##VIDEO ID:2PBuX3DHgFg## if we want 15 people to come and or 15 people want to come and talk about one item but we don't need to be timing at the STA you know we're still we're still there we're going to listen and hopefully have a comment section as well I think the only hurdle to overcome with that would be um that we have to have minutes for it so I think the video portion is part of how we meet that requirement so that I don't think the other counties do that though so maybe we need to check with our attorney and see what is required okay but apparently I know Pasco County is not doing that instance so I we've had this discussion before I think but when you move the general comments to the end one you're right about it if you have a whole bunch of General comments about one thing that's not related to the agenda as a work item then they move it to the end so if 20 people wanted to talk about that one thing it's at the end and the rest of the folks who came to watch the business can get up they they briefly pause in other districts and before General comment to allow people to leave um who came and secondly I have had this conversation with Mr blocker that many districts do turn off the camera at the end um it's not against the law to turn off the camera for General comment and I I specifically asked him that because when I watch other school boards and I write down the order they do things I had a question about that now I think at one time because my files are running right now miss Gil I think you were concerned about do you have to gabble and end the regular meeting right right well that's what I mean about the minutes as long as we're in session and you know the five of us are responding to public comment or discussing public comment then we we have to be in session and when we're in session and we're conducting business there has to be minutes um which I mean Miss onora takes care of those us but if you're talking about sending staff home I don't know how you're going to meet the minutes requir can we get legal opinion for this discussion right so I mean when you're talking about doing minutes um I guess are are you asking if all staff would go home or would be a portion of the staff that has would not need to stay basically but I guess we need to find out if the other counties are gabbling the end of the meeting you know right would thinkes would be necessary but just that so you talking about closing the meeting before General oh well then we couldn't discuss and at that point that would be fine to be like an informal Town Hall yeah okay so which way would we want to handle it what and and that's completely up to the board on which which way you would want to handle it um either way is either way is fine but you know it depends on if there wants to be discussion or not a public meeting setting with the board so do you guys want to discuss public comment or do you want to just let the public State whatever they want to State and if that's the case then we don't have to be like you can end the meeting and then we can just listen to whatever maybe that would be best as we do now and I from I think legal has advised us before we're not required to listen to General comment if you want to just have comment public comment must be related to the agenda you can do that I would I would cautious that and I would be very I would personally disagree with that just for the simple fact that um I feel like people should be able to come and speak their opinion um on any issue I don't want to take away their First Amendment right on on that um and I don't either no I I know what you I didn't take it that way I just meant that that if that is an idea that we run with that we be very cautious on that because well you may run into that argument anyway because you're ending the meeting so you're not allowing them to participate in the meeting do we T we don't typically give any comment after General comments right typically typically we don't but it has been is there a reason that we don't well when we talked about it before I feel like I remember conversation where board members were frustrated with not being able to respond to public comment so you if we're not in session we can't respond so that I mean you're limiting yourself that way because there might be an opportunity like Miss gilhus has said I know that there has been conversation that we have wanted to respond and we've been frustrated because we can't respond or we thought we couldn't respond or whatever the so I I don't want also to take away that opportunity from you as a board member to be able to express your thoughts and yourself um during those comments if you do decide you want to speak back but I think if we're off camera at that point and we do want to comment that gives us time to research and come back at the next meeting and then we can discuss whatever the issue was yes you can do that I mean you can do that too but I'm just thinking about those who would possibly want to comment ever not saying they would I'm just saying if if we are not taking minutes then um you lose that opportunity I mean that's fine if you want to turn the camera off and we continue our minutes so that we can still have discussion so I guess that's what we need to figure out which way do you guys want to do it do you want to not be able to say anything or do you want to still have that freedom to yeah my my suggestion would be that we in the meeting turn off the cameras let them speak if we want to then comment at the next meeting about something that came up that that needs attention then we can certainly do so but that would be the way I would want to handle it I think that's wise I think that gives time for everybody to talk to the right folks that need to be included in that conversation and sometimes things can be handled um because a lot of times we get people who come up who've got an issue with a bus or something with a teacher or a situation at school and Mr bosy will usually put them in touch with a staff member he'll handle it himself um and I think that's a way to protect the privacy of the children involved and um I think that's reasonable well I know I personally responded during the