##VIDEO ID:n## I'd like to open the meeting Mr viio would you read the open public meeting statement saon we have to wait until the screen comes on okay I'm just too anxious to get started that's all all right good evening there's a public meeting of the Board of Education of the Clark Public Schools adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with PL 1975 chapter 231 and that a special notice was made conformance with Section 13 of the ACT okay thank you can I have a motion to return to public session Mrs Guerrero Mr sorl all in favor anybody opposed okay thank you can we rise for the pledge to the flag pledge allegiance the United States of America and to the stand Nation Gody and justice for all okay can we have roll call please shonis here Mr Binga Mr B yes here Mr greedy Mr Guerrero here Miss Harrison Miss Hickman here Mr Lewis here Mr smoral here and Mr dunker SL having six board members who have a quum okay thank you uh can I have a motion and second for the approval of the minutes please Mrs Guerrero Miss Guerero Mr SML are there any comments questions or revisions seeing none roll call please M ionus yes Mr bone yes M Guerrero yes Miss Hickman than Mr Lewis yes and Mr smor yes motion carried okay at this time I'd like to open the floor to the public for agenda items only okay seeing none can I have a motion and a second for personnel items 1 through 17 Mrs Hickman Mr Lewis any questions comments seeing none roll call zotus yes Mr bone yes Miss Guero abstain on 1 681 yes on the rest thank you uh Mr Hickman yes Mr Lewis yes and Mr sorrow yes motion carried okay thank you may I have a motion and a second for curriculum items 18 and 19 Mrs Hickman Mr Lewis any questions or comments seeing none roll call Mr acalones yes Mr B yes Mr Guerrero abstain on 18 yes on 19 M hman yes Mr Lewis yes and Mrs smor yes motion carried okay thank you uh now for policy may I have a motion and a second for items 20 and 21 Mr bone and Mrs Guerrera Miss Guerrera sorry any questions or comments seeing none roll call ionus yes Mr bone yes M Guerrero yes M Hickman yes Mr Lewis yes and Mr SML yes motion carried okay under Board of of governance may I have a motion and a second for items 22 through 24 Mr smoral Mrs Hickman any questions or comments seeing none roll call M acalones yes Mr Boom yes Miss Guerrero abstain on 23 yes on the rest Miss hman yes Mr Lewis yes and Mr smor yes motion carried okay under Finance I would like a motion and a second for items 25 through 47 however uh we are going to administrate administratively withdraw number 42 because we are looking for additional proposals so may I have a motion in a second Mr smoral Mrs Hickman any questions or comments seeing none roll call M acalones yes Mr B Mr B yes Mr Guero abstain on 26 27 and 36 and yes on the rest Mr sikman yes Mr Lewis yes and Mr smor yes motion carried okay thank you at this time Mr Grande may we have the report of the superintendent good evening and thank you Miss clonus on this evening's agenda we have a number of additional new hires and thanks to our administrative team our Personnel committee and the full board for their work and support throughout the process on this evening's agenda we also have the approval of our college application summer Institute which is to be taught next week by Mrs Joy Donaldson for the English component and Miss Molly cusk for the school counseling component NG GPA is a high school proficiency assessment did Juniors take in the spring of their junior year we recently received these results and are proud to say that for English language arts we have a 97.8 percentage rate as compared to the states 81.6 and for mathematics 70.1% compared to the states 54.7 the more detailed slides can be found on the district website under the curriculum technology and assessment page and we're looking forward to reviewing these and our other test results with the curriculum committee the last week in August and the following is a message from Mr Marson our newly appointed supervisor who could not be here this evening because of a family vacation good evening Board of Education members District administrators and the school Community even though I am currently on vacation I felt it was important to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for this incredible opportunity I'm truly honored to accept the K to2 content area supervisor position from the bottom of my heart thank you for the past 20 years I've been blessed to work with a talented group of students and supportive parents who have made this journey incredibly rewarding although I will miss the daily interactions this new role allows me to extend that passion districtwide once again thank you for this opportunity I so excited about what we can achieve together and am committed to making a positive and Lasting imp impa in this new role thank you and have a great evening thank you Mr Grande okay at this time do we have any committee reports right seeing none do we have any unfinished businesses any new business okay at this time uh we have the hearing of the public please please come up to the podium and state your name and address hi hi our names are Mia debiasi