##VIDEO ID:-RiRjmpjIEA## Marine Corps individuals um um happy Veterans Day even though I know it's yesterday want to say Tiger Pride Tiger Pride Tiger Pride we playing our first playoff game and we're going to have a ho ho ho of a time uh invocation will be performed by uh Deputy Mayor Hearn uh Pledge of Allegiance will be performed by a councilwoman weeks would everyone please secure your cell phone Pages etc etc ma'ams and Sir uh de whenever you ready for the pledge invocation yeah so if everyone to join me uh in a prayer dear heavenly father I'd like to give thanks to you for allowing us to arrive here safely tonight I'd like to give thanks for uh continuing watching over this city all the citizens our families uh that's here and abroad uh I know that we're day late but I want to give thanks also to the veterans around the world uh continue to watch over those guys women and guys and their families uh watch over the city and make sure that we uh make only the best decisions on behalf of the city of coko tonight in Jesus name we pray amen amen I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you very much to look like Christmas okay Madam clerk ma'am may we do roll call please ma'am yes sir mayor Blake president ma'am Deputy Mayor Hearn be here council member Goins here council member C here council member weeks here City attorney gargan and city manager Wht thank you thank you ma'am appreciate the roll call proceeding on to tonight's agenda item number 2-1 regular meeting of November the 12th 2024 what are the wishes of council um motion to approve with Amendment and the the amendment moving Council business um up to uh item to section number six in front of public hearing and the reason why um a member of IMU Char Academy is here to to speak on item number six which is the um speed bump policy and I want to get her out of here because imma is playing right now U and I wanted I wanted I didn't want her to sit and wait cuz I know it might be a long meeting with the uh public hearings okay um I would second that but I would also like to ask of a favor please to add this to your uh Amendment sir yes sir it's pertaining to the pnz board members one of the members uh accidentally was left off so to be fair and Equitable across the board um that's item number s-1 I'm asking that that item be tabled please yes sir I'm good okay okay he moveed this one which one public um hearing number six no not six um yeah everything uh shifting counsel business up and shifting down public hearing right okay under counsel yes under public hearing six oh here yes okay and then my item number 7-1 I asked that it be T okay that one I got but I wasn't sure okay move up okay okay gotcha thank you sir we good yeah yep we're good thank you you got it um yeah but I do have a question why are we tabling 7-1 because um the gentleman's name I can I can explain it okay but s thanks ma'am his name was accidentally left off during the preparation and I want to be fair and Equitable across the board so I'm asking that we table it to the next council meeting and we'll just proceed from there okay um because I know one of those people has been waiting for over three months now applied over three months ago I'm talking about the same person you're talking about that sits on the end right down the street right down on the corner of Dixon Boulevard and Indian River Drive Road no you're not talking about Mr Man Freddy no okay that's the one I'm speaking about his name is not on the list ah okay he's already on the Planning and Zoning he's up up for Renewal okay thank you there you go thank you you got it now yeah okay there you go so now chair is goingon to call the question all in favor saying I I any n eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to minutes regular meeting of August 27th 2024 what are the wishes of council motion to approve second we have a motion on the floor Council woman call would you turn your light off please thank you we have a motion on the floor by Deputy Mayor Hearn and a second by coun going for item number 2- a just going to call the question all in favor saying I I any n eyes have it unanimously final item under minutes 2B budget hearing September the 3 20204 what are the wishes of councel move to approve we move to approve second we have a motion on the floor by councilwoman weeks and a second by councilman goings she going to call the question all in favor by saying I I eyes have it unanimously love the Coca-Cola all right proceeding on to item number three Awards and presentations hurah hoay hot chocolate hot coco holiday presentation historic Coco Village Main Street I apologize and advance for what's about to happen all good in the neighborhood love the boy serious as you all know hot cocoa holidays is our city um Cocoa Village celebration of everything cocoa and holiday we start off um Sip and stroll it is the Saturday after Thanksgiving and we roll on through December so this is our annual presentation about hot cocoa holidays right stroll Under The Lights sip your glass of wine the stores are dressed for holidays it's Coco Village time SI and stroll and stroll this is how we play come and see our vage in a most delightful way Chief Cherry playing jazz we're giving lots of toys and here's toco's great PD for bringing kids some Joy Moonlight on the promade this is how we play come and see our village in the most delightful way holiday bizar amazing arts and crafts gifts that are original and memories that last arts and crafts arts and crafts this is how we play come and see our village in the most delightful way the chocolate's nice and hot there's lots of stuff to find a hunt through Coco Village stores is great at Christmas time fill your tin help your pal National Coco Day come and see our village in a most delightful way Margaret Livermore she brought us Boat Parade we'll honor her and light the tree and miss her every day parade parade this is how we play come and our vage a lighted bike parade with wheels from two to four the penny faring decked out fine will'll leave you wanting more bike parade bike parade this is how we play come and see our village in a most delightful way historic Coco Village is the place for holidays come celebrate the season in a most delightful [Applause] way and I want to take thank you I want to take a moment to introduce our new executive director um as most of you know Amanda has moved across the country and so we welcome Christopher stagman uh this month to uh lead us and bring us into the next chapter of iteration Main Street so we're really excited just honored honored to be part of Team Coco so thank you look forward to me Saturday Night Live has nothing over we're moving up you didn't you didn't cheer us on thank you everybody for indulging us great job look forward to seeing you very very soon thank you thank you thank you for having the courage to come forward any anyone else before we proceed forward okay delegations okay is it Stu Buchanan for Barry schaer is that correct okay thank you very much sir I provided one city okay sir and I'll be very very brief I promise take your time bro you got three minutes that's e is it Anthony Shack loock after him you you're after him mayor and city council my name is steuart banan I'm here tonight speak on behalf of Resident Barry