who would like to do the Pledge of Allegiance uh Jeremy would you mind sure stand in face FL please thank you Vice May pledge allegiance to the United States of America and to the stands na God indivisible andice for we're have invocation by uh Chris POF from Club [Music] Zion good evening let us pray dear Lord I invite you into this this meeting here this evening I thank you for all the people that have gathered here together in unity and I I just pray for your order and your sovereignty to be with this meeting I pray for the Commissioners Lord and the the mayor and the assistant mayor and all of the the city's uh employees all the the civil servants Lord I just pray for all the hands that come together to make this community what it is I pray for for wisdom pray for strength and and unity and good leadership to all those that that make this uh this community function and Thrive and Lord I just acknowledge you as being Supreme over all of these things all the matters that will be discussed here tonight I just pray that that we can be decent and civil with each other and ultimately uh resolve any conflicts recognizing that that you are Supreme overall all things I pray all these things in the name of your son Jesus amen amen thank you Chris okay I have a uh Proclamation and I will read this here this is for Irish heritage month please bear with me I misplace my glasses whereas by 1776 nearly 300,000 Irish Nationals had immigrated to the American colonies and played a crucial role in America's war for independence and whereas five signers of the Declaration of Independence were of Irish descent and three signers were Irish born and whereas Irish Americans helped to Fashion a system of government for our young n nation and whereas 22 presidents have proudly proclaimed their Irish American Heritage and whereas in 1792 Irish born James Hoban provided architectural uh plans for the W uh the White House and served as one of the supervising Architects for the construction of the capital and whereas Irish born Commodore John Barry was recognized by the United States Congress in September of 200 2 and the flag and the first flag officer of the United States Navy and whereas Commodore John Barry fought the last SE battle of the American Revolution off the coast of Florida and whereas in 1813 Captain Oliver Perry an Irish American achieved a major na Naval victory in the Battle of Lake Erie and whereas in 1942 the five Sullivan Brothers made the ultimate sacrifice for democracy and freedom during the naval batter Battle of guat canal and later had the Destroyer USS Sullivan commissioned in their memory and whereas the Irish first came to Spanish La Florida in the 1500s first as missionaries and mercenaries soldiers and then as planners Traders businessmen doctors and administrators and whereas three of the Spanish governors of La florid were actually Irish Military Officers and whereas Richard Arthur an Irish born priest from Limerick Who was appointed Parish priest for St Augustine in 1597 and judge of La Florida established the first public school in America and opened it to both boys and girls of all Races and whereas Andrew Jackson whose came from country ANM served as Florida's military Governor following its acquisition by the United States and whereas Irish Americans since America's Inception have provided and continued to provide leadership and service to this nation's political business and religious establishments and whereas it is fitting and proper to celebrate the rich cultural heritage and the many valuable contributions of Irish Americans now therefore I Keith capy mayor of the city of Coco Beach Florida do hereby Proclaim March 2024 as Irish American Heritage Month in the city of Coco Beach and urge all citizens to join me in honoring those Americans who gave their lives in securing the blessings of our Liberty marish from me too he's going to you ask him to come up yeah would you like to come up and I can present this to you apprciate very nice you want to say a few words if I could yeah sure uh go to this Podium there I promise I'll be sure okay good evening everyone uh my name is Keith Reynolds I am the vice president of the Ancient Order of Hibernians in the State of Florida um I also have the honor of being the Grand Marshall at the Melbourne St Patrick's Day parade this year and in uh downtown Melbourne on the 16th um on behalf of the Irish American community in Florida I would like to express uh my gratitude for your kindness and consideration in designating March as Irish American heritage month this Proclamation will coincide with festivities uh that we are currently underway uh as Irish Americans once again gather and celebrate their Heritage throughout the State of Florida during the month of Florida a month of March excuse me Irish Floridians proudly reflect their legacy uh of their Irish for barriers who have contributed significantly to the areas of Education business Sports Leisure science engineering medicine uh law enforcement like myself and the Arts these are some of the uh contributions that we have made not only by the Irish but also by many ethnic and racial groups who have come to the United States from the four corners of the world and who have assisted in developing this great country of ours uh as the vice president of the an Order of Hibernians which is the oldest and largest um Irish organization uh in the world uh I would like to acknowledge uh the esteem honor that mayor and the City commissioners have bestowed upon us um and thank you all very much and have a happy and blessed St Patrick's B home 1 thank you thank you um City attorney okay um special presentations uh item two acknowledge Dr zero in surfing's evolution and preservation foundation for their donation of funds to purchase a new RWC rescue watercraft in trailer to the city of coka Beach Fire Department representative Justin Grimes Deputy fire chief good evening uh Justin Grimes Deputy fire chief um I'm bringing Wyatt up here today because I would like to thank Wyatt and drown zero for getting us the to purchase a new Rescue watercraft as you can see it's out there when you guys passed it on the way um I think all of you know living next to the ocean that one of our largest assets is also one of our most dangerous and the need to have a rescue watercraft uh like this um at a higher level and new that runs and all those type things are are just really really important for us um so I'm going to turn this over to whyatt since he was the one that really made it happen um and and thank him so all right mayor Commissioners city manager staff I'm honored to be here if you guys remember seven years ago can you believe it we sat here we asked you guys or presented the drown zero project and it had been for the Rotary Club and all the political stuff that they helped fight us we wouldn't be where we're at and we're very proud and honored to be able not only to save lives in the community but also with the support that we've gained over the seven years through donations and in our stations being um up for adoption and by the way we have about 40 stations up for adoption in cooko Beach Cape Canaveral anyone wants to adopt business uh individual family we also have some memorials as well as we just take straight up donations that's gotten us where we're at and it's been the uh the surfing Evolution preservation Foundation who go way back in the beginning who helped us fund and help start along with Coco the very first stations they helped us fund them through the process of the Don ations um some educational Outreach we've been doing the surfing Evolution Foundation took a look at us and said man you guys are doing great and they partnered with us and they're helping us now and they put us in a position to where we can present a check to the fire department to take care of this ski out here so it's important that we have the pro the proper trained in individuals lifeguards being that as well the fire department guys every one of them are pretty much Waterman and train they have a US laa certification and I think that jet ski is going to help them you know support that and be a force multiplier and I'm honored that I'm able to do that and thank you guys for allowing me yeah thank you so much um Wyatt and yeah we are a usla certified and advanced Open Water lifeguard agency as well as a uh aquatic rapid response team so um having those things along with this jet ski just make us more capable um we do assist um and work out there alongside the life cards um and especially after hours and um morning and evening on those busy days so um this is a huge help so thank you awesome and I might add the Rings last year saved we have documented over 26 rescues in the Coco Beach area and we had nine this year already that's awesome nice so thanks for having the project thank you thank you very much and I don't know this still going to be out here by the time the meeting's over but the jet ski is parked out front it's pretty awesome looking let's see can we get uh approval of the agenda move to approve the agenda as written second got a motion and second mayor I'd like to pull I don't know if it's at this one H2 just have more discussion we get to the cons well that we just that you got to pull it now H2 H2 all right so they amending motion would be to approve the agenda minus consent agend item H2 and move it to U um items removed from the consent agenda he was saying that uh we'll approve the agenda we're going to pull H2 so he wants to uh make a motion to approve all items except for H2 removed for consent H2 moves to i1 yeah I got a motion and second all in favor all opposed motion passes 5 um see got um we got any public comments about items that are not on the agenda oh here we go John Dylan I'm John Dyan Li Eola back in July the 16th I gave this petition for y'all give some speed bus put on our street was a request for 30 days give information Parts labor everything what it cost to do that we've heard nothing from that uh one of the gentlemen was lives on Esther uh and he was at the one of the city manager meetings at the this building several months ago and said that they uh they talk about that yeah we're working on on the easta for that heard nothing from this this that street is where all the Airbnb people comes across from A1A to the beach the speed of it's 20 mi an hour in fact the police department have a radar there for several days and then that's been the last we've heard of anything since July last year we have Airbnb people from all ages from from you know kids with a uh stroller to Old Folks even older than I am and these speed Li it's 20 M hour they ignore that we have buses going through our street the last few weeks now plus it should not be on our street to start off with that's residential streets not for that uh need no IDE what what bus line that was anyway the point is what what's happened with this we gave it to you 7 months ago and nothing's been done what I'm trying to do is to lower the risk the city the liability if y'all don't understand that I don't know what to do with y'all I really don't we're trying to prevent people from getting injured or killed that's something the city needs to work on there so again I'll give you the copy of this petition and tell insur still in the court file for that also with all the attachments for that also got any kind of questions I'll help you all do anything to do that thank you John uh Ryan McDuffy good evening uh my name is Ryan mcdy first and foremost thank you guys for your service appreciate your uh you know your service to the community in the city of Coco Beach uh I'm a real estate broker out of a satellite beach with rlll Real Estate Group we manage the uh Beach Island Resort which has been in this city for over 60 years it's been uh one of the places that some of you that have been around here a long time some of the astronauts and some of the engineers back in the day the Space Program used to come and matter of fact some of the families still come