media book crisis we were having I personally did respond in our defense uh several times because that was the right place um and the right time to respond to make sure that people knew we had done more than other districts probably in the entire nation and on the superintendent's behalf sometimes he does respond to blatant um misconceptions in his superintendent comments so if we moved it to the end that would also take from his correction of I just now just thought of this because often times a superintendent does address some of the things that have been said so I I I'm fine whatever you guys want to do I personally prefer it be like like we have it now um just for the reason that it gives everybody the opportunity to discuss and move on and we end our meeting with board comment so it gives you the opportunity to can you adjust the agenda I don't know I've never been so for instance if you get 30 cards that say these 30 people want to talk about this item can you adjust the agenda and I'm only asking because I really don't know to to move an item to the end with B board consensus you can we've done that M you mean at the very end of the meeting after Bo well like if you did get 22 General comments on whatever I will caution you if that many people show up to speak about something they're usually not happy right so if you then treat them differently than every time you've treated public comment in the past you're setting yourself up for a difficult situation well man then I guess it's if you wanted to keep it the same order many districts reduce from 3 minutes to 2 minutes so that it wouldn't be an hour and a half of the same thing it would be an hour we have had probably a handful of times where it wasn't negative either it was just a bunch of people talking about something they were passionate about but again you can't treat one speaker different than you treat another speaker that that's where you get into some really um and correct me if I'm wrong but I think that's where you get into some legal issues is when you you start well you want to talk about this and so does this person so you only get two minutes but you want to talk about something different so you can have three like then you're not applying the rule the same way to everybody and people can then accuse you of discrimination we already do that though we do move all the general comments to a different time I but we give them the same amount of time yeah so I don't know there's positives and negatives to both so I just thought we could try it for a little bit and see Mr Al what are your thought uh I think we should give everybody the same amount of time not restricting time to somebody giving more time to the other person and also give how I would to keep it way it is you to keep it the way is that yeah the way that we have it now okay I I've personally um I don't want to lower time I'm I'm very big on people being able to express themselves um good and bad uh and I also believe that um we as board members should be able to respond so I don't um not saying that we would but I don't want to take that away from us as board members if there is something that maybe we're or maybe that is absolutely inacurate or you know whatever the case may be us being elected officials um and we represent the people not only in our district but this County sometimes they are expecting us to speak up and to to say things and I don't want to put us in a box um so I I don't I'm not I don't I'm indifferent on how we do it whether we leave it the same or we turn the camera off but I do not want to take away the opportunity for us as board members to be able to respond if may be should we think of well I I I think we all understand that we're a position as elected officials listening to the citizens absolutely um but I think we're not eliminating right now we're commenting at the very end and most of those people have left many of those people have left after they've gotten up and and spoken and they don't even get to hear our comments so I think if we turn off the cameras listen however long however many and then we can prepare and come back at the next whether it's the workshop or the next Schoolboard meeting and and comment on those things that need to be commented on then they're getting a chance to hear us and hopefully you know it's it's during the meeting do we know the legalities of what people when they shut the cameras off that's all I know is they they move the general comments and shut the cameras off do do we know what they're doing during that time are they having discussion do board members talk to people there's no video unless you went to their meeting you wouldn't know which you may get some public complaint about that um but it would be I mean when you consider our board meetings it's usually the same people who attend um so I don't know how much push back we really get but I I think maybe some Middle Ground might be to go ahead and move it to the end of the meeting and turn the cameras off but stay in session and that way we can respond if need be and then if we want to eventually decide to not be in session down the road we could make that call then but maybe try the different order first you're the only one that's Alo and Miss Gil how are finally leaving it the same but then having I'm really when we leave it the same it gives a superintendent an opportunity he knows a lot about the inner workings and goings on so if someone were to say something completely inaccurate he has an opportunity to respond on things I would never have responded on anyway so you guys I I'm I'm okay I just want to make sure that everyone has an opportunity to respond that would include the superintendent if we did it at the end I don't know how that would work um or if someone gets up in a general comment right now and says something can board members say I want to talk to this person like can we do that you can but I would again just be careful about that because if you treat members of the public differently in public during a meeting you may get into so we're saying if we don't like if I don't this is just something I'm very confused on because it seems like if someone's making a general comment