e e e e e e e e pledge ALG to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all next up is the Roll Call ar present col here yep here here Alexander Boo Here ly McKinny here y Matt Matt's um absent do we have one alternate at this point we just have one yes okay I wasn't sure about that all right next is the approval of the agenda motion to approve the agenda today have a second a second all in favor say I I I any opposed pass is 5 z um next up is approval of the minutes from the February the 5th meeting I have a motion I move to approve the minutes of the April uh feary 5th February 5th we're in April now second all right have a motion a second all in favor say I I I any opposed passes 5 Z Let's see we have no unfinished business so first up is uh new business all right so new business um we have a conceptional a conceptual um project that will be coming up um if you're all familiar with the glass Bank area um stina is putting together a um a conceptual and remember it's conceptual at this point based on a variance that we have to go through um but giving you guys kind of a sneak peek and I've got a 9 minute video that'll kind of explain a little bit more um but with the variance u based on uh the comp plan and also the development code um we're trying to go for um a total of 30 units per acre as opposed to 28 um so let me the8 story shell of the building stands at the very entrance to Coco Beach a city that itself sh with once a youthful thriving fa a Mecca once it was a fancy restaurant where astronauts dined it was a health club it was a bank I have met ladies who have pride it told me of their first loan that they took out at the bank once it was the pride of Cocoa Beach at the top before Wolf's penous was built was Ramone's Rainbow Room a Swanky restaurant well known during the space age it's uh absolutely wonderful it brings back for for those who have been here the space quers it brings back a different time in America The Landmark Space Coast Building is coming down today the glass in the old glass bag is shattering to Pieces no one yet knows what will become of what was the glass bag sta house is to be a 74 un long safe Hotel boasting unique specialty shops and a rooftop restaurant reminiscent of the rainbow room of past years we envision the street level shops to include a Cocoa Beach Distillery Bakery and coffee shops clothing and Specialty sunglass stores and possibly crepe and ice cream Airstream vendors in our park-like atmosphere walkability shopping in this downtown Gateway area is what Cocoa Beach is missing my name is Rosie Bianco and I've been a Cocoa Beach local since 1979 I currently own an outdoor design build firm and spend my days creating Amazing Outdoor spaces through the years I've owned and lived in several homes and condos at Coco Beach so I'm as invested as you are in maintaining its charm and enhancing the enjoyment of walkability of the downtown area my sister Franny and I have purchased and renovated and resold many co loal beach properties because we believe that maintaining the Aesthetics of our community helps us to enjoy our lives and our environment while holding our property values High many of you know Fran and her husband Dom owner operators of the Italian Courtyard restaurant on 520 Causeway for us the Italian Courtyard transcended being just a restaurant it became an integral part of both the communities and our family story like you Coco Beach is our home we now own this key Cocoa Beach property and are working on a wonderful revitalization project we believe that this project could transform what is known as a gateway to downtown Coco Beach to purchase the property we had to settle lawsuits between neighbors and resolve serious title issues when we finally closed we knew it would take every bit of the height and density this property was entitled to to make the project viable at the time we believ that the density was 74 units what happened next was was devastating the property was listed at 2.64 Acres the tax records verified this acreage a site plan was located by our attorney that matched the legal description on the tax records and the listing the survey was used by our attorney to close on the property this 2.64 Acres allowed for the needed 74 transient units to make the project possible as you have seen it several weeks after the closing I got an unexpected call from our site engineer he informed me that he and the attorney now believe that the tax records and the listing were incorrect although the legal descriptions matched the acreage was incorrect after closer examination the property was only 2.01 Acres this mistake was devastating and after months of research we concluded that it was irrevocably true the property was in fact 63 Acres smaller than what we believed we had purchased because it was smaller only 56 units could be built on the property 18 units less than what was needed to make the project viable this error shut down our dreams of building this [Music] project we had a choice we could open a lawsuit against everyone the legacy of this property would continue or we could try to find a higher Road building just 56 units without mixed use shops and restaurants is one viable option for us and has the best financial outcome but we do not believe that this would be the best for the city of Koco Beach we would remove the ground level shops and the rooftop restaurant experience