##VIDEO ID:AxuCINGJhPw## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e morning good morning it is 8:30 and I'm going to call the Clay County Board of Commissioners meeting for October 15 2024 to order first item on the agenda is approval of the agenda I'll offer motion to approve the agenda is presented second have motion second all in favor say I I I oppose same sign next we have citizens be heard do we have any citizens who want to address the commission on an item that's not on today's agenda Steve do we have anyone online we do not Mr chair okay next approval of payment of bills and vouchers move to approve second a motion the second all in favor say I I oppose same sign motion passes next we approval of minutes for from October 1st 2024 I move to approve the minutes for October first 24 second have motion second all in favor of the motion say I I oh same sign motion passes okay give me half a second to clear my tax here hey Rory you're up first our technology Services director approve to backfield a computer sports specialist position due to retirement yeah thank you Mr chair good morning Commissioners uh Pam Anderson has uh after 32 years has submitted her resignation here in the technology service department for the uh computer sports specialist position so this morning I am asking to be able to uh fill that position a little early um her last date in the office is will be November 8th and then she'll continue to receive uh paychecks throughout the year um due to due to some vacancies from different positions uh jocin moving up and you know kind of back fill of those positions we we have a few months where uh we we did not have a position or person in the position so we have some funds available to uh hire somebody earlier than than expected any questions fer Rory move to approve the hiring have motion to Second any further discussion if not all in favor say I I oppose same sign motion passes and we've got you now on uh cyber security Awareness Month presentation yes yeah thank you so as you're as you're aware uh every October we we try to come to the board here and update you on everything uh cyber security related any new trends uh information that we we send out to our staff um and to help us this year is our new cyber security analyst Json Sloan so go ahead and take it away Jon thank you Rory um good morning Mr chair and Commissioners um as a r said my name is Jocelyn Sloan and I'm a security analyst for here at Clay County I hold a master's degree in cyber security with an emphasis on human factors and I'm here today to discuss cyber initi cyber security initiatives within Clay County October is cyber security Awareness Month the scariest month of the year is also the one in which it professionals remind you that the internet is not just board meetings and Cat videos it also has a darker side criminals and malicious actors a malicious actor is anyone who issues an attack against another person or organization those attackers could be anyone could be someone who inadvertently allowed their computer to be used by the Bad Guys by clicking on a malicious link or by a nation state hiring paid professionals to attack an an organization's infrastructure every year across the globe thousands of work hours and millions of dollars are spent on recovering from these attacks fortunately Clay County has several strategies in place to protect our data and systems today I will describe some of the mitigation tactics and strategies that are used by County staff what Our IT staff do and then finally how the managers and the County Board can assist us our staff receive literally hundreds of fishing emails every week as many of you know fishing messages are specially crafted and designed to trick the user into doing something they would not normally do such as sharing their password or installing malware on the machine Clay County staff are trained to identify and report suspicious emails occasionally staff received receive training modules on other cyber security related issues as well um and that is the handout that you have will be discusses uh cyber security awareness month with artificial intelligence artificial intelligence or AI has been a curiosity item recently we've gotten a lot of questions on it and so staff are offered a module on artificial intelligence a summary of the cyber security responses found on your handout um AI can be a great tool it can be used to quickly anal analyze data and quickly draw conclusions about it however AI learns based on the information that we feed it therefore we need to make sure that all information provided to the AI is public information there are several other things that Our IT staff do besides previewing and organizing the training modules for staff we also work diligently to protect our data and systems at multiple levels providing defense against the wide variety of attacks and we work directly with end users to identify and remediate their issues this brings us to items that the managers and board members can do this board has approved necessary spending on cyber security Ventures and we are very grateful for your support thank you as Leaders board members departments head and others in positions of authority we have a responsibility to our staff to be an appropriate example when training modules are sent out to staff they normally come with the short-term deadline about a couple weeks during this time the employee receives repeated reminders of the training module including a link to complete it if any employee does not complete their training by the deadline their immediate supervisor is notified security conscious supervisors require their staff to complete the security training such people will have already completed their own training and be able to speak to its relevance to their staff and so as leaders of the county we have a responsibility to set the bar for all of our staff completing our own training in a Time timely manner and encouraging all those around us to complete theirs as well cyber security affects every resident and employee of the county our staff are trained in the identification and response to suspicious emails Our IT staff Implement backand systems to prevent the infiltration of malicious software to our Network finally supervisors managers and board members work diligently to provide adequate resources and opportunities for learning training and mitigation of cyber security risks we are grateful for your support and wish to encourage you once again think before you click questions what questions do you have for me questions I'll just make a comment as a u Boomer who was doing green screen in graduate school I mean they didn't have Windows back in those days um it's it's a challenge for me and I know for some of my fellow Commissioners and some of our other employees but uh the CH the trainings that you put out are helpful and the fishing exercises uh I got nailed a bunch early on and he made a Believer out of me because I look real close before I click on anything now that's great I got tired of those you've messed up click here for your for your training but uh you know I I compliment what we've done here in Clay County to try and Harden ourselves against some pretty intrusive Behavior we've learned and we we've profited from those learnings so I appreciate what you guys are doing anybody else or it or uh IIA it and all things computer commissioner Janny Mojo isn't uh you good I'm good but if I say I'm good at it my kids are all going to laugh they are far more Pros when it comes to that well thank you and we appreciate the job you're doing helping keep our our access to our services here intact and safe thank you okay next up James O'Donnell permission to hire two RNs for the West Central Regional juvenile center and supplemental VH resources morning Mr chair members of the board yeah before I begin I like to yeah thank the it it is very amazing we'd be dead in the water without them a lot of times and they're very responsive and joselyn's very good at what she does so we're we're lucky to have her and we appreciate her partnership but I'm here today to request permission to hire two RNs um and in additional um $100,000 worth of variable hour staff to do take over our medical um we were in contract with um Advanced correal healthc Care um the contract was due to be set to be up in June um they provided me with a letter of 30 days notice to stop um services with us um which is for the best interest for myself I didn't feel any need to um fight that I accepted it willingly um basically um we weren't getting the services that that we wanted and they struggled to provide that so um in looking at over things we're basically getting from them we were basically getting two full-time RNs um and basically I my plan is to replace it with two full-time RNs um but with significant cost savings anybody got any questions I I have a question and maybe more for Steve or Brian um so the contract had an option for either party to leave is that the way I'm hearing it yes was was the contract up it's up it's up in June of 25 okay of of of 2025 yep but the plan is to leave early yep the plan they provided me with a letter um said I I guess um James what I'm wondering here I think because it took board action to enter the contract wouldn't it take board action to approve leaving that contract early uh in this case uh Mr chair commissioner Campbell we're not the party that's leading leaving leaving it under the contract it's actually AC that is is requesting the separation but the contract is with Klay County correct correct and so the two parties are AC and Clay County they're electing to leave early but we do we still have to accept that as a board I it's just a technicality that I want to make sure that I mean if if the board feels that that that would be the more appropriate way to go we certainly can do that I think through the contract it I mean I think they've taken a has taken the appropriate steps of notification uh to end that contract but um if the board's wishes were to to uh to to approve that and move forward certainly could do that I agree what Steve says I we wouldn't have any really uh any um any action against them I mean it's it's within the contract and it's with the confines of that to allow them to do that so I we have to accept that and it actually sounds like it's probably to our benefit anyway but uh I don't think there's anything do so if you're fine with it then that's good with me I just I think it's fine if the board want to take an action just I'm just wondering if you had a contract and let's say we're in a situation where we're unable to fill anything right away what what do we do right I think then potential litigation would be the way we would then I think that would be the board's choice if we want to do that but I think in this case we have an answer to it and I don't I don't think there's a reason to do anything else other than allow it to to lapse that that leads me to a question on this do we have some employees in mind or yeah so the the plan is right now um there there are employees that AC so we we always enjoyed the nurses that they provided and the services they provided they advocated well for our youth um the nurses were great um they they expressed that they want to stay the issue with a is they didn't provide us the hours that they should have the nurses themselves were great um and um they've expressed interest to stay and I know there's a lot of other interest in the area too so um and in the meantime for a stop Gap um the plan would be is for public health to provide us with some guidance and oversight during any transitional period time that that's necessary if we have some questions or concerns or need something um we have the experts within the county to handle that and I'm sorry what was the effect of a on is November 1st that is correct Mr chair other questions we can entertain a motion Mr chair I'll offer a motion to hire two registered nurses for the West Central Regional juvenile center and allow