##VIDEO ID:iYZM44TuPU4## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good morning I'm going to call the meeting of the Clay County Board of Commissioners to order uh for October 1st 2024 first item we have on the agenda is approval of the agend agenda we do have a uh agenda addition I'll second it have motion to Second all in favor say I I oppose same sign next up Sheriff dad we got 30 years Chad Hagen sheriff's department and uh I had a chance to work with you when I was back had a real job and you have 30 years is is quite an aborable accomplishment Sheriff tell us about it well Chad's been with the sheriff's office for 30 years so Chad we do thank you for four year service um Chad started in the Patrol Division way back in the 70s I believe it was is that right I was obviously five years old yes yes um eventually working his way into juvenile investigations where he spent several years investigating juvenile uh crimes and he did a a great job doing that and he was promoted in 2010 to the rank of lieutenant in the support services division where he uh he oversees um warrants and transport civil process and court security and he does a very good job in that Chad also ensures that we are in compliance with all of our lexo policies to be sure that we were following postboard rules and regulations as well as state laws and that's kind of a big hurdle to do as well so we really appreciate you uh making sure that we're in compliance and it seems like every year we get a gold star rating from lexip pole and uh Chad likes his gold stars and he also likes uh he also uh he also likes to be the center of attention so uh Chad thank you again for all your years of service we truly appreciate it you have a lot of institutional knowledge that uh that can't be replaced so thank you thank you chair that's quite the following there yeah uh next uh we have citizens to be heard do we have any citizens here who wish to comment on any issue not on today's agenda Steve we got anybody online we do not Mr chair okay Mr Mr I'd like to just take a moment to comment on the recent uh hurricane issue and hel that heline and the Damage that was created as somebody who represented and served in an area where there was devastating flooding that's that's really a tragic deal to watch and I just I just think that our you know our thoughts and prayer should be out for all of them and hopefully they can recover quickly so just wanted to bring that up one of the things that uh I most admired about this community when I first moved here was the 2006 flood watch this uh both sides of the river people pick up and from that they've gone forward to the diversion Authority and getting a lot of things done to address it but those first first few months were tough and looking at what's going on on the East Coast as a as a Township officer in 199 97 um I had to walk into some of these homes where the inside of the homes were completely destroyed and the moms were up on the upper level just tears just not knowing what to do and it is devastating to those people and and I you know and I I agree with you I you know in both those major floods we had people from the tri-state area not only here helping but throughout the country sending um contributions and all those types of things so anybody who can do anything to help those people I think it would be uh really awesome so so true thank you next on the agenda we have approvement of uh payment of bills and vouchers i' move to approve second a motion to Second all in favor of the motion say I I oppose same sign motion passes next we have approval of minutes from September 17th 2024 move to approve the minutes second motion a second all in favor of the motion say I I I oppose same sign okay uh next up wi Jager and Tiffany January up for the uh uh request approval for replacement of social worker position in the Child Protection Services Unit morning Mr chair and Commissioners um I'm here today to request approval to replace a social worker chair eer said uh we had a resignation in our investigations and assessment unit um got a staff that's moving closer to family uh due to uh new addition in their family uh so we will have an opening in our intake assessment investigations unit uh this staff is uh pretty critical uh does those initial uh upfront face-to-face assessments for safety when we have investigations around Mal treatment uh they also do child Ware assessment so they respond to things like chronic absenteeism truancy um a little bit of everything um we have unique timelines to follow in these positions uh very quick turnaround time sometimes having to see children within 24 hours or 120 hours so it is pretty vital that we get this position filled as quickly as possible to stay uh to stay in requirements for those state and federal uh responses uh we also require this position to have forensic interview training which is only so often so I think there's another one coming up in December December if not in first quarter of 2025 so we would like to on board the person if possible to uh be ready to go in that training so uh we don't the person that was in this position hasn't been there for very long they are past their probationary period so they're on step two uh but we would anticipate uh going back down to a grade 18 step one so there' be some very very minor cost Savings in terms of the budget um it didn't have Darren Runner wage calculator just because it's going from step two to step one but my preliminary numbers would be between $1,100 and $1,200 in savings so some but not not a whole heck of a lot uh it yield for any questions is there a need for backfill on this I I I I would request that there would be backfill I'm not sure that I anticipate that we don't see a lot of lateral movement into the investigations unit but I I would uh request backfill if if appropriate okay commissioner Campbell thank you um do do all of the child protection workers uh require that specialized uh um forensic TR training uh yeah we like them to go to forensic interview training uh it's probably the most valuable interviewing training that as a social worker I guess that's my opinion um really oh go ahead sorry um it it's the best way to engage families um in in my opinion and gain facts the way to to balance out the need to engage and to obtain facts for when we have to to work investigations I guess it's the first time I've seen that uh detail in the job description so there's different there's different types of forensic interview training Corner House first witness different locations different training methodologies but it's forens training very good thank you basically that just assures that the evidence you need if there needs to be civil or or criminal followup is admissible and obtain correct yeah so so evidence that's obtained during a forensic interview is admissible in court in criminal proceedings as well it's designed to make it so that children and victims of maltreatment don't have to tell their story more than once yeah Mr I would move to approve the position with backfield if necessary I'll second the motion okay have motion second all in favor of the motion say I I I oppose same sign motion passes thank you Mr chair Quinn's here I might um ask there was a large um daycare facility in the community that closed yesterday and just want I know that affects some of our social services um kiddos do you want to just give a brief update about what you're doing to help mitigate and address yep uh we were informed last night that abc23 in Dilworth was closing effective immediately um my understanding they had about 40 kiddos that were receiving daycare services there that are kind of scrambling this morning uh we did have several children that are in foster care that are in our custody that utilize that daycare center as well so I Know Tiffany and Amy and Michelle supervisor of our child protection unit are scrambling with their staff today to find coverage for what that looks like um I know the uh ECI is meeting today at noon for an emergency meeting as well which I'll be a part of to see if there's other other things that we can do uh areas of support um and see if other daycare providers can if we can do things like variances to help out in this time frame or or figure out what that looks like but we're all going to come together today at noon kind of triage and see it's going to be a big hit it's a big loss for our community with all the daycare shortages already so okay thank you appreciate thank you so much next up we have James odonnell director of the West Central juvenile uh facility and he's got a request approved to accept quotes for the female transition unit uh remodel morning Mr chair members of the board yeah I'm here today to kind of move forward to get some contractors in line um I I believe you did you guys all get the the sheet okay um basically I'm looking to do it the remodel in two phases um the board um approved um e marking 200,000 of last year's revenues expenditures to do the remodel for this um we got some major I would call major but it's um small amount of Electrical Plumbing and tile work I'm working with Joe and um Brian Frederick is going to be the acting project manager for this um basically we're just doing it all inhouse um the quotes and everything we got there are in line with um uh State auditing practices so the ones in bold there um are what I'm requesting to move forward with um to get on their schedule so they can get in there as soon as detox vacates that area we can get some some of the big work we know that needs to be done done um and then see where we got to go from there but um I got a we're going to be well within budget and I'm still hoping very optimistic about um our January 1 start date so good questions for James commissioner kraban off yeah um just somewhere curious what are you expecting for numbers of people be in there how many young women in it in one time youth eight is what I'm in is what what I set the budget at but I mean I I I intend on getting it licensed for 12 right um sometimes needs go up and down and and stuff happens in youth lives where they might need to stay longer um some might be able to leave earlier um so it okay is it thank you as I follow up to commissioner kraban question the so when you license it for 12 is there um like in our jails for example we're licensed for a certain number but you can't actually get to that capacity because you have to leave room is that the case for you or are you if you have 12 can you go up to 12 I I could hit 12 um but um yeah it would be a staffing thing at that time um it's just basically the states licensing it to 12 to know that physically we can handle it and um with the Staffing plan we have could theoretically work um but eight is eight is the the golden number um but in the event that you know you have two or three youth all of a sudden practically that that need that service um we can get them in and we can adjust from there so they don't have so they have somewhere to go and just from an historical perspective now this is going to be the first time we're having this for females uh but historically since we've started this transitional housing for the male population what has been your population average count on the male side say about seven we try to hit eight um and priority comes the Clay County Youth um and then the youth that are coming out of our secure residential program um and right now we have at least five girls in our programs over there right now that would be more suited in this program so that's why I'm very um optimistic that we hit that January 1st date because we have youth that could use these Services right now so and I you know we asked those questions too for as we plan for for the future and and the potential for a a freestanding non-secure facility uh at some point in time that to incorporate that transitional both transitional housing units in that would be ideal and so it's just you know I bring up the That's I'm glad you brought up the population thing because that's important as we make our future plans and and make sure that we plan that out for the future too so yeah if this uh some of the female uh clients you currently have in in custody this would be appropriate for them yes so that would inevitably that would open up more beds and what is it the the uh it be some in both or some in are secure and some of are non-secure that yeah it it'll it'll open up so basically there there's there'll be the youth that would vacate from secure and stuff we have a waiting list in Secure for non-members that that could easily fit into those areas as soon as um these youth move out into the next program so the whole center benefits from this yes very good uh any other questions Mr I I remove the request for um the phase one remodeling project as proposed now a second have motion a second any further discussion all in favor the motion say I I oppose same sign and I I do want to comment too and I um we got Joe here I'm I'm excited to see that uh