schaer who's the owner of 228 Beverly is that good that louder there we go uh my working address is PO Box 1545 T Florida 32781 uh the last time I spoke in front of the city council you were in The Old City Hall I was previously your city planner in fact uh Mr gargan and I actually started the same year when he first graduated from law school I'm here tonight to ask the mayor and City council's assistance Mr schaer inherited a house here in the city when his father passed He was unaware of the code enforcement uh issues those have been brought into compliance we've asked for a lean reduction hearing since May and it still has not been placed on the uh Advisory board on the code enforcement Advisory Board we already have a buyer a family that wants to make Coco their home we are going to lose this uh and I I have to tell you uh mayor and city council if you look through all the documentation I've provided your your your new code enforcement supervisor is very non-responsive um I will also point out to you that you are one of the only cities that does not have what's called a public public access port hole so the regular residents can simply go online and see where their case is and see the history of their case I would encourage you to look at Bard County's Public Access it's called bass you can track everything it eliminates all these issues um but we are here tonight to ask you mayor and city council to give clear direction to staff for the upcoming code enforcement board which is next Thursday the I from the city clerk they don't release the agenda until 3 days prior so it hasn't been released yet um and everything else I've written down there for you I have asked Mr gargan uh for his assistance and whatever that lean reduction hearing is will satisfy the the remainder and then we can move a new family into the city of Coco thank you mayor and city council for allowing me to speak I'll be happy to answer any questions that you have we have any questions for Mr Esquire St bu Canon no no no no I'm just a city planner I'm not an attorney oh you said you with Anthony gargan so I figure maybe you guys he was the assistant City attorney under Mr Mar that's right am Mari thec I work for Phil Freeland your planning director gotcha thank you sir thank you our city manager will be reaching out to you okay next Mr Anthony shalk sir yeah how you do how you am I close yes sir Anthony shacklock okay cool beans all right I'm here to talk about like three instances that I've had with uh cooko police department one is that on the corner of Princeton and pinita two blocks away from Cambridge Elementary I mean the stop stop sign running is crazy and I invite all of you stop by there park your car there not only look at how many children play there but how many people they will gas with the children standing there and you call and you call and you call I've never seen any of them there it's happening every single day I invite all of you to go there and that leads me to my second thing which is um I'm here to address an incident involving a police officer that has raised serious concern about unprofessional conduct on November the 5th 2024 my wife and I experienced a distressing situation with our cat that was killed in our own home by an Unleashed dog when we sought help the responding officer made an alarming commenting stating that it is natural for Unleashed dogs to invade other people's properties this lack of sympathy was shocking and deeply hurtful additionally when my wife tried to document the dangerous dog being returned to its irresponsible owners the officer obstructed her access out of the driveway seemingly preventing her from recording the incident this raises serious concerns about accountability and respect for victims we felt treated we we felt like we were treated as perpetrators rather than victims while the actual aggressors received sympathy I urge the council to investigate this behavior and ensure that future interactions prioritize the dignity and rights of victims and my third one was that I had a guy follow me home and you know I stopped in front of Cambridge Elementary because I didn't want him to see where I was living I guess it was road rage I didn't even know why he was following me and he bumps my car so I'm like dude I get out and I go to take pictures I take pictures of him I take pictures of his um of his uh tag as he's trying to hit me with his car Coco Police Department starts arguing Bard Sheriff's Office back and forth no you're to take this case no you're going to take this case no you're going to take this case finally after like hours of being on the side of the road Coco police I guess had to eat it and come they sent like a third officer there took down my information I call about the case I don't get any phone calls back I mean I got this guy's picture he tried to run me over and it's just like I don't know I'm just like losing faith you know what I mean and mind you when they returned this dog also not to get back to that thing he didn't even have a leash they didn't even have a leash to get the dog they had to hand him the dog like this it ran back out of the house I'm in the process of requesting the body cam footage so I can prove all of this like you know he was my 15-year-old cat a dog ran in my house my house and killed my cat and I I just don't even know what to say anymore and thank you for your time I'm nervous and no you're fine Anthony I thank you for having the courage to come forward sir thank you um Mr the city manager and I'm sure you're going to collaborate with the chief can expect a phone call thank you so much I appreciate you thank you sir uh Lieutenant Paul cus Sir Paul cus 116 Olive Street Coco district one um I provided you with a uh piece of paper with some information on it what I'm asking if you guys could maybe look into um have a three-digit number in the event there is a water main leak um my thought is what we know water is H2O hydrogen two P Parts hydrogen one oxygen so if you go on your phone and you look up the letter or the number four that's where the H is and and then you got the two and then o has the number six um about a month ago I was coming from Meritt Island on 520 and as I was approaching the village when I got to around just the east side of the old sunrust I noticed some water on the South Side along the curb and it was standing water and it was no rain but as I went further west then I saw flowing water right there at Bard and Willard so I circled the block and prior to me even getting up to that there were numerous cars that drove by so I circled the block I parked at truest I called PD non-emergency 321 639 7620 then you hit four just years of practice working at the fire department getting my times for calls so anyway um I reported to the dispatcher about the leak and uh I did a u public records request with the city clerk's office come to find out I was the only one who called it in um I'm not sure how long the leak was going or how long before the supervisor got there and when he got there I'm not sure how long it took for crew to get out there to you know slow it down or whatever it is they do but um kind of feel though folks who went by and didn't call maybe they didn't know how to go about reporting it so I'm coming to you all and you all may