here to this day reason why I'm here today I'm representing them uh we found out a couple weeks ago we went to renew our overnight parking passes that we have with the city we have about seven of them uh the resort only has we have 18 rooms and we have 12 parking spaces out in front of the resort one which is a handicap all of our overflow parking which only happens usually between January and July uh is where we send everybody now we paid the city last year I think it was almost $2,800 for those seven parking passes we went to renew them and we're told that one of the commission meetings that all the overnight parking passes had been pulled for all the businesses so tonight I'm here just to humbly ask uh if you guys would reconsider that for our business we don't cause any trouble in the city matter of fact every all of our guests that are there are all elderly um that come retirees that have been coming for 40 something years to hang out uh we don't have a problem paying the fee whatsoever and a matter of fact out of the seven passes we may have three over there at a time um we have looked at other businesses down the street that maybe would let us pay to stay there until we get this worked out a church problem is some of these elderly people can't walk four blocks you know to the resort some are on oxygen so we just ask you to reconsider for us um I understand there's probably some businesses out there that are taking advantage of the situation and maybe causing you guys trouble we're definitely not one of them um so again if you could consider that maybe put that on your next agenda to reconsider for us we would greatly appreciate it what what street is this on we're at 1125 South Patrick the passes you gave us were 11th Avenue we were told that we could have the first uh seven right there so what we've been doing now until we get this resolved is we are having the guests come down to the city and pay the $75 for your year-long pass but we have t telling the guests you run the risk of gaining a ticket by the Cocoa Beach Police Department but we're volunteering right now to pay their tickets until we get this resolved because again we're just you know this we're not a nuisance to the city at all you know we're just um and some of these guests have been coming have been parking before parking was even a charge years years ago you know so um so yes we're just asking if you could humbly reconsider that we don't mind paying and by all means if for a nuisance punish us but we're not uh we're I don't believe even with the city of Coco Beach I I even worked a Sting with uh the city of Coco Beach to clean up uh that Resort and we even have a blanket uh parking or blanket trespass for anybody that comes in there that's not supposed to be there COC Beach Police Department can come in take care of it thank you appreciate that that's like really effective that's really effective yes there's no doubt what it is has a comment city manager wait um so I know there must have been some kind of policy change but um I'm confused on enforcement he's talking overnight and we only enforce parking till 7 till 7:00 at night so that doesn't fix your problem what time do we begin in the morning 7 so that may be where they get caught as if somebody's not out of their vehicle well I just say $2800 worth of revenue for parking spaces that are normally not not have been charged for overnight even if they're there all you know 10:00 the next morning or something I don't know do we do we have a policy that prohibits that and getting their renewal I think it was brought um last meeting and Patricia can you come up here for a second the um I think the decided that we were not going to allow um the purchase of slots parking spaces um to anyone but Patricia that's a weir precedence change yeah I think this was part of the discussion Heidi our last meeting was parking wasn't it decided that we're not going to allow the purchase of parking spaces for correct so at the last meeting that's what I brought to you for consideration because we had only had three contracts and we had two that were coming to an end of the contract and one that had just renewed this was one of them that just came to the end of the contract but we've we'd also had another business that was interested in doing a special arrangement to reserve parking of that sort and that's why we came to commission to get direction on how you wanted us to handle it because we're getting more interest in this and it was at that meeting that the Commissioners had given Direction not to enter into more of these contracts okay so very good that's the way I understood it I didn't know that this the situation was part of it so um do we have it written down somewhere I mean besides the meeting minutes is there I I I just asked the city maner and City attorney to look into is there a way to have exceptions based on the circumstances it's not like somebody wanting seven Prime spots downtown for valet parking this is 11th Street South right yes sir and it's the closest ones to the street not the close one to the beach right we were told we we need a car park by Finance we should Park as close to the street as POS possible not here to be right that way the beach spikes are still open most of the time yeah I I would suggest that y'all deal with it on a case-by casee basis and when someone comes into the finance department to ask for this then they get put on an agenda and yall decide based upon the facts so there is no existing policy that authorized those three cases they were just one offs or historic whatever I mean apparently this has been done for probably Way Long than I've been there so I don't know if I can get the consent at the commission to have Patricia go ahead and grandfather this uh parking arrangement in I think we should just move forward tonight I'd like to I'd like to sit and talk with them and get a full story before I just say yes so uh for that um if you wouldn't mind this week or so um before next meeting um let me see your whole thing and and then I'll have a better idea of what I I will talk with the city manager if there's anything make can we make it an agenda item or mean I guess we're not going to if we're not going to go by consensus tonight then bring it back as an agenda item for the next meeting yeah I think bring it back next meeting so what was the intent of the vote last time not to do this and now we're thinking Case by case yeah I mean it's just kind of a blanket thing saying know businesses can buy parking permits I'm concerned I mean this particular instance sounds like it's pretty reasonable but I just think it's set an awkward precedence that's why I want to look into it more I think would be good if you want me to draft a resolution setting for some criteria um I can do that and then I'll send it to y'all and just let me know what you think opportunity the process for exceptions yeah yeah and it it sounded like some of the thought process was around whether it's downtown or is that in the outer reaches I would assume that would make a huge difference it does seem like it so yeah I think that's makes a lot of sense to me to consider but I think it'd be important to establish standards and not a very loose Case by case yeah I mean one of the points we talked about is now we're getting this convoluted how do you enforce it they've got green stickers they've got blue stickers they've got red stickers it's just it's like wow I mean we don't want to get into playing favorites or the devil's always in the details it sounds like a great idea that's good okay um Lori Arch I read that right it's Eric Eric doesn't look like it but Hi H not sure where to start um actually State your your address and um just keep in mind it was 3 minutes oh Lai Eric a r r i950 Bluegrass Lane Rock Ledge Florida um I have lived in Bard County since 1968 uh spent most uh went to uh Rock Coco High there was no rockled high at that time well it was the new Coco High became Coco High Rockledge became Rock Ledge High um as a teenager spent uh every weekend at the beach Fourth Street everybody was surfing just enjoying the beach there was uh no pain you just went to the beach you parked you pay you had a good time um did that for many many years um and recently I started going back to the beach it been a while and I went Fourth Street Fifth Street Sixth Street and I saw that there's pay for parking and at one time actually I started going back to the beach before that and you and the parking was there was a a metal box and some little um paper envelopes and you put your money in it for paying for parking and you drop it down in this in this metal bucket that you nobody could get into unless it was opened up by the city or whatever which was fine with me but now parking I didn't go to the beach for a long time started going again and now when you pull into fourth or fifth or sixth street there's a big sign that says app and you have to read this very long statement about how to get on the app I've got my phone in front of me I use my phone for text and for emails I don't know how to I don't know how to use an app or anything else on my phone I I hand my phone to my grandkids and say get me into this program I don't know how to do it so uh basically I made a decision it was $35 for parking um which I couldn't pay didn't didn't pay uh and I even left a note on the my windshield saying um I don't know how to use the app I know I'm going to be F an extra $15 um and I'll be willing to pay the $50 and then I went and enjoyed the beach and of course when I got back I had the ticket um went to City Hall paid it and as I was talking to the gentleman who I was paying he's he kind of made the comment that um I wasn't the first older person person that has his problem with the beaches because we are not we were not born with a cell phone in our hands our grandkids and our kids they can do everything on a cell phone I text and and as I said email and that's it so anyway I I was willing to pay the the fee um and I went down to and I don't know the officer is here but he's the one after I paid the $50 or $35 or whatever um suggested that I come to City Hall and just talk to City Hall about finding a uh an easier oh was that my 3 minutes easier way to pay uh you can you can get a a parking pass when you went in to pay you could have bought a parking pass and it's $75 for the full year you climbed that 50 you mean at the Fourth Street I would have paid for it yeah no when you went in to pay your your parking fine if you get a sticker you can park in any stud Street as much year around day or night with no charge after after you paid the sticker can we can we give her discretion 25 bucks a lot of times what they'll do too is if you didn't know you can go in and they'll they'll wave that that fee if you pay your your $75 pass oh um I I figure any fees that get paid at the beach go to a good purpose probably something for Coco Beach for the for the beaches and the clean up and whatever ever so it it wasn't the money was the issue it's just that I couldn't do it so okay so thank you that's what I'll do so um for the city manager or Karen whoever wants to carry the ball can you put out a a cbnn that says you know we have a app only parking for uh the permitted spaces and let people know if you're a city resident it's this much and if you're a County Florida local or whatever the different steps are what the charges are and let them know that uh it's year round and they you park anywhere that require that's allowable by a sticker y for for Lori we was somebody trying to give consensus I don't if it I want to say I I tried that app and I got stuck with it and I was messing with for like 15 minutes and I gave up it was it like you hit a point where you're supposed to enter the location and like you try to and it's like and I think one of my friends tried it too and like we were really having a hard time and I just gave up and so I I kind of try to force you to buy a sticker but and you're a lot younger than