##VIDEO ID:duQNZLrwt_w## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e it's 8:30 and I'm going to call the meeting of the Clay County Board of Commissioners for October 22nd uh to order first item on the agenda is approval of the agenda move to approve the agenda second the motion have motion to Second all in favor say I I I I oppose same sign motion passes uh next is citizens to be heard do we have any citizens that are here that want to address any issue that's not on the today's agenda Steve do we have anybody online we do not Mr chair okay next appr approval of payment of bills and vouchers I move to approve second have motion to Second all in favor say I I I oppose same sign motion passes and approval of minutes from October 8th and October 15th move approval second have motion to Second all in favor say i i o same sign motion passes first item up going to be James o'donell director of the West Central Regional juvenile center I request approval to H supervisor for West Central Regional juvenile center transition programs James morning Mr chair Commissioners I'm here today to request permission to hire a supervisor for transitional programs um I brought this to pick and Ved it through last week um as part of a ongoing thing um with opening up that new transition program um this position will supervise if approved will supervise the uh both the male and female transition programs um and it it is in our 2024 budget and if the 2025 budget's approved it's in that as well um with that does anybody have any questions will this need a backfill it it will okay I would discuss this at pick and I would recommend approval I'll second the motion have motion a second any further discussion if not all in favor say I I oppose same sign and this is uh commissioner Gris is with a backfill yes it is okay all right thank you James Sheriff you're up next record requ EST approval to continue to offer offer uh Deputy hiring bonuses and other current incentives good morning Mr chair Commissioners thanks for having me here this morning um here today to request that we continue on with the deputy hiring bonuses along with the uh other bonuses that we implemented earlier this year as far as the uh recruitment incentive and the front loading uh 40 hours sick 40 hours of vacation um that has seemed to work for us it did get us up to full staff there for a little bit we had the unforeseen um resignation of a deputy this was discussed week at pick as well and it was uh to bring forward here to the board uh as far as funding not requesting any additional funding for this I believe we have that covered in our salaries um for 2024 um it was also discussed to have this continue on um until um it was determined that we'd have to review it again so he any uh commissioner Campbell yeah I I I certainly support it I think it's worked the only the only thing that I would um I would question about is the just be ongoing um I I I I really do think that we should have that for review annually um because it it appears based on what you're talking about here so would that have its own line item it would not it would be an and that's the issue y if it had its own line item as we look through the budget you have something to compare year to year to see and because it's in with some other things I and there's other incentives that are involved there I just I just think we should be reviewing it annually that's and I would be fine with an annual review it's just um it helps us when we put out the advertisement for employment that we can put it in there so just knowing that we're were able to put that in there I mean that that's the big thing for us if it's an annual review that's that's great too any other questions comments we we did review this in pick um at that time I think what we were looking at was when did we last look at this and you know I don't think it was as much a recommendation as observation that we could carry this on until we no longer need it but an annual review would meet that need too well how this got started too is it was funded by Public Safety dollars and the public safety dollars at some point are going to be gone and then it's going to become General Levy dollars yep so I and that's why I think it's important that we have the annual review if the public safety dollars continued and the sheriff selected to use that out of Public Safety dollars I would have no trouble with it at all and I I'm I'm assuming you're still going to be able to make a good case for it in the future if it's if it's needed so I would assume me for the unforeseeable future we're going it's just more of a a deal where I think the board should be at least seeing what activity has Tak in place in that commissioner krainov yeah and so um I totally agree fully support it um just want to know that um the detail you mentioned the line item do we find that necessary or do you feel well I I don't I don't think it's necessary as this is my own my own opinion of course we each have our own but I don't think it's necessary as long as it's brought up to us you know in terms of he's including because it seems to me you're from what I gather it's coming out of your wage line item it is coming out of the wage line item correct and you know so you should be discussed at that time yeah yeah you know I mean so if he wants that to continue you can when you present your budget for the next the following year you can say this includes so much for those incentives certainly it's something if it's not in there we need to have brought to our attention any other questions Mr chair I would move the um U continuation of the hiring bonus and incentives incentives with annual review I'll second the motion I have motion a second any further discussion if not all in favor say I I oppose same sign motion passes thanks Sheriff thank you yeah thanks [Laughter] sheriff and then there's [Laughter] that next up yes sir Kurt Cannon sir yes sir good morning Che Commissioners starting to rain out uh here to present operation green light we've been getting rain for a long time and I just think it's interesting that it's finally raining when you come to the board so maybe it's like thunder should come to the board every week thunder and [Laughter] lightning all right this a I thought it was decaf coffee this morning we need a snare drum in here we have we have the new admin that started she says I didn't know which one was decaf or regular I think you got the regular anyhow operation Greenlight support of veterans this year November 4th through the 11th um have it in the papers and uh looking for the resolution to be passed and we'll get that going we I believe a couple years ago we we got the lights that you can change already so there's no call cost I think it's just a button now that they switched to Green so that'll be taking place with your approval of course um I suppose we could uh we could ask hert to read the entire resolution but I think it's important for us to participate in this so I know this is extremely gifted commission we can get through this a paragraph at a time without having previous rehearsed it so I support you if we can Jenny you want to lead us off yes thank you Mr chair the supporting operation Greenlight for veterans resolution 2024-the for the men and women who have selflessly served our country and this community in the armed forces and whereas the contributions and sacrifices of those who served in the armed forces have been a vital have been vital in maintaining the freedoms and way of life enjoyed by our citizens and whereas Klay canny seeks to honor individuals who have made countless sacrifices for Freedom by placing themselves in arm's way for the good of all and we ask the veterans continue to serve our community in the American Legion Veterans of Foreign Wars religious groups civil service and by functioning as County Veteran service officers in 29 states to help fellow former service members access more than 52 billion in federal health disability and compensation benefits each year and whereas approximately 200,000 