##VIDEO ID:cpTwc8x94Yk## I'd like to welcome you all to the city of Coco Beach September 18th 2024 Board of adjustment and can we please stand for the [Music] pledge I pled algi to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all you get a roll call Sir got to watch that Cher scoot out will sit on the floor here Baler is excused John cabor here Michael Goldberg here Rick Anderson here uh summerfall Colin is excused James Cole here we have a corner does have anybody have any disclosure conflicts uh I'll start I drove by the Home talked with the homeowner for a few minutes and looked at everything because I didn't quite understand it on on the readout so it's good to look at them everybody I sto by the house also I as well okay good and it says here a special presentation what is that that's just in case yeah in case you have one it's it's a it's a placeholder in do you hear my phone ringing in your pants no it's my watch oh can you trust him with you get old you have heing you got a watch and you got a phone all ringing you don't know what it is okay where are we public comment any public comments any public any public staff reports all right I put together a little presentation just to go over it um maybe a little bit more in detail cuz just like you guys um little bit easier once you see it all so if you want to go to the [Music] next okay so just so everybody knows um that's the address 44 488 4th Street this is a canal this is McNab that comes down and dead ends into the canal and that's Fourth Street this so everybody kind of gets an idea of where the property is okay this is the actual property um with the lot and the fence that we're going to talk about comes off the house runs down along here to the seaw wall and that's what we're going to talk about today just that that particular part um there's been a a fence eror since the ' 50s so it's just a matter now now of putting a a higher fence on that property line um I've switched this drawing around a little bit so you we could read the bottom so the concept is the 6-ft fence will come off the corner of that that house there and roll down the side of their property line there's an easement that runs through the backyard okay along that whole that Canal all the way down Fourth Street uh the concept someday is to put a pool pool in here so they wanted to do a 6t wall now or fence wall now and um they're going to put a 10t gate in there for the city in case we ever have to get in through that easement um that way they don't have to take the fence apart or anything like that so they've thought ahead a little bit about that and then we'll have a another piece of fence here that'll be 5T and then it will drop to a 4 foot fence all the way down to the prop or to the canal um city code is you have to have from 15 ft from the canal it can only be 4T high so they're following that guideline as well they're they're actually around 18 ft away from the canal um and then they're going to put in the same over on this side 6t fence which that meets property you know it's in between the um property of another person it's fine it all meets code and then again run 4T down to the seaw wall the one the fence to the east doesn't need a variant or doesn't need that's that's permitted that's permitted that all meets code over there and and actually they're trying to meet coat over here going to the 4 foot as well um this is fine so they're really looking at this piece of fence here that 6ot on the property line how long is that length um it's 31 ft to the gate and the gate is 10t and then there's 6ot of 5ot high fence on the other side of the gate why why do you say the north side is fine this side no the north side that little piece over near the driveway oh that because that's behind the the house was on the side of the house well it's on the side of the house but it's not up to the property line so as long as it's behind the house you can be 6 high behind the face of the house and they actually the face of the house is up here so I thought they only they had to be 5 ft no from the property line to be six that's that's if you're on a side lot like they are here so they have a a road over on this side and if you go back 5T from the property line you can go up to 6 foot without any variance okay if you go to the property line you have to have a variance that's just for site trafficking for cars and St I thought it actually was 25 ft yeah and there's one more piece of this too they they have a uh part of the code you have to have a visible triangle whenever you come up to a corner and they're like 28 ft back the visible triangle has to be across this so you can see it from either direction it's a 25 ft triangle so so this corner here is way past the 25 ft visible triangle required by code okay let's go to the next one and that's what the 6ot fence will look like and it's kind of got a peekaboo which is kind of nice this is the 4ft fence it's actually going to be white but they did give us a picture of what it will look like so basically it'll be a see-through fence um which would be a real nice down by the canal in the white plastic that one's aluminum it'll be White Aluminum aluminum okay yep White Aluminum but that's going to be the that's going to be 6 feet four that that'll be the 4T okay that's that's the 4T White Aluminum and then this will be the five and 6ot um vinyl I'm just I'm just curious why you would put a you wouldn't put something more private along the swimming pool is it because you the canal swi the swimming pool will be behind this okay okay this is going to be down by the water the water oh okay that'll be just adjacent from the gate correct yeah yeah exactly it's going to be white with the peak throw okay can you go back one second you said you talked about an easement show me where the easement is yeah the go back one oop the easement runs right through here well no you mentioned that they had a put a big gate there on the side on the side yeah they're going to put a gate here that will allow them will allow City access if they ever have to get oh okay that's that makes sense yeah okay all right and then I just the next slide has um some of the Land Development codes and the um resident has basically approved and and done everything that's on here the only thing that we're really looking to do is go to the 6t high on the property line so all the fence installations they require a permit they've already got one that's in the works it's on hold now cuz they were going to do the other side as well so they've already got a permit in the works it's in the hopper all we have to do is get the variance approved and we can complete that um again the gates should provide