and we respond that would be fine you don't have to respond to every single General comment it's just like someone was directly talking about a policy I wrote and I wanted to respond to somebody that's not preferential treatment that's that's having a conversation right no I don't and I don't disagree with that but I also think part of our board rule expectations that we put on the slide every meeting is that we won't we won't address individual members and we should not be addressed individually as board members that we're addressed as a whole board we don't allow the public to call out our employees by name or you know get up there and berate one board member or berate the superintendent or and and vice versa we out we show the same respect by we don't we're not going to call out an audience member Madam chair well one of one of the challenges a parent comes forward and says something happened to their child at school and we want to comment on that there are legal implications to that because we're dealing with potentially employee discipline related to that incident the bo board at that time acts in a quasy Judicial fashion so if the board is hearing information prior in other words you act as a as a uh pseudo judge in that that's why one of the reasons why we don't comment what we try to lack comment sometimes it's just a Facebook rumor that you know I try to dispel in in um in superintendent update portion of the meeting and that's the reason why because you guys will eventually hear a student discipline issue uh at a hearing or you'll hear a teacher discipline issue at a hearing also so a lot of times those volatile three minute comments are of that nature that's why we don't respond typically to that I think that's understandable and and I know that there's sometimes like you said for example the the um policy book policy when you put so much time and effort into it um and you respond in a general form um general statement that something's not accurate or whatever I just personally I don't want to give away that opportunity for board members that's your right as a board member to be able to to respond if need be not every time obviously but um I just don't want to give away that right so um I think we're not giving it away though I think we're just moving it but to the next meeting right but you've got the same scenario now where we don't comment until at the very end if we decide to comment you can you can comment so like if somebody gets up and speaks I can say Madam chair I would like I'm saying it's no different than what we do now we could change it yes but it's no different than what we're doing now because we're not doing it directly after they speak which is a good thing um but we could that's the point that's what I'm saying is I don't want to take that away so if we do decide to do it right after someone speaks um you still have that opportunity and you still have the opportunity in board comments to to address them if need be as a whole um whereas if you turn the cameras off and you send everybody home and we don't take um uh what is it minutes minutes minutes you don't take minutes then you don't have that opportunity and sometimes things I do believe um not always but like with Mr brosi addressing things some things can be um addressed then and there and they not escalate to what could be you know what I mean like they can they can be handled and fixed then um Skipper is there a way that we could table it and and I'm not I'm not a noer yeah table to keep it the way things are right now and give me an opportunity to find out what it is people do when they shut their cameras off because I feel like I'm just missing out on the legalities and the procedures that they use might help me understand it better so why don't we do it for January's Workshop we'll bring this discussion back up if that's okay with everybody else and um we can do additional research on it we can um talk to other districts like missen said to figure out what they do what they actually do um making sure that it's legal um and then go from there if you guys want to make a a little change in the meantime like I said we could just do what Miss Clark is asking by shutting the cameras off moving it to the end of the meeting shutting cameras off but everybody stays Mr Anora can keep our note our our minutes so that that's done we're just we just don't have the video portion for General comment and that way we're in session if you want to respond you can but it kind of takes away the platform a little bit um I mean I'm fine with that I like I said I'm fine with it as long as it doesn't take away our opportunity as board members so whether as long as we stay in session right I'm like I said I'm indifferent on where you move it um but I I just want the opportunity for us as board members to be able to address them or and or the superintendent how do you feel about that Miss Clark would that be no I think that's acceptable to stay in session and turn the cameras off yeah I there's so many different options and I was going to suggest tbling it but I I like that idea I mean and it's not hard and fast I mean it's an agenda it can be changed yeah and I think that's why the other counties are doing it that way so is that are you guys comfortable with that if we move it to the end meeting but stay in session turn the cameras off and keep minutes that can I say one quick thing yes our staff would never leave just for if if that would help understand like whether we would leave or not leave our staff would never leave during a public comment because we take those super seriously so whether the camera's running or not everyone's in the room until the board meeting is fully over and you all so just for clarity because I'm getting this wrong I me now so for the December 12th meeting we're going to move uh public comment that's not on agenda item just regular public comment to the very end of the meeting we're going to turn the camera off when when that section occurs but we're still gabled in and the meeting hasn't ended until after that that's what I heard is that correct correct everybody good yes okay thanks for bringing that all together was good good synopsis the