##VIDEO ID:YC2xivPwk9Q## e good evening welcome to the September 16th council meeting for Clark Township Madam clerk would you call the rooll councilman hund here councilman masella here councilman Manti here councilman oconor is absent councilman Smith here councilman tol present council president albanes here this time I'd like to ask everyone to please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all this meeting is in compliance with the open public meetings act as adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by mailing the annual schedule of meetings to The Star Ledger Union County Hawk Union County local source and taben to Clark by posting such annual meeting scheduled on the bulletin board and Town Hall reserved for such announcements the official website of the township and the proper filing of said notice formal action may be taken at this meeting okay at this time uh we're going to uh I'd like a motion to suspend the regular order of business so move I'll second that thank you councilman Smith and councilman hund all in favor I okay at this time we'll have a proclamation read regarding the 75th anniversary of the Ark of Union County whereas the Arc of Union County was founded in 1949 by a group of dedicated parents who sought to ensure that their children with disabilities had a place that would serve and advocate for them fostering a community of support and inclusion and whereas the Arc of Union County Incorporated headquartered in Springfield New Jersey is a nonprofit 501c3 organization committed to enriching the lives of individuals of all ages with intellectual and developmental disabilities serving more than 1,000 adults and children throughout Union and surrounding counties and whereas for 75 years the Arc of Union County has profoundly impacted our community by providing essential support and services to families tirelessly working to empower and support individuals with individ with intellectual and developmental disabilities and whereas the mission of the Arc of Union County is to empower and support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families by engaging individuals served their families and both public and private entities to ensure that all individuals associated with the organization realize a full productive and Enhanced Life and whereas the vision of the Arc of Union County is to create a socially just accessible and inclus inclusive environment where the human rights and diversity of all people with disabilities are recognized respected and celebrated for their achievements and whereas the Arc of Union County upholds values of accountability competence affection courtesy flexibility service transparency and professionalism which guide their efforts in providing exceptional support and advoc advocacy for individuals and families and whereas the Arc of Union County operates with an active volunteer board of directors and a professional management team ensuring the success and fulfillment of its Mission through dedicated leadership and Community involvement now therefore I Sal bonacorso mayor of the township of Clark do hereby proclaim the week of October 6th through October 12 2024 as the Arc of Union County week in the township of Clark in honor of their 75 years of invaluable service support and advocacy for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities I urge all citizens to recognize and celebrate the tremendous contributions of the Ark of Union County to our community and to continue supporting their mission for many years to come signed mayor Salan Corso thank you this time I'd like a motion to resume the regular order of business so move thank you councilman Smith do have a second second thank you Council masella all in favor I thank you at this time we'll move on to Communications from the mayor and reports of Township officers mayor yes thank you Madame President members of council ladies and gentlemen here tonight and those at home uh first off I'd like to thank everyone who came out to the 911 ceremony on September 11th at uh Jim Nelson Park we are there to remember and honor Jim and all those who perished in the 911 tragedy I'd like to thank the people who attend there's basically a nice big crowd and I see a lot of the same familiar faces each and every year and every now and then joined by some new faces so thank you all it's uh very important that we never forget and I think when we said that years ago in Clark we meant it and especially Jim Nelson Port Authority police officer who who was lost that day uh September is the last month for branch cleanup folks F please if you're listening at home get them out now they're going to be picked up the fourth week at a month that's it we have to start mulch in the Heap to make room for leaf collection which starts the last Monday in October so please ladies and gentlemen I know everybody's got a branch fetish and they like to put them out if there's some kind of big storm or something we'll make Provisions to pick it up but if you decide that on October 5th it's a good day to go outside and trim your Apple Tree you're going to have them on your lawn until uh next spring I'm sorry we just can't keep going through this year after year the cleanup started about St Patrick's Day and it ran right through September so you had ample opportunity okay thank you for that I appreciate I'd like you to All Join myself the council and the board of education on October the 11th at the Johnson football game it is Patriots night I think it's our fourth year doing this I believe and the tradition we start started to honor the Patriots and Veterans of this great Community uh they're playing a I believe it's Del Val that night it'll be a good game and more importantly we're trying to always have awareness with our student athletes and our students at Johnson that our veterans our Patriots of this country are very important he gives us the right to do what we do each and every day uh so we'll see you there I hope and I'd like to thank everybody who attended today's senior citizen barbecue it was a great day dorer Club is a fabulous host and the seniors that came out enjoyed it I'd like to thank Dr TSH Shafi uh resident of our town and I'd like to thank him for being there providing the uh flu shots for everybody who would like one so that concludes my report oh I'm sorry one more thing as I'm drawing on it uh police department submitted to me today the uh traffic enforcement for August 2024 there was 168 motor vehicle stops 47 radar details and there was eight traffic enforcement details plus we uh unveiled our new speed radar trailer uh that will be on the side of the road with the signals flashing of how fast you're going and hopefully this will always work to slow people down school is in session folks I remind you please be extra careful this time of year no one wants a tragedy no one needs one that conclud cludes my report and thank you thank you mayor uh councilman hund thank you Madame President I have the August 2024 Clark Police Department monthly report in August we saw a total of 1,884 calls for service including but not limited to 117 ambulance requests seven fire department requests 13 motor vehicle and residential lockouts 93 alarm calls 77 motor vehicle accidents 31 shoplifting and theft 10 fraud SL identity theft 228 were 911 calls and 1,091 were miscellaneous calls there were total 23 arrests including but not limited two 12 for shoplifting six for warrants one simple assault two for DUI uh and that concludes my report for the the month thank you very much thank you councilman hun councilman mazarella yes thank you Madame President is my DPW report for this evening uh ladies and gentlemen if you would like a tree planted in the front of your home uh please contact Scott McCabe at s mccab hour clark.com we have a limited supply of trees and we don't know the species so as soon as they run out there will be no more available so please if you want one please email Scott electronic drop off is September 28th from 900 a.m. to 1 p.m. um at a d DPW Yard behind this building here um the final drop off for 2024 is October 26th please make a note of that um there won't be any more until next um March uh grass pickup is every Tuesday and this will be ending on October 8th um please place all the grass clippings and biodegradable bags and grass clippings only anything else inside the bags if it's noticed they won't pick it up so please remember that final Branch pickup as the mayor mentioned is this month please place your branches out this week uh for pickup on the fourth week and ladies and gentlemen as the mayor mentioned there will be no further pickups unless we have a storm um so if you do cut your branches leave them on your lawn till uh next spring so uh please put them out this week for a pickup next week okay and bulky and appliance pickup uh appointments are required before