that Coco Beach deserves as a resident of K Beach we would like to keep the essence of the project as you have seen it without the additional two units per acre the project with the ground level shops and park like experience for the community is not possible the comprehensive plan allows for a variance of two units per acre if we provide the mixed use the city planners made a provision to allow for this ask and a comprehensive plan possibly knowing that a better downtown experience for its citizens was worth the minor increase the project as shown with the extra four units and the mixed use will not be the best financial model for us but it is the highest and best experience for Coco Beach residents and visitors we're willing to invest the extra needed for the ground level experience to ensure that we end up with this benefit if the variance is granted the official request is this today we are requesting a variance to section 4-41 A3 to allow transient lodging as part of mixed use development to be constructed at a density greater than 28 units per acre but in no event greater than 30 transient lodging units per the comprehensive plan as well as the land Redevelopment District were amended to allow this type of variance within the area of the city where this property is if granted the variance would allow the development of the subject site as mixed use development with 60 transient units rather than the currently allowable 56 units just four units more while keeping the height the same approving this variance today would allow the Cena project to move forward as described in the preliminary site plan approval request that we submitted today as well that request describes the project in this way 80,000 ft of hotel and mixed VI space with a tiered first and second floor which will help to create a HomeTown feeling or experience at the ground level shops the 60 unit Hotel will provide spacious and desirable accommodations for weekly and monthly visitors Coco Beach has many vbo type weekly rentals within our communities and the need is growing importantly new visitors coming to stay at the Cena Hotel will be renting a properly zoned transient property preserving our small residential neighborhoods for families and ensuring local children can attend our schools the addition of Cena house enhances this commercial end of town and aligns with the city's comprehensive plan for mixed use development that encourages walkability and outdoor space all parking and drainage required for the hotel and the shops will be contained within our property we will provide a comprehensive parking study with the building plans to ensure proper traffic flow giving the sites prior use for a bank health club and office spase we anticipate a similar traffic pattern this downtown Cocoa Beach Gateway property has been abandoned for years plagued with tragedy lawsuits and bad energy we are here to ask you to help us to change that you can't help us to recover the 18 units that were lost but we are here to ask you for the approval of this variant for four of those units and then the site plan approval as well so we can move forward with the building plans for this wonderful project thank you for your [Music] consideration so just for your information this is Franny one of the sisters just in case um and and really wanted to show you guys this it'll have to come back to you regardless of what variance happens um and that will change the site plan but we kind of wanted to give you kind of little concept of what may be coming down the road and um get your feedback what you might think about it any questions or any questions I have a question um what would be the difference between height wise between the old glass bank and stina I there is no height variance the same height same height yeah 82 ft down the glass Bank vested them with the height of the glass Bank okay yes um I just want to be sure that the 124 surface parking spaces meets code and and meets requirement for 7,000 ft of retail and 4,000 ft of uh commercial of restaurant space and the the uh Transit L units depending on the variants they'll have to adjust for that as well but all of those studies storm water parking that'll traffic it'll all be in the site plan when it comes back to you can you explain what they have to adjust for that as well means go up go down well if if they lose the variant then all the shops go away it goes to residential as opposed to mix use if they can keep the 60 units then they can go to mixed juice which allows for the stores and the restaurant at the top and all that so it'll make a lot of difference just those four units sry only address some of Margaret's I I did look at the same thing and um I think it's on the one of the drawings to how they came up with that number so it looks like it was pretty much right on except that they do have a way if you have bicycle parking you can get a little bit a few five I think five spaces that you can get smaller but for 60 units that's 60 that's 60 spots plus one every 12 would be another five and then the retail space it's 300 Square for every three one space for every 300 Square ft so that'd be another 23 and then for the restaurants it's 100 square feet um for every for your main assembly area I guess your eating area or number of seats so anyway that would be about 40 so that total is up to 128 I so it's not dependent on Peak off peak it's the