let's call this meeting to order wake up skip would you mind doing the pledge for us I would be honored please face the flag I pledge alance to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all we get an invocation by Pastor Keith cap Club Z get the pledge let's pray father we thank you and bless you that we can come to you and seek your will seek your guidance and your wisdom Lord God I pray for our commissioners our mayor assistant mayor our city manager Clerk and City lawyer Lord and all our fighter fighters and police officers who serve the community Lord I pray that you just give them extreme wisdom discernment and insight into the Affairs of our city and what's best for our city Lord we pray for uh health and prosperity and protection this year Lord as we approach the hurricane season Lord I just uh really do pray for safety Lord and that you just give us the ability to really St step out and help each other Lord we ask this in Jesus name amen amen amen all right roll call commissioner Jackson here commissioner Williams here commissioner W here vice mayor hon here mayor here um get an approval of the agenda approve the agenda as written second got a motion the second all in favor I I all opposed motion passes 5 um let's see we've got a special presentation about uh water professionals month and I'll read that whereas the Florida water and Pollution Control operators Association organized in 1941 is a nonprofit trade organization that promotes the sustainability of Florida's water utility industry through Workforce Development to protect the health of Florida's citizens and to preserve the state's water resources and whereas this organization offers water and wastewater treatment plant operators and water Distribution Systems operator training courses required for the State of Florida operators licenses multiple voluntary certification programs and continuing education programs for operator license renewals and whereas this organization in recognizing the importance of the Florida Statutes and administrative codes that regulates the water industri acts acts as a liaison between the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and Industry personnel and whereas Florida water and Pollution Control operators Association recognizes all those who played a significant part in operating and maintaining drinking water Wastewater and storm water systems in Florida by celebrating Florida water professionals month which applauds their con efforts to protect our health and environment 365 days per year through sunshine or catastrophic storm whereas water professionals are essential First Responders by Florida statute uh during storms and other catastrophic events working to provide safe drinking water and safe disposal of waste water for our communities now therefore I Keith capy mayor by virtue of the authority vested in me as the mayor of the city of Coco Beach to hereby Proclaim August 2024 as a Florida professionals uh water professionals month a witness thereof I hereunder set my hand this first day of August 2024 so Brad do you want to come up and say something yeah Brad Kel Water Reclamation director um on behalf of the fwpca they just wanted me to share a quick word with you uh thank you on behalf of the 250 members in Bard County the 5,400 Plus members Statewide and the thousands of other non-member professionals throughout the state we could not be as successful as we are without the continuing support of our government leaders than you Brad and they they would like a picture yes make sure it's on the waist on the [Music] May we're all together we' like next time make it like 11 by 17 whatever you want skip you're put it down so it doesn't glare the camera your wish is my command it doesn't glare the camera thank you very much thank you apprciate your wish is M Comm man all right any uh public comment about items that are not on the agenda I've actually got one paper then we'll go with the uh the rest here uh Janice scottt [Music] good evening mayor everybody um first of all I want to congratulate Carolyn Marx from Melbourne Beach for her Olympic gold oh yeah yay awesome a great great Gabriel Medina for his oh yeah well he's Brazilian epic photo he was really good epic photo of all time yes it was epic really amazing um number two I I got an email from some uh the lady at the court who sends me emails about all the updates on the ships and everything in the port to she sends emails to all the port ambassadors like a lot of them anyway it was the first time I heard that SpaceX is moving to California that they have three two more launches one right after midnight tonight one Saturday at 11:20 a.m. one undetermined to be determined for crew nine I think it is to go to the space station and um it happens they said it's a big safety issue so they're moving off of Long Beach California so I don't know but somebody better start talking about it cuz we're really going to miss them not at 1 a.m. or 3:00 a.m. but anyway so um with that I uh want to ask you all to pre please read the maritime hammock preserve plan you don't have to read it all probably not a lot of interest to you but in 2002 the commission voted uh to buy this property that's on Coco ises right next to the Space Coast Credit Union just north of there and we didn't buy it for the purpose really of putting that um retention Pond but it's turned out to be a really nice amenity however uh the plan talks in the very beginning about the reason uh you know we got this for Passive uh pleasure of the residents and all so I serve on