##VIDEO ID:27AvIWmarh0## vice mayor would you do us the honors of the Pledge I would be honored to who stand in place the flag flag the United States of America stands one nation under God indivisible liy andice all Pastor Keith capy from Club Zion will you do the invocation please let's pray father we thank you we bless you for the privilege and the honor that you have given us to come before you and seek your wisdom and your guidance for this community Lord God I pray for the City commissioners our mayor our city manager our City attorney and all those who serve our city that you'd bless them and uh help them Father God to have uh the wisdom and the courage to lead the city in the direction we should go Lord pray for this election Lord that um It Be Your Will and your purpose for who's elected let this meeting be done decently in order for your glory and your honor we ask this in jesus' name amen see cleric roll call please commissioner Jackson here commissioner Williams here commissioner Willis here vice mayor Hutson here mayor cap here anybody want to give me an approval of the agenda I'm going to approve the agenda L G5 that's been deferred to December 6 second Motion in second all in favor I all opposed motion passes 5 um public comments about items that are not on the agenda Melissa Byron [Applause] hi Melissa Byron if you've been following the County Commission you probably are very aware of the county trying to sign a contract with Weston or Driftwood for 100 days of Lori Wilson Park the South part of the park and for two weekends a month two weekends out of the month they also get will get it what they're wanting to use it for now there's no indication in there that they can they can spread it out they could go 10 consecutive days uh I mean 100 consecutive days of special events in Lor Wilson Park how would we handle that how would we as as a city I I also think that it was extremely rude of the county not to include the city of Coco Beach in any of their contract negotiations with Driftwood Driftwood being built in the city of Coco Beach Lori Wilson Park being the city of Coco Beach um it it just doesn't seem right for us as a city to roll over and say sure go ahead take the park that's one of the largest public parks in in Bard County it's used by a lot of people um I think that it should be the time for this commission you can't vote on anything but you could do a consensus to step up and try to re try to retain Lori Wilson Park the reason we didn't retain it years ago is because the county had had deferred maintenance close to $3.5 million TDC funded those deferred maintenance they did new crossovers they did a new bathroom they did a new dog part oh yeah we get the dog par moved to the north that's what we get that's what we get out of giving them 100 days a year move the dog park to the north I think that we ought to you ought to consider stepping up to talking to the County Commissioners talking to you know if you want to talk drift food fine they're going to have a meeting on October 29th 9th at the Hilton which is basically doing exactly what commissioner Goodson said why are we in such a hurry to do this the Driftwood is not going to open for two years why why do we have to have this contract rushed through that gives the park to Driftwood I think that the city has made enormous concessions the citizens have agreed to these concessions it's time to stop no more concessions build the resort let we'll pay pay your taxes to the city and become a better Community partner with us if you're going to do something in that Park you're going to affect us and if they can't find parking on the south side when they come to surf or they come to go to the beach where do they end up as they have in the past in our neighborhoods they will be in our neighborhoods because there'll be no parking for them so it's really up in the air what they're really going to do with it and exactly how they are going to utilize it um I would think that a a a resort like the Weston uh is building to satisfy how many rooms are going to rent out but they won't need the extra one thank you please consider consens actually I would like to talk to you guys all about that um I was at that meeting obviously I spoke on behalf of the residents and uh one of the things towards the end of that that meeting was to buy a getting out and basically saying we tried to give you the park uh you didn't want it this and that they tried to give us the park when it was in complete disrepair uh $3.5 million or something like that which we didn't have to repair it that's why we didn't take it years back that was previous commission that wasn't us but then actually Wayne and I went and we tried to yeah but I'm saying the majority uh so Wayne and I actually went we tried to talk with with Goodson and um I talked with feltner and um I talked with Rita and I talked with toaya all of them kind of wanted to give it to us under the stipulation that we would pay the $800,000 lifeguard bill um and that was kind of when we had talked that's kind of but Goodson was almost seemed like he didn't really want to work with us at all but the rest had said that the problem with that is it costs A4 million dollars a year just to just to to maintain for maintenance that's not for upkeep and then another qu million doar a year for maintenance on top of that so it's a it's a half a million dollar liability to the city now plus the Lifeguard I would I would actually I would probably I'd be okay with taking taking the the park back but not with the lifeguards attached because that's putting another 800,000 on top of that so I have no problem if you guys want to discuss trying to work something out as far as we'll take the park but not what the lifeguard's attached I think we should also look into I mean I don't know what we're going to to I mean I I guess it's important to look at the funding for it because we still have to upkeep it I mean we did talk about back then of asking to make it Pig parking to help us take care of it and that's kind of kind of where I you know I I love that the park is free for everybody and that's where where it gets me I I would hate to turn it into something that you have to pay for but if we implement the same thing where the rest of the parks were or the the our beach access where you use our parking pass or the tourist will pay but I I believe and I'm not sure if you guys know isn't there basically a deed restriction where you cannot charge for part work on that Park does anybody know I don't know I don't know what the deed restrictions are on that okay is it and find out you don't you don't think so it's not count can use the for free so you would do your parking permits for Bard County residen which includ beach and then anybody else in gotcha so if that's the case how do you monitor that how how do you well how do you monetize it I mean you'd have to somehow sell parking passes to Bard County residents through the DMV or something like that we already do we sell parking passes to Bard County residents well we do right what about opening additional similar to our beach vendors but opening up areas there where we could have additional vendors that are renting space from the city we would need to come up with a half milon milon a year just to B even and they already have vendors and they come the ones that can make money come they are ones that can't make money don't um can I add something I I mean I support taking over the park just for that control I think it's just now a revenue you know making sure we're if we're not exceeding the cost of it we're at least understanding what those