know if something already exists or maybe this is something the city of Coco can take a hold of just like if you remember when 911 came about which was in February of 1968 it didn't get to our area until later but um this could be something that could be a national phone number um and just one other thing due to uh Veterans Day yesterday I took the word home and I made it into an acronym and to me it's honor our military every day so it's just something I wanted to share with you and um I have the audio if any of you all are interested in listening to it you could contact me you get my phone number I'll be more than happy to share it with you on how to report a waterm leak I mean I don't know if it's PTSD or what but it just every time I go by that intersection I just think of what I saw that evening and it was like you know here we went all those years with the road being rough and then it was finally nice and smooth and now we got a water man I mean it was push it was so much pressure it was pushing the asphalt up so um whatever you all could do I I appreciate you and thank you all for serving and love yall you thank you lieutenant apprciate okay next on the list will be um uh well this concludes this portion of delegations do we have any other cards in the audience okay okay moving forward to the next item which will be the consent agenda item whether the wishes of councel approve second we have a motion on the floor by Deputy Mayor Hearn and a second by Council woman cost she's going to call the question all in favor saying I I I eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to public hearing item number one where we yes sir conso business yeah yeah yes thank you thank you yes I got my paper right in front of me so we've asked that this particular item which is number six um item number 7-6 pertaining to provide directions for staff for installation of speed humps and Diamond Square on Stone Street and Blake Avenue under the exemption to the city speed hump policy and as approved by July 12th 2022 can we say instead of HP can we say table is that okay okay two separ devices okay all right well then we will s the hump or bum or bump so let me let me um so before I even get started can just so that the council know the difference cuz I I know the differ between each one of them so bump hump table what's the what's the difference so a hump is a hump and a table is a is a length of of that the car needs to Traverse it's in a an elevated or raised table it's more more flat and and wider okay okay all right we do have a card in the audience we have Mrs Carmen Oquendo go ahead councilman go on all right U before she comes uh the reason why I I brought this I think maybe last month or the month and month before that um we have on Blake Avenue Stone Street area um we have church school I think two churches one school a lot of kids walk in this area um and so Blake Avenue Stone Street um has become more of a cut through to get to either to hurry up and get to 520 or to get get around the traffic on Fist and try to get hurry up and get to Rosa Jones so in that process um a lot of kids are are is in danger of of getting hit I know uh Pastor was he tries his best probably a lot of illegal things on Sunday um but but he he's doing that because it's so many Speeders that come down the road uh down Blake Avenue so he's he put things in the middle to try to force people to slow down um and so I'm asking Council to to wave our current policy that we have which is a long drought out um uh process uh we did something similar on Michigan Avenue unfortunately a man was killed while he was cutting grass and and and my my goal in this is um let's not react till when someone gets killed um let let's try to react be proactive in our processes I'm not saying the process that we have is bad or either to change it um I'm asking for the council to um wave the process based on on safety and based on our current um facilities that we have in that area and so that that's that's my goal for this so I have a um um Miss wils if you want to come now and then I will play um the videos as well good evening mayor mayor Blake good evening this is all elected and appointed members of this great city of coko I am Carmen Oquendo wils and I stand before you on behalf of our founder and principal Thomas Cole and the imel Charter Academy family and Scholars let's talk about safety I'm usually the first one to get on campus in the morning the last one to leave so I see the traffic flow uh unfortunately we have members in our community that either they don't care or they're not aware uh we have Scholars that come in early in the morning we don't have crossing guards that early in the morning we have Scholars that stay after hours and we don't have crossing guards after hours it is imperative it is imperative that we slow the traffic down on Blake Avenue and surrounding streets leading to our Academy I would say this it's better for us to put up signs saying speed bump ahead speed hump ahead speed table ahead than signs that says in memory of thank you for your time thank you it's two short videos one is represented um for IMU charart Academy the next one is the real Church Church which is at on um Lake Avenue as well hit the but front face excuse got not going to be sound on the next one NE probably not um keep talking over here okay all well hey crossing guards excuse me yeah I'm in favor of providing that venue for them in reference of a speed hump or table anything to slow the speed down um cuz like on Sunday when I as a kid growing up um zooming down the street loud music on Sunday was a slap in the face you get your butt toe up from the floor I mean that's just the way it um um you know you respected your elders and and what the church stood for still stands for today but my thing is yes I'm all about that safety first and foremost I know we're talking about the response time um my greatest concern is just trying to um collabor collaborate with Public Works that would you know address the best way to U meet the safety needs of the school and the churches not only just on Blake but also on Stone because there are a couple of churches on Stone Street too as well as we know so um um I'm about that and I do support that so all right U so this video this video don't work probably the next one probably won't work as well um but regardless I will um have them send it to you guys emails so you can at least hear what the students have to say so this video were is coming from the sgaa um we always try to get them involved in government processes and so these are all the members from the SGA just pretty much saying the same thing about um what they see walking to school um how they feel about um um being proactive as well so that's what really the video was about and so uh I know I know you have a light as well but I would like to make a motion to um to wave the process um I will get with uh along with the city manager to discuss um maybe where they would be um I went down Stone Street today Stone Street does have four three three stop signs on Stone Street um but there is some areas where it's a long distance in between the two and so Blake and stone y yes sir make sure yeah yeah so I'll include Blake and Stone Street for discussion okay um let me ask you one other