guidelines and think so it's pretty much right on and give or take cuz like I said I think you can get a little alleviation if you have bikee parking but if not much so it's pretty much exactly on where the guidelines are in the LDC the way and Lisa is right I mean downtown we have some flexibility on parking as well so it's not as strict as some areas I didn't see like bike or scooter parking per se but it does have on the chart that they have an allowance for bike parking I don't where it is or how many or anything like that so I don't know if that helps but I kind of looked at the same thing so I'm assuming if the square footage changes or anything like that that would that could change accordingly yeah that's can you touch on the vesting a little bit for the height uh variant I know the old building was 84 82 ft tall I just I was looking at the code and it doesn't really have any exceptions for that I mean it says the council can give a variance for you know height restriction yeah maybe I don't know exactly about the the code I was say part when they when they negotiated the the removal of the class Bank part of that negotiation vested them with the ability to replace the building with the same vested them with that height of the original building okay that was part of the mitigation for the removal of the building and the same if they are pardon the same F the same floor area no just just just the height this and this is not unique to this site this is Citywide where where the height is vested when you demolish a building you're allowed to build to the same height and density uh we're utilizing both of those on the Weston for instance the height and density there uh so you're there's a and I don't have the specific code section for you I can get it for you but you are vested in terms of height and density when you demolish a building and in this case it's 82 ft they're going to be within that uh the variance very simply is something that's already built into you not only your Land Development code but your U comp plan as well for the additional two units in other words when those two documents were written they realized that we needed some flexibility and they allowed those two units as the flexibility still has to be the subject of a variance but uh and that's what they're trying to say to you they lost 18 they're only asking for four uh along with the the provision of a mixed use building and as if you look at your uh uh report there are various comp plan and LD LDC Land Development code uh parameters that support this type of development as well as the downtown study done by zovich back in 2010 so and what's the average square footage of the units the lodging units I think that'll depend on what variance we get under this variance under this scenario under the scenario of of 60 units 900 900 900 Yeah question um in the video they mentioned um something about not impacting School uh sorry in the video they mentioned men something about not impacting School density but I was just wondering how a transient LOD lodging affects School density is there something I'm missing uh I I think what they're looking at is if you have more transient in the city the residential maybe you won't have so many people doing that but I I we I don't know how that's going to affect anything I don't think there's any airds affect the uh School population more than the old adage is again uh and I won't go into the details about how we're struggling to regulate short-term rentals or vacation rentals in our single family neighborhoods but if there's more availability in areas such as this where we if we're going to have Transit lodging or vacation rental this is where we want them uh arguably there could be less demand uh for on our short on our single family residential neighborhoods which is where our family lives where what generates the most students yeah uh a stretch maybe but it is a valid point uh that's one of the reasons if you'll recall about 2 years ago we approved uh a change to the code that allowed in certain specific areas of the city to approved long-term residential I.E apartments or something like that at a density of up to 28 units because we realized we need more permanent residential so we're kind of trying to solve the problem from both ends if you will um so I guess the main way that people would enter the parking area would be on Fourth Street North correct I think you have two options there's one in the on the front off of A1A and then one on Fourth okay so there might be a turn off uh right after um the one for ABC because ABC has an entrance so maybe another entrance would be provided right yeah I believe you're right in that um they're showing an entrance off of off of A1A and an entrance off of bravard in the back oh Bard sorry were they going to keep that existing where the CEST building is there's already kind of easement driveway right there it looks like that's where the entance is correct yeah right before it yeah so that's already existing basically is that the same it it's nice I mean that building's going to be right downtown at the beginning of all right cut through downtown library is there any kind of existing shared parking agreement between the building on the corner and this parcel um I mean I see folks parking in that parking lot a lot as well as for the Fourth Street Grill is there any I've heard talk about it but I don't