Revenue opportunities are I know they mentioned the parks and direct director I didn't catch all of them she was going through some of the revenue numbers on the rentals I don't know if we want to discuss it here but I'm in favor of acquiring the park if we can do it cost effectively and not but it's we don't even know if that's on the table at this point understand I'm giving you guys this discussion exactly so um just to add on to what Melissa said the meeting at the coka beach Hilton Tuesday the 29th is at 5:00 right okay and I got that from uh Chris beger with the Surf Rider Foundation to actually as well I would like to I Karen I'd like to with the city manager's approval have you put a cbnn out on that okay do you need the forward or you got the information okay all right and um so as far as renting out the we do it now we do it for serve contests we do it for air shows we do it for uh boat races and it all comes through special events permits and we find out how many police they need how many water rescue people they need how many firefighters they need you know EMS they need and they end up charging usually once they get the permission to use the park they usually charge for parking on their own and that helps them with some of the cost for their events so in in a perfect world if Weston wants a event after they're built and running and scheduling events if they want to have an event where they need the extra parking then they should uh go through the same process of a special event permit and we get to decide if they're on top of somebody else so they don't get to boot somebody else out because you know uh you know we do have some events that are very well liked by the by the community so it should be on a Case by case basis not a blanket you get 100 days a year whether they're consecutive or every weekend wasn't he every Saturday and Sunday for a year that's 104 events wasn't wasn't wasn't part of that his agreement with he was going to put money into the park to they were going to put about a million dollars into the park to try to keep it up to the resort standard think he's you know I mean got to think of that too if if you're going to just the problem with the with the with the proposal in my opinion was it wasn't a a fair proposal it wasn't to me if you're going to have if you're going to have standards for one person the standard should should be the same for another so if you're going to have a three-year rental uh agreement or three year be able to rent it three years out but everybody else has one year that's not fair so maybe maybe the solution would be that they would that everybody gets a three-year window to rent I don't know but I'm saying whatever it is it wasn't an even plane field it wasn't fair the value of exclusive R for 100 days a year is far more than a million dollars that's that's that's crazy I I mean I just I think you know but whatever it is it needs to be fair across the let me have a clarification so it's a county park but we get the revenue when it's rented or it goes to the county no no no we just get we just get the money back for the services that we come in town be it Fire EMS lifeguards I mean you know extra lifeguards with jet skis got it police out on the street directing traffic but I think we're getting away from the point the point is that we want this to be yeah free and accessible to everybody as far as we want to make sure that people still have their beach access they still have their dog park access they still have their parking access I mean this was a surprise to me so I have had limited time to digest the revenue stream but that's my concern is making that Carolyn and I we went to the meetings at the Driftwood or at the Hilton where Eric Arvey who was the head of the TDC at the time he said the county is going to spend $6.5 million upgrading this park and all they really want is a boardwalk from the Hilton to International PS and other than that they're going to the whole Park's going to be all spruced up okay and we supported it and they were going to spend the TDC money to do it and then Eric left and it just fell apart I guess I guess the the big thing for me about taking over the park is to find out how much it's going to cost us every year and where we're going to pull the money to maintain it if we're not going to if if we're not getting if we're we're not charging for parking or or if we are going to charge for parking somehow I guess that would be my biggest concern and then are we going to take on his agreement or I guess that's a whole other discussion um so that's the thing is if if if they've passed this next week or whenever the next meeting is um couple weeks uh I think we would be stuck with that with that contract whatever they come up with is what if we took it over the city is stuck with what they agreed to and the problem is it's a 15-year agreement which to me is way too long it it it should go to it should be like four years so that every commission gets the chance to to make a decision how they want their their park to be run in my opinion I don't and I don't know if four four years out is enough for him or not but you know every commission might have a different way they want to deal with something and that's why sometimes like like the CR or anything I I said we should wait to the next commission to make that decision because they're the ones are going to be dealing with the effects of that decision and you you saw that there was some other cities in Florida that did prob private Partnerships with you know kind of like this and they said oh yeah we're going to put in this great park for you guys but we're taking out your the park you got now and then they riged on it and then they had no Park and 5 years later that Municipal entity had to pay to build a new park I guess I guess I would want to know before I said yes this how much is it going to cost us to maintain it and where we where we taking the money from I guess that would be my thing there's a I mean definitely they have a they have a budget for what they um put in that park for for maintenance and upkeep so we don't know that yet right um I I looked into this pretty good uh about whenever we were talking about lifeguard stuff because they they were talking about that um and from what I remember it was right around a qu million just just for personnel you know for to run it and then it was a quar million I said a quarter million right and then and then a quarter million for um a year just like in maintenance cost so so I mean that's half a million so like you said before so I mean we were already cutting back on things so we didn't have to increase the millage rate so I I'm how are we going to do that so then there was another study I think was in 2017 or so that if you did a $20 a day parking fee okay um the average would have came out to right around a half a million a year in Revenue that so but is there stipulation if the stipulation is that Bard residents will park for free then that's I would say probably a lot of Bard residents use it and that means you have a much smaller pool of that $20 a how do you monitor you know you got a you have a tag that says Ela but you say well I I moved here 3 months ago you you know do I have to go home and get my fpnl receipt or my phone receipt I don't know I don't know the answer my water receipt that I live here is there going to be somebody there to check everybody that comes in that's that's kind of a nightmare in itself it is possible to hire a company to do this they just did it in Valia County for beach access points and it's all it's it's a private company that does it and