thing help me understand on poita do we have do we have po none no okay let's get make potential uh recommendations for that for p because that's a little um nice little long strip with I think speed is an issue too as well um but okay yes sir I second that Deputy Mayor Hearns then councilwoman weeks then councilwoman cost yeah I was just uh I'm certainly in favor of it um as far as uh the funding for it uh is this going to come out of diamond Square in any way or are you looking for the C uh on the city Side to fund this fully um I think that's up for discussion um I'm we got to understand saying that uh Diamond Square budget is $385,000 $390,000 I'm not sure what's in their budget as of right now what they already got allocated for but um I'm sure that could be a discussion um maybe something we city manager you can decide best who fund yeah I I don't know that speed humps are in the Redevelopment plan but I don't I don't know that speed humps are a significant cost e gotcha they are not they're in our budget they in the budget they're in our streets budget okay all right okay is that it sir may that's it yes sir thank you Count Council woman weeks ma'am um I wonder and um my concern with speed humps is the uh response time for uh police and fire I know I talked with them before and asked because people in my own neighborhood were requesting that we get speed humps and it definitely does slow down response time and I wonder if there's any other options to slow traffic in that area you said there are three stop signs should there be more stop signs should you should there be a reduction in speed zone in the area you know as to what the what the speed limit is um anything other than speed humps since you don't want somebody uh to die because the police couldn't or the fire could not get especially the fire could not get there in time because of the speed humps okay that's my concern all right uh Miss Miss Morgan yes ma'am so there's um a a speed cushion which has an unraised uh portion that sometimes we install for fire vehicles to be able to Traverse the the roadway so they're not they're not as as high at oh it's more just softer um no actually it's the same they just have a an unraised section where where the the fire vehicles um Can can Traverse okay yeah okay it's predicated on the wheel well and so Chief lamb you would you would be speed cushion over speed table certainly not speed hump I would be neither cuz it will also raise our repair cost to the engines so but if you would definitely be the way to go okay good and so if the council approves the item obviously we'll work with police fire uh Public Works um to determine sort best locations okay all right C is that it Council woman we Ma you good I I I still think that maybe there are other options besides doing the speed hump especially uh in that area with everything I mean I just I have a problem with them so I got you I I would say at this point I'm not in favor of it not that I don't think we need some safety there we definitely do but right there's got to be other options I I I just tell I tell you my point of view um I I don't I'm not necessarily concerned about a repair of a fire engine over a life and so um that's just and I'm not also not saying that you are saying that either but that's just my point of view so when I hear hear that from from fire I totally understand repair cost I get that but what I don't want to do is go to a can of like visual as well and so um that that's and sometimes it's not always the car sometime it's the kids not paying attention or or you know I mean that that's a whole another conversation but that was really um I knew that was going to come up dealing with our safety vehicles um because it came up before um well it's not so much the repair and that is part of it but it is a response time that gets slowed down for emergencies in the area period I'm done sir I got you done ma' Point Tak Council woman call ma' yeah and I like everyone else is want to do something to slow things down and make sure nobody is hurt um you mentioned Michigan Avenue which you know we lost someone when they stepped out in the street mowing their lawn as someone sped by we debated and the first call was for the speed humps or the whatever I guess that's what you call them speed humps right tables they're humps right um you know one of the issues was that they're not exactly associated with better neighborhoods so there is an image issue secondly there seemed to be other Alternatives that were uh traffic quieting that were had less impact on our emergency vehicles and were actually less expensive so um there were more stop signs put in one of them has flashing there were um bike paths put in narrowing the road of course I'm not sure that that would apply for yeah Blake for Stone Street probably not for Blake yeah probably yeah I can see Stone but looking at every alternative before going to speed humps I wish we could say that there's it at least in District 4 there is not one neighborhood in District 4 rich or poor where I don't get the the main complaint I get is people speeding down the street there is just a culture of speeding yeah yeah and um you know we have a we have a community we have a a state really that has grown up um serving the vehicle the vehicle serving us and we're serving the vehicle everyone is is everything is built for the vehicle but creating those bike Lanes uh putting in additional stop signs I know in neighborhoods I've lived in previously outside of this state the stop signs were very helpful I mean a stop sign at every corner in an urban area is pretty standard and um you still have Speeders every once in a while but it's a little bit harder to do it and it's a little bit easier if you're if you're doing any um monitoring it's a little bit easier to get the culprits I know um I don't want to prolong this item because we just starting the day off so um but uh Miss neita can kind of attest to this uh with all the stop sign we do have on Stone Street they're blowing through them and so you know maybe that's a traffic enforcement conversation as well um but and I'm pretty sure that's not the only neighborhood that has these issues um but but but I think we're so close to 520 and fist everybody is just trying to go around to cut their time it's not like a just a normal neighborhood like they're actually truly using this as a detour constantly over and over just just is and people that don't even live in the neighborhood right this just people just live in merid Island trying to get to Merit Island the fast they can get there um so yeah cuz you know Head North US One factory street cut through there on Street cut through there what is it lemon lime I always get confused they cut through there see and people just trying to find that way to to you know abbreviate that time yep so so I do I do respect uh and understand the discussion about our vehicles um emergency vehicles in response time I'm I'm not totally not against it um but I just know we have to respond to something instead of responding after a tragedy happens that's my only um so whatever that conversation however that if it's a table if it's a cushion if it's a uh whatever that may be um we we we have to do something CU imma right now is 419 um or 400 whatever that number