happy New Year and welcome to the council's reorganization meeting January 1st 2023 please stand for the salute to the flag and a moment of silence um Madame clerk members of council I'd like to say in a moment of silence today if we can think about those who were lost over this last year near and dear to us and and um as recent as a couple of days ago councilman tol's mom and longtime Fire Chief and firefighter Andy Beach keep them in your prayers thank you I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with please be seated this meeting is in compliance with the open public meetings act as adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by mailing the annual schedule of meetings to The Star Ledger Union County Hawk Union County local source and tap into to Clark by posting such annual meeting scheduled on the bulletin board and Town Hall reserved for such announcements the official website of the township and the proper filing of said notice formal action may be taken at this [Music] meeting I'll call the mayor up to the podium to swear in our newly elected council members um I you know what just well as 's doing that uh Happy New Year to everyone here and at home glad to see everyone out today today's a celebratory meeting uh or reorganization meeting for the township and of course the swearing a for terrific Council people yeah yeah okay and uh this we're in our four Council people who uh won the election this year in a very big way I was very pleased to see that and as I told our council members uh on Election night and thereafter a lot was said this year a lot was said and they held together and worked hard and the people of this community saw the body of work over the last I'll say anywhere from most all of them is over 10 years and uh right through up to about 20 years their body of work for this great community so I'm very proud to swear them in today and I guess we will start by Ward we'll bring up councilman mazarella and his family to be sworn in look at this would like to hold the Bible okay move on on the Bible after me I Frank masella Frank masella who solemnly swear who solemnly swear that I'll support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and of the state of New Jersey and in the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the government's established and to the government's established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the author of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully that I will Faithfully partially and partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of office all the duties of office of councilman first W of councilman first W according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability for the township of Clark for the township of Clark so help me God so help me God congratulations councilman thank you next uh council member to be sworn in from the second ward Pat oconor Family come on up who's here good buddy how are you I Patrick o Conor I Patrick oconor you solemnly swear solemly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and of the state of New Jersey and of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that will bear truth faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully and partially and partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of the office all the duties of the office councilman's second ward of councilman second w according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability for the township of Clark for the township of Clark so help me God congratulations [Applause] councilman our next member will be Third Ward councilman Steven hun family okay dog is here ra ra the little dog in show we got the big dog here today right hand up repeat after me I stepen hund I Steven hun do solemnly swear do solemly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and of the state of New Jersey and the state of New Jersey that I will bear truth faith and allegiance to the same that will bear truth Allegiance and faith faith to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of office of councilman Third Ward of councilman Third Ward according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability for the township of Clark for the township of Clark so help me God so help me God congratulations Captain thank you much and last but not least our fourth word councilman Brian tall this side sir Brian's being sworn in today by his longtime friend Mr s rep after me councilman I Brian to I Brian to do swly swear do Solly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States and of the state of New Jersey and of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established to the governments established in the united states in the United States and this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and I will faithfully impartially and partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of office all the duties of office councilman fourth W of councilman fourth W according to the best of my ability according to above and the best of my abilities for the township of Clark the residents of this Township always so help me God so help me God all right thank you Brian congratulations congratulations you just turn the podium around oh oh you're right you're right I'm sorry okay the reorganization meeting of the township Council 2023 will commence I'll call the role councilwoman albanes here councilman hund here councilman masella here councilman Manti here councilman oconor here councilman Smith is absent councilman toll here first order of business is the election of a council president I'll open the nominations for council president do I hear a motion I'd like to nominate councilman Bill Smith I'll second that thank you are there any other nominations hearing none nominations are closed will the council confirm the nomination of councilman Smith for council president by roll call councilwoman albanes yes councilman hunt yes councilman masella yes councilman Manti yes councilman OK Conor yes councilman tol yes council president Smith will be sworn in upon his return he's in the air right now trying to make it here next order of business is the election of a council vice president I'll open up the nominations do I hear a motion I'd like to nominate uh councilwoman albanes is there a second I'll second I will second that thank you are there any other nominations hearing done nominations are closed and will the council by roll call vote confirm the appointment of councilwoman albanes as the council vice president councilwoman albanes yes councilman Hy yes councilman masera yes councilman Manti yes councilman OK Conor yes councilman tol yes congratulations Council vice president please join the mayor at the podium thank you I'm going to swear councilwoman is vice president and I guess the joke is on Bill he's wait till he lands to find out he was the guy for the year right right that's that's when you know you don't want to miss a meeting right that's right you see what happens when you miss a meeting you get stuck with a lot of things they did that to me years ago they not nominated me for mayor but that was a anyway Angel repeat after me I angel albanes I Angel albanes do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and of the state of New Jersey and of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saint and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and I will faithfully and I will Faithfully imp uh impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of office all the duties of office Council vice president Council vice president according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability for the township of Clark for the township of Clark so help me God so help me God [Applause] congratulations here okay as the mayor said earlier most of what we're doing today is celebratory we've we've sworn in our new Council uh elected members um this afternoon we do need to take care of some business so we're going to go through that as quickly as possible and then we look forward to hearing the mayor's Township address this time the first order of business will be the election uh I'm sorry did that already uh I'd like to ask the clerk to announce the mayor's appointments without confirmation of council thank you madam president uh for affirmative action officer Donna mizuko for a two-year term Union County transportation Advisory Board councilman Steve hund for a one-year term Union County Utility authori Advisory Board councilman Brian tol regular member for a one-year term councilman Frank masella alternate for a one-ear term Union County Community Development Revenue sharing Committee for Public improvements councilwoman Angel albanes regular member for a one-year term councilman James Manti alternate for a one-year term planning board appointments Kevin cotch class four member for a four-year term Michael Alman class four member fouryear term Lance Steinberg class four member for a four-year term mayor Sal banac Corso class one member for a one-year term and James ol Class 2 member for a one-year term traic Advisory Board serves for one year police captain Christian lot Police Captain Mike akabo mayor Sal bonacorso business administrator James olich Township engineer Richard o'conor superintendent of Clark Public Schools Edward Grandy local emergency management Council for a one-year term Adam nordis deput uty emergency manag coordinator Sal bonacorso mayor and public information Officer James business admin Patrick oconor Council aison Carmen Brado director of Public Safety Captain Christian lot Police Department Captain Mike akabo Police Department Frank Sasa fire chief Lori Sheldon emergency medical coordinator Clark emergency Squad Nancy Raymond Health officer David D roza assistant Health officer Scott mccab superintendent of Public Works Elizabeth CLE director of communications and Business Development Jeff Ragan Communications officer Ralph Bernardo director of senior citizens Megan celik Library director Edward Grandy superintendent Clark Public Schools Michael Pollock director of security Clark Public Schools Richard o'conor Township engineer Mark Dugan Township attorney and Dr Cameron tashari Township doctor environmental commission regular members Edward deasi for a three-year term Martha kamich off for a three-year term and those are all of the appointments that the mayor has made without confirmation of cons I can't even speak councel thank you madam clerk could you please move on to the mayor's appointments with confirmation of council required yes thank you the first is the library Board of Trustees Karen Demarco for a 5-year term councilwoman Angel albanes mayor's alternate for a one-year term and Carla Wagner superintendent's alternate for a one-year term Council I'd like a motion on resolution confirming the mayor's appointments I'll move it I'll second that thank you councilman mazarella councilman hund uh Madame clerk when you're ready can you call the rooll yes councilman hunt yes councilman masella yes councilman manetti yes councilman oconor yes councilman tol yes vice president albanes yes thank you this time we're going to move on to the citizens hearing on the agenda um if there's anyone who would like to come up and address the council please come to the podium and give your name and address to the clerk and address your comments to the council as a body uh and that your time shall not exceed 10 minutes in duration is there anyone who wishes to come forward Council seeing no one I'd like a motion to close this portion of the meeting mve thank you councilman mazarella I'll thank you councilman oconor hi hi this time we're going to move on to council appointments Madame clerk could you read the resolutions yes the first resolution is the municipal Alliance committee for a one-year term Ralph Bernardo coordinator detective Brian Seuss chairperson Police Department youth officer Mark detour and officer Dan Joy dare officers s bonacorso mayor Captain Christian lot and Captain Mike akabo law enforcement agency Representatives Victor demarzo teen center youth representative Joe Bel troma principal Valley Road School Board of Education represent resentative Rick delm Monaco principal of C School representative Tara olera principal alj High School representative Jamie bronsky for a four-year term and Steve Kel Blain student assistant counsellors Andrew callow and Stephanie berdell teacher Representatives Kim baglieri PTA representative Lisa kahill and Joe arano citizen Representatives Gwen kahill Zoe Brown Dylan Cahill and Steven mcaffrey youth Representatives council do I have a motion to approve the municipal Alliance committee appointments I'll that thank you councilman Mani do you have a second thank you councilman hund roll call please councilman hund yes councilman masella yes councilman minitti yes councilman oconor yes councilman tol yes VI president albanes yes um can we move on to the next item next is the planning board appointment councilman James medini class three member for a one-year term council do I have a motion move that please thank you councilman oconor thank you councilman hund roll call when you're ready Madame clerk councilman hund yes councilman masella yes councilman Manti yes councilman oconor yes councilman tol yes vice president albanes yes number four is Board of adjustment appointments Ed Ruth regular member for a four-year term Douglas Croc regular member for a four-year term William Helm regular member for a four-year term and Dante tanini alternate one member for a two-year term that Madam president thank you councilman tol do you have a second I'll second that thank you councilman Manti when you're ready Madam clerk call the rooll councilman hund yes councilman masella yes councilman Mani yes councilman oconor yes councilman tol yes vice president albanes yes number five is Insurance Fund Commissioners for the joint Insurance Fund James ol commissioner for a one-year term and Jennifer Kisa alternate for a one-year term you have a motion Council I'll second that thank you councilman mazarella thank you councilman hund roll call when you're ready Madam Clerk councilman hun yes councilman masella yes councilman Manti yes councilman OKC Conor yes councilman tol yes vice president albanes yes number six is the Environmental commission Christina D Louisa alternate 2 member for a two-year term I'll move that Madam president thank you councilman tol do I have a second I'll second thank you councilman o Conor councilman hund yes councilman masella yes councilman Manti yes councilman oconor yes councilman tol yes vice president albanes yes number seven is Union County Community Development Revenue sharing committee Public Services councilman Frank maella regular member for a one-year term and councilman Brian tol alternate member for a one-year term you have a motion Council I'll move that thank you councilman oconor thank you councilman hund roll call when you ready councilman hund yes councilman masella yes councilman minitti yes councilman oconor yes councilman tol yes vice president albanes yes okay now we have the appointments by the director of law could you read the the appointments Madam clerk uh yes we uh John Henry bar Esquire prosecutor for a one-year term Robert J pansula Esquire alternate