology tools such as text to speech and dictation applications and direct strategy instruction relative to study and organizational skill development Kayla is a strong communicator and is a collaborative partner she's a teacher who works closely with parents teachers support personnel and admin ministrators in an effort to meet the needs of her students she has volunteered to pursue professional development related to effective teaching methods and curriculum resources such as Orton Gillingham and co- teing models student management and support training and in the use of Technology tools such as Learning Ally read and write for Google Chrome and the accessibility accessibility features on student Chromebooks Kayla attends workshops consults with a child study team and related Services providers on a regular basis and then proceeds to explore and practice any suggestion she has given Kayla's commitment to her students extends outside of the classroom as well this year she served as the co-director of the stage crew for the school play she has established herself as an invaluable educational tutor and her Services have been in high demand since she began her tenure at Henley School so we're so proud Kayla to have you as our at our Henley staff and to celebrate you as our educator of the Year congratulations I also have the pleasure to announce Henley school's educational profession professional this year Christine Gilbert Christine is someone who brightens up a room when she enters it even at 7 a.m. for our before care students a parent who is fortunate enough to have Christine as her daughter's ta speaks highly of Christine and shared and I quote they say it takes a big heart to shape little minds and Miss Christine has the biggest heart she gen genuinely goes over and above for every single student in her class and this does hold true even when she's surrounded by students in before care Christine's presence in the classroom makes a huge positive impact on the students she takes the time to make everyone feel special kindergarten can be an intimidating get time for a child but around Christine they find compassion support and genuine love she is patient and resourceful in all her efforts to support the students she recognizes when students are struggling both academically and emotionally while finding ways to support their learning as a teacher assistant and a before care counselor Christine is diligent in her work she compliments the classroom teacher and proactively meets the needs of students throughout the day the school day can be long and tiresome for ta working in working with kindergarteners but you would never know this when you see Christine leaving the building at the end of the day as she is as upbeat and smiling as she was at 7 a.m. we are so grateful to have Christine as a teacher assistant and before care counselor at Henley School she is so deserving of this honor congratulations Christine thank you Mrs Bergen and now Mr Bel troma and Miss Apple bomb for the Valley Road school I have the honor of introducing our vrs teacher of the year Chris raguso and I just want you to tell you he's our physical education teacher because he will tell you he's not a gym teacher gym is a room I'm a teacher so to our physical education teacher um and he really lives those words too Chris Rego has brought his expertise and his commitment to his students into our school and has totally reformed a PE program students experience wellth thought out and well executed lesson which ties together exercise safety Fitness collaboration sportsmanship and team building he often does all those in one period um he adds music at times which adds fun to the kids as well as he reads stories about Healthy Living it's pretty cool to see him reading his stories CU he has this big chair it's like a king's chair he's sitting with his book and all the young kides are around the bottom so it's really special he regularly communicates with parents he shares informations with his colleagues on best practices for the students and you'd be surprised he comes up with so many best practices even inside our classrooms that it's a position that he's not in he's in PE but he still comes up with a lot of good ideas he looks for grants that can help and benefit our students he puts in the time and effort to make every minute out of all his time with the stud very useful he works tirelessly in school and inside and out to give the students a value wrote a top-notch experience and it clearly shows on each student's face when they leave his class every day when one walks by the gym they can hear sounds of students enjoying PE and they you can just feel the positive energy coming out of that room outside of school is no different Chris is a resident of Clark with Children of his own that participate in Township activities um one time I thought it was special event I went to see the fifth grade students that are on a football team playing football on the Sunday and I hear this announcer said that voice sounds so familiar I'm thinking and thinking take out my phone text Chris where are you right now I'm up in the announcer Booth so he was up there announcing the game so that was pretty cool to hear him doing that um I found out that he goes to a lot of town sporting events to support the kids you often hear him cheering on the students from the sidelines he also attends many other Clark events like parades Chris is often there at a parade and he sometimes even participates in them teachers have often gotten to Chris for help this year with students because he sees the students at the football game and the township events he has always come through with support and help those students and those teachers he's also become a mentor in our school when he has a few extra minutes he'll Mentor one of our students having some difficulties and it often makes a big difference in that child's life and and some of those kids are tough right Chris some of those kids are tough um he has also been in charge of things like Toys for Tots program and