if you live in if you live in Valia County you can get um a pass and it it's automatic when you drive through and it's also automatic when you drive through it's kind of a pay by plate if you don't have one of the passes um this company bills and so they're able to do it without it's all artificial intelligence it's without a lot of um Personnel expense so that sort of thing is out there and the um the company does it based on receiving a certain percentage of what they collect mayor you referenced proposal there's nothing formal on the taable right just what described no I just wanted to just talk to you guys and just see I just because we can't talk outside of this so I just wanted to I just wanted to put out there you know what my thoughts were what your thoughts were and see if it's even worth if they do in the future suggest it to one of us is it worth is it worth entertaining or not so it sounds like it's worth entertaining we just have to we just need more information about it though well I think I don't I think unless we get enough parking revenue and I don't know if if we're if we if we don't charge provard County residents it doesn't sound like we might get that and I think it's more a deficit something else we got to take care of and we're already trying to cut back on and we're trying to keep our po our own amendes so to me I don't see it's very viable with what our budget is right now the the transfer the concept of discussion that vice mayor has mentioned of transferring the park to Cocoa Beach ownership that comes with a stipulation that Bard residents must be able to park there or is that the current set asky to look into yeah we have to look into that uh that's something that's that's going to be a big that's going to be a big um if so seems like that would have to be part of the discussion but not look into it so we can find out so just just something to think about thank you Melissa for bringing that up I mean clearly it was a sensitive topic for very passionate so I and uh you know at this point we'll just we'll get information and we'll we'll have it in in our back of our minds and we've got um Tanis scottt y Tanis Scott cooko Beach I I'm on the county advis citizen Advisory board for the parks and um this did not come to us to discuss and um the other thing is that I pointed out to the County Commission on Tuesday is that um they just kicked the Medieval Festival out of Wickham Park and Flatout said they did not want any more private corporations renting the park it's you know a public park and even though there were a lot of people who like the festival it's anyway I think they've been there about six years so um just moving along about Lori Wilson specifically it was acquired in two parts 1971 1981 the I know the second parcel was from save our Coast funding through federal and state funds and also there's a beautiful Maritime hammock it looks a little bit full of sable palms right now but that could be cleaned up um the mansfields lived in Coco Isles and they used to take migratory bird tours through there about 25 every fall and spring and it really is a beautiful quiet spot and they did a nice job replacing the boardwalk so go through there go to the meeting on Tuesday it really is kind of disappointing that a $75 billion business would be so mooching on us in this way I spoke with the engineer and the attorney after the meeting on Tuesday and they said that the reason they want to move the dog park to the north side is that they want to use that only that grassy spot not the parking for people their clients who want outdoor weddings apparently you come to the beach and you have to go to the grassy strip next door to this fancy hotel you don't want to go to the beach which everybody seems to want to get married on the beach these days but it's a 52 room um hotel that's coming in here in my opinion Coco Beach B over backwards I know all the things about grandfathering but the fact of the matter is they got about 30% more density than anybody else would get today they got uh 77 F feet Building height not 45 which any applicant would get today so I think they've been treated pretty damn well here in Coco Beach and I hope everybody goes to that meeting they also got $30 million to exclusively advertise their own business after they open in 2027 um it is for the public it is for the taxpayers unfortunately Trip Advisor also says this is the best free deal going that you could ever come to it's Lori Wilson Park and um for the hurricane uh situation I really want to commend the city staff for all they did I didn't need any services but thank whoever took my railroad tie out of that floated out into the street because I can't move that thing at all and it's weird that it happens um I'm sure you were very busy I didn't wash clothes do laundry or any of those things I conserved water so it wouldn't go into the Wastewater plan um so about Bert Harris Bert Harris you know you don't have to be giving this goes forward to Future uh requests for development you do not have to give the maximum allowed in code just think about it it may be 45 ft 28 units per acre you don't have to give that um last I wanted to say that drift Driftwood owns the Milton the north you know on the north side of the park so they want that path and they probably want to cut down some of those trees they also own the Crown Plaza and the hotel on the other side of Paradise Beach in India atantic and Two element hotels so here they are big boys of Bard thank you Janice thank you all right um and oh Angela Angela Cobb I couldn't read it sorry do you need me to do it it's it's kind of it's hard to read um Angela cob kab Beach or minute um so this might be a question for the attorney there's no current easements On The Park at Lori Wilson so would it be possible like if the hotel did in fact do this you could uh put some easements in place before they sign that way for example like uh I know family that uh supports their family from Lori Wilson for the last 30 years and I'm afraid that if a hotel comes in um and has 100 days to run the park what's what does that mean for that family uh there's also the ice cream vendor what does that mean for him uh the parking you could put a easement that says you own the parking and then the hotel couldn't like own the parking or the beach RNs or you know what I mean like there's a lot of people that uh this is going to affect massively and you don't know all the details to it per se like you know they could put some things in the contract that aren't there they might slip them in here and there and it might ultimately affect a lot of families that rely on that park for um income so thank you thank you Angela any other public comment come on state your name and address for the record uh KP fer 197 orane uh I'm along the same lines here clearly you don't have much negotiation power in this deal it's not your Park however uh you could hopefully get creative and put some poison pills in you never know what you can do with uh noise ordinances and no alcohol on the beach ordinances or jack up the prices for police and services to the point where the other party comes to the table and finds something that's reasonable thank you sir any other public comment all right uh stff reports okay um so just a quick update on our status with um hurricane Milton we um first of all I want to thank um our staff our staff was absolutely outstanding through the storm um our police I don't see West here our fire Justin's back there um Public Works Brad Calo Scott Maxum um Aon was out in the front here too and everybody did a great job during the storm and um I