I am so you're having problems they're upselling you from hourly rate to the yearly rate I think there's an issue cuz I was down in Hillsboro yesterday and I was trying to park and they had the same app and we were there like three of us trying to download this app and luckily they had a phone number so we just called and they still put you through this so like these apps are kind of cumbersome and not very helpful so um such a h and I don't know I don't know if maybe we should take a look at that well I was going to say in in Miss AR's case you already paid your $50 fine was that how long ago was that oh few uh six weeks okay or four weeks I don't know i' have I'd have to look it up on my phone it was in it was in 2024 paron was it after the first of the year yes okay so with the commission's consent yes that's fine can we go ahead and let if she chooses she she gets you'll get your credit for what credit for your $50 pay another $25 get your sticker and you can go park wherever you want at a St in streets okay and again I I don't mind paying the whole fee for the for the new it was just I wanted to bring it to everybody's attention that the app is not easy to use I wouldn't even think to attempted I don't mind the full price we so on that note we can come into the uh City Hall and buy right used to be online only now it's in person so that's an option too in this situation it would be in person got it so I have to go to some place on Coco Beach to get my pass for the year city hall right here and we'll make a note we'll put your name on a list and you we come in we'll put your name on the list and you can uh get your Okay credit commissioner W's point it it may be worth us looking into if there are other companies or if there's ways that the existing company can improve their signage or ad because I mean just from the city's perspective if we're losing Revenue cuz people can't figure out how to pay because people get frustrated par there and then we get $50 F or they just leave I just I just left I'm like yeah it would be it be valuable for the folks com to visit us if it were seamless one down south was it sounds like it from the two anot it's hard it's it's not user friendly at all yeah it's frustrating you spend 15 there is there yeah we can all right so we we'll get it sounds good all right we've got another public comment Jenna Scott yeah yeah thank you put it backwards again good evening mayor Commissioners um thank you for allowing me to make public comment uh and this will be televised unlike the County Commission meeting that decided that they would blank out visual public comment recently which is a huge Sunshine violation where the screen went black and um it was a very arbitrary decision but I mean public meetings are about meeting with the public right seeing what they have to say well it was kind of odd because it was like back in the old days when we listen to the radio you could hear the everybody talking but you couldn't see anything so anyway on to an important meeting on March 6th at the Coco Beach Library please don't miss this talk by blae trus he's our um 18th judicial circuit for um public defender for Bard and seol County and he's going to talk uh his talks about lawfare it's about the weaponization of federal and state agencies against uh Donald Trump I think you'll all find it very interesting and um the while you're there when after you run out of uh time talking about that you could talk about English being the official state language of the State of Florida it's in our Constitution and it's really disappointing how language unifies us I'm not against anybody being bilingual trilingual sixing speaking six or seven languages but when you speak English here in the United States you can access your benefits you can talk to your neighbors readily I just find even on Spectrum TV the the commercials are are eroding talking in English during the commercial they have three or four little vignettes where they slide into other languages so I um in the last election it was very disappointing how the ballot and I'm not against douan it being bilingual however the line forline bilingual ballot uh suppressed voter uh interest in the election people just did not want to go through all that so I hope you all will keep that in mind and talk to your state representatives and Senators to please enforce our state constitution I mean to this year they're probably going to have 3 or 400 new things on the agenda to discuss different um you know topics about I won't name all of them but gun control during emergencies and so on and so forth but I think English speaking English having it as our state language and enforcing the Constitution is Paramount thank you gracias any other public comment what's wrong with you guy that means thank you all right um Rapido rapid that concludes public comment staff reports okay I have one item tonight um mayor in front of everyone is um couple of pieces of paper stapled together it's this is an update on the situation with the lifeguards with the county what you have in front of you is two contract agreements that were presented to me in an email from the county um I forwarded that email to all the Commissioners and um this is a result of them coming to us in early January and presenting to the city um an offer of theirs to um to raise our fees for Life card services from $82,000 last year to um close to $900,000 a year um we were instructed and went back with a counter to them and the counter was that we're not going to pay anything for lifeguard services not only the the $890,000 that they want but this previous fee also um so this is the reaction to that um by the county what what I'm asking for is Direction on this uh what what do what does the commission wish us to do as far as a response to this I want to point out one other thing um the last page of the Little Packet that I gave to everyone is a page out of the the budget for this year and as you can see that there's nothing budgeted for lifeguards in this year's budget last year it was budgeted for $882,000 so um we can go back to them with an agreement to pay this or we can go back to them with a counter offer of nothing stick their guns I don't we don't need to pay for lifeguards um I would differ um what we what we've been paying I believe is reasonable to have a full contingent the entire city of lifeguards um because you know we don't want to say we only have lifeguards at our two city parks so the price they're asking now is basically the same price as last year plus escalation due to inflation and uh it's just can we make a motion on something something that's not like this that's not on the agenda yes you can okay so I'd like to make a motion to have uh the city manager go ahead and approve the counter offer and fund it execute these contracts yes I need a second I have like a second if we can meanwhile just for this year re-evaluate and see if we can possibly come up with something else but I got a motion in a second so we be careful what we say they're obviously listening so you don't want to give away your entire position so I I agree with the mayor I'll just leave it at that so um uh they they get enough money from from our TDC they they get enough money they're the ones advertise for people to come here uh if they don't want to pay I mean we've been paying all these years they they brought this before us we don't even have it budgeted I'm all right I'm I'm just saying that uh for $83,000 if we lose one life in an area that would have had lifeguards during lifeguard duty hours I'm not it's going to be hard for me to sleep at night there's no way that they're not going to put lifeguards out there they're advertising to come to the Comm W didn't you say last time that You' done some screening and they actually weren't staffed or the hours or shorter or whatever that they weren't actually no we've got he's got the hours in the contract is the same as before no I thought you mentioned last time that you go by there and there was nobody there during the stated hours that that I had reports Pro I'm wrong I thought that I know I there was reports that they weren't there where they weren't staffed when they should have been totally but I mean I think it's better than having nothing they're not going to put nothing out there there they're advertising come to the beach they're going to put people out there I mean that's the way I feel about it public comment any public comment on this Janice Scott Coco Beach um I really think that um you should counter offer uh whatever it was that they said to not do anything they're the TDC collect over 60% of their income which is I believe over $3 million from Coco Beach and Cake canaval they're spending a million dollars advertising come to the beach we have lifeguards obviously they are they're prepared to pay for it so I just think uh you should send the city manager back to negotiate again thank you so let me ask the City attorney a question so would you advise that I the comment I emailed you too about our negoti position I don't want to offer that publicly unless you think that's acceptable or you want to State on my behalf I I think you can go ahead and state it okay so my position was we've already assumed with the the mutual Aid agreement a significant service that we're providing use that as leverage wait a minute we're doing this for you for the fire service certainly that offsets 80k I don't want SPL ha is over 80k but same time it's the principle of it wasn't there something about the TDC can't spend money on police fire and emergency Services the TDC cannot um the count that yeah we we've inqu a signicant talking the tvc's got money Janice is talking TDC has got money but the TDC can't spend money on police fire I'm not asking we're asking them to pay for lifeguards exactly not for I'm asking them to we do our part they do their part and our value we're providing is the fire service and un Incorporated C be I you guys like you know for a fact that if we don't if we counter this with nothing that there's going to be coverage because I'm really concerned about no coverage well if they don't want to cover it I'm I'm I'm more than willing to talk to the press and say the TDC brought these people here and they didn't want to pay for lifeguards but so meanwhile we have a whole year of no coverage I'm concerned about it's 10% coverage it's still the Cy's no the city they're not going to do any any of it the 800 we haven't even sent this proposal to him yet let's send it to them how much time do we have before they cut if we don't supposedly renew there was no time specified in the correspondence so oh really they did reply unsolicited with a counter offer though correct they wanted to know whether we were in agreement with the the agreement sat in front of you right whether we were what what they stated it as status quo with the CPI they were obviously playing hard ball with us trying to get us to pay over $800 and something thousand in the beginning so we have time to would we have time to send them back and still have coverage I I just really feel uncomfortable with no lifeguards out there if that's I I don't understand how you think that they're actually going to tell people to come swim at the beaches and not provide lifeguards I I think it's possibility it's a possibility it is but again I mean there's no guarantee we don't have a contract so I'm really concerned about that I don't just I mean we had to our fire people come up with what would cost them to to provide the same same service and it was double the $880,000 so if they come back if we offer them nothing and they come back and say okay no lifeguards TDC who can't fund lifeguards can't figure out a way to do it then we have to knee-jerk and go provide our own somehow it's going to cost us way more than a 90% discount on the offer we had a month ago so I'm taking the 90% discount and have lifeguards we can we can we can negotiate this between now and when this contract expires where we have