##VIDEO ID:z8VntJS94Bk## e please the to FL of the United States of America and to the for it stands Nation God indivisible liy and justice for all we have Pastor Keith from Club Zion say our invocation let's pray father we thank you that you're a loving patient God we thank you that we can call on you to fill this room with wisdom discernment and insight for this community Lord I pray for our commissioners and our City attorney our city uh manager that you'd give them the ability to reason through the issues tonight that we'd resolve what needs to be resolved and settle what needs to be settled Lord thank you for the communities participation let everything we done do tonight be done decently and in order for your glory and your honor in Jesus name we pray amen amen amen City cleric roll call commissioner Jackson here commissioner Williams here commissioner wace here vice mayor hon here mayor here I get a motion for the agenda I'm going to approve the agenda written second got a motion in the second all in favor I I all oppos motion passes 5 budget hearing okay item one approve resolution number 20 24-21 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Koka Beach of bvar County Florida adopting the final leving of avalor taxes for the Appropriations to be paid out of the general fund during the fiscal year 2025 of the city of Coco Beach Florida providing for an effective date resolution number 20 24-21 adopts the millage rate of 61644 Ms for fiscal year 2025 the tentative millage rate of 61644 Ms is 8.25% higher than the roll back rate of 5.69 45 Ms P pursuant to Florida Statutes 200.0 652 the first substantive issues discussed at the second public hearing to adopt the final millage rate and budget will be the millage this final millage rate must be adopted before the budget by separate votes the commission adopted a tentative millage rate of 61644 Mills at the first public hearing on September 4th 2024 the final millage rate may not exceed this but may be lower the staff has prepared the budget based on a millage rate of 61644 Mills which is the same as a current year millage rate of 61644 and is a tax increase the legislatively prescribed tax rate that gives local government the same tax revenue as the year before I.E roll back rate is 5.69 45 Ms the proposed millage rate of 61644 Ms is 8.25% higher than the roll back rate of 5.69 45 Mills which is a tax increase staff Representatives Patricia drott Chief Financial Officer Wayne Carino city manager move to approve the proposed millage rate of 61644 Mills second got a motion and a second any public comment [Music] any uh comment with the commission I say I mean I had I won't go through the detail I went last time I think we're painting ourselves in a corner that we're going to have to raise it next year U my concern was we added a million dollar of of CIP that was not in the fiveyear look ahead and we accelerated 12 million in 225 so I'm going to vote no but I think it's deficit spending we're going to be raising the rate next year so uh I can say that I would I would urge the city manager and staff to do the best they can for next year to keep the same budget if possible just just understand that as Mission we're always going to try to keep that that millage rate down or the same so I would just encourage you guys to do what you can for in the future to not exceed um the same budget as this year for next year so roll back or the same rate I I think the rate I think we have to keep in consideration that there is um cost of living wage increases and there's Insurance increase and stuff like that um I don't plan to raise the millage rate at this point in the future either so I'm just asking the staff and uh to understand that I I want to keep you guys accountable to stay within our budget so I'll say one more thing keep in mind this is similar to what the tdt is doing to us have record revenues and they're asking us to pay for lifeguards right we have record revenues and we're asking residents we should be raising the rate to back fill those reserves we depleted is a responsible thing to do commissioner WS wanted to do that I wanted to cut cost may it want to happen but that's what I'm saying for next year basically I'm asking I'm asking to cut uh to cut cost wherever possible or or slim it down that's exactly what TBT is doing us right they have record revenues and they're wanting us to pay for Life carbs yes at this point everybody's done what they could to to for this year so we came in at last minute with a budget and it's hard to go back and make them change at last minute so Aon is this a Voice vote or roll call it's a roll call um Janice good evening Commissioners uh City attorney everyone um I would hope that before you vote on this millage that you would State one more time what the indebtedness is what it has been what the debt is what it may have gone down or up and also um if the city is going to take uh is going to make a significant list of priorities and see you know what really is necessary and what isn't necessary um last thing I understand that uh there's been an agreement for the city to pay for the lifeguards what is that no no well apparent we'll get to that later all right I won't talk about than you that but but could you please just state where you feel the city's real priorities are and uh you know maybe what you could do next year if if not this year to lower um the the expenditures and the operating fund and if you do tell us about it thank you thank you so our current current debt is uh right around um 36,000 projected to million sorry projected to be 33 million next year uh our current reserves I believe are 13 million and um what I intend to do is is build up those reserves uh that's that's what I would like to see done so question on that how is the debt going down if we're adding the city hall 3 million so maybe that's a Patricia question could answer that better but we we've had an excellent run on um on interest rates and making uh money from our interest which has helped uh with that so so that's a double whing reducing Reserve now now as you know they feds just dropped interest rates by half perc so um we're not going to be getting the the returns that we had previous and we don't have as much money in reserves to to capitalize on so again that's another reason why I want to make sure that the staff understands that we are going to have to slim it down for next year Tim tumult Coco Beach um I just want to kind of reiterate what I've said at several other meetings making it sound like some of the commissioner is making it sound like we're being over taxed in Coco Beach on our adum and the fact of the matter is if you've been Homestead in Cocoa Beach for the last 12 years your taxes have gone up 12% total in the last 12 years so you've had an increase in property taxes on your property if it's Homestead of only 1% per year over the last 12 years so to say that it's a a burden is it's just an overstatement in my opinion so um basically that's all I have to say and just want that to be clear that folks that are homestead the maximum increase is 3% per year as far as assessed value but your actual taxes that that been paid is only 1% per year over the last 12 years thank you thank you Tim and another thing to consider as well is if this uh save our homes exemption this this extra tax exemption comes through for our Homestead uh that's going to be even less revenue for the city which means also your taxes will not be uh going up pretty much if you're Homestead so but a pressure to the city but it's a more pressure to the city that so again I'm just reiterating understand there's a lot of negatives coming against us in the future and the safer Grant comes off yeah that's in two years I believe oh it's it's ramping down but yes so I mean I understand Tim's point it's not unique to KOCO Beach though everybody has that pressure so you know cities are cutting budgets cutting rates and C Beach can't do it okay so so may we we all know that our our biggest expense is our employees yes and maintaining a adequate employee uh Workforce at wages that are comparative or slightly above the county standards so that we can retain good employees is our big biggest expense uh you know we're not going to be building any more big projects like City Hall Fire Department police department Park and garage you know I don't see any of that in the future for next year but um the only way to reduce the employee expenses is is to reduce headcount which makes it more difficult for the reduced amount of employees to provide essential services