##VIDEO ID:gU8Ccbbjpr4## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I think we're back I think we're back online it would appear so um if you would indulge this Miss bod if you could just run through the the the fact factors on your presentation today we'll get them on record absolutely I'm here this morning to ask the commission's um participation in the make Morehead home property tax rebate it is a two-year rebate of property taxes on newly constructed homes um the program has been in operation since 2009 it started as a state paid uh program that allowed us to recover from the 2009 10 and 11 uh floods and after the state discontinued uh funding the program the local jurisdictions uh decided to make it a self-funded program um converting uh from a credit to a rebate and we Sunset the program every two years so that uh the local policy makers can uh review the program and I've provided a summary of the program in your meeting materials the request is to extend the program through 2026 and the city council approved a resolution uh of the supporting the program on October 15th and the school district uh made a similar resolution at the end of October and now I'm here at the County Board um to request the County's support there's an a letter from the building industry Association of the Red River Valley included in your packet and uh the program has proven to um part uh be a part of the growth that the county and City are experiencing so we would ask your approval of the program very good any questions for Miss B commission I don't have any questions but I have a couple comments and I this has been a a terrific program it's been a not only for Morehead but it's been for some of our other communities as well um and I I really don't think that now would be a time where we'd want to discontinue this uh when we look at I think every Community right now is probably seeing a lower building permits the way it is with the econom economy the way it is especially for housing and I think we need to keep every tool that we have can have in the toolbox to help um home builders in not only construct but I think there's also this even applies to some remodeling I believe doesn't it does this apply to that it does not we had a remodeling program and it uh we tried that for a few years and it wasn't proving very successful so we're you know always looking for other tools to assist with uh renovating and and improving uh existing homes and so just a clarification so this one Mor is asking us to approve of this but do we have our own to that we do we would Mr chair you're also Mr chair commissioner Campbell you'll be asked as a board to to set a public hearing uh to have that discussion uh for the the county portion of of of the funding part of this so yes very good yeah I I strongly support this request commissioner kravinoff so are we needing two separate motions no um well for today we're we're one going to uh consider the motion to approve the support Moree heads more make Morhead home and then also we're going to look to set the date for a public hearing okay I'd like to make that motion so we can have a discussion on it okay I have a motion yeah I'll make a motion to approve the M more home property tax rebate program uh two years extension and Saturday for a public hearing uh in for the L County I'll second the motion Steve do we have is this only impacting housing within the city of Morehead or do we have a similar the the first item for Morehead it impacts that the city our public hearing will address the tax abatements for the county okay that's what I was thinking I make sure I was seeing it right commissioner moso thank you Mr chair thanks Lisa for the presentation it's always good to see the stats uh particularly um with the single family housing stat starts because I you know we talk a lot about new apartment opportunities and those types of housing um pieces so it is it is good to see the stats I'm a little concerned just that they have dropped but I understand the economy and I mean that plays into that too I just think from a broader perspective uh this is just another tool in the toolbox if you will to continue to recruit folks to make our community in Clay County home and I just think um the more we can do to continue to to Foster that development um is favorable so I I wholeheartedly support this commissioner grabin off yeah um I just want to make a couple of comments and I think it's a terrific program uh as a long-term realtor um I've had many of my clients use this program uh with new construction and I will just say um you know we we continually Clay County have to um fight against some of the other reasons for other people maybe want to choose North Dakota and this is one that I think is proved to uh what I've experienced make a difference the uh incentive we have uh is quite different than the North Dakota side and uh um it's in my view U adds a lot more incentive so it's one of the ways that uh we also can uh compete with the north side North Cota side for new construction business so thanks any other comments if enough we have motion second all in favor of the motion say I I oppose same sign motion passes thank you thank you all okay Troy and Kathy I know Kathy likes to come up here you can come sit by a mic we morning morning try good morning Mr chair Commissioners um today we are here to request approval of amendment to our food service agreement for the withdrawal management detox facility once we are in the new facility uh food will need to be transported to us from Trinity um so we have amended the contract to reflect the transportation piece any questions a motion to approve the request second any any additional questions I just follow up if yeah thank you Mr chair this is something that uh we've been aware of and knew that this was going to be a need with the new facility we've talked about it at the committee level and so it's no surprise uh really feel like it um we have great service with Trinity right now and it um you know just will take some maneuvering in in terms of the scheduling but we this is not a surprise anyone else uh said they're going to bring the food here then we need they need another vehicle to take it over to the detox yep um yes commissioner we're going to um give them the use of the uh emergency preparedness vehicle that we had with public health they're going to have that vehicle uh Trinity will make the food in the jail like they currently do and then one of their staff will be transporting oh so the food is being made in the jail here correct okay yeah Mr Mr chair commissioner gross we did uh we worked with mcit as part of this process we also worked with Brian's office uh to make sure that from a liability standpoint the count okay how many meals are we talking about today well 30 2 64 potentially plus uh they send breakfast usually the night before um so 64 what 64 yeah so 64 for lunch and potentially with 32 beds so 64 another uh 32 so 96 is that Wheaten won that's wtin I'm joking it's been a long weekend twice a day two meals a day breakfast is I guess I could have done the math potentially yeah 96 day sorry for that no you're with you Trey right here anything else if not we have motion on the floor so all in favor of the motion say I I I oppose same sign thank you guys sorry for the delay no problem thanks date opening no I don't I do we have an opening date Troy hey Troy try can you provide maybe a brief update on on your licensing and and uh yeah I sure can um I just spoke to um gird's construction yesterday they're still finalizing some of the door hardware and some of those things uh I'm going to contact the mdh engineer today to see if he has everything he needs now um I got a Dan was going to check on the certificate of occupancy I think they went through and um we're getting closer with that once um the engineer signs off and says everything to the inspection unit for mdh they'll contact me come up do a in inspection of the new facility once that's done then I can contact DHS they may or may not come and do a physical inspection but they will have to sign off for it for our licenses so um we have been have staff over there almost every day um preparing getting everything ready so once we get that word it should be able to move pretty quickly okay any other any questions we appreciate it Troy we know you guys are on it and it's going to be a wonderful facility we're looking forward to having it available to our citizens I agree thank you okay committee reports and we start uh this week with Frank okay Tuesday we had the highway tracking there's a short meeting there uh um looking to have a public meeting uh on the diversion on November 19th um positions have been filled the shop foreman mfield M graders have been fi so they're looking they're in pretty good shape out there for upcoming winter season um there's also open house scheduled uh for County State 82 and 52 in open house for the roundabout I attended that meeting that next day in the afternoon um let's see on Wednesday attended the wild R Watershed board meeting they had a lot of discussion on permits being presented most of the stuff with those permits are matter putting in drain