and Victoria seli my address is 42 Kenneth Place and M address is 80 St Germaine Dy we recently received a call informing us that alj gymnastics team won't be a sport this coming fall we've worked really hard to we've worked really hard we worked really hard to get this team going and even showed up to meetings and did whatever we can in our power our team has researched and proposed ideas being that all of us are skilled gymnasts who Reed this news was disappointing us girls still believe this team can still be a sport this fall we are willing to fundraise and do whatever it takes for this team to become a whole we've been told multiple times we need 10 girls to continue this program us gymnasts and parents have talked to others schools and coaches about meeting their requirements I'd like to mention that Scotch Plains Fanwood and Westfield only have 8 to 10 girls this fall season we've also been told that we can combine with Dayton and David berley which we are open to do we think that alj gymnastics team can grow our name being that more than five girls have placed and became Champions at States I understand we can join with Scotch pl's Fanwood team and compete as individual but we would like our own team please take this into consider consideration because we would it we it would be beneficial for everyone can you please provide us any feedback okay thank you for your comments we appreciate your concerns Mr Grande would you like to make a comment so I'd like to thank both of you for getting up this evening and speaking and um for everyone being here this evening to support these two young ladies Mr kikas as you know is our athletic director and he did a survey of athletic director's ads throughout the county and when we compare the data that he got back in terms of numbers for programs coupled with the fact that this would be the first year of a program it was in the best interested District as a whole not to pursue a team at this time solely for alj another option that you alluded to is actually called a co-op where we partner with other tools for a sports team we do it in the winter for ice hockey with Rosell Park and Dayton in Springfield we missed the deadline being that we need to get the information into the state's governing body for athletics njsiaa by middle of January and when this really started to take life we missed that deadline with that being said Mr kikus reached out to njsiaa to to see if there was any flexibility with that deadline given the unique circumstance and also if they they'd Flex at all with allowing us to partner co-op with a Catholic school and the answer we were told was we were told was no Mr kikas in the meantime has already sent out communication to his ad group around the county to see if there's any interest in doing a co-op for the following school year 2526 so we would be in a good shape to meet the njsiaa deadline January of 25 when we come back after the holidays that left us with the option to allow you to compete independently with Scotch Plains we have a good relationship with the athletic department at Scotch Plains and they're willing to accept you ladies as Independents for the year while we try to get involved in a co-op I would say that's my brief feedback but please know if you'd like to come in with your parents yourselves whatever you deem appropriate to meet with Mr Kus and I we're happy to talk to you in more depth face to face thank you thank you thank you would anybody else like to come up and speak um Jessica debiasi 42 kenth Place me as mom um so that's we that's feedback that we hadn't gone already um it's probably been in progression in terms of the the school year of 2526 I think that would be or no yes next year um so when will we have a decision on that the for so for instance this year right they could compete independently in Scotch Plaines um and then we're trying for next year to have a co-op right where it could be potentially a Johnson team or Johnson leotards um when would the decision be made so the communication has already been made initially with the county um Mr kikus is going to be aggressively following up with the county ads to see if we can get some interest and hopefully we'll have an update in the early fall once every Mo right now the summer is a little bit awkward with people be being on vacation and some ads only being 10 and a half months but when the group gets back in September we we're going to pursue it very aggressively okay um and then in regards to the to the Scotch Plains team that they would be independent so I think this is more my question for kikas but you may know um I understand that they have to compete independently um is there a way to like have a coach with them I understand that it would be a Scotch Plains coach however like could there be like funding that there is a Clark coach because my understanding is if it's an if it's a scotch PLS coach and then they're independent then the parent has to go to Every meet so I'm just curious on can there an be an exception made where if they did decide not saying that that's an option for them but if they did decide to go that route could we have a Clark coach that's