I heard that he's done that for many years I just found out about this year that he runs it and he wants to help even more children that he doesn't even know aside from his teaching duties parent duties and as leader in many Community efforts he is the president of the Teachers Association he supports every teacher and helps them out he finds a way to keep teachers together and on the right path professionally along with this Duty Chris represents the staff in Clark events like Trunk or Treat family skate night and other events that the Clark wreck department puts on so he's a very good Community member as well as a l on with Mr Grandy and other administrators he often helps makes things better in the school and assume sometimes in the district all in all Chris does just about everything he can to make things better what more can we ask for than to make things better all the time um and he does it to the best of his ability he's a teacher to look up to a parent to want to emulate and a great role model for our students we are so proud and happy to have him as a teacher in Valley Road school and Chris Rego does make Valley Road School a special place always a tough act to follow Mr Bay this year the recipient of the educational support person of the year at Valley Road school is Mrs Maria dilva Mrs dilva is a power professional in the ll2 self-contained classroom where she works with students in grades 3 through five each day Maria comes to work with a smile on her face prepare to support and offer the Learners in her class A positive experience in her interactions with students Mrs dilva is kind and patient and treats them like they are her own under her guidance Mrs D Silva's students make progress both behaviorally and academically one parent explained that Maria took the time to share strategies she used with her son with the child's future power professional to best set him up for continued success Mrs D Silva's dedication to her students is evidenced by the way she continues to monitor how her former students are doing to ensure they remain on the right track back Maria always goes above and beyond in the classroom at times she spends her own money to buy her students activities and crafts that she knows they will enjoy using during their earned time Maria always makes sure to acknowledge her students hard work and accomplishments in and out of the classroom Maria also helps plan amazing events for our students and she is a great advocate for the special education population always making sure they are included and recognized during schoolwide events aside from her role in the classroom Mrs D Silva is very involved with the Clark Community she is a Girl Scout co-leader and started the instructional cheer program at the rec center for students in grades K through 2 the students enjoy seeing her around town at the different festivals shows and extracurricular activities she is currently the vice president of the Valley Road schools PTA as an integral part of the PTA executive board she always volunteers her time to coordinate plan and Lead many of the wonderful activities they sponsor in general Mrs dilva goes above and beyond for the students and staff at Valley Road school and as such she is so deserving of this honor congratulations have you conat ulations thank you Mr Belch and miss applebomb and lastly Miss fola for our Clark preschool Annex good evening everyone this is a long time coming everan so congratulations to all the award winners uh tonight it is both an honor and privilege to present the preschool teacher of the year award to Mrs eron vanderwater and Jeremiah is here to celebrate that he's equally excited so Aon is a dedicated passionate and talented educator um patience truly is a virtue at the preschool and Erin has an abundance of this skill in addition to creativity and just an overall love for her profession I mean she treats her children her students like their own I mean you can inherit eight more if you'd like to I mean proof that she's committed to her job her email address is Clark preschool Clark preschool at Erin can we say more Lori when we interviewed her we knew right away that she was a star and she has really shined thank you so much for all you do we are lucky to entrust Erin with our preschool students our precious preschoolers Erin thank you for all that you do you're truly a pleasure to work with and most entertaining to watch in action in the classroom if you have an opportunity please go to the preschool and watch her she's amazing Erin we love you thank you so much congratulations so well thank you Miss Viola and congratulations to all of our Governors educators of the Year our next award is our danj Administrative Assistant of the Year this is the most prestigious award that the Statewide group bestows on one Administrative Assistant to an athletic director in New Jersey each year and I'd like to call forward Mr kikus our athletic director to do the honoring thank you Mr Grandy and board of education for putting together this wonderful evening where we have a chance to honor some of our Stellar Stellar Educators throughout the district and of course congratulation to every recipient teacher and student at tonight's Board of Ed meeting I am extremely happy to be introducing and speaking on behalf of colleague cooworker and friend Geraldine bonacorso Geraldine has served the Clark School District for many many years and has served as the assistant to the athletic director since 2014 Geraldine is a loyal and hardworking employee of the Clark School District she truly wants to see success for each and every administrator teacher coach and student athlete that she assists she goes above and beyond her duties by genuinely caring for all of our administrat ERS teachers coaches and especially our student athletes in the past Geraldine has been recognized at our senior athletic awards for unselfish contributions to Crusader Athletics and she continues to work diligently for our student athletes offering her services in whatever capacity needed be it