Todd busy with us from Christ Church and he will give the invocation and lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance if you'll please stand thank you join with me in prayer Father in heaven we come before you and uh with that declaration there's many of us that that means a great deal and there others who are standing out of reverence for a sacred thing and Lord regardless we come first to knowled that there are things greater than us there are things more important than us and that we serve something greater than ourselves and so we start off with that in our minds father we also come here with a spirit of gratitude so grateful for our administrators our Educators uh the support staff that just make uh the Clay County School System so wonderful and for those of us who are parents we express our sincere gratitude for for their efforts and Lord as many of them now are in a season of break we pray that it's a time of refreshment and renewal that they are equipping themselves in heart and mind and body for another rigorous year coming up in a few weeks Lord tonight uh we come before you seeking wisdom recognizing that you're The Giver of that and you're the one who says you'll give it to us generously and without fault and so whatever issues are to be discussed tonight we pray for Unity of Mind Lord recognizing that you know what we do in our discourse here sets an example for so many others so help us to be civil help us to set an example for our children on what good democracy looks like Lord realizing that we don't always have to see eye to eye to walk hand in hand and that we love this County we believe in the school system and we want what's the very best and we all agree on that so guide us in our decision making that we might continue to keep our minds focused on the right things so this evening father I pray for an effective meeting and uh maybe a short meeting for these these workers you can bless him that way as well in Jesus name I pray amen let's pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God in indivisible with liberty and justice for all the school board meeting for June 27th 2024 will come to order welcome all the citizens of Clay County want to take this opportunity to thank you for taking the time from your busy schedules to attend tonight's Schoolboard meeting this meeting is our opport opportunity as your elected representatives to collaborate openly and make decisions that will decide the future direction of our public schools and the education of our children here in Clay County if you wish to address the board on an agenda item there will be an opportunity to speak for three minutes please fill out a card located at the side entry door indicating the specific item number or topic you wish to speak about and turn it in turn it in promptly to one of our officers if you have items that you would like to present to the school board or superintendent please hand them to an officer who will distribute them accordingly speakers who wish to address specific agenda items will be heard following the recognitions and awards portion of the meeting speakers wishing to address non-agenda items will be heard following the business portion of the meeting after the adoption of the consent agenda no additional cards will be accepted once the board moves to the public comment section under presentations from the audience your participation is welcomed and appreciated right now we'd like to recognize the 2023 and 24 retirees and the superintendent is going to assist we'll present David brosi my address is on file so tonight we recognize our retirees uh there's 113 retirees this year for Klay County Schools they have a total of 2,271 years of service it's really tough to recognize so many people so we started this format in which we have a video the video is a montage of all of them the the nice thing for me personally is uh this is my ninth job so I sit back and I see lot of people that I work with at many different locations I will say this whenever they come back to visit they always look good and I said to them I said am I going to look better when I retire and they just smile and laugh and they say every night is Friday night and I said isn't that a wonderful life so here we go sit back and enjoy it's it's uh 13 minutes so sit back and and recognize our our um our employees that are retiring this year thank you n he [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] he he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] he he [Music] he [Music] he [Music] he [Music] he [Music] so interestingly enough we used to back in the old days try to give out a certificate and invite them all to the board meeting but only about a quarter of them showed up because they were all on cruises and doing other things so maybe that's why the Island theme music was there today uh before we go any further I know you only see three of us on the school board but we actually have Mary Bola on phone so there are four of us in attendance next we go ahead Mary good glad you're with us um next we're going to have the presentation of Fine Arts by Chris Google our specialist in Fine Arts curriculum good evening Klay County School Board superintendent and Community I'm excited to be here this evening to highlight some of the amazing things that are happening in the Fine Arts classrooms throughout Clay County in Clay County we are proud to offer many areas of Fine Arts for our students including dance visual art theater and music within each of these contents you can see the multiple subc contents that are offered at various schools in total over 23,000 enrollments are seen across 97 unique course offerings from kindergarten to 12th grade that means over 50% of Klay County students are enrolled in a fine arts course these programs are led by 115 Fine Arts teachers with over 1300 combined years of