your schedule pickup and bulky and Appliance are completely different so please make the appropriate comments when you contact DPW um October is the final month for bulky and appliance pickup leaf pickup starts October through December 19th please when you place your leaves out you could put them out in bulk leave them about one foot from the curb to the leaves this will allow for proper water runoff and it won't clog our catch basins um root mulch is available deliveries on Fridays schedule a a delivery by Thursday uh DPW is making available uh 16in wood for free they were already cut it's outside the DPW gate please don't make a mess uh no chain chain um chainsaws are permitted uh or log splitters and if you need any other information please contact DPW rcl.com or www hour clark.com to schedule all the pickups and the services that DPW provides thank you that's the extent of my report thank you councilman Mella councilman manid uh thank you madam president in the month of August the Clark fire department responded to 56 calls total in 333 for the year the calls included but not are limited to numerous owners and alarms calls two calls were for Mutual aid from other towns two calls for motor vehicle incidents on the Garden State Parkway four calls related to town I'm sorry down power lines around town uh two calls were for assistance in um elevators people stuck in elevators and three calls for home related fires uh ladies and gentlemen we are getting into the fall uh please attend your fire pits uh don't leave them unattended um and as always I'd like to uh thank the Clark fire department for their hard work and dedication this concludes my report thank you thank you councilman manid councilman Smith thank you m mam president the uh pool and Recreation report the pool closed on Labor Day and a day after was the first doggy dip which was attended by 24 dogs and their owners and uh their plans are to do it again next year registration for the fall classes will begin shortly all information is on the recreation tab on the hour clark.com website or you could always stop down in the office and see Ralph Bernardo or Emily Lambert the annual trunk or Retreat is scheduled for Saturday October 12th in the Brewer parking lot and it begins at 12: noon and the Unico Italian Festival is October 10th through 13th in the Brewer parking lot they are in need of volunteers the volunteers is what makes the event very successful and all the money raised from the event is given back to the community in the form of scholarships to high school seniors as well as many Charities and that's all I have this evening thank you thank you councilman Smith councilman tol thank you madam president from the environmental commission they will be holding a meeting tomorrow this is Monday the 16th tomorrow is the 17th in room 30 aka the history room in Brewer Municipal Building uh meetings at 7:30 all are welcome to join us for a informative discussion on the issues of Clark and the mother nature thank you um in the absence of councilman OK Conor I'm going to give the um Clark volunteer emergency Squad report I'm pleased to congratulate Robert Macaluso who just successfully passed the National Registry emergency medical technician cert certification exam as far as call volume there were 119 calls in June with eight Mutual Aid calls this doesn't include any calls that were dispatched to and that were cancelled on upon the time of arrival total hours responding to calls is a approximately 774 labor hours again this doesn't include uh the hours the many hours that um are spent off duty when not on calls year to date through August the squad has handled a volume of 935 calls if you're interested and they are looking for associate members you can email the squad or get an application on the township website so the squad is looking for associate members and these members uh that support the efforts of the squad with social media public relations recruitment efforts Etc but do not respond to calls so if you're interested please reach out to them via their website on hour clark.com um as far as servicing the community the squad hosted two blood drives in August and they're asking that you check their lawn signs to see um what dates they're having upcoming blood drives so thank you Lori Sheldon trustee for that report I have the report for the library uh the library uh had 10,865 visitors um enter the building in August and recorded 7,536 website visits so we've had really an uptick in attendance at the library which is pretty exciting um they have a program that's coming up now I'm not sure if it's Thursday or tomorrow because the date doesn't match the uh uh day so it's the Hispanic GM te ology Master Class um if you were interested in finding about your Hispanic heritage during Hispanic Heritage Month uh the program will go over four steps on how to start your genealogy research uh to look for Hispanic G genealogy family search or resources and other um resources that are available through various societies and specifically resources will be available for Cuba Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico um on October 3rd uh we have musclean Mike Rescue Heroes show this will be at on Thursday October 3rd uh um at 10:30 a.m. puppet firefighter Sam finds a hard way to get out of impossible situations and he tells the children a secret he's no ordinary firefighter has magic powers the children will say some magic words and pow the Magic Begins so if the children want to learn about firefighters Sam's rescue friends please stop by on Thursday October 3rd at 10:30 a.m. and last but not least um we will have h a fresh mozzarella demonstration and celebration of the uh Feast uh that will be held on Thursday October 10th at 7M join Chef Salvatore fiorante who's been teaching classes over at our rec center he'll do an inperson demonstration on how to make delicious FR fresh mozarella and that concludes the reports that I have we are going to move on now to the report of um ordinances Appropriations and claims and public hearings on the ordinances Madame clerk we have one ordinance for a public hearing it's ordinance 24-13 an ordinance to amend section 36 of Chapter 3 of the code of the township of Clark Mar okay regarding the adoption of this ordinance I'd like to um open this uh up to a public hearing if there's anyone who wishes to come forward on this ordinance please do so at this time Council seeing no one coming forward I'd like a motion to close this portion I'll move that Madam president uh do I have a second thank you councilman to do I have a second I'll second that thank you Council medidi all in favor I thank thank you at this time I'd like a motion to adopt the ordinance so moved thank you councilman SI Smith do I have a second I'll second it thank you councilman toll Madame clerk when you're ready would you call the all councilman hunt yes councilman mazarella yes councilman Manti yes councilman Smith yes councilman tol yes council president albanes yes ordinance adopted this time we're going to introduce a proposed ordinance I'll have the clerk read that please we have one ordinance for introduction ordinance 24-14 and ordinance to amend Article 5 entitled traffic regulations of chapter 347 entitled vehicles and traffic of the code of the township of Clark do you have a motion to introduce thank you councilman mini do you have a second I'll second it thank you councilman mazarella at this time I'd like to ask uh our business administrator Mr ol to comment yes so this was part of the planning board approval for the Starbucks on Central Avenue uh you this is the don't block the Box ordinance for the property um there's those two office building the one is actually um the physical therapist ice cream store across the street or dentist and then the other one's your office building and we're just memorializing that don't block the box thank you um at this time I'd like to uh have a roll call councilman hund yes councilman masella yes councilman Manti yes councilman Smith yes councilman tol yes council president albanes yes public hearing on this ordinance is October 21st okay at this time I'm going to report on the payment of claims uh in the absence of councilman OK Conor I'm a member of the finance committee I've reviewed the capital and current Bill list expenditures and that have been encumbered through September 11th that was approved by our business administrator in the amount of [Music] $265,900 items seeing no one come forward I'd like to uh close this portion of the meeting have a motion thank you councilman tol thank you councilman hunt all in favor I I motion carries okay at this time we're going to move over on to the resolutions first resolution is appointing Tara alera and Andrew cow as Municipal Alliance coordinators effective August 22nd until December 31st 2024 you have a motion Council move that please thank you