e e indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right we have an invocation by Chris is that you Chris good evening dear Lord I Thank You for Your Grace and your mercy on this country on our state and on this great City and I just pray and humbly invite you to be with this proceeding I pray for your wisdom and your order and I just uh want to recognize your sovereignty over this proceeding over the government and over all things and I thank you that you give us the privilege to uh participate in this proceeding I pray for continued wisdom and Leadership over the Commissioners over the mayor over the assistant mayor over the city attorneys all the city workers that put their time and effort into making the city what it is I pray for our community at large I pray that uh that all things um be done in decency and Order and in with a sense of community I pray for peace and I just again acknowledge that you are Supreme Over All Things large and small I pray for this meeting in Jesus name amen amen hey City CLK roll call please commissioner Jackson here Williams here W here may H here okay can I get an approval of the agenda move to approve the agenda is written second a first and a second all in favor I I did we have any public comments of items not on the agenda I think there was two Sherry you wanted to go I'm sorry Sarah you wanted to go and order Sarah first and Charlene yeah come on up good evening council members my name is Sarah dtz and I proudly serve as the community and volunteer coordinator for Matthews hope a local homeless Ministry dedicated to serving Central Bard County tonight I'm here to shed light on the work we undertake within our community Matthew's hope is more than just a service provider we are a Lifeline for those experiencing homelessness our mission is to move our guests to a life of Independence and self- sustainability we operate Outreach programs every Tuesday and Thursday at our facility during Outreach we offer hot meals clothing hygiene supplies showers medical and Mental Health Care haircuts and other vital resources every Outreach we see about 110 to 150 guests these resources are Not Mere handouts they restore dignity and provide essential support to our guests we also have mobile Ministry routes that run on Mondays and Wednesdays to ensure that nobody goes hungry those days we may see up to 75 guests without the support of the community we would not be able to make this happen recently we have had the benefit of having a mutual beneficial relationship with the city of Coco and the Coco Police Department this partnership has enabled us to enhance safety and support for the vulnerable populations we serve and the community as a whole tonight I express our sincere desire to Pioneer a similar partnership with Coco Beach and its law enforcement due to how it would benefit Coco Beach just as it has the city of Coco I must also address the matter of participation in what we do at Matthews hope with you all in the past we have extended invitations for you to visit Matthew's hope and witness firsthand the impact of our work if these invitations were lost in the shuffle consider this a heartfelt invitation to each of you to tour our facility seeing our operations up close will provide a deeper understanding of our mission and the challenges we Face additionally I raise a pressing concern regarding House Bill 1365 this legislation has profound implications for our community and I seek Clarity on whether there is a plan or any discussions addressing its potential impact it is crucial that we are prepared to Advocate effectively for the needs of our fellow citizens and ensure their rights and Welfare are protected because not here is not an answer Matthew's hope stands ready and eager to collaborate with the Coco Beach city council and its First Responders together we can make a meaningful difference in our area and change Coco Beach for the better thank you for your attention tonight I look forward to further dialogue and the opportunity to work together towards a brighter future for Coco Beach I'm able to answer any questions you may thank you um Charlene I'm Sarah huh I'm Sarah oh okay I got a card here says oh that's our lead Advocate she's after me okay okay um I drove by today and I noticed it looks like in a lot of the the old classrooms for Sunday school and stuff you guys have many splits there um which is efficient but um are you housing any people on that property so we actually just not just but back in like December January is we um were approved by the city of Coco to start building our transitional housing so that's what all those classrooms are going to be converted into um we are in permitting right now so we are just waiting for all that to pass and then we're going to start our transitional housing right are you familiar with um the uh First Baptist Church has a transformal trans transformal Life Center up in New York you're familiar with that yes sir so you guys are kind of following that same model but doing it locally um we have so Matthew's hope actually started 14 years ago in Winter Garden um so we have been doing transitional housing for quite a while um we when we came to this area didn't know about the other um resources that were around because there really is not much um so we we