##VIDEO ID:lBQPXfsYq4k## what we normally do so tonight we'll begin with an invocation from Pastor Cole Thomas um and he's coming from Cross Community Church in Lake Asbury all right well good evening thank you for having me um my name is Cole Thomas and I have the privilege of serving as the teaching pastor at Cross Community Church and I've been uh given the honor of bringing the invocation this evening for this meeting and before I do I just want to read a couple uh a couple words from the Apostle Paul uh who when he was writing to the colossian church he said these uh things as he was writing he said whatever you do all things anything whatever means whatever it is that you are doing work heartily as for the Lord and not for men knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward you are serving the lord Christ even in a job as such that you guys are entrusted with this is a stewardship from the Lord and so I'm going to pray and ask God's blessings on you to give you wisdom and guidance for what it is that God has entrusted you guys to do so let me pray father God we come to you in the name of Jesus Lord God The Only Name that we're able to come to you in Lord God your son who did for us what we could not do for ourselves and we were Sinners far from you God you stepped into the broken story of humanity and the person work of Jesus and you took on yourself Lord God the penalty for our sin dying in our place rising from the grave that we might know you and father God you have uh entrusted this great work uh Lord God to us father God you've entrusted the school board uh father God with the responsibility of teaching and preparing the Next Generation and father God uh this is a stewardship from you Lord God and I pray for the school board God that you would give them wisdom you'd give them guidance uh through your spirit God to be able to lead Clay County Schools well unto the glory of God for ultimately Lord God we stand before you father thank you for this meeting may be productive and fruitful to your glory we pray these things in Jesus name amen thank you uh we pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for [Music] all if you'll rise for national [Music] [Music] [Applause] anthem whoes and bright stars through [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the night flag was still there oh s the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] starsled the of the [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you so much please be seated so we are so privileged to be joined tonight by the Lake Asbury Junior High School tiger chorus which is made up of three choirs a 30 member 7eventh grade treble chorus a 16 member Young Men's Chorus and the group standing before you the Young Women's Chorus Lake asbery junior high is known throughout Northeast Florida for the quality of their arts program last year five students were selected to participate in the All State chorus the most out of any school in the region with the exception of lavilla School of the Arts in Duvall County they participate in mpas and Junior thespians garnering many Superior Awards and recognitions they will now perform for you a piece they love to sing in class it expresses how they feel about their time together here is music lead the way by Laura [Music] farell stormy night has pass Let Us Brea the day [Music] anding [Music] together now the sound of singing is [Music] [Music] us the andate the [Music] for together singy [Music] let it [Music] be let it be all that and let [Music] [Music] the that forever and love coner and and we will sing together by side oh let us and let us sing in Haron [Music] [Applause] they have business to do so we have to [Applause] leave students have been studying the elements of art and this display highlights work that includes art pieces that demonstrate each of the seven elements of art color wheels that helped with an in-depth look into color theory and line repletion series that focused on hand and eye coordination other projects show more Advanced Techniques and mediums such as scratch art graphite value and unique artist creativity so if you have a moment at some point dur during the meeting to take a tour of the art gallery and uh just appre appreciate the hard work of our students and our talented teachers that um help them grow in their talent each [Music] day so at this time I will now call to order the regular board meeting of October 3rd 2024 I want to take this time to welcome you citizens of Clay County and thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to attend tonight's board meeting this meeting is our opportunity as your elected representatives to collaborate openly and make decisions that will decide the future Direction of our public schools and the education of our children here in Clay County if you wish to address the board on an agenda item there will be an opportunity to speak for 3 minutes please fill out a card located at the side entry door indicating the specific item number or topic that you wish to speak about and turn it in promptly to one of our officers if you have items that you would like to present to the school board or to the superintendent please hand them to an officer who will distribute them accordingly speakers who wish to address specific agenda items will be heard following the recognitions and awards portion of the meeting speakers wishing to address non-agenda items will be heard following the business portion of the meeting after the adoption of the consent agenda no additional cards will be accepted once the board moves to the public comment section under presentations from the audience your participation is always welcomed and appreciated so our first item of business is to recognize uh school's Excellence for kids heart Challenge from the American amer heart association we have with us Miss Amanda tuy to make this presentation I I am so glad that Amanda was able to make it uh here this evening Miss Amanda tuy and baby tuy yes well thank you guys so much for this opportunity I really enjoy being able to highlight schools and their success is I'm glad I was able to make it um and I just want to highlight a few things that we have going on with our kids heart ChalleNGe Program as well as American Heart challenge does this clicker work maybe maybe not did I do it wrong probably oh there I don't know it was me or not but okay um so what the kids heart and American Heart ChalleNGe Program is it's through the American Heart Association and we're focusing on raising awareness and funds to help fight heart disease and stroke and so we really appreciate your community for taking this on and participating every year we grow in more and more schools who are able to participate and want to learn how to be whole body healthy um and so we also offer schools when you're participating a ton of resources we have resources around anti vaping and tobacco usage we know unfortunately this is very prevalent so we hope to provide schools and the school district with resources that they can Implement within their schools as well as lead that conversation at home um with our families we also have staff well-being resources we know we can't do what we do without um our teachers and so we want to make sure that we have these resources available as well um including as uh hands only CPR which is a large portion of our program and and so with all of that being said I wanted to go ahead and highlight our top three schools from last year if I call your school please come up we'll take a picture maybe with Mr Brasi because I'm very pregnant and I don't want to be in a photo so we'll start with Oakleaf Village who raised over $10,000 Round of Applause hello how are you yes this is for you guys your certificate and I'm going to take your picture hello how are you okay and then the next school I'd like to highlight is Orange Park Elementary raising just under $115,000 [Applause] perfect and last but certainly not least his Thunderbolt Elementary raising over $225,000 for the American Heart Association I was looking I was like where are they so thank you guys [Laughter] sh all right thank you guys [Applause] again I feel like less out of breath today um thank you guys seriously we can't do what we do without your support and so I want to say thank you to those top three Schools they're back on board for this year we also have 30 schools who are currently registered to participate with us so thank you again for Clay County support we really appreciate it thank you next we are recognizing the student winner of the Florida Department of Agriculture and consumer Services Statewide um in the 2024 Florida future chef competition I hope they brought samples Mr braski all right good evening I I don't think I've ever given an award like this one in all my time here in Klay County Schools can I get Landon Brown to come forward Landon come on come forward Landon Brown's a fifth grade grader at Oakley Village Elementary School he was a finalist on the Master Chef Jr last year and just plays second place in the 2024 Florida future Chef Championship he competed against 191 other students Statewide won a $3,000 prepaid scholarship in the process can we get that picture uh because let me let me just show you this picture of his work