plenty of time and we don't risk not having lifeguard coverage and risk lives of people drowning because we want to stand on our heels and say we're not going to pay I I can't please Fire EMS public safety is my number one priority be whether they're public from Coco Beach or public coming to Coco Beach and i' I'd be appalled if this doesn't if it doesn't my my motion doesn't pass I I agree I mean I I I I I see taking the stand but at the same time I I I would it would I feel really responsible if we didn't have we taken a chance of not having coverage maybe they will maybe we don't know for sure and I don't have a crystal ball to see that so all I I mean it sounds like okay well we got we got a motion and a second um any other public comment yeah we'll do Tim and then we'll do you guys Tim tumble goo Beach um I didn't hear the numbers that they came back with they originally they said it was close to 900,000 we responded at our last meeting saying we're not paying anything um and what did they come back with I pardon 9,659 89,000 so basically 10% Like you said a 90% discount from what they purchased did we ever pay any money for lifeguards in the past yeah yeah how much about 82 82 is then why wouldn't we continue at that same amount or I can so they came to us the county um and said that we feel you should pay 50% of the cost which was about $890,000 they didn't they did not initially offer us to just pay the 89 they wanted us to pay $890,000 which was 50% of the total cost and they wanted our reaction to that they came and asked for our reaction to that but historically we've always paid 10 they've upped it to 50 this year was the initial offer yes M and then we did not give a counter offer correct well our counter offer was we were not willing to pay anything we didn't send it I didn't think we didn't send it though we didn't send it we didn't we didn't send the letter they were aware of what was said at the no I understand yeah no they came to us and we had a meeting they the the county uh commissioner came and we met with with him and one of their attorneys and they wanted our reaction action to what they were proposing um to bring back to the commission and our reaction was that we didn't think it was fair and you know we were not willing to pay we thought the TDC should pay um so then they subsequently came back with an email to me with this proposal on it yeah that that's where we're at now that's what I'm asking it's inflation adjusted last year's proposal it's last year's with a 8% CPI increase Rick Anderson 1800 Minute Men Causeway I have to agree that the whole funding system is corrupt it's messed up it's broken there's no way it works um I hate the way the county operates but uh just from a resident of of the city um I don't want to play hard ball with with $80,000 and and and risk the kind of brinkmanship that could that could occur if if they play hard ball and then there are no lifeguards and and the the reputation that could wind up for Coca Beach so in principle I agree we shouldn't pay anything but I don't think I'd play the hard ball with $889,000 question and Willis Williams why did we strip this out of the budget in 24 or did that missed it I think it was removed that's what I'm asking why I don't know the answer we didn't remove it line it for one we don't even have it budgeted this year it just wasn't budgeted we missed it you guys need a deep dive it like I did you missed it on you I'm not voting for it John Delane if the city communicating and see the comparison with other cities in Bard County or even outside of Bard County and see what they make with the kind of deals with organizations like it I don't know yeah we know but that's what to see comparison prices like it if they do or not we know second it's kind of ironic that youall concerned about somebody with a a life in the water but you kind of wonder if you think well I keep tell you earlier about the safety on the street that running too fast with people walking on the streets and a safety concern so be thinking that with both places I like how you I like how you wrapped that in it was good that all right any other comment again all [Music] right um I just wanted to add or respond to U commissioner Williams remark about the TDC funds paying for Public Safety they can now there was a ruling about that about two months ago because that was under quite discussion friend and I were at odds about that and um yeah and she was like cab Beach should pay and everything know and now it has been resolved that they can use those funds and the other thing that hasn't been brought into the equation ever and never gets talked about is Cape canaval doing paying this for the lifeguards there or they don't have any lifeguards in Cape canaval maybe the manager knows but I just feel that we're treated like we have all this money here and you know anytime I go around the County Commission it's always like cooka Beach should pay they should pay you have the parking fees they think we should be paying this out of the parking fees and we're all running around with bags of gold but anyway you know we're not thank you thank you yeah too Beach is 40 million in debt Cape gaval is 14 million in debt we don't have a lot of money to just throw around so uh we've got a motion in a second uh to accept this offer all in favor I I all opposed n nay I okay motion passes 4 two all right pass 32 sorry not 42 um 32 added an extra person I was adding Tim uh all right where are we at e e CD e all right staff reports that was hisort oh yeah okay um City attorney uh nothing tonight thank you all right City commission reports or announcements pass I just had one thing um uh I was at the board meeting for the Space Coast League of cities and I just wanted to let you guys know um they are planning to have a training session to fill out form six in March and I just want to make you aware they're going to uh solidify a date so when I know the date and the time I think it's going to be like March 18th or something but I'll let you guys know in case they're letting all elected officials attend that to help everybody out with doing that so I'm selling everything I have that's worth more than $1,000 I'm get all my wife I'll buy it for a dollar it's a real problem they're having massive people L it's not worth it I want everyone know on all my stuff so it's interesting Melbourne did join the class auction lawsuit to push back on that I don't know if it go and she was just talking about that uh the other night it's like $110,000 for the city to join in that class action lawsuit or something that yeah it is yeah it's yeah I discussed it with Bey all yeah um and then uh Wayne i' talk to you about doing sod around the uh 19th Hole this golf course area just the actual building here just to increase uh curb appeal um you said was that uh was that c or arpa funds or um what I can do is get a price and then we can address a funding source and we could go with arpa okay um would you guys be interested in actually I mean even just some St Augustine at least it's all weeds if you actually this week if you want go around and look around the the whole 19th hole but where they're fixing up the the restaurant area and they got that porch area if you look down it's just it's all weeds and dirt South Side uh the west and the well West mostly the west side so um I was wondering if you guys would be interested in trying to increase that curb appeal so that you know um you know we can actually be proud of something that we have no I agree with it and it you know I'll comment on why I pulled H2 but I think that's a bigger philosophical discussion I'd like to have is where we funded it's not the budget right so I agree with it we're spending the money to something you guys also would be interested in um if we can have Wayne look into into getting that taken care of is he going to like uh do like contract where we have to well the it should only be a couple thousand dollar to Res do we have to go through that whole process of finding a contractor to just having our public work okay okay cool no in fact that might be wrapped into a further discussion yes okay so we'll we'll wait till you bring this up yeah I mean this is the only chance we get a chance to talk so I want to have a bigger discussion of we keep nickel and Diamond these things it's like guys sounds good budget or not perfect I do have comments whenever you're done it's probably the kind of thing I can just take care of it won't reach the threshold of okay I'll get it done okay cool all right and you said you got some comments did you yeah we got an email about the uh School release I don't know city manager the parking the staging area sounded like it's a bottleneck I understand they rerouted the stuff for the high school but I think this is predominantly the middle school we got an email from a gentleman that lives down at the Country Club I just was trying to get public feedback on what that like I said my understanding is they rerouted the high school pieces or something we can do to alleviate that the at the middle school as well I guess it's the cars are staging on the side of minute maning for residents does high school and Elementary School get out at the same time or is it different times different time different times um are you referring to that letter that we received yeah I think it was uh General Baldwin yeah um and I'm not putting you on the spot I'm just trying to ask is whatever we did for the high school whatever assessment we did I'm trying to see is there looked at that and probably the solution to that um other than doing a traffic study would be to add a turning lane there because there's by the nature of the Beast you know you've got the whole school getting out at a certain time um and what we did as kind of a Band-Aid fix was we buttered the one side of the road so you can kind of instead of popping off the road into the the grass and then dangerously popping back onto the road um we put millings there to soften that and um that seems to have helped but um I think an actual engineered solution to that would be a an additional Lane there and and that's an expensive proposition I mean I could get some rough estimates of cost on that but I'm saying probably in the 300 to $350,000 range what was the driver on the high school or is that even true are they rerouting it through mult you can probably talk to that I don't know yeah I I can't cuz I'm out there during that um there was we did reroute and so they're picking up the kids on the west side which is in the Football parking lot um stopping them from going through the front lobby area and of course there were a lot of parents that were parking on Minutemen and so then the kids started walking across the street and we were like we we stopped that we got the um John Bond as a police officer at uh a resource officer at at Coco Beach and he did a great job in in stopping that immediately we had a police officer out there um uh basically talking to him didn't give him tickets just said hey it's not safe for you to be out here and they stopped him from par and a long Minute Men on that triangle grass area and um and it it runs pretty smooth now every time we make a change in in the traffic pattern you know there's a there's a um a learning curve and it it it's resolved now I think it's moving moving pretty well I don't know how old that email was this was catered around Roosevelt so that's a different that's a different we did assessment just hey it makes sense I told him I'd run by there I wasn't there I would school that out today but high school the high school side's moving moving well yeah I mean I I come out of there you know and you time your exit to try to avoid that but yeah I mean we can fix anything but that's probably an expensive fix no I like I said I was just trying to leverage whatever we did High School one of the joys of living by a school um City Hall was down there a total to you don't lose power during the hurricane if you exactly I