something first we would need to know like I don't know if that's an option or not um you know we're we're really like pulling like you know trying hard um and you know we're trying to do the best thing for the girls so um I know that you know we they would have a scotch pin coach they would be competing independently um so it wouldn't go to a team score and I guess that's okay from a gymnastics perspective but I think one of the concerns is parents would have to attend every meet because there technically wouldn't be a coach I I I'll take I'll take a little bit of that uh question for you so a couple things there's some inferences of having somebody specifically from alj participating in a um basically a individual type of Team uh I would have to get with and the athletic committee would have to get with Gus um to really kind of discuss the fine details with njsia right to understand that there's no interference with the rules of the the engagement of play right so um I could say confidently that by the next meeting that we can report back on um any kind of findings that we'd have in regards to your your question if we could have somebody from alj and that that's beside the point I mean the other part there's also Financial aspect that would have to be considered by the board and the availability of that so there's a few things that need to be answered um but I I'm assuming that by the end of the you know to the next meeting we should have the ability to have some type of answer okay thank you y [Music] hi I'm Ava ladic I'm a senior at Arthur L Johnson High School and my address is 411 Willow Avenue I personally competed as an individual for Johnson my sophomore year of high school because of how badly I wanted to do gymnastics for our school and while the opportunity was great it wasn't the same as having a team because I was still wearing my surgeon leotard and I didn't have a group of girls around me supporting me I didn't have my own Johnson leotard it just wasn't the same environment the team environment in spirit was not there at all as I watched all the other teams around me have an incredible Bond and passionately represent their schools I would love to have the same experience and proudly compete for Johnson considering the fact that I have an amazing group of girls who are top level gymnasts and would not let Johnson down and I think that having a team leotard and a coach would make that possible even if we're competing as individuals um my name is Julia Bloom on 46 Jupiter Street and like we're just asking if there's any way for us to like wear something Johnson represent Johnson if we're competing with Scotch Plains we will and I think like Mr Bowes referred to the question with a coach we'll look into that in conjunction with Mr kikas and the athletic committee and get back to you I would also like to add that we actually have a coach at my gym that used to do gymnastics for alj and she said that she would be willing to do that for us thank you thank you thank you would anybody else like to come up and speak a bill dragy 47 post Ro Road Clark New Jersey um I guess you probably heard the news uh about the Olympics in which um one boxing uh girl uh a female uh had extra male chromosomes and uh she really uh gave a knockout punch to the her other opponent another woman another girl and uh the other girl really was hit harder than she was ever hit before and and she thinks it was because of the extra male chromosomes in the other girl now neither one of these were lgbtq uh people uh so I would say I would say there's nothing wrong with that because they were both women but um if there was an l lgbtq uh male I mean LGBT lgbtq uh girl with a male um uh m a a ma a masculin body um I would be definitely against that but according to Governor Murphy I think he would say that that person would have to uh be allowed to fight the other uh opponent the other actual girl even though uh this this lgbtq girl had the body of a a boy and uh and you really according to the law you would have to allow that correct I assume so pardon I don't know is that true Dr uh Mr Grande the law with regards to the transgender students is actually changing as we speak in the guidance from the state the pre-existing guidance is that we have to acknowledge what the student's choice is but I know that that's under um consideration at the state level as we speak right right now they're they are um discussing things like this at the state level you're saying yes the approach to transgender students is being examined at the state level as we speak well that's good I hope things uh uh turn out so that the uh lgbtq girl would not be allowed to fight the actual girl uh because in California I heard that the parents cannot even object to their lgbtq um daughter or son uh wanting to have uh a body masectomy or something or bodily changes in order to uh become a male or a female okay your time is up thank you thank you would anybody else like to come up to the podium speak okay if not can I have a motion for adjournment Mr soral Miss Guerrera all in favor anybody opposed okay seeing none meeting is adjourned thank you very much for coming for