the land committee and we haven't met since February or March and mainly um we've talked about the north Thousand Island a lot and the the residents can't get to the North or South daen Islands unless they have a boat or maybe talk to the mayor he'll give them a ride or skip Whoever has a boat um boat but one of the first things that the city was supposed to do was get rid of all the invasive plants there the whole ground cover is pretty much uh covered now with wigilia it's a really noxious plant and it's not easy to get rid of um Kelsey Mack former stormw waterer uh manager and who also uh oversaw our committee work she did a really nice job with a contractor that cleaned up the pond and also did the work on the Dune they did over at Fisher Park so I'm asking you all please find 100,000 Mara funds please give the committee or allocate some funding to do something nicer with this property it's a beautiful location it provides some uh Recreation for people of all ages some people walk their dogs there I don't know if that's always a good idea but anyway their Vines uh filad denr rooms pretty noxious going through the canopy of the oak trees and anyway I think it could just be we have the obligation please just step up and do it thank you thank you j i I love that park by the way it's probably my favorite Park in the city um and I know me and Janice had talked about um ways that we could do that either with arpa funds and my my thought was and I don't know how it worked with with the city but um I know that I could put together a huge um a huge volunteer crew with through the church and all that as well um so if we did want to figure out something I would love to to preserve that in the the best way possible so I'm I'm all for it we got to figure out something that I I wouldn't mind trying to figure something out for sure um yeah go ahead good evening Rick Anderson 1800 Minute Men Causeway just a couple of things uh during the CRA meeting prior talking about the replacement of the parking lot at Coastal produce um the subject of permeable pavers came up and I think it's very important that that they are permeable pavers um you know when the city was built it was just kind of paved over and cemented over and we have so much asphalt and and cement that that I think that we really need to encourage and incentivize any kind of anything that will that will help the the drainage uh in the way of of of permeable surfaces um second item is few meetings back I had mentioned that it would be nice to have a north south bicycle trail through the city and commissioner Jackson asked me to draw up a map so I asked Wayne for a map and he gave me these two maps that I could paper my living room wall with together so what you have is actually a 50% reduction of the of the maps that he gave me and I thank you Wayne appreciate it um so I just kind of Drew out a a a trail that I think would be um would would would be a nice um would be a nice Trail through the city and of course the problem is A1A there's about a mile and a half of A1A I don't know if um we've committed to it um on the south and the north end of it I don't know if the state would could be could be convinced at all to to kick anything in but I think it would be a real nice amenity for the city it's just it's just a matter of signage it's not painting lines or designated trails in the in the street it just I think it would just be a nice amenity for the city thank you [Applause] Rick um any other public comment okay let's see it's a short one today um staff reports nothing see right City attorney um nothing thank you I'm moving along City commission reports I know uh vice mayor said want to go first I don't care you want go ahead you know what skip let's let skip go first he always talks the most yeah Patricia is still back there still here she's hiding behind the podium good evening good evening Patricia so um Miss Scott alluded to the eligibility for arpa funds to help with Maritime hammock MH is that uh viable in your opinion uh arpa funds can be used for anything that promotes the health and well-being of the citizens so you could yeah because we put in a little bit of a playground we put in a bridge mental health we mow it we create we keep the trails maintained somewhat um so how much uncommitted expiring December 31st 2024 arpa funds do we have on the books um we're down to just a few hundred th000 a few hundred th000 yes so um I don't know if we need to put on the next agenda but I'll be happy to create an agenda item I'd like to and I understand the mayor said that you know we could get a lot of volunteers but the problem with volunteers are they got to work on the ground level and there's a lot of work that needs to be done in that Park that's actually above the ground level so I think I think we' need a contractor to come in and and help with the Cudo that's growing all the way up in the oak trees and killing the bay trees and everything else and and the commission can decide to do that it's just that we would have to have the contract in place prior to the end of the calendar year correct yes correct and the when you say calendar year you're talking 1231 2024 we have to be obligated to the cont correct and the obligation is I believe we can find a contractor I know I know six of them that would that can do that kind of work it depends on the scope of work if it's has to go out for bid or not we have continuing Services agreements if it's under $300,000 we can use them yes all right so so unless there's something absolutely pressing I'd like