wonder is there is there a possibility to to get with the high school with the high school parking lot and make like a like a a waiting area in the High School uh in that parking lot right there rather full a great idea well isn't it it's it's still full when the kids get the little kids get out I'm not sure he's he would know yeah it's not full or it is it's full oh it is okay yeah R gets out first yeah okay okay so it's full we've got a thousand kids waiting until I didn't know which got out first okay we'll go over there tomorrow mayor how about that okay uh yeah it's fine uh but I can't but I can't talk to you you want to talk we'll just drive over there uh just point and grunt um okay and any other public any comment any more uh comments there you're good okay um consent agenda okay this is the consent agenda um item one approved the February 1 2024 commission meeting minutes representative city clerk Department recommendation approve item two has been removed item three adopt resolution 2024-25 changing the name of what has been called cultural Green Space to Coco Beach Centennial Square in providing an effective date representative City commission recommendation approve item four approve the lease agreement between CRA and Coco beach Main Street approved by the CRA board representative delin tally community redevelopment agency administrator recommendation approve item five approve of resolution number 2024-the Florida to extend the expiration date of Beach Business License agreements that would otherwise expire before February 29 2024 until March 31 2024 in providing an effective date representative Randy Stevenson development services director recommendation approve item six approve the adopted mural from the CRA Board of the Surf Side PL house representative de Devin tally community redevelopment agency administrator recommendation approve approve a motion second all in favor I all opposed motion passes 50 um items removed from the consent agenda okay this is item two approve 2,646 th000 arpa funds for the city hall cons construction by Centennial Park Fire Station alarm system and Country Club Renovations representative Patricia draat Chief Financial Officer recommendation approved I move to approve it because I discussed I pulled it off and I want to discuss it second got a motion in a second okay so this is more about I support you know given our Public Safety whatever initiative to me it's more about the processes we didn't have either of these items the the fire and the the phase for the country club and and the budget we have an ordinance coming up whatever K1 I just want to get consensus on are we managing this we just went through nickel and Diamond 80,000 we had the fireworks discussion last week about did we want to try to carve out 30,000 I'm just trying to get us in a position where we manage I don't personally I think I'm going to vote no on that ordinance just because I think we can manage the budget process in this budget and prioritize and and phase things out TimeWise so I think again I wanted to get this out there you know we keep having these unbudgeted items we got to go carve money out this one it sounds like it's arpa money I don't know if that's just it's true you know it's not free money cuz we could certainly use it elsewhere but that's not a get out of jail free card just because the color of money is different so I'd like to have a little more so you're correct it's not free money but it's taxpayer money and we pay taxes so we accepted the ARA funds because if we didn't it would just go to somebody else and there's certain things you can use it for and these things qualify so it helps us overall in our in our budget deficit totally understand that by going ahead and doing it my question is why weren't they in the budget if we knew they were coming I'm I'm not arguing a color of money is saying if we knew they were coming why don't we budget to maintain anything I mean that's exactly my point is so I'm trying to instill discipline I I totally get it I want to use the money I'm not suggesting we don't I'm just saying this is funding things that nobody had in a fiveyear plan well we didn't know we were going to get the the grant for bisento Park and we were hoping to get the Grant from the state for the hurricane hardening of City Hall so this helps because ARA money match is allowable for that kind of didn't we already not get that we did not get the city hall Grant you guys voted for you said you're were hoping for it no when we did the budget we we only budgeted x amount because we were hoping for that Grant well we didn't get it so that put us in the hole so now we're taking a million dollars out of the arbit funds putting us in a bigger hole to fill partially that hole well no because this wasn't in the budget to do phase four so that's my point is we're now I wasn't talking about phase actually if I might interject Patricia drot CFO good evening mayor Commissioners the city did budget to use 1 million in our funds for the city hall construction Pro process that was in the current budget the city also did budget for the arpa funds to be used for the Bicentennial Park so those two are actually budgeted items to be using arpa funds the reason that the um fire department did not put it in the budget to replace the alarm system is because they were still doing repairs on the existing system and they thought the repairs would hold and they are not they keep dumping more money into the repairs and they they they've got three quotes for the the new alarm system but their um current alarm system is now again down and has been for a short period of time now that's my point is is is if it wasn't in well if he wasn't anticipating it would break and stay broken yeah uh deputy chief Grimes um so we've been using a system it's an uh an old uh type system where uses an amplifier it sets a tone so the alarm system is actually how we get notified that there's a call so for probably the last two months we've been working off of just pack set radios um because we don't have a reliable source so what happens is the company that fixes it they bring in a new amp and then about a month later the amp fries and then they charge us another $1,900 to put another amp we've had them rerun wire we've had them do all these different things they can't seem to come up with an answer so their answer was completely redo the system uh the system again is a very dated old outdated or I should say older type system there's new systems out there um that have things that work with the lights so the lights come on they are also called Heart Smart tones so the tone starts low and ramps up so you don't just get a loud tone in the middle of the night so we figured if we're going to go ahead and replace the the alerting system to do it with a newer one and the price was about $20,000 difference to go to replace the existing uh to go to the new updated type system um just like Patricia said we've been I wish someone uh from it because we've all been working with this company to try to limp this thing along and it just got to a point of failure where they said we just need to redo it all so one of our stations currently doesn't have an alerting system at all so we've been kind of just running off of pack radios thank you for that this is more just for the commission hey guys let's get her act together so we're not having to try to constantly do this emergency CU it's not cheap doing an emergency maintenance repair so that's my message I'm going to proove it I'm going to go yes I'm just trying to get ahead of the curve so it's not uh oops this is not in the budget where do we carve this out from oh let's nck fireworks let's NX whatever the $20,000 on those ta that's all I'm trying to do one one other thing to just keep in the back of your mind we have until 1231 2024 to obligate our arpa funds yeah and if we do not we have to return all unobligated arpa funds to the US Treasury so we need to go through these steps of obligating our our remaining funds um before we end the calendar year um so as to not have to return those funds so we're looking at these particular projects because uh they fall as eligible projects under the final rule yeah toally so I understand your point we are trying and we are asking um each of the Departments to put more focus on looking at at the bigger picture to address some of the concerns that the Commissioners have had at recent meetings about looking at their maintenance programs and looking at not just the upcoming year but looking out there a little further and and planning for that and managing for that and so they're taking a little we're asking them to take a little bit more intense look at that as we go into the 20 24 25 budget um to try to address those concerns p uh oh sorry you want to go or oh I'm probably going to say something to um I was wondering if if it's we're coming down to the wire are we able to put any more money towards city hall or do we Max that allowance out we have if this particular agenda memo is is approved if this request is approved we have roughly 600,000 remaining that can be used for City Hall it could so that's exactly my point is we're we're digging ourselves into another $400,000 hole on City Hall by allocating to the phase four I mean as as long as we're allowed to you know use money for for City Hall I mean that's um that 250 um some of that you said we're going to fix that starter Shack and that uneven ground um it's very dangerous like the starter Shack there's there's a railroad um railroad ties with nails sticking out of it and holes in them and I mean we we really do need to take care of this this country club it's a great asset and I think if it had better curb appe heal I think we could even potentially make more money for the city with a with a a nicer amenity 100% agree we had a team that put all those hit lists together and it seems like it would be an item that would be in the budget actually okay Patricia thank you and and I do appreciate that you noted that um maintenance of the things that we build as a city is a priority and that you guys are looking at that so thank you for for hearing that uh commissioner Huston I I agree with you I think um your point is well taken that we do a budget for a reason we've got to live by that budget I know that the arpa funding is is a little bit different but to your point it's well received that we we've got to be responsible with the way that we plan and our plan has got to mean something we've got to implement it intentionally so message received appreciated thank you Patricia and or Justin before you walk off um I just want to point out too and in the next budget cycle when we talk about uh Mill rates and setting Mill rates I I remember the mindset for this year was almost to go back to roll back rate and I mean they might have had some of this stuff budgeted and they had to cut stuff out too and I I mean I don't know specifically in detail this stuff but just some because we went to what did we roll we we didn't go to back to roll back right we left the millage unchanged it's the same and there was stuff we if if we had bumped it up what like we were there was a little proposal to do that we would we would have had to cut some we cut a lot of things because of that and this might you might be seeing the results of some of this cuz we did that um from the original Department request to final budget it was a little over 8 million that was cut but was this specific line I don't think so I doubt it I mean we haven't we haven't maintained this this property in a long time I'm not I'm not and I'm not saying I'm not saying specifically this thing but I'm saying over overall yeah and next year when we or next just these are things that might get cut that we had to cut because we said it that way and I and I'm not saying these specific things but just something to keep in mind and then maybe we don't have to nickel and dime stuff next year if we kind of think about bumping up the millage rate a