##VIDEO ID:oLCZc3U-VY4## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for the Pledge of Allegiance please pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all welcome everybody to the cliff side Park Board of Education uh December 18 2024's meeting I'd like to ask our board uh secretary business administrator luel fanel to call the role please I'll just read a quick notice Mr compano then I'll call the role the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the rights of the public to have advanced notice of it to atttend the meeting of public bodies in which any business affecting their interest is discuss or acted upon in accordance with the provision of this act the clai park board have had school's notice of this meeting to be published by having the day time in place there posted in the office of the B clerk B Library b Rec Department the office of the Board of Ed and the offices of school numbers 345 and six in the high school on September 17 2024 and notice is were forward to the reporters of the record September 17 2024 this is an official meeting I will take the roll down Mr capano yes mrsu is not here Mr capano yes Mrs Fredo garga is not here Mr nadw here pontano is not here Mr ranor is not here Mr Russo here mrakia here Mr yanui here okay very good to the record we have our high school leaz on to the board Valentina correct welcome thank you for joining us and for the record we have the Board of Education uh attorney Steven Fogerty with us also and I would like to start with our superintend attendance report Dr Hayes Please Mr capano uh tonight we have 35 Personnel resolutions vast majority as always professional development teacher and lunch AIDS hirings six leaves of absence and co-curricular resolutions five resignations and one retirement and that's the uh resolution I'd like to go public with and uh if I may read it it states resolution recommended by the inter superintendent schools to accept the retirement of Mary Foster school counselor Middle School effec of June 30th 2025 although I've only been here a short time I can tell you that I enjoyed a tremendous relationship with Mrs for during my time with you uh she's as good as elementary school and middle school guidance Council has come and um I know she's going to be sorely missed so miss Foster on behalf of the board I believe that we are accepting your uh resignation and wish you well in retirement with regret we we accept it with regret but we wish you a a lifetime of happiness in this new phase of your life uh Mr nreu I believe you wanted to address the resolution also uh yes uh as someone who went through the school system when Miss Foster was coming in and uh running our program and being a great guidance counselor we appreciate her hard work I appreciate having her as a as a guidance in my life for those years and she's been a guidance to my uh siblings and and to countless other students we accept resolution 27 with regret but we know that you're going to do great and whatever you choose to do in this retirement so thank you Miss Foster I just like to indicate U Clayton said Miss Foster has been instrumental uh to many people in our uh Elementary School there at the middle school I was fortunate enough that my two daughters uh attended the Middle School uh and uh one of my daughters uh Miss fost was very instrumental in placing her in in a high school where she could excel at ice hockey and I'm proud to say my my daughter has uh probably a half a dozen division one and division three uh girls ice hockey uh commitments as of last night um and uh Miss Foster was extremely uh instrumental uh uh with that and I wish her nothing but the best of luck and uh it's going to be a big loss to the district but she deserves a good retirement thank you Dr please thank you Mr um Mr Alano that concludes the report of the superintendent with the exception of wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season and appreciate uh everyone's support throughout the school year thank you all right Mr alfano anything on your Finance report and then we'll go into committee reports uh yes Mr capano I'm just um Mr Fredo would just want to get her on the line um I apologize for delay yes Mr kapana if you take your eyes uh Lisa we'll be right with you okay it's l okay thank you so much so uh we just went through our administrative review audit which is essentially a food surface operations order uh went very well the pomptonian folks I thought did Yan's work as well as Maria Romeo on a free and reduced lunch applications and the whole operations process for at leis 11 uh left which she was part of the USDA last Thursday she's very complimentary on our food service processes both on the fiscal side and on operational side and I just wanted to throw Kudos out to uh the pomptonian team of cat Scot and Alex Rosenberg and our own Maria Romeo who heads up the fre and r application process uh if you take your eyes to Pages 20 to 23 you'll see essentially four consecutive resolutions we're here to approve them tonight for a full year 24 audit with the year ending June 30th 2024 essentially it's approving the corrective action plan and the synopsis of audit that's what you'll be approving tonight that'll be uploaded to a home room and a Department of Education uh for uh validation and approval we just had a uh our audit was just reviewed and presented by Mr Steve Wilcox and