service members transition to civilian communities annually and whereas an estimated 20% increase of service members will transition oh that was excuse me um oh yeah 20% that will transition to civilian life in the near future and whereas studies indicate 44 to 72% of service members experience high levels of stress during the transition from military to civilian life and whereas active military service members transitioning from military military service are at a high risk for suicide during their first year after military service and where as a National Organ Association of counties encourages All Counties and to recognize operation green light for veterans whereas the Clay County appreciates the sacrifices of our United States military personnel and believes specific recognition should be granted therefore be it resolved with designation as a green light for veterans County play County hereby declares from November 4th through Veterans Day November 11th 2020 4 a time to salute and honor the service and sacrifices of our men and women in the uniform transitioning from active service therefore be it resolved that an observance of operation Greenlight Klay County encourages its citizens in patriotic tradition to recognize the importance of honoring all those who have made immeasurable sacrifices to reserve Freedom by displaying a green light in a window of their place of business or residents from November 4th through the 11th 2024 at this 22nd day of October 2020 Mr chair I'll make a motion to approve resolution 2024 D31 second have motion second all in favor say I I I oppose same sign motion passes and Kurt as always thank you for your service before you came here and after you served served your country and your veterans and we appreciate it thanks for your support again Quin you're up tough act to follow by the way you've got to be humorous not even GNA try good morning Mr chair Commissioners I here today to uh request a motion to approve an issuance uh for a request for proposal for the Statewide affordable housing a funds uh that we received for 2025 uh to provide a little bit of context uh the Statewide affordable housing aid or Saha I'll refer to it as Saha moving forward helps counties uh local governments develop and preserve affordable housing within their jurisdictions to keep families from losing housing and to help those experiencing homelessness find housing uh in 2023 and 2024 the Statewide appropriation was 22.5 million each year however it was decreased to 10 million in 2025 and thereafter uh the Department of Revenue certifies these amounts for tribes counties and cities by August 1 each year uh certification is based on the current statutes taking into consideration any changes from legislative changes uh 2025 the Saha funds are paid directly to us in two equal installments on the 20th of July and 26th of December uh our allocation for 2025 is 68,9 $ 68,69 uh the funds distributed under this Aid must be spent on a qualifying project uh I did attach the proposed RFP um to your packets which outlines exactly what qualifying projects are it was recommended that for the 2023 2024 funds that a request for proposal be issued uh for the utilization and distribution of these funds uh at that time an RFB was created applications were submitted and scored I believe some of you were a part of that decision-making process with the 2324 funds being allocated to Klay County H um I did draft a new RFP which is attached uh to reflect the new allocation amount and the legislative changes for 202s numbers uh of note regarding these changes the funding of operations and Supportive Services were added to the list of qualifying projects the aid may be spent on including costs of operating an emergency shelter transitional housing Supportive Housing or publicly owned housing uh it was also amended that Aid recipients must commit to using the money to supplement not supplant existing uh housing budgets uh I would yield for any questions at this time questions for Quinn commissioner Kraven off speak to uh yeah this opportunity once again uh having paid a little closer attention over the last year of these funds how important they are to keep people in their homes and uh with all the pressure U we have right now in our community uh toward leading toward homelessness is this is one small way to uh uh help mitigate that I think it's unfortunate the dollars uh dropped so much it's got to be about half of what we had last year but uh anyway strongly support it and um uh if approved look forward to the RFP going out as commissioner kinof indicated it's it is very untimely that this this has been cut basically in half we've got a crisis in our community right now for emergency housing is this going to be something that could at least partially be directed towards Churches United or I I understand that we've directed money out of this fund before to them I sure commission TR off I think that's the process of the RFP yeah I in my understanding last time we had was it uh we had an RFP and I thought it was with u lak and Prairie's community that some of the money was distributed to uh cap be some was distributed Church Churches United through them sure so um uh Mr chair we have the Saha funds and then we also have the local homeless prevention aid okay what you're referencing the local homeless I'm confusing the two allocated to caplp and I believe they subcontracted to churches okay I'm getting the two mixed up and that was I was wondering why we were we were not pointing that out here oh sure sure yeah this is different funds this is the Statewide affordable housing aid okay move approval to issue the RFP second have motion a second any further discussion or questions if not all in favor say I I I oppose same sign motion passes thanks Quinn Mr chair sure thank you uh well I think the the point that was brought up and I think uh we've had conversations maybe internally about this but there's been a lot of discussion regarding Churches United and funds and whose appropriate entity is to help with certain funds can you just talk a little bit about the existing Revenue that is available for reimbursement for churches if the um submitt are submitted to the county sure um I believe you're referencing our housing Support Program correct yes so um our housing support program is we have 19 beds that are allocated to Churches United um through different tiers of of funding uh in terms of providing supplemental services on top of just room and board costs um so Churches United has the ability to fill those 19 beds with the appropriate uh clientele they have to meet certain eligibility criteria um but assuming they would be able to fill those beds that would generate a significant amount of revenue for each of the 19 so obviously not every um client let's say is probably a suitable reimbursement for those specific allocated funds um but my understanding is there is a substantial amount of money $270,000 that were not requested for reimbursement correct well it's my understanding that churches currently has six of the 19 beds filled so just doing the math on the difference between that would be approximately 270,000 thank you is that money going to be available next year uh they they still have the beds allocated to them it would just be finding the right clients that are voluntary participants in the program that meet the eligibility criteria and then they would receive that yes very good but there's a submitt component correct it yeah as soon as you have to submit the paperwork in order to receive the revenue correct yes yeah and it those 19 beds that funding that all comes out of the state yes that's correct yeah so how many how many beds does Clay County have the ability to um throughout the throughout the entire County we talk about 19 for Churches United how many other beds are there throughout our communities I I didn't bring that material with me but I believe it's 94 total and we have 19 allocated towards uh Churches United and bright Sky it includes both properties um okay thank you and and how