you Joe once again you're taking on another project here and it's uh I it's kind of just remarkable um what what your staff is doing uh to not only get things keep things moving but really uh benefiting every taxpayer in this County by by taking on some of these things internally it's it's really good so thank you to both in your planning of this you a motion passed hey Justin you're up yes good morning I'll let you call him you got three items this morning so the first item I have is approval to advertise for the bridge replacement project on Casa 14 so we did bid this project this spring and we didn't get any biders so this is just read vertising with a proposed letting date of November 5th and the project number is sp 014 6141 there is federal funding on this CA regular and Bridge bonding any questions I'll make a motion we approve the advertising of the bridge replace project I'm 14 second motion second all in favor say I I I oppose same sign motion passes all right and the second item I have is requesting approval to replace the Glendon Highway shop roof so as Joe has taken over in his new role it's something that we've kind of gone out and looked at all the different outline shops we have this was a project that was identified um we have rescrew the steel roof before so it is in need of replacement so we did receive three quotes and I would be looking for a motion to approve the quote from lond roofing for the metal roof replacement in Glendon yeah and just just to talk from the funding portion of it um we'd be using fund 19 and as part of our Capital approvement um plan um uh this was a 2024 plan project I think we had a an estimated uh budget of 30 ,000 so it did come in favorable to us so um that's a fun that we are planning to use it so questions any questions for Joe or Justin as we as we move into the um item number six I think there's also a plan right now if I remember my updates on this that that any upfront costs would come out of fund 19 as well is that correct are you are you confident you have I oh out of the next line item I or or which yeah next item after this yeah I I think um that one was covered out of fun balances is that right I think we were looking to utilize fund balance in the next item yeah for that okay yeah for that one I because originally I was I got I got based on some updates by committee that the suggestion would be fund 19 I think that that that would wipe out pretty much Joe's fund 19 and so we went and talked with Lori that's why I just asked the question sorry yeah yeah we we uh anticipated that we didn't have there weren't wasn't any money left in the in the resource recovery project but but Corey does have fund balance that would address that I think historically fun9 would be able to do that but uh we have a roof for planning for in 2026 at the highway that's a significant project so I historically we would have been able to use like like what we've done in the past but thank you any other questions Mr I would move to approve the quote from lond roofing for the metal roof replacement in Glendon in the amount of $13,700 we have a second I'll second the motion okay have motion a second any further comments all in favor of the motion say I I oppose same sign motion passes thank you thank you Justin we have Joe with us and Corey bang Solid Waste manager uh uh keep in mind we have an agenda addition uh we'll cover the original item and then request permission to rehire landfill oper operator due to resignation gentlemen yeah I'll I'll start off here and then Cory has any comments um just a quick history on this um we're we're asking to replace the four large overhead doors in the resource recovery center and what um just a quick history on this is through the project um we've we had these rubberized doors that uh didn't work out and um they hadn't passed warranty from day one so I think uh what we've done as we've went out and gotten quotes to replace this these four doors with just a a strong sectional type of door that um Cory's okay with and I think it's going to be a a a good change here and then um but what we're doing is we're working with um uh construction Engineers I see Ben is here today and um um Berns a Mack we're getting together to work out see if we can work out um reimbursement costs from them so um we got one quote from Twin Ci's um garage door normally you'd need two two to three quotes with this type of project but we've reached out to uh other vendors and we can't find anybody and um I know I've worked with Ben and he's had trouble as well um garage door vendors are hard to pin down right now so Twin City door is able to um get this project done mid uh November so um with that Cory any comments on your end one comment I'd like to make is we brought this to the swack committee and they wanted us to kind of push to get this done before it got cold because when those doors doors don't work in the cold it's a pretty big area to be heating with 2 26t Doors wide open so any questions yeah curious uh can you just give a brief on the warranty and kind of what that's about or yeah I think um how we going to resolve it yeah I'll try to hopefully I can get this right I I you when you have a large project like this there's typically a warranty phase with each type of product of garage doors boilers whatever you know and um usually you would sign off and uh at the end of the project saying that after a one year that everything's been working fine or whatever but we've never the garage door these garage doors have not worked since day one so and I don't and I think there's been a a huge effort between um us and construction engineers and and their subs to try to figure it out but it's been a very complicated situation so um so nothing has really been signed off so we're at a point where um there was no warranty or the warranty is uh I guess there is no warranty yeah yeah yeah so so we're looking to replace it and try to work it out through some maybe some legal matters or however if we can work this out so but they've certainly been aware of it from oh yeah yeah yep yeah we've had several meetings with um with the contracts contractors the vendors um I know um Ben and construction Engineers has called in tried to get a hold of the Reps or the Wayne dton is the actual manufacturer of this and so they've got them in here too and so um so yeah we we are still um wanting to meet and try to figure out how do we pay for this afterwards but um I know we want to get the garage door done but yeah uh warranty was never met is is basically it and and commission I mean I just add to what Joe said we have had several meetings about it I'm in support of moving forward getting this fixed there are different methods to move forward to get reimbursement that we'll work through if we can't come to a reasonable resolution there we can move things forward so yeah yeah Comm Campbell Mr Mr serving on that on that whole project from the beginning it's um uh I I think Ben would even agree that it's this has been just a real disappointing part of that project um commissioner karvov going to your question you know um the cost that we have on these on these doors is 98,000 but the original doors that we had installed with what we had hoped to have all of these highspeed uh items and all those things was $250,000 I believe it was you know so so we paid an awful lot of money for something to this day has not worked and so going to Brian's comments I think there needs to be some sort of um relief uh for us for uh not only having to pay this 98,000 but the original 250 and um you know so we will we will continue to pursue pursue that but this does uh and swack you know commissioner Mojo and I serve on swack and and um Corey is 100% correct we all believe that this needs to be done and it needs to be done now and and so it's ready for for Colder Weather so any other questions observations thank you Mr Melton good to know you know we're at we're we're competently represented in this and the County's interests will be taken care of well move to approve the door replacement project uh using Twin City Garage Door with approval of for strength and conting funds of 98,2 Mr chair I'll second that but I just I I just um I I don't know that contingency funds is the right wording because we don't have any contingency anymore I think the property would be Reserve funds fund balance yeah fund balance okay what that reaction then and I you know I reference that 5,000 in there just as um something a retrofit so in case we run into something that um we have to modify or whatever that isn't part of the original quote I i' added that little bit of money in there too so yes well you want me to well I I just if you're okay with that direction in your motion I just want to make sure he has a attitude to get the job done too yeah and I you know that meets my second too but just changing that to better word yeah okay any other questions comments all in favor of the motions say I I oppose same sign motion passes thank you thank you and Cory we do have the additional item on uh rehire of landfill operator due to resignation yes I apologize for the short notice but I met with Darren yesterday and we didn't feel that we needed to go to pick because there was really no changes to his job description for this portion of it um we did add the he has to get the new person would have to get a CDL um but Wayne our 18-year veteran of running the equipment on the on the landfill Hill has decided to move on to Becker County um he's going to move into their Planning and Zoning so I would ask that we could um advertise for his replacement with potential backfill questions we have a motion move to rehire a motion the second any further comments all in favor of the motion say I I I oose same sign thank you Cory thank you motion passes next up committee reports and I believe Mr Campbell we'll start with you all right thank you Tuesday September 24th we did have our um Eda meeting that we all serve as the board for the Eda for the county and we met with our um local counterparts had some an awful lot of fine discussions I think it's good that we brought everybody to the table and um just had an awful lot of of good comment and trying to find out what our opportunities are and and where we can best uh invest our our local dollars from um whether it be loan funds and those types of things so it was a overall a good conversation on the 25th we had our Prairie Lake Solid Waste meeting in perum uh everything is going well there I don't have a lot of new things to report uh I will I will say that they were were very uh that that facility was very fortunate in their health insurance premium increases for the upcoming year they received an increase for single policies of 1.7% and single plus one for 3.8% um I think the county would be screaming up and down if we got rates like that so um and we did have a um uh we did get an audit report that audit came through very very clean for that facility then on uh Thursday September 26th um multiple meetings they start off with the solid waste advisory committee meeting that's been talked about here um Corey had attended a deal put on by mpca regarding the future of demo landfills so we had an awful lot of discussion there's a lot of concerning uh things that are being proposed in in their r rules that they're writing for that um so we will we'll have to be monitoring that it's um that's looking like it could be a a very expensive future to have a um demolition landfill um in our County so we we'll have to be keeping a close eye on on that if we didn't have that our our landfill the life of our landfill would look completely different than it does today and and that's very unfortunate um and Corey did give a number of other uh updates including the position today that we just acted on at 1:00 on at uh that same day we had our Clay County morid Clay County Joint Powers Authority for the diversion uh we had um we did have some information regarding I think it might be the second um draft rimp loan that's uh for County land owners in Clay County and uh so they're they're in the process of working on that that's a that can be a uh real Advantage for our property owners to have that ability to go through that rimp Loan program um so there's that will be coming forward then we we did uh deal with an amended farming access issue and then we did um approve two negotiated summaries on on uh these were not land Acquisitions but they were I believe they were Flowage easement issues and we agreed to compensation on those um then at the diversion meeting later that day uh it was kind of um um work as usual we did have the colonel from the St Paul District of the core here um and they had been touring and of course um Governor bergham from North Dakota had gone on a tour with them the previous day and and saw where how the project is really moving on the one issue of concern that was of that meeting was under the consent agenda there was um clay County's 37 ftou that we had been working on