here if we can get that up Landon when does your cookbook come out I don't know hopefully soon I'll be looking for it I want the re the winning dish was called Cam's Paradise pasta and I wish that picture would come up cuz I was salivating it was looking at at the picture it was a shrimp with homemade pasta that's this is a fifth grader now homemade pasta okay his ambition is of course to open a Michelin star restaurant when he get gets older would you like to speak uh sure I'm really grateful to be here um I when I'm older I want to own a Michelin star restaurant and I'm excited and in my dish it was homemade pasta with a specialty cream sauce um homemade shrimp with garlic bread I would eat that did you bring us any No not tonight maybe next time so Landon two questions first of all what are you going to name your restaurant I'm probably going to name it either Landon Seafood a camo Seafood named after this guy I love it I love it all right second question what kind of food will we eat at your restaurant um a lot of seafood I like to make and homemade pasta seafood homemade pasta I like grilling stuff awesome well the school board and the superintendent will take a table for six as soon as you open ations we're on the list how about a big round of applause for Landon awesome job Landon thank you so much and his dad is the one of the PE teachers that helped win the American Heart third place too Landon we have one more question for you miss Skipper wants to know who taught you how to cook that's awesome so it's a family [Applause] affair our next recognition is St Leo University and Clay County district schools grow your own par topr teacher quality partnership Grant participation recognition that was a mouthful and we have Miss Denise Adams and miss Nancy Crowder from St Leo University to make this presentation tonight welcome home [Applause] Den good evening everyone thank you for having us um Miss Denise and I both said It felt great to be home so we're glad to be back here excited about it um we are representing St Leo University and the partnership that we have with the Clay County School District um in the grow your own par to Pro teacher quality partnership Grant that's a mouthful um it is a Federal grant um the copies that you have you're going to see two Flyers one is for just our general par to Pro program and the other one is actually for the tqp par to Pro program students enter based on when they actually enroll because the grant does everything by cohort um the type of program like I said is based on enrollment and we have just started our first cohort and we'll talk about that in just a minute Klay County School District was among the first districts in the state to enter with St Leo into a partnership for paror pro several years ago the program offers two paths Elementary Ed or Middle grades English or social sciences um right now our teacher prep program is state approved and students graduate reading and esol endorsed both this program is geared towards non-traditional students the classes are fully online and it provides these pair of professionals which is the beauty of the program the opportunity to complete their field experiences their internships in their schools of employment students receive a significant reduction in tuition textbooks are provided and they receive strong strong support and mentorship Denise serves Miss Adams as the placement liaison and works closely with districts and placing students I serve as a par of pro liaison and my main priority is supporting um these students as they go through the program we would like to thank Brenda Troutman Kevin Larry Tor granice and Dr Carrie Bell for their outstanding support Kevin and Tori have attended our recruitment events and kept us updated on prospective future students in fact we serve 23 districts in county is the one District that we have recruitment scheduled out for the year we've got four more coming up so we're excited about that currently the district has approximately 20 students enrolled in various stages of their program and more are joining us in January we serve students at Fleming Island Elementary mlay elementary ridg viw elementary W Cherry tin Lakeside junior high Oakleaf Junior High Orange Park Junior High Wilkinson Elementary Spring Park Elementary and Keystone Heights Elementary um St Lee University like I said partners with 23 districts and some private entities we continue to have strong connections with L Clay County District um through our students and also as staff previous District administrators Marcus douly Mike Wingate and I serve as University supervisors going in and supervising the interns Miss Denise as I explained earlier supports the students through intern placements and works closely with the district and mallerie McConnell principal of Fleming Island Elementary is an adjunct and teaches the seminar course for our um block four interns the final interns we have cooperating teachers at district schools who host interns throughout their program we have great admiration and appreciation for these cooperating teachers who are dedicated to their profession and creating Stellar future Educators being willing to ser serve as that cooperating teacher ensures these pair of professionals are learning from the best and graduating with real world experience which is already positively impacting our children and the profession I'm going to move now to the grow your own and talk about some of the benefits of it it is a five-year Grant and we are in year two the first year was just the planning piece and now we're actually implementing everything the grow your own paror Pro teacher quality partnership Grant also provides these additional supports it does continue the reduction in tuition we do provide textbooks a lending model is available for students who would need mobile hotspots or laptops professional learning via mersion which is an avatar based program where students actually do real world um interactions and experiences and districts tell us what they would like to use that for classroom management parent conferences IEPs small group instruction a boot camp model we will have available for students who are we're moving into taking the general knowledge the GK exam and Florida teacher certification exam preparation we have additional mentorship that will be ongoing and in this case we're going to bring in um PA of Professionals in Clay County who have already graduated from the program to come back and Mentor these students and then at graduation each student will receive $1,000 for classroom supplies that will be given to them um we are here tonight to really honor and and excuse me I'm so nervous we are here to recognize our first cohort several of the students could not be with us because they are extremely dedicated and they had an online class tonight but we do have a couple of them that are here so as I call your name if you are here would you please come forward we have Trisha Miller Martell from from Lakeside junior high and I'm going to hug Trisha because she's one of my students and we only get to see each other online so good to see you in person Angelie Ramos from Oakleaf junior high is Angelie here okay um I'm going to go through the list I'm not sure about these other ones Jessica Owens Spring Park Elementary Sai Vang Wilkinson Elementary Heidi Juan McCrae Elementary these pair of professionals know firstand the rewards and the challenges of this life and we all know if you're in education it's not a job it's not a career it's the life that we choose they know the challenges and the rewards and we commend these future classroom Educators for the dedication we have another grow your own tqp paror Pro cohort beginning in January and we already have Clay County School District PA of professionals who are registered and ready to begin in January so we look forward to that leave anything out that it's a great program it is it is a great program as an administrator I had pair of professionals that went through it and then I subsequently was able to hire and it's a rigorous program but they are well prepared well prepared um so thank you for your time and your continued support um there is contact information at the bottom of the flyer if you should have any questions and we appreciate again y'all letting us be here tonight and recognize them thank you so much so nice to see you both I just wanted to thank you guys personally for what you're doing from St Leo um you don't know this but um when I was a third-year teacher non-traditional I um enrolled into ESC Masters and St Leo and I give full credit for what you taught me the dedication of professors driving out here to watch me for how good of a teacher I was and I think your programs are astonishing all right next on our agenda is the ceremonial signing of the ratified Clay County Education Association contract Miss Troutman all right good evening superintendent prasy and board members it's always a great pleasure to come and have the signing um of the terms of agreement because that means we have ratified the contract by both ccea and by the board so we're recognizing many many hours the cumulation of them and through collaboration with CCA and the board bargaining team so we're excited to have Miss Gil