##VIDEO ID:-q6xxOzBeM0## e happy New Year and welcome to the council's reorganization meeting January 1st 2025 please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and remain standing for the invocation I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all I have an invocation written by Father Bill Sheridan of St Agnes Church We Gather today at the very beginning of this new year of Grace to offer our heartfelt thanks and to ask your blessings upon our gathering we are grateful for the many gifts that you have lavished upon us may we always respond generously to your call for us to use them on behalf of the common good we ask your blessings to upon the elected officials of the township its employees and residents May the coming year be one of happiness health and prosperity for all we offer this prayer in your holy name amen please be seated this meeting is in compliance with the open public meetings act as adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by mailing the annual schedule of meetings to The Star Ledger Union County Hawk Union County local source and tap into to Clark by posting such annual meeting schedule on the bulletin board and Town Hall reserve for such announcements the official website of the township and the proper filing of said notice formal action may be taken at this meeting first order of business is to swear in the mayor and at large Council mayor please join me at the podium ready I Salvatore bonacorso I Sal borso do solemnly swear solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the state of New Jersey and of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I'll be a true faith and allegiance to the same allegiance to the same and to the governments established to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of people and that I will faithfully and I will Faithfully impartially partially and justly perform justly perform all the duties of the office of Mayor all the duties of the office office of Mayor according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability for the township of Clark for the township of Clark so help me God so help me [Applause] God good yep I have sign it later councilwoman albanes please join me with your family Hi how are you nice of you make the trip I angel albanes I Angel albanes do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the state of New Jersey and the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same aliance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully and that I will Faithfully impartially partially and justly perform perform all the duties of the office of councilwoman at large all the duties of the position of councilwoman at large according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability for the township of Clark for the township of Clark so help me God so help me God [Applause] okay would Jim minitti please join me I was gonna say where's your family okay hi James Manti I James manetti do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the state of New Jersey and the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state in this state under the authority of the people under under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will Faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of the office of councilman at large all the duty and justly perform all the duties of the office of councilman at large according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability for the township of Clark for the township of Clark so help me God so help me [Applause] God Smith I William F Smith I William F Smith do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the state of New Jersey and the state of New Jersey that that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of the office of councilman at large all the duties of the office of councilman at large according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability for the township of Clark for the township of clar so help me God so help me God [Applause] reorganization meeting of the township Council 2025 will commence I'll call the role councilwoman albanes here councilman hund here councilman masella here councilman Manti here councilman oconor here councilman Smith here councilman tol here first order of business is the election of a council president I'll open the nominations for council president like to nominate Angel albanes okay do I hear a second councilman oconor are there any other nominations hearing none I call for a motion to close nominations so moved second thank you all in favor I I any opposed I'll call the role for Council to confirm the nomination of Angel albanes for council president councilwoman albanes yes councilman hund yes councilman mazarella yes councilman Manti yes councilman oconor yes councilman Smith yes councilman tol yes council president albanes please join me at the podium [Music] I angel albanes I Angel albanes do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the state of New Jersey and the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will Faithfully impartially partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of the office of council president all the duties of the office of council president according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability for the township of Clark for the township of Cl FL so help me God so help me God [Applause] happy New Year everyone good afternoon welcome to all our family friends citizens from Clark and elsewhere thank you for joining us um at this time we're going to entertain nominations for vice president I'll make that motion thank you Council Mella do I have a second I'll second that motion thank you councilman hund so we're nominating vice president for who Bill Smith thank you thank you okay so we have our nominee Bill Smith at this time I'd like to um ask if there are any other nominations sorry are there any other nominations Council seeing none I close this portion of the meeting all in favor I okay will the council confirm the nomination of Bill Smith for Council vice president councilman hund yes councilman masella yes councilman minitti yes councilman OK Conor yes councilman Smith yes councilman tol yes council president albanes yes nomination is confirmed Council vice president please join me at the podium do I don't was thank you I William F Smith I William F Smith do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States and the state of New Jersey and the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform justly perform all the duties of the office of council vice president all the duties of the office of council Vice president according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability for the township of Clark for the township of Clark so help me God so help me [Music] God than you m should I turn this around okay thank you Council um we are going to start the meeting I thank you all for coming to the 2025 Clark Township reorganization meeting today's Council agenda items are primarily focused on required legislative business items that need to be done in order for the township to operate so I'm going to ask the clerk to start the uh with the first item on the agenda Professional Services thank you madam president uh number one has seven parts Parts first is the award of contract these were all done through a fair and open process through a request for proposals procedure uh our auditor will be Scott cland of okon pkf oconor Davies Engineering Services will be provided by Richard oconor of gretto engineering professional planner Paul Ricky of Ricky planning labor Council Richard P Flom of Def baitman kman Davis larer and flam Bond counsil Steven L rogut of rogut McCarthy special counsel mark p Dugan Steven F wolovitz Richard D huxford mark a spado Alexander J yandoli of triari beton court wukovits and Dugan and Oprah Council Robert F vity of Lort Bundy vity and canella I'll make a motion to move that thank you coun I'll second it thank you Council mazarella exuse me i' just like to say that uh A and B have o Conor and their last name not related to me so the auditor and the engineer not related to me thank you thank you for clarifying that uh Madam clerk when you're ready would you please call the rooll councilman hundt yes councilman masella yes councilman Manti yes councilman oconor yes councilman Smith yes councilman tol yes council president albanes yes this time I'd ask the clerk to move on to mayor's appointments okay uh Mr Dugan do you have a statement yes before we do the mayor's appointments number four of the mayoral appointments is being removed from the agenda Madam president may I yes yeah um just for the people at home and that are here um that is the acting director of public work which I was appointing myself to at no cost to the community whatsoever not one dime uh just to give you a brief history on it uh 24 years ago when I was first elected I uh took the that that appointment very seriously and I uh hired a very competent Man sunny berol to run the DPW and along with myself and John laser we worked with Sunni to help shape it sunny passed way great man and I appointed my dad Joe bonacorso at the time and again with him myself and John laser we shaped the DPW to be the well-running machine it is today that provides more services in this town than any other town and Union County provides with great personnel there uh when John passed when my dad passed away I wasn't going to put a political hack in there I wasn't going to put someone in there without the knowledge that's better than Joe and sunny and myself and John for that matter so I appointed John