know the specifics on um if it's shared or not at this point there's there was some shared parking that from that one area area but um I think everything will be contained in the site plan once we develop it I I had a similar question about I think there's a requirement in the LDC to have I think they call it cross property access meaning I think it means if you have adjacent oh to run from parking lot to parking lot parking lot parking lot without going on back on like Bard or forth I guess is that required here or no I mean I know will come with the probably the traffic study will identify I know that like the ABC has sort of a dead end at the west side of their parking lot that goes into this lot yeah they're using the lot right now for some traffic through there I don't know if that is that required or not probably via Ro Street the interconnectivity without going out under the street there's some Provisions in the code for that but once again we get to the F to find out the density then things may change I know a lot of people um get emotional and concerned about traffic patterns and sure backing things up it's hard to say something here and not get caught with the idea of what Cory said and something changes so I until we get the traff it all get finalized later so then I I had another question um would the then existing Street I mean I'm seeing this word vacated next to Grove Street and I'm not really sure what that means um would the existing street that goes through to the dollar store remain as it is that's Bard that goes through there right doesn't it Bard through there yes okay so so wouldn't the post office and the post office and the post office library and the library would not be that would not be affected it appears that Grove Street used to go through there it was vacated relocated over became Bard cuz if you look it goes here to here back into so this section was vacated yes so who owns the we we call the shortcut the cut through Road does the city own that does one of the properties own it who who owns that cut through all right current I think it belongs to St okay so it belongs to the to the applicant y not to the uh the building on the that office building yeah I think I look from memory um the survey they own it I know that I mean I'm going into the assumption that these are Market rentals and that's good the market rental is good for us but we've been kicking around for a long time affordable units and I'm I'm just wondering if maybe we can entice the applicant to think about making if this gets approved think about making two of those four affordable designated affordable units I'm just throwing that out there because we've been talking about it and talking about it and talking about the need for affordable housing units but we never kind of have an opportunity unless we have a sizable development that comes in with a i call it a density bonus request um definitely pass along youring for sure part of the impact Fe get affordable housing anything else wait a I don't have a question about that yeah I mean these are transient transi they're not they're like Hotel Long GES they're not well 900 square ft you're going to have people if the average size is 900 sare ft you're going to have people living there for not one or two nights am I am I wrong here I'm sorry I miss your question what what is the uh what is the definition for transient Ling what's the maximum transient is less than 30 days I believe Le than 30 days less more than four times a year yeah the these are would be considered Transit lodging where we are trying to address that though on the for for affordable housing on a permanent basis or on projects like the drift uh up on 520 a little bit further north than this and our permanent uh permanent residential what we consider permanent residential the apartments and so forth so we are trying to address it through that we actually have a new section of our C plan well I I call it new it was from uh 20 2022 I think it's when we sent that to the state and we have that incorporated into our comp plan so but we are in fact trying to address that a little bit more difficult since we're on a Barrier Island in a tourist town but nonetheless that we we are trying to address that on a for permanent residential uh units I like the project I like the mixed use in that area not it's surrounded by commercial space not residents you know so not going to be impacted um you know the transi and or hotel rooms of support there's a bunch of restaurants people can walk to so I like the idea and I like the elevation plan and the architectural side of it so I think it's a good project for that area than Char I don't have a question but a similar comment that seems like first of all the video was very helpful to understand kind ofir in what they thought they bought versus what they actually got and then um I think it's it's really pretty and it's going to be really nice I think there is discretion for the variance I mean personally I think that considering all the community can get from it it's got to open restaurant it's right retail versus just transient housing you know that seems well worth the investment of you know usia yeah can give you a variance for that and it's landscaped and it looks really nice and I did look up Rosalie's hardscaping and Landscaping that she has and has some pretty beautiful actually work that she's done so