tile and it's always the the neighboring farmer that it doesn't like to matter of the water being put in his land and coming up with a a good situation is pretty tough um they worked on sediments inputs into onto the rivers um how much sediment gets put in rivers but from Land from the land and it's pretty much done by school school um students who take that data um and they just discussed how much information they really need on that um also there's a complaint about parking on on the drainage ditch if there's a drainage ditch there there some farmer starting the park Machinery on their on the drainage ditch right away so that was all settled so uh that was it for that meeting now on Wednesday also we had the pre-negotiation meeting for the water water shed um not excuse me water shed water district um which Daniel Marks took us through what's going to probably happen at the court session and after that we hit the court session which went real good good presentations and uh looks like everything's going to be ready to move ahead on that that's it thank you Paul uh thank you Mr chair well first of all um Tuesday we had an election and I just want to um congratulate commissioner AER for being re reelected and also say as a bear who's sitting in our audience today and uh look forward to working with both you much much more over the next four years and and uh and uh also I was uh reelected so um we'll continue the good work uh on Wednesday I had uh joined commissioner Mojo and our weekly call for um the pr uh prtf uh our legislative coordination that we're doing as we uh move forward uh with our legislator legislators to get funding for the uh the prtf bill along with the unsecured U uh juvenile um Center the uh um on uh let's see and moving to Thursday I had they early in the morning had the Clay County intergovernmental committee meeting we met over at the detox it was uh nice to go over there and look at it again I wish it had people in it but it it was a good uh uh it was good to see the building inside the building again uh basically we're just keep moving forward for the re uh planning of the retreat and the content of that Retreat uh that is set for January 31st uh with a back up date of February 7th um commissioner U uh Campell was there so he might add a few more comments uh then I was uh later we had our monthly um meeting for the uh Children's Mental Health uh local advisory committee uh we went through reports uh from all the entities that were there and and I would say there was probably around 10 so updates from them and then our Spotlight um was by U done by uh me in Lundberg who's with the morid PD as their community resource Navigator and she talked about the type of work she does and uh in taking calls to uh diffuse calls so they aren't going directly into P PD and then refers out to the right uh entity whether it's um The Colony or other nonprofits as uh uh where and how to try to help these uh um people that that are in need uh then uh again on Thursday later in the day I had the uh monthly um CL wcd board meeting uh also joined with uh commissioner Bojo uh just a few things to make note they had a reection there or two people that were up for election on that one and uh Joel hilderbrand who was our uh the current chair was reelected and then also um Carol scha uh was uh um defeated and I just want to acknowledge to the public the great work she did for us for over 25 years so um a bit disappointing for her but uh Brad um um shoot I lost it Ezra what's the last name fugle bra Brady fugle sorry about that anyway I look forward to meeting with him and uh get to know him as he starts his term on January 1 so uh other than that we had Kier contracts for a project and these projects get really big but it had to do with a um um uh working on um a uh ditch area that has been eroding out greatly also casier for uh some water and sediment control basins and then some uh couple for well ceiling so any other comments I guess um commissioner Mo Mojo may have some on that meeting so uh then on Friday um I did have another meeting as far as the prtf and uh it was a meeting with uh Senator Kopek and Deb White um uh from Mor city council there were two separate meetings uh but um mainly about um I'll be working a lot legislatively with all you know anything I need to as far as legisl lative but with a real focus on the Senate side and um so um I was uh pretty much asking if uh Senator koek if he would be our lead and he accepted that um immediately we started reaching out to um uh two others that are on the Senate Human Services and hopefully shortly we'll be having uh then come to town to do a tour of the facility and and our next steps as we make this trans transition to the uh for the prtf and then also um moving forward U aggressively to your budgeting from DHS and and try to get in the governor's budget so uh uh the other conversation with Deb White was just uh asked um for the to get on the agenda for no uh November 25th to uh uh see if we can get a letter of support for the prtf and uh we should be either you or I Steve should be receiving a call or we'll be talking to Dan M on that that concludes my report thank you commission Mojo thank you Mr chair last week I also attended the meeting with representative Keeler at the prtf planning meeting uh certainly uh we're full speed and working on making sure we're doing all the Outreach that we need to the results of the election uh make that make us or provide us with an opportunity to maybe do a little more leg work than we were anticipating reaching out to uh both parties uh Klay County I think is positioned well because we are represented by um both parties uh We've uh had great support from representative Keeler and representative joy and now uh that was reaffirmed with Senator kock's conversation so uh we really covered a lot of bases at that planning meeting uh commissioner kavanov will work on Outreach to all the Senate side I will work on the Outreach to all the representatives uh the house finance and policy committees I attended the Klay County 52 openhouse out at the highway department with commissioner Campbell and gross really great input and uh attendance we had Township officers we had land owners we had residents that is a really challenging uh intersection just given the nature of having a railroad and uh not being on the north south line if you will uh being on an angle um but I I really do feel like the input and insight that was provided will be helpful with the planning particularly making sure that we aren't cutting off uh Implement use that they're still able to get through there uh certainly there were some folks that just want a four-way stop but that will really not do anything to slow the traffic down which I think is the main concern there next day I had a conversation with I'm sorry uh the chamber had really uh facilitated bringing some folks to the table for conversation with Charlie Johnson from the um visitors bureau and the hotel industry we identified that there's some issues if there is a benefactor pain for hotel rooms for the homeless uh there's a little bit of a up in policy and so we were able to get together uh spurred by representative Joy having that conversation to identify what those issues are and throughout that uh we brought Quinn to the table and cap LP and a couple of the hotel owners and I think we at an a position where we might be able to open up a sub substantial amount of beds for short-term um housing for the homeless when it come becomes cold so really excited about that development I also attended the Clay County Soil and Water Conservation District meeting with rep or commissioner uh kraban uh he did a really great job covering those um the highlights of that we did talk there was a resignation within the office Kyle has really been a a great asset to the team there he's leaving for a opportunity on the west coast so that will leave a hole but I think they are working through um uh opening that back up um for advertisement there was a discussion of a potential opportunity to house an additional pheasants forever biologist uh that's that was a great opportunity um several years ago when Tony had that position there's some space concerns we did discuss having maybe additional conversations with uh Joe to see if there's County space open similar to what we've done in the past and uh just lots of really great updates on all the issues commissioner Campbell and I attended the election canvasing board uh that we had on Friday to do that an additional meeting with uh commissioner krainov on the prtf planning on Friday I attended Pam's retirement Pam has been really helpful to me whenever I have I it questions and concerns so I appreciate her work at the county and then uh over the last week it's been really exciting to see all of the green lights on porches and buildings lit up uh in honor of all of our veterans really grateful for all the veterans in Clay County who have served us uh so well I know uh Frank and Brian thank you so much for your service and um just really grateful for that that concludes my reports thank you commissioner Campbell thank you oh Darren oh I'm sorry a third veteran you're