##VIDEO ID:Elw20FYN51w## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e it's 5:30 I will call the board of adjustment in order roll call has been taken have a motion to approve the agenda Move Motion made by Tim second by Dennis all in favor single by saying I I opposed approval agenda moving on to approval of minutes from July 16 2024 do I have a motion to approve the minutes motion made by Dennis second second by Tim all in favor single by saying I I opposed approval minutes moving on to public hearings Lynn and Angie Ericson request for variance the applicant is seeking approval of after the fact variance to the to the residential and access set pack of an agricultural service establishment at 27545 90th Avenue South Holly Minnesota parcel ID 24022 252 in part of the north half Northeast quarter of section 22 Park Township to have a motion to open the public hearing moved motion made by Tim second by Dennis all in favor single by I I public hearing is now open Matt if you want to take it away yeah this is a request for variance to the residential and access setbacks for an Agricultural service establishment um the property is is located in southeast Clay County Park Township just south of Lake 15 uh some Shoreland zoning on the property really where this use is taking place so is in the agriculture General zoning District so this would be permitted as a conditional use in that zoning District just some background on this is there is a variance to construct an indoor riding arena 75 ft from casat 10 uh that was granted in 2019 and at that time the Practical difficulty that was provided was the basically the topography the hilly terrain of of um the lot and then the shape of the lot just limiting uh build building sites for that so this request is to our uh 500t residential setback so for the indoor arena that'd be you know nominal just going down to 487 and then there's an outdoor Arena on the east side of the property uh that would go down from 500 feet to 350 ft then we do have a 300t um access setback so from a axis that's across the road or um adjacent on either side uh getting that down to from 300 feet to 60 ft there's a lot going on here you can kind of see um these would be the the blue would be kind of the residential 500 ft from each of these residences and then the purple is that access the 300 ft from from the axis they primarily use this access um but if they would like to use this access I think uh in in the future as well and that's kind of right across the street here from from uh neighboring axises so practical difficulty provided would be utilizing the best flat area on the property without removing several trees and then the accesses are already pre-existing and so just for our our code um basically we describe an agricultural service establishment as essentially anything performing animal husbandry horiculture businesses a lot of it's really to milting processing harvesting um but anything to do with with livestock or or horse horse training um horse boarding stables things like that um lessons horse riding lessons can all all fall under that as well and then these are the setbacks that are the standards essentially 300 ft between any driveway uh and then 500 ft um from any dwelling uh there was just a potential Wetland issue just want to note um with the outdoor riding arena that has been basically resolved there was no no issues basically of uh no Wetland filling or anything like that our County Wetland coordinator did look at that um how this request might relate to our comprehensive plan so we have a goal to encourage commercial and Industrial Development that isn't harmony with the Agricultural and Rural character of Clay County to avoid or mitigate against any commercial or Industrial Development that increases potential for land use conflicts with r residential or egg uses and just say that um the mighty Oaks uh Learning Center has been in operation since I think 2020 and we have not received any complaints at all so lack of complaints leaves me to leave that it's well-run business and um they're good to their neighbors no issues with the neighbors again too with after Thea variances you can um we don't do these officially but please keep these in mind um these four criteria um uh looking at whether construction is complete it is complete are there similar similar structures in the in the area there are um what the benefit of the municipality of enforcement compared to the burden on the applicant if compliance was required um i' would say there's definitely um more of a burden on the applicant than a benefit and then if a violation is intentional or unintentional and that's unknown at this time assume unintentional any questions for me at all I have one question for you Matt yeah that 300 foot access you can't have a access within 300 feet is that also when it's across the road has to be that's how we've been interpreting it yeah so and if if this wasn't a business there would they still if they put in an approach there would they still need a variance for that approach no so because there's a business there that's why they need yep the idea is more business would generate more traffic so keeping that spacing all right anybody else have any questions for Matt at this time right would the applicant like to come up speak on this matter if you have anything come up and state your name for the record hi my name is Angie Erikson I one you've been in business since 2020 roughly on a weekly basis how many vehicles are driving in and out of there oh it varies so much depending on the weather but um we average between 15 and 30 a week a week all right that's anybody else have any questions for her right thank you very much thank you all right anybody have any questions for staff hearing that you have a motion to close a public hearing so moved motion made by Tim second by Dennis all in favor single by saying I I all opposed public hearing is now closed we'll move into findings and facts number one in granting the variant is GR planting the variant in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Clay County development code yes the resident and access setbacks are in place to reduce potential land use and trafficking conflicts the reduction in these setbacks should be in harmony with the Land Development code as they are minimal reductions number two is a requested variance consistent with the Clay County comprehensive land use plan yes the request is inconsistent with the Clay County comprehensive plan goals and objectives reflected in the staff report three does the applicant establish that there are practical difficulties in complying with strict letter of the Clay County development code yes the the terrain is very rough out there and there's lots of trees I've drive by that somewhat regularly I guess not grew up down there so I'm around that area do exceptional and extraordinary circumstances exist that apply to the property in question that do not apply generally ly to the other properties of the same zone or vicinity resulting from lot size or shape topography or other circumstances over which the owners of the property have had no control or influence yes the shape and topography are not are of the lot limit the amount of space available for the use number five will the literal interpretations of the provisions of the Clay County development code deprive the applicant of Rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same district under the terms of this ordinance six is the variance being granted the minimum variance that would alleviate the Practical difficulties yes seven does the variance request meet all Bel below criteria no variance shall be granted where any of the following conditions are not met adequate sewage treatment systems or water supply capability can be provided the plight of the landowner or hardship is not due to circumstances created by the landowner C the variance would not allow the use that is not already allowed in the zoning District D the essential character of the locality would not be altered or there would not be a significant adverse effect on the surrounding properties y it is a rural in nature and has not altered the essential character of the locality e there would not be significant adverse effects on the public health or safety F the variance does not confer on on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this ordinance to the owners of other land structure or building in the same district and Matt has three conditions on here Matt do you want to go over those three yes Mr chair so just essentially that the structures associated with the use can be no closer than 487 ft to the neighboring residents the outro riding arena can not be closer than 350 ft from the neighboring residents and then access to the property for businesses can be no closer than 60 ft from the neighbor neighboring residential aises so just essentially affirming kind of where they are already in relation to neighboring residences all right one one question there if this was not a business those those setbacks would not matter right correct all right do have a motion to approve I'll approve with conditions one through three yes motion made by Tim second by Dennis all any further discussion hearing none all in favor single by saying I I all opposed variance granted moving to unfinished business mat I have nothing Mr chair all right new business um I think the only thing I'll say is that we had our development code update study Review Committee they met last Tuesday and um hoping to have this thing done by the end of the year do you I'm optimistic we'll see that' be nice would be nice we' been working on it a long time yeah it's complicated yeah it's an Endeavor that's all I have have a motion to adjourn motion made by second by Tim all in favor say say I I meeting adjourned okay we can put that one down as the fastest meeting we've had e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I will call the Clay County Planning Commission in order roll call has been taken has everybody in the audience signed in all right do I have a motion to approve the agenda so Move Motion made by Joel Second by Laura all in favor single by saying I I I opposed approval agenda approval of minutes from August 20th 2024 do I have a motion to approve second motion made by Laura second by Brad all in favor single by saying I I opposed citizens to be heard is there anybody in the audience that wishes to speak on something not on the agenda is there anybody in the audience wishes to speak on something that is not on the agenda one last time anybody in the audience wishes to speak on something not on the agenda is there anybody online Matt there's not Mr chair we'll move on to public hearings Clay County development code update request for public input the Clay County is in the process of updating the development code the Planning Commission will take public comment at the regular scheduled meetings and comments and questions can also be submitted by calling the planning office or by email at planning Clay County mn.gov I have a motion to open the public hearing moved motion made by Ashley second by Brad all in favor single by saying I opposed Matt you want to take it away and give us an update yeah we um recently last Tuesday had our um I think a fourth steer study review committee meeting so that's the committee that's looking at kind of the code and kind of shepherding that process along uh the main um components of the code that were looked at were uh non-conformities uh development standards that would apply basically to any zoning District um and then so just general development standards uh and then Administration uh and enforcement uh there's also some discussion too about just residential development um in Clay County as well I think they'll be probably need to be further discussion on that as our those meetings try to cram a lot into a little bit of time so um I know that uh commissioner Mojo and uh Mr Bayer and Brad and Ashley were there so if any and Dave so any comments that you all want to make I don't I that one good good input all right well I know they gave us like an update on timeline um looks like we're probably about 90% through a lot of the chapters uh I know there's uh there's some comments about potentially having a workg group meeting at the commissioner level or a couple just to kind of walk through uh some of the bigger changes uh with with the code um and then hopefully get that um adopted does that come to us first for a public hearing or does that go straight to the County Commissioners I think it should come to the Planning Commission first for a for a public he to the yep yep anybody have any questions from mat is there anybody in the audience want to speak on this matter anybody in the audience want to speak on this matter one last time anybody in the audience want to speak on this matter any other thing Matt have any nope all right we have a motion to close the public hearing so moved motion made by Ashley second by Brad all in favor single by saying I oppos public hearing is now closed moving on to the next one Lynn and Angela Erikson request for a conditional use permit the applicant is seeking an after Thea conditional use permit for an equin Center at 27454 275 5 45 90th Avenue South Holly Minnesota partial ID 22422 do25 02 in part of the north half Northeast quarter section 22 Park Township to have a motion to open the public hearing we move motion made by Kurt shervin second second by Ashley all in favor single by saying I I opposed Matt you want to take it away right yes thank you Mr chair this is a request for condition use permit for the mighty Oaks ecoin Learning Center uh this property is located in southeast Kay County and Park Township on the south side of casat 10 south of Lake 15 it's zoned uh agricultural General there is a portion in the kind of the pink red reddish is um special protection low development and then there's also some residential district as well to the north uh this would be an allowed use within the egg z z own in District uh it's about a 4 4ish acre property and it's a very um hilly property uh partially wooded um with oak trees and um some small Wetlands as well so it is used for residential and Commercial purposes there's a residence indoor riding arena other egg buildings on the