couldn't have been prouder of them to be honest with you they stepped up to the plate we had the tornado which was um scary and frightening and thank the Lord no one got hurt and we'll thank the Lord forever for that one but um as far as right now um we the the post event is sometimes as challenging as the event itself um and that's the cleanup so right now as it stands we should be completed with our cleanup tomorrow that's two weeks it took us to get the city back to the way it was that's all the debris all the destruction the construction um all the the roofs on people's Lawns you know we took care all that in the city and um what happened was the contractor that we'd normally use was so inundated with other states and destruction in other states true real destruction um that they just said hey we're not going to be able to get to you guys for a couple of months and so we made a decision to go in another Direction and um so we we we got the job done and and I was proud of everybody um Scott and Brad you know you guys did a awesome job and and um I can't overemphasize that so um so we're we're kind of putting that side behind us and so that's all good and then um so one more Qui before you do that you're clapping for them okay um all right one more thing real quick here I go my soap box so St Vincent of Paul Society sent us this letter and they're associated with our savior our savior's church and uh it said dear city of coka beach thank you very much for your continued support to our food pantry over this past year our organization is grateful for your contribution contribution is a dedication to helping the poor and folks who are going through difficult situations in our local community the um monthly ald food cards establish enabled us to provide consistent food assistance throughout the year to those in need um Carrie Lombardo and Karen Grooms have been a pleasure to work with and are our great asset or great assets to our city we thank our city for their commitment and dedication to our community's well-being thank you again for your invaluable contributions now I was made to read this by you'll never guess but but thanks so much and they did a great job on that so um that's all I have and and the [Applause] Applause honestly the staff I just I love them man they're just so great so they made us look good I.E they made you guys they made the city look really good so thanks again guys that's it thank you City attorney nothing okay City commission any reports or announcements awesome um I just wanted to follow Wayne with uh I I was I lived close so I was able to go to the EOC meetings during the storm and um um I just want to personally thank uh city manager and City staff and and police and fire for doing a great job and taking care of us all during the during the storm and I saw you through from the EOC meetings I saw how everything was done and everything was operated and everybody did an awesome job and they were there 24/7 staying overnight and everything so I just wanted to thank all you guys for taking care of us so yeah go ahead I just wanted to ask the city manager um when are they going to fix the drain to the kidy pool on the parking area under City Hall that's been flooded since uh the storm where's this now Kitty pool the the first floor oh you know where the parking area is City Hall wash through in the new city hall you're talking about yeah in the new city hall it's has been flooded with foot of water since the storm and it's still there okay the reason being I figured that was because they didn't have the drain hooked up yet to correct correct the the the drains for those um discharge into the exfiltration system right which is not completed yet so yeah it's there is a drain there that's not open and it's still clogged so yes yeah okay it's not a it's not a mistake on the POR is where I was just hoping that every time it rained that it wasn't going to flood that area it's it's a validation test of the was yeah okay um yeah go ahead yeah so adding to the Applause and and the celebration of of folks that during the hurricane stepped up we've got a we've got some City residents who also stepped in um for the previous H hurricane that hit North Carolina we've got some folks that have been up I don't know if folks have seen some of what uh Mike Corel is involved with but getting starlink in and getting a lot of people help in North Carolina it's a coco beach resident and then um Brian Galloway uh during the tornado got out and did while the hurricane was inbound um got his crew out there and cleared up a number of uh pieces that would have become debris flying through people's houses so applaud both of those guys those are City residents that are stepping up and doing really good things one thing May so I think I think when obviously I'm not going to Echo everyone's but said but I think the tornado risk people underestimate I think a lot of these hurricanes unfortunately you know if you've got a sturdy house metal roof shutters that kind of stuff and people I've done it myself I lost a entire screen enclosure because of a tornado in Irma we were all here so I think really keep tabs on that everyone thinks it's oh it's a cat one we'll be fine it's going for the golf but it's the unpredictability of the tornado so just keep that in mind regardless how small the hurricane is you got that risk actually that was what I was trying to reiterate on on on Facebook even though it's a category one a minimal hurricane the tornadoes are what you got to watch out for now I was I was dead center Ground Zero for that tornado um and I want to say firsthand you guys with the fire and police amazing I I want to say I think within 15 minutes you guys were on on scene you guys did an amazing job there um checking on everybody and then post uh uh post storm you all the the police I saw you guys going door too checking on on everybody amazing job and not to mention um uh Public Works you guys were out there clearing you know debris and like you're on it like that um and then Wayne setting up um debris removal when we had something that could potentially had taken months you you jumped on it you figured out how to get it removed right away I mean if we put this back we look back to previous storms that we've had I I think this has been the best response that that I can remember in in history um for debris removal and and just making sure everything was was up to par so thank you guys from for me seeing it firsthand it was bimy it was um Banana River St Croy and Andros um and you guys were on the spot so thank you I got one more than so um when Irma came through um you know it didn't do you know it was wind storm but my facility at the Space Center um got hit by a tornado and it took 1200t of siding off of a supposedly Cat 5 hurricane resistant building so you know I had to deal with that but I understand what you're saying what Jeremy was saying yeah you got hurricane rated shutters you got a metal roof you get sealed you know rolled seams you know you're safe in your bathtub for for a tornado but you know I did all that I rolled down my shutters I I you know Clos everything up you know but I chickened out and uh planned ahead and because I knew there was possibility tornadoes and I took my boat from the backyard so it didn't beat up the dock and the dock didn't beat up the boat and if a tornado came it didn't sink the boat and I went to Palm Beach and I went just far enough South to be far enough South I wouldn't be in the tornado zone and uh and I got in the marina and spent the night Wednesday night and soon as my wife got the local TV channels dialed in there