##VIDEO ID:19B_1HIEfqs## um Caroline would you mind doing the pledge for us sure pleas face the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all uh Pastor Keith from Club Z would you mind do the invitation sure let's bow our heads father we thank you for the privilege and the honor that you give us to come before your throne and seek your wisdom Lord we thank you that you have uh really covered this city for many many years Lord we just want to pray for the hurricane victims that are struggling this evening uh just catastrophic Lord just um we just ask that you be a comfort to them and Supply their needs and give them hope father I pray for this commission meeting tonight all of our commission city manager our City attorney and the and our mayor and all that are here tonight Lord just let tonight be a time of coming together to accomplish things father we pray that there be wisdom in this room and that we do all things decently and in order we ask this in Jesus name amen amen [Music] amen all right roll call commissioner Jackson here commissioner Williams here commissioner Willis here vice mayor Hutson here mayor kesy here can I get an approval of the agenda Mo to approve the agenda as it's uh written second Motion in second all in favor I opposed motion passes 5 um we've got a special presentation this should be good thank you mayor Commissioners I'm Dave nestrom one yell Drive Coco Beach um I'd like to thank uh Mr Kagen for allowing this topic to be placed on the agenda kind of at the last minute but it's an important one um I've been in your guys's your situation before I've sat up there and and I've been in the situation probably twice um one of those situations where you you start you think you're doing the right thing you go down a path more information comes out the public gets more involved and then all of a sudden it kind of just blows up and then you got to do 180 um and I've been there I think it was the skip the initial roll out of the cell phone pay cell phone plan downtown that was a disaster uh and red light cameras um so again even though maybe we had spent some money and we're going down a path the public came up and said no we don't this doesn't work for coco beach so tonight I'm just asking I know this is a special presentation you don't have to take any action you don't even have to talk talk about it but um I am talking about the the marina and lately I've been hearing I think we've all been hearing an awful lot of commotion about it and uh there's a lot of people in the community that are are opposed to it um and then recently I was at a farm and one of the Commissioners as part of the Forum had made a statement that uh that no I was against it or we killed it or it shouldn't be in the agenda anymore so again I I'm tired of talking about this and I I just want to put the ball back into your court and if you guys want to talk about it and take some action then the balls in the balls in your court thank you guys very much thank you um you don't want to elaborate on anything I don't need to elaborate at all I I don't want to you know I think the community has spoken on it all right thank you go ahead skip so um actually you can sit down Dave thank you I saw the uh the agenda item you know asking us to pull things from the 2026 budget and I just want to say that the 2026 budget is not even close to being solidified it does the budget cycle doesn't start until next spring which is when at obviously at least one different commissioner will be up here in uh that time frame maybe more and it will be up to that commission to determine what goes into the 2026 budget so to to to advertise as your agenda item said to your request to pull things out of the 2026 budget this is not the time for that and these aren't the people that are going to be approving that 2026 budget so basically null and void thank you skip U does anybody else want to say anything or should I say what I have to say did you have something um I I mean I can I can go or you guys can go um I just want to say just right off the bat um it's not in the budget Dave I said that before and you keep reiterating not only are you reiterating but you are misinforming the public with Flyers after Flyers week after week saying that we put this in the budget when we didn't uh I think it's really disingenuous to try to mislead the citizens um what is in the budget is the feasibility study the feasibility study is something that lets us know whether or not this is feasible economically um environmentally uh location wise could be near the the um the hospital building we don't know where it would be best um parking traffic all that when when we present something for a feasibility study it's because we don't know the answers to something and I think why not put this out to the voters and let the voters decide whether or not they want a marina or not we shouldn't have to do that that should be something that the voters decide on but as a voter don't you want to have all the information possible to make an informed decision on a vote I would think that this feasibility study would give you an informed decision to so that you can make your own decision whether or not you think this is feasible not us I don't need this Marina none of us need this Marina up here it's something that could possibly benefit the residents keeping taxes lower and ume creating a nice manity for the city so I say let the voters decide with a referendum in the future if it's even feasible we have no idea it's already in a budget for for the feasibility study if we cancel now we cancel a contract now you you're a great politician I mean there's no doubt you've run for five different offices in the last 10 years um you know this this form is not for political Grand standing and I feel like if if you really cared about this subject where were you for the last two years or actually even longer than that you've been you've been gone but now all of a sudden you have a desire to be involved look you quit three year after 3 years you quit and you ran for Clerk of Court less than 6 months later you after that you ran for Port Commission you quit 2 months into that election then you ran for County Commission and