started as our Outreach and then when we found our classrooms to be suitable for transitional housing that's when we made that decision because our whole model is it's not a hand out it's a hand up so understood thank you absolutely else any comments all that thanks sir all right thank you and Charlene [Music] ditz hi I'm Charlene ditz yes she's my kid um and I am the community liaison and Lead advocate for Matthews hope so I am not as polished as my daughter but I just wanted to give you a couple of of examples of our partnership with Coco and how things work um one of the ways that we've built that relationship is when uh code enforcement who I work pretty closely with may have a trespass for a camp or or something of that sort rather than going in there and automatically trespassing the camp they would reach out to me first I would then go in with code enforcement local police that type of thing and we would speak to the camp I will hand out garbage bags all day to them we will give them a little bit of time to gather their belongings and then move along peacefully rather than having just an immediate trespass put on their record um I always tell people if you gave me 24 hours to move out of my house I would not be able to collect everything and go um maybe I should downsize but um but um you know that's that's one way another way is even if we have people sleeping behind buildings or in Parks or or something like that um we have an understanding now that don't don't wake the guys or the people up at 3:30 in the morning cuz all they're going to do is pick up and go behind another building and then you're going to have a merchant who's not happy so if they're in a park if you can let them stay until at least 6:00 we come out mobile we are out mobile every Monday and Wednesday in Coco Beach okay so we are trying to tell our guests that if you were somewhere at 6:00 in the morning or by time we get out here even 8:00 in the morning it's better for us to wake one of them up and say hey I have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich can you move along because if not you know it's not where you're supposed to be so the communication between the city the First Responders the Poli you know the fire and police with us making that phone call with us and having that relationship is huge huge um just to uh qu help Sarah a little bit because I actually found this location in Coco um I live in Meritt Island when we came here this side it was to be closer to the water and uh decompress a little bit as we're getting older and quite honestly I poked and I said I see homeless people and now we have a second location so with that um you know just the Partnerships the transitional housing okay when we researched we realized that the county is topheavy and bottom heavy in Services okay so when we see here House of Hope it it's a great great um um group believe it or not our founder and their their founder know each other from Winter Garten but they also deal in um lwi income whereas we strictly deal in just homelessness so like Sarah said we are at permitting hopefully to break ground soon sooner than later for a transitional housing program we call that our moving forward program that assists with you know giving you the tools for your toolbox so this way you can move forward and stand on your own two feet so if anyone has any other questions for me I'd be glad to answer um are you guys affiliated with the Homeless Coalition or United Way or any those so we're not affiliated but we we all work together okay you know the the Homeless Coalition for instance actually quau wind of a camp being um trespassed they called us we came out with garbage bags we actually got the camp who by the way had a woman in in the camp who was 7 months pregnant okay we we got another 5 days before they had to be moved out okay and you know that work I I tell our we call them Our Guest Our Guest that if if we have helped negotiate an additional time to get you out of a camp and get you moved okay because here's part part of the problem we can move our homeless population around there's nowhere for them to go okay so I can't say to them hey there's that patch of woods over there you know that type of thing but at least if I can help them them not wind up having a trespass against them with the fine and on the hamster wheel you know that helps but we we all work together absolutely I I spend a lot of time walking my dog through Maritime hammock Park in Coca Beach and during Co and probably the year after there was quite a few homeless people there and sometimes you just find their debris mhm but sometimes they were there too mhm but there's nobody there anymore so it seems like either it's less of a problem because we haven't put any special enforcement in that area I can again I'm the Le I am out twice a week on the road in the camps behind buildings but I guess my question is H have you seen an EB and flow since preco to now oh absolutely ABS it's much more and what everyone thinks of of the demographics right now I have to tell you you know I'm seeing more people that are out living in their cars or out on the streets that are my parents age my parents age I met a woman just the other day who literally is getting evicted because her they raised her rent and now