extensively that deals with all of the road raises that would need to be completed um North U primarily in the Georgetown area and there was a uh request that that be taken off of consent agenda uh there was there appeared to be some opposition to um thatou being signed by the diversion Authority because of funding issues uh and I I right away so it did you know it was taken off of consent and then when it when we got to that line item um there were a couple of um board members who spoke about um not receiving Minnesota money to do these projects and I I right away um reminded them of the jpa and the language in the jpa what it says and what it says is that any money that uh on behalf of Minnesota would have to come from the state of Minnesota and and the only requirement uh which is I'm not going to when I say the only requirement it's a significant requirement but the only requirement that we have is that we will work aggressively with the state of Minnesota to obtain the funding and we have been doing that uh in these last sessions you know I believe both again we have our legislative members who have been down in St Paul actively pursuing we've had we had a joint um we had a a joint ask between the city and Morhead for the full needs to finish the project I believe last year that number was at 52 million so we we we've been following through with what our responsibilities were according to the sign jpa prior to I think both these people who were asking these questions weren't on the board at that time and um so so anyway so ultimately um what I what I did uh suggest to them is that the work that needs to be done and and I I've had several conversations with Justin on this and some of those projects it's not necessary that they be done right now and so what I did what I emphasize to the board is thatou needed to be signed but that we could put the condition on there that we would wait as long as possible to do the work on those projects um while while we continue to pursue funding because if once the work is done we we can no longer pursue the funding because the state will not go back and pay for something that's already been done and but we we also uh need to understand that that all of these projects uh everything needs to be completed and in place before the project is operational which is 2027 that it's projected to be 2027 now so this work will need to be done so ultimately then um the vice chair of the board made a motion to go ahead with the mou with the delay in construction and we agreed we agreed to that but theou is to be signed and so that's where this kind of long but it's important that that from our side of the river um and the people up in that area know that that we will not let this go and and there was there was a little bit of harping that there's no money coming from Minnesota and our our the board um board chair uh mayor Carlson also reminded them that that the state of Minnesota has already put in hundred and some million dollars towards things that are eligible for this project so that being said there was still somebody who insisted that not enough money was coming from us and then I did remind him that we do have 65,000 people in Klay County and a lot of money from these those 65,000 people are spent over in Fargo and and we're paying their Fargo and Cass County sales tax too so so we are participating in in that regard and helping pay for the project so um in in the end I the motion carried unanimously to sign theou and to um so we'll see where that we'll keep working on when those projects will be complete but they will be completed um there were several other um RightWay issues updates on core of engineers had a good update um for those who are interested they if you go to the um diversion website there's every month there's an updated um uh drone flyover of of of the project and it's really impressive it's to see what's going on so I would encourage people if you have interest in that to take a look at that and yesterday or yeah yesterday we had two meetings the first one commissioner gross and I were at the west cental region water board meeting in hallad and it was the actually the first official meeting as a board uh after um judge Rosenfeld uh did her action to put that board in place and we continue to go over the governance by who's going to I think it was um there was the chair was elected from Norman County the vice chair was Don from Clay County um the secretary was from pul County and the treasurer was me from Clay County job I really wanted was to be treasur of that deal Mr chair yes Miss commissioner Campbell now that that's an official board will there be um published minutes that are available somewhere yes and and we're we went through that process and I think there's uh there's a learning curve on behalf of some of them that that they're going to need to know that now that we are a public entity exactly what you talk about the how that's run and the minutes and um there were some of us that really insisted that we need to work on bylaws and and there was a couple that say we don't need bylaws there's some of the other and and I think ultimately I said we need bylaws and um and as a matter of fact the the water resources that we're currently the this current phase that the project we get from is from East Central water district in North Dakota and guess what they have bylaws so we have some bylaws to use to maybe as a starting point so yeah good question and and we that will be become a a standard I I think the minutes have been uh they've been taking minutes right along yeah they're available for every meeting we yeah they're they they have been because we weren't really an official deal there was no formal approval of them or anything but there are there were minutes and and somebody could still go back and get those too yes several meeting back and Mr chair commissioner moso we did post we did post this meeting uh according to open meeting laws for yesterday okay um I'm just trying to keep you all here longer joking my last meeting was yesterday afternoon we had a sub committee uh on insurance uh there were some issues that that we needed to probably talk about before we go to the full insurance committee and um one of the one of the issues that has come up is the um with the increase the higher increase of the annual premiums and the 5050 cost share that we do on those increases they're um what we've always tried to do is in our cafeteria plan uh for for all employees is that there there would always be the ability to buy all of the required pre you know policies so we require the single Health we require the single dental and and we require a life insurance policy right there in those three we require those and so it's it's I don't think this has ever been a formal policy but it's always been the intent that that the minimum cafeteria plan or the cafeteria would plan would cover the full premiums for at least one or two of the plans not necessarily we have four plans and so as of right now there's it's down to there's only one plan that that minimum cafeteria contribution would cover and it's the highest deductible which also means that for some employees the the potential risk of out of pocket is is quite high right Darren am I saying that correctly so the proposal was that we would um and it's and this is going to it's going to go out to the insurance committee this week too for their uh discussion and consideration but because of the timeline for open enrollment and these things that are coming up that Anna needs to have a decision for us by next Friday and so I'm bringing this talking about this today because it I think it's going to come before the board as a formal request next Tuesday to increase all four um because you can't you got to increase them all the same the the contribution to all four policies I think it's like by $488 something like that we get the final number um um per month uh and Lori did did the numbers excuse me I think I think the numbers turn out that that would be like 9 9,000 it's a little over $9,000 a little over $99,000 that and and and of course we want that to be eligible for uh 2025 so that'll that's going to be for you there was also some uh conversation about um the ability for um people who are at age 65 and older to opt out of coverage I think there might be a couple people on this around this table that might fit into that category and Jenny you're not one of [Laughter] them but but anyway that the whole the whole idea there would be that you know that I mean they could they could continue receiving the the cafeteria contribution but they they would have the ability to opt out and then go into buying Medicare coverage uh and all of that all of that and they you could still buy a really good coverage through Medicare that would cover all of all of the needs that our current health care provider covers and and you know it's no secret that once somebody enters the age of 65 and older that your your chances of maybe having higher claims is is more significant and then somebody who might be young like commissioner moel um so she hangs around with us yeah she she keeps us in line but anyway it's um so so that and that that's another um thing I think um the we really want the board to consider to be able to have that opt out clause and then there's a third issue in regards to um there's some married couples and I and and I don't know that we're ready to do that quite yet I I don't but uh Lori had put some information together that really shows that if we were to make some changes to allow the change and how they operate that cafeteria plan and what and what policies they choose it could be a significant savings both for the county and the employee and I and I think we're down to probably you know maybe nine couples that that might pertain to uh so I I don't know Darren if you want to add any more to that but um I think no I think you you covered it very well the U the married couples being allowed to get just one family plan instead of a single in a family plan that was the the third thing that we looked at yesterday and it would end up probably be a savings especially for those that are getting a grandfather status uh as far as the county contribution goes so we're going to look at that a little bit more um Lor's going to do a little bit more calculations on like if a married couple both of them work for Clay County and and one's grandfather one's not grandfathered or one's uh both are non-grandfathered she's going to work up some numbers on that but I think it's going to be um a savings for the count not only the county but the uh employees as well well yeah I think the numbers you know she did run the numbers on on if they're both grandfathered which we have one I think there's four of that in that category where they're both I don't have employees of the County uh and but there's four of them they're both employees of the county and it's Lor's you know determination so far that by making this change we could save $10,000 for each one I mean for each couple by making these adjustments and and it would provide them better opportunities on their part two and savings to them so uh I this has been good work on the part of Darren and Anna and I but I I know I've gone on on on this but this is a this is a big deal for for all employees and and I I think we we need to try to continue with the intent that we've always had to provide that that minimum coverage for a single policy and right it it will it will cover the 2600 plan the 2600 plan and the high deductible 6750 plan if we add that $488 per month to the um the non-grandfathered single plans or single County contribution so I think uh we're going to do a little bit more calculations on that and um Anna's going to send out a survey to the Union uh Representatives on the insurance committee uh the the the thing is we're really under the gun right now because we're just starting uh open enrollment so there may be a few calculations that have to be redone and that all has to be done before before next Friday right um not this coming Friday but the following Friday so that's why we need the vote from the union and the insurance committees and then the uh bringing that to the board on Tuesday to make some decisions so we can make all those changes um prior to next Friday and and none of these recommendations would be contrary to any bargaining and agreements we have correct correct yeah we're actually enhancing our enhan package instead of taking something anything away I was just going to say that would help our recruiting as well and and that's and that's that's ALS that was also a part of our our conversation so I think these are we some potentially some really positive things going to go on here I would go on but I'm done I assume you're done I'm done commissioner gross we have an open house at one last Su H the Eda meeting which uh I representation from Morehead Dober and barnville here and they all pretty much were in agreement that we'd like to get more