now 2 years later you're running for mayor every single election cycle and you come up here for political grandstanding and it's not what this this form's for it's not fair to the residents to mislead them it's not fair to slander this this whole group up here or our management with Flyers saying that we're incompetent or we're trying to mislead people I just want to say that I'm disappointed leadership does matter and I think Skip had it right though the residents really do matter that's all I have to say no no you already had your speech you had your time anybody else wants to say you're welcome you have something well I mean I just wanted to say I mean I mean yeah that 450k we we specifically voted that off the budget it's it's in the list of projects that we want to do with capital Improvement projects um um the 75k actually didn't vote for that but now that we started it um I think we should continue on the feasibility St I mean we put that money into it let's finish off the the next part of it or we have no nothing to show for it for the money we spent um so um I think we should keep the budget the way it is this is this is misleading um and I'm I'm kind of disappointed about that that it shows up on the agenda like that um cuz we specifically voted that 450k down so um um that's all I have to say on this thank you so I think part of the confusion you know there's there's terms in whether it's budgeted or in the budget so we pushed the 450k out of the budget into next year's budget because we my position was there's no way we're going to be able to take the finings and turn that into execution but I think we owe it to the residents is what is the scope that we've were're on contract for I've never seen the contract I wasn't in the bidder conference and I think that might settle a lot of the things of what they owe us as a city their findings the timing you know what are what are they on contract for and I think that might put to bed a lot of the the concern we say hey we're you know there's 75,000 of sunk costs from last year we we've got to continue this I support that because I would love our city to be where we're tight on $5,000 we piss that away on things so I would love I I support Dave and I appreciate that you bring that forward because I'd love to be there as a fiscal City we're not but um you know so I I think that could help the residents because I get a lot of push back I get a lot of residents saying hey this is you know not something we want I agree with you you know we've been discussing this this hasn't been hidden we've discussed this for well over a year it was it was approved in last year's budget this time a year ago so we knew it was on the radar but I think if you can just describe what was in that AR P or the statement of work or the city manager whoever owns that contract that might answer a lot of concern from residents can we bring that up you do the details and bring that up at our next commission meeting yes sir yeah I can get it to everybody okay thank you thank you I have one one more comment uh what's did everybody get to comment first how they wanted to or did you have anything to say Josh based on what was said I think I think enough is said kudos to you for though for bringing thinking outside the box I I if it's truly What the residents want I don't want to push this I don't need a marina but I I we have to look for Revenue sources I agree deficit spending and that's why I said I'm fully on board with letting the the residents decide whether or not they want to move forward after the feasibility study so um you know been sever for 17 years 15 years before that I was the waterways and Wildlife Advisory board chairman advocate for all the things that are now in Vogue and they're throwing millions of dollars at us to dredge canals and you know straighten out our channels and you know everything else uh so and I've lived on this River since I was three I mean on the indion river the Banana River Canal one of those three and um I also fought for and I'm pontificating a little bit and repeating myself cuz maybe somebody hadn't heard of but I fought on on the waterways and Wildlife Advisory Board all the way to the Supreme Court to the manate to the federal judge to save our little ski area we had at the end of the country club at the end of the golf course and the judge says well the manate people only want this one little area and I said do you realize they are have the entirety of the rest of the city and he gave it to him anyway so I have never voted to support the feasibility study even though I think it's a great idea but I don't believe it'll ever come to fruition but the visibility study comes back and says it's a good idea uh and the Regulatory Agencies besides the manity club uh say it's okay then we still got a deal with the manate club and they'll take it to the Supreme Court and the statistics on that little ski area was on the very south end in the main Channel there was one manate hit in 20 years so you know I I just based on my experience I just don't believe that it's actually ever going to happen happen but it would be a great Revenue generator if it could happen so it's like you said great idea my personal opinion I doubt it'll ever happen all right thank you skip um let the voters decide um next public comments items that are not on the agenda rck Anderson 1800 Minute Men Causeway and just for the record I am in favor of continuing the feasibility study I'm just wondering why I've been to many many meetings over the last eight years um I've seen lots of special presentations and I'm just wondering why this would build as a special presentation I think that I think that our def special presentations are generally to honor somebody or to inform us or something to do with the Lagoon or the Port Authority or something else but I mean this fit into general public comment so I think that we need to Define what we're going to allow as a special presentation because if you're going to go down this road then every time a budget hearing comes up I could get up and give a 15minute PowerPoint on the budget my friend John could get up and give another 15minute PowerPoint on the budget so I think we