##VIDEO ID:1EP_PQOGYNs## um let's begin with a word of prayer father thank you for bringing us all safely here tonight through the weather I pray that you would um be with us during this time that we would make decisions that um are wise and in alignment with your will it's in your name we pray amen we stand for the pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation indivisible withy and Justice all right I'll Now call to order the special meeting of September 12th 2024 uh do we have any citizens joining us I don't think so so we'll skip that part um our first agenda item is to review the 2024 2025 proposed millage roll back rate calculation and the 2024 2025 tentative budget for All funds so druto the floor is yours hi good afternoon evening what yeah oh hold on no music and no dancing you notice that what was that eight seven years ago go I did that okay this afternoon we are here for the final steps in our trim approval for the 2425 school year it's going to be a simple small I mean it's going to be a simple and short presentation so if you do have questions please of course by all means just reach out okay so here we begin um the first thing I'm going to tell you uh talk about is the truth and millage calendar it's a shorter version of it and I just wanted to go over just a key key um dates that you will all recall um the July 23rd where we uh brought the tentative budget to you and that was a huge a large document that you do have and a lot of the information that's in that P that booklet is really uh condensed in the one that you have right now so if there's any questions regarding any of these please refer back to the um to the original tentative budget but as you recall you all received a document similar to this right um so that's the the first part of it the second part was really that once that was done the idea was for you to approve the advertisement of the uh budget and of course I brought the newspaper here this year we decided to go ahead and still manage uh still advertise in the newspaper and of course there you go it's in the newspaper be a model okay all right and then we had the first public hearing which was a shorter version of the tentative budget and you do have that booklet as well and here we are at the final phase of the trim um process which is where you would um approve the final um uh millage rates and um the final budget or 10 final budget for the beginning of the start of 2425 school year okay all right not enough room okay okay this of course you are familiar with this chart it represents the historical millage for the last 13 years and you can see how the millage rate has gone down significantly from um 6.23 4 um I mean I'm sorry 7.8 21 in 2012 13 to now it's 6.23 4 um so and and really uh the part that's really um impactful is the State the state militate where they set the milit rate for the school districts across the across our state uh you can notice that it's it's kind it went from 5.32 three to 2.98 3 so it's a significant drop to um to the local to our uh State millage rates all right so I'm going to continue to move on I'm just going to okay all right so here I am with the roll back rate we need to talk about it uh what is the roll back rate again it is the the value of last year's millage rates to the current Year's millage rate and using that last year's millage rate you you generate the same amount of dollars that you generated last year so with that being said you can see our roll back rate is 6.14 and we gener it would generate about 122 million 84804 as you notice it's actually almost the same as last year's collections this 122 804 804 it's you know there's rounding so I did put all those numbers together and this year we will generate uh 127 mil 7954 13 that represents 100% of our millage there is um the uh statute requires that school districts only budget up to 96% so we're not budgeting all of the millage rate and the reason for that is that there are um at the end of the year there are areas where not everyone pays their their taxes so therefore there's uh taking into consideration the the chance that we may not generate all of it so we want to make sure our budget is within what we can afford okay okay did that change yes okay so in summary Pro proposed Mage Levy for the 2425 school year required local effort is 2986 it would generate 61 mil 17147 our basic discretionary 748 is all has always been the same uh millage it's going to generate 15 million 323 491 Capital outlay 1 and a half mil is going to generate about 30 million 728 925 our additional voted millage 1.0 the 1 mil will generate 20, 485 950 that gives us a total millage of 6.23 4 and and it will generate 127 million 79413 okay all right so I did say to you all that the uh millage rate did go down right and you want to know well why did I'm sure you all received your tax bill this year and um it did not stay the same or it was not reduced right or maybe it was I believe um what does that mean why did your tax go up or increase if it did I'm not sure I'm not in you know I I know mine did when I got my bill so anyway so with that being said scenario one represents if your property value stayed the same if it stayed the same at the $280,000 home and we appli the millage rate um it would be a difference of 2.65 you would actually have a decrease in your taxes for in about in the amount of $43.35 so taking looking at this um scenario and then we'll go to the next scenario okay assume now that you uh your property did increase by two uh by um $884 right you you apply the current millage rate as opposed to last year's millage rate and you can see you have an increase of $91 I apologize for that the line shouldn't be there but on your your presentation you should be able to see it a little clearly but you'll have an increase of $9 1 cent So based on your property value your annual tax would increase and depending on that change in the value that is the value once you apply