property uh they the egg building up or the riding arena here is kind of the Northwest side of the property and that they did receive a variance to construct that in 2019 about 75 ft from the center line of of the road uh and then they also did get variances to a residential setback and then an access sent back this evening as well so again definitions from our development code an egg service establishment I won't read through the definition but it's basically kind of a catchall for um uh any sort of businesses or nonprofits or anything like that would be agriculturally oriented in nature and that includes like uh Stables horse boarding um uh things of that nature as well and for for standards there aren't many there's setbacks um has to be related to Agriculture and has to be compatible with um agriculture as well in terms of um not creating anything that would be considered be a nuisance so the center has been in operation since 20120 what they do is they provide individual group writing lessons and camps to writers of all ages um they've started hosting events that kind of cater to mental health and well-being as well uh there's about 21 horses on site um although this has probably been fluctuates uh and then also there's a 12,000 approximately 12,000 ft indoor riding arena outdor riding arena and trails as well throughout the property do want to note that um there was a potential Wetland issue on this property with the construction of the riding arena um and this is where you're um looking at like a Desktop review of wetlands versus a field review so we did the county Wetland coordinator did go out there and take a look at that and determine that there wasn't actually any impact to to the Wetland on the property how this request relates to our comprehensive plan so we have a a few goals that related to this this request um we have a community and resilience category and a goal to promote personal Community Health for all residents and uh this Learning Center does provide uh activities for lowincome students um for minorities uh and then individual lescant at camps uh there's also an a land use and commercial industrial goal category to encourage commercial and Industrial Development that is in harmony with the egg and Rural character of the county and to avoid or an objective under that is to avoid or mitigate against commercial or Industrial Development that increases the potential for land use conflicts with rural residential or egg uses and they they've been in operation since about 2020 and we have not received any complaints about the operation of the center so any questions for me at all have you heard anything from the township have not heard anything from the township any other questions for mat at this time heing none would the applicant like to come up and state your name for the record my name is Angie Ericson I have a question for you how many vehicles would you say come in and out of there in a given week I would say between 10 and 30 depending on what we have going on and depending on the weather all right anybody else have any questions for her um I have a question do you own all the horses on site no my mom owns one and Amber's mom owns one I think under the egg service establishment permit or land use category that would cover horse boarding as well um and really just commercial horse boarding so if that's something they wanted to do in the future they would it would fall under that permit unless there was a condition that specifically stated otherwise anything else from anybody all right thank you for coming in thank you is there anybody in the audience that wishes to speak on this matter anybody in the audience wishes to speak on this matter one last time anybody else in the audience wish to speak on this matter hearing none does anybody up here any questions for Matt or the applicant at this time do I have a motion to close the public hearing second motion made by Ashley is second by Jenny all in favor single by saying I I I opposed public hearing is now closed we'll go through findings and facts number one effective use in granting a conditional use permit the Planning Commission shall consider the effect of the proposed use upon the health safety morals and general welfare of occup of surrounding lands existing and anticipated land use traffic conditions including parking facility or adjacent Street and land and the effect on agricultural usage and values of property and Scenic views in the surrounding areas and the effect of the proposed use on a upon on existing comprehensive plans number two the use and enjoyment of other property the use will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate V vicinity or the purpose already permitted and asally diminish or impair property values within the immediate vicinity number three development in surrounding property the establishment of the use will not impede the normal or order orderly development of and Improvement of surrounding vacant properties for uses predominant in the area utilities access roads drainage off street parking loading spaces adequate measures have been or will be taken to provide utilities access roads drainage off street parking and loading spaces number five nuisance conditions adequate measures have been or will be taken to prevent or control offensive odors fumes dust noise vibrations water pollution soil ER erosion so that none of these will constitute a nuisance and to control lighted signs and other lights in such manner that no disturbance to neighboring properties will result six burden on public services the use will not create an excess burden on Parks schools streets water supply sanitary sewers storm sewers or other public facilities or utilities which serve or propose to serve the area compatibility the use will be sufficiently compatible or separated by distance or screening from adjacent agricultural zoned or used land so the existing homes will not be depreciated in value and there will be no deterrence to agricultural use of said land eight appearance of structure in site the structure in site shall have an appearance that will not have an adverse effect upon adjacent Residential Properties number nine relationship to over all needs uses in the opinion of the Planning Commission are reasonably related to the overall needs of the district and to the existing land use in the case of the flood plane areas the proof of that the location is necessary for facility operation and alternative sites not sustainable to flooding are not available 10 consistency with the ordinance the use is inconsistent with the purpose of this ordinance and the purpose of the zoning District in which the applicant intends to locate the proposed use 11 conflict with the comprehensive plan the use is not in conflict with the comprehensive plan if any of the township or city or county 12 traffic hazards congestion in flood plane areas the use will not cause traffic hazards or congestion and in flood plane areas has the access during flooding for ordinary and emergency vehicles 13 existing businesses existing businesses nearby will not be adversely affected because of curtailment of customer trade brought about by intrusion of noise glare or general unsightliness does have anybody have any questions on those 13 if not we will do have a motion to take in staff's recommendations on all the answers on those 13 should I take that as a motion yeah Mr chair you certainly could you have a motion to agree with staff's chair I'll offer a motion to approve with the conditions that were proposed conditions one so we're going to go straight to that okay conditions one through five should we go over those Matt yes um applicant shall obtain all applicable local state federal permits um including septic system storm water pollution uh whacker review before any construction provide copies to the planning office Center must meet all requirements per the Clay County development code days and hours of operation shall be Monday through Sunday 6:00 a.m. to 10: p.m. pay an approved access plan from the County highway department for access to Cassat 10 if applicable I have talked with the County engineer since then um and he said that he's reviewed it and feels like this doesn't need to be a condition we could strike that strike four and then any facility signage should meet the county sign standards and then any other conditions that you would deem necessary I would maybe want to ask the applicant to about any hours of operation if that would be acceptable to them suppose we should maybe we have a a second on a motion I'll second that okay thanks with conditions one through four striking out four so I just mean for sake of conversation we need to have a second so she can all right so one question to the applicant so days of hours of operation shall be Monday through Sunday 6:00 a.m. to 600 p.m. 10m didn't it is that what it says that's what it says is that 10 p.m. 10 p.m. to 10 p.m. that covers Us well in advance thank you all right so I have a motion and a second with conditions 1 through four on the screen any further discussion hearing none all in favor single by saying I I all opposed we don't have a second on that motion Brad you do Brad did Brad thank you all right conditional use permit granted moving on Katie cradoc request for an interm use permit the applicant is seeking an after Thea interm use home occupation permit for a tack business at 17203 43rd Avenue North Glendon Minnesota parcel ID 27 025 2210 in the Northeast quarter Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter section 25 Spring Prairie Township do you have a motion to open the public hearing so Move Motion made by Joel Second by Ashley all in favor single by saying I I opposed Matt yeah thank you Mr chair this is an inter Muse permit request for a home occupation uh quering equipment sales or t Tac shop uh this is located just south of the uh hutterite Colony um North of Highway 10 the property is zoned agricultural General and resource protection Aggregate and the surrounding properties are zon similar uh the this type of request would be allowed in the zoning District uh just going to give you a sense of why it's zoned egg um egg protection and just basically essentially there's this vein of high gravel potential running kind of through this this property so since approximately 2019 the applicant's been operating Pary bit tax shop and their equip equestrian equipment resale and service business um and we basically were made aware due to a presence of a sign uh gave them the option to either do a administrative or Interim Home occupation permit depending on the size and number of employees and things of that nature so uh they are requesting that Interim Home occupation permit to continue operating the tax shop uh they are reip equipment resaler they do uh repair work and fitting Services as well uh the services are offered through by appointment only and I think they do about maybe 8 to 10 hours a month of of appointments at this time and virtually all of the equipment sales is done on online and so they're in this um roughly 2,500 fot uh garage there's three regular employees and they do have space for for parking as well we haven't received any public comment on this request and we haven't heard anything from the township as well anybody have any questions from mat at this time the applicant like to come up state your name for the record hello everyone thanks for having me today my name is Kelly linth Katie kck's name is on the agenda she's the owner of the property I am the co-owner of the business unfortunately she was committed to work this evening um and I do have a business profile print out that I just printed for you guys if you would like some more information I can hand out too yeah if you want to hand it the curtain you can hand it around and I'm happy to answer any questions you guys may have does anybody have any questions for the applicant at this time I guess I got one uh like this business here uh obviously been around for a while do you cons I mean see it growing to be busier as you go forward is that the plan to grow so honestly the answer is complicated maybe neither one of us want to leave our big kid jobs we do really enjoy our jobs so we've tried to reain this in as much as possible so it's sustainable but but yes we we've seen considerable growth as we progressed and every time we try to harness it in something kind of ends up pushing it a little bit larger so yes I do foresee it to grow but we would like it to grow slowly so it remains sustainable thank you I have a question for you Matt with this permit they're getting they can grow this business up to how many employees or is there a limit so Mr chair there is in our standards there is a limit to um it's essentially five non family employees but the Planning Commission at their discrection um you can you could um revise that that number um depending on the circumstance so and you've have done that in the past um as well there's also um the potential to uh essentially build up to like a 10,000 square foot building as well um for the home occupation that'll be all covered under this permit under this would be covered under under this permit yep and yeah kind of what triggered the need for the interim use is that in our standards if you were to we have two types of Home occupation permits administrative which are just done kind of like a building permit um and then the interim use permit one which is obviously brought before you to make a a decision on um the the kind of the two main triggers that would differentiate between those two is the size it's all due to size um bigger size potentially potentially bigger impact on those on the surrounding area um and in this case um the accessory structure if it's greater than 12200 square feet uh if there's more than one non-family employee that would kind of would be the trigger for that but yes under the inter under the current standards and the code there is definitely room for for growth Mr chair I just want to uh maybe ask that question in regards to staff um you know I'm quite familiar with this business I know that you've worked with two area businesses that were going out of um into retirement so kind of absorbed that clientele but um this business uh hires a lot of high school kids they do uh 4 and FFA clinics and