what she does get doesn't doesn't pay the bills so we are seeing an influx of seniors our next is people with disabilities okay you know modern te technology and modern medicine is great but now we have people who have those disabilities that are living longer that that now they're caretakers they're outliving their caretakers so if they can't be taken care of they're winding up out on the streets so it it's it's very a very different face of homelessness I can tell you personally I meet people every day from different walks of life people have more education than I do people come from from just different backgrounds and most most I will say it was just a hiccup in life and and and this idea that our homeless are all nothing but a bunch of addicts just makes my my skin crawl because I can tell you that the people that are out there that are um using I would easily say minimum of 50% of they're using they're self-medicating because of melted mental illness that they're not getting the proper care um so I I had a little family reunion last weekend over in Mad madira Beach R sh stay in holiday and Express in madira beach and uh it was like right up against the parking lot for a Walmart mhm so I walk a lot so in the morning I you know walk around look in the parking lot you know and there was people with their windows down sleeping in their cars you know there was a camper there that actually was bold enough to put a generator out and had a window unit you know yeah had it running um and then there was people that were bold enough to walk over to the hallan express and get free breakfast and walk right back to their walk right back to their car and all the probably you know they don't want the altercation what's Yeah couple of Pancakes and a sausage and some eggs you know but you know I saw it I saw it firsthand just in a in a park people basically living in a parking lot yeah absolutely I can tell you that that within the past month one of my my parking lots in one day I came up and I had three gentlemen one being a veteran who were all between the ages of 77 and 80 living in a parking lot yep well uh I pray for the best for your transitional housing thank you because if you can get people in there and get them get their minds right and get them you know some job opportunities and hopefully they'll be a place for them to go absolutely thank you so much thank you thank you okay any other public comments Rick inter go ahead Rick Anderson 1800 Minute Men Causeway and I'm really surprised and happy to see Charlene and Sarah here because I just left them about 6 hours ago I just started volunteering for Matthew's hope about a month ago and I I had no idea that they were coming tonight so I'll just tell you a little bit about the little tiny little area that that I work in it's called fulfillment and the clients come in and uh a central order desk and and they have a point system I don't completely understand it but they have a point system and they order basic needs anything from um 3230 jeans a medium t-shirt uh body wash toothpaste toothbrush I mean just countless necessities and we fulfill the the orders and and we we send them over um but it's just amazing to me because uh it's Tuesday every Tuesday and Thursday we work about 4 and 1/2 5 hours and we F approximately 100 orders every Tuesday and every Thursday the three to four of items per order jeans pants I I have no idea where this stuff keeps coming from to fill all these orders but it's it's it it's very humbling it's very very eye openening and um the program I I I know that they have they have some kind of a merit system where some of the the clients can work and they earn points and they'll allow the clients to actually come back into the Fulfillment area and shop and pick out the items that they want and so forth like a reward program but it is a it's a fabulous program and um I'm just a one little little tiny part of it but um I just I'm just vouching for how impressed I am with the whole program thanks Rick J Janice Scott Coco Beach okay so um this is kind of at the pleasure of the commission be Robert's Rules hello skip um n Pon I have a question the item I wanted to discuss is on the consent agenda but it's not what is published on the consent attenda so um can I I know that you've already voted on the consent agenda it's the whole agenda but um I wanted to talk briefly about the election basically I don't think it was on there what is the day to declare for uh to run for office it's in the background material um online everybody doesn't go online before they it says it it states do say on the agenda Okay so ifying period August 5th through August 9th noon to noon okay so as I'm not talking about the details I don't want to talk about the details that are on the uh consent agenda but I do want to draw attention to the fact that there is going to be an election and hopefully unlike the last election when nobody knew there was an election because of covid and people got in unapposed I hope that the candidates will have opposition and actually have to run a campaign this time um it's really important um also for whoever decides to run to um make um commitment to network within the county couple of people have mentioned to me that they never see Cocoa Beach Commissioners around and I'm