and if Miss Kidwell would come up this shows acknowledgement of agreement of the 24 and 25 contract for our instructional employees so thank you for your support for your continued support showing their employees how much you care we appreciate it there's two two of hard to make a signature when it's like that for me one for you yep all right thank you very much thank you appreciate it thank you all right our next item is our School showcase we have um Miss Lydia creel the principal of Lake Asbury Junior High School here to tell us about her wonderful School [Applause] see okay all right good evening members of the board Madame chair superintendent Broski and our greater School Community before we begin I'd like to thank our course teacher Mr Gould accompanist Miss Hendry and art teacher Miss stone for their contributions to tonight's showcase our students and their families brought their talents and energy to the event and we are proud to have them here representing laj I'm Lydia cre principal of Lake Asbury junor high and we're excited to be here tonight to celebrate 20 years of Excellence community and learning I'm proud to highlight what makes laj a special place our school is located in the heart of the Lake ansbury Community serving students in grades seven and eight these students come to us from six feeder schools reflecting the diversity and the growth of our community we are currently serving 952 students with a staff of 22 we're proud of our inclusivity and 49% of our students are economically disadvantaged 35% are serve through IEPs or 504 plans and 15% of them come from military families this past year we maintained our a school status performing above the state average in all tested areas highlights include our eighth grade math students ranking second in the district for learning gains a 97% pass rate in Algebra 1 and a 100% pass rate in Geometry our science scores saw the highest Improvement across junior high schools in our district and our Civic students achieved an 85% proficiency on their end of course exams this success is a testament to the dedication of our students their ownership of their learning and the expertise of our outstanding staff additionally our pbsis initiatives have reduced office referrals keeping students in class and contributing to a positive School culture for the first time in our history we've earned PBIS model School status at the bronze level our teaching and learning focus at Lake Asbury is based on datadriven research-based instruction and begins with insuring task or aligned to the standards we've increased our use of co- teing models to better serve our students with disabilities and our English language learners our professional learning goals this year are grounded in intentional teaching using High leverage practices such as explicit instruction scaffolding and engagement we work to meet students where they are and then push them onward and upward we know that teachers are their own best resources for helping each other and knowing where students are and we know that we can foster collaboration through teacher-led professional learning and share fairs our culture is built on belonging for both students and staff at laj we're committed to meeting the needs of every student our programs are designed to challenge and Inspire students of all abilities we take pride in our exceptional fine arts program as you saw tonight and our comprehensive ESC and 504 services that help us to provide individualized support for our Innovative steam program to our award-winning CTE organizations and inclusion clubs we try to ensure that every student has access to the best educational experiences we're proud of their engagement both inside and outside the classroom Lake Asbury offers a wide array of extracurricular activities including FFA fpla band drama Athletics and so much more through these programs our students have opportunities to develop leadership skills Foster friendships and build their confidence The Fellowship of Christian athletes njhs and the D and Club are just a few of our most popular clubs on campus and there is definitely a place for everyone at laj our tigers roar by being respectful on time and responsible through PBIS we Foster a positive environment with weekly Roar awards for both students and staff we have quarterly honor roll cookouts and pep rallies students can earn tiger tokens by demonstrating these characteristics and showing kindness to others these tokens are then used to shop at the roar store which is supported by donations from area businesses and high schools our mentoring program and our twice weekly military Lunch Bunch help our students feel connected and heard our Partnerships with local businesses include Spirit nights veterans honor walk we also have a Turkey Trot to benefit the American Heart Association we have partnered with organizations like waste not want not and our own in-house laj angel tree helps us again to stay connected to the community we're so grateful for our volunteers our special speakers and the parents who attend at Expose and volunteer at the school these Partnerships create a sense of community that extends Beyond this classroom of course none of this would be possible without the incredible support of my administrative team our dedicated staff and the community that surrounds us their hard work and commitment to our students make all the difference and I'm thankful to work alongside such amazing people as our campus expands to accommodate the growing number of students in our community we are focused on improving student and family engagement and Outreach initiatives we continue to promote positive behavior and attendance with incentive events all teachers pitched in to make a schoolwide activity period possible last year that accommodates those students who would not otherwise be able to participate in extracurricular activities we plan to expand this initiative this year the activities range from robotics to pickle ball line dancing art creative writing jewelry making bound ball Etc we also aim to achieve the next level of PBIS model School status further enhancing student responsibility and engagement make no mistake we have high expectations at Lake Asbury junior high for student achievement but we also want them to have fun and in closing I extend my gratitude to our school community and the school board for your ongoing support your commitment to providing the resources and the guidance that we need has been instrumental in our success together we're building a future where every student at Lake Asbury Junior High School can move forward with confidence and purpose thank you so much for allowing us to showcase our amazing school all right this will be the last call for comment cards if you have one that you've not yet turned in if you'll hold it up so the officers can see all right seeing none we'll move into the presentations from the audience um okay we do not have any that are um pertinent to this agenda so we're going to take up the business portion of the meeting and then we'll come to the um general public comment section all right so for our discussion agenda we have no Human Resources special actions tonight so we'll move right to the consent agenda do I have a motion I move approval do I have a second I'll second I have a motion from Miss Bola and a second from Miss Clark any discussion all in favor please say I I any opposed motion carries 5 okay presentations from the audience our first speaker is Echo NOA I'm so sorry I forgot to note upon adoption of our consent agenda that we had a proclamation in there number 25-06 recognizing October 23rd through the 31st as Red Ribbon Week so sorry go ahead eeko thank you hello um echon NOA address on file um tonight I am particularly infuriated with the district uh on the news that there has been um failures to serve the IEPs at Plantation Oaks Elementary and potentially other schools I have heard that they are working on it at Plantation Oaks right now but if it's happening at one school it might be happening at others so I felt like it was necessary to putting it to the school board meeting for uh to be on record um this is the news I heard was regarding the speech language pathologist uh where they have not been receiving the services for the past seven or eight weeks um since the school started um and as a deaf person this is particularly infuriating because when you go into the mainstream schools ignoring the whole debate about capital D versus Little D Def and all the oralism and all that kind of stuff we often get caught between two worlds and doubly lose out on language on sign language and English um language dep fif deprivation as it's called um completely unacceptable on a federal level because we have had Ada idea and 504 were hard fought and hard one for disabled people um and like I said for de students it's just ethically wrong because you push them back um and for me to stand here as a de student as a product of Clay County from first grade to 12th grade going through the Ace Program graduating top 10% in 2016 going to UCF for photonics um and now being the only deaf transwoman activist in the entire state to make sure that disabled people and trans people have the rights that they need um I just hope that