councilman hun do I have a second I'll second that thank you councilman Smith uh Madame clerk when you're ready call a roll councilman hund yes councilman masella yes councilman minitti yes councilman Smith yes councilman tol yes council president albanes yes number four is authorizing the administration to execute an agreement to renew membership in the New Jersey municipal self-insurers joint Insurance Fund for threeyear term I'll move that please thank you councilman hun do I have a second I'll second it thank you councilman mazarella Madame clerk when you're ready call the roll councilman hund yes councilman mazarella yes councilman Manti yes councilman Smith yes councilman tol yes council president albanes yes number five is designating 27 Westfield Avenue LLC as the conditional redeveloper of 27 to 33 Westfield Avenue and 26 Washington Street do you have a motion Council I'll move it thank you councilman mazarella do I have a second I'll second that thank you councilman Smith roll call Madam clerk when you're ready councilman hunt yes councilman masella yes councilman Manti yes councilman Smith yes councilman tol yes council president albanes yes number six is seeking approval of the director of the division of local government services for insertion of a special item of Revenue in the amount of $2,153 55 for the national opioid settlement do have a motion Council move this as well thank you council mazarella do I have a second I'll second that please thank you councilman hund councilman hund yes councilman masella yes councilman Manti yes councilman Smith yes councilman tol yes council president alanes yes at this time we're going to move on to consent agenda resolutions Madam clerk when you're ready first resolution is authorizing the tax collector to settle a tax appeal for Block 60 lot 64 as authorized by the tax Court of New Jersey with credit issued in the amount of $2,342 7 number eight is authorizing the tax collector to settle a tax appeal for Block 70 lot 28.011697 property tax exemption of block 38.0 3 lot 47 in accordance with a directive from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs council do I have a motion to adopt so move Madam president thank you councilman thank you councilman Smith roll call when you're ready Madam clerk councilman Hy yes councilman masella yes councilman Manti yes councilman Smith yes councilman tol yes council president albanes yes okay at this time we have um some new business on the count on the calendar um we wish to authorize submission of a grant request to the Department of Community Affairs to upgrade equipment and vehicles at the Clark fire department since this was not discussed at our Workshop we need a motion to add this resolution to the agenda this evening gentlemen uh do I have a motion I'll move that thank you Council Manti do you have a second I'll second it thank you councilman masella Madam clerk would you call the rooll councilman hund yes councilman masella yes councilman minid yes councilman Smith yes councilman tol yes council president albanes yes okay at this time would' like a motion to adopt the resolution I'll move that thank you council medidi do you have a second I'll second it thank you councilman mazarella roll call Madame clerk councilman hunt yes councilman masella yes councilman Manti yes councilman Smith yes councilman tol yes council president alanes yes okay at this time I'd like to open up the meeting to public comments um if there's anyone who wishes to come forward please state your name and address um and uh and the location where you reside to the clerk and all remarks should be addressed to the council as a body not to exceed 5 minutes in duration is there anyone who wishes to come forward oh I think Nancy was first yeah hello there all right Nancy twas is 43 Colonial Drive um so and to comment with pronouns and the focus on them these days but in the public comments section you know there is this thing of singular nouns and plural nouns combining them together and I'm just thinking with twoo little simple changes it could be made grammatically correct and I think still be appropriate and it would be changing instead of having each person addressing the council if that was changed to all people addressing the council and change instead of giving their name if you would make their names and the tan on which they res side it would all be grammatically correct in the old way of grammar I guess so just a comment about the grammar in the public comment section I guess I'm not really up to the new version of English but we could make it the old version of English if we wanted to look at it the old version of English I look it as the correct version of English thank you thank you hello uh John griefs 30 Parkway Drive uh just a few different things uh first I was talking to some neighbors and we were talking about the the roads on Union County Parkway and um uh Parkway Drive there and we were just discussing how you know if you're family you're trying to walk with your kids it can be a little bit dangerous there I don't I realize that you know I think un County Parkway is a County Road and all but has there been any um ideas or thoughts about maybe doing something where there's an easier way for people to walk because it has like some curves that are hard for cars to see people and also for people to see cars um I just wanted to put that out there and see if that's something that maybe we could do a little bit better with um another thing that I um was looking at is I was um you know I was at the 911 ceremony and I was you know noticing the um the fire department and I know the EMTs are also volunteers and as I was looking I was looking at the budget and I saw that the length of service award program the appropriation for that uh for this year 24 and also for 2023 is only $1,000 and the years before that it was like $60,000 and I don't actually know why that is maybe there are some reasons um I just wanted to know a little bit about that um and um I am back here because I did want to talk about the pilot programs again um you know I'm I'm a father of two boys and I'm worried about the impact on schools um I've been told I have no clue about the things that there's no effect on the schools and it's the state's fault um but you know there is an impact on schools Walnut Avenue development has 178 residential units that are going to add students to the schools that increases burden but doesn't add funding to offset that burden that that hurts schools the state did pass the legislation that allows pilots but this legislation doesn't require the town to use Pilots it's voluntary the town has the discretion to enter into these agreements or not the town's not required to do it it seems that the problem isn't that I don't have a clue it's but that maybe the mayor was mistaken because he's the one I think has said some things like that as well as the council everyone makes mistakes but you know this mistake affects our children and I'm concerned about it and you know I'm just curious also you know why doesn't the council correct him and you know why don't they look up the laws around pilot to see how they work these are the basic elements of the law and and that's a problem the council doesn't seem to help the mayor when he's mistaken they just seem to follow along with the mistake we see this again when the mayor said he saved the school board like $3 million a year by donating classrooms to the special ed program um the entire program's budgets around $3 million the the rent save in the classroom isn't 3 million that if it it was it would be like $250,000 a month the council didn't correct them there they followed along and try to justify his claim instead of correcting him you know residents rely on you to help on situations like this researching and being knowledgeable about what being what is being voted on is fundamental I'm I'm asking you to please be a reasonable check and balance on the mayor and help to communicate the true nature of issues to Residents and um one last thing is you know I wanted to say I noticed a clear contempt for newer residents here I'm I'm one of them you know uh while I haven't been here for 30 years I have made the biggest investment of my life here in Clark my kids learn to fish here in Jackson's Pond they learned to swim in Clark pool you know I I held my mother's hand as she took her last breath here in Clark my life is here in Clark and I don't think it deserves special treatment but I I deserve equal treatment and so do other residents like me I don't think I should have to wait until after my kids grow up before my concerns about the town that they live in are addressed this attitude is wrong and you know I'm asking you to stop that's it thank you very much have a nice day uh good evening ladies and gentlemen of the council mayor Bon Caro uh my name is Glenn Fogerty I live um