for Veil variable hour resources in the amount up to $100,000 have motion to Second further discussion I know it's on our memo and you highlighted it briefly but I think it's important to to um highlight that there is an anticipated savings between 37,000 and $197,000 per year further discussion Mr chair uh Commissioners I do just want to let you know as you recall the jail also has a is their provider uh the the uh the a has confirmed their willingness to continue to work with our correctional facility and so that contract would move on as as uh uh it has through through June are the employees that are in the jail the same employees that were working in juvenile or no they're they're separate okay they may have some overlap at different times but but they're different people anything else Mr we I know we we intend to um we intend to update the West Central group Thursday we meet Thursday inform them of this developments okay no further discussion all in favor of the motion say I I oppose same sign motion passes thank you James and James as always it's you hit a patch like this it's nice to have somebody that comes up with a a solution that not only meets the need but benefits the the the county so thank you thank you and we've got you up on the next one too request approval for West Central Regional juvenile center to compensate Public Health with the costs of overnight or of oversight during nursing transition yeah so the juvenile Center operates as an Enterprise fund um and roughly about 2third of that's part of a Cooperative service agreement um and in looking for public service I meant Public Public Health to provide us with some help and assistance during this transition period um it's most appropriate that the West Central Regional juvenile center compensate um the any nursing hours at an overtime rate whatever it is um to compensate um Public Health to the hit that it would take on their budget questions this fits in with the item we've just had and again it's a need we need to address if we don't have any questions I'd entertain a motion just a question I'll make a motion that see Public Health here is Health good with this if there's a motion I'll have us I'll offer a second for discussion nope we're not good with this just kidding um the nurses um Terry worked at the Juvenile Center for lots of years um so she's still around and um Cheryl also but their plates are full they have full schedules so the time in j knows that as well the time will be really limited so there won't be a whole lot hopefully um the majority of it will be telephone consultation that they can take um and then Terry will meet with the two nurses just initially to set up a plan so it will be really minimal as much as they can with their full schedules already so thank you so again just say State um for approval time pay for public health nurses at the West Central juvenal Center to reimburse public health for these expenses and we have a second correct any further discussion if not all in favor say I I I oppose same sign motion passes thank you thanks James we have our County Administrator Steve lson uh going to discuss change order number four for the DMV facility thank you thank you Mr chair members of the commission um it's a been been very limited change orders for both of our projects and and the great part about that is that the uh the amounts that we've been asking for have uh been much less than what what we've seen uh at previous projects and so we're pleased with that the request before you this morning is to use uh contingency dollars of $1 13662 uh to to cover roughly four different three different items as uh commissioner Campbell has shared over the the last few a month probably a month or so uh we had some issues within the DMV and the withdrawal Management on card readers uh in the end they were able to come to a solution uh that there was no impact on on our contingency gencies in the project which was greatly appreciated uh there was a deduct uh the flag pole ended up costing less than what was anticipated of $1,950 um there's an area where there is landscape rock uh that we ended up uh uh ended up filling that in with with a colored concrete and then with an omission of some of the ballards that you have in the front of the building uh that was additional cost of $1,525 and then there was a maintenance strip at the back patio uh in order to get the fence up properly of an additional concrete of $1,720 uh the net with a net increase in contingencies of $1,366 20 uh 23 with leaves a remaining contingency of 177,178 49 with that I'd yield for any questions questions for Steve move to approve change order number four second the motion have motion second any further discussion if not all in favor of the motion to say I I oppose same sign thank you thank you Steve Joe Olson or facilities director had a couple items with us this morning J yes good morning Mr chair and uh Commissioners um yes so coming after for Steve here now um I I'm asking to uh increase the um Furniture fixtures and equipment budget within the DMV project um just to explain it a little bit um we we are asking to um actually the the the original budget that was approved was $225 436 and so we're asking to improve or to increase this um $1,793 and the two items that make up um this increase would be um some Lobby chairs we we have 37 of them within the lobby there uh about a year ago when we rolled out the budget I had about $2,800 in there and so as we started looking at at at good quality chairs um nothing over the top but good quality um we come to find out that uh that total cost was 9, 2328 so the difference in that line item budget was uh 6,22 $328 and then additionally um talking with Lori and and Chelsea um they've indicated that their chairs are in poor shape the ones that they sit on in front of the uh all the ladies do on the in their workstations and so I've um quoted an additional 14 office chairs at 6 at $648 so so with that increase it would uh take the total budget up to $215,200 um going off of uh Steve's number there uh the current contingency is $177 9749 so if approved today with the increase um the total contingency would be at $65,625 we want to make sure we're fitting up the facility with the appropriate Furniture particularly for the lobby um it's it's a little unfortunate that it came in at the last minute and and I am going to say that I am disappointed um I want staff to have appropriate chairs but you know chairs over $400 a piece seem uh a little expensive for me personally but um particularly because it wasn't budgeted and I think it was maybe just a miscommunication on what could work and what couldn't work um I will say that be what helps my heartburn on this a little bit is there are existing furniture pieces at the DMV at the center mall that we will continue to utilize and so I think that that that helps offset costs that we might have in additional areas but you know I'm not I'm just not really happy that this came in at the last minute um because we have vetted and it's not on you we just vetted things so much in those committees that you know to have this come up in the the 23rd hour is frustrating but you know obviously I'm supporting it because I think it's it's needed but um and we're opening on Monday uh so you know I want staff to have what they need and and there is an excess in contingency funds that helps that a little bit but you know going forward I think for all staff departments we just really have to be um deliberate and int ention about how we plan for these purchases thank you any addition I I just want a little bit of clarification here um on the previous item that we did with the change order number four it brought the contingency down to or to 177 165 26311 my question is is when the board took action to take the $155,000 mower MH that we had between those two facilities uh which cont and we were going to we're going to we were going to take it out of contingency and move it to FFN was that on DMV or was that on the other facility uh commissioner Campbell yes that was on the detox facility alone okay yep any other questions not I would uh consider a motion if someone wants to make it I I would first I'm I'm going to concur with Jenny as being on that committee for this to be such a last minute deal it was kind of surprising that that came up at $460 some dollars a chair is kind of spendy but yeah we got to got to do it um so I I would move to um approve the um increase in the DMF of the2 21525 244 a second have motion second further discussion if not all in favor say I I oppose same sign motion passes thank you and you're up again Joe okay um so this is um in regards to the the jail um Chiller system about a month ago we had lost a a compressor within this jail within the jail Chiller system um it can operate on in times of weather like like this okay um uh it can operate with times of this but uh definitely needs two uh compressors uh right now one of them it's only on one uh what happened is um it it failed it's it needs replacing so what we did is we reached out to um first of all reach out to EDI who is our engineer on this project to just have a conversation on on on what would be the best route with this thing do we go a rebuild or or any kind of scenarios that would help um not be so much but um in the end with them and we we had called out uh we had an opinion in town from Chiller systems and then we called the um manufacturer rep from Dyk to come in and also um observe or give an opinion of this so um all three of them had come back saying that replacing this compressor is is the best way to go and um so what I did is I got two different quotes um tiller systems um it was the lowest and I'm uh asking to move forward in a cost of $ 53,1 3969 and the funds we would use this out of is fund1 19 so typically we use uh we try to keep $100,000 in the balance of that uh that fund as well as above and beyond with a capital projects in times like this where we do take some bigger hits so this has been the I guess the first one I've seen in a long time so um I'm uh requesting to move forward with the low quote of Giller systems question for me question commissioner Campbell yeah Jo I'm just curious what what is the what is the expected life of a chiller well should be anywhere from 20 to 25 years uh for this this and this was installed um yeah we missed the warranty phase by about a year and a half when we called in on this and um we did talk to the engineers and said is this you know something you see do you see these compressors going out and they they say it's actually kind of a rare deal so um this was I guess a a unique situation so um yeah that's that's what what been went eight eight what's that years about eight years eight years yeah eight years um The Chiller itself is about a million dollar Chiller just to kind of put in perspective the $50,000 compressor within the chiller so it's just to throw that out there but um but yeah the the chiller itself should last that long but it's a part within it that's yeah it's a it's a a major part within that Chiller and um like you say if it happened in the middle of summer it' be a huge issue right now we're holding strong but temperatures get to 75 we get in trouble so yeah so yeah commission Mojo thank you uh I see that the requested amount is 53,000 and you said fun 19's at about 100,000 didn't we just pay for that Glendon roof out of fun 19 yep so so what we'll do is it'll probably drop it down to you know that 50,000 is or maybe a little bit over I think we have a little bit more in there now 120,000 is but so that'll drop that down 50 plus we'll pay for that 20,000 and then at the end of beginning of the year we have 150,000 coming in there and then from there we're looking at funding the roof in 2026 so from from now till then hopefully we won't have too many more blowouts but um every year we get that 150 so and I was just asking if the balance was before or after we pay anticipated what the Glendon 100 we we keep 100,000 in there yeah right right