for the city so um I just want to point out that you know our employees are our biggest asset uh and I think that uh when we come around budget next year we're probably going to have same millage rate yes but maybe some of those other expenses besides employee expenses can be adjusted to keep us in the box at the current current military and I um I don't know if Patricia has the slide but uh I wish you would uh Patricia that at the next meeting after all these uh um millage rates are finalized that you would just give us that chart that shows all the cities in the county and and where we rank because we we never been near the top as far as millage rate and I think that that shows that we're doing due diligence at running the city efficiently thank you and I appreciate all of our our employees I think you guys do an excellent job we have an excellent team our fire our police our city hall staff our our maintenance staff Wayne's done an excellent job of putting everybody together and creating a real a real team so uh I thank you for that I do understand you know cost of living raises and all that and hopefully that's where the uh the increase of home home values in the future will will pull up the difference when we keep that mill rate the same in the future so um that being said I think you guys all deserve what you're getting I think you guys are excellent and um I appreciate every single one of you guys so um I also want to point out um I like what you said about the employees um I also want to point out there's a lot of infrastructure projects that we need done what do I mean they've already thinned out the budget enough you're going to start cutting services and infrastructure if you're cutting anything else there's not much extra to cut out and as far as mill rate next year um I mean I I urge you guys I'm not going to be here obviously but I urge you guys to look at it not automatically think I'm going to roll back or I'm going to keep the same look at your situation for next year look at how much cost of living goes up and if cost of living goes up cost for the city goes up so rolling back or keeping it the same even sometimes it's is going to do be a detriment to the city so I just want to keep that in your heads too instead of automatically saying next year we're not going to absolutely but but I'm not going to just say you know it's a free-for-all I'm saying just remember we want to try to keep a budget that's all I'm saying so I think basically Carolyn what what's been stated is the goal would be able be to keep the military the same which is going to be an increase again next year and maintain our city services and be able to fine-tune those infrastructure projects to get the things done that takes to run the city I mean police fire AMS run in the city you know and then you keeping our our amenities and our beaches in good shape there always been my priorities see I I'd hate to but I you know I sometimes I hear some of the discussion and it worries me that sometimes we're going to slim the budget so much that we're going to start losing Services we're going to start losing amenities or uh there's there's I'm not going to do that to our city if if I have anything to do with it and and Wayne knows I care about about making sure the city's run properly um look I'm not making a decision I'm not raising it in the future but what I'm telling you is I I am I am challenging every everyone to to do their best to to keep a budget and that's all I'm saying if we have to if we have to we have to but without a goal without a challenge there's no you know there's no reason to to try to challenge yourself so just like if you're running a race and you want to do five miles you challenge yourself to go seven you know so okay I think we beat that one you guys all in favor oh wait oh roll call sorry sorry commissioner Jackson hi commissioner Williams all commissioner Willis I vice mayor huton nay mayor capy I all right uh passes 4 one number two okay um item two approve resolution number 2024 d22 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Koka Beach bvar County Florida adopting the final budget for the fiscal year 2025 of the city of cab Beach Florida providing for an effective date the total budget is 123 billion 200 I'm sorry wow yeah okay okay yeah that's yeah that's that's not the State of Florida Bud okay 123 M 2485 6 which includes the capital Improvement expenditures the final budget is being presented and must be adopted by a separate vote from the millage resolution number 2024-25 establishes an operating budget for fiscal year 2025 the proposed budget was discussed at the July 2nd 2024 in July 18 2024 budget workshops intena they adopted by the commission at the first hearing on September 4th 2024 Representatives Patricia drott Chief Financial Officer Wayne Carino city manager move to approved the budget by resolution 2024 22 second got a motion in second any public comments I got a comment go ahead guys I didn't see anybody you want to go to public comment first there was nobody that okay want to say anything so I freaked out when I saw 123 million and then I went back to my freshman man year in college and I this is after I talked to the city manager and Patricia CU I know we don't spend that much every year I'm like how did we how's that how's that why is that number so big but economics 101 you have to do a balance sheet and it includes your income and your expenditures and it all has a balance and it includes a lot of things that aren't things we're going to spend money on so please reaffirm to me either Patricia or Wayne that we're not going to spend $123 million in 2025 no we're not okay I think that also includes our grant um stuff as well which which is like what it also includes our Reserve balance and everything else it's a balance sheet and they have to match and I never did understand that but economics 101 all right uh any other I mean my my beef with it is we are spending more then we're taking in we're deficit spending and we're drawing down reserves to balance it that's a problem you're spend you're drawing from your savings account to run your house putting it on a credit card so that's my beef for it so you guys know where I'm at I'm not going to hash out the charts I think it's not responsible we we bought a city hall this year I mean that's a lot of money so but look I get it we're but this is our budget it's hopefully like I said next year hopefully it's different we'll see all right all uh is this first roll call commissioner Jackson hi commissioner Williams hi commissioner Willis hi vice mayor huton nay mayor pey I motion passes for one uh number three okay it number three approve resolution number 20 24-23 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Coca Beach Florida adopting a 5-year Capital Improvements program to include the fiscal year 2025 Capital Improvements budget and adopting a proposed Capital Improvements program for the next four fiscal years 2025 through 2029 which may be revised in extended each year with regard to Capital Improvements Representatives Patricia dracott Chief Financial Officer Wayne kajino city manager move to approve resolution 202 24-23 adop the 5year capital Improvement program second got a motion in second um oron was this is number three is this oron you want to come up uh oron Tarver 178 June drive so just a shout out to you guys um we've been the residents of Holiday Lane and Esther June have been wanting uh some funding to fix the boat ramp for a long time I know uh Wayne you've always been there with us through the whole thing and I know all you guys believe me I know I probably called you guys too many times asking for yall support so I appreciate it and then I wanted to recognize commissioner hutchon he um I know he leaned into it really hard to um make sure it stayed in this uh in this year in next year's budget when I guess it may have potentially been kicked down the road so uh appreciate it guys thank you thank you any other public comment uh any commission comment um this one is all all in favor okay all all opposed nay all right motion passes 41 V for negative NY tonight aren't you all right uh number four okay um item four approve resolution number 2024-25 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of coka beach of Bard County Florida adopting changes to the financial policies and practices in the fiscal year 2025 budget exhibit a Representatives Patricia drott Chief Financial Officer Wayne Carino city manager approves resolution 24 2024-25 billion second scratch got a motion SC Motion in a