was tornadoes 5 miles north and west of us but we were just south of it and the whole night all the tornadoes stayed and there was lots of them and we spent the first night in St Lucy at Fort Pierce and they got hit by tornadoes like crazy and I know a lot of people that said oh this is far enough South that we're in the Marine I was in there and I said no it's not you need to go further south and uh so I understand tornadoes is basically what I'm trying to say and uh you know my house if it got hit by a tornado with and my wife and my dogs on the boat you know I'm safe we roll to that for the same reason all right uh consent agenda okay this is the consent agenda um item one approve the October 3 2024 commission meeting minutes staff representative city clerk's office item two execute hold harmless agreement between Martin ly revocable trust in the city of Koka Beach staff representative Brad czo Water Reclamation and Public Works director item three approve the purchase of a value exercising trailer utilizing the Florida sheriff's Association heavy trucks and buses contract FSA 23- v-2 approved budget chose $85,000 equipment price came in at 89,1 $8 7.72 contingency funds may be used to cover the overage staff representative Brad Cowell Water Reclamation and Public Works director director item four approve the purchase of five rolling steel doors with standard Metal finish to be replaced within the Public Works facility CN industrial maintenance is under a continuous service contract with the city and have replaced a few doors for us in the past most recently Fire Station 51 total cost for the Five Doors including installation is [Music] $59,500 in the amount of $1 75,4 6168 purchase price includes 102 in grapple rake attachment to be used for red debris pickup during storms purchase price also includes a 5year 10,000 hour full machine warranty this is a budgeted item staff representative Brad czo Water Reclamation and Public Works director item six request permission to enter contract negotiations with me and hunt for the influ inflow in infiltration abatement program project CB2 24-12 staff representative Devin tally uh director of Grants and special projects Brad cza Water Reclamation director Public Works director item eight um approve the proposal from Garcia civil contractors in the amount of $ 9,522 58 to perform the Public Works sidewalk extension project between South Orlando Avenue and South Atlantic Avenue cons to cons to coincide with the new fdot crosswalk locations Garcia is a continuing service contractor with the city this is a budgeted item staff representative Brad Kelo wider Reclamation and Public Works director item nine approve the amended 2024 commission policies and procedures to include Civic clerk agenda software procedures and incorporate the community redevelopment agency meetings into the city commission meetings staff representative Karen Grooms city clerk Mo to approve the consent agenda is red second got a motion and second all in favor I I motion passes 5 um just just to kind of fill people in it might not have been read this whole agenda the those sidewalks between South Atlantic and South Orlando will be at 8th Street 13th Street and 16th Street okay uh unfinished business okay unfinished business item one requesting commission approval to award bid and contract to W andj Construction the highest ranked and most responsive bidder for the Bicentennial Park improvements project this is a budgeted item total project cost 3,735 81560 staff representative Scott Maxim project manager recommendation approve any public comment on that uh any commission comment you a motion oh well we can make I I'll make a motion to approve it but um uh is the the uh WJ WJ representative here no he's not no okay Scott you're on the you're on the hot seat so did this um this project in its detail didn't come to the commission okay you know exactly well we saw you know we got rid of the little the little Pavilion thing that was going to be down where the kite Surfers were you know did go over that but I didn't see any detailed plans that showed any elevation changes or anything can you fill us in on what they're going to do with elevation changes and drainage changes so that we don't end up with that you know Pond that we usually have there yeah so actually um Brad Blaze from eaten Hunt is here too um they did the the design for it so it is going to be elevated it's going to have an exfiltration field under it to help um clean and filter the storm water um it's going to have a seaw wall built um so it's going to be hopefully it it should reduce all the flooding barring a major hurricane or something like that and it'll be an inland seaw wall Inland of the mangroves yes okay kind of like we did at the golf course mhm okay I think that's enough uh do you know will the elevation be above the crown of the road no I'll let Brad Blaze comment on that one I don't think it's going to be above the crown of it will not be above the crown of the of the State Road however we're adding approximately two foot of fill so we will be raising 24 in full exfiltration systems underneath the entire area replacing the boat ramp uh vinyl seaw wall concrete cap so you know it will substantially improve the drainage conditions and functionality of the park in general thank you all right I got a motion anybody want to second that I second got a motion and second all in favor all right all opposed motion passes 5 number two okay this is number two requesting commission approval to execute the construction engineering and inspection CI contract with me and hunt for the Bicentennial Park improvements project utilizing the continuing Services contract between the city and me and hunt this is a budgeted item total cost 2 37,2 $8 staff representative Scott Maxim project manager recommendation approved move to approve second motion a second any any public comment any any commission comment I just had a question on the FD grants both of those are covered it's not this 237 is coming out of the other fdp for the actual construction it's two different engineering and construction both covered correct yep for the fdp grant yes got it all right all in favor hi all right opposed motion passes 5 number three okay item three approve the settlement agreement for mdav Dempsey Park a settlement of the litigation by the city against Daryl's docks relating to defects in the McNab Dempsey Park seaw wall has been reached Daryl's doc has agreed to conduct remedial construction of the seaw wall at Daryl dock so expense the remedial construction will be in accordance with plans approved by the city's Consulting engineer once the remedial work is complete the lawsuit will be dismissed in releases exchange staff representative Becky B City attorney recommendation approve move to approve second got a motion and second third not to go into the dirty details uh I just I wanted to know that uh did they did we already pay someone to to start fixing it or to in the meantime or it's been left uh no it's been left left okay all right any public comment on that com on the mayor if you want ask that all right go ahead commission Sim on that I I recall we approved something for like an emergency repair yeah did we do that I don't I couldn't find it in my notes we because that was the question I asked at the time is when we approved that funding I said hey isn't this under litigation I just am curious if that's we that money something I just didn't have time to find what I was thinking it was in like June we haven't done any repairs okay we have not done we approved the money just didn't execute it okay okay all