is how is that how is that reviewed uh in terms of you know the distribution of the the total allotment um so uh any any agency that wants to Pro uh provide housing support is able to contact us with basically proposals saying this is how we're going to provide the service to the folks in the community um we have a team in our financial services division that all they do is monitor the housing support program to make sure the appropriate eligibility is met and to make sure the paperwork's being turned in um so we have two staff specifically designed to kind of provide the checks and balances of those State funds going to these programs um and we're always looking for people we once we use up our banked beds um basically when a facility closes for example Dorothy day was allotted five banked beds but when they closed those beds came back to the county um so basically five additional beds became available if someone was able to provide that level of service and support for folks so someone someone could hypothetically contact us and say hey I'd like to utilize those five beds and if they signed a housing support agreement with us and basically met all the criteria we would likely engage in that and say it's a good use because it helps folks well I think that's good for the community know I is there a is there a the very first step is there like an application that they fill out then okay yeah you you would contact myself directly or one of our financial services supervisors thank you Quin anything else thanks Quinn thank you so much okay we have got time for we have a public hearing uh nine o'clock's the way of time for one committee report if that works for everybody Jenny you're GNA start us off sounds good thank you Mr chair last week I attended the Chamber of Commerce held a candidate uh form at the dillworth city council I appreciate the chamber for putting on those certainly uh I would say Dorth had the most amount of residence at any of those to which I'm sure Frank is not surprised that his community had the most people there I appreciate uh commissioner karavanov for attending the Planning Commission meeting for me in person I'll defer to him for a report but I was able to virtually tune in online and and uh listen to the majority of that just I know the Planning Commission has of really difficult situations that come to them for decision and I really appreciate the flexibility that the board showed towards residents um may be facing difficult situations particularly with the first hearing and then with the second just trying to find the most appropriate space certainly having a large uh Highway 10 Corridor presents challenges and opportunities and and I think the the board has a good opport good thought process for working through that second hearing the next day I attended with commissioner karabanov uh administrator Larsson Solutions uh representatives and uh representative keer a long planning process on our prtf um o Donnell was also present there I I I'm really really excited about the New Path forward that Klay county has for mitigating and uh addressing that prtf need uh there was a meeting yesterday with DHS they came forward representative Keeler has had long discussions with uh State leadership and DHS about what the best path forward is and she maintains that because there are so many 23 last year and uh 23 counties last year in five uh tribal Nations that this is a state issue and so has been having discussion with the governor's office and DHS about the appro appropriate Avenue for funding and we're going to go after uh State funding in the governor's budget because of this bonding has some new and um everchanging if you will bonding requirements for funding that puts entities in really challenging and difficult position to plan forward and we are going to boldly move forward with prepar legislative verbiage for a jacketing in December so we're working uh with staff on the wording of what that bill will be so that as soon as session starts it can drop and have hopefully a very low number for that so um I think last year's session was maybe uh you know well it was difficult for all of us to handle but I think it's probably uh best as we move forward so I'm really excited about the collaborative effort there I then went to the staff Chili Feed and I uh um you know Jackie if you want to make soup for my family whenever you're welcome to do so I appreciate staff doing that that was fantastic the next day excuse me I attended the Metro Cog committee meeting uh a lot of U moving pieces in that as we plan projects their proposed budgets for all of the entities next year was was outlaid you know I I did provide caution to them I appreciate seeing a reduction in a levy request but that's challenging to address when projects change around and all of a sudden a project that's maybe allocated for another entity moves to something that Klay county has in the pipeline um but I think that uh because we have planning zoning and the highway department uh that technical Transportation technical committee that will be helpful um in addressing that concern my notes that evening I went to the cap LP board meeting in Breen Ridge it's always great to visit that site we had uh update on E economic empowerment we discussed the uh finance committee um and and the report on the um audit I supplied our admin with their Finance sheets from the past year we uh acted on the risk assessment Head Start policy policy edits we talked about one of their United Way of C clay bold goal which is the Career Connect I'm really excited about what they've been doing with Career Connect and CNA and CDL training for those in our Community that's really exciting and had um a vice chair elected uh commissioner John Green from wilin County we did have two new um Representatives on that board really excited to add Jihan bfy from Clay County and then James Hammer from wilin County it speaks collaborative nature of both of the counties on that we had an housing Advisory Board update from uh Senator cek we did talk about our DMV that opened at our new facility on Monday Jihan briy and uh Senator cek had worked diligently to provide Kurdish translation to Kurdish residents that are seeking uh their um docu or not documents uh the services at the DV sorry the words aren't wording in my mouth today I might need a translator for myself uh so really really good collaborative effort on that the next day I attended the AMC district meeting in Fergus Falls with all of you our administrator Larsson and assistant administrator Darren Brook great updates from AMC on all of the collaborative work going on there the additional trainings that are happening we had an update from mcit um and then we were able to look really at um there is a nominal I believe increase in what our dues are to AMC we were able to have a one pager on all of the work and funds that AMC has helped to leverage for Clay County our County program Aid just in the last couple years has really risen dramatically and that is such a great thing as we work with Rising costs and needs um and then we were able to vote on the legislative priorities which I think uh reflect the vein of discussion that we've had around this table and the committee tables that we serve on throughout the last year I think and then last night I was able to attend the uh candidate um not candidate excuse me the League of Women Voters of the rer valley held a community input session for the Morehead area public schools on a referendum question and I know that the majority of our community or uh district schools have issues similar to that and I just want to maintain uh that I really appreciate the collaborative work ethic and um Spirit of collaboration if you will that all of our district school districts have with the counties we're doing the best to mitigate the opportunities and challenges that all of our young people are facing and families and um it's you know it's those things cost money so thank you thank you okay it's 9:00 and uh we are scheduled to have a public hearing I