fittings and so I I caution us a little bit in regards to the employee count because there are so many young people that are are helping out out there I just don't want to limit them if they have a high school kid doing two hours a month all of a sudden that's a large amount of their quota thank you for that clarification and that is exactly kind of our mission yes we're sales but it's education and preserving Tac is a huge part of like what our goal to start this um most of our I guess we shouldn't say most of our employees all of our employees except my sister and I who own it are 1099 employees just because the nature of this business and we're so online based we don't want our employees having to sacrifice their finan security the only W4 I guess employee we technically have is an intern through NDSU and we do pair with the buys and strides program not only in sponsoring them with a horse and Tac but we also then um take their students on for internships so yeah our employees structure is a little bit different but we do appreciate the the knowledge that we don't want to be limited by that and I don't foresee us ever being in a position where we will have full-time staff so how would we yeah Mr chair I think really this is this standard is more I think intended for your full-time staff who are coming every single day punching the time clock y exactly if you have interns are very very very part-time I don't think that the Planning Commission probably wants to get into the business of tracking FTE or anything like that so no this would be essentially yep anybody else have any questions for the applicant or mat this time thank you for coming inly thank you for having me is there anybody in the audience that wants us to speak on this matter anybody in the audience want to speak on this matter one last time anybody in the audience want to speak on this matter anybody else have any questions for staff or the applicant hearing none do I have a motion to close the public hearing so moved not second motion made by Joel hilderbrand Second by Ashley H all in favor single by saying I all opposed public hearing is now closed we will go through findings and facts effective use in granting an interm use the Planning Commission shall consider the effect of the proposed use upon the health safety morals General Welfare of occupants of surrounding lands existing antic and anticipated land use uses traffic conditions including parking facilities or adjacent streets and land in the effect effect on agricultural usage and values of property and Scenic views in the surrounding areas and the effect of the proposed use on existing con comprehensive plans number two the use and enjoyment of other property the interm use will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in immediate vicinity or the purpose already permitted and not sustainably diminish or impair property values with it in the immediate vicinity development of of surrounding property the establishment of the interm use will not impede the normal or orderly development and Improvement of surrounding vant properties for use predominant in the area number four utilities access roads drainage off street parking and loading spaces adequate measures have been or will be taken to provide utilities access roads drainage off street parking and loading spaces number five nuisance conditions adequate measures have been or will be taken to prevent or control offense of o fumes dust noise vibrations water pollution and soil erosion so that none of these will constitute a nuisance and to control lighted signs or other lights in such manner that no disturbance to neighboring properties will result number six burden on public services use will not create an excess burden on Parks schools streets water suppli sanitary sewers storm sewers and other public facilities or utilities which serve or propose to serve the area seven compatibility the use will be sufficiently compatible or separated by distance or screening from adjacent agricultural zoned or used land so that existing homes will not be depreciated in value and there will be no deter to agricultural use of said land eight appearance of structure in site the structure and site shall have an appearance that will will not have an adverse effect upon adjacent Residential Properties number nine relationship to overall needs the uses in the plan in the in the opinion of the Planning Commission are reasonably related to the overall needs of the district and to the existing land use in the case of flood plane areas appr proov that the location is necessary for facility operation and alternative is sites not sustainable to flooding are not available 10 consistency with ordinances that the use is Inc consistent with the purpose of this ordinance and the purpose of the zoning District in which the applicant intends to locate the proposed use conflict with a comprehensive plan the use is not in conflict with the comprehensive plan if any of the township or city or county 12 traffic hazards congestion in flood plane areas the use will not cause traffic hazards or congestion and in flood plane areas has the access during flooding or ordinary and emergency vehicles 13 existing businesses existing businesses nearby will not be adversely affected because of curtailment of customer trade brought about by intrusion of noise glare and general unsightliness we will take staff's notes there if anybody has any problem let me know otherwise Matt shall we go through the conditions you have on this application uh yes Mr chair so just three conditions operate within the provisions of the Clay County Land Development ordinance and the permit would terminate if the applicants close the business for a period of 12 or more consecutive month months or if uh the property is transferred to a new owner um those are that's a condition that's right in our um code and then the hours of operation basically 247 365 being an online driven business and not really having any impact to surrounding area you have a motion to approve with conditions one through three chair got a question yep staff has made aware of the business due to the presence of a sign is that any issues they need to deal with signage with a sign yeah just getting a a sign permit so you could add that um as a condition yeah that last one similar to the last last public hearing we just had yep 32 square feet I think it's your allow of 4 by8 yep anybody else has any recomend conditions for conditions or well I have a comment I think this is the a perfect example of something that we should encourage it fits in with the area it's going to have zero impact on anybody and they go all over they provide they've been you know to our barn and they've been all over they do a great job and it they again you know NE the big thing for me is they fit in with the rural part of Clay County and there is no negative impact to anybody with their business do have a motion to approve with one through four conditions so moved second motion made by Ashley second by Brad any further discussion hearing none all in favor single by saying I I all opposed interm use granted moving on Elena and Aaron Steiners serson request for platted subdivision the applicant is Seeking a to plant a on lot commercial subdivision on parcel ID 06536 in part of the southeast quarter Southwest quarter of the South West quarter of section five Elmwood township do I have a motion to open the public hearing motion made by Laura second second by Ashley all in favor single by saying I opposed Matt yeah thank you so um this is a request I think that you all should be pretty familiar with um just in hearing a text Amendment related to this request and then a a conditional use permit so the request is for a preliminary plat for a one lot commercial subdivision the name would be the Bloomfield subdivision it' be approximately 5.44 Acres of a 101.7 acre parcel uh just located north uh West or Northeast of Sabin uh along County Road 69 and this is the zoning of this parcel is um agricultural General and then resource protection well protection so this the current use is agricultural there aren't any structures on the property as you're aware they the applicant had initially wanted to develop a commercial storage on the property and went through the text amendment process and then the conditional use permit process um the the the plans uh I think that the applicant had was to lease this property um but now they're deciding to purchase it and um this roughly 5 and 1/2 acre tract and so a plat is required essentially um whenever you're doing one or more nonresidential lot so that's kind of what's triggering the the need for for the plat um this is essentially it it's one lot um and then that's the the second page of the plat uh this plat wouldn't require any internal roads there'd be access from County Road 69 our Highway Engineers um review this and doesn't have any any comments on it uh again the development plan does include up to nine commercial storage buildings there are some things that do need to be addressed in the plat but they're pretty minor um and they're they're up there uh uh marital status would be needed for owner certificate uh just the chair the board the Board of Commissioners needs to be updated the town board or the town board signature block needs to be updated and then just some a minor change to the the name of the Bloomfield edition versus subdivision uh there's also to need to update the corner document number and then uh a title opinion would be required as well uh one thing that uh shout out to Erica for for catching this with this pla she did draw it out and noted that it was um 20 feet off to the um to the east uh just due to where it was measured from essentially so they did actually update that plat and they sent us an updated version um of the drawing today so what's in your packet would would be the the previous version with that discrepancy on it but it's about so what it'll do is it just basically shrinks the the um width of it by about 20 feet and drops the the total area from it was originally going to be like 5.69 down to 5.44 but they did their surveyor did reach out just to make sure that um with the change to the plat um that it wouldn't impact any of their requirements per their conditional use permit for like impervious surface coverage uh uh the N the uh the total um footprint uh allowable footprint square footage of of the storage buildings as well so it should be able to meet all and then setbacks um again with our comprehensive plan we do have a goal to encourage commercial Industrial Development that is in harmony with the Agricultural and Rural character of Clay County just want to uh point out that this has already been impoved the use has already been approved by the Planning Commission uh and then just to give you kind of a refresher on the process so you have uh the authority to review and comment on a final plant you can either recommend approval or you can wave that right to do so so it can just go right to the County Board um and if you do choose to review it can take up to 40 days from the date of this public hearing to um so next meeting essentially um I would recommend waving the right um and any conditions that you imposed could be communicated to the applicant on an acceptance of conditions form and that would basically just allow for um your recommendation would to the board would allow for the preparation of the final plat and that would go before for the board the only um the only recommendations or for conditions that I have is that just the final plat contains revisions a title opinion is required and then we'd like this plat just to be reviewed by our County Surveyor as well any questions for me at all anybody have any questions for Matt at this time would the applicant like to come up and speak state your name for the record please Erin steenerson does anybody have any questions for eron at this time thank you for coming thank you all right any other question anybody in the audience have any comment on this matter anybody in the audience have any comment on this matter one last n anybody in the audience have any comment on this matter Mr chair I do have one thing to add is at some some point um what we'll likely need to happen maybe this could be once the plat is approved is the conditional use permit is essentially um for this entire parcel so what we'll likely have to do um if the if the applicant is okay with it is just hold a public hearing to amend that so it matches as plat because I know Aaron can't get enough of of coming back here but I would recommend that we do that and we just wave the application fee and it purely be really an administrative thing yes really just changing that that none of the conditions of the permit just literally changing the parcel number and the legal description that that permit would be attached to yes I would you have I don't think Aaron would need to come to that at all either he he just raises you want to come up to Podium would we be able to keep both personal numbers on there I don't plan to move back further back but if we did call it anex back in to do another round or would that be a whole another thing that would be a whole another thing okay and if I don't have to come to that other meeting my wife would probably vote for that well we like seeing you we might want you to come yeah all crying kids here so then what you're proposing and then is just to remove the rest of the ground would remain would go into farmland or remain farmland and we just take out that 5.4 Acres yeah Mr chair and Mr hilderbrand essentially the the conditional use permit that you approved was for the commercial storage in this this area when you when you heard it so it just be making sure that the with the legal description would match on the permit would match with the with what you approved okay and all the 5.4 Acres because of the 20 ft okay yep any other comment or question for Matt or the applicant hearing none do I have a motion to close a public hearing so offered motion made by Jenny second by Kurt shervin all in favor single by saying I I opposed so now that we don't have any conditions I mean we don't have any findings of facts we just ask for a motion to approve with conditions through yeah Mr chair my suggested motion would be to