second uh any public comment one I'm not going to be Negative Nancy on this one but what I thought was interesting is um I take that back it's a different item on Hope comment I was going to say thanks for joining the team but uh never mind uh okay you guys hir me to all in favor I I all opposed motion passes 5 uh five okay item five approve approve resolution number 202 24-1 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of coko Beach bvar County Florida adopting the final community redevelopment agency budget for the fiscal year 2025 of the city of coka beach staff representative Devin tally director of Grants and special projects move to approve the CR a resolution 20241 got a motion I'll second but I have a comment second um go ahead car how does that resolution after we're doing resolution 24 22 23 25 it's the C resolution so it's not City resolution oh so it's only that's the only resolution we've had for the C correct okay that's only one we had this year I was like either that or they knew a year ago no before all the rest of the resolutions came to the city that this is what they're going to put forward no that's it only one you've done this year okay so it should say can we caveat it to say approve CRA resolution number 20 24-1 it says that right here I will be in there I think that would be fine to make that change and you can do that on the fly yeah and you're it says you read it as CRA resolution but under the minutes approved resolution CRA resolution 20241 can we change that that would be my suggestion okay yeah so I don't have to put amendment in for the scer eror do no the question and recruit I did public comment right yeah okay all in favor all opposed motion passes 5 all right staff reports and announcements no what got sir oh public comment public comment oh sorry here's your public comments public comments about items that are not on the agenda go ahead oron yeah no just some comments been traveling quite a bit I wasn't able to make it for uh Mrs Forbes um presentation on airbnbs and but I did watch it uh I just wanted to share some insights that um being you know on the planning board when we passed the you know regul or drafted the regulations that eventually a previous commission passed you know there's a lot in place um I think what I've observed is that you know at the end of the day um you know just you guys need to give direction to City staff you know these are commercial businesses that are operating they're for-profit um they're not the golf course and lose money every year and they just keep pouring more money into their businesses they're making money just like all the other businesses around Coco Beach that you all that there's regulations that are enforced um I think if you give a direction to City staff to make it a priority to treat these like businesses and apply the regulations fairly um I think you're going to see compliance right now it seems like airb are kind of considered like this warm fuzzy thing that he you know it's kind of like something going on no big deal you know I think if coconut stayed open till 3:00 in the morning for a party or something I can imagine it'd be dealt with pretty harshly you know if there's open house party like on uh we had one on June Drive there's an open house party and one of the neighbors uh called the police I love our police but the officers responded and you know they were kind of like hey you know it's a graduation party yeah you know and I did ask one of the officers I was like hey you know are you going to let the building department know you know what happened ah you know we only let them know if there's an arrest you know I think you just need all the various City staff and departments to just treat it for what it is and voice the regulations and stay on top of things if there's an open house party on Saturday night you know the officers can document it on Monday the letter should go out to the operator or the business owner I mean you would do that with any other business I believe so I think if you guys set the tone that this is in a very important issue and that that's how it should be treated then I think the issues that Mrs Forbes uh Miss Forbes brought forward will start to be addressed because you know if rules aren't kind of being enforced they on being enforced unevenly you know you always have the folks who will always push the envelope so that's just I want to share those thoughts with you guys I know it's in your hands and you you all will do do your best um but at the end of the day it's it's a business it's a for-profit entity just got to regulate like just like everything else you do around here thanks thank you arson uh let me get Dan Dan uh I I can't read it voror hi my name is Dan dor um the building at 124 South Orlando Avenue has been in my family since my parents opened their parts house auto parts store in 1972 it's right next to the 7-Eleven there on First Street South Coco Beach used to be a good place to have a part store for a lot of years but eventually most of the repair shops left Coco Beach and after remodeling even after remodeling in 2015 the auto parts business wasn't economically viable in Coco Beach the building has sat empty since um my tenant left over a year ago and we've been seeking a new tenant without success we've lost thousands of dollars while continuing to pay property taxes the large Warehouse building and limited parking really limit the kind of businesses that you can put in there and with most retail killed off by Amazon and the other delivery services there aren't many good options one concept seems perfect to us which is renting space inside the air conditioned Warehouse building where people can store their personal Goods I've applied for a business tax receipt but was told by the city code doesn't allow Self Storage even though there is a similar business within a mile in the Town Center District doing the exact same thing the city code has a definition for Self Storage that seems aimed at individual garage units and outside storage not inside Self Storage which has one entrance door and customer goods are confined inside separate Locker units the code sets requirements like one parking space per 560 Square ft and requires individual access doors for each unit those things can be overcome with a variance but the city code itself does not allow self storage at all in the Town Center District not even by special exception my concept includes improving the building's appearance adding an awning on the front painting and possibly a mural that would complement the area aside from facade improvements there would be no exterior construction the windows would remain unblocked and we'd remove the existing pole sign the little parking lot has been used for retail parking since 1963 and has enough room for at least four vehicles a similar but huge much larger storage business just south of City Limits has just one parking space for loading and unloading of vehicles so four should be plenty in my building my intent is to make an attractive well-maintained facility that enhances the community by providing a needed service and I'm here to ask the commission to revise the code to allow me to use my building for inside Self Storage thank you Dan that you're going to be nice no fill Buster okay go ahead um I I think that we should have yeah City staff the City attorney our our uh Professional Building Services People Randy Stevenson Randy Stevenson look into a modification uh he's already said he's not going to besides an awning out front you know so people are parked there and they're going to bring stuff in and it's raining you can bring it in and out without getting rained on but um and you know I don't know exactly what he's going to do inside I mean if it was me it's tall enough you could actually put two stories of of of storage in there cuz you know we wasting a lot of space if you're only people are only stacking things 8 ft high on the bottom floor but um I think it's a I think if it was allowed like any kind of city code change to happen that it would be filed just like any other storage facility in KOCO beach in basically no time and uh is it the best use for that facility from the public standpoint probably not what we need a storage uniform we need another shop you know we need you know but those things you know the business plan doesn't say that you can do that there and make money so I'm I was just asking uh with the head nod from the commission to have the staff and the City attorney and Randy Stevenson look into a change that we could make to allow him