in the Goodman section Goodman's Crossing section off of Lake Avenue cumulatively I have been here for 30 years connected with Clark I've spent the last 24 years here uh I also went to grade school for six years at the former St Agnes School on Madison Hill Road so that's 30 years right there and uh you know between going to college and law school at Notre Dame and then working in Virginia state government for the insurance commissioner for six years um I'm I've been back quite a while so I I have invested 30 years uh I'm not making light of Mr gev's claims but uh I also I'd like to note Mr Schulman is not here for the second month in a row uh if he claims he has such concerns about the state of Clark he could at least show up for the meetings and dress appropriately at them as well so tonight I'm here to talk about a group of candidates that call themselves stronger Clark um I'm going to AC make an exception a redaction for Mr Bill grib on that because I have found he has acted in a very uh open and transparent way uh in Communications on social media and personally I do not find that to be the case with stronger Clark in the rest of their Communications or their behavior um either in person or online whoever happens to be speaking for them as stronger Clark on their Facebook page um I think they have rightly earned the title stranger Clark from many of our residents because first of all they're strangers to most of us uh Mr Schulman and some of the others do not participate in town activities they only show up when it's a photo op or a time to uh shill for votes furthermore there their fairly far-left views are quite weird or strange for the most part part uh they are in line with the uh comma Harris and and Tim Waltz agendas and there's not a lot of difference furthermore they have a history of making outright false claims and distortions demonstrating the opposite of transparency and uh that's what they claim to offer issue one they are not transparent they resist open dialogue and Free Speech despite claims to the contrary they're also engaging in what I consider to be improper campaign practice and harassment stronger Clark whoever speaks for them online and they never identify themselves apart from Bill uh who's a decent guy they criticize our Council they derisively call our Council the silent seven and continue to make personal attacks and criticisms on our mayor while knowing nothing about the issues I've also received complaints that they're sending unsolicited unwelcome emails and text messages is the Clark residents who do not want these and then they've asked to be taken off and they're still receiving these text messages they have also gone back to their improper habit of placing Schulman signs right by my apartment on the null off of Lake Avenue by the bridge this was taken today by me shman sign right on public land they should not be doing this but yet they've done it again just like Rob Curry smithman Patel yada yada yada did for his prior campaign furthermore they block people online they temporarily unblock people to claim they're not and then they block them again and Mr Frank D Mayo a longtime Clark resident sent this to me yesterday it's claiming he was blocked yet again after challenging or making basic questions to Stronger Clark if they claim that they are fit for public office in this town they can at least be open and honest about what their positions are and what are those positions I have asked them to clarify or denounce certain things these include critical race Theory which could be pushed in the schools this teaches that all people of European Heritage are inherently racist and that all of our ancestors had some special magic privilege by which none of our ANC ancestors were ever impoverished or had to work hard I don't know about you but I find this incredibly offensive when my ancestors on both sides were living in tenements with rats on the Lower East Side how dare they furthermore they also fail to denounce transgender ideology and letting Boys in girls Sports they have not denounced anti-Semitism on ruter and other college campuses they make these platitudes they want to make make Clark more vibrant what does that mean okay I find that their actions they post about the town budget that we're overspending that we you know but they never say they what what they want to spend they Park out in front of the old A&P denouncing the town but never say what they want there do they want Section 8 housing quite frankly Mr scholman is not here he's not they never collect verify their positions even when asked and then they block you so you can't get an answer out of them thank you thank you ladies and gentlemen of the council have a good evening good evening I'm Jia Collins 72 Georgia Street um I took I have the new plan from Union County and I was amazed to see that the Clark Little League area part of their property or their fields are on Union County Land I noticed that there is a bridge right now presently going from one field to the other and that bridge is there because of the stream that comes behind Hutchinson Street and right now that is in total just repair and I don't know if they're going to be dredging that area there cuz their main dredging is going to be in the reservoir but going from the property excuse me a moment the property behind the houses on Hutchinson Street and going through the land of the Little League that is really part of the county land is really overgrowing and there's no way to have the proper water flow from Hutchinson Street area over to the reservoir and that's one of the areas that dump out into the reservoir but on their plan they're going to be putting another bridge over there and I don't know if it's going to be a pedestrian bridge but right now it's a um motor vehicle Bridge thank you come forward you don't want I'd like to close this portion of the meeting so moved thank you councilman Smith thank you councilman tol okay um we do have all in favor I thank you um regarding the question of the length of service award program um I don't the reason why the money would change is people didn't qualify to get points okay I sat here and I Googled it and you can look up and you'll get all the information about how the award program works so I'm not going to read this to you but it's right on the internet and I've reached out to you to see if you would call me and I'd answer some of your questions but I never heard back so um if you want we can exchange contacts outside and I can give you what information you you need you have a lot of questions but a lot of it's right available online and um that's pretty much the answer to that one as far as the Parkway Drive complaints I don't know if the police department has had complaints I haven't had complaints Steve councilman hun do you live over there have you gotten complaints I haven't uh received complaints but I concur with John that there are are dangerous areas between Parkway Drive and Union County Parkway but both streets are County Roads so in that Force you know I have called uh the department had at certain times had people um different complaints not about traffic but where we've had some action taken but no real complaints about um traffic concerns but we can address that I'll speak with Captain and and see what we can do about contacting the county uh Captain have you had any complaints in that area I don't know if you want to comment on it okay um as far as the amount of money that goes to the schools um I obtained from the business administrator today um the tax levy that was prepared for 2024 and the way it works is there's there's four organization but I'll I'll focus on the main three the county the school and the municipality so each one of those organizations has rules to follow follow regarding the amount of money they need to operate so let's focus on the schools they have Federal funding they have state funding and then they have various formulas they need to follow to request their funding they requested 37 million 7,717 and that's what they're getting so I think there's a lot of confusion about someone's taking money away from them but in the way I look at it I don't see it that way they get what they're able to get in accordance with rules that must be followed just like a town we can't just raise taxes we have caps on how much taxes can go up we have caps on how much we can increase our expenditures we have caps on how much we can raise our budget each year it's different a different percentage based on on what's out there so to me the school is getting exactly what they asked for okay um and I hope that the people that are listening to this um as as was mentioned this evening um you know by Mr Fogerty there's some misinformation out there so please make sure you're getting correct information please call me if you have any doubts or questions or any one of the