to you know either we can go by consent now or we can uh we can bring it back to the next meeting but i' I'd like to put $100,000 into that Park it's huge and $100,000 isn't going to do everything but if we could put it out on a you know through what the city manager saying and get that much work done then there maybe we can find enough volunteer support to with some expertise on telling us how to do it and finish up the rest of it on the ground level uh is there anything else that you think is more pressing for that RPA funds than than that I because I would I don't want to limit some of other projects that might be no not necessarily it's um we do need to commit all of those funds but if you recall uh a few months ago we did bring an agenda memo to the commission that listed out the identified projects that we knew we could get contracted and then we put in there that anything that wasn't identified would go towards City Hall so all you would be taking away from is using arpa funds for the completion of the city hall so this is completely um appropriate and available use of ARA funds so so if we took away from city hall though and going to up the loan is it and then that loan value is not based on the the balance of arpa funds going toward it's just a difference of do you use arpa funds or do you use Reserve cash balances I got you okay so so okay I'm still good with the $100,000 because I don't think that that Park's going to turn into Pebble Beach I'm I'm sorry for the you know analogy it would be a better sure there's a better part to analogize it to but um it's not going to be pristine for you know with $100,000 worth of work but it would go a long way and you know like the city hall is a big deal you know for for the city functioning for the public to be able to have access to City Hall and all that but having a park like that Maritime hammock that back in in the 2000 early 2000s you know Eric fricker ran on I want that Park he got the park he did his four years and now we still have the park but it's got a lot of invasives in there that probably need to be taken out sooner than later so so if we took the 100 Grand from there we'll have to figure out where we're going to come up with 100 grand for City Hall stuff Reserve yes so the long balance is the loan is it is what it is so the loan will pay the next 3.9 I mean personally so it's it's effectively not ARA funds I would like I mean I personally would like to see within a month where we can get with a with a a volunteer crew and see if we get people that that are smart enough have you been there when there was a volunteer crew cuz Carolyn has and she was came back with you know I was poison ivy pois I from one elbow to every shoulder couldn't surf for two weeks you know for like a month yeah and if I walk I walk through that Park every week There's poison ivy everywhere in that Park not that it's an invasive species cuz poison I is natural but Volunteers in there you know if they don't know that it leaves a three let it be then we're going to have problems so I I think it's worth worth the money and uh if I need to if I can't get three head nods here to tell the city manager to go try to make that happen then I'll I'll put it on the agenda for the next meeting I'd like to put it on the on another agenda item all right I say put on the agenda my my thought is I don't want to put a deadline on there to that funds we know City Hall is going to be executed but we can deal with that in the future but put it on the agenda we can take into it I support renovating the park it's an amenity 100% that's just like to some people it's they go there more than they go to the golf course they go there more than they go to support go more than they go to the tennis courts you know I mean it's it's I support the project I just think it's a timing constraint we don't need to deal with the city hall we've got to execute by the end of the year why paint ourselves in the corner of having a scramble and get it executed well we're not going to have the able to get it executed because we have a mechanism in place to to make it happen we got until December to get the contract signed work doesn't even have to me just puts 100 Grand at risk I don't know I I kind of like I said I effectively it's not ARA funds we're drawing from reserves so we can spend that money let's not paying ourselves into have an execute either way we're going to pull from reserves whether we do it now or we do it all the arpa money is obligated to city hall right if we spend it elsewhere she just said that there's 200,000 couple hundred th000 of arpa funds that's not obligated but it comes it's going to go towards City Hall so if if it comes from City Hall it doesn't matter you know it's going to be it's already it's going to be allocated to there if we don't use it here so it's we're we're pulling it out of City Hall okay then permission of the commission can I ask the see mandrew to talk to our our contractor that can do that kind of work and uh put an agenda item with the path forward whether it be 50,000 75,000 $100,000 what we can get done in that Park sure sure I mean doesn't cost anything to get a quote right yeah I'll get multiple quotes yeah so but the thing is the scope of the project like what is right which all get I I'm kind of in unison with with mayor here get a hold of those folks and do a site meeting at the park and say what are your suggestions you know and have all two three four of them however many there are say this is your most pressing problem these are your you