representation from Minnesota side when it comes to uh dos or people coming to this area to to build um THS no Friday I think it was we had a the audit meeting to 2023 uh I don't think anybody's got copies of that yet so we can't discuss that yet I guess but uh it was a good meeting so um everything looked good on that uh yesterday the West Central water district meeting which Kevin has talked about already um we said meetings that the there will be meetings every last Monday of the month for the water district so uh um plus as Kevin said the board was sort of appointed and we plan on having a i me it's been approved by judge Jade Rosenfeld so so everything's all set for that thing to go on and I think the people uh fact I think uh pearly is really waiting for water to come down there they need it right now they don't need it next year year after they need it now so we really got to start moving on that and those are my me thank you commiss I could go on but I'm not commission kravin off your turn to go on thank you well a lot of what I went to that um has already been talked about so uh anyway I too along with the others of you uh was part of the uh EDC Eda meeting that we had last Tuesday um I think pretty much everything's been said I think the one thing that I was impressed in that conversation is the awareness that uh the you know the three Representatives that came they were to the the fact of U certain grants out there that could work for our communities uh they seem to all be lock stpp in that I think there was a conversation which uh we all agreed as uh Commissioners trying to have a deeper conversation or keep the conversation going with all of them that if there's ways we can be communicating with our uh legislators also or build more Co of voice uh for projects that these communities all need uh we maybe do that um in a most more effective way so anyway enjoyed that discussion uh that afternoon or I guess it was next day excuse me Wednesday then I had the uh monthly board meeting for the historical and Cultural Society um pretty much business as uh usual uh a couple of things just um that are going on there on Saturday there will be um at the M comps from 3: to 8 3 afternoon till 8 that evening uh um a tour of India uh people coming in you get a feel what's uh that a feeling of their culture and many thing and uh things that they um do in that part of the world uh also just reminder um that on the on the 12th there'll be a fundraiser for 5K come on down early that Saturday morning and walk or run a 5k and earn money or fund rais for the society and then also um uh the big event they're still working on which is the pania event on November 16th that normally gets around 900 people um right after that um commissioner Mojo will probably give much more detail on this I went to the open house I enjoyed going to that that was in mcst and just get in the field of the pro upcoming projects that are U uh going to be taking place I think you had a meeting the next day it's my understanding so I'll leave the rest of you but it was good for me to see uh really helps when Justin's coming forward all the times with these things to get a good view of what's going to be kind of what's to the Forefront over the next 3 four years as well as maybe 10 years out and then when you start getting out to 2030 that's starting to get a little Beyond but or was it 2030 to 2050 maybe way out there and anyway who knows may not need roads by then I don't know um let's see uh Thursday uh it was a more executive board meeting met with Quinn uh uh Michelle Carney and myself and along with Marissa for the Clay County collabortive and she's Marissa's our coordinator uh she's going to be uh indicated she wants to uh uh retire from the position so we all got together in trying to work on what a future job description was going deeper dive into what is it we really need in um a collaborative person or um uh a director so anyway long short of it we're in the development of that and be more to come we um probably have one or two more meetings on that so we may sure we're um when we're hiring this next person it's meeting the detail that we want um then on yesterday uh again U I don't think I have to repeat everything you said Kevin but uh go ahead time you were you were you were spot on and sorry if I can say it that way but and thank you for the ads that you had there and I think you know we're just I think it's so important that again you know we we um you know the the work we did on the cola the work we're doing we did on the wage study and on the side of the employees and and this is that last piece and there you know um when it comes to health insurance and the packages that's going up 9% you know while the others were three and three so it's all part of a package and and uh uh we aren who knows what it's going to be in uh in 202 six uh we'll renegotiate but I I appreciate uh the conversation I'm glad you know we keep looking at different options uh not only did be benefit to the uh uh the employees but certainly a benefit to the county where those cost savings can be so that's my report thank you commissioner Mojo thank you Mr chair I also attended the Eda meeting last week really grateful for the conversation and uh planning forward and how we can uh continue to double down on the great economic opportunities within Clay County with leveraging our shared resources uh there was a construction meeting at the Morehead Lakeland Clinic uh really excited that that is coming to the wrap up of completion they will have a ribbon cutting in the next couple of weeks I'll make sure and get that invitation to use when I receive it I attended the SWAT committee meeting as commissioner Campbell um reported on um really good Insight from that committee later that afternoon um or morning rather I attended the Metro Cog electric vehicle Readiness study certainly with the addition of um additional weight that electric vehicles are putting on our roads it's certainly will be stressing our roadways it looks at where charging stations are and what additional federal and state grant opportunities are out there there is currently a couple um sites in Clay County that are available for charging uh in Barnesville and in Morehead and I believe there's one at the Muscatel in Holly as well I also attend the MCC jpa meeting as was reported on by Commission Campbell that afternoon I also attended the Metro Cog special call meeting to approve um the Metro 2050 MTP Transportation moving forward plan there's been a lot of Citizen input on that uh that's been something that we've been working on with the long range plan since April 2023 so that did get approved and then the only other item I have is that the um heart of clay is having their annual fundraiser this evening the sweet Freedom event uh this evening at the Marriott at 7 thank you that concludes my report thank you uh I also attended the on the 24th the Clay County EDC Eda meeting it's been covered well but it is I think this is great we're going to start a quarterly uh meeting touch and base with each other and looking at a lot of the options we've got to uh benefit and what we need to do together legislatively um on Wednesday the 24th uh I also attended the Clay County 2023 audit meeting uh that will be released here to the uh commission at a at a near date but nothing nothing in there surprising on the 2 6 Thursday um I'm sorry later that day I attended a diversion authorities finance committee meeting uh again the challenges that commissioner Campbell talked about to our the Minnesota projects funding came up at that meeting as well and I think between John shley and mayor Carlson uh who were at the meeting a good job was done just indicating that 100 million was the cap for Minnesota C uh contribution when the when the mou or when the joint Powers agreement was put together up to this point um 132 or one yeah 132 million has been paid by Minnesota entities towards that but we are not claiming that we that there's no longer any funding needs there are funding needs and we need to get the state of Minnesota to meet those needs they're committed to meet those needs and it needs to be uh brought to the legislator's attention repeatedly and doing this in combination uh uh with the city of Morhead I think is advisable and hopefully will be productive but there's a lot of other flooding needs throughout the state that are detracting from our ability to deal with the legislature and get some funding towards these needs so so we are I think we're Resolute in this The Joint Powers agreement as commissioner Campbell indicated or the mou as he indicated the next day was passed unanimously uh but we've got work to do with the legislature on the remaining funding for these projects um following day I did attend the diversion Authority meeting which M Campbell did a good job of covering and on Friday the 27th I remotely attended the uh Grant advisory panel for the safe and secure courts program um we have 25 grant applications in and um we discussed uh some of the details on on evaluation of those of those uh Grant applications and that completes my report Steve uh thank you Mr chair on the 24th I participated uh in the Eda EDC meeting uh again appreciate everyone's willingness to come together and talk about uh the opportunities within Clay County that afternoon I met with sheriff ampine on a series of uh different issues on the 25th I participated in the exit interview and again once the state auditor uh signs uh signs the audit we'll we'll hand hand it out to you and we also talked about uh bringing representatives from auditor's office here to share uh the that report with the full commission uh on the 25th I had a administrator touch based group with Fargo Morehead uh City excuse me Fargo C County city of Morehead how we discussed budget Workforce challenges and also the dispatch Regional dispatch construction project on the 26th participated in the swack meeting that's been well covered uh that morning also participated in the mcit administrative uh administrative meeting uh as you recall uh one of the things that uh that we've added to Joe's responsibility as facilities manager uh is is risk management and we meet on a quarterly basis uh for our going through assessments uh staff uh staff audits uh each department has a representative that's present uh to make sure that we stay up to to date with that I appreciate the recognition uh in in response to some of the things that Joe's been doing and this risk management has just been another example uh of a of a good good work that he's done on the 26th Al also participated in a meeting with uh with the the gis Communications Department in regards to uh development of of a web page kind of through our discussion with the Eda uh of highlighting many of the good things here within the county that'll be more on that later in uh early in the next year I participated in the MCC jpa meeting in the afternoon of the 26th and also virtually attended uh the Fargo Morehead uh diversion Authority meeting uh on the 27th uh as I think was mentioned earlier we have a ribbon cutting this afternoon uh for our DMV uh and their withdrawal Management Facility we had to participate in a planning meeting thanks uh to Jackie and all the efforts of our staff uh to get that ready for today um 27th participated n high performance leadership web meeting on the 30th I participated uh in the West Central Regional water district uh meeting that's been well covered uh also yesterday met with James and Josh at the Juvenile facility in regards to non-secure non-secure programming uh DHS is going to be coming out and looking at uh the nonse secure facility later this month date to be determined but somewhere in the around the the week of the 21st participated in the insurance committee meeting yesterday that was that was well covered uh just a note tomorrow there for our Clay County residents there's going to be a a county flu shot clinic uh you are asked to make an appointment that's going to be held between 8:15 and 4:15 again please bring your insurance cards uh yes tomorrow evening the Fargo Morehead West Fargo chamber is going to be hosting a candidate form uh here in in this room uh from 5: to 6:30 uh and again uh as I mentioned the ribbon cutting today uh for for the DMV and withdrawal management just a note to our citizens uh the DMV is going to be opening October 21st uh and uh we we do not have the exact date on the withdrawal management although we did have somebody Tred to check in last week um so we want to make sure that they continue to stay at this location and just uh for the board's uh notice Darren and I will be at our association meetings from Wednesday afternoon through Friday that concludes my report thank you Mr Melton than sure Eric nope you've covered all my stuff already thanks I try and Jackie no Mr chair but very excited for open house and ribbon cutting today all right anybody you got any additional items for the good of the order if not we're