move to authorize preparation submission of the Bloomfield subdivision final plat with conditions to the Clay County Board of Commissioners for approval that would be what my recommendation would be do I have that motion and wave our right to see the final plat so moved motion made by Ashley second by Brad any further discussion I do have just one thing it's probably just a clerical error um on the application for platted subdivision they have Holly Township listed on it so maybe they might want to just double check and put it in Elmwood yep we can do that you I don't know maybe you already taught that but yep yep thank you right all in favor single by saying I I all opposed request for plowed subdivision pass unfinished business Matt I do not have any Mr chair new business um only if you want to Ezra and I did go to um our that land use training um in weight park or St Cloud area I don't know if you have any comments I thought it was good very informational I mean yeah there good good yeah lot of good questions asked there and that went very well yeah yeah I would agree it's I think it's worthwhile to attend if if you can um specifically I think a lot of it is focused on well there's focused on conditional use permits so some good just um Bedrock or foundational information there and then also just with um keeping a good record especially if you have like a controversial hearing or something like that the importance of having a good good record of your decision well especially if there if there's a denial of of a permit request so I think that's kind of the main thing that I took away from it and reading all the findings we did ask that question too so yep we still have to continue reading all the findings we just need to shrink them that yeah so other than the white knuckling it through that thunderstorm I think was yeah otherwise it had a good trip yep so yeah I'd make a if you guys when Matt brings these up try to make those I mean they're good to go to try to get to one of them you don't need to go to all of them but yeah try my recommendation and I'm happy to share to any of the materials because we do get materials from that um happy to share those as well so there's there was actually good information on um the new cannabis uh law and what that means for for counties for for zoning as well do you want to tell them about your presentation at AMC oh yes um I also did have a present or make a presentation at the AMC fall policy conference uh last Thursday and basically presented on our cannabis zoning ordinance um that you all help draft um and and recommend to to the board so um did provide information to all of our other Minnesota counties on that as well all right anything else that's all I have Mr chair right do I have a motion to adjourn motion made by Ashley second by Jenny all in favor single by saying I I closed meeting over --------- ##VIDEO ID:exfxhlISbjY## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good morning it's 8:30 and I'm going to call the Clay County Board of Commissioners meeting for September 17 2024 to order first item on the agenda is approval of the agenda to approve second a motion second all in favor say I I I oose same sign motion passes uh we have citizens to be heard are there any citizens who wish to speak to any item that's not on the agenda Steve do we have anyone online we do not Mr chair next pay approval of payment of bills and vouchers I'll offer a motion to pay the bills second have motion a second all in favor say I I oppose same F motion passes uh next we have approval of minutes from September 3rd 2024 move to approve the minutes I'll second the motion have motion to Second any further discussion or any Amendment or any changes to the Amendments if not all in favor say I I I oppose same sign oh mo motion passes getting ahead of myself here okay we have James o Donnell director of the juvenile center you're up James good morning Mr chair Commissioners um I'm here today to request permission to refill a position in our secure unit um this position is in our 2024 budget um um and is um necessary for safe and effective programming um the individual that's leaving us I just want to thank him um for five years he did an excellent job for us and it's staff like him he it's tough loss but it's staff like him that um that really make our facility stand out so wish him the best of luck all right thank you any questions for James a motion to approve second have motion to Second any further discussion all in favor with motion say I I po same sign passes thank you James thank you so can I just ask U James can you uh the status on your um women's transitional housing is how when is the Staffing going to be start for that um we're looking to start hiring um soon a supervisor position um but we're getting um ready to go um January 1st would be our operations so they're looking first week of October um detox is going to be out um we're going to get the physical plant set up we have our first round of training for gender specific programming with our staff is next week um so everything's on track and we're we should hit that uh January 1st deadline and is there any um licensing issues that to be done for that um right now I I sent the policies and procedures into the Department of Corrections um who would be the licensing agent on it um and the feedback I got from them so far was that um it's it's very good so I don't see any any problems with licensing okay very good thank you thank you okay next up Public Health diversity equity and inclusion update we're a little early and yeah oh there she oh there there you are there a Dix and hacky morning Sarah we're running fast this morning good morning Commissioners say two words before Sarah takes over uh thanks for um allowing time today and Sarah's been with us for in multiple capacities for six seven years close close two and she's been in the capacity with the the her current role as the uh diversity and Equity liaison for two and a half years and so uh we thought it valuable to share some of the specific things that she's been doing in the community thank you Rory Sarah morning Commissioners thank you so much for your time uh just wanted to kind of break down a few of the things I know you got the information ahead of time so certainly please feel free to ask questions if there's anything that was alerted um I would say that a big component and certainly we break this into different goals um is expanding and continuing to expand our access to to information so it's really about diversifying the types of communication that we offer to the general public when it comes to our health services um I would say two areas certainly we've been expanding on the translation um and information in terms of how we provide that so certainly printed materials or online materials that they can certainly print as much as they want on our view but another component that we've been really working on are the media components that are more oral and or Visual and so if you look at the bottom of the first page where it talks about Communications in particular we've added um through our Partnerships with um some of our friends across the the river so to speak um some videos that talk specifically to the concept of mental health um I know we've had this conversation before but we're really looking at breaking down these Concepts into very digestible understandable components um we've heard back from some of our um diverse communities that the concept of mental health even the term in of itself can be a bit stigmatizing so we've tried to look at different ways that we can bring that in a way that's um less uh fear inducing or that allows people to have conversations so that's oftentimes framed in the sense of stress or when gets a little overwhelming um what are some natural things that we can do or when are some signs of maybe we want to ask for some help another place we did have a couple of Partnerships with the child and teen checkups Department um our lead there Kelsey was very um amenable to looking at some different ways to reaching out people and so again um as we know they work with a a very diverse group and this is on the first page I and so um a big component of that was working to get audio recordings of reminders of checkups of general information again trying to increase the already existing utilization because the capacity for services are certainly what we want to see maximized we did get a renewal of a small or what I call a mini Grant through Meda so originally we were awarded about $5,000 to do some of this supplementary Communications work um we Reis visited asked them showed them what we had done and they liked the work we had done so they granted us another $7,000 to continue on and hopefully expand what we're doing in terms of collaborations um one of the big collaborations that I think we really worked with if we look at last fall around this time was the Essentia Community Health needs assessment and certainly that is a major undertaking that public health certainly partners with many other entities um I would say that we were very I would say successful in my esteem and that we had some key Partners step up and really um hand out and then also walk people through some of those surveys which is critical and in what I would esteem a very lengthy survey that is important to the community so you can see those four uh critical Partners there that really I think took on this as a task um that includes cultural diversity resources Baraza Africa new roots midw West and then also the Fargo Adult Learning Center um one very quick but I think key um activity that happened this last summer in June is the longest table I'm not sure if um some of you have been involved in the past we've seen incremental increases in the attendance which we're very positive about um we're now seeing a little over 200 people that are attending that event um it was held at mstate uh Community College and and the focus this year for the kind of set of questions was more around the realm of mental health um what we did see as a general Trend was that um people were really wanting more access to general information related to Mental Health Services um we are seeing of course that continued weight list for some people up to a year to get into Provider Services so in the interim what they're really leaning on are things like teleah Health um school college counselor resources if possible um any outdoor activities that are available for U reduction of isolation um and anything that brings them together in a sense of community can I interrupt really quickly absolutely thank you so uh part of my committee portfolio I serve on the Lakeland Mental Health Center board and and I know you have a variety of Partners um I know Mental Health Access is tricky and there sometimes has to be referrals and diagnosis Etc but I do know at their clinic and at their other County clinics uh they're seeing access times under seven days so understand that sometimes there might be a tella Health as you alluded to or something different that's maybe a step into what the full appointment or assessment needs are but I know they've been really um uh really good at um figuring out how to just get the individual seen and and so not sure if if they're part of that communication certainly can connect you with Donna bck or their CEO if that's something that would be helpful abely yes and I think that's a great point that you kind of brought forward which was there's a lot of information out there but that doesn't always get channeled to the general public so I think again having um more of that information available on our site would be great we'd like to see that expanded in terms of specifically focused on how do we get people to know where um they can go if kind of running into these doors okay thank you um finally I would say that for outreach last fall in Spring we worked with two colleges mstate and then msum um in an effort to continue our Partnerships on not only bringing services but also educating future I would say providers um in the area of cultural competency we brought a couple of speakers forward um both campuses had um individuals one was the dean of equity inclusion at mstat and the other was a licensed addiction counselor from Prairie St John's both identifying as bipac um both of these individuals spoke to different concepts related to the value of cultural competency meaning what does it look like when we bring forward someone of a different culture are there different um cases that we need to look at in terms of signs and symptoms or how they present um and also just the language that that we use um and finally just again because we're always tracking this uh covid test kits um specifically the total number uh for the entire Public Health I got these just last night was 1,760 test kits that were distributed um overall and if we look at the community partners that are listed there they took about 40% of those so they are engaging in that and so our Outreach certainly is giving them access to those those supplies thank you any questions well just an observation from me and I think is uh commissioner moso indicated there's a re there are some some resources available but they're Limited in this community and I think we're all aware of that and to have someone that can help the people that have more barriers than average uh not only be aware of their needs but aware of the resources is something I think we really are proud of in this community and you've done a good job on and I want to let you know the the position that you hold is essential and the people you serve are critical to this community they're a big part of our community about 20% and I'm glad that uh the county is taking steps to address the needs of these folks even though nobody's needs in this community are fully met uh I think that's something that is a state and a national issue but what resources we have it's important we make sure that barriers are removed for everybody to get to them so thank you for your job thank you very much anybody else commissioner moelle thank you Mr chair thank you for the presentation Sarah it certainly is always encouraging as we sit on a variety of uh committees and I really do believe all of the Committees in which we serve on touch the work that you do even