just over there thank you though I'm sorry all right so on uh November 5th I did also attend the highway tracking committee meeting that commissioner gross report on I would want to point out that the public hearing on the 19th is in regards to um the county taking over a a Township Road that's part of it needs to be done that way by law and um fortunately uh the diversion Authority has entered into and and got a an agreement with Holy Cross Township which was vital to this whole process so that's that's now done uh which makes this a little bit easier for us to do without knowing knowing that we have a agreement in place with them um and then um Justin did report that his motor grader positions are filled as well as the maintenance worker but the diesel mechanic position still remained open he was I think he did have somebody that he thought might qualify for that I don't know if Darren do you know if we've gotten anywhere uh yeah the the diesel mechanic is still open okay all right thank you um and then [Music] um that same day then I also attended a diversion planning meeting the items of discussion there where where we did have a there's there's a Wade study going on for all the diversion employees right now and so the conversation was what do we use in the meantime in terms of a cola for those employees starting January 1 and and right now the process would be where we would follow um Cass counties uh Cola but there's been some discussion about using the same formula in the future is what we use with dispatch which is a which is an average of multiple counties um because we're because this um Wade study uh it's you know it's supposed to be done late December with in maybe early January so what we've decided to do is not to uh do anything with the cola at this point in time for uh for those employees come January 1 until that wage study is done so we can determine the concern might be is if we have several employees who might be already way above the you know because there's just been no comparison to that so the decision was made that that there would be no Cola at the beginning of the year uh but when the wage study is done that would be determined and any Cola that would be done would be um retroactive to January 1 so and that's and that's going and that recommendation is being forwarded to the full diversion Authority today I believe or or on excuse me the meeting next Thursday yes um then um then we also did discuss um I had asked to be on the agenda for a letter of recommendation from the uh diversion Authority in support of our funding request um and they have agreed to um bring that forward to the full diversion Authority and as a matter of fact I think there was mayor Mahoney even brought up um the idea of participating maybe in some lobbying efforts through the on behalf of the diversion Authority so so that that nothing is finalized on that but it's thought that that might be something that the diversion Authority might consider on Wednesday um I did attend the um there was a public hearing through the courts for the West cental Regional Watershed District uh and and the purpose of that that hearing was to have the judge approve of um phase one of the engineering study and then and then we were asking the court to order the phase to engineering study which is a much more in-depth study and that of course could take you know I mean that could take a year to 18 months who who knows to to that to the do that portion and and the judge was really satisfied with um the presentation that was there and did order it and I do want to state that um we did have some public people or people from the public I should say that were that went there and spoke up of this and there was no negative responses whatsoever at the hearing as a matter of fact there were only positive ones and there were some who were concerned that maybe they weren't within the district and they wanted to be so you know so all all signs were good the the courtroom that Frank and I sat in was full and they they actually had to um have a a an additional courtroom right below it with additional room for other public to attend and that room had considerable people in there so it was well attended later that day I did go over to the highway department for the Highway 52 roundabout discussion um and commissioner Mojo mention that so I don't have anything more to add on Thursday morning the the 7th we had the intergo man meeting and we primary focus of that meeting was the agenda and originally we had planned on having an opioid um crisis discussion which we still anticipate having and then prior to last week we also had Heartland Trails an update on Heartland Trails it's was determined that with all the things that we've got going on right now Heartland Trails is probably going to be dropped and we were going to probably um bring in two additional topics one would be an update on our our prtf and the other one would be more discussion on homeless issues that that is hitting hard in the area so uh we have I I think Paul and I are going to talk with Steve and I think Sarah is going to come over here at two o'clock today and we're going to kind of get that agenda worked out based on that information so that we can get um as Paul pointed out that date is in January and we want to get to save the date out and and that type of thing and have some information in regards to what the agenda would look like I I anticipate that would be a a pretty well attended event with the items that will be on there uh then Friday I um I also attended the on behalf of the county the canvasing board with commissioner Mojo and then uh Ham's retirement party was followed right after that and that was also very nice and I do want to point out that um I was able to attend Steve's mother's uh celebration of life um on the Saturday and um it was Beau beautiful beautiful ceremony and I was glad I was able to be there for for that so that concludes my report thank you uh um last week of course Tuesday night was the election and I look forward to another four years of serving the people of PL County and I look forward serving it with Ezra bear and with Paul krainov who were also uh elected for another four-year term and we're going to miss you Frank you've been a solid guy for this County you've been solid guy for for Dorth and you you're a source of uh wisdom for us new guys when we come on and we're going to miss you you've got to stay in touch with Ezra make sure make sure he's going in the right direction he's still got a month and a half to go here not take him out yet but uh other than the election and picking up signs and getting back to work Thursday on the the 7th I had a uh State emergency communication board legislative government Affairs meeting remotely um at a quarterly sep report uh education Outreach uh worked on a they're working on developing a decision tree to communicate between work groups and a website redesign the legislative committee is setting up a timeline for legislative rules we want to come up with a policy for a fact sheet to keep everybody updated the 403 technical update that I'm serving on that committee again we are still styed they're supposed to be getting a request for propo a proposal out for a moderator and that's kind of bogged down until the legislature meets and clarifies who's going to pay for it so that uh is a work in progress uh other than that I have nothing else except to point out that last week we approved a restorative practices uh Grant that's moving forward and I mistakenly volunteered myself for the restorative practice practices um committee thinking that that was still on my portfolio and did some research and discovered that we took it off portfolio this year because there had been no meetings so I am interested we have a meeting that later this week I have talked to them and I'm interested uh see if the board would support uh opening up that component on on my committe assignments I'll make that motion no second okay we have motion the second any discussion on this is that the one where they have the 11 yep and what's their event uh there's something come up um this week right yeah they've got they've got a committee meeting set for when the meeting is okay Thursday I think yeah okay I did get an invitation to when I got on my calendar good okay if no further discussion all in favor say I I I oppose same sign okay thank you and Brian I uh I'm really excited about the team you put together on this I think it's going to do great great things particularly for our school districts uh you know I've been working with it since I got here in ' 06 and some good things have been done and particularly think it's great we're actually going to be able to make people financially if not whole at least move towards giving them some security with funding on this grant so I appreciate the opportunity to work with them and just just for your information I know that you're aware and you have it probably on your email but it is uh for tomorrow okay very good I've got it in there and plan to be there or be here great and that completes my report Steve uh thank you Mr chair again just want to thank the board for allowing to allowing