knowing that we pay for a Glendon roof or something else when it starts dipping below 100,000 then it's there's no projects that I like to take out of it okay so thanks yeah but there's an each year there's a new amount that's put into F into that fund B correct or right yep exactly that's the 150 yes yep you you just don't like to see it drop below 100 right four times like this so then at least I have you I usually don't see a $100,000 blowout around here so but 50s can happen so thank you well would be uh we are lucky that it's cooler MH because running a correctional facility when the when the conditions get bad and it gets hot and humid y I've experienced that in my career and it's not a good thing yeah so I'm glad we're able to knock this out at this point yeah commissioner uper I'm also in touch with Carrie and Chris just because when it did go out was kind of at the hotter times and it so they are definitely involved in this as well so good I appreciate that any other questions comments we have motion the second all in favor of the motion say I I I all oppos same sign motion passes thank you thanks sh you we're back to our County Administrator Steve Larson uh change order on the withdrawal management uh thank you Mr chair uh back here for uh change order number six on the withdrawal Management Facility uh as you take a a look at the various uh items on the list uh we do have uh we have H three different credits uh that actually outweigh uh the the additional costs that we have so the before you for your consideration uh is a change order with a credit of $1,884 48 um that would bring our total balance remaining within the contingency of $2,760 125 and to commissioner Campbell's question on an earlier item uh this board did approve uh the purchasing of a snowblower trailer uh equipment mower for $5,595 which which provides us a remaining uh contingency of $177,200 187 with that i' yield for any questions questions for Steve commissioner kraban off yeah uh for those uh involved with the DMV and the S my question is um these contingent we're kind of we're starting to wrap these up we're making active how long did the consistent or the contingencies stay in place I mean does that go out of year or I mean are there some things uh like you know what I'm getting at yeah uh Mr Mr chair commissioner krain off ultimately it's up to this board of when they want to finally close close everything out uh historically we've left it open for yeah at least a year afterwards but I think that's I think that's fair to say that we want to keep it open for at least that year and and possibly a little bit longer depending on if there's you know it seems we always have some something happen the minute warranty is up like doors don't work or something okay thank you yeah other questions move to approve change order number six second have motion second all in favor of the motion to say I I I oppose same sign motion passes thank you right we are committee reports and we'll start with commissioner kravinoff thank you Mr chair um last Wednesday on the 9th uh we had the C cly meeting for the County Extension committee uh we had presentations um uh from kamalin Muhammad uh regarding snaped health and wellness coordinator he uh works in the mo area uh out of the regional office uh he was showing us some uh projects he was doing uh mainly with um young uh children um immigrants to our area and um uh bringing in skills uh by building a a small community Through soccer and uh the development in these are younger age kids about four years old five years old and uh and working with their parents uh in the develop of socialization and then building skills um of creating uh commun or Club um let's see later uh the um our for Youth Development people uh gave the same presentation we had had to the commission a couple days before or last week which they did another great job and then we had uh quick reports by um our educator uh Jillian and then also uh in um in collaboration with u um the uh Mass gardeners and updates on that so they um Dillan kind of went through her progress of work she'd been doing throughout the year uh being involved over in the farmers market doing tour Gardens and having over 50 people come through that and to the Master Gardeners uh program uh which is currently um has about um uh nine act or seven active members I believe it was they now currently seven new interns so that will double the size of that program so everybody's really happy about the ongoings of that um on Thursday I had the uh monthly meeting for the class wcd um we got updates on um uh the uh Buffalo red one one Watershed one plan um also so uh oh uh and this was highlighted in a meeting last night the Watershed a little deeper dive into the snaky Creek project uh which was now complete and that was a $360,000 um uh project that um came in under under budget so there's still as with just like the DMV and that there's some contingences left there for making sure that the soils are stable in the U um the grasses that are needed necessary to hold it and stabilize that are in place after Nick Springs runoff um yeah and then there was report on the Water festival uh that they hold every year um that was in September and you know once again about 2200 kids were participate in that program so and then um on Friday I had a discuss the uh family re ongoing work of the Family Resource Center um uh there was a meeting uh led by Quin tiger and and um our caplp staff uh just update um uh not saying it's for sure but it looks uh pretty good that that the U gr funding for sour and both the state through DHS uh looks to be coming toward uh Clay County on that uh one of the grants would be around um 200 uh 236,000 over two-year period and the other one is um in the $600,000 range over a three-year period so with that uh the development of how this may play out and as we've been talking about over the last couple months moving more in a mobile thing uh and in a mo uh mobile program uh developing uh the program so right now it looks like a um and this could be subject to change but it's there's a lot of agreement going on that this would be housed and uh run through cap LP and um and the funding from these programs would Supply funding for a uh full uh a full-time uh navigator for the program and what would be different in for caplp is the fact most of the things they work with are people that have to fit certain criteria and in this program it would be there would be um no it'd be a non-eligibility so in other words opens it up forever everybody which whatever that particular program is going on uh throughout the county so it'll be very interesting to see how this continues to develop but um the the funding looks looks to be like it may be coming our way so uh there are probably one maybe one more core meeting and then uh November 18th there will be a larger stakeholder meeting uh that'll be held held I believe at the mcoms and uh they'll be probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 stakeholders that'll be showing up uh meaning places like asenta Sanford nonprofits and others to see how they can collectively come together and collaborate um to make sure that there is easy access and a directory for people uh with needs um being able to have a central place to come to and then uh last night was the uh Buffalo red board meeting monthly board meeting uh just a couple things I'll mention there uh quickly there was a couple permits for drain time down in Wen County but uh mainly uh I guess that involves Becker and a little bit of clay is the upper Buffalo red restoration um up on up toward Buffalo Lake and up in berer county and coming into clay anyway uh that potentially um we have funding for Point 4.9 million dollar in funding and there'll be a hearing starting to set up in early 2025 to set up a Water Management District and talk more with um land owners about the project and it's um and and potential assessments that may happen along with that project and uh commissioner Mojo was there also so she can add anything she likes that's my report thank you commissioner Mojo thank you Mr chair last week I attended the chamber candidate Forum at the Morhead city council I had already attended the Clay County Commissioners form that was held here I appreciate that the chamber is doing a great job of getting together the voices of the folks running I know there is one at the uh Dorth City Hall this evening is f at 5 for their candidates as well I uh tried to get into the extension committee for well over an hour on Wednesday and the zoom link that they provided was not activated so unfortunately I was not able to attend that meeting yesterday I attended the Clay County PRT F the study Review Committee uh we had a a long discussion in regards to space needs at that um future facility and how we um Can best uh puzzle piece together what that proposal will be uh really good discussion between Klay County staff and Klein McCarthy and Solutions in regards to that I had to leave after two hours my and uh was able to call back in so I think we were able to solve some problems but I appreciate uh the long discussion that uh went on after that that concludes my reports thank you commissioner Campbell yeah I do want to mention I also attended the candidates Forum that was at the MC City for Morad city council that was very interesting to hear the different ideas amongst candidates um and on October 8th we did have a uh Land Development code update meeting kind of a subcommittee meeting yeah I went to that and commissioner moo was also at that sorry and that um and that was um basically going over um some of the changes that could potentially be made in in rural development whether whether we allow clusters or you know those types of things and so there was a uh I I think when is said and done and I think we mentioned to you at some point in time we want the full board to be able to get a complete Redline version of what used to be the development code and what it's changing to um and I think really what we were you know we want to get that good um mix of protecting egg and at the same time allowing some rural development to happen as I've always said we've had kids who grow up on farms and they come back here and they want to live in the rural area on Farm farm and if we don't have the the development code that allows that we're we're kicking ourselves for not allowing our families to come back to the where they grew up so there you know so I think we've got a good um a good mix of things there um we did have um bear there from the planning commit the chair of the Planning Commission was there and um as well and we we did go through this quite a bit and I think we we're going to we're going to see some you know positive changes I think that would would be there nothing that's going to take us back in terms of the development opportunities we have in the rural areas then on the uh let's see October 9th we had the regional Dispatch Center budget and finance committee meeting not a lot going on there um we did get a report from wood Maro the audit um on the annual audit and that came back unmodified was an unmodified clean opinion which is good to know and then we did get an update on the 202 24 year-to dat budget which there are seems to be there doesn't seem to be any concerns in um exceeding what's been anticipated for that budget October 10th we had the regional Dispatch Center uh Reg regular board meeting um and again the that then the finance committee's budget proposal to the early ear the uh audit proposal was recommended to the full board and they did approve that annual audit uh we got some project updates on the on the new facility and there seemed to be the most discussion seem to be centered around the extension of fiber uh there's a couple of other little construction things that quirks that were were questioned but in the original plan there was there was really no um consideration for multiple feeds into the building for fiber in other words it's it's kind of like