experience many of our teachers also support the Fine Arts at the state and District levels Clay County teach have a hand in creating State assessments many are certified to be District or state adjudicators and several also serve on district and state boards that help facilitate assessments and student opportunities each year with so many amazing opportunities offered to our students I'd like to highlight the key components in place to ensure that those opportunities are high quality curriculum is at the core of all Fine Arts programs in the past teachers have mostly been left to create their own curriculum and find their own resources however for the first time in Klay County History we now have curriculum guides to support all of the Fine Arts these guides were recently created by 30 Fine Arts teachers who came together for a total of 25 hours to complete documents to support each Fine Art during this process the teachers reviewed over 800 Florida Fine Arts benchmarks to determine essential standards and skills the curriculum guides will supp will support new and Veteran teachers alike by helping to unify student learning across the district administrators will also be able to use the guides to help support the professional growth of their teachers to enhance student learning the next layer of the Fine Arts is vertical alignment and collaboration this means that we are intentionally planning and collaborating across all grade levels to close gaps in student learning and provide continuity for students vertical alignment was a key component of creating the curriculum guides most notably to smooth transitions between Elementary and secondary grade levels professional learning is the next layer the curriculum guides and vertical alignment will guide us in determining our professional learning needs throughout the year next year we look forward to offering Fine Arts Teacher content specific learning workshops vertigal collaboration time and leadership development opportunities both relating to learning communities and Beyond the last component of the Fine Arts is assessment Fine Arts assessments vary greatly from tradition content areas and that the students have the opportunity to be assessed both individually and in large groups even in large group assessments each student is crucial to the success of the group adding a unique layer of responsibility for each student all of the Fine Arts have individual and large group assessment opportunities at the district and state levels these assessments often require students to spend countless hours preparing and developing their skills before traveling to an adjudication site to have their work critiqued students also learn vital skills in citizenship leadership and resiliency in the Fine Arts in preparing for assessments students learn to set goals and create a time management plan that includes steady and consistent Learning and Development of skills they also learn to work as a team especially in preparing for large group assessments and finally students learn ownership and responsibility for their actions and how they impact others there is much more to Student Learning than simply learning to develop their Artful skills the last highlight of the Fine Arts is probably the most recognizable and familiar to all of us here co-curricular activity and Community engagement are the most visible aspects of the Fine Arts but as we've seen they are just the tip of the iceberg most of the Fine Arts are co-curricular meaning the classes include both learning in and outside of the classroom the learning done in the classroom hones in on the development of essential skills and benchmarks in conjunction the learning done outside of the classroom tends to focus on a broader range of skills such as teamwork citizenship and resiliency performances and showcases are crucial components of the Fine Arts these events allow the students to Showcase their growth to family and community members these events draw upon skills learned both in and outside of the classroom and usually integrate every student in a unique role in Clay County we are proud to offer districtwide opportunities for students to collaborate and learn with others from across the district we currently have all count events that showcase band choir Elementary choir theater and visual art these events often take several months of planning on the teachers end and the students spend an equal amount of time honing their skills to Vive for a spot in one of these incredible events several Community Partners work with us to provide additional opportunities for our students some of these Community Partners include the library the clay education Foundation the courthouse Salvation Army concert on the green Senator Bradley's office Congressman Bean's office and many more in addition several of our schools collaborate with other Community Partners to showcase our students we are grateful for so many supportive Community Partners who value and promote the Fine Arts as we prepare for the next school year I encourage you to visit the Fine Arts page on the school district website there you can learn more about the Fine Arts in Clay County you'll also find our district Fine Arts calendar we do our best to keep this calendar updated with Fine Arts events happening across the the district I encourage you to atttend an event and see the wonderful work our students are doing often times people think that supporting the Fine Arts means providing providing funding however an often overlooked way to support the Fine Arts is to attend events and celebrate the Student Success when you attend events please be sure to let the teachers and the students know how proud you are of their accomplishments encourage them to continue on their journey in closing I would like to say thank you to the school board superintendent Brasi and all of the Clay County