the opportunity to be off last week uh it was uh very much appreciated also thank Darren for for covering the busy week that we had both at board and and at the week so thank you just wanted to touch base on a couple things um I know that you guys talked last week about several things I'm just going to touch base on on meetings that I was not with any committee meetings with Commissioners uh I met with uh Lori Johnson and uh Karen laow and Greg Wagner from West Central initiative there are three businesses in Barnesville that are are uh coming forward to look at the potential use of our Clay County Loan Fund uh and so commissioner kravinoff is going to be contacted here uh along with our committee uh that the the board has approved uh about looking at the possibility of of uh providing funding for those three businesses on the 31st I met with Joe Olsen Dale Arnold from the Minnesota Department of Corrections uh as you as we've talked about in the past the Department of Corrections uh would like to bring its adult probation back to the to the campus at some point and so uh we had some additional conversations with their leasing person uh about uh about potentially moving back and we'll have some more conversations about that in our building committee I met with Trenton from Cass County Land Trust I just received an update on the different work that they're doing uh here in in Clay County uh they've have taken on a number of projects both in Clay County and now are expanding into the rural areas and so uh we may have Trenton uh come here uh and provide the board an update on some of the good work that they're doing uh in bringing additional affordable housing to Clay County um on the 11 or excuse me on the first I met with the the city of Morehead uh in regards to our monthly meeting we talked about budgets uh the prtf support that commissioner krainov talked about uh we talked about flood mitigation border legislation uh they also did have a discussion uh as this board's aware City Moore had uh uh is a partner in our resource recovery facility uh our contract is up at the end of 2016 or excuse me 2026 um Time Warp um and uh 10 years and uh they had had expressed some concerns by contra prac if if there's any issue they have to provide a one-year notice uh and so we'll be having some additional conversations through swack and uh and with our committee Commissioners on that committee U moving forward but wanted to make you aware of that um just a couple notes of this past week we had a several department heads that completed uh the na high performance leadership training uh there's another group that's participating right now I want to thank uh the board for the opportunity to participate in that it's a great program uh after our first our first 10 people complete it we are going to plan to have a discussion uh uh about the the program and and talk about the viability for it moving forward um just of note on uh Thursday and Friday this week I'll be uh in St Paul for the AMC Futures group we're also hoping to line up potentially meeting with the governor uh governor's office uh to talk about our PTF more to come on that just a reminder before we meet again next Monday we have the township officers uh meeting at November 18th 8:30 the location will be at the LEC this year with the dealor community center no longer being available and that concludes my report thank you Brian you got anything for us Daren thank both you guys um for your service yesterday was Veterans Day I I bought uh former commissioner wh and a a Danish and a cup of [Laughter] coffee and and Frank for your service in a lot of ways here uh commissioner Mojo thank you I just wanted to provide an update last week I appreciate the support uh this board gave me by uh voting to support a a continu education type uh Exchange in Germany unfortunately uh the workload that the county has to lift our prtf uh to um funding FR um which is fine I mean it's great but I just wanted to every let everyone know that I did decline the trip to continue the work that the county needs on that project I'm just going to go ahead and embarrass you um you were doing Yan's work as you always do on your assignments but on this prtf and I know you put your heart and soul into it and you're passing a chance up for it wasn't going to be a junk it it was going to be a working trip but I know you were excited about it your decision to stay here and contribute to moving the prtf forward is uh I I really respect that and I know it wasn't an easy decision so thank you Jackie you got anything for us do we have any other business if not this may be a record I will journ us for --------- ##VIDEO ID:6JlY025UPOI## should there be internal point Thank you Mr chair Commissioners good morning um I am here like you said to request a motion to approve uh replacement of a social worker in our protection investigations unit uh for we had another resignation this investigator fer dream job at DHS which I can't be too mad about but at the same time I think it shows the caliber um of the staff that we do have that this this worker is going to will be on the fatality review team at DHS U so when you look at the selected process across the state and how competitive those jobs are I'm happy yet happy for them yet sad that we're losing a position um again this position is vital uh to do these immediate safety checks um get out and do immediate safety planning it is a budgeted position within the 2025 budget uh there will be some small cost savings as this this person was currently on step three um I don't really anticipate back fill but I wouldest that if possible we don't typically see a lot of transition into the child protection unit however assuming that that staff comes in uh grade 18 step one there'll be about $6,200 in cost savings from the 2025 budget than you questions may have any questions I make a motion to approve the decision with that bill necessary second have motion to Second any discussion if not all in favor say I I oppose same sign motion passes you're up next with um Bora family Behavioral Health counseling services and uh Christian leardi thank you again Mr chair Commissioners um I have Paul Bing girl and family Behavioral Health Counseling Services with me today and C are adult uh Ser Adult Services Supervisor here we are requesting a motion to provide a written statement of support for family Behavioral Health counseling um they are a provider uh seeking to establish an Integrated Health patient substance abuse and mental health treatment Service uh here in Clay County uh in order to meet state certification requirements uh they do they do need to request a letter of support from the county board for Minnesota rules listed out in the agenda uh currently we do have more limited uh out patient providers for substance use and Mental Health Services um supporting an additional provider alliance with our goals to enhance access to and offer clients more choices uh I guess our rationale and Chris and I were kind of looking at it and talking through what would be the I guess the pros and cons would be uh Paul's Center provides an integrated treatment model uh so it's a dual approach to treatment not just mental health or substance you put both together um this is evidence-based in terms of a treatment model and it has demonstrated improved outcomes in aligns with the best practices in mental health and addiction recovery U this Al would also having one more provider would expand our client Choice um it would increase the number of qualified providers um within Clay County to meet their personal and therapeutic needs um client choice is critical to ensuring engagement satisfaction and successful treatment outcomes uh would also reduce Transportation barriers great location kind over by Buffalo Wild Wings I 75 there um many of the clients uh we both serve face Transportation challenges that limit their ability to access the necessary treatment services so establishing one more provider specifically I Morehead will reduce some of those travel times um and barriers making treatment more accessible for those that rely on public transportation we talk to give a plus outop quite close to um and we prefer local treatment options um some other providers are available in Fargo um again residents benefit from having close by proximity to service services and supports consistent attendance and participation again both of those things are essential for a person to have successful outcomes in their recovery um this support for family Behavioral Health counseling uh also reflects our dedication to client centered care accessibility and improved recovery Pathways to resid [Applause] I do not anticipate an increase in any overall spending due to this approval uh if this was to be approved uh expanding access to additional outpatient chemical health providers may actually help reduce the need for more costly treatment options for which we do then share a portion of those expenses so I would hope that this would uh prevent some of those more costly treatment options from neede to occur the first I any questions that you may have question if if uh you get set up Mr uh benur how many patients