of our hearts here as well and it's in your name we pray amen am let stand for the pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all all right I will now call to order the school board workshop for um April 23rd 2024 um looking to see if we have anybody joining us from the community doesn't look like it um so we'll just jump right into business our first item is to review the draft agenda for the regular school board meeting on May 2nd Mr Russ um Madam chair before we start I'm going take a little bit of nerv this morning this is Administrative uh professional week and tomorrow is Administrative Professional Day and our administrative professional as you guys know is B Bonnie would probably be saying I wish he didn't talk about this now correct but I I'll just say this nobody approaches their work with more of a servant's heart and there's nobody that I feel more comfortable answering the phone and representing playay County Schools especially in difficult situations instills confidence easily in every single person that calls couldn't do it without her or Sue uh Bonnie onor big round of applause to Bonnie I know she said she really didn't I can see it in her face Bonnie super super sweet too so it does a great job okay for the agenda itself I'm going to give the board fair warning that May is the last board meeting in which students are actually in school when you go to June students aren't around anymore so there will be celebrations there will be a lot of celebrations there'll be a lot of students there at this board meeting so several of those you know you got the uh we're going to have somebody from cogy about our accreditation you guys can read through it I don't need to let me assure you that we did everything we could to limit it to for example on one particular um item they wanted to bring 125 people we limited it to 25 so I just wanted to say that great effort was put in in restricting it to what it's going to be but it still is a lot no matter how you no matter how you shake it when you look at all of the items but you know what it's the last board meeting of the school year and for students uh it's a special event to be there in front of the school school board so in uh in response to that there is no School showcase that's kind of the tradeoff in that last week so just be prepared for that just want to make sure that you're aware uh and I set the proper expectations before we we have that meeting okay so we're on to the discussion item there's one discussion item it is the very last item which is the public hearing for our policy on challenge materials and the reconsideration or review of Library materials that that public hearing is on this agenda remember we went ahead and we uh already advertised it on the previous agenda now that comes up is there is there any questions or comments on on that particular item okay hearing none we're going to move on the first item the minutes there should be no no challenges to the minutes of that second item is controlled open enrollment just a couple of things about controlled open enrollment uh the rules for controlled open enrollment have changed over the years remember under Florida statute 10231 uh schools that have less than 80% capacity they're put on the on the uh District website every 12 weeks there's a listing of when those dates are originally when the law was first formed that was not the case it was for the whole year year and then in 2022 the law changed and it said every 12 weeks you have to reassess where you are where open seats are then you have to advertise those and there's a process by which people apply to do that and that information is all contained within this uh item called controlled open enrollment next is the uh School Board member out of County travel expenses for fsba and fads annual summer conference that's June 5th through 7th bnie puts that on there in case somebody does want to go to that event it's would have already been voted on by the board and therefore we're get scaning for for advertising that doesn't mean you are going it just means we have to advertise it in case you are know that's why this item is on the agenda I will call to your attention that I believe uh the board meeting is which day that Thursday Thursday time frame something to consider next is the Personnel consent agenda uh there will be items of course added to this within the 48 hour period remember one of our goals as an organization was to re revise every single job description within an 18-month time frame that was a goal set months ago so that's why we've been bringing chunks and there'll be another chunk that will be added to that next we have the renewal of the list of positions one of the things that we do for for primarily our bus drivers who have to get a physical as part of their their job we ask phans in the in the local area if they'd be willing to do that that don't exactly like jump out for them it's not like a moneymaking type of thing it's more of a service thing we do try to spread it among the community so that you know somebody from Keystone for example would have a relatively close thing I know we send out like uh 50 letters to various organizations say hey would you be willing to to do this and here are the ones that were willing to do that and they their cost of the price of course they get to set their cost and price those are all reasonable uh so to speak and to have a variety for the employee to go to go to so that's how that works next we have the K12 academic uh Services out of state overnight travel that's pretty routine next is a a data sharing agreement uh between the school board and the Boys and Girls Club of northeast Florida the Boys and Girls Club have been a great partner for us for free you know students can attend that program uh the program provides Transportation food it's a great opportunity uh for students and their families part of that is that they like to do a piece on uh student attendance grades and discipline like a mentoring type of piece in order to do that they need information from our system so under controlled um uh access to that that's this is what the agreement consensually does for the boys and girls club to have controlled access to that so it'll help them in their mission with our students I've heard nothing but good things about that program uh as we look to expand that in the future next is uh approval of a three-year Florida Virtual School curriculum so when a student takes a course from CVA the curriculum is actually Florida Virtual School curriculum that our teachers use under a franchising agreement so for example there's a whole list of classes in the towards the back and it says how much they cost so for example English one says $45 so for us to use their curriculum when one of our students takes the course it's their curriculum and at a certain point I think it's uh 21 days in that's when we're responsible to pay the big challenge for virtual school because we have let's see um one of those classes we also get FTE for each one of those classes but unlike regular going call it regular school and and Virtual School in regular school you receive FTE regardless of the grade that the student receives in the class right if the student gets an A in the class the district receives the FTE amount if the student gets an F in the class the district receives that amount in virtual school if you don't complete the class and pass the class you get nothing yeah right so one of the things that I'm proud of is that we've maximized the finances for CVA to the greatest extent possible because you're talking about almost 15,000 classes that we're paying for the amount that we receive is just shy of of five F just shy of $500 so you take the 500 for SE M minus the 45 in costs and that would be what the district receives in that kind of simple example but the big difference is you have to complete the course the challenge for virtual school is What mechanisms do you have in place to get the kid to do the work right if you're the teacher in the classroom you can use proximity and and hover over them and all of those kinds of things when they're virtual it makes it more difficult so it takes specialized training processes in place in order to maximize the funding for that so I thought a little bit of an explanation it's their curriculum not ours because it's professionally embeded okay our teachers teach it we receive money from the state only if they pass it and the cost of each course is in this in this booklet in front of you mrowki um I just attended the advanced Finance forum and they spent a little bit of time and I have asked um Dr Lago to prepare some documents for me for our budget meeting I believe which is next month um so as of this year um there is no virtual school program requirement they actually got rid of that right it's under uh Florida statute 101 12.22 public school and I've asked her for documents about what you were saying you know our cost versus just offering a letting kids go to Florida virtual versus C having our own CVA the combination of CBA and virtual school so I asked her to prepare some documents so that the board can see the budget analysis of actually having a CVA versus just having a Florida Virtual School and so I just wanted to give you guys a heads up that it's not a requirement anymore for us to have um a virtual program in Clay County and so it might be good information for us to have it be it' be great information because the more we learn the better off we are the challenge with Florida Virtual School versus CBA the child goes to Florida Virtual School you receive nothing so that is that is money out the door so if you took 500 times um the almost 15,000 whatever that number is that's the net loss that you that you would have I don't know what that math turns out to be I'm not good at Mental Math I don't have the calculator from me so it be 500 time 15,000 whatever that number is would be the loss that's one of the reasons why we have a franchise yeah but hopefully you'll see that I'm looking more for I mean that's like based on class you know how much we get how much we spend or have to pay but there's a lot of overall structural costs and program costs when you have a CVA school so I think it's just it' be good for us to see that's all all right awesome the next item is the I ready um math K5 remember we had a presentation months ago before this item came forward ginda four was the presenter the math specialist that she came forward now we're bringing the contract to you for this this is one of the only supplemental programs that we have for math K5 uh in our um in our County and I'm certainly recommending approval of this contract next we have an affiliation agreement uh for interns when with uh UCF that's the standard agreement we have agreements for 22 different schools and uh we do a lot when it comes to recruitment of teachers I thought I'd take a quick minute because we have a an abbreviated agenda this morning related to this and just kind of tell you a couple things that we do related to the recruitment of of teachers I know that you all realize that there's a nationwide teacher shortage many people didn't realize that there's a whole mechan is about how you recruit teachers because you're competing against so many people out there off of the same same folks right so this year Human Resources has been to 44 job fairs hope you heard that 44 actual job fairs they've been at we've hired about 450 teachers so far this year typically we hire about 395 teachers in a year historically going back to my days in Human Resources so we are seeing an it an uptick in uh the number of teachers higher and we're doing a good job with that but challenge is that many of the teachers that that get hired people that care about kids want to do a good job but lack the the uh the experience or the skills and therefore need additional support in order to ensure their success you can't just give them some keys in a classroom and say go get them tiger right right that's that's kind of the way it was when I was when I was a teacher maybe when you were a teacher too you know that's kind of the way it was now you need all kinds of additional support uh sometimes people don't view jobs as long particularly Young Folks and I guess I can say this because I'm no longer in the young folk category uh they sometimes don't view jobs as like a long-term type of career they only view it as like a couple year thing and so we've had to adjust as an organization for the types of supports that we provide individuals given the current environment that we're in uh and becomes it becomes a real thing so we do have a job favor coming up invite you all there anybody listening we want you look at at the camera we want you okay it is May 6th at the TTC come on out we we'd love to to talk to you and hire you in Clay County district schools many people board members in particular probably didn't realize there's a whole District recruitment plan it's a document on the website there it's like like 30 pages of stuff explaining how we recruit teachers where we go what we do all of that kind of stuff is out there HR does a a tremendous tremendous job on that they finally got a good leader in that department and so and so it it's it's one of those things we should all be promoting and touting playay County District school school is a great place to work and you've heard me say this many times play Camp a great place to live it's a great place to work and it's a great place for kids to go to school we should be promoting that because that helps us with the recruitment of of our folks any questions about teacher recruitment or all Recruitment and it's a highly functioning District I just want to point that out yes highly functioning I love it and so next is the library me media um Media Services manual you know that we've already been working on the policy for objections and reconsideration for that and the public hearing is there part of the process would be there's other stuff required in the law that are included within this manual uh things like the selection of material the weeding of materials and statute this puts us in compliance with that and um I believe has dealt with some of the things that they want notice the old manual was like 45 pages this is down to 15ish related to that but I did want to call your your attention to um at the back it talks about collection access for students and we had a discussion here among the board about student access to that and there in black and white it certainly points out the current uh access for students you had asked us to find a way for that to occur electronically we feel really good about that Mr kin's parents in the back there so when a parent goes to go into parent view the first thing that they would have to do is make their selection their choice as to what access they want for their kid not only for this but for the health the U the health care uh piece of that to be treated in the clinic was another one there's three or four things that are part of that in addition we've done a a drive since our last meeting and talking about this we've done a a drive and track uh all of the parent view accounts for each school I was out to celebrate with the record secretaries what they that last Friday you know as to what schools have 100% and uh of that and I asked the lady from Oakleaf Junior Oakleaf Junior High 100% yeah okayy and uh and asked the uh the record secret I said what you know what do you do like what's your strategy what you tell us the tell us the secret sauce and she said I I I just bombard him with information and then they asked me if if I fill this out will you not will you not contact me anymore she says yes has to fill it out that's a brilliant that's a brilliant strategy uh related to that but we do recognize that one of the challenges is that uh engagement of folks is important and you certainly want to engage people but not everybody uh accepts the invitation be engaged so kind of like the horse that you lead to water and then you pull the Rains Down then you take the water and you start to throw the water up into the up and sometimes even with all of those efforts there's still a very small percentage that don't drink the water regardless of that so the purpose of that is just to bring this all forward to you talks about General access unlimited access limited access no access in emails because it's not a binary Choice parents have five choices and all throughout both the policy that you passed that your the public hearing is on and this manual the idea of parental rights parental choice is Laden within that parents choose which access they want for their so Mr Broski yes ma'am as you know I I really worked hard on this particular item and I appreciate the shrinking down of a very very long outdated um manual and getting it down to six pages so the board we have a draft in front of us of um the procedures manual and what I want to say is this a procedures manual is the teeth for our policy it is is the thing that makes sure that our policy is locked tight across the entire County this procedures manual is lacking some safeguards for students and there are areas that are not aligned with our new policy and I have them outlined here um so some of it the manual does not address procedures for mature content books designated through our policy as a mature content book it doesn't acknowledge how we're going to do reassignments in Destiny how we're actually what we're going to tell parents when we send an email these were all in the policy and the procedures missing for those it doesn't give procedures on what to do with the mature content books as our policy specifically States being pulled immediately we don't know where they're going to put them we don't know what's going to happen to them um it should state in an email I have not seen what we're going to procedurally send to parents when they want to know what their child is checking out it doesn't say where mature materials will be held are we keeping the mature materials on the Shelf how are they going to be labeled how are we going to flag them who's changing the descriptions in Destiny it um the procedures for how we will get permission to notify parents Mr brosy did tell you it will be there however I want the board to know that on the first day of school students are all allowed in the library if their parent never goes into the portal they'll never know about this particular form that we've agreed on so it is much like an opt out optin means we make sure the parents know that there is mature content especially in the secondary Library prior to their child entering I wanted you to make sure you understand that that the the