##VIDEO ID:6y6d_u_2i8I## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e oppose same sign motion passes next we have approval of minutes from October 22nd 2024 move approval second have motion to Second any changes or discussion if not all in favor say I I oppose same sign motion passes going to start up with James O'Donnell director West Central juvenile James has uh got request approval to hire public health nurse above step three for the West Central Regional juvenile center programs yes thank you Mr chair um yeah I'm here today to request permission to hire a a nurse um as you know that we're changing our nursing program over there um and we've um interviewed a nurse and um would like to offer a position to one um i' would like to offer the position at um a step seven um grade 18 step 7 um this has been vetted out by the uh the pick committee um and it's it's well needed um it's request today to get a nurse up and going this was approved by the or forwarded by the pck committee and uh would you have any questions or just got one more Mr chair um also if I could get it's it's an exempt position um if there's the ability that um I could offer overtime for this individual until I get um um to pay them overtime because um Flex rate will just be hurting us more um if we have to give them the comp time on um until we get somebody another nurse up and going and we get our we get our place where we need it to be chair commissioner Campbell would that then reduce the at your last request we had approved overtime for public health nurses filling in would that would that just reduce part of what public health would need to do then that that's what that would do it would be this nurse would be slowly taking everything in and um and then we would just have public health to for somebody for her to fall back on to ask questions too do you uh Describe the impact this has when the cost is compared to what we were paying to a private uh yeah yeah it's it's about less it's about less than half um we're paying less than half then at this this new model that we're going with same services but less than half the cost Mr I move approval of the request second motion and a second is that going to include the overtime yes right any any further discussion if not all in favor say I I oppose same sign motion passes thank you thank you did you want me to do number two on the yes agenda okay um I'm requesting permission to rehire an open night an open overnight position um in the non-secure unit um this position is in our 2024 budget and and proposed 2025 budget um and it's critical for ongoing operations in a non security unit I'll move to approve a second okay have motion to Second any discussion is there some back fill to this or anything there won't be this would be an entry level position thank you though any other questions not all in favor say I I I oppose same sign motion passes thank you thank you when Jagger and Holly wner on uh request approval of Grant funds for the lead agency employment first capacity building Grant morning Mr chair Commissioners uh Holly and I are here today to request uh acceptance of some Grant funds that we wrote for for the lead agency employment first capacity building Grant uh kind of a mouthful but I'd like to take a minute to tell you what it's all about um it aims to support Klay County in enhancing employment opportunities for people with disabilities uh this grant seeks to bridge the gap between local businesses seeking employees people with disabilities while focusing on what's called competitive integrated employment uh I will refer to that as cie moving forward because it's a mouthful as well uh that is aligned with individual strengths and interests and it promotes the employment first model uh now what the employment first model is is it reflects a national movement to shift the focus of individuals being employed in segregated work environments such as sheltered workshops to meaningful work within the community uh this model prioritizes cie as the preferred employment outcome for people with disabilities cie jobs uh are where people with disabilities work alongside of individuals with without disabilities uh within the community in which they reside and for wages and benefits comparable to those without disabilities cie jobs are in typical work environments which contributes to the broader Community by benefiting both the individual and businesses the goal of cie is to ensure that people with disabilities have equal opportunities for Meaningful employment career growth and economic self-sufficiency just like their peers without disabilities uh this Grant's goal is to promote sustainable employment outcomes and support suc successful implementation of the employment first model at the local level once the funds are received we'll work with Minnesota transformation initiative to create an action plan that includes steps to increase cie for individuals on the folks that are on Holly's case load um we also will create Milestones that need to be achieved after the action plan is created we will work towards partnering with local businesses and employment service providers to support these individuals in exploring and securing competitive integrated jobs um we were granted two years of funds we have the ability to request up to three years of additional funding uh if we can show that our action plan that's created is successfully implemented and the Milestones that we identify are achieved uh the one thing that I find unique and kind of neat about this grant opportunity is that uh DHS recognizes that this is difficult to do so they're not expecting us to have all of the answers right away and instead are partnering with us to create those answers to see what works within our community uh makes me a little excited about that um we were rewarded $87,700 again with the option to extend it three to 5 years if we can demonstrate satisfactory progress um so I would yield for any questions at this time questions for Quin commissioner C I don't have questions but I have a couple comments I think this is a I think this is great I you know I I see in some of our establishments now that we we do have businesses that um work in this regard where they do have the ability to have disabled people um working alongside other people and it's a great and the the more the more that businesses today get into an automated type of a situation this just gives an extra incentive I think for businesses to be looking at continuing those types of services and those types of abilities for these people uh to help you know and it helps get them on a self-sustaining way of life as well so I'm I'm really pleased that this is being done any other comments I I too think this is a great opportunity for Citizens with disabilities in our community and for the employers who were struggling with Workforce issues so this is going to bring uh is a win-win situation and uh think it's a great great idea thank you got to give a lot of credit to Holly here she put this one on my radar and we said let's do it let's jump in and Holly wrote the majority of the Grant and was successful in in getting it so a lot of credit to Holly thank you Holly have we got a place to put them I know all here as far as having office space for these people um I think the the plan would be that we'll partner with businesses to figure out how can we get get folks with disabilities jobs within the community so we would be looking at the businesses to be hiring the the people with disabilities any other questions so I I noticed and there so there is no um in this type of a grant there is no local cost share either just these are just dollars that become available to incentivize right correct yep it you can see on the work plan that I have attached we get half of the funds just from signing a contract um so that would be uh once I get approval from the board today assuming that that's what occurs I would sign the contract and we would receive half the funds as soon as we get the action plan created with uh MTI we'd get the other half of the funds and then from there we create those milestones and by achieving those Milestones we'll receive the additional funds in year two commissioner cuz yeah I was wondering about the Milestones myself so you're you're starting from zero you and just creating how that develops is that right you didn't need to that wasn't part of the grant to show them what it was it's it's on you correct yeah that was the unique component of the grant where typically we're saying this is what we're going to do this is exactly how we're going to do it this was more expressing interest to say we're going to partner with MTI to figure out what are some appro local level milestones and you I'm just curious are there other examples to follow in other communities at all that you're aware of or you know not that I'm aware of we will learn that as we join the kickoff meeting in a few weeks and work with MTI to develop our action plan um it's my understanding that MTI will um interview my staff to gather information and provide feedback and then they'd begin working with me to develop that action plan and eventually our goal would be to collaborate with our local businesses and our current employment service providers to carry out our goals in the action plan okay yeah well I think it's really exciting yeah Mr maybe if if I could do a followup so what would be what would be our Avenue for notifying businesses of these opportunities to partner so I think that will also be developed in our action plan um some examples they did give um the department of human Services provided were um developing brochures kind of advertisement and marketing um brochures or or um pamphlets to get the word out our um local employment agencies do have relationships with businesses in our community already um so just I think expanding on those as well as exploring new relationships with those businesses um with um employment first the goal really is for the individual um to you know work they want to work what is important to them um and kind of building from there and sometimes it might mean um collaborating with that business and identifying specific goals or specific tasks that that employer is struggling to meet with their current Workforce and maybe carving out a specific job for a person um with disabilities to fulfill their need as well as the desire that the person has to work in that area any other questions Mr J I'd move approval to receive lead agency employment first cap capacity building Grant funds oh second motion second any further discussion if not all in favor say I I oppose same sign motion passes thank you thank you Gwen you're you're up we're going to get our money's worth out of you today sure are absolutely thank you Mr chair Commissioners uh I'm now here to request uh approving a request for proposal for the local homeless prevention aid funds that were allocated to Klay County for 2025 uh this is similar to uh when I came a few weeks ago with the Saha funds the Statewide affordable housing aid um but this is for the local homeless prevention aid funds um to give you the background uh this Aid was created by the 2021 legislature to help local governments ensure no child is homeless within local jurisdiction by keeping families from losing their housing and helping those experiencing homelessness housing uh we must use this age Aid to fund new or existing homeless prevention and assistance projects and programs and each project or program must include plans for targeting families with children who are eligible for pre kindergarten through grade 12 academic program and are either living in overcrowded conditions in their current housing paying more than 50% of their income for rent or lacking a fixed regular and adequate nighttime residence um must also include a plan for targeting unaccompanied youth in need of an alternative residential setting um the projects and programs have to connect families with Social Services necessary to maintain stability within their homes such as housing navigation legal representation and Family Outreach uh the project or programs must also include uh rental assistance for a specified period which can be longer than 2 years or providing support in Case Management Services to improve housing stability such such as housing navigation and Family Outreach uh we initially used a the RFP process for funds in the past and it is recommended that another RFP be issued for the 2025 funds uh right now uh the 2024 grantee was caplp and then they subcontracted with Churches United um I'm not exactly sure what it'll look like for 2025 but I here to request that that RFP be approved i' yield for any questions questions for Quinn just Mr kraban off yeah uh just a Qui um so the uh uh the 303,000 um that I'm seeing it's uh through 2028 so each year we get an allocation our allocation for 2025 was funds that are set aside for this are scheduled to occur every year until 2028 but each year our allocation is changed it's based on um Department of Revenue does it on spending it has a lot of schoolage children data that's reported and then that's how our allocation that gave me Clarity on that because last year that number was a hair higher wasn't it like 360 or something or I thought last year our allocation was in the 250 260 I do believe that this maybe I'm taking to the other one yes on the Saha yes I think that's accurate excuse me all right thank you for that commissioner Campbell and so Quinn we're we're looking at we do this RFP on a one-year basis right yes that's even though we have these funds that extend out to 20 the RFP is for 20125 correct yeah we won't know what the 2026 allocation is until about August how long will the RP process take um I'm hoping to have it be about a month month and a half I'm hoping to have rfp's rece or applications received and scored and hopefully by the end of the year good other questions commissioner moo thank you Mr chair uh both commissioner kraban and I serve on caplp and while we're not making a motion to approve any of that I can just speak to the work that they've been doing with that for the 2024 funds uh they really do a phenomenal job in um the Partnerships and making sure that the money gets to the folks that need it the most I'm hopeful that um by approving an RFP today the same will go for that uh certainly um the climate uh is changing or not the climate changing but the weather is changing and getting colder and I think uh the homeless issue is more top of Mind particularly because some issues that are happening on the North Dakota side as well as our community and just really hopeful that we can um uh all work together to find a sustainable solution for that I I have to say this and it it is something we had last year as well this is a Band-Aid to the critical issues we have surrounding people who are currently unhoused but we you know you get up Band-Aids and you can stop a lot of bleeding so this is a a good project that we need to continue to be engaged in Mr gross what's the process you go through to find a homeless person I mean to to find them a home to find them a home or to determine first of all that they have a parent who's homeless sure um so our housing advoc our housing agencies will work based on the criteria I'm not specifically familiar with exactly what that criteria is the general process would be to see are you defined as long-term homeless um that has some specific criteria once you're determined to be long-term homeless they'll look at think they'll work with our financial services division to see uh kind of income they'll say what does your income look like and would you qualify for housing assistance um if your income is below a certain threshold you would qualify for housing assistance um so what what happens and I know recently there was a big push at Churches United to um kind of shore up folks that didn't have access to what are called housing vouchers the ability to get um assistance in paying for rent and mortgage and things like that um and through the work that we're done kind of in partnership with caplp and churches they were able to get I think it was over 35 families housing vouchers that day the problem then becomes is if you have a Housing Voucher there's not necessarily an apartment or a home or a physical location that's available just the snap of your fingers so it's kind of waiting to see when is an apartment going to open up when is a rental home going to open up where are the physical homes that will accept these housing vouchers so that that ends up becoming the delay too so it's a multi-step process with kind of bumps in the road along the way does that help answer okay commissioner Kraven off along that line uh we know that people uh that are homeless and need shelter don't care what side of the river that possibility is so when it comes to the vouchers I know on the federal side but on the state side can they be used in both sides of the river I think it depends on the program that you receive the housing voucher from I don't know exactly so I don't want to tell you the wrong thing but I if it's Federal I think it's less of an issue but I I think if it's a state program then that River would become a barrier okay I just was curious on that commissioner Campbell when the um a few weeks ago you were here and we you know there was some discussion about uh Churches United and one of the issues that we talked about about were the I can't remember if you called them vouchers that were available to them housing housing Support Program housing support these dollars are separate than that correct this is a separate program yeah okay this is department and these the last time around Churches United uh was a benefactor through caplp correct y they were a subc subcontractor for this the local homeless prevention aid caplp was the grantee and then the Sub sub but but in addition to that as we talked about before when we when we talk about homeless there there are some additional opportunities if Churches United so desired they could because there was some unused for for housing support housing support yeah yeah okay and that and that could be used towards their other facilities other than just the you know the main shelter there were housing support beds allocated for Micah's Mission the main shelter and for bright Sky apartment there you go that's good okay very good uh I I this certainly makees sense to move forward with this request for proposals so I would so Move Motion have motion to Second any further discussion if not all in favor say I I oose same sign motion passes thank you Quinn one question for the Mr grabov yeah last year I was on the the committee uh the RFP committee when we did the final decision making and I wondering if that'd be possible again sure I I think if you're on that if there's that standing committee then thank you okay next up we've got Darren Brooke and he is going to uh give us a request approving resolution 2020 4-32 in support of a residential psychiatric treatment facility bonding Bill Dar okay thank you uh Mr chair um I'm gonna kind of start this off and then I think Quinn's GNA help me out putting in the details um but for the citizens uh that are out there that doesn't know what a psychiatric residential treatment facility is um it provides active treatment to an impatient level of care under the direction of a physician 7 days per week to youth under age 21 with complex mental health needs and their families based on medical necessity this uh prtf level of care includes daily active treatment which is achieved through a combination of family group and individual therapy consultation and treatment planning with a comprehensive team of medical and behavioral health staff in his highly structured living environment um ptfs are not considered foster care placements and and children or youth are admitted to the P prtf only after medical necessity is determined the reason for this resolution is currently in the united in the state of Minnesota we have four ptfs one of them is in si County one's in nicet County one's in Anoka County and one's in St Louis County and if you look up all of those counties of where they are at they're all on the Eastern side of the state there's no ptfs on the western side of the state so uh this makes it very hard for kids needing services to stay close to their family base and medical providers and this is why there is efforts underway to bring these services to Clay County in the surrounding areas the Klay County Board of Commissioners has a long supported programs to benefit those suffering from mental illness and mental health this board has continually explored ways to add to our County's Continuum of Care both for adults and juveniles the commissioner has identified securing funds for the prtf and the 2024 legislative session as one of their top priorities and while this effort was unsuccessful the commission has continued exploring securing a financial plan to bring the project to fruition the county Klay County Board of Commissioners will consider resolution 2024-25 and the secure funding for the replacement of the existing non-secure detention F facility from the 2025 legislative session some planning has already started exploring the idea of using this existing non-secure area of the West Central Regional juvenile center to transform it into a prtf and if successful with the bonding bill this will bring much needed services to the residents of Clay County and the surrounding areas um the resolution is uh currently located in your packet and uh there's 23 supporters of this according to Quinn uh to support this effort that Klay county is undertaking to bring a prtf to this area so with that being said I'll let Quinn add anything that can I jump in really quickly so in the memo it talks about seeking bonding requests and I think it's important to note that we've shifted this a little bit um that it's we're going after um State grant funding and also the governor's budget but um not leaving bonding out so I don't want to approve something specifically to bonding because we are going after it in a little different way than last year great thank you well Darren actually did a wonderful job explaining all the details the only thing I kind of want to clarify is the initial project was was to build a standalone brick and mortar prtf building um and we had some very astute members of the committee realize when we were talking about the planning of that that we have that facility already in our non secure detention and so um the thoughts were to renovate what needed to be renovated if any uh with our non-secure and build a separate Standalone non-secure which in hopes would be a little bit cheaper than building uh what would need to be the Harden fixtures and um everything that went into building the non-secure facility when it was renovated in 2018 so it's just a slight change um based on the initial design and so we felt that it would be necessary to update you all and request a new updated resolution of support Comm Mr Campbell yeah I you know I I think I was going to talk a little bit about this under my committee reports because we did meet as our prtf group yesterday and and a really interesting development uh came up yesterday through um dhs's um on-site visit of the facility uh they they were impressed with the facility and you know and this is maybe something again for commissioner Krab andof and and commissioner Mojo to keep on our back pocket as we go to the go to St Paul one of the things that they uh asked for and suggested and and to see if we'd be interested in is if a portion of that prtf could be considered blocked facility uh because there is there's not one in the state and it's needed and so uh we're looking at you know based on yesterday we're looking at maybe redesigning that to maybe have one of our pods fit that component of being locked for the purposes of some of those um extreme cases and you know and so I think when that when that request comes from DHS we should we should probably strongly consider it because that's as commissioner Mojo talked about I think that's where we're