what what kind of case load would you be able to accommodate well um for the group counseling it's 16 per group uh for session um we do offer a mental health assessment individual therapy one onone um a family therapy if physical assessment and a build Wellness Plan then we do offer crisis management we do uh DUI domestic vience as well um but the group session it's um 16 by group how many therapists would you have I have three therapist at the moment and I'm looking forward to expand and have um providers for juveniles and all that stuff these is some pretty desirable and needed uh services for this area I speaking for myself and I hope for the for the commission this is uh certainly welcome and something we can be excited about any other questions or comments yeah uh thank you for coming and certainly am a advocate of this and if we keep improving and growing our services in the community you I hope great success for you um I I am uh CU do you have previous experience in this or is this uh first time for facility yes I do have a previous experience for this uh I've been doing it for 7 years now and um I do have another facility in Arizona as well um I just moved out here for working family my wife got a job out here so I decided to establish one out here at the same at Arizona because Arizona do have a providers over there working on that so I'm looking forward while I'm here to establish another one here and I decided to do this because about 8 years ago I do uh have a substance abuse problem as well I do have a DUI two DUIs and I know what I went through so since then I decided to start doing this and stuff like that to help us well thank you and I appreciate you choosing like the questions comments if not I would entertain a motion certainly make a [Applause] motion yeah I make a motion to provide a written statement of support from Clay County Social Service for family behavioral he Counseling Services I have a second I have motion to Second any further discussion Comm Campell thank you good morning the um the clientele that you have will will will you have access to uh will some of that be covered in Insurance yes that's that was my only question okay any other questions now we'll move move the motion all in favor the motion say I I those same sign motion passes welcome to Clay County Mr benor and it's going to we we appreciate you bringing this opportunity to our community thank you [Applause] hey Troy Ed Mr chair I don't see Troy here yet I see we're a little ahead of schedule so maybe he's on her way I see Lisa B from the city mors here if we wanted to jump that ahead uh Lisa bod from the city of Morehead hear uh approval of a twoyear extension of the mmore head home property C rebate program and the set public hearing date of December 3rd 2024 9 a.m. good morning please good morning and thank you commissioner eer um the makee head home property tax rebate is uh a program that we've had in place in some fashion since the 2009 floody as a market recovery activity and it was something that the school district the city council and the County Commission supported even after the um the state of Minnesota uh discontinued funding the program and it has proven to be um a helpful tool for homeowners and a good way to grow the city school district and County and uh we Sunset the program every two years so that Commissioners and council members and school board members can evaluate the program and have an opportunity to make a decision whether to continue it or not and the uh city council and the school board have approved resolutions supporting the program from uh through 2026 uh the rebate itself the the program is run as a rebate of 2 years of property taxes after a new home is fully valued and it's in the form of a rebate so that um people do pay their property taxes before they receive any uh benefit from the program and I would stand for any questions if you have them I have provided a summary of the program and a history of the program with your meeting package I believe questions my only question is I see it is in here I just want to double check that we're having having any issues well I think uh you two isn't getting any sound anything okay do you need us you need is take a recess on Let Us online okay is this being recorded it's being recorded but they there there's no sound that's going along with the meeting at this point it's fixed oh it's fixed okay all right sorry I just wanted to yeah working we got record let's take a uh two or three minute break here we're running ahead anyway and we make sure this gets on record thank you I think we're back I think we're back online it would appear so um if you would indulge this Miss bod if you could just run through the the uh the fact factors on your presentation today we'll get them on record absolutely I'm here this morning to ask the commission's um participation in the make Morehead home property tax rebate it is a 2-year rebate of property taxes on newly constructed homes um the program has been in operation since 2009 it started as a state paid uh program that allowed us to recover from the 2009 10 and 11 uh floods and after the state discontinued uh funding the program the local jurisdictions uh decided to make it a self-funded program um converting uh from a credit to a rebate and we Sunset the program every two years so that uh the local policy makers can uh review the program and I've provided a summary of the program in your meeting materials the request is to extend the program through 2026 and the city council approved a resolution uh of the supporting the program on October 15 and the school district uh made a similar resolution at the end of October and now I'm here at the County Board um to request the County's support there's an a letter from the building industry Association of the Red River Valley included in your packet and uh the program has proven to um part uh be a part of the growth that the county and City are experiencing so we would ask your approval of the program very good any question questions for Miss Bion I don't have any questions but I have a couple comments and I this has been a a terrific program it's been a not only for Morehead but it's been for some of our other communities as well um and I I really don't think that now would be a time where we'd want to discontinue this uh when we look at uh I think every Community right now is probably seeing a lower building permits the way it is with the econom economy the way it is especially for housing and I think we need to keep every tool that we have can have in the toolbx to help um home builders in not only construct but I think there's also this even applies to some remodeling I believe doesn't it does this apply to that it does not we had a remodeling program and it uh we tried that for a few years and it wasn't proving very successful so we're you know always looking for other tools to assist with uh renovating and and improving uh existing homes and so just a clarification so this one morid is asking us to approve of this but do we have our own two that we do we would Mr chair you're also Mr chair commissioner Campbell you'll be asked as a board to to set a public hearing uh to have that discussion uh for the the county portion of of of the funding part of this so yes very good yeah I I strongly support this request commissioner krainov so are we needing two separate motions no um well for today we're we're one going to uh consider the motion to approve the support Moree heads more make moread home and then also we're going to look to set the date for a public public hearing okay I'd like to make that motion so we can have a discussion on it okay I have a motion yeah I'll make a motion to approve the m home property tax rebate program uh twoyear extension and Saturday for a public hearing uh in for the L County I'll second the motion Steve do we have is this only impacting housing within the city Morehead or would we have a similar the the first item for Morehead it impacts that the city our public hearing will address the tax abatements for the county okay that's what I was thinking I make sure I was seeing it right commissioner moso thank you Mr chair thanks Lisa for the presentation it's always good to see the stats uh particularly um with the single family housing stat starts because I you know we talk a lot about new apartment opportunities and those types of housing um pieces so it is it is good to see the stats I'm a little concerned just that they have dropped but I understand the economy and I mean that plays into that too I just think from a broader perspective uh this is just another tool in the toolbox if you will to continue to recruit folks to make our community in Clay County home and I just think um the more we can do to continue to to Foster that development um is favorable so I I wholeheartedly support this commissioner krainov yeah um I just want to make a couple of comments and uh I think it's a terrific program uh as a long-term realtor um I've had many of my clients use this program uh with new construction and I will just say um you know we we continually like County have to um fight against some of the other reasons for other people