kids are allowed in the Library without this form being signed um it lacks procedures and details on how we will train curriculum councils School members on community standards in fact the entire thing is lacking a community standard rubric um we know descriptions are wrong in Destiny I do believe I had a conversation with someone because we know that the Publishers whoever they buy from send descriptions for books the descriptions could be uploaded differently from every school have a different description for the same book who's going to make sure is it going to be a district Personnel that's going to update the young adult descriptions so that parents have a a a better understanding of what their kids are checking out um the manual does not address what we're doing with the materials once we remove them for 847 where do we send them are we burning them it there's just a lot of the teeth is missing and I would suggest that we give the board some time for input this is a draft we have plenty of time to move into the next Workshop so we can get one the challenge form presented to us two what is the form going to look like in um destiny for parents three what about the form for appeals what form are we using at the district committee level how are we training everyone on the community standards which is the board Community standards presented in the form of a rubric I did drop the ball a bit on adding um more things to the rubric I've had a lot going on including the passing of my mother-in-law but I assure you when I get back from that funeral I'm going to be readily available if someone wants input I have a lot of knowledge in this area I can't do that on everything but the Board needs to look at our policy and do a side by-side analysis is this the teeth we need to make sure our policy is locked tight and I'm here to tell you what we've been presented this six pages is kind of basic stuff that everybody has in the media library procedures but they don't have our policy and we have time Mr braski I believe to we can put this on the next workshop and still get it advertised and voted on by July I just think that if we're going to stay locktite lawsuit free every single part of our policy needs to be spelled out clearly and we need to know what training is occurring how we're doing the training what forms are we using to the training are they being trained on how to buy books when to get rid of book books how to appeal a CH a challenge when a challenge occurs what principles need to know about the community standards there's just a lot missing and if you were to go through it um starting on page two this is just an example um it should say somewhere when you're saying each School District shall provide training to school librarians somewhere it should say Schoolboard Community standards based on the c um Schoolboard Community standard in selection criteria we shouldn't be selecting anything without Community standard guidelines and rubrics um in page three maybe we should bold District should air on the side of caution because I have a book here that should have never been blocked but not pornography so are we going to try to figure out as a district what air on the side of caution means this particular book is pending an appeal it's on the Shelf it has the a word 22 times b word a Time FW 30 times s word 42 times the description says contain sexual activities including sexual assault sexual nudity alternative sexualities profanity drug alcohol abuse altered gender ideologies references to self harm controversial racial and social commentary and racial and homophobic references this does not break statute 847 we need guidelines on how we're going to address these books that have been appealed and are sitting on our Shelf so I am appealing to this board to see if we could put some time in and make sure that the procedures manual supports becomes the teeth of our policy that's all they have on that so so if I could provide some some additional Conta remember the difference between a procedure and a policy the policy itself would be the rule that the board wants us to follow it they're the they're the governance by Statute of the board procedure the governance of the superintendent and staff and when it comes to detail in that you know what is the form going to look like how exactly is that going to be written when you go to parent view you go to click on it what's the exact wording that's on there that a parent sees really the the board is not it's not the responsibility of the board just plain and simple and I think Mr Block would certainly agree Community standards are our responsibility we've written them they're not presented in the document right and the community standards are clearly written within the policy what those Community standards are they're listed there the rric itself admittedly is is one of the areas that's not in there and I think that staff tried several times and the policy reference to see the manual to meet on on that it does yeah I think it's seven times that they attempted to meet related to community the community the community standards and the rubric I think we we could certainly do the work things like but Mr Brasi I'm sorry selection criteria weeding deweeding plagiarism they're all required weeding overview collection access for students there's really no information in here about the real issue that we've been having in our libraries and our policy does State see the policy manual for the community standards rubric and I don't see it so like I like I said it tempted me seven times related to the rubric and so maybe the rubric needs to be added for that we can certainly do that the detail though I wanted to have a general discussion about detail nowhere within board policy or anywhere in any any document does explain the exact procedure for a student to leave the class no I understand but it should have some on a second now some please let me let me kind of just make one simple point because it's a it's a greater context that I'd like to bring forward to the board here more so than just this manual nowhere within any document does it explain how to leave a classroom and use the restroom nowhere CU it said here's the procedure for leaving the classroom and using the restroom but yet we all know that students leave the classroom use use the restroom right so there is a level of detail when it comes to a policy versus a procedure that's there so I kind of throw that out to the board as to roles and responsibilities where you are this meets the statutory requirements yes the exact wording on the parent portal needs to be worked on we don't we don't have that exact word before parents for to read when they get to the cour that done we are working on that and once that happens we'll let you know what what that is sometimes it's impossible to have that level of specificity when it comes to the implementation piece of the policy so I was just bringing forward the rules that are that are statutorily required yes we will need to work on the actual form itself I can certainly bring those to the the board and show you those things when they are developed over time that's not the purpose to it is a bit confusing to me because many times we brought policy forward where we are told that we shouldn't have the details in it the procedures are for the district this time we almost have no procedures at all so are we saying that we shouldn't approve the policy and we need to add more specifics to the policy or are we saying that having lack of procedures that address policy concerns should those be in the policy I I I'm having I guess a little problem because we've been told a lot of times that policies are not for procedures and now we're saying procedures aren't really for anything they're just for us but we're going to do this rubric which I don't have so the so there so there are details related to how that would look that are still being developed that wouldn't necessarily go in this procedure manual what this procedure manual does is provide us in compliance with the statute statutory requirements for that which are not part of your policy the policy itself is the general guideline which is the perview of the board the procedures by which that's done are the pery of the superintendent and so this puts us in compliance which is the reason why it's brought forward to you u m yeah I have a question Mr bler yes maam I've talking I've done many trainings outside of fsba and talked to many school boards across the State of Florida and I guess my question to you is legally from a legal [Music] standpoint if the board goes into a direction and wants a specific thing done and we and in that policy we give the direction to the district or the superintendent and it's not the purpose of what we have voted on or wanted is not upheld in such procedures I know across the State of Florida they have actually added the procedures to the policy um or maybe maybe they didn't call it procedures but they were more maybe the policy was more pinpointed like Miss Hansen was saying um to make sure that the guidelines are clearcut whether it be this policy or another policy um I guess the legal grounds is I understand that it is the superintendent's responsibility to do procedures however if the direction of the board is completely different than the procedures he wants to uphold how do we as a board do we e try to accomplish the direction that we want do we add it to our policy do we make sure that um we come together and and there is a way to collabora communicate for that that reason um because I know across the State of Florida when we are presting a policy like that or um information like this for a policy there are board members who do not and would not vote on this without every piece of paper in front of them and I say all of that with respect I'm just saying that we have to get better at communicating whether it's this policy next policy a year from now whatever it is if you have five forms that go with your procedures and we're supposed to approve this I want to see all five forms because if the verbage is not what we as a board in the direction that we want to go is correct we have to come to some kind of communication or agreeance instead of being two years down the road having the same issue not having a lck type policy or procedures and you have a district and parents in an uproar and then we go for five more months six more months another year and we can never get past this is there a policy in which the procedure is not being followed now I just want to add real quick to that Miss Skipper I could I want to add on I can name a few but my point is is I just want to know legally I guess whether it's this policy the next policy whatever how how do we do how do we go in that direction can I just add on then answer that real quick I just want to say a lot of districts don't have any of these concerns why board members are sitting on policy committees board members are listening to meetings and making sure that the direction of the board is being heard in a policy committee board members are asked for feedback prior to drafting a policy manual that they're voting on so in fact Mr blocker I would like to know the answer to miss Skipper's question yes absolutely to to the chair respond um so the way FL statute's written is you have different different roles of responsibilities you all know that we've talked about it many times so y'all as the elected School Board develop policy the procedures should reflect and be in in concert with those policies so the goal would be that the district would write procedures that are in compliance with with the policy to your specific question policies can be written different ways you you we've all probably looked at different policies and procedures sometimes those are kind of melded together you know I always try to think about it as you know it's kind of like a commander's intent right there's an intent you know an off order hey you know go take that hill but the command but the boots on the ground carry out that that operation so y'all as a board have developed a policy great great policy I might add that y'all put a lot of work into with staff and that policy is the mantle going forward so the task in front of the for the superintendent and his role now because now the ball's been passed to him is to develop procedures that are in compliance with that policy so what it sounds like is it sounds like uh Miss Hansen's pointing out some things that that she would like to see the procedures um it sounds like Mr brosy pointed out that that that's something that that you know we can work towards you know so he in his role wants to work with the board so my recommendation would be let's let's work in conert to put that together um and understand Mrs H you've been through a lot you lost your father your your mother-in-law recently so you had a lot going on and I know you've been very involved and then so condolences to that but um we do want to make sure that policy in this procedures are are married together as much as possible so I think I would also add to to the board if that's a concern the board remember that part of the theola process is that there's a there's a policy and then there's also procedures so you you would see more of that straight line the way you would like to see that and the way you're articulated through that process but I you know um Mr blocker references the boots on the ground one of the challenges with a policy is how to implement that right and so if the person that is the commander has no input for the people that are the boots on the ground the chances are that that whatever that is may not work or be implemented effectively which is why statute puts it that way so that the people that actually do the work and know the work and know that the challenges the barriers as well as the threshold for each uh part of the policy how that should be implemented which is why the legislature wise wisely separated those two roles now when you see Neola you would see they have a policy and a written procedure piece of that and you would see more of a linear between the two it's my role to enforce the policy that's always my intent to to enforce the policy the way it's written by the board and I will continue to do that and collaborate with the board I mean I'm certainly not asking to write the procedure what I'm saying is there are some key components missing that support the policy Y and that's a fact I mean they're just not in here so can I ask a question Mr blocker did you have a chance to review this procedure I have not no but I I will take a and again the procedures being compliant with the statute it wouldn't show every every form used in the process to make it implemented just like there's no form written procedure for how uses the rest each and every day and I think if I can just say to the board you know I think yall youall have written a great policy that has addressed you know Community standards and I think you all recognize as a board some gaps and you all come together with staff and put that together so I think now what we need to do is is work with the superintendent and his staff to make sure that those procedures you reflect the policy but I think it's clear I think Mr Bry said this you know his his mandate is to carry out the wishes of the board so if y'all move forward with adopting this policy That's the Law as far as you know the school district so the the the pressure is on the superintendent not to put it too delicately but the pressure is on him to make sure that those policies are carried out um so generally the procedure manual is his way of directing his staff like hey this is what the board wants this is the policy this is how we're going to carry it out uh Mr broni I did speak briefly this morning I think he understands you know and he said here today you know there's there's some opportunities to to work on this and and I would encourage us to collaborate you know collectively I think that's and I have to say I guess I I don't know you know we kind of got into this whole mess not because of our policy it was lack of procedures no procedures lack of follow-through of procedures buying books not following procedure getting rid of our checks and balances all of those things are not part of policy so my real problem is we got into this mess because our procedures were not what they were supposed to be and so if we do not work together as we get Neola and we start trouncing through these these um policies it's going to be a really really big deal because you can't ask me to trust 100% when we we're just recovering from a procedural error and oversight lack of oversight problem and I guess that's where I'm com I'm not trying to tell them what procedures are right but I'm telling you this is very very vague and maybe doesn't support the policy and I promise that's the last thing I'm going to say but that's part of my heart even as a mom if something went wrong with my kids I would evaluate it if it was a parental problem my husband and I would work on it so we have a problem that was created for us we fixed it in policy it doesn't mean that we don't have a right to ask questions and try to figure out procedures that will better support the policy so maybe what we could ask is um Mr brosi what is your plan for what we do in this particular situation because of the uh the interest in this one particular topic remember we're literally doing hundreds of things each and every day right there's only a couple that rise to the board's level of interest that we're talking about at at a workshop and this is one of them so what we would do is we can certainly in another Workshop show the forms and the things that that you would like to see related to that realizing the board would realize that the people who develop those forms and those procedures in place are doing them because they're the boots on the ground that know the work and know that so coming into it and saying hey I don't don't like the wording on this one obscure form used in the process is not the role of the board I mean just be clear on that well yeah that's different than asking to see a form right I'm not ever I'm not arguing about words and my husband was a commander he does know what's going on on the ground so so so I'm just merely pointing out using the example of the board attorney gay that it always better to get the information for the people that actually do the work and not uh just listen to people who don't know the work you know who call you or do other things with you it be great to know the work first prior to making those decisions but the way we can do that on these types of topics that have more interest