hoping the the grant funding comes from and so it just makes all the sense in the world and we had uh several conversations with Steve Summers about that with solutions they would be the ones who would be administrating that that program and they strongly supported that idea they they felt it was a great idea to have that ability you know nobody wants to lock up these young kids but at the same point in time it's it's for everybody's safety that sometimes you just have to do that and so that so I think we're transitioning as we as we move into the uh remodel Pro portion of the project that's described in here uh that that portion and and we had James and Josh both were here from Juvenile Center and they both believe that that that could be done uh at a very inexpensive cost to make those alterations to have that one pod become locked so it there's just a lot of more things that are really uh becoming encouraging from the state level that gives us some really opportunities to see this see this done so I just wanted to bring that up commissioner Campbell or commission commissioner kinof was on that tour with DHS when that kind of light bulb moment with DHS came up and um this project we've been meeting a lot on this project and it's um we had the opportunity to talk with representative Keeler about that potential and she said if DHS comes to you and says this could work really well we'll do it how many counties in tribal nations are are uh partnering with this at this time jump into that or do you want me to I I can handle that um so initially our first request was 23 counties then we had three tribes we had Solutions themselves in their board and the Morehead School District um we've asked for updated resolutions again I've received some already and some have told me verbally I'll get it on for our boards but they have varing board meetings throughout the month of November um I am looking to get support again from the school district and the tribes I I don't have 23 updated resolutions but I know that the resolutions in support of that initial Standalone prtf already occurred in early 2024 and an exciting development is uh we are on the agenda to present to the city of Morehead the city of Morhead is verbalized that they're really supportive of this um the president of Concordia has signed a resolution of support the president of mored state university has also Minnesota State University Morehead has also and then uh representative Keeler met with the president of asentia and uh boy if if that speaks to the the awareness of the need um it's about time that we do something we're also um have sent messages uh to the Minnesota Indian tribal council uh that W is meeting at the end of middle of November and there will be a opportunity for a presentation and dialogue there as well well thanks to uh some of the Commissioners that have come before us and some that are still here uh we've got a remarkable Juvenile facility and it speaks the leadership of this County the number of counties we have participating with us in that project and this is another dire need for this state that we can take a leadership role in and provide services to a part of the state our part of the state that's currently unserved I'm very excited about this and I commend everybody has put the efforts into it are we still looking for a standalone please maybe if I can yeah so so commissioner gross you know what we're talking about is is the non-secure unit of the juvenile center would be converted to a a prtf and and because because that has more requirements uh in it um for a lack of a better term I'm going to I'm going to say hardened type of a situation because of the clientele that would be in there and so what we're talking about is is converting that and then rather than building a new standal on prtf that would require that heavier construction build the idea is to build a new non-secure juvenile center and even in our in our conversations yesterday day in a non-secure facility it's you it's more going to be treated more like a residential home type of a deal where the vast majority of it will be able to be stick built as opposed to having to have you know Concrete and brick walls and all those more expensive types of ways to build and so so from a long-term fiscal point of view this is a much better option for the state to invest in as well as for the County to you know to to do for the non-secure we've had Ronda Porter and now Quinn and all of our social service directors for many years have been suggesting that we need to try to U have a different type of a setting for these these kids who were especially in the non-secure area where having them in uh put into a building that's more institutionalized isn't the best setting for helping them and so so we have all these things that we're planning are really going to be positive in that regard and you know we we'll we'll we'll see how it turns out with the with the process but you know the answer to your question is is yeah we're still going to be building another we'd still have to build another building but we'll be able to do it much at a much reduced cost further questions commissioner kravinoff no that's okay go for it oh it was just well I um I'm so pleased how fast are momentums gaining on this and I think there's so much more that's going to come forward in a matter of weeks or I'm being very optimistic here but um you know I I I left town for one week and all I could do is read my emails of the things you own out and thank you very much commissioner Mojo and along with our administrator I mean um the amount of word going out for a lack of better words upper Minnesota Regional uh facility and understanding the people that come to this facility will still be vetted and brought here by the state it's not a it's not a local choice there'll be preference to our area but it's still through the state as to those that come here well I again I I don't think they would come from the state I you know I I think they're they need to have a Physicians um I think it's it's done through a medical Quinn right was that there a medical statement of need that needs to occur so a a a medical doctor needs to say this level of the placement can be throughout Maybe said the wrong word throughout the state right they can come from anywhere in the state yes that's correct yes yeah so I I just you know as much as our region you and that's the whole point uh you already read it I am I don't want to be jumping ahead here but I am a little concerned about the word bonding on this I mean um are we given the right direction um I'm just concerned right and I view M moo I like the word grants a lot better correct so um as commissioner kov said he was gone over the the off week and I would say that this has really changed to a speed in which I would call our administrator and within 20 minutes it had changed slightly so there are some components to it that are a little different in reading the resolution I think we're seeking state funds um not bond funds so I think just as I don't know if we're reading the the resolution or not but I I would edit that slightly to not that could be done in the form when the motion happens that okay okay if the motion happens well right I I well I would like to make a St that first I guess okay thank you uh we had the opportunity last week to also present to the Chamber of Commerce public policy committee meeting we did have a long discussion kale is here uh from the chamber um really as we're we're putting out this call for support the chamber has and does stand to help us um get those resolutions of support out there uh commissioner uh representative Keeler has also encouraged us to um get as many uh citizen voices in that as possible and we're working through an opportunity for folks to provide Insight on that um over the course of this um I'm so sorry I don't know if I can we've had lots of um parents and families reach out to us about how this is so needed I just their stories are heartbreaking it's um raising children is really hard and raising children with intense acute medical needs and mental needs is almost impossible and so when you have 26 counties and five tribal Nations say this is a need and a gap in care I just don't know what what else it will take to get the state to help with these and um you know I'm emotional because those parents reach out to us and share their heartbreaking stories and you know I know there's people in this audience that also deal with um residents of Clay County and throughout the region that also experien this hardship so I'm just really really grateful that to work with a board and staff that um will stand up and say Klay County will address this Klay County will be the one that um Works to make um beds available on the western side of the state and of course I'm emotional I can't get to together good so commissioner Mel can I just interrupt you for a minute what I just I just I just want to uh state to you that you know and again there's a lot of things that are really need to be done and I remember back after the flood of 97 I was on the oakport Township Board and we were trying to the same thing happened a lot of families lives were ruined because of a flooding situation and so we actively pursued State help on a solution and when when we were first denied from the federal level I I remember being interviewed out on Wall Street and they they asked me I said well what are you going to do now and I said we're going to keep going because it's the right thing to do and what we're doing is the right thing to do when when when you're when you keep doing that you're going to be successful and we're going to be successful in this I think Paul has talked about it you know how encouraged he is you're encouraged about it and it it's uh I know it's the you know the emotion of of the families is brought out right y so um but we're going to stand strong and make sure this happens and uh again I want to remind when we gave a report from um District 4 uh meeting uh we had our staff from AMC stand up and say and recognize Clay County for out our outstanding efforts in this project that it's needed St Statewide and so we've got AMC's um attention on this as well so I I think we're going to be in in really good shape here so I thank you for your comments commissioner moel I'm just going to make an observation here um one of the things about being on this commission that is so gratifying is that you don't get elected to rule in this country you get elected to serve and some times people forget that and I don't know anybody on this commission that isn't remembering that and you see the passion and the care they have about about their the people that are impacted by what's in our portfolios and it is a uh definite honor to work with people who take this to heart to the extent that some of these Commissioners do and well all these Commissioners do and our staff and I I just had the pep top talk here as we all did from commissioner Campbell but by God we're going to get it done and I've watched outside of this commission before I was elected a lot of projects that everybody said you're not going to be able to do it and we did so I I am very gratified by this commission krainov did you have or no commissioner gross you had something I just had the comment to make you know so many times you hear a statement someone should do something about that and I think we finally are doing something about that so I think we're going to answer that statement amen um Mr chair and and maybe for a commissioner uh crab enough you raised the concern about having the word bonding in this resolution and I think getting back to the resolution in that whereas Clay County seeks and I wonder um you know when I'm going I'm going to look to our two people who are working on the um funding side at the state if if this shouldn't read something like um Klay County seeks State funding through the governor's office and from the commissioner of Human Services would would that would that be a better um yeah I like adding I like adding the governor peace because well I through the governor's office and and and the um Commissioner of human servic right I think if we could modify it to that would Jenny are you satisfied with that is it would that meet what your guys we're looking at yeah I would I would say that or state appropriated dollars or okay State appropriated funding through the governor's office and the commissioner of Human Services yep Mr chair I would move the resolution 20 24-32 with that modified language I can get that changed H I'll get that changed in I we got to get a second in a a second got your second we have motion and a second any further discussion Francis if not all in favor say I I pose same sign we're going to get it motion passes thank you so much thank you hey we're going to jump ahead right now jump over one and we've got Justin sum here we've got to open some bids if you guys will bear with us uh on the next item yes good morning so today is the bid opening for sp4 6141 so this is a bridge replacement just Southwest of Glendon straight west of the Glendon piler so if you remember correctly we did open bids for this in March and we did not receive any this time we did receive two bids they're both complete both have a bid bond in the amount of 5% um the engineers estimate for this project is 1 m 530,000 61850 the first bid we received was from structural Specialties Incorporated their bid was 1,993 37772 1,993 $377 72 and the second bid we received was from Redstone Construction LLC their bid was 1,771 th000 $637 1,771 6370 those are the two bids that we received commissioner Campbell Justin you know based on your engineers estimate you know being $240,000 higher than the engineers's estimate what are you notice anything that could have been wrong in the estimate or is this just the so where where the pricing is right now guessing it's where the pricing is right now so the difficult part about that engineer's estimate is it is tied to the step so it was would have been last Spring's pricing so in order to get it changed so I do think it is where the pricing is and one thing I was going to mention is there is federal dollars that are capped on this but there is also Bridge bonding which is just an estimate based on our estimate so I do believe that we are going to receive additional Bridge bonding on top of what we had already received what would your recommendation be in this case so just based on the importance of this bridge and just how the fiveyear plan looks I do have I am showing an additional like 300,000 that we're not spending next year so in the event that we do have to spend additional state aid dollars on this bridge I do think it is the correct decision to move forward with this project the likelihood though you could get extra Bridge bonding dollars yep so my my recommendation would be to approve the low bid contingent upon approval from both the office of civil rights since this is a federal aid project there is a dbe goal tied to this and then also approval from state aid other questions I move to approve the low bid uh continuing on approval from the office of civil rights and stated I'll second have motion to Second any further discussion I just have one question not that relates to that where's the Redstone construction company from uh Central Minnesota somewhere I don't know exactly where it doesn't show me on this but we have worked with them before okay other questions if not all in favor of the motion say I I I oppose same sign motion passes thank you thank you okay we will go back to uh Michelle Carney and Brian Melton request approval to apply for 2025 restor restorative practices initiative Grant good morning Mr chair uh Commissioners I think I'll just kick it off and I'll turn it over to Michelle um this board has been uh extremely supportive of restorative justice over the years and as many of you were involved involved with uh the work that helped to get the restorative justice program directly into the schools uh and the work that we've been doing to get them throughout the county um Morhead schools as well as the uh smaller outter County u schools and and the work that we've been doing there uh we really believe that the restorative justice peace uh is a valuable program to help uh reduce crime reduce recidivism help uh get to the heart of uh issues uh and very um right away when it's happening to help address that and and kind of nip some of those problems in the bud and it's I think helped to reduce some of the juvenile crime uh numbers that we've seen coming through the office so again we we feel it's very important and a very impactful program uh we do have a grant opportunity here uh for up to uh $500,000 to help uh do some additional restorative justice pieces it could help um U to work with other restorative justice programs um help potentially even pay for other um salary that type of thing there's a lot of things that could do but I just want to I guess start that off by saying we we think this is a good opportunity and and uh hopefully you're supportive of it but I'll turn it over to Michelle to kind of explain a little bit more about it y can you turn your mic on um so we also have Lucas Brandon here who is our current restorative practices coordinator who's in the schools and then Jeff Nyquist who's worked um quite a while with our program he's been a facilitator at different times and now is um helping to kind of look at the opportunity with this grant um with our program and so uh the legislature had uh set up through a statute the office of restorative practices throughout the state and that uh was developed over about a three-year plan the idea is to really get restorative practices Statewide in Clay County we've have the benefit of having restorative practices in place since 2000 so we're really a long-term program we've had the the opportunity to have other counties reach out to us to see how we are established what kind of process we take to bring kids into our program um and so through the office of Justice or office of of restorative practices they're really trying to both um establish and expand restorative practices throughout Minnesota and so while we're already an established program we're looking at this funding opportunity to expand what we're currently doing so um really the benefits of having the opportunity with Lucas in the schools being available really pretty immediately based on an incident taking place he's connecting with kids day of or next day some of our counties it might be almost um you know a couple days later but I don't think there's been an incident that hasn't been a week um from incident to his response and so we're looking at our initial response and talking about that incident has been great but what we want to look at enhancing is supporting those kids then ongoing and so um this funding opportunity is substant IAL with up to $500,000 but the time frame is needing to spend that within 15 months so looking at what that looks like for us that's hard to bring in a lot of staff to do that internally so I'm really looking at how we can contract with other programs that really can help support kids where we provide restorative practices and then really hand off those opportunities to these other partners to provide those ongoing Supportive Services to these kids who really would benefit from those relationships um long term and So within this funding um I do think the one part that we would look at is maybe a variable hour or part-time restorative prevention coordinator so someone who is actually in the schools working on preventative cases right now Lucas is doing a majority of those in addition to incidents that have already happened um I can let him speak too but um Horizon East for sure is um giving him some direct referrals of kids that they believe are having incidents that they want to try to intervene prior to something um occurring in a criminal way and so I think that opportunity um is available but I'll kind of let him speak to maybe the the challenge of uh capacity maybe in that way okay uh thank you Michelle good morning Commissioners um uh yes I I see this as a huge opportunity and and what's happening in my estimation is by working with the schools by having these good relationships we've been building a lot of trust with school administrators with principes um and so we do get a lot of referrals I mean you know case load case count is well over 200 now for the year 2024 maybe roughly split between diversion where these are citations that have been issued to a student and it would go to court if not for for us offering a restorative diversion uh but the level the number of preventive cases are reaching a point uh where I feel like to maintain this high level of service and and uh and actually being restorative and and really helping these people uh when they need it uh I see this as a great opportunity to kind of build this program up broaden it um we're uh and and I I think we're going to bring up the process of this grant requires building this kind of broad Coalition or committee and by the very nature of it I believe what's going to happen is we'll get a lot of community input a lot of stakeholders input into where you know let's say we get this $500,000 uh you know we'll we'll come up with ways where we can use it during the the time frame and there are uh down the line uh there's another uh Grant process uh for the next for the next 15-month period and so on um so I see this as something that the schools are are actively telling me especially here in Morehead uh that they need this support that they uh are struggling with how to uh maintain kind of kind of basic order we might think about but but things like fights happening in the schools uh are are a real problem right now here in Morehead and I think this would help us quite a bit Yeah so part of that funding would be um likely that additional prevention-based coordinator um we also would look at training dollars within that funding um another unique opportunity with this grant is that there are direct restitution costs that can go to victims um in being with a victim Services through with the county for the last 15 years this is unheard of I've never seen an opportunity or a grant opportunity um that allows Grant dollars to go directly to Crime Victims to help them cover the cost of of a crime that happened so 15% of this dollar amount can go directly to reimburse Crime Victims so that's really substantial um we would also look at just basic programs supplies um and the important part that I think that we're looking at is really that contract piece so who is already out in the community working with kids um that can be that supportive services and how can we partner with them to provide that forward and so where we've reached out with is with the F5 program they have a youth mentorship program that they're looking to enhance in the Clay County District um enrichment operation with Peter Ferguson is another program specific to youth within Morehead schools and so um those are two programs that we've identified so far um Jeff Nyquist as well is an opportunity here where we've had some discussions about providing restorative practices really early on with youth and and at even an elementary level to start introducing some of these Concepts so kids have really basic ideas of language and empathy and and conflict resolution at a young age to use that to continue to grow and hopefully um take those skills into their um teenage years as well um so the really unique part of this grant as well was that in order to apply for it you had to create a restorative practices advisory committee um that required commitment from 11 different entities um that included a j judge a county attorney a chief District public defender someone from Social Services uh law enforcement um probation a school administration community members uh restorative practitioners a parent youth or Justice impacted participant and Victim Advocacy group and so the last couple weeks we've worked to reach out to all of those entities and we do have commitment from 11 of all 11 of those