right sounds good to me any other we're good all in favor I opposed all right new business okay um new business item one requesting permission for from the commission to ex contract engineered cooling services to replace the country club cheller unit under our continuing Services agreement this item is not budgeted total cost $148,900 staff representative Brad czo Water Reclamation and Public Works director recommendation approve I'm mooved to approve because it's a must do second and I got a second I just want to know where where what pile of extra money are you using to pay for this okay so the um the 400 Channel dredge project we had budgeted 1.2 million and we Scott and I came up with a strategy where we can do the project for 300,000 so that's where the money's coming for that so that's in the general fund basically reserves fund that you can pull from yes is that have to do with with the that or is it it's one of the manif manifestations of that yes all right I add a motion in a second um any that is actually not very any public comment on that all right uh all in favor I have public some discussion yeah I think so I mean absolutely this is in our favor that we're able to harvest the underrun so kudos to that um but I this is the kind of stuff I want to get in the CIP plan so we're planning for we won't always be able to have these underruns from another project that could fund this so I just want to I agree 100% but this was something that just came out of so it's a repair this is broken or it's a repair and the um it's kind of Lucky in a way that it happened at this time there I believe there's a 3-month lead time on getting the unit Brad five month MH so you know we can still pull it off in the winter months um of of this but no it's something that came up unexpected yeah again like you're a hot water heater and your house going and you know yeah no totally understand that are we are we I mean you guys know me I'm trying to get our CIP plan nailed down that we hit that pretty consistently so we can forecast our our our spend plan um are we making improvements on sort of the building I know you I think Scott's the project guy or somebody building wide to have contingency funds set aside for these types of things my concern is we won't always have this underrun project that we can use you know and harvest savings from to to cover things like this so I just want to get us in a position that we have those set aside for things like yeah and so we're in you know we're concentrating on that you know due to you know our interest your interest in it yeah and we're trying to develop maintenance schedules and um to address each one of our facilities got um so as far as this particular Chiller how many ton is it how many ton is the chiller 80 tons 80 tons so an 80 ton Chiller in this environment in the capital Improvement plan from the date of uh commissioning should be in the 15-year 100% Horizon to replace it I do this same thing in my day job I got 300 ton redundant chillers and put them in in 2010 told my management we needed in the uh construction of facilities plan to replace them in 2025 of course they need money for something else so they push them out to like 2028 and I think they're going to 2030 and I've already had train come out and spend A4 million dollars to do major you know refurbishment bearing changes seals changes sleeve changes you know rebuild compressor and everything else and you know you can tell tell them all you want that they're only going to last 15 years but you know if you don't plan the money ahead of time you end up paying the extra maintenance cost and then waiting longer to buy the new just you have that inflationary cost on top of it so anything like that an 80 ton Chiller 15-year life is what you should plan for at the most yeah I was actually going to ask what do we have for any exposed equipment do we have um investment plans associated with what we actually see for useful life on the beach we do and I I know that um our our building maintenance department is trying to play catchup actually developing a lot of the stuff you know it's it's somewhat overwhelming for our Building Development Department CU it's such a small Department too yeah so sometimes we're reactive a lot of times we're reactive this is one of the reactive things that you know this is a belly punch to be honest with you yeah so now do we do we normally see the 15 years out of these things or I know we said nine was the early surprise just with air handlers and heat exchangers and stuff like that that if you're Inland you get 15 years we get five you know so just wondering if we're building those patterns into the budget um this existing unit right now only lasted 7 and A2 years okay what do we normally see out of units like this or do we have that data I think this unit has been repaired or replaced at least two or three times within the past 15 years so we need to be a little more aggressive on that okay well I'm buying trains so you know last a little longer right this unit is nine or it's 15 s and a half you said seven and a half oh okay I'm sorry do this do these units have housing over them to protect them from the elements at all fully exposed this unit does not have a housing I've talked to building maintenance on if there's something we can do about that but we need to make sure that we do the protective salt coating on that to make it it last a little longer but I think there are options for us to help protect it from the elements okay that's something else we can look into I think carer did some development here like in Coco Beach of some of their their spray on stuff and some of their additives that you can use so there's definitely some good stuff the thing is the the condensed condensing fins you basically got to get good fins and then you got to flush them with basically just just hot water cuz you can't coat them with anything CU then they lose their heat propagation you know coefficients so you but you can step up how often you flush those and get the salt yeah I think with the vice mayor I'm I think laying into our budget and I think it's the same thing you're saying commissioner that we've got a plan ahead for these things and know that they fail well ahead of the manufacturer's recommend National you know Lifetime and so I'm glad you guys are doing that and I've already been thinking about that maybe preventative maintenance plans for these kind of units or something okay thank you all right all in favor all opposed motion passes 5 any uh other public comment that we had not discussed all right let's adjourn than --------- ##VIDEO ID:Lw1BRV5Da7M## all right let's call this meeting to order roll call board commissioner Jackson here board commissioner Williams here board commissioner Willis here board commissioner hson here board commissioner capes here today um any public comment before we start all right staff reports announcements nothing uh consent agenda okay this is the consent agenda um item one approved September 19 2024 CRA minute meeting minutes staff representative city clk's office item two approve amended CRA bylaws policies and procedures staff representative Karen Grooms City Clerk move to approve consent agenda second got a motion in the second all in favor I motion passes 5 uh board members reports or announcements okay new business okay um item one request to approve grant funding agreement between the CRA and cooka Beach Main Street for $35,000 budgeted staff representative Devin tally director of Grants and special projects I would like to actually if you guys wouldn't mind I'd like to move this to our next CRA meeting