when you when the city installs a water system you try to have it looped so that if one area goes down you can back feed it by another area that's what kind of we're talking about here on this fiber by having multiple ways for that to enter that facility that was never done uh to to the point where it should have been in the planning and so now there's you know I think commissioner abber can correct me if I'm wrong but I I think they're estimating that number to be in excess of $100,000 to to do that and of course uh I made the argument that that is a capital expenditure and that needs to come out of the you know the the the Full Construction cost of the project which at this point um we've we've already paid our maximum amount on the mines side um there I think there was some suggestion that it be uh paid for by the city of Morhead or city of Fargo excuse me and then that it would be uh special assessed back to the um Center and I and I kind of argued a little bit against that because then it would end up falling on the operations side which would then be in in our annual budget which we would pay for and that's not the intent of that that's a capital expenditure and so anyway I mean the the work the the work needs to be done on that and and ultimately they're going to have to figure out between Fargo and West Fargo that that difference in the over overruns and I'm sure there's probably more and commissioner eringer chairs that committee so he can add some more to that uh then we had on the 14th we did have our um our meeting on the pre-design yesterday we had our meeting on the pre-design for the um both the prtf and the uh potential uh moving of the non-secure unit to its a separate facility um we started off talking about the prtf plan and I mean we I think we spent the vast majority of we we we hardly even got to the to the non-secure facility because there was an awful lot of discussion on the uh what it would take to remodel and and when all said and done I think we realized that you know that and it was good that Steve was able to get on from Solutions because I answered some questions and and I think we've got most of the space issues worked out I believe the DHS is coming next week or this this week next oh next Monday to take a look and and we're going to show them what a proposed plan would look like for that um we did get a a little bit of an opportunity to talk about the non-secure unit and based on the uh space needs you know we were we were hoping to keep it under 20,000 Square fet to um avoid some of the B3 um early indications are we're not going to be able to do that uh for for one thing we're um it's got a it's been detered that's got to have its own indoor and outdoor wreck so that you know regardless that's going to add some square footage to that um which would have been the case no matter if we build a new prtf or we build a new non-secure that that those that doesn't change that so I mean right now as it stands right now based on very preliminary we're looking at a 28,000 square foot need for that facility you know so um you know if you if you if you range from $450 to $600 a square foot you're in both of those instances you're still coming in under2 million you know um and I you know I hopefully that could be a Target that we wouldn't have to exceed you know as and I think I I'm saying that for Paul and for commissioner Mojo and commissioner krainov when they start that lobbying but hopefully we're going to get a little bit more detail for you to be able to use in those efforts for the state funding and I believe that and I know steveen Steve was also there he he wants to add some more to that but that concludes my report thank you commissioner gross Wednesday I went up to Wild rise Watershed District Watershed board meeting um pretty much just discussed the permits percent it there was 33 permits perced uh nine were tabled and 30 30 23 were approved uh mostly just for drain tile um other than that they discussed the the Pearly project where they're going to be putting in a dyke like they did for hen and hon uh that project is going to be worked on on um and most of the other stuff just routine stuff done by the district Thursday I had to be on the yellow ribbon uh there we had the discussion on uh um a few Thanksgiving projects that are coming up by different uh organizations uh they're going for trying to get some free meals with veterans um so there's different um roers that have gone out to try and get money for that they're try to get 300 meals there for veterans um there's also uh that that guard that had open house at Minnesota guard that's going to be available for weddings and stuff like that too so it's not just for military stuff it is going to be available to the public also it' be a nice place to have some weddings or what have you let's see other than that of the yellow ribbon where you had uh there's a veterans treatment Court uh going pretty good at the Detroit Lakes uh District district court um and then that other than that we've made some donations for for gas cards for 7502 $250 um and that was well there's also flu shots available um October 18th uh October Fest and the dream and the dream farm probably I don't know I just put the dream F I don't know where the dream farm is at though so you guys that down okay those are my two meetings okay thank you commissioner Camp you had an additional yeah I I do have one additional that I neglected yesterday um we had a preliminary of a zoom meeting or teams meeting to discuss uh today at 2 o'clock there's going to be a meeting with Senator papis regarding our funding request on the West cental Regional Water Project and that's today at 2 o'cl so we did have have a meeting yesterday um just kind of a strategic planning meeting and and to to I think we're allowed I think it's 45 minutes Steve is that correct so we're allowed 45 minutes this afternoon and so we're just basically going over what what are we going to present that and that type of thing so so we're looking forward I mean I know I know um commissioner gross if you're if you're interested in I think that's going to be by Zoom today at 2:00 if you want I'm going to go to Steve's office if you want want to come over there for if you have time to come over for that and just listen in you serve on that committee with me so that would be you know it's up to you if you want to make that but okay that's at 2 o'clock right is is the time right 2 2 to 2:45 yes okay and that thank you that concludes it two or two for it's it starts at two two thank you uh Wednesday the 9th I virtually attended the AMC District 4 board chair meeting uh just in preparation for our regional meeting we'll have this Friday um one of the major topics will'll be covering is the du's in increase proposal we are um there's pretty pronounced underfunding of of what our lobbying efforts should bring when compared to other organiz ations so that that'll be a discussion this Friday also mcit will be coming to discuss the increase in their costs and uh the reasons behind it we also have talked about the county reports and possibly limiting time on them keeping them short we've got 11 counties and uh there is a feeling some of them go a little too far into the weeds but you know I found it to be interesting I I I like those yeah I think it of course we usually end up looking a whole lot better than our fellow County so you sit there kind of gloating but um there may be a a discussion about given time limits on that and so Steve you just have to talk [Laughter] faster uh Thursday I attend beyond the yellow ribbon which Mr gross covered well one thing I do want to just mention operation Greenline is going to be November 4th through the 11th and I I believe we're we're ready to participate in that aren't we I I believe that uh that Mr Canon will be coming forward to make that official here at an upcoming meeting okay well that's always enjoyable and later that date I attended the river River Regional Dispatch Center Board of authority uh commissioner Campbell's already reported on that in depth one of the issues the fiber agreement that we have uh it is that a portion of the cost is going to be covered by Fargo since they are interested in having the work done for a lot that South where the constructions going what happened is when they initially did the estimate for the fiber they saw two I'm probably using the wrong term but junction boxes where you could access the fiber system what they didn't realizes they weren't coming in from different locations they were actually connected to each other so if you relayed from both those boxes into the building it's uh it was not from two separate sources it was simply an extension of one line and that led to the additional the realization the additional cost and that completes my report Steve uh thank you Mr chair LA on the eth last week I participated in the development code uh which has been well covered uh on the ninth we had Clay County management uh we had discussed legislative priorities uh for internal uh departments uh coming forward uh talked about the organizational change in central management uh and then we did were able to have a tour of the DMV and the detox for those parties that weren't able to make the ribbon cutting uh participated in the District 4 meeting that commissioner uh Eiger has talked about again I think the big the big piece is uh you I think I handed out our legislative priorities that we talked about and identified at the policy conference in in September uh and so our district will be voting on I believe the top five legislative priorities on Friday um on the ninth we also had a countywide fire fire drill put on by our Safety Committee again just appreciate the safety committee's uh uh efforts and in working this is just one of the many things that they do to keep our our citizens safe and our employees and so we appreciate their work uh we uh on the 9th I met with Dan Molly and Robert Wilson virtually uh we talked about the budgets and diversion Authority uh and so it was good to speak with them uh on the 10th participated in the compliance pre-meeting committee again as this board's aware commissioner Mojo has been uh has been appointed to that we really wanted to make sure that we talked about this scope of what we were going to be doing trying to look in from this compliance piece and we'll be setting up a meeting here in the near future uh about really starting with Social Services uh since that's where a lot of the compliance issues came started from uh met with talk with Dan K in regards to to change orders uh we'll be doing some cleanup uh clean up on some of the items that we've had on change orders were the maximum amounts we've had some minor changes uh to those and so uh we'll probably be coming in the in the coming weeks just to clean up the the change orders for the two projects I participated in multi- sessions for the na leadership academy uh department head evaluations on Friday I had two of those on Monday participated in the water district capital impr capital investment uh discussion and preparation of this afternoon's meeting and also the the prtf and secure detention pre-design meetings and so uh just a couple different things again just reminders for our citizens today is for is tax day for non non-egg properties uh tax payments can be dropped off at the government center or or need to be postmarked by today uh and also for our citizens just a reminder that was mentioned earlier our DMV will be moving to the new location on the 21st next Monday uh we'll be providing service at the mor Center Mall uh through Friday afternoon at roughly 4:00 uh and we'll start uh start the move over the weekend so that concludes my report thank you do we have anything from you miss Melton Carol just a reminder we have pick meeting after this meeting Jackie anything for us is there any additional for the good of the order if not we're adjourned e --------- ##VIDEO ID:CJqNlTOsfoQ## good morning it is 8:30 and I'm going to call the Clay