get a motion motion to open hearing okay um all in favor of moving to a public hearing say I I I poose same sign okay we're gonna we've got Matt Jacobson our Planning and Zoning director and public hearing the Elena and Aaron stenerson request for platted subdivision good morning Mr chair and Commissioners yes this is a request for a platted subdivision um it's for a one lot commercial subdivision the name is the Bloomfield subdivision and it would be approximately 5.44 acre tracks subdivided from a 101.7 acre parcel it's located just Northeast of Sabin um and currently zoned Wellhead protection this is something that uh requests that um you all should be familiar with um because they had previously come before earlier in the year for a text amendment to our code to permit uh commercial Cold Storage in the Wellhead protection zoning District So currently it's an uh the use of this property is agriculture there aren't any um structures on the property and and so when um whenever you're subdividing land for I guess non-residential or non-agricultural purposes no matter how many Lots you're doing uh we do require a plat per AR Lake code and so um initially the um the applicant was was planning on leasing this tract for their business for a few years before for purchasing it so that's why they went through the text Amendment and then the they did get a conditional use permit to from the Planning Commission for the business but now they've made a decision to purchase this tract a little bit earlier than anticipated so hence the the need for the plat so um this is essentially it it's just one this probably give you a better idea this is it drawn out kind of where it is on the the landscape there um just one lot five just under five and half acres um no issues with access or anything like that um there was no internal roads the access would be from County Road 69 and their development plan includes up to nine commercial storage buildings and here's kind of a closer look at it here so one thing the Planning Commission um did do is they looked at how this would relate to the comprehensive plan um looking at how it would encourage uh commercial and Industrial Development that is in harmony with the egg real character of glay County and basically found that this use has already been very fully vetted um by the Planning Commission through the cup process and then also through that text amendment process as well and so they made the recommendation to um approve the final plat um to you the Board of Commissioners any questions for me and all questions for mat if not entertain a motion move out of the public to sorry aren't we in an open hearing oh we have anyone here that wants to speak to this issue from the public and Mr chair I'll note that the applicant is here today as well seeing no other comments Mr I would move we close the hearing second all in favor of closing the hearing say I I poose same sign okay we moved out of the public hearing Mr I would move to approve the Bloomfield subdivision final plat I motion a second further discussion Mr chair thank you I just want to say that I as serving on the Planning Commission we were able to I was able to be present for the public hearings and I know that in some of the past um proposals regarding areas around this we've had uh input and concern maybe from the um Morhead public utilities and I would say that there was not any negative feedback on this I think that this really fits a great need for um the area in which it is and I appreciate that the land owners uh have shown flexib really in the proposals working forward any other comments if not we have a motion second on the floor all in favor of the motion say I I I oppose same sign motion passes thank you next up we have Jason McCoy we're going to have a uh request approval to set a public hearing to consider updating the Clay County tobacco ordinance yes thank you Mr chair and Commissioners um so as you know my my position my job is to uh help with substance prevention across the county um and part of that is looking at our current ordinances uh our current Clay County ordinance is 12 years old in the meantime since then uh the state statute has been updated multiple times and so um a we need to update our ordinance just to be in compliance with the state the one piece in this ordinance that we are suggesting um would to that we consider would be ending the tobacco in the stores that we um that we actually license here uh this will be following just to take you back a little bit this would follow Morehead um about two years ago we had uh we Public Health had brought this forward to the Commissioners and at that time we had asked Morehead to take the lead since they do have the majority of our citizens in the county Morehead stepped up to the challenge they did pass this exact ordinance for themselves and it has been in place now for about two years um so uh we were able to kind of watch that um answer any of the feedback questions we had had um such as stores closing no stores have closed because of their ordinance um and um so therefore with that idea we we are confident with moving forward to cover um where we can cover in the county uh just to really give us the best chance of providing a gold standard of Health for our kids when it comes to nicotine so that is kind of explanation um the current ordinance uh that you have before you uh was drafted drafted with the help of the public health law Center uh they've helped us with a lot of our ordinance work um over the years um also they drafted this ex why I can say the language is the same they drafted this exact same ordinance for Morehead as well um so that would be our our suggestion would be to set a public hearing um we would need the 30 days November 26th would be the soonest we could have a public hearing that is an evening meeting I don't know if you would want to have it at an evening meeting or if you would prefer to wait another week into December to have the public hearing um one way or the other but that was I guess my update for you and then if there were any questions that you might have for me commissioner kraban off uh thank you Jason uh other than I you know I read pages but not really uh no uh a deep dive in the 2012 one that we passed which I had read a while ago other than the flavored tobacco what uh without going too deep uh what was the nature of the changes on all the other items that are in this ordinance excellent question thank you um so a couple of the pieces that have updated since then um believe it or not in 2012 um the state law had not yet included uh uh vaping devices as tobacco devices um and so that was a big piece to step forward with with um and then on top of that raising the age to purchase to 21 hadn't happened yet at that time uh it is since passed to the state level and the national level as well um so those are the two big pieces that have stepped forward thank you for that any other questions commissioner moso can I just ask and and I understand you know I've been part of these dialogues but if the tobacco age is 21 why because I know these discussions started when the tobacco age was 18 what is what is the push now to eliminate it um flavored tobacco is still the number one attracting uh thing for youth so um while we are starting to see um vaping numbers go down smoking numbers go down things like that um when a youth chooses to use is still the flavors that attract them um and then when you um to the science behind it um the flavored tobacco actually makes things more addictive um up to twice as ADD Ive and it also makes it very hard to quit um so when we look at the devices that our youth are um getting addicted to uh the the addiction levels are so much deeper than they ever used to be so it's really hard to help them survive through the uh survive is a bad word I mean they survive but to to persevere through the cessation process due to these products so that would be the reason why any other questions I'm just kind of curious um you know since uh so you said it's been two years since