um Partners where they are on board and ready to be a part of that advisory committee when I called the the grant um uh manager and let him know um I think there was some surprise that there was already that commitment so I I was just really um grateful that that our community our community again sees a need and and responds and and I appreciate that very much so um we have the the individuals in place I think we have um the need is there um I would say the other unique thing for more head schools specifically is it's been very unique this school year without having sros in the school and so um that has been just a different Dynamic for I think um for Lucas we managing things in a different way our needs are a little different and so um the focus of this Although our our broader program covers all of Clay County this specific funding would really be focused and targeted on the high needs for the Morehead schools so that would be our ask would be to apply for this funding opportunity um the grant due date is December 6th it is in that 15-month Grant award April 1st to June 3rd April 1st of 25 to June 30th of 26 just an observation um I ran a juvenile unit years ago and I I worked here in Morehead for 12 years years victim services are critical but it was a it was a paradigm shift when restorative justice came into the picture it was not there when I started with the juvenile unit it came in while I was there in another another uh State and we saw the difference in some very violent and difficult schools here our schools are under greater challenge uh than they've been since I've been here and a lack of school resource officers some of the other dynamics that have hit this is essential Lucas you've done a great job and word is out and the schools see this as a as a positive thing I would like to volunteer my services in any way I can with your committee um this is really another one of those things we can do for our kids in this community and we have Commissioners on on this uh board that are committed to that to a great as you've seen today to a huge extent and this is something that will keep the kids out of the process that we're doing on the other end with the West Central juvenile this is something that will give them the skills they need to quit quit having the confrontations and the problems and the fact that there's funding to make victims whole is also incredible so I I'm this is just a great thing to hear and now shut up and let commissioner Campbell talk yeah thank you um you know you're you know we've had this restorative justice program and I attorney Melton I think brought this before our board many years ago and we bought in to what he was talking about and it was it was a program that was well well worth the purchase uh Brian I think on an annual basis comes to us and talks about uh the successes of restorative justice and you know I think you brought up the you know about the reism and and those types of things that uh these programs are designed to do now we have ability through a grant option to even expand on that uh that's the way I'm seeing it and reading it is that this gives us even more uh opportunities to even go further within the abilities to help these kids and um victims of of of what some of these kids have done so I'm I'm encouraged of it I I just my question so on here I noticed that you me you talked about the mines statute 20 229 a95 is that are are these State funds that we're requesting or is is this something that is uh brought down through the federal government to the state and then to us or it's just state and local so Jeff actually has been working with um the state in some different uh capacities and um some work groups on that so I'll maybe are you okay answering some of that yeah well in the yeah in the aftermath of the passing of the yeah thank you um yeah I got involved in something called the the youth restorative work group uh in the aftermath of uh house file 46 the statute which she's referring to um and this we would meet by Zoom every two weeks or so it was a sort of practitioners um County attorneys uh Sometimes some legislators um one of those individuals was representative Sandra Feist and she was the author on the house side of the restorative practices uh initiative um and yeah the the um um the funding is I think it's 8 million for this bium it's five in the next bium and then five million thereafter so I spoke with the this the new executive director for the Youth restorative justice was hired recently his name is Kendall Hughes and I talked with him just at the end of last week to confirm that too so my understanding from him is that this is is ongoing funding and these are State State dollars State dollars yes very good any other questions Mr chair commissioner Mojo thank you no questions just I recall uh your group was able to bring together stakeholders and have Round Table meetings in uh Morehead and Holly a couple years ago to really talk about the issues collaborate see how we can address the challenge of an everchanging landscape of the youth that we're dealing with and I just wanted to report that I I remember specifically there's a a certain School District that just basically said you know we're not seeing these issues in our school district at all it's not something that we've we've seen and and just maybe seem to be not open to having the conversation about addressing a need whether it was there or not and that same school district I just heard has been uh really a champion to Bringing um mental health supports into the schools and now they're coming up with additional funds to help make that happen and and I'm really encouraged by that because all of our uh County school districts have mental health supports contracted in there and um it's part of the Continuum Continuum of Care right all the uh the issues that we see and um so just you know whether it was eye opening or not um I think there was benefit to that I continue having kids in in the school district I know firsthand I hear about the ISS issues that you're all working with and and it is challenging and however we can support best um the whole component of it I'm really um excited about so uh this funding amount is huge uh it's it's really exciting to see funds available to that amount and I'm really hopeful that we can secure it so great work keep it up Mr chair I would move that we apply for the 2025 restorative practices initiative Grant second the motion have motion to second second commissioner Gro you had something I was just looking over that um Grant uh application there's around 30 different things you got to do you know you got to get so many letters so many people have to be involved in all this are we covered in all that stuff or can we get yep so that the 11 different groups that need to be representative we have commitment from all of those Partners um and then we have two meetings set up in November to convene all of those individuals and then the ideas we would get a letter of support from from that group that advisory committee okay yep this feel there's a lot of steps to go through there are to get that I will say commissioner gross that this grant as with a lot of Grants there's a lot of work to do with it Michelle is a very talented very smart person who's worked on a lot of Grants I know Jeff has worked on a lot of Grants and we have some talented people here that can definitely work through that and get it done it's pretty short time frame to get it done but I I I'm very confident we will get it done I'll make sure she stays here for another 15 years then thank you that's right she's going to be here a long time any other questions we have motion and a second on the floor if no further questions all in favor the motion say I I thank you oppose same sign motion passes thank you time hey we take a break for five minutes e e e e e e e e e e okay I'm going to call the meeting back in order next issue we have uh request for out of state travel for commissioner Mojo okay thank you I'm kind of running double duty here making sure the video is going and everything else so um so this probably should be uh outof country travel for commissioner Mojo um she's been invited to the uh by the Minnesota Pollution Control agency to the first sustainable materials and solid waste exchange between Minnesota and North Ry Westfalia Germany um the University of Minnesota will lead the exchange with our partners from the north Rin West West FIA government focusing on sustainable materials management the trip will bring together a group of 20 leaders from the private Solid Waste industry state and local governments retailers and nonprofits to learn together the plan is to depart from Minnesota on Friday December 6th and to arrive Saturday in dorf Germany and return on Saturday December 14th um participants will be required to cover their airfare a small number of meals and uh their me and part of their meal allowance um and I would volunteer my time if she needs somebody to carry luggage or um coffee get coffee do notes anything so uh with that being said I think she need an interpreter more than anything well I think commissioner gross and I can yes sir you still know that German oh yeah uh one one thing has been brought to my attention we have our uh um annual conference for um the AMC AMC in St Paul that week and actually with all the funding that's directed to pay for most of this it's going to be either a savings or a break even for us uh given what she would what commissioner moo would be spending in St Paul also I think all of us have personal experience that uh uh commissioner Mojo engages with what she knows and is involved with this will be a useful thing we have a lot of Sol waste issues in this County that need some expertise and anything we can do to add to that pool of knowledge is beneficial of the County so I think it's a good I think it's a good expenditure I think so too I mean I think it's quite an honor one of us was selected so you should be honored to you do that and hope you are and I just uh I do want to make a motion that we approve this have motion second any further discussion commissioner motion oh go okay yeah correct painful correct so uh thank you uh last week I um received an email highlighting the invitation uh highlighting the 20 folks that were identified throughout the state there's about three County Commissioners three state senators a couple um Representatives um commissioners of different agencies uh this is a uh U group exchange if you will the University of Minnesota and the Minnesota Pollution Control agency is really heading it up um to talk about um uh different um ways we're working with sustainable M sustainable materials how we're mitigating our solid waste a circular economy really around that part of the reason that um I was identified for that is because I'm the the chair of the extension committee right now but also serve on the um environment natural resources policy group and and really the work of commissioner Campbell and I on solid waste with our Prairie Lakes work and then testifying about score funding and additional ways uh to to mitigate trash uh I think Klay county has really done some Progressive things in regards to uh trash and um with the incinerators we've talked about anerobic digesters it's really to see what Germany is doing in regards to those efforts and then but also present what uh the state of Minnesota is doing so um I would um be a presenter on that uh panel to talk about what we specifically have done um all all to really find the best way to move forward as as we I was talking to someone last week about it when I first got elected I I and commissioner Campbell can probably correct me on this the LIF span of our landfill was really 20 years I mean that's John ever had talked about that it was we were um looking at the Horizon of what what that would be on our landfill and we've done some huge huge work and have extended that lifespan 10 years later and so that's really um really gratifying I will say there's a number of components that need to happen to even know to to schedule this for four weeks out so I'm hopeful there's a chance that there may be some passport um issues in in regards to that so that I would still then attend AMC if that were to be the case so I'm certainly uh grateful for the support and the um the blessing if you will from this board but also I think to just have Clay County named as part of uh the leaders throughout the state uh is really cool yeah I just great I I agree with Frank I think it's an opportunity to and with Jenny's work with the extension and I think it's a good deal is there a motion on the floor yeah okay double checking this time and second it any further discussion the only the only thing that so looking looking at the dates um you would you would not be at the AMC conference then and I just pointing out and maybe we can talk about this after the vote or whatever but that does open up one of our um previous voting members that we had sent in to AMC and if we have the ability to modify that and if something if something that Darren might be interested in attending as our assistant County Administrator I don't know if he's been to one of those or not um I went last year and I I plan on attending this year as okay so so uh well let's let's just maybe we can just vote on this and then I'll any further discussion all in favor of the motion say I I post same sign motion passes and so then with with that um I think we still probably have time to not if AMC to make a change to our voting delegates sure and if are you kind of committed to do this then or so if I might um Steve and I talked about this last week um and we did talk about the delegate piece and when can we cancel something without losing deposits um I'll know more from this um The Exchange trip in the next week and so um we'll cover those bases but we just didn't want to cancel something if something fell through okay well in the event that you confirm your trip then hopefully we'll still have time where we could change the voting member okay yes uh if I me Mr craing off just a question to the maybe I'm jumping ahead but is uh Ezra invited to join us this year yes yeah okay that's already he won't be able to vote but he's going to be with us okay just to let you know I I Googled North Rin West falia it's a beautiful place you might not come back I'm well when Frank heard about this he was really excited you know he asked me if I'd been to Europe and I said well it's not that's not my home country but I guess it's yours I've been to Germany it's a great country um so that's appreciate it right on to the next item is uh Darren you're going to present the uh approval of court appointed attorney contracts yep um all of these things that Steve left me I wasn't really involved with so I'm going to try to struggle through some of this um as you know Clay County is required uh by Minnesota statute to provide court appointed attorneys for Indigent clients um we have several attorneys that are on contract and those contracts end in December on December 31st of this year um the Clay County Board of Commissioners will consider the following contracts that I would like to present to you the uh attorneys involved are Brian toy Sean SMI Alexis malom and Stuart Kitman um I believe we have contracts with all of them right now and so this would be a contract to renew those um for the 25 and 20 or uh the 25 and 26 Calendar years um the original contracts were offered to existing contract holders based on the previous RFP process conducted by the court administration and in reviewing the contracts with the county attorney's office and Social Services Personnel all these parties agreed that these contract holders that are currently uh contract holders had been doing an acceptable job um with each year that job uh that contract increases by 3% and if you uh recall we have a cola for 3% as well next year um the funding for these contracts are already included in the U preliminary Levy figures so these aren't additional Levy dollars um there is requirements in the contract to uh record and Report their times that they spend on uh Clay County things and they uh must report I believe quarterly to the County Administrator on their um their submittal of their time cards time time U that they've been working on these cases so with that being said I don't know if Brian has anything say I can maybe just jump in to help Darren a little bit more to as I think the board is aware and we've had these contracts in front of the board before but these are standard contracts two of the attorneys Brian toy and Sean Schmidt do child need or protection or services so that's a requirement under the law that um that those children or excuse me the parents uh have um appointed attorneys so um that's those two contracts and those are larger and um definitely more timec consuming than anything else than uh Alexis mum's is a the um commitments and guardianship conservatorship contracts and again those individuals are acquired under law to have have an attorney appointed for them uh and that's contracted through these and then finally steuart kitzman's is um for paternity action so anytime an action comes that uh there's a question in regard to paternity uh they are allowed to apply for and get an attorney so those are the four contracts that are required under law typically they are two-year contracts uh steuart kitzman's he did request a three-year more so just uh as a retirement piece he was looking at uh expectation of retiring after 20 27 just asked if if we would agree to it he would ask for that one extra year to be included instead of having to re- uh look at it or rebid it that's I guess his expectation time frame so that's why he asked for the threeyear Steve and I discussed it and we thought that was a reasonable he's he's done a good job with that he's a a well-known attorney uh within this area knows that uh area of law very well commiss grais have we done this before we have contracts we have we've had we've had different we've had yeah we've had different individuals so we can either bid it out each time but if we're satisfied with the individuals and they're satisfied we can come to agreement then we just agree to extend it um typically or times we have not had any increase in it sometimes we've added a cola we didn't have that last the last time at all we kept it exactly the same so we believed that a 3% Cola seemed to be reasonable on those contracts and that's pretty typical if you look at other contracted counties they're doing it would have some but we do sometimes we B it um this time you know they're all in agreement and want to keep doing it and and they are good Attorneys at the work they do if there's no further question I'll make a motion to approve second have a motion to Second any further discussion not all in favor say I I oh same sign motion passes and next up um eron we've got the request approval to sign a three-year memor memorandum of agreement with the University of Minnesota extension Clay County correct so um every three three years Klay County Board of Commissioners asked to sign Ana with the University of Minnesota for their extension program that we have here on the campus the Moa establishes each party's responsibilities and financial cont contributions and the Clay County Commissioners have received multiple presentations on this Mo MOA both by extension staff and the AMC Personnel this uh contract would go from 2025 uh through 2027 with 3% increase between those years um looking at the contract and the amount of people on the last page here it basically provides uh funds for 3.8 FTE um people so with that being said I would open it up for any questions Mr chair commissioner Mojo thank you um as you know I'm impressed that Darren did so well presenting this but as you know um was part of the dialogue the negotiation between the university and the counties on this um this is something that was presented multiple times to this board um this is not um jump starting the gun on when it would start it would still start of January January 1st 2025 this was included in the preliminary budget um just for staff um to know that there's not a drastic change uh we did decide to bring It Forward a little earlier looking at the agenda in December um and November our agendas are quite quite long so I can stand for any questions if there's any on this but certainly would appreciate a vote of support questions commissioner Campbell has the has the administrator support specialist always been through the no um a few years ago we dealt with that through attrition actually it's a substantial savings to the county to do it that way um but um from the times that you're thinking of that that was a County employee part of the problem out of covid came when um the university had different expectations for officing and in-person components and then um the county obviously we had our own policies on that so it felt uh that it was a better way of streamlining it and then obviously with the savings it was kind of a no-brainer for us we we used to have the county the county used to have those employees under us and that changed like commissioner moso said several years ago so there is no County County Extension no position we don't have anybody I checked that yesterday there's nobody in that um capacity thank you as a County employee questions or motion I'll offer a motion to approve signing the mo MOA have motion to Second any further discussion not all in favor say I I oppose same sign motion pass okay committee reports Uh Kevin you're gonna start this week want me to start yeah okay all right thank you on uh we got two weeks to go back on um so it's quite a few meetings on October 23rd we had the Prairie Lake Solid Waste meeting uh not a whole lot to um discuss there we did have a a significant discussion um regarding uh the future of demolition landfills and what what may or may not happen based on the new rules that might be brought forward so we continue to monitor that and and um we'll see how we'll see how that what what develops there other than that everything is going well the budget is fine uh we're still within our budget um we did apply for a mpca rural Minnesota grant grant Draft application for $250,000 so we'll just wait to see how that develops we continue to have discussions and talk about our Ash utilization and um pilot projects in that regard that same day got back and I attended a diversion Authority Land Management committee meeting um we um we reviewed a guidance document for mitigation for impacted Private Structure sites in the Uma uh and the recommendation and that was recommended to move forward to the diversion Authority for approval we did have uh three excess land uh recommendations uh that were also recommended for approval on the 24th we had a um Mor Clay County Joint Powers Authority meeting uh received property acquisition status reports uh land agent reports we had um a couple of um settlement agreement revisions that were presented and approved um and then there was a relocation two relocation um reimbursements that were brought forward uh one of them was um table till next month because um the board requested additional information regarding some of the expenses that were submitted and then we approved a tree removal agreement and um one Contracting action that had no cost impact that same afternoon I attended the diversion uh Board of authority meeting and um we got an update from the co-executive directors on a compens compensation study update um Land Management gave a report finance committee gave everything was pretty much and then and then um um we had established at that point in time the um fi the finalist interviews for um the diversion Authority and ultimately we went through those interviews and when all was said and done um it was recommended that Jason Benson be hired as the new um director of the division Authority and very very impressive record um all three of the final candidates were good um and it's my understanding um that's my understanding that Jason has accepted that position it was done after the fact but