I'm sure it will be really nice thank you we're they're asking for four more units than what code allows correct correct at this point per acre right but code does allow for up to 30 right instead of 28 but then we have to go through a variance to get that so the only variance being requested is the units per acre correct any other questions um besides financial hardship of not getting the variance what you know what would be any other reason to provide the variance for it like if the the project would not be like they kept saying the video would be viable oh the the only thing that if they don't get the variance it'll end up being residential only it's the only way they could um make it work instead of mixed use like you say having the shops below the restaurant up above the walkability you know showing off our town I think that's becomes a a nice hotel I agree don't understand so um U let's you know let's just say that the retail aspects of it um didn't really bring in enough Revenue that pan out according to projection um is there any is there any possibility that those could be converted at some point into uh no trans lodging no lodging is totally 60 if they get the variance that would be it that would be it y yeah the units are limited uh this is just just from the 28 to the 30 four additional units on two acres plus we really don't plan for the failure of a project at this stage and all the what is uh that's going to be out of our hands but we certainly think that uh and again going back to your question it's only financial uh if you look in your your U packet there are numerous comp plan policies as well as Land Development code statements as well as the zovich study that support this type of development and this is the I think the variance is probably a small dare I call it a price to pay to get an upscale development uh at the north end of our town Center which would would serve as the Gateway it may draw a little bit of attention away from the ABC liquor store which is nice but it is you know uh I don't know if that's what we want to put our first foot forward in terms of coming into the [Music] downtown any other questions and this will come back to them one hopefully this comes back to you with the 60 units and the multi-use as well that's personal sorry yeah that's okay uh is there any like sustainable um improvements going to be going in like will they be using geothermal or solar or anything that would be like more sustainable for the community I haven't seen anything in that at this point have you I think those are questions again right now we're I likened it to painting a painting we just need to know what size the canvas is right now but I think there will it be lot some Li low impact development uh things coming in one of the biggest ones is you got a site right now that basically has no storm water yeah it just runs off into whatever drainage facilities may be there if the project is developed they must contain their storm water on site to a certain extent uh established by storm water before they discharge into any City facility uh so that is a uh that is a big benefit right there much less all the other things that we'll get into as we detail the design once we know whether we're working with 50 6 units or 60 units okay and again all that will come back to to to this board with with the transportation with the storm water with the engineering with the cross access all of those types of things I noticed we have a good cross access in Bard Avenue there when we set up just a little bit of history when we set up the Redevelopment districts and any I think you remember when we talked about this at nauseum uh at several meetings uh several things there's something called capture traffic um if if they were to develop this and I'm staying there and I've got a nice restaurant to eat at and I've got shops to to uh be able to shop at and plus I have access off of to the West off of A1A I'm probably going to utilize that to get to other places at least till I can get to a controlled entrance to A1A uh because if you've tried to pull out on A1A lately without a signal it's you're taking your life in your hands especially the last four or five weeks yeah uh so that that capture traffic and being able to have uh this type of multi-use facility does tend to cut down on traffic count because they can do more here uh because of the nature of the multi-use or the mixed use than they can if it's just transient lodging or just a hotel or without anything so that's kind of some of the goals that we're looking at long term uh in terms of developing these Redevelopment dist districts we're looking at the same thing on Weston they've got restaurants they've got parking they've got we've even considered just to kind of give the the the board a little bit of insight we've even considered short-term bus type Transportation off of A1A within the Redevelopment districts not necessarily just a downtown but a lot in the uh in the Midtown and the uh Gateway District up there so we're working on it you leave me with one more question and it just kind of popped in um the Rooftop Bar that it is rather close to neighborhoods and I know there was a lot of issues with residents complaining about noise um from certain bars that are not that close to the houses back there I mean it seems that that could be a potential issue that but there's stores and library and post