like well I don't go to those meetings League of cities or Transportation or any of the other um meetings that you all have committed to volunteer except for commissioner Willis she goes to Port I see her Port once in a while at the Port meeting but um it really is important the this coming election in November we have um a county commissioner for district one that is there's a lot going on between District 1 and District Two it's really really important that you find out who's going to run in district one and support a really good candidate who's also going to support Coco Beach in conjunction with our District 2 commissioner Tom Goodson so um with that I hope you all will stick with the news find yourself some more candidates um for coco beach so that people have to run campaigns thank you Janice any other public comment no okay moving on to agenda D staff reports staff reports yes sir okay so um I'm sorry I didn't hear you but um so I I'm continuing my um honoring of an employee everybody can hear me so so tonight I have somebody very special um somebody that I've been working with for for quite a while now um who's kind of filled in for a lot of the stuff that I did prior to becoming uh city manager manager and um we've worked together for a long time and a lot of a lot of the uh other employees call him my favorite and he is the some to a certain extent but um he's an employee that I saw a lot of qualities in that I look for in not only people but employees too he's he's very smart he's very dedicated he's um he's very committed he has qualities of being able to to balance a lot of projects at the same time um he has the ability to make decisions Under Pressure he works very well under pressure he's a risk taker to me that's a very important quality and um I can't really say enough about him and um he's back there and Skip I was hoping you didn't blurt his name out on me but know so know I I was going to say it but I you know spoil and so I have I have projects that he's working on right now I mean you just can't beat him and he's hands on he likes to work with his hands and he can get the job done and and he's learned everything everything you can imagine I to I told him from the beginning Scott when you come into an organization like this and you want to accomplish things you learn everything so that no one can stand in your way you learn how to advertise the project you learn how to get the grants you learn how to run the project and he's done that plus more I I could actually see Scott um looking down from the heavens as being a city manager someday he has that quality of talent and um so just waiting another 30 years and I wish there was more people here tonight to share this with but so Scott you're up man come on and and if you want and if you want to say something take my recommendation say something good about the commission and then say something a good about the city manager award for you and this is a nice gift certificate for you too man if you want to say a few words honestly just if you don't don't I I appreciate that that means a lot to me um I looked up to Wayne for a long time I wanted to get into project management the last time I was here so actually learning from him and uh getting the chance to learn the whole process from getting the grants and writing the rfps and all that stuff is pretty awesome thank you thanks commission thanks Wayne appreciate it so City attorney uh nothing thank you City commission I'm coule just followups with the city manager um we saw some correspondents back and forth from the Air Force on the Ada Park uh potential for us to get the property back and I was just thinking as it's time to pulse them again to you know see where they're at and maybe send another depiction of what we're plan on doing just keep it fresh in their minds yes yes sir yeah and Josh so you were instrumental in getting me um information on that do you feel that would just question to you in public here yeah I'm sure it wouldn't hurt um yeah it looked probably just follow up with the verbage that Terry had provided in the email of you know it's pending this and just see if okay any updates on that progress yeah and then the second thing is um the permitting for the 400 Channel dring that's been in the budget for a couple years planned right so Scott we we got the permit right yeah the permitting is all done so now we got to get money to do the project okay so um besides me who's going to the Fine meeting Friday night to try to I believe leave I'm going to go Scott will be there Patricia um so there'll be staff also okay so another thing um commissioner is you know we recently lost Jerry uh Sansom who was our yeah I know I know right so I want to meet his replacement too if if there if it has been replaced I'm not even sure to be honest with you but I mean that is a historically fine supported you know dredging effort that they've supported in the past 100% And it's a major artery for the whole South End of the city out to the river so it just you know just like to socialize it and try to keep it on their radar and get it into whatever sequence or cycle of their budget planning we need to get it into because some some of the years they end up with extra money that didn't get allocated and they're like could anybody spend