it's my understanding he has accepted that position October 28th I went to Hallstead for uh West Central Regional water board meeting uh we continue to um we got updates on the uh Felton pearley Georgetown um projects uh we spent some considerable time talking about the upcoming uh court process which is going to be here in Clay County court tomorrow at 1:30 uh it's going I believe it's scheduled to be a I believe a two-hour public hearing process um and so we just talked about some planning for for that public hearing and we continue to look at the U establishing the bylaws for the water district and we got updates on funding applications um and then we went through where we are currently with our billing process and I I do want to point out that um our our appoint member for Klay County Don Mar has been he's really been really good in in helping and talking about for example going to West Central initiative to look at additional funding um he's I think he's going to be pretty good on that regard he's well tuned to that type of thing and the concern is is when we started this we had $300,000 uh that between the Three Counties and we're already through $180,000 ,000 of that and you know so ultimately to get this through phase two of or hearing number two in this process we're going to be close and so I think we're going to be going to West Central to see if we can get some planning funds from them they and Don's pretty confident that we should be able to maybe get something there and they're they have a lot of opportunities in that regard so don I think John was going to set up a meeting and and for him and I to whether they come here or we go there we're going to have a conversation with them on the 31st um um commissioner eringer and I uh met with Paul barell and and Steve um and and kind of get an update on the funding needs between Clay County and the City of morid for the diversion project and um ultim Ely uh what what we're looking at doing is is um asking the um diversion Authority uh to send in a letter of support for the funding that Clay County and the city will be asking for to complete that project in Minnesota um that's going to be that that resolution form is going to be going through our the diversion Authority planning committee meeting this afternoon at 1:00 with the hopes then that they will forward that resolution onto the full board for support I believe it when we meet next I think it's the 18th or somewhere that it's that third week of November and that you know the numbers I think we're kind of up close to $60 million now with the increase November 20th yeah okay yeah we're going to you know with the increased costs just the for example just the Georgetown Levy alone the preliminary cost estimate used to be 3.5 million it has now gone to $6.5 million you know so the you know the the delays on those say just shows the uh impacts the Wolverton project um we originally in our last goal around we had anticipated that to be 10 million that is now 16.6 million so there's there's a lot of increases there and it's just all the more reason why we need to get these things iron down soon to reduce those escalated prices from getting even worse then on November 4th yesterday uh we had a our final meetings with the uh Department of Motor Vehicle or with the DMV construction project as well as the withdrawal management detox facility basically just has talked about some punch list issues and I'm happy to report that on the motor vehicles when all is said and done we're probably going to be looking at around $174,000 left in that contingency on that project uh on the withdrawal management um the same thing we we've done very well in that regard and we're probably going to be looking at a remaining contingency of approximately $180,000 so those projects ended up doing very well even though we had some hiccups along the way it's still been very positive then I also yesterday then we had the um our I think it was our design meeting number three for the um non-secure project as well as the prtf and we had some you know we spent some time considerable time talking about the modifications to the non-secure unit that would be the prtf really good dialogue there and I'm glad to report that it seems like they've been able to really fit that make those fits with the office spaces and everything that were were needed and then we had a fairly long conversation as I talked about earlier regarding the um request from DHS to potentially have a secure pod within that for um and that there was some very lot of very positive discussions regarding that if you you know if you can talk about needing a secure area for kids is positive I you know I don't it's not from that standpoint but um just the need to have it um and then we we got a very very preliminary uh look at what a freestanding non-secure building would look like uh just for your awareness we are looking at a two story facility the first the first story would would how is what is our our typical non-secure and James reminded Klein McCarthy that we do have to have that one pod that that needs to still have um a little bit more of a secure setting for a certain group of of kids and then the the idea right now is that the a second floor would be designed to have on one side we'd have our ma our male uh transitional housing unit on the other side we'd have the female transitional housing unit and as you know in that process we also then with that happening we would also free up the 5,000 square fet we've committed within our old detox portion at Family Service Center would free that 5,000 ,000 Square ft up again another positive for the future of needs of both Public Health and Social Services in that building there's a lot of really interesting and good things developing in in this and and again we so we asked a question about um you know when we go to build this do does it need to be made out of brick or concrete and all those types of things and and you know according to James the fast majority of it could be stick built and any you know anytime you can do something in that fashion you're probably going to save a lot of money and so that's kind of where we're where we're at right now in that process and they've been really I know Jenny got on remotely on it but it's it's a lot of encouraging things going on in that in that whole deal right now and I'm sorry but that was two week worth of stuff so it took a while has anything come up um whether it's uh un licensing yet so are you talking about on on the prtf yeah so the prtf um obviously there was there was the visit by DHS policy yeah and and now they and now that they now they have to have the building side come in um you know in terms of to see about the licensing so there's not any definite answers on that yet but that process is being worked on done okay thanks I got chck I yeah I'm sorry yes I'm thank you commissioner gross um Monday attend the waters um or meeting H set which C covered very well um the 28th I attended the mor at city council meeting um recognition for Kurt Cannon who was uh recognized this the more hard recognition that's quite an honor for Kurt to have um Personnel issues committee on the 30th also um where we covered which was covered uh we had that item at the meeting today it was covered hiring a nurse at the higher level um yesterday we had a school bus form um at the highway tracking committee I mean Highway tracking uh excuse me Highway Department office and uh talked to the several different uh bar Morhead UL H all showed up for talking about the bus routes and stuff like that and what our Duties are in our commitments to the to the school districts so those are my meetings thank you commissioner kraan off thank you Mr chair um just have a couple here on uh Thursday the uh 24th um uh we're getting toward the end of the uh planning process for the Family Resource Center um uh updates were brought to that meeting um as part of the planning that goes toward implementation is the selection of family Advisory Board um there were quite a few applicants and this is a really diverse group from professionals to um uh consumers and uh in the community uh seven people were chosen uh also the plan is working toward and this is a repeat of what maybe I said a couple weeks ago but um caplp being and the uh uh Navigator of the program and then uh uh um then also uh uh creative Community uh Megan jenssen in particular would be part of that ongoing Outreach uh in the community um uh for uh other nonprofits and services to be part of it uh most importantly out of that we're again at the the end of getting at the end of the planning Grant and so on November 14th from 9 to 11 at the mcom center there'll be a a key stakeholder event meeting um I don't know if all elected officials are invited so I don't know if how much of our group wants to be there if there is that need for open meeting if we're going to have a quorum I'm not maybe we should uh uh talk talk about that a little bit again may not work with everybody's schedule but again November 14th from 9: to 11: at the mcom center uh that presentation will be given by mainly Megan Jensen and then Quinn uh Jagger uh uh doing the two components that they're involved with um I've seen a a preliminary of it but uh uh certainly the invites Bo it's amazing it's almost like our um I feel like the prtf it's just like people nonprofits coming out of the Woodworth to be part of this uh including uh including the schools including the hospitals um as well as uh um you know the folks that are inclusive Morehead and Di and all those groups also uh and our nonprofits uh that we work with um in Social Services so anyway that's uh what's up on that one let me know uh if anybody might be there so we we know about aarm and then uh last night was the uh uh Planning Commission Board of adjustments with City Morehead we acted as Board of adjustments there was one variance that came forward and interesting I there was a a vacant lot down on uh Valley Avenue 409 vill uh Valley Avenue and uh there's going to be a new home built on that that bacon lot this area was built in the 1980s and it's in the uh Fringe uh um the flood Fringe overlay District in town so we had to adjust the the uh the uh where this new home would be we had to adjust the uh flood um elevation so that it would be concurrent with the other properties around it um and uh anyway long short of it we made those adjustments and it was approved that's my report thank you commissioner Mojo thank you I'll try to um abbreviate it as I had 18 meetings in the last week I attended the League of Women Voters candidate forums there were several that were held um the Clay County city of Morehead cyber tabletop exercise really a a great opportunity to have someone someone from the federal cyber security side come in to help walk through some tabletop exercises with our city uh of with the city of Morhead staff and our Clay County staff I really feel like we've done some uh positioning to have key people in place to help protect us in that and the next day or also on the 23rd I had the legislative coordinating meeting with representative Keeler on the prtf ask uh we discussed the bill language and um the proposals that she needs to get the bill ready for jacketing in early December I also attended the diversion Authority Land Management committee meeting on the 23rd that commissioner Campbell recapped well I attended the Fargo Morhead West Fargo Chamber of Commerce candidate Cracker Barrel that was held at the TAC facility in Dilworth on the 23rd on the 24th I attended the MCC jpa meeting uh commissioner cble did recap that well we did um ask for some additional information on a uh request for uh reimbursement on a move request I did work with the land owner to clarify what was needed and asked for on that on the 25th I attended the lakes and prairies Community Action Partnership all staff meeting and training uh really great opportunity to see how vibrant that staff is and work through some some uh additional training opportunities we did discuss how quickly and eagerly eagerly they are to transition um to adapt for the the need particularly with grants that come up for services talked about the uh prf or not the prtf the RFP that we would be talking about today they did um they had been identified that they were the recipients of a very large Grant so they were excited about that later that day I spent a substantial amount of time working on the prtf uh um Proposal with uh Steve Larsson we were able to get um through uh Senator cek and AMC staff U some contacts within the governor uh governor's office we did work to craft correspondence with them certainly today could change who we're contacting uh in that governor's office so we'll just continue to work going forward with that that day I also worked uh the Barnesville Eda and Karen lower had asked for a letter of support on a child care proposal Grant through or for the city of Barnesville so I did craft a letter of support for that Monday the 28th I attended at Morad State University Morehead the chamber public policy meeting that I identified earlier in our prtf discussion we did hear from folks on their legislative priorities how legislative priorities have changed and what ours will be I did highlight the prtf request and ask for letters of support there we did um receive some as I identified that um um from that meeting and then did talk about um how we can continue to collaborate working forward that morning I also attended the Lakeland Mental Health Center board of directors meeting we had updates from the Morehead area supervisors identified uh great Partnerships there how they're continuing to offer school-based care and services in all of the school districts in Clay County after the meeting we had the ribbon cutting for their new facility uh their new office space the chamber uh ambassadors were there to help present that as well if you have an opportunity to drive by there please do so it's really exciting to see that they expanded um over uh south of uh the old Safari I attended the Morhead city council meeting with Francis and other staff members to honor Kurt Cannon uh really exciting to see um both the partnership between the C county of BSO and ours they do a really great job to um give service give the services provided um to our veterans and then um to that end was able to replace the bulbs on my front steps yesterday to Green make sure and do so to honor the veterans in our community on the 29th I attended the Lakeland Mental Health Center County contracts meeting with Klay County um social services staff and Lakeland Mental Health Center staff talked about um those um negotiations there is a a minor increase to that um less than 2% I believe so um we've already included that as part of the proposals for our budget cycle the next day I attended the inclusive Morehead housing lived experience Equity board meeting not board meeting board um Forum uh really really was a great opportunity to hear from folks on some some gaps in care to the housing conversation that we had earlier one item that came out of that if is if there's a benefactor that will be paying for a short-term stay for someone with homelessness uh whether it's a um in between um uh Apartments dates whatever um because of some concerns with trafficking the hotels have not been allowing that if they had a local address and so we're talking through some uh way is to be proactive about making sure people are safe but also making sure if there's a benefactor identified those people can get housed for even a shortterm amount of time so we did work with Charlie Johnson um uh and kale from the chamber and then representative Joy uh to open that dialogue and we've already had two of the um Hotel owners in the community reach out to see if we can fix that the next day we had the prtf Mee meeting with representative Keeler um more just continues to change there just making sure that we're dialing it in so that we have all of the uh letters of support ready for jacketing and then I had the land owner concern on the MCC jpa um meeting that we asked for additional uh resources I did have a long conversation with that land owner to make sure we clarified those components the next day I had uh met with the Kirk who's the assistant Commissioner of land policy and strategic initiatives on the University of Minnesota exchange to Germany that you um you did act on so thank you I appreciate that and then met with representative Joy again on that housing component Hotel short stay yesterday I attended the Metro Cog executive committee meeting call um we did talk about the changes in the health insurance policy premiums that um will be coming forward and additional work project load I was able to jump on the prtf meeting uh yesterday late commissioner Campbell did a really great job of recapping that and then yesterday I also attended the school bus form um meeting to coordinate between the sheriff's department highway department and our school districts on on when calls are made for early out or late start making sure we're collaborating between the entities um in the last few years I really think they've done a great job of making sure that they're all on top of it and I'm sorry I didn't atttend very many meetings no problem thank you on U Wednesday the 23rd I attended a meeting in Glendon not with the uh Harland Trail uh with Metro Cog Personnel this is part of a couple of meetings they've had had up to this point uh they had had about 50 Property Owners at their night at the meeting the previous night um where they addressed a lot of their concerns uh this was for Township and County uh electeds had a couple of Township supervisors there um they're looking right now and it's open to the public for input if you're interested uh Metra Cog has the uh alignment that's been the three alignments are being proposed on their website but they're looking for approval on a preferred alignment um and the website's going to be open until well it's it's closed now was open until November 2nd uh there there's no imminent domain in these uh land Acquisitions land will be with the owner's cooperation as much as possible the development will be on public lands that are already available and all land owners have been notified of this on um Thursday the 24th attended the Morehead uh or the the mfda diversion Authority meeting commissioner Campbell's already covered that we did make I think a really Stellar selection of James Benson I think he's going to be a good executive director all three of them had very high qual uh qualifications um but uh General Benson stood at among them on Thursday the 31st we uh is we had the diversion Authority meeting uh with Paul barell addressing the issues upcoming issues that commissioner Campbell covered um as far as the project cost increases and looking for a uh refer or a motion by the diversion Authority board uh encouraging the state of Minnesota to meet some of the costs that we're looking at here that they are uh committed to meeting uh later that day I attended the pic meeting with uh the issue from ju uh from uh West Central juvenile on hiring and the nurse we've covered today uh yesterday I attended virtually a meeting with the Lake agasse Regional Library uh we're in the midst of Union negotiations and we had a response on an offer we had made and it took some discussion to count for a counter offer and that's going to be an ongoing thing we will next meet on the 18th hopefully we found something that's mutually agreeable to everybody and that completes my uh report Darren do you have anything uh most of my things have been covered by the Commissioners here but I do have a couple things first off I think anybody that thinks that uh being a commissioner is a part-time job all only has to listen to the committee reports and know that it's not a part-time job um on October 22nd I participated with the red R Red River Regional Dispatch Center for an interview for an operations manager um they had they had a very qualified uh internal applicant that got the job so I'm looking forward to that on Wednesday October 23rd I also attended the cyber security tabletop exercise which was covered by commissioner Mojo um Thursday October 24th I participated in a HR payroll contract and RFP process through uh MMC um that was designed to review the contract that we have with ukg and then also reviewing uh the some RFP process uh for contracted support for ukg assistance which is our HR payroll system uh Friday October 25th we had final interviews for the shop foreman position out of the highway department we had a total of four applicants that is um almost completed we're still uh working with one of the applicants Monday and Tuesday the 28th and 29th just had some catch-up work on some some of our HR forms that weren't working so I was trying to deal with that um Thursday October 31st I participated in the pck meeting which has already been covered Friday November 1st um conducted interviews for the recycling and Outreach education coordinator interviews out at the uh transfer station um and also worked on some Union since we're changing the grid from the 2025 we have to I have to go back and give anou to all the unions that this is going to be our new year new grid because we only had the 3% on the their contracts now it'll be 3% Cola 3% Market study so I worked on all of those M us and uh that'll go out after the final Levy is um approved um Monday the 4th I also was uh yesterday was in on the meeting for the DMV and detox construction end of construction meetings and right after that on the non-secure project and the prtf planning which has already been covered by uh commissioner Campbell um a couple notes open enrollment closes tomorrow so if you want the same benefits that you had last year you don't have to do anything if you don't want to if you want to change something then you're going to have to log in change the your benefits that is but if you have a flex spending account whether it's medical or or children then you do have to go back in and reaffirm that so make sure that if you have a flex account you have to go back in and and uh and uh identify those deductions that's that's on a yearly basis um just as a note um the county will be closed on Monday November 11th in observance of Veterans Day and also want to send out our condolences to Steve larsson's and his family for um his mother passed away this past weekend so uh feel um condolences to him and his family [Music] and I will I will have I'm I've had a u prescheduled vacation for Thursday and Friday but I will so I will be out of the office but I will be on the phone if if you have to get on hold of me for anything and that concludes my report thank you Mr Melton anything Jackie I do Mr chair um on October 23rd I attended the Minnesota Association of government communicators fall conference uh another great conference um getting to network with other government communicators and a great learning opportunity um one particular keynote um session was responding to a crisis in another city that was really great to hear it was five communicators a panel of five communicators um in surrounding Metro cities that really came together to help out um an ajacent City so that was really great to hear um city of Morehead also attended so that triggered conversation for us to get together um with um the regional um in our area even across the river to communicators to get together maybe quarterly to um discuss what's going on and um maybe preparing for something like that so um yeah so again I appreciate the board's support for me allowing me to go there um it's a really it is a great opportunity to learn and and network so um and a reminder again to our citizens today is election day so um polling locations will close at 8 and if you need any additional information please go to our website or um the office of Minnesota Minnesota Secretary of State's website as well all right and you took I was going to close meeting out with everybody get out and vote I encourage them to and I've already voted so any other discussion anything else for the good of the order all