special magistrate for code enforcement purposes for the city of Coco Beach and we're here for today's uh agenda which has several cases on it and uh the first thing on my agenda will be the approval of the minutes of February 21st 2024 and I'm going to approve those minutes the Attorney General requires that minutes be taken and approved for these types of of hearings that having been done let me just make a few introductory comments um before we begin the obviously we're operating in the sunshine The public's invited to attend these meetings I think they're being either broadcast or recorded one of the other and uh the city of Coco Beach adheres to the government in the sunshine law and that being said all the matters that are heard are not public hearings they are hearings between the city and respondents and they're not unless a person is called by a witness by the city or a respondant then they're not heard so to that extent uh they're not a public hearing the way we present cases here are that the city presents its case the respondent is free to cross-examine the city's Witnesses after the city presents it its initial case uh the city will present a series of witnesses and then it's up to the respondent to do likewise by presenting Witnesses argument Etc and the city can cross-examine the witnesses of the respondents uh at the conclusion of each hearing I'll ENT uh oral order that will be later put into written form and and will be distributed to all the parties involved and uh we come these proceedings are are implemented under divisions of chapter 162 of the Florida Statutes and the city code of the city of coko Beach uh and that's the introductory statement that I'd like to make and I hope that was clear but we'll get things handled along the way okay before we begin calling cases on the agenda I'd like to swear in all Witnesses who are present today and plan on testifying either on behalf of the city or on behalf of a respondent so for the city would you you state your full name please Casey Danielle Crawford okay you're Miss Bose I know you're the City attorney are you going to provide argument or you actually going to testify then you don't need to be sworn then yes sir Steven M St again Steve McFarland Steve McFarland J C anybody else no other Witnesses okay would you like to announce your presence you look like an attorney I hate to consult you that way I'm Nathan M on be I'm here for number five and number six okay so you're legal counsil you want what what law firm are you with you want to announce your appearance we don't I represent uh Mar son okay and you're not going to testify you're just going to be here as counsel okay stand up and raise your right hand continue M mcar yes you saw me S testimony about give m not he be the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth s your gu I do all right thank you okay let's call our first case whicha is case number 23597 the respondent is Richard Ramsay is Richard Ramsey here here is Richard Ramsey here is Richard Ramsey here I've called for Richard Ramsey three times and he's not present the city May proceed um we just wanted to say that this case is now in compliance okay that may be why he's not here yep okay so you have you filed the Affidavit of compliance and all that so we're yes all right okay the second case on the agenda is case number 23-7 21 the respondent is Durham 99 LLP is there anybody here from Dirk 4 on behalf of Duram 99 LP Durham 99 L Duram 99 Lop I've called it three times no one's here you may proceed this case is also in complaint Okay the third case are citation numbers relate to C citation numbers 24004 and 24005 the respondent is Matt SAS Fran I hope I said that right S A Fran is this case in compliance no okay then is there's a respondent here is the respondent here whose name I didn't pronounce correctly is Mr Matt sazan here okay I've called three times the respondent is not here you may proceed can I enter evidence sure of course this is the case File yes okay since there's nobody here to object I'm going to admit the case file into evidence and you may continue all right um so on February 15th 2024 uh I received an email uh with a voicemail from Julie Johnson of Florida Department of Transportation uh she stated that there was a pool company with a large amount of pool materials in the right of way um violating both state and local ordinances um exhibit B you'll see that on 21524 I responded to the site um and there were in fact many Building Materials in the ride of way without any safety devices or uh pedestrian crosswalk signals uh I wrote a citation citing the violation of the city's code of ordinances section 22- 3.5 AB buding the public right of way uh the owner of the company in question was not present and I handed this citation to an employee Mr Bob wink um I called Mr Matt Safran over the phone and explained the situation to him uh letting him know that he was in violation he did not have a a right ofwe permit and even if he did he was not using the proper safety barriers which would have violated the permit uh he told me he would move the building materials from the rideway on the following day 21624 uh the materials remained in the right of way you'll see from exhibit d uh my former boss Robin Ryland uh responded to the site took the pictures of the building materials again without any safety barriers or permits and wrote another citation uh you'll see exhibit e again the owner of the business was not present and the citation was handed to Mr Bob wink we again spoke to Mr San over the phone uh and the building materials were removed sometime in the following days our chief building official Jay Castello also responded to the scene and put in a stop work order due to other violations of the construction uh exhibit F shows the f Do Right of-way agreement uh that the respondent failed uh to follow as he did not provide any safety barriers exhibit G shows the emails between myself and F do employees and exhibit H shows the emails where Mr San asked to come here today CU he did not want to pay the citations so the material in the rideway is removed now it has since been removed okay so what you're asking for is a no fine standing order where he wanted to he wanted to contest the citations which is why