prosecutor for a one-year term and Jared B Weiss Esquire public defender for a one-year term thank you can we move on to the consent agenda resolutions please yes number eight is entering into a cash management plan for the township for 2023 nine is adopting the temporary Municipal budget next is adopting the temporary sewer utility budget 11 is adopting the temporary swim pool utility budget 12 is authorizing the petty cash funds for the business administrator police chief and pool director 13 is establishing the rate of interest to be charged on delinquent taxes 14 is authorizing the funds of the township and checks drawn upon the payroll and agency accounts be subject to withdrawal by any two of the following mayor business administrator Chief Financial Officer 15 is designating the Union County Hawk Union County local source and Star Ledger as the official newspapers of the township and tap into Clark as the electronic news source in accordance with the open public meetings act 16 is designating the business administrator James ol as the public agency compliance officer 17 is affirming the Township's civil rights policy with respect to all officials appointees employees prospective employees volunteers independent contractors and members of the public that come into contact with Municipal Employees officials and volunteers 18 is governing body certification of compliance with the United States equal employment opportunity commission in accordance with federal civil rights law 19 is establishing and approving professional fees or charges assessed for municipal land use in connection with Township boards review of applications for development preparation of documents and inspection of developments and improvements under construction 20 is authorizing the township engineer to review and approve all sewer applications to be submitted to rvsa Andor D njde without further action of the governing body 21 is authorizing the administration and the Township Clerk to advertise for upcoming bids for all necessary government operations including capital projects and swim pool requirements 22 is authorizing the township to purchase materials supplies and equipment under State contract 23 is authorizing the township to purchase materials supplies and equipment through various local and National Cooperative pricing Systems 24 is authorizing the administration to submit Grant applications for upcoming grant opportunities 25 is appointing Donna mizuko as acting Clerk and James ol as alternate acting clerk in the clerk's absence as the need may arise 26 is author appointing James olich as the municipal housing liaison in accordance with chapter 66 section 15a of the township code 27 is authorizing the tax collector to cancel all delinquent tax tax overpayments delinquent sewer and Sewer overpayments of $10 or less and 28 is authorizing the mayor Andor business administrator to execute an addendum to the Department of Public Works contract for minor changes and a one-year extension I'll move that Madam president thank you councilman toll do you have a second I'll second that thank you councilman OK Conor when you're ready call the rooll please councilman hunt yes councilman masella yes councilman Manti yes councilman oconor yes councilman tol yes vice president albanes yes at this time we'd like to move on to the introduction of proposed ordinances I'll have the clerk read the ordinances and we'll vote on each item okay first ordinance number 23-01 and ordinance to amend chapter 3 administration of government Article 5 Township Council meetings subsection 3-12 a procedural requirements of the code of the township of Clark do you have a motion Council yes I'll move this thank you councilman mazarella do you have a second I'll second thank you councilman Manti roll call when you're ready okay excuse me one second take your time councilman hun yes councilman masella yes councilman Manti yes councilman oconor yes councilman tol yes vice president albanes yes the public hearing for this ordinance will be on January 17th next when you're ready next ordinance is 23-2 an ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a cap [Music] Bank okay do I have a motion Council thank you councilman OK Conor do I have a second I'll thank you councilman minid when you're ready Madam clerk call the rooll councilman hun yes councilman masella yes councilman manid yes councilman oconor yes councilman tol yes vice president albanes yes public hearing on this ordinance will also be on January 17th thank you next is ordinance 23-3 and or to amend and supplement various sections of chapter 161 entitled fire prevention of the code of the township of Clark do you have a motion Council thank you Council Manti thank you councilman hund when you're ready Madam clerk councilman hund yes councilman masella yes councilman Manti yes councilman oconor yes councilman tol yes vice president albanes yes the public hearing for this ordinance will be on January 17th okay next ordinance is number 23-4 an ordinance to amend chapter 170 entitled food establishments section Mella thank you councilman hund roll call Madam clerk when you're ready councilman hund yes councilman masella yes councilman Manti yes councilman oconor yes councilman tol yes vice president albanes yes the public hearing for this ordinance will also be on January 17th next ordinance is 23-05 an ordinance entitled an ordinance to fix minimum and maximum salaries do you have a motion Council I'll move that please thank you councilman OK Conor do you have a second I'll second that thank you councilman tol when you're ready Madame clerk call the rooll councilman hund yes councilman masella yes councilman manid yes councilman oconor yes councilman tol yes vice president albanes yes public hearing will be on January 17th next is ordinance 23-6 and ordinance establishing a fee for filing for annual registration of a certificate of insurance for businesses and rental units and multif family homes with four or fewer units within the township of Clark pursuant to njsa 4A col 10 a-2 do you have a motion Council thank you councilman manid do I have a second second thank you councilman o Conor roll call when you ready Madam Clerk councilman hunt yes councilman masella yes councilman Manti yes councilman OK Conor yes councilman tol yes vice president albanes yes public hearing will be on January 17th at this time um I'd like to on behalf of coun council president um Bill Smith announce the Committees that will for appointment so for Council committees for 2020 three finance committee Pat o Conor chairman members Angel albanes and Jimmy Manti legislative committee chair Brian tol members pad O Connor Bill Smith Public Safety Committee chair Jim manid members Frank mazarella and Steve hund Parks and Recreation committee chair Bill Smith members pad O Connor angel albanes Public Works committee chair councilman Frank mazarella members Bill Smith and Steve hund I'll Now read the list of council Liaisons Board of Education Angel albanes emergency Squad Pat oconor Recreation Bill Smith Fire Department Jim Manti Police Department Steve hund Public Works Frank mazarella Emer mer management Pat OK Conor Public Library Angel albanes senior citizens Frank mazarella environmental commission Brian tol this time I'd like to ask if there is anyone who would like to make any statements or public comments seeing no one come forward I'd like a motion to close the section of the meeting move Madam president do have a second I'll second all in favor I okay at this point i' like to ask the mayor to come up and give a state of the township address thank you madam president again I like to say good