options at the beginning stay G or not stay G early Christmas thank you and thank you foring that staff would not leave but at the same time you know time is valuable you need to thank you and one of the things we said for this particular Workshop was that we were going to have a a briefer than normal Workshop because people are traveling to um to uh Tampa for the conference and all that kind of stuff so we do a very limited number of things on this particular agenda one of those was an update on AP which to remind you one that should be working get my little the all right yes I will be brief just to give you guys a quick little update of where we are on app all right so as a quick reminder of our Timeline review we had our board workshop on August 24th where AP was presented we had Jen from AP come and present and do a demo as well um the board voted on September 5th for approval so we have started building out the websites we are here right now um our goal is to launch the new websites in the app in January of 2025 which is if it is three weeks away in our world with holiday break train our staff in rooms in the summer of 2025 and then launch rooms for parents and Guardians next year and rooms is the two-way communication so what we have done so far with our completed our initial designs this includes legal I've worked um with Mr Steins as well with our legal agreement for our trademark and our app naming and stores because obviously we're working with a lot of branding when you talk 43 schools in our district logo and so we have started tweaking the old Des into the new design which you do have um also in your packet as well so this is kind of like a beta site so I can't bring it up live and then that includes refreshing our digital pres presents for all of our school website so old design we used Fleming Island Elementary and we're also working with Fleming Island High School to of both Elementary and secondary with their team at ay and the new design so something that's great is making sure that we're ADA Compliant um we're making sure everything visually is fresh everything is userfriendly for a parent thinking like if I was a parent going to a website what is the most important information I need right there on the homepage so our next steps and timeline are immediate um for December what we will be working on in the next three weeks our communication Cadre which also includes Ethan's team for it we have been working diligently weekly multiple times weekly with AP on meetings right now they're doing the site migration of everything from our old site to our new site and we have Linda and Sabrina really trying to help make sure that everything's kind of migrating that needs to migrate first um we are going to be draining as a codre on the back end of thrill share we've done some training through our alerts which would be how to like send out the um messages to the apps both in English and Spanish receiving those but then we'll start our major training with them on the back end next week the superintendent teacher advisory committee is going to provide stakeholder feedback this month they're going to look at some of the the beta sites to see kind of what they would say as a teacher and a lot of those are parents as well on our committee looking at it and then we're beginning the marketing to families um and our staff as well through our clay connection starting this Friday about the change that's going to be coming so when they log on to my1 clay.net in January it's going to look a little different and that it's a new year and a new look for us and um to go ahead and start downloading that so we're going to um Market that starting this month and then when we have our um immediate needs for January our tentative launch of flip in the switch would be January 6th and I say that tentatively because we know we're working also around holiday schedules and there's a lot of multiple people um um on the back end building this out we're going to continue to market for parents and Guardians to download the new app to stay connected um with their main district and their child School we're doing a high level introduction and training of app tog websites in the app for our principles and assistant principles that's going to occur on January 22nd 23rd and 24th and then we're going to plan for our staff admin pages and begin training separately with them so our team will also work with um Dr Shepard's team and making sure that we are getting professional development we'll be working on even ones that we record that we call backpack so people could log on and watch and do training at their own pace so our spring timeline is going to be continuing to train staff on the usage of thrill share which is the back end of apy we're going to build the initial um build out of rooms which is the two-way communication so that's when parents would be able to receive um text messages back and forth we're going to develop the best practice guideline and we'll be um working with Miss Kidwell on that as well to make sure that we have some parameters um so we don't have people you know sending out text message messages at 9:00 p.m. at night like you know get some office hours and just best practices of how to communicate with this platform and then we're going to continue to refine the web pages as needed then we are going to have oh our summer um yep summer training is going to happen as well this summer so that will will be making sure that um the little section right here where people click over to rooms and teachers will have that option on their desktop as well that they know how to communicate and that they know how to use um thrill share as well because they'll be able to put classroom announcements in there field trip information all of that so we'll make sure that is part of all of our teacher training so I know it was high level quick little five minutes but I feel like I feel like we're just living in apy right now any any questions let me just say this is you ever try to get 40,000 people to do something uh all one time this is big this is big thing like so you're he about it somebody will no doubt say I didn't know anything about it at some point in