##VIDEO ID:FYS0CA8gOSU## e e e e e e e e yes repeat after me I I your name in tumy do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support that I will support protect protect and defend the Constitution and government protect defend and support the Constitution of the government of the United States of the United States and the State of Florida and the State of Florida that I am duly qualified that I am duly qualified to hold office to hold office under the constitution of the State under the constitution of the state and that and that I will I will and faithfully and Faithfully perform the duties of the city of Poco Beach perform the duties of the city of Poco Beach commissioner commissioner on which I am now about to enter about I I am which I am now about to enter congratulations thank you congratulations and one is yours congratulations thank you you're welcome now I can call you in who got your Pi who got your picture finish got your picture I know it congratulations here is that okayy oh sure say [Music] all right at this time we'll do comments from the incoming Commissioners you want to say anything uh no I really don't have anything to saying okay no I'm just kidding of course I do um it's uh it's certainly an honor to uh to be uh thought of as a commissioner and and and to have the city of Coco Beach elect me into this position I've I've been you know a couple times and um you you got to pinch yourself when you come up here it's like is it really happening right uh Courtney thank you so much for your support throughout all the years and and uh especially during this campaign I know um we had a discussion before we started this um thank you um Tyson and Karina my uh son and daughter I guess they're they're they're out there and grandkids uh Arya Elias and Tristan I'm glad they were here to see this um and uh maybe in four years we'll do it again uh but I do want to thank uh everyone that supported me um I had a great uh marketing team and uh and a great uh amount of support from from individuals throughout the community um to come back up here and be on the day so thank you so much and I appreciate it and I'll I'll do everything I can to make you proud thank you thank you Tim uh I just want to thank everybody as well for for voting for me thank you for my family for supporting me uh it's been a pleasure working with you Caroline and I'm going to I'm going to miss you and uh but I'll see you around town I'm sure um anyways like I said I appreciate everybody um you know continuing to support me and uh I look forward to the next four years I'd like to uh follow our rotation and appoint Tim to malti as our vice mayor to serve for 2025 second I got a i I'd like to comment on this I I do not want to accept the vice mayor position um for for the reason we got three votes so that's fine you may but uh I want to give you some reasoning as to why I don't want to do this um yeah I do have experience and being up here but it's the first year of a term in four years potentially someone else could be in the seat and to put them in the position of vice mayor their first year I don't think is the way to that we should go we we talked about this at another meeting a couple years back and you agreed with me that it made a lot of sense to do it this way where the uh commissioner doesn't become a vice mayor until their fourth or third or fourth term fourth year of the term um and it could be done easily um and we we could change that and get into that proper rotation if commissioner Williams you would accept the vice mayor position this year and then again next year and then we can go into the proper rotation after that where seat two would be their third term seat three would be their fourth year and then and continue on in that order I'll thr my comment in there because I was vice mayor I think you did a great job as vice mayor I don't carry the way I'll be happy to do it if you want to do it it doesn't matter I literally filled in for two meetings for you it was totally feasible as the first year I think I think you did a good job with Mr M or mayor Malik was there so I'm fine with either way but that's my two cents yeah I would I don't think it's that a time yeah I don't think it's a big deal the thing is anybody can can be elected mayor off the street and go straight into mayor without being vice mayor so to me it doesn't make sense to to mess up the rotation if you don't want it we won't vote for you if you do want it uh I would vote for you well the rotation was messed up previously that's that's what's happened and that's that's all I'm saying I'm not don't want to get cont to the person vote something I mean it's that it's not that big like you said it's not that big a deal but now there an now there an opportunity to straighten it out okay so so let me uh let me just say this okay way back when I originally took office in 2007 we were in threeyear y term and but the rotation has stayed the same even though we went to fouryear terms so that's kind of where it got a skewed right I agree okay I think a giant Vin diagram would explain this it's not that tough though it's pretty simple so what do you guys want to do you want to just I'd be happy to do it it doesn't sound like we want to mess up the rotation but I I don't think it's that big a deal well we had want to change the rotation doesn't do it then we'll we we had a motion in a second to uh to appoint you well I if you pull your second I'll pull my motion I'll pull my second I'll pull my motion okay okay so that laboring this audience uh I'll ask uh Karen so how would we make this rotation go based on you'd always have to have it where the commission the seats that got elected this cycle that would be somebody from the previous cycle which would be either Jeremy or me okay okay yesing so I would per the rotation I would be still next year in 2026 but we could change the rot the seat you're seat five seat five is 2025 and then we'd end up when we go out or don't go out I'm going to go out because the term limits but whether Jeremy goes out or not that following year it would be one of the other more year people it would be Joshua the next year and then me the next year but but it would be one of the people that had already been here for two years I'm skip I'm commission Wills I'm I'm suggesting that you after being on the commission for 17 years would be vice mayor for the last two years of your term I can do that too but that's what I'm suggesting okay um commissioner hederson has been vice mayor for a year and a half now so I I just think that this would drop it right into proper rotation and and we can I'll make a motion that I continue as vice mayor until we get Des ired out some new proposal rotation I'm not following the logic of what years line up with what terms well looking for a second okay pretty simple people that got elected this year which was was sorry I made it so difficult c three C2 and and [Music] C so the mayor is never going to be the vice mayor okay right so at C two and three two and three would come up in [Music] 2027 right we 28 yeah 27 28 no if I did 2025 and 2026 then it would be 27 27 and 28 28 J would be 27 10 would be 28 okay then Cat 4 is 29 c five is 30 and then it starts over 2 3 4 okay so number order it's a lot has a lot to do with OCD you know okay it you can do that this is your decision puted decision if I mean uh yeah go ahead I'll make a motion to nominate skip Williams vice mayor for the remaining two years of his term I second that any public comment thank you okay all all favor all in favor I all oppos wow okay is that any indication the next uh City City attorney motion passes uh for [Music] that appr of the agenda approval of the I want where I get approval of the agenda right there Mo the agenda yeah I move to approve the agenda as written I want to pull four items mayor he pulled an item which on you pulled four four items I'm asking to pull four items oh which I two I3 i5 and I8 three five and8 two three five and eight make this agenda long next is presentation the police department you have to all right we got the presentation from the police department hang on did you vote on the agenda move to approve the agenda as second you got a motion and a second to approve the agenda as modified all in favor I all opposed motion passes for all right good evening mayor commission city manager City attorney assistant city manager um so the Coca Beach police department has been accredited by the commission for Florida law enforcement accreditation since 2015 once every 3 years the commission sends a team of three assessors from accredited agencies throughout the state to visit our department and assess our compliance with approxim imately 250 Professional Standards this assessment is a rigorous 3-day process that comprehensively evaluates every aspect of our organization and as a voluntary process that we choose to partake in to ensure that we're holding ourselves accountable in the realm of Public Safety it's actually no secret that in the last threeyear cycle our departments has encountered a lot of challenges due to the commitment and buying of each of our department members this commission the city manager our city staff other City departments and this community we have achieved a successful reassessment this past July in October of this year six staff members and myself attended three meetings at the commission for Florida law enforcement accreditation conference in Santa Bell where the Commissioners voted unanimously for our agency to be fully re accredited I would like to thank each member of our department our city staff other City departments our city manager this commission and our community for your support as we could not have achieved this outcome without you I would like to introduce some of the people here first this is our accreditation manager divon butram Lieutenant Manny Hernandez Bobby strange officer officer Brandon Tate Sergeant Bill Stanley Lieutenant Joe mailman executive assistant Rachel Tate and Major Tom Cooper last but not least our quartermaster Pete Mone who has worked for this city for the last 52 years we will continue to move forward and to grow as an agency and to make you proud I look forward to seeing how far we come in the next assessment in 2027 thank you for your time 52 years that's amazing good thing yeah so the city longer than the city's been Incorporated longer than I've been alive so coming from a well that's not what we 100 years we 100 years you said longer than longer half I said half I thought I said half so I was hoping they wouldn't leave but um a couple of us are in aerospace engineering side of it so so I completely understand the rigor that it takes to establish those processes and go through an audit like that it's no joke so uh we live in a time where police are uh you know they've been bad mouth for the last few years so I commend them for for standing up and passing that audit that is certainly not a uh a cakewalk so congrats to chief M and Team all right public comment the items that are not on the agenda go ahead John Los 444 Dempsey drive just a couple quick things uh one involves Waste Management Waste Management does the trash and the recycle and the yard waste pickup and my comment tonight is that you know there's a schedule for each area of the city we're all on a different schedule and I find at least in my area the schedule is not really a schedule it's more like a Target we think we're going to come Tuesday and Friday but we're not really sure and the problem with that is that often times they come one or two days late some people pull the cans back off the street cuz they're not coming but then they do come but it's not on the day you're supposed to come the worst case scenario is when they just skip which is common on my street it it it gets skipped it just don't come so I mean life goes on nobody's nobody's nobody's suffering over this it's just that it's not really a schedule in my observation it's more like a Target uh second comment the city hall is wrapping up the downtown area there's a there's a lot of things going on you know a lot of positive things going on I think something that we should continually talk about and hopefully someday pursue would be adding lights to the downtown area like lighting up the trees and putting some you know some some Landscaping lighting I know we're going to do that on the cultural Green Space I'm sure that's going to look nice but it's very common on the walkways and The Pedestrian ways and downtown areas that trees get lit and it makes the area very warm and inviting and people want to go downtown and you know shop and eat and whatever it's very nice we're one of the few towns that doesn't have that and our our downtown is getting more investment it's getting better the new city hall is going in I think that might be a nice next step and with the with the power and utilities going in at the city hall this might be the time to you know trench some lines in for future you know lighting circuits just a just a thought thank you thank you um city manager what do we need to do for or can we figure out when our next um bid is for the waste management contract uh maybe see if we can get some more bids from Waste Pro or something like that we we've had uh same I have all the same issues that that you have they don't they don't come when they're supposed to come it's like pulling teeth to get them to p uh grab the the leaves um so I've been having problems as well and it might be time to to uh to put out for for bid for a new contract or at least let them know that we're not happy yeah I can I can do I can get you that information yes thank you can I comment yes 52 weeks of the Year twice a week pick up on my street and probably not just because I'm a commissioner but they've been late a few days but there's only been two days that they actually missed and talking to the guy the next time around it was because a truck broke down so I don't think it's as widespread a problem as being talked about I'd like to hear a lot more from the community um Waste Management uh worked very uh hand inand with us after Milton came through uh we lost Crowder golf because they were tied up in other disaster areas that were worth it than us um Wayne our city manager was able to uh put extra hours on our staff and put extra hours on Waste Management to get the city cleaned up in I think it was less than 3 weeks and the whole price tag came in less than it would have been if we would have ended up having Crowder Golf and having their little FEMA guy following them around every pile they picked up estimating how big the pile was so um my my experience with waste management is a good experience but as far as competitive bids go when the contract comes up for uh rebid I believe free and open it should be and it has been every time I've uh been sitting up here when that concrete came up for bid so it's not like they have a monopoly on that contract and I do believe that we need bulk pick up at least once a month I think uh I think the um well I'm talking about bulk as in uh sofas and couches and and uh I mean uh beds this stuff gets the since the new contract this this this stuff's been to landay on the side of the street it's it's been bad so I got to say something about that that was negotiated yeah I understand the last contract as an extra fee for the