though it's within the public health realm we understand that um as I as I go through your list of collaborative Partners it's really encouraging to uh see the variety the um the focus area of each group and I really do believe it's a it's a pretty good slice of of the um diversity in our community and so there's everything from housing to mental health to education to uh access to Services um I'm really encouraged to see all of the universities on here except I do have a question have we have we had good luck with Concordia I know there's a great um group of diverse students from all over the world that go there as well um I would say that we've had intermittent um collaboration so there's been some change in staff there so certainly we're we're continuing to work on building that relationship great but we have some hope there's some new folks there we've got existing relationships with so I think there's promise great and and I really do think it is about elevating the work and um bringing awareness to the work sometimes we're all really humble about the variety of work that goes on and so it's telling that story and how do we tell a story to educate the community that there are great Services out there similar to to um our conversation earlier about just not knowing things exist so thank you um for the continuation of collaboration there I appreciate it you yes Rory thanks commissioner um you know the thing that I would like to add at the end is we try to be objective when determining what diversity is um and that means a lot of different things to different people and to us it really means looking at Health out come data and Health Access Data and find underserved populations people who are having poorer outcomes and then trying to find ways to define those groups to to reach them specifically and so that means diversity could look different um it might be ethnicity it might be race it might be uh veteran status it might be uh many other things and so um I think that's that's one of the ways we try to determine who to drill down to to to reach out to to help just an observation on that and that analysis is critical the people in our community that most need these Services um the people who have more barriers in their life creating more stress creating more of a need uh are the ones that you're reaching out to and that doesn't mean the folks on the upper end of the spectrum don't need help too but they generally don't have as many thing hurdles they've got to jump to get it so uh if we can do something to expedite that that's a good investment and and I I appreciate it anybody else okay thank you Sarah thank you Rory thank you okay Steve request approval of resol resolution 2024 -26 to reappoint Jill Murray to a four-year term as Clay County Assessor thank you Mr chair I am pleased to bring forward resolution 202 2426 uh in regards to Jill Murray's reappointment uh State Statute requires that all assessors are reappointed at one given time uh and uh and so we are looking for a reappointment period of January 1st to of 2025 to December 31st of 2028 uh during the time that Jill's been here uh she's displayed professionalism uh she's extremely knowledgeable uh she's been Innovative and looking at ways to become more efficient within her department and also to better serve uh better serve our our citizens uh she's been an effective Communicator uh both with departments uh with myself and also the citizens uh that she that she serves and so uh with with the the positive response that we've had we're fortunate to have she's a sama a senior accredited Minnesota Assessor we are fortunate to find a qualified assessor and I would request that this board consider the reappointment of Jill for another comments or questions Mr group move resolution 20 24-26 reappointment of our County Assessor second the motion okay have motion second do one agree with uh our County Administrator uh that we are lucky to have Jill and her qualifications are top top shelf any other comments if not all in favor of the motion say I I oppose same sign motion passes thank you next up we have Jill for the assessor update morning Jill and congratulations on your reappointment good morning thank you Mr chair Commissioners um thank you for the reappointment and I've really enjoyed working with the staff here I enjoy working with a board that's very forward thinking and supportive of staff and um I enjoy the challenges that come with working in a more diverse and larger County so it's always a challenge and it's a challenge that I'll take on for another four years so um while I was here for that purpose I thought it's a good time for me to update you on uh information that I would like to add to our website we do already have a property information page um that has like land records it explains like your built of buildings and values however it does not have the square footage at this time um so I would like to um add the square footage as well as a link to a printable property card um all the surrounding counties are already doing this um it will increase our customer service I believe it's going to free up some staff time so uh where their time can be more productive spent elsewhere if U most of the customers can find it on our website um and uh I also confirmed with our software vendor there's no additional cost to make this change it's part of our maintenance agreement and contract and I don't know do we need any sort of action or it's just I think just was more information that you know there there is a fee that that is associated with the card but the fee was so small that often times it cost uh more in staff time to provide the card then than it than it did just to have it available yeah last year miscellaneous revenue from uh property cards was around $900 right now it's at about $500 annually Comm moso thank you Mr chair since I'm not a realtor like someone in the room what is the benefit of those property cards uh while title companies Realtors insurance agents appraisers they uh use our resources for the square footage also the room counts and they always reference that in all of their list ings and their reports so if in doubt call them and that's why we have disclaimers on our data on the website and I guess my follow-up question is um is I'm always concerned about people's privacy understanding that and so what this motion would be is not to go above and beyond what is the standard of practice in regards to information of properties correct it's similar to what neighboring counties are doing and I did also run it past County attorney and he uh confirmed it was appears to be PL public data so and just to clarify we're not going to have a motion this is an information issue yeah I got a question how are they getting it now they are calling or emailing us and then we are um having to email it back to them or mail it or they can come in in person and pick up a copy and they have to have an account on because we don't take credit cards um so we have to have an account on hand and then pay so we already got the square footage we just don't have it on the card just don't have it on the website the website thank you but also it provides a footprint yes and that's the value um for many of us in the Real Estate Field yeah and all this data is already in our possession of just getting the software to place it yep it's just to provide Links of the PDF of the property card pleas to follow up yes commissioner M there won't be any photos included with that correct we already have a photo on our exterior not interior we can ex no we never take interior photos that's what I mean clarifying yep and we make sure there's never any like children people in the photos that we take of the exterior of the house anything else well thank you for the update Jill and again it's good to have you back on on board with us for four more I'm here for four more years at least okay Corey bang Solid Waste manager has a couple of items he's going to bring up this morning Cory good morning thank you and good morning Mr chair and Commissioners uh if you remember a couple weeks ago when I brought my budget uh included in that was some increases in fees and I have both those for you this morning um the first one is increase the uh per parcel fee from $45 to $50 per parcel um we need to do that in order to keep up with our Capital expenditures and costs um by doing this it'll give us money in the future to pay for things like our compactor when they come do again um if you remember the compactor went from $600,000 to 1.2 million and that will also be delivered this week so exciting news for us so that would be my first request that we can we can raise the per parcel free from $45 to $50 any questions comments commissioner Campbell Corey the um the R2 the R3 the R4 R5 and R six are those also ones that we have to give approval to because we're making a change to those because those are also ones that end up on the property tax statement is that correct right so you know I think Steve I I think whatever we do in terms of authorization we should make the authorization on all of those not just the uh single family that would be correct Mr chair commissioner Campbell yes the other the other price increases are as listed on the on the information in your packet and then Cory so then then moving below that when we have these commercial industrial and institutional um are are how are those charged are the same way same way they're on the property tax yeah so if you look at the the enclosed piece of packet there it says current rate and proposed 2025 rate so that would be the in increases for all of them all right well and then then and and just a just a reminder the board to um um these these um cost or or the these this money raised covers the capital costs of of everything in solid ways from the bond payment the Prairie Lakes annual payment to Prairie Lakes uh the equipment U internal service fund numbers that you know that bag uh and then we we've included the closure post closure in that as well right correct so and that's and that's like a quar million dollar it fluctuates as we talked about before yeah we estimated at $270,000 but it goes anywhere from negative to $400,000 okay there's no further comments Mr J I I would move that we we adopt the rates presented today um to be on for the proposed rate for 2025 property tax statements second have motion a second any further discussion and and again I just want to remind these numbers here are just to provide the necessary funds needed to keep up with the capital costs correct all right if we don't have any further discussion all in favor of the motion say I I I opposed same sign motion passes Mr chair yes commissioner want to follow up that this is a discussion that's been happening at the solid waste advisory committee for months uh that's a a cross-section of residents from all over Clay County and small cities and the and Morehead obviously and with commissioner Campbell and I serving on uh several different uh Solid Waste boards this is not something that we take lightly it's certain certainly something we uh approach in a delicate manner but understand that the costs do go up and um this we felt this was the most fair but nominal way to address that very good commission up to Cory maybe you maybe you want to just uh mention just a a perfect example of what commissioner moo just mentioned what what had we anticipated the bull mag to cost and what did it actually cost originally it cost 600,000 we were estimating 800,000 um when we first did the bidding process we elected to go with loader first and that that was more needed so we went with that in the time frame the one year time frame it went from 800,000 to 1.208 million so in one year 4 one year it jumped up 400 just over $400,000 for one piece of equipment now we have purchased this equipment this bowet that came in now we have the ability to or The Cat That Came in now we have the ability to rebuild it after seven years and that's an estimated cost of between 900 and 1 million there's going to be costs if you're going to address and any public need and our Solid Waste has been uh we've been really good with getting a facility that can handle it getting the resources we need and that's something we can't let uh the particular focus in inflation that we're experiencing here get ahead of us so with the motion just made uh and passed was prudent anyone else if not you've got another request here Cory right and the second half of my budget is the operating cost and I apologize there's a typo I must have fat fingered it when I typed in the $57 per ton it should be $56 per ton so I'm already saving you a dollar per ton um this covers our day-to-day activities um we went through and did the budget we actually did a what I feel is a very thorough job of cleaning it up this year so it's more easily to to um set your budget year to year and we came up with an increase of $3 per um ton on the Tipping fee and $9 it went from $9 to $10 per yard if they don't compact it so 53 to 56 and 9 to 10 if that I'll answer any questions questions for Cory I just have one comment I already see Steve doing our budget a different way now just adding a little bit more to it and saying it's a typo but sry yeah I'm typo on the page coming up [Laughter] here you're getting them all worked up Corey wasn't my intention but I looked at this morning I about had a heart attack so I'll make a motion to approve and I'll second it and I I do go ahead and again so um now what we're talking about is is the uh price that the homeowner pays to their um contractor whoever it is is or or what for example it might be the city of Delworth the city of Morehead the city of the city of Morhead does their own and and all the other cities in Clay County are done by Fox sanitation yeah but the but this rate impacts what they pay correct and again this is just to cover the cost of operations of solid waste yep right any further discussion or questions not I'd entertain a motion you got we got it oh got it getting behind Okay all in favor of the motion say I I oppose same sign motion passes thank you thanks cor request now uh to approve resolution 20 24-27 permission to set the 2025 preliminary Levy Steve yeah thank you Mr chair uh good morning Commissioners uh before you this morning I just ask a