the whole process so in the process I think we have a good deliberate slow uh introduced plan doing the website first waiting to next year for rooms is a smart move to get everybody on board even with all of that at some point that's going to happen right we all recognize that that's going to happen to us at some way in the process the purpose was to streamline communication so that means you can't add more stuff you have to take other stuff away and use this as the primary source of communication when that happens you know some people don't like to give up their old stuff and um that'll be another challenge or hurdle because if you're just adding one more you're really not streamlining you just added one more is all you did so at some point there'll be a a pressure point related to that item but that won't occur until the very end of the year uh summertime when that training occurs for folks when when they come back to school for next year pretty big ticket item the board um one of our strategic plan items with family community engagement this will certainly do that for us any any questions I just want to say we have done a really good job like this before when we all of a sudden there was there was push back on this but all of a sudden we put all their um documents online remember Y and everybody went in you had a 98% success rate so I think uh it's I think it's going to be really good and I think they're going to appreciate this kind of a change so sounds good then the last item was the agenda itself so I'll quickly go through that you know for the sake of time and kind of hit on the ones that I think will the ones that that aren't just routine that are more uh likely to have discussion so um in under discussion there'll be some special actions that'll be added along the way as we get closer to the 48 hour rule but you'll notice that there's two public hearings and the public hearings deal with policy change related to educational and ancillary facilities if you recall one of the changes was a very simple change related to Middle Schools being 6 through 8 and that that being added to to the policy because of the changes that were making at Oakley Jr and Lake Asbury Jr the second is a public hearing related to the attendance boundaries for oakle junior high Lake Asbury junor high as a result of the the rezoning of students um in those two areas if you recall we we had board presentation of Workshop we've had two Community meetings Community meetings went went fairly well the community had the opportunity to come out and and express what their concerns were related to that uh typically people who show up for a meeting like that aren't showing up for a meeting uh because they because they have concerns that's why they're showing up in the meeting they generally don't show up if they're happy or not concerned Rel to the meeting um I would say uh I know Miss Clark and this P at the op one in fact they were Thanking us at the end uh they they realized that their sixth grader would have more opportunities yes uh and so they they viewed it as a very positive thing for the O community that that doesn't surprise me because they've had six through eight there before K they've had k through eight there so for them that's that's pretty normal of the concerns that we've heard from parents uh throughout this whole process which have been been a few but not not an overwhelming number was the idea of having a sixth grader on the same campus as a seventh and eighth grader uh and uh that that seemed to be the primary concern and fifth grade kind of losing out on the celebratory nature of ending sixth grade um at an elementary school uh we're working on that process I know there's a meeting coming up uh I think it's this week actually to how to make that fifth grade year special if they're going over to the to the junior high next year as a sixth grader so I feel like it went very well I know the operations team did did a fantastic job I appreciate members going to the meetings and and that's what that item is any question or comment on that okay awesome so then we're on to the normal stuff which was minutes the second item is controlled open enrollment uh one of the things that you have to by Statute do is every year you you approve a controlled open enrollment plan this upcoming right now open schools with very limited seating are tatterson my CLA Thunderbolt fi SBJ Lakeside Jr and fi for a limited number of seats uh through a process called controlled over enrollment you can see that that document there next is the proposed student calendar we we try to stay three years ahead so this would be the 2627 student calendar is is loaded for your your view is that the first year with the busing change time jange yep so I say busing because that's the biggest hurdle MH yep so so a a a quick update on on that topic since it's been brought up and I know board members are interested in this is that during that year the the statute says that a um a middle school can not start prior to 8:00 and a high school can not start prior to 8:30 that's the essential part of that so given transportation and being able to transport students to school really then it becomes a challenge as to how to do that we have a a task force that's that's met a couple times I know been recently last last week two weeks ago related to this topic there is thought that during the legislative session that there could be changes to this law there's only been a couple of districts that move forward with plan I think St John's and U I think St John's have to realter theirs because they're not in compliance with midle school time they are for high school so you can imagine this is going to be a very big discussion and we we're always strategic in what we do if the legislative session ends in May we're going to have all of the the data and all of the um the thought process together prior to the legislative session we're going to see if the legislative session changes that prior to to being um more public with this whole idea we'll have to get people ready for that a concern might be to get people ready too early and then they would think that it's this coming August which it is not let me repeat