is Miss wils but I pretty sure another Wing is getting done so that could possibly mean another 100 kids um that's coming into the area and a lot of them are are Walkers and and um and ride that bike or whatever so um I have a motion on the table so but but whatever that conversation is with city manager and M we got you we got you Council call okay thank you ma'am yeah that it sir yes sir okay you know you cut into her time I'm sorry oh my bad go ahead counc woman because I just think that Stone Street I can understand that the Blake Avenue given the uh a narrowness of the street that we'd want to consider the uh the tables there but on Stone Street I'd like to first look at other Alternatives flashing lights just like they have on Michigan just like Michigan and using the bike Lanes to slow things down on both sides okay one side yeah with so okay I I'll do this I will U I would amend that to to remove the Stone Street if that please everybody but um I definitely want because I think we have some Flash and stop lights downtown as well in front of the U play Michigan too I think believe and so maybe something I seen that we went to Tampa as well we seen some of the flashing lights on the stop signs so so I can remove that conversation about speed tables or whatever that is on Stone but Stone Street still needs some of those traffic com um items like the lights on the stop signs of other things so I'm I'm cool with that I'm in my motion to reflect that okay are you finished Council woman call yes okay Deputy M Hearns and CH GNA call the question yeah just uh quick follow up to what councilman G was saying uh and this from a perspective someone who actually Dr drove emergency vehicles before I think the big issue is areas that have speed humps where there shouldn't be so that's that's more frustrating driving an emergency vehicle but as far as Blake I can witness I I witnessed a vehicle I think maybe this was earlier this year that flipped over in that location from speeding uh SUV flipped over so um I can attest is definitely a speeding issue it's a straightaway uh we know how some people like to treat uh straightaway streets um also as far as talking about other measures for safety as far as uh the cars there if you look at Pine which is in my district uh we put in uh the speed uh uh the mileage detector the speed uh or whatever that the cars only race that to see how fast they go and that hasn't helped at all um so I think that particular location would it been a church right there uh the parking lot is across the street so they the pedestrians walk across the street the students taking that in account I think it would be necessary to look at uh the the speed uh uh table measure so I support that okay we good yes sir so yes sir ma'ams we all good m is different okay good CH gonna call the question all in favor saying I I I I have it unanimously do I mayor if I may do I have to make a motion um dealing with stone streak I just don't the reason why I asked that question because you really didn't give direction on it we'll bring back recommendations on Stone okay good yes sir okay thank you very much we have Direction now Mrs um wils ma'am please take this valuable information back to the proper authorities principal Cole and staff we sincerely appreciate what you all do with the children of the community and the advancement of their education it's indicative of the commitment for the city of Coco as a whole and that's what we are okay proceeding on to the next item 6-1 consideration for approval ordinance 13-20 well am I reading that right yes Land Development code text Amendment appendix a article 11 section 12 we were told wasn't on I know and that's the reason why because the first reading should be the firefighters right y yeah we're on six public hearing 6-1 I thought was public heing one was this particular was deleted or was postponed okay let me go entirety with two as no worries I just I thought you were speaking of this one particular item okay all right so now we arew for got to mention that that would was 7-2 or 6-2 okay approve the requested road closure changes for 2024 Space Coast Marathon and have due to the ongoing construction of Lee winner Park yes sir uh this is just a change to the road closure that you all approved last year for the Space Coast Marathon due to the uh closure of win Park which they typically utilize as part of the route so they've just rerouted um and those changes are included in the agenda item and I'm here if you have any questions do we have any questions for Mrs singer saying none chair like to make the motion to approve item number 7-2 requests of road closure changes for 2024 the Space Coast Marathon have due to the ongoing second we have a second on the floor by Council Warman weeks just on call the question all in favor by saying I I any n eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to 7-3 approv the Grant application of $49 million for the fiscal year 24 federal state partnership for the in City passenger rail grant program for the federal get my work here because I have to bring my paper back U okay here Railroad Administration better known as erra for the construction of the coko multimodal station authorizing the city manager to sign any documents related to the Grant application Mrs singer maam yes sir uh this is the internal application form to request Council approval uh to uh go for the uh federal state partnership for inner city City passenger rail grant program um as you may have heard uh we were not selected to receive Chrissy funding for the station but we are still determined to uh move forward bright line is still committed to having the station in the city of Coco um and so we are going to continue to find new ways to uh secure funding so this is a uh grant that became available and we are going to uh repackage our Chrissy Grant application we're working with brightline and the TPO to make sure that we uh get that put together um and we um again just to remind everybody council did approve for the matching funds $5 million from the city of Coco we did secure $5 million from the space coast uh tourism office and then we have uh 15 M roughly $15 million in the Space Coast office of Tourism um that is still in that is in the approved do work plan um that is the TPO portion of the funding uh so that is still moving forward and and secured so now um again we will be reworking our application and submitting that for this new Grant uh that is due mid December and I'm available if you have any questions no ma'am I happy to say I've had a dialogue at the time as he was making preparations is just like myself representative U Mike heropoulos I strongly feel he's on board with this as well but now that he's the House of Representatives I I do would like to get confirmation but he indicated if everything goes as planned yes ma'am and and I I I feel good about it I feel great about it I think uh we'll move forward in that direction and everyone will be on board and and I did want to say too I forgot to um mention that we will be working uh we have a phone call later this week with fot to review the application with the chrisy grant so we'll get some information on maybe things that we could do better for the next one okay Deputy Mayor want to say something I just wanted