little bit and not keeping it the same just want to make that point since we're talking about nickel and daming stuff maybe we wouldn't have to do that got you and Wayne was that that the money that you're requesting for the the golf course was that um was that a hard number or did that give you some buffer room for was an yeah so it's a commitment of arpa so they um estimates estimated costs and proposals um based on continuing Services agreements that we have so that's about that's what it came out to yeah okay it's a not to exceed right that's that's a ceiling it won't exce that it's all in the pack in the package yeah okay uh any any uh I guess do we have a public comment on this since it was on a consent agenda or is it you brought it up you do yeah let's have some public comments if anybody wants to okay um I'm I'm okay with it as long as we get some grass out there too so uh we pull vote on it so we got a motion and a second all in favor all all opposed motion passed is 5 thank you um for for bringing that up and and your concern on the budget it's I mean it's always helpful to I mean like hear I we can't talk so I just want to make sure they understand going forward as we're going into budget season it's helpful to hear you know how everybody thinks so it's nice to know that we're all trying to be fiscally conservative here all right uh unfinished business okay um item one of Unfinished Business adopt ordinance 1686 on second reading an ordinance of the city of cooka Beach Florida amending section 5-15 stopping parking moing and towing of Article 1 water safety of chapter 5 beaches fills boats and waterways in section 3-28 seaw walls and Waterside accessory structures of article three Development and Construction of chapter 3 design standards of appendix B Land Development code and by adding a new section 5-17 grandfathering of article one water safety of chapter 5 beaches fills boats and waterways all of the Cocoa Beach code of ordinances in providing for codifications conflict severability and an effective date representative Randy Stevenson director of development services recommendation adopt move to adopt ordinance uh 16 1986 on second reading as revised from the first reading second got a motion in the second roll call any public comment all right like disc you want to go ahead I know you got a slide or somebody's got a slide so I I my recommendation is you jumped on the second so I'm just talking out loud is to send it to the planning board and and not I'm indifferent on the on the numbers but I just think again philosophically we're kind of all over the map so across the top is the actual requirements thank you Randy it was just kind of offhandedly mentioned the 35 ft in the center that's the critical Dimension the the navigation none of none of the other dimensions matter if you're impeding on that 35 so across the top is the deck the dock size physical dock there's a moing Code of ordinance there's a moing Land Development code those are somewhat conflicting I think that's what we're trying to resolve here and then there's a parking ordinance in the Land Development code down the side are the three or I'm sorry the five scenarios with different Canal widths and then it dispositions out of what the actual Canal WID would be but my point is on the dock we have it Land Development code and as a homeowner makes it really tricky you got to kind of navigate like three different sources and Patch it together what you can actually build but the dock structure it's 30 ft or 20% based on your Canal width right it's in the Land Development code morine is in the code of ordinance and it was 40 20% so similar type methodology with a hard limit and a percentage we're proposing to strike that and just go to 33% but if you look at the Land Development code for more you actually just reverts back to 515 so I don't I don't know why we do that and then there's a parking ordinance in the Land Development code section or bullet six that again is back to the other philosophy of 33% so the numbers that all that comes out based on the canal width I'm IND different on this for me I'm scenario 5 so I'll gain you know 27 ft I can put a boat so so I'm okay with it but I just think we should clean it up requirements wise so it's it's very easy to navigate and then I forgot on the code of ordinance back to the code of ordinance is 515 for the 35 ft it's down in the bottom I'd like to just have super clean doing this code actually does clean it up because it gets rid of that 20% that just came arbitrarily out of pretty much nowhere it didn't sound like it did though it sounded like this went through the planning board also County and it matches surround municipality so I did some digging into this to learn a little bit more um and so this thank you so much for this chart one of the key things and I city manager I don't know if I have enough uh insight to define the difference between parking and moing but um the key for those being in the LDC is they're under the the infraction or the infringement on repairing rights so that's why they're in there and that I think when read in context I think there's a value to them being in there um but the key piece here is the LDC and the Kota ordinance are not in agreement no they are in agreement they're fully in agreement so we dug into this and the so the key is you're looking at in the LDC um you're looking at justce structure and then when you go to the code of ordinance you're looking at moing the LDC from a repairi and infraction perspective then speaks to both parking and moing and what it does is simply say for moing reference aota ordinance the only place parking is addressed is associated with the repairing infringement in the LDC and so that's that's not in disagreement with moing because parking and moing for some reason are held differently I don't know what the difference is but I'm curious manager can explain and parking is like like you just park there like temporarily well but in terms of enforcement how do you determine what the difference is for parking and moing a a Bo right down well till we got circum vented if you have somebody come park at your dock okay and let's say they're over the limit okay widthwise or whatever but there's still that 30 ft you're over the 33% but there's still the the 35 ft or whatever in the middle and they're living aboard visiting you they're allowed to say there 3 days then they going to move and so it's up to 3 days is parking anything board that's that's a moing if you're living aboard that's a moing no more than 9 days a month if you're parked but it's not you got a boat park there and you're not living aboard it then it can stay there indefinitely as long as it's not in violation of the new rules so is that the is that the how the city manages parking and moing as a differentiation is whether somebody's living aboard again the parking is it's it's almost synonymous but it is limited right now to a third of the canal width that is down in G6 as we talked about but as we talked about earlier when we consider moing that's the one we're really talking about is when you're moing the boat behind your house it's there long term okay it it's it's that's its home yeah but it sounded like the or at least uh commissioner Williams was saying that the moing is based on a li board versus work is based on unoccupied okay the city the city definitions have the opportunity to vary from the from the traditional accepted nautical definitions of moing so I guess where I'm where I'm going is if and and we may get down into the very Niche discussion associated with whether people want to live on their boats or not and so that's that's open but if they can't then parking under commissioner Williams definition and I don't know if it's in disagreement with the city or not but if that's the case then just for parking your boat there's no need to change this ordinance because parking your boat is already under the 33% it's not necessarily yeah I agree it depends on the definition that theity is using if we could just simplify it and just leave it at 33 and a 3% and by the way I measured just like I said the other day from this wall to that wall is just under 35 ft when we make a law do we make laws just to make laws just to make it harder for people to enjoy themselves or do we make laws just because we feel like doing it we should make a law because we're trying to fix a problem now the problem we have is that 95 boats are out of comp compliance because we changed the law from what it was before and then we made it smaller and now a lot of people are out of compliance if you can't drive through this with your boat you shouldn't be out there you shouldn't be out there that's that's exactly what this table highlights is that you can't infringe on that 35 except for the grandfather clause so why do we have the grandfather clause in there that's the part that's not automatic well that's my if if there's 95 people that are now non-compliant there's no there's nobody grandfather that can do that right now there's nobody in that in that um but what your statement was all this is doing back to what it used to be talking to some folks on the planning board that says it's not the case the issue was at the pie at the the CU sax if you will those people are not voters they don't they don't just because they're on the planning board I'm sorry but that doesn't mean need to be a voter but my point is is that was that was that was the the the the consideration is it was more than just a simple too much fun of so if it's hey hey but my my point is if we're if we're if we we claim that we're reverting back to prior to make everybody compliant then why do we need a grandfather clause there is still going to be a couple people that are not compant so they weren't complied before so I would be okay we going back 33% if we ni the grand so what I yeah and what I've heard I the original argument last time was that the Land Development code and the code of ordinance weren't in agreement and we were fixing that but that's not the case they are in agreement and they don't contradict if you were saying that we got 95 people living on boats Liv Liv on boats they're they're boats stick out past the as long as they're only parked and not more then they should be fine with the current LDC not the3 and 30 but what yeah but what I'm saying is that our our LDC and our our moing code match with surrounding communities as well as with the county what I'm hearing is we match with other communities around us and like you said if we don't have a problem let's not change a law just to change a law if the parking covers anybody who currently is non non-compliant to the moing code all that means is they can't live on their boat I think you're getting stuck in the weeds I don't think this the moing and the and the parking I think were almost synonymous like I think they kind of but they're called out and if I might if you look in the code of ordinances under 515 D says except under emergency conditions it shall be a violation of this article for any person to more anchor tie up or otherwise secure vessel in any Waterway which would thereby restrict or endanger passage of another vessel so they can be considered synonymous in my my mind I think we so let's just clean up parking anding the location of the vessel but what in the city's enforcement I guess that's what I'm looking differ I'm just looking at the definitions here and there isn't a definition in our code for moing um let me we used to have a 72h hour moing Li board anchored uh rule think it's still there not you can't do it if it's a navigable Waterway they can stay there as long yeah in the LDC there's no definition of moing but we definitely call them out separately there in the LDC so there's something that doesn't necess mean anything that just could be because people just called it two different things that like you're you're splitting hairs by I'm reading the code it or the LDC it says in paragraph 5 operation and moing