afternoon to everyone here and happy healthy Pro microphone's on yeah it's on testing one two three you're right there I would yell but then they'll say I got a big mouth so I'm trying trying to be nice for the new year turn over a new Leaf but anyway again happy healthy safe prosperous New Year to everyone here in our great Community throughout the world I mean we got to do that um going to give a state of town today and I'm going to start by thanking and going through a lot of things that were done and then getting on to some news that uh I don't know how enthus a lot of people are going to have to hear but we will always give it to you the way we know it and I like to again as I begin my uh 22nd year as 23rd year as mayor um I stand before you as humble as anyone could possibly believe and I'm honored and privileged to continue to serve this great community so much has been accomplished over the years thanks to the hard work and dedication not only from this Administration and Council but from you the citizens all the volunteering you do without you this would not be the great town it is with our cooperation and appreciation our proving success would not be what it is today our success this far has been due to one crucial component it's called teamwork and I thank you all for that it's because of our ability to work together professionally competently and most of all with Integrity that has enabled this Administration to work successfully not only on a local level but with the county and state as well it is a pleasure to work together as a team without obstacles and personal agendas along the way after all it is all of us who will benefit in the end when you build a strong stable safe and happy Community with top notot school system property values go up and the township as a whole becomes more desirable from the singles to our seniors we all benefit inevitably this town this town is a loving caring accepting Community thank you all for your recreational boards coaches players and parents who work so hard to achieve and to grow and to have fun for all our children and residents of this town the time you generously give is very well appreciated and is recognized by this uh mayor and Council and we also would like to note that you are building our future leaders in this great Community the Youth of Clark I want to thank members of the zoning and planning board for their volunteer and their time and all the other Township boards it is a sense of Pride and Community as well as overall success and desirability that puts Clark Township as one of the top places to live in this great state speaking of children I want to thank my children Christina Kelly and Joey and my wonderful wife Jo for all their patience your confidence and for your love I would not be here without you and it's been a tough year and I'd also like to thank my mother for her love and consideration and compassion for me as her son and as the mayor at this town it's a team effort of course in my family this Administration has achieved great things and will continue to do so undoubtedly throughout the coming years that's for my friends on the council Angel Jim Frank Pat Brian Bill and Steve I thank you for all your continued cooperation dedication compassion and friendship throughout the years we've achieved so much together and I look forward to achieving even more I will say folks you know when you know each other the way we know each other and work together for so many years together it's an extension of my family to have such wonderful people to be here and work together with each and every day uh councilman Smith best of luck to you anything you need just ask it's it's always been a pleasure to work with you I'd like to thank um and appreciate councilman manetti for your past year as council president as always Jim you've done a great job you were thrown into a tough year but you handled it like a champ I would also like to thank Jim olich and all my Administration and department heads we have a few here today we have our uh Jim of course our building subcode Mike is here Kota our prosecutor John Henry bar former police chief uh Dennis Connell is here today am I missing anybody hate to do this you always miss someone a director of our team Center Victor marzo is here today and I want to thank you all for working to make an our Administration the best it can be Clark Township is running very well but our Focus will be able to make it better the plan that has made Clark County and state nationally recognized town is something we are proud of look around we are cleaner nicer and have much more to offer than a lot of towns around us nevertheless I know that the people still want more and I am willing to accommodate your needs safety and service will always be our priority all the services that Clark residents have grown accustom will will continue such as our bulky cleanup Branch cleanup grass cleanup Fourth of July fireworks breakfast with Santa tree lighting Easter egg hunt senior breakfast senior barbecue senior bus exciting new recreational programs and I'm sure there'll be more to come given our children the best quality of life is first and foremost as they are our future our seniors I want to thank you you for building this great community and giving us the fruits of your hard work to help us establish this great town the place where I grew up let's continue to serve our seniors as well as preserve the future for our children The Gatekeepers of the present we hold keys to what has to come for Clark our Township is already one of the leading towns in this County regarding services to our citizens as well as recreational services available to every age group moreover we are the leaders in Public Safety thanks to our Police Department also Mike neoris is here Emergency Management I knew I'd missed somebody but he's sitting right in front of me thank you Mike for your work with the OEM our wonderful volunteer fire department here's a group of people that are out there volunteering for you serving your 247365 all hours of the day and night a really good gr group of people to be around our volunteer first dates so what again volunteer is the key word they and those two departments save our town a lot of money each and every year by volunteering their services with the efforts that and love they have for our community I once again say thank you I will continue to work with our County officials to dredge the reservoir as I said earlier uh in the year and probably even last year this is uh will help us for flooding and environmental reasons and looking to do a recreational opportunity County officials are working this is a big big project that's going to take several years to get together get on paper get bid and then eventually have it done so it's not something we're going to see this year but we as the mayor and Council are going to continue to work with the county officials the best way we know how I want to mention our Recreation Department uh it's always an outstanding award-winning department and our rec director Ralph Bernardo has does a great job and we appreciate all his staff and all his uh volunteers that continue to work for this town our Department of Public Works we have by far the most Public Work services to offer in all Union County take for examples this year's Leaf cleanup we probably went through the town 15 times tell me another town that does that just tell me I remember days a Clark when I first was living here as a citizen and then as a councilman you got your leaves cleaned up twice a year whether you liked it or not but you did we had recycling problems last year we tackled that problem