the district can work on this problem them immediately because there are clearly systemic issues especially noting that in may we celebrated speech language py month um as Proclamation 23-24 I believe um and there's a bunch of them who came in and spoke about Labor issues as an activist I quite willing to work to solve the problem with yall um I just need to know what best to do because I will go to Tallahassee and talk to legislators and work with the community to make sure this gets solved for Clay County and the rest of the state as well because it will took down to everyone else um we just need to do better because we always say that Clay County is one of the top districts in the state by certain metrics but here we are being an abct failure just flat out just a complete object failure um and we need to solve these problems immediately so thank you next is Bruce fredman Bruce Freedman address on file uh submitted One Challenge this month it's a book that's found K through 12 20 copies in the district the kindergarten part is concerning the book among other issues describes a graphic suicide might want to look at that one the other challenges that rejected last month 32 of them that were pornographic in nature have been resubmitted I'm still finding them I submitted a letter to each of you by email and personally last month describing the experience of going through your library collection for the last two years what I've stumbled across going to read from that minus some of the nastiest let the audience know when they sign on for unlimited access for their children in these libraries what they're going to potentially stumble across cuz you're nowhere near done cleaning up the mess I found over a thousand age inappropriate books in our libraries actually it's closer to 3,000 I feel that Community standards are important we the people are entitled to local control by raising awareness and engaging to improve the policies we can better protect each other's children you've worked on your policies four or five times since I started here the problems unsolved work on them again these uh subcategories that I created not necessarily caused to remove a book for example a book can have suicide in high school as a topic but a graphic suicide in kindergarten it might want to revisit that I have found sexual inappropriateness including pornography blatant violations of Florida statute 847 the book gender queer and over 400 other titles were already removed graphic consensual sex rape the book lucky that was a battle nude scenes milk and honey that's been removed sex scenes the book how removed pedophilia this book is gay BDSM masturbation masturbation with porn masturbation with sex toys impaired unconscious molestations rape of impaired persons a teacher with student having a crush okay maybe that's not a deal breaker but then there's relations whether they involve penetration or not that Topic's not appropriate for every age figure it out your rubric and guideline don't address it there's multiple books where I have found the rape of a child at some point children need to be protected from these things draw the line more carefully draw all these lines more carefully our children deserve better have a good night next is Judith Chapelle good evening hi Judas Chappelle my address is on file a couple of things I wanted to address today um one is about busing so I noticed that when we started the school year that the buses seem to be late and I thought that it was something that we were working out but they still seem to be late and I thought that maybe it was because we had maybe combined some bus stops because we were short bus drivers but that they still seem to be late as a matter of fact my granddaughter tells me really every day that she misses the announcements and actually I have actually been called several times by the school telling me that she's miss miss school because she was late they eventually go in and correct that of course because I know that she's there because of course I have four trackers on her and I know where she is all day long but it's because the buses actually are getting her to school late so I don't know if we've combined some buses and they they're actually getting there um very late but I just wanted to bring that up not to mention that she doesn't actually get home until about 4:45 or 450 every day so I just wanted to bring that up the next thing that I wanted to mention is about discipline in the classes and even on the buses and I know that in this Society that's kind of a dirty word uh discipline children but you know in my house it's not so I I something that I've always felt like that we needed to to do to give our teachers and even our bus drivers a little bit more help in controlling children and one of the things that I know that I would like to see is to have a little bit more adult supervision on the buses and even in the classrooms to help teachers and in the hallways to help teachers kind of control what's going on in the schools I know that we've enhanced our volunteer screening I think that's great certainly we need that but I know that when I my granddaughter comes home and tells me that the kids are making so much noise it's difficult for her to even concentrate and and the kids are really unruly and some of the words that the kids are saying in the hallways and that the bus drivers have to stop and pull over I know that's one of the things that's keeping her from being getting late you know is the bus has to stop and pull over because the kids are so unruly on the bus it's just difficult I can imagine for teachers trying to teach when they're just one or two kids that are just unruly I feel bad for the teachers I feel bad for the bus drivers but most importantly I feel bad for the kids that are just trying to get an education and giving the teachers some support and helping these kids that are trying to do the right things from the kids that just don't know how to control themselves these people need some support and having some more adults in the room I think is the only way to make that happen thank you last is Sheila Torres hello my name is Sheila Taurus my address is on file I have came just about my second time coming here little nervous um well I would like to speak about the wellness and the safety of the kids right along with Miss JW what she just spoke about the bus being late I know my kids go to high school and by the time they go into the lunchroom and everything else the bell rings and then my son and my daughter have to shove the food down or they can even eat the breakfast because they got to go to class and not they get a lateness that's one of the stuff not only that if we have if us the parment we did our due dilcy to make to ensure our kids have a five or4 plan and IEPs I'm not understanding why is not being followed in a junior and a high school level there are kids sometimes that have to be transported through bus or whatever the case might be because they have other health condition and yet there's only one bus driver God forbid there's a medical emergency on bus what then where I live at it's probably about 20 to 30 minutes um going into Blandon or whatever the case might be with traffic and everything ambulance and cops getting there that's a problem we need somebody else's in the buses we also need other adults in the classroom in the hallways giving these students five minutes to use a bathroom I'm sorry me as a female we have something that is called menal cycle right and it takes us a little bit longer than five 5 minutes to go in the bathroom to do what we have to do and that's very unfair and if the kid is not in the classroom after 5 minutes then they get ISS make that make sense that doesn't make sense to me at all not only that when there are stuff there are in front of the teachers faces like disrupted Behavior where kids cannot learn or whatever the case might be the kids are not pulled out or there's no other adults coming into the classroom to see what's going on that to me is an issue the fat being Al so that the grades is not put on time we talking about mental Wellness for the students and for the adult I'm okay with that I take my kids through to counseling every week or whatever why because they don't have access to this at the school level junior high school or High School level and that is an issue to me now back to the IEP and the 504 if we are getting money from the state or whatever to provide certain services for the students why these students are not getting these particular services that to me is an issue the safety and the well-being of our kid has to be our first priority now most of you guys have ran into this position and Y got elected remember what was the reason that caused you to run for these position and if it's just for money Kickbacks or whatever the case might be that's that's not it it has to be for our kids for our future because guess what if we don't take care of of our trees we going to Bear bad fruit or no fruit at all so at the end end of the day we have to ensure that our kids are well taken care of both education safety and healthwise and unfortunately I'm not seeing the district doing their job at that all right that concludes presentations from the audience our uh