Morehead adopted the flavor no flavored tobacco yes sir um what have what have we seen in terms of um tobacco sales and are we able to track that within Morehead that's a great question um I I don't have that ability to track I would be have to ask individual my my guess my guess is they're very poor anyway right exactly you know uh because they can go across the you know they can go three blocks away and buy it for probably half price right and that was um when we were uh working with Morehead on this ordinance there was the fear that stores were going to close because there was this argument that if a person couldn't buy their cigarettes at a gas St for example they wouldn't buy anything and we so that's the main thing we've been tracking that may or may not be an argument that they may have they they may have lost some Revenue right maybe not enough to force them to close thank goodness you know but uh anyway so I I guess on this I I'm I'm going to have some more questions on the flavored thing as you know but I certainly want this to go through the public hearing process and I what's the proposed date and time for the hearing uh November 26th um I when I put that on the proposal I didn't know that was an evening meeting I was just made aware that it was an evening meeting um so uh if you are okay with that it'll make it easier for folks to get to a public hearing certainly if it was in the evening um well yeah I I I certainly would like to and I'm I'm available for that I think if we move it into the first two weeks of December um well we have the one meeting at AMC and the next available meeting after after November 26 would be December 3rd I believe November 6 November is our truth on taxation correct yeah and so that provides the challenge of if we have a good dialogue I would hate to stop the dialogue go into truth and Taxation and then have our citizens that if they're here to make public comment have to wait for another hour right just that the the December 3rd meeting I will be out of state so um I won't be able to attend that if the public hearing is held that day to commissioner Campbell's question though you we should be able to track the nicotine sales tax generated in the county correct boy that would be something I would have to also look into yeah me as well I'm I'm not sure exactly how to to track that and again can I ask one more question so you me you mentioned that that this this ordinance would pertain to the facilities that we license yes how many of those are there uh currently there are 11 that uh are are they are they in other communities are they rural or are they in Holly are they in Barnesville or yes we uh so not Barnesville but we do have um some unincorporated areas um Sabin Holly Glendon Ulan and hit doll uh fall under our ordinance okay as well I have um per during this I have reached out to those communities and asked you know like given them a copy of the ordinance asked is you know do you have any questions is there anything else you would like us to do and at this point we have not had any uh any feedback except from uh hit doll told us that they supported it um outside of that we've not had any negative feedback or or asked for us not to move forward well Mr chair Commissioners again I think that from a quorum stand point we just have to have four I know commissioner Campbell is going to be uh Gone on on that date we were not having a meeting on the 10th uh so the 17th would be the the earliest that we would sounds like we would have the full commission um if that would be the board's wishes commissioner Mojo yeah I'm going to be really honest here I I'm really struggling with this and I think part of the reason is I think that it's sending mixed messages on the priority in Clay County when we just did substantial work on cannabis ordinances and I you know I'll say that you might have had good feedback I've had three owners of facilities call me with major major concerns that that um yes Morehead might not have seen a major um closing or or whatever uh part of that dialogue but um the Gap in how it becomes sustainable to Opera in Minnesota is becoming quite wide and anything that is added that just makes that bear harder um is out there and and I'll say that you know in my my personal life obviously I can make choices about certain things and obviously I've children that I'm substantially concerned about certain components I don't think uh something like this is going to detour children from using I I I just don't I I really struggle with that particularly when you can go to Fargo and get exactly what you want um and so I I mean I I support the mission obviously but I'm concerned about the mixed messages with this board taking a big stance on cannabis and you can have flavored cannabis but we're not going to allow this so to give you an answer to to your concern it may not sway you one way or the other um we had similar questions come up in Morehead that because of the pandemic that took us a long time to to work through um and ultimately what we came down to the decision was um we can't be concerned about what North Dakota is going to do for our youth it's our job to step forward and and do the best we can for our kids um and so there are um there are science behind the idea that if we make things harder for kids to get ah hold of then they will choose to go a different route and so it is a definite way to uh provide a protective life can someone still get a hold of something of course there's until the United States was to completely ban nicotine we can't get it rid of it all but um we certainly can do what we can to make it as hard as possible um and I like to flip it because as you know I'm working on the positive side of things with our our uh youth um I like to think of it as if we can give them the best chance to make a healthy choice then why wouldn't we any other comments or questions commissioner kravinoff yeah and I guess personally um with the youth in mind I certainly uh backed the last statement that Jason uh just said so um for me I do hope we have the public hearing so that we can really Better Community do that and I I'm I'm assuming commissioner Campbell wants to be here this discussion yeah and I I don't think there's anything Earth shattering here that we need to do this you know whether it's one week or three weeks or six weeks I mean it's something that you know and I want to be part of it I I I want to be part of the conversation and I want to be part of the decision that this board has to make and I want to be able to hear the Public's comments on it and yeah so and and I do agree I think I think with what we have scheduled on the 26th it it could probably lead to a real awkward meeting by having to you know stop that to go to the truth and Taxation and then come back so um what's what's the is the 17th December 17th would be the the next there's no meeting on the 10th yeah and so um Mr chair to to move this forward I would move that we set a public hearing to discuss the proposed update updated to back ordinance for um Tuesday DEC mber 17th and uh Jackie I'm looking to you do we have things scheduled at this point 9 o'clock all right at for 9:00 a. on the 17th a second that okay a motion second any further discussion and I I do want to point out I you know I think there's there's mixed feelings on this and I you know I'm going to be very interested to hearing in some of from from some of these rural areas um on their viewpoint on it and and um we'll go from there and if commissioner if I so um to that I I think in this hearing in which I'm glad we're having or we may approve to have um anyway that we to the point I think maybe the fevered piece will be debatable I think the rest of the ordinance it be good to have the update right I don't think there's question on the rest of it it's the flavor well one thing I've learned in four years here or almost four years is that the decisions of this County are not solely based on my constituency which is all Morehead U not all of Morehead but every constituent I have lives