as the ba as the ba and mayor we we have authority over every single Department that's there in 21 when John passed away again with no one else really to go to with knowledge and experience I said to uh Council I'll just fill the title fill the title because my hands are on DPW it's one of my favorite departments it's passion I have for them and again a great crew of people and it's been sitting that way so when this year came up uh the clerk asked me if I was going to appoint anybody I said n just put my name down it's just a title I think I have the ultimate title as mayor so this is a secondary title we ran it the other day my failed opponent Michael Schulman decided to file a injunction in the Union County Superior Court to stop it I'm like okay why there's no money attached there was some theory that I may step down as mayor and take that as a lucrative job citizens that never would happen never would happen so at this point uh Council told me that the court has decided to hear this on January 17th another waste of taxpayers dollars for something so trivial and then they'll be here questioning the budget on why legal OE is up but anyhow um I'm going to instruct Council Mark to not even worry about it I'll just leave that position blank and continue to do what I've been doing or I could put Jim in as the ba because at this point that's not a job for a political hack it's a job for someone who knows Public Works along with Scott mccab and uh and um his team there Pat Huff Sneider it's running fine so it's not a big deal but I did want to tell the people I it's just an amazing thing to me when I heard this the other day file an injunction in court to stop it for a non-paying subtitle that I have so it'll be very easy I won't wait taxpayers dollars by sending Mr Dugan down there to argue the point we'll just leave a blank or I'll put it under the authority of Jim or or maybe I could do what a Democrat may do which would be go out that job would probably be worth between 80 and $130,000 in a town like Clark if you check other municipalities around and then you give that person health benefits and a cell phone and a vehicle it's about a $200,000 um hit on the taxpayers a Clark I could be a Democrat and maybe do that but I'll continue to run the town fiscally sound the way we always have thank you very much sorry I have to bring that up on such a joyous day but when you know I'm an old school guy you throw a hand grenade at me you're getting one back thank you okay so we have uh the mayor's appointments and then the uh we'll have confirmation of council first is business administrator James olich next is director of law Mark Dugan next is director of Recreation Ralph Bernardo Municipal historian Brian tol and Library Board of Trustees Linda Dunn regular member for a 5-year term angel albanes mayor's alternate for a one-year term and Carla Wagner superintendent alternate for a one-year term I think uh we met Lisa Lisa Dunn I'm sorry Lisa Dunn I don't know even what I said I'm sorry Lisa Dunn regular member okay at this time I'd like a motion on resolution 2 through 7 confirm on 2 three 23 5 6 and seven 2 three 5 six and seven confirming the mayor's appointments I'll move I'll second that thank you councilman Smith thank you councilman hund uh Madame clerk would you please call the role councilman hunt yes councilman masella yes councilman Manti yes councilman oconor yes councilman Smith yes councilman tol yes council president Al yes okay that Smith and okay at this time we'll move on to mayor's appointments without confirmation of council okay first is affirmative action officer Donna mizuko for a two-year term Union County cultural and Heritage Affairs councilman Brian tol for a four-year term Union County transportation Advisory Board Jennifer kabisa James olich both for a one-year term so Jennifer is the um member and James ol is the alternate Union County Utilities Authority Solid Waste Advisory Board Brian tol for a one-year term and Frank masella alternate Union County Community Development Revenue sharing committee public improvements Angel albanes regular member for a one-year term and James Manti alternate for a one-year term planning board mayor salbon a Corso class one member for a one-year term James olich Class 2 member for a one year term Joseph arancho class four member for a 4-year term environmental commission Kevin cotch regular member for a three-year term Mark Hayden regular member for a three-year term Emergency Management coordinator Michael ntis for a three-year term local emergency management Council Adam nordis Deputy em coordinator salbon Corso mayor and public information Officer James Al business administrator Patrick oconor Council liaison Captain Christian lot Police Department Captain Mike akabo Police Department Frank Sasa fire chief Lori Sheldon emergency medical coordinator David D roza Health officer Scott mccab supervisor Public Works Elizabeth CLE director of communications and Business Development Jeff Reagan Communications officer Ralph Bernardo director of senior citizens Megan celik Library director Ed Edward Grandy superintendent Clark Public Schools Michael Pollock director of security Clark Public Schools Richard o Conor Township engineer Mark Dugan Township attorney and Dr tashari Township doctor thank you madam clerk at this time we'll move on to Citizens hearing on the agenda so I'd like to open up the hearing so that any individual who would wishes to come forward can State can address the council as a body not to exceed 5 minutes is there anyone wishing to come forward to discuss agenda items only at this time seeing no one come forward i' like a motion to close this portion of the meeting move thank you councilman OK Conor do I have a second I'll second that thank you councilman minid all in favor I okay at this time we'll move on to council's appointments these are resolutions that will be read by the clerk first resolution is Union County Community Development Revenue sharing committee public facilities Frank masella regular member for a one-year term and Brian toll alternate for a one-year term I'd like to move that thank you councilman Smith do I have a second thank you councilman hund roll call please I'm sorry who was the second uh uh councilman hund thank you okay councilman hund yes councilman masella yes councilman minitti yes councilman oconor yes councilman Smith yes councilman tol yes council president alanes yes okay next is the appointment of Adam nordis as Deputy Emergency Management coordinator for a three-year term do I have a motion Council yes I'll move it thank you councilman mazarella do I have a second thank you councilman ' Conor roll call Madam clerk councilman hund yes councilman masella yes councilman midy yes councilman oconor yes councilman Smith yes councilman tol yes council president albanes yes next is Insurance Fund commissioner for the GIF for a one-year term James olich commissioner Jennifer Kisa alternate council do I have a motion I'll move that thank you councilman medidi second thank you councilman hund roll call when you're ready councilman hund yes councilman masella yes councilman Manti yes councilman oconor yes councilman Smith yes councilman tol yes council president alanes yes okay next is the planning board council's appointment to the planning board James medini class three member for a one-year term council do I have a motion I'll move it thank you councilman mazarella do have a second I'll second that thank you councilman Smith roll call please councilman hunt yes councilman masella yes councilman Manti yes councilman OK Conor yes councilman Smith yes councilman tol yes council president albanes yes number 12 is Board of adjustment appointments John caliguire regular member for a four-year term Mark Hayden regular member for a four-year term Christopher Tierney regular member for a four-year term and Dante tenini alternate one member for a two-year term do have a motion Council I'll moved thank you councilman tol do you have a second I'll move that thank you councilman second that sorry okay councilman hund yes councilman masella yes councilman Manti yes councilman oconor yes councilman Smith yes councilman tol yes council president albanes yes 13 is environmental commission Christina D Lisa alternate 2 member for a two-year term MO that thank you councilman toll do I have a second I'll second that please thank you councilman hund councilman hund yes councilman masella yes councilman Manti yes councilman oconor yes councilman Smith yes councilman tol yes council president albanes yes number 14 is row Valley sewage Authority reappointing councilman Frank masella as the Township's representative to the row Valley sewage Authority term ending February 1st 2030 I'd like to move that please thank you thank you Council Smith second thank you councilman OK Conor councilman hunt yes councilman masella yes councilman Manti yes councilman oconor yes councilman Smith yes councilman tol yes council president albanes yes 15 is appointment of the municipal Alliance committee for a one-year term Tara Olivera coordinator Andrew callow coordinator detective Brian Seuss chairperson Police Department youth salbon Corso mayor detective Mark detour DARE officer Ralph Bernardo citizen representative Recreation Kelly Jen Carelli citizen representative Richard D Monaco uh K principal Joseph Bel troma Valley Road principal Steven K Kell Blain student assistant coordinator Jamie ronsky student assistant coordinator Angela dearo te teen center youth representative Lori carau PTA representative Jackie Sakowski PTA representative mateline schmidtberg youth representative