school and community members who have supported our Fine Arts programs teachers and students your continued support helps to set the Fine Arts in Clay County apart from others across the state and we are proud of all of the amazing opportunities our students have in our district thank you I just wanted to say thank you Chris for joining us and growing this program this is goingon to be awesome last call for any comment cards all right well we don't have anything pertaining to our consent agenda so and we also do not have any discussion human resource discussion items uh we're going to go ahead and move to the adoption of the consent agenda do I have a motion I appr Miss Bola moves approval do I have a second a second and Miss Skipper seconds the motion is there any discussion all right all in favor please say I I I any oppose all right motion carried for to zero all right now we're going to move to to the uh public comments addressing non-specific agenda items we have we have two speakers we've got let's do it alphabetical how about Bruce fredman you can come on up to the podium and I know neither one of you are students so you still have to give your address if it's not on record Bruce fredman address on file I'm going to uh read from you from a book called the girl who drew butterflies this little book is available at Spring Park Elementary it's also at uh Discovery Oaks Elementary and a few others book is mostly about a girl who drew butterflies and how that affected a change to the science of metamorphosis there's no bad words the Indians who are not treated well in the service of the Dutch use this seed she's talking about an herbal remedy to abort their children in order that their children will not become slaves like them the black women slaves from Guinea and Angola will sometimes kill themselves because of the harsh treatment that is Meed out to them for they are convinced that if they do so that's kill themselves they will be borne free again in their native country this they have told me from their own mouths the rest of the book doesn't really attract too much attention for me but this is being presented to children as young as kindergarten in four schools in this community I think your rubric and guideline need a little tweaking because they will not capture this issue that's all I have for you tonight have a great night EO now we have Echo Nova hello echon NOA this time for myself um address on file um we move from one pride month to another this time celebrating disability pride month in July to honor the Ada signed on July 26th in 1990 it is celebrated much in the same way that the LGBT pride month is because we've had many people who have died and have been killed for our disability rights to be protected and maintained and even despite that our rights are still not equal to everyday normal people disability rights must be fought for by everyone because accidents can happen to anyone and anyone can become disabled uh and also because disability communities are usually the most neglected and forgotten populations in our communities themselves so my ask today is to encourage the superintendent and the school board to do all that they can to continue to support ESC and all the accommodations and accessibility um including the teachers and the nurses in the aid um and even the speech language pathologist who that we had a couple months ago um and others here give them what they need so that they can keep on doing the good work so that everyone can become equal in the school um I'll just close with two thoughts that accessibility for disabled people is accessibility for everyone and also I hold the belief that the Ada is the bearest minimum and we need to do everything we can to supersede it and everything that we can do um and with that I just invite the school board and all the Klay County institutions to celebrate disability pride month in July thank you thank you do we have a ccea update and nothing from sespa do we have any school board attorney remarks no ma'am thank you School Board member remarks and maybe Miss Skipper would you like to go first since you're usually last Miss B asked um I don't really have uh much happy 4th of July um thank you for all that have served thank you for those that continue to serve thank you for um those who work in our communities and across the United States to keep us free um and I hope we can all take some time on July 4th and realize that it's not just a barbecue or a fun party but um what we're truly celebrating um and what it actually means especially with what's going on in the world now um and with that I'll just keep it um short and sweet I know I missed the last Workshop um I sent in an email or my words and thoughts especially on the auditor so I'm hoping that maybe we can get consensus on whether we're going to vote on that to move forward or um lock down a date on that and um move move move forward with that and that's about it that's all I have thank you Miss Bola would you like to go next absolutely I just have two things I wanted to say thank you to all of the retirees um for their years of service it has I'm going to be coming close to that point soon and I know many of them are probably ecstatic about their grown State um I wish them all a very happy next chapter in their lives number two I um would also like to thank our police force for the five years of service that they have given us I know we're moving into the Sheriff's Office starting July 1 um this is our last meeting before that point and I just wanted to give one last shout out to all who served with us and who truly kept our children safe and secure thank you very much uh I had three things third thing yes happy July 4th and school starts in about three or about four weeks if I'm not mistaken so everybody please relax enjoy these last few weeks I know there's been a lot of training