maybe wanting to choose North Dakota and this is one that I think has proved to uh in what I've experienced make a difference the uh incentive we have uh is quite different than the North Dakota side and uh um it's in my view U adds a lot more incentive so it's one of the ways that uh we also can uh compete with the north side North cot side for new construction business so thanks any other comments if not we have motion second all in favor the motion say I I oppose same sign motion passes thank you thank you all okay Troy and Kathy I know Kathy likes to come up here you can come sit by a mic we morning morning Troy good morning Mr chair Commissioners um today we are here to request approval of amendment to our food service agreement for the withraw management detox facility once we are in the new facility uh food will need to be transported to us from Trinity um so we have amended the contract to reflect the transportation piece any questions a motion to approve the request second any any additional questions I just follow up if I yeah thank you Mr chair this is something that uh we've been aware of and knew that this was going to be a need with the new facility we've talked about it at the committee level and so it's no surprise uh really feel like it um we have great service with Trinity right now and it um you know just will take some maneuvering in in terms of the scheduling but we this is not a surprise anyone else uh understand they're going to bring the food here then we need they need another vehicle to take it over to the detox yep um yes commissioner we're going to um give them the use of the uh emergency preparedness vehicle that we had with public health they're going to have that vehicle uh Trinity will make the food in the jail like they currently do and then one of their staff will be transporting oh so the food is being made at the jail here correct okay yeah Mr Mr chair commissioner gross we did uh we work with mcit as part of this process we also work with Brian's office uh to make sure that from a liability standpoint the count okay how many meals are we talking about today well 3264 potentially plus uh they send breakfast usually the night before um so 64 what 64 yeah so 64 for lunch and potentially with 32 beds so 64 another uh 32 so 96 is that we is that Wheaten won that's won I'm joking I'm joking it's been a long weekend twice a day two meals a day breakfast is I guess I could have done the math potentially yeah 96 day sorry for that no you're with you yeah Trey right here anything else if not we have motion on the floor so all in favor of the motion say I I I oppose same sign thank you guys sorry for the delay no problem thanks opening no I don't I do we have an opening date Troy hey Troy right can you provide maybe a brief update on on your licensing and and uh yeah I sure can um I just spoke to um gird's construction yesterday they're still finalizing some of the door hardware and some of those things uh I'm going to contact the mdh engineer today to see if he has everything he needs now um I got a Dan was going to check on the certificate of occupancy I think they went through and um we're getting closer with that once um the engineer signs off and says everything to the inspection unit for mdh they'll contact me come up do a inspection of the new facility once that's done then I can contact DHS they may or may not come and do a physical inspection but they will have to sign off for it for our licenses so um we have been have staff over there almost every day um preparing getting everything ready so once we get that word it should be able to move pretty quickly okay any other any questions we appreciate it Troy we know you guys are on it and it's going to be a wonderful facility we're looking forward to having it available to our citizens agree thank you okay committee reports and we start uh this week with Frank okay Tuesday we had the highway tracking a short meeting there uh um looking to having a public meeting uh on the diversion on November 19th um positions have been filled the shop foremen have been filled motor graders have been filled so they're looking they're in pretty good shape out there for upcoming winter season um there's also open house scheduled uh for County State 812 and 52 open house for the roundabout I attended that meeting that next day in the afternoon um let's see on Wednesday attended the wild R Watershed board meeting they had a lot of discussion on permits being presented most of the stuff with those permits are matter putting in drain tile and is always the the neighboring farmer that doesn't like to matter of the water being put in his land and coming up with a a good situation is pretty tough um they worked on sediments inputs into onto the rivers um how much sediment gets put in rivers but from Land from the land and it's pretty much done by school school um students who take that data um and they just discuss how much information they really need on that um also there's a complaint about parking on on the drainage ditch if there's a drainage ditch there there some farmer starting to park Machinery on their on the drainage ditch right away so that was all settled so uh that was it for that meeting now on Wednesday also we had the pre-negotiation meeting for the water Watershed um not excuse me water shed water district um which Daniel Marks took us through what's going to probably happen at the court session and after that we had the court session which went real good good presentations and uh looks like everything's going to be ready to move ahead on that that's it he thank you Paul uh thank you Mr chair well first of all um Tuesday we had an election and I just want to um congratulate commissioner AER for being re reelected and also as a bear who is sitting in our audience today and uh look forward to working with both you much much more over the next four years and and uh and uh also I was uh reelected so um we'll continue the good work uh on Wednesday I had uh joined commissioner Mojo in our weekly call for um the pr uh prtf uh our legislative coordination that we're doing as we uh move forward uh with our legislator legislators to get funding for the uh the prtf bill along with the unsecured U uh juvenile um Center the uh um on uh let's see and moving to Thursday I had a early in the morning had the Clay County intergovernmental community meeting we met over at the detox it was uh nice to go over there and look at again I wish it had people in it but it it was a good uh uh it was good to see the building inside the building again uh basically we're just keep moving forward for the re uh planning of the Retreat and the content of that Retreat uh that is set for January 31st uh with a backup date of February 7 um commissioner U Campell was there so he might add a few more comments uh then I was uh later uh we had our monthly um meeting for the uh Children's Mental Health uh local advisory committee uh we went through report uh from all the entities that were there and and I would say there was probably around 10 so updates from them and then our Spotlight um was by U done by uh Megan lenberg who's with the morid PD as their community resource Navigator and she talked about the type of work she does and uh in taking calls to uh diffuse calls so they aren't going directly into P PD and then refers out to the right uh entity whether it's um The Colony or other nonprofits is uh uh wearing how try to help these uh um people that that are in need uh then uh again on Thursday later in the day I had the monthly um FL wcd board meeting uh also joined with uh commissioner Bojo uh just a few things to make note they had a reelection there are two people that were up for election on that one and uh Joel hilderbrand who is our the current chair was reelected and then also um Carol scha uh was uh um defeated and I just want to acknowledge to the public the great work she did for us for over 25 years so um bit disappointing for her but uh Brad um um she I lost it Ezra what's the last name fugle bra Brady fugle sorry about that anyway I look forward to Mee him with him and uh getting know him as he starts his term on on January 1 so uh other than that we had Kier contracts for a project and these projects get really big but it had to do with a um um uh working on um a uh ditch area that has been eroding out greatly also casier for uh some water and settlement control basins and then some uh couple for wealth ceiling so any other comments I guess um commissioner Mo Mojo may have some on that meeting so uh then on Friday um I did have another meeting as far as the prtf and uh it was a meeting with uh Senator kek and Deb White um uh from Mor city council there were two separate meetings uh but um mainly about um I'll be working a lot legislatively with all you know anything I need to as far as legislative but with a real focus on the Senate side and um so um I was uh pretty much asking if uh Senator kupek if he would be our lead and he accepted that um immediately we started reaching out to um two others that are on the Senate Human Services and hopefully shortly we'll be having uh them come to town to do a tour of the facility and and our next steps as