really need to Define what we call a special presentation thank you I I agree with you um I think we were just trying to give somebody uh extreme uh access um John Dylan John Dy Coco Beach I'm sure you all saw the storm last weekend all the erosion on the beach this morning I noticed some uh little Vehicles back and forth looking trying to get some survey done I don't know if Wayne can explain more about this and so they a survey for the cor Engineers for replacement uh I've not heard anything with the city of cap canaval the two cities work together through that lawsuit years ago uh has anything going on with that if not what's way to get in and try to get something done before the sea turtle uh the turtle season comes up next year so we need go we do about the Ros and maybe Wayne can explain more details and if not we need to get into get something done about it thank you thank you for your comment um Keith capy Keith capy 116 boa Coco Beach um I just really filled that out cuz I was wanted to hear my name again I uh I I I first moved to Coco Beach in 1970 uh three and fell in love with this community and I just always just thought this was the best place in the the world to live and I've been all around the world and I've been all around this country I've East Coast West Coast every I've been all over this is truly the best town I've ever seen in this on the globe and it's a privilege and an honor to be a part of this community and be a part of all the wonderful people that live in this community I really I love these people I love this community and and uh I love this commission I've been coming to commission meetings for probably 40 years and um seen all different commission Commissioners and Mayors and I just I know this's election season so I just want to address this commission here and tell you that this is probably the most amazing commission that I've I've seen over the years how you all work together the wisdom you all use the gifts that you all bring to the table I just want to commend you all on that and thank you very much for your service thank you any other public comment all right moving on staff reports and announcements nothing this evening ma all right nothing uh City commission reports and announcements so I I um keep canaval I know that the uh ebikes are an issue so was up there last weekend it seemed like a cool Z there if you've seen Ridgewood they've done me super easy sensels I'd like to think um that our kids mostly ride ebikes would respect this it's just a warning it's something we can sensel on minute man I don't know it I think canaval did a great job it just basically so you can't see the text but up top it says shared pathway or something to that effect that I think honestly I think kids just don't know that hey you got to share the sidewalk so the ebike zooming by running people over this may be a Simple Solution we could probably borrow that stencil from Canaveral and just paint the lines but I like it I think it's a low easy or you know low cost approach I wanted to at least get that on the radar I don't if we need to take consensus or have a recommendation city manager to try it I think Minute Man's probably the problem child you know on your street every single one of those streets just an idea and then I do have another com after that I would suggest just showing the regular walking person without the surfboard because there plenty of regular walking people you can't walk there without a surfboard you know it's not like if you don't have a surfboard you get run over you know do you want a beach cruiser bike or an ebike on cuz if it's an ebike you need to put like a little squish Mark showing that they're going 30 m an hour you put the little battery pack on it or you can put like bikes bikes and pedestrians you don't have to have somebody pulling a pushing a baby carriage or somebody you know just pedestrians on this side bikes on this I don't care how it's done I think it's an excellent idea to try to to try to curb some possible accidents in the future um I don't know what do you think Wayne with shot think so it's like a good idea yeah okay I still have faith in the kids and there's no rat packs running around so I think the kids just aren't aware of that can try it on on one section and see how that works and then if it works then go throughout you know different areas in the city I I think it's a nudge that it's easy to do and often just giving somebody a pattern to follow they'll tend to follow the pattern like that's it it's so simple that I think there's a lot of intelligence in it all right all go ahead second thing I had a presentation on technical difficult is locked up basically there's expansion on this millage rate benchmarking so I think you know I understand that c Beach we get emails from prior mayor saying hey we're middle of the road we can afford to to raise millage which I don't agree with at all I don't think our personal financial situation is justification for changing the millage so but I I expand on that it's certainly a data point but I one to thing in a lot of is agenda item on the future I wasn't going to be here on the 17th so that's what I wanted to cover tonight but my email is not going through but the one item I want to highlight is the amount we deficit spend if we raise our millage to Satellite Beach we still won't cover so even if we went to the highest in the county we won't cover our deficit so it's it's something we got to keep on the radar we got to cut cost we're not going to grow our way out of this but I'll have all that on the next agenda which sounds like it's now going to be the 24th if we vote on it but I just wanted to throw that nugget out there I agree we we we urge you to cut costs all right uh any other public just comment or not KF they just had their meeting at the 19th Hole their uh contest is next weekend at the pier here right uh yeah the pier okay um I told them too bad you weren't having it this weekend because we're going to have surf yeah and Surfers know how to deal with rip rip currents because they use them to get out you know easy easy pedal out in a rip current so anyway I just said let everybody know that that's going to happen and