County Board of Commissioners meeting for October 15 2024 to order first item on the agenda is approval of the agenda I'll offer a motion to approve the agenda is presented second have motion second all in favor say I I I oppose same sign next we have citizens be heard do we have any citizens who want to address the commission on an item that's not on today agenda Steve do we have anyone online we do not Mr chair okay next approval payment of bills and vouchers move to approve second and motion a second all in favor say I I I oppose same sign motion passes next we approval of minutes for from October 1st 2024 MO approved the minutes for October 1st 24th second have motion second all in favor of the motion say I I oh same sign motion passes okay give me half a second to clear my taex here hey Rory you're up first our technology Services director approve uh to backfill a computer support specialist position due to retirement yeah thank you Mr chair morning Commissioners uh Pam Anderson has uh after 32 years has submitted her resignation here in the technology service department for the uh computer sport specialist position so this morning I am asking to be able to uh fill that position a little early uh her last date in the office is will be November 8th and then she'll continue to receive uh her paychecks throughout the year um due due to some vacancies from different positions uh Jocelyn moving up and you know kind of backfill of those positions we we have a few months where uh we we did not have a position or person in the position so we have some funds available to uh hire somebody earlier than than expected any questions for Rory move to approve the hiring have motion to Second any further discussion if not all in favor say I I oppose same sign motion passes and we've got you now on uh cyber security Awareness Month presid presentation yes yeah thank you so as you're as you're aware uh every October we we try to come to the board here and update you on everything cyber security related any new trends uh information that we we send out to our staff um and to help us this year as our new cyber security analyst Json Sloan so we go ahead and take it away Json thank you RAR um good morning Mr chair and Commissioners um as already said my name is Jocelyn Sloan and I'm a security analyst for here at Clay County I hold a master's degree in cyber security with an emphasis on human factors and I'm here today to discuss cyber initi cyber security initiatives within Clay County October is cyber security Awareness Month the scariest month of the year is also the one in which it professionals remind you that the internet is not just board meetings and Cat videos it also has a darker side criminals and malicious actors a malicious actor is anyone who issues an attack against another person or organization those attackers could be anyone could be someone who inadvertently allowed their computer to be used by the Bad Guys by clicking on a malicious link or by a nation state hiring paid professionals to attack an an organization's infrastructure every year across the globe thousands of work hours and millions of dollars are spent on recovering from these attacks fortunately Clay County has several strategies in place to protect our data and systems today I will describe some of the mitig tactics and strategies that are used by County staff what Our IT staff do and then finally how the managers and the County Board can assist us our staff receive literally hundreds of fishing emails every week as many of you know fishing messages are specially crafted and designed to trick the user into doing something they would not normally do such as sharing their password or installing malware on the machine Clay County staff are trained to identify and report suspicious emails occasionally staff received receive training modules on other cyber security related issues as well um and that is the handout that you have will be discusses uh cyber security awareness month with artificial intelligence artificial intelligence or AI has been a curiosity item recently we've gotten a lot of questions on it and so staff are offered a module on artificial intelligence a summary of the cyber security response is found on your handout um AI can be a great tool it can be used to quickly analyze data and quickly draw conclusions about it however AI learns based on the information that we feed it therefore we need to make sure that all information provided to the AI is public information there are several other things that Our IT staff do besides previewing and organizing the training modules for staff we also work diligently to protect our data and systems at multiple levels providing defense against the a wide variety of attacks and we work directly with end users to identify and remediate their issues this brings us to items that the managers and board members can do this board has approved necessary spending on cyber security Ventures and we are very grateful for your support thank you as Leaders board members departments head and others in positions of authority we have a responsibility to our staff to be an appropriate example when training modules are sent out to St St they normally come with a short-term deadline about a couple weeks during this time the employee receives repeated reminders of the training module including a link to complete it if any employee does not complete their training by the deadline their immediate supervisor is notified security conscious supervisors require their staff to complete the security training such people will have already completed their own training and be able to speak to its relevance to their staff and so as leaders of the county we have a responsibility to set the bar for all of our staff completing our own training in a Time timely manner and encouraging all those around us to complete theirs as well cyber security affects every resident and employee of the county our staff are trained in the identification and response to suspicious emails Our IT staff Implement backend systems to prevent the infiltration of malicious software to our Network finally supervisors managers and board members work diligently to provide adequate resources and opportunities for learning learning training and mitigation of cyber security risks we are grateful for your support and wish to encourage you once again think before you click questions what questions do you have for me questions I'll just make a comment as a u Boomer who was doing green screen in graduate school I mean they didn't have Windows back in those days um it's it's a challenge for me and I know for some of my fellow Commissioners and some of our other employees but uh the CH the trainings that you put out are helpful and the fishing exercises uh I got nailed a bunch early on and he made a Believer out of me because I look real close before I click on anything now that's great I got tired of those you messed up click here for your for your training but uh you know I I compliment what we've done here in Clay County to try and Harden ourselves against some pretty intrusive Behavior we've learned and we we've profited from those learnings so I appreciate what you guys are doing anybody else or it or uh IIA it and all things computer commissioner Janny Mojo isn't uh you good I'm good but if I say I'm good at it my kids are all going to laugh they are far more Pros when it comes to that well thank you and we appreciate the job you're doing helping keep our our access to our services here intact and safe thank you hey next up James odonnell permission to hire two RNs for the West Central Regional juvenile center and supplemental VH resources morning Mr chair members of the board and before I again I would like to yeah thank the it it is very amazing we'd be dead in the water without them a lot of times and they're very responsive and joselyn's very good at what she does so we're we're luy to have her and we appreciate her partnership but I'm here today to request permission to hire two RNs um and in additional um1 $100,000 worth of variable hour staff to do take over our medical um we were in contract with um Advanced Correctional Health Care um the contract was due to be set to be up in June um they provided me with a letter of 30 days notice to stop um services with us um which is for the best interest for myself I didn't feel any need to um to fight that I accepted it willingly um basically um we weren't getting the services that that we wanted and they struggled to provide that so um in looking at over things we're basically getting from them we were basically getting two full time RNs um and basically I my plan is to replace it with two full-time RNs um but with significant cost savings anybody got any questions I I have a question and maybe more for Steve or Brian um so the contract had an option for either party to leave is that the way I'm hearing it yes was was the contract up it's up it's up in June of 25 okay of of of 2025 yep but the plan is to leave early yep the plan they provided me with a letter um said I I guess um James what I'm wondering here I think because it took board action to enter the contract wouldn't it take board action to approve leaving that contract early uh in this case uh Mr chair commissioner Campbell we're not the party that's leaving leaving it under the contract it's actually AC that is is requesting the separation but the contract is with Klay County correct correct and so the two parties are a and Klay County they're electing to leave early but we do we still have to accept that as a board I it's just a technicality that I want to make sure that I mean if if the board feels that that that would be the more appropriate way to go we certainly can do that I think through the contract it I mean I think they've taken a has taken the appropriate steps of notification uh to end that contract but if the board's wishes were to to uh to to approve that and move forward certainly could do that I agree what Steve says I we wouldn't have any really uh any um any action against them I mean it's it's within the contract and it's with the confines of that to allow them to do that so we have to accept that and it actually sounds like it's probably to our benefit anyway but uh I don't think there's anything yeah I do so if you're fine with it then that's good with me I just I think it's fine if the board want to take an action just I'm just wondering if you had a contract and let's say we're in a situation where we're unable to fill anything right away what what do we do right I think then potential litigation would be the way we would then I think that would be the board's choice if we wanted to do that but I think in this case we have an answer to it and I don't I don't think there's a reason to do anything else other than allow to to lapse that that leads me to a question on this do we have some employees in mind or yeah so the the plan is right now um there there are employees that AC so we we always enjoyed the nurses that they provided and the services they provided they advocated well for our youth um the nurses were great um they they expressed that they want to stay the issue with a is they didn't provide us the hours that they should of the nurses themselves were great um and um they've expressed interest to stay and I know there's a lot of other interest in the area too so um and in the meantime for a stop Gap um the plan would be is for public health to provide us with some guidance and oversight during any transitional period time that that's necessary if we have some questions or concerns or need something um we have the experts within the county to handle that and I'm sorry what was the effective a on is November 1st that is correct Mr chair questions we can entertain a motion Mr chair I'll offer a motion to hire two registered nurses for the West Central Regional juvenile center and allow for ve variable hour resources in the amount up to $100,000 have motion to Second further discussion I know it's on our memo and you highlighted it