we make this trans transition to the uh for the prtf and then also um moving forward uh aggressively to your budgeting from DHS and and try to get in the governor's budget so uh uh uh the other conversation with uh Deb White was just uh asked um for the to get on the agenda for no uh November 25th to uh uh see if we can get a letter of support for the prtf and uh we should be either you or I Steve should be receiving a call or we'll be talking to Dan mly on that that concludes my report thank you commissioner Mojo thank you Mr chair last week I also attended the meeting with representative ke the prtf planning meeting uh certainly uh we're full speed and working on making sure we're doing all of the Outreach that we need to the results of the election uh make that make us or provide us with an opportunity to maybe do a little more leg work than we were anticipating reaching out to uh both parties uh Klay County I think is positioned well because we are represented by um both parties uh We've uh had great support from representative Keeler and representative joy and now that was reaffirmed with Senator kock's conversation so uh we really covered a lot of bases at that planning meeting uh commissioner kavanov will work on Outreach to all the Senate side I will work on the Outreach all the representatives uh the house finance and policy committees I attended the Clay County 52 open house out at the highway department with commissioner Campbell and gross really great input and uh attendance we had Township officers we had land owners we had residents that is a really challenging uh intersection just given the nature of having a railroad and uh not being on the north south line if you will uh being on an angle um but I I really do feel like the input and insight that was provided will be helpful with the planning particularly making sure that we aren't cutting off uh Implement use that they're still able to get through there uh certainly there were some folks that just want to fourway stop but that will really not do anything to slow the traffic down which I think is the main concern there the next day I had a conversation with I'm sorry uh the chamber had really uh facilitated bringing some folks to the table for conversation with Charlie Johnson from the um visitors bureau and the hotel industry we identified that there's some issues if there is a benefactor paying for hotel rooms for the homeless uh there's a little bit of a hiccup in policy and so we were able to get together uh spurred by representative Joy having that conversation to identify what those issues are and throughout that uh we brought Quinn to the table and caplp and a couple of the hotel owners and I think we added a position where we might be able to open up a sub substantial amount of beds for short-term um housing for the homeless when it come becomes cold so really excited about that development I also attended the Clay County Soil and Water Conservation District meeting with rep or commissioner uh kraban uh he did a really great job covering those um the highlights of that we did talk there was a resignation within the office Kyle has really been a a great asset to the team there he's leaving for a opportunity on the west coast so that will leave a hole but I think they are working through um uh opening that back up um for advertisement there was a discussion of a potential opportunity to house an additional pheasants forever biologist uh that's that was a great opportunity um several years ago when Tony had that position there's some space concerns we did discuss having maybe additional conversations with Joe to see if there's County space open similar to what we've done in the past and uh just lots of really great updates on all the issues commissioner Campbell and I attended the election canvasing board or uh that we had on Friday to do that an additional meeting with uh commissioner krainov on the prtf planning on Friday I attended Pam's retirement Pam has been really helpful to me whenever I have I it questions and concerns so I appreciate her work at the county and then uh over the last week it's been really exciting to see all of the green lights on porches and buildings lit up uh in honor of all of our veterans really grateful for all the veterans in Clay County who have served us uh so well I know uh Frank and Brian thank you so much for your service and um just really grateful for that that concludes my reports thank you commissioner Campbell thank you Darren oh I'm sorry the third vet you're just over there thank you though I'm sorry all right so on U November 5th I did also attend the highway tracking committee meeting that commissioner gross report on I would want to point out that the public hearing on the 19th is in regards to um the county taking over a Township Road that's part of it needs to be done that way by law and um fortunately uh the diversion Authority has entered into and and got a an agreement with Holy Cross Township which was vital to this whole process so that's that's now done uh which makes this a little bit easier for us to do without knowing knowing that we have a agreement in place with them um and then um Justin did report that his motor grader positions are filled as well as the maintenance worker but the diesel mechanic position still remained open he was I think he did have somebody that he thought might qualify for that I don't know if Darren do you know if we've gotten anywhere uh yeah the the diesel mechanic is still open okay all right thank you um and then [Music] um that same day then I also attended a diversion planning meeting the items of discussion there were where we did have a there's there's a Wade study going on for all the diversion employees right now and so the conversation was what do we use in the meantime in terms of AA for those employees starting January one and and right now the process would be where we would follow um Cass counties uh Cola but there's been some discussion about using the same formula in the future as what we use with dispatch which is a which is an average of multiple counties um because we're because this um Wade study uh it's you know it's supposed to be done late December with in maybe early January so what we've decided to do is not to uh do anything with the cola at this point in time for uh for those employees come January 1 until that wage study is done so we can determine the concern might be is if we have several employees who might be already way above the you know because there's just been no comparison to that so the decision was made that that there would be no Cola at the beginning of the year uh but when the wage study is done that would be determined and any Cola that would be done would be um retroactive to January 1 so and that's and that's going and that recommendation is being forwarded to the full diversion Authority today I believe or or on excuse me the meeting next Thursday yes um then um then we also did discuss um I had asked to be on the agenda for a letter of recommendation from the uh diversion Authority in support of our funding request and they have agreed to um bring that forward to the full diversion Authority and as a matter of fact I think there was mayor Mahoney even brought up um the idea of particip ating maybe in some lobbying efforts through the on behalf of the diversion Authority so so that that nothing is finalized on that but it's thought that that might be something that the diversion Authority might consider on Wednesday um I did attend the um there was a public hearing through the courts for the West Central Regional Watershed District uh and and the purpose purp of that that hearing was to have the judge approve of um phase one of the engineering study and then and then we were asking the court to order the phase 2 engineering study which is a much more in-depth study and that of course could take you know I mean that could take a year to 18 months who who knows to to that to that do that portion and and the judge was really satisfied with um the presentation that was there and did order it and I do want to state that um we did have some public people or people from the public I should say that were that went there and spoke up of this and there was no negative responses whatsoever at the hearing as a matter of fact there were only positive ones and there were some who were concerned that maybe they weren't within the district and they wanted to be so you know so all all signs were good the the courtroom that Frank and I sat in was full and they they actually had to um have a a an additional courtroom right below it with additional room for other public to attend and that room had considerable people in there so it was well attended later that day I did go over to the highway department for the Highway 52 roundabout discussion um and commissioner Mojo um mention that so I don't have anything more to add on Thursday morning the the 7th we had the intergovernmental meeting and we primary focus of that meeting was the agenda and originally we had planned on having an opioid um crisis discussion which we still anticipate having and then prior to last week we also had Heartland Trails an update on Heartland