question I'm sorry um understanding that we've had lots of discussion about the budget going forward this item isn't set to be on the agenda until 9:15 I was just wondering if the chair would mind or if you want to do it now I just don't know if the public would come to speak on it or not that's a valid point uh why don't we break for 12 minutes do some no we can do some committee reports sorry I just okay um we will do some committee reports and we'll start with commissioner kenoff thank you Mr chair so last Tuesday on the 10th we had a committee uh uh County liance committee they met we talked about um four or five properties uh mainly one up in floring Township um where the buffalo rock is which I learned about in that meeting um giving access new access to DNR to go through our property into into their lands uh the area they were coming into um was getting close to the edge of the pit there and for safety reasons it looked a good reason to uh give them a new access point uh also we talked about the U Memorial Forest over in Riverton um up by the park and uh anyway decision that no hun hunting is allowed in the Memorial Forest other grounds that are uh public uh do allow hunting um maybe um m Mojo can talk a little more about the next one but just looking at different um uh different ways on some of these lands that maybe they could be leas leas for other uses um and uh that would be a benefit and and for enjoyment for the you know for our citizens and then last we were into areas that were flood biots along the Red River looking at those uh dealing with um long-term maintenance uh working with solar water conservation to uh plant as much into pollinator as possible uh also being aware that we have potential um encroachment and uh garbage dumping on some of these areas so uh what are ways that we can um um mitigate some of those um things happening and um you know keep our lands uh that we have in good shape as DNR requires in our biot agreements um that that later that day I had the um Morehead uh Planning Commission meeting we had one um request for zoning change down on 40th Avenue just across this on the south side of 40th Avenue just across from um Good sheeper Church uh down that area prair park where is uh looking at a bigger uh plan in that housing plan so uh we we change uh from uh from what would be uh transitional to a mu mixed uh neighborhood mix so anyway that was approved uh in a uh matter of in in a short time I think a plan will be coming uh forward as to what that um that development will look like and that'll be a whole another hearing on this transition there were few people there that had concerns on 40th Avenue at that intersection the speeds that carry across there as development comes and um where it's a two-way stop right now you know what it ever uh it may R may come into being that the L fourway stop slow traffic down down once that development is um more developed and then we had our AMC fall policy conference in the awood three of us attended that that was Wednesday through Friday just qually a few things that I was inol with I went to the rural Minnesota rural Cy's meeting uh it was brought up about uh the need for ambulances in rural areas um two uh uh legislators are there speaking our representative Jim Joy uh talked about the possibility of trying to use you know potentially uh getting more money from our 911 fees which he's been along with others have been working hard to find out a number how much the state has on in this fund that no one seems to be able to provide but maybe work legislative need some of these fees uh for greater funding to help U these ambulance services so that um when people you know have are in need uh they have a service that can get there in appropriate time throughout the county uh also there was um uh um let's see maybe that was the main thing on that one then uh as our presentations uh went uh the next morning we had a very good session on on on cannabis uh the new ordinances that uh for the most part will be in place is the uh um Can for legal uh sales cultivation manufacturing comes legal January 1 of 2025 and we had presenters from our own County um uh Matt Jacobson from planning zoning our administrator Steve uh um presented along with Matt leard uh who is uh also uh works at AMC as legislative adviser anyway great discussion all the way through uh Stephen Matt did a wonderful job of talking about our ordinance that we've already PL passed and I think Steve's already received quite a few requests uh to uh that other counties can look at our ordinance as a working document as they um make their their ordinance uh in the next several months uh my area that I work mainly with and I'm assigned to was your commissioner is with Public Health and Human Service policy uh our group got together uh for uh two sessions one on uh Thursday one on Friday and coming forward with our legislative priorities in uh in that area uh they look similar to last year with mental health Focus being at the very top uh High Acuity being the the one area of need um Statewide that we we lack these treatment facilities and as uh um we work here in Clay County we are you know doing our best to see if we move forward on uh getting a new um U uh uh I'm sorry treatment facility here at prtf and we'll see um we'll keep moving on that maybe be um part of that solution uh also uh another one that came up goes back to cannabis that was uh how are we going to handle that within public health and also Human Services from the mental health side of things um um there had been 10 million provided for cannabis prevention uh by Human Services finance and 3.6 million of that was pulled away uh this session and so anyway the county will be fighting back to get that money knowing that prevention is going to be incredibly important uh as this comes into uh place you know the counties may be um you know well they will be in charge of a lot of the regulation registration inspections and law enforcement as they come here and that's um there's going to be U definitely funded needed to to assist us in that is as cannabis um uh growth and also sales increases over time and then the last part our third main priority was something that we've talked about for several years and that's the social service information system needing modernization and just it's so old and adequated that um it takes more you know we have our professionals working more time on bringing in data to the state than they are able to uh work on case load so trying to get a new system so that they can do the job they're intended to do um I think that was uh what I got of the uh out of the conference and I know others will be sharing so that concludes my report oh I do want to make one comment if I may sorry I've forgotten also this afternoon uh at 1:00 public health committee is getting together and we're going to be discussing uh something I talked about about a month ago or three weeks ago and the discussion about um should Clay County consider prohibiting the sale of flavored Vape in Clay County uh as part of cannabis sales coming in U that discussion they'll have um this afternoon when we meet and um then I'll I'll kind of Leave It to the group and Kathy is presenting correct at our cities and counties on Thursday I think yeah I think Jason McCoy is okay and maybe update and potentially um maybe we could have a little discussion there about this too so thank you commission Meo thank you Mr chair last week I also attended the county owns land committee uh it was well covered by commissioner krainov we talked about the Felton Prairie the access plan that seemed to make the most sense on that piece the discussion about uh not allowing hunting in the Memorial Forest um certainly county-owned properties are open to hunting with the exception of a few and this seemed to meet one that needed to be um part of that exception there's a proposal uh from a local um motorbike club that is interested in the potential of leasing a county um property the Riverton Township so the board had the committee had a discussion on how would we go send out an RFP for lease of lands that we don't have an immediate uh need for certainly are not interested in selling but how could that work um if the proper legal insurance requirements were met uh so I I do believe we'll have further dialogue about that it really does seem to um be a good fit since that property is located right next to a state park uh it's a an opportunity to have some sort of economic development that U fits within that uh area we talked about um Mowing and Crestwood um there is some issues as alluded to of uh Property Owners out there storing their own items on County property they've not been responsive to moving those so I'm trying to get um just rack our brains on how is the best way to move forward with that and then talked about the additional walk-in pollinator habitat opportunities we then that afternoon had commissioner Campbell and I were um on the ordinance um Review Committee that was a very long uh very long meeting uh talking about the ordinance updates and what seems to make the most sense um it's it's really a line by line item and tried to figure out the best way to report on those changes to you we really need a red line document so that we can show you and keep you up to date on all the different changes nothing really drastic but certainly if there's areas that we seem to be having significant variance requests on that um maybe there needs to be an adjustment in the wording there uh little things like that talked about um billboard signs and setbacks and all of those uh components so uh Steve will be working with Matt to get that forward to us I'm not sure if it is to the level of work session um components or if it's just um giving you a bulleted list of the changes before it comes to the board for a decision because there's a lot of changes but nothing nothing magnanimous I don't believe um and then I I just had the privilege of um watching clay count some of Klay County's finest kiddos at the state 4 show last week and um I know that you all uh are really proud of all of the young people in our uh County um but it's always great to see such wonderful people representing Clay County in a myriad of ways so um that concludes my reports thank you Steve we'll go ahead and pick back up you're up on our 20 25 preliminary Levy morning Mr chair commission uh before you this morning uh for your consideration is resolution 2024 d227 uh if this resolution were to be approved this morning it would really do two two separate things one it would allow Miss Johnson the ability to to certify the preliminary PR preliminary Levy by State Statute requirement of September 30th deadline and would also establish the maximum amount of our citizens that Clay County could be assessed uh for the 2025 Levy it's important for our citizens to know and understand that once the preliminary is set the the levy can only be adjusted lower it cannot be adjusted or increased uh Administration the auditor department heads and Commissioners will have the opportunity to review this preliminary Levy and make recommendations uh to change it uh prior to establishing the final budget which is pro proposed right now at December 7 17th uh citizens will be allowed to provide feedback on the preliminary Levy at the truth and Taxation on on November 26 at 6: PM again just to note that this is an earlier time for both our commission and our citizens uh based on the timing of the AMC annual conference and also ensuring that we have all five Commissioners present uh during that truth and Taxation time uh the budget process started back in the last week of May with our department heads re receiving their budget packets they had till roughly the week of the 4th of July uh to hand those documents and budgets into our auditor uh she then comprised composed those all together uh and we began going through our departments uh with our department heads one by one uh ultimately being brought before this board uh for your your view and potential comments through the budget process uh the board has had multiple updates which is allowed for additional Direction uh for for staff uh We've also had several closed sessions in regards to uh to the market study that this board has taken action on we've had multiple Comm committee meetings uh such as the public safety committee meetings in arpa and finance all to make recommendations to utilize funding to look at lowering the levy request uh we appreciate the board's willingness to provide guidance and Direction uh through the planning and uh and being creative and being good stewards for our taxpayers uh in your packet you have a document that that we've seen multiple times throughout the summary of of tax levy um we've gone through this multiple times but just going to provide an update and if you have specific uh specific questions you certainly can can ask um the the uh net Levy increase that we will be proposing uh this year is 4.62% uh just as a reminder uh with within this budget that includes a 3% Cola a 3% Market uh Market study grid adjustment uh the steps uh for for longevity for our employees a 9% increase of insurance $250,000 for future insurance needs uh as this is the last year that we have a cap for our insurance uh there's new requests of $227,300 th000 of that is just for law enforcement increase uh in internal Service uh external agencies uh are are also received funding through the Clay County Levy uh and uh and the requests have been uh been included excluding the adjustments that were that were spoken of uh a couple weeks ago uh so the the mo MOA extension uh document uh does not include the it has the 08 position but not the 085 position uh and the Chamber West Fargo the West Fargo chamber and greater farore at EDC request would remain at 185,000 and not the 250,000 that was requested uh in order to get the the the net Levy increase with the addition of the county program Aid this year uh the board has also made the the decision to utilize $1.83 five million of reserves uh to lower that Levy uh it's it's been important that you have brought forward uh if we are asking for tax dollarss from our citizens that in the event at the end of the year we have additional dollars that we should look to provide those uh to the to back to the board or