next item on the agenda is the ccea update Miss Kidwell so good evening um I want to thank you for the contract uh it passed with 96% um approval um we had almost everybody vote like no one sat out so that was really great um the one feedback that I got was obviously veteran teachers so you're just going to keep hearing me say it I know we can't get there overnight but I appreciate the effort that you did especially the effort for insurance I did get a lot of feedback on that so I wanted to send a shout out to you everyone was very worried about the raise that they got being eaten by insurance so they were very grateful for that thank you for collaborating with us thank you for listening when teachers uh reach out to me and share concerns people say all the time well why don't they just call their administrator well sometimes they're afraid of their administrator that's just the way teachers are and so when we have those concerns that they that they're bringing forward whether they're advocating for a student whether there's an issue at the school I really appreciate the listening and knowing that I'm just the I'm just the ears I'm just listening to them and I'm just I'm just advocating for teachers and so I always appreciate your listening and thank you I'm excited about the contract thank you Miss Kidwell next is the sespa update do we have anybody for that okay uh superintendent update all right I only have 87 slides tonight I know that you're you're thrilled but before we do that let me just kind of address a couple things first the first Speaker talked a little bit about speech language services within our district and I can tell you firsthand what's happening there uh first of all you know Nationwide there's a nationwide shortage of speech language pathologist our neighboring County to the north has 35 openings within speech language our County to the east east is 10 openings Klay County has one opening within our school district in fact it was a person was just hired and is currently working at the school I think um I think it's great that people go on to Facebooks but I I also also believe that should have facts uh and not just put stuff out that's simply not true uh and so uh I appreciate the passion of the speaker for saying that but the issue's been resolved so I guess good news for for that particular issue when it comes to student discipline let me kind of give you a couple of facts 85% of all students never receive a discipline referral let that soak in 85% of all students never receive a discipline referral the um the number of events from last year to this year datawise over year year is down 8 8% for cessor type events that have occurred so there is no doubt that sometimes young people are impulsive and they do things they shouldn't do and we should address those things I I you know I'm I'm noted as a disciplinarian so we'll continue to do that and continue to work that on that with the bus there is an app for the bus where you can actually track the bus the whole time you'll know exactly where the bus is on on your child's um schedule so let's see which one is this maybe maybe not Kelly okay we got schools of the month we got students of the month we got hurricane hurricane that went through I that was exciting dads take your your child to school day family and Community engagement Celebrate Freedom schools of the month Charles E Bennett let me tell you I was out at Charles E Bennett looks great out there lot of improvement from the look of it 10% increase in student attendance attendance is a big initiative this year you got to be in it to win it you have to actually show up to learn something doing a great job at charlese Bennett as well as doctors in elementary there are two winners for the month of September October's theme is outstanding October um I know Mr Chapelle you're going to vote for for Green Cove Mr D Marie he probably will give you a personal call and ask for a campaign to make sure that you that you vote for them students of the month one of the best things that I do all year is go out and see students in the classroom this this young student is from charlese Bennett L what a what a sweet young lady just a model citizen any adult you talk to she's just the best everybody knows who L is at Charles E Bennett then you have Eve uh Eve and Joy from Green Cove and middleberg high two outstanding Joy is is going into the military academy and also serves at the front desk as a student aid so she's like the first face you see when you walk into middleberg high school during one period of the day let's talk about the hurricane again hurricanes uh I mean if there is a a blessing to a hurricane I know it sounds weird to even say that is that you know it's coming right unlike other natural disasters and so it starts many days ahead of time in fact students start to email me early uh my favorite this year was a student from ridg viw who will remain nameless who said basically Mr braski I don't know if you know this or not but it's looking kind of dangerous out there and I'm thinking that we shouldn't have any school and I thought I would share that with you and I responded back with a Chuck said thank you so much for your information and we'll let you know right it's not uh we do a good job of trying to inform the public of that it's always difficult right we're always going to air on the side of safety for for students right so that's what it always comes down to I know that Thursday it looked okay in the morning and so you know I had some people call me and say hey it's looking good out there I said yeah but the afternoon it turned and actually the wind of this one I don't know about the rest of you but for me that the wind was worse than most of the others that I've seen come through as a result we did have some damage that occurred not not a lot four schools were without power for for a little while which is unusual ual usually that doesn't happen with the typical storm that comes through because we've been awfully lucky um as a community and of course other areas of the country other areas of our state not not so lucky uh when it when it comes to this particular issue I'll just tell you there's a whole team of people you'd be amazed if you went to Emergency Operations there's probably I don't know Bryce 30 people 40 people in there all working to figure out the best saf safety uh measures to put in place related to the hurricane that's coming up many people don't know that Klay County Schoolboard employees actually sleep there during that time frame so this is a full-time a full-time deal it's not like hey show up for a meeting for half an hour and then leave it's going on continually we we address the needs of our special needs individuals within our community that need medical help provide them Transportation that's done at gbury Junior High and uh you can see some of them there you see the Clay High crew up top you see the Orange Park ey Folks at the bottom they're working working for our community and and they do it uh um they they they make their own fun at doing it and realize this is important for our community we thought that more people especially if we had a big wind event um it would be even more traumatic for our community and and more people would flock to our shelters let me tell you I always say this you know uh my dad drove me to school every day how about that for a little fun fact so my dad was was a big part of my life especially when it came to school and would always say hey this is this is the ticket to the next level you know your job is school is what he used to say to me and uh you can't underestimate the impacts of dads a lot of great events I was at a shadow lawn and the place was packed with dads bringing their child to school dads being involved now there was a lot of moms that were applauding that day too right as dads were bringing them to school if you catch that that that little bit of humor but it was a great event it's a great way for the community to be involved in our school system uh volunteering you can notice that on our website we have the volunteer um hotline for you to to click on to become a volunteer I think we had well over 1,800 volunteers they're out there and there's really three different types of volunteers so I kind of give a quick over overview there's a visitor that's a person that's just coming to the school for a very quick uh time like eating lunch with their child uh they're attending a meeting all those kinds of things then there's a what we call a level one volunteer the difference between a level one volunteer and a level two volunteer is a level two volunteer as if there's going to be a time where the that individual is supervising a child but isn't in the line of sight of another employee so when a person goes to the school and let's say they're The Home Room Mom they're in the they're in the classroom they're with the teacher that's a level one if you're taking children on a field trip and you're going to be separated from the group and you're by yourself with the children then you have to be screened and go through the fingerprinting process so we kind of clar clarified that with folks uh uh Paula Summers and uh and Karen McMillan are doing a great job of making sure that it's streamlined