to actually use that facility I I'm very very Pro business and I and I'm very if it's your property do what you want on it you know within within the code uh but I understand you have a very unique situation that building has been vacant and I know you've been trying to rent it because I've know I know the people your previous tenants and I know uh that's a hard location and honestly I think your idea might actually be the best use for that property um we we have a parking garage a half a block away that people could use if they had to if you had multiple guests um so I I believe given the fact that we have parking options for you available through the city I think the you know that parking should be a non-issue in my opinion because of your location so if it was up to me I would like to help uh urge the staff as well to figure out a way to to help you with your business thank you very much I appreciate appreciate it I can go ahead and draft something up for yall to review thank you and actually Becky and I have had this discussion there's there is other properties in the city that are are very similar that the the best use for these properties aren't aren't able to be you know done because of our some of our codes that are limiting so uh you know as we as we see stuff coming along fit I'm I'm totally willing to try to work with people to make sure their businesses are thriving and working thanks a lot sir um Janice okay so the first most important thing is there's going to be a political Forum at the library Saturday September 28th 10 a.m. which um includes the people who have the candidates who have responded is um Keith capy and Dave nrom for seat one commissioner mayor seat two Josh Jackson and Angela Cobb and seat three Tim ulty and Michael Johnson so there is a program uh some of you are familiar with it it'll be the same as always and if time uh allows uh maybe some questions from the audience I wanted to also mention that something near and dear to my heart and it has to do with former Civil Service employees some firefighters some teachers Alaskan Railroad employees employees of the former Panama Canal commission and maybe some other independent agencies that finally after all these years I've been working 15 years um on this project to get this vote to the FL of the House of Representatives and Congressman posy did sign on uh starting on September 10th we needed 223 signatures and today we finally have the signatures to force a vote on the house floor so I'm really thrilled about that and last but not least whether you're fan of the former president Trump or not you need to go on YouTube and watch him on Greg gutfield last night to see what a standup comedian he can be and uh see The Human Side of trump thank you thank you Janice is everybody confirmed on that form yes okay yeah date date and time please okay the time is 10:00 a.m. Saturday September 28th uh expected to go from 10: to perhaps 12:30 depending on whether there's with a lot of people and a lot of conversation or not thank you thank you yeah putting that together Janice yeah thank you yeah appreciate just one other platform of residents to hear so thank you and that Trump can be a real [Music] hoot all right uh any other public comment uh thank you Tim tumelty Coco Beach um I may take more than three minutes because I'm going to speak for someone else um actually read something um this week we had a uh an incident at the high school um I'm sure everyone's pretty much aware of it it was a bomb threat and um the bomb threat was the the big one where we had to had to evacuate um you know we had a thousand students over over a 100 teachers and admin staff thousands of parents obviously uh very concerned with what happened um Mr Powers Tim Powers our principal uh could not be here tonight to speak or he would have done it on his own so I he gave me something for him to uh or for me to read um on his behalf um he goes to all the sporting events and his son is actually in a uh an orchestra event going on tonight so he he could not be here so this is from Tim powers are a principal at cooko beach Junior Senior High School uh in the face of adversity our community has shown remarkable strength the unwavering support we receive from our all of you has been instrumental in fostering an environment where our students can Thrive the collective efforts made to ensure the safety and well-being of our school and Community are commendable I would like to take a moment to recognize our invaluable Partnerships with several agencies that play a crucial role in supporting our school the cab Beach Police Department kab Beach fire department the city of Coco Beach Bard County Sheriff's Office BPS district security Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation have all contributed significantly to creating and maintaining a safe learning environment their commitment to our safety reassures us and allows us to focus on what matters most our student safety and education let us remember that challenges can be opportunities for growth and by coming together as a community we can overcome anything thank you for your continued support and dedication to our school together we will ensure that our students receive the quality education they deserve in a safe and nurturing environment that was from uh Mr cool or Mr Mr Cool Mr Powers um got a lot of Tims Tim cool Tim Powers Tim tumelty um I was there of course cuz I work at at the school and um it was um it was a bit stressful uh to say the least uh it started about 10:30 uh when we got the call over the intercom there weren't sirens and everything going off it was just a calm announcement from our um Mr Man Mr Cole Manis and just told all the teachers to evacuate to um a certain area and it happened it was calm teachers um uh did a fantastic job the students were calm did a fantastic job um it was hot out there and we were realized when we got out there it was going to be a while um at that point uh the police City Fire Department and uh district offices uh were delivering water to us they water was on the way and um that was certainly helpful because we were out there I ended up being outside for about 5 hours um but we did like I said we did have water first thing we did they cleared the stadium so they got the kids underneath you know in in the shade underneath the uh the stadium which was a fantastic idea um and uh then they brought the dogs in to clear out the school areas of the school to bring so we can get the kids back in um again they they did a very they were very professional the admin did a great job the teachers did a fantastic job in um in taking care of the students cuz there was a lot of anxiety obviously you know some some some people uh took it a little harder than others it's just the nature of of humanity right um um but it all in all it was it was pretty awesome at the end of the day to see how everybody came together and uh and basically you know kept us safe fortunately there was no bomb uh but uh we took the side of caution uh which was commendable I think our city our city um police department and chief Mullen kind of pushed that said hey we really really need to do this and and so that happened and uh again I I couldn't be um any more honored to be part of this city and see how everyone came together and and did the right thing um this week so uh I just really felt that that need needed to be uh spoken about tonight uh it's not talked about too much on uh social media in some it is but and a lot of people don't realize what happened and um uh again thank you thank you Chief and and everyone that was involved that really appreciate everything you guys did and Tim yeah um um you and I work together at Space Center and we take all that training I know all about the drills run hide fight you know and and uh but we also had drills in the different facilities they're pseudo unannounced so they you can have people come out of the facilities and go to marshalling areas and do accountability and then look for uh deficiencies and come up with Lessons Learned so that if you have a real drill in the future you can you know incorporate those lessons and I won't ask you specifics but I'm sure there was some lessons learned from that drill you know things went great things that could have gone a little better Communications that could have been a little smoother or Communications that went great and um you know that was a live drill that wasn't a planned drill and it sounds from your account personally that it went off basically without a hitch but if there was any Lessons Learned