right we will conclude with or adjourn the meeting thank you for --------- ##VIDEO ID:J7PZ3pCFN8I## oppose same sign motion passes next we have approval of minutes from October 22nd 2024 move approval second have motion to Second any changes or discussion if not all in favor say I I oppose same sign motion passes going to start up with James O'Donnell director West Central juvenile James has uh got request approval to hire a public health nurse above step three for the West Central Regional juvenile center programs yes thank you Mr chair um yeah I'm here today to request permission to hire a a nurse um as you know that we're changing our nursing program over there um and we've um interviewed a nurse and um would like to offer a position to one um I would like to offer the position at um a step seven um grade 18 step seven um this has been vetted out by the uh the pck committee um and it's it's well needed um it's the request today to get a nursing up and going this was approved by the or forwarded by the pick committee and uh would you have any questions or just got one more Mr chair um also if I could get it's it's an exempt position um if there's the ability that um I could offer overtime for this individual until I get um um to pay them overtime because um Flex rate will just be hurting us more um if we have to give them the comp time off um until we get somebody another nurse up and going and we get our we get our place where we need it to be CH Comm C would that then reduce the at your last request we had approved overtime for public health nurses filling in would that would that just reduce part of what public health would need to do then that that's what that would do it would be this nurse would be slowly taking everything in and um and then we would just have public health to for somebody for her to fall back on to ask questions too do you uh Describe the impact this has when the cost is compared to what we were paying to a private uh yeah yeah i' say it's about less it's about less than half um we're paying less than half than at this this new model that we're going with same services but less than half the cost Mr I move approval of the request second motion and a second is that going to include the overtime yes right any any further discussion if not all in favor say I I oppose same sign motion passes thank you thank you did you want me to do number two on the yes agenda okay um I'm requesting permission to rehire an open night an open overnight position um in the non-secure unit um this position is in our 2024 budget and and proposed 2025 budget um and it's critical for ongoing operations in a non-secure unit I'll move to approve a second okay have motion to Second any discussion is there some back fill to this or anything like there won't be this would be an entry level position thank you though any other questions not all in favor say I I I oppose same sign motion passes thank you thank you qu Jagger and Holly wner on uh request approval of Grant funds for the lead agency employment first capacity building Grant morning Mr chair Commissioners uh Holly and I are here today to request uh acceptance of some Grant funds that we wrote for for the lead agency employment first capacity building Grant uh kind of a mouthful but I'd like to take a minute to tell you what it's all about um it aims to support Klay County in enhancing employment opportunities for people with disabilities uh this grant seeks to bridge the gap between local businesses seeking employees people with disabilities while focusing on what's called competitive integrated employment uh I will refer to that as cie moving forward because it's a mouthful as well uh that is aligned with individual strengths and interests and it promotes the employment first model uh now what the employment first model is is it reflects the national movement M to shift the focus of individuals being employed in segregated work environments such as sheltered workshops to meaningful work within the community uh this model prioritizes cie as the preferred employment outcome for people with disabilities cie jobs uh are where people with disabilities work alongside of individuals without disabilities uh within the community in which they reside and for wages and benefits comparable to those without disabilities cie jobs are in typical work environments which contributes to the broader Community by benefiting both the individual and businesses the goal of cie is to ensure that people with disabilities have equal opportunities for Meaningful employment career growth and economic self-sufficiency just like their peers without disabilities uh this Grant's goal is to promote sustainable employment outcomes and support successful implementation of the employment first model at the local level once the funds are received we'll work with Minnesota transformation initiative to create an action plan that includes steps to increase cie for individuals on the folks that are on Holly's case load um we also will create Milestones that need to be achieved after the action plan is created we will work towards partnering with local businesses and employment service providers to support these individuals in exploring and securing competitive integrated jobs um we were granted two years of funds we have the ability to request up to three years of additional funding uh if we can show that our action plan that's created is successfully implemented and the Milestones that we identify are achieved uh the one thing that I find unique and kind of neat about this grant opportunity is that uh DHS recognizes that this is difficult to do so they're not expecting us to have all of the answers right away and instead are partnering with us to create those answers to see what works within our community uh makes me a little excited about that um we were awarded 87,134 $7 for two years again with the option to extend it three to 5 years if we can demonstrate satisfactory progress um so I would yield for any questions at this time questions for Quin commissioner Camp I don't have questions but I have a couple comments I think this is a I think this is great I you know I I see in some of our establishments now that we we do have businesses that um work in this regard where they do have have the ability to have disabled people um working alongside other people and it's a great and the the more the more that businesses today get into an automated type of a situation this just gives an extra incentive I think for businesses to be looking at continuing those types of services and those types of abilities for these people uh to help you know and it helps get them on a self- sustaining way of life as well so I'm I'm really pleased that this is being done any other comments I I too think this is a great opportunity for Citizens with disabilities in our community and for the employers who were struggling with Workforce issues so this is going to bring uh is a win-win situation and uh think it's a great great idea thank you got to give a lot of credit to Holly here she put this one on my radar and we said let's do it let's jump in and hollly wrote the majority of the Grant and was successful in in getting it so a lot of credit to thank you olly have we got a place to put them I know always here there as far as having office space for these people um I think the the plan would be that we'll partner with businesses to figure out how can we get get folks with disabilities jobs within the community so we would be looking at the businesses to be hiring the the with disabilities any other questions so I I noticed that there so there is no um in this type of a grant there is no local cost share either it's just these are just dollars that become available to incentivize right correct yep it you can see on the work plan that I have attached we get half of the funds just from signing a contract um so that would be uh once I get approval from the board today assuming that that's what occurs I would sign the contract and we would receive half the funds as soon as we get the action plan created with uh MTI we'd get the other half of the funds and then from there we create those milestones and by achieving those Milestones we'll receive the additional funds in year two commissioner because yeah I was wondering about the Milestones myself so you're you're starting from zero you and just creating how that develops is that right you didn't need to that wasn't part of the grant to show them what it was it's it's on you correct yeah that was the unique component of the grant where typically we're saying this is what we're going to do this is exactly how we're going to do it this was more expressing interest to say we're going to partner with MTI to figure out what are some appropriate local level milestones and you just curious are there other examples to follow in other communities at all that you're aware of or you know not that I'm aware of we will learn that as we join the kickoff meeting in a few weeks and work with MTI to develop our action plan um it's my understanding that MTI will um interview my staff to gather information and provide feedback and then they'd begin working with me to develop that action plan and eventually our goal would be to collaborate with our local businesses and our current employment service providers to carry out our goals in the action plan okay yeah yeah I think it's really exciting yeah Mr maybe if if I I could do a followup so what would be what would be our Avenue for notifying businesses of these opportunities to partner so I think that will also be developed in our action plan um some examples they did give um the Department of Human Services provided were um developing brochures kind of advertisement and marketing um brochures or or um pamphlets to get the word out our um local employment agencies do have relationships with businesses in our community already um so just I think expanding on those as well as exploring new relationships with those businesses um with um employment first the goal really is for the individual um to you know where do they want to work what is important to them um and kind of building from there and sometimes it might mean um collaborating with that business and identifying specific goals or specific tasks that that employer is struggling to meet with their current Workforce and maybe carving out a specific job for a person um with disabilities to fulfill their need as well as the desire that the person has to work in that area any other questions Mr chair I would move approval to receive lead agency employment first cap capacity building Grant funds oh second motion to Second any further discussion if not all in favor say I I oppose same sign motion passes thank you thank you Gwen you're you're up we're going to get our money's worth out of you today sure are absolutely thank you Mr chair Commissioners uh I'm now here to request uh approving a request for proposal for the local homeless prevention aid funds that were allocated to Clay County for 2025 uh this is similar to uh when I came a few weeks ago with the Saha funds the Statewide affordable housing aid um but this is for the local homeless prevention aid funds um to give you the background uh this Aid was created by the 2021 legislature to help local governments ensure no child is homeless within local jurisdiction by keeping families from losing their housing and helping those experiencing homelessness find housing uh we must use this age Aid to fund new or existing homeless prevention and assistance projects and programs and each project program must include plans for targeting families with children who are eligible for pre kindergarten through grade 12 academic program and are either living in overcrowded conditions in their current housing paying more than 50% of their income for rent or lacking a fixed regular and adequate nighttime residence um must also include a plan for targeting unaccompanied youth in need of an alternative residential setting um the projects and programs have to con connect families with social services necessary to maintain stability within their homes such as housing navigation legal representation and Family Outreach uh the project or programs must also include uh rental assistance for a specified period which can be longer than two years or providing support and Case Management Services to improve housing stability such as housing navigation and Family Outreach uh we initially used a the RFP process for funds in the past and it is recommended that another RFP be issued for the 2025 funds uh right now uh the 2024 grantee was caplp and then they subcontracted with Churches United um I'm not exactly sure what it'll look like for 2025 but I'm here to request that that rfpb approved i' yeld for any questions questions for Quinn just Mr krabo yeah uh just a quick um so the uh uh the 303,000 um that I'm seeing it's uh through 2028 so each year we get an allocation our allocation for 20125 was 33,105 um the funds that are set aside for this are scheduled to occur every year until 2028 but each year our allocation is changed it's based on um Department of Revenue does it on spending it has a lot of schoolage children data that's reported and then that's how our allocation is that gave me Clarity on that because last year that number was a hair higher wasn't it like 360 or something or I thought last year our allocation was in the 250 260 I do believe that this maybe I'm thinking to the other one yes the Saha yes I think that's accurate excuse me all right thank you for that commiss Campbell and so Quinn we're we're looking at we do this our p on a one-year basis right yes that's even though we have these funds that extend out to 20 the RFP is for 2025 correct yeah we won't know what the 2026 allocation is until about August how long will the RP process take um I'm hoping to have it be about a month month and a half I'm hoping to have rfps rece applications received and scored and hopefully by the end of the year good the questions commissioner moso thank you Mr chair uh both commissioner krain and I have and I serve on cap LP and while we're not making a motion to approve any of that I can just speak to the work that they've been doing with that for the 20124 funds uh they really do a phenomenal job in um the Partnerships and making sure that the money gets to the folks that need it the most I'm hopeful that um by approving an RFP today the same will go for that uh certainly um the climate uh is changing or not the climate changing but the weather is changing and getting colder and I think uh the homeless issue is more top of Mind particularly because some issues that are happening on the North toota side as well as our community and just really hopeful that we can um uh all work together to find a sustainable solution for that I I have to say this and it it is something we had last year as well this is a bandaid to the critical issues we have surrounding people who are currently unhoused but we you know you get enough Band-Aids and you can stop a lot of bleeding so this is a a good project that we need to continue to be engaged in Mr gross what's the process you go through to find a homeless person I mean to to find them a home find them a home or to determine first of all that they have a parent who's homeless sure um so our housing advoc our housing agencies will work based on the criteria I'm not specifically familiar with exactly what that criteria is the general process would be to see are you defined as long-term homeless um that has some specific criteria once you're determined to be long-term homeless they'll look at things they'll work with our financial services division to see uh kind of income they'll say what does your income look like and would you qualify for housing assistance um if your income is below a certain threshold you would qualify for housing assistance um so what what happens and I know recently there was a big push at Churches United to um kind of shore up folks that didn't have access to what are called housing vouchers the ability to get um assistance in paying for rent and mortgage and things like that um and through the work that we're done kind of in partnership with caplp and churches they were able to get I think it was over 35 families housing vouchers that day the problem then becomes is if you have a Housing Voucher there's not necessarily an apartment or a home or a physical location that's available just the snap of your fingers so it's kind of waiting to see when is an apartment going to open up when is a rental home going to open up where are the physical homes that will accept these housing vouchers so that that ends up becoming the delay too so it's a multi-step process with kind of bumps in the road along the way do that help answer okay commissioner kravinoff along that line uh we know that people uh that are homeless and need shelter don't care what side of the river that possibility is so when it comes to the vouchers I know on the federal side but on the state side can they be used in both sides of the river I think it depends on the program that you receive the housing voucher from I don't know exactly so I don't want to tell you the wrong thing but I if it's Federal I think it's less of an issue but I think if it's a state program then that River would become a barrier okay I just was curious on that commissioner Campbell when the um a few weeks ago you were here and we you know there was some discussion about uh Churches United and one of the issues that we talked about were the I can't remember if you called them vouchers that were available to them housing housing Support Program housing support these are separate than that correct this is a separate program yeah this is department and these the last time around Churches United was a benefactor through caplp correct yeah they were subc subcontractor for this the local homeless prevention aid because caplp was the grantee and then they Sub sub but but in addition to that as we talked about before when we when we talk about homeless there there are some additional opportunities if Churches United so desired they could because there was some unused for for housing support housing support yeah yeah okay and that and that could be used towards their other facilities other than just the you know the main shelter if there were housing support beds allocated for Micah's Mission the main shelter and for bright Sky apartment there you go that's good okay very good uh I I this certainly make sense to move forward with this request for proposals so I would so move have motion to Second any further discussion if not all in favor say I I oppose same sign motion passes thank you Quinn I have one question for the board Mr grabin off yeah last year I was on the committee uh the RFP committee when we did the final decision making and I wondering if that'd be possible again sure I I think if you're on that if there's that standing committee then thank you okay next up we've got Darren Brooke and he is going to uh give us a request approving resolution 2024-25 um I'm going to kind of start this off and then I think Quinn's going to help me out putting in the details um but for the citizens uh that are out there that doesn't know what a psychiatric residential treatment facility is um it provides active treatment to an impatient level of care under the direction of a physician 7 days per week to youth under age 21 with complex mental health needs and their families based on medical necessity this uh PRT F level of care includes daily active treatment which is achieved through a combination of family group and individual therapy consultation and treatment planning with a comprehensive team of medical and behavioral health staff in his highly structured living environment um ptfs are not considered foster care placements and children or youth are admitted to the P prtf only after medical necessity is determined the reason for this resolution is currently in the United in the state of Minnesota we have four ptfs one of them is in si County one's in nicc County one's in Anoka County and one's in St Louis County and if you look up all of those counties of where they at they're all on the Eastern side of the state there's no prfs on the western side of this state so uh this makes it very hard for kids needing services to stay close to their family base and medical providers and this is why there's efforts underway to bring these services to Clay County in the surrounding areas the Klay County Board of Commissioners has along supported programs to benefit those suffering from mental illness and mental health this board has continually explored ways to add to our County's Continuum of Care both for adults and juveniles the Commissioners identified securing funds for the prtf in the 2024 legislative session as one of their top priorities and while this effort was unsuccessful the commission has continued exploring securing a financial plan to bring the project to fruition the county Klay County Board of Commissioners will consider resolution 2024-25 and the secure funding for the replacement of the existing non-secure detention field facility from the 2025 legislative session some planning is already started exploring the idea of using this existing non-secure area of the West Central Regional Center to transform it into a prtf and if successful with the bonding bill this will bring much needed services to the residents of Clay County and the surrounding areas um the resolution is uh currently located in your packet and uh there's 23 supporters of this according to Quinn uh to support this effort that Klay county is undertaking to bring a prtf to this area so with that being said I'll let Quinn add anything that can I jump in really quickly so in the memo it talks about seeking bonding requests and I think it's important to note that we've shifted this a little bit um that it's we're going after um State grant funding and also the governor's budget but um not leaving bonding out so I don't want to approve something specifically to bonding because we are going after it in a little different way than last year great thank you well actually did a wonderful job explaining all the details the only thing I kind of want to clarify is the initial project was was to build a standalone brick and mortar prtf building um and we had some very astute members of the committee re realize when we were talking about the planning of that that we have that facility already in our non-secure detention and so um the thoughts were to renovate what needed to be renovated if any uh with our non-secure and build a separate Standalone non secure which in hopes would be a little bit cheaper than building uh what would need to be the hardened fixtures and um everything that went into building the non-secure facility when it was renovated in 2018 so it's just a slight change um based on the initial design and so we felt that it would be necessary to update you all and request a new updated resolution of support commiss Campbell yeah I you know I I think I was going to talk a little bit about this under my committee reports cuz we did meet as our prtf group yesterday and and a really interesting development uh came up yesterday through um dhs's um on-site visit of the facility uh they they were impressed with the facility and you know and this is maybe something again for commissioner kraban enough and and commissioner Mojo to keep on our back pocket as we go to the go to St Paul one of the things that they uh asked for and suggested and and to see if we'd be interested in is if a portion of that prtf could be considered locked facility uh because there is there's not one in the state and it's needed and so uh we're looking at you know based on yesterday we're looking at maybe redesigning that to maybe have one of our pods fit that component of being locked for the purposes of some of those um extreme cases and you know and so I think when that when that request comes from DHS we should we should probably strongly consider it because that's as commissioner Mojo talked about I think that's where we're hoping the the grant funding comes from and so it