back excuse me back to the levy future levies uh before we ask for additional funds uh and so with that I would yield for any questions questions for Steve question commissioner Mojo thank you Mr chair Steve is the wind energy tax in there it it is madam chair is it Madam commissioner has it stayed the same it has stayed roughly the same in the1 140 $150,000 range that's correct thank you commissioner Campbell the maybe question for Lori here the DMV retirement debt retirement uh for 2025 it's a small it's a is that for a partial year payment on the first just interest for the new new Bond that's out for that so then the following year that number will be considerably bigger okay thank you any other questions will M Tax wasn't it used to be 180 190 is that gone down or is that okay thank you Mr Mojo thank you I I know I've said this before this document is the result of a lot of work and I know between Lori and Steve and the department heads and the Commissioners um there are no surprises here today because we've had so many discussions on what what fits the best need how can we utilize the dollars in the most responsible way possible certainly um I'll say from someone who does receive a tax statement as we all do seeing those increases every year is beginning to get painful however um due to the mandates from the state and the things that we are regulated to do counties are really at a point where it's it's really difficult to provide the services that is guaranted be um in the communities I will say um given you know I I get a lot of Rural Road concerns from a lot of people on uh graveling and construction projects um there is a larger increase in the Road and Bridge fund but I will say that is due to to um us being a little more deliberate about putting more dollars in our transportation infrastructure obviously it's C it costs more money to do that but um I think we're hearing the need and increasing um in that capacity too so um long story short I appreciate the huge work and the the feedback that you've received from us um for the public this is a preliminary and things can change and we're hopeful that they will go down um because we understand there is a lot of um difficulties surrounding uh finances in the economy as well so uh thank you so much for your work to get it to he commissioner Campbell yeah and commissioner's com commissioner Mojo's comments regarding Road and Bridge are are good in the in the fact that that we are paying attention to to some of the U needs in the rural areas and and one of them would be you know we've we' freed up that 400 we made our last payment on a road turnback project in within the city of morid which was $400,000 a year and we're applying $325,000 of that same money we're keeping that and using it to help with striping of roads and all those things mostly in rural areas I do want to comment though on on the Road and Bridge fund it's probably one it's probably the only one really on the top portion there where it's hard to gauge that that 10.76% increase because in the Road and Bridge some of the things it's one of the areas that you can have carryovers one way or another from a previous year based on when revenues come in and payments come in for project and when projects are paid for so I would say that 10.6 really 76 is different than for example your general fund would be um and some of the others it's I mean you could actually have a year with Rod and Bridge looking at negatively with a negative balance but you've still spent spent more it's just because of when revenues and expenditures are paid or on the project so just just to point that out as a yeah I think this time of year we look at this and I I think a little take a step back and look at the impact Statewide having lived and worked in some other states I can tell you that Minnesota man mandates more services to the counties than the average state does and we have got a a big budget much of which we have to come up with as a result and consistently Clay County has been in the top 10 percentile of lowest per capita taxes uh to our citizens from the county uh when you look at all 87 counties in the state that's good news we don't like to see tax rates going up but we also have mandated to us and have assumed a lot of responsibilities for providing essential services to our citizens and they've got to be paid for uh you look around and see some of the other governments that entities that are are working on this they've not been as consistent in addressing needs as they come up as this county has and as a result sometimes they're operating on on a crisis mode that hasn't happened here um obviously we'd like this go down a little and this is not the the final discussion we'll have but I know when you look at some of the counties that have already uh given their preliminary numbers we're once again uh doing more with less here and that's an attribute to both of you Lori and Steve and the staff uh we love to take credit for it as commission members but we simply set the tone you guys make it happen so thank you for that any other comments or questions commissioner Campbell yeah I just um and again I there's been a lot of work that's gone into this and there are there are two um large components of it of course and that was the uh 3% cost of living adjustment that we had agreed to with our um bargaining units as well as um anticipating that those same that same Cola going to the rest of our Workforce and then in addition to that at the wage study that really showed that we needed to bump that by that 3% so just that in itself is is a significant amount and it probably incorporates most of what we're asking for uh in terms of an additional and and you know we're in a dilemma if we don't if we don't do that we're going to lose good people or or we're not going to be able to um hire people that we need to provide the services that our residents do expect of us so that's a critical component having said that I I'm going to go back to what I say every time in this day when we set this preliminary Levy is that we're not done I don't think we're done um we saw we we saw in 2023 uh some revenues over expenditures and and that were pretty significant some of them anyway I think there was a lot there was a lot of revenues over expenditures that had occurred there in 2023 we haven't seen anything what's happening in 2024 yet and I'm hoping by December we can get at least a glimpse of what we could anticipate as revenues over expenditures for 2024 um I believe the 1.8 million dollar that we that we established out of reserves from prior revenues over expenditures was basically because of the Good Year we had in 2023 and it had nothing to do with revenues OV expenditures for 2024 so I you know so I think I think we need to still be able to look at that um I'm always I'm always in favor of bringing that 4.2 down or 4.62 down to something lower than that and I'm going to harp on that till December 31st okay I'll make a motion to uh to the plary 4.62 I'll second I would like to make one comment and I um you know I'm not going to repeat what's already been said but I I uh do appreciate um to staff and everyone on commission here the the amount of dialogue we had with this and um um I guess for having to looked at this for the second year uh I you know I I'm I'm with a you know we'll look to um find our places to lower it if we can uh but I do think that in my view uh there's nothing here that um isn't warranted and and I think every bit has been vetted uh to do the best we can I really app appreciate all the open and honest uh conversation that we have thank you any other comments questions if not all in favor of the motion say I I poose same sign right thank you Commissioners okay we'll go back to committee reports and commissioner Campbell thank you thank Lori thank you too for your work involved with this I okay um let's see on on Thursday September 12th we had oh wait a minute I I'm I got it meeting before that okay first off on the September 10th uh I had a diversion Authority planning committee meeting and we continue to discuss the um um hiring of the new um administrator and then we also talked about um uh the future colas for um so the diversion Authority is going to have its own pay grid system moving forward uh but yet it's still going to it's still going to be tied and put under the Cass County HR policies with an independent grid and so there so we've had a lot of discussion there was a lot of discussion in the planning committee about the how we how we should establish a cola uh for for that group because unlike C County by itself it's a it's a entity that has four Partners C Clay City of Fargo and city of Morehead and um there was some discussion that we should just have it be the same as Cass County's um annual Cola and I suggested that we should follow the same thing that we've done with the Dispatch Center which is a a blend of the four different entities in other words you take the average of those four entities and that becomes the cola for that group and so we had it was kind of divided amongst the Planning Commission um members or the planning committee members and the recommendation moving forward to the diversion Authority board will be to follow for Cola purposes to follow the same formula as um that we do with dispatch um and then I you know I think we're looking at I believe we have interviews scheduled for October 4th is the uh first uh meeting of the interviews and there's I think that right now I believe there's six potential candidates or candidates that meet the qualifications that went through the screening process and um so there's going to be a Clos session to interview those six and the reason we do that because it's not that's not public information until we're down to the final three I believe Bas this is all based on North Dakota law now so um and then the intent would be that I believe it's on October 18th um the full board will then interview the three finalists at at some point where any then after that it could be very short time after that somebody could be selected so so originally we were talking about that potentially not happening till after the first of the year so we're on track to maybe um get that done sooner that same day later in the day we had the uh Klay County Land Development code ordinance update um and uh that was our fourth meeting I believe on that and um a lot of really good dialogue there was an awful lot of things went over and um part of part of the thing that I talked about was in terms of changing how you know if there's any changes to rural development things to uh remember and learn from from the past and I so I think those have been better understood and and uh you know we like to we like to preserve our Eggland but at the same point in time we have an awful lot of kids who in this area who grew up on farmland and they go away and they go to college and maybe commissioner MOA would be a good example of that and they come back and they grew up in the rural area and they want to come back to those same that same lifestyle and we need to be able to have places for them in those rural areas to go and that's why years ago we we did increase the ability to I think we went from one to two homes on a 40 I believe it was so and so anyway there was some dialogue there and and then I did ask and commissioner Mo mentioned it too that that we really felt that for those of you who aren't having gone through those um long extensive meetings that you be provided with what we started with and and where the changes are in the redline version so you can you'll be able to see before you vote this is what it was this is what's being proposed and then then it it gives you it'll give you the opportunity to ask questions and and move on from there so that was a meeting then then of course on uh Wednesday we traveled to Arrowwood for the um conference and on Thursday we had I had our our policy committee meeting on transportation we had a a really good presentation from a Bowser employee regarding uh Local Government Road Wetland replacement program programming um we did got a little update on broadband um but I what I wanted to bring up on on um regarding the um Wetland restoration so when we go through and and Counties have projects that need to be done and if there's any if we have to move a right away a little bit and then you're and that right away impedes on Wetlands there's an extensive cost um uh through Wetland credits that you have to deal with and the conversation was there that those Wetland credits can can range in some of the more remote rural areas of of $155,000 per credit which is credit is maybe like an acre of land all the way up to where you get into your more populated areas that Wetland credit can be worth $100,000 for one acre so one of the one of the things that I thought about there is as um commissioner moan I don't I don't know which other commissioner is on our County own land it's commissioner gross and I okay but I you know I I just wonder if if there should be looked at where there could be some potential areas of County owned land that maybe isn't Wetland then there might not be another use for it it could be to our value to look at reserving that for future mitigation for wetland restoration um there might be some areas that would be good for that there might not be I'm just I'm just suggesting that if we don't have a bank and and the other thing would be would be to bring Justin into that conversation from Highway to see what we have banked because we might have that and most counties don't have a lot bank so u i just I just bring that up as a maybe something for us to have a goodp yeah yeah I'll make a com if I may a little bit so certainly through soil and water we've had private land owners that have set up Banks they're all sold out M um to your point the Watershed Buffalo red they had some land that they got some um set aside for credits that they did and they get to and and I don't remember what the number is but it's small maybe 17 Acres or something in that range and then there's been times where to make a project happen you know they could sell those credits in your case you're talking about so we'd have the credits for ours but if we aren't using them then again we could sell those too but I think it's definitely