to make a motion to approve okay okay he has he has his light on yes ma'am uh yes I I just wanted to put this out to the public um often when these decisions are made uh majority of the public aren't here to to hear the ins and the outs um I just want to put the uh to Bear any rumors of uh the application being denied due to possible incompetence of Staff that's not true uh that uh now the taxes are going to be raised even more due to the application being not uh denied none of that is true um as the mayor alluded to I'm even more optimistic that we're going to get this money uh and get this Station built um all parties as stated by Miss singer are coming to the table to assist in this uh uh bright line fot um federal state everybody's coming to the table on this project so uh I'm I'm still optimistic on this as well and uh some of the things that's being put out there is just simply farfetch so um you have my approval on this so is that a motion uh I made a motion I'll second uh councilwoman car made a motion I'll second okay we have a motion on the floor by councilwoman Caron the second by Deputy Mayor Hearn CH going to call the question all in favor saying I I go forward young man young ladies staff city manager go forward director thank you sir thank you okay proceeding on the next item approve resolution amending fiscal year budget 2025 bath # 25-8 d8 for purchase of a monarch fire pumper truck from Su fin Corporation for 1 m11999 I'll make a motion but I would like to hear from the finance director I'm looking second thank you very Y how about to 2416 thank you Mr Mayor yes ma'am the council did previously approve an agenda item for the purchase of the fire truck um allowing the city manager to pull the purchase order for it however that was dependent upon us getting uh some debt financing in place I am working with a uh financial advisor on uh reviewing bids and terms to um get that figured out and be brought to you in December um but sein is requiring us to issue the purchase order now so I am requesting approval to put a budget amendment in place and then when we get the debt financing in place and I bring the agenda item to you we'll bring you a budget adjustment to reverse this okay thank you do we have any questions for industrious Finance director saying n ch's GNA call the question all the favor saying I I eyes have it unanimously Mrs singer you're right back up front again approve the requested 2025 street closures associated with proposed special events yes sir um so this is our annual where we bring all of our street closures before Council for approval that we know of for the year um so this is our annual request for street closure approval um I just wanted to make one note most of these are annual events that happen year after year so you may be familiar with them um I do want to just make one note um that the you will notice that the Marty gr parade is not on the schedule um we are not we are planning this year to not have a marra parade they are still doing the concert in the park um but will not be shutting down the streets of the village with fences and closing off the village for the parade so I just wanted to make sure because that you may hear about that so I wanted to make sure you knew it um we've we received for many years complaints from businesses being shut down for for the evening during the event um and so we are going to and have asked uh the organizer of the event um has worked with us and tried to find other options as well to see how we could work together and he's very supportive so I just wanted to make note of that and I'm here to answer any questions that you might have uh do we have have any questions what are the wishes of council motion to where do we throw candy from now we've got lots of parades just not the Marty gr parade motion to approve we got a motion on the floor by councilwoman calls second second by councilwoman weeks chair is going to call the question all in favor of saying I I I have it unanimously thank you sir yes all right want to go to we can either continue on and just end up with public hearings or would you like to just move forward the city business what are the wishes of council what would you like to do [Applause] counc the next on the item will be City business to provide directions to staff for funding new policies if necessary for Indian River Drive septic to se convert Council woman weeks that's the reason why I'm asking I understand yes ma'am so we will go in that direction the floor is yours ma'am um point of order don't don't we have to approve that in the agenda because with the agenda we are going to go to public hearings and then do the just asking because people that may have planned to come for something that was going to be the last item may not be here at this time I have no problem if we go back to the public hearing part at all so that's fine if that's what you want to do I personally I don't mind and that's the reason why I asked you all what would you like to do I was trying to give you all the option right right thank you okay and okay so then we will go to public he pass this time thank you sir is that okay Pano I think that puts us right back in order so I can start with the with the first uh public hearing item is an ordinance 17-22 24 an ordinance of the city council the city coka bvar County Florida amending chapter 2 Administration article 8 firefighters retirement plan of the code of ordinances of the city of Coco by amending section 2- 326 cost of living increase amending section 2331 deferred retirement option plan providing for codification providing for severability of Provisions repealing all ordinances in Conflict here withth and providing an effective date this is first reading public hearing item thank you very much Esquire gargan you up Mrs Jamar okay all right thank you sir okay um so this came up um during Union negotiations this year we finalized our three-year contract and as a result of that um we negotiated pension changes and it's been a common practice in retirement plans to increase the term of the drop which is a deferred retirement option and right now the term of that drop is five years and what what a drop is is where you're still actively working but your pension payment is going into an account and so it's um a common like the Florida retirement system just adopted this and so this came up in Union negotiations that um it'd be popular to do there's no impact to the city to do this so um we negotiated those changes we wrote the ordinance with the pension attorney and our pension attorney and the fire pension attorney and then that was one of the changes and another one was the cost of living increase this really isn't a change in benefit the this is really just fixing a language that if there was a decrease in the um CPI that we wouldn't take benefits away from a retiree so their pension benefit would just remain the same so so they're not impacted there's no there's no impact so this agenda item has no impact to the plan at all um and it's a optional benefit to the retired or to the firefighter if he wants to do the drop for eight years so that to give him the option for current or future um firefighters to go to eight years in the drop so if they do eight years they might not want to stay like if they're