would be to bring that forward and show you all of the forums and all of those things as we move forward my role is to enforce the policy that's developed regardless of whatever the policy is I'll continue to do that well and I think it's also it's good to have it in writing and we do in our policy and I hear what you're saying about the procedure manual but I think where the rubber meets the road is the implementation of it and that's not necessarily linked to what's written it's more about um training right like how are we training our uh library media center Specialists to do this that we've asked them to do in accordance with our policy and I would assume that that's happening during professional development that that's happening um when you're on boarding and I know that there's all of this new training that they're required to do we've had um the slides show sent to us that the state requires them to look through so um and certainly the board's free to say hey I'm concerned about this can you make sure this is being done or that's being done or hey I'd like to see more more of this or this beefed up certainly the board can give those suggestions and I would encourage that and at the same time the Board needs to needs to realize that that responsibility fits within the superintendent and the people that actually do the work on the ground each and every day should be trusted Miss G I just want to say I don't think anybody saying that we don't want their input or that it's not like how that should be that's not what we're saying I think that what I know I am saying is that we want to make sure that we express what we as a board want to be implemented and that we see what you the work that you do as far as procedures so that we are aware and essentially understand that yeah you are following our policy because I will tell you this I don't know what others say I don't know what other people do but I can tell you I've met with board members across the whole United States and I've said this since the very beginning if I don't know how things work I called it a black hole cuz it's so big this operation whether it's HR whether it's operations whether it's academics understanding what how everything operates and how everything works and then seeing it implemented is actually what makes me as a board member a better policy maker so understanding the day-to-day operations and being involved in the schools and being involved in in visits and and hearing from our teachers and seeing how this is implemented and talking to staff is actually um more beneficial and and I don't know I guess I guess I understand your viewpoint but I also need as as I'm speaking for myself I don't want to speak for everybody else but I want you to understand that I have to know the everyday operations being boots on the ground as well to be a better policy maker and my RO in my job absolutely I agree we're saying the same thing I agree with you 100% I'm suggesting that the way you do that is for topics like this that more detail is needed okay we can certainly bring that forward and show you that that detail that you want okay realize it's difficult because things are happening each and every day this one Rises to the level in which you want that we can certainly present that give you all the information you want to help you make a better Pol be a better policy matri but I agree with you 100% okay the way we would do that is bring that information forward to you the purpose of this one item is to keep us within statutory compliance of of the law and kind of outline some of those things every single detail about how it be implemented is not in that manual Miss Hansen is correct and what she said well I don't want every single detail but the things I mentioned today were discussed with your staff with me sitting in a room with them and I don't see any of that that's all I'm saying so Mr yeah just if I just just just two things I won't be lb to the point but I think you know one of the challenges y'all have is a sun Sunshine wall so this is y'all's only opportunity really in workshops to come together and have these conversations so that's important this is a a great conversation for y'all to come because you can't pick up the phone and call each other and talks so this is y'all's opportunity with the superintendent so this is a healthy discussion to have you within the parameters of the law to to really kind of hash this out that's important I also want to recognize that you know I know each of y'all in your own way through your own style has been reaching out to Media specialists in the community having Community meetings office hours these are important steps so that you're listening to the public and also understanding the staff as well and also communicating with the superintendent as well because it really it takes all of you all working concert this but to be clear yall have come up with a great policy the policy is I think one of the better ones in the State of Florida I think that's a really a credit to each of you all and I understand the concern now is you know how do we see that play out and make sure it's being follow correctly so I promise you you know we will all work collectively together and superintendent and I will work you know to make sure that y'all's wishes as a policy makers are carried out and I know you know your staff is is eager you know to see that as well so Mr Bri just to kind of tie this together I think you mentioned there's there was uh an effort to to do some followup with u some members of the board and some of the staff can we revisit that or okay to make sure um because I I think what I would say is that you know if you want to look at the forms and down to the detail that you're talking about we can certainly present all of that to you and what it looks like on on um focus and all of those things we can show you any of those things you want and always open to any dialogue and if you feel like something needs to be beefed up and say hey I you know I saw this I'm not happy with this it's always your prerogative and many of you do call me to tell me you want something done in one particular area or another and then it's my job to to implement the policy that that's written it's always my intent to implement it to the very best of my ability and and staff keeping in mind the barriers and the uh the capacity of the staff involved right that's that's a thing I thought Implement so so so just is that something the board would would like to see going forward have a have a more in depth I think I think what has to happen is the board has identified this particular topic as one that they want more in depth information we'll provide more in- depth information to the board other topics are topics that we we do each and every day many topics every day we'll continue to do those things to make the district run as the the attorney say it's a high functioning District right if there's areas you want more information I'll provide more information to you just need to know where that area is so today I hear this is an area you want more information is what I got we we we did purchase Neola we are going to be going through every single one of our old policies with outboard input I foresee Miss Hansen having something to say about all of it because our input is important not the district does everything on their own and then gives it to me to look at on a Thursday that's not board input that's not making us feel better about the procedures you'll put in place to protect the policy really it's just lack of communication I before you present stuff I don't think I've ever been asked for my input so as we move forward this this is this conversation with me is going to come up every time we get a new policy and we're looking at it through Neola I'm going to ask that the board be allowed to read the different forms of the policy the board be allowed to have input on that policy the district works with our input because that's actually the way it works I'm not sure everybody knows that but we give the input in the direction the district makes it happen with your advice on what really maybe wouldn't work what will work but it is the board's input that directs policy we were elected to this board with our own cultures that we bring from our own district for that purpose and so maybe today yes this is a high topic but moving forward you're going to hear it from me every single time we come to a policy if board input is not allowed before you present the policy to me and the rest of the board would have to make that decision but I do need to have some input on policy so yeah there's no doubt that statuto policy is of curving of the board nobody's doubting that at all and so the level of of input in the Ola process which you know we're starting that process now and so many districts have gone through that process I think 40 some odd districts are in that process so they have expertise in this area and can certainly help them Drive the process forward I appreciate that yes ma'am H any other man that was good that was a good disc discussion I feel better you guys feel better ah good let's move on to the next the next one proclamation of mental health month uh you know this is mental health month I just want to kind of highlight the good work that's being done by our social workers our our our mental health uh folks even our guidance counselors how about this uh 1162 referrals who mental health health uh our project Brave out of out of uh Flagler Health 86% connection rate which if you know anything about the mental health uh industry 86% is super duper high in connection to Services very proud of that for our students and our families there's a lack of mental health uh clinicians I don't know if you just like teachers it's like everything else there's a lack of them and so one of the challenges is uh when a family or student has uh challenges that they need to meet and they don't have the ability to to find a provider what project Brave does is it helps to link those two together because they have expertise in that area so very proud of that proud of the work that our mental health clinicians uh have our relationships with Clay behavioral Children's Home Society the youth crisis center there's a there's a whole um group of other people that aren't visible that do great work for kids and this is celebrating those individuals and what they and what they accomplish so mental health month next is the uh the code of the code of conduct you know the code of conduct comes before the board each and each and every year there's a committee of uh just shy of 30 people they meet periodically which includes parents on the committee as well as District staff principles all of the people involved that know that know the work they look through the entire code of conduct as a goal we want an approved code of conduct prior to August so beginning with the end in mind we're bringing the the advertising to the public to you now because it would be voted on at the end of June meeting because there is no July meeting so let's talk time processes Mr bronsky we would actually if you wanted to there is sufficient time between the May 2nd and the June 6th meeting okay so we can approve you know do the public hearing at the June 6th meeting if you the 28 days there's 28 days there are okay so we could bring it at the at the beginning of June the concern would be there's no July meeting and then August comes around quickly so typically there's only a couple of of areas that people have extreme concern about and uh I would bet that we're about to have a discussion about dress cell phone well no well there's three areas called you to be honest I told you ahead of time that there was a couple of areas that I'm not concerned with most of the student code of conduct or the parent handbook um a couple of areas um one area is this section on bullying I know in past meetings anybody in this room can research the bullying issue in American public schools it's an issue that creates a lot of mental health stress if you go to a school and you ask kids have you ever been bullied I will guarantee you most of them will say yes we've seen kids in expulsion hearings that defend themselves because they were bullied I hear teachers tell me on a daily basis not just the two that you guys think I talk to but when you go out and you have office hours and you visit schools teachers tell me daily there's a bullying problem at school students will tell you exactly how they bully you what we have here this is my concern probably can't be solved right now Mr brosi but I honestly think we need to form some kind of task force because we do have a bullying problem in Clay County and I'm not saying that we don't do anything about it so for instance when you're looking at bullying in here this tells me very little as a student tells me very little as a parent what page are you on yeah it's on page 14 on page 14 and I'm not sure on the when you pull it down because there's some Rory Pages if it's actually 14 on the document but it's page 14 once you get through the table contents so when you read this this means this wording and the way it's written isn't helping any student it's just not or helping a parent understand so for instance we could add a little bit of an education piece a preventative piece I mean the kids if this is trying to help kids understand what they can do when they're bullied we need to help them understand um it's three little paragraphs it's somewhat confusing at times about how you have to um have substantiating bullying categories the words are not student friendly I know we have time uh before the workshop when you advertise this but honestly when you have as much about or more about sexual harassment and a whole page about discrimination and you got this little teeny bit here which is one of the major issues in schools today to include cyber bullying I'm just asking that we take a look at this maybe I didn't know about this bullying hotline it probably heard about it when I was teaching there's no kid that even knows about that we should have signs everywhere about that so like not that the signs would be part of this Mr brosi but I think we need to do a better job because we know it's one of the major factors deterring from academics in schools today whether it be in person online cyber bullying through cell phones so this piece right here connects directly to the next thing that I wanted to talk about which is cell phones so if we what what I heard you say just to kind of recap is more more education on bullying for students and and other and procedures for that brought out if I was a kid reading this I'm almost scared of it cuz like we need to have these three parties and you know it's right well I think there's I think there's some confusion as to what the statutory definition of bull is and so I uh not confusion student code of conduct should be student friendly I mean honestly in some ways now I know Neola will have a whole section for student policies that's what it does it's section 5000 I handed it out at a school board meeting a couple months ago and I asked Mr rosi yesterday as we go through Neola and we um separate out all these student policies he explained to me how that affects the student code of conduct and what can be done as we move forward because it would be like almost it's a yearlong process right but meanwhile this bullying piece has a direct connection to our cell phone piece and and I and I what what I was trying to point out to you is that what I heard you say we need to do more information campaign for students and more at the school level for related to bullying I agree with you bullying is been is a thing was a thing always has always a challenge so I just wanted to validate I heard what you're telling me for bullying before we went out to the second one cuz Miss Skipper and I actually wanted to hold a bullying Forum because if you do that parents have real stories not little stories but really horrific stories no doubt and a lot of the biggest problem with bullying unless someone tells you it's more rampant than you know it's like rape unless they tell someone it's more rampant than the police know they say only one out of four women report bullying is the same way and so I I appreciate you thinking about what I'm saying about that piece then can I ask a question who answers the bully in hotline that that go back and hear it does it go to my secretary you my secretary okay so your your department that's what I wanted to know who who in this District takes this so right now there is a link on the website that will take you directly to a form that the parents can fill out and that link goes to myself Miss Jones and miss padet what we do then is we collect that information and get that back out to the schools so that way the schools can conduct an investigation so what if the child's too scared to tell the parents that's hard for us to reads on something any anyone know that they can call the bully not most of them I mean I'm not encouraging kids not to tell their parents by any means that's not what I'm saying I'm just saying that sometimes things happen and they might be embarrassed or they're scared that they're going to get called out and then when they get to school they're going to be bullied even further and stuff like that so if this hotline if they knew about this suppos in hotline um we'll be encouraged to tell another adult right I mean 100% just saying that the the hotline and the form are available to anyone as soon as someone clicks on the link it opens it up so it's not a situation where it will block anyone from being able to do it um and what Miss padet does is for the students that may not have access to a computer or a parent that may not have access to a computer what she'll do is she'll collect their information and put it into our form so that we're keeping track of the reports that we get so that it can go out to the schools once we send it out to the schools then the schools will go ahead and investigate the situation and they'll report back to us what their findings were you the biggest problem at the school level honestly they're going to call everybody in everybody around the school already knows what you did um people are afraid matter of fact um I have a a lovely granddaughter highly gifted um unique creative and I was talking about this with my husband because you see bullying stuff on the news and you know you just hear about it from people they talk about it about their kids and she perked up and said I was bullied terribly she never told us we were teachers at her school we have a real problem and even when you have a hotline what's the first thing we do