worth looking at with all the lands we have and I think we have quite a bit of land that's in the right location you know for those type of things yeah I I appreciate you know I I know uh I I would hope that a watershed District might have a little bit of land bank because that's the business that they're in is having to deal with water projects and and the idea that they can have some some credits but counties don't have that and and just be just be and if we don't have doesn't mean we're going to be granted water credits from a watershed either and do has to buy them too and that's right so yeah I mean you you can for example if we had five credits you know in Clay County and some projects going on in the metro area that they need to find credits yeah you know that could that could mean a half a million dollars to US yeah so I would say if we if we didn't need them ourselves yeah I would suggest maybe you know that committee or what whatever committee seems appropriate you know maybe through zoning even um you know that we have that that that discussion with Bowser you know and they could lead us toward that yeah anyway so I that was the first thing I thought of there and and and again Justin our Highway engineer should be involved with that too because he has an idea of how how that can impact our our road projects uh and then we um we also had a a segment on um you know there there's significant changes being made in Minnesota regarding emissions and how that impacts road projects um so the whole idea of it is to is to reduce the amount of time com combustion engines are running that's really what it what it boils down down to and I I I think we need to really in some areas counties on their even when you're building roads it get gets into these emissions and I think it it's important that we have those conversations with Justin and I hope Justin's keeping up to date on all of because those things are new rules and regulations are flowing rapidly U within the state of Minnesota regarding that so um yeah so that and again um I'll leave I'll leave my commentary to the um food that went on at our Retreat to somebody else but but uh other than that other other other than that the the conversation was good that ends my report thank you and I will concur I I want our taxpayers to know we did not go there on a junk okay commissioner gross on W they uh tended the wild rise Watershed board meeting there again uh permits were approved uh that were brought up either they were approved or they were table for certain reasons uh the Pearly project which youve if you drive up Highway 75 you've notice that there's a big detour there uh that's still being worked on the ham School school which has been closed is now being utilized for some uh there's a flooding Zone project going on and uh they've utilized some of the ham school um School rooms um the Gooseberry project which has been in the board for I several years that project finally completed with a $38,000 savings and um the north of the wild rice there be another project going on and the Watershed funding has been approved for that Thursday I went to the beyond the yellow ribbon uh there's a community open house with a Morhead Armory that's been under construction that's on October the 3rd from 4 to 7 um anybody's interested in attending that U let's see what else do we do there oh there's um VA has just had a groundbreaking for a new new uh mental health unit uh it's going to be a 19,000 sare ft twostory uh building uh it's a standalone building uh for mental health out there the VA um and they're also working on the next Honor Flight let's see I think there there's an honor flight taken off I don't know whether it was this week is it next week it's taking off uh uh there's two planes system time with 709 people going a good big group going out there um okay and then uh Friday I attended U District uh Court meeting for the West Central uh District um judge Jade Rosenfeld uh besided that and uh um it's just pretty much a consensus uh what we plan on doing that we plan on establishing a board for the West Central District and everything's on file now the next uh Court meeting will be November 6th I think it is so everything's on the board for that yeah Mr chair if I can if I can I did forget to report on that too and I also attended that and and basically um what what the judge did was ordered the first public hearing uh to take place um uh on and that'll be on November 6th and and she will be uh she did say at that at that hearing that she will be ordering the approval of the recom of the board so so one I'm assuming that that will be coming within the I think she said maybe within the next week so so the Three Counties the members that we had had appointed will become official through as required by statute and then what we've asked what we've asked of her is to not necessarily require us to go back to get judicial authorization anytime there's a board member change that that that would be allowed to be done by each County's board uh like what we do on the watersheds we we make the appointments to our Watershed members so so that that that's that's that's supposed to come out it might come out this week even on on that so it was it was a good it was a good meeting with the judge that's oh my thank you thank you okay last week on the 11th uh which was uh Wednesday I had virtually attended the Northwest emergency communications joint uh board meeting uh we discussed 9 911 transition had a long discussion on that it was also a major item I'll get to later in the uh policy conference but there's going to be need for funding and there's going to be a lot of transitional needs for equipment with all the jurisdictions around the state and that's got to be planned for we also discuss the uh M School mapping program that we're looking at establishing to where schools throughout the state there'll be digital GIS maps available to emergency responders of all their facilities uh this is going to be uh really good news I think uh for emergency response and First Responders but it's also a huge burden on a lot of the states or the counties that are not prepared with GIS data we are and that's attribution again to staff they've done a great job on that but uh finding funding for some of the other counties get this done is going to be something we need to look at also uh discuss a contract with Headwaters Regional development commission which oversees administration of the Northwest emergency communication board uh later that day I went to the fall policy conference for the association of Missota counties at Arwood um I want to give a shout out here to uh Steve and to Matt Jacobson for their presentation on cannabis uh response for County governments uh we are way ahead of the curve with most of the state and got great response from Commissioners throughout the state on the presentation that Matt and Steve made with Jeff palowski from Roso County and Matt hillgard from AMC it was a uh it was a proud moment to be able to be identified as being ahead of the curve and being able to answer questions for other counties that are trying to keep up so I really appreciate that from our staff uh we had our public safety policy committee meetings on Wednesday and or Thursday and Friday uh again we had the road to 911 Next Generation uh from the assistant commissioner from the DPS on emergency communications a lot of discussions a lot of unanswered questions from the state on funding on other things but we had an opportunity to voice our concerns to the commissioner or assistant commissioner uh hopefully we're going to be at be have some productive conversations there's still a lot of things that are underway one of which we're still waiting for a mediator uh that was promised a year and a half ago on the technical committee I'm part of trying to change the 911 statutes in the state to update them from two generations of of Technology ago uh so that's that's something else that's hopefully is going to be addressed in this year's legislation uh we also had uh commissioner Paul Schnell from the Department of Corrections come in present the Minnesota Rehabilitation reinvestment Act and Community Supervision update um there were many discussions about the changes we're having and it's going to be a a pretty big learning curve I think for Doc but if the uh the Rehabilitation reinvestment Act works it's going to get funding for some local resources to the various counties and it's going to be best for our community best for people who are incarcerated giving them a a clear path to to uh Rehabilitation we also had a lengthy discussion on in m s as an essential service and legislation that we may want to do and that a lot of that had to do with uh rural ambulance which is an issue that was touched on by the last session but certainly not a Statewide response the next day we set our legislative priorities um a lot of this is going to resonate with commissioner kraban off because we have a lot of overlap with public Health on what we think is a priority our first is mental health needs of adults and juveniles and that's included in the language and that's what we're going to go forward with on uh setting our request to set this as primary policy for AMC the prtf would be a big part of that kind of legislation looked at 911 funding uh I won't go on a rant I promise but funding from 911 bills what what you pay on your monthly statement to your uh carrier uh it's still a mystery and they've actually cut that back a couple of years ago and there are P apps there are uh communication centers in the state that don't have the money to maintain their equipment and Personnel so that's going to be another legislative challenge uh EMS services and 247 rural ambulance there are parts of this state and not in this County thank God but parts of the state where people have just quit calling 911 if somebody has a heart attack they throw them in the car and head for the hospital because response is sometimes over an hour and we need to make sure that across the state these services are provided and then uh AMC is going to hopefully help us uh seeking full funding for the community supervision for core super uh supervision Services uh for Corrections Community Corrections and that's been M been put into law but not funded so we don't get the funding we need to do those services so that was our uh Public Safety priorities and we're going to have our regional meeting and everybody's priorities are going to be brought up and we'll have a vote see where the AMC wants to go with this and that completes my report Steve uh thank you Mr chair uh last Tuesday I participated in the lands committee that's been well addressed um a uh on the 11th participated in County management we had heard technology updates from Rory we discussed the 2020 2025 budget we're looking to have an inter intergovernmental Retreat uh for Clay County uh next spring and so we had some additional discussions on what some of those topics of importance to discuss would be uh we talked about uh as we've we've last year we started a supervisor or brought back to supervisor uh group also in in addition to the department heads and what we're what we're looking at is starting a teams platform uh where information can be shared not just at staff meetings but throughout the month uh understanding that there are common issues within the Departments uh even if their goals are different uh and so that'll be hopefully a tool that our supervisors will use and be able to work off each other on the 11th part went to Alexandria as part of the the AMC meeting on Thursday or Wednesday evening they had a ma a meeting we discussed budgets and cannabis at length uh on the 12th participated in in the uh the conference again thank you to Matt uh for his for his work and part of his presentation really also want to make sure that we highlight the work of the people that weren't at that presentation Mr Melton uh Mr ler uh Corey bang Kathy McCay Quinn uh who am I forgetting um sheriff sheriff empting we all we all met prior to that so to make sure that all of our touch points uh with potentially anybody that would be impacted but have input so um participated in the general government section on on Thursday we talked about uh p uh we looked at funding levels uh the pr appears to be in good good condition with the challenging of maybe the corrections piece uh there's some challenges within that of getting fully funded there also was some discussion legislatively of adding probation uh and dispatch workers to the correctional uh PR which would have an impact um we we talked about taxed forfeitures Clay County or excuse me County Investments and housing uh and and through the Saha funds uh there weren't many major changes to the platform or priorities we did hear three suggestions from different counties on possible uh possible ideas that they would like to see Rise to that occasion in future years uh but as the chair mentioned we'll be having uh further discussions uh at our district meetings um they did uh during the meeting they did talk about uh did AMC talked about the need to increase dues uh I did share some information uh with you that looking at potentially uh 10% or two or $2,000 which is greater uh again the challenge that they found is that that they were their staff are woefully behind uh as far as as far as pay especially in regards to the league of Minnesota cities and we're fortunate to have great people to work with in all of our committee assignments and and keeping them keeping them there is certainly a priority just wanted to notify the board that we did provide roarers with notice on the DMV we anticipate being out of the out of the Morad Center mall location on October 25th uh Joe is going to be working with Roars we're going to take any any material that we put into that building that we feel can be useful at a later time uh out of there but we'll having a walk through and essentially turning it over at that point uh just a reminder we have a rural County Rural City County meeting this Thursday at Glendon uh from 4: till 6: if you have any agenda items that you would like covered please let me know and we'll have it added and that concludes my report thank you Brian Jackie anybody else any additional business all right we're Jed thank you e e