we're here today so we're just asking that he be found in violation and pay the citations okay and he's not here to contest the citation he is not and you clearly told him it was today yes okay so we've got the two citations they're both for the same event the same violation though um it's two consecutive days two different citation days y so what is the suggested penalty for these citations the first citation is $100 and the second citation is $200 for repeat all right there being no respondant here do you have anything further no there being no respondant present and the city having presented competent substantial evidence to show that there was a violation of section 22- 3.5 of the city code and that the allegations set forth in citation number 24 4 and 24005 have been found to exist then I will find that the respondent Matt sasr of poolscapes Florida Inc um is in violation of those of that code and that the fine will be $100 for citation $244 and $200 for citation number 24005 is there anything further on that case no okay and the order will be entered to that effect all right next case is dsce 24-2 the respondent is the Scott a raven revocable trust Scott a raven is is Mr Scott a raven here Scott a raven Scott a raven is this one of the cases you're H you're handling no this is not Cas I've called the respond this name three times and there has been no response you may proceed um for this case we are asking for a postponement as um I need my co-worker Javier Maza to testify okay postponed to what date uh the next hearing okay I'm not sure you know what that the second Wednesday second Wednesday I'm so sorry what would we do without June 12th 12 June 12th okay you're faster than all right I will continue this hearing till June 12th at 9:00 a.m. all right next case is case number D SCE 24-21 the respondent is Mark sof and I believe this is these are the cases that you're correct okay would you like to go ahead and announce your presence again yes Nathan here on behalf of Mark okay and say would you like to proceed yes may I enter evidence we may make things a little easier we're we we're asking for 90 days to come into complains you're going to be renting the place for 90 days and not paying the 5 the 500 hang on hang on hang on don't please no one speak unless they're called by the city or the respondant so is this something you all discussed before the meeting it is not no I no I I I I did not no I had call the City attorney okay hang on just one second the city attorney's here do you want an opportunity to talk or do you want to proceed with the case Miss Bose um we don't have a see we haven't talked about would you like an opportunity to talk and take a 10-minute break I think that would be we a call yesterday at noon well okay I I don't we'll reconvene at 9:25 give you 10 minutes how's that sound that works okay hi you're Daniel yeah I saw that you know I was writing yesterday and I said I just check one more time I'll [Music] beera for [Music] so [Music] this only so you all [Music] Julian so these are microphones right yes but what are the the different directional things can you direct it to pick up different what does that do um it just if I play back I can you know oh okay that's for you that's not that's not for while you're recording nope okay that's for when you or listening when I go back and the transcript so I you know the clear audio man that's that's all right yep they're going all digital now is that right yeah they're creating more of software you know the stenographers are going to be out oh yeah they uh that I don't I know I never understood how they did that I went to school for three years to do it it only took me it took me under a year to learn it but you got to get up to speed and that's what just took me the MTH remember the mouth thing I don't I don't think they do that at all anymore we when I was I was a Jag officer and we I prosecuted in Berlin we had this court reporter who was a civilian employee yeah and uh Mr forgot his name I bet which is a good thing yeah but we would do we had a trial week so we'd start at 7:00 in the morning on Monday and go to midnight next day go to midnight next day go to midnight and maybe clean up some stuff on Friday morning but in any event he would be doing the reporting the entire time and the problem was he was an alcoholic so one time we were get it was about 12 half midnight and he started oh no just totally shaking down and so you know you know he's obviously not recording anything yeah and so I said judge can we just take a break and he was of course I'm the one who's in trouble for asking for the break and I go yeah anyway he I don't know how he did it number one yeah they're hard if you got issues that's definitely not the not the career to take I've never had NE and back problems or hand problems until I started the now NE I know you're a child and I've only been doing it 3 years I can imagine another like 10 years yeah that I've talked to a few stenographers they just say you got get professional massages and stuff constantly yeah where you from Clon if you know where Clon is oh yes Tampa oh you were I was born in Orlando but I Arnold Palmer but yeah yeah but we moved to Claremont when I was probably 11 or 12 I graduated high school there and I moved and now I'm in cap canav is that right I love it I can't imagine moving back Inland actually seeing a guy from North Carolina met him on vacation sa Martin and he's coming down here but he wants me to eventually go up there but I couldn't imagine leing I've never lived anywhere else would it's so pretty up there you know a guy the right guy yeah oh my goodness and Sons I thinking that that poor boy everything I did you know how my grand kids they're all grandsons for they are [Music] anyway five that's good you got you made up for it with the grand I don't I love my I love my daughter sure I love my grandons and I'll do anything for them yeah but my daughter's are my baby dad yep dad dad's in Missouri he was here my whole life he moved he's from Missouri original he moved back there about as long as I a feel so where's where's [Music] the exway between Charlotte and Ash closer it is it's so beautiful it's just so different it's just a different life you know different when you ride