we call everybody in right so everybody in the whole school knows it was you I mean it's just it's a tough situation I think we need to do some research and really think about it because if you're talking about having a positive influence on academics eliminating the this would be key yeah Mr sty how how many bullying incidents do you get reported do have any statistics I'm saying generic I don't need I can pull that for you but I want to say that we're somewhere around 60 or 70 maybe 80 for the year um that's about typical what we would get by this time of the year so the key though is to have the children reported well and the children if they're being bullied a lot of children like your granddaughter my my daughter fifth grade huge problem um we'll choose not to share right and and that will eventually come out in other fors that you deal with but that the sharing is the hardest part yeah and and to miss uh Hansen's point about uh getting called in there's a number of different ways you know as an assistant you know that I worked as an assistant principal that we would you know through education this could also be ways to teach the kids of how to report yeah if there are situations that come up if the parent or the child does not want to get called in and have everybody else called in about that let us know that and we'll make sure that that becomes part of that process um if they just want to make us aware that something is going on they can let us know that hey keep an eye on it we can inform teachers whatnot the other part is is the the reporting portion of it we've done things I was at Ridgeview High School something as simple as we had a yellow basket that was in the student services office which is where attendance notes went everybody misses at some point in time or another if they come in with a note and wanted to put a bullying notification in there they would put that on there our secretary would then contact one of the administrators to go ahead and investigate it so that way it wasn't something where they were being called out or going in and telling the other part is is if I was going to speak to a student I might have them called to the nurse or to the guidance counselor to go speak to them there as opposed to getting called up to the admin office so that way if there was something going on it doesn't look like they're you know term everybody snitching or whatever that withness is not at every school it is at a lot of them though but again if that's something that we want to do through the education that you were speaking of that's something that we can have put in place you know well I just know it's not just us in Clay County I know it's important it's happening more often than we think it's the root cause of a lot of misbehaviors and absences and treny there is a lot going on and a lot of mental health issues with our kids and if we don't do a better job I mean it's been around since I was a kid right it's worse now because of cell phones so we need to do a better job and I appreciate you guys listening about that certainly do that mhm and look for strategies to to improve that the second one miss Hansen um trcy treny it's page 17 so a lot of a lot of um counties across the country and you can research it's one of my things is what I like to do have gone to Universal Poli policies for certain things one of them is trenes districts have to mean it for it to have any weight our treny policies do not have any weight it we used to have more weight we used to have treny courts we used to we do things where teachers report treny at so many I know we have I read in here there are some things that we do do with treny um kids can't learn unless they're at school I know of kids who have missed 85 days of school for five years and get passed on every single year they get into 8th grade n9th grade 10th grade it is out there there's probably thousands of kids I am not kidding you thousands of kids who are truant according to state law and I believe we do have the law in here right with the but what I'm asking is we need to be mean business when people know we mean business parents take it more they're just going to take it more seriously oh my gosh you've had five unexcused absence get yourself to school right now at McCrae Elementary they had a very aggressive year when I was working there to get um students to school and during that aggressive year we were up to 93% attendance it takes a lot of work a lot of time we need to do better kids can't learn when they're out of school and if we ran official reports for this year I did talk talk to probably 30 different teachers all I got to do is call them and I ask all of them have kids five 10 unexcused absences um 80 unexcused absences 40 unexcused absences kids can't learn and Universal policies that go across the county for something like treny is a consistency and a policy that we could as a board as a district as principal say this this is at every school your kid needs to be here and until we get serious about it and I'm not sure if we can run reports I mean I am pretty sure that I I probably would bet money that I'm right about us having a treny problem and there's a lot of kids that would come up on a list if we ran it according to State Statute so I don't know what we need to do I don't know if we need to change some language in here so that everybody takes it seriously but this is you know just your basic within three school days if it's unexcused and you've got 25 of them are we really getting a note I know that we didn't get notes kid was on cruises for seven days nobody got a note when I was working I think we do need to look at this because the law is in here and as a district maybe as a board try to decide what we can do about it that has like I said more teeth than what we currently have have and maybe you know more of that um with the most recent just a comment since Co you're absolutely right absences have been huge huge and had absences have been a major problem but the district has also done a huge recently not not I mean and yeah you're going to still see some saw a huge increase in student attendance that that's never that's not going to stop the uh I'm going to call it the oh my witness folks the 80 the people there were working currently on on bringing truancy for back that seemed to have ended 6 Seven 8 years ago for whatever reason I think my understanding was it was voluntary right Dre and C Court was voluntary so and it was voluntary for the judge like you were dependent upon a judge being willing to set their time aside to do it because it wasn't required but everybody knew about it everybody was afraid of it well well sort of afraid of it but because there were a lot of families that don't show up correct similar to our our student hearings families don't show up sometimes for the most part you know what I mean like we can't but they if if their child's going to be absent all the time they're using that child for a variety of reasons and it's and and I'm saying that from from family use I need my my fifth my fifth grader to stay home today because my kid sick and I to at work you know and fifth graders at home taking care of the child I mean there are so many situations like that that about this how about we get some data and also tell you it's connected to grades right how can a kiss kid Miss 60 days of school and still pass I mean honestly I know it don't tell me in my 20 years that I don't know this I know this all right 45 days 30 days the other part of the piece is actually trying to hold people accountable like if a kid's literally out of teachers as well if a kid's literally out of 60 days how is he passing cuz he wouldn't pass my class I can tell you that and so there is a lot going on here below the surface I think um I don't know no no doubt aisy is is an area worth exploring so I wrote that down but I saw Miss Fogerty get out I saw her coming I'm coming she knows I'm not wrong like okay she jump on this all go ahead Laura so one one thing that you may not be aware of is the process that happens right so once a kid hits the 3 days our teach start calling and so we've got a whole attendance decision tree where they meet at the school they have a students attendance meeting and then once they get when they have a very high number then then they come to the district office and and we have a meeting cuz the first thing we want to do are there any barriers that we need to remove because we know that to teach a cop child we have to get them there so we have had the privilege of meeting with Mr SS on several occasions and so we are moving forward with that process one of the things that we are going to look at doing is we've already run a list of like who has been absent and who has the most days so I want to be proactive during the summer and send a letter that says you know J Miss Smith we realized that Sally was absent and we know that in the forthcoming year they will be here every day here's a calendar here's when they're expected to be yes we want them five days a week every single day but one of the things in working with Mr simet is whenever you do go to court we have to be able to provide things like counseling like parenting classes and things that will make a difference in that child's life cuz that's what we're all here for right is to get children there so that then we can teach them to help them Miss are you saying I'm I'm going be amazed are you okay yeah just just I'm going to be amazed I was just sh that we have to give parenting classes I just no I I wasn't saying that parenting classes I'm saying that that we would offer a variety and a menu of choices that would be upheld through the court so Mr blocker and his firm are working in like in the skill house that we have to get a judge on board M Madam chair can I just just just I appreciate thank you for bringing this up so there's a lot I've worked insury quite a bit so we have to get meet with the chief judge here which I'll be sitting down with them Mr assignments I will with the chief judge and the for circuit just trying to make sure that we you know identify get the court system on board like Miss fery said you know we have to have so when the judge has insury case come in front of them they have to be able to assign punishment right punishment or corrective action or Rehabilitation so it's encumbered on us to work with local stakeholders to develop with us programs are so the sheriff's department some other different so we can say okay here's the parenting class that the parents can go to and learn you know to make sure that show you know get their kids to school on time or the life skills class so this is this is a bigger Hall I think you know there are about 2,000 students we've identified potentially as as your face has turned white but but TR mine so no I'm on it I'm the one so I'm on it right so that's a lot you have to prepare these cases so this is this is a a major major Hall your staff is working hard on this um a lot of this we've been kind of working on the back because you know we didn't want to bring this shelter we're ready to kind of roll it out but I appreciate Mrs Hansen bringing this up so we can yes ma'am quick question is there still a long books that a parent can be arrested if their child is true well there is and I've pred some of those but but it's you know it's it's so rarely to yeah because then there other considerations if you put the parent hold them in contempt well Al your child's not going to get to school then yes ma'am it's called it's called a uh a detainer so you know if the parents detain they have other children so they've kind of moved away from that to a certain extent but generally these are life skill issues where people are having young parents or or not so young parents are having a hard time balancing out those kind of life skills you have the whole Alice parent scenario at what point does DCF get involved because is it ever considered neglect if you're I know like if you don't get appropriate health care or those things qualify as neglect of care for that child is the same true for Education it potentially could be generally just treny alone does not trigger that but DCF could be involved with there other other issues going on as well if there's neglect or child abuse or something like that that it's kind of generally these things fortunately go in groupings um so treny doesn't um necessarily trigger DCF it could there could be there could be scenarios where that does that starts extreme truancy it it could generally DCF is the health of the child so the educational parameters or you said you want to look at domestic violence some type of you know unfortunately you know our society today we deal with you know familiar relationships are inappropriate so that those generally that's when or there's abuse child abuse that's generally when DCF is is required to get involved they mandatory reporting for treny you know sometimes the parents are not aware you they think their kids are getting on the school bus and they're disappearing so sometimes it's an awareness issue so they're actually processes like M you have to it starts at the school level they have to notify you know kind of then bring it to the but when it comes to the district level it's a problem that the school is not able to address so so the the lowest possible level they're no longer able to handle and so now it is a district problem which makes it a school board problem so so there that's why we have to have kind of kind of build this um process so it's going to take we we'll report back to the board you know from time to time and hopefully but you the goal is I think the superintendent gave us Direction he would like to have it up and running by the Fall little ambitious but we'll we'll get there you know um we are relying on outside external agencies and forces to work with us and collabor op so I just wonder if DCF might be one of those agencies because um the nature of the population of students where I work of course A lot of times you see foster care U placement absolutely you know in relation to you know they come to school with all kinds of yes Ma I think it's a great Point DCF does have some resources and you know as far as like training parents CU sometimes you you could have a you know a discipline you have young parents that just are not aware how a discipline on their kids you don't have to you know discipline the same way they're different ways you life skills and so but we but I think that's a great Point that's something we can look into sometimes that does go together in a grouping youf I think try is usually a part of all of that absolutely well TR he could also be a symptom of bullying or other things for kids don't want to go to school because there there's something there there's something horrible going on so it is all intertwined um and generally when you're in front of a judge that's an intimidating process so so it's to be because you want to get you know if you have rebellious children you want to get their attention when you're sitting in front of a judge and saying hey this is you know cuz the kids can't always separate what that means you know so but we'll we'll keep working on that so misser did you say every three unexcused absence were holding attendance meeting so at a high school of 2,000 people every time the kid is 500 excuse no ma'am it's it's a phone call from from well I mean for every one of them come the teacher at every school that's what we're doing yes' every unexcused that's what is in there isn't there like a law that like if your child misses you have to notify anyone under if you want that to be excused ask you have to provide documentation to why excus I know I know but like notifying them yes you are correct yes' you are correct so so we do um through Synergy the automated pH it go out you're right okay so so so I heard two things bullying want to address bullying more I heard treny want to address truy student student student attendance and then on cell phones is my last one cell phones was my last one all right let's do it so this one on last year I'm doing with so much talking I don't know maybe I'm the only one that really I don't know I'm feeling kind of bad but um so last year I remember appealing to the board about being brave because of mental health issues abuse of cell phones we could be the first in the state to be brave the first in the state to eliminate cyber bullying through cell phones distractions through cell phones mental health problems because of cell phones addiction problems because of cell phones and I remember fighting adamantly about this cell phone policy well between now and then there are about 20 counties in the State of Florida now I know Duval joined on last week uh Bard Duval but they have changed their policies many of them are following I believe the state guidance is off and away right so what school boards across the country are doing and there is data you can look it up from the time that they make these policy changes they have less referrals and increases in AC memic achievement and that's because the kids aren't distracted we all know that what I'm asking is that we consider having phones often in their backpacks like the State of Florida I thought that was what we agreed to last year I think last year when we had this discussion we we peeled it back we were going to do it in stages right we peeled it back last year and said this year well what we said last year was because before it was there was no rule about when you could use a cell phone right rules but I mean kids were allowed to have them in the classroom prior to our ruling last year and in their backpacks at their desks their was rules then we we let up on the rules and last year now they can have them in transition are we talking about the same thing let me finish what I'm saying so last year when we had this discussion what we all voted and finally decided on was that last year student code of conduct we would only allow cell phones in the lunchroom and during transition time with the understanding that coming to this year's student code of conduct the cell phone would be stored away and off Bell to Bell that was what we discussed last year when we when we took this issue up so that that was my understanding of what we would be presented well I like I like your understanding because what we have right now cuz what we have right now with cell phones up and in their faces all through transition in high school so what a lot of counties have done is often in their backpack unless by law teachers can direct them to use their phone like for science experiments I see you guys did strike out this teachers have to beg for permission to use