the access to the property for the easement so theyve complied with that as well um no fence is permitted to interfere with a site visible ability that's that 25 ft triangle that I talked about on the corner of each lot on side streets um and again it it talks about on the corner lot the fence is constructed along the property line um it can only be 4T high and that's what we're looking to do for 6ot and portions of the fence constructed within 15 ft of the Waterway can only be constructed to a maximum of 4T and they have complied with that as well now is this is this pool going to happen or is this a may happen someday it's going to happen it's final plan of the pool was first of all I need you to come up to the if if actually if we could if we can say questions for the applicants until it's their turn to come up and just direct questions to staff at this point that way everyone can be captured for the record okay any other questions and conditions that you have for me um is is Staff making recommendations on these or you you guys aren't making recommendations we're making a recommendation that they have met all everything that they need other than the variant so we approve it okay and then um I assume all of the neighbors or everyone within such radius was was notified everybody within a 300 um feet radius have been notified signs have been put out I have not heard a word from anybody nobody has come back to me at all about either way okay um that's good no one yeah no one around them cares that's well it kind of makes sense it's a dead end street it's really not affecting anybody it it just makes good sense if we can allow them to build a pool someday the question I have is you had mentioned earlier a 6- foot fence we wouldn't be here if it was set back how far 5T 5T the question I have is does this set a precedent for the entire neighborhood nothing nothing we do sets precedence no nothing sets precedence everything is individually determined all right that's that's fine thank you okay Rick looks like you got something no no okay you want to talk to the the owner questions for the own to come up you're welcome to come up and explain to us if other than the planning man did a great job thanks okay hello for those of you that I don't know I'm Bobby this is suie and uh we want to really express our thanks to Corey and Lauren been and Randy and everybody down there been extreme extremely helpful in this um basically all we're trying to do is as Cory did in his presentation we tried to be very thoughtful of what the city and the utility company people anybody that might need access because we do have power lines that run directly over the backyard we also have a sewer line that runs right through the backyard basically under the power lines so the portion of our yard that faces the pool is off limits to ever put a pool I mean that phes the canal that's that's basically we'll never be able to put a pool there right so our only option is next to the garage that tiny little piece of land that we have between the existing fence and the you know so the option of bringing the fence back 5 ft by the time you squeeze that in there you've got you know enough room for a bathtub basically you know so we're we're not trying to get greedy with where we want the fence line as much as to the Practical you know place of having a pool that we could actually use you know something worth spending the money on putting in so we tried to think ahead and if the visibility issue was an issue with anybody instead of doing a sof solid 6t we came up so many feet to 4T or whatever and then the last was going to be rung so if you had to see through any for any reason you could you know but we do have the solid base 4ot then we dropped it down to 5 foot at that section where the gate is going to be so that everybody would have access so they wouldn't have to come through the front tear everything up or tear the fence down to get to it so we're trying to think ahead for everybody make it as practically you know uh usable for not only us but for anybody that needs to get access and then of course the the last portion drop down even farther to come to to the regular code so that we don't uh interfere with any of our neighbors view of the water you know and so and of course the other side we did the same thing but that's not in question because that's just a neighbor that I'm dealing with so we're trying to we're trying to you know uh make sure that for what we're asking you to do we also had you in mind on on every way that we tried to design this so um and we talked to all the neighbors all the neighbors completely understand you know when we first bought the house we rid everything in the house and the last thing that we had to do was the seaw wall and then before we can do the backyard and the pool and everything else that we wanted to do got to get this the seaw wall and the fence first and this this is the fence is basically what's held us up up and so if if we can I'm trying to get everything in this house squared away so that that this she's left with you know a good situation so I appreciate your time and consideration thank you thank you oh you had a question I don't know there anybody oh I don't have any questions give someone a chance I don't have anything no I have no questions fine um I guess there's uh anybody in the audience who wants to speak forward against it don't see anyone so we might we'll close public comment we'll discuss it amongst ourselves I still want to discuss I I still have questions excuse about the property um I'm looking at this survey and it looks like the fence is not on the property line existing right now is that correct actually there is a fence on the property line right now according to this it does it looks like it's well it it's it's been there for since 1950s on and off um it's a old wooden picket fence at this point right but is it is it on the property line according to the survey it doesn't look like it is well it is um there was a variance to move the property line to the fence that's already been approved and that's cuz originally the fence was in the RightWay it was a vacation more Yep there was a vacation for um ordinance and that's been approved so that is the property line now okay and what about the part over by the river kind of jets out yep that's all part of the property line now it's all been improved it's okay correct and that's the actual new survey for that uh the only thing whether we approve or disapprove is there a certain length of this fence are we just doing it per what we see in this little drawing like exactly where the six foot fence stops I would say that it would be on the property line