so that we can do this as officially as as uh possible with so many people involved and our volunteerism uh is outstanding you could see the handbook there you can see volunteers on our campuses in those two pictures Celebrate Freedom week got interrupted by by the hurricane for two days so I missed the uh the red white and blue Day on on Friday but you could say we did many many activities at our board Workshop we had Mary Owen present uh on social studies curriculum and what we do in social studies so you've seen all of those events clay high top three in the nation I thought that was worth a slide uh and of course I immediately got some texts from Clay High people uh you know about this and so deserving of recognition many people don't realize you know I always talk fondly of coming from New York but at one point in my life I moved to a Farm in Pennsylvania and actually I'm an FFA member I don't have the blue coat because it would never fit me i' I've grown uh significantly uh since then but a fantastic job by their chapter Madam chair are you gonna say something I was instructed to remind you oh they were double- cheing to make sure I make sure that we got we acknowledge their accomplishment and we are so very proud of what they do there with their FS F program and still in Klay County there's a lot of rural places within Clay County and farming and Agriculture and Statewide in state of Florida is a pretty huge deal this is a great program for students and and uh maybe the the uh the contest maybe we'll have a contest and everybody will show up again and we'll we'll see who the winner is Miss Skipper had a lot of competitive Spirit when she was out there I could say that much are we talking about the fair I think we are are R got the blue ribbon the one that you won yes Miss B and that one excuse me I'm not done I was The Reserve Grand Champion tell the truth Mary what happened we had to swap pigs why because my pig was wonderful and the judge knew that you should be able to control had her Pig under control I basically took your pig over and controlled that one too so uh blue blue ribbon yeah it was it was very competitive but but we'll see again this next this next year's fair so October is principal appreciation month uh November is middle-aged slightly overweight superintendent month so I'll I'll be expecting cards on that month uh the 1 to the 10th is is uh disability history and awareness month uh week custodian appreciation day world teacher day national school lunch week I'm sorry can I can I interrupt you for just a moment I believe if you go to the school sometime between October 14th and 18th and the lunch ladies and gentlemen realize that that it's your birthday that week yeah that's right yeah maybe you might get you know like some chicken nuggets a chicken nugget or some mac and chees maybe an ice cream but you know when you say there's no super attendant month the entire month is your birthday month so come on thank you thank you and then it kind of fil finishes with Red Ribbon Week at at the end at the end of the month so you know just from a big picture perspective at the beginning you have all the hustle and bustle of getting the district um settled in with bus routes schedules with all of that and then you have this like honeymoon sort of period where everybody's and then the honeymoon ends at some point as far as that goes we've reached that the end of the first quarter is the is next week and so we're we're Trucking right along in good progress I'm proud of where we are um as far as the school year goes and hopefully we won't have any more storms so thank you so much you know with that FFA program from Clay High I'd like to know how many of those students are multigenerational FFA students whose families are probably Farm well the one I know brags about being fifth generation uhuh yeah yeah it's in their blood out there all right next is uh School Board attorney remarks anything from your office there's nothing from our office but uh just want to thank the board and it's a pleasure to be here as always thank you School Board member remarks anybody want to begin I can miss baa besides saying happy birthday to Mr brosi again I just wanted to give a shout out one more time to Mary Owen and to Dr Sanders for bringing the information to us at the last Workshop that was invaluable and it truly showed why we are number one in Civics in the State of Florida um why our social studies programs are so incredibly strong and truly with any of the questions and I'm I'm going to encourage you to talk with Dr Sanders on your way out because if there's a concern about ESC um anything ESC not being Met she's the key person and just wave your hand back there there you go anything relating to speech anything she would be the key person to help you um I do have a concern about buses arriving late to school and Miss Chappelle brought that up and I'm sorry I shouldn't say names I apologize um but it was that's something that I I know that I'm certain Mr Crawford's already following up on so other than that nothing new thank youer I'll be really quick just to kind of pig you back off of our Civics and social studies I had the opportunity to go to Orange Park High School this week and um sit in and watch one of our amazing teachers um I know we have several amazing teachers I I don't but I I want to highlight this gentleman in particular uh Mr Daniels he does a voter Drive um every year and does an amazing job with it but is teaching our children the importance of why we should vote um the history of voting um the supervisor of elections comes in and and registers the kids who want to be registered um then they have to find their own precinct on the computer and um for me it's a civic duty that we pass this on to our children um and understanding the importance completely neutral you know um letting them make their own decisions but understanding why it is important and why we do what we do and I know our district is um plays a valuable role in that and in doing that um but Mr Daniels does an amazing job and um I want to thank the staff for having me welcoming me with open arms and um just sitting in on on that and hearing our students and um the things that they had to say and um their thought process on things um was very very eye openening and unique to hear um but it was great so anyways I just want to um thank Orange Park High School and um Mr Daniels for doing such a great great job there Miss Clark I'd have to open up to say how blessed we were that that storm didn't come this way um it in a sense I think it would have been great to come across and back out to the ocean and not do the damage that it did but we have to keep in mind what's happened to everybody else and uh once again we get very fortunate um regarding the students in the classroom rooms and teachers having difficulty with with a few students misbehaving interrupting class something that my own son did which I didn't realize and I think we have to teach our our children to do this but he realized that it was taking away from his school time so he would stand up and basically try to help the teacher and call out those students that were disruptive because sometimes the students we know don't listen to the adults but they'll listen to their classmates so I think we have to teach them to try to bring bring the classroom back around and and remind them that this is their free education and it's their opportunity to learn and not to waste their time so and regarding the bus bus issue if anybody has an issue where it's constantly late we need to be calling transportation and letting them know uh there's I think we still have full capacity of drivers so that should not be an issue um I'm going to throw out if anybody doesn't want to be a bus driver but they want to do a little little side job there's always crossing guards that are needed so if anybody knows of anybody that would like to be a crossing guard and contribute and be that first smile to that student on the way to school in the morning just call the Sheriff's Office and uh they'd be glad to have that call uh I know you went over the different levels of volunteering and I'd like to say that I think that's one of the reasons that Orange Park Elementary is so successful so much parent involvement and that's what we really need we'd like to see it at all our schools but if we could could review maybe the procedures of those levels and what we're doing at the next workshop for as we want more of it of course and I think the last thing I'd like to bring up before I went to the Douglas High School in Parkland probably about a year ago I had read quite a bit about the Aon Vice Guardian program and we have a guardian program but this this program is Aaron Vice is very different and it's probably the most affordable but extremely effective and I would like to see it added to our agenda to talk about and maybe take a vote as to whether we want to do such a program or not um let's maybe add that to a work I would suggest that we get information about the program first which would be the word before we would yeah that's what I say bring it up at the next workshop at the next Workshop where we can discuss it review it get all the information that we need Mr prosy