I'm sure you and uh School staff BPS Fire Department police department or whatever will you know incorporate those things in the sheriff's department into any future response that may happen God forbid AB absolutely we we did a a Lessons Learned immed at 3:30 right 3:45 once all the kids were gone and out we uh we went to uh we had a meeting and talked about everything that went went well and and and some issues we had one was uh communicating with the teachers um so the principal would communicate with district and then District would send out uh information and unfortunately it didn't go to the teachers it went to parents our principal is a parent of a student that goes there so he got the information thinking that everyone was getting it but the but the teachers weren't so that's it sounds like a small thing but it was the teachers need to know what's going on and they were getting it from the students actually because the students were getting that information um for the most part um one thing that um that you know some some parents were were upset about the situation that we couldn't let the kids go um you can imagine a thousand kids just oh just let them go they' just run off the campus it'd be absolute chaos who knows how many kids would get run over uh accidents and different things would happen right well I guess I don't inter and we don't know where they are yeah but that thing could be that somebody that called in that bomb threat was expecting that could be up to the bushes across the side of the street and knock out about 100 of them absolutely there's all kinds of different things you know and reasons that we don't just let the kids go it's a it became a after the school was cleared out it became a normal school day we other than we adjusted the uh the bell schedule and periods so every student got to see every teacher had every period throughout the day they just were shortened at the end of the day instead of 50 2 minutes they were down to like 10 or 15 minutes per per per period and uh a lot of parents came to pick their kids up but she still they still had to go through the process of going to the lobby talking to the front office and getting them and coming out and that was stressful pretty much for every parent that went there and and a lot of students that were just trying to walk out um but again it's a lesson learned for all the parents lesson learned for the students um in that respect I think the staff we already knew that that was going to happen um but uh um it it it went off pretty well I think for under the circumstances and it was not a drill thank you yeah Tim um yeah from a commission perspective but as a parent with two boys that were there I want to Echo the principal's thanks to the city to our our Public Safety to our police or fire perar County but also to the Educators who are there took care of the kids so thank you yeah yeah I I spoke to a lot of parents that were concerned and I said every student was accounted for that's part of the drill when we go out the teachers have their attendance sheets and they make sure that every student that was in their classroom is with them if they if that's not the case you know the siren goes out hey where is this student you know we we don't know where he is and uh we we uh allocated for every student um and again no one was injured during the evacuation um other than they got a little hot might have been couple uh kids got a little too much sun but uh nobody nobody uh seriously injured so thank you Tim thank you very much I want to Echo that uh guys guys in blue guys and red you guys are amazing I I'm honored to be your mayor you guys make us look good which means you make me look good and I like looking good so but you guys are awesome and and I'm so thankful to have a team like you guys on both sides the police and fire you know we're this our community is so lucky to have people like you um serving them so thank you any other public comment all right um staff reports okay um I have one item tonight in front of everyone at the de um is an ocean rescue lifeguard funding options which is up on the screen right there so a little explanation of what this is next Tuesday at the County Commission meeting um chairman steel will bring forward uh an agenda item and what it is basically basically it's a cleanup of the Lifeguard situation which is still hanging out there because a resolution was never really uh crafted what happened was um a political stunt was um enacted by one of the County Commissioners which went South didn't pass and he didn't get reelected and so we're left to clean up the mess this is a cleanup of the mess so what'll happen on Tuesday night is um five options will be presented to the other Commissioners and they can choose one of these five options if you look at them um we are in agreement with option one option two and option four reason being our that not our contribution but the municipal contribution for that is $151,400 if you look on the next page no that's wait finish 51,4 wait skip let them finish okay $1,000 that's million no it's a thou it's thousands Municipal 151 457 0 right so that breaks down into actually three three communities contribute to make that number um on the second page he said that the um the Coco Beach cont contribution would be $ 8658240232 $156 41 so it's a difference of basically $3,000 it's it's basically going back to status quo it's what it was before it it was what we were very happy to contribute and um so this will be brought before them for a vote we as a city are asking for everyone that's interested Commissioners I know we're going to have a police presence we're going to have a fire presence we're going to have um my staff and um anybody else citizens that are interested in this to come to the meeting and express their uh support for this cuz I think it's a pretty good com it's a it's a very good compromise and um commissioner steel is sticking his neck out trying to get this situation um back in line and um so what I'm asking of you is if one of these four options or three options I'm sorry option one option two or option four is passed that um I have permission to tell the county um that we're in agreement and we want to go ahead go by going ahead what they'll do is create M us which will come back to the commission anyway but we can keep the ball rolling and get this behind us and get the beaches safe and stop the politics with the lifeguards and um I'd asked for consensus of the commission for uh giving the city manager the authorization to accept option one option two or option four at the meeting and bring it back to us for final approval I'm I'm in favor yeah I did a job yeah I mean this this is what we were doing before and mou is a memorandum of understanding if you didn't know what that was um we had a memorandum of understanding before last year they proposed before they proposed us to pay the eight something they proposed us to pay the 86,000 so it's the same as what they were proposing for us last year before they were going to raise it so we would we would have been paying status quo all along if they didn't pull this stunt um I don't mind um chipping in uh we need lifeguards I believe that it's their responsibility but I believe you know we we can chip in a little as well so I'm okay with it so we got all five so you got to do thank you that's all I have mayor okay thank you City attorney um nothing okay City commission okay I got one yeah I got one thing if nothing else so I mean s thanks for bringing that up and you know unfortunately the world we live in um and it's happening at the federal level so I'd like to get a consensus vote from the commission that um with our nine new patrol cars that we get in God we trust put on that car because I think that's the only thing that's avoiding these types of situations and you know you got my vote so I'm going without Sheriff's Department's got to own all their cars it's on our money it's on our flag coins we got five head nuns got we trust all right all righty um the 2026 budget oh we got a special presentation that which I will read for you so I've got a a proclamation here for the surgical Technologies week and I will attempt to read this without my glasses whereas for over 60 years surgical tech technology has grown to the meet the ever increasing demand for well educated highly skilled and versatile surgical technologists whereas surgical technologists are entrusted with the lives and well-being of patients and provide a critical service during surgical procedures whereas over 990,000 surgical technologists