and Wen nicck youth representative do I have a motion Council so moved thank you councilman Smith do you have a second thank you councilman tol councilman hunt yes councilman masella yes councilman maniti yes yes councilman oconor yes councilman Smith yes councilman tol yes council president albanes yes okay okay pardon me these are the appointments by me as the Director of the Department of Law Mark microphone I have it on oh it's on I couldn't hear you ordinarily don't even need one um John Henry bar Esquire as Chief municipal prosecutor for a one-year term Robert J pensula Esquire alternate prosecutor for a one-year term Jared B Weiss Esquire public defender for a one-year term thank you at this time we'll move on to the consent agenda resolutions I hope you had a moment to take a drink of water I I forgot water this will be um speed things up okay first is entering into a cash management plan for the township for 2025 number 17 is adopting the temporary Municipal budget 18 is adopting the temporary sore utility budget 19 is adopting the temporary swim pool utility budget 20 is authorizing petty cash funds for business administrator police police chief Chief and pool director 21 is establishing the rate of interest to be charged on delinquent taxes 22 is authorizing the tax collector to cancel all delinquent tax tax overpayments delinquent sewer and Sewer overpayments of $10 or less 23 is authorizing funds of the township and checks drawn upon the payroll and agency accounts be subject to withdrawal by any two of the following mayor business administrator Chief Financial Officer 24 is designating the Union County Hawk County local source and Star Ledger as the official newspaper of the township and tap into Clark as the electronic news source in accordance with the open public meetings act the governor just signed that legislation last night uh allowing us at least until March to still use um The Star Ledger and then we'll see what happens from there uh number 25 is appointing Donna mizuko as acting Clerk and James or as alternate acting clerk in the absence of the Township Clerk 26 is designating business administrator James ol as the public agency compliance officer 27 is affirming the Township's civil rights policy with respect to all officials appointees employees prospective employees volunteers independent contractors and members of the public that come in contact with Municipal Employees officials and volunteers 28 is governing body certification of compliance with the United States equal employment opportunity commission in accordance with federal civil rights law 29 is appointing James ol as the municipal housing liaison pursuant to public laws of 2024 chapter 2 and in accordance with chapter 66 section 15 of the township code 30 is establishing and approving professional fees or charges assessed for municipal land use in connection with Township board's review of applications for development preparation of documents and inspection of developments and improvements under construction 31 is authorizing the township engineer to review and approve all sewer applications to be submitted to rvsa Andor njde without further action of the governing body 32 is authorizing the administration and the Township Clerk to advertise for upcoming bids for all necessary government operations including capital projects and swim pool requirements for the year 33 is authorizing the township to purchase materials supplies and equipment under State contract 34 is authorizing the township to purchase materials supplies and equipment through various local and National Cooperative pricing systems 35 is authorizing the qualified purchasing agent to award contracts having an anticipated value in excess of $17,500 but below the bid threshold 36 is authorizing the administration to submit Grant applications for upcoming Grant opport unities 37 is authorizing the mayor and Township Clerk to enter into an agreement between the township of Clark and the City of Elizabeth division of Health STD clinic 38 is authorizing release of the 90% performance guarantee to Brookside Manor Group LLC for work completed at 1019 to 1037 raron Road and 468 Westfield Avenue I'll move that Madam president thank you councilman toll do I have a second I'll second it thank you councilman Manti Madame clerk when you're ready would you call the rooll councilman hund yes councilman masella yes councilman Manti yes councilman oconor yes councilman Smith yes councilman tol yes council president albanes yes this time we have three ordinances on the agenda for introduction so the clerk will read the proposed ordinances and we'll entertain motions okay the first is ordinance 25-1 an ordinance entitled an ordinance to fix the salaries of communication operators for the years 2025 through 2028 do you have a motion Council I'll move that please thank you councilman OK Conor do you have a second thank you councilman hund um this this uh ordinance will have a public hearing on Tuesday January 21st so the uh citizens will have an opportunity to to review it um at this time I'll ask that the clerk call the rooll councilman hunt yes councilman masella yes councilman Manti yes councilman oconor yes councilman Smith yes councilman tol yes council president albanes yes ordinance 25-2 is an ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a cap Bank I'll move that thank you council masella do I have a second second thank you councilman tol any discussion okay the role the public hearing for this ordinance will be on Tuesday January 21st Madame clerk call the rooll please councilman hund yes councilman masella yes councilman Manti yes councilman oconor yes councilman Smith yes councilman tol yes council president albanes yes ordinance 25-3 is an ordinance to supplement section 7 of chapter 117 of the code of the township of Clark entitled clothing donation bins council do I have a motion I'll move that please thank you councilman hun do you have a second I'll second that thank you councilman Manti any discussion okay roll call please yes councilman hund yes councilman mael yes councilman Min yes councilman oconor yes councilman Smith yes councilman tol yes council president albanes yes the public hearing for this ordinance will be on Tuesday January 21st at this time we'll move on to council president um committees for 2025 um I'll read this the finance committee will consist of P O Connor chairman Angel Al V member Jim Manti member legislative committee Brian tol chairman members pad Connor Bill Smith Public Safety committee chairman Jimmy midi and members coun councilman Frank mazarella council member Steve hunt Recreation and Parks committee chairman Bill Smith members council member OK Conor council member albanes Public Works committee chairman Frank mazarella members council member Smith council member [Music] hund Council leaon Board of Education Angel albanes emergency Squad Pat oconer Recreation Bill Smith Fire Department Jim Manti Police Department Steve hund Public Works Frank mazarella Emergency Management Pat ' Conor Public Library Angel albanes senior citizens Frank mazarella environmental commission Brian tol at this time um I'd like to ask if there is anyone from the public who wishes to come forward uh and speak on any matters seeing no one I'd like to uh close this portion of the meeting thank you councilman to we have a second I'll second thank you councilman OK Conor all in favor I thank you at this time we'll move on to the mayor's state of the township address before I start I'd like to just wish everybody a Happy New Year and welcome all the friends and families here and um or employees that are here today thank you members of zoning board planning board board of education families of all our Council people it's great to have everybody here today um very special day to be sworn in for your seventh term and more importantly and special is to be sworn in with the people that's at behind stand that are behind me right now are council members my friends my running mates good solid people that I've been with for many many years it's just nothing but an honor and a pleasure to serve with them in this great community and to run for office with them and you know I took a lot of rocks in the last couple of years and they were right with me and stood behind me because we know each other we know the Integrity the effort and the love for this community we have especially I want to thank again I'll do it later my wonderful wife who's been here let's see we're married over 30 years and I've been in politics for 28 so she's hardened she's a Navy SEAL she's so good at it my three beautiful kids that are here uh Christina Kelly and Joey uh Elijah my new son-in-law and my extended family I'm going to call them Kelly's beautiful and wonderful boyfriend James uh Greenbush who's going to be take starting the police academy me to become a police officer in Mars County so we're very proud of James and Joey's girlfriend significant other Gianna DeMarco Gian I'm going to tell you what I always tell you when you're with him why'd you bring him you could have game yourself today but anyway I have a beautiful family I'm so proud of Elijah my sonin-law I mentioned you right I don't want to miss you buddy I don't want you get the bad idea but no great son-in-law and I'm so so proud of my family and them all being here and then my employee that are here today I mean I got to tell you something we have a family in Clark Township Municipal Building great thank you great great people hard workers just can't say enough about everybody so with that good afternoon members of council members of my