with Waste Management now give us the service that we deserve and we pay for getting on to next year the news isn't as bright and that's a little tough but we're going to handle it and we're going to look at it right now we're looking at a very big budget increase and we are only at the beginning stages of it but we're going to work very diligently on it um unfortunately myself and the council in our Administration Jim and uh Jennifer our CF our C our ba and our CFO will work diligently with us to try to make this as painless as possible I'm sure you may have read in the paper maybe heard on TV or on the radio that the state health benefits plan or health care we're looking at the township of Clark of an $800,000 increase this year $800,000 that is just about 12 tax points now to make matters worse Union County is also involved with the most townships and counties are with the um state health benefits plan that could be a double hit to our taxpayers from the town and then from the county but the good news hopefully is Jim was on a uh call the other day virtual call and I joined him for most of it that there are a lot of Mayors League of municipalities Conference of Mayors the C aw and other people that are Banning together to put a lot of pressure on Trenton to help relieve the cost of this there's a lot of surplus in Trenton and they're asking about for about $350 million towards this problem if that happens it'll be there'll be a sting but it wasn't won't be as hard what we're looking at going up this year is uh pension and related cost about 167,000 gas and Diesel about 50% that's going to be about 70,000 recycling we're looking at an increase of $175,000 this year and the problem recycling the tonnage Grant we get back from the state from recycling was very promising when they started this many years ago but it's gone down dramastic dra drastically over the years this is not a good thing our salary and wages will go up as per our Union contracts that were negotiated in a uh fiscally sound Manner and I always thank our employees for working with the administration and councel on being very fair in their increases uh regular Insurance about $800,000 and this is mostly due to a workman's comp change in the law down in Trenton interest on notes this is interesting we're looking at approximately a $300,000 increase from last year for about the last 12 14 years we were borrowing money in Clark right around 1% and in some cases less than 1% we're able to build this building pave a lot of Roads build a lot of recreational opportunities with the interest rate going up now about 3.5% for the money we'd have to borrow we're going to have to curve back and we're going to have to be a little bit more patient on the things we expect as far as major major programs um as far as uh construction goes that money that we bond for so we have to be very careful with that tub grinding Everyone likes to throw the branches in the street right and we pick them up constantly even when you're not supposed to but we do it that's gone up this year about and these are guesstimate costs at this point of about $40,000 our Recreation Department's going to go up about $40,000 and that's not because of any new programs that's because of the minimum wage in the state going up we have to give our summer counselors more money by state law so on this side it's not too bright and promising for up our 2023 budget but I will say these are not final numbers and that this won't be the final number we also have to lay our Revenue against those uh numbers to see what our revenue is or Surplus and then the balance will be in the tax levy this is very hard to say I know the council's going to be very distraught in supporting this um we have delivered you in the last three years three Z tax increases in a row with keeping every service and probably adding Services into the town our track record has proven to be fiscally sound and responsible with the tax dollar of this community but when you're getting hit with health care costs like that right out of the gate and this has been out there everyone's working on it hopefully we can cut a big chunk off of that the other thing is going to be is inflation when you see the inflation rate jumping up the way it has over the last year this is causing goods and services to go up when gas and Diesel go up yeah it's going down now but we as a town have to prepare for where it could end up so we run out last year our budget zero tax increase to you um we had to go very deep into our budget to make it through the 2022 year because everything started escalating about April or May of last year and you saw the way the gas and diesel prices went which just spurred everything else that we touch as you see in the grocery store or we're in the clothing store wherever you go anything that's delivered with gas and Diesel we have a problem problem with with that said that is not going to be the best news to give on January 1st but we will always give it to you the way we know it uh I know myself and my Administration are poised to work as hard as we can to lessen the burden the best we can I know the township Council when we ultimately give them our budget will look at that budget and give their opinion on what they can do to help everybody out here so it's going to be a little tough year we're going to have to go a little bit slower with some of the things we have in mind today would be a great day to get up and lay out an agenda of what I'd like to do but when you're looking at these budget numbers the agenda is going to be one step at a time in very little baby steps for this year and I'm sad for that because over the last three years and many other years we were able to get up and running right on uh January 1 so we will do the best we can with what we got everyone's going to have to just if we get a little hungry you're going to have to get off the horse and tighten up your belt a little bit it's called The Cowboy lunch and just try to get through this year and see where we go with that being said I like this again to say thank you for your patience today your diligence your friendship throughout the year it's great to see so many people out here today and of course anything I can do for you it's always my pleasure to do thank you and God bless you all and have a wonderful healthy happy safe new year thank you thank you very much mayor this time we'll move on to council comments like to call on Steve hunt thank you Council and Madam vice president thank you Mr Mayor for laying that all out for us as as he mentioned it's not the most exciting news to hear on January 1st moving forward uh with the new news of what we will encounter during the year but I want to thank for myself the residents of the and voters of the Third Ward for their support and confidence and re-electing me for my third term as their third W councilman a special thank you to the individuals who helped me out during my first two terms and the campaign of 20 2022 um as I look out in the audience I see a few members who were very in influential in my campaign during during last year I would be a Miss if I did not thank my wife Cara hund and my three sons Cameron Brandon and Aiden for their support and encouragement to represent the township of Clark and the third residents of the Third Ward i' would like to congratulate Jim minti for the excellent job he did leading the Town Council as president during 2022 I would also like to thank our mayor salana Corso business administrator Jim olich my fellow councilmen and councilwoman our town clerk Edie Merkel and her staff and our um director of communications Elizabeth CLE for their