already in the drop they might not want to add on three years so that's what I meant by that and and if they if they do 16 we good CH to make a motion I know I'm going to make motion but I hear from the public I'm looking for a second to approve this particular item here second okay we have a second on the floor by Deputy Mayor Hearns okay any other questions for Mrs Jamar seeing none chair like to close this portion to the council and open it to the public please come forward set your name and your addresses talk a little louder brother there you go 116 Olive Street I'm a retiree from the cocoa firefighter or coco fire department um just to let you all know and the public know uh tomorrow the uh division of Management Services which is um the retirement system for Florida for local law plans which is the fire and police they're having their annual conference in Daytona and tomorrow's session is for new trustees or uh council members who want to get an understanding of a local law plan a defined benefit plan so uh it starts at 8:30 tomorrow and I just wanted to share that with you it's starts tomorrow for New trustees and then it'll be Thursday and Friday for more season trustees so thank you thank you very much much anyone else saying none sh like to close this portion to the public and return to the councel want call the question all in favor saying I I and the N eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to the next item approval of ordinance number 16-20 24 first reading related to chapter 2 Administration article 7 police officers retirement plan amending section two 196 benefit amounts and eligibility amending section 2-1 98 disability amending section 2-28 deferred retirement option plan providing for incorporation into the code providing for severability of provision repealing all ordinances and and resolutions in Conflict here within provide an effective date esquad gargan this is a first reading of ordinance 16-22 24 in ordinance of the city council city of Coca bavar County Florida amending chapter 2 Administration article 7 police officers retirement plan of the code of ordinances of the city of Coco by amending section 2-1 196 benefit amounts and eligibility amending section 2-1 198 disability amending section 2- 218 deferred retirement option plan providing for codification providing for severability of Provisions repealing all ordinances in Conflict here with and providing an effective date and this is public hearing item mayor thank you very much and this item's almost identical um the only thing different about this one the police was we added an additional Disability Pension benefit in the event if there's an active shooter um scenario and that is something that the fire pinion already had and we do like what one plan has the other one has and so um so anyway so we decided to add that in this since we had the opportunity since we were opening it up and this is um talked about in the police pension board in May and so this was actually a request um to go to eight-year drop by the police pension board so um that's why we're here um for this and then we also did the cost of living change as well on on their item I mean on their plan where they pension benefit would never be decreased in the event that the CPI was a negative so okay do we have any questions for Mrs Jamal this is the first reading the second reading on these will be December 10th the regular meeting December 10th okay seeing we have no questions for her we' like to close this portion to councel open to the public please come forward and state your name and elaborate on this particular item going once if I heard correctly will the police plan be getting an 8-year drop they will so got negotiated okay cool I just uh finished my term on the police pension board uh end of September so that was something that I was curious about so thank you very much this is indic of the great things we're doing in the great city of Coco sir we stand beh with our employees any other ones from the public please come forward and S your name seeing none CH like to close this portion of the public and rern to councel chair like to make a motion to approve the first reading of this particular item second got a second on the floor by Deputy Mayor Hearn chair is going to call the question all in favor of saying I I any Nays I have it unanimously yes ma'am yes ma'am okay the next item and I'm just trying to make sure my because my paper has something a little different but we a okay consideration of a resolution of the city of Coco is that the correct one correct y thank you very much electing to a non-exempt certain property from avum taxation as allowed under the section 196 decimal point 1978 3 Florida Statutes providing for conflicts Civ ability and an effective date planner Mr Mayor I'm doing this one okay sir um this past legislative session the live local Act was amended to allow certain properties basically properties that are affordable housing properties to be exempt from uh avalum taxation our property taxation um and so as you know um we've uh concentrated on building the city's tax base and so this recommendation is for the city council to to elect to not exempt those properties from uh ADV valorum taxation uh you can do that if uh the shimberg report um identifies a surplus of affordable housing in the metropolitan statistical area and so we're recommending that you that you uh approve the staff recommendation to approve the resolution electing to not exempt certain properties from avalor taxation as provided under the statute uh that you reference the section that you reference thank you sir thanks thank you very much um the city manager do we have any questions for the city manager seeing that this is a public hearing I will give the audience opportunity to to address their concerns do we have any questions councel for uh city manager witon saying n chairl light close this portion of the meeting of to the council and give it to the public please come forward and state your name to address this particular item going once going twice sure like to close this portion of council excuse me the public and return it to council chair to make a motion to approve staff recommendation and I'm looking for a second I'll second I both of you did it simultaneously okay second by Council woman call ch's gonna call the question all in favor of saying I I eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to item number five Council consideration I know public in comment on the use of fiscal year 2024 Edward burn Memorial Justice assistance Jag Grant local solicitation in the amount of $1 15,6 53 exp poost facto and authorize the grant writers to submit the city's application chair like to make a motion to approve second got a second on the floor by councilman go chair's G to call the question all in favor by saying I I and the N eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to item number six consideration of zoning text Amendment appendix a Article 13 section 22 of the city of Coco code amending tree protection and preservation standards and procedures related to the waivers of these requirements okay and I will listen to the planner Mr Mayor just just want just interrupt you right quick um the grant that you just made a motion to approve we didn't allow