it is not this August it's the following August but no matter how many times you say that and you start to talk about it they assume that it's this August and then people going into a p so that's kind of where we stand on that I know that we have transportation now re-examining uh the route to the app to see how we can alter the time frames uh to make it the best possible for all three groups of students elementary junior high in high school so that's kind of a brief update and there is no set limit on Elementary School correct no set limit okay and I thought that's how brow they were just kind of swapping the challenge would be you know what time an elementary school would start right right that's that's a whole it's a whole thing so we don't have an idea of what the times would be we do oh we do we do we we started analyzing that for a task force we're going to wait for the the legislature see if the legislature is going to change that and then at that point we'll have a public discussion related to this particular issue right now here okay okay Personnel consent agenda okay nothing of significance there next we have the complete salary schedule you know by by Statute 101 12.22 the board has to have a complete salary schedule which means you take little bits of every document you put them into one document for the state um the board let me commend the board board's done an awesome job when it comes to compensating our employees remember we approved the CCA contract on September 17th we approved the sespa contract November 7th now because those two contracts are done we formed one document incorporating all of that land which included in there is the administrative salary increase of 2.3 which is $1,000 to the base uh and in addition to master's degree supplement related to that so it's all on one document is the UC secretary changes in a salary schedule okay is that on the susp document that was the susp contract the union did not agree to the ESC and that contract was approved on the previous board so that's why it's not in there so that's one that we can look at or we can address because I thought we did present it it was important to the board that people would who had a lot more students so it was presented but I did not know that that was the outcome CU I I looked through the whole salary schedule many many pages it was in it was that was part of the sues contract MH so it was back in negotiations with the contract which was approved at the previous Bo meeting are we allowed to discuss why they decided not to accept that they wanted money elsewhere they wanted people to have the minimum of 30 cents an hour instead of the quarter an [Music] hour okay on to the next one which is um anou between the district and Clay County fire rescue which this is one of the challenges is for our firefighter Academy in Orange Park High School is finding a qualified instructor to teach that class and so this agreement when attached is an agreement that we would have a current uh firefighter that would be employed by the fire department that from over Orange Park High School and teach those classes uh related to that and we're almost ready to attach that but this would be a good example of one that wouldn't be there before so when I listen to the board's discussion I think it's reasonable that the Thursday prior to the board meeting it's going to be attached if that is the goal that all attachments would be there Thursday prior just one week until that time any ones that are available two weeks ahead would have been already attached and then there's the normal 48 hour one which would be uh usually employee discipline that happens at the last at the last next we have Elementary uh student out of tra out of state travel that's pretty normal stuff next is the advertisement for the uh policy procedure manual and the public hearing for uh February 25th there's a changes sheet that's attached to it anytime we have a big document we like to attach hey what's different about this club from the previous one so I believe it's the third page in has the changes to that related to policies and procedures man so I I have a question sure we're on C8 right having trouble my little got the wrong glasses on today so for C8 it's not really a question I'm going to request some documents of clarification um part two policies and procedures yes I did read the 133 Pages twice so I just have a couple um policies and proced procedures for student with disabilities procedures for placement in general education the best practices and inclusion education assessment um I would like if you can share it with one you have to share it with all I would like to see the procedures for our inclusion practices across the Spectrum um EBD autism Etc and I know that it said that there was an attachment for the bpie the best practices inclusion but we couldn't see that in addition um there was a section in the gifted I would like um to receive what I guess explanation as to what we mean when we say um inclusions of more students into the gifted program that's a new section I think in the changes that you made there's a paragraph about that and I think it's important that we um see what that is and what that means so the the the things I was looking as our procedure placement for into general education I was looking for the link or um copies of the best practices in inclusion education assessment to see what we're using because I think there was also documents of papers in there that you guys use forms that people check off I just want to see that section and of the most current uh bpie that was conducted on 510 2024 so there's three things and and explanations I guess so reasoning uh for the gifted section changes [Music] okay next year academic uh services at of State travel and after that is the Early College uh program between uh school district and state college Ami kids of course we have a separate student calendar that's presented there next is our health service plans you know each year we uh have a partnership with the Department of Health for our our Clin on our campus next is uh proposed allocation changes for 2425 uh very few there one is a double a double Staffing for a routing