know low hungry fruit that you need to do here and about this much as what would cost you well we got you guys got three of you there so I mean between you Josh and uh Caroline so I support the project I just think it's foolish we're pulling from reserves whether it's allocated or not 100% we have 100% use of seall if we spend 100,000 more we'll pull that from reserves which we can do at any time why obligate ourselves to accomplish the work by December but but just getting worse have you been down there and looked at it we haven't done anything in 20 years can't Poss we have stuff in 20 years we pulled all the Cattails out about a year ago it seems like when I was there it was probably like two years three years ago why is it a dumpster fire now but put it on the agenda go walk through the park I walk through twice a week three times a week with the dog and it looks like all Native species to you no I'm I support the project 100% I just don't think the timing to try to squeeze it in by the end of the year is I squeeze it in anyway if you start using arpa M as it is asking the city manager to try to get some information from the professionals all right we'll get some information on it it's not necessarily agenda item but we'll get some information on it he can still put it on the agenda for the next meeting for I won't be here but let us know what he finds out between now and then well you guys got three you got three so you're agenda go ahead and put on the agenda you guys got three okay all right um any other public comments go ahead I it's it's pertaining I understand thank you I I just wanted to clarify something I'm not I'm fully supportive of getting the resident volunteers uh to work on the hammock I mean there have been Crews of volunteers from around the city cut down Brazilian pepper you can see all along the causeway it's back but in the case of the hammock the whole ground cover pretty much is covered with that wedelia you need to use a special chemical to get rid of it I've even talked with the people that do the fire burning and certain types of uh uh growth to get rid of it but that one opinion was if you try and burn that it'll it'll come back stronger and that's not something you necessarily want to get the residents involved in I don't think so I'm thinking that at the least if you want the city uh to you know Round Up Volunteers in the future I think there's some work with the poison ivy and things that that the residents shouldn't have to be dealing with I think that the ground cover once it's gone um and you don't want anybody else going in there using Roundup around the pond or something it's special chemical it's name I can't pronounce but then they can go in there and if they get some plant they can dig a ho in plant thank you thank you Janice uh any other public comment all right um vice mayor yeah I had a couple comments so uh Patricia thank you so much for putting that Varian column on the budget i d dug through the operational side of that uh you know we've been talking primarily about the capital so I sent a list of questions I'd encourage you guys to dig in look at the variant just seeing what the projected growths are from years I look at that as a trend hey are we are there certain line items that are growing we need to do something to manage that but I'll have that list on the um based on the answers for Patricia city manager on the 18th or the 15th commission but I do encourage you guys to to take a look at that I think I look at it from a PM program management perspective if we're not changing the scope the cost shouldn't be going up or if the cost's going up what is the scope that's changing so I digest it that way so I encourage you guys to look at it that way what was interesting going back to the second parking garage so we're I understand CRA is not allowed to call it profit but basically the revenue in excess of our cost is only about 200 Grand so we got to be careful a $7.8 million investment on a $200,000 payback is a terrible return so I are you calculating in the the what we'd pay to our private investors as well so there's stt service in there but you're so how long is that open you're talking public private partnership which would mean just food for thought like I said looking at a $200,000 return is is not good for a $7.8 million investment so I'm not in supportive of that but I wanted to highlight that and that doesn't include the 600,000 we just dumped in the Capital Improvements in the last two years so you factor that in is negative return something to think I'd like to see how you came up with that it's in the budget huh it's in the budget the source of funds and the use of funds you know what that percentage is return on on investment to 200,000 compared to the 7.8 or whatever it was like 35 years to pay back no I mean I mean the the basically the cap rate 7800 one0 1% $200,000 return on a $7.8 million project I can't you 10% Like I said before I'm not good at public math no 2 and a half% that's just straight math 7.8 million mhm a tenth of that 780k 780k 1% is 78,000 yeah 2% 2 and 12% 2 and 12% but so M more in the Bank of course but that doesn't include the $575,000 we just spend to renovate the bathroom so tack that in and it makes it a negative return I get you I look at his capital projects from an investor am I going to invest $7.8 million to get 10,000 back right so I don't I don't think it's as profitable as we say again there's some obviously some Debt Service that would go away once that loan's paid off but food for all that's my com