Nationwide are an integral part of the surgical team committed to providing the highest quality of surgical care to patients whereas surgical technologists are responsible for the application of sterile aseptic techniques in the operating room ensuring that equipment functions properly and facilitating safe effective conduct during invasive surgical procedures whereas surgical technologists strive to prevent lifethreatening surgical site infections and maximize patient safety whereas certified surgical techn technologists graduate from an accredited program and receive certification conf referred by the national board of surgical technology and surgical assisting based upon passage of the national examination whereas a surgical technologist motto agar Primo the patient first reflects total commitment to patient safety and advocacy the people of Coco Beach are honored to join our nation in recognizing National surgical technologist week now therefore I Keith Capi mayor of the city of Coco Beach do hereby Proclaim September 15th through the 21st 2024 as uh across the city of Coco Beach and I urge all of my fellow citizens to join me in acknowledging the importance role of surgical technologists in the care and recovery of their patients we honor these men and women who D with whose diligence and professionalism keep the residents of the city of Coco Beach safe and healthy thank you for making that bigger by the way do we have anybody here to accept this to come on up if you want to say something you're more than welcome if you just want your Proclamation uh just thank you mayor uh city of Coco Beach um a lot of people don't know what surgical Technologies are um and if you do a lot of times it's they're the ones who pass instrumentation to the surgeon but it's a lot more complicated than that so um uh myself uh and the other surgical technologist in the State of Florida um appreciate your acknowledgement thank you all right move to approve the consent agenda after it's read okay um this is the consent agenda item one approved meeting September 20 excuse me September 4 2024 minutes staff representative city clerk's office item two approv contract CB 24- 008 with Malden and Jenkins LLC certified public accountants staff representative Patricia drot Chief Financial Officer item three request approval to contract with Geo sytech Consultants firm for the Coco Beach storm water vulnerability assessment if unable to negotiate with the first firm authorize City staff to negotiate a contract with an x-rated firm that the city manager can approve this is a budgeted item staff representative Devon tally director of Grants and special projects item four ratify the following three-year Union contract for the period of October 1 to September 30 2027 between the city of Coco Beach and a the Florida state Lodge Fraternal Order of Police Inc fop B local 3570 the International Association of firefighters I a updated 9917 2024 staff representative Cindy deina Director of Human Resources and Patricia drott CFO five approve the Second Amendment of the legal services contract with v Law Firm this is a minor Amendment to the City attorney contract relating to the method of billing with no impact on the amount of fees or cost build staff representative Becky B City attorney second got a motion in a second any discussion no there isn't all all in favor I all opposed motion passes 5 um unfinished business okay this is unfinished business um item one adopt ordinance 1693 on second reading an ordinance of the city of Coca Beach Florida amending city of Coca Beach code of ordinances section 15-17 restrictions on camping in section 30-29 classes of violations and Associated civil penalties providing for findings and intent prohibiting overnight public camping and sleeping providing for exceptions to the prohibition providing for enforcement of section 15- 17 providing General cleanup changes and providing for separability conflicts codif codification and an effective date this ordinance is to prevent potential conflicts with the county or the new state law section 125.2 31 Florida Statutes it is recommended that the city commission adopt by ordinance the prohibition of public camping or sleeping adopting a zero tolerance policy for camping or sleeping on Municipal property will head off any potential costs associated with potential litigation from citizens or business owners negatively impacted by camping or sleeping on city property the first reading was September 4th 2024 staff representative Becky V City attorney move to approve ordinance 1693 on second reading and it's a roll call vote motion second any public comment roll call please commissioner hi commissioner Williams hi commissioner wace hi vice mayor huton hi mayor quey hi motion passes 5 um new business okay this is uh new business item one requesting permission to enter into contract negotiations with nut construction the highest ranked bidder for the golf course irrigation project total project cost 2,129 ,300 this is a budgeted project representative Scott Maxim project manager move to approve contract negotiations with nut construction second motion a second any public comment Rick Anderson 1800 Minute Man Causeway and and first of all I'd like to know um where the first 800 $100,000 went that was approved in last year's budget that didn't get used and apparently that rolled over another $800,000 was in this year's budget which by my math is $1.6 million so I'd like someone to explain how it went from $1.6 to $2.1 million Here Comes thank you Scott yeah Scott Maxon project manager so the the actual project was it's three phases it was going to be it's going to start in FY 24 for the first phase nine holes FY 25 we were going to do nine holes and then FY 26 nine holes we had some hiccups with getting our irrigation um consultant involved with um they had some insurance issues that they had to work out in order for them to work for us so that got all worked out but it wasn't until it was kind of too late to get the ball rolling on this project so the original project was budgeted for 2.4 it was $800,000 for 3 years this year we didn't get to it so we're carrying that over into fy2 so in FY 25 it's going to be 1.6 and then in FY 26 it's another 800,000 for the last nine holes that's for a total of 2,129 300 yeah so we're coming in under budget with this that's all three phases yep that's all three phases good thank you okay any anybody else have any public comment you can't talk anymore Janice I've exceeded the limit tonight sorry I would like to know what the consult the fee was for the consultant for this project thank you um does anybody in staff have that answer well think he's here Here Comes Scott again I'm the consultant this is Mike pado he is the irrigation consultant um and he can talk to you a little bit more about that Mike pado with the pado group we're out of West Palm Beach and Asheville North Carolina we're actually a subcontractor to me and Hunt that is your uh engineering firm I believe that you have an annual agreement with our fees are $770,000 for uh design work site visits staking in the field GPS of all the main lines and all the piping all the sprinklers entering that data into the computer Central that will run your irrigation system and um and then obviously providing you the as builts when the Project's completed thank you for being here that's plenty of information thank you appreciate it the question any other public comment thank you all right any commission comment yeah I think I would like to revisit the rates for the golf course of course I know we threw that together last uh March it was kind of like hey we got a strike with Iron's hot so we captured the summer Rage or whatever but Golf Course the golf course because I think the financials don't to Rick's Point don't account for the $25 million capital investment right so I think we should put some logic to those Rat St rather than just throwing through random values oh um I was just going to say that you there there's a little bit of statistics and science that needs to go into rate studies and changes because um you know the there was people previously on this commission that just let's uh let's raise the parking fees raise the parking fees raise the parking fees we're going to bring in all all this extra money well you you get to a saturation level where you're you're charging so much money that the parking revenue is actually decreasing and then you'll get the argument well you know there was Co and all that but you know if you sell something a little more attractive you