gave an overview of the uh findings and the Surplus to the board of ed uh we had no material findings we had some minor uh compliance findings which uh the school district is in very good shape financially thank goodness Lou you should be proud of yourself it was $16 you forgot to send back to the state okay out of n you out of 9 million yeah so thank you for that Mr capano um so yeah I'd like to thank the business office and the entire staff and the board uh you don't do we don't do it by ourselves in regard to getting through each and every year uh yeah the audit was pretty clean and uh what you're approving tonight is four separate unique uh resolutions but they're essentially the corrective action plan that will be uploaded to the state via home room so I thank everyone for their support and uh this year's off to uh a good start also in regard to uh how we're doing uh revenues versus expenses and looks like we're going to be pushing out some Surplus again for the uh end of June uh fiscal year so that's pretty much my overview for the uh Finance component blue after this evening's um audit uh presentation from our auditor Steve Willcox I want to commend uh yourself and your your sta you know it's it's a 60 million plus uh budget and as a lot of uh Bells whistles with it and it's well done okay appreciate that Mr and if you need the $16 we'll all chip in and don't worry there you go but I was told you returned it right away back to the state yeah it's G it's gone thank you of course anything else Mr Alan uh no that's it on Myan Mr capano at this time committee reports uh from the board any committee reports just want to touch on uh as you know our um High School uh Lobby renovation is continuing uh a lot of the internal work uh has been completed we're sheet rocked inside drop ceilings are starting to go in temporary partitions have been put up for uh winter sports uh and the outside is moving along having some issues with the delay of uh the entrance glass doors as a lot of uh supply chain stuff are backordered but we hope to have this project uh wrapped up uh as soon as uh we can get it done in the next uh 6 to 8 weeks um and that's pretty much uh building in grounds we have met uh with Mr Al in reference to next year's uh Financial positioning and some Capital Improvement projects to possibly enhance uh some of our uh uh schools and we'll get into detail with that as the year progresses any other questions uh for committee reports okay at this time I'll open it up to the public anybody from the public uh any questions and before I do that I apologize Valentina any good news going on at the high school anything you'd like to as far as right now nothing much but last week we had a club fair and there was a lot of kids that showed up which is really good cuz next year they will be able to join those clubs and they're learning to get more involved in the school as well excellent anything else um no thank you for joining anybody from the public any questions or [Music] comments sure if you can come up state your name Mr capano can I just interject maybe we can uh get a a vote first on the agenda on the agenda on the yeah 10 seconds I apologize can we please get a motion to approve the evenings December 18th that was Mr terak may have and Mr Russo okay very good Mr capano thank you for that sure um uh Mr capano yes uh Mrs Fredo yes okay thank you Mrs Fredo thank you we appreciate take care now no you too byebye Mr nadw yes Mr Russo yes mrakia yes Mr yanui yes okay so passed thank you Mr capan appreciate no no worries no worries at all sorry about that not a problem hi Heather Herman 482 Lincoln Avenue Hi hea how are you I don't know if it has anything to do with Schoolboard but how do crossing guards work and get positioned the cliff Head Park Police Department here so there's no way you could put in like a good word that the top of Lincoln and Grove is a a horrible Corner in the morning um I mean kids literally run for their lives because of all the the traffic going through there people coming in from bourbon Boulevard no people coming from the school so they leave from the school and they fly through like it's some freeway um kids literally are running across the street I've cut try coming up to drop off my son at school and almost get sideswiped you know so and then people pulling over and just ridiculous they Block in corners and they had a Crossing there on Saturday for the breakfast with Santa so I just figure if they have one for that they can have one for when the kids are actually walking without their parents so I don't know if that's something you can kind of well we have tachia here and I think he'll share it with the uh you know officer in charge and also with the traffic yeah I mean like my son doesn't normally walk to school and he's very he's older but like there are little kids on our block that do walk and you know just looking at the kids literally run like it's it's for for a parent it's like wow like it's hard and then you see theid the the parents that are leaving they're literally just flying through that intersection so stop sign or crossing guard would be a big benefit no not going from not on gr not on growth if you're trying to cross I mean drive down there at like 7:45 in the morning hold your life in your hands well definitely uh Teddy let themin thank you wel else from the public any questions or comments name