so like I said next commission I plan to have those because I think we need to scrub the operations I know we focused on the on the capital budget primarily but I'm plan bring that up so I have a concern also on the the five million um for the the other police station I don't think that we it's a again I don't think it's a other fire station fire station I mean I don't think it's an absolute necessity at this point I I'd rather not spend the money on 5 million on that right now because of all the stuff that we do have going on at this point so I personally um I think I don't I don't really want to put that in the budget either um I do had a concern too uh I do love uh the fact that we have Main Street and we bring the city's citizens together and all that um my concern is we are already support them um every month for uh police and fire our you know the services um and last year we we gave him 15 grand towards the kite Fest and all this other stuff um personally I see Main Street as whether it's nonprofit or not it's a business they make make money they make money on their their alcohol sales they make money um off of all the all the the members or the vendor the the vendors that they that they bring in they make money from all the the restaurants and shops around they they pay into Main Street I don't believe it at this point I think in the beginning definitely it was good to help them as a startup to get that going it's a great thing for the city but at this point they're on their feet I don't think the city should subsidize a a monthly party 100% so so right now there's 15 grand in the budget for that with a there's going to be possibly an ask for for 30 total I just for me I just don't want to spend the resident money on on a party so so are you saying don't increase it to 30,000 leave it at 15 or you saying cut it to zero I don't think that we should subsidize the party when they've already got money coming from it I I I love what she's doing and I think it's great and I'm all for it but we do support them we give them probably $3,000 a month in Aid so so we are supporting them yeah so I was just going to say that and Carolyn were you here when Main Street first got on their feet or was that just before you got here it was just before I got okay so it was sold to us by people from Main Street Florida and you know telling us all these great things that happen happen in all these cities because main streets and it was sold to us is for 5 years you subsidize them $50,000 a year to get them going and then it goes to zero that's the way it was sold to us you know 10 years ago so um at this point I'm I'm not in favor of increasing to 30,000 but I think maybe we should go ahead and leave the 15 in there cuz they're kind of thinking they're planning on it and they got events coming up and other things and they took on surfing standards and all that um and then just put them on notice that next year it's going to zero I mean suring Sanders is a money maker it's I mean if Done Right absolutely Money Maker um like I said I for me I just I'm just throwing it out there we haven't voted on it yet or whatever but I I support that soleny I mean you got to stand on your own feet at some point you know if we're going to do grants let's open it up to everybody not just one entity I understand I love what they're doing I think it's great but you got to be solving I think 100% we support him with with the with the police and fire we I mean we give them like it's about $1,000 worth a month I believe right so I mean we are giving them $36,000 a year in support I just don't think we need to give them monetary on top of that so that's just just as my thought I I totally support it but they're on their feet they're definitely on their feet it's thriving every week so that was my one of my concerns anybody else have any I'm good um so we got a email as a commission from one of our local high schoolers if I understand it uh Joey vadin who had mentioned coming and doing a presentation about about a city flag and I don't know if we've got him on the agenda or not or had any more communication with him but I thought I like the fact that we have high schoolers who are interested from a civic's perspective who are interested in engaging in the city and regardless of exactly where we decide to go with it I'd really be interested in getting him on the agenda or as a special presentation okay but did you everybody seen the depiction of the flag right no I didn't see it it was on the email didn't see it I mean I think if we did approve a flag it needs to it definitely needs to be something that really represents us absolutely and and I don't think he's necessarily saying that that's what he he's but I'd like to hear his thoughts on why a flag and and where he's coming from as one of our local high schoolers well I would think I would think a flag that's a brand new flag that nobody's ever seen before to associate it with Coco Beach probably needs to start out saying Coco Beach on it somewhere probably but what I'm saying is get him to come in and talk to us explain the email that he sent and get to hear what his thoughts are I don't mind having the idea it's just it's nice to see young people engaged in want help out I 100% support that this is but this is a very very important and special idea yeah so it obviously wants very calculated and and thoughtful process I don't think we would have anything to vote on that night but it' be neat to hear from him but it's very cool that he's wan to step up and do something like that y but