going on in the school system I I just every time a a person says oh teachers have it easy they don't work during the summer I want to shake them because teachers are working diligently during the summer they're already planning for their fall their next semester they're getting their classrooms ready probably as we speak if their carpets have been cleaned um so try to take some time to relax and enjoy the summer before it's over thank you thank you Miss baa Miss Hansen I just want to add on to what Miss Skipper said make sure that we have on the discussion for our Workshop next month the discussion for internal auditor U make sure it's on there and whether or not we are moving forward with that and I want to talk a little bit from my heart today um I know that this school board has always thought about teachers uh my daughter and would have been her 17th year resign today and I spent quite a bit of time resigned from her teaching job quite a bit of time today kind of being sad about that because she was a great teacher but I also want to say that that's a good reminder to us that we need to as a district and as a school board to understand that we lose good people all the time and we need to do the best we can for to keep these teachers and so as the process moves forward think about ways we can do that cuz I know this board is 100% on board with doing the best we can to retain our teachers as is Mr brosi and then last but not least I'm really proud of the district I have to start by saying I'm thanking Mr Freeman for looking for books when no one else was it's like a rockstar everybody should have that to protect kids but I'm also very proud of this District because we lead the way and taking books out that are inappropriate for our kids and that's it and so I wanted to leave this was saying that I'm very proud of what Klay county has done um the hard work of the district and the hard work of our media specialist and the hard work I know that's going on over the summer and lastly I would like to thank our Schoolboard attorneys uh District personnel and the everyone who works with the sheriff office that worked for six months on making sure we had a great transition and so thank you very much for making sure that happened for this board that's it thank you Miss hson I won't take very long but then I realized once I adjourn I'm no longer a chair so I may drag it out a little bit so i' I'd like to discuss we had our first summer reading event at the Community First First Credit Union in Oakleaf on Tuesday and we're looking forward what we're trying to do is get aware awareness for the dolly pardon Imagination Library and get people in our County really involved in this program because the more we can do for early literacy the far better our community will be so I'd like to invite anybody that's listening or out here tonight uh July 23rd at 10:00 a.m. at the Community First Credit Union in Orange Park it's it's about a mile and a half south of the Orange Park High School but um principal Gund did a wonderful job on Tuesday I'm not sure who our celebrity reader will be but we need more children so please if you know of anyone that would enjoy just coming out during the summer for the reading that'd be great the uh other thing I'd like to do real quick to add on to what we're about to Endeavor with the the change with the uh District police to the Sheriff's Office I received an email from Patrick with ccso and I'd just like to read it real quick uh we had 42 clay District school police officers originally apply with us there were five who withdrew their application and 10 that were disqualified for employment we accepted 25 to become SRO with the Clay County Sheriff's Office additionally Chief Wagner came over as Lieutenant with our youth program team and Lieutenant P Pacho also came over it should be noted that several PD Officers were permitted to take the promotional exam for sergeant four of them passed and are currently being considered for sergeant positions cannot attest to those who did not apply with us but I heard several retired and some took possessions as Guardians with the district once we are up and running we will have the complete picture I agree it may be worth noting that this difficult task was successfully completed with very few hiccups so we've we've been very fortunate and we wanted a smooth transition using as many folks as we could we weren't uh trying to do anything different uh one of the things I'd like to ask I think on this topic there's been some confusion I've had Guardians speak to me and other people and I know we've added a couple of new Guardian positions so I'm wondering and I'll I'll defer to you uh Mr blocker if this needs to be me a meeting in the shade but I think we ought to maybe have a briefing with the district and make sure we're all on the same page with what we understand that that role will be yes ma'am Madam chair through the chair I I can get with Mr brosy on that there are some of the safety briefings and some of the security stuff we probably would want to schedule a shade meeting to do that um I can reach out to our counterparts and see if we can do that schedule a time that works for the board to go over that then there could be a more Public Presentation that's maybe not specific as the security elements sounds good yes ma'am okay and the last item I know that when we didn't renew achieve 3,000 and the additional Bond money that came in from the Southern Group uh like to know where that money went and if it's in a bucket that can be used um or if it's already been used but maybe if we can talk about that at the next Workshop that would help so certainly talk about it at the at the next workshop and and kind of show the deficits that occurred and how that money was applied towards those deficits [Applause] all right that is all I have so we are adjourned