adjourned --------- ##VIDEO ID:XFXPcUUn9Rg## morning I'm going to call the meeting of the Clay County Board of Commissioners to order uh for October 1st 2024 first item we have on the agenda is approval of the agenda we do have a uh agenda addition Mo appr I'll second it and motion to Second all in favor say I I Bose same sign next up Sheriff Dad we got 30 years Chad Hagen sheriff's department and uh I had a chance to work with you when I was back had a real job and you have 30 years is is quite an adorable accomplishment Sheriff tell us about it well Chad's been with the sheriff's office for 30 years so Chad we do thank you for your service um Chad started in the Patrol Division way back in the 70s I believe it was is that right I was obviously 5 years old yes yes um eventually working his way into juvenile investigations where he spent several years investigating juvenile uh crimes and he did a a great job doing that and he was promoted in 2010 to the rank of lieutenant in the support services division where he uh he oversees um warrants and transport civil process and court security and he does a very good job and that Chad also ensures that we are in compliance with all of our lexo policies to be sure that we're following postboard rules and regulations as well as state laws and that's kind of a big hurdle to do as well so we really appreciate you uh making sure that we're in compliance and it seems like every year we get a gold star rating from lexipol and uh Chad likes his gold stars and he also likes uh he also he also likes to be the center of attention so uh Chad thank you again for all your years of service we truly appreciate it uh you have a lot of institutional knowledge that uh that can't be replaced so thank you thank you chair that's quite the following there uh next uh we have citizens to be heard do we have any citizens here who wish to comment on any issue not on today's agenda Steve we got anybody on line we do not Mr chair okay Mr CH Mr chair I'd like to just take a moment to comment on the recent uh hurricane issue and Helen that Helen and the Damage that was created as somebody who represented and served in an area where there was devastating futing that that's that's really a tragic deal to watch and I just I just think that our you know our thoughts and prayer should be out for all of them and hopefully they can recover quickly so just want to bring that up one of the things that uh I'm most admired about this community when I first moved here was the 2006 flood watch this uh both sides of the river people pick up and from that they've gone forward to the diversion Authority and getting a lot of things done to address it but those first first few months were tough and looking at what's going on on the East Coast as a as a Township officer in 1997 um I had to walk into some of these homes where the inside of the homes were completely destroyed and the moms were up on the upper level just tears just not knowing what to do and it is devastating to those people and and I you know and I I agree with you I you know in both those major floods we had people from the tri-state area not only here helping but throughout the country sending um contributions and all those types of things so anybody who can do anything to help those people I think it would be uh really awesome so so true thank you next on the agenda we have approvement of of uh payment of bills and vouchers I move to approve second a motion to Second all in favor of the motion say I I oppose same sign motion passes next we have approval of minutes from September 17th 2024 move to approve the minutes second motion a second all in favor of the motion say I I I oppose sign okay uh next up wi Jager and Tiffany January up for the uh uh request approval for replacement of social worker position in the Child Protection Services Unit morning Mr chair and Commissioners um here today to request approval to replace a social worker chair eer said uh we had a resignation in our investigations and assessment unit um got a staff that's moving closer to family uh due to uh new addition in their family uh so we will have an opening in our intake assessment investigations unit uh this staff is uh pretty critical uh does those initial uh upfront face tof face assessments for safety when we have investigations around Mal treatment uh they also do child welfare assessments so they respond to things like chronic absenteeism truancy um a little bit of everything um we have unique timelines to follow in these positions uh very quick turnaround time sometimes having to see children within 24 hours or 120 hours so it is pretty vital that we get this position filled as quickly as possible to stay uh to stay in requirements for those state and federal uh responses uh we also require this position to have forensic interview training uh which is only so often so I think there's another one coming up in December if not in first quarter of 2025 so we would like to on board the person if possible to uh be ready to go in that training so uh we don't the person that was in this position hasn't been there for very long they are past their probationary period so they're on step two uh but we would ENT anticipate uh going back down to grade 18 step one so there' be some very very minor cost Savings in terms of the budget um I didn't have Darren run a wage calculator just because it's going from step two to step one but my preliminary numbers would be between $1,100 and $1,200 in savings so some but not not a whole heck of a lot uh yield for any questions is there a need for a backfill on this I I I I would request that there would be backfill I'm not sure that I anticipate that we don't see a lot of lateral movement into the investigation unit but I I would uh request backfill if if appropriate okay commissioner Campbell thank you um do do all of the child protection workers uh require that specialized uh um forensic train training uh yeah we like them to go to forensic interview training uh it's probably the most valuable interviewing training that as a social worker I guess that's my opinion um really guess oh go ahead sorry um it it's the best way to engage families um in in my opinion in gain facts the way to to balance out the need to engage and to obtain facts for when we have to work investigations I guess it's the first time I've seen that uh detail okay in the job description so there's different there's different types of forensic interview training Corner House first witness different locations different training methodologies but it's forensic interview training very good thank you basically that just assures that the evidence you need if there needs to be civil or or criminal followup is missable and obtained correctly yeah so so evidence that's obtained during a forensic interview is admissible in court in criminal proceedings as well it's designed to make it so that children and victims of maltreatment don't have to tell their story more than once Mr I would move to approve the position with backfield if necessary I'll second the motion okay have motion second all in favor of the motion say I I oppose same sign motion passes thank you Mr chair well Quinn's here I might um ask there was a large um daycare facility in the community that closed yesterday and just want I know that affects some of our social services um kiddos do you want to just give a brief update about what you're doing to help mitigate and address yep uh we were informed last night that abc23 in Dilworth was closing effective immediately um my understanding they had about 40 kiddos that were receiving daycare services there that are kind of scrambling this morning uh we did have several children that are in foster care that are in our custody that utilize that daycare center as well so I Know Tiffany and Amy and Michelle supervisor of our child protection unit are scrambling with their staff today to find coverage for what that looks like um I know the uh ECI is meeting today at noon for an emergency meeting as well which I'll be a part of to see if there's other other things that we can do uh areas of support um and see if other daycare providers can if we can do things like variances to help out in this time frame or or figure out what that looks like but we're all going to come together today at noon kind of triage and see it's going to be a big hit it's a big loss for our community with all the daycare shortages are Fe so okay thank you appreciate thank you so much next up we have James odonnell director of the West Central juvenile uh facility and he's got a request approval to accept quotes for the female transition unit uh remodel morning Mr chair members of the board yeah I'm here today to kind of move forward to get some contractors in line um I I believe you did you guys all get the the a sheet okay um basically I'm looking to do it the remodel in two phases um the board um approved um year marking 200,000 of last year's revenues over expenditures to do the remodel for this um we got some major I would call major but it's um small amount of Electrical Plumbing and tile work working with Joe and um Brian Fredericks is going to be the acting project manager for this um basically we're just doing it all inhouse um the quotes and everything we got there are in line with um uh State auditing practices so the ones in bold there um are what I'm requesting to move forward with um to get on their schedule so they can get in there as soon as detox vacates that area we can get some some of the big work we know that needs to be done done um and then see where we got to go from there but um I got we're going to be well within budget and I'm still hoping very optimistic about um our January first start date so good questions for James commissioner kraban off yeah um just somewhat curious what are you expecting for numbers uh people being in there how many young women in it in one time youth eight is what I mean is what what I set the budget at but I mean I I I intend on getting it licensed for 12 um sometimes needs go up and down and and stuff happens in youth's lives where they might need to stay longer um some might be able to leave earlier um so it okay is it thank you is a followup to commissioner grabin asked question the so when you license it for 12 is there um like in our jails for example we're licensed for a certain number but you can't actually get to that capacity because you have to leave room is that the case for you or are you if you have 12 can you go up to 12 I I could hit 12 um but um yeah it would be a staffing thing at that time um it's just basically the state's licensing it to 12 to know that physically we can handle it and um with the Staffing plan we have could theoretically work um but eight is eight is the the golden number um but in the event that you know you have two or three youth all of a sudden practically that that need that service um we can get them in and we can adjust from there so they don't have so they have somewhere to go and just from an historical perspective now this is going to be the first time we're having this for females uh but historically since we've started this transitional housing for the male population what has been your population average count on the mail side say about seven we try to hit eight um and priority comes the Clay County Youth um and then the youth that are coming out of our secure residential program um and right now we have at least five girls in our programs over there right now that would be more suited in this program so that's why I'm very um optimistic that we hit that January 1st date because we have youth that could use these Services right now so and I you know we asked those questions too for as we plan for for the future and and the potential for a a freestanding non-secure facility uh at some point in time that to incorporate that transitional both transitional housing units in that would be ideal and so it's just you know I bring up the That's I'm glad you brought up the population thing because that's important as we make our future plans and and make sure that we plan that out for the the future too so yeah if this uh some of the female uh clients you currently have in in custody this would be appropriate for them yes so that would inevitably that would open up more beds and what is it the the uh it' be some in both or some of are secure and some of them are non-secure that yeah it it'll it'll open up so basically there there's there'll be the youth that would vacate from secure and stuff we have a waiting list in Secure for non-members that that could easily fit into those areas as soon as um these youth move out into the next program so the whole center benefits from this yes very good uh any other questions Mr I I remove the request for um the phase one remodeling project as proposed now a second have motion a second any further discussion all in favor of the motion say I I oppose same sign and I I do want to comment too and I um and we got Joe here I'm I'm excited to see that uh