specialist particularly for ES this is a very very challenging position and the individual retiring is somebody with like 30 years of institutional knowledge related to that so that's why that is Curr next is so is that I'm sorry I'm trying to get through my papers here on C13 when we deleted a 10-month ace teacher adult education to add it back in as a 12 month I know the Dr leuo is not here but um so that's the same person where're we changed the position from a 10- month to a 12- month right because the some of the activities occur over the summer time and so it was extended from a 10mon to a 12 Monon position which is 196 because it's 20, almost $20,000 more that's why I was and that is paid for for adult community okay yeah so so generally one of the considerations when you're talking about an allocation change is of course the need for the need for it is a primary uh indicator or trigger related to that but also a funding source right uh becomes a thing where for example if you're going to add a mental health individual uh and the budget for mental health had went up from from the legislature and that will make sense that you have the flexibility to add that so there's other factors fact that's paid for out of add is more of those factors see that's really helpful because I remember I had asked Dr lecko when you make changes such as that if you attach the funding source that's very helpful to see where those funds come from especially when it's yeah see where it says school department is that is that where the funding source that's not the funding source no it's it's under general f that's just saying where it's General and I so it went from 10 to 12 because of Summer work are all the teacher positions 12 month positions there cuz I know they do school year round they they do trimesters instead of I have to look I don't believe they are though okay okay next is monthly Financial reports uh Then followed by the budget amendment for the leash of certain items these are all very routine items and then the two-way radio bid award to TJ Communications and there's the train contract for maintenance um approval and there is the change order you going see a bunch of these four Clay High School for their parking lot um renovation and redesign the final completion of that which is gorgeous by the way then there's Ling Island High School hbac repair their replacement contract see operations is business the schematic preliminary final for TI's Elementary fire alarm Oakley Village fire alarm system Plantation oaks fire alarm system so basically all local Le getting a lot of fire alarm uh replacement then you see wus in junior high Safety and Security Control to access that's followed by the change order for lak side own entries kitchen renovation Orange Park high school media center um substantial completion we saw that it's beautiful facility the prequalification of contractors and the final completion at the at the end so operations you know certainly has been busy has Wilson started have you guys started their front office yes ma'am we have you like that that's the project is part of the project yes ma'am I didn't know if you actually like started gutting and doing all the all the things and then that's it [Music] any no questions from the audience okay superintendent comment no comments hope everybody has a safe trip down to to Tampa good holiday we do have one Workshop prior to to the holiday for the January meeting uh that too will be very brief uh School Board attorney comments no comments I hope everyone had a wonderful uh Thanksgiving with their families and welcome to the board Mr Alberto and School Board member comments um we'll start with Mr ala how board I have no comments right now Hans have a couple things maybe you could J it down for me Mr brosi I was wondering if you could get me the dollar amount for annual fees to pis and gray and I forgot to um when we're working on these ese documents I have not seen the Neola policies with exceptional student education are we melded together because I mean yes you know one of the things that uh we're in the process of doing through through many meetings with Nia is making sure that our current uh information is going to um coordinate with the new old policies part of what's happening right now because it's hard to the document you know 130 something pages and it's real thin when you printed out very tiny letters I couldn't tell if it was if we had gone through matching with policy make sure it's all the same at that time that's why it looked like that maybe yeah that's the work that's being done now you got remember even like the code of conduct there would be policy that would be spread out among many policies but all refer back to the information at C time so ensuring that those two things are conru the process going on and I guess the last thing is is um I'm going to request a link to get in to see our policies that we're working on or a copy of the student policies CU I did ask two months ago and I think that's a reasonable amount of time that's gone by you and I have talked about it a couple times so if you can get me a link to to look at the policies if you gave it to me give it to everyone maybe you we only had a student code of conduct prior to this allthough our policies were in the code of conduct this is much different for us and I think it's 83 separate student policies so I like I said May been a couple months I would like to spend some time in there because there's some things of particular interest to me and I need to see what we're working on so I mean the good news is you're going to give the policy plenty of time I think actually we are done with the with three whole sections the HR section um and so the admin the instructional and support and so the way it works with Neola is they have to start there because that's like the foundation everything attaches so those have been the ones that by their recommendation that's the way they do it with all the districts you start with the ones the threes and the fours and in fact Brenda is wearing her um her ribbon cuz they finished we the winner was it 200 policies the winners yeah they're the winners and so those will be coming