a phone part and I was happy about that but the off and in a backpack is key because they're on silent in their back pockets and there is more of a distraction when their butt Jiggles they cannot they cannot get back on task kids will sit there and be freaked out about it for five or 10 minutes because they know they got a message or a picture or something from their friends transition unneeded I'm not going to sit here and just be hard hard hard about this maybe the board thinks they it's secondary and high school very large lunches a lot of mass confusion maybe I would prefer they talk to each other at lunch but maybe in high school they are allowed to have them at that one instance but I'm advocating for off and in their backpacks and honestly when I went to Clay High I was really really proud of their administrative team because when we visited I heard people from I could just hear them on that first day of school often in your backpack often in your backpack I will give kudos to Clay High because they already knew they needed to be often in their backpack not in their pocket not vibrating not out in their face during transition when you have only four minutes to get to your next class but your recollection is better than mine but I'm thinking we could uphold the state law have them often in their backpacks maybe in high school they could use them in uh I wish they didn't but I'm saying that would be a good thing to um maybe do if administrators think that would be the best time to allow older kids on their cell phone definitely not in transition and definitely not on vibrating in their back pocket so that's kind of where I was I think they need to be often in the backpack Bel well that's my so just to be just to be clear the current policy is that a student uh should have the the cell phone off and put way or silenced right and and so that the transition they're currently allowed to have them in transition in the hallway are currently allowed to have them before and after school right and during and during lunch right they're allowed to do that Bell to Bell and you see that that that is being enforced I say how do I know that's being enforced CU currently there's 1,00 discipline referrals for wireless communication devices most of it you can see is a junior high and high school datawise you got only 29 elementary students and I can imagine that sometimes it becomes a Defiance issue right when you say you're not doing what the adult's telling you to do then that becomes Defiance junior high is about 576 and high school is about 1,300 for a total of 1900 roughly keep in mind that when we implemented that we also look for a way to implement it in in a rational way so on the first time there it's a warning the second one is the second violation you get first referral piece of that so some of these all of these point to me in the policy where it it says that that they need to be off and in the rep haacks the policy says should be off and see it that's what I'm asking right I don't know the exact it used to say silenced or off and it used right so so house bill um is it 379 it doesn't say that it should be in a backpack what it says is that the students may not use the wireless communication device during instructional time and the teacher can designate where the Fone should be I know that part okay so it doesn't say that it needs to be in the backpack that's you know that's where the I think the legislature wanted to leave it at the the teacher or the District's discretion to make that determination they also said the teachers should collect them all and put them behind their desk that's in there too we don't do that either I am telling you it is not illegal to have them turn their phones off and put them in a backpack no one of the they shouldn't have them silenced in their pocket hear what he said he said you could do that at a district level it's just the legislator stopped here for us as a board to decide that he's not saying that as a board but also as the leadership of the schools because as I recall and correct me if I'm wrong Mr brosi last year when this bill was passed our assistant principles and principles in the junior high and Senior High specifically spent quite a long time sitting down and saying okay gives us the opportunity now we now have the opportunity to establish the rule and to have this as the meat that we need behind it and they came up with the actual procedures within the junior highs and Senior highs and I know when we went into the schools when I've gone into all of the schools I've gone into there are yeah there it is I was going to say there are posters there are there are Pages up saying these are the rules these are the rules these are the rules and in the schools that I visited when I go into a junior higher high school classroom I specifically look for those backpacks and in all the visits that we've done those backpacks are over in a corner and the arguments I remember getting from parents saying wait a second what happens in a situation where there's an emergency I thought you're sitting in the same room with your backpack Any teacher is going to let you take your backpack to the corner the safe Corner call your mom and dad I would encourage us before we make a blanket not you know Bell tobell rule saying no cell phones whatsoever I would encourage us to please talk to the administrators at the junior highs and the high schools to ask why we should do this or why perhaps it might not be the best idea to do this there there concerns for Safety and Security that I don't want to sh well the law says they have to have they have to have them on campus we can't take their phones away corre correct the law says Any teacher can have them use a cell phone for educational purposes so I'm not sure I followed your entire conversation what I'm asking is is they're not silenced in their backpack that we make an effort to help them show responsibility turning them off so they're not distracted by it putting them in their backpack maybe we say secondary schools can have them out at lunch that would be administrators would have to let Mr brosy know is that a good thing is it not a good thing right I can tell you they don't need it in transition and these phones are unhealthy I mean they're just and I think what Miss gilhousen said I just don't see anything we said as in the policy do you see any part of the policy that says they're supposed to be away and off I don't see that right now I'm looking at it Madam chair make a statement I I want to have a say in this because I've done a ton of research on this and I want I just want to voice my opinion um so in front of you is Orange County's policy and you can go to Google right now and find a slew of articles about this policy this is a bell toell policy and my firm belief is you do one you do for all we're Universal across the board because let me tell you what happened I don't know what schools you're going into I'm going into I feel like the same schools and um there's a conversation that I have with people every time I leave the school whether it's dress code or or whatever um there's a lot of positives too let's let's start with that there's a lot of positives that's not what I'm saying I don't just go in there nitp what's wrong that's not what happens but when I'm seeing a child texting during our national anthem it takes all I can do to not go over there and literally smash the phone I said it I it boils my blood it's disrespectful that is educational time that's happening and you can't tell me it's not happening you have kids listening to music with headphones on during educational time when people who serve our country are speaking it's disrespectful this is a very extreme scenario but it is a it's something I am passionate about because my husband did serve I have family members who served and and my ending board comments today will will all relate to this because I will tell you this we have to start bringing certain things back into our schools and taking other things out and this is a prime example of this we we have to have our kids with their faces to to the to eye contact looking at people communicating to people understanding how to be socially interactive I know when we had our Forum I brought actual data from the NIH which supported um they had CT scans of children and the brain matter that changes with uh screen time um and and cell phone use and and the bullying and the addictions like Miss Hansen was referring to I brought all of these articles to show parents and I will tell you I don't think that there was one parent in that meeting and one parent that hasn't come up to me that has that has said that this is not a problem and this is not an issue it's an adult problem too so I guess what I'm saying is you we have seen a significant well I I I I feel like we've seen a significant drop in disciplines as far as cell phones even though that still happens but Orange County back to that the articles that stated they went to this bell-to-bell policy they have seen an increase in grades a decrease in behavioral issues and referrals teachers are environmentally happy that in itself could be a new recruitment packet we don't allow cell phones um that is I think one of the number one biggest issues that most teachers when I ask them why are you leaving um education after however many years or why don't you want to go back to education they will they it's their top three I can't discipline my own kids I I give them a referral they get sent back to class it's ripped up whether it's it's Clay County Duvall St John's or even out of state um my point is this in itself is going to decrease discipline you won't have to worry about Snapchat you won't have to worry about people taking inappropriate pictures in a bathroom you won't have to worry about um meet me after school so we can beat the tar out of each other you won't have to worry about all of those things however the law states that they have to have it available to them but that doesn't mean that they have to have it at their desk that doesn't mean that they have to have it in their hand we know this is unhealthy this is not good for our kids and there is data I I mean districts and and um people Statewide are moving to this model and it's working it is working it supports it um and we already know the scientific true basis of what it's doing to our kids they're becoming socially um unaware they're becoming um enabl I mean you have your certain kids that can have a full-on conversation and you ask them their their usage or cell phone usage a lot of them don't even have social media but the ones who do hey I'm talking to you I'm talking to you I mean you see it all the time so I just feel as a board you're going to we're going to get a lot of push back from this this is the time that sometimes you have to ruffle feathers and people are going to be angry about it but we have data facts we have we have support to support this so moving forward with this yeah people are going to I have good friends that actually blamed us for this and had a problem with this law um but after I told them and showed them they are fully aware that this is a problem they all eventually agree so we our kids are took to school to learn and that's exactly what they need to do they don't need to learn what happened on Tik Tok yesterday or who posted a new post or whose party is what I mean they can learn all of that after school and at our Forum parents were like we know it's a problem we do like the parents there didn't say oh don't take their phone away during the day they were like please I have the same problem at home we're kidding ourselves honestly we're the adults in the room here we know it's not good for them we know there's mental health problems with it all we're asking is they put it in their backpack on silent until the end of the school day I think there are three board members who agree that we want the phones put away off Bell to Bell yeah I'm curious I all I'm asking is that we include the administrators in on this conversation last year that was what we did last year the administrators said it was too hard to control and that's why Rec call the administrators being involved in the Bell tobell discussion they were definitely involved discussion we talked about it last year and ultimately decided not to go Bell tobell because administrator said it's too hard to enforce we did they they said the enforcement piece of it was nearly impossible so we agreed that we would take this in incremental steps that's what I was referring to earlier was last year the the compromise was okay well this year let's just do during class time and as I'm and I guess what I'm trying to say is that we've had one year that we have had during the classroom cell phones away right that that that is a rule throughout the district that is a rule that teachers have adhered to that I've visited I've seen this happening in now and I'm going to elementary schools though I would assume I it's always been a rule and I would assume that that handful of students that were caught forgot to turn their phones off or forgot to take it out of their pocket or whatever cuz that's generally when that phone goes off in a classroom o you better hear what's going on and what I'm asking is that as we make this as we look at this policy I am not opposed to this I'm saying hey I would just like to get feedback again from the administrators to see if this is the necessary step forward if this is obtainable if this is if this is something that they are able to um Implement I mean yeah Madam chair can we see if we have consensus for having a phone off and in a backpack well it seems like we do with this board member with this I think we can um Miss Clark did you want to offer well I've talked so much today I mean I like to take it all in I think we all know the health issues I mean it makes me friends watching parents who act like children even when they're an infant put it in front of their face because we know what it's doing to their brain we know that um I love the Bel toell idea and every teacher and principal I've talked to seems to love it as well no have I hit all 43 schools no uh but I do think my only concern is at the high school level especially as students are driving and taking care of other siblings do they need a time at lunchtime to make those calls I don't know I mean I would prefer the Bel to Bell but I also know that we live in a different society and maybe there is you know I would prefer they talk to each other and and at lunchtime but I also know on the bus for bus drivers even though they can't have them out it keeps them quiet while they're on that bus ride yep so we've got all sorts control of the cafet little concerns that it would be great to I don't know what it's going to take time wise the other thing and noticing in this I was going through this cuz my initial when we were talking about this last year my initial um concerned with smart watches and that is part of this and going through schools you still see smart watches all over the place and it'll be it will be an issue an issue I mean it will be an issue but so are V we don't allow we're having a heck of a time we still have them so but my point is we don't make a rule or not make a rule because it's going to be difficult to enforce if we know it's within the best interest of the student just like no drugs it's in the best interest of the students but I'm going to go back to the administrators they need to be involved with this can we try to get consensus or no so if I could just kind of put some context to it and of course I'll enforce whatever rule for policy the board decides to do but I I would think we'd be remiss we kind of point out a couple of things one the Board needs to define whether or not lunch is lunch is in play or not in play that's that's a thing and then the passing periods itself are we talking about the first B to the last bell like what exactly are we talking about uh no doubt no doubt discipline occurrences will go up significantly right it's a huge cultural change cultural change too for parents I might add you know uh I I spoken to several superintendents about this very issue uh and the neighboring yeah know neighbor a neighboring County more or L said hey you know parents would find that very difficult because they want access to their child right wrong or indifferent so I think off I think we're talking during class time here right I mean no CL off the no it's not off the board teachers can use it in class oh I I I mean honestly well and I can tell you my kids go to a school with almost 1 th000 kids where they have cell phones off and in the backpack Bell to Bell um that includes lunch that includes translate they're not allowed to have them out and I it is not uncommon for me to get a phone call from my son during the day Mom I forgot my whatever or uh mom what who am I riding home with today like I get that phone call from time to time I just don't get it from a cell phone I get it from a School's phone would you would you say that the level of pray parent involvement and engagement at at that school might be different than other schools and we serve over 42,000 students from a variety of backgrounds sure right so so one school might not be an issue let's just take Orange Park Elementary School might not be an issue at all in our Park Elementary School might be a big issue at another school I wonder with different Dynamics this is a big County too County we saying too much of inconvenience to do what's right for kids I I hear what you're saying mrosy I guess I don't understand the difference in that um you know the school itself it has phones that a student could use if they needed to and if a parent needed to get in touch with their child they could call the front office or right I'm just I'm just trying to point out that perhaps the parents are supportive of policy might not be supported the policy everywhere else oh at a different School environment sure but I'm just saying like access is the same yeah as far as access to their there's always there's always there's classroom phones there's other ways to contact the student I don't think that's the issue that we're trying to bring you're concerned about the parents not being supportive of this at other schools okay that's what I didn't understand oh wait okay I I was just talking about putting a phone in the backpack at the beginning of school away so they're not distracted so that they can learn and there's no interruptions is this conversation have we placed priority on the fact that some parents might be upset we as a board we know it is not good for kids you can go home right now find your research yes there might