Administration Board of Education clergy my family friends citizens of Clark Happy New Year to all as I begin my 25th year as mayor I stand in front of you still humble as anyone could possibly be I'm honored with the privilege to continue to serve this great community so much has been accomplished over the past 24 years in the township of Clark thanks to the hard work and dedication not only from this Administration and Council but from you the great citizens of Clark who make this a great Community without your cooperation and appreciation our proven success would not be what it is today our success thus far has been due to one crucial component teamwork and I thank all for that it's because of our ability to work together professionally competently and most of all with Integrity that has enabled this Administration to work successfully not only at the local level but with County and state officials it is a pleasure to work together as a team without obstacles and personal agendas along the way after all all of us benefit in the end when you build a strong stable and Safe Community with a top-notch school system property values go up and the town as a whole becomes more desirable from Singles to seniors we accept all and they all benefit inevitably Clark is a loving and accepting Community thank you to all the recreational boards coaches players and parents who work so hard together for our youth to achieve and to learn and to grow most of all to have some fun the time you give to the children of our Clark it's just so wonderful and it's nurturing Future Leaders of our community I want to thank members of the planning board zonning board and other boards of our community with you you help make this one great place to be it is the sense of pride in community as well as overall success and desirability that puts Clark Township as one of the top places to live in New Jersey tops as far as I'm concerned again I like to just speak in my uh children Christina Kelly and Joey my son-in-law Elijah and my wife Geraldine it's just how life is evolved when I stood up here to get sworn in 28 years ago as a councilman Jared was pregnant with Christina they were all here as babies I remember the one picture joery sleeping in my wife's arms but they've they've evolved with me and they've been there for me um and I love them all so deeply I also like to thank my bom who's on here today who's be 86 in January for um being so supportive over the years and putting up with the last couple of years but they know me the Administration has achieved great things and we will continue to do so undoubtedly through the coming years as to my friends on Council Angel Jimmy Frank Pat Brian Bill Steve I thank you for your cooperation and your continued support your dedication compassion and friendship throughout the years we have achieved so much together and I look forward to achieving even more council president albanes I wish you the best of luck and anything you need you know I'm there for you you've always been there for me I'd like to thank a very special friend and great Township administrator Jim ol Jimmy started with me 24 years ago as a councilman and unfortunately after a term his job took him away from us but when our great hall of fame um ba John laser passed Jimmy appeared there and the next thing I know he took the job and I'm going to tell you something this guy works and like John if you don't have a great ba with you you're in trouble as a mayor and I was fortunate to have John and Jim and they just work I get calls from Jimmy on a Sunday morning on a Saturday afternoon on the way home at night he's always working he's always there and I'll tell you what he's achieved uh some real greatness quickly and has really put this Township into a place I wanted to be more technology right Jim I'm the technology mayor when I go to him and say you start this freaking thing I don't know what the hell I'm doing but anyway that's the truth but anyway they call me the technology mayor but anyway Clark Township is running very well my focus is to make it even better the plan that has made Clark a county and state nationally recognized town is something that we are proud of look around we are cleaner nicer and have much more to offer than all the other towns around us nevertheless I know people still want more and I'm willing to accommodate your needs safety and service for a HomeTown will always be a priority Clark all Clark services that residents have grown accustomed to will continue in this year's budget the bulky cleanup the the ever Lov Branch cleanup that goes on forever grass cleanup Fourth of July fireworks bre with Santa tree lighting festivities Easter egg hunt senior breakfast senior barbecue senior citizen bus and our man chili behind the wheel at at bus existing and new recreational programs I'm sure Ralph's got a bag of them waiting for me this year and many many more to come giving our children the best quality of life is our first and foremost as they are our future to our seniors thank you for giving us the fruits of your hard work and established in this great town the place where I grew up let's continue to serve our seniors and preserve the future for our children as The Gatekeepers of the present we hold the keys as to what has to come for Clark our Township is already one of the leading towns in the county with regards to providing services to our citizens as well as recreational services available to every age group moreover we are leaders in public safety I'd like to thank our Clark police department and Captain akabo who's here today our Volunteer Fire Department chief rasa those guys give it all for nothing for the love of our community our first aid Squad love those people out there working as volunteers each and every day our Emergency Management I'd like to thank them for what they do especially when chips are down in emergencies here they save our town not only with their work and service but save us in our budget with the efforts for our community and I thank you I'd like to thank I would like to mention a very special person a dear friend our Recreation director Ralph Bernardo Simply the Best recck Director in New Jersey no one can argue that point with me he's there seven days a week providing doing and it's been a pleasure to have him as my director and a dear friend I have to thank our Department of Public Works we have by far the most Public Works services in Union County more than any other town they went through Clark this year in the leaf cleanup about 15 times I remember the days before I became your mayor we're lucky to get them picked up twice and that's a fact uh I remember the days where branches and grass and bulky cleanups were done in election years and not as in every year service so I'd like to thank them you know over the years um you do so much and we had a long time to do so much and you know it's just not to brag but sometimes it's got to be said I was reading some of the um uh rap sites I call them uh you know on social media the social media sites I could use a different word but I'm in public um you know and you always got haters out there in politics it's okay you know what they hate me I probably hate them too so it's even that's the way I look at it but no we're all kidding around aside but you know what and what did s really achieve what does he done in 25 years I said you know it's good question it's a long time and you know now being 64 you start having senior moments every now and then but you know what it's not s it's the team as a mayor you bring a vision to the town you bring a vision in on what you want to do and how you want to get it done one of the big parts of my vision was when I first became mayor was I wanted to take care of the senior citizens because they paid for this t town as we grew up here and I wanted to do for the Youth of Clark because they're going to be the future of our town and we want them to move back here so many Clark people do so you know you get elected and you have a great Council group behind me like I had and you have a great ba to come into town like John laser and now with Jim and again with the employees and the department heads and everybody involved I just like to read down that list the first thing we had to do was fix the finances and I give all the credit to John laser for that um as he said to me he'll tell he'll give me the game plan mayor you got to have the guts to implement it and I sure did and I thank John for that we had $170,000 unfunded liability in the Clark Police Department nothing against the police they earned it that money wasn't on our budget or in our books it was saved in a book in the old building uh at any time PD could come in and demand that money and we'd have to pay him in two weeks it was kind of a bank that was done illegally and not and I don't mean illegally criminally wasn't done right let's put it that way because everybody listens to every word but we had to take that money and we had to pay it down and we paid it down and we did that we started paying uh principal on municipal bonds that's why this beautiful $12 million building you're standing in didn't raise your taxes we set a plan through John's direction to pay not only interest but principle to get Bonds in shape better uh we stopped paying um overpaying employees on their their sick time we followed the contract what was in the contract not what we thought people should have we built the 10,000 foot Edition on the Clark P public library we worked with the New Jersey Turnpike Authority for a brand new Parkway Circle that was $5 million that the taxpayers of Clark did not