uh they they love the support it's a great cost so participate if you can I I plan on participating I'm excited I did it last year and I'm excited to do it again this year it's a great cause and and a lot of fun anybody else public comment good or not public sorry not public comment um we already went public comment uh at the end if you want to say something we'll have another uh time for public comment what no we're we can't do public comment now but at the end I'll I'll allow you again I'm I meant to say um commission comments sorry all right uh see consent agenda okay this is the consent agenda um item one approve the September 19th City commission minutes staff representative city clerk's office item two approve the city commission meeting for October 17th 20124 to be rescheduled to October 24th 2024 at 700 p.m. this will give staff time to provide additional agenda items that must be approved before November 1 2024 for state funded grants staff representative Wayne kagina move to approve the consent agenda is read second Motion in second all in favor I all opposed motion passes 5 um unfinished business okay item one permission to contract Central sand for dredging the 400 Channel under our continuing Services agreement budgeted item total project cost $297,000 staff representative SC Scott Maxim project manager I'm going to approved contract with centr stand for the dredging of the 400 Channel second all right got a motion in a second um does anybody want to comment on that or any public comment on this I I'll just comment um it's actually a great deal it's a it was proposed to be over a million dollars previously um Wayne has come up with a with a another alternative um with an existing dredge that's out there you want to elaborate on that a little bit or Wayne and Scott Scott oh Wayne and Scott and uh this is this is cutting cost in action so yeah originally the engineers opinion of probable construction costs came back at 1.2 um we had some contractors that were out there already doing another project not for the city but they're under our continuing Services contract so we were able to use them and save on the mobilization cost because they're already out there set up and ready to go and we're also going to mechanically dredge so that saves a lot of cost um there as well so roughly close to 8 to 900,000 in savings little over 900,000 and this is all Grant funded I suppose or it's not all Grant funded okay but it's already one of it was but it was budgeted and we saved uh 8 to 900,000 from the budgeted item okay awesome this go ahead this is the design as well as the ex execution um so the design was already done in fy4 okay um the execution of it the construction of it the actual dredging that's the 297,000 okay thanks guys that was great great looking out really really awesome this is the kind of stuff that we're talking about appreciate it all right um any I think already said public comment on this I don't think there was uh you you guys ready to vote yep all in favor I all opposed motion passes 50 all right guys um new business okay this is item one um this is first reading of ordinance 1689 an ordinance of the city of coko Beach Florida amending sections of appendix B of the Coco Beach code of ordinances Land Development code providing for minimum require requirements for the national flood insurance program NFP amending Article 4 definitions with Within Chapter 1 purpose and general Provisions amending article three flood damage prevention Within Chapter 7 storm water management and flood control all within the LDC incorporating recitals and providing for codification conflict severability in an effective date ordinance 1689 is a request to implement changes to the Land Development code LDC chapter 1 and chapter 7 these changes were determined to be necessary to maintain or improve the City's community rating system CRS Class 8 rating under the national flood insurance program nfip ordinance 1689 reflects FTE recommended changes needed to satisfy the prerequisite requirements of the nfip in those necessary for the city of Koka Beach to maintain or improve its current crs8 rating without these changes the city was informed it would be retrograded to a CRS class n rating staff representative Lauren wilty principal planner John Castillo Chief Building official Randy Stevenson development services director move to approve ordinance 1689 got a motion second motion and second any public comment any commission comment um you know here we are voting on something that we're going to make a change and it doesn't say anything about what the impact would be to the people that have nfip flood insurance which is what I I have that cuz I'm I'm not worried about you I got all the hurricane metal roof roll down shutters code all that you I don't have Windstorm Insurance but I have flood insurance so um is this a onetime deal first reading so I just asked between now and the second reading if there's somebody in development services that can reach out to uh the national flood insurance program and just say by making this change is there going to be a increase to flood insurance rates for the citizens of Coco Beach you know if it's 1 2% you know not a big deal if it's 20% that's a big deal Jay can you come up I think I can address that huh I think I can address address that this the changes that we're making were to keep our rating as it is now so that there won't be an increase there there changing besides words oh okay so yes maybe someone can come come on up for a minute it's a difference of um a 5% discount versus a 10% discount if I'm if I'm correct well this hi Castell official C Cab Beach um I don't know the exact number and I can reach out and see what the percentage may be but prior to us uh we were an eight with the CRS and then FEMA did their rounds every 5 years found that we had uh issues in our ordinances and our wordings along that line and we needed to address certain definitions in flood insurance to meet this to be able to keep our point there are other areas within the CRS that we do to try to help that um and it helps the overall Community if these are not changed then we have been told from them that it'll retrograde as she