just makes all the sense in the world and we had a several conversations with Steve Summers about that with Solutions uh they would be the ones who would be administrating that that program and they strongly supported that idea they they felt it was a great idea to have that ability you know nobody wants to lock up these young kids but at the same point in time it's it's for everybody's safety that sometimes you just have to do that and so that so I think we're transitioning as we as we move into the uh remodel Pro portion of the project that's described in here um that that portion and and we had James and Josh both were here from Juvenile Center and they both believe that that that could be done uh at a very inexpensive cost to make those alterations to have that one pod become locked so it there's just a lot of more things that are really uh becoming encouraging from the state level that gives us some really opportunities to see this see this done so I just wanted to bring that up commissioner Campbell or commission commissioner kavanov was on that tour with DHS when that kind of light bulb moment with DHS came up and um this project we've been meeting a lot on this project and it's um we had the opportunity to talk with representative Keeler about that potential and she said if DHS comes to you and says this could work really well we'll do it how many counties and tribal nations are are uh partnering with this at this time jump into that or you want me to I I can handle that um so initially our first request was 23 counties and then we had three tribes we had uh Solutions themselves in their board and the Morehead School District um we've asked for updated resolutions again I've received some already and some have told me verbally I'll get it on for our boards but they have varying board meetings throughout the month of November um I am looking to get support again from the school district and the tribes I I don't have 23 updated resolutions but I know that the resolutions in support of that initial Standalone prtf already occurred in early 2024 and an exciting development is uh we are on the agenda to present to the city of Morehead the city of Morehead is verbalized that they're really supportive of this um the president of Concordia has signed a resolution of support the president of Morad state university has also Minnesota State University Morehead has also and then uh representative Keeler met with the president of asentia and uh boy if if that speaks to the the awareness of the need um it's a about time that we do something we're also um have sent messages uh to the Minnesota Indian tribal council uh that W is meeting at the end of middle of November and there will be a opportunity for presentation and dialogue there as well well thanks to uh some of the Commissioners that have come before us and some that are still here uh we've got a remarkable Juvenile facility and it speaks the leadership of this County the number number of counties we have participating with us in that project and this is another dire need for this state that we can take a leadership role in and provide services to a part of the state our part of the state that's currently unserved I'm very excited about this and I commend everybody has put the efforts into it are we still looking for a standalone please yeah maybe if I can yeah so so commissioner gross you know what we're talking about is is the non-secure unit of the juvenile center would be converted to a a prtf and and because because that has more requirements uh in it um for a lack of a better term I'm going to I'm going to say hardened type of a situation because of the clientele that would be in there and so what we're talking about is is converting that and then rather than building a new Standalone prtf that would require that heavier construction build the idea is to build a new non-secure juvenile center and even in our in our conversations yesterday in a non-secure facility it's you it's more going to be treated more like a residential home type of a deal where the vast majority of it will be able to be stick built as opposed to having to have you know Concrete and brick walls and all those more expensive types of ways to build and so so from a long-term fiscal point of view this is a much better option for the state to invest in as well as for the county to you know to to do for the non-secure we've had Ronda Porter and now Quinn and all of our social service directors for many years have been suggesting that we need to try to U have a different type of a setting for these these kids who were especially in the non-secure area we having them in uh put into a building that's more institutionalized isn't the best setting for helping them and so so we have all these things that we're planning are really going to be positive in that regard and you know we we'll we'll we'll see how it turns out with the with the process but you know the answer to your question is is yeah we're still going to be building another we'd still have to build another building but we'll be able to do it much at a much reduced cost further questions commissioner kravinoff no that's okay go for it oh it was just well I um I'm so pleased how fast our momentum's gaining on this and I think there's so much more that's going to come forward in a matter of weeks or I'm being very optimistic here but um you know I I I left town for one week and all I could do is read my emails of the things throwing out and thank you very much commissioner Mojo and along with the our administrator I mean um the amount of word going out for a lack of better words upper Minnesota Regional uh facility and understanding the people that come to this facility will still be vetted and brought here by the state it's not a it's not a local Choice there will be preference to our area but it's still through the state as to those that come here well I again I I don't think they would come from the state I you know I I think they're they need to have a Physicians um I think it's it's done through a medical Quinn right was that there's a medical statement of need that needs to occur so a a a medical doctor needs to say this level of but placement can be throughout maybe I said the wrong word throughout the state right they can come from anywhere in the state yes that's correct yes yeah so I I just you know as much as is our region you know that's the whole point uh you already read it I am I don't want to be jumping ahead here but I am a little concerned about the word bonding on this I mean um are we given the right direction um I'm just concerned right and I view Mr Mojo I like the word grants a lot better correct so um as commissioner kov said he was gotten over the the off week and I would say that this has really changed to a speed in which I would call our administrator and within 20 minutes it had changed slightly so there are some components to it that are a little different and reading the resolution I think we're seeking State funds um not bond funds so I think just as I don't know if we're reading the the resolution or not but I I would edit that slightly to not that could be done the form when the motion happens that okay okay if the motion happens well right I I well I would like to make a statement first I guess okay thank you uh we had the opportunity last week to also present to the Chamber of Commerce public policy committee meeting we did have a long discussion kale is here uh from the chamber um really as we're we're putting out this call for support the chamber has and does stand to help us um get those resolutions of support out there uh commissioner uh representative Keeler has also encouraged us to um get as many uh citizen voices in that as possible and we're working through an opportunity for folks to provide Insight on that um I over the course of this um I'm so sorry I don't know if I we've had lots of um parents and families reach out to us about how this is so needed I just their stories are heartbreaking it's um raising children is really hard and raising children with intense acute medical needs and mental needs is almost impossible and so when you have 26 counties and five tribal Nations say this is a need and a gap in care I just don't know what what else it will take to get the state to help help with these and um you know I'm emotional because those parents reach out to us and share their heartbreaking stories and you know I know there's people in this audience that also deal with um residents of Clay County and throughout the region that also experience this hardship so I'm just really really grateful that to work with a board and staff that um will stand up and say Klay County will address this Klay County will be the one that um Works to make um beds available on the western side of the state and of course I'm emotional I can't get that together god well commissioner moal can I just interrupt you for a minute I just I just I just want to uh state to you that you know and again there's a lot of things that are really need to be done and I remember back after the 97 I was on the oakport Township Board and we were trying to the same thing happened a lot of families lives were ruined because of a flooding situation and so we actively pursued State help on a solution and when when we were first denied from the federal level I I remember being interviewed out on Wall Street and they they asked me and said what are you going to do now and I said we're going to keep going because it's the right thing to do and what we're doing is the right thing to do when when when you're when you keep doing that you're going to be successful and we're going to be successful in this I think Paul has talked about it you know how encouraged he is you're encouraged about it and it it's um I know it's the you know the emotion of of the families is brought out rightfully so um but we're going to stand strong and make sure this happens and uh again I want to remind when we gave our report from U District 4 uh meeting uh we had our staff from AMC stand up and say and recognize Clay County for out our outstanding efforts in this project that it's needed Statewide and so we've got AMC's um attention on this as well so I I think we're going to be in in really good shape here so I thank you for your comments commissioner M I'm just going to make an observation here um one of the things about being on this commission that is so gratifying is that you don't get elected to rule in this country you get elected to serve and sometimes people forget that and I don't know anybody on this commission that isn't remembering that and you see the passion and the care they have about about about their the people that are impacted by what's in our portfolios and it is a definite honor to work with people who take this to heart to the extent that some of these Commissioners do and well all these Commissioners do and our staff and I I just had the pep top talk here as we all did from commissioner Campbell but by God we're going to get it done and and I've watched outside of this commission before I was elected a lot of projects that everybody said you're not going to be able to do it and we did so I I am very gratified by this Comm krainov did you have or no commissioner gross you had something I just had the comment to make you know so many times you hear a statement someone should do something about that and I think we finally are doing something about that so I think we're going to answer that statement amen um Mr chair and and maybe for a commissioner uh Krab enough you raised the concern about having the word bonding in this resolution and I think getting back to the resolution and in that whereas Clay County seeks and I wonder um you know and I'm going to I'm going to look to our two people who are working on the um funding side of the state if if this shouldn't read something like uh Klay County seeks State funding through the governor's office and from the commissioner of Human Services would would that would that be a better um yeah I like adding I like adding the governor piece because well I through the governor's office and and and the um Commissioner of Human Services right I think if we could modify it to that would Jenny are you satisfied with that is it would that meet what you guys were looking at yeah I would I would say that or state appropriated dollars or okay State appropriated funding through the governor's office and the commissioner of Human Services y Mr chair I would move the resolution 2024-25 language I can get that changed H I'll get that changed I we got to get a second in a a second got your second we have Motion in a second any further discussion Francis if not all in favor say I I oppose same sign we're going to get it motion passes thank you so much thank you okayy we're going to jump ahead right now jump over one and we've got Justin suum here we've got to open some bids if you guys will bear with us uh on the next item yes good morning so today is the bid opening for sp14 61401 so this is a bridge replacement just Southwest at Glendon straight west of the Glendon piler so if you remember correctly we did open bids for this in March and we did not receive any this time we did receive two bids they're both complete and both have a bid bond in the amount of 5% um the engineers estimate for this project is 1,531 188.50 the first bid we received was from structural Specialties Incorporated their bid was 1, 9933 77.72 1,993 37772 and the second bid we received was from Redstone Construction LLC their bid was 1,771 6370 1,771 6370 and those are the two bids that we received commission Campbell Justin you know based on your engineers's estimate you know being $240,000 higher than the engineer's estimate what are you notice anything that could have been wrong in the estimate or is this just the so where where the pricing is right now I'm guessing it's where the pricing is right now so the difficult part about that Engineers estimate is it is tied to the step so it was would have been last Spring's pricing so in order to get it changed so I do think it is where the pricing is and one thing I was going to mention is there is federal dollars that are capped on this but there is also Bridge bonding which is just an estimate based on our estimate so I do believe that we are going to receive additional Bridge bonding on top of what we had already received what would your recommendation be in this case so just based on the importance of this bridge and just how the 5-year plan looks I do have I am showing an addition like 300,000 that we're not spending next year so in the event that we do have to spend additional state aid dollars on this bridge I do think it is the correct decision to move forward with this project the likelihood though you could get extra Bridge bonding dollars yep so my my recommendation would be to approve the low bid contingent upon approval from both the office of civil rights since this is a federal aid project there is a dbe goal tied to this and then also approval from state aid other questions I move to approve the low bid uh continuing on approval from the office of civil rights in state aid I'll second have motion to Second any further discussion I just have one question not that relates to that where's the Redstone con construction company from uh Central Minnesota somewhere I don't know exactly where it doesn't show me on this but we have worked with them before okay other questions if not all in favor of the motion say I I I oppose same sign motion passes thank you thank you okay we will go back to uh Michelle Carney and Brian Milton request approval to apply for 2025 restor restorative practices initiatives Grant good morning Mr chair uh Commissioners I think I'll just kick it off and I'll turn it over to Michelle um this board has been uh extremely supportive of restorative justice over the years and as many of you were involved with uh the work that helped to get the restorative justice program directly into the schools uh and the work that we've been doing to get them throughout the county um Morhead schools as well as the uh smaller outer County u schools and and the work that we've been doing there uh we really believe that the restorative justice peace uh is a valuable program to help uh reduce crime reduce reism help uh get to the heart of uh issues uh in a very um right away when it's happening to help address that and and kind of nip some of those problems in the bud and it's I think helped to reduce some of the juvenile crime uh numbers that we've seen coming through the office so again we we feel it's very important and a very impactful program uh we do have a grant opportunity here uh for up to uh $500,000 to help uh do some additional restorative justice pieces it could help um U to work with other uh restorative justice programs um help uh potentially even pay for other um salary that type of thing there's a lot of things it could do but I just wanted to I guess start that off by saying we we think this is a good opportunity and and uh hopefully your supportive of it but I'll turn it over to Michelle to kind of explain a little bit more about it y can you turn your mic on um so we also have Lucas Brandon here who is our current restorative practices coordinator who is in the schools and then Jeff Nyquist who's worked um quite a while with our program he's been a facilitator at different times and now is um helping to kind kind of look at the opportunity with this grant um with our program and so uh the legislature had uh set up through a statute the office of restorative practices throughout the state and that uh was developed over about a three-year plan the idea is to really get restorative practices Statewide in Clay County we've have the benefit of having restorative practices in place since 20 ,000 so we're really a long-term program we've had the the opportunity to have other counties reach out to us to see how we are established what kind of process we take to bring kids into our program um and so through the office of Justice or office of restorative practices they're really trying to both um establish and expand restorative practices throughout Minnesota and so while we're already established program we're looking at this funding opportunity to expand what we're currently doing so um really the benefits of having the opportunity with Lucas in the schools being available really pretty immediately based on an incident taking place he's connecting with kids day of or next day some of our counties it might be almost um you know a couple days later but I don't think there's been an incident that hasn't been a week um from incident to his response and so we're looking at our initial response and talking about that incident has been great but what we want to look at enhancing is supporting those kids then ongoing and so um this funding opportunity is substantial with up to $500,000 but the time frame is needing to spend that within 15 months so looking at what that looks like for us that's hard to bring in a lot lot of staff to do that internally so I'm really looking at how we can contract with other programs that really can help support kids where we provide restorative practices and then really hand off those opportunities to these other partners to provide those ongoing Supportive Services to these kids who really would benefit from those relationships um long term and So within this funding um I do think the one part that we would look at is maybe a variable hour or part-time restorative prevention coordinator so someone who is actually in the schools working on preventative cases right now Lucas is doing a majority of those in addition to incidents that have already happened um I can let him speak too but um Horizon East for sure is um giving him some direct referrals of kids that they believe are having incidents that they want to try to interview intervene prior to something um occurring in a criminal way and so I think that opportunity um is available but I'll kind of let him speak to maybe the the challenge of uh capacity maybe in that way okay uh thank you Michelle good morning Commissioners um uh yes I I see this as a huge opportunity and and what's happening in my estimation is by working with the schools by having these good relationships we've been building a lot of trust with school administrators with principles um and so we do get a lot of referrals I mean you know case load case count is well over 200 now for the year 2024 maybe roughly split between diversion where these are citations that have been issued to a student and it would go to court if not for for us offering a restorative diversion uh but the level the number of preventive cases are reaching a point uh where I feel like to maintain this high level of service and and uh and actually being restorative and and really helping these people uh when they need it uh I see this as a great opportunity to kind of build this program up broaden it um we're uh and and I I think we're going to bring up the process of this grant requires building this kind of broad Coalition or committee and by the very nature of it I believe what's going to happen is we'll get a lot of community input a lot of stakeholders input into where you know let's say we get this $500,000 uh you know we'll we'll come up with ways where we can use it during the time frame and there are uh down the line uh there's another uh Grant process uh for the next for the next 15-month period and so on um so I see this as something that the schools are are actively telling me especially here in Morehead uh that they need this support that they uh are struggling with how to uh maintain kind of kind of basic order we might think about but but things like fights happening in the schools uh are are a real problem right now here in Morehead and I think this would help us quite a bit Yeah so part of that funding would be um likely that additional prevention based coordinator um we also would look at training dollars within that funding um another unique opportunity with this grant is that there are direct restitution costs that can go to victims um in being with a victim Services through with the county for the last 15 years this is unheard of I've never seen an opportunity or a grant opportunity um that allows Grant dollars to go directly to Crime Victims to help them cover the cost of of a crime that happened so 15% of this dollar amount can go directly to reimburse Crime Victims so that's really substantial um we would also look at just basic program supplies um and the important part that I think that we're looking at is really that contract piece so who is already out in the community working with kids um that can be that supportive services and how can we partner with them to provide that forward and so where we've reached out with is with the F5 program they have a youth mentorship program that they're looking to enhance in the Clay County District um enrichment operation with Peter Ferguson is another program specific to youth within Morehead schools and so um those are two programs that we've identified so far um Jeff as well is an opportunity here where we've had some discussions about providing restorative practices really early on with youth and and at even an elementary level to start introducing some of these Concepts so kids have really basic ideas of language and empathy and and conflict resolution at a young age to use that to continue to grow and hopefully um take those skills in to their um teenage years as well um so the really unique part of this grant as well was that in order to apply for it you had to create a restorative practices advisory committee um that required commitment from 11 different entities um that included a judge a county attorney a chief District public defender someone from Social Services uh law enforcement um probation a school ad Administration community members uh restorative practitioners a parent youth or Justice impacted participant and Victim Advocacy group and so the last couple weeks we've worked to reach out to all of those entities and we do have commitment from 11 of all 11 of those um Partners where they are on board