briefly but I think it's important to to um highlight that there is an anticipated savings between 37,000 and $197,000 per year further discussion Mr chair uh Commissioners I do just want to let you know as you recall the also has AC as their provider uh the the uh the AC has confirmed their willingness to continue to work with our correctional facility and so that contract would move on as as uh uh it has through through June are the employees that are heading the jail the same employees that were working in juvenile or no they're they're separate okay they may have some overlap at different times but but they're different people anything else Mr we I know we we intend to um we intend to update the West Central group Thursday we meet Thursday inform them of this developments okay no further discussion all in favor of the motion say I I oppose same sign motion passes thank you James and James as always it's you hit a patch like this it's nice to have somebody that comes up with a A solution that not only meets the need but benefits the this the county so thank you thank you and we got you up on the next one too request approval for West Central Regional juvenile center to compensate Public Health with the cost of overnight or of oversight during nursing transition yeah so the juvenile center operates as an Enterprise fund um and roughly about two-thirds of that's part of a Cooperative service agreement um and in looking for public service I meant Public Public Health to provide us with some help and assistance during this transition period um it's most appropriate that the West Senter Regional juvenile center compensate um the any nursing hours at an overtime rate whatever it is um to compensate um Public Health to the hit that it would take on their budget questions this fits in with the item we've just had and again it's a need we need to address if we don't have any questions I'd entertain a motion just a question I'll make a motion that I see public health or is public health good with this if there's a motion I'll have us I'll offer a second for discussion nope po not good with this just kidding um the nurses um Terry worked at the Juvenile Center for lots of years um so she's still around and um Cheryl also but their plates are full they have full schedules so the time and James knows that as well the time will be really limited so there won't be a whole lot hopefully um the majority of it will be telephone consultation that they can take um and then Terry will meet with the two nurses just initially to set up a plan so it will be really minimal as much as they can with their full schedules already so good thank you so again just say stay uh move for approval of overtime pay for public health nurses at the West Central juvenal Center to reimburse public health for these expenses and we have a second correct any further discussion if not all in favor say I I I oppose same sign motion passes thank you thanks James we have our County Administrator Steve lson uh going to discuss change order number four for the DMV facility thank you thank you Mr chair members of the commission um it's a been been very limited change orders for both of our projects and and the great part about that is that the uh the amounts that we've been asking for have uh been much less than what what we've seen uh in previous projects and so we're pleased with that the request before you this morning is to use uh contingency dollars of$ 1366 23 uh to to cover uh roughly four different three different items as uh commissioner Campbell has shared over the the last few month probably a month or so uh we had some issues within the DMV and the withdrawal Management on card readers uh in the end they were able to come to a solution uh that there was no impact on on our contingencies in the project which was greatly appreciated uh there was a deduct uh the flag pole ended up costing less than what was anticipated of $950 um there's a area where there is landscape rock uh that we ended up uh uh ended up filling that in with with a colored concrete and then with an omission of some of the ballards that you have in the front of the building uh that was additional cost of $1,525 and then then there was a maintenance strip at the back patio uh in order to get the fence up properly of an additional concrete of $1,720 uh the net with a net increase in contingencies of $1,366 20 uh 23 with leaves a remaining contingency of $177,900 49 with that I'd yield for any questions questions for Steve move to approve change order number for second the motion have motion second any further discussion if not all in favor of the motion to say I I oppose same sign thank you thank you Steve Joe Olson our facilities director had a couple items with us this morning Joe yes good morning Mr chair and uh Commissioners um yes so coming after Steve here now um I I'm asking to uh increase the um Furniture fixtures and equipment budget within the DMV project um just to explain it a little bit um we we are asking to um the actually the the the original budget that was approved was $225 436 and so we're asking to improve or to increase this um $2,790 38 cents and the two items that make up um this increase would be um some Lobby chairs we we have 37 of them within the lobby there uh about a year ago when we rolled out the budget I had about $2,800 in there and so as we started looking at at good quality chairs um nothing over the top but good quality um we come to find out that uh that total cost was 9,232 so the difference in that line item budget was uh $622 328 and then additionally um talking with Lori and and Chelsea um they've indicated that their chairs are in poor shape the ones that they sit on in front of the uh all the ladies do on the in their workstations and so I've um quoted an additional 14 office chairs at 6 at $648 so so with that increase it would uh take the total budget up to $215,200 44 sents so if you um go off of uh Steve's number there uh the current contingency is 177 9749 so if approved today with the increase um the total contingency would be at $165,200 a lot of numbers thrown out there any questions Mr chair commiss Mojo thank you this was brought to our attention um during our last construction meeting um certainly we want to make sure we're fitting up the facility with the appropriate Furniture particularly for the lobby um it's it's a little unfortunate that it came in at the last minute and and I am going to say that I am disappointed um I want staff to have appropriate chairs but you know chairs over $400 a piece seem a little expensive for me personally but um particularly because it wasn't budgeted and I think it was maybe just a miscommunication on what could work and what couldn't work um I will say that be what helps my heartburn on this a little bit is there are existing furniture pieces at the DMV at the center mall that we will continue to utilize and so I think that that that helps offset costs that we might have in additional areas but you know I'm not I'm just not really happy that this came in at the last minute um because we have vetted and it's not unused we just vetted things so much in those committees that you know to have this come up in the the 23rd hour is frustrating but you know obviously I'm supporting it because I think it's it's needed but um and we're opening on Monday uh so you know I want staff to have what they need and and there is an excess in contingency funds that helps that a little bit but you know going forward I think for all staff departments we just really have to be um deliberate and intentional about how we plan for these purchases thank you any addition I I just want a little bit of clarification here um on the previous item that we did with the change order number four it brought the contingency down to or to 177 be at put us at 165 26311 my question is is when the board took action to take the $115,000 mower MH that we had between those two facilities uh which cont and we going to we're going to we were going to take it out of contingency and move it to FFN was that on DMV or was that on the other facility uh commissioner Campbell yes that was on the detox facility alone okay yep any other questions not I would uh consider a motion if someone wants to make it I I would first I'm I'm going to concur with Jenny as being on that committee to for this to be such a last minute deal it was kind of surprising that that came up at $460 some dollar a chair is kind of spendy but yeah we got got to do it um so I I would move to um approve the um increase in the DMF of the2 25,253 44 a second have motion second further discussion if not all in favor say I I I oppose same sign motion passes thank you and you're up again Joe okay um so this is um in regards to the the jail um Chiller system about a month ago we had lost a a compressor within this jail within the jail Chiller system um it can operate on in times of weather like like this okay um uh it can operate with like times of this but uh definitely needs two uh compressors uh right now one of them it's only on one uh what happened is um it it failed it's it needs replacing so what we did is we reached out to um first of all reached out to EDI who was our engineer on this project to just have a conversation on on on what would be the best route with this thing do we go a rebuild or or any kind of scenarios that would help um not be so much but um in the end with them and we we had called out uh we had an opinion in town from Chiller systems and then we called the um manufacturer rep from Dy to come in and also um observe or give a an opinion of this so um all three of them had come back saying that replacing this compressor is is the best way to go and um so what I did is I got two different quotes um Chiller systems um it was the lowest and I'm uh asking to move forward in a cost of $ 53,1 3969 and the funds we would use this out of is fund 19 so typically we use uh we try to keep $100,000 in the balance of that uh that fund as well as above and beyond with capital projects in times like this where we do take some bigger hits so this has been the I guess the first one I've seen in a long time so um I'm uh requesting to move forward with the low quote of Chiller systems questions for me question commissioner Campbell yeah Jo I'm just curious what what is a what is the expected life of a chiller well should be anywhere from 20 to 25 years uh for this and this was installed um yeah we missed the warranty phase by about a year and a half when we called in on this and um we did talk to the engineers and said is this you know something you see do you see these compressors going out and they they say it's actually kind of a rare deal so um this was I guess a a unique situation so um yeah that's that's what what it's been what eight eight what's that years about eight years eight years yeah eight years um The Chiller itself is about a million dollar Chiller just to kind of put in perspective the $50,000 compressor within the chiller so it's just to throw that out there but um but yeah the chiller itself should last that long but it's a part yeah it's a it's a major part within that Chiller and um like you say if it happened in the middle of summer it' be a huge issue right now we're holding strong but temperatures get to 75 we get in trouble so yeah so yeah commission Melle thank you uh I see that the requested amount is 53,000 and you said fund 19's at about 100,000 m y didn't we just pay for that Glendon rof out of fun 19 as well yep so so what we'll do is it'll probably drop it down to you know that 50,000 is or maybe a little bit over I think we got a little bit more in there now 120,000 is but so that'll drop that down 50 plus we'll pay for that 20,000 and then at the end of beginning of the year we have 150,000 coming in there and then from there we're looking at funding the roof in 2026 so from from now till then hopefully we won't have too many more blowouts but um every year we get that 150 so and I was just asking if the balance was before or after we pay