I could tell you and this was probably before no Caro was probably here then remember the Christmas banners that they put on the light poles MH yes I love those and we had it we they gave us like eight of them to choose from I mean picking that one well unbeknown that some people you had to actually expand the photo to see that there was a tree and it said Merry Christmas at the bottom but the the piction that the city put out just had blue background with a tree so I V for it because I expanded the photo and I knew it said merry Christmas and I like merry Christmas as a message for you know Christmas time Flags in the city maybe we can get one that says happy birthday Jesus maybe we could turn into a contest or something you know like have a few of the high school my only concern with that is if it's a contest and you pick the best one and the best one's not exactly what you want I mean where do you go from there yeah and I don't think we're committing to anything if we have him come in and present to us and explain what he's thinking okay very cool any other comment from the commission let's keep it rolling here um let's see where they at uh consent agenda okay this is the consent agenda item one approved the July 18 20124 commission minutes staff representative city clerk item two request to approve amendments to the Community Development block grant policy staff representative Devin pritz director of Grants and special projects item three approv commercial visual Improvement program Grant application for Coastal Market coca Beach LLC that was previously approved by the at the CRA board meeting on 8124 staff representative Devin pritz director of Grants and special projects item four adopt resolution 2024-the Florida approving and adopting the August 2021 storm water Master Plan update and providing an effective date staff representative Morgan Zuli storm water utility manager move to approved consent agenda second got a motion and second um do you guys want to hear anything from anybody or we ready to vote no you don't no I mean from the staff s agenda so you don't that's it I just wondering from she reads it vote all in favor I all opposed the city re I'm sorry okay um unfinished business okay there's no unfinished business but there is new business item one approve the treatment plant injection well repairs and modifications in the amount of $61,000 to be performed by Al webs Enterprises Inc utilizing a piggyback contract from the town of Jupiter this is not a budgeted item contingency funds will be used to cover expenses fund balance is currently 2 6,197 196 staff representative Brad czo Public Works and Water Reclamation director I move to approve the treatment plan injection well repairs second got a motion in a second for the repairs uh any public comment I have one comment before we vote yeah Brad just tell me if I'm reading this wrong it's says we're um we're doing a modification which is actually adding 61,000 which brings the total to the 206 because it says the fund balance is currently 206 that's how much is currently in the account right now the 61 would be deducted from that right so the way it's written in how we're supposed to vote it says a move to approve the treatment plan injection well repairs in the amount of 26,1 19796 and what we're really approving is just the 61,000 is that correct correct so can we clean that up m y for when the minutes come out I'll do that cuz we're we're only approving 61,000 he was just being forthcoming by telling telling us that he has $266,000 to draw from draw that 61 ,000 from seem pretty straight forward to me say again seems pretty straightforward to me I to proove Wells in repaired for the amount of 206 actually got 61,000 gotcha gotcha gotcha okay I see 61,000 draw from the 260 right from the 2 I see that one all right so it's all right no uh there was no public comment you got comment so um we had a motion in a second all in favor I opposed all right motion passes 5 um that's it uh any general public comment that wasn't covered yeah go ahead Rick Anderson minut man cosway I just want to weigh in a little bit on the parking garage debate at the city hall um I'm wondering why we have to go all or nothing if I remember correctly when I walked around there before the before everything was closed there were 30ish parking 30 odd parking spaces that were available behind the city hall that were public parking spaces on nights and weekends which is where we need them and I don't know how many of those if all of those are going to be gained back and going to be um once again available for public parking but that's a it's a considerable amount of parking spaces and another alternative which I had brought up before in place of a full-blown parking garage it would probably not be that expensive to build a second tier on top of the 24 or so parking spaces that are behind the the um fire station and gain another 20 odd parking spaces there without the huge expense of building a a massive garage so I I think that you know we seem to be in this this All or Nothing mode we're either going to build a giant garage or we're going to build nothing so I think that there might be Al Alternatives that that that are in the middle that might not cost a lot of money that might help with the parking situation thank you Rick uh quick question um do you know the parking that's going to be under the city hall is that going to be available to the public after hours yes okay so that's awesome more parking we'll have as well all right um motion I mean meeting ad jour