in Morehead and Morehead has addressed this in their own way and I think a good public here in um certainly if commissioner Mojo can let the people that she's had this discussion with come in Express their their concerns I think a good public hearing will will help us air this out any further discussion go ahead yeah Mr um so Jason on this ordinance is there going back to what commissioner karabanov had mentioned there's there's some updates since the last time we did it with which are I think makes sense some of those updates do make sense the piece as it relates to flavored tobacco is that is that within a limited section within this yes sir it is um if you go you point that to me highlighted yeah section I'm sorry page 71 7 C oh back side there we go okay okay well that's good either C will be in there or won't yes okay and is is it important to the group that he comes uh I'm just suggesting that we have a copy of the the past ordinance where I don't know it's so much redlining but you probably did something like that or if you would like such a thing we could we could provide that I don't need it I'm just kind of asking the others but that's that that is why at the beginning we um in the repealer we have written in there to repeal what we currently have instead of having to I didn't think the county attorney's office wanted to go through in line by line have to make every single edit um from a Redline copy so that's why we were suggesting to repeal and replace any other discussion if not we'll move to a vote all in favor of the motion say I I oppose same sign I we'll get that on the agenda and see on the 16th if not before than you 17 1 17 back to committee reports commissioner Campbell all right um on Tuesday afternoon October 15th uh we had a zoom meeting uh for the West Central Regional water with Senator papis and uh and some of their staff regarding bonding requests for the upcoming legislative session uh I believe that went very well that whole discussion uh the previous year we had asked for I believe it was 9.2 million and you know because of the year later and everything and with the price changing and things that re that request has gone up to 9.75 million I think it is 9.7 or 9.75 million and you know she was you know I mean it was a very good conversation a lot of interaction from a lot of people and you know she basically uh gave a lot of guidance on on what we needed to uh prepare and be ready to submit uh for that purpose as you we aware we you know and she even talked about it that it it was in the approved bonding U list of bonding projects last year but I believe the number that was actually approved was 4 million and some something um so yeah so so that meeting went well um I don't know that she was optimistic that we would get the 9.7 but but uh she certainly believes that this was a start and she did want to learn more about the project uh not only the first phase but what's the long-term goal where's the water coming from so she had a lot of questions then then um on the 7 19th we had a um West Center Regional juvenile center Meeting those meetings are always good James James and Josh both always provide good information on both the secure and non-secure unit uh James went over the population statistics and the 2024 budget we're anticipating seeing the likely scenario that we have in the past where our revenues are really uh performing well because of our ability to have um non-member people coming into our County so we're probably anticipating another year where we could see a million dollars over revenues over expenditures which then also helps obviously keep all of our bed prices down for all of our member counties uh we did have a um he did report on the doc licensing that process is is going well he gave an update status on the body warant cameras um they are they are in right now uh they are they still working on the final policy uh regarding how what's going to be the use of that I think Brian maybe he's been working with you on that if not he will be um to for the whole Poli policy on that and and that is really uh being well received by the uh entire group as well uh we did give them an update on the action that we as a board took last last week on hiring the nurses after giving them that full report they fully supported uh the decisions that were made there um and that made sense there was one one um commissioner who questioned whether we would really see a savings because in the contract it it allowed for I think it was supposed to be0 hours hours yeah uh a week uh vers and then we we're planning for 80 hours and and James said well we they never fulfilled with their 120 hours so then the subject became well should we be should we be asking for some money back so that's that's for another day so that yeah so that meeting went very well then on Friday um I also attended the district for meeting in Fergus uh I I think commissioner Mo I don't really have a lot more to add to other than to the topic of the prtf um we really got a shout out from AMC staff um um based on you know and really congratulating Clay County for our leading efforts in this work in on this facility that um the entire State needs more of and when it when it comes to kids with severe psychiatric problems so um so they're encouraged and I you know I you know as commissioner moo mentioned the number of counties that we previously had signed on to it as long as the tribal Nations uh my assumption is is uh we could probably get a lot more counties to sign on based on what AMC is saying so commissioner K yes thank you uh we did discuss that at um our planning meeting and I know all of us sit in so many different meetings with our counterparts from other counties and we're in the process of sending those additional resolutions of support to update for this year and I think it's on all of us to continue as you meet with those folks to just say we appreciate your support last year we're going after this again could you encourage your board to sign that resolution and support before the end of the year I it's going to take all of us to get as many but I agree I would be shocked if we have less than what we had last year I if anything I think we'll have at least five or 10 more yeah and and so you know and certainly from the um legislative effort I I know from my standpoint uh on this thing I've been I've been dealing with the local building side of it but I really appreciate the work that both commissioner Mojo and and and enough have been doing on the on the um legislative front in terms of getting the funding I think that's obviously is the most critical component of it all right now we can have all the good plans we want but if we don't have the way to to pay for it then it's all for not so uh I think that concludes my report I there was quite a there was quite a varying uh amount of different percentages of Levy increases amongst Our member counties uh we're probably maybe in the middle of of what most of them were bottom 20 bottom 20 well of of the state I'm talking of the state yeah I'm talking about of our 11 count and District I think we're oh the district okay yeah we're probably right in the middle I mean we had some that had 19% and anyway that concludes my report thank you thank you commissioner gross that Tuesday I want to the pick meeting and both items that we discussed there we've already covered in our agenda today um Wednesday we had that West Central water district which um councilman Campbell has already discussed and I was very I was impressed with Senator papis she seems to be very knowledgeable on what needs to be done and she wanted us to do our part too it's not just a matter of we given her a piece of paper okay now get us the money I mean she was very concerned that uh we do our part and getting our information together for her um that evening I went to the dwood uh City uh Council U council members uh new new council members review um a good fairly good turnout the only thing I was there's no part where the people that came could participated in it it was