on all Waterway Vehicles shall be in compliance with the city code of ordinance chapter 5 Article 1 and then in six called out separately Waterway vehicle parking is permitted to encumber no more than onethird of the width of the Waterway so there're I'm not sping hairs I'm actually just reading that they're identified separately and they mean two separate things in the code I I don't well neither one of them are defined in the in the may we need to take action to Define them in the code but what I'm saying is I with the way the code completely and just have the 33 and a thir and it just all make sense but I'm having trouble with why we would do that because there's there's not a problem we need 33 and A3 otherwise there's 95 boats that are out of compliance with the 20% is the same as a dock you can't have a dock and a boat at your dock legally okay that's the problem is that we have code and we have people in violation of the code so we're just going to change the code no we didn't have a problem until we changed it to the same the moing ordinance the same as the doc ordinance we had no problem that's the basis of my recommendation to make an amended motion to to take this proposal I would suggest strike the grandfather clause and send it to the planning board we need the grandfather talking to well no that's countered to what you just said if this is 33% there's two or three people that need okay fair enough let the planing board iron out my understanding is this is significant development people came and went and they and there was and there was significant discussion around what they call pie shaped Lots either external radi or internal radio I think there's a there there's also a piece in it I I believe where we talk about adjoining neighbor Lots I don't have any issues with that with the the walkways and the joint docks I think unless there's issues with that that can go for but I'm I'm good with sending back to the planning board I think we need more thought on this well I don't think okay I think we can vote on this we had a motion in a second so one more comment on page 63 it does reference I don't know if that was supposed to be the final track change versions it references the 40 ft and 33% so I don't know if it's just a typo it we struck the 40 ft because it doesn't work I understand that on the red line it says that but on the final version on page 63 it says 40 and 33 so I don't know whatever get what section are you talking about s by it's in this rolling agenda it looked like the final version that I call with no track changes on 515 section what paragraph what 515 C 515 C it's page but where where is it on my paper here page 63 that isn't page 63 on my paper I can't help so what section 55 well that this is 515 here out there's version here with track changes on there a version with track changes off this one with in the second version with track CH I don't know if it makes a difference legally but all I'm telling you is the version that does not have track ches on says 40 and 33 if you're looking electronically it's on page 63 yeah I see it too wa somebody show it to me you probably don't have both versions this is you know what track changes are on word when you can show what this is no that's right before 328 hold on okay so where is it then it's right here right right in here somewhere right there 40 ft 33 and2 so it looks like we adopted the the percentage but not the hard limit of of Na 4 projecting the water 40 ft or whichever is less right me if your if your Canal is 200 ft you can still only go 40t scario one just got Nick 10 ft so I don't think that's what you want I think this needs cleaned up I agree with you I've talked with the city development services I've talked with folks and we don't have complaints we don't have a driver for this I think this needs to go back to the planning board andt one be cleaned up two I think it needs to be thought through more we don't have a compx we don't have a driver agree with you earlier changing for the sake of change doesn't make sense 40 ft uh okay yeah shall not project in water with more than 40 ft that Mak matter how wide you're that was supposed to be or 33% of the I'm fine with that version but I'm not fine with the first version this track changes so you tell me which one we're voting on well the one is supposed to be without the without the hard limit okay which section are we refer here 515 stopping parking and moing and towing you looking at the electronic C I'm trying to page 63 this yeah that's not I'm not quite sure why that was put in there because what we're looking at is the ordinance read us what that section the first sentence in section c reads and what we're voting on okay 515 Becky if I might uh mayor commissioner I'm looking at the ordinance here and three says reads as follows a more vessel in carmination of a Mor vessel and Pier slip dog boat house or boat shelter shall not project into any Waterway no more than the 40 ft is struck okay and it says 33 and 1/3% and the 20% is struck M of the width of the Waterway period whichever is less is struck all right so index forward six pages and that is not what's in there all I'm asking is which one are we voting on the track changes burdened I'm going with what he I want you're you okay with that we are we are voting on the track changes one because that's that's the actual ordinance and I'm not quite sure why the copy from uni code was stuck in there except that I guess that was what it used to be okay all right I think we got it sense so the one fixes that problem I think we're unnecessarily congesting our waterways to fix a problem we don't have so I made any other public comment V all right let's vote we got a motion in a second I got a motion to Amendment motion I didn't get a second second and that would be to kick this to planning board with the recommendation grandfather CLA on okay so you need to you need to have a a vote on the motion to amend if you want to amend the motion you need to vote on that first and then you and then if that fails then you go back there's there's a second okay there was a second yes so vote on the amended motion on the the amended motion that he just yes right so no vote on that would still allow us to come back and vote on do the original motion all right yeah so a vote on Jeremy's Amendment all in favor all opposed nay nay all right uh so that failed what was the vote uh that was that was his amended failed 32 yes yes it failed so now let's you had the regular motion okay you got a motion for the regular and you got a roll call it okay do I got it second we already got second let's do a roll call on on it as he just read it commissioner Jackson no commissioner William hi commissioner Willis yes vice mayor h no mayor yes nobody can accuse us of all being iing together on I just wanted to let the mayor M his boat at my house cuz I've got 67 ft now that now that makes people think we he can exceed the 50 30 ft all right let's keep going uh okay M stop we time with skill uh general public comment no no no we have we hav we've got another item under new business uh new business item one adopt ordinance 1687 on first reading an ordinance of the city of coka Beach Florida adopting a new Article 2 special budget funds in a new section 2-11 of that Article 2 capital projects fund of chapter 2 Administration providing for the establishment and funding of a capital project fund of the Coco Beach code of ordinances and providing for codification conflict cability and an effective date representative City commission recommendation adopt did I'm looking for the the secret word that says we shall Endeavor yeah you're got to go into the you got to go into the uh packet it's in there no but because by by tendrils if there's no motion it just dies but by Robert's Rules we have to send a message as to whether we affirmatively approved it or we affirmatively denied it to keep it from coming back okay so in Tim's rules I make a motion to approve even though I'm not going to uh you know I may not vote for it I'll make a motion to approve second have a second all right we got a motion in a second Let's uh the discussion is where does it say endeavor on the B 11 B yeah you got to you got to go into the it says each year during the budgeting process the city commission shall consider funding of CPS I'm looking at the ordinance each Su suceeding budget year the city commission shall Endeavor but will not be required to budim 3% it spell like something that's what I'm asking I would love that oh you are so just over I don't have it okay I missed your comment commissioner I was going to say if it spelled like the shuttle that would be great orbital vehicle okay all right com any public comment on it on a um we can comment on anything we don't know if we don't hear what you yeah so this is this is about um I I really think that we should do a capital projects fund because we do know we have some stuff coming up especially a new fire uh station up north we're going to need to save some money for that I'd rather not take uh bigger loans out than we need Why not start saving now or Endeavor to save now um we've already got some money that we can put aside to start it and we can Endeavor to grow that fund I think it would be very beneficial and if at some point we decide this is not a fun that we want to do we can always vote to not have it anymore to Valiant Endeavor we not changing language do you guys have any yeah I just I mean I I agree with 100% the concept I just think we can achieve the same results in budgeting my concern here is it's kind of in this special fund that we've similar thing with the arpa I 100% financially support the the idea I would prefer it be in the capital Improvement plan so we can all see the entire public can see when things are going to be spent if things get delayed they get kicked out so it's not just this secret fund that's my concern I think we can achieve it talking to Patricia and congrats Patricia on the the uh assistant city manager designation we could have talking to her I think we can accomplish this goal we could have done this 10 years ago totally but we we never did so this is this is taking a step to keep us more accountable to try to do this this is why I want to do it so that we know and so the residents know we're trying to be more fiscally responsible with their money and I think this is a good step in trying to show that I'm going to prove it like I said I just I think we to me I I see differently I think we can have better visibility if it's in the CIP plan you have any you want to say about it either option works either option gets you to that same end goal um what commissioner Hutcherson was talking to me about is you can actually put those into the CIP budget that's your 5-year look forward to the cost of future Capital um you can budget to your point 500 a year for a 5-year period with the anticipation of using you just carry them forward so it's 500 in year 1 then it becomes a million in year two and a million five in year three towards a specific project um and that's what Comm commissioner Hutchinson was saying you could specifically say what you are saving for that specific project what the mayor capes is saying is not identifying a specific Capital project but simply saying that we know there's going to be Capital needs there's going to be Capital costs for example the alarm system that just came up um it's you know $95,000 that was not necessarily known at the budget period but this unident identified Capital kind of funds that the mayor is talking about setting aside would be able to address that so either option kind of achieves the same end purposes it's just slightly different on how you would utilize it so is it is it truly an either or could we not do both where we we intentionally set aside whether we have a a project or not which I think is kind of the spirit here but then if we do have projects we could specifically call our shots for those projects and the two marry up well kind of