down there's always we GL and I first got married 47 every day [Music] we thought that was going to be the life but when we got back south he got down the ground and kissed it we came back from Berlin we had fun in was section French on us but uh we she got back to Candy airport you got down kids to ground to and they went to huntville Alabama that was cold that's got to get used to that my mom lived in hunsville for a really it's a space yeah that's and they have a a Space Center like Kenedy Space Center we had ice one time we had eyes on the [Music] road H the WEA ice but if you put it in City reg it would be listed the guy right young lady exactly are all your daugh married and there's luxury oh yeah I canull database and say 12 westa is a shortterm I will send that to the VA IG and they'll probably bother but sounds like maybe they work things you know they've been cheating the whole time doing all that that's first perit I said there lots of electricians and plumers here on weekends and then there would be she had we moved over there in little old Del and I got out of the Army in 85 before they got so we bought there's our backyard that's we never thought we'd ever do you know your balconies they had that they did at one time they did they're doing mine right now I'm in Canon right on the beach we doing our parking decks all sorts of stuff that found really good about [Music] ,000 e e e e e e e e e um as what is in my my term a mini uh motel with um multiple rooms that are separately rented which is not permitted in the single family District um and they are the city is alleging I don't know if they're agreeing with this that the property at 126 West alacha Lane is also being used for that purpose um they have agreed that within 30 days they will come in register as a vacation rental and get a um business tax receipt for each of these facilities they are going to um uh stop renting after the 30 days and the reason for allowing them to do it for 30 days is people do have reservations coming down and we don't want to disrupt thirdparty vacation plans so soon to their vacation so they will um be allowed to continue doing what they're doing for 30 days after the 30 days they are going to completely stop the rentals they are going to allow the city to inspect the properties without getting an administrative warrant they will um make they will pull the appropriate permits and they will make the appropriate changes to these buildings assuming they want to continue using them as vacation rentals that would only allow them to be used as a proper vacation rental for one family um the city has been informed that the 126 West alacha Lane is occupied by the owner of the property which I guess is Mr sof Mandy Thomas who's Mr sof sister I believe she's also an owner is my understanding at least okay if quite true now hang on Sir only if the city or the respondent call you as a witness the city does allow the owner of a property to as long as they live there to rent out one room um and the owner of the property will be allowed to rent out one room which which is permitted but they will still have to get a vacation rental license for that so they won't be permitted to operate after 30 days until they are in full compliance and the city has the opportunity to inspect to make sure it's being done properly sir that does that represent your agreement yeah yes and to be clear we're admitting that they're being used for vacation rentals without the license and we're going to obtain the appropriate permits as soon as possible that was in all that yes I was want to be clear I heard that within all that okay but there there is there is much more to it I wrote corre no I do not what was what was just said by Miss Bose you agree to yes all right and if your honor would like the city to get a transcript of this I just going to suggest that yeah that we have the court reporter do as soon as you can and distribute and I'll give I you can just email it to me and the parties uh an excerpt of what was just agreed to and she want the entire transcript now I think just what we that's all that's all I need that's all we need okay all right then I will enter enter an order that implements the agreement that was just explained by Miss Bose and agreed to by Mr maloon maloon and um I'll enter it as quick as I can after I get the transcript excert all right perfect thank you all right that's what we'll do thank you very much you want to set that you when who's paying for this are you taking the original is the fun little dance well the the respondent is going to be responsible for cost of the city anyway if the city asserts that so will you pay for the excerpt you want to split the cost or do you want to I guess you're going to put it on us anyways we'll pay for theer excerpt okay okay and that will be do if it's expedit it'll be when expedited on your whatever you guys your preference usually it's 7 to 10 days if you want before that I can put whatever days three days by Friday by Monday we need it three days you agree with that three days three days all right thank you all right is there anything else further on that case to see no all right we'll go to the next case which is case number CB PD 23- 476 the respondent is Joseph Green Joseph Green present Joseph Green present is Joseph Green present I've called for Joseph Green three times Miss Crawford you may proceed um so this case was previously heard uh and there was an order and a Massie hearing and so today I was hoping to enter a Affidavit of compliance Okay so there was an order entered finding violation uh the fine has been running and what uh you just want to order uh that closing the file in compliance with the penalty at the established total so he came into compliance before the oh he did okay so there there's no penal okay there's no F all right then we'll enter an order closing that out since there was one entered okay to begin with opposing the penalty all right is there anything further that the city'd like to bring before us today no no you're onor okay the next there we were we were looking for that June 12 date I forgot I always forget it's there uh this meeting is adjourned this hearing is adjourned and we will meet again on June 12th 2024 thank you very much y'all thank you