people that want to throw their lawn for I mean their their home belongings out into the street well we need to negotiate it back in make it where they have to do a bulk pickup you're basically charging everybody to reward the bad behaviors I think we need to negotiate it back in we need to we need to figure it out it's not it's not quite working out right I think a lot of the residents know that I get a lot of complaints about it well there'll be a time to uh put put the um proposal out well we'll figure it out we we we'll figure out whenever the new contract is and we'll we'll have them everybody bid on it we we can have input into the RFP okay you try putting a gift card on the trash can that works for me what a gift card on the trash can no I used to give him I used to give him 50 bucks all right um any other public comment hi um my name is Joey badamin and I'd like to talk about a possible proposal for a uh City flag yeah so um a while ago I started like collecting Flags when I was younger and I got like a Florida flag a rard county flag and I was kind of disappointed to realize like KOCO Beach didn't have like any flag at all so I kind of started working on that um I got L of inspiration from like other coastal towns when I started working on it um I also decided to go with red white and blue you know very patriotic Community as well as you know these are the Coca Beach colors for the football team and for all our other sports teams so I'd like to sort of know you know what sort of process I could go through to get you know uh to formally propose the flag because you know I think there's a lot of benefits to having a flag you know it's a great Community SYM symbol I know we already have some Community symbols but they're mostly tied to either you know a specific person or to an organization so I think it would be you know a good opportunity to have like a collective symbol for the city especially with the new um City Hall coming in you know I think it would be cool to sort of have a flag ready for like the day it opens thank you thank you Joey any other we can look into at some point well uh behind the scenes see yeah behind the scenes we'll talk talk about it I mean with the city with the city uh staff creating some uh process okay curious is that two-sided well one when I had the company put it in yeah it's too ided though right yeah yeah okay so you know we don't have to adopt that as formally as a flag right now but if if whether it gets adopted or not adopted for his Joey's efforts I think we should Qui through opening a city hall yeah I like that okay and then we have to make a decision on a city flag just based on his efforts put it up all right sounds good another thought is our our emblem too is kind of outdated you think I mean I'm just going with that that's something we could reach out to we got a lot of artists that were just here last weekend that might have come up with something uh unique for for our city and the new city hall too Joey that that was it's pretty awesome that you're thinking about us and that you you put all the effort into into making it and presenting to us I want to thank you for for uh stepping up and doing that uh now Joey do we do we need to take that flag from you in case you're not around the day it's time time we put it up or do you want to be here when we put it up you'll be here you can you can hold on to it just better show up and take pictures Aaron let him know when when it's going to be 2025 You2 25 I put it right down to the m first half 25 March 1st take your name and address my name is is Keith Capi 116 boaa Coco Beach um just to simple I hardly ever do this but I'm just felt called to do this the thing about the garbage this wasn't what I was going to say but the thing about the garbage is uh people that throw their couches out and their beds and all that stuff they don't have pickup trucks or trailers to haul it out so they'd have to call for a special pickup correct correct okay that's so my thing wanted to mention was when you drive down A1A and we have these new crosswalks now with the lit sign that says slow down right you've experienced that when I'm doing the speed limit or under the speed limit is saying slow down is this your number two thing yeah okay it's F dot I I'm you know basically Transportation Planning organization either they're going to drop the speed limit to 25 for the two blocks there and they've already got the sign figured at 25 or they haven't put the right number on the sign yet okay but just just don't be frustrated things take time they've only been working on those crosswalks for eight months yeah all I was just wondering should I slow down when I'm doing 35 or 33 absolutely no if you're going if you're going that's my comment all right Wes says if you're going five you're fine nine you're mine that's 6 seven8 um I was expecting those crosswalks all be the same too to try to match the rest of them but they're any other public comment all right staff reports okay uh thank you mayor I have a a a couple of things tonight uh first off I I would like to introduce our new Finance director her name is um Hannah jaman she has a very impressive resume she's started Monday it seems like she's been here for months already oh boy she a very good fit um and I'd like her to um give us a little um insight into to her background and her qualifications sure hi good evening uh my name is Hannah juman as Wayne said I started on Monday so I'm just day four on the job here um so far it's been a fantastic week working with members of the city I'm coming to you guys from Vero Beach where I was their Deputy um Finance director prior to that I have spent time and well I have a combined 10 years experience in both Municipal and state governments um prior to working for the city of Vero Beach I lived in Tallahassee where I'm originally from and I worked in the executive office of the governor um and part of the disantis administration for a few years and prior to that in Department of Environmental Protection but I'm very excited to be here with the city of Coco Beach to work with members of the city this commission and to be a new Resident awesome thank you thank you so that that position is a very important position um a very difficult position to find someone to of her qualifications to come on board um we've had I'll be the first one to admit it last budget cycle was a challenge um and so you guys can figure it out but we have a new Finance director and um I'm happy as a l so um awesome all right so let's move on I also would like to um take a couple minutes and kind of end of the year beginning of a new year uh new commission and do kind of a a state of the city as far as our projects and programs that we're working on you know I'm not going to address everything I mean everybody's doing all kinds of stuff but these are some of the major things that we're doing um okay and Karen's got the switch over there so um the first the first project as we were just talking about is our our city hall project um and the description up there is um a new city a new construction project construction over City Halls Centennial square wasu area and um it began in 2024 and will be completed in 2025 the cost was um established as 11.5 million um not to exceed um a GMP guaranteed maximum price of no more than 11.5 um the substantial completion date for the project is February of 2025 so far we're on schedule um and we're pretty excited as anybody that went by there you can see that the Centennial Plaza is a big area um and it's it's going to be the centerpiece of our downtown uh we also have a really nice variable message sign sign that's going to be on the corner of Minute Man and Orlando um so we can get a lot of information out on that and um we're very very excited about it so hopefully we um we stay on schedule and we'll be scheduling the ribbon cutting soon um okay so that's yeah and there are some nice pictures uh fantastic stage in the front um that thing that you know people have been calling a green Silo a metal green silo actually the um the Elevator Shaft that will eventually have Cocoa Beach on it in illuminated letters and a couple of bands of um LED lights on the top to give it some character we're also going to put a uh a tide clock substantial a nice 5 foot wide tide clock above the stage the stage will have a canopy on it so we're not quite done yet but um we're getting there and it's it's super Wayne just one observation about the stage and I've looked at it I see it looks like one receptacle or maybe a camera and one conduit up for maybe power but if you're going to have if you're going to have like five six piece bands or something up there you're going to need some power yep so um you're 100% right so there's um a box there Scott it's called the city switch company switch company switch yeah and it's it's all-encompassing it's um like a mini um breaker box there um which will will handle anything so which isn't there now but it's going to be there Scot is that what you're saying [Music] yeah so Scott's the project manager on the job and um I'm just saying it's not obvious that there's it's not like there's a whole bunch of different power outlets in wall are you saying where that one conduit is there's going to be a gang box no so there's actually more that needs to come through the wall and around the back side of the there's a um there's a utility room around the back side so there's still more that needs to be done um IM Solutions is helping us out with a lot of that stuff we want to have um we're looking into doing some speakers and um coup other things out there lights and maybe a projector screen for movies in the park or something cool like that but yeah in these pictures these are not it's not the finished project it's still work in progress so there's still that needs more that needs to be done but it's not part of the current design there's going to be change orders to do that no it's part of the current design there's there was some hiccups with some of our conduit getting covered up and a couple other things okay so no it's definitely trench what is that one little thing sticking up there in the middle um that's conduit it's conduit but I don't I can't recall off the top of my head exactly what that's going to be going to I'm going blor it we got it covered I want to mention too that the uh the tide clock that was donated by Og Enterprises yes okay [Music] yep you might want to stay close that for okay um all right so uh next I thought you were going to say the best for last um oh this one well I I think everyone could they couldn't could have talked about they couldn't handle the anticipation so Beach crossovers well we're getting there so um this is um a slip lining project which has been going on for quite a while uh it's an ongoing uh program to repair re rehabilitate or replace um sewer pipe and manholes slip lining routing liners lift stations um you can see a pipe on the top there that has not been slip lined and then on the bottom there um it has been slip lined it's a grant funded project and it's um extremely important it's been going on for a while of course it's Brad cso's project and um he's doing a great job so that is weren't they saying when we did the grant funding they were like super impressed with the pictures and that's kind of what what helped us secure that Grant I remember I was talking to somebody the videos that we was it the videos yeah so the videos helped us get the grant oh yes yes yes yeah yep um so there's [Music] um yeah there's a lot of work involved in this um it's it's it's a company that specializes in this and um they've been doing it for us for a while and they they do a very good job so it it's it makes the vitrified clay pipe which which cracks and causes all kinds of leakage and um and outflow from the pipes and it almost makes like a PVC lining in it which will last for many many many years um okay so next we have um Dune crossovers on Oola Lane and fiser park uh both of those Dune crossovers will will be 88 compliant um they on our side the budget impact is decrease in maintenance and repair cost as well as projected longer service life um the cost of that is $252,000 and that's uh a city funded project um also on this slide is uh minut man shoreline erosion it's uh replacement and restoration um it's a decrease on our side on the budget side in maintenance and repair costs if you look at that um picture there which I I know it's hard to see but um there's a couple of canal ends on minute man that um are eroding especially down by uh Sunset and uh they're eroding to the point where they're start to starting to uh compromise is the sidewalk so um we have to address that um most likely with a sea wall but um that's on our radar and we have to act on that pretty soon it's becoming definitely a danger okay um and that's uh I think Morgan is doing that Scott no that's Devon oh Morgan is yeah it's a public works no it's a stormw project correct yeah we are so we already got the uh bid it was 115 we are right no that hasn't G out yet so the co cost that says 115 where are we getting that cost from it's in design right now oh that's the design design cost design cost yes okay um okay next all right the mck capping project um so we've traditionally dredg the muck out of the river This Is A New Concept um and in lie of dredging uh this project is the capping of the mck deposits with a layer of sand in lie of the mck dredging around the golf course it's a multi-year 100% grandf funded project uh the the project will be done over multiple years it will have a minimal impact on our operating budget the impact on our operating budget is just administration of the project and um who's doing that one that one's that one Devin's doing that one yeah Devon tally is doing that one um she's doing a great job with the two it's it's funded for $36 million and um we are close to getting it's a very difficult project to um permit through the permitting agencies because it's a New Concept anything new with them is uh time consuming and um we're near the end of the road right Devin okay maybe she can give us a little bit of information on this it it it has great potential in the cleanup of the river um yes go ahead yes Devon tally director of Grants and special projects hi uh yes so it's part of the savear Indian River Lagoon plan so one of the plans is to you know do the sand C in on the mug and mo of dredging it's more cost effective we have an FD grant for this project for 12 million and then the Savar Indian River Lagoon Grant is 24 million and so for this project uh right now we're in the stages with the fdp permit requirement so we are our Consultants are geocent so they're co-managing the project with us and right now they're fulfilling the requirements for the FD permit so we're almost at the end of the rope and then we'll be going out for bid hopefully in 2025 before the spring okay going out for bid for the actual construction of it yes right now we're in design phase so design phas is as soon as that permit gets approved it'll be 100% complete right um so it's it's an exciting project actually and um it's it's it's other people's money so yep we'll see um all right uh next is the 400 Channel dredging project um I don't know I'm sure you boers have seen it out there um it is hydrographic surveys indicated the 400 channel is