the variance anything on the property line from behind the house from the north side going south where does like where do we pick that that fence ends are we allowing six ft all the way to the river would don't we just say as it is in the packet there we go we just reference the like we would approve based on the drawing and just reference that as evidence and and for me to be able to prove the fence on the building permit it'll have to be part of this variance as well so however we word it it'll be put in there up to that point of it'll be 6t to the gate where the gates represented and then 5ot until the 4ft area okay we could do something like that there also has to be a time prescribed by the board for the applicant to uh begin constructing the fence uh once the variance is approved uh our code allows for up to 24 months generally for something like this 12 months is usually reasonable do you give us the language for that in the packet no the uh that information is uh contained in the code the what's in the packet is the code provision the applicants are looking to modify with the variance the uh standards for variances is set out in a different section of the code so what you're saying is on the read and the vote we have to specify a timeline or something when we vote on it motion to occur yeah to occur you know uh to start uh within 12 months of the date of approval like you know in the past it's always been two years yeah you can do two whatever you all de see any reason not to and in future in the packets can we just have that language so it moves quick that way we don't have to stop normally in a packet we have the motion for or against is written out yeah and we also have the conditions so I guess yes that would make it much easier especially this one isn't applicable but on a complicated one where you've got that would make it our jobs much easier and much more likely to be compliant for some that's oh that sounds perfect we'll make sure that happens I've got that verbage in the event the property sold do this variance transfer with it yeah that's before even before the fence is constructed I don't know it would um I don't think the applicants are going to sell their house anytime soon they're working too hard to get this sounds like they're there for the long time just asking a question when was the vacancy that the additional property um that was last month on the 9th okay Y and so there's no opposition there's been no you didn't all right I'm I'm inclined to support offense that is you not subject to any opposition from anyone notice signs all over the place at that end of the street I'm used to trying to find one I know I saw that well yeah I kind of agree with John I don't personally see any reason why not it is a different type of property than most properties that are on Corner streets that would technically be the hardship um it's not blocking anyone no one's disapproved so okay I have no problem I I I I like the fact that these folks are moving into our community and living in our community and putting a lot of money into improving their property and and plan to live in the property and I think that's pretty important these days so um yeah I mean I'm a lot more willing to and it's not an Airbnb correct I I was avoiding that but exactly so yeah so I mean you know given I mean these these folks have obviously put a lot into their property so um if you do a drive by the house you can see how well it's maintained from the outside well I mean just a description of what I think these folks referred to repairing the seaw wall I know that's no small feet and that and that's huge and we've got miles and miles of seaw wall in the city that that is in need of repair so the fact that they they put that much of their own Equity into it and the fact that they have um you know to deal with the easements across their backyard which is kind of an unusual situation um yeah I think this is very reasonable so if I want to make a motion to bring it to vote to pass it I do unless there's no further discussion we're all done someone's more than welcome to make a motion are we going to are we going with the with the the two-year limit on the construction beginning City that's kind of a general thing we okay okay it's always been well I'll make a motion to approve the um adjustment as read and as presented in the packet beautiful uh second so we have motion and now we can call the rooll Don Haynes yes Ronald excuse me John Cabo yes yes Michael Goldberg Yes Rick Anderson yes James Cole yes motion passes 5-0 so go go get it thank you all thank you for coming next thing is thank you for being good citizens staff reports you don't mind I'd like to shake your hands thank you very much thank you sir congrats public comment we already asked for thank you sir I appreciate you from you sir pleasure thank you for your help sir problem thank youj let us know we come for a swim yes I know it did come with a stipulation invite to the pool invite you guys to come help building that wasn't part of the deal I know how to draw a contract do you gentleman have anything to say no sir um just the only thing as we get down at the bottom that we didn't do from the beginning is to approve the minutes if someone wants to make a motion for that motion to approve the minutes second all in favor I I I'm not sure which minutes I'm approving because we haven't bet for a year so February yeah about five months ago yeah okay yeah we don't have have any unfinished business we don't have any new business just just to reiterate though it would as John said it would be really helpful to have the code and actual something that we approve I think the lawyer would appreciate that too I think that's great very specific language like we used to do in the past if you look back it saves yall's but because then we can just motion to approve as drafted and then it's all there we've all seen it there's no and especially to to your point on ones that have like contingencies and stuff or you know and if there's something to be discussed like just leave it blank and we can p you know that's make it easy for us to make it easy for everyone usually it comes I mean I I've never seen us them ask us for the years it's always said two years in every one I've ever seen so okay there's no reason I don't think unless anyone disagrees why we wouldn't be that okay yeah whatever we need to make it official to make it that makes sense makes great sense probably issue a building permit right that's the only thing you're waiting it's it's all in and approved other than these sub waiting on the variances that's good okay if there's no further questioning and anything we are everybody ready for