it well you know do we have an idea of what it's going to cost so maybe bring those details in Friday are you going to the earlier meeting so so Saturday morning um Scott and I will be doing a presentation to them we're requesting $750,000 in grant money from them this year um so Jerry even before he passed away suggested that um we wait till the next cycle to go for money for the 400 Channel CU it'll be kind of a push this this time but uh yeah we have a grant in with them and Saturday morning is the uh is our turn to do our presentation which we do every year so okay can you add live the 400 Channel if they have extra money at the end of the year that they can't spend because that's not going to be huge expense yeah sure because the channels just getting shallower you know I know exactly what you're talking about that's why we we got the permitting on your request too which right so we got the permitting and what do you have we estimated the cost to do that we're we're in the process of doing that right now getting a construction cost estimate and then we go after them for money right that's not in the 750 briefing vers Saturday no no no no we we got the information that it would be a that's all the the M capping money no this is the um this is the Bicentennial Park project oh this is the last leg of that that project okay well we need that too mhm okay well maybe come in under budget on that that's a good possibility push the money see if they'll let us use that money for the 400 Channel mhm but we need a number that's what we're working on now yeah okay thank you any other commission reports I'll say a few things so Scott congrats on that is does the city um a few of us might be in our industry there's a project management professional certification and it sounds like he's interested in that it's why they recognize it goes a lot of Det SKS in terms of formly managing projects I just give we have to go take all the test but there are some good things that come out of it's industry recognized I'm sure the city has education Assistance or whatever they do I would highly recommend it I come from defense and it's we we follow a lot of those processes to the te so I'm sure you guys are experienced that so I would highly recommend that um and then to one comment about the election I agree I I would love to have choices I think we have one candidate for each three seats I believe but I can't force people to do it you know so it's I would certainly like to have choices but is what it is okay that's it for me so agenda G consent agenda City attorney all right this is the consent agenda item one approve the following minute meeting minutes May 16 2024 and June 6 2024 staff representative city clerk recommend ation approved item two adopt resolution number 2024-the Florida calling for the November 5 2024 election and authorizing the city clerk to proceed with All Phases of the election process resolution number 20 24-11 calls for the election of Mayor seat one currently filled by mayor capy this seat will have a 4-year term commissioner seat two currently filled by commissioner Joshua Jackson will have a 4-year term and commission seat three currently filled by commissioner Carolyn wace this seat has a four-year term candidate qualifying week is noon August 5th 2024 to noon August 9th 2024 representative Karen groom city clerk recommendation approve item three confirm the following commission meeting changes July 4th 2024 four cancel regular meeting staff representative Wayne kajino city manager recommendation approve item four approve a piggyback contract agreement with analytical and diagnostic to perform improvements on the maritime hammock preserve Alum injection system arpa funds have been previously approved for these improvements staff representative Morgan Zuli storm water utility manager recommendation approve item five approve The Bard County save our Indian River Lagoon grants in the amount of $62,900 staff representative Patricia drott Chief Financial Officer assistant city manager recommendation approved item seven authorize staff to enter into mutual Aid agreement through flaw War Florida water Wastewater agency response Network a formalized mutual Aid response Network Consortium of utilities willing to provide critical resources to member utilities during man-made or natural disaster staff representative Brad czo waste water director recommendation approve item eight approve the memorandum of understanding mou between the school board of bravar County and the City of coka beach for school resource resource officer SRO services this one-year mou aligns with theou between the school board of bravar County and the bvar county sheriff's office for the 2024 2025 school year for the 2024 25 school year the school board of Bard County will reimburse the city $72,000 per SRO for law enforcement Services which includes a portion of the salary benefits and Associated cost for up to the assigned to Sr and for a total not to exceed $144,000 this is a budgeted item Representatives Wes Mullins interim police chief Wayne Carino city manager recommendation approve move to approve the consent agenda is read and a second all in favor passes 40 items removed from kinson agenda nothing and general public comment anything second opportunity anything NOP