collaboration support and advice during the year as we move into the New Year we will experience new challenges which we will face head on and the mayor put forth a few of those that will we we will be challenged with the council and I are accessible to our our residents by telephone email and Facebook my contact information is by phone 732910 2928 by email at s hund hour.com and on Facebook at councilman hund uh I value the interaction I have had over the past eight years with the residents please continue to reach out to me as I continue to represent the residents of the third war for another four years in conclusion I'd like to congratulate Bill Smith on his uh pending appointment as president and of to the 2023 Council and to Angel albanes as her appointment as vice president for 20 23 so in conclusion happy new years's and a healthy and prosperous 2023 thank you very much thank you madam president or vice how do I do that president or vice president today vice president thank you councilman hun councilman masella yes thank you Council uh vice president and would like to con congratulate you on your upcoming appointment as our vice president for this upcoming year and also uh Bill Smith who will be our council president I pledge to you my full support and friendship um I'd like to take this first opportunity to thank mayor s I'm very proud to call you my friend s um we have known each other for what 23 plus years long time and I'm grateful for your friendship and guidance so thank you to my fellow colleagues on Council we have been and still are committed team working together towards a common goal uh bringing our community to be um to all the municipal staff thank you for your continued commitment to the residents of our town without all of your efforts we could not provide the EXC excellent services that is provided to them finally I would like to thank all the residents who came out on Election Day and supported my bid for reelection um you see it clearly shows that a majority of the voters are have confidence in the direction I and my colleagues have been pursuing and no matter what some very few individuals have said about this Administration and governing body we are truly a caring safe and fiscally Sound Community ladies ladies and gentlemen it's all about delivering and to keep on delivering for you you know this you really do because you are all educated and informed and understands what good government is about um by focusing our efforts and addressing issues and ini initiatives to best suit uh Clark Township always moving forward in the positive direction with you and our community always in mind as always please know that I will continue to do the very best I can um to represent the residents throughout the First Ward and throughout our community clerk Township as well in closing I would like to thank my wife Teresa my children and grandchildren for your patience understanding to know what my mission has been about for cl Clark Township our town I love you all and so in closing I would like to wish everybody a happy and healthy New Year be well stay safe and God bless thank you thank you councilman mazarella councilman Manti oh sorry about that uh first of all wishing everyone a happy New Year um as I hand over my presidency to councilman Bill Smith I want to congrat congratulate him and councilwoman Angel alanes for their um presidency and vice presidency on his Council uh before I start I'd like to thank this entire Council for their support um Angel Frank Steve Bill Brian and Pat Uh over the last year um especially for their talks their um sign their words of encouragement I want to thank uh the mayor and business administrator Jim ol for their friendship and their mentorship over the past year um I'd also like to thank U Edie the clerk and her staff for not only what they do at these meetings but everything they do behind the scenes and then finally I want to thank the people of Clark for their trust and their um words over the past uh in 2022 um we've seen a lot of Redevelopment in town uh from the L'Oreal project on turbinal Avenue and the approvals of cues smart on Rarity Road and the area next to CVS and as a member of this Council I will work with this Council to always make sure that this Township is moving forward and doing the best uh oops sorry I lost my train uh doing the best for the residents of Clark um I would like to thank and congratulate all the members for their reelection um and all the people sworn in today um finally uh I'd like to thank my family my wife uh Anna for her Support over the last year my four children and grandchildren who keep me going and uh just keep me in this positive mindset um again I'd like to wish everybody a happy healthy and prosperous New Year and I look forward to 2023 thank you thank you councilman Manti councilman oconor thank you hello and welcome to 2023 I hope each of you had a great New Year and are ready to take on the New Year looking back at 2022 it was another year change in the second ward signicant progress has been made on the L'Oreal research and development City facility located on Terminal Avenue as well as the 42 unit of car apartment complex located on Ron Road right across from Manny Diner a cube smart storage facility has been approved to be constructed on Ron Road where The Lunchbox property is other changes within the township include a change to our wildlife feeding ordinance with the inclusion of a subsection entitled Community cats and the township has begun the process of automating constructing zoning permitting and inspections online citizens app to report concerns DPW work orders retail establishing license online dog and cat licenses and Vital Statistics requests through an application called gov pilot this was in response to assembly Bill 1145 signed in June 2021 requiring towns to accept electronic permits inspection requests and electronic signatures the township is undergoing extensive automation to meet the state requirements and ease the burden on our citizens at this time I'd like to congratulate councilwoman councilman Smith for being selected as council president and councilman and councilwoman albines for being selected as Council vice president I would like to thank councilman manetti for his time as council president last year I would also like to congratulate the other Ward councilmen for winning their elections having said that I'd like to thank all the voters of the second ward for reelecting me to re represent them as councilmen although I sit here as your reelected councilman I could not have done it without the support of my family the other council members and specifically the atlarge council albanes maned and Smith who went foot canvasing with me in the second ward to help me get the message out as well as the vote although there is a long list of volunteers who gave countless hours to the campaign I would like to call out a few specifically to Bob Cobin who led the team making phone calls on Election Day to get the vote out to Mna Weissman for her hard work and dedication and helping me get my message out to the many seniors who may not have heard my message if it weren't for her efforts to the many neighborhood Champions who spoke with their neighbors and helped me with campaign sign distribution and the mayor and counsel for their support throughout the campaign I would also like to take this time to thank the clerk and her staff for all the hard work in preparation for the election and resolving many voter issues that arose on Election Day it is a very long day for them and I wanted to be sure they were thanked properly so thank you as a second W councilman