and ready to be a part of that advisory committee when I called the the grant um uh manager and let him know um I think there was some surprise that there was already that commitment so I I was just really um grateful that that our community our community again sees a need and and responds and and I appreciate that very much so um we have the the individuals in place I think we have um the need is there um I would say the other unique thing for more head schools specifically is it's been very unique this school year without having SRO in the school and so um that has been just a different Dynamic for I think um for Lucas we're managing things in a different way our needs are a little different and so um the focus of this Although our our broader program covers all of Clay County this specific funding would really be focused and targeted on the high needs for the Morehead schools so that would be our ask would be to apply for this funding opportunity um the grant due date is December 6th it is in that 15-month Grant award April 1st to June 3 April 1st of 25 to June 30th of 26 just an observation um I ran a juvenile unit years ago and I I worked here in Morehead for 12 years victim services are critical but it was a it was a paradigm shift when restorative justice came into the picture it was not there when I started with the juvenile unit it came in while I was there in another another uh State and we saw the difference in some very violent and difficult schools here our schools are under greater challenge uh than they've been since I've been here and the lack of school resource officers some of the other dynamics that have hit this is essential Lucas you've done a great job and word is out and the see this as a as a positive thing I would like to volunteer my services in any way I can with your committee um this is really another one of those things we can do for our kids in this community and we have Commissioners on on this uh board that are committed to that to a great as you've seen today to a huge extent and this is something that will keep the kids out of the process that we're doing on on the other end with the West Central juvenile this is something that will give them the skills they need to quit quit having the confrontations and the problems and the fact that there's funding to make victims whole is also incredible so I I'm this is just great thing to hear and now I'll shut up and let commissioner Campbell talk yeah thank you um you know you're you know we've had this restorative justice program and I uh attorney mton I think brought this before our board many years ago and we bought in to what he was talking about and it was it was a program that was well well worth the purchase uh Brian I think on an annual basis comes to us and talks about uh the successes of restorative justice and you know I think you brought up the you know about the reism and and those types of things that uh these programs are designed to do now we have ability through a grant option to even expand on that uh that's the way I'm seeing it and reading it is that this gives us even more uh opportunities to even go further within the abilities to help these kids and um victims of of of what some of these kids have done so I'm I'm encouraged of it I I just my question so on here I noticed that you me you talked about the minister statute 20 229 a95 is that are are these State funds that we're requesting or is or is this something that is uh brought down through the federal government to the state and then to us or it's just state and local so Jeff actually has been working with um the state in some different uh capacities and um some work groups on that so I'll let maybe are you okay answering some of that yeah well in the yeah in the aftermath of the passing the the yeah thank you um yeah I got involved in something called the the youth restorative work group uh in the aftermath of uh house file 46 the statute she's referring to um and this we would meet by Zoom every two weeks or so it was a sort of practitioners um County attorneys uh Sometimes some legislators um one of those individuals was representative Sandra Feist and she was the author on the house side of the restorative practices uh initiative um and yeah the the um the funding is I think it's 8 million for this bium it's five in the next bium and then five million thereafter so I spoke with the this the new executive director for the Youth restorative justice was hired recently his name is Kendall Hughes and I talked with him just at the end of last week to confirm that too so my understanding from him is that this is ongoing funding and these are State State dollars State dollars yes very good any other questions Mr chair commissioner Mojo thank you no questions just I recall uh your group was able to bring together stakeholders and have Round Table meetings in uh Morehead and Holly a couple years ago to really talk about the issues collaborate see how we can address the challenge of an everchanging landscape of the youth that we're dealing with and I just wanted to report that I I remember specifically there's a certain School District that just basically said you know we're not seeing these issues in our school District at all it's not something that we've we've seen and and just maybe seem to be not open to having the conversation about addressing a need whether it was there or not and that same school district I just heard has been uh really a champion to Bringing um mental health supports into the schools and now they're coming up with additional funds to help make that happen and and I'm really encouraged by that because all of our uh County school districts have mental health supports contracted in there and um it's part of the Continuum Continuum of Care right all the uh the issues that we see and um so just you know whether it was eye opening or not um I think there was benefit to that I continue having kids in in the school district I know firsthand I hear about the issues that you're all working with and and it is challenging and however we can support best um the whole component of it I'm really um excited about so uh this funding amount is huge uh it's it's really exciting to see funds available to that amount and I'm really hopeful that we can secure it so great work keep it up Mr chair I would move that we apply for the 2025 restorative practices initiative Grant second the motion have motion to Second commissioner gross you had something I was just looking over that um Grant uh application there's around 30 different things you got to do you know you gotta get so many letters so many people have to be involved in all this are we covered on all that stuff or can we get yep so that the 11 different groups that need to be representative we have commitment from all of those Partners um and then we have two meetings set up in November to convene all of those individuals and then the idea is we would get a letter of support from from that group that advisory committee okay yep I just feel there's a lot of steps to go through there are I will say commissioner gross that this grant as with a lot of Grants there's a lot of work to do with it Michelle is a very talented very smart person who's worked on a lot of Grants I know Jeff has worked on a lot of Grants and we have some talented people here that can definitely work through that and get it done it's pretty short time frame to get it done but I I I'm very confident we will get it done I'll make sure she stays here for another 15 years then thank you that's right she's going to be here a long time thank you any other questions we have motion and a second on the floor if no further questions all in favor of the motion say I I thank you oppose same sign motion passes thank you great time he we take a break for five minutes okay I'm going to call the meeting back in order next issue we have a request for out of state travel for commissioner Mojo okay thank you I'm kind of running double duty here making sure the video is going and everything else so um so this probably should be uh outof country travel for commissioner Mojo um she's been invited to the uh by the Minnesota Pollution Control agency to the first sustainable materials and solid waste exchange between Minnesota and North Rin Westfalia Germany um the University of Minnesota will lead the exchange with our partners from the north Rin West West FIA government focusing on sustainable materials management the trip will bring together a group of 20 leaders from the private Solid Waste industry state and local governments retailers and nonprofits to learn together the plan is to depart from Minnesota on Friday December 6th and to arrive Saturday in dorf Germany and return on Saturday December 14th um participants will be required to cover their airfare a small number of meals and uh their me and part of their meal allowance um and I would volunteer my time if she needs somebody to carry luggage or um coffee get coffee do notes anything so uh with that being said I think she need an interpreter more than anything there well I think commissioner gross and I can yes sir you still know that German oh yeah uh one one thing has been brought to my attention we have our uh um annual conference for um the AMC AMC in St Paul that week and actually with all the funding that's directed to pay for most of this it's going to be either a savings or a break even for us uh given what she would what commissioner moo would be spending in St Paul also I think all of us have personal experience that uh uh commissioner Mojo engages with what she knows and is involved with this will be a useful thing we have a lot of solid waste issues in this County that need some expertise and anything we can do to add to that pool of knowledge is beneficial of the County so I think it's a good I think it's a good expenditure I think so too I mean I think it's quite an honor that one of us was selected so you should be honored if you do that and hope you are and I just uh I do want to make a motion that we approve this thanks motion second any further discussion commissioner motion oh go okay yeah correct painful correct so uh thank you uh last week I um received an email highlighting the invitation uh highlighting the 20 folks that were identified throughout the state there's about three County Commission commers three state senators a couple um Representatives um commissioners of different agencies uh this is a a u group exchange if you will the University of Minnesota and the Minnesota Pollution Control agency is really heading it up um to talk about um uh different um ways we're working with sustainable M sustainable materials how we're mitigating our solid waste a circular economy really around that part of the reason that um I was identified for that is because I'm the the chair of the extension committee right now but also serve on the um environment natural resources policy group and and really the work of commissioner Campbell and I on solid waste with our Prairie Lakes work and then testifying about score funding and additional ways uh to to mitigate trash uh I think Klay County really done some Progressive things in regards to uh trash and um with the incinerators we've talked about anerobic digestors it's really to see what Germany is doing in regards to those efforts and then but also present what uh the state of Minnesota is doing so um I would um be a presenter on that uh panel to talk about what we specifically have done um all all to really find the best way to move forward as as we've uh I was talking to someone last week about it when I first got elected I I and commissioner Campbell can probably correct me on this the lifespan of our landfill was really 20 years I mean that's John ever had talked about that it was we were um looking at the Horizon of what what that would be on our landfill and we've done some huge huge work and have extended that lifespan 10 years later and so that's really um really gratifying I will say there's a number of components that need to happen to even know to to schedule this for four weeks out so I'm hopeful there's a chance that there may be some passport um issues in in regards to that so that I would still then attend AMC if that were to be the case so um certainly uh grateful for the support and the um the blessing if you will from this board but also I think to just have Clay County named as part of uh the leaders throughout the state uh is really cool yeah I this great I I agree with Frank I think it's an opportunity to and with Jenny's work with the extension and I think it's a good deal is there a motion on the floor yeah okay double checking this time and second it any further discussion the only the only thing that so looking looking at the dates um you would you would not be at the AMC conference then and I just pointing out and maybe we can talk about this after the vote or whatever but that does open up one of our um previous voting members that we had sent in to AMC and if we have the ability to modify that and if something if something that Darren might be interested in attending as our assistant County Administrator I don't know if he's been to one of those or not um yeah I went last year and I I plan on attending this year as Okay so so uh well let's let's just maybe we can just vote on this and then I'll any further discussion all in favor of the motion say I I post same sign motion passes and so then with with that um I think we still probably have time to notify AMC to make a change to our voting delegates sure and if are you kind of committed to do this then so if I might um Steve and I talked about this last week um and we did talk about the delegate piece and when can we cancel something without losing deposits um I'll know more from this um The Exchange trip in the next week and so um we'll cover those bases but we just didn't want to cancel something if something fell through okay well in the event that you confirm your trip then okay hopefully we'll still have time where we could change the voting M okay yes uh I me Mr KRA off just a question to the maybe I'm jumping ahead but is uh Ezra invited to join us this year yes yeah okay that's already he won't be able to vote but he's going to be with us okay just they let you know I I Googled North Ry West FIA it's a beautiful place might not come back I'm well when Frank heard about this he was really excited you know he asked me if I'd been to Europe and I said well it's not that's not my home country but I guess it's yours I've been to Germany it's a great country um so that's appreciate it right on to the next item is uh Darren you're gonna present the uh approval of court appointed attorney contracts yep um all of these things that Steve left me I wasn't really involved with so I'm going to try to struggle through some of this um as you know Klay county is required uh by Minnesota statute to provide court appointed attorneys for Indigent clients um we have several attorneys that are on contract and those contracts end in December on December 31st of this year um the Klay County Board of Commissioners will consider the following contracts that I would like to present to you the the uh attorneys involved are Brian toy Sean SMI Alex malom and Stuart kitzman um I believe we have contracts with all of them right now and so this would be a contract to renew those um for the 25 and 20 or uh the 25 and 26 Calendar years um the original contracts were offered to existing contract holders based on the previous RFP process conducted by the court administration and in reviewing the contracts with the county attorney's office and Social Services Personnel all these parties agreed that these contract holders that are currently uh contract holders had been doing an acceptable job um with each year that job uh that contract increases by 3% and if you uh recall we have a cola for 3% as well next year um the funding for these contracts are already included in the uhu preliminary Levy figures so these aren't additional Levy dollars um there is requirements in the contract to uh record and Report their times that they spend on uh Clay County things and they uh must report I believe it's quarterly to the County Administrator on their um their submittal of their time cards time time U that they've been working on these cases so with that being said I don't know if Brian has anything say I can maybe just jump in to help Darren a little bit more to as I think the board is aware and we've had these contracts in front of the board before but these are standard contracts two of the attorneys Brian toy and Sean Schmidt do child need or protection or services so that's a requirement under the law that um that those children or excuse me the parents have um appointed attorneys so um that's those two kind contracts and those are larger and um definitely more timec consuming than anything else than uh Alexis mum's is a the um commitments and guardianship conservatorship contracts and again those individuals are acquired under law to have have an attorney appointed for them uh and that's contracted through these and then finally steuart Kitman is um for paternity actions so anytime an action comes that uh there's a question in regard to paternity uh they are allowed to apply for and get an attorney so those are the four contracts that are required under law typically they are two-year contracts uh steuart kitzman's he did request a three-year more so just uh as a retirement piece he was looking at uh expectation of retiring after 2027 just asked if if we would agree to it he would ask for that one extra year to be included instead of having to re uh look at it or rebid it that's I guess his expectation time frame so that's why he asked for the three-year Steve and I discussed it and we thought that was reasonable he's he's done a good job with that he's a a well-known attorney uh within this area knows that uh area of law very well Mr grais have we done this before we have contracts we have we've had we've had different we've had yeah we've had different individuals so we can either bid it out each time but if we're satisfied with the individuals and they're satisfied we can come to agreement then we just agree to extend it um typically or times we have not had any increase in it sometimes we've added a cola we didn't have that last the last time at all we kept it exactly the same so we believed that a 3% Cola seemed to be reasonable on those contracts and that's pretty typical if you look at other contracted counties they're doing it would have some but we do sometimes we B it um this time you know they're all in agreement and want to keep doing it and and they are good Attorneys at the work they do if there's no further question I'll make a motion to approve second have a motion to Second any further discussion not all in favor say I I post same sign motion passes and next up um eron we've got the request approval to sign a three-year memor memorandum of agreement with the University of Minnesota extension Clay County correct so um every three three years Klay County Board of Commissioners asked to sign an MOA with the University of Minnesota for their extension program that we have here on the campus the mo MOA establishes each party's responsibilities and financial contributions in the Klay County Commissioners have received multiple presentations on this MOA both by extension staff and the AMC personel now this uh contract would go from 2025 uh through 2027 with 3% increase between those years um looking at the contract and the amount of people on the last page here it basically provides uh funds for 3.8 FTE um people so with that being said I would open it up for any questions Mr chair commissioner Mojo thank you um as you know I'm impressed that Darren did so well presenting this but as you know um it was part of the dialogue the negotiation between the university and the counties on this um this is something that was presented multiple times to this board um this is not um jump starting the gun and when it would start it would still start of January January 1st 2025 this was included in the preliminary budget um just for staff um to know that there's not a drastic change uh we did decide to bring It Forward a little earlier looking at the agenda in December um and November our agendas are quite long so I can stand for any questions if there's any on this but certainly would appreciate a vote of support questions commissioner Campbell has the has the administrator support specialist always been through the no um a few years ago we dealt with that through attrition actually it's a substantial savings to the county to do it that way um but um from the times that you're thinking of that that was a County employee part of the problem out of covid came when um the university had different expectations for officing and in-person components and then um the county obviously we had our own policies on that so it felt uh that it was a better way of streamlining it and then obviously with the savings it was kind of a no-brainer for us we we used to have the county the county used to have those employees under us and that changed like commissioner moso had said several years ago so there is no County County Extension no position we don't have anybody I checked that yesterday there's nobody in that um capacity thank you as a County employee questions or motion I'll offer a motion to approve signing the Moa have motion to Second any further discussion not all in favor say I I oose same sign motion passes okay committee reports Uh Kevin you're going to start this week want me start yeah okay all right thank you on uh we got two weeks to go back on um so it's quite a few meetings on October 23rd we had the Prairie Lake Solid Waste meeting uh not a whole lot to um discussed there we did have a a significant discussion um regarding uh the future of demolition landfills and what what may or may not happen based on the new rules that might be brought forward so we continue to monitor that and and um we'll see how we'll see how that what what develops there other than that everything is going well the budget is fine uh we're still within our budget um we did apply for a mpca rural Minnesota grant grant Draft application for $250,000 so we'll just wait and see how that develops we continue to have discussions and talk about our Ash utilization and um pilot projects in that regard that same day I got back and I attended a diversion Authority Land Management committee meeting um we um we reviewed a guidance document for mitigation for impacted Private Structure sites in the Uma uh and the recommendation and that was recommended to move forward to the diversion Authority for approval we did have uh three excess land uh recommendations uh that were also recommended for approval on the 24th we had a um more Clay County Joint Powers Authority meeting uh received property acquisition status reports uh land agent reports we had um a couple of um settlement agreement revisions that were presented and approved um and then there was a relocation two relocation um reimbursements that were brought forward uh one of them was um table till next month because um the board requested additional information regarding some of the expenses that were submitted and then we approved a tree removal agreement and um one Contracting action that had no cost impact that same afternoon I attended the diversion Board of authority meeting and uh we got an update from the co-executive directors on a compens compensation study update um Land Management gave a report finance committee gave everything was pretty much and then and then um um we had established at that point in time the um fi the finalist interviews for um the diversion Authority and ultimately we went through those interviews and when all was said and done um it was recommended that Jason Benson be hired as the new um director of the division Authority and very very impressive record um all three of the final candidates were good um and it's my understanding um that's my understanding that Jason has accepted that position that was done after the fact but it's my understanding he has accepted that position