council members or the mayor about things that have come up I did want to answer that say those things regarding the schools the enrollment in all four schools schools the preschool Valley Road Henley com I'm sorry five schools and alj is down 37 students this year as September second so the apartments are not inundating our town with students so I just want to clarify that that's public uh information and knowledge thank you thank you um okay we'll move on to Mayor yes thank you madam president uh couple of quick things I'll try to be quick but you hear um conversation and you do got to answer it um first off let me start with the reservoir I posted on Facebook last week that I and Jim had a uh Zoom meeting with the county manager if the uh kayaks and rowboats are okay to go on the Pres uh the res I'm sorry the Parkway bridges they would pull the Wendell uh Place parking lot that was a commitment that was made the other day and I want to thank the county manager and Commissioners for working with us and I got to say to the resir enthusiasts I if that happens you probably got about 98 99% of what you want and to me that's a grand slam not a home run uh on to a speaker we had here tonight uh who likes to have the mayor corrected let me correct him okay take offense to the conversation about we're not welcoming to new people who living Clark that's the furthest thing from the truth we meet new people all the time and we discuss the things that we can do for them and the sites to put them on so they get the whole benefit of the Town what I kind of have an issue with is when someone moves to town two years ago and obviously you make a decision on a big investment that this is a good place to live a safe place to live a clean place to live a nice place to live with wonderful people and two years later you're running for office trying to tell us that you're not doing the right thing so either you didn't do your research when you moved in or you found out something later I really don't know I'm going to get to this pilot program I'm going to do it again for the people who don't quite understand or maybe have a hearing problem the honest God's truth EXC excuse me about the pilot program as I said before and the Str uh Stronger Clark group has a video out uh accusing me of lying at a meeting in 2017 when I said I would not would not make deals with developers and that is correct and I did not make deals with developers at the time I don't even know if the pilot was a conversation in 2017 I'd have to look back and find out we were talking about I'm sure you've read in the paper saw on TV in the tri-state areas you find an area of needed Redevelopment the government says hey you're not paying any taxes for five years or 10 years or whatever it may be those are the deals I would never make and have not made they want to call the pilot program a deal it is a state program it is governed and jurisdiction by the state of New Jersey which is a good thing because this way Mayors in any municipalities and councils can't make deals with developers because let's say you can make those deals with developers and someone was buying the site in Clark and I may had to have a cup of coffee with him 10 years ago at manise they would be saying that it's Bono's buddy and he's given him a sweetart deal so the pilot program takes you away from the sweetheart deal okay there's no sweetheart deals the pilot program is a payment in lie of taxes they pay less money than a regular tax assessment that is 1,000% true no one's arguing that I'm gonna try to make it so people can understand if they have a either a hearing problem or a comprehension problem in the payment in lie of taxes is designed for areas in need of Redevelopment hence the Walnut Avenue property the old &p property the property next to Columbia Bank which is now Cub smart those are areas that have been vacant for many years are in need of Redevelopment now these people who quite don't understand how government works novices to the game if you really want to put it that way keep insisting well if you charge them regular tax assessment the schools and everybody else would get more money and that is correct again we're almost kind of understanding the same thing where the rub comes in is because of the Democrat Control in Trenton who is sticking the affordable housing down our throats and at our backsides and that want more going forward in each and every town these areas in need of Redevelopment many but not all are being developed into apartments with affordable housing mandated by law by the courts to every municipality in this state they're m ated that we have an affordable housing number and we have to hit it so when a developer is going to buy let's say Walnut Avenue since that's the only real building that's up at this point they're going to buy it it's okay an area in need of Redevelopment everybody agrees with that it qualifies under the state parameters they come to us for a pilot program why because if they were paying the regular tax assessment on that property and providing 15% affordable housing units in there the building wouldn't be profitable for them to build hence leaving that deplorable site vacant for many more years to come do the math it's there that's why the pilot program is existing and working and thriving in every municipality around us us and throughout the state it's for those areas if tomorrow we as a mayor and Council decided and this is hypothetical folks hypothetical make believe we were going to sell the Brewer Municipal complex and build a brand new Municipal complex down at The Amp site hypothetical the Brewer is not an area in need to Redevelopment a builder would not qualify for a pilot there if you take another site that that's thriving it's not an area need of Redevelopment it wouldn't qualify for a p a pilot Cub smart did it was vacant like that for many many many years there's no children affecting our school system councilman Smith just put out a little blurb tonight which I know about our school district is down 37 kids from last year we I should say you and then my signature on at the council passed an ordinance to make sure that no one ever comes into these Chambers other than us someday and changes something without a public hearing we said we are going to pay the school district what they had prior to the Redevelopment so we do not create a hole in their budget there's not one member of the school board or superintendent complaining to any one of us that we're short money you're hurting us it doesn't exist this is the inuendo campaign that is run to try to get the young moms and dads of school age par children all excited that the big mad mayor and councel are taking funding away under that ordinance we have the right in two three five or 20 years from now who's ever here says wow Walnut is really hurting the school district or inated with children let's bump their fee up that we're paying them on that property the C the law says the County's got to get 5% the town could keep the rest we're being Noble and giving them what they had prior to the Redevelopment I'll say it again not to create a hole in their budget we do not want to do it he mentioned a number I said 3 million a board of members said to me it's in that area you know you got time to research I got time to work and run a town so whatever the number is whatever the to a penny on a calculator number is I didn't figure it out a board member said to me it's approximately 3 million so it's 2 million it's a million and a half who really cares it's a savings to this District it wasn't done before my 10year and your 10-year Council here the Board of Ed and the mayor and counsel would add each other's throats back when we have a harmonious relationship and we work very well together so when I got to sit here and listen that I lied I'm making deals no I would never make that deal the deals quote unquote is a pilot program now I said to the gentleman who's running for Council that we pay all the tax appeals when we are the collector of taxes Clark Township is the tax collector for the school board and for the county when that money comes in folks you write your checks we tally it up the board gets their 50 odd percent the county gets their 20 odd percent and we keep the rest when there's a tax appeal the township of Clark eats the whole not now this has been screamed about by Mayors and councils I started in this 28 years ago it was going full steam ahead probably way before that why is this happening it's not fair and I agree with it but no one's willing to change it so that's a that's an old argument that's like saying and maybe they will that they're going to get a Parkway entrance on IM Avenue that's the same argument it's going nowhere okay if you look at tonight's budget uh agenda there was $1,373 in change that this Township budget has to pay back on tax appeals we're