filling in dredging will improve boater access and safety as well as water quality dredging is required approximately every 15 years this was one of the first projects that I got involved with when I came here like 17 years ago and um it it's it silts in in one spot we're taking care of that we um are doing this with mechanical dredging as opposed to suction dredging so there is actually a Long Reach excavator on a barge which you can see there and they go down and just pick the muck up and put it in barges they bring it landside in back of our um tennis courts actually back there and offload it and we can dry it out um to a consistency where we can truck it away this is ex this is much much much cheaper then suction dredging um not to get into the weeds here with engineering but suction dredging is like a massive vacuum cleaner that sucks all the muck up and pumps it to a spoil site which then separates out the solids and from the uh the liquid and it's much more expensive and much more time consuming so we're going to start to use this process much more because we can do spots that are just filling in as opposed to the whole canals and um I'll talk more about that c manager comment on that so was that the basis I know we budgeted like a million and half is the basis was we were doing suction initially and then we avoided that cost by going so going forward we won't have that higher number for any of the other spot projects we'll do this mechanical method no we're going to do yeah we're going to start to yeah yeah the the the engineers estimate was based on suction driv 1.2 yeah yeah so um okay so that's that there's another shot of um you know where they're offloading it and um you can kind of get an idea what what we're doing um okay the next one is the Bicentennial Park improvements uh new construction project Bicentennial Park is um kind of diagonally across from the hospital on 520 the park has is one of only three public boat ramps in the city and is heavily used by locals tourists and Commercial boers the the park has fallen into disrepair and requires total renovation the project includes correcting flood issues a new boat ramp um and public restrooms this project is funded through multiple Grant sources uh the budget impa impact is routine maintenance of the park supplies and maintenance of public restrooms um the project cost is 3.7 million and we've got multiple like I just said multiple Grant starts we have an appropriation I don't have the numbers here but they add up to this total cost number uh State appropriation from FD Grant uh a fine Grant that's Florida Inland navigation District um and arpa which is a federal um covid funding source and the city kicked in a little bit of money at the beginning for that um nothing major and so we're going to be starting that Scott what's the um so so we're looking at um January as a start date um as soon as it's approved that we can execute the contract um with w&j construction which is on the consent agenda um the project manager who's actually managing the city hall has is ready to put things in motion he's hoping he can have some subcontracts out the door by mid next week and um so we're hoping to be rolling pretty quick mhm yeah it's a project that's kind of long overdue um it's actually in uh F do right away but we've got permission to um to take the project on anybody that goes by there knows that you know you can go fishing in that parking lot after it rains and um so we're going to correct that um restrooms which is a difficult task and you know we have to drag sewer water um over to that location which is kind of in the middle of nowhere um and um so you know actually Brad who with me Hunt is the engineer on that and uh so we're moving along do they have an idea on how long construction will be yeah so we're looking at about 11 months right unfortunately we're have to completely close the park M so um we'll we'll coordinate with the the kiteboard guys and you know try to come to some solution for their situation this was initiated by them actually Billy Bosch came to our Leisure board meetings I'm thinking five or six years ago and um discussing how much use that part gets and the flooding and you know all the you know the the issues that they have there the ramps in disrepair have been for for decades I think um but finally this has come too so it went through a lot at our Leisure board meetings throughout the years and then Wayne thank you so much for for going out and getting these grants the city doesn't have to pay for it we weren't even sure what you know the city doesn't own that property it's a state property it's a state road and so we had to go through the state and and get their permission to actually even make improvements on it so it's going to be a it's going to be an incredible asset it is already a great asset because all the kiteboarders that use it they come from all over the world um you know to to kiteboard there and with these modifications and and this change to it it's just going it'll blow up it'll be um even that much better so I'm looking forward to it you know if it takes a year to to put that together it's nothing yeah the boat ramp is heavy heavily used too yeah yeah so thank you for together definitely um okay uh so there's a couple shots of I think the restrooms are there and the uh the boat ramp but um yeah that's that's a very good project and it's moving along okay um the this is inflow and infiltration ini is what we call it um and it's um Brad why why don't you come up here and explain because nobody knows what the hell this is but um it's extremely important and um go ahead so the info on infiltration is uh unnecessary water that enters our sewer that we don't want to treat it it's come from from cracks in our pipes uh cracks in our manholes um and eventually it could lead to blockages in their pipes which lead to sanitary sewer overflows so we are going to go through a massive study over the next two or three years to try to correct all those deficiencies in our sewer pipes and continue to upgrade our sewer system and utility system um it's all Grant funded it's it's a safety loan srf loan through the state 100% principal forgiveness um it's just another step for us to improve our utility Brad this was the when we during the last hurricane when they were advising not to flush toilets is because of this very specific reason you got rain water that's penetrating you're processing unnecessary water instead of the sewer water rain water and by limiting the residents using their water that's that's helping them yeah it's not going to solve the problem but definitely turn it the right way it's going to help okay thanks um all right next we have um the country club improvements um we did a couple of phases but the the last one we did um included the outdoor patio area anybody that hasn't been to the 19th Hole lately um please go and check it out because we spent a lot of time and a lot of effort to uh to modernize it and make it more um more fun to to go in and you know have a drink and and um have an affair there if you want too an affair as in a party okay use a different word have a good time we don't we don't want anything else going on in here um city manager is this alund or is it do we get a grant for this did we get a this is a grant funded no I know I thought we approved it as our it was orpa it's orpa it's not a grant that's Co money right it's co money yes yes yes yes we don't have to pay B we don't pay it back get it we're financing city hall because we didn't use it yeah so it's not free money we're financing it went to a lot of projects um well it it is free it was given to us by the government yeah we funded City Hall the balance tax taxpayer dollars from all over the country absolutely the arpa fund funds went to City Hall the balance that we didn't fund with arpa we took a loan out on so if this money didn't go to here it would have gone to City Hall so we're effectively financing it just went two cents okay so um so it is on Deb we we've done the restrooms in here um we've redone the starter Shack and um I mean this is a very very nice facility and um we've been working hard to modernize it to um keep up with deferred maintenance and um you know not get bogged down with the negativity and just keep going forward and try to uh to make it nice you know and um I think we're getting there but there's more work to do so there's a couple pictures of um The Patio came out really really nice and um a lot of people are going out there and on a nice day it's absolutely beautiful so like I said check it out um all right what else we got here um another Brad um project and these are pipes that um cross A1A I believe they're all cast cast iron pipes um the ramifications of one of them um failing is significant um like you know Front Page News um so Brad is addressing that now and we un unfortunately have to dig them up and replace them with PVC um so that is also Grant um no it's not it's actually a city- funded project at this point but I know he's going after some grants for that so um very important project too uh then we also have ramp Road Park on here uh that's a multi-year Improvement at ramp Road uh stormw runoff reduction and Lagoon improvements the project is not expected to require additional costs in operating budget it's um Grant funded currently for 400 or $746,000 uh the total construction cost is estimated at 1.3 so um Morgan our engineer is going after grants this is for design and permitting BR am I correct um so it's a great Park I'm sure everybody knows where ramp Road Park is and um so we're going to do some other stuff in the park too um but this specific part of it is a storm water feet Park um project okay um all right Holiday Lane boat ramp uh Holiday Lane is a small boat ramp behind um Cocoa Beach health and fitness um on Holiday Lane it's um kind of a Hidden Gem that we hope and mostly is used by locals uh the boat ramp um I've been directed to to uh replace the boat ramp um there's $75,000 in the budget this year that will cover the cost of design and permitting um and it will not cover the cost of construction we've got preliminary estimates for the construction uh $350,000 so I'm going to need direction from the uh commission as to how you want to go forward with the construction aspect of the project um so that's where we stand with Holiday Lane boat ramp next is the country club replacement sprinkler and irrigation system uh it's definitely needed um it's been put off we are under contract for phase one which is 1.6 million the materials have been ordered for phase one to the tune of $750,000 and um so we uh Scott whats the don't we have a construction pre-construction meeting scheduled yeah so next Tuesday we have a pre-construction meeting scheduled um it's going to be me the contractors pado group who our Consultants um and our um green supervisors or I'm not sure exactly what all their titles are but Tracy silk it'll be there um and we're going to go over staging of materials how we're going to start the project where we're going to start it from any other things we might encounter um and we're hoping to start construction in January is there any other um plans to figure out drainage for some of the holes or some of the or the uh driving range so we we Lo don't lose Revenue figure out drainage that's that's something that's going to require some kind of study I imagine I don't yeah this is not this is a strictly sprinkler no we have not done that yet this is just replacing the piping and the sprinkler heads the irrigation this is adding water to it yeah it was just I was just throwing that on as something to think about yeah yeah I mean it would it would require a lot lot I just lost revenue is you know a lot too so okay um so next we have um the skate park improvements just stay up there Scott um the repair of the coping apply sealer to new pool coping blocks and extensive full Park maintenance and repairs um Scott you can go over it okay so initially with this project I'm sure everybody already knows we wanted to replace the metal coping with concrete Edge but we made a compromise there's about this bottom left picture here you can see where it's kind of formed up so we we made a compromise and we decided that 40 ft of coping we would do a concrete Edge see how the general public reacts to it um if it's positive then go from there it's not positive figure out how to go about replacing all the metal coping with metal coping again um this section here that they got chipped out the next picture over that was a section that the concrete was just kind of falling in and it was all broken up so they busted all that out that's rep poured now all this pool coping has been taken off all the white pool coping has been taken off and replaced it's been sealed there's going to be a like a in sealer on the concrete Edge that they also did and they also went through and they patched every hole that they could find they resealed every joint they could find that needed it um they basically did full Park maintenance repair as well the skate park is scheduled to be reopened on the 16th so it's coming up pretty quick they're doing a great job out there uh Byron evz has been overseeing everything making sure everything is according to his specifications and um these people who did it they um one of them originally was on the crew that built this skate park with Team Payne and team Payne actually recommended this company to us so we we've got really good contractors out there that they're skaters they know what they're doing and they also provide an annual maintenance service so they'll come out inspect and maintain as well so it would um we're hoping to be able to budget that as well in the future years so that skate park went went into disrepair and it's going to take us a little time to get it back up to speed and um hopefully you know we don't under our watch we're not going to let it happen again so we're going to have a service line item in the in the budget next year to maintain those yes MH yep Y and we're going to try that concrete Edge and you know we'll see how it goes yeah and then if it if people respond positively then we can budget to continue the project and replace all the metal coping that's rusted out I should have brought that piece of pipe that uh we pulled out of there yeah byon it's actually has a couple pieces of that rusted pipe as a momento go ahead um okay let's keep going here um all right so that that concludes our projects now we have some programs and um the first one is our short-term rental so you know you guys directed me to to come back with something on that um and Dave you probably want to start mosing up this way somebody get a crowbar and get them out of that seat um all right let me read what we got here first um so we're going to increase City efforts to address the issues associated with short-term rentals it's not just you know hiring FTE throwing FTE over there and this problem solved it's a multi- faceted um the plan problem with a lot of different parts to it um So currently there are approximately 302 units advertising SL operating in the rs1 zoning District of these 196 units 65% have a BTR and rs1 application the compliance rate has increased from 60% in June of this year to 65% uh the long-term objective is to increase rs1 compliance to 100% obviously but um some of