similar to what John Bera had suggested exactly yes so that we could do both yes okay I like that we do do both because we have a 5-year Capital Improvement plan and that's where we put the known known yeah so I don't these are in we accomplished this already I mean just by doing what you said we accomplish it that they they've already planned when we're doing the capital project right you know it's not I mean unless something drastic comes up that's what we got reserved but I mean why didn't we do that with City Hall we did we that was in the 5year plan well how come we got to take a loan out then CU we didn't get the grant we voted on A4 million Grant and we lost it the same thing is going to be with this so the the scenario we're going through withd drawing from arpa funds is exactly what's going to happen we say oh this is key over here let's draw from that well Patricia is still how much is budgeted in the 5-year Capital Improvement plan for the new Fire Station of nor it's in here 5 [Applause] million I don't know if it's in there at the moment but I the last I heard was uh yeah around 5 million in what so 5 million in 2025 for design planning I'm assuming that's actual fabrication though it's it's it's labeled design planning we have it budgeted or we're going to take a loan out for that no that's just saying we were going to expend $5 million Capital Improvement fing Source the funding source is different that means that we have to do something between now and approving that to either figure out a way to fund it or cut it right because loans they find are so low interest that it's almost better to take not right now so what where what what she said what what ke's saying is Well we the new Fire Station up north is known known for 15 years and and been getting more Urgent by the year so shame on me I've been here 15 years for for not putting money aside that's what I'm trying to do here that's that's all I'm trying to do let's put money aside for our projects M woles had a great idea last time is where is this coming from we already cut stuff it's not money's not just going to come in we're gr we tax base we're cutting services I might not be here next year you might not be here next year you're not going to be here next year it don't stuck holding the bank you're stuck here holding the bag if we don't put money aside if we don't if we don't designate this then who knows what next commission is going to want to do they might they might say hey we don't care about budgeting that I agree with the financial I just don't think it's necessary I'll vot for it well I I made the argument that if you did build it up to 5 million and you didn't have and you're covering all your Capital Improvement plan things for your known known that a new commission could come up and say you know we could put up a $5 million water par cuz there's $5 million and we don't know what to do with it so vote wisely well okay so uh so any other public comments then now that you heard what we're talking about Rick Anderson 1800 Minute Man Crossway I'm I'm just wondering how you can use the word endeavor and then turn around and call it an ordinance because using the word endeavor just makes it a resolution so I I'm having an issue with that the the other thing I'm having an issue with is is what becomes defined as a capital project versus repairing something or replacing something that's just worn out now I understand the case of building an alarm system it's just a worn out alarm system is that a capital expenditure so I'm just wondering how Capital expenditures are going to be defined going forward I agree 100% with you Mr Mayor 100 100,000% but I I I just I just have problems with the definition of it and once you put the word endeavor in there you so I I don't I don't understand how we can take the status of an ordinance so the capital project she actually she did actually Define it it's not actually for repairing broken stuff on other capital projects it's for new capital projects or rebuilding capital projects um and then the Endeavor means that we put it in our budget and we consider that first and then we work around that for for our other stuff and and what the ordinance actually does it creates the fund the fund's going to be there whether it is um funded every year is is up to y'all during the budget process so it is appropriate to be in an ordinance as opposed to a resolution I mean in requirements in engineering world it's an objective versus a threshold and to me exactly what Rick's saying is what's you know the objective we all say we should achieve this but the threshold will we absolutely have to achieve it's I'll vote for it okay so we got a motion in a second um Tim looks like he really wants to say something public comment we hadn't closed public comment Tim tum Coco Beach um I just really don't even know where to start um one commissioner Hutcherson's you don't like it but you're going to vote for it um I just don't understand that at all uh we have reserves that we need to support for our city in case we have hurricanes and whatnot that that goes on um you'll say oh I don't want to raise millage I don't want to tax people yet I'm going to pull $100,000 a year off for Capital Improvements for something I don't know what I'm not going to name it because I want to be able to decide what to do with that money later on well you may or may not be here I may or may not be here someone's going to be here and they're going to spend that money on whatever they want not on what maybe you want it to be or anyone else here wants it to be um when I'm saving money in a savings account yeah I do that as home that's a budget that's a different kind of thing than the city um the vast majority I would bet the vast majority of the people here have loans on their home maybe you don't maybe a couple of you don't out here but the majority do is it right for all of us now to pay for the next 50 years of Capital Improvements or is it the responsibility of the residents that live here for the next 50 years to pay for those Capital Improvements in which they are uh languishing in do you understand what I'm saying there is that if you do get a loan like we're doing for the city uh for City Hall and various um Capital Improvements it's being paid for by the people that are using them going forward in the future not the people in the past yeah thank you and and yeah I have another minute left and I may just stand here I'm not sure but you know yall ran on not raising taxes yet you want to pull money aside for who knows what well we know what but yeah we we got we have a a $5 million fire station coming up which I voted no for don't say I ra taxes so we have a $4 million hole we did not get the grant that everyone was based on that City hle on so that's a $4 million hole you're already in if you're trying to create a more hole and I personally don't want to spend my kids I'd rather I'd rather leave something for them less of a whole I didn't I didn't want to come into $40 million in debt cuz that's not how I run my household so if I'm here $40 million it it's it's managed yeah the way it was planned out it wasn't just popped on there it's managed so I mean there's there's some sometimes you just got to keep the money you have and pay as you go to to sustain what you have now so where's this $500,000 like I said last time like where's this $500 ,000 going to come from what do we what are we what are we skimping on what are we cutting to get that I think we should pay more attention to the reserves and we're doing that to CFO reserves are for operation not for Capital and the 500k came from this gentleman over here that was able to consolidate roles what are we cutting besides that though he's operating in a city with less people that's what funded the initial so great joban are we going to be able to do that every year yeah that's we're going to Endeavor to I I just I just don't see how we can do that every year so well when it when it when we go pencils down on the budget and the millage rate M there it's going to be $500,000 in this fund or there's going to be zero that's right okay I mean we're going everybody scared about it's not we're going to spend it we're going to spend it unless we set it asign for something we're going to figure out where we could spend it and it won't be there next year I'll tell you that or don't tax the people 500,000 I'm not raising taxes that's not what I'm planning on doing 500,000 you guys are going to learn this it's not that easy to just say it I'm voting for it because it's not a hard requirement it's a great reminder for all of us do or due diligence be fiscally responsible spend these folks dollar wisely if it's not holding us to the fire so I'm going to vote for any other public comment and I'm going to close it let me let me ask Janice Scott Coco Beach you know this is always my favorite subject is how much money we get to spend in Coco Beach and um my comment in recent times was about I don't want to be paying for people 20 years from now I'm not going to be around here 20 years from now and I feel like I paid my share but maybe the time has come and uh I know everybody loves this to th start thinking about incorporating un incorporating or incorporating from Port to Patrick you the amount of money that is discussed here to manage four square miles it's sinful absolutely sinful and it's it's not your fault you're not all mismanaging it but it's just you know if you live anywhere else in the world it it would just be nobody would believe it so um we have three administrative overheads for basically less than 12 miles 12 linear miles thank you thank you Janice all right we got a motion you want com yeah I close public comments closed thank Youk um commissioner huton made a statement and this is my ignorance we can't use reserves on anything but operating expenses that's the case that's for E the emergency reserves that we have now I think I was referencing that is we voted to up the percentage in reserves that was for the operation side to maintain so we're going to up it a percentage every year I think it's at 19 now Patricia that's not the capital side that's just to keep the city running if we get hit with a hurricane we got six months next year we'll have seven months whatever that matchs out to that's just the operation side do we have Capital similar Capital reserves already yeah you're at 19% for emergency damage recovery and then you're at 2% % for just your operational reserves so that's just having best practices that you have uh the preferred is six months of reserves just to have to cover operational costs so what we do to calculate those reserves is we look at the total Personnel operating not include Capital to calculate make that keep growing that percentage keep growing up to I think it was up to 6% so it'd be 19% for your disaster recovery and an additional 5 or 6% for just operational so we're already pulling money off the top of our our income that's your sort of protective measures to ensure that we always have what we need to maintain operations anything above that can be used to balance the budget but we don't have a form of Reserve in a non-emergency situ situation that goes toward a firehouse or a capital investment okay I just want to make sure we Wen it's either it's either committed restricted or unassigned and that was the basis of John berera comment he says don't plan don't run on having unallocated reserves because you won't be up here next election that was is coming okay so we had a motion in a second uh all in favor of this this ordinance needs to be a roll call oh yeah no oh this is first first reading first reading we're coming back on this first reading yes this is first reading coming back first reading did you get did you get no votes so I was say all so all in favor of this ordinance on first reading yeah on first reading I all uh I'll oppos was nay so uh motion passes 4 One first reading um all right any general public comment all right meeting adjourned