I look forward to ensuring that the voice of the second ward residents is heard as well as provide our residents with the services they have come to expect at the lowest possible cost although I am the second war councilman I cast my vote for the entire community and I'm honored that I have the opportunity to continue to contribute to the community this way as always please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns I can be reached at 73238 29719 by my email at ponor hour.com and please remember I have a Facebook page Patrick oconor where I post and forward Township County and state information thank you again for having me serve as your second work councilman it is truly an honor thank you Happy New Year and God bless thank you councilman OK Conor councilman tol thank you Madame President Mr Mayor ba ulich members of the township Council of 2023 Madam clerk to the citizens of our hometown Clark New Jersey I got to do a backstory story why this went down this way um tonight this afternoon Mr Richard sang 15 Benjamin Street Mr sang and I met back in 2002 we known each other because my dad was his son's coach for Clark lle and Mr sang when we're campaigning in 2002 now this is 20 years ago Mr sang said to me I'm a Democrat I'll vote for the right guy as long as you take care of an issue with me he had a dog run that was next to his property and he was to get it grandfathered over to his property he also gave that offer to my opponent Marty Ferrar so Mr sang a long time Democrat said I said I'll try to get it done for you I wasn't able to get it in 2002 and a week later my opponent signs on his lawn but it didn't deter me because I know who I don't work as a Republican or Democrat when you're on this Das you the citizens of Clark are my boss Republican or de doesn't matter and I said that to him he goes well I like what you're I'm hearing from you but make it happen so we worked with John La got rest of soul and we got his dog run taken care of but something else came out of that little request of something done and then what came out of that it was a friendship he reminded me of my dad my dad's been gone 33 years but Mr sang reminded me of my dad and one of the things I've always done as a councilman is to go visit the elderly residents in the ward every Sunday after my church going to St Agnes church and Mr s became one of my regular visits on Sunday morning and the neighbors like isn't that the counsilman what's he doing over your house he and he would always respond to his neighbors going I'm giving him an earful and he did every Sunday I'd go over to Mr Sang's house and Mr sang would be why aren't you doing this why aren't you doing that and then I would take that from his house and bring it into John LA's front office after a c Choice words from Mr laa but that's the way it went down so Mr sang became like a dad to me in the last week as you know my mom passed away Co got her in a week's time she turned 98 God if we can only live that long folks if we can only have that kind of a life but kova got her and took her out and I called up Mr sang I said I need somebody to hold the Bible for me would you do me that honor and I called this I talked to his son and said would would you do me the honor would you stand with me because my mother always believed in two things community service giving back to your community and remember where you live and what it's all about giving to others helping others because God only gives you an allocated time on this planet and to Mr sang Thank you for standing with me today sir my mom's looking down because she's now reunited with my dad and that's the most important thing but this is not about Brian tole and Brian to's own issues we'll get through this we've all have and I'll talk more about my mom next month also to the beach family Chief Andy beach has passed and we will talk to him about him in January he was one of the best men who ever served in that uniform and that capacity for this Township his men were the most important thing I knew Andy Beach very well and he was a dear constituent and friend and to Beach Sasa families our condolences we're not starting off the new year with sadness we're going to start off with what we are here for and what I'm going to say this is this knocking on the doors this past election was one of the most difficult ridiculous woke filled election I've ever dealt with and I've dealt with Clark since I was a little kid I got involved in politics because my mom my mom put a I was handing out literature in the fourth W when I was seven years old that's why I kind of grew into it so this election was ridiculous because I go knock on doors and you get people scream at me I've never heard a response like this and I went to the mayor said s I'm getting a really crazy response out there he goes be strong persevere I went home got the same speech from my mom thanks I don't know where you guys could communicate but you did but we did and then what happened he said don't worry about it because I I'm I'm I'm a I worry about every little detail folks every little thing I overanalyze and that's who I am but I get my job I get the things done that we you ask us and the things that you did request especially the traffic which we're working on the traffic committee is looking at the issue of Katherine Street Washington Stanton and Harrison and that will be talked about more when we get the right answers to the problem I'm going to shut up but I we talk to you more about what we're trying to do for you in the community you're my boss I'm going through a transition now and we'll be stronger from it and we'll take care of your needs the residents of Clark are the most important Mr S I thank you for taking time on your January 1st being here with us and Danny thank thank you for coming out and helping your dad out I I can only say this folks it kind of blows your mind that because somebody who's always there is not here anymore but you fill the void you the residents of Clark fill the void you asked me for something and I know I'll be up his in his ear and the ba asking we got to get this done for these residents I understand the monetary I got that but we can do better and we will this is our town our home our hometown let us work together to build a better tomorrow that's that's absolutely right we're as I said from the day one of January 20 2000 we're building the building blocks for the future not for us not for my mom not for my family members not for me but for your kids your grandchildren thank you everyone God bless God bless this Township and good health to all thank you thank you councilman tol at this time I'm going to um move on to professional comments before I make my final closing comments and uh hopefully um we'll turn first to our administ tror Jim ol hopefully we've set up and accomplished all that we needed to do today and uh get ready for 2023 Madam president I'm goingon to just take a moment at Jim's time because as I was going through my department heads and people here and I missed the OEM uh Mike I missed a very dear friend and important member of my Administration in the back corner probably looked at her three times but Elizabeth clay our director of communication and Business Development someone who's working very hard for us and has turned into a dear friend thanks sorry Liz it's all right all right but I don't want you know you're in charge of the TV Camera I don't want you to like put one of them funny heads on me or something so I got to be careful but thank you and I apologize Mr okay um so Jimmy uh it was great working with you this year uh we all learned a lot uh myself and you