the millage rate that is the difference from what you paid last year to what you will pay this year okay all right so this slide just represents our property values for the last several years just wanted to let you know as you can see our property values kept going up so it it wasn't that our our the millage rates went down but property values went up so that's why you see the the huge um change especially in 2223 where it went from 2122 6.46 to the 15% that was a huge increase in our property values and then it continued but then of course from last year to this year it actually dropped from the 1583 to 6.83 but it was still an increase okay okay again our total budget we'll get into our budget now so our total budget is for 2425 is 683 mil 55587 um and you can see here the differences in the different uh funds that we do operate under we have the general operating fund which is the largest fund it's 453 8933 74 that fund represents everything that we do if another fund cannot take care of it guess what general fund picks up all the all the cost of it uh you have your special Revenue fund and that's about 75 milon 539 887 special Revenue includes our food service program it also includes all our special Revenue programs like Title One title two those types of special um um uh grants and projects and then you have this year there's a slight change in our original budget that I presented to you and to this budget and you'll see that big difference in the summary as we get closer to the end of the uh presentation um one of uh our gasby rules requires us now to report on the internal accounts that is at the schools we now have to represent it in our financial statements from a Schoolboard perspective so therefore that value came in to me at after we presented the um the tentative budget so I I am now presenting it to you so our debt service of course you know we went out for that last um cops issue and um it is actually less even from last year which was a good deal that we did you know the refinancing and of course the additional funding to expand our Junior highs uh it's 6995 one65 um our Capital project fund is 47,1 12744 now that includes um our um sales tax funds and our lcif and any other C andd uh funds that we do get in okay so our total budget is 683 555 870 all right uh the next couple of slides are just really um visuals of um our different revenues and expenditures so this is our general fund Revenue the uh what I'd like to show you there is that um as I stated in our original tentative budget in order for us to to participate in the ffp we've got to generate the required local effort funds so you can see that the state funding is a larger percentage of our total budget so in order for us to generate that those funds we've got to to um set the millage of what we are doing tonight to finalize the millage the local millage okay now this is our um general fund Appropriations and you can um you're familiar with this slide where it represents the different areas that we do spend our general fund dollars and you can see that the percentage the highest percentage is actually where uh we are focusing on our direct instructions so direct instructions is the higher amount of course there's are the second highest is really you can see is the instructional support and um and those are the areas that fall under the instructional support you've got direct support and you've got school support okay now we're getting into the general re uh special Revenue fund um okay uh special Revenue represents the federal funds as I said earlier and um it it it it is comprised of not only food service but we have grants and projects and I did give you all an example of what those project it's the Essa Grant and as you all know this is the last year of esog Grant it will cease to exist in September 30th of 2024 um which is great because now we have uh we will now now get into reporting and then hopefully by September of 2025 we won't hear of it so all right anyway it was good um anyway um and I gave you examples of the esog grand the title one title two title three Ida and the initial representa uh booklet tentative budget does have the individual grants and the values now keep in mind throughout the school year I do bring you budget amendments that represents any sort of changes that happen within all of these funds most especially with the federal funds because a lot of these funds right now in federal we are now we are still awaiting approval letters from the state we needed to apply and then they will send us the award notification and that's when we um recognize it in our budget all right so um and of of course another uh feature that I need to tell you about the special Revenue funds is that we we cannot maintain a fund balance this is just the 400 420 and the Essa funds but you do see there is a fund balance there that fund balance represents our food service and also our internal accounts what what what I should have also said to to you all is that because gby requires us to rep rep um record the internal accounts on our financial statements as well as our budget um we the decision between amongst Finance officers across the state because this was something new from gby uh we decided that we will account for it in our fund 400 420 so it's actually 490 what uh it's actually in federal funds so that is where you will see the internal accounts and that's what that fund balance represents as well okay okay now we're in debt service Debt Service is simple like I said we had a total budget of 6995 one65 with the proposed ending balance of 500 a half a million dollars These funds are support here to uh pay for our annual payment of our outstanding bond for clay and um one of the things you'll see of course even though it's 6995 keep in mind the revenue that that we uh utilize to support our uh bonds is a transfer from capital outlay from the LCI or the sales tax or the um um the sales tax yes those two so okay