not going to the school saying excuse me Mr Grande that check for $53,000 uh could you get it to me by Friday or would Monday be better we're not going to the county saying that check of 207,000 could you get it to us today or would tomorrow be okay for you we're eating the whole thing we provide the most services in this community police fire first aid DPW Recreation anything that goes on in the curbs and East Town we are providing and paying for we all have had children go school school district and have family members that are working in the school district so we are providing for that school district when I hear novices and you know the these ideas and they're so worried what are you so worried about so far there's two buildings that have been put up one never had children in it whatsoever cubes smart they're on a pilot and the other one is Walnut Avenue and we're down 37 students with the ability that we could raise our payment to the school as time goes forward if and when we see a need and they come to us for a need the same thing at the site there's not going to be a developer in Clark so what do you do ladies and gentlemen if you're me or them God forbid and you turn around and Joe Jones comes into develop the& site and he says well I want to put Apartments which was passed by the planning board that time but it wasn't Joe Jones I'm just using hypothetical name 77 apartments and stores downstairs and I'd like to have a pilot program well you can have a pilot program because somebody in town that's running for Council is very upset by Pilot programs so we're going to say no pilot program say well I can't afford to build a building then because I got to provide 15% of it with affordable housing lesser rents than the other 85% is going to charge lesser rent it doesn't make sense for me hey Mr Mayor have a great day good to meet you I'll see you you you're not building it no okay we wait for the next Builder 6 months later 2 months later a week a year whatever you want to imagine it's the same story then you'll see them trespassing whoever they sent inside the old saying the mayor is not building this the mayor's not building this the mayor had somebody to the planning board there was a planning board approval on 77 apartments in store stores down below the mayor worked with the prior owners to Davidson's and they were gentlemen and we tried to help them develop it until one day the mayor said to Mr laer when he was here call the attorneys we're going to go for condemnation within a cat's whisker it was sold to garden homes they put together a plan it was approved by the planning board when they weren't building Jim and myself were calling hey what's going on they built woodrest in town they built Walnut in town we know the developer they're decent people to work with we're not trying to be heavy-handed thugs we turned around and talked first another Democrat program called biomics graced its presence in this country interest rates went storing through the roof then we had Supply chain issues it took him 6 months to get a gas meter over on Walnut okay things happen we get it if you live in the real world things happen and we get it and then it came time that there was a little bit of radio silence going on between myself and them and now we were moving towards condemnation once again either build it or move on bottom line so when you're participating in this year's campaign ladies and gentlemen and you hear a novice approach not even amateur novice to what we're doing so wrong you've elected me for 24 years six terms I obviously had to be doing something right this council's been elected for a long time the only people that meetings criticizing are them see anybody else come up we Del deled on the reservoir for them and when I say we I want to make that very clear I and Jim have negotiated with the county and worked with them I give the reservoir committee and the citizens of Clark a hell of an attaboy on their slap on the back because they came to that August 2nd meeting and articulated why they did not want what they were had the idea of building out there so I give them as much credit as anybody we're working in a professional we got accused of sitting silent on the reservoir wasn't silent it was what we normally do Zoom meetings sitting across from conference rooms I'm not going to run out there every two minutes and we did this today and we did that today to satisfy four people to satisfy four people they got to know every move I make hi I'm going into the men's room today hi I'm picking up a call returning a phone call to a citizen today I mean you know let's go here if you don't get this pilot program and this is what you think think that way and we'll see if this town ever has a brain hemorrhage and elects you what you're going to do when you're sitting here when a developer says no I'm not investing $60 million of my money into that project 30 million 40 million because that's what those projects go for and I'm going to lose money on it if you have any sense you'll do what we do negotiate the pilot make it worthwhile keep the school whole with the provision that we can always help them if we have to going forward and we put that into an ordinance the pilot agreement so someone just can't willy-nilly in the middle of the night change it without a public hearing so we've safeguarded our school district we've done everything we can with our school district we have an A aome relationship with our school district we have helped them and they've helped us that's what good government does with each other but you move in you got an idea I got a better idea Run for the Board of Education let me know how you make out if you have all the answers they have all the answers today so no I refute that claim on social media I didn't say I didn't make deals with the developers I didn't make personal private mayoral deals with developers never did that we followed estate program that the Builder wanted that made a lot of sense on paper to understand after looking at his numbers why it had to be done and we agreed to it the schools are whole the town's making money where are they going to get this $1,373 in tax appeals where's that coming from under our mattress in town hall it costs money it's our Apple we got to bite that Apple we have to have a revenue stream coming into this community we have to have a revenue stream also to come into this community to do the things that we do here so well each and every day so folks as the old saying comes take it from whence it comes you know as they say are you happy in town or you're not it's a simple Le conclusion don't let tell someone tell you how you should feel whether it be me or them you tell us and we look forward to that November 5th thank you and have a wonderful evening and I hope this is the last time we have to broach the pilot program thank you mayor councilman hunt thank you madam president just a few couple couple things um thank you to the police department as usual for their continued support support of of the town and and the traffic concerns that residents have expressed all over town and and the different uh radar stops or radar traps that have been put up the cars being parked on the side of the road Valley Road had one for the last couple days even I forget that it's a fake car when I'm going up there and I go buy it every day so people that are coming from out of town definitely will think it's it's a real police policeman sitting in the car uh good luck to all the the team teams in our sporting events in the high school and the middle school um they're in full season now and good luck to all of them and then I also look forward to seeing many residents at the Unico Festival um as we do every year it's a great time to get together with uh residents and friends and have a good time so hopefully we'll see everyone there or as many people as possible there that concludes my comments thank you thank you councilman hun Council mazarella yes thank you council president um just very briefly um as I say each month please uh remember to uh lock your doors and your vehicles and your homes um you know it's very important especially in these times that we're in lately um and if you see something please don't hesitate to call our Police Department they'll respond quickly uh to ensure your safety and well-being so don't hesitate to call stay vigilant and uh as I said if you see something don't hesitate to call and i' like to just comment on the mayor you were right spot on mayor on uh the pilot and know it's um you know there's there's a lot of um misinterpretations out there on what the pilot is really about and I thank you for bringing that to their attention hopefully they'll you know will put in uh a lid on their um their naysayers on the pilot until next month be well stay safe and God bless thank you councilman Manti uh thank you madam presidents uh