you Joe once again you're taking on another project here and it's uh I it's kind of just remarkable um what what your staff is doing uh to not only get things keep things moving but really uh benefiting every taxpayer in this County by by taking on some of these things internally it's it's really good so thank you to both in your planning of this a motion passed hey Justin you're up yes good morning I'll let you call him you got three items this morning so the first item I have is approval to advertise for the bridge replacement project on Casa 14 so we did bid this project this spring and we didn't get any biders so this is just read vertising with a proposed letting date of November 5th and the project number is sp 014 6141 there is federal funding on this casar and Bridge bonding any questions I'll make a motion we approve the advertising of the bridge replacement project I'm 14 second motion second all in favor say I I I oppose same sign motion passes all right and the second item I have is requesting approval to replace the Glendon Highway shop roof so as as Joe has taken over in his new role it's something that we've kind of gone out and looked at all the different outline shops we have this was a project that was identified um we have rescrew the steel roof before so it is in need of replacement so we did receive three quotes and I would be looking for a motion to approve the quote from Lund roofing for the metal roof replacement in Glendon yeah and just just a talk from the funding portion of it um we'd be using fund 19 and as part of our capit approvement um plan um uh this was a 2024 plan project I think we had a an estimated uh budget of 30,000 so it did come in favorable to us so um that's a fund that we are planning to use it so questions any questions for Joe or Jus as we as we move into the um item number six I think there's also a plan right now if I remember my updates on this that that any upfront costs would come out of fund1 19 as well is that correct are you are you confident you have I oh out of the next line item I or or which yeah next item after this yeah I I think um that one was covered out of fund balances is that right I think we were looking to utilize fund balance in the next item yeah for that okay I because originally I was I got I got based on some updates by committee that the suggestion would be fun 19 I think that that that would wipe out pretty much Joe's fund 19 and so we went and talked with Lori that's why I just asked the question sorry yeah yeah we we uh anticipated that we didn't have there weren't was any money left in the in the resource recovery project but but Corey does have fund balance that would address that I think historically fund 19 would be able to do that but uh we have a roof for planning for in 2026 at the highway that's a significant project so I historically we would have been able to use like like what we've done in the past but thank you any other questions Mr I would move to approve the quote from Lun roofing for the metal r fre placement in Glendon in the amount of $13,700 we have a second I'll second the motion okay have motion a second any further comments all in favor of the motion say I I I post same sign motion passes thank you thank you Justin we have Joe with us Corey bang Solid Waste manager uh uh keep in mind we have an agenda addition uh we'll cover the original item and then request permission to rehire landfill operator due to resignation gentlemen yeah I'll I'll start off here and then Cory has any comments um just a quick history on this um we're we're asking to replace the four large overhead doors in the resource recovery center and what um just a quick history on this is through the project um we've we had these rubberized doors that uh didn't work out and um they hadn't passed warranty from day one so I think uh what we've done is is we've went out and gotten quotes to replace this these four doors with just a a strong sectional type of door that um Cory's okay with and I think it's going to be a a a good change here and then um but what we're doing is we're working with um uh construction Engineers I see Ben is here today and um um Burns a Mack we're getting together to work out see if we can work out um reimbursement costs from them so um we got one quote from Twin Ci's um garage door normally you'd need two two to three quotes with this type of project but we've reached out to uh other vendors and we can't find anybody and um I know I've worked with Ben and he's had trouble as well um garage door vendors are hard to pin down right now so twin door is able to um get this project done mid uh November so um with that Cory any comments on your end one comment I'd like to make is we brought this to the swack committee and they wanted us to kind of push to get this done before it got cold because when those do doors don't work in the cold we it's a pretty big area to be heating with two 26 foot doors wide open so any questions yeah curious uh can you just give a brief on the warranty and kind of what that's about or yeah I think um how we going to resolve it yeah I'll try to hopefully I can get this right I I you when you have a large project like this there's typically a warranty phase with each type of product of garage doors boilers whatever you know and um usually you would sign off and uh at the end of the project saying that after a one year that everything's been working fine or whatever but we've never the garage door these garage doors have not worked since day one so and I don't and I think there's been a a huge effort between um us and construction engineers and and their subs to try to figure it out but it's been a very complicated situation so um so nothing has really been signed off so we're at a point where um there was no warranty or the warranty is uh I guess there is no warranty yeah yeah yeah so so we're looking to replace it and tryy to work it out through some maybe some legal matters or however if we can work this out so but they've certainly been aware of it from oh yeah yeah yep yeah we've had several meetings with um with the contracts contractors the vendors um and I know um Ben and construction Engineers has called in tried to get a hold of the reps are the Wayne dton is the actual manufacturer of this and so they've got them in here too and so um so yeah we we are still um wanting to meet and try to figure out how do we pay for this afterwards but um right now we want to get the garage door done but yeah uh warranty was never met is is basically it and commissioner Crow may I just add to what Joe said we have had several meetings about it I'm in support of moving forward getting this fixed there are different methods to move forward to get reimbursement that we'll work through if we can't come to a reasonable resolution there are we can move things forward so yeah yeah commiss Campbell Mr Mr chair serving on that on that whole project from the beginning it's um I I think Ben would even agree that it's this has been just a real disappointing part of that project um commissioner kravinoff going to your question you know um the cost that we have on these on these doors is 98,000 but the original doors that we had installed with what we had hoped to have all of these highspeed uh items and all those things was $250,000 I believe it was you know so so we paid an awful lot of money for something to this day has not worked and so going to Brian's comments I think there needs to be some sort of um relief uh for us for uh not only having to pay this 98,000 but the original 250 and um you know so we will we will continue to pursue pursue that but this does uh and swack you know commissioner Mojo and I serve on swack and and um Corey is 100% correct we all believe that this needs to be done and it needs to be done now and so it's ready for for Colder Weather so any other questions observations thank you Mr Melton good to know you know we're add we're we're confident represented in this and the County's interests will be taken care of well I move to approve the door replacement project uh using Twin City garage door with approval of for sprinkl and contingen funds of 98250 Mr chair I'll second that but I just I I just um I I don't know that contingency funds is the right wording because we don't have any anymore I think the property would be Reserve funds F balance fund balance yeah okay what that fraction then and I you know I referenced that 5,000 in there just as um something a retrofit so in case we run into something that um we have to modify or whatever that isn't part of the original quote I i' added that little bit of money in there too so yes well you want me to well I I just if you're okay with that direction in your motion I just want to make sure he has a Latitude to get the job done too yeah and then you know that meets my second too but just changing that to better word yeah okay any other questions comments all in favor of the motion say I I I oppose same sign motion passes thank you thank you and Cory we do have the additional item on uh rehire of landfill operator due to resignation yes I I apologize for the short notice but I met with Darren yesterday and we didn't feel that we needed to go to pick because there was really no changes to his job description for this portion of it um we did add the he has to get the new person would have to get a CDL um but Wayne our 18-year veteran of running the equipment on the on the landfill Hill has decided to move on to Becker County um he's going to move into their Planning and Zoning so I would ask that we could um advertise for his replacement with potential backfill question we have a motion move to rehire he motion the second any further comments all in favor of the motion say I I I oose same sign thank you Cy thank you motion passes next up committee reports and I believe Mr Campbell we'll start with you all right thank you Tuesday September 24th we did have our um Eda meeting that we all serve as the board for the Eda for the county and we met with our um local counterparts had some an awful lot of fine discussions I think it's good that we brought everybody at the table and um just had an awful lot of of good comments and trying to find out what our opportunities are and and where we can best uh invest our our local dollars from um whether it be loone funds and those types of things so it was a overall a good conversation on the 2 5th we had our Prairie Lake Solid Waste meeting in PM uh everything is going well there I don't have a lot of new things to report uh I will I will say that they were very uh that that facility was very fortunate in their health insurance premium increases for the upcoming year they received an increase for single policies of 1.7% and single plus one for 3.8% um I think the county would be screaming up and down if we got rates like that so um and we did have a um uh we did get an audit report and that audit came through very very clean for that facility then on uh Thursday September 26th um multiple meetings they started off with the solid waste advisory committee meeting that's been talked about here um Corey had attended a deal put on by mpca regarding the future of demo landfills so we had an awful lot of discussion there's a lot of concerning uh things that are being proposed in in their rules that they're writing for that um so we will we'll have to be monitoring that it's um it's looking like it could be a a very expensive future to have a um demolition landfill in our County so we'll we'll have to be keeping a close eye on on that uh if we didn't have that our our landfill the life of our landfill would look completely different than it does today and and that's very unfortunate um and Corey did give a number of other uh updates including the position today that we just acted on at 1:00 on at uh that same day we had our Clay County morid Clay County Joint Powers Authority for the diversion uh we had um we did have some information regarding I think it might be the second um draft rimp loan that's uh for County land owners in Clay County and uh so they're they're in the process of working on that that's a that can be a real Advantage for our property owners to have have that ability to go through that rimp Loan program um so there's that will be coming forward then we we did uh deal with an amended farming access issue and then we did um approved two negotiated summaries on on uh these were not land Acquisitions but they were I believe they were Flowage easement issues and we agreed to compensation on those um then at the diversion meeting later that day uh it was kind of um work as usual we did have the colonel from the St Paul District of the core here um and they had been touring and of course um Governor berham from North Dakota had gone on a tour with them the previous day and and saw where how the project is really moving on the one issue of concern that was of that meeting was under the consent agenda there was um clay County's 37 ftou that we had been working on extensively that deals with