said to a nine I'm not sure if it's a 5% you know if we were getting a 10% discount at the 8 and now we might get a 5% discount at a nine or you know if worst case you went all the way to 10 you get no discount and if you could get to a one maybe you're getting a 60% discount I'm not sure those numbers and I could look into that yeah yeah I'm just saying you know right now it looks like to me that we're just changing words yeah I think as a whole yes we we're changing words and and definitions on requirements and construction and how my question is those changing those words to get us to keep being in the eight no to yes to keep an eight to keep an eight is that going to result in anything but the ordinary yearly increases for nfip in our flood insurance rates just and I think have answer now just bring it bring it back at the next meeting because you know changing a bunch of words is easy if it affects the pocketbooks of the of the citizens and the businesses in Coco Beach then that's a different story and I'd like to have that data okay I'll find out with that cuz if if we do retro it will affect the pocketbooks of it because this counil change if we if we do nothing then it's going up no matter what go to a nine yes okay okay but but but your point is all we're doing is changing words and definitions I I you know I don't get I don't get how that's you know I understand I understand that and again it's we I don't minding words is what but is there why we're changing it is in changing those words does it do anything that's going to cause a potential increase in rates for Citizens Coco Beach in the businesses okay okay I don't believe it would no it's it's no if we don't change the word rates go up if we don't change the word it goes up it is mitigating an increase I think that's what dras words what is what cost are we mitigating by changing these words they're saying n or 10 on the RoR scale or whatever that thing's called does that mean to the residents I mean we so if it was if right now they're paying $100 right right and if we go to a nine now they're going to pay $10 right but if we stay at the eight we're going to stay at seems like a really cheap fix that you just change a couple words in a definition and you save 100 bucks and and that is I will tell you I've seen it in other cities it's just ch you have to change the words if they want the words change you got to change them otherwise they will change your number telling us we have to that's just our federal government at work 17 years the first time I ran into we can save money by changing words because it's zero cost us so it's it's a all right infinite business case I have a question um I see they kind of modified the the um definition for base flood elevation this I don't have it up now I can't bring it up for but um if you don't know the answer now like for the next second reading does that affect any of the ordinances are our like when we um figure out height for buildings and stuff the way if I recall too I think you had asked this question before of Randy when we were here before but no it does not okay okay yes thank yeah we were yeah we were careful on that and you had asked that question before and and and we did double check on that does not okay thank you thanks okay thank you Jay all right um I don't remember did we do public comment on that any public comment okay um all right all in favor I oh it's an ordinance you need first reading oh sorry all opposed motion passes 50 all right uh next okay um an item was removed from the agenda it's the the port Wastewater agreement update and it's been pulled um and it's been placed on the December 5th 2024 commission meeting to get additional information okay all right um so that's moved to a date certain but we don't have to vote on it no no we don't and it's actually discussed it and moved it to a date so it's just a it's not an ordinance so all it is is a discussion item okay real quick there was one other public comment go ahead yeah come on up I do have a um Angela cob um 16 17 men Causeway um in regards to the sober um surfing event held at the pier I'm trying to organize a trash pickup that weekend um on the 12th and possibly also the 13th because low tide is at 9:00 a.m. so I was thinking it would be a nice time for people to gather and pick up trash after these events there's also two private events going on down toward coconuts um the same weekend so I thought maybe we could have like different groups at each location helping um KBB um we might have like a bucket challenge as far as like getting enough buckets for people but if the community would like to gather and try to do that and maybe put it on the city website that would be really cool thank you Angela yeah I'll be there at 9 o' in the morning so if anybody else would like to then so okay city manager you got extra buckets at the bottom of the stairs at City Hall yes do you want to kind of Route those to Angela so she can distribute them to whoever might show up to help her sure just bring bring them back when you're done so low tide is at 10: on Sunday so we could have a later crowd on Sunday no I'm just saying if you want Beach buckets yeah we need yeah yeah we we have extras okay yeah I could come pick them up but bring them back okay because they don't have homes leaving the Crossovers little station they already have put one of those little apple GPS things would we be able to put that on like C cbnn or or the the Facebook page or something okay okay cool thank you guys thank you Angela thank you there won't be a camel there and no no camel no camels all right go ahead Jeremy so I'm getting since I'm labeled as the budget Hawk um I had a question legally so I noticed there was a $2 million change from the first and second reading of the budget and do we do they need to be identical or how do we what goes on there okay if the title did not change and the title did not change um you can make changes and that's one of the reasons why you have two readings okay um we don't need a third reading I think need a third reading no gotcha that's that's acceptable gotcha so reserves are actually 11 million not 13 million all right got it thank you uh we are Jed you