office all behind it before you get to the residential Ian but sound doesn't just go in one way I'm sorry I can't hear you the sound won't just travel in one no I I know that but I mean you do have some buffer and SK before residential Zone um but I would imagine up that high it's going to be sealed yes you know um all the windows you won't you probably won't be able to hear anything and a lot of properties are unique you've got a property that may this one doesn't a but but some of them a but residential yeah but they front on a major State Highway so what do you do there there has to be a little give and take we understand that so bringing up there was a huge issue with one and there some that are a lot closer than this one will be that we have problems with is I didn't the rendering show it's enclosed the top floor yeah so it's not outside it's enclosed yeah that high I'm sure safety is not going to let you open up Windows we're talking about a restaurant bar we're not talking about concerts like that are going on EXA I think there will be a rooftop element to it the resturant it kind of reminds me of the the Melby is that is that the kind of thing that you're looking at that's envisioned not familiar with that one it's the hotel down in Melbourne uh it's a hotel and then it's got a a rooftop restaurant bar I've seen that yeah um most of it some of it's inside there's a little bit of it outside yeah well the I think the outside is is just for viewing right yeah yeah for the rocket viewing and drinking at this point how's that noise will be a consideration yes I'm okay with the music I'm just saying I've seen the Hub up any other questions no it's not that there's a lot of um people to be discovered once we find out what variant we're going to be able to get and then we'll go from there but it's nice that you guys got a chance to look at it and see the video and ask the questions is I'm sure it's going to help us moving forward to make sure that we bring the right answers to youall yeah the presentation was nice like you're saying it matches the the Redevelopment District the downtown Center it matches all the guidelines in there for architectural you know and what's laid out there so looks like a nice project all set all right uh question I'm not sure if it's for Randy or for the C attorney since this is a concept um there was a suggested motion and all that kind of stuff we're not voting on this correct No not tonight this is just for your benefit um the applicant still needs to move forward with the density variance once that occurs they'll submit a final site plan uh to us which you will uh review and uh have comments for but in the end uh because this is a large scale site plan it it City commission's the final work well what what does the sample motion mean what does the sample motion mean the sample motion says for the proposed site plan for really there is no motion tonight we wanted you to to meet on it to look at it to see it to discuss it Fran's here and she's heard the comments it helps us when we prepare to uh once we know what the variance is it still helps us to prepare use your comments to to make sure like say we bring you back a project that you've already seen that you've had a chance to comment on be a lot more details when we bring it back to you but we can take these comments into uh whether it be parking or whether it be noise or whether it be you know cross access we can take those comments as we as we move forward developing the project in conjunction with the applicant once we know whether they have the four units or not and once we know whether it's going to be a mixed use project or a residential project but your comments do make a difference and that's one of the reasons like I said first of all I wanted you to see the project to know what was coming down the road and provide these General generic comments we're not really asking you for a vote one way or the other because we don't have the details for you to adequately review this plan at this point we don't know about traffic necessarily or or storm water or anything like that those things that we will have tied down before we bring it back to you so you'll actually have an action item at that point that sounds good thank you for your help guys little through it thank you and chair if our applicant doesn't uh wish to speak obviously this would be a time to do it now if you'd like to um but if not then uh we should have public comment on this item before closing out theant like to speak you come [Music] up prepared to speak but I'm Italian so muscle up something to say but thank you for um this preliminary um meeting this evening uh Rosal cannot be here wasn't able to be here tonight but we look forward to April 18th um to coming to the City commissioners for that meeting and being able to come back to you with what Koko Beach wants we're not trying to not build or conceive something that doesn't isn't wanted we want what you want that's why she um went on to the we're local like you we're not going anywhere this is our retirement home it's been my home for 40 years my kids were raised here I'm an agent here we had a restaurant here for 26 years so it wasn't a short a short run so we're looking forward to being here for another 40 years this is our swans song to say this is everything we are and everything we have so we look forward to coming back for um a yes