all of the road raises that would need to be completed um North U primarily in the Georgetown area and there was a a uh request that that be taken off of consent agenda uh there was there appeared to be some opposition to um thatou being signed by the diversion Authority because of funding issues uh and I I right away so it did you know it was taken off of consent and then when it when we got to that line item um there were a couple of um board members who spoke about um not receiving Minnesota money to do these projects and I I write away um reminded them of the jpa and the language in the jpa and what it says and what it says is that any money that uh on behalf of Minnesota would have to come from the state of Minnesota and and the only requirement uh which is I'm not going to when I say the only requirement it's a significant requirement but the only requirement that we have is that we will work aggressively with the state of Minnesota to obtain the funding and we have been doing that uh in these last sessions you know I believe both again we have our legislative members who have been down in St Paul actively pursuing we've had we had a joint um we had a a joint ask between the city and Morhead for the full needs to finish the project I believe last year that number was at 52 million so we we we've been following through with what our responsibilities were according to the sign jpa prior to I think both these people who were asking these questions weren't on the board at that time and um so so anyway so ultimately um what I what I did uh suggest to them is that the work that needs to be done and and I I've had several conversations with Justin on this and some of those projects it's not necessary that they be done right now and so what I did what I emphasize to the board is thatou needed to be signed but that we could put the condition on there that we would wait as long as possible to do the work on those projects um while while we continue to pursue funding because if once the work is done we we can no long longer pursue the funding because the state will not go back and pay for something that's already been done and but we we also U need to understand that that all of these projects uh everything needs to be completed and in place before the project is operational which is 2027 that it's projected to be 2027 now so this work will need to be done so ultimately then um uh there the the vice chair of the board made a motion to go ahead with the mou with the delay in construction and we agreed we agreed to that but theou is to be signed and so that's where this kind of long but it's important that that from our side of the river um and the people up in that area know that that we will not let this go and and there was there was a little bit of harping that there's no money coming from Minnesota and our our the board um board chair uh mayor Carlson also reminded them that that the state of Minnesota has already put in aund and some million dollars towards things that are eligible for this project so that being said there was still somebody who insisted that not enough money was coming from us and then I did remind him that we do have 65,000 people in Clay County and a lot of money from these those 65,000 people are spent over over in Fargo and and we're paying their Fargo and Cass County sales tax too so so we are participating in in that regard and helping pay for the project so um in in the end the motion carried unanimously to sign the mou and um so we'll see where that we'll keep working on when those projects will be complete but they will be completed um there were several other um RightWay issues updates on Cor of Engineers had a good update um for those who are interested if you go to the um diversion website there's every month there's an updated um uh drone flyover of of of the project and it's really impressive it's to see what's going on so I would encourage people if have interest in that to take a look at that and yesterday or yeah yesterday we had two meetings the first when commissioner gross and I were at the West Center region water board meeting in Hallstead and it was the actually the first official meeting as a board uh after um judge Rosenfeld uh did her action to put that board in place and we continue to go over the governance by who's going to be I think it was um there was a chair was elected from uh Norman County the vice chair was Don from Clay County um the secretary was from Poke County and the treasurer was me from Clay County job I really wanted was to be treasur of that deal Mr chair yes M commissioner Campbell now that that's an official board will there be um published minutes that are available somewhere yes and and we're we went through that process and I think there's uh there's a learning curve on behalf of some of them that that they're going to need to know that now that we are a public entity exactly what you talk about the how how that's run and the minutes and um there were some of us that really insisted that we need to work on bylaws and and there was a couple them that says we don't need bylaws there's some of the other and and I think ultimately I said we need bylaws and and as a matter of fact the the water resources that we're currently the this current phase of the project we get from is from East Central water district in North Dakota and guess what they have bylaws so we have some bylaws to use to maybe as a starting point so yeah the good question and and we that will be become a a standard I I think the minutes have been uh they've been taking minutes right along yeah they're available for every meeting we yeah they're they they have been because we weren't really in official deal there was no formal approval of them or anything but there are there were minutes and and somebody could still go back and get those too yes several meetings back and Mr chair commissioner moo we did post we did post this meeting uh according to open meeting laws for yesterday okay okay um I'm just trying to keep you all here longer joking my last meeting was yesterday afternoon we had a subcommittee uh on insurance uh there were some issues that that we needed to probably talk about before we go to the full insurance committee and um one of the one of the issues that has come up is the um with the increase the higher increase of the annual premiums and the 5050 cost share that we do on those increases there um what we've always tried to do is on our cafeteria plan uh for for all employees is that there there would always be the ability to buy all of the required pre you know policies so we require the single Health we require the single dental and and we require a life insurance policy right there in those three we require those and and so it's it's I don't think this has ever been a formal policy but it's always been the intent that that the minimum cafeteria plan or the cafeteria would plan would cover the full premiums for at least one or two of the plans not necessarily we have four plans and so as of right now there's it's down to there's only one plan that that minimum cafeteria contribution would cover and it's the highest deductible which also means that for some employees the the potential risk of out of pocket is is quite high right Darren am I saying that correctly so the proposal was that we would um and it's and this is going to it's going to go out to the insurance committee this week too for their uh discussion and consideration but because of the timeline for open enrollment and these things that are coming up that Anna needs to have a decision for us by next Friday and so I'm bringing this talking about this today because it I think it's going to come before the board as a formal request next Tuesday to increase all four um because you can't you got to increase them all the same the the contribution to all four policies I think it's like by $488 something like that we'll get the final number um um per month uh and Lori did did the numbers excuse me I think I think the numbers would turn out that that would be like 9 9,000 it's a little over 9,000 ,000 a little over $9,000 that and and and of course we want that to be eligible for uh 2025 so that'll that's going to be coming for you there was also some uh conversation about um the ability for um people who are at age 65 and older to opt out of coverage I think there might be a couple people on this around this table that might fit into that category and Jenny you're not one of [Laughter] them but but anyway that the whole the whole idea there would be that you know that I mean they could they could continue receiving the the cafeteria contribution but they they would have the ability to opt out and then go into buying Medicare coverage uh and all of that all of that and they you could still buy a really good coverage through Medicare that would cover all of all of the needs that our current health care provider covers and and you know it's no secret that once somebody enters the age of 65 and older that you're your chances of maybe having higher claims is is more significant than than somebody who might be young like commissioner moel um so why she hangs around with us yeah she she keeps us in line but anyway it's um so so that and that that's another um thing I think um the we really want the board to consider to be able to have that opt out clause and then there's a third issue in regards to um there's some married couples and I and and I don't know that we're ready to do that quite yet I I don't but uh Lori had put some you information together that really shows that if we were to make some changes to allow the change in how they operate that cafeteria plan and what and what policies they choose it could be a significant savings both for the county and the employee and I and I think we're down to probably you know maybe nine couples that that might pertain to uh so I I don't know Darren if you want to add any more to that but um I think no I think you you covered it very well the U the married couples being allowed to get just one family plan instead of a single in a family plan that was the the third thing that we looked at yesterday and it would end up probably be a savings especially for those that are getting a grandfather status uh as far as the county contribution goes so we're going to look at that a little bit more um Lor's going to do a little bit more calculations on like if a married couple both of them work for Klay County and and one's grandfather one's not grandfathered or one's both are non-grandfathered she's going to work up some numbers on that but I think it's going to be um a savings for the count not only the county but the uh employees as well yeah I think the numbers you know she did run the numbers on on if they're both grandfathered which we have one I think there's four of that in that category where they're both I don't have my employ of the County uh and but there's four of them they're both employees of the county and it's Lor's you know determination so far that by making this change we could save $10,000 for each one I mean for each couple by making these adjustments and and it would provide them better opportunities on their part two and savings to them so uh I this has been good work on the part of Darren and Anna and I but I I know I've gone on on on this but this is a this is a big deal for for all employees and and I I think we we need to try to continue with the intent that we've always had to provide that that minimum coverage for a single policy and right it it will it will cover the 2600 plan the 2600 plan and the high deductible 6750 plan if we add that $488 per month to the um the non-grandfathered single plans or single County contribution so I think uh we're going to do a little bit more calculations on that and um Anna is going to send out a survey to the Union's uh Representatives on the insurance committee uh the the the thing is we're really under the gun right now because we're just starting uh open enrollment so there may be a few calculations that have to be redone and that all has to be done before before next Friday right um not this coming Friday but the following Friday so that's why we need the vote from the union and the insurance committees and then the uh bringing that to the board on Tuesday to make some decisions so we can make all those changes um prior to next Friday and and none of these recommendations would be contrary to any bargaining and agreements we have correct correct yeah we're actually enhancing our en pan package instead taking something anything away I was just going to say that would help our recruiting as well and and that's and that's that's Al that was also a part of our our conversation so I think these are some potentially some really positive things going to go on here I would go on but I'm done I assume you're done I'm done commissioner gross we have an open house at one last Su had the Eda meeting which uh a representation from Morhead over the barn here and they all pretty much were in agreement