scheduling events paying officials assisting with our seasonal Awards programs dealing with parents for just helping me keep my sanity she is an invaluable asset to our athletic programs and it would would be impossible for me to do my job without her assistance this year all of geraldine's hard work was finally recognized as Geraldine was chosen by the Executive Board of The Da NJ and the chairman of the committee Mr Joe pyro as the administrative assistant of the year for Central Jersey Geraldine was honored at the da NJ award ceremony on March 14th this is a well-deserved honor that speaks of geraldine's ability personality and dedication to the to the Clark School District and our entire athletic Community behind any high functioning athletic department stands an effective Administrative Assistant willing to do all the hard work that is needed for our student athletes Geraldine Works tireless hours for our student athletes in our athletic department and all our students are lucky to have her as a dedicated employee working for them behind the scenes Geraldine once again congratulations on this tremendous and well-deserved honor thank you Mr kikus and now I'd like to call Mr D Monico back up because several of our Middle School Science Olympiad participants placed at the state level which is truly remarkable Mr mon have Mr Pete's come up too please the comp Science Olympia team competed at the state finals on March 14th to advance the state finals the team had to place High enough in the regional competition to be one of 27 teams in the finals and they did this is not an easy competition as some of the schools are pure stem schools that all they do is work on Science Olympia projects during a school day and beyond our students work at lunchtime after school and at home to be able to be competitive I think they bother the parents for a lot of materials if I'm not mistaken they would look at all kinds of things um the main advisers for our Science Olympia team are Mr sweeds Mr pets Mr Rodriguez and miss lamberty these teachers also get support from our other science teachers and other staff in the building at all times they gave up their time free to help the students and bring in all kinds of equipment to help them I think I saw somebody carrying a portable generator one day right their generator to help them out this year our students did very well and received medals for placing in the state competition and we are very proud of them I'm going to call up the students and Miss Clark will give them the medals in it's our competition um then placing in sixth place was meu and Sophia Kim come on over in the roller coaster competition third place went to Gabriel Kai and Lucas alzando and we've been going to these competitions for a while at K and uh we've never had um to a team plac this High um in the meteorology competition in second place and this is the first time any of our students have gotten this award uh Gabriel Kai and chiro krono they did a great job and we're really proud of them and five of are sixth graders so hopefully we'll hear some more about them in the next two years before we send them off to alj okay congratulations thank you Mr Del Monico and that concludes our Showcase of success success many congratulations to all of our honores you continue to make us proud each day and you're a small sampling of the greatness that lies among our students and staff in the Clark schools we're going to ask for you to stay at the end of the meeting so we can get a group photo thank you thank you Mr Grande so with that I will promise to make this quick so we all get out of here and you guys can get your picture so moving on can I get approval of minutes from last month I see Miss Hickman and Miss aonis questions or comments seeing none roll call M ionus yes Mr beninga abstain Mr B yes M Harrison yes M sikman yes Mr Lewis yes Mr sorrow yes and Mr duners yes motion carried thank you moving on we'll now open the floor to the public for agenda items only so if there's anything on the agenda that you would like to address now would be the time to address it at the end of the meeting there would be time for non-agenda items all right so seeing none on that we'll move on to the next part of the meeting Personnel we have items 1 through eight can I get a motion see Miss hick uh Miss um Harrison followed by Miss Hickman questions or comments roll call please M alones yes Mr Binga yes Mr bow yes M Harrison yes Miss Hickman yes Mr Lewis yes Mr smoral stain and Mr duners SL yes motion carried Mr Lewis yes I want to uh congratulate Barbara Corby for 26 excellent years in the Clark schools um congratulations on a job well done to Mrs Corby thank you thank you he moving on to curriculum we have item number nine can I get a motion see Miss aonis followed by Mr bva questions or comments roll call please colonis yes Mr vinga yes Mr bone yes M Harrison yes M Hickman yes Mr Lewis yes Mr smoral yes and Mr duners yes motion carried right then we have policy items 10 and 11 can I get a motion I see Mr B and then miss Hickman any questions or comments roll call please alones yes Mr Ben Singa yes Mr bone yes Miss Harrison yes Miss hman yes Mr Lewis yes Mr yes and Mr duners yes motion carried thank you and now we have board governance items 12 through 17 can I get a motion I'm sorry Mr bom followed by Miss acalones questions or comments roll call please miss iones yes Mr Ben Singa yes Mr bone yes M Harrison yes Miss sikman yes Mr Lewis yes Mr sorrow yes and Mr dunkers SL abstain motion carried you on finance we have items 18 through 26 and we're going to administratively remove number 22 so item 18 to 26 and remove item 22 Mr smoral Follow by Mr Bena questions or comments roll call ionus yes Mr Bena yes Mr bone yes Miss Harrison yes Miss Hickman yes Mr Lewis yes Mr smurl yes and Mr drer SL uh yes on all and abstain on number 20 20 2020 so noted uh motion carried thank you uh at this time we'll pass it to Mr Bray good evening and thank you Mr Don cute one final congratulations for this evening to our educators of