get more customers talk to any business person um so you know you got to be careful with you know rat if it's if it's your garbage fee your electric fee your water fee your sewer fee we can mandate increases on you and everybody has to pay it but if you do it on things like parking uh Golf Course fees you know pool fees it's you know there there's a balance to where you're actually if you raise it too much at the wrong times you're going to bring in less money so that needs to be looked at carefully I understand we should look at maybe adjusting the rates but we should adjust the rates to a point where we're bringing in more money and not less money right I think I agree with you Jeremy but I do agree that we need to raise the caliber of our course before we raise our rates I think we need to and I think this is a great step in in doing that 100% And I you said it more eloquently than than me it it just seemed random a dollar here $2 here and I don't think there's can be some smarts in doing some modeling to get pricing whether we mirror Durant or whatever I'm not a golfer so I don't know but we need to put some smarts into I'm I'm all for let's let's let's make this let's make this place profitable and let's let's make it attractive and let's make this thing this place something that we can be proud of let's let's let's get this 19th Hole profitable let's let's do what we got to do to make this place what what it should be which is a country club that we can be proud of for the city so all right um intial CL any other public comment just run it like an Airbnb it'll be very good thank you uh all right oh sorry Keith Mr Mayor go ahead um Tim tumelty Coco Beach um we have Consultants give us advice on certain things whether it's irrigation or pricing I know uh Dr Gregory was here last year and helped us with that um I'm not sure but I don't think anyone on the commission even if if I'm on the commission next year I don't own a business um I do golf I believe Keith I believe you're the only one on here that actually has a business um I don't think any of you actually golf on any kind of a regular basis yes I know you've been out and all but um so so understanding what you know golf is and golf courses and what golf golfers like to see on a golf course isn't something that's maybe in your purview right now but maybe if y'all were to start coming out and golfing we have a facility where you can practice and before you embarrass yourselves because that everybody embarrasses themselves when they golf at some point no matter how you know no matter how good you are um but it'd be uh great if you all came out and actually played some golf with us we got tournaments and whatnot out here how play it Tim fantastic looking forward to it um but uh just wanted to mention that that you know um talk to some folks that uh you know before you make these decisions on pricing and and irrigation and everything else talk to everybody you know some professionals that are uh that know what they're talking about so thank you thank you the last round I shot was 82 at Sun Tree on nine holes and 18 holes that was P the original course in 1982 for the ladies teas I decided I'd rather put $40 worth of gas in my boat and go beyond the water than to spend 4 hours chasing a white ball around the golf course all right all in favor I all opposed oh motion passes are we done no no no we have to do this item two on new business um got with regard to First reading of ordinance 1689 this was moved to October 3rd 2024 due to text modification and read vertisements so if anyone came because of that ordinance uh you need to come back October 3rd okay that's all that needs to be done with that needed to be announced all right so the movie that's moved good I moved to approve the uh to defer it's removed from the agenda yeah so we don't have to vote on it you public comment any other public comment all right go ahead Janice this is your last time okay my last time sorry but uh Janice Scott Coco Beach well you cut me off on my public comment about the lifeguards so I was waiting and I would just say that more appropriately would have been to bring that information somehow to the agenda which could have been an add-on or something so that we could actually express our opinion about the Lifeguard situation again I understand that and I expected there to be a caveat and that the TDC pay for the lifeguards in the future and if you all you all need to formalize that because they're bringing the people here we already have a huge Life Safety expense in this city with police and fire to take care of visitors and I think if somebody ever did a spreadsheet you'd find out how much we're paying for people who don't live here I know that Winter Park I think they did or they still do charge people who are not from Winter Park who have accidents in their City they give them the bill so um Coco Beach looked into that at one time this is really an important issue for the visitors our lobbyist should have lobbied for that last year TDC is getting Millions more every year from these visitors so please find a way to bring that to the County Commission make them commit to that before you agree to this $83,000 thank you thank you Janice and actually so this thing that we have here does talk about the the uh the um TDC contributing so there it's pardon it's in here plus it was kind of a it was a late break we literally got this at 11:00 this morning yeah it was a late breaker it's coming back for a for a vote by the commission we don't even know if we're going to if they're going to even accept any of this that's why it's very important that we all go guys that we all go to the commission meeting next Tuesday at 5:30 and we and we we do our support we need our support that they're going to pay for lifeguards and we'll contribute all right um we are journ --------- ##VIDEO ID:-wIl3kuU3O0## e e e order said govern County roll call board commissioner Jackson here board commissioner Williams here board commissioner wace here board commissioner Hutson here board commissioner capy here uh board members reports or announcements staff reports nothing consent agenda um consent agenda item one approved the June 6th and August 1st 2024 crra minutes representative city clerk's office move to approve the consent agenda is red second Motion in a second all in favor I I all opposed motion passes 5 new business okay item one approve resolution 202 24-1 CRA budget staff representative Devin pritz uh director of Grants and special projects move to approve the budget second a motion and second any discussion anybody in the audience all in favor I all right all opposed motion passes 5 okay item two requests to approve new downtown Coco Beach community redevelopment agency performance measures and standards annual report staff representative Devon pritz director of Grants and special projects move to discuss second got a motion a second to discuss okay hi Deon critz director of Grants and special projects so this is being brought to you because there is a new Florida statute that passed where it says each c special district has to provide a performance ments measures and standards report uh by beginning October 1st of 2024 which is why it's coming to you now so I'm just going to quickly go through it so you can acknowledge the report and basically this is going to be posted on our website each year annually each December so for starters we just have a message to the residents that talks about why we're doing this Rapport and our collaboration with the community and our 2012 um Redevelopment plan in order to embrace our crra role within the city and so this just talks about our agency overview it's similar to our March annual report where it just talks about when the C was founded and when the commission approved [Applause] it and so right here it talks about our vision statement and the SI A's mission so we have a few listed here so for the first one it's to create a strong identity for the downtown promote a more walkable Village Center support economic stability promote and enhance the surfing Village and then protect residential neighborhoods from commercial intrusion yet providing connectivity for walkability and sustainability and then enhance the downtown with a broader mix of uses reinforce preserve and expand the unique building types and neighborhood characteristics and maintain enhan public lands open spaces and public service utilities to Ure good quality of life for our residents and our visitors so part of this report is we have to set our goals and objectives so when we