October 28th I went to Hallstead for our uh West Central Regional water board meeting uh we continue to um we got updates on the uh Felton pearly Georgetown um projects uh we spent some considerable time talking about the upcoming uh court process which is going to be here in Clay County court tomorrow at 1:30 uh it's going I believe it's scheduled to be a I believe a two-hour public hearing process um and so we just talked about some planning for for that public hearing and we continue to look at the U establishing the bylaws for the water district and we got updates on funding applications um and then we went through where we are currently with our billing process and I I do want to point out that um our our appointed member for Clay County Don Martin has been he's really been really good in in helping and talking about for example example going to West Central initiative to look at additional funding um he's I think he's going to be pretty good in that regard he's well tuned to that type of thing and the concern is is when we started this we had $300,000 uh that between the Three Counties and we're already through $180,000 of that and you know so ultimately to get this through phase two of or hearing number two in this process we're going to be close and so I think we're going to be going to West Central to see if we can get some planning funds from them they and Don's pretty confident that we should be able to maybe get something there and they're they have a lot of opportunities in that regard so don I think John was going to set up a meeting and and for him and I to whether they come here or we go there we're going to have a conversation with them on the 31st um um commissioner ebinger and I uh met with Paul barell and and Steve um and and kind of get an update on the funding needs between Clay County and the City of morid for the diversion project and um ultimately uh what what we're looking at doing is is um asking the um diversion Authority uh to send in a letter of support for the funding that Clay County and the city will be asking for to complete that project in Minnesota um that's going to be that that resolution form is going to be going through our the diversion Authority planning committee meeting this afternoon at 1:00 with the hopes then that they will forward that resolution onto the full board for support I believe but when we meet next I think it's the 18th or somewhere that it's that third week of November and that you know the numbers I think we kind of up close to $60 million now with the increase November 20th yeah okay yeah we're going to you know with the increased costs just the for example just the Georgetown Levy alone the preliminary cost estimate used to be 3.5 million it has now gone to $6.5 million you know so the you know the the delays on those say just shows the uh impacts the Wolverton project um we originally in our last goal around we had anticipated that to be 10 million that is now 16.6 million so there's there's a lot of increases there and it's just all the more reason why we need to get these things iron down soon to reduce those escalated prices from getting even worse then on November 4th yesterday uh we had a our final meetings with the uh Department of Motor Vehicle or with the DMV construction project as well as the withdrawal management detox facility basically just talked about some punch list issues and I'm happy to report that on the motor vehicle Les when all is said and done we're probably going to be looking at around $174,000 left in that contingency on that project uh on the withdrawal management um the same thing we we've done very well in that regard and we're probably going to be looking at a remaining contingency of approximately $180,000 so those projects ended up doing very well even though we had some hiccups along the way it's still been very positive then I also yesterday then we had the um our I think it was our design meeting number three for the um non-secure project as well as the prtf and we had some you know we spent some time considerable time talking about the modifications to the non-secure unit that would be the prtf really good dialogue there and I'm glad to report that it seems like they've been able to really fit that make those fits with the office spaces and everything that were were needed and then we had a fairly long conversation as I talked about earlier regarding the um request from DHS to potentially have a secure pod within that for um and that there was some very lot of very positive discussions regarding that if you you know if you can talk about needing a secure area for kids is positive I you know I don't it's not from that standpoint but um just the need to have it um and then we we got a very very preliminary uh look at what a freestanding non-secure building would look like uh just for your awareness we are looking at a two story facility the first the first story would would how is what is our our typical non-secure and James reminded Klein McCarthy that we do have to have that one pod that that needs to still have um a little bit more of a secure setting for a certain group of of kids and then the the idea right now is that the a second floor would be designed to have on one side we'd have our ma our male uh transitional housing unit on the other side we'd have the female transitional housing unit and as you know in that process we also then with that happening we would also free up the 5,000 square ft we've committed within our old detox portion at Family Service Center would free that 5,000 square fet up again another positive for the future of needs of both Public Health and Social Services in that building there's a lot of really interesting and good things developing in in this and and again we so we asked a question about um you know when we go to build this do does it need to be made out of brick or concrete and all those types of things and and you know according to James the vast majority of it could be stick built and any you know anytime you can do something in that fashion you're probably going to save a lot of money and so that's kind of where we're where we're at right now in that process and they've been really I know Jenny got on remotely on it but it's it's a lot of encouraging things going on in that in that whole deal right now and I'm sorry but that was two weeks worth of stuff so it took a while has anything come up um whether it's uh un licensing yet so are you talking about on the on the prtf yeah so the prtf um obviously there was there was the visit by DHS policy yeah and and now they and now that they now they have to have the building side come in um you know in terms of to see about the licensing so there's not any definite answers on that yet but that proc this is being worked on done okay thanks I got chck I yeah I'm sorry yes I'm thank you commissioner gross um Monday attend the waters sh um or Meeting Hall set which Campell covered very well um the 28th I attended more city council meeting um recognition for Kurt Cannon who was uh recognize this the more hard recognition that's quite an honor for Kurt to have um Personnel issues committee on the 30th also um where we covered which was covered uh we had that item the meeting today it was covered hiring a nurse at the higher level um yesterday we had a school bus form um at the highway tracking committee I mean Highway tracking uh excuse me Highway Department office and uh talked to the several different uh bar Morhead you hit all showed up for talking about the bus routes and stuff like that and what our Duties are and our commitments to the to the school districts so those are my Med thank you commission krainov thank you Mr chair um just have a couple here on uh Thursday the uh 24th um uh we're getting toward the end of the uh planning process for the Family Resource Center um uh updates were brought to that meeting um as part of the planning that goes toward implementation is the selection of the family Advisory Board um there were quite a few applicants and this is a really diverse group from professionals to um uh consumers and uh in the community uh seven people were chosen uh also the plan is working toward and this is a repeat of what maybe I said a couple weeks ago but um capop PB and the uh uh Navigator of the program and then uh um then also creative Community Megan jenssen in particular would be part of that ongoing Outreach uh in the community um uh for uh other nonprofits and services to be part of it uh most importantly out of that we're again at the end of getting at the end of the planning Grant and so on November 14th from 9 to 11 at the mcom center there'll be a uh key stakeholder event meeting um I don't know if all elected officials are invited so I don't know if how much of our group wants to be there if there is that need for open meeting if we're going to have a quorum I'm not maybe we should uh uh talk about that a little bit again may not work with everybody's schedule but again November 14th from 9: to 11: at the comp Center uh that presentation will be given by mainly Megan Jensen and then Quinn Jagger uh uh doing the two components that they're involved with um I've seen a a preliminary of it but uh uh certainly the invites Bo it's amazing it's almost like our um I feel like the prtf it's just like people nonprofits coming out of the woodwork to be part of this uh including uh including the schools including the hospitals um as well as uh um you know the folks that are inclusive Morehead and Di and all those groups also uh and our nonprofits uh that we work with um in social services so anyway that's uh what's up on that one let me know uh if anybody might be there so we we know about a quar and then uh last night was the uh uh Planning Commission Board of adjustments with City Morehead we acted as Board of adjustments there was one variance that came forward and interesting I there was a a vacant lot down on uh Valley Avenue 409 V uh Valley Avenue and uh there's going to be a new home built on that that bacon lot this area was built in the 1980s and it's in the uh Fringe uh um the flood Fringe overlay District in town so we had to adjust the the uh the uh where this new home would be we had to adjust the flood um elevation so that it would be concurrent with the other properties around it um and uh anyway long short of it we made those adjustments and it was approved that's my report thank you commissioner Mojo thank you I'll try to um abbreviate it as I had 18 meetings in the last week I attended the League of Women Voters candidate forums there were several that were held um the Clay County city of Morehead cyber tabletop exercise really a a great opportunity to have someone from the federal cyber security side come in to help walk through some tabletop exercises with our city uh of with the city of Morhead staff and our Clay County staff I really feel like we've done some uh positioning to have key people in place to help protect us in that and the next day or also on the 23rd I had the legislative coordinating meeting with representative Keeler on the prtf ask uh we discussed the bill language and um the proposals that she needs to get the bill ready for jacketing in early December I also attended the diversion Authority Land Management committee meeting on the 23rd that commissioner Campbell recapped well I attended the Fargo Morhead West Fargo Chamber of Commerce candidate Cracker Barrel that was held at the TAC facility in Dilworth on the 23rd on the 24th I attended the MCC jpa meeting uh commissioner Campbell did recap that well we did um ask for some additional information on a uh request for uh reimbursement on a move request I did work with the land owner to clarify what was needed and asked for on that on the 25th I attended the lakes and prairies Community Action Partnership all staff meeting and training uh really great opportunity to see how vibrant that staff is and work through some some uh additional training opportunities we did discuss how quickly and eagerly eagerly they are to transition um to adapt for the the need particularly with grants that come up for services talked about the uh pra or not the pr the RFP that we would be talking about today they did um they had been identified that they were the recipients of a very large Grant so they were excited about that later that day I spent a substantial amount of time working on the prtf uh um Proposal with uh Steve Larsson we were able to get um through uh Senator cek and AMC staff um some contacts within the governor uh governor's office we did work to craft correspondence with them certainly today could change who we're contacting uh in that governor's office so we'll just continue to work going forward with that that day I also worked uh by the Barnesville Eda and Karen lower had asked for a letter of support on a child care proposal Grant through or for the city of Barnesville so I did craft a letter of support for that Monday the 28th I attended at Morad State University Morehead the chamber public policy meeting that I identified earlier in our prtf discussion we did hear from folks on their legislative priorities how legislative priorities have changed and what ours will be I did highlight the prtf request and ask for letters of support there we did um receive some as I identified that um from that meeting and then did talk about um how we can continue to collaborate working forward that morning I also attended the Lakeland Mental Health Center board of directors meeting we had updates from the Morehead area supervisors identified uh great Partnerships there how they're continuing to offer school-based care and services in all of the school districts in Clay County after the meeting we had the ribbon cutting for their new facility uh their new office space the chamber uh ambassadors were there to help present that as well if you have an opportunity to drive by there please do so it's really exciting to see that they expanded um over uh south of uh the old Safari I attended the Morhead city council meeting with Francis and other staff members to honor Kurt Canon uh really exciting to see um both the partnership between the Cass County vso and ours they do a really great job to um give service give the services provided um to to our veterans and then um to that end was able to replace the bulbs on my front steps yesterday to Green make sure and do so to honor the veterans in our community on the 29th I attended the Lakeland Mental Health Center County contracts meeting with Klay County um social services staff and Lakeland Mental Health Center staff talked about um those um negotiations there is a a minor increase to that um less than 2% I believe so um we've already included that as part of the proposals for our budget cycle the next day I attended the inclusive Morehead housing lived experience Equity board meeting not board meeting board um Forum uh really really was a great opportunity to hear from folks on some some gaps in care to the housing conversation that we had earlier one item that came out of that if is if there's a benefactor that will be paying for a short-term stay for someone with homelessness uh whether it's a um in between um uh Apartments dates whatever um because of some concerns with trafficking the hotels have not been allowing that if they had a local address and so we're talking through some uh ways to be proactive about making sure people are safe but also making sure if there's a benefactor identified those people can get get housed for even a shortterm amount of time so we did work with Charlie Johnson um uh and kale from the chamber and then representative Joy uh to open that dialogue and we've already had two of the um Hotel owners in the community reach out to see if we can fix that the next day we had the prtf meeting with representative Keeler um more just continues to change there just making sure that we're dialing it in so that we have all of the uh letters of support ready for jacketing and then I had the land owner concern on the MCC jpa um meeting that we asked for additional uh resources I did have a long conversation with that land owner to make sure we clarified those components the next day I had uh met with the Kirk cadela who's the assistant Commissioner of land policy and strategic initiatives on the University of Minnesota exchange to Germany that you um you did act on so thank you I appreciate that and then met with representative Joy again on that housing component Hotel short stay yesterday I attended the Metro Cog executive committee meeting call um we did talk about the changes in the health insurance policy premiums that um will be coming forward and additional work project load I was able to jump on the prtf meeting uh yesterday late commissioner Campbell did a really great job of recapping that and then yesterday I also attended the school bus for um meeting to coordinate between the sheriff's department highway department and our school districts on on when calls are made for early out or late start making sure we're collaborating between the entities um in the last few years I really think they've done a great job of making sure that they're all on top of it and I'm sorry didn't attended very many meetings no problem thank you on U Wednesday the 23rd I attended a meeting in Glendon knut with the uh Harland Trail uh with Metro Cog Personnel this is part of a couple of meetings they've had up to this point uh they had had about 50 Property Owners at their night at the meeting the previous night um where they addressed a lot of their concerns uh this was for Township and County uh electeds had a couple of Township supervisors there um they're looking right now and it's open to the public for input if you're interested uh Metra Cog has the uh alignment that's been the three alignments are being proposed on their website but they're looking for approval on a preferred alignment um and the website's going to be open until well it's it's closed now was open until November 2nd uh there there's no imminent domain in these uh land Acquisitions land will be with the owner's cooperation as much as possible the development will be on public lands that are already available and all land owners have been notified of this on um Thursday the 24th attended the Morehead uh or the the mfda diversion Authority meeting commissioner Campbell's already covered that we did make I think a really Stellar selection of James Benson I think he's going to be a good executive director all three of them had very high qual uh qualifications um but uh General Benson stood at among them on Thursday the 31st we uh is we had the diversion Authority meeting uh with uh Paul barell addressing the issues upcoming issues that commissioner Campbell covered um as far as project cost increases and looking for a uh refer or a uh motion by the diversion Authority board uh encouraging the state of Minnesota to meet some of the costs that we're looking at here that they are uh committed to meeting uh later that day I attended the pic meeting with uh the issue from ju uh from uh West Central juvenile on hiring of the nurse that we've covered today uh yesterday I attended virtually uh meeting with the Lake agasse Regional Library uh we're in the midst of Union negotiations and we had a response on an offer we had made and it took some discussion to C for a counter offer and that's going to be an ongoing thing we will next meet on the 18th hopefully we found something that's mutually agreeable to everybody and that completes my uh report Darren do you have anything uh most of my things have been covered by the Commissioners here but I do have a couple things first off I think anybody that thinks that uh being a commissioner is a part-time job all only has to listen to the committee reports and know that it's not a part-time job um on October 22nd I participated with the red rer Red River Regional Dispatch Center for an interview for an operations manager um they had they had a very qualified uh internal applicant that got the job so I'm looking forward to that on Wednesday October 23rd I also attended the cyber security tabletop exercise which was covered by commissioner Mojo um Thursday October 24th I participated in a HR payroll contract and RFP process through uh MMC um that was designed to review the contract that we have with ukg and then also reviewing uh the some RFP process uh for contracted support for ukg assistance which is our HR payroll system uh Friday October 25th we had final interviews for the shop foreman position out at the highway department we had a total of four applicants that is um almost completed we're still uh working with one of the applicants Monday and Tuesday the 28th and 29th just had some catch-up work on some some of our HR forms that weren't working so I was trying to deal with that that um Thursday October 31st they participated in the pck meeting which has already been covered Friday November 1st um conducted interviews for the recycling and Outreach education coordinator interviews out at the uh transfer station um and also worked on some Union M us since we're changing the grid from the 2025 we have to I have to go back and give anou to all the unions that this is going to be our new year new grid because we only had the 3% on the their contracts now it'll be 3% Cola 3% Market study so I worked on all of those M us and uh that'll go out after the final Levy is um approved um Monday the 4th I also was uh yesterday was in on the meeting for the DMV and detox construction end of construction meetings and right after that on the non-secure project and the prtf planning which has already been covered by uh commissioner Campbell um a couple notes open enrollment closes tomorrow so if you want the same benefits that you had last year you don't have to do anything if you don't want to if you want to change something then you're going to have to log in change the your benefits that is but if you have a flex spending account whether it's medical or or children then you do have to go back back in and reaffirm that so make sure that if you have a flex account you have to go back in and and uh and uh identify those deductions that's that's on a yearly basis um just as a note um the county will be closed on Monday November 11th in observance of Veterans Day and also want to send out our condolences to Steve Larson and his family for um his mother passed away this past weekend so uh feel um condolences to him and his family [Music] and I will I will have I'm I've had a prescheduled vacation for Thursday and Friday but I will so I will be out of the office but I will be on the phone if you have to get on hold of me for anything that concludes my report thank you Mr Melton anything no Jackie I do Mr chair um on October 23rd I attended the Minnesota Association of government communicators fall conference uh another great conference um getting to network with other government communicators and a great learning opportunity um one particular keynote um session was responding to a crisis in another city that was really great to hear it was five communicators uh a panelist five communicators um in surrounding Metro cities that really came together to help out um an adjacent City so that was really great to hear um city of Morehead also attended so that triggered conversation for us to get together um with um the regional um in our area even across the river to communicators to get together maybe quarterly to um discuss what's going on and um maybe preparing for something like that so um yeah so again I appreciate the board's support for me allowing me to go there um it's a really it is a great opportunity to learn and and network so um and a reminder again to our citizens today is election day so um polling locations will close at 8 and if you need any additional information please go to our website or um the office of Minnesota Minnesota Secretary of State's website as well all right and you took I was going to close meeting out with everybody get out and vote I encourage them to and I've already voted so any other discussion anything else for the good of the order all right we will conclude or journ a meeting thank you for