have to pay pay for we upgraded all public playgrounds we hired a full-time Recreation director we built the uh rebuilt the inside and outside of the Brewer mun ipal building we bu built two parking lots for the school district one right out here to my left at uh Johnson and one at Valley Road uh we bumped out the curb in the back of Henley for safety it was like a bowling alley back there years ago we began to share services with our school district which was never done which saves the taxpayers money uh we saved the school district millions of dollars by letting them use the center of the Brewer municipal building for classrooms at no charg because it's all one tax dollar we changed the employees health benefits plan and we gave them a very good in comparable plan but that saved Millions over 24 years uh changing that plan we NE renegotiated a lot of contracts to save taxpayers dollars in my first 18 years as mayor The Star Ledger reported uh did a a study on taxes in Union County and we were the lowest growth in taxes over my first 18 years and when you're new in New Jersey you got to brag if you're slow growing because who cuts taxes in in the state it's impossible um but in 1920 and 21 we gave you three zero budgets no tax increases we instituted a monthly bulk cleanup a monthly Branch cleanup metal cleanup and spring lawn and leaf cleanup I gave meeting space to help those not as fortunate to the Alcoholics Anonymous and the narcotics Anonymous to use areas of our Brewer Municipal Building to help those poor people and we're so proud that they were coming to those meetings to get that help I was named Union County a chamber of commerce mayor a year two twice no one has ever done that I was very proud of that and also in the league of municipalities Hall of Fame the alj Hall of Fame we got the girl softball $70,000 grants for uh their Fieldhouse that sits in the back of the Brewer parking lot they didn't have one we lit up the girl soft wheel Fields with lights we expanded the pop warner practice football field lights for the Clark Little League lights for Clark soccer new gym floors for Clark travel basketball we support it and hosted the Great Unico Feast that is just a staple of our community we started the Memorial Day Parade we started breakfast with Santa we started the senior barbecue senior citizen birthday breakfast senior we built a free senior citizen fitness center when I came into office uh my predecessor had $150,000 County Grant and the county called me my first week or so in office and said you're going to lose it or use it your predecessor didn't know what to do with it I went down to the gyms at the Brewer rec center and I took the boys and girls locker room and we blew that out and made it a free fitness center for our senior citizens and they're there to this day enjoying it each and every morning we built and put the tur field on the alj uh and lights at the alj high school we started Patriot T night at the alj a football game we received millions of dollars in States and County grants first mayor and Council to ever pay for a new ambulance for the first aid Squad if you don't know the first aid Squad is separate and a part of the town government and they were in financial trouble and we went out and bought them I think two new ambulances and we're on our way to buy them their third because those volunteers deserve it and we help them each and every way we can um which has come to fruition now I sold the reservoir to Union County for $1 it's going to save this town $35 million in dredging we just hope they keep the rest of it down to a very bare minimum we never asked for that we asked for the dredging I was proud to work with the county officials for that we supported and worked with the developer for the Clark senior housing on Westfield Avenue uh one of my proudest moments was working with a great developer Bill cran in developing the Clark Commons when Bill first came into my office he got thrown out in about 30 minutes because he brought a plan in that was not acceptable and I told him if you're going to build something in Clark you're going to build it and you're going to make it beautiful and I think we all agree to Clark Commons as a beautiful addition to our community we put Flags down Westfield Avenue between Memorial Day and Veterans Day to honor our great veterans and our Patriots of this community we worked with the Union County officials to bring Esposito Farm to Esposito Park and that was a great day for the Comm Community we built this beautiful police station courthouse and council chambers to dat Clark is cleaner Greener and very desirable place to live I started the mayor with the state the mayor's Wellness campaign and designated upcoming and we were designated upcoming healthy towns by the New Jersey Care Quality Institute um I would also like to thank members not only who were here but in the past um all the council members that were here that helped us and I like to mention Rob bothy as one of them and I'd like to mention uh some members in my Administration who have passed away who did so much for me this Council and this community and that was of course our ba John laa Joe bonacorso Sunny Bal Keith Dolan Victor marzo and a very very dear friend of mine who started this Republican party in Clark to be what some people call a machine Pete naric my former council member who passed I'd like to thank all those people because they all have a hand in it now the other thing I like to mention today and I kind of thought of this this morning you know when you're mayor for 24 years and you start your 25th and you're in government 28 there's a lot of people that make Impressions on you some good some bad but mostly good I got to say and I want to read a list that I thought of today and I hope I don't miss anybody and it's a list of Republicans and Democrats that I had the pleasure to work with and I like to start off by saying our former Governor Senate President Donald D Francesco did a lot for me in early days assemblyman Alan Augustine assemblyman Rich bagger Congressman Bob Franks Senator joose alga Democrat Senator and Senate President as we speak and Clark resident Nick scari Democrat Senator Joe cryan Democrat pest way great man assemblyman Jerry green Democrat friend of mine up in Mar County Senator Joe pachio Senator Ray lesnak all good friends who had an impression on me over my years in government I'd like to mention some of the Mayors and there's probably more but you know you can't think of everybody my friend in Elizabeth Chris bage Democrat Rosel Jamal Holly Democrat Jim Kennedy who's our assemblyman former mayor rooy Democrat mayor of Woodbridge now John McCormick former mayor of Rosal Park Joe Doria former mayor of Kenworth Mike trippidy the legend former mayor of Lyndon John Gregorio former mayor of roow Sam styman former um the mayor of current mayor of Lyndon Derek Armstead Democrats these are all Democrats former Democrat mayor in Cranford Tom Hannon Democrat mayor up in Berkeley Heights right now Angie Deany um I've worked with many freeholders and Commissioners as they switch their names mostly of Democrats to work and get along together County managers George deaney alella edman worked with them over the years these people here whether whatever for political party they on hold office to have made an impression on me or had a pleasure I had in working with these individuals you know when you hear about Reaching Across the aisle you don't have to reach across the aisle and compromise your principles I never did as a Conservative Republican but I reached across the aisle as a friend to work together with people who help can help my community in Clark and made so many endearing friendships over the time here I'd like to also um point out today that our new Union County Republican chairman Carlos Sanchez is here uh Carlos Santos is here sorry Carlos and uh my good friend longtime chairman of rowy Pat um Casio is here today when when you're fortunate to be elected sometimes you meet some people that give you a little bit of grief and a little bit of aggravation but I also like to say there's so many good people that have made such a great impression and I had an honor of serving with and knowing and being with each and every day so with that I'd like to wish everyone in this community and a very healthy and happy New Year safe prosperous uh for those of you who are here not at home if you're at home stay there if you're here you're welome wcome to come to 1051 brief Str with myself and the council for lunch afterwards even my two Democrat opponents in the back you're always welcome okay Johnny you can bring your camera in video you'll see what a good party looks like thank you God bless you all and have a great [Applause] day thank you very much mayor uh at this time we'll move on to council comments councilman Steve hunt thank you council president thank you s for that wonderful speech you just gave and recognizing all the people that helped you mold the town and your the way you look at things so thank you very much for that um thank you everyone for joining us today for our 2025 reorganization meeting and happy New Year to everyone uh I'd like to take a a moment to recognize a few individuals for their their outstanding services to the township of Clark over the past year uh to Mayor Salan a Coro business administrator Jim olich and town clerk e Edie Merkel your tireless efforts and steadfast commitment to Clark's residents continue to inspire us thank you for all the hard work and unwavering Dedication that you show to the members of the council here and most importantly