developed our downtown KOCO Beach community redevelopment plan in 2012 we sent out a list of goals that we wanted to achieve so those goals are to embark on a r Redevelopment program to eliminate conditions impeding KOCO Beach's sustainability and economic Vitality under undertake projects to reposition the city in the marketplace promote mixed uses and new businesses and then any and all additional programs or projects that help us identify and promote this plan more and so along with that is our objectives which is to eliminate blight conditions throughout the city encourage expansion of storm water systems and improvements to infrastructure encourage improvements to parking encourage improvements to landscaping and streetscape and encourage improvements to promote pedestrian and bicycle safety infrastructure and so as you look through the report just to give the citizens an idea we have you know our ground Bak breaking from the new police station and then the ribbon cutting ceremony from our parking garage from 2019 so also to talk about this is our in community engagement so part of our 2020 our 2012 plan is to Aid the downtown mergin in creating a Main Street program which we have and in year 24 the Coco Beach Main Street program held multiple events which I'm sure a lot of you are aware of like the Friday Fest that we have the third Friday of every month we have the farmers market the Sip and stroll Space Coast petfest murals and more festivals that come we have new projects within the CRA so we have the surf condo we have the food and Brew Hall we have the new city of Coco Beach City Hall and Centennial Square the Surfside Playhouse improvements and then then prior projects that we've had in the CRA is the parking garage from 2019 the police station from 2021 and then the fire station from 2015 and then this year we also had many C facade Grant programs one of them being the Woodland Business Center storm water improvements Coco Beach office Condo Association we have the juice and Java Cafe facade and then recently the coastal Market parking lot improvements So within this fiscal year 24 budget the C board approved 200,000 facade Grant funds these are our performance measures that are set from our 2012 plan so one of them is a success of s small business grant programs which we have with our facade Grant programs so for the four that we had it totaled 130,000 we budgeted for 20000 but we made it to 130 um and then we have our CRA Financial contributions toward promotional special events which is to expand the use visibility access of cultural Fine Arts programs which is our Surfside Playhouse so we approved 50,000 this year for their improvements in the downtown area and then just CR capital or physical improvements one of the things that we have referenced in our 2012 plan is the future new city hall and we had this new facility would activate the street and encourage more pedestrian uses in the immediate surrounding area so with the Redevelopment of a new city hall in KOCO Beach Centennial Square it shows the types of improvements undertaken by the downtown KOCO Beach Community agency and that the city is investing in its own Community invoking a sense of place and pride and that's it so um de I was I was here when we put the CRA in place and um also you know when I became a commissioner I was like we need to have affordable housing and then maybe even caveat it where you could only be in the affordable housing if you work here you know it was kind of a live here work here uh Theory I it I didn't last two weeks right that ain't happening okay so um one of the goals of cras is from the onset was to to have a goal to promote affordable housing so you got a state mandate here to turn this in I would suggest that you put some kind of verbiage in there that at least you're looking at opportunities for affordable housing whether it ever happens or not I would just suggest chest that you put and we will continue to look for opportunities for affordable housing and if they come back and say well what did you do say well we're built out and there's no place to do it but I would suggest putting it in there I don't know how much scrutiny this is going to get when it goes forward but I would suggest putting that in there I would look for consensus head nods from the commission to to put that in there and you're asking for that just for so we're more compliant to our stated goal or yeah basically a cya I mean I don't see how we have any opportunity for affordable housing in Coco Beach right but that is that's one of the goals of a CRA from The Establishment we've never done it I I tried it in 20 7 and I in the last two weeks um I mean I thought it was to to to fix up blighted areas in the city is there anybody in this room that remembers that the SI is supposed to uh focus on afford affordable housing Solutions is it in revision statement not our vision statement it's in the CRA guidelines for establishing a CRA Becky do you know um I'm researching right now I I I say I would take Becky's um um advice on this one if it was up to me I personally don't think we have any opportunities for affordable housing at this time I know but you everybody up here would realize it is a shame that you know people that work here and perform our services oh absolutely can't afford to live here yeah that's I mean and have raise their kids here and go to our schools and keep them open and all that I'm not saying anything's going to change I'm only going to be here you know little more than two years nothing's going to change but that language we're looking for opportunities to create affordable housing might check the box when it goes to the state and they're reviewing and approving our our recommendations so we're not actually doing anything we're just saying we're looking into it which seems kind of I mean let's rain in the budget that helps there a lot of service workers are are renting and they're uncapped so if we want affordable housing let's not just say we're looking into let's actually do well if we put we're looking into it and at our next ra meeting if you guys want to come up with some strategies we can did we say we're looking into it last year no it's it's well we didn't have this mandate I defer it back then it's one of the things that you may provide for payment of the following expenses number seven is the development of affordable housing within the community redevelopment area it says you may but it doesn't say You must it says you may and it it's number seven in the tick list um those aren't in the order of priority [Music] um it's just a I don't think so I don't yeah I think you're correct that I don't think they're in the order of priority um is just one of the things you can do I mean well um I'd say we're look I'd like to put in somewhere in our report back to the state that says we're looking into opportunities and somebody comes up and says I got a ton of money and I got some property and I'm willing to build some affordable housing then we would say if it's in the CRA you know we may approve it and with the um affordable housing act which was adopted not long ago you you kind of have to approve it no matter where it is in any event so right yeah and I'm I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with mentioning it in the plan so I'm looking for the commission if you want to it's fine allow Becky to work with Devin to add the proper verbage to say that [Music] we're looking into or a better word than looking into opportun we're considering but not funding you don't say it that way can you come up with some words Becky I got a motion for can for um Skip's thing here anybody want to Second it I'm indifferent I I worry that it it opens up a I I don't know what can of worms it opens up um is my only concern is if it starts to draw or set expectations at the state that we expend the CRA intentionally to pursue it but to commissioner to your point it's it's not a bad thing I just don't want to bias us towards one of them but I I I don't know that that would actually happen the way I feel about was that a was that a second I don't think it was it wasn't I'm interested in the I'm going to say the way I feel about it we have to have a second before that's fair well you guys are discussing a little bit but let me just say real quick I was telling you need a second before you can discuss all right it dies for a lack of second any other uh questions all right uh all we we had a motion and second all in favor I I all opposed n all right motion passes uh 41 um any public comment Journey [Applause]