first of all I got to tell you I'm proud of our Board of Education I think they do a great job managing the budget I have children I have a child in in a school today I don't think he misses a beat my daughter graduated four years ago her and her friends went on to make a big impact not only in our community but others they became nurses doctors my class we had an astronaut they go on to do professionals they own landscaping businesses they go on to do very very well so with somebody coming to a microphone and I don't care if you're new in town or you've been here 30 years saying that our board of education is cheating our children that's wrong that's absurd I'm proud of the children of Clark and what they accomplish after they graduate I'm the there every day with my son who's a s who's a junior at Johnson and I'm proud of him and all his friends and I think they're going to move on and they're going to change the world and I don't think they're missing a beat with that being said uh as the president of the alj booster club um I support the athletes over at Johnson and uh our membership Drive is in full force uh please uh you know our membership Drive is very very important to us as we fund uh scholarships we fund uh the athletic awards dinners and the uh letters that they wear in their jackets so uh we could use our membership also we're there on Friday nights to support our football games by open opening up The Snack Shack um most of our Sports uh in the fall are doing very very well boys and girls soccer are off to a great start and so is our football team with a win over New Providence Friday night and just want to congratulate them and uh you know they're just doing a great job uh with that I look forward to our next month's meeting and that's all my comments for tonight thank you councilman Manti councilman Smith thank you madam president again just a reminder on two events coming up in October the Unico Festival October 11th through 13th in the Brewer parking lot and Saturday October 19th is the trunk Retreat uh we will um mention it again at the next uh council meeting but I want to make the residents aware and get ready to prepare for that thank you thank you councilman tol thank you madam president uh two issues the issue of the reservoir to the community who was not at our executive meeting at the executive meeting I spoke and said the credit for the change to the plan goes to that man over there and that ba who spent hours working behind the scenes to get the plan modified as well as the credit to say to the Clark Reservoir save the resi group an incredible job incredible work by the young lady sitting here Nancy and dilia thank you for everything you've done for this community it must be said but our mayor behind the scenes worked beyond the norm he put in hours and that plan got altered and changed because of his efforts and you have to give credit doesn't matter political you have to give credit where it's due s thank you on behalf of the residents of the who are directly impacted in the fourth ward and now you're mentioning something about Wendell still to be determined we hope so because that's the last Bastion of the problem you get that out of there and you work another way the plan everyone welcome stretching everyone welcomes a walking path in a scenic view a Scenic Pier absolutely but do the plan right and having somebody behind the scenes working to get the plan corrected because the county as I said from months ago the county kind of gets carried away with their ideas but the ideas are noble they and they are going to be modified to what is best for all people all the citizens and to you Nancy and to dilia and your entire group thank you you must be told publicly because you guys worked your butts off to help keep our res the way we always wanted it clean safe passive passive non-structured use is what I've been always saying and I'll get into that the last uh to those we lost in the last month margarite Marge Buck Jasmine former Frank Henley fifth grade teacher a founding member of the Clark Grand centurians to her sons John Brian and Glenn went to school with Glenn class of 78 and your to the three son Three Brothers your mother was one of the nicest ladies in Clark she be missed dearly what a great lady have you ever had an opportunity to meet her a very very sweet lady Maria Rosa DeMarco a Clark resident for over 50 years active with her family in Clark They Came From Italy she was in town and just our neighbors and family were everything and in somebody like that you want to say thanks and when when they pass no Leah Isabel Gomez a lifelong resident of Clark to her father Francisco and Mother Anna and the entire family our deepest condolences on your loss she will always be in our hearts and was the Clark resident to an your Savage she was known as The First Daughter of Clark a lifetime clarkeite beloved daughter of Clark mayor Bernie your Savage and Mrs Anne e your Savage when her father ran for office in town she could always be seen at the start of the campaign doing everything stuffing envelopes mailing letters knocking on doors for her father and your Savage was the wonderful girl who was daddy's little girl and uh it's going back in a couple Generations but to your Savage family our condolences I just want to finish up with this I heard the term silent seven that is furthest from the truth we work our butts up up here we don't get all the credit we do this is the most hardworking guy group of council members I've had the honor to serve with I don't always agree with them and I might be left off to the side but they care so much about this community each one has their own pluses that they bring to this dies and gives back to the community call them silent 7even is just ridiculous please talk the truth and you get better results thank you madam president I'm done for the night we see everyone next month thank you councilman tol um actually I'd like to dovetail on that silent 7 yes I think I've explained in the past this is a meeting where we're reviewing legislation and passing on it and discussing it we have a our form of government has a workshop meeting where we can discuss things and have questions answered but we're here to conduct a legislative meeting and citizens have an opportunity to speak um some of the questions that come up I don't mean to you know insult anyone but I'm not going to have lowp statistics about why those numbers specifically went up or down but you can contact the administration at any time to get those answers um on a specific question such as why is it 1,000 one year and 60,000 another um I do want to thank the mayor for his comments thank you so much um because there's a lot of confusion out there um misinformation given as far as I'm concerned especially when it's you talk about deals with developers there is a process to follow the council here does not determine whether an area is in need of Redevelopment we have a planning board they use the guidance of the legislation that's provided by the state of New Jersey as to fitting the criteria there are attorneys present that review the interpretations and guide them along on how to make those decisions if it qualifies then it can be determined if you're giving more affordable units what have you you negotiate the um contract that is followed as the mayor said yes they pay less money but it's not forever 30 years is not that long and there are normally escalations I know you're laughing but how long did we have the CVS property for years that that property was abandoned we had Jack Ford's Tavern there Etc and people were very upset in this town about the way it looked how do you like driving into a town and you look at that those buildings that were there so that took a long time to to did you want to add something on that President and you know you say 30 years it does go soon there is an escalation cause clause in there that does elevate it during the whole period right well it starts and then it goes into a thing but again the most important thing I want to reiterate what you just said misinformation and twisting it's political twisting because the question still has to be asked what would you do if a developer says it doesn't make sense to do this project at the tax assessment you're going to let an ugly building sit out there until someone comes along most people that I know that are spending 20 30 50 60 million on a building are not stupid people matter of fact Walnut Hill in the AAP property the company is owned by the will family have buildings all over the country he owns the Minnesota Vikings these are not stupid people numbers have to work not fantasies you have when you're running for an office that oh we're going to do this and we're going to do that that's the novice in you that doesn't understand government not amateur novice amateur means you're in it a little bit and