and we went through the process it it worked out well and I do appreciate the support you gave me and how we got through this year um looking forward to working with Billy and Angel this year and making the town as great as it can be we're going through the budget we're working through a lot of things uh Pat Angel Jimmy it's going to be a tough year doing the budget but you know we I'm looking forward to making this this work for not only us but for all of the residents um you know success like this is no accident and it would wouldn't be possible without all of the important workers that we do have in town and I'll learn from sou so I'll start off with the communications and Liz and we we always work well together and getting the information out to the um to the community you know without the you know extra effort of the CFO the clerk all of the work that DPW does uh the health department the police fire first aid uh and especially in the last year OEM uh working through all of the Ida sit the Ida situation and getting the township cleaned up and getting reimbursed for it uh the the construction uh Department uh Recreation you know with Ralph and you know without our legal staff and trying to you know make sure that we do everything uh not only by the law but get back to people in timely Fashions and organiz Iz the the township um ordinances and resolutions you know we I work you know extensively with the the legal department so you know I appreciate all of the work that everybody's put in you know throughout the year and you know to add on to councilman OK Conor's uh comments we're moving forward this year in the town I'm we're bringing in a lot of automation not only to bring in more services but to make it easier for the residents you know you're no longer going to have to come to town hall for a lot of stuff you could do it online you could pay for it online and you know we're looking for more to come over the years and you know that's all I really have to say and I appreciate working for with everybody this year and you know I'm here for everybody you know as we we work through the process thank you and happy New Year thank you Jim I'd like to move on to our Township legal council Mark Dugan I just want to uh I just want to wish everybody a a happy and healthy New Year and uh I Echo the comments of uh all that have spoken about uh the township and its staff working very well together and complimenting each other and I thank everyone for all the help they've given us have a wonderful year everyone thank you and to our Township Clerk Ed Merkel thank you I'd like to thank my staff Teresa masella and Don Delio um I'm the most blessed in the building because I have the a team so I'd also like to thank Don Smith behind the camera and his whole team headed by Elizabeth Cay our director of communications and Business Development I appreciate uh we Don and I do a lot of work behind the scenes to get this up and running um you know once a month for you so thank you thank you Elizabeth thank you Terry and Dawn happy New Year thank you um I'd like to add my closing comments well first I want to thank everyone that's here today friends family members uh past directors current directors um it's really great to have all of you here many meetings we're sitting here all alone with maybe one person here but uh so it is um great appreciated this is all about gratitude and thanks what I'm going to say um first let me thank councilman councilman Jim Manti for doing a great job this past year um as council president and congratulations to Bill Smith on his election as council president um looking forward to supporting him as always and congratulations to all the newly elected Council Ward members um very excited uh that you're all you're all in place and we're going to move forward again in the future uh this council is a great team to work with and um the mayor mentioned some of the things we've done in the past and some of the development that's going on and what we plan to do for the future um of course I want to express my thanks and gratitude first to all the taxpayers of Cl we have a great group of taxpayers pay the taxes on time makes our life a lot easier and that's not true in every town in New Jersey next I'd like to thank the volunteer fire department and emergency Squad volunteers and all the various board members the mayor mentioned the coaches the trainers um all the charitable works that are done in this town by charitable organizations uh such as Unico Etc um Clark's a great Community to live in and to raise a family I'm so happy to be a part of it special thank you to Mayor s for all you do for you know aside from your full-time job you can see all the Committees that the mayor is involved with and all the efforts that are involved in being a mayor in a town thank you to our business administrator Jim olich uh who we work directly with as as members of council he's at our meetings and also to our clerk Edie Merkel who supports the council and her staff um and all the employees of the library and all the members of the town that work as a team as the mayor mentioned day in and day out again I want to express my gratitude I also want to thank my husband Bob Cobrin and the support of my two sons Taylor and James uh who have supported me all these years I will always pledge to perform the best of my ability and face new challenges and continue to work through issues uh the issues will be addressing this year I'm very pleased to be a part of this Council because I think the voters Express the their understanding that what we do is right and good for our community and we will continue to do so to improve the processes to the best of our ability at the lowest cost possible as the mayor mentioned we have a lot of challenges to face this year this is no different than any other community any municipality in the state of New Jersey facing the health care cost issues and as he mentioned the tremendous increase this past year during our planned budget all of a sudden all the uh fuel prices went up and utility costs and um that also affects us as well what I'm very pleased to say is that we have a good group of people in place in our Administration they're experienced and they know what they're doing and we will get through this there will be some Capital things we won't be able to do this year but we'll tighten our belt and move forward um to Elizabeth CLE um and some of the comments that P coner mentioned I think it's um important that a community have a Communications officer uh this is her first year here or a little over and um I see tremendous Improvement in letting the people know and communicating what we're doing here what's available what resources are available in in days gone by I used to stopped by Town Hall as Mr ol said but today people just want to get on their phone and take care of business or see what's happening and get um advis of what's what's going on in this town um to the clerk's office of course we thank them uh more than probably any other department because they support the township Council in closing um I do want to hear I say that I want to hear about your ideas your concerns and I want citizens to feel comfortable um getting their questions answered so whatever that matter manner is whether it's calling a council member calling the administration please feel comfortable to do that or to reach me on my cell phone 732 319 0234 and closing I wish you all peace love happiness good health and the best year of your life in 2023 happy new year at this time I'd like to ask Council for a motion to adjourn you have a second second all in favor I meeting adjourned for