be a county that had some problems implementing it maybe the parents should have taken them more seriously there if you're saying that as a district we can't take away something that's bad for kids we know it's bad for kids because we're afraid it might be hard to manage it and we're afraid some parents might get mad at us we are an educational school board we are compelled to do what's best for kids cell phones in and around kids during that few hours 7 hours a day oh the average age how many hours do you guys think that a 16-year-old is on their phone in today's world cuz I happen to know this data too many too many yeah they said 13 hours on their phone are we saying at the time when they need to be focused on something that we either do not have the will to make a hard choice or because we don't want to upset anybody clearly for academic purposes my heart hurts about this conversation everyone in this room knows it is bad for kids oh it might be too hard for this person it might be too hard to the parents might get mad we are about kids I'm telling you Bard did did it over spring break and had only a handful of parents complaining at our Forum the parents knew it should be shut off at school if we're saying a kid might need to go to hold of them yes Miss gilhousen they can call but back not even 10 years ago I hardly ever got any phone calls in the classroom CU people used to talk to their kids before they went to school and they would prepare their day my heart hurts that we are trying to base a decision that's best for academics best for kids best for bullan on the fact that it might inconvenience or anger someone I am not a politician I a person who loves kids loves teachers and knows for a fact I entered the classroom 20 years ago it'll be two years no I've been out a year and a half and cell phones are destructive to our kids and we're concerned that we might have a rough year of referrals so what then we do but when we're serious about it they'll do it just like they do at Clay High I can't say anything I think it's a standard that we have to set I know I talk about it a lot you know whether it's teacher recruitment whether it's our students whatever there's a standard and we have to raise that bar if we want to be better all the way around this is I think we're all in agreement we're all in agreement so how about we bring it to a conclusion what do we want to do well I guess it just take it um what steps are we are we saying Bell to Bell or are we saying at lunch I think the classroom we we've taken care of that and is it perfect no um is it much better I think if you've walked classrooms you've seen that and I've been in a lot of classrooms this year and it is much much better so classrooms are are are correct we've got that correct um then we need to go okay are are you all wanting to decide eliminate passing times between Bells maybe that'll help with tardies M maybe it will um but then lunch are you including lunch or not if I could just speak from experience um because I've been at two large schools ear Park High and Oakley High AR part when there wasn't an oak leaf um and I'll be honest with you cell phones help at lunch because it quiets the level down um students sometimes are looking at their phone they are communicating with parents sometimes parents will know um when their lunch is and then now with your high school kids that drive or get home early to take care of siblings or things like that it is very helpful at some point for the older students to have some communication home with their parents so that would be beneficial because a lot of times lunch is right before you have lunch in six period so there's not much time there before they leave to to adjust to whatever the parent needs them to adjust to so um I I will say lunch is helpful um I can also say and I'm just going to be honest here you know you have some student students that sit alone at lunch um either by choice or not by choice but if they have their phone they're they're on their phone with something to do um and they're not uh sitting by themselves so it doesn't look different so it I mean I like the lunch as principal but that's up to you all whatever you want to do and then I yeah I would encourage you to have hold on can I just say something too really quick we talked about silence in the in the bus and silence at lunch and all this why I just I just have a question and I don't mean this in a rude Way by any means why do our kids need to be silent we're teaching our kids to to be quiet here's the thing they have a 30 minute lunch how long is it 30 minutes 40 minutes now okay 30 minute lunch that's their time to talk and communicate and if I I get it and administrators don't want them loud and and obnoxious and stuff like that but that's their time to be a kid um I know there was times growing up where they would flip the flipping charts and I just like I never agreed with that because you know what I get these kids are rambunctious and they've been locked up in a room all day and you don't want them screaming um but for the most part not every school has classrooms surrounding them and and if you have that one child that's going nuts go over there and confront them but I just disagree with that I feel like even on the bus ride home like when I go get my kids it's loud in my car and sometimes I am like I know heard that I have to I have to mute it and there you know but I'm not going to turn around and be like you know you've been walked in a classroom all day shut your mouth you know what I mean so I just I disagree with that angle um because and no disrespect here it's not silence to trust we can go back in our offices and and and turn on our music and sniff our lavender you know like we can get over that after the the the lunch breaks but have you ever driven a bus well yeah I I drive a Suburban with kids but my point is is then then you have the kid that yeah does sit by himself this is the this is the culture that I personally have sought out to change you that is the kid that's bullied that is the kid that that may have and those are the kids that do things that we we don't want them to do and so I encourage changing the envirment at these schools to reach out to those kids and speak to them I know we I always tell my kid when they get out of the car go make a new friend today go make a new friend today find a new friend speak to that person that's just having a tough day and it works with my oldest my littlest is just wild but my point is is we have to change CH the culture all the way around and if that child is sitting by themselves on their phone they're never going to look up they're never going to find that new friend there's still going to be that Outcast because they're not communicating and we as administrators we as the district need to start encouraging behaviors where we're saying hey you know it's the leadership of a school um I'm going to use Brady white as an example because he graduated last year you know Brady you see that kid over there to that you're class president I don't even know if he was class president but hey how about we go over there and and encourage a conversation we have to encourage our students to do better to to know that this is the world that we live in and to be kinder and to change the culture all the way around so I see your issues we can sit here and and talk about every issue but the point is is that is something that needs to be addressed period it's a culture shift it's a culture change it's that needs in elementary school we have buddy benches there you go oh yeah yeah kids lonely kids upset if there's a kid sitting on the Buddy bench other kids have been trained to know that's time to approach the kid on the Buddy bench somehow between Elementary School and High School I've taught it all of them that connection's gone and I will say that's part of the PBIS program as well most schools have PBIS program and that's usually invol that is includ in their PBIS program as well and the last thing I'll say is that 30 minutes sometimes is a long time for students idle since they it they take maybe 10 to eat eat their nuggets mashed potatoes is that this board has talked a lot about parents rights and and having parent input and I will tell you I talk to parents all day long every day fin functions and and parents will have very strong feelings about this at the high school level for the reasons that we iterated I heard several board members acknowledge that so I I would suggest if I were a principal making this move at my school I would absolutely survey my parents for the questionnaire and see you know which version of this are you okay with it is they're okay at designated time are you okay with it being the entire day that type of thing so that you can hear from them and allow them to weigh in as you have opted to have them do on so many other things prior to making such a decision I mean I hold office hours we've held parent forums but but going still up not the parents to decide what's best academically for our kids you know if a parent I feel like you should give me a hotline let every parent who's upset about a kid having their phone off during school hours call me I'll sit there all day long it is how you sell the message yes go ahead I'm writing it down I'm telling you right now it's it's I will put it at my house you don't think I will never here's the thing it is not this is not parental rights when they're at school it's academic rights like let's bring this to a conclusion so we can move forward I think um I heard you say that you'd like them to have them during lunch earlier um my best IDE I I don't mind the Bell to Bell but I like the lunch idea particularly in the junior high and high school even the high school that um just the high school and both I well the belt ends it so the bus is the um but it's still a classroom is what they're taught when they're on the school bus classroom they but they can use their phones MH that's why you were saying that it's more quiet on the buses now because they can use their phones and there and that is critical though also also because if I'm on my way home and I'm on the bus and I need to figure out wait a second am I going over next door to pick up my sister or brother or am I going straight home or whatever that gives them that little extra time if they need it I like the idea of of doing a I would love to do a survey of parents to see what their response is I would assume that 90 I maybe not 90 but 80% of the parents are probibly say yeah that's not a problem at all cuz my kidss don't contact me that other 20% Yeah well yeah you're going to always have people who aren't happy about something but I like the idea of bell to Bell I like the idea however for high schoolers to be able to use it during lunch hour not during transition so just kind of refine that idea CU we would know and we would need consensus in order to write that's what I'm working on correct to write right here too Bel Bell but allow High School to have school what about Junior High Junior High no that would they can work up to that that's something they can look forward to Junior High you're saying Bell they can practice their soft skins High School you're saying Bell to Bell but lunch that's what these two have said Miss Clark said ditto Miss Skipper I say a Bel but they can use them on the um bus I didn't know that they couldn't use them on the bus I I didn't know that that was a thing okay well I agree with the bu so if if I can what we have here up on the screen if I can if I'm understanding the room correctly where it says secondary only you would like that change to high school only yes and then we remove transition so that they're not allowed to use it during transition and that would be because the the information above about all students that's elementary through high school but the the exception of what you're seeing there secondary only has the opportunity to use it during lunch and during transition and school related functions as determined by Administration not transition so what you're asking at this point is we make that high school only correct and then remove transitions correct is that correct that's correct okay so we can make that adjustment prior to it being adver and often in their back do we need to put in there somewhere about their freedom to use it on the school bus I would leave that there there's well at least as far as the house bill there's nothing in there that talks about being able to use it on the bus is it beneficial for them to use it does it help Mr the other thing I'm sorry if I might also with the new um um I'm sorry what's the soft price you might know the software that they use to track the students on the bus they're using their phones as their IDs to check in on the bus as well that's right well first found a last B first Bell to last bell would be the yeah so the bus would put that outside of that so yes um the other the other comment or question can we notify the committee that put that did all of these Transitions and revisions that this the one that he mentioned that came together to do the revisions um that we will be making these changes as well absolutely and see if there's any response I'm just curious yes ma'am can we also let parents know this ahead of time like I think we could do that with a survey wanted that information well we don't if we don't need to do a survey if we're going to be making these changes I was saying survey the parents prior to making these changes but they're going to be a lot of changes going out for parents this year um with our media policy with this policy they're going to be aware they're going to as soon as we make this decision media policy is the same as last year they so so just for clar to say just make sure we're all saying the same thing so but lunch everything but lunch but only high school so so let's talk about Junior High haven't taught junior high for 10 years that's how I lost my hair they will be the students will the like an award day they could use them on Friday you are saying no lunch no nothing at Junior High corre that's well and it goes back toosi one thing I need to check sometimes you know now when you go through the cafeteria [Music] makes Lin go quicker and ID is on yes oh we'll just have to get a milard well they can just tell their six digigit number that's what we've we've been doing no we've been doing for years are we talking mrosy your clarification was all School often in the backpack Bell the Bell exceptional lunch lunch for high school own um and we want to specifically put in the backpack it says backpack or purse in most policies some girls keep them in their purse in in our policy again the teacher designating an area uh some of them do have the the phone homes some of them do have Cubbies and tell the students to put them in there um and then I know there's a couple of our schools where or a couple of our students excuse me that don't bring backpacks so in those situations I think having the teacher designate I like the teacher designate versus saying you know and there are schools that do this thing during first period and it's kind of fun you know they have this announcement they make off in a way and they hold them up in the air teachers look at them they shove it in their backpack in the first period maybe we can come up with something creative but that is a first period check like we used to do dress codes that's what they're doing to help implement it in many schools across the country they have they have a plan for it can I ask a quick question relating to the classroom just and with the phone if a teacher chooses to use the tele the phones however in the classroom because they don't have enough whatever is that still part of this policy that's correct the law I understand that but I'm just making certain was there any other talk by the by the board about the use of the cell phone by the adult in the room you mean should they be like checking Facebook on their phone I would say that we should extend that have that opportunity expectation okay to adults you see the point the point is if the adults in in the room using the phone while you're telling the student not to use the phone maybe we should fix the adults then I see that as as a as a challenge the board wants to adopt a policy on that well that's a procedure you can do that there there is definitely there is definitely a parent rule in this is tongue and cheek but if cafeteria to take their child to lunch and sit outside at a picnic table with their child there should not be a cell phone Allowed by the parent either okay all right good let's let's focus we do have a short presentation right after this we have our proposed allocation changes for 23 24 and 2425 there's our monthly financial report our budget um amendments our deletion of certain items these are all standard practices then we have our bid renewal for um Wastewater at at McCrae and then epoxy floor services and those bid Ms are there then we have our third party contractor for benefits that's the valy group and that's their contract Services there uh then after that we have a placeholder for custodial Services Elementary School uh instrument sets aluminum ramps and stairs all kinds of bids that were out at that point for business Affairs then we have the um first ever visitors concession stand at Keystone Heights when does that um this is just the plans um we we yeah well we had to draw it out um it'll go out for bid and probably um next year meaning it will be available to I don't know that it'll be available for football I'll get so probably football of 2025 five cool be but I will get a schedule then we have uh the change order for Brio Junior High their window and hbac replacement that's a very old building Orange Park Junior High roof repair and there's one on that then there's pre-qualification of contractors which is a standard uh monthly item wilon Junior High fire alarm replacement contract uh interlocal with the Sheriff's Office related to gasoline at mberg uh area for emergencies that used for gas pumps then Oakleaf uh junior high the uh GMP bid practice upid uh package for that for H week Junior High that's followed by the same thing for Lake Asbury for those additions that are there and then the last few items are the uh schematic preliminary final for each one of those projects and those will be open in 2025 also not 24 25 25 26 oh yeah they haven't even started a no I know August yes 2526 thank you okay that was a quick run through on on all of those I knew that the others would have more exitement and interest but there is one presentation there is one one presentation if I get now early on in the school year the board wanted us to