to the residents of the Town congratulations to the mayor again councilwoman Angel albanes councilman James maned and councilman Bill Smith on being reelected for another term it'll be an honor to work with you for the next uh my next two years in term and hopefully for the following years after that your service and dedication to our community are greatly appreciated and I look forward to as I just said working alongside with you and continue to move Clark forward to my fellow council members thank you for all your collaboration advice and support throughout the past year together we have tackled challenges and celebrated successes always keeping the best interests of our community at the Forefront of our decisions as we move forward into 2025 I'm confident that Clark will continue to thrive remain we remain dedicated to Growing our community base while upholding the fiscal responsibilities that our residents expect and deserve while challenges may arise as they do inevit inevitably do I am certainly we will confront them head on with the same determination teamwork and resolve that have defined Us in the past as your third ward councilman I want to assure residents I am always accessible to you whether by phone text email or Facebook I value your input and I'm here to listen to your concerns and ideas you can reach me uh by cell phone at 732910 2928 by email at s hund hour clark.com or on Facebook at my councilman hund Facebook page your continued engagement support are invaluable and I look forward to serving you in the year ahead I would also like to take this opportunity to thank my wife and children for their unwavering Support over the past 10 years their understanding and encouragement have made it possible for me to dedicate myself to serving our community in closing I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to councilwoman Angel abones as being appointed as the 2025 Town Council president I'm confident that angel will lead us with vision dedication and integrity and also to Bill councilman Bill Smith congratulations on being appointed to the town council's vice president and to all our residents I wish you a healthy prosperous and successful 20125 thank you very much and have a wonderful day thank you councilman hun councilman mazarella yes thank you council president and I want to congratulate you and thank you for your uh past year leadership on Council and your reappointment uh ladies and gentlemen good afternoon I want to extend my congratulations first to our mayor and his running mates Angel Jimmy and Bill for your outstanding campaign and very successful Victory this past November where as your your governing body are here uh and still here and have managed to work together to provide the best possible services to you I would like to take this opportunity to thank the following our police fire emergency uh Squad and Emergency Management you are our First Responders and are our true heroes in our community thank you for your dedication and quick responses to our residents I have a special there's a special place in my heart for our our police fire and emergency Squad uh since I have family members that are in law enforcement and firefighters and I have been a former member of the uh Squad before I was first elected as first W councilman so I have a special place and understand their commitment and dedication to our community and you are true heroes thank you for your all that you do for us to our Recreation Personnel for providing recreational services to all the residents young and old as well as providing all the special um programs throughout the year that we all look forward to and enjoy our library staff their outstanding educational reference services that all will enjoy whether you're young or old thank you for your efforts to our office Personnel addressing the residents of our town on a daily basis ladies and gentlemen these individuals are mostly Township residents and understand your frustrations um and they're out there every day um either on the phone or uh in inperson office visits to the min building to provide quick and Professional Services to our residents and inquiries thank you for those efforts uh to our DPW staff they are an outstanding bunch of individuals committed to our community making sure at all hours of the day or evening that they're out cleaning our community making our community safe for all our residents or people that pass through our community thank you for your dedication and your commitment to our community and all shows this all shows that I believe a community is all about addressing the needs of all the residents putting aside our political differences and understanding the people that live in our town or our family and we are here to serve all of you and and um I strongly believe that my colleagues and I will continue to govern to the best of our ability by putting aside those political differences and um best suit the needs of our community in closing on behalf of my family to yours I want to wish everyone a very safe happy um new year God bless us all thank you [Applause] thank you councilman mazarella councilman Manti uh thank you council president uh good afternoon everyone and welcome to the 2025 reorganization meeting and a very Happy New Year to you all I would like to start off by thanking my wife Anna and my children AJ and Jackie for being here today and her unwavering Support over these past four years I deeply humbled and Incredibly honored to have been reelected to represent our community for the next four years years as a member of this Council I am committed to listening to your voices understanding your needs and ensuring that every member of this community feels seen heard and valued our shared vision for a United more inclusive and prosperous Clark remains at the heart of my mission the road ahead will require collaboration resilience and a bold action I'm confident together we can overcome any Challenge and seize opportunities that will continue to keep our community a desirable place place to live live and raise our families I want to thank each and every one of you who have who have and continued to place your trust in me your belief in my vision and Leadership is not something I take for granted and I promise to work tirelessly and represent you with honesty integrity and dedication I would also like to extend my gratitude to my extended family friends and other members of this Council for their consistent support councilman Smith councilman o Conor councilman tol councilman hun councilman mazarella and council president albanes your encourage your encouragement hard work and sacrifice have made this achievement possible for us all this reelection is not just an endorsement of the work we have done together but also a call to action for the opportunities that lie ahead together we have made great strides and will continue to keep Clark the great town that it is I would also like to thank mayor bonac Corso for his dedication and his mentorship over the past four years his Comm commitment and love for this community goes far beyond the scope of his duties our business administrator Jim ol your knowledge and expertise keeps Clark financially sound and I want to personally thank you for your hard work and dedication to our community what would a town be without the people that have dedicated their career and lives to our community if it wasn't for our Police Department our Fire Department emergency man management first aid Department of Public Works our teachers Board of Education our recreation department and of course our staff at Town Hall thank you for all you do and I wish you continued success and grateful for your service finally I would like to give a special thanks to our clerk Edy for a hard work throughout the year thank you again for your trust and support I'm excited to continue this journey with you and for you let's move forward together and create an even brighter future for all right here in a community of Clark New Jersey once again I wish each and every one of you a very happy healthy and prosperous 2025 thank you thank you councilman manid councilman o' Conor thank you hello and welcome to 2025 I hope each of you had a wonderful New Year and are ready to embrace all the opportunities the new year will bring looking back at 2024 it was another great year of progress and change change for the second ward L'oreal USA announced completion of its $140 million stateof the art research and Innovation Center replacing its existing facilities the 250,000 Foot Center houses 550 employees and focuses on advancing Beauty Innovations across Hair Skin and makeup categories while emphasizing sustainability green sciences and Beauty Tech the cube smart facility on r Road forly the location of The Lunchbox has also been completed this development provides a low impact use on a busy road benefiting the Township's tax base hackin sack Meridian health has opened its new Health and Wellness Center at the intersection of r Road in Central Avenue this facility offers a variety of services including Primary Care Specialty Care such as Cardiology and Women's Health Services Diagnostic Imaging and Urgent Care with extended hours for added convenience Brookside Manor a 42 unit apartment complex with six affordable housing units has been completed on r road across from Manny's Diner this development provides additional housing options for the township and includes charging stations for electric vehicles the County reservoir dredging project was announced providing an opportunity for residents to voice their concerns to the county concessions were made but