just a a bunch of can questions and you asked these questions and you were done you know which could have been done in the paper or any other way you know it's just I mean there's no reason for anybody really to come to the meeting other than to listen to what they had to a set of questions that they had for him and that was my only takeaway that I thought was wasn't quite right but uh just glad to see all the candidates there um Thursday uh a face face that's been here for many years Monica st's retirement was I extended that uh Friday we had the district meeting which has been covered and I doo want to recom I mean not recommend but acknowledge it was nice to hear clay County's name be mentioned there for our efforts in the prtf so it's good to hear that that's my meetings thank you commissioner krainov thank you Mr chair um going back to last Tuesday um I did have a caplp finance committee meeting um uh commissioner Mojo had brought other pieces of that uh in her report at the actual meeting but a lot had to do with the audit uh which came back and good standing um that night I did uh go to the uh Planning Commission meeting and uh as was mentioned earlier we had two uh uh two hearings uh one having to do in The Rusted area uh uh for a property that uh was asking for inter uh interim use uh permit allowing a second home on the property U uh this is a property that um um we'll have uh the parents moving into a second home and a uh uh related family uh living in the house and had good conversation about that uh and there'll be some conditions that they worked with through them but it was approved um the other one uh is a uh a business that operates right on the north side of Holly I think most of you might be familiar as you go just past the uh the golf course and go starting to go up the hill it's to the right side and it's a small business or Commercial Business area that's been in place under Highway um under egg related uh uh development that um is changing its use or wanting to change the use so it was coming forward through for resoning this hearing will be coming uh for us for final approval at some point but the uh the issue was uh we have a commercial building that are uh is in a uh needing a resoning to Highway commercial for the re uh retail and Commercial Business that businesses that they're currently doing one involves Automobiles and there are a large number of Auto bills being stored on a small parcel so anyway uh uh the Planning Commission did agree it it was open to the resoning and then under this zoning there would still need to be a uh interim commercial use permit and so it'll have the guidance of the permitting whenever that the zoning is for now and the business part will come later uh to the uh Planning Commission uh the following day Wednesday uh following up with commissioner Mojo we did have our small group uh for the prtf uh that's strategic planning setting things up uh I can tell you that we have um uh admin or Steve the administ County Administrator did come up with language for the um potential Bill uh for the Clay County psychiatric residential treatment facility I had that I was given that and I forwarded that on to AMC Matt Freeman who works with our uh um human her human services policy he our analyst is his position and anyway um he's going to review that we should hear back quickly and if that language good or advisable uh it would come back here in the in the form of a potential resolution that correct and then with that we can um kind of uh go um excuse me with that resolution uh possibly with that passage then get that on to representative Keeler uh so that we can have it on the front side of everything before we start in first of December can I just ask a question on that so on on that language AG are are is there any specificity in regards to the ask and how it can be used for for example you know our plan right now with the prtf is you know to take over the non-secure Y so in other words in other words would would the funding allow for for or are we emphasizing just a new construction because there we got to I mean we got to make sure sure that we don't hurt ourselves in that language right um maybe we should have passed it out but do you want me to read it or I'll just I'll tell you the parts okay you can you can even just send it to me okay but it's a predesign of the juen center I was just gonna say we can have Steve send it out too yeah okay yeah Steve can send it okay is that satisfactory for now I don't I think to your point it IT addresses the new uh unsecured IT addresses funding uh that may take to um work with where the prtf is going into okay also the debt right okay is part of that 3.75 or whatever the number was uh 375 billion and uh so it includes all those okay perfect okay I hadn't seen it I just want question no good question so we're following along with that as fast as we can um and I think as long as I'm on that topic I'm going to I'm gonna um go to our prtf meeting that we had yesterday I've had some exciting days on this commission but this was a highlight and I just want you to know that so through our efforts through representative killer and uh uh James and Steve um a uh invitation was uh given out to DHS and DHS came with three people yesterday uh uh uh to the facility and they they were from the um the policy uh Division and so there are going to be two steps here we had the policy Division and then there will be a Licensing Division so James was there did a great job and uh represented Keeler myself and then these three people came and we did a twoh hour tour through the facility and I wish James was here we talked about it earlier when they first came in and they felt the feeling of it you know you could just see them being a little cold about the thing and as they gradually went through and we explained each piece along with solutions they were there everything just lightened up and lightened up and lightened up and finally at the end uh we ended up in the gym up on the top in the weight room and we had a meeting I I bet it went well over 20 minutes and just really felt like strong support what we were doing encouragement of other things possibly that could happen to um help develop this that with some State ideas that Solutions seemed very open to and and uh uh they kind of left with big smiles and this is what the state really wants is uh prtf they think our local seems strong you know working with the the tribes working with our upper counties so anyway a new invitation is being sent out now to the um the uh um lost my words here the uh licensing thank you the licensing group they'll come back and then they will have the specifics uh of what will be needed for solutions to do within that building the sizes and where placement would be uh uh making sure that's all okay and once we get through those two it's uh my that's pretty much the Deep Dives that we need as far as them examining the property then it will be us to be running after the fun to get the job done so it was great very very exciting so and uh just to watch the change on the faces from beginning to end was just like I'm sure when they first got in they thought this is too institutional very much and even the point even when we got into the last pod where we do the transitional we were able to show them on the walls how we can take away that Cinder bot look and smooth the walls out so again this place needs to feel like home to these children while they're going through their treatment so anyway it was uh really really good um back to my uh report uh also uh Quinn and I and along with Michelle Carney of the attorney's office we continue work on the uh the planning of uh uh finding a new coordinator for the Clay County collaborative uh the we we had drawn up the new uh job description for the coordinator uh we also uh put out the job announcement yesterday so that has gotten disseminated uh the hope is to have that all back um to us the people that will apply for that position by November 6th and then we will vet it and hopefully the goal is