hopefully but at least we know what what we need to focus on which wasn't surprised with some of the comments we understand parking we understand storm water we understand what how why does it help the community and these are we're trying to convey why so thank you thank you any public general public comment public comment on this project yes sir step up to the John live on East Oola um you saw a good view looks pretty it's good thing to have we need that my concern is the height I'm not seeing what Randy was saying he said well about well about to me is he's being defined Randy can tell me what that is exactly on the old building and then make sure you do not go above that some a few inches as engineering I've been in engineering designer view for about 16 17 years that's my job is full m Stakes out of design with packages it means it can be designed but look at that you can definitely loow you can probably lower at least one level that requirement but anyway my concern is make sure you do not get even an inch above the bank also look on the property pressure it shows a 2.0 AC acreage on it so I don't what that's right or wrong about that just what I just showed right here what shows 2 Acres so just make sure the height is my bank uh I'm glad for the engineer I've been an architect for 43 years it will be no more than 82 ft if that's what the glass B that's the glass Bank was it's vested at 82 ft yes ma'am I did just want to answer to the as you recall from the video everybody thought this was 2.64 Acres I don't know what happened I don't think Franny and them do but I think it had something to do with the roadway on the west we don't know but they are operating at 2.01 Acres right now that's why if there's a is the variances granted from 28 to 30 they're only going to get four additional units total so they're operating at 2.01 Acres regardless of the 2.64 Acres that was taxed at and put on the property appraiser and I don't know how many attorneys have come around but we don't know we don't know the we don't know how that evolved but it's 2.01 Acres that they're working with now so correct and it has Amed has yeah yeah they amended they had finally amended the property of Fraser's website so okay okay thank you I'm going request if you could put the Italian Courtyard lasagna on the menu on the new restaurant I'll second that yeah just kidding all right next up staff and CD attorney reports all we have for you tonight first I'll answer any questions you might have but we're working on a rision to the cop plan uh one of the things we're doing is is we're taking the Horizon out from 2025 which is next year to 2035 and 45 uh and we're good other than that we're good until 2028 I believe but you'll see coming back to you probably in the May Jun June time frame we we'll get to start a small revision of the cop plan again because I have to bring it to the planning board and then we take it for first reading before the commission at which time we send it to the state and wait for them to respond and if everything is good then we take it for second reading that's pretty much the the methodology that we follow like I said last done in 2022 when we had to add all that parall of Flood information and the the affordable housing and the U there was one other other item I forget which one it was but uh that will be coming before you probably in a couple of months we're we're finishing that up now uh Lauren's been doing a Yan's task on that uh so that'll be coming forward to you I know everybody's excited about reviewing the comp plan again so looking forward to it and we also are talking in our in our Land Development code we do have some architectural standards primary when we instituted form-based code back in about 2018 I think it was there are some architectural standards that go with that uh we may we we we've received a couple of requests we'll see how far it goes to update and maybe expand those architectural standards specifically in the Redevelopment districts and of course if we do that that also comes to you because that's a revision to the Land Development code fun things are to to look forward to any additional question questions for staff the nature of those changes are no no most of these changes are tweaks there there we have been for a number of years trying to catch everything we've got dates that are outdated in there that we didn't get to it's it's kind of an overall tweaking nothing really uh uh nothing really comprehensive about it and nothing really uh that'll change anything but just updating numbers erus for storm just updating a lot of our losos our level of service numbers and uh again expanding The Horizon to 2035 and 2045 they ask that we have a 10-year Horizon and a 20-year Horizon so and actually I was the the the if we're you know the projections right now in 2035 show we may our population may increase to 11,000 800 and something but it's not going gang busters of course our tourist population kind of is on the other hand is is doing well yeah okay City attorney no report this evening all right um any general public comments all right uh next up uh board final comments M I don't have anything don't have any okay thanks m I think the applicant did a fantastic job I agree with that Mr Mason no comment all right then with that um our next uh meeting is tentatively scheduled for May 6th correct all right with that we are adjourned