anticipated what the Glendon 100 we we keep 100,000 in there yeah right right knowing that we pay for a Glendon roof or something else when it starts dipping below 100,000 then it's there's no projects that I like to take out of it okay so thanks y but there's an each year there's a new amount that's put into F into that fund B corre or right yep exactly that's the 150 yes yep you just don't like to see it drop below 100 right four times like this so then at least I have you I usually don't see a $100,000 blowout around here so but 50s can happen so thank you well would be uh we are lucky that it's cooler M because running a correctional facility when the when the conditions get bad and it gets hot and humid y I've experienced that in my career and it's not a good thing yeah y so I'm glad we're able to knock this out at this point yeah commissioner uper I'm also in touch with Carrie and Chris just because when it did go out was kind of at the hotter times and it so they are definitely involved in this as well so good I appreciate that any other questions comments we have Motion in a second all in favor of the motion say I I I all oppos same sign motion passes thank you thanks you we're back to our County Administrator Steve Larsson change order on the withdrawal management uh thank you Mr chair uh back here for uh change order number six on the withdrawal Management Facility uh as you take a a look at the various items on the list uh we do have uh we have uh three different credits that actually outweigh the the additional costs that we have so the before you for your consideration uh is a change order with a credit of $184 48 um that would bring our total balance remaining within the contingency of 92,7 125 and to commissioner Campbell's a question on the earlier item uh this board did approve the purchasing of a snowblower trailer uh equipment mower for $1 15,590 which which provides us a remaining uh contingency of $177,200 187 that i' yeld for any questions questions for Steve commissioner krain off yeah uh for those uh involved with the DMV and the S my question is um these contingent we kind of we're St wrap these up we're making them active how long did the consistent or the contingencies stay in place I mean does that go out a year or I mean are there some things uh likeing you know what I'm getting that yeah uh Mr Mr chair commissioner krainov ultimately it's up to this board of when they want to finally close close everything out uh historically we've left it open for yeah at least a year afterwards but I think that's I think that's fair to say that we want to keep it open for at least that year and and possibly a little bit longer depending on if there's you know it seems we always have some something happen the minute warranty is up like doors don't work or something okay thank you yeah other questions move to approve change order number six second have motion to Second all in favor of the motion to say I I I oppose same sign motion passes thank you all right we are the committee reports and we'll start with commissioner krainov thank you Mr chair um last Wednesday on the 9th uh we had the C partly a meeting for the County Extension committee uh we had presentations um uh from kamalin Muhammad uh regarding snaped health and wellness coordinator he uh works in the mor area uh out of the regional office uh he was showing us some uh projects he was doing uh mainly with um young uh children um IM an to our area and um uh bringing in skills uh by building a a small community Through soccer and uh the development and these are younger age kids about four years old five years old and uh and working with their parents uh in the develop of socialization and then building skills um of creating uh commun or Club um um let's see later uh the um our 4 Youth Development people gave the same presentation we had had to the commission a couple days before or last week which they did another great job and then we had uh quick reports by um our educator uh Jillian and then also uh in um in collaboration with u um the the uh Master Gardeners and updates on that so they um Dyan kind of went through her progress of where she'd been doing throughout the year uh being involved over in the farmers market doing tour Gardens and having over 50 people come through that and to the Master Gardeners uh program uh which is currently um has about um uh nine act or seven active members I believe it was they now have currently uh seven new interns so that will double the size of that program so everybody's really happy about the ongoings of that um on Thursday I had the uh monthly meeting for the class wcd um we got updates on um uh the uh Buffalo red one one Watershed one plan um also uh oh uh and this was highlighted in a meeting last night the Watershed a little deeper dive into the snaky Creek project uh which was now complete and that was a $360,000 um uh project that um came in under under budget so there's still as with just like the DMB and that there's some contingencies left there for making sure that the soils are stable in the um um the grasses that are needed necessary to hold it and stabilize that are in place after uh ni Springs runoff um yeah and then there was report on the Water festival uh that they hold every year um and that was in September and you know once again about 2200 kids were participate in that program so and then um on Friday I had a discuss the uh family re ongoing work of the Family Resource Center um uh there was a meeting uh led by Quin terer and and um our Capel P staff uh just update um uh not saying it's for sure but it looks uh pretty good that that the U Grand funding for sour and both the state through DHS uh looks to be coming toward uh Clay County on that uh one of the grants would be around um 200 uh 236,000 over uh two-year period and the other one is um in the $600,000 range over a three-year period so with that uh the development of how this may play out and as we've been talking about over the last couple months moving more in a mobile thing uh and in a mo uh mobile program uh developing uh the program so right now it looks like a um and this could be subject to change but it's there's a lot of agreement going on that this would be housed and uh run through cap LP and um and the funding from these programs would Supply funding for a uh full uh a full-time uh navigator for the program and what would be different in for caplp is the fact most of the things they work with are people that have to fit certain criteria and in this program it would be there would be um no it'd be a non-eligibility so in other words opens it up for every Everybody which whatever that particular program is going on uh throughout the county so it'll be very interesting to see how this continuously develop but um the funding looks looks to be like it may be coming our way so uh there are probably one maybe one more core meeting and then uh November 18th there will be a larger stakeholder meeting uh that'll be held held I believe at the mcoms and uh there'll be probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 stakeholders that'll be showing up uh meaning places like a CA Sanford our nonprofits and others to see how they can collectively come together and collaborate um to make sure that there is easy access and a directory for people uh with needs um being able to have a central place to come to and then uh last night was the Buffalo red board meeting monthly board meeting uh just a couple things I'll mention there uh quickly there was a couple permits for drain tile down in Wen County but uh mainly uh I guess that involves Becker and a little bit of clay is the upper Buffalo red restoration um up on up toward Buffalo Lake and up in berer county and coming into clay anyway uh that potentially um we have funding for $4.9 million in funding and there'll be a hearing starting to set up in early 2025 to set up a Water Management District and talk more with um land owners about the project and it's um and and potential assessments that may happen along with that project and U commissioner Mojo was there also so she can add anything she likes that's my report thank you commissioner moo thank you Mr chair last week I attended the chamber candidate Forum at the Morhead City Council I had already attended the Clay County Commissioners Forum that was held here I appreciate that the chamber is doing a great job of getting together the voices of the folks running I know there is one at the uh Dorth City Hall this evening is f at 5: for their candidates as well I uh tried to get into the extension committee for well over an hour on Wednesday in the zoom link that they provided was not activated so unfortunately I was not able to attend that meeting yesterday I attended the Klay County prtf the study Review Committee uh we had a a long discussion in regards to space needs at that fa um future facility and how we um Can best uh puzzle piece together what that proposal will be uh really good discussion between Klay County staff and Klein McCarthy and Solutions in regards to that I had to leave after two hours my and uh was able to call back in so I think we were able to solve some problems but I appreciate uh the long discussion that uh went on after that that concludes my reports thank you commissioner Campbell yeah I do want to mention I also attended the candidates Forum that was at the MC where City for Morad city council that was very interesting to hear the different ideas amongst candidates um then on October 8th we did have a uh Land Development code update meeting kind of of a subcommittee meeting yeah I went to that and commissioner moo was also at that sorry and that um and that was um basically going over um some of the changes that could potentially be made in in rural development whether whether we allow clusters or you know those types of things and so there was a uh I I think when all is said and done and I think we mentioned to you at some point in time we want the full board to be able to get a complete Redline version of what used to be the development code and what it's changing to um and I think really what we were you know we want to get that good um mix of protecting egg and at the same time allowing some rural development to happen as I've always said we've had kids who grow up on farms and they come back here and they want to live in the rural area on a farm and if we don't have the the development code that allows that we're we're kicking ourselves for not allowing our families to come back to the where they grew up so there you know so I think we've got a good um a good mix of things there um we did have um be there from the planning commit the chair of the Planning Commission was there and um as well and we we did go through this quite a bit and I think we we're you're going to see some you know positive changes I think that would would be there nothing that's going to take us back in terms of the development opportunities we have in the rural areas then on the uh let's see the October 9th we had the regional Dispatch Center budget and finance committee meeting not a lot going on there um we did get get a full report from wood marol the audit um on the annual audit and that came back unmodified was an unmodified clean opinion which is good to know and then we did get an update on the 20 24 year-to dat budget which there seems to be there doesn't seem to be any concerns in um exceeding what's been anticipated for that budget October 10th we had the regional dis F Center uh regular board meeting um and again the that then the finance committee's budget proposal to the ear the ear the uh audit proposal was recommended to the full board and they did approve that annual audit uh we got some project updates on the on the new facility and there seem to be the most discussions seem to be centered around the extension of fiber U there's a couple of other little construction things that quirks that were were questioned but in the original plan there was there was really no um consideration for multiple feeds into