the Staffing options we still are still being evaluated and possible options are a full-time staffer a part-time staffer contract someone and um the 202 425 annual budget includes a non-funded FTE dedicated for code enforcement in other words there's a job there that is not filled so we can fill that job it's just a matter of um getting the funding for it if that's what um we decide development serviceses is the department that does this so I take their advice and their recommendations and we come to an agreement we're not at that point yet but um we're getting there um next Karen so we we also in this program want to engage volunteer assistance from residents there are num numerous options that we are considering the program has the potential to generate $70,000 annually between renewal fees and BTR fees can can I just make a cavey out there sure that's not $70,000 net into our yeah copers as additional Revenue right that's $70,000 to offset the costs to administer the program because the state doesn't allow you to actually make money off of your regulations on short-term rentals correct that could have been worded a little differently but we'll go with it okay you're right there's not a $75,000 opportunity and revenue for the city correct yes okay um so one of the other things we're doing is um considering city-wide expansion of the registration program upon program optimization as stated previously when 80% of units have been when 80 units have been issued a BTR anticipated re of an expanded registration program includes assuming 80% compliance rate annual renewal fees uh $413 1,140 um annual renewal BTR fees $ 44,49246 632 um we also want to develop develop program to better inform residents regarding the short the status of short-term rentals so Karen and I have been kicking that around um in coordination with Dave Dave Dicky um and we have numerous ideas which we're going to start implementing here very soon um but we want to get all our ducks in a row on this program and um really pay much much more attention to it um so lastly we have um due to overload due to overloading the magistrate schedule we have also proposed adding another magistrate meeting uh monthly until compliance rates increase so as we go after the non-compliers they eventually have to go before a magistrate that is a process that um has been bogging down our once a month meeting so if we need to add not forever but until we get this thing you know get people into compliance um we have that option that's on the table Yeah so just to comment CU I put this on the last agenda was the commissioner so the the conversation focused on the FTE or part-time and I and I think that was the wrong approach so this is exactly what I was looking for is what are residents what is the overall program who do we go to what's the plan to enforce this and we got sidebarred on whether it's ft it sounds like there's a plan implementing current resources which is the absolute best case yeah and and staff can execute this but I think just having this program visible and on record for residents know so thanks for putting that together okay yeah yeah and that that's a big part of it so that they know where to turn to report something um I mean I got one today from Jill and you know it's it's frustrating yeah I live in the you live in the middle of it you know we all do here that the one people that live here so um Dave you want to get up and say something if you'd like me to yes not sure I've been officially don't show such enthusiasm I'm not sure I've officially been introduced to the commission my name is Dave Dicky I'm the new development services director um I am coming from a community just north of you in Cape Canaveral I was there 10 years I've been through these wars with airbnbs and so I'm hoping I can bring some um experience and some fresh ideas to the uh to to Coco Beach to help with this issue I understand it's a very serious issue as a matter of fact I met with one of our residents today um over this and she and her husband are here today um this evening so I I understand the uh the complexity of this issue as well as the urgency of it so I think you'll see some uh very exciting Concepts and uh some um um some a lot of progress in this area so I'm not sure if there's any specific questions um but just um be ready for some uh exciting things to be happening in this in this area and I really I thought you were introduced at the last meeting which I was not here so I apologize D that's okay that's fine yeah I I actually I can speak uh I watched one of the magistrate meetings and it was um very cumbersome and for one person it it took an hour or more and um we're talking about hundreds it's not going to happen so it's a good idea obviously to have them multiple uh multiple times a month but that might not even keep up if you get to a certain point I mean with with all these folks not following um you know proper procedures and whatnot so commissioner I will say this that the folks who end up in front of the magistrate are generally folks who are um not going to play by the rules most of our property owners are do uh there's a big code enforcements there's a large component of that is education large percentage of folks who who are visited by our code enforcement people just don't know any better and so that's where that education comes in and we're able to work with our property owners and get them to understand and comply compliance is the key as is education and so there's a there there's a process a very well-laid out um process in code enforcement and that is ground the base efforts is work with folks in the field get them into compliance and then if they don't then we send out what's called a notice of violation kind of ratcheting up our involvement and then It ultimately gets to the special magistrate and generally about I'm going to say roughly 10% of the folks that we initiate contact with with our code enforcement folks will'll end up at the special magistrate we're we're pretty successful about getting people to come into compliance go ahead right are you doing um any evaluation on the fees that we're charging and the cost it is to the city so that those are you know within a pretty close range so we you know we're not expending tens of thousands and not hundreds of thousands of dollars for this um if we need if we need to raise the rates obviously you know youall need to tell us and we can do that and I'm I'm okay with with with pushing them up if we need to right away so yeah than not hesitate on that right yeah thank you for that we'll we'll certainly keep that in mind as we're looking at as we start these programs start to gel because we certainly want to have the resources we need to to make a significant impact quickly um and that may be part of the recommendations coming from staff to the uh to the council uh excuse me to the commission um but yeah when we do that we'll certainly go out and do a survey of other communities we don't want to be way out of out of character but we want to be able to provide the proper resources that we'll need to to take care of this yeah and and also as these cases go through the special magistrate keep score on which ones make it and which ones don't make it and if 90% of them don't make it don't get a favorable result for the for the proprietor to the special magistrate that needs to be uh documented and used by code enforcement for those like you said you get only 10% end up before the magistrate well of that 10% if you say well of the last 20 people that wi the magistrate only one of them got it ruled favorably or only one two they might think twice about one to go that route but you're going to need to capture that data right that's a public record so it should be easy to capture yeah I I've I've only attended since I've only been with the city for about 6 weeks so I've only been able to attend one c special magistrate meeting but in that meeting he was um uh he was very um he did a good job he held the folks feet to the fire appropriately and um I was impressed with his deliberations and his and his orders so I I think we've got a a good magistrate in this point but but that's that's we will'll certainly do that that's a good point okay all right guys um thank you Dave good job man still your meeting Wayne huh still your meeting Wayne okay I'm almost done here um we're doing a lot of stuff commissioner what can I tell you um all right so residential Canal dredging we we um we we currently are well we're doing the 400 Channel but there's still a lot of um save our Indian River Lagoon soil money out there when we dredge they assume 70% removal so there's still 30% that's in the canal it ends up cavitating into the middle of the canals again so we want to resurrect the program again um one of the hurdles is getting our spoil sight this will be suction dredging so we'll need spoil sights um our spoil site island is at capacity so we have to take Material off of it the graning agencies are it's based on the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus you take out of the river by removing material from the island you're not taking any uh nitrogen or phosphorus out they understand that now so they're they're kind of um redefining the scope of some of the project categories um so we're going to take advantage of that and we also want to go after a Citywide blanket permit on the connecting canals the 0 to 99 the 100 to 200 to 300 up to the 600 um Canal channels um and permit them all at once it's ridiculous that they'll give us a permit for the residential all the residential canals but they insist on us permitting each one you know which is you know it's exponentially more money so we're approaching them with that and you know it's part of this re reupping this whole program and um you know waterways are a big part of the city and we cannot just let it go we have to continuously dredge continuously Dr so that's what that that's what my mentality is that's what I I I'm sure you would agree Keith yeah no it's and honestly I've been running these canals for over 40 years and the the last few years the water quality has been better than it's been as good as when I was a kid so the dredging the mck dredging I think definitely is helping and I was a I voted no on the on the half cent sales tax uh before for the Lagoon thinking we're just going to waste the money we're not going to do anything with it that's that's government but um I was wrong this this is definitely doing something so I I support whatever we can do to clean this Lagoon up I I support it okay and and the C that capping project is you know 24 million of soral money too so you know we're going after it um okay so that we're working on um this is actually an agenda item but it's to correct um pretty much the um the port has been taking advantage of the city of Coco Beach for a long time with the amount that they pay for the fact that we take their sewage um and process it into our plant so we're going to address that and um right now they pay it based on their water usage which is their water bill from Coco we are going to um tie into it a headcount of the passengers going on the ships this way there's the ability to have that number grow as the port grows and um so it's going to be it's a methodical process um as we get the item up further on in the agenda um we'll talk more about that but it's an extremely important project project and it um it gets our our um it gets them in compliance and gets us the money that we deserve from them so and we haven't we haven't had a rate increase in 20 30 years right since 2002 right yep 20 22 years so is there sewage is there sewage coming from the ships I mean no sounds like it comes from the the um the terminals the restaurants their Administration buildings there and the reason I ask that is if it's coming from the ships they're not consuming any of the water it's not the ships okay so it is tied to the water bill that's somewhat of a reasonable scale that needs to be adjusted got it yep okay but um like I said they've been taken advantage us for a long time yeah okay and um all right last but not least um we were directed to have a city centennial celebration um it's going to be two week ends beginning July 5th um and concluding on July 13th and the July 5th date which is a Saturday um will include a pickleball tournament we're going to open the pool to everybody um there'll be a golf cart parade a Party in the Park and a drone show and the Drone show is going to be really cool um and then on the sixth there is a big Golf Tour tournament at the Country Club here and a country club open house the following weekend and pretty much like all week um we'll work up to the air show the air show is coming back we've been in negotiations with the air show we're going to sponsor the air show this year and so we'll get sponsorship to offset our costs so it'll be um no impact on our budget and um Carrie Lombardo is one of I she's back there uh Carrie ask some questions please so Carrie has to come up where where's the where's the pickle ball tournament going to be I don't know Carrie where's come up here and tell them can I get a ride on playing fly with M playing here tie you to the wing she's going to kill me for this yeah the pickle ball tournament is going to be here at the tennis courts so they're going to allow pickle ball they already had it so yes they already they do we have it already it's fighting heard that okay tell us tell us a little bit about so we're going to do we well we started out wanting to do a 5k but there's a big one in Melbourne that day so we 86 that idea um pickle ball is huge everybody wants to have a tournament and so we went with that idea since it's right here and we can finish it off with an open pool for people that play in the pickleball tournament and their families golf cart parade is going to be a patriotic theme so we'll do that right before the party in the park so it would end at City Hall um and then our drone show will be at night once it gets dark you could you can see it from 3 to 5 mile radius around the city so you don't have to be in at City Hall to be able to see it um it's going to be really cool the next day golf obviously will be here uh we'll do a Friday Fest the following week with a pilot meet and greet um for whomever is going to be at the air show we're still ironing out those ideas or that that's not my thing right really is doing that and then the air show will be on Saturday and Sunday at uh where is it laor Wilson that's it awesome so Sur two weekends full of fun Surf Contest no Surf Contest this is enough all right this is a lot thanks car and thanks for Carrie did got this all together for us too so thanks she does a great job um all right one more thing and then my show is over here I I want to thank Brad Kelo we had an incident um a couple of weeks ago where FPL had a subcontractor out in front of the Hampton and they drove a light post um right through one of our pipes it was deep too it was 9 ft something like that deep and um we had to uh divert around it and Brad had a had a major headache with that whole process they initially of course FPL said not our problem you guys did it you know blah blah blah so you know Brad stuck with it it was their mistake and they took care of it but it was um a big project and a big problem that um Brad you know circumvented