that we'd like to get more representation from Minnesota side when it comes to uh doings or people coming to this area to to build um THS no Friday I think it was we had a the audit meeting for 2023 uh I don't think anybody's got copies of that yet so we can't discuss that yet I guess but uh it was a good meeting so um everything looked good on that uh yes the the West Central water district meeting which Kevin has talked about already um we said meetings that the there will be meetings every last Monday of the month for the water district so uh um plus as Kevin said the board was sort of appointed and we plan on having a I mean it's been approved by judge Jade Rosenfeld so everything's all set for that thing to go on and I think the people uh in fact I think uh pearly is really waiting for water to come down there they need it right now they don't need it next year here after they need it now so we really got to start moving on that and those are my me thank you commission I could go on but I'm commiss krainov your turn to go on thank you well a lot of what I went to that um has already been talked about so uh anyway I too along with the others of you uh was part of the uh EDC Eda meeting that we had last Tuesday um I think pretty much everything's been said I think the one thing that I was impressed in that conversation is the awareness that uh the you know the three Representatives that came they were to the the fact of U certain grants out there that could work for our communities uh they seem to all be locked up in that I think there was a conversation which uh we all agreed as uh Commissioners trying to have a deeper conversation or keep the conversation going with all of them that there's ways we can be communicating with our uh legislators also or build more Coes of voice uh for projects that these communities all need uh we maybe do that um in a most more effective way so anyway enjoyed that discussion uh that afternoon or I guess it was next day excuse me Wednesday then I had the uh monthly board meeting for the historical and Cultural Society um um pretty much business as uh usual a couple of things just um that are going on there on Saturday there will be um at the mcoms from 3: to 8 3: in the afternoon till 8 that evening uh um a tour of India uh people coming in you get a feel what's uh that a feeling of their culture and many thing and uh things that they um do in that part of the world uh also just reminder um that on the on the 12th there'll be a fundraiser for 5K come on down early that Saturday morning and Walker run a 5k and earn money or fundraise for the society and then also um uh the big event they're still working on which is the a pania event on November 16th that normally gets around 900 people um right after that um commissioner Mojo will probably give much more detail on this I went to the open house I enjoyed going to that that was in mcom and just get in a feel of the pro upcoming projects that are U uh going to be taking place I think you had a meeting the next day is my understanding so I'll leave the rest of you but it was good for me to see uh really helps when Justin's coming forward all the times with these things to get a good view of what's going to be kind of what's to the Forefront over the the next 3 4 years as well as maybe 10 years out and then when you start getting out to 2030 that's starting to get a little Beyond but or was it 2030 to 2050 maybe way out there anyway who knows may not need roads by then I don't know um let's see uh Thursday uh it was a more executive board meeting met with Quinn uh uh Michelle Carney and uh myself and along with Marissa for the Clay County collaborative and she's at Marissa is our coordinator uh she's going to be uh indicated she wants to uh uh retire from the position so we all got together and trying to work on what a future job description was going deeper dive into what is it we really need in um a collaborative person or um uh a director so anyway long short of it we're in the development of that and be more to come um probably have one or two more meetings on that so we make sure we're um when we're hiring this next person it's meeting the detail that we want um then on yesterday uh again U I don't think I have to repeat everything you said Kevin but uh go ahead yeah you you you were spot on and sorry if I can say it that way but and thank you for the ads that you had there and I think you know we're just I think it's so important that again you know we we um you know the work we did on the cola the work we're doing we did on the wage study and on the side of the employees and and this is that last piece and there you know um when it comes to health insurance and the packages that's going up 9% % you know while the others were three and three so it's all part of a package and and uh uh we ar who knows what it's going to be in uh in 2026 uh we'll renegotiate but I I appreciate uh the conversation I'm glad you know we keep looking at different options uh not only to be benefit to the uh uh the employees but certainly a benefit to the county where those cost savings can be so that's my report thank you commissioner Mojo thank you Mr chair I also attended the Eda meeting last week really grateful for the conversation and uh planning forward and how we can uh continue to double down on the great economic opportunities within Clay County with leveraging our shared resources uh there was a construction meeting at the more head Lakeland Clinic uh really excited that that is coming to the wrap up of completion they will have a ribbon cutting in the next couple of weeks I'll make sure and get that invitation to you when I receive it I attended the swack committee meeting as commissioner Campbell um reported on um really good Insight from that committee later that afternoon um or morning rather I attended the Metro COG electric vehicle Readiness study certainly with the addition of um additional weight that electric vehicles are putting on our roads it certainly will be stressing our roadways it looks at where charging stations are and what additional federal and state grant opportunities are out there there's currently a couple um sites in Clay County that are available for charging uh in Barnesville and and in Morehead and I believe there's one at the Muscatel in Holly as well I also attended the MCC jpa meeting as was reported on by commissioner Campbell that afternoon I also attended the Metro Cog special call meeting to approve um the Metro 2050 MTP Transportation moving forward plan there's been a lot of citizen input on that uh that's been something that we've been working on with the long range plan since April 2023 so that did get approved and then the only other item I have is that the um heart of clay is having their annual fundraiser this evening the sweet Freedom event uh this evening at the Marriott at 7 thank you that concludes my report thank you uh I also attended the on the 24th the Clay County edca meeting it's been covered well but it is I think this is great we're going to start a quarterly uh meeting touch and base with each other and looking at a lot of the options we've got to uh benefit and what we need to do together legislatively um on Wednesday the 24th uh I also attended the Klay County 2023 off AIT meeting uh that will be released here to the uh commission at a at a near date but nothing nothing in there surprising on the 26th Thursday um I'm sorry later that day I attended a diversion authorities finance committee meeting uh again the challenges that commissioner Campbell talked about to our the Minnesota projects funding came up at that meeting as well and I think between John Shockley and mayor Carlson uh who were at the meeting a good job was done just indicating that 100 million was the cap for Minnesota C uh contribution when the when theou or when the joint Powers agreement was put together up to this point um 132 or one yeah 132 million has been paid by Minnesota entities towards that but we are not claiming that we that there's no longer any funding needs there are funding needs and we need to get the state of Minnesota to meet those needs they're committed to meet those needs and it needs to be uh brought to the legislator's attention repeatedly and doing this in combination U uh with the city of Morehead I think is advisable and hopefully will'll be productive but there's a lot of other flooding needs throughout the state that are detracting from our ability to deal with the legislature and get some funding towards these needs so we are I think we're Resolute in this The Joint Powers agreement as commissioner Campbell indicated or the mou as he indicated the next day was passed unanimously uh but we've got work to do with the legislature on the remaining funding for these projects um following day I did attend the diversion Authority meeting which Mr Campbell did a good job of covering and on Friday the 27th I remotely attended the uh Grant advisory panel for the safe and secure courts program um we have 25 grant applications in and um we discussed uh some of the details on on a Val valuation of those of those uh Grant applications and that completes my report Steve uh thank you Mr chair on 24th I participated uh in the Eda EDC meeting uh again appreciate everyone's willingness to come together and talk about uh the opportunities within Clay County that afternoon I met with sheriff ampine on a series of different issues on the 25th I participated in the exit interview and again once the state auditor uh signs signs the audit we we'll have hand it out to you and we also talked about bringing representatives from 's office here to share uh the that report with the full commission uh on the 25th I had a administrator touch base group with Fargo Morehead uh City excuse me Fargo C County City Morehead uh we discussed budget Workforce challenges uh and also the dispatch Regional dispatch construction project on the 26th participated in the swack meeting that's been well covered uh that morning also participated in the mcit administrative uh administrative meeting uh as you recall uh one of the things that uh that we've added to Joe's responsibility as a facilities manager uh is our is risk management and we meet on a quarterly basis uh for our going through assessments uh staff uh staff audits uh each department has a representative that's present uh to make sure that we stay up to to date with that I appreciate the recognition uh in in response to some of the things that Joe's been doing and this risk management has just been another example uh of a of a good good work that he's done on the 26th Al also participated uh in a meeting with uh with the gis Communications Department in regards to uh development of of a web page kind of through our discussion with the Eda uh of highlighting many of the good things here within the county that'll be more on that later in uh early in the next year I participa in the MCC jpa meeting afternoon of the 26 and also virtually attended uh the Fargo Morehead uh diversion Authority meeting uh on the 27th uh as I think was mentioned earlier we have a ribbon cutting this afternoon uh for our DMV uh and our withdrawal Management Facility we had to participate in a planning meeting thanks uh to Jackie and all the efforts of our staff uh to get that ready for today um 27th participated in N high performance leadership web meeting on the 30th I participated uh in the West Central Regional water district uh uh meeting that's been well covered uh also yesterday met with James and Josh at the Juvenile facility in regards to non secure non-secure uh programming uh DHS is going to be coming out and looking at uh the non-secure facility later this month date to be determined at somewhere in the around the week of the 21st first participated in the insurance committee meeting yesterday that was uh that was well covered uh just of note tomorrow there for our Clay County residents there's going to be a a county flu shot clinic uh you are asked to make an appointment that's going to be held between 815 and 4:15 uh again please bring your insurance cards uh yes tomorrow evening the Fargo Morehead West Fargo chamber is going to be hosting a candidate form uh here in in this room from 5: to 6:30 uh and again uh as I mentioned the ribbon cutting today for for the DMV and withdrawal management just a note to our citizens uh the DMV is going to be opening October 21st uh and uh we we do not have the exact date on the withdrawal management although we did have somebody try to check in last week um so we want to make sure that they continue to stay at this location and just uh for the board's uh notice Darren and I will be at our associ iation meetings from Wednesday afternoon through Friday that concludes my report thank you Mr Melton Eric nope you've covered all my stuff already thanks I try and Jackie no Mr chair but very excited for open house and ribbon cutting today all right anybody you got any additional items for the good of the order if not we're adjourned for