would that be reasonable would you need more time than next month's Workshop if we're gonna have okay okay and that's it all right Miss Hansen my mom lost her home in the hurricane so it adds some perspective what the people go through and what we didn't have to go through it's almost guilty like yay we didn't have to go through it you know it's a really terrible thing so we should be praying for everybody who was inflicted and traumatized by what happened there will be kids that won't be in school for most of the year I know one of the priorities of school boards when hurricanes come through is to get kids back in school but when half of your state is wiped out it's not going to happen so I think we need to pray real hard and I think we need to be very appreciative of what we have and so I've been kind of in a little bit of a Down mood and I don't mean my three comments to carry that on so if I sound a little like I'm in being Nancy you know a little bit down here just ignore that part but I was just wondering uh Mr superintendent if you had an update of where we stand at the workshop when it comes to the hiring of the internal auditing firm because at the workshop you said that the lawyers were working on something I was just wondering if you could give us an update now like 10 days later where we're at or if anything has happened in that move towards our internal auditing firm yes proud to announce that RSM will be giving a presentation at the workshop the next Workshop shop so we've made contact with them we've had a a zoom a zoom call with them we've got information from them so we'll be able to present at the next Workshop well I appreciate you making that happen also I would like and I don't know if other school board members are like this but when we purchased Neola we did that because it's helped for us to redo some of our very old policies update policies for all the legislative changes it would be a nightmare for a district to have to go through and write you know 500 policies without a fresh start and Neola does that for us but I have not heard anything about what is happening with our Neola policy since we had our meeting it January or February and so I'm going to ask you maybe to tell us a little bit of an update on that but also I personally would like to see um if we can't move um the 5,000 section up which we don't have at all that would be the student section um I think that section 5000 is pertinent IT addresses almost everything anybody ever talks about up here IT addresses every single thing that's ever been a concern with a Schoolboard member or a teacher it does discipline and Grading procedures niola has all of that written up and what I would like is to get a copy of that so that I can start to look at um what is actually in the policy I've seen nothing and that is where I don't want to sit for very long I want to be able to read all these policies when the district makes changes I want to be able to ask why I want us to be able to think about what type of policy do we want for so like in our student code of conduct we had something called restorative discipline or something it's on a page it's been like my Nemesis it's I hate this page in our student code of conduct I want the board to have time maybe it's a month maybe it's weeks to actually really think about discipline policies it's a very very in-depth detailed difficult thing to think about I don't want it coming to us like oh at the next Workshop we're going to do this whole section it's okay if that does but if we have it ahead of time we can make notes on it our concerns on it so we can have a really productive conversation when it comes time for that so if you don't want that um I'd like to have it um my discussion can be your discussion at this time but I personally would like to see a copy of the 5000 section so that I can start doing research about what's been working around the State of Florida what doesn't what we might want what are your thoughts on that so I thought I understood um that we would have access to the database of of nea's policies I'm not sure what the process for gaining access is if that's a us passw I think I think you got off the call just as we gave an update at at the last Workshop so the reason why you have haven't heard anything about it is because right now we're going through the process of going through all of those policies do we have access can I go look at it today uh you certainly can yeah the way it's written by Neola yeah I mean they right now we're going through that process So the plan would be at the January Workshop February Workshop March Workshop April workshop and may work and may Workshop we would have that so the goal would be by June we would um we would resend all current policy and adopt all current policy so you have those six months if I count it correct so I guess I would like access now because it's going to take me time to go through that all the policies as well and I and I appreciate that everyone's working so hard I know for a fact that there have been meetings for like six seven eight hours at the district office but it would help me understand where you come from better for me to wrap myself around the policy see what the lawyers have recommended what Neola recommends versus waiting on I don't know how many hundreds of policies it is but I don't want to wait till January before I lay my eyes on it so can I get um access to neolis policies going to get you a copy of the 5,000 if you're curious 5,000 the rest of it like you know Human Resources I am not an expert in those areas but I would love the 5,000 section which is a lot of stuff we talk about so one of the reasons why niola does that in this fashion is because some some policies are interrelated yeah I understand right so that's why they're all done at one time like that and over a six-month time frame now in six different chunks if you will we'll bring them to the board with plenty of time for you to review that chunk prior to the discussion that you have related to the chunk I'm okay with that as long as I have a copy I can write on is that is that okay also I just want to say when we did the the one Workshop of neet they actually said if you wanted them ahead of time you had to request them that you didn't have we weren't allowed access they they like Safeguard those so I don't they said we can have access we have a contact through Neola I would imagine just email or call the other thing is you you see the list of all of the counties in Florida that have Neola policies you can go on I I want to say the districts so go to their 5,000 list and that generally not not word for word everybody makes their own changes yeah but 90% of those are going to be exactly what we and I've done that I'm just wanting to know if I can get in and have but that's that would be where the 5,000 I agree and I I think the last thing um I was out I was listening to the workshop but um I want to to over the last 12 months I probably talked about this 15 times I can go back and watch all the workshops and our Schoolboard meetings um and I can provide adequate proof that I've requested this but I really want to direct the superintendant to provide documentation PowerPoints whatever the documentation may be every whatever it is we are studying or or talking about at a workshop I want that prior to the workshop and the board can direct the superintendent to do that we had come to an agreement that they would put them in there on Friday for us which was three days prior than the workshop one week was too much so at the workshop we agreed that they would be in there on a Friday let me explain why we have a great ESC Department there is no way that this board can wrap their head around or even understand the depth of what we listen to to in that PowerPoint the other day we should have the opportunity and the ability if Miss Clark wants to go through every slide look at it learn about it that is her right as a Schoolboard member so we can ask the kind of questions when you are hearing about ESC in a PowerPoint took me a year and a half to get a master's in this there is no way that this board can be prepared to ask the types of questions you might want if we're not fully understanding what it is were even listening to and so over the last 12 months Miss Clark has asked a dozen times she'd like to get it earlier for processing I believe the board came to an understanding with Mr brosi that we would have it on a Friday prior and I know DR Sanders she did not wait until Tuesday night for the final PowerPoint we even discussed that if we would get the PowerPoint as is on Friday but there might be changes to that on Tuesday we agreed that the PowerPoint might not be exactly as it is when we see it or the documentation might not be exactly as it is when we see it on Tuesday but as a board I believe we need to be having discussion so our constituents understand where we're coming from our constituents who voted for us and we have a responsibility and I say an information responsibility to have our discussions in front of the camera where people see what we're thinking I can't get feedback from anybody if I'm looking at something for the very first time in a 20-minute presentation have no idea what I was thinking about it