Trails it's was determined that with all the things that we've got going on right now Heartland Trails is probably going to be dropped and we are going to probably um bring in two additional topics one would be an update on our our prtf and the other one would be more discussion on homeless issues that that is hitting hard in the area so uh we have to I think Paul and I are going to talk with Steve and I think Sarah is going to come over here at 2 o'clock today and we're going to kind of get that agenda worked out based on that information so that we can get um as Paul pointed out that date is in January and we want to get to save the date out and and that type of thing and have some information in regards to what the agenda would look like I I anticipate that would be a a pretty well attended event with the items that will be on there uh then Friday I um I also attended the on behalf of the county the canvasing board with commissioner Mojo and then U Pam's retirement party was followed right after that and that was also very nice and I do want to point out that um I was able to attend Steve's mother's uh celebration of life um on the Saturday and and U it was a Beau beautiful beautiful ceremony and I was glad I was able to be there for for that so that concludes my report thank you um last week of course Tuesday night was the election and I look forward to another four years of serving the people of play County and I look forward serving it with Ezra bear and with Paul kraban off who were also uh elected for another four-year term and we're going to miss you Frank you've been a solid guy for this County you've been solid guy for for dillworth and you you're a source of uh wisdom for us new guys when we come on and we're going to miss you you've got to stay in touch with Ezra make sure make sure he's going in the right direction you still got a month and a half to go here not kick him out yet but uh other than the election and picking up signs and getting back to work Thursday on the the 7th I had a uh State emergency communication board legislative government Affairs meeting remotely um at a quarterly sep report uh education Outreach uh worked on a they're working on developing a decision tree to communicate between work groups and a website redesign the legislative committee is setting up a timeline for legislative rules we want to come up with a policy for a fact sheet to keep everybody updated the 403 technical update that I'm serving on that committee again we are still styed there're supposed to be getting a uh request for propo uh proposal out for a moderator and that's kind of bog down until the legislature meets and clarifies who's going to pay for it so that uh is a work in progress uh other than that I have nothing else except to point out that last week we approved a restorative practices uh Grant that's moving forward and I mistakenly volunteered myself for the restorative practice practices um committee thinking that that was still on my portfolio and did some research and discovered that we took it off portfolio this year because because there' had been no meetings so I am interested we have a meeting that later this week I have talked to them and I'm interested uh see if the board would support uh opening up that component on on my committee assignments I'll make that motion no second okay we have motion to Second any discussion on this is that the one where they have the 11 yep and what's their event uh there's something come up uh this week right yeah they've got they've got a committee meeting set for that's when the meeting is okay Thursday I think yeah okay I did get an invitation to when I got on my calendar good okay if no further discussion all in favor say I I oppose same sign okay thank you and Brian I uh I'm really excited about the team you put together on this I think it's going to do great great things particularly for school districts uh you know I've been working with it since I got here in ' 06 and some good things have been done and I particularly think it's great we're actually going to be able to make people financially if not whole at least move towards giving them some security with funding on this grant so I appreciate the opportunity to work with them and just just for your information I know know you're wear and you have it probably on your email but it is uh for tomorrow okay very good I've got it in there and plan to be there or be here great and that completes my report Steve uh thank you Mr chair again just want to thank the board for allowing uh allowing the opportunity to be off last week uh it was uh very much appreciated also thank Darren for for covering the busy week that we had both at board and and at the week so thank you just wanted to touch B on a couple things um I know that you guys talked last week about several things I'm just going to touch base on on meetings that I was not with any committee meetings with Commissioners uh I met with uh Lori Johnson and uh Karen lower and and Greg Wagner from West Central initiative uh there are three businesses in Barnesville uh that are are uh coming forward to look at the potential use of our Clay County Loan Fund uh and so commissioner kravinoff is going to be contacted here uh along with our committee uh that the the board has approved uh about looking at the possibility of of uh providing funding for those three businesses on the 31st I met with Joe Olsen Dale Arnold from the Minnesota Department of Corrections uh as you as we've talked about in the past the Department of Corrections uh would like to bring its adult probation back to the to the campus at some point and so uh we had some additional conversations with their leasing person uh about uh about potentially moving back and we'll have some more convers ations about that in our building committee I met with Trenton from Cass County Land Trust just received an update on the different work that they're doing uh here in in Clay County uh they've have taken on a number of projects both in Clay County and now are expanding uh into the rural areas and so uh we may have Trenton uh come here uh and provide the board an update on some of the good work that they're doing uh in bringing additional affordable housing to Clay County um on on the 11 or excuse me on the 1 I met with the the city of Morehead uh in regards to our monthly meeting we talked about budgets uh the prtf support that commissioner krainov talked about uh we talked about flood mitigation uh border legislation uh they also did have a discussion uh as this board's aware City Moore had uh uh is a partner in our resource recovery facility uh our contract is up at the end 2016 or excuse me 2026 UMO Time Warp um and uh 10 years and uh they had had expressed some concerns by contract if if there's any issue they have to provide a one year notice uh and so we'll be having some additional conversations through swack and and with our committee Commissioners on that committee uh moving forward but wanted to make you aware of that um just a couple notes of this past week we had a several Department dep heads that completed uh the na high performance leadership training uh there's another group that's participating right now I want to thank uh the board for the opportunity to participate in that it's a great program uh after our first uh our first 10 people complete it we are going to plan to have a discussion uh uh about the the program and and talk about the viability for it moving forward um just of note on Thursday and Friday this week I'll be uh in uh St Paul for the AMC Futures group we're also hoping to line up potentially meeting with the governor uh governor's office uh to talk about our prtf more to come on that just a reminder before we meet again next Monday we have the township officers uh meeting at November 18th 8:30 the location will be at the LEC this year with the Dorth Community Center no longer being available and that concludes my report thank you Brian you got anything for us Daran thank both you guys uh for your service yesterday was Veterans Day I I bought uh former commissioner whan a a Danish and a cup of [Laughter] coffee and and Frank for your service in a lot of ways here uh commissioner Mojo thank you I just wanted to provide an update last week I appreciate the support uh this board gave me by uh voting to support A A continuing education type uh Exchange in Germany unfortunately uh the workload that the county has to lift our prtf uh to um funding FR um which is fine I mean it's great but I just wanted to every let everyone know that I did decline the trip to continue the work that the county needs on that project I'm just going to go ahead and embarrass you um you were doing Yan's work as you always do on your assignments but on this prtf and I know you put your heart and soul into it and you're passing a chance up for a it wasn't going to be a junket it was going to be a working trip but I know you were excited about it your decision to stay here and contribute to moving the prtf forward is uh I I really respect that and I know wasn't an easy decision so thank you Jackie you got anything for us do we have any other business if not this may be a record I will journ us