address please Mark Muller 42 Lincoln how are you guys happy holidays right happy holiday um it's been a few months since our first meeting um just trying to figure out was there any work being done on uh professionals looking into the overcrowding issue I know the engineering or Architects were discussed has there been any progress on that to address that yes we we've first of all as you know our fire official has approved our plan uh and once the lobby uh opens up uh it's become more of a instead of a tighter Lobby more of a vast Lobby that's going to be an overflow for the cafeteria uh you know won't be tables or anything in there but we're looking at the a nice against the walls nice uh counters with stools underneath and we are in the we discussed it this evening of potentially under the state guidelines we have to do always a a forecast of our physical need assessment we've done that forecast and we tied back into our uh enrollment forecast and like I said the enrollment at the elementary level has been pretty stagnant the same at the high school level we've seen a an increase of about 60 uh kids from the previous year uh and uh what we're going to do is hire U an engineering firm or consultant to do a physical need assessment on where we can expand all probability is we were trying to expand with the burrow with the synagogue we put apples and apples together we had to table that because it just wasn't feasible for the taxpayer to take the big burden of doing a massive project like that so we're looking to do a physical need assessment on where we could expect So currently at the high school there's what you said just under 1,400 1300 change 1325 1325 just and I didn't know this until the other night do you guys even know the occupancy load for that cafeteria sure few hundred 250 yeah correct we had this dialogue at the yes no I just it was funny because I went there for another meeting and I actually saw the sign post on wall for 250 kids so there's a a lack of for 1100 kids a spot to eat and I know you said the entryway is going to be open or your Auditorium and gymnasium we our principal has made other AB Alternatives and we've discussed it in the past at the last meeting there's pros and cons going to the the block lunge because it's more advantageous for the education of the kids Etc so we're trying to work uh around those parameters so like you said you're You're Expecting still about approximately 1300 kids in the school next year yes sir correct and you said that it would be a tax burden on the taxpayers of the town for an addition or anything else like that I know not necessarily an addition onto to develop a brand new annex to a school Etc there are other towns that have this issue as well right it's not only Cliffside right other towns have officers or people in charge to confirm that children live in the town they go to school in we have that we have a residency office we have a residenc yes absolutely Teddy is that Sergeant uh Lieutenant Miller yes yes well from the police department M Mike Miller's in charge of that Teddy yes okay all right so I just I just want to clarify we all know I I I mean I know I have friends of friends that live actually in Cliffside that don't go to Cliffside Park High School they go to other schools but literally they live in Cliffside Park yeah we know that so it's the same from town to town so I just want to make sure that Cliffside is on top of this and whatever documents or leases or lease agreements that they have to provide you that Mike is on top of this two years ago we did I'm sorry Mark two years ago we did a re-registration uh just to try to because we were convinced like you were can't be can't be can't be and we did the re-registration and everything correlated and worked and Sergeant Miller Lieutenant Miller now has certified anytime there's an inquiry he goes out there and he doesn't go during normal hours as a poli officer he goes according to his plan and have we caught one or two here yes but not anything that's of a major issue in the district what do you know off the top of your head what it cost the burrow per child what our education per child cost that com in the State Department of Ed I think it's in the $177,000 depends on the grade level but Kindergarten obvious less expensive than high SCH on average it runs about 16,000 on aage average K to 12 for a regular K to 12 new jerseyy the third highest in the in the nation yeah yes sir so I just want to make sure everything's going for yeah um Lieutenant Miller active and detective young does residency calls as well I'm sorry detective young Sean is that Sean's last yeah yeah detective young does them as well we have two Cliffside Park officers who do follow up on residency checks okay Lieutenant Miller liutenant Miller spearheads all the school safety ini all that information is operable correct yes probably thank you guys have a great holiday thank you thank you anybody else from uh the public have any comments ments or questions that wraps up our meeting this evening um I want to thank everybody for for joining us I'm sorry that we're a little bit late any questions from the public uh Frank uh none online okay thank you wishing everybody a wonderful Christmas and a wonderful holiday have a good evening everybody can we please have a motion to adjourn this evening's meeting I'll make a motion a second if I may thank you