the building for fiber in other words it's it's kind of like when you when the city installs a water system you try to have it looped so that if one area goes down you can back feed it by another area that's what we're kind of we talking about here on this fiber by having multiple ways for that to enter that facility that was never done uh to to the point where it should have been in the planning and so now there's you know I think commissioner AB can correct me if I'm wrong but I I think they're estimating that number to be in excess of $100,000 to to do that and of course uh I made the argument that that is a capital expenditure and that needs to come out of the you know the the the Full Construction cost of the project which at this point um we've we've already paid our maximum amount on the Minnesota side there I think there was some suggestion that it be uh paid for by the city of Morhead or city of Fargo excuse me and then that it would be uh special assessed back to the um Center and I and I kind of argued a little bit against that because then it would end up falling on the operations side which would then be in in our annual budget which we would pay for and that's not the intent of that that's a capital expenditure and so anyway I mean the the work the the work needs to be done on that and and ultimately they're going to have to figure out between Fargo and West Fargo that that difference in the over overruns and I I'm sure there's probably more commissioner eringer chairs that committee so he can add some more to that uh then we had on the 14th we did have our um our meeting on the pre-design yesterday we had our meeting on the pre-design for the um both the prtf and the uh potential uh moving of the non-secure unit to its a separate facility um we started off talking about the prtf plan and I mean we I think we spent the vast majority of we we we hardly even got to the to the non-secure facility because there was an awful lot of discussion on the uh what it would take to remodel and and when all said and done I think we realized that you know that and it was good that Steve was able to get on from Solutions because I answered some questions and and I think we've got most of the space issues worked out I believe the DHS is coming next week or this this week next oh next Monday to take a look and and we're going to show them what a proposed plan would look like for that um we did get a a little bit of an opportunity to talk about the non-secure unit and based on the uh space needs you know we were we were hoping to keep it under 20,000 Square fet to um avoid some of the B3 um early indications are we're not going to be able to do that uh for for one thing we're um it's got to it's been determined it's got to have its own indoor and outdoor wreck so that you know regardless that's going to add some square footage to that um which would have been the case no matter if we build a new prtf or we build a new non-secure that that that doesn't change that so I mean right now as it stands right now based on very preliminary we're looking at a 28,000 square foot need for that facility you know so um you know if you if you if you range from $450 to $600 a square foot you're in both of those instances you're still coming in under $20 million you know um and I you know I hopefully that could be a Target that we wouldn't have to exceed you know as and I think I I'm saying that for Paul and for commissioner Mojo and Mr krainov when they we start that lobbying but hopefully we're going to get a little bit more detail for you to be able to use in those efforts for the state funding and I believe that and I know steveen Steve was also there he he wants to add some more to that but that concludes my report thank you commissioner gross Wednesday I went up to wild rice Watershed District Watershed board meeting um pretty much just discussed the permits per Senate there was 33 permits per Senate uh nine were table and 30 30 23 were approved uh mostly just for drain tile um other than that they discussed the the Pearly project where they're going to be putting in a dyke like they did for hen and hon uh that project is going to be worked on um and most they have the stuff with just routine stuff done by the district Thursday I had to be on the yellow ribbon uh there we had the discussion on uh a few of Thanksgiving projects that are coming up by different uh organizations uh they're going for trying to get some free meals for veterans um so there's different um roers that have gone out to try and get money for that to try to get 300 meals there for vegetans um there also uh that that guard that had open house at Minnesota guard that's going to be available for weddings and stuff like that too so not just for military stuff it is going to be available to the public also it' be a nice place to have some weddings or what have you let's see other than that of the yellow ribbon where you had uh there's a veterans treatment Court uh going pretty good at the Detroit Lakes uh District district court um and that other than that we've made some donations for for gas cards for 7502 $250 um and that was or there's also flu shots available um October 18th October Fest the dream and the dream farm probably I don't know I just the dream F I don't know where the dream farm is at though so probably you got that down okay those are my two meetings okay thank you commissioner Campbell will you had an additional yeah I I do have one additional that I neglected yesterday um we had a preliminary of a zoom meeting or teams meeting to discuss uh today at 2 o'clock there's going to be a meeting with Senator papis regarding our funding request on the West cental Regional walk project and that's today at 2:00 so we did have have a meeting yesterday um just kind of a strategic planning meeting and then to to I think we're allowed I think it's 45 minutes Steve is that correct so we're allowed 45 minutes this afternoon and so we're just basically going over what what are we going to present that and that type of thing so so we're looking forward I mean I know I know um commissioner gross if you're if if you're interested in I think we're going that's going to be by Zoom today at 2:00 if you want I'm going to go to Steve's office if you want want to come over there for if you have time to come over for that and just listen in you serve on that committee with me so that would be you know it's up to you if you want to make that but okay that's at 2 o'clock right is is the time right 2 2 to 2:45 yes okay and that thank you that concludes you say two or two for it's it starts at two two thank thank you uh Wednesday the 9th I virtually attended the AMC District 4 board chair meeting uh just in preparation for our regional meeting we have this Friday um one of the major topics we'll be covering is the dues in increase proposal we are um there's pretty pronounced underfunding of of what our lobbying efforts should bring one compared to other organizations so that that'll be a discussion this Friday also mcit will be coming to discuss the increase in their costs and uh the reasons behind it we also have talked about the county reports and possibly limiting time on them keeping them short we've got 11 counties and uh there is a feeling some of them go a little too far into the weeds but you know I found it to be interesting I I I like those yeah I think it of course we usually end up looking a whole lot better than our fellow County so you sit there kind of gloating but um there may be a a discussion about given time limits on that and so Steve you just have to talk [Laughter] faster uh Thursday I attend beyond the yellow ribbon which Mr gross covered well one thing I do want to just mention operation Greenlight is going to be November 4th through the 11th and I I believe we're we're ready to participate in that aren't we I I believe that uh that Mr Canon will be coming forward to make that official here at an upcoming meeting okay oh that's always enjoyable and later that date I attended the river River Regional Dispatch Center Board of authority uh commissioner Campbell's already reported on that in depth one of the issu use the fiber agreement that we have uh it is that a portion of the cost is going to be covered by Fargo since they are interested in having the work done for a lot that's south of where the construction's going what happened is when they initially did the estimate for the fiber they saw two I'm probably using the wrong term but junction boxes where you could access the fiber system system what they didn't realize is they weren't coming in from different locations they were actually connected to each other so if you relayed from both those boxes into the building it's uh it was not from two separate sources it was simply an extension of one line and that led to the additional the realization the additional cost and that completes my report Steve uh thank you Mr chair LA on the eth last week I participated in the development code uh which has been well covered uh on the ninth we had Clay County management uh we had discussed legislative priorities uh or internal uh departments uh coming forward uh talked about the organizational change and Central management uh and then we did were able to have a tour of the DMV and the detox for those parties that W en able to make the ribbon cutting uh participated in the District 4 meeting that commissioner uh Eiger has talked about again I think the big the big piece is uh I think I handed out our legislative priorities that we talked about and identified at the policy conference in in September uh and so our district will be voting on I believe the top five legislative priorities on Friday um on the ninth we also had a countywide fire fire drill put on by our Safety Committee again just appreciate the safety committee's uh efforts in in working this is just one of the many things that they do to keep our our citizens safe and our employees and so we appreciate their work uh we uh on the ninth I met with Dan Molly and Robert Wilson virtually uh we talked about the budgets and diversion Authority uh and so it was good to speak with them uh on the 10th participated in the compliance preting committee again uh as this board's aware commissioner Mojo has been uh has been appointed to that we really wanted to make sure that we uh talked about this scope of what we were going to be doing trying to look in from this compliance piece and we'll be setting up a meeting here in the near future uh about really starting with Social Services uh since that's where a lot of the compliance uh issues came started from uh met with talk with Dan clist in regards to change orders uh we'll be doing some cleanup uh clean up on some of the items of that we've had on change orders were the maximum amounts we've had some minor changes uh to those and so uh we'll probably be coming in the in the coming weeks just to clean up the the change orders for the two projects uh participated in multi- sessions for the na leadership academy uh department head evaluations on Friday I had two of those on Monday participated in the water district capital impr capital investment uh discussion and preparation of this afternoon's meeting and also the the prtf and non-secure detention pre-design meetings and so uh just a couple different things uh uh again just reminders for our citizens today is for is tax day for non non- egg properties uh tax payments can be dropped off of the government center or or need to be postmarked by today uh and also for our citizens just a reminder that was mentioned earlier our DMV will be moving to the new location on the 21st next Monday uh we'll be providing service at the mor Center Mall uh through Friday afternoon at roughly 4:00 uh and we'll start uh start the move over the weekend so that concludes my report thank you do we have anything from you miss Melton Erol just a reminder we have a pck meeting after this meeting Jackie anything for us is there any additional for the good of the order if not we're adjourned for