so just just a thanks just another thing great that he did so um I I'll piggy back onto that actually Brad I got I got the call from the hotel when it happened and and me and you had gotten into contact um but he had said that you did an excellent job and your your journey journey on the spot so just wanted to let you know he he gave you Kudos okay and um that I'm done thank you sorry about that are you sure you done yes I'm done all right City attorney reports nothing today all right commission reports yes great job on this thanks for putting this together Wayne I didn't have a chance to read this ahead so is there a way we can do this like once a month or just once a court recurring just e there's edits or update to these just to keep how about quarterly yeah quarterly some recurring it was a good job putting all together of the the hot buttons that residents care about so I think it's just good yeah definitely yeah don't want to burden but just whatever updates are out there just an easy yeah I I'll go with that too I mean I was thinking you know he talks with us all individually but it's true the the general public doesn't get to see all the stuff that's going on behind the scenes so even though this is takes a long time and it's kind of cumbersome and it you know it makes the meeting longer the residents actually should know what's going on so thank you and now this is a good summer report just whatever tweak updates no problem anything you want to say anything uh yeah absolutely so um couple weeks ago um National Kidney Foundation had their event here um well they had it actually a Ser contest you were might have been involved in that a little bit I congratulations yeah and uh we also had the silent auction here and Tesa bravard and it was a fantastic event and my wife is the chair of that particular event anyway anyhow um also last weekend we had cooka Beach art show it's the uh 11th year that um uh the new group call it the new group uh has been uh running it Steve Rano is the chair I'm the vice chair Courtney is the uh entertainment um coordinator for all the of course for all the bands and set up for stage and everything out there um Cindy Kelly is our art director she's been a fantastic job to keep the art show an art show and not a craft show the artists there were fantastic it's true art not Chinese made um you know conveyor belt made kind of product it is it is handmade individual pieces of Art and uh um it it's it's awesome every year here and I appreciate everyone involved that that put that together and because of that I lost my voice um you know talking for last week to just about everybody that that was at the event um but I appreciate everybody that showed up the weather was a little different this year than it has been in the past but um the uh the people and the artwork were were right on right on point so thank you very much that's all I got K can you bring up that 15 page presentation I had please I don't have anything don't welcome Tim anyway so you guys all know did you go are you no I'm good you um we have the Winter Fest coming up uh believe it's the 14th I believe right and then we also have the uh the boat sth the 7th the 7th it 7th it's Saturday this Saturday this Saturday this Saturday this Saturday the Winterfest and then also we have the the 14 parade the we have the our parade our Christmas parade yeah and then we have the uh boat parade the the Christmas parade and the boat parade are on the same day the 14 right so just let you guys know that um oh the Turkey Trot did I don't know if anybody went to that that was pretty amazing I think we had 4,600 uh people actually run the race that was amazing it was crazy it was pretty crazy it's I I never nothing I've seen like that in Coco Beach like that many people running down the road it was amazing all right let's see for commission reports consent agenda okay this is the consent agenda with the items that have pulled being removed um item one approve the November 7th City commission meeting minutes staff representative Karen groom city clerk item four requesting permission to execute the contract with w&j construction for the Bicentennial Park improvements project this is a budgeted item total cost $3,735 18156 60 staff representative Scott Maxim project manager item six approve resolution 20242 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Coco Beach bvar County Florida dissolving and disbanding the sustainability committee and Land Management committee and providing an effective date staff representative Wayne kajino city manager item seven adopt resolution 2024-25 Florida creating a sustainable land advisory committee providing for membership providing for terms of office providing for duties providing for rules of procedure providing for reporting responsibility and providing for an effective date staff representative Wayne Carino city manager to approve the consent agenda as red got a motion a second you uh I think should we wait for Jeremy just we got three votes I think by law we're supposed to actually no we good okay you're good all in favor I I'll oppose motion passes 30 Z okay remov from the consent agenda item one or excuse me item two request to approve extension of continuing Engineering Services agreements CB 20-5 meet and Hunt Jacobs Engineering M Bowman staff representative Brad czo Water Reclamation Public Works director Deon tally director of Grants and special projects I'm going to discuss and approve thatum I didn't pull anything no the way the way we're supposed to go over oh the cor I tell you to discuss and approve I kind of adjust it in a little okay you let me get that's interesting that's interesting sure that's good [Music] okay you pulled it okay I'll second of that I that wasn't the motion I wanted to make but um so my point what I the motion I wanted to make was the period of performance through 26 we want to shorten that to 25 generally I don't like the continuing service agreements I think it puts some cost risk on us if they're Soul Source in it and we've got a two-year extension so understanding they have to come back but are we going to lock in for two years my my concern we've had good results yeah okay Soul sourcing the stuff and just you're you're not Soul sourcing it by doing it continuing no because you can go out if the threshold 50k you can if you want to so what's the benefit of the continuing Services um you don't have to go out you don't have to if you want to you can and it do ation of ongoing services that would be disrupted if we they're on retainer basically but if we would already there actively working things so that would come to a halt and then you have to bring then you have to advertise for new through the whole process then you got to bring the new company up to speed on wherever we were with where we were with these folks so if anything we could discuss in the future about how to taper it off maybe give them less scope less work so that there is kind of a lull between a [Music] rebid at this point would be disruptive okay L question you you had uh got a vote on that one okay um all in favor I I I all opposed motion passes 31 okay um item three request to approve professional lobbying Services agreement with Smith and Associates this is a budgeted item staff representative Wayne Carino city manager Devon tally director of Grants and special projects move to approve as read second so do we want to Def make an amendment to defer this to start January 1st instead of December 1st I mean they're not on contract now we're going to be halfway through the month we're not going to pay them until they start working December 1st my contract not sure when when does he start we have we have been Consulting with him and he realizes that he won't be paid if this doesn't work but we have been Consulting with him and he's been helping us since actually a little before December he's doing unfunded work this he's doing unfunded work but he's been working with us um starting at least December 1st and he's on the he's got his phone laying next to his bed in France in morning he's on vacation I had that conversation okay that was my honestly I'll say he's been really accessible and if anybody just for transparency anybody doesn't know this lobbyist isn't like the ones we had before that just were in Tallahassee this lobbyist would work on all levels from the city to the county with other municipalities bilateral agreements you know multicounty agreements all the way to the state level and it's Jason steel he's well connected he's been involved in this kind of stuff for as long as I can remember he's he also going to be that long but quite a while he's also going to supply Federal lobbying which is a big deal and Federal Federal lobbying yeah I'll say Jason I mean he was appointed uh by the governor to his position he's got a he's got a a firstand um relationship I would say compared to another lobbyist that's maybe you know just a lobbyist so I and he's uh I think about 20,000 a year less than what we were currently paying so this is just a no-brainer comment all right all in favor I I all opposed motion passes 40 okay item five ratify the following three-year Union contract for the period October 1 2024 to September 30 2027 between the city of Koka Beach and the laborers International Union of North America Luna um local 630 staff representative Cindy Deena Human Resources Director hello de is red second so my question I don't know if this is a HR question or a finance question how do these negotiations align to the allocations we provisioned in the budget this and then while she's coming up there was a couple the the can we get a red line cop I couldn't really tell the context it was just the edits it wasn't like the redline document it was just hey this word change and I have no idea what that value is or exposure is sure hi good evening um this is exactly what was budgeted for um with an in alignment with what we've given the other unions okay so it's all within the same parameters okay and and just for Public's uh uh interest this particular Union contract is for the city employees not including fire and police they have their own separate Union contracts yes and that's so the last one coming is the fire uh we already did fire and we did police this was the last one that was outstanding did we approve the fire yes we did did them at the same night firece yeahall that all right we got a motion in a second all in favor I I all opposed motion passes 40 okay item eight approved Waterfront solutions to construct ada8 Dune crossovers at AO La Lane in Fisher park for $209,700 this is a budgeted item staff representative brag Helo Water Reclamation Public Works director Morgan Zuli storm water utility manager recommendation approved approve got a motion in a second any comment I didn't have a comment but I know a resident did I don't see here John you want comment go ahead John start at three yet this is John Dyan cook Beach first thing I would appreciate uh uh Morgan and uh Brad get the uh my concerns back to the uh engineering and the contractors uh you should have received all those emails except him and any the email address but but uh anyway my concerns about that they took care of all those uh yesterday or today I just talked to the C design used to do their design review for those years ago with the cape or KFC side so good guys um anyway appreciate they've done some good you know Corrections things concerned to say the city's uh liability and money that's the main thing uh one of them is for the ada8 concerned with the height of the handrail the others were material for the uh the wood and the stainless steel type of those and other fourth thing was the concerned about the inspection make sure that the right material is is received and in doing the construction the right material instead of putting the cheap wrong stuff in it so I think cap design has do the uh soall cap design still say that always will uh uh they'll be doing the inspection so that's my number four that so that should be good so anyway again I want to thank them to you know get back and get the comments square away with it I give this to court put into the file that thank thank you John for for um volunteering to apply your Professional Services to our projects thank you John I had no other comments I just want to give him all right all all in favor I I all opposed motion passes 40 okay um uh K unfinished business item one adopt ordinance 1694 on second reading an ordinance of the city of Koka Beach Florida adopting a new chapter 13.1 misleading advertising to the code of ordinances of the city of Koka Beach prohibiting misleading and advertising with a rational Nexus to the city of cooka Beach and providing for conflicts codification severability and an effective date staff representative Lauren Wilsey principal planner David dicki development services director staff recommendation approved second reading and adopt ordinance 1694 misleading advertising move to approve as read second motion and a second any public comment on uh this any commission comment uh roll call please commissioner Jackson vice mayor Williams approved commissioner molti approved commissioner Hutcherson I mayor yes all right new business okay new business uh item one consider recognizing Brian Johnson Coco Beach resident and Coco Beach High School baseball coach by adding his name to the city entrance sign representative Tim Tim tal commissioner recommendation approve who did discuss and [Music] approve thank you I'll second I'll second okay so um I didn't have the criteria in front of me when I was discussing this with our City attorney so I asked you to look into the criteria and give me a synopsis as to how it measures up to our criteria I know criteria can be a little bit gray the the criteria is somewhat vague it's not in our code and it's not in our Charter it's in our um procedures and the procedures um for individuals and I apologize I don't have it in front of me but it it um deals with for individuals one of the categories is Champions and it's my understanding that this person has a was part of a team that was a national champion um so you know the more I looked at it the more it looked like it did did fall into that category the way that the way the item is written it's basically recognizing a person for being a coco beach resident and a High School baseball coach well and if we did that for everybody that lived here that was a baseball coach you we need three or four signs okay the more to it than that there oh yes definitely there's more to it there's a lot more to it he has to be a resident for one thing but he is a resident now but he has to have achieved National standing as a champion fill this I will Karen do you have that document I can [Music] yes I guess while you're looking for that Rick go ahead public comment Rick Anderson 1800 Minute Men Causeway so I was born a Boston Red Sox fan my my dad took me to see Ted Williams my dad took me to see cardio stry I lived it my whole life it's in my blood there are 10 million more of us from Connecticut to Maine and Brian Johnson came came to the team and I will tell everybody here that it takes a a truly special athlete to stand on the pitcher mound in Yankee Stadium in front of 60,000 Yankee fans in a Boston Red Sox uniform so the 2018 team Boston Red Sox team was a historic team and Brian Johnson