look at uh resiliency programs from that we've done that research we're bringing forward information that that Laura found related to this particular topic La has a quick presentation and then we'll answer any questions we have turn it on first go hi good afternoon we've kind of moved from morning to afternoon but have to tell you how much I'd appreciate the the conversation because you know Miss G when you're talking about culture like you're speaking my language I love that because I do feel like building our culture is so important because it also helps with the true and keeping kids there the soft skills that you were talking about with getting kids to communicate with each other I mean they need to build relationships and they need to know how to talk to each other so anyway um last year y'all kind of said hey we want you to look into this we want you to see how it's working we want to see what's going on so I'm like okay I can do that so when we look at seven mindsets we've been using it in Clay County since 2019 one of the things that it does is it creates a common language for us so when we look at like live to give that is talking about citizenship it is talking about volunteering it is talking about things that may ring a bell that the first lady Casey Dan santis is talking to us about we are connected that is building your relationships and what could not be more important than being 100% accountable because we want children to be held accountable for their actions we want adults right we want everybody 100% accountability so whenever we look at it one of the things that stuck out the most is a quote from Casey des santis and if we could get it on like I don't know we we need to probably put it up at every single school with our resiliency initiative our goal is to equip students with the skills that will help them learn to persevere through life's inevitable challenges so when I give you a minute just to digest that like that is huge that is what we talk about because when kids leave a Clay County school we want them not only to be a productive citizen but life is not easy we have challenges every single day and when our kids leave they need to know how to persevere so when we we surveyed schools we talked to schools we said hey what do you like about it what don't you like about it we did a whole survey and a majority of them want to keep seven mindsets and one of the things that they pointed out was having a Common Language you know really this is from an elementary quote but it's kindergarten through 12th grade everybody's on the same page when the students are speaking the same language and when adults are speaking the same language that is super powerful when we up our game and we talk about what is acceptable what is acceptable discourse between people not not everybody's going to agree 100% on everything and we know that but we need to teach children how to disagree with someone and have it not turn into something that is violent we need to disagree respectfully and we need to learn how to create that culture where they want to be at that school and that's one thing that seven mindsets does help us do if you have walked middleberg High School you will see that that they have invested they are all in ins seven mindsets they have lived to give they this is this is one of the main focus walls whenever you walk in and it's a good reminder to our students of what they should be doing and one thing you know whenever I I looked back and I started looking at the data and like where have we evolved over 5 years what does it do it was they helped us like through a pandemic they allowed us to get lessons out to students free in charge we didn't have that right but they put it on our website and they allowed us to do that another thing that and Miss B you may need to help me cuz I want to click on the resiliency toolkit one thing that we had talked about in depth is the resiliency toolkit and if we could go there this is what's on our our thing let's slide down a little bit if you look at this this is the exact same lessons that we had last year nothing's been added nothing's been taken away it's in the exact same place that that it was last year let's see if we can get us back Miss Bonnie that's the one that the state provides yes ma'am that that's the resiliency toolkit through the state so when did we do we did that in September or October it hasn't been changed no sir it has not and I have to tell you whenever I look at it one other thing that I want to point out is that whenever they have resource listed and it's K through three if you look on that the actual thing is for seventh grade so they've listed resource and they're like hey use this in K through three but actually where they pulled it from it's recommended for 7th grade another one of their resources is actually 6th 7eventh and eighth but they're telling us to use it in third grade I'm going to go to slideshow presentation oh we not there we are not we're almost there let's do yes ma'am that'd be great so I I just wanted to point that out because I have to tell you like there was so much there were there were just High Hopes right they're working with USF we thought that this would be ready but it's not ready it's still not ready and I don't we don't have any future hopes that it will be ready so whenever you look at it and this is just like a clear graph that gives you like what the toolkit does so every lesson they have that's an x a gray area is what they don't have so if we're using this for rule 6A it doesn't even come close and matter of fact they've got character listed and one of Mr Sand's things that she really talks about is honesty and grit and perseverance they're nowhere in the character lessons at all so this is this is not ready it's disappointing but it's not ready so whenever we look at what our schools do and how they use it they use it to build relationships they use it to build the culture of their schools now another thing that we are looking at is replacing sweet 360 which has our Substance Abuse Prevention of child trafficking having it all on this one platform so you will be glad to know that with this expanded platform it's going to expand into tier 2 and tier three so they've got over 150 modules that will allow our school counselors that will allow our teachers if they see an issue they will now have a whole Bank to choose from and in that bank they have cyber bullying so I when y'all brought that up I thought oh my gosh it's already a module so that they have one thing that they hit really hard on is a substance use and misuse and that's including vaping and I mean you know Miss G you have pointed out multiple times like vaping is an issue and we really do need to provide more education in that area but it's got uh modules on vaping opioids fany misuse and then safety standards bullying and cyber bullying Suicide Prevention child trafficking which is the prevention of child trafficking so we really want to be able to combine those two platforms so our teachers and our staff have easy accessibility to a multitude of lessons so is it working is it not working so when you look at tin's elementary y'all just saw them at the Showcase so whenever we look at 's elementary they mve lessons from the resource wheel because they had a a resource teacher that taught it all the time they moved it back into the classrooms so if you look at their data now this data is as of a ail okay so it's not end of the year data so 2122 and 22 23 that is end of year data your 2324 was taken in April yeah but that's only a month before the end of the school year yes ma'am it is but I just want to be clear you know as as to what you're looking at because you are comparing the end of the year with where they are right now but if you look at just the reduction in the referrals and the reduction in the OSS for me that's the biggest because if kids aren't there we cannot not teach them at oaklea Junior High here's another example they just began to implement schoolwide classro and look look at that I mean the the data the data is very powerful and so it shows us where we have been and where we are by implementing these lessons with Fidelity we believe that we will continue to build our culture of our schools and that we will continue to help children understand that they do need to persevere they need to have grit and you know we talk about a lot of times that if a kid doesn't know how to read what do we do we teach them to read we have children that always don't know what our expectations are especially when it comes to behavior so this is one way to teach Behavior to teach and when I say Behavior it means like what is acceptable how do we talk to each other how do we disagree agree with each other how do we you know m l when you said you know I tell my kids you know to go make a new friend today how do we make friends and how do we keep friends so working on those things and adding in the key components which are statutorily required which is the substance misuse and abuse the prevention of child trafficking I mean all those are huge huge issues so I just wanted to share some data you know we did look at other programs we looked at other things um and overwhelmingly our schools you know surveyed and came back with that they would like to keep seven mindsets so these are just some other places because I'm always curious like hey are we the only one in this boat we're not you've got alacha Baker Bradford Columbia you know Dixie H I'm not going to read all those to you but we've got we are together with a lot of people um in the use of seven mindsets do you have any questions about any of the data yes ma'am just G you showed us two schools but are you seeing that same pattern at all the schools or are you see use it that may not be making much I'm just curious yeah no that's a fantastic question I've picked out schools that are using it with Fidelity and one of the things that in the survey with the schools what they had reflected to us is that they would like training on it so whenever we you know requested a bid I said I want a very you know inclusive training package that wasn't just a one shot and done but training now and then contined training throughout the year is there any way that we could use us for adults so yes ma'am yes ma'am yes ma'am yeah are there schools that don't use it there are there are do we sell to pay for them so last year we did not okay um this year when we are combining the r 6A and the um vaping and the opioid and the fentanyl misuse modules yes that they will be required to use it but but the schools will be required to teach that as well yes they have just been using a different platform in which to teach yes we we have been using S sweet 360 but the ease of use and having everything in one place makes sense plus whenever we reached out to seven mindsets and we're talking with them about that the plethora of just modules they had like that they have now added a g grief and loss um module which our school counselors will be able to benefit from using I know that we've got um a couple of like at Montclair that they have a small group running right now surrounding grief and the loss of of a parent or a loved one so what do you mean by combine so seven mind combine are you talking about combining the two yes so seven mindsets purchased Base education so they have merged into one platform okay because so now you will have the um you will have the ability to not only have the seven mindsets modules but have the base modules as well because the topics in 36d where are required legislatively those topics have to be taught yes ma'am so I guess what I'm I'm asking is those topics have to be taught who's implementing it and hopefully it's not during core courses the legislative component of suicide sex trafficking drug abuse so the the seven mindset ones that keep us legal will now be offered through there who implements that at the school for every kid so our schools choose so we have some schools where like in the elementary level that the school counselors are going in and teaching those lessons which are the ones that should right because they're they know how well I mean they're experts teachers know how to teach no experts on the topic well I had a bad experience I me it's a suicide one once so I'm not an expert on the top teachers are not that's why I'm asking so we have to do it yes we do and so in in some some of our schools the classroom teachers well like they they will give me their plan like upfront because we are required through the um through Florida State we have to enter into a portal what is our plan and our method of teaching and so we do use classroom teachers and we use school counselors CU I want people to understand that the the required components that are dictated To Us by legislation are separate from Seven mindsets so you your school we can't force a teacher to teach seven mindsets I mean if they don't want to teach seven mindsets they don't have to teach it if a school decides so you brought it in all together however the same seven mindsets program and I I'm I'm glad that they've expanded and you were able to do some research and unfortunately the state did not umre do what they said right so I me this the whole point is but I don't want sometimes at the secondary level I don't want anyone being forced to do something in their classroom which there's legislation about that too in the teacher Bill of Rights we can't force them to do anything other than their Core Curriculum and so what I'm trying to make sure is yes we need to do the legislative part which is suicide and all that prevention yes ma'am but it needs to be a choice when we get into the seven mindset part and I understand that we have to school's Choice you're correct school choice and I don't want people I have teachers telling me I have to teach it that's wrong we need to better educate teachers you do not have to teach seven mindsets and so it is not compelling at all schools it's not compelling to all teachers not everybody wants to do it I I told you guys the story of me doing three sweet 360 we didn't give parent notice um a lady called because her daughter had tried to commit suicide that summer and I showed her a suicide movie without telling her parent and I did ask at the beginning of this year for parents to be notified and sign a paper that we are teaching these topics I don't never I asked three or four times I don't know what happened to that but the point is seven mindsets is a choice the 360 legislatively directed portions are not a choice choice correct and it doesn't necessarily have to be done in core courses but if a teacher wanted to do seven mindsets they could choose to do it can a principal Force every teacher in their school to do it I mean by law no probably not but I'm just asking for a friend well for for a friend if you were somewhere where you were being forced I would seek other employment so if your school decides they want to do it and you don't want to do it are you in trouble I miss I first off for your friend um I I realize this hypothetically but for your friend I would encourage them to work in conjunction with their teammates and with their administrators because you know you and Miss Skipper both pointed out about the need to build the culture I mean and and that there's a need there that we cannot ignore I just want toach so so your friend would need to hypothetically not really a friend I saying I I'm just saying I I assume that they're your friends um you know if if your friend your friend needs to I would encourage them a one explore the platform explore it see what options there are and see how it can help students and that is what principles need to tell their staffs that is we need to get people on board I'm not saying it's a bad program or a good program we cannot leave a window of doubt we need to bring people on board we need to show them the positive impact of using this together and try to get people on board because literally it's a waste of time if everybody's not but they we should want them to do it agree this is what I'm saying agree we and because we want to build that culture and we want to help kids I mean because you know I I've got two children and they are grown and gone and um and when they are out there fighting battles on their own like I want them to be able to to persevere and I want them to know how to handle things and it's the same thing you know when when I started teaching here I want what's best for my children but then I think every kid in Clay County is my child you know back in the day we would teach all this through a literature through a novel we used to just put signs up around the school that said we used to teach it through the Bible we we used to just we used to just all this was incorporated into school culture but what you're telling me is we have to teach it now yes ma'am I am and and I'm I'm very clear on that and that that we do just like I said if we've got a kid who doesn't know how to read we teach them to read if we expect more of them we've got to expect more of ourselves and we've got to teach it thanks thanks Laura I know we're a little bit over time and then that's it for the today Madam okay so moving forward next on our agenda sorry let me find my [Applause] AGA oh in front um questions from the audience we don't have anybody from the community here Mr superintendent did you have anything to add no no comments uh anything from you Mr blocker no ma'am board members anything to add unfortunately I do I know this is my day I promise I won't talk any more at the next Workshop well that's the budget Workshop strike it um so I just want to share about some of the things I learned at the advanced Finance Forum um the rest of us were unable to make it I learned a whole lot about what transparency looks like I learned a whole lot about I'm going to do as short as I can okay how the majority of school board members are um some counties have one board member at each of these things but listen to the kind of committees people have finance committee allocation committee one mill reference committee audit committee budget advisory committee construction committee board can pick on uh organizations to be on the Committees to best represent their districts they have hotlines for third party reporting for neglect um or whatever um they also advertise that two or more school members may be present in attendance for every single committee so that if we if I showed up with Miss Clark who were the one you go to that I think is kind of boring I forget what the name of that one is but if I go in Miss Clark's there then it's been advertised um lastly I learned about financial transparency um there's