the township continues to work with residents and County officials to ensure a safe environment for both the local and community and recreational users on the financial side I happy to report that the township maintains sufficient cash flow throughout 2024 to meet all of its Financial obligations additionally I am pleased to note that there were no audit issues and we successfully ended 2024 within our budget the business administrator Jim ol and his team are already working diligently on the 2025 budget which is on track to be filed with the state within the required time frame a special thank you to Jim and his team for their excellent work at this time I'd like to congratulate councilwoman albanes on being selected as council president and councilman Bill Smith um being selected as Council vice president as well as congratulate the mayor and the council at large in their reelection win congratulations looking ahead to 2025 I confident that the township will continue its positive path forward not only meeting our financial needs but also addressing the needs of the residents of the second ward and of the entire Township as always please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns I can be reached by phone at 73238 29719 by email at ponor clark.com and please remember I have a Facebook page Patrick oconor where I post and forward Township County and state information thank you again for having me serve as your second work councilman it is truly an honor and I look forward to another successful year together thank you thank you council member o Conor vice president Smith thank you council president albanes I have a 130 reservation at pastra so I will make this nice and brief first I'd like to thank my wife Susan and my two daughters Dominique and Gabriella for their support during my 12year tenure as a Clark councilman I would also like to thank the citizens of Clark who overwhelmingly voted for me and the boner Coro team and are entrusting us with another four-year term I can guarantee you whether you voted for me or not I will continue to do what is in the best interest for Clark and continue to keep Clark a great place to live and raise a family as we move into 2025 the township of Clark continues to thrive and remains financially sound so residents can enjoy a high quality of life with well-maintained infrastructure access to essential services and a sense of community the expertise and professionalism exhibited by the clerk's office has been instrumental in ensuring the smooth function of our Council and a business administrator's strategic guidance has been invaluable to Mayor Bono Coro and my fellow council members thank you for your support and dedication to our shared Vision in closing I'd like to wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year thank you [Applause] thank you vice president Smith councilman toll thank you madam president I'm going to keep it sort of fast I'll talk fast it's much easier that way when I was growing up in Clark and I became 18 years of age and I graduated from Johnson back in 1980 some of you weren't even born yet when I met an elderly gentleman who was the founder of the Clark Public Library his name was Edward SS and I became his Apprentice I became a friend of Mr SS I used to cut his lawn do a bunch of things he was a really nice man man but he was all alone his wife had died he had no children his family was Clark the township of Clark and its residents were his family what happened was he took took my hand I was over doing cutting his lawn he said come on inside and he took my hand he goes I want you to think about what I'm going to say to you right now I'm 18 years of old 18 years of age I really didn't care but I listened because he was a nice man and he said to me took my hand and goes close your eyes you're 18 now close your eyes and you're 18 when you open them again you're going to be 25 you're going to be 30 close him again you're going to be 40 you're going to be 50 you're going to be 60 he was 90 and he said to me before you know you blink your eyes it's over with enjoy every moment apply yourself every day do what is right not for you not for us but for the Next Generation a 90-year-old man said that to me and it's stuck and that's why I dedicated my life to this Township Mr Mayor you've been here for 24 years and every year on January 1st I always say the same speech we're laying the foundation not for us but for the next generation and Mr Mayor you have laid a foundation for this community for the next thousand years you've worked so hard and giving your family I'm this is the historian saying this you worked so hard giving yourself for this community day in and day out it shows on your family's faces because they know how much you love this town and how much you gave back to it you and I have had differences but you blink your eyes and the next thing it's over with or it's not over with we're going to do another 25 years but we're laying the foundation the first 25 years of this community's 21st century is bonacorso Everything You Touch will grow and build upon for the next 100 years or 25 years whatever you want to say Sally you did a good job is what I'm trying to say now I'm going to get in a quick speech and get out of here Mr mayor council president members of the township Council of 2025 how did 25 years go by so quickly I've been up in here since January 1st 2003 but it goes fast guys young young people out there it does go fast and the old 90-year-old guy who grabbed my hand said it does enjoy the ride make the most of the time you're on this planet make the most you can get back to your community if you can as a police fire emergency or whatever Happy New Year to you all to the citizens of Clark New Jersey and the fourth wward I do this every January 1st I reaffirm to you my commitment that I will always what is right I will shall work to make sure our town Thorton Wilder greatest ever ever get a chance read Thorton Wilder's our town it's a two act play it's a great book you'll enjoy it and it gives you a perspective of everyday's gift so I always say that we maintain that we clean safe green and historic very simple principles but if we do it and we do it right this town and the next generation will be better off for it I am proud this to call this Township my home why didn't I move that way why didn't we all just why do we stay here because it's called home our home we are blessed for this Township we work hard we have differences but that's life Republican Democrat has nothing to do with it it has to do with something more in here being a better person to help our fellow man and to build a better tomorrow with that Mr Mayor you've done a great job to the members of council I enjoyed working with you I'm going to continue try and do what my 24 months left on the Das is to make a better Clark very simple and we will work over the issues that do present themselves I was talking to somebody last year she goes you guys do good deeds I said yes we try we try to make a better Clark and I'm not going to repeat myself I'm just going to say God bless everyone good health to us to you all and that's where it really starts and to your families safe and clean and this is a beautiful town and we're very blessed to call it home thank you m Madam President congratulations to all and let us continue thank you councilman toll I have the pressure on me to speed this up but I'm going to ask for our professional comments before I make my final comments I'll ask for our Lord director Mr Dugan I wish you all a peaceful happy healthy and prosperous New Year Madame clerk thank you council president I want to thank the council for your kind words uh thank you Angel I'm very happy for your reelection as as President we work very well together I'm looking forward to this year um I want to thank the mayor for his vision and dedication and to Jim who works 247 365 I've never seen a harder worker than Jim uh by the way everyone out there he expects that of you too um no he's he's a great hard worker and it's a pleasure working with all of you uh 2024 was a challenging year we've been short staffed since since the beginning of May but we met every challenge um and so I as always want to thank Terry and Dawn for their hard work uh we do it as a team and that is always the theme here and that's how it works I also want to recognize the Departments because a lot of times I'll walk in the door with an Oprah request and they try to hide but they they work hard I received an oah request this morning so they they don't stop it's a holiday and I received an Oprah request so but the Departments and my department work very closely together and I appreciate all of you so we're looking forward to a healthy 2025 and happiness to all of you thank you thank you Madame clerk our business administrator Mr olich I'll um I'll try to keep it brief but um just you know it's an honor to you know help everybody in this town I lived in this town for you know 30 years um I started off with the mayor back in 2000 and you know it's a testament to go back that far and say that you know I served on council with you know the council president um albanes Frank mazarella pad o Conor and Brian tol AKA Red Baron um so I mean it's it it shows the continuity consistency and the vision that the mayor had for this town you know starting from the beginning um first was you know he wanted the financial discipline second he wanted the best services and you know make it a community and everything that we've done over these years has gotten to that point and I was honored when he asked me even though I told him no