just so that the next people that are going to be on the commission um can vote on this just in case it's not us well we can discuss it without making a final decision I if we look in the back of this this wasn't Electronics this is the first I've seen so yeah this here package if you look at the back page I asked for this financial disclosure whatever records they might have mhm and um you can see that their total revenue was 155,000 that their gross profit no uh well let's just go with this in 24 24 167 yeah but that the year is not over yeah okay and the gross profit is 145 and um if you look at the expenditures you get down to on the back page on the back side of the page I just want you know total expenditures are 150 but if you look at um payroll wage expenses um for a full year on 2023 it was $58,000 and uh I would I don't know who's all included in those wage expenses I would think it would be probably just the person in charge so I spoke with Kenny um and if correct me if I'm wrong uh Kenny said she pays a a accountant 250 a month and then Kenny gets 65,000 a year okay okay but I don't know is that that's correct right I'll take that one um yes but last year and also for can they come please please come upce yourself oh yeah okay hi hi I'm Lane Alvarez I am the bookkeeper for Main Street the treasurer um both last year and this year we had run into Cash crunches and we had to defer Kenny's pay that's why you only see 58,000 for 2023 instead of 65 we have since made up that shortfall this year so she's caught up for last year's pay but we still have to catch up for this year okay so um when you got net revenue I'm used to seeing balance sheets that end up with zero you know the the revenue matches the expenditures so this kind of says that in 2022 you were you you were $112,000 12,000 $16.98 in the hole yes where did the money come from to cover that from reserves prior reserves I assume but you only had 6 6,886 55 left over from the year before yeah we had um we had to redo our financials we had to restart our financials completely from the past bookkeeper and so all I had to go on was the balance sheet that was there and reconstruct 2023 completely right okay and 2022 right and so FL of Statute says you need to put this report out and I appreciate you doing that yeah okay so um so my my deal on this is you know I was here at the Genesis of the Main Street program and they said we need $50,000 startup money okay and the tenants of a main stream program as advertised at the time were that they would become self-sufficient so that they didn't need money from the city and we've been whittling down our budgeted funds for Main Street from $50,000 over the you know quite a few years and the budget right now reflects $155,000 going to Main Street general fund and I I I agreed to that and yeah and then we then we're now putting in a grant and the basically it just says run you know that says for projects which is basically run Main Street for 35,000 so we're back to our starting seed money of $50,000 a year to run Main Street oh this is on top of the 15 yes oh yes so it's two different buckets of mine they're getting 15 from general fund this is proposing 35 from the CRA fund right for total of 50 plus and right now we have ra money and we can spend it on Main Street and you know I don't know how you account for the fact that we give you guys a you know a room in free rent and electricity and air conditioning and we we do about is it 36,000 about in police and fire and barricades and all that on top of that 36,000 I know what that value is but there's there's in kind donations about roughly yeah yeah so about about 5,000 a a month for that so that's 30 right but plus they've got the room there they still have the room there at the at the parking garage right yeah they get the parking garage for free they get umot in other words we drag all the the barricades the the the the cones and whatnot for that they get free fire police and they get 12 events um free of charge every year okay but they they still have an office on the first floor of the parking garage that isn't really accounted for as a gift do we know how much that is Al together approx well if you wanted to rent it to somebody it would be a month you know with and you got air conditioning and you know do you know how much roughly that is or we have to add it up right okay but anyway non zero let's put that way something so my question would be and doesn't have to be answered tonight I'd like to see a strategic plan from Main Street for the future on how they can become self-sufficient maybe you shop around for some of the things you spend money on and get better prices uh maybe it's closer tracking of your expenditures I don't know but you know the Main Street tenant as advertised to me is the only one that was here at the beginning was $50,000 worth of seed money then it whittel off over years and it goes to zero and Main Street becomes self-sufficient there's a line item on here on money that they get from uh businesses uh where is that individual business contributions um for 2023 was $27,000 so those businesses are all benefiting from Main Street and from all the hard work of the Main Street people and all the volunteers and they're kicking in a whole 27,000 and and they want us to kick in 50 plus room in board for an office at the parking garage that I I think is hardly ever used so it sounds like if we were to take a vote tonight you don't have the vote for this but what I want to propose is that it goes to the next meeting for December CU we could have three new Commissioners on this board so you might have a better chance of getting what you want possibly at a a later meeting and plus they're going to be the ones that are dealing with it moving forward the new Commissioners so I would I would just suggest that we push this I'd like with that yeah bring the bring the the plan that skip is talking about and then we'll do a vote um in the December meeting right so do I have consensus on asking them that's is that two meetings from now okay two meetings from now so do I have consensus to ask them work with whoever they have to to show us a strategic plan that over x amount of time that they can get to a self-sufficiency position doesn't that make sense because that was the tenant yeah and there's a lot of Main Streets that are in the United States of America that are self-sufficient and I know that there aren't that all of them are not but that that was that's one of the tenants of a main street is to become self-sufficient but pulling on that thread if we are going to elect to subsidize it to some degree I want to have a benchmark that we all agree on hey we're going to subsidize 10% so it's not just an open checkbook person right I agree 100% like I said we went from 50,000 we Whitt it down Whitt it down Whitt it down and we got it down to what we voted on for this budget of 15,000 which is Whitted down but now a grant because we still have a CRA and they got money and they can give them 35,000 they're back to the original starting point right so a couple things there I I mean this seems like it's just making them solvent if it was for a particular event it would be a little more palatable if it's just $35,000 Grant to make their books clean that's where I'm hesitant and I don't really like I mean I love maining sure what you guys are doing I think the city needs it I just don't like the exclusivity of it like it's got a little bit of the drift with debacle we just went through but it says uh it's not an open application for anybody to apply for this grant it's it says the purpose of this