some policies that I'm going to ask about later on so we don't take up the time like we have a cone of silence policy during the bid process so things like that that we can get the answers to if we may or may not cuz I'm newer but um the big important thing that I learned about and I was kind of I guess in a about this so I stayed after that night and talked for about an hour with a couple of lawyers and a couple of Finance officers The Forum covered types of audits and Boards being updated about the results of audits um I realized maybe one time I heard about an audit but I had never actually been given reports or seen the reports of these Financial audits um not get email I know I get them emailemail all the time well I don't know what kind of audits we're doing because there's actually 12 that some counties do annually so just bear with me for a second so the financial audits internal control audits it audits compliance audits operational audits Federal project monitoring Audits and internal account audits I learned that um by law if a district has more than $500 million I'm going to read just from this so I don't it goes faster $500 million worth of funds in a budget must have an internal auditor one of the most important things and I guess this really struck me at my core was according to Florida statute 10001 42 requires the internal auditor to prepare audit reports and findings and Report directly to the school board or design there were two lawyers that talked about this because if your internal auditor does not report to the board they're not independent if the internal auditor doesn't report to the board when the budget lies statutorily within the school board's um legal rights the internal auditor is not independent and it opens window for according to them fraud Financial abuse such as misappropriations mismanagement of funds Florida statute 1000 1.42 says the scope of the internal auditor shall not be restricted and shall include every functional and program area of a school system we were warned that it is pertinent that the internal auditor operates independent of the district I I am asking the board to move that the internal auditor away from the dese whomever that is right now and have the internal auditor report directly to the school board as stated in Florida statute 1000 1.42 my idea is that the internal auditor will report to our school board attorney and the chair who will distribute findings to the board in this way we have transparency and will safeguard the taxpayer dollars and I want to remind you what independent means if an internal auditor is the sole responsibility is to make sure that we are operating within our limits and under law that internal operat internal auditor may not and cannot report solely to somebody who is running the money it is the board's budget and as I stated Florida statute 1000 1.42 says the internal auditor prepares these reports and findings and reports directly to the school board I am requesting that we follow the advice of a lot of people lawyers other districts matter of fact most I think every district there said their internal auditor reports to the board and I'm requesting to get some kind of consensus that our internal auditor can work independent ently and directly report to the school board thoughts I agree um I just have a question about the current mode of operation because I know I just sat in on our opening audit what are we doing currently the chair um we do not have an internal auditor what we have is an internal accounts um um person that oversees the internal accounts within the school we did budget that did not arise to that level of the 500,000 uh last year or I guess this year because of the Essa funds we were a little over but I can tell you moving forward uh probably this year's budget when we do present will be under the 500,000 so we will not be requireed I mean 500 million I'm sorry we would not be required to have an internal audit should the board choose to do that then that is a position that we would have to add to the um allocation document we create the job description and bring it to the board for approval if that is the wish you're saying that Esser funds don't count because our budget I thought was 634 million it does and I've got to look at the language if it's actually the general fund operational funds versus the um other funding because if you'll notice like our debt service is really part of of capital so even though it shows it's uh we have over a half a million dollars in budget part of the capital funds gets transferred to the debt service so we can pay those funds I think the law state overall budget overall budget it say it's not you pick and choose what part of the budget you want to pull outar 400 million right we went over was because of the esa funding um I believe um standard pra uh the last several years it has been like about3 $400,000 we're just barely at that half a million dollars but again it doesn't really matter if the board chooses to have a position like that then obviously you well we have to statutorily if we're over $500 million we do and I assume that we were because that's what I read on the last two years 500 and something and we we boast that we're the largest employer with a half a billion budget so I'm I guess I'm a little bit floored that we don't have any internal auditor internal controls like that and and and then how many audits have we done then if we don't have an internal auditor all the audits that you mentioned are currently being done right now the board chair meets with the auditor we we had our meeting just had that meeting two or three weeks ago is the same one all of the ones that you mentioned are currently being done and are in the process of being done right now now all the results of those are all listed previous audits are on the website is it the same Auditors every year or do weate the state comes in and audits us well the IG does every three years right the big one every year right the operational audit and the um single audit is done once every 3 years by the auditor general this year is the auditor general who's visiting and will be reviewing the 2324 school year activities previously um and it this is statuto required 3 years uh we are required to hire a separate uh agency or a separate company to come in and audit our books and that is done through an RFB process as well so I don't know this was surprise you but there's a lot of people who don't wait till the third year that they have and I have a whole list I can share with everybody about what counties are doing annually and they never use the same auditor two years in a row because tend to focus on the same things this is a warning sign to me that we don't have yes we have to do what we do by law because I learned that there as well every 3 years but there are people that do these things every year and we have a half billion dollar budget I don't with all the respect there sorry with all the respect there are other audits that are being done and it's done by different parts of the agency doe like the federal audit that is done by the federal side of doe and they do come in and they review all the grants and everything that's being done uh we do onsite and we the desktop um as far as it there is an audit that's being done annually and it is reviewed by uh the auditor general as well as it is the auditor general that comes in that does the it audit and that's done pretty much every year do we pay someone to do that ever a general no we do not any of our audits outside auditor do we pay we do pay for the three years the the first two years that that is um cost on the district as far as the FTE we do have audits on the FTE and they do come in once every I believe it's two three years the same thing in the past they've been coming in every year however because of uh Staffing and and those types of things it's the auditor general it's the state they do come in and do audit all of our documents in June I usually will bring the the copies of those audits but you do get a copy of them when the audit report is released that's what's required of us I that's not what I was actually asking about can you this like boards hire people to come in and audit they pick what kind of audit they hire people we have a $600,000 budget and the State statue says anything over 500,000 I want to make sure as a board member that I go on record that we comply with the law so if the law states that we need an auditor can we make sure of the number and find anything You' let us know yes ma'am I can I can research that so the statute does say 500 million million million 500,000 um there are obligated funds that sometimes have been interpreted different districts interpret that as not being because they're obligated there's a Debt Service that's being paid but the board it's at your discretion if youall want to to an internal auditor y'all you'll have the discretion to do that um some districts do do that M um and the statute do say 500,000 so I would work with if that's something that the board's interested in doing um you know I would I would work with Mr bronsky and see about putting that as as as part of your you know future hir as we're going into a budget cycle um and do that um there are some and again my only hasn't is there is a Debt Service there is interpreted that debt Services generally is not part of your operating budget because those are obligated funds those are funds with with that have already been targeted it's not really our our funds to to spend because it's targeted to paying back a Debt Service but it a revenue draw so right I mean we're still getting paid that whether we have debt or not you still are cumulating it literally just said corre budget over 500 million and nobody said well unless it's this or this or this right well like said our budget was over 500 million I'm going to say 500,000 was over 500 million so I mean y are growing School District so it's the assumption is you are going to you're you're not shrinking you're growing how about how about this in the interest of time that for the budget Workshop we bring forward all of the audits that are currently being done so you can see the work that's being done there if the board decides after that they want to do something in addition to that then that's great we'll go ahead we'll we'll add but not knowing what we currently do would be the starting point Mr what they were talking about is an independent somebody who's not required somebody who not paid by the district I totally understand they're talking about somebody who keeps an eye on our budget internally they're going to be paid by the district no matter what no they will be but it's an independent they don't respond to anybody there's a lot of laws about them they have access to every file every person what I'm talking about is much different than what we're talking about right here checks and balance this is a position with no strings attached can do whatever they want audit funds and reports only to the board to make sure that the independence is verifying what the board does legally so it's a person it's not a firm huh so so you can have an so so what what Mrs Hans what you're describing is is is an internal auditor that reports directly to the board right or or to the attorney um so and there are thresholds where this is required right it sounds like we're near that threshold but you know based on what Dr Lego and I have not looked at the budget number I don't know if they're available yet but it looks like we could be under that 500 million but but that is something that y''s a board can work with the superintendent decide to have an internal auditor that reports directly to the board that is an option some school districts do that that that is an option that that is not required unless you're over the 500 million 500 million or more um so it sounds like we're teetering there where we could be so you may be at a point where you're going to have to do that anyway so um if we go over the 500 million again sometimes you don't know until you get into the budget cycle right so generally what I have seen is when school districts are going over then they they're required to you know they must you know follow those procedures but I think right now it's optional and if the board decides you know looking at these audit information if yall want to put some additional controls in or anticipate that then we can I think for the the next for the budget Workshop if we could have the audits like you said and then Mr blocker if you could give us a formal opinion on what is the exact Financial threshold are we able to do you consider Federal money or thatb service money do you not like if you could give us a legal opinion yes absolutely would that does that suffice for everybody for today and just know that the board can hire an independent way away from everything right just to look after our money that's a lot of districts do that so just check and B i' have [Music] to and I don't agree with the outside CPA firm focusing on certain things and that's why you have to change it constantly because they're required to keep their license to do certain things yeah and the fact that we stick to a certain company is usually because we're Limited to only certain CPA Farms do district schools yeah so it it was like in outside Industries you know everything is different and you want somebody that's familiar with that that knows what to look for and isn't blindsided and they can help you each year yeah better plan and so whatever that's water Bri the only thing I had to to comment on is we can talk all day about the code of conduct and what should be in it but I'm a little bothered when we hear that there I want to review our procedures if we can do something different because we constantly hear that the students haven't read the code of conduct even though there's a sheet that they've signed off on they don't know what's in it so I'm just wondering if there's a way that we can review how to better make sure that that parent regarding Whoever has gone over that weome I can certainly do miss yeah I just I had the opportunity over the last week to go to a conference um leadership conference and I I will tell you by all the conferences that I have been to this is by far yet the best the most um I learned so much normally we all know that if you don't entertain me for 15 minutes then I'm I'm I'm I'm at my whips in and at my ADHD kicks in but I will tell you everything that they taught was so encouraging in in um all about education and the future of America and I won't bore you with all the passionate talk um because it might be too much for some for some people but I will tell you that when we go back to like things like seven mindsets and a culture that has to change and you're looking at the United States and the State of Florida all at a whole in education and looking back to the things that we did do right with classical um education and and model and how it's evolved to what we have now implementing programs like seven mindsets or or things differently like that um I just want to let the board know that there are a few things that I'm going to be bringing forward to all of you and hopes to change our future and what is the direction that it's headed um like patriotism you know I went to the um uh Vietnam veteran assembly yesterday and on one of the the documentaries they talked about how they ask people did we even go to war in Vietnam and or did we even touch ground in Vietnam and the answer was no we didn't if we're not educating our children especially about our history and um patriotism and loving our country and um bringing that back into our schools which we do a really good job in Clay County I'm not saying we don't I know our Civics is really good and but I am going to be looking for it sorry uh Mr frosi but I'm going to be looking for more ways to bring um patriotism back into our schools more than we already do I love that we do the the purple star schools and um our military schools I just I feel like we we could do more we could be better especially being a military town so there's some things that um I will be bringing forward soon but also you know bringing our families back around like I said even with the cell phone policy that makes our parents more aware more involved that brings more values and and character traits back to our kids and and ultimately changing the little changes make the biggest difference and being consistent with it so I I just want to encourage all of us to remember that but even though we may be getting pushback like Miss Hansen said it's what's best for our kids and adults matter I mean parents matter that's I'm not do not take that away from what I'm saying but what I'm saying is is old ultimately the adults don't matter it's our kids that matter so um just bringing back positive um values and character traits to our kids um is something that I want to do and um tackling this vaping issue I've got some ideas that I want to bring to the board as well but I'm going to have a few meetings before then um just so I can get some consensus with some of the district to see what their thoughts are on some of my ideas um but yeah I just I wanted to let you guys know that we've got to make some changes cuz speaking to board members across the United States um and what they're I mean everybody from California um all the way up to New York professors um Harvard professors were there um everybody from every different background was there uh moms were there parents Educators school board members um I met some of our fellow neighboring counties there they had some great ideas um second in the state but their culture um the things that they do to implement their culture it's not only just at a school it's not only just at a in a district it is well known within their whole District um the overall attitude change and culture so um I won't bore you with anymore cuz I know everybody wants to get out of here but I'm just letting you know that there are things that we do really really good but I feel like we we need to do better in some aspects because it's only going to make us better so that's it some counties have Vape dogs did you know that that's actually look so well now that she said this sorry I'll be really short but I just learned about it I wanted to talk to about this because they're like $25,000 for and they actually work so um that is something that I wanted I think the Sheriff's Office to talk about all of that with you but um they're better than the actual baap machine that they have at anyways so that's kind of down with no I've I've already said no no Comon okay all right with that this meeting is adjourned thank you [Music]