the first time the first three times I think but he asked me to take the job um but you know it it was definitely a great choice and you know working with everybody you know I know I drive Mark Dugan crazy quite often as um our planning board attorney uh Albert Cruz it's you know it's always let's make sure we get this right let's make sure we um make sure I understand it and let's you know move forward um you know it's similar with our Township engineer Rich o Conor you know I'm you know he he takes calls he's another guy who takes calls all of the time it's okay I'm I'm reading this and I don't understand it what is it for um so I mean there's a lot of cooperation and then even from the department heads Ralph Bernardo Captain akabo Captain lot um you know Frank Sasa off fire chief I was talking to him yesterday on things you know for the for the budget so I mean there's a lot of uh dedication throughout this town and you know I'd be remiss if I didn't you know thank the ambulance Squad which I was a member for over 25 years you know Lori Sheldon and making make sure that you know the the township is is safe so you know there's there's a lot that's going on in the town and it really is a testament um you know high level I mean we've done a lot this year uh so as we joke about it but we we do want to move the the township ahead you know from a technology standpoint um some of the things that we've done is you know put in gov pilot to make it easier so people don't have to come into town hall to do you know mundane things you know repetitive things so just as some statistics uh this year we did 489 business registrations landlord registrations 37 yard sale requests 2011 bulky pickup request 2929 scrap metal pickup request 1,59 dog and cat licenses 493 retail food licenses 189 and reporter concerns 262 these are things that formerly had to either come into town hall during our opening operating hours or have to make a phone call to have someone you know put you on a list uh that's you know that's a big difference you know we also in uh instituted the interactive map on our website I mean you could look at zoning flooding um permits there's a lot of things that we've you know moved um and again being in the town for so many years we've always heard the complaints on um you know the cable companies the internet companies you know how are we going to make that change you know under the mayor's direction we were pushing you know opum in Verizon we're trying we finally got some input from opum they're looking to come into town that's something that we've you know we we really think makes a difference to the town have some competition and it will help hopefully help out everybody's Services um we're finally getting the opportunity to take um advantage of the curb to curb right so the curb to curb Paving you know I remember when I was on Thomas Drive they did the the the um gas lines paved half the street never worked out you're going to have potholes you're going to have cracks you're going to have issues when I first came I spoke to the mayor I go this is stupid I don't it just doesn't make sense why do we not have them pave curb to curb um we went back and forth on you know reasons why and we passed it uh I guess about 2 years ago but now we have the major um gas company job and they're going to have to pave curve to curve right so we're going to have New Roads we're not going to have the same issues with the um with the intersections and you know this year you know we have um a bunch of shed services that we've put into place street sweeping TV station um Paving we're doing some Paving shared services with um scotch Plaines right so some of the roads that start in clock end in Scotch Plaines or start in Scotch Plaines and end in in clock we're going to do shared services so take advantage of um that you'll see that coming up probably in in February maybe the second meeting in January but we just finished pretty much negotiating all of the terms um and then look at what we've done I mean we've had you know sewer issues in the past we've now instituted the shared service agreement with um parsa right they're going to videotape they're going to you know flush they're going to clean out our sewer lines the 100% of our sewer lines are going to be cleaned out every 5 years so we're doing 20% a year that's a big Improvement and that's something that we're taking advantage of you know expertise that we don't have inh house and we're working towards it so in summary I want to thank um you know councilwoman albanes over the you know last year and I look forward to the next year of um you know working together to to make this work you know Pat you know and this is one of the times that you know someone drives me crazy um on the budget and you know making sure that we have you know but you know all the right questions all the right timing and making it work I want to you know and congratulate councilman um Smith on his his reelection and then you know last and not least in any way shape or form congratulate the mayor on his term again we started this you know 25 years ago um who would have thought that you know like I said you know four those Council people that I was with um 25 years ago or over that 25 years when I was here we going to still be here and and the mayor still running the town you know to you know to the most efficient way possible um it it's it ended up being another great year and it's been a good three and a half years you know over the since I've been here so thank you and everybody and have a Happy New Year thank you I don't want to repeat all the uh things that were said uh just try to be as brief as possible well first of all uh I think I've mentioned in the past that each day I ask myself four sole questions who am I what do I want what's my purpose and what am I grateful for um certainly um grateful to those who supported us in the campaign as far as the election all the citizens who voted for me and to my friends and family it's it's truly an honor and I'm grateful to serve and that has been a big part of my life uh in fact over the years I I ultimately evolved uh under the guidance of John laser to get involved in government myself in a professional way um I do appreciate that the mayor went through the things that have been accomplished it's not accomplished in a day this took 25 years what it shows is continuous Improvement and that's what we're about continuous Improvement having high standards doing what is right do we disagree on things things yes but we compromise and we move forward and that has been a very important part of what's happened here I look back as the mayor said when I first met uh Geraldine and the mayor um you know you were pregnant I had small children and the world has really changed since then you know the mayor talked about being in technology we went through 9/11 and we saw what happened in this town and how they came together it was it was unbelievable for those who have been here uh went through Hurricane Sandy Hurricane Irene and the tasks that the mayor took on just to get through those really demonstrated his love for this community but now we're in the iPhone comes along Facebook comes along X comes along and our our lives have changed we've evolved you say you're not techn you are technology it s and Jim has pointed out out the things that have how our government has inv evolved making it better improving the services for our citizens and the reason why I reflect on this is hopefully some of the citizens here when we go door Todo campaigning we meet people who moved here maybe three years ago a month ago six years ago 10 years ago they have no idea and you can't stand at the door and explain all that to them um the mayor even left out a couple of things we bought a few fire trucks along the way and uh you know certainly support them so uh I hope people can go back and listen to that and there are benefits of being in office for a while so that when mayor s knocks on the door and talks to members of the uh anyone in the state or anyone in the county he's recognized and there are some communities that have commissions and they rotate Mayors every year it just doesn't work as well as what's been done here um of course I want to say we I I appreciate everyone who put this meeting together which includes tremendous effort on the clerk's part the ongoing work of the ba and our finance department as well but we appreciate all the department heads and all the employees who work in the town when I go to door too and someone ask for something you know I asked them did you call the department head did you call the offices you know did you call the tax collector who's here to get information you are the face of the township you represent us and I think we have a great group of employees working here in all departments and in all the volunteer departments that has already been mentioned uh including the library and all the volunteer organizations all the members and uh people that the mayor mentioned who uh serve on committees they were all mentioned today they serve it to contribute to the community um so I'm going to have to close up here and um most I want to thank my two sons who are here and uh James and Taylor Cobrin um and uh it's they're from out of town now so it's been really nice to have them here today um as you know my husband passed away and um he was a big part of this and our service to the community sorry about that so we love you Bob we appreciate you and uh thank you all like to call for a motion to adjourn Mo do have a second I'll second please uh all in favor I meeting adjourned for