no idea of what I'm seeing if I can process what I'm seeing I know Miss clarus said she wish she would have more time I know Miss Skipper has said it and I know at the workshop we agreed that we would have whatever the copy form was on that Friday prior to a workshop when can we get to that because I need that to happen especially on difficult called topics so if I could let me let me go ahead and provide some context for you so you understand first of all just a little clarification the board can never direct the superintendent so I just want to be clear about that you certainly asked for that information I'd be glad to provide that as I always do but to provide a little bit of context in this remember the board gets the agenda two weeks prior to Casting a vote on any item the workshop provides an opportunity to ask questions about those items that are going to uh be voted on that's the whole purpose of that in addition there's nine days between the workshop and the time that you would vote on an action item I'm aware but that's what said let me finish please same three things let me finish please during that nine days my phone works every day there's not a single day of those nine that my phone is not going to work yes in addition I provide a listing of major items for an entire year so if you wanted if you wanted the bigger items that require more reading I gave you a year in advance with links to all of those items I don't believe this was on that list the board Workshop presentations are not an item that you're voting on we were simply trying to provide you with General overview information so you to say we can't have it would would you stop interrupting me please well it's my board comments I'm asking are you to say we can't have that stuff ahead of time you're really going to let me speak or you're not would you like me to answer the question I wasn't sure what the question was can we get it early I guess is the question yeah so I'm I'm explaining why you didn't get the presentations early the board Workshop presentations are not items that are voted on at all they're just trying to provide you general information in this case about Ese and and social States curriculum they were simply presentations to provide make you more knowledgeable about that nothing is being voted on on any of those items many times when you're giving a presentation it's more effective to give the information at the time of the presentation so there there's not misconceptions ahead of time in other words it would make more sense to provide the information upfront then answer the questions which would be typical for presentations I would agree that anything that's voted on there needs to be time for you to process that information but a simple presentation about curriculum of which might be brand new information for everybody it's just simply trying to provide a general overview so I know this issue's come up before and I don't want to sound so assertive about it but I can honestly say more time has been given than any time I can remember in history of 36 years okay that's not to say we can't work to work figure out how to do it better this is but I'm just telling you that us being prepared I I understand it doesn't matter if I'm voting or not when you have a slide at the end that says questions when it's a complicated topic and you have a 20-minute presentation with a whole bunch of slides we're supposed to come up with a question right then and there I think to his point I think to his point it's the start of a conversation it's not the end so but I don't want to have it behind CL doors in the superintendent's office between the day of a workshop and a school board I'm saying you have to can we can give another presentation on ESC or or anything that you would like so that was just a general overview of that ESC would be a topic we'd have to spend three days at doing at least this was a 20-minute overview that we when we sit down at the workshop we cannot get any information that's attached to that Workshop prior to that morning that's not what he said he said that when we have a special presentation which is not related to the agenda that we're there to talk about it's something separate that we're not voting on Just for informational purposes because remember when we had um several staff members come and speak at a board meeting and gave us information about curriculum that there was concerns over um we decided at that point we'd love to learn more about the academic services in Klay County so he has scheduled um just some fore information type things that are not related to what we are voting on on so it's not time sensitive how about I I understand that I think we're talking about two separate things here I don't think we are when the budget when we have a meeting we know we're talking about the budget that pack we get that day I'd like it early when we're talking about the reading literacy plan that plan that we talk about that day I'd like it early I'm not talking about a presentation on Civics that's not what I'm talking about here we do get things that we vote on sometimes last minute at a workshop but you were talking about the ESC president that was the example but I can go back through the workshops many times we've gotten a lot of things that we did vote on last minute well I think to Mr brasky's point we understood that and Mr braski has worked to give you a year year in advance those larger documents knowing that they will change as we get closer to the time that they're going to be taken up but they're not change so substantially that you can't recognize the changes in a reasonable amount of time so for examp example like the literacy plan which was new last year and it showed up that morning when we got there right and so when we will when we revisit it again you know it's coming a year out right so you have a year and I'm not saying that there hasn't been trouble in the past but what I think Mr Broski is saying is we've understood what you've requested and they've taken steps to rectify that on items that we are voting on I think the miscommunication here was you were using the ESC example and that wasn't something that pertained to a agenda item so it wasn't time sensitive so getting it ahead of time wouldn't necessarily impede you from anything you need to do as a every business in the world does what I'm talking about and apparently I just don't know how to explain it so everybody when you have a meeting whether it be in a military you know what's going to be on the agenda they have the information they need to talk about it when it's on the agenda this is not something I'm not making this up when it comes to items and I would say when we're going through Neola there will be ese policies I would say that almost every single thing we talk about is going to come up in Neola not procedures but policy there'll be Finance policy there'll be budget policies there'll be ese policies there'll be student policies we can't underestimate that and give us a chance to learn as much as we can because almost everything is a directive of a policy followed by a procedure and it is very common in this world for everyone to understand what's going going to be on the agenda and the materials they're covering for the agenda in the private world this is how it works here I'm asking if you have a PowerPoint if we could have it early I could look up things learn things have good questions I I the Powerpoints are separate though from the agenda no I forget the PowerPoint I can go anything we anything early just anything we've never had a single document before the day we that we show up for a work a workshop she's not talking about just voting items she's talking about everything so that she could be prepared to have a rigorous discussion and if there is something that's let's just say she ran on or or any of us have ran on want to bring it up and talk about it we don't have to schedule a separate time we could do it during that time but knowing that it's going to happen um ahead of time we could maybe do our own homework so that we can have that discussion and not have to do another meeting if we see that hey okay this is something that needs to you know that we have more questions on which it could have been answered that day is what I think she's saying so that we're not constantly going like this so just attach the PowerPoint a couple days ahead of time the point I was trying to make is when you're giving a PowerPoint on topic that nobody uh has familiarity with there's a process that you're going through to inter produce that information giving the PowerPoint early would just create a uh a dysfunction in presenting that information I'm more than willing you mean with us it would create dysfunction with us hearing it I think I think that getting the information early for some time on a new topic the presenter would like the opportunity to present that information for the first time to make the learning meaningful for everyone that's that's there and that's the attempt we all educated people I don't think anybody's going to go into looking at a policy and come out dysfunctional about what we're reading Mr Broski thank you we would do that to anybody anything further okay uh this meeting is adjourned