Capital Revenue as you can see here this is the total revenue the majority of those funds are coming from LC local funds you can see the big pie chart there where it shows 96% is coming from the um the local dollars and the rest of it is coming from the state that 4% is our Co and DS funds that the state holds for us and they provide us with some funds also from there uh it represents the charter school distribution of um capital funds so and you can see how we're spending those funds and the categories are on the right so and again it this is all described in the tentative budget to more detail okay all right this is that advertisement that was in the newspaper what I tried to do here is show you a com not a comparison but update the budget from when we actually advertised it to what it looks like right now so you can see that all of the funds actually went up you know it would there were increases and those increases I'll go over in in a few minutes but you can see um the original budget was about 660 million that includes all funds and then now it is 683 million 55 5870 but that includes our fund balance so keep that in mind as well okay so here you go this is the differences of what happened from our tentative budget to our final budget that I'm presenting to you now um so let's talk about the general fund um you can see the initial budget was about 452 519 486 and it went to 453 893 374 there was a slight increase and you can see right under there it tells you what those increases are what it represents if you'd like a detailed version of this of course by all means please call me I'll be happy to go into detail um about it but it a lot of it was dependent on our final fund balance where did we end up last year we were still paying bills we were still trying to close our financial our school year so when I did the tentative it was just an estimate and then now we have finally closed our books and this is the result of um the the end of our closing so um we had incumbrances we had Revenue adjustments remember I told you in September 17th no 19th the not September August I'm sorry August 19th the um State Pro releases the the final millage the certified millage so a lot of those things were adjusted and and and um and that's what happened and of course you've got roll forward any of our grants our projects that we needed to roll forward once we paid all the bills that's when we knew exactly what our final numbers were so our special Revenue as I indicated you noticed it went from 52 million 711 825 to now 75 million 539 887 the reason for that huge increase is because we ended up adding the internal accounts the internal Accounts at all the schools this is combined from every one of the schools this is the pot of money that is sitting at those schools it's about $1 13.5 million so it's you know so that's why the change um and the increase our debt service of course you can see it went from 6996 246 to 6995 165 not a huge difference but at least this is a little savings for us so and of course our capital projects it's 148 661 165 and it did go down slightly but that is because we were trying to close out the end of the year there were incumbrances there were different things and like I said before as we go through this year this budget will definitely increase we um and hopefully with our counts it will also increase October and February is going to be great months so you can see our tentative budget started off at 66888 722 there was an increase overall of 22 million 66748 and leaving us with a starting final budget for 2425 of 683 555 870 okay and finally I think it's our final yes I no it's not but um the the um our fund balance for our general fund I know that's the most important because if any emergencies happen or if there's any critical situations that we have to rely on some additional funds that's not budget uh that's not set aside for specifics we have a uh we ended right now but it's un audited uh we ended our fund balance at about 4.72 it's a little increase from what I actually projected for last year when I did the same presentation so it's it's a good sign we're going in the right direction and of course I am shooting for the stars for a 5% for next year ending June 30th 2025 but we shall see okay now we are at the final final stages of all of this so what's next next we are going to open of course the board will open and close the floor for the public hearing once that's done I I'm I'm hoping that you all will adopt the final millage and approve the final budget there are several documents that we need signatures and approvals on approval of the final resolution which is determining the re revenues and the millage that we are levying and we are going to approve the final resolution for adopting our final budget and then we I me once this is all done I will certify it with our um Department of Revenue I will notify the tax assessment office and I will transmit the final documents that the Department of Education requires and with that I will end my presentation oh and by the way you all do have a copy of the ESC 139 if you're wondering what that is that is the transmission that I send to the Department of Education which I have already done and have accepted it so I just wanted you know to let you all know thank you Dr Lego any questions all right thank you so much thank you um so we'll also go ahead and have our presentation from U Miss Bryce Ellis on our um educational facilities plan and that way we can just vote oh sorry Mr Lance Addison will be [Laughter] presenting good evening uh superintendent board members can you hear me board members good evening you're going to miss Skipper I got you miss Skipper I got you final efp this is uh what changes between final I mean between tentative and final so we'll go over those uh few little changes okay so what changed from from uh tentative to final um we're going to go over a couple of things I'll show you a couple of tables