to have a new coordinator in place by December 4th when we have the government's committee uh and have that approval uh Historical Society I had a finance committee right uh also on that Wednesday everything looks in order they are working on their their draft for their uh 24 25 B budget their fiscal years at the end of October and um Thursday then I had the West Central initiative Economic Development uh meeting the most uh I guess the biggest part of that was there is a um uh entity called the Great uh Minnesota partnership which works uh closely with supporting economic de development in all the rural areas and they were closely uh with the uh West Central and and trying to advocate for them and also help in in the way of finding uh more grants and support so that was the main part they also have a fiveyear um strategic plan and we're in the fourth year of that Five-Year Plan and they gave an annual update on that local progress within it and then on uh what that night was the cap LP meeting down in breid C our rep commissioner Mojo gave good detail on that I don't have to redo it and then u i too enjoyed on Friday being with you all at the AMC District 4 meeting you've covered that very well and uh that ends my report thank you on uh last Tuesday on the 15th I attended the pic meeting which uh commissioner gross has already reported on the two issues that we dealt with today um on the 17th Thursday I virtually attended the Clay County suicide and substance abuse meeting uh Lil Panero of use substance M uh misuse coordinator um for mdh is now working for the Health Equity Network and gave a a presentation on Health Equity in the state I went very long Sarah Dixon hacky also was following up on on that but I was unable to listen to her portion of it again it was a very good report by Miss Panero it it went long there was a lot of discussion and I had to get off the computer and get to my next meeting which was West Central Regional juvenile center and commission Campbell's already uh addressed that but lot of good uh response to to the things we're doing uh in this County for uh J and as always our our uh board there is very impressed with what's going on and I think we're providing a good service to them and as commissioner Campbell indicated we're going to come over there'll be uh some revenues left over that can keep down the cost of the beds and keep the uh the facility up and running uh and the AMC District 4 fall meeting has already been reported we did uh come up it was gratifying to see that both Human Services and Public Safety uh put an emphasis on mental health and that's one of the issues that uh we're going to take to the legislature this term and the AMC is is fully engaged on that with us as a priority uh yesterday I attended the dancing Skies uh Regional Council on Aging meeting it in uh Kooks and basically we looked at um our budget and approved it the funding approval there is a uh cut back both federal and state in a lot of areas uh there is a new retail uh delivery tax that's out there that uh senior programs get a part of we get $112,000 from the partial year collection on that to go towards some of the food program prrams that dancing Sky engaged in and we had a lengthy review of bylaws and uh committee restructure then I will not get into the weeds with you on that but it was an hour and a half really did uh the Commissioners on this are on this committee are very passionate in in some of the rural areas they're provide the only Services a lot of their seniors get and we had good discussion on on that and that completes my report Steve uh thank you Mr chair last Tuesday I participated in the pck meeting that's been well covered uh also met with uh Regional City administrators uh and County administrators on we discussed budgets cannabis uh and then their most recent icma conference uh on the 15th participated in the West Central Regional District uh water district that's been addressed with Senator papis uh Senator Johnson was also uh also online did reach out to both of them thanking them for uh their willingness to participate did hear from Senator Johnson uh and indicated that this is uh this is one of his top uh projects for uh for this next legislative session so uh 16th participated in the prtf legislative session uh planning and as was mentioned worked with commissioner Mojo commissioner krainov uh and Quinn in regards to legislation uh we also updated the uh the resolution uh to highlight the change of of plan moving forward from the from the non-secure detention prtf standpoint that will be uh going out to to all of our our groups also reached out to a number of other counties that were not on the list uh last year of of resolutions and as commissioner moo mentioned we may have some additional counties on board I participated also then in the United Way Chile uh Chile lunch again our our committee is looking at Great innovative ways to try to raise additional funds they raised an additional $160 uh from that and we were all happily Fed so that was the important part um I met with Justin and Darren uh on an issue in Highway that afternoon uh and then also met with Matt Jacobson in the process of developing a letter for the the cities rural cities and townships in regards to uh in regards to registration for cannabis so and again a reminder that we can't help them with the planning portion because our standards are different so that hopefully will be going out soon uh we uh on the 17th worked with Brian we're updating we have four our four contracts for for legal contracts for chips uh conservatorships and paternity are up at the end of the year uh and so we'll be uh bringing those contracts forward here in the coming weeks um participated MCCA jpa pre meeting uh we have a meeting scheduled for this Thursday on the 17th I met with Sheriff EMP on a series of issues and then also participated or headed over to Bonnie christopherson's open house from the vso office retirement open house uh on the 18th I participated in the uh District meeting again handed out some of the resolutions there uh just to kind of get it on their radar with with the word document going out uh this week and then I did after that go over to the DMV uh and probably more in the way than helped necessarily set up over there uh but it sounds like we had a successful day uh we didn't get to ease in with just a couple people on that first Monday it was a it was a full house right away and so uh so they did uh did well there just a couple reminders over the next week we have a couple different meeting meetings set uh that uh we'll have a a Clay County uh city of Morehead cyber cyber security tabletop exercise tomorrow uh you're certainly well welcome to participate in that at the mcom center uh next Monday uh there's going to be a Clay County leadership Round Table put on by the chamber at msum uh and then just the second open house for the metr crog Heartland Trail study is going to be this this Tuesday or Wednesday excuse me from 5: to 7: uh in Glendon uh and there'll actually be a project presentation at 5:30 for any citizens that are interested and that concludes my report thank you Brian uh just a couple reminders that uh open enrollment starts tomorrow for everybody it is online um and it'll go through November 6th so about two weeks um you can also sign up to to visit with the counselor if you want and a lot of those emails already gone all County so um make sure that you get that done before November 6th and also um today the uh NIS is giving a presentation on uh Medicare that will be at uh 10:00 this morning over at the government training center and then at 1:30 today in the family service center in meeting room number eight so you don't have to sign up to for that but if you want to go ahead and listen and if you're getting close to retirement I want to know a little bit more more about Medicare um then please uh please go to those those um sessions and uh I think that's it for me thank you thank you Jackie nothing than Force any additional business if not we're adjourned