you're learning and then you know even even with the reservoir they criticized Us in the beginning we were working doing our job we don't announce it we don't need to we're not looking for credit we want to get the job done and it goes on from there and there and it's a Twist on words but we still haven't heard what they could do better my you know I want to if you don't mind I'm sorry um because I'm not going on Facebook and debating with this guy back and forth you know shulman's looking to debate me done two debates up here Council you were involved in them it's a waste of everybody's time especially when you're dealing with novices that have opinions it's like me sitting in an operating room tomorrow and saying to the doctor my opinion of that open heart surgery maybe you should have did this I don't know but it's an opinion everybody's got an opinion so shelman here's what I'll do with you I love the voters I love talking to people because that's when you hear that's where the rubber meets the road if you want a debate why don't you and I just you and I go out on Saturdays we'll start we'll do four Wards over four Saturdays whatever time limit you want an hour 5 hours two hours 10 I really don't care it doesn't matter to me and we'll go door too you and I you and I and we'll knock on the person's door we'll introduce ourselves and I'll say we're here I'm your mayor he's my opponent what do you have on your mind and and we'll answer it and we'll talk that not some arrogant scripted you know speech leaning on the podium I've done it it was a waste of time folks Council you did it that same night with me six Council people up there debating they got about three or four minutes each to debate and the thing was over with and my debate was so good that my opponent endorsed me at the end of the debate if you remember that it's on tape so if you like to go out shelman on Saturdays you know what I'll do I'm such a sport I'm such a good guy if I don't mind saying myself how about we start right on Carolina Street you're in the home neighborhood I'll go on your home court I'll wear Mya away jersey we'll go to Carolina we'll go to Georgia we'll go to pikon we'll go to Boon you and I door too no scripts somebody from the league of women's voters that doesn't know what's going on in town asking questions that they really have no relevance to what's happening you and I that's my challenge to you if you want to go out you and me for how many hours you want you pick it I'll do it I probably got you by about thir I don't know 25 30 years in age I'll go I'll go door to door with you for as long as you want four Saturdays we start in your home neighborhood if you want this Saturday the following Saturday you could choose what Ward the following Saturday another Ward the following Saturday another Ward door to door Council doesn't matter people vote for the mayor first that's what they want to hear what all due respect so you let me know if not end it I'm not getting into your games and your stupidity with this debating I've listened to you for two years I'm not impressed and I don't want to waste my time thank you I'm sorry madam president thank you um the the one other thing I want that to mention on the Redevelopment is if you what you don't appreciate and it's kind of intangible is by not having blighted Pockets throughout the town um by having Redevelopment and con you know investment made in our community that raises the property values of the whole town I think we talked about uh Clark having the highest increase in property values in the county last year um or or it did at least increase so I think you're you're underestimating that as well and the last point on the um cost of the Brewer I just really kind of visualize I I wouldn't want all these children taking buses out of town to go to school taking buses back it's a tremendous value regardless of whether it's 1 million or three million to have that space available for our children in Clark to stay in Clark and get their education here um that concludes my report I I need to get on to the professionals counselor no comments Madam clerk yes thank you uh this Saturday and Sunday is the townwide garage sale you can still sign up until the 19th which is this Thursday and so far we have um you know a lot of people signing up but if you haven't signed up yet you have until Thursday and then the list will come out on the website yes our director of communications just said yes the list will be out on the website if you haven't signed up and you want to go to www.car.com you can just go click on online services scroll down to the clerk's office and you will see uh the garage sale application or you can just go to the eforms right okay online services and you'll find eforms the other thing I wanted to talk about is uh voter registration the last day to register to vote is October 15th if you're not sure if you are registered you can go to uncount votes.com uh if you're more comfortable uh for us to look it up my phone number is 732 388 3669 and we will look you up in the system um we had some residents come in saying that they were mailed or handed a voter registration form and they think they have to fill it out again um double check if you're registered already you don't need to fill out a new form if you're already registered very quick and easy to find out 732 388 3669 thank you thank you Mr ol um yes I got a couple of things first um to again dovetail into what you were saying about losap uh there are requirements and there a 25e volunteer for the ambulance Squad I understand the uh program in detail and the reason we're only funding the ,000 is because if you don't qualify that money actually comes back to the township so we're still running a little bit of a surplus uh next year we'll evaluate the number of people that came in and what's left of the Surplus so at some point we will again be funding it so that's where that number comes from uh I wanted to just also make a clarification on some of these things especially with the pilot and so people get an idea of what we're really talking about um currently we have about 200 well 263 units that were required with the fourth round coming around the estimates somewhere between 123 and 139 additional units that we need for affordable housing which leaves us somewhere between 386 and a little bit more than 400 units for the town we don't know what that final number is going to be but that's what the best estimates are so the pilots are very important to get to that point so we have the um the developers who are going to come in and build those units so we can satisfy our requirements it's not our requirements we don't come up with the numbers the numbers are given to us by the state and we have to comply with it so again you know it it is uh an advantage correct so as the mayor said you know the areas are designated as part of our master plan as areas for affordable housing so shiffer Westfield Avenue I I'm not going to go through them all but you know those are the areas that are um designated for those properties um last but not least is um I wanted to just you know we have a lot of recreation plans out there and I want to um you know there's a lot of things that are going on I ask everybody to you know look at our Recreation page a lot of things are free some things cost a little bit of money but there are a lot of good programs out there uh I'm going to highlight just one for this year it's actually the active kids in Minds it's for um children in the second through fourth grades and what they're going to be doing is increasing um healthy life teaching about food and also you know it it some group some competitive um entertain or competitive um exercises so I I ask everybody to take a look at that one in particular because we are um we're looking to start a program here and then roll it out you know for all the appropriate age groups we're going to but we working with we're working with the school and we're going to start with the second to the fourth grade um that's all that I have okay since you mentioned that Recreation program and we have all our new programs going um starting this fall I just want to put in a plug for the martial arts program that we have here at the Clark recreation center it's been here for 38 years it's probably the oldest program that we've had we did not even have gyms when when this program started but they worked with the township and um I I hope that you'll look into it the classes are held on Monday Wednesday and Friday and it's for children eight years uh and then through life for life you do it for life eight and above so it's for adults teens um we're organizing a club at the high school and uh we look forward to doing that as well so um that concludes that comment I'd like a motion to adjourn so moved thank you councilman Smith thank you councilman hun all in [Music] favor e