table 31.2 in the efp and our highlighted changes our carryover projects some were completed so um those are carryovers from the from the previous year and project um budget increases and or adjustments and our added projects and we added a few projects for um CTE grants if you look down at the bottom on the 2024 2025 at CTE Grant th that is the only change to um to our income so that is um that's it that's all we've changed these are are our obligations um I I don't believe anything has changed in our obligations but we wanted to go ahead and put that up there so you see what we're spending our money on what projects did we add for femon Island High School we added a lab for nursing for this year from CTE Fleming Island High School Building Trades the new building from CTE we talked to Miss pul and she uh agreed to fund all of this um middleberg high school early childhood education playground Orange Park High School a manufacturing technology upgrade and rid viw High School Health Sciences renovation of their rooms so miss P um we got together and we went through her priorities and she provided the funding and we're going to get get moving on all of this shall I drop Mike Miss Skipper do we have any questions no that's all do we have any questions thank you Mr Addison appreciate it all right so uh now yeah I love PowerPoints like that to the point I just heard her say she loves PowerPoints that's all I heard all right so the next item on our agenda is to open the public hearing for comments on the 2024 2025 budget in millages um I'll now open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak can approach the podium seeing none I'll close the public hearing and bring it back to the board um let's start with the first motion um and that is to adopt the 2024 2025 required local effort millage Levy I move that the Clay County School Board adopt the 2024 2025 final proposed required local effort millage Levy of 2.98 n0 with a proposed amount to be raised of 61 million 171,172 n86 in a prior period adjustment millage of 0.003 I have a second a motion from Miss Bola and a second from Miss Kipper any discussion all in favor please say I I I any opposed motion carries 40 and I forgot to State earlier for the record that U Miss Hansen is not with us tonight uh now entertain a motion to adopt the 2024 2025 base discretionary operating millage lby um sorry go ahead Miss Bonnie are you doing are you clicking for us okay sorry okay I won't worry about that then okay um I'm move a motion that the Clay County School Board adopt the 2024 2025 final proposed based dis discretionary millage of 748 with a proposed amount to be raised of 15 milon [Music] 323,000 I will now entertain a motion to adopt the 2024 2025 local capital Capital Improvement fund millage Levy I move that the Clay County School Board adopt the 2024 2025 final proposed Capital outlay millage of 1.5 with a proposed amount to be raised of 3,728 n25 a motion from Miss Clark do I have a second I'll second that second from Miss Bola any discussion all in favor please say I I any opposed motion carries 4 Z I'll now entertain a motion to adopt the 2024 2025 additional voted operating millage Levy I move that the Clay County School Board adopt the 2024 2025 final proposed voted millage of 1.0 with a proposed amount to be raised of 20, 485,577 Miss Bola second from Miss Skipper any discussion all in favor please say I I any opposed motion carries 4 Z I'll now entertain a motion to adopt the 2024 2025 total millage Levy I move that the Clay County School Board adopt the 2024 2025 final proposed total millage that will equal 6 6234 with a total amount to be raised of 127 m79 4113 the total millage rate to be levied is more than the roll back rate by 1.54% do you have a second I'll second motion from Miss Skipper second from Miss Clark any discussion all in favor please say I I I any opposed motion carries 40 I'll now entertain a motion to adopt the budget for All funds for 2024 2025 I move that the Clay County School Board adopt the final budget for the 2024 2025 school year as follows General operating in amount of 453 mil8 19337 special Revenue budget in the amount of 75,500 187 Debt Service budget in the amount of 6,995 165 capital outlay budget in the amount of 147 m127 27,44 for a total final budget of 683 million 555,000 I'll now entertain a motion on the resolution 25-4 the Florida Department of Education resolution determining revenues and millages levied I move that the Clay County School Board approve resolution number 25-4 determining the 2024 2025 final revenues and millages levied for fiscal year 2024 2025 a motion from Miss Bola do I have a second I second second from Miss Skipper any discussion all in favor please say I I any opposed motion carries 4 Z I'll now entertain a motion on the resolution 25-5 adopting the 2024 2025 final budget I move that the Clay County School Board approve uh number 25-5 adopting the final 2024 2025 budget have a motion from Miss Skipper do I have a second I second second from Miss Clark any discussion all in favor please say I I I any opposed motion carries 4 Z the next item on our agenda is the final final 2024 2025 through 2028 2029 educational facilities plan do I have a motion I move approval Miss baa moves approval do I have a second I'll second second from Miss Clark any discussion all in favor say I I any opposed motion carries 4 Z moving right along item number 12 Lakeside Elementary School kitchen renovation contract award do I have a motion I move approval motion for approval from Miss baa do I have a second second second from Miss Skipper any discussion all in favor say I I any opposed motion carries 4 Z all right presentations from the audience we have none superintendent comments Mr Broski no all right School Board attorney comments Mr blocker all right anything from the board all right I think we made history I'm saying that was quick this meeting is atted we should have said Well Done Dr