grant is there C to implement a coco beach Main Street program project as described in the section two of this agreement and then when you go to section two of the agreement yeah I rather it says they perform the following Services pH physical Community engagement efforts consistent with the statutes um work with the c to promote activities of community engagement it's it's not like there's a project like they want to build something or do something that's it's just basically the project is run Main Street overhead yeah run Main Street right that's the project and that's where I was usually you give grants to something that you're going to get Ser receipts back from that say hey we did the project here's the receipts for the project give us our matching funds right anybody else so I'm not going to support it without some kind of strategic plan that says this is how we're going to get to Net Zero requirements from the city um can I just follow up with a comment regarding when Main Street first came absolutely 10 years ago um and they came from Tallahassee and interviewed coco beach I was on that very beginning part also and yes it was proposed that the city you know donate $50,000 and then for Main Street to get on their feet Main Street was newly being recognized throughout the nation and Florida at that or yeah the State of Florida at that time since then um main streets are presenting a little different outlook for the cities because this they realize that Main Street is an integral part of the cities and what happens with the cities Main Street provides things that the city is not necessarily capable of doing because they don't have the staff there's some um executive directors of Main Streets that are actually city employees that their job is to oversee the main streets um they work very closely with CRA there's little tiny towns with you know 2,000 people in them and they either are part of the chamber and get paid through the chamber or CRA fund or something with the city so for it's not for the lack of trying that we haven't you know tried to raise the money that we don't have to ask the city more than anything I would love to come in here and say we are so solvent and we have some benefactors and we have all these donations and sponsors I would love to present that report to you but it's just not factual here in Coco Beach for whatever reason people don't understand Main Street they don't understand what we bring to town and and what we are about and I'm I'm not really sure if if you guys know you know so I don't know how to answer you with a strategic plan we we try but it is with donations our Friday Fest we net $2,000 $2,000 okay let me let me interject if you will so you net $2,000 when I got to Friday Fest every bar on that street is shoulder toosh shoulder capacity which probably wouldn't be that way if you weren't having a Friday fist okay and the grand total of their contributions for a whole year is $27,000 that's not I don't think that's current we don't get that from the businesses now it says individual and business contribution that that includes just regular people too because we doas I'm saying random people those businesses are making let's say they making an extra $100,000 in a year easy from the pridey Fest and have packed house at $7 a drink and $4 a beer they you might want to as part of your strategic plan say trust me you know we need we need you guys to chip in or we're going to fold and you're not going to have Friday Fest and you're not going to make that extra $100,000 a year response is they're going to come here and our our annual membership is $300 and we struggle to get that from businesses well then then they're raping you I agree we do a lot of work and provide a lot of services for them and some of them are on board wholeheartedly and really support us and others sit back and go we're going to get the business anyway so why do I have to so there's you know a whole home night at coconuts or one of the bars is a lot less money than a full pack house during a Friday f i perhaps if we had some people from the city go with Kenny when Kenny goes to talk to them maybe that would help um underscore the importance of Main Street funding and trying to get it from the businesses you just ask one point blank question would you feel willing to contribute more or are you okay with Main Street just folding them more Friday Fest you know okay but be like oh that's cutting into our bottom line what what about um your your tent your individual uh tent uh areas what do you your your little your vendor booths what what do you normally charge for those they're $75 75 is that is that low or is that could that be it's actually a little high I don't think they're going to get more than that because okay those people don't make a lot of money they more a lot less advertisement than they are for making money but um our space is limited like Coco Village just had their big thing and they have 350 vendors and they do that you know two or three times a year and that's where they make their money so so I guess the motion is to table this when do we seat the new commission 125 December 5th December no not until December 5th yes how come not the first meeting in November because we won't have the election results finalized okay so not till December 5th December 5th that's firm firm okay so um um so Becky can you get with Kenny and maybe find somebody that understands strategic plans that might be able to give them kind of a some guidance without it costing them a [Music] fortune um sure sure I mean you know people that do that right uh I think I could scrunch some up well I don't want to just SC someone find somebody decent why you're talking about someone donating their time to do this well or at a you know I don't think they be hard no we're very Thrifty by the way I've been sitting in a St unit for three years when you're talking about Los $50,000 from the city and not coming up with a strategic plan that's going to get my vote then you might want to spend a little bit money right it's just there's a limit to how much we actually have in our bank accounts that's where we run into problems and then and that is why things unfortunate things happen like Kenny not getting paid well Wayne if you know anybody yes I I I'm trying to figure out how I want to this but would it help to have um someone from City staff kind of help them a little bit like like a Le on between the city and that would be F if we have the C man is that a good idea that can help look at them they're going they're like noen I would think Karen in conjunction with Patricia assignment somebody that knows the numbers like yeah finances like I I don't I don't know I'm just throwing it out there I don't know it's a good idea or not is there anything in the I mean I know this is a Statewide group Nationwide okay Nationwide okay do they have people sure in their headquarters that could help with something like this I'm sure there's there's things that um I'm sure there's videos and things like that but honestly they they suggest because of our role with the city and what we do for the city they try to make that partnership you know a workable one so that's what that's the guidelines that they sort of give us okay so we like to leave it as and make a motion to defer this decision to December 5th after the new commission de seeded and request a strategic plan on how they can get to solvency over x amount of years second all right got a motion and second um any any public comment on that all right uh all in favor to to um put it off to the fifth i i i i all opposed motion passes 5 um I adjourn