was a major contributor to that and he earned that World Series ring and at the end of the season if you can all watch it on YouTube this the celebrations half a million people lining the streets of Boston celebrating the world chair it's it's a it's a very intense crazy City and then to come back from that and come back to a HomeTown community and serve the hometown Community as a baseball coach in the local high school I would be very proud to see Brian Johnson's name on that sign thank you for the update I don't think we need to go through I got it you got it yep okay but I I would like to say um do you have what what are we going to say what's the sign GNA say can't just say Brian Johnson baseball coach well basically World Series champion uh just let me read this I want just read this and and then you can you kind of we'll come up with a a plan going forward right basically uh honoring a local Legend Brian Johnson's uh athletic journey and impact on Coco Beach coca beach has long been known for its beautiful beaches laid-back lifestyle and tight-knit Community but one of the shining stars of this coastal town isn't just a local iconed Spirit he's a true embodiment of hard work determination and athletic Excellence Brian Johnson a proud coca Beach resident and 2009 graduate of kocab Beach High School has not only made his Mark in the world of baseball but has returned to inspire the next generation of athletes in his hometown Brian's journey to athletic greatness began right here in cooka Beach where he was a standout at coka Beach High School and in 2008 and 2009 he was named Florida Today baseball player of the year and earned the prestigious First Team all state honors for his exceptional skills on the diamond these early achievements were just a glimpse of what he was to become and as a talented young athlete during his college um Brian love Brian's love for baseball led him to the University of Florida there he continued to shine and as a member of the Gator Brian played in The College World Series Finals an experience that would Mark uh the beginning of a remarkable career his skill as a two-way player excelling both as a pitcher and batter earned him a place in the Collegiate national team in 2010 his talent was undeniable and in 2012 he received and coveted the John Olerud award given to the best two player in all of collegiate baseball across the country now in 2012 Brian's dreams came true when he was selected the first round of the major league baseball draft by the Boston Red Sox as the 31st pick overall pick he would it was a start of his professional baseball career Brian made his League debut eventually earning a World Series ring with the Red Sox in 2018 a crowning achievement in any player's career but what really makes Brian's story even more inspiring is his return to Coco Beach where he's now giving back to the community that that has supported him throughout his career and as the head co coach of Koka Beach High School Brian is not only imparting his wealth of knowledge and experience but also serving as a mentor for young athletes who dream of following in his footsteps Brian's story is one of Relentless Drive perseverance and pride in his roots from a high school standout to a World Series champion Brian's Journey serves as inspiration to all who have the privilege of watching him grow and to achieve greatness we believe that someone um who has done so much for Coca Beach and the sport of baseball deserves a recognition of their contribution that's why we're calling for the city of coke Beach to honor Brian Johnson by dedicating his spot on the cooka Beach City Welcome sign to celebrate his incredible athletic accompl accomplishments this tribute would serve as a reminder to Residents and visitors alike of the exceptional exceptional talent that has emerged from the small Beach town and would Inspire future generations of athletes to chase their dreams Brian Johnson has shown us what it means to work hard stay dedicated and bring Pride to our community it's time for cab Beach to return the favor by celebrating one of its own an athlete a coach and a true Hometown hero very good I would like to make a suggestion on what the sign should say yep I think it should say Brian Johnson World Series champion spelled out and then abbreviated Coco Beach High School baseball coach I like that I like it yep public comment any other public comment all right sounds good all in favor all in favor uh I I I all oppos motion passes 4 Z number two okay okay um item two discuss the design and construction budget for fire station 50 staff representative Jerry Hut jery Hutcherson commissioner recommendation reconsider path forward for fire station 50 to discuss in the item as written I second it you can I second it I pass the chair you you can pass the gav if you if you want to a second so uh we all got a note that said don't challenge the capability and that's not what I'm doing I'm asking at the surface $5.5 million do for basically two gr garage and 3,000 square ft seems excessive I want to make sure that we get ahead of this so there's not scope or cost growth like with City Hall um the second piece of that was there is $150,000 in the design budget was kind of scrolled I'm sorry in the operating budget this year it was hidden under Professional Services so I don't know if you guys had visibility it was one of the comments I added to the budget but I want to highlight if we execute that $150,000 design I would I would advise you guys are probably going to see every bit of that $5 million for construction cost there's not going to be a cost down eff so I wanted to highlight that whenever that comes forward and then this this wasn't budgeted I mean it was in the budget but it was pulled so this is not budgeted this year has $150,000 to do the design so can I can I comment um and can I get hannnah and um and Cindy up here so this is a mistake in the budget book this number if you go on our side into the navaline system that was taken out there is no money in in this year's budget for this project however this number is wrong this number uh what is it unbelievable what else is wrong 200 where is that number here you guys got that number in front of you there no I'm not blaming them but I'm saying okay I see it it's 29587 in Professional Services with in the fire department that is wrong there you $150,000 were taken out of that number but it was never changed in here so you are right I mean it shows in there but it's a mistake so if you go on our side where the money is in the navaline system that money was taken out that's not what was approved it's on the website yeah was to the state it's you're correct this is you you guys approved what is aval what is aval it's the online system or something navaline is our financial software got it so in other words it was it was taken out of that so it doesn't exist for us to do anything with because it's not there but this is wrong so um as I reiter if just let me reiterate that's why we have a new um Finance director you can see why I get frustrated with this number jocking around I mean this is and we commissioner we don't hide things I I don't want that to become is there legal implications that this budget that's on the website that we approve is in with our signature can we interject go ahead it's a budget it's just like if you guys were you know really zealous you could put together your budget for 2025 what you're going to spend on groceries what you're going to spend on taxes what you're going to spend on entertainment what you're going to spend on coffee got and write it all down I got you and guess what it's going to that's not going to be what it is so this is a budget this isn't a financial accounting Ledger since it's a budget and you put and takes on the budget some things will come in cheaper some things will come in more expensive and you advertise your budget so people will get a general flavor of where the city is spending its money got it so so right Ste this conversation to the scope that we're approving so I'm okay so I'm in favor of funding the design of fire station 50 and this current fiscal year and putting it out for bid when the Design's complete if that's before the end of the fiscal year we can put it out for bid and get that number and then see if we can fit that into the 2026 fysical year budget we approved the scope to execute that the money can be harvested elsewhere that's the basis what I'm saying what we're doing here is I I my Mo motion I don't know if I need to amend the motion what what is the motion what the motion was to discuss we don't have a motion to do anything a motion that we fund the design of fire station 50 and fy2 with the goal of completing the design in time to get uh requests for qualifications and pricing before the end of the budget cycle so that we can consider it for a build uh in by a separate contractor not a design build a design bid and have that in 2026 yeah it's a long motion do I get a second second oh things are changing okay I'd like to hear from the fire chief if he wants to talk about that building or anything all right sure Justin Grimes interim Chief um so I did want to say do have a presentation uh what we can do for saving time is let's talk about some of the real quick things about the station um it is 62 years old um it doesn't meet the the requirements for contemporary fire station so what that means is that our apparatus uh has to be customized to get lower to actually fit in there we got about 2 in on each side of the mirrors and about 2 in above um we are do not have a standby generator so anytime there's a storm we can't be in there it's not hardened um anytime we have a loss of power that means we may not get alerted so there's some major things that need to be done to this station um so what we're trying to do is keep this station running so that we can make the movement towards doing a design bid and and trying to relocate the station to somewhere that's going to be a little bit better um to give us better access to the beaches quicker access and out of a residential neighborhood and and try to build it so that it meets all the requirements of a contemporary fire station question uh any feedback mayor yeah I got feedback honestly we I'd rather do this when we had the money appropriated for it I also think if we we are going to design it there's no sense of design unless you absolutely know you're going to be building it next year because lots of stuff can change I think from you know two years out or whatever personally we just spent a lot of money uh I think we spent a lot of money on City Hall we spent a lot of money on a lot of stuff lately I'd like to slow down on some of our spending um and I understand all your concerns on that so for me I would I'd like to slow down on some of the spending um I understand that it's old but I think I think we could probably push it out little bit all right I'm I'm going to stick my neck out okay my neck sticking out says design it get a price on it have it as a shovel ready project and I believe that the a grant will be available to help us pay for that station and sometimes those grants have short fuses if you got a shovel ready project you get the money I'm willing to stick my neck out and say that I believe that will happen part of way I wanted to bring this up I'm not disputing the capability 100% support that though but to me A5 half million fire station seems huge I me it seems I don't know even know how you spend fire I shouldn't say that well in the station we got now which is uh you know years old how eight years old the the new station yeah it's it was 2015 so years old so it was 4.3 million I got it okay so if you put even if you put 3% escalation on that you're getting in the $5 million range now that station up there might not be as grandiose as so that's what I'm talking about there's scope and there's the cost we won't know until we get to design that's exactly why I second in the design I'm with that I want to get clarification on the money what happened in City Hall when we signed that initial contract there was no any other feedback on any requirements in escalated in the design cycle the fire chief will have his needs and his wants and his wish list okay as long as the commission can have a take at that I'm that's the way we did it before that's not how we did the city hall I know but that's how we that's what I'm trying to mate how we did the first trying to mitigate what started as a four that Milli projects to have the accreditation for a fire department and I and that's the minimum requirements if there's things that you wouldn't need in Lake Mary like uh lower wash through that may have some roll up garage doors to put jet skis in for ocean rescue they don't need that in Lake Mary right we could use that that's can I add to that too uh I've spoken to the ocean rescue Chief and they are interested in partnering you know if there's something we can do to help you know so as they grow and they have some of their issues they are interested in partnering now that doesn't mean what they're partnering on but they they do have an interest in working together on that so like we did with the the emergency services from Bard County and Station 51 yeah correct so there's partnership there and they pay cost turn on board you want to say let's give Tim a chance to say something all this know what they got to save a little bit okay I I want to tell you that I I do agree that we need a new one and I I am for a new station I'm just not for it right now that's all I'm going to say okay yeah and and let me just say um in my almost 20 years of working here this thing's been on and off the budget consistently um I I can see if if the city clerk can send you guys the the Powerpoints you can take a look and then maybe we can try to do a tour and you guys can see like some of the things and that'll give you better understanding of like long-term where we need to be and you know maybe a plan of how to get there um it is something that I do think we should definitely plan for and and start to try to move in that direction at some point so and and and station 5 51 the new one it was on the back burner and push down the road and push down the road push down the road till a commissioner and the city manager fell through the floor the raised floor right two feet to the concrete below the rais floor yep and then that's what finally the light bulbs went off and we you know got serious about building the fire station it took some heat over that because there was people that wanted to build City Hall first and there was people that wanted to build a police station first we now we got the police station and City Hall and the next step is to get that fire station on the North End and I'm I'm just at this vote is to support funding the design as far as spending money to do the actual build that will be that battle would be for another day we'll have the requirements and we'll have a you know independent government estimate on the cost not a ROM not a throw a round number at it 5 million so if that number comes back 8 million what do we do then have a second design ination for hang on let me finish the question so if we comes back a huge number no seing it comes back and we don't want to fund that now we spin up a second design iteration to cost that down is that another $150,000 you're talking no you you work you follow the design process as it goes through the wickets MH and I mean Mr Dylan could tell you you know if if you had somebody bird dogging it all the way to make sure they're meeting the requirements MH not getting every want and wish okay meet the requirements then we get a real number of what we really need for the Department for their accreditation and I always say add 10% for future growth that's the requirement so when the number comes back over 5 million we have to spend we got to come up with a better way to get more Grant yeah that's all TR to mitigate is that so we can hypothesize all day long and that's what happened 20 years ago 20 years ago they kept talking hey that's too much money for that fire station it was a wood fire station it's where the where the uh parking garage is right now and that's Chuck bilus and and another commissioner fell through the floor and it didn't get built right away either because there was push back matter of fact I was on the commission when we when it finally was built we built the new Fire Station it cost four times what it should have cost because they delayed it if we do this it could be four times as much again all right so these are the tough decisions we got to make um yeah so that's my train of thought on that is it you understand we do need a fire station up there you all agree with that you Mary you said you agree that we do just not just not now yeah I mean we wait another year your inflation is going up skip you you mentioned that you know it cost cost um $4 million for the for the the fire station well it's 10 years later it's not $5 million for that fire station now no no it's it's $1 million for that fire station grandos doesn't need to be as grandos as this station up north it will be every bit is $55 million okay because that number out there look my priorties I start took my act out I said let's design it and I agree with you I agree with the other thing is I've stuck my neck out on for 17 years is police fire and m is my number one priority and I'm supporting 100% getting that fire station here's a problem we have right now we have four Commissioners here present so it takes it still takes a three three positive votes to go forward with it correct so I suggest we table this discussion until we have because this is a very important decision and we should have all five Commissioners here to discuss this I agree age do you guys think that maybe between that time we can try to set up some tours look at some needs absolutely absolutely if you haven't been in the I've been there I don't need come on the tour it just botles my mind you haven't been in there thank you guys me thank you I I'll be with you at that for those tours and uh John Dylan absolutely all right so we're going to go with the motion to table to date certain which is the first meeting in January okay if I can comment to we've been in discussions with um an architectural firm that done numerous um fire stations for the county this is a satellite station it's not going to be like you know our main station and um you know we'll re them in you know that $5 million I don't know where that even came from to be honest with you something that I inherited but um they will work within the constraints and they kind of have like a cookie cutter type you know satellite station and we just modify that slightly for our our needs and um yeah it's not going to be any tricked out you know commissioner don't get me wrong I I think five I think 5 $5 million is ISB amount for abs made a motion to wait we're table we're not talking about anymore what am I doing talking about it after motion to table you to vote to table it thank you skip all right we're going to we're going to vote to table it I still got to speak to table it more bring com no more comment we vote let's vote to table if it if it passes then there's no comment uh vote to table all in favor okay sry next time next meeting you can talk about it cuz we didn't vote for anything for it have right for people speak before you end of anything no that's not how it works not for a table not for a table May you can let him come up public comments at the end yeah at the end at the end you can talk about something that's not on the agenda absolutely on the agenda we have we have public comment for that the [Music] endem yeah number three okay um all right um item three approve proposed fiscal year 26 budget cycle Milestone dates staff representative Jer Jeremy Hutcherson commissioner recommendation approve revised sections 3.01 and 5.01 in accordance with Redline updates move to approve those Redline updates to those two sections any motion for a second all right no failure for a second we will move to four okay for um approve Vision to Coca Beach city ordinance 2- 7.1 competitive bidding staff representative Jeremy Hutcherson commissioner recommendation approve proposed red line to section 2- 7.1 Mo to approve the red line to section 271 I'd like to see the red lines you can second it second it got a motion in a second so this is basically reducing the approval threshold we're the only city in the county that requires commissioner approval of $50,000 I can't hear you it's proposing to lower that threshold from 50,000 to 25,000 in line with every other city in Bard city city man did we ever get a did you guys ever find out when we voted on raising it or what it was previously it was a long time when I started it was 15,000 it seems like it was B then it went to 25 I could have swore that we recently voted from 25 I wouldn't have let that go from 25 to 50 to 50 I thought that was with with me with the previous city manager Robin it was no it was Bob Micah is it mic it would have required commission approval absolutely it did that so it was before my time I knew that for sure do you know about what year that was 2014 maybe 13 so if you lower it to 25 it just means that there's twice as many things that will come to the commission for approval most of them will be if they're budgeted they're going to be on consent and they'll say this is a budgeted item for $36,000 M and they'll just go through on consider great what I'm proposing here I see where you're I see where you're coming from as far as you know you want to know more what's going on and what's being spent well I want it's not me I want the residents to know right I mean it's we're the only city I don't know what we're doing unique to make it we even a higher approval threshold I I got to believe that that our city manager isn't just going to go spend $50,000 and not tell us anything that's going on that's part of the process here when we have meetings and uh we have city um commission city city manager reports that's when he tell us hey gentlemen um we uh I just spent uh $35,000 on this because it was an emergency situation and we needed this new valve and I had to buy it now if you drop it down to 25 he's got to come to speak to all of us and and get the okay for this $335,000 valow because we've dropped this threshold to 25,000 when in fact it probably should go higher unfortunately due to these times that um inflation has going up so much everything costs more so going backward is is not going to help anybody um in a an emergency situation so let me add to that um I believe you did your homework and you're saying all the other cities say 25 anything over 25,00 000 mhm wouldn't it' be amusing if we went to 25 and then over the next 6 months they all went to 50,000 or more you know because I believe they they'll they'll be going in that direction I'm sure they will I'm in favor of leaving it the way it is all right up D mayor I I understand where you're coming from you know and the only thing is city manager needs to be able to to do his job without without being delayed and without us kind of interrupting [Music] um I understand your side of it you got to get stuff done you can't have us you know holding you up on certain things and the scope of things $50,000 anymore isn't isn't a huge money item but I do understand your point is you do you want to know you want the residents to know what's going on um but as you know you could spend $50,000 to get your windows you know in your house or whatever is and that's that's kind of basically a small ticket item in my opinion but any public comment on this yeah and Karen before we vote can you restate the motion we know John Los 444 density Drive I think it's interesting that our threshold for competitive bidding is different than other cities I think that's an interesting aspect however if you go back to the preco years I think you know 25,000 may have been a good number then and we would have been the same as the other cities but in the last four years costs are like double and triple construction cost cost per square foot it's gone up so fast that's not even explainable how fast it's gone up I think in the times we live in the 50 seems to me more like the proper number and if you if you lower that number it's not suitable to the times we live in and and it does take more staff there's there's a staff cost associated with bidding there's also a delay because there's work to be done to bid it then you have to have bid openings bid Awards it elongates the schedule as well so even though it's interesting we're different I think we're right siiz for the times we live in if we were four years ago I would say we look a little high but today it looks like the right number to me just my thought thank you so we're not changing the bidding threshold it's the approval threshold what but you're whispering and we can't hear it's not changing the bidding threshold is changing the approval threshold the bding threshold stays the same so there's no extra burden on the sitting understood yeah public comments understand it exactly the way you do KP fer 190 semor Lane um we you guys talking about less than a ten of a percent if that is not in the approval power of the city manager you micromanaging way too deep I sort on that thank you any other public comment okay approve the red line you wanted to see the red line okay so a no vote would be not to approve just want everybody understand not age not not to approve changing it okay um all in favor I all opposed n motion fails 3 to one okay okay um item five um approved proceeding forward with the port Wastewater agreement update the task force is in conformance with the agreement for continuing Engineering Services RF qcb 20-5 dated December 3 2020 between the city of Cocoa Beach owner and me and Hunt Inc meet and hunt and is referred to two herein as the contract the project includes modifications to chapter 19 of the city's code of ordinances and modification of Article 2 industrial pre-treatment program the existing Port Canaveral Wastewater service and maintenance contract will be amended proposed amendments will include modification of charges to adequately fund existing and future costs incurred by the city of Koka Beach this includes increased costs associated with Regulatory Compliance depreciation collection system maintenance treatment plant upgrades administrative and operational expenses proposed changes to the current agreement will establish an equivalency between customer traffic sewage strength and flow the equivalency will be used to create a monthly rate based upon a combination of flow and the number of visitors per month that pass through the port facilities this new equivalency charge would be used as a basis for calculating monthly payments that utilize a combined rate for flow in charges per customer as the basis of wholesale charges to be paid for sewer services this is a budgeted item for $1,520 staff representative Brad Halo Water Reclamation Wayne Carino city manager recommendation approved move to approve is red second motion and second any comment perfect example it's over $50,000 it came to us you get a choice all in favor I all opposed motion passes 40 okay item six requesting permission to contract all right vence Services under our continuing Services agreement using Reserve funds to replace the driving range Net post that snagged during Hurricane Milton this is an unbudgeted item total cost 184,185 .43 requesting permission to contract all right fence Services under our continuing Services agreement using Reserve funds to provide and install a chain link fence continuing from the end of the new Net post being installed and tying into an existing Chain Lake Fence to the West both of these items need to be approved together without these barriers in place golfers could be hit by balls in the driving range this is an unbudgeted item total cost $4,725 staff representative Scott Maxim project manager recommendation approved move to discuss and approve second okay so looking at the actual proposal there's $184,000 then there's a if you that was for 40t high and there was one for 60t high which was 253,000 that got scratched and then there's this total cost of $54,000 I'm kind of confused as what we're actually getting and what we're actually spending it's SC are we spending 54,000 or are we spending 184,000 both both both both yes sir okay and the proposal due to our uh miss the meeting you got it on 1112 it's good for 30 days so we don't pass this the proposal is not valid and the second one from the same date so yeah we have to take action on this and oh the other question is where's the guarantee the guarantee of golf balls not coming over no they guarante the next milon that comes by is not going to blow it down well we're going to have this one on a crank right yeah so this one will be on a crank so those other poles lasted through multiple hurricanes they were just fencing didn't they were no there there was no fencing there no netting never did The netting never did The netting was always messed up all the time but this will be on a poly system so we can take it down during major storm events from great we don't have to get up in a big high reach I mean what's the guarantee that right 4 years from now you go to Crank That Thing Up the tracks are all rusted the little wheels are all rusted you know whether they give us some maintenance till us howg and what kind ofre cheaper than home net well let's to say that that's not the whole fencing all that's not going to Crow out and we and they finished the job we paid them what's what's the guarantee we have multiple CH Ling fences all over the city that have lasted decades and then the PO systems on our flag poles have lasted years and years as well so it's going to be a same it's going to be a similar type of thing is it is it um do the chain link fences that has the rubberized green coating on them hold up longer than just straight chain link fins sometimes yeah different grades of chain link fins y absolutely did we look at the grade that they're given it it's going to be the same type of fence that's existing out there on the west that that I was talking about where it ties in the fence that's already existing on the west Corner what would you believe the lifespan of that fencing to be before you need to be replaced that fencing's probably been out there at least 10 years probably more um we have you can expect a 10year lifespan out of uh $235,000 Poss possibly a lot longer like like I said we have fences all over the city that have been up since way before I started here well do you know that did you guys do a price