to you will get those I would say right now they are um getting them prepared to be printed and provided to you all they may have it by late December but we know the holidays it's a little iffy certainly by January 1st 2D 3rd they will have that and so they will be here January I want to think it's 28th I think that's our board work shop um to go through those policies and so at that point you will have about 3 four weeks with the ones the threes and the fours those are the ones that we have done I just want the I don't I just want to see the Neo policies is there not a way I don't need to change policies I don't want to look at Duval's policies I want to look at no this is the ones that we have that I just want to look at the way you can print them out in Neola like just click print the student section she just wants to be able to see mola's policy and I know you can go to other districts but they've changed it and amended it to fit their District so since we are paying a good amount is there either a way that if they don't want to give us a log could she meet with um our rep for them and they sit down and print out the policies for her um to let her view them so that she can have them ahead of time I mean I don't think that that's unreason they they said that we had access to apies when we hired them they did they did say that yeah so let let let me talk to them and I will talk to Annette um yeah I think it's important to know that this is a company that does this for a living we hired experts for a reason and so well and I'm not saying that like for people to jump around or for her to bring them ahead of time or anything like that I just know I like certain things a certain way and if Miss Hanson's a planner and she has to sit there with papers all over her bedroom floor whatever she's got to do for months on it whatever I just want to be able since we are paying for it and if that's the tools that she needs to be a successful board member let's provide it so let's ask the Y anything else and I just want to tell you I had a a wonderful Thanksgiving I had to have it on a Friday cuz my daughter couldn't make it till that day but um we found my mom a place to live and um after her home was ruined in the hurricane she's in much better spirits now um the whole family has been lifted and God is good and that's it Go nothing for me um I just wanted to say that I've did a couple of visits and I've also spoken passing to um a couple of people about our new PA systems that we are installing I forget what we're actually called um the AIO en the audio enhancement yep there you go um there are a lot there's a lot of excitement with it because there's a lot of customizations that they can have um with it and so an overwhelming amount actually like it there are you know your select few teachers that are like I have to learn this thing like what are we doing you know like I've had some complaints but I just wanted to let you know the feedback that I was getting that some people are um super excited I know they're working out some key at some of the schools but um from what I'm hearing um it was mixed reviews at first but now I think that the it's all coming together so it's getting a little bit better um and then I know I guess we have to talk to Legal about this on where we're at and whatnot but I don't know if we can go ahead as a board be thinking and picking um who we're going to have on the as the board member for the audit committee at what point do we do that I know we're in the you're listed as the you right okay so my question on that is Miss Anora is that going to be the actual internal audit committee that one I thought this was something different I think that's something we had all along the other audits right so what I'm talking about is the internal audit committee do we you know how you were going to have um we're going to have a board member and then we were going to have other District staff and then you guys where are we at actually on that have you pushed I push up to the chamber we push down to the chamber we have uh two applications on files so far um made a dozen or so C call people I'll be be working the phones on the way to Campa uh this afternoon to attract people to it um you know it's usually people that are just Civic minded that want to be involved and have Financial background who still still recruiting for that that committee can we send you suggestion so we as a board can we go ahead and pick our person or is it like maybe think about it and then come and have it fix in January is that okay from it's up to the board on that you you know you just have one one member that you nominate for so by board consensus or vote would be perfectly perfectly okay so if you want to start thinking about it now and come back in January that's fine or if you want to take care of it now the only reason to bring it up is because we just did our committees and our committee assignments and um I want to make sure that that's not something that is being held back and it takes five minutes we can do it but I just wanted to make sure that it was on our radar as a board and um maybe next board Workshop we get a consensus on who we won on it you talked about the two applications I know dual has a whole Board of people that do the same thing we're trying to do I don't know how they got so many people on their did they send them to different places maybe or did the board members find people like how how how do we get more applications I guess is they're in the process of doing that we're going to send a letter out to CPA from law call them Bubble Up first starting with the chamber first that seem like a natural connection when you're asking somebody to be Civic mind and give up their time to do that in their career and their profession uh sometimes having a personal connection uh through the chamber or whatever it's an easier way to recruit people uh than just somebody that's totally cold um and just to refresh my mind for the board member designes they also need a background in finance correct no no no that can just be anybody okay and if that's it this [Music] [Applause] me oh yeah yeah [Music] [Music] it was [Music] really Thanksgiving are