the Year Mrs bonac Coro and our Middle School scientists as Mr Lewis pointed out this evening we accepted the retirement of Barbara Corby was currently in Carl h k social studies Department 26 years of great service to our schools and students we approved our extended school year program known asy for our special needs students to be held during the month of July Miss Viola thank you in advance for taking the lead with this project our College panel in Fair was held today and I'd like to thank the counseling team and Mr am and DOA for putting this together for our students and their families and looking forward to tomorrow is our district band Bonanza at 700 p.m. in the alj lower gymnasium Mr caldero his music teachers and especially our student musicians have a great performance and show planned for us thank you and have a great evening thank you Mr Grande move on to the report of the Committees seeing none we Mr Lewis yeah I just I want to reinforce what uh Mr Grande said I want to thank our teacher of the years our support uh help this is what makes Clark great the effort and the rigor that everybody puts into their job obviously no one's going to come out being a millionaire but you do impact students and sometimes you don't realize it until years later that you can reach and effect I was in the preschool program uh and it was very very rewarding to see the effort the uh expertise of what the support staff as well as the teachers did for those five and six year olds so it would be remiss if I didn't thank and congratulate everyone for what you do for the Clark schools on behalf of the Board of Education congratulations thank you Mr Lewis any other reports of the committee so seeing none any unfinished or new business seeing none hand it over to Abigail for the student update good evening everyone and thank you beginning with Arthur Al Johnson High School women's History Month in March was celebrated with a series of four female speakers who are leaders in our communities students were able to go during both Flex periods and heard about their experiences in the fields of politics business and more this Monday the fourth and final marking period began and tonight was a post-secondary planning night including a college panel and college fair put on by the counseling department this Thursday the science National Honor Society will host their induction at alj to welcome new members and recognize graduating seniors spring Sports have begun with boys and girls lacrosse and Tennis as well as baseball and softball Beyond schoolwide events the seniors at alj are preparing for the end of their year with the senior dinner taking place June 18th prom on June 7th and Senior Sunset and a senior picnic planned as well moving on to K Middle School njla testing will be taking place from May 3rd to May 10th the Unified sports team will participate in the Lincoln Tunnel 5K Challenge on May 5th and information for how to participate or support the team can be found on the C website finally sixth grade orientation for current fifth graders and their parents will take place on May 2nd at 6:30 p.m. finally at Valley Road March was a busy month an author sponsored by the PTA visited for all students in kindergarten through fifth grade the read cross America event took PL place and to celebrate the vrs book fair was held and a reading dance party took place at the end of the incentive program Wellness week also happened in March which included various activities such as Zumba and obstacle courses and coming up in April band ananza which will be held in alj where alj C Valley and Henley Vans will all perform will be tomorrow night career day is on April 18th and for Earth Day on April 22nd students and staff are encouraged to walk to school together a VAR show at Valley will be put on taking place at 6:30 p.m. on April 22nd and District y take your child to workday will be on April 25th that is all I have for this month thank you thanks Abigail all right so at this time we will open the floor to the public if there's anything that you like to discuss that was not on the agenda now would be the time come to the podium state your name and address and you have 3 minutes per topic Bill dragy 47 Post Road Clark New Jersey um I would like to criticize um Governor Murphy's Law which says that uh a child that wants to change their gender uh is secretive and the teachers if they find out about it help that child do that and change their gender but they are not allowed to tell the parents that is the law by Governor Murphy a terrible law uh the uh parents has to be told if if their student if their child has to take an aspirin but if their child wants to change their gender and wants to keep from their parents the parents are not allowed to tell the uh par that the the teachers that find out about it are not allowed to tell the parents that their child wants to change their gender that is New Jersey's law Governor Murphy's Law he's a terrible governor for making a law like that he is also saying that the students must learn about abortion I hate to hear what they're teaching in those classes uh because abortion to many people and and it is a terrible thing and it does hurt a child if they are told uh to do certain things in case they get pregnant say to uh get rid of the child I'm sure I don't know what they say but I'm afraid that uh I'm sure what I'm sure I know what governor Murphy wants to tell them things like uh uh how how to get to the abortion clinic and so forth um what pills it take birth control pills um the Catholic church only allows and this is for all Catholics uh only allows abortions for by abstinence or by rhythm uh so any Catholic parent should be very upset with the governor having the uh students be taught things about abortion uh a terrible law and I hope no one votes well he's already it's already his last term thank God thank you okay is there anybody else in the public that would like to have comments about non on agenda items okay so seeing none motion to adjourn all in favor I thank you everybody