on one that's not on a police system compared to one that is on a police system no we did not do that just because the maintenance that was involved every time a hurricane came through and destroyed those Joe would go out Joe Tucker would go out there in a high reach and he'd be out there for days pulling it down or putting it up or fixing it this would cut all of that out it would save us money in replacing the Nets all the time it's just a much better way of doing it yeah I know every single Hurricane we've had we Lo we lose our Nets pretty much so if as long as you guys promise you're going to use the pce system and bring it down I'm I'm for absolutely okay end the discussion uh any public comment any desire to bid it out other than this one r on the CSA I mean like I said I'm we of CSA the longer we wait the more Revenue we lose on this I got that but question my concern with CSA is how much does the driveing range uh generate per year um do we have um this yeah go ahead Ed yeah we we can address that too thank you and it should make more because the prices are low that's Ed introduce yourself right Ed thinger general manager cab Beach Country Club um I've got Karen do you have that thing you can put up please so if you compare last year we were charging a well for the last forever we've been charging a dollar for a bucket of balls which was drastically under what anybody else charges in the in the county let alone the country we increased our prices in uh late September starting beginning of October if you look at this Revenue that we have here um it's a week by week comparison of last year to this year okay so this year we've only made $1,000 on the Range in the first two months last year at that time we made $4,400 okay so we're down $3,500 now if we take into account our price increase with the average of we do a bucket and a $5 bucket right now so if we average that out to four you look at the revenue last year of 4446 this year had the range been open a similar amount of times we'd have been pushing $117,000 we had projected this year to do in the $60,000 range in in in in revenue from the range that number is drastically affected every day it's closed and when you think about the range it's very profitable okay there's not a lot of expense to it the balls we buy a couple times a year um the maintenance on the Range itself is minimal because it just needs to be mowed and we need to do some things the way the range looks now we already had plans because I feel if you're going to raise rates they should get something out of it we have plans to in in in in improve the look of the range there are things we have that we want to do takes money to do that the $1,000 that we've pulled in isn't much the range right now is only open from 6:45 to 8:00 a.m. because it's a liability issue there's nobody coming up River before 8:00 so we're able to allow some people to use the range but I mean we're making as you can see we're making pennies on the day it's not even covering the cost of of the electricity or the staff that has to do have to do a little bit of it so to tell you uh last year we did right right under $4,000 on the Range I think it was around 36 um so we would hope to at least double that this year with the rate of increase assuming we didn't have any kind of crazy weather issues um from my standpoint in order to if if with the rates increased it'll take a couple years to get that money back but in a couple years we can get there to to pay this off if you will I I understand all the the the issues with this but we are drastically losing you know you guys tasked us to find ways to make more money and stuff and this was an easy way to do it and for the record we are still the cheapest balls in the county we've raised them you know $3 $5 $7 and we used to be one but we're still cheaper than anywhere else you can go into count okay I think it's good you no I got a couple more things so you mentioned that that we buy balls every year this was brought up at the Leisure board multiple times over the last three or four years and nothing happened with it um why are we buying golf balls when we could have potentially have the Hilton um coconuts someone else buy golf balls and put their logo on them yeah I mean I've had that then then we have zero expense in golf balls correct and that's somewhere around 10,000 a year or 5 to 10,000 a year something yeah I'd say in the 5 to 10,000 range so Mr huderson that that would help that a lot as well I know you like to you know find ways to save money for the for the record I'm not disputing getting this capability I'm asking for the I'm not either I'm just I'm just saying that that a lot of we want to try to find little ways to find to save money and this would be a little way to save money over every year in perpetuity so now you don't if we did that then we don't have that $8,000 is uh charge for the next 10 years that's $80,000 if we were to go that direction currently the fence is low was there any ever thought in hey anybody can go to the range whenever you want but you just can't hit your drivers we or three with so as much as that is a concept that could work it takes one person to come out there hit a driver put a ball over it and smack somebody in the head and then we're facing a big lawsuit so and we've talked about using an eight iron and lower to try to do it but and we've talked about angling the range these are all ideas that are good but Tim you know as a golfer takes one person to hit one off the toe and now somebody gets hit on River nine so it's it's a it's a dance that I personally think is difficult because unless I have somebody sitting on the Range watching every golfer out there and making sure they're not pulling that club out you know I I I don't know that we can do it well maybe we do I don't know all right that's the thought I I think that I mean that that's a rather than having no one out there hitting balls if you had you know someone out there that a ranger out there instead of sitting in the cart over in the cart Barn they're there sitting there maintaining the maintaining the range maybe it would take an additional employee because we don't have a range person in the morning from until noon 1:00 so that would be an additional staff member that I don't have budgeted I I get it and I and Ed trust me i' I've I've thought of every possible scenario any of you guys can come up with and right now we're trying to do based on my conversations with city manager and HR right now we're leaning at the 645 to 8 okay if if this doesn't get approved we can look into trying to make some more changes but we I don't know that we can ever make the revenue that we could with Nets when we start thinking about taking for instance hey you can only use half your clubs right some people come out but not everybody I get it don't get me wrong I really appreciate what you're doing out there I just want to try to brainstorm come up with all right thank you guys um any public comment on this before we vote all right um all in favor of paying for the net I I I all opposed motion passes 3 to one okay item seven approve the scope of services for engineering and design in the amount of $174,500 gravity sewer pipe replacement repair project for the intersection of A1A in wakula Lane in North Banana River and West Columbia Lane $200,000 is budgeted this fiscal year for engineering and design services for Gravity sewer pipe staff representative bra housea Water Reclamation Public Works director recommendation approve approve is R second motion and second any public comment commission comment all favor I I all opposed motion passes 40 okay item eight approved the purchase of Coco Isles playground equipment replacement project in the amount of $76,900 any commission comment is this on do we need to bid this out is over over 50k I sound like a broken record but in 76k was it on continuing services do we um the do we use the same people all the time for for uh playgrounds or corat has done the majority of the playgrounds in the city have we have we recently done any other bids on playgrounds um from anybody else not that I'm aware of Sir uh I'm in favor of going as of this is the last one in the city too that's our policy is anything go 50k continuing services bypasses that 76 the problem is with the continuing services and we've seen it in the past is they know that they're getting the job and they they they charge us whatever they think they can get out of us and I've seen it you know well that's exactly why I just disapproved the last one for the very reason I agree with the concept of the Nets is the procurement meth I don't know I don't know the cost controls we have on people once they make it on that list they can charge the reason why I went with the Nets is because I want to get this this driving range up and up and going but this is a playground this isn't as um this isn't as a dire so I I'm I'm in favor if you if we can see if we can get a better price I'm okay with that that's my concerns I got a question is the current I mean I go by that place ground at least once a week and I don't see yellow caution tape wrapped around it so it's still usable it's just that we know event that we're going to need to replace it yeah there's some safety issues in that Park isn't there this this is the last uh playground that has metal fasteners and metal pipes and metal poles the perk's open currently correct okay so it's not it's not like those people up there have no Park until we do something so I I can support you know going out and seeing if we can get a different price from somebody else and by that time we go back to these people they their their quote was only good for 15 days and there's a lot of lot of caveats in there saying that prices are going to go up and uh you don't take it you might pay more but I guess that's a lesson we'll learn so then what do we vote on to do to say that we want to get this bid out so I'll make an amendment to defer it for competitive bids okay does it need a second on that you can't defer it no we have a motion vote down the motion and then you give directions manager to take it out to so so how much is it going to cost in the interm here to go bid it out and figure out on how much are we going to save it's hypothetical right even even if we even if we save 10,000 10,000 here 10,000 there it all adds up it still costs money to do that so let's change the policy then let's change our policy the city policy do what whatever your number you're about to identify I'm not identifying a number I'm asking I'm I'm just asking the simple you know how does it cost money to bid it out so well we have employees that are working uh per hour that's how youal Cal it mhm well I doubt there's going to be $5,000 worth of looking at bids all I'm saying is I well you got to have a scope of work yeah so basically you could uh fraude plagiarize this list that these people gave us I don't know where they got it from whether that's what we told them we wanted and they just priced it good that's what you guys want to do if you want to bid it out bid it out I mean no I'm just say I'm just bringing up a point somebody's got to come up with the for the work I went with with the uh with the other one because I want to get that Golf Course up and we're not bartering we're not bartering agenda items this right here is is just we have time to see if we can get a better price so let's do it all right so see who who's going to create the the scope of the work for the RFP so our our staff will so the RFP process takes 3 to four months we have to advertise it we have to um have a pre-bid meeting we have to um answer all their questions in addendums um then we have to give them time to prepare a proposal and then we get the proposals we form a committee which evaluates the proposals and then we select the firm that we feel is most uh responsible and responsive then we bring it to the commission and that whole process takes 3 to four months in the interim prices are going up I'm just commenting you know probably out of line here but profit but these people have already done the work and for this little bit of amount of money I don't see a bunch of people chomping at the bit to uh to to go bid on this when it does come out as an RFP and in that period of time like I said I'm no profit but if we might get the same company for the same exact bid at a higher price four months from now happened so um we we could prove this and then be Pro more proactive in the future when you know these things are coming up you know say hey we're proposing to go do another playground which we're not because this is the last one and we want direction from the commission has where wanted to go out for bids or whether you want us to just price it with our normal vendors so would that satisfy you and and it is a budgeted item it is okay yeah I'm I'm going to support it all right you talk me into it thank you all right all in favor I I all [Music] opposed G no gble up there there something public go John go ahead let me give you that we already appr I mean John Dylan you want to talk about that or no okay General uh you can go ahead if you want to get up and say something real quick man public comment public comment Rick Anderson 18 1800 M Causeway um I don't think anybody sitting here can say that the budget process has worked I've watched is for four five 6 seven years in a row and it's been the same thing every year it's been the the millage rate comes up and nobody wants to allow any wiggle room within the millage rate and then the budget comes up and there's not enough money to pay for everything and this is going on year after year after year after year commissioner huton made a proposal to change the schedule around maybe it wasn't perfect I read the schedule over myself but the the the Crux of the matter was it was putting at least some sort of a a blueprint of a budget together before the millage rate was voted on and my fear is that you all voted it down you didn't even you didn't even consider it we're going to be standing here 7 months from now eight months from now with the same nonsense we've been going through all these past four or five years so I hope that somebody comes up with a proposal along those lines to fix this this broken process because it it it's just not workable thank you uh let me just make a quick comment uh um if we were to to have went through with with the proposal we would had to do a special election for that is that right we would have done a charter Amendment or Charter a charter change under his red line items for the city manager requirements it would have been a referend that's a charter so we would we would either had to do it in two years or we would have had to spend money about $10,000 to put it on for next year so that was my mistake I wrote that I spoke to the City attorney after I submitted to Karen I was I realized that I wanted to put it ordinance to bridge the gap the same intent just not in the charter and then what I want say too is uh I think what we have would work if we actually had our stuff on time I think that that was our our main thing that was my intent is we missed two gates we just need to get our sep time so can I comment yes I agree and um I identified your concerns and that's why we have a new Finance director and that's all I'll say Okay um we are jured w