for public comment oh we didn't do public hearing item my apologies is there anyone in the audience would like to um address this concern about the the Bon Memorial Justice assistance better known as Jag grant program my apologies I'm just so I believe in this this has been a great um Jag grant program and it's helped the city anyone from the audience thank you very much Chief Coya saying n okay Esquire would you like for me to recount this again or is that sufficient no it's sufficient just let the record reflect no one spoke okay got it all right we're on item number six I read it into the minutes tree protection preservation standards and this is a public item too as well okay I'll read the ordinance and by Title First ordinance number 18 2024 an ordinance of the city council city of city of Coco barar County Florida amending the zoning ordinance of the city of Coco regarding treat protection and preservation amending procedures related to waivers of tree protection and preservation requirements providing for the repeal of Prior and consistent ordinances and resolutions Corporation into the code cability and an effective date this is first reading of this ordinance recommended by the Planning and Zoning Board good evening everyone uh my name is Lucy hio I'm the city planner so the purpose of this ordinance is to revise through preservation and replacement requirements of specific guidelines for Palms And to clarify waiver requests from landscape requirements and Tre preservation code that will be overseen by planning zoning board and the trim regation requests that had any monetary value will be heard by the city council so in summary the changes that we have for this new preservation ordinance will be the revision of the tree definition revising replacement standards for Palms increasing the minimum land donation size requirements for um land and conservation will be lands they're conveying to the city as conservation so we raising that from 1 half acre and it'll be one acre now on and from 70 fet 75 ft will be increased to 125 ft and also we revising the waiver process that will be discussed to so as you can see um the definition uh that we have for the tree definition we added that Palms are now recognized as trees only if they met meet a minimum trunk diameter of 12 in and grow to at least 15 fet in height and can make up no more than 35% of the total required replac in so the first line here on the we can see on this table indicates the replacement criteria for palm trees for every palm tree measuring 12 in or more in diameter of breast height a replacement tree with a minimum size of 3 Ines will be required so the guidelines for three preservation credits provide three extra credits for each Tre Preserve in public conservation areas dedicated to the city as part of a development project excluding Wetlands of course conservation areas now require a minimum size of one acre and a width of 125 ft unless the city council approves otherwise this amendment encourages larger conservation spaces and rewards free preservation So currently all waiver requests go to the board of adjustments including those regarding landscape Cod requirements and tree preservation under this new revision request for waivers for the landscape and Tre preservation code will be heard before the planning zoning board however if that request involves elimination or reduction of any mon value will be heard before the city council who will make the final decision so the amendment aligns with the city of Coco's comprehensive plan particularly in areas related to sustainable development and urban beautification by refining landscape and tree preservation standards this orance will enhance compliance with local zoning codes designated to support the city's Environmental and Community Health objectives so St staff request on this first reading that the city council approve the Land Development code Amendment appendex 8 zoning Article 13 section 22 of the city of Coca code to revise stre preservation and replacement requirements with specific guidelines for Palms And to clarify the waiver requests to the above section of the zoning code will be overseen by the planning zoning board and three mitigation requests will be heard by the city council as we discussed before the proposed changes will include the revision for the tree definition the replacement standards for Palms increasing the minimum lay donation size requirements for uh conveyance of land for conservation and that is from one half acre increase your acre and from 75 ft increase 125 ft and also revising the waiver process I'll be open if you have any questions do we have any questions for Mrs Lucy uh Council woman um weeks and then Council woman cost um when you uh in this where you have where it's increased from 1 half acre to an acre and 75 to 125 ft based on how big a development no it's not based on the development it this there will be the minimum required for them that they can convey to the city to be dedicated as Conservation Area in an exchange they will get credits for their tree um mitigation okay so they so any development they would have to give no matter what the size of the development they would have to G donate an Acres if they have available normally this is more associated associated with multif family developments there are PUD right so when they're um you know so normally the the they have the acreage to make it available to try to negotiate and and a good example would be Adamson Creek right they have a huge Conservation Area in that area that was dedicated to the city in the S John okay M Mr Mayor if I may yes sir they again they're not required to make any donation but if they choose to make a donation of land then they don't get credits until um under this revision until it's a one acre and a minimum of 125 ft uh uh in size there so or width there so again it it goes from uh currently if they choose to donate for purposes of receiving credit towards tree mitigation it's current Curr l 1 12 acre and 75 ft this would be raised to 1 acre and 125 ft okay and my other question is about when you say they get credit how much of a credit do they get what what is a credit equal to in dollars go back a couple of slides um well normally uh every development they have to have a tree inventory that is done so there's you know they provide landscape plans a tree inventory so there's a whole analysis that is done before they we can take this credits in consideration right I just didn't know um what a credit was equal to in in dollar value you know I mean is eight credits $800 or what what do is that is that how it works yeah it goes It goes by by the trees there so so it's right here on the chart um so I think I believe let me I can find I don't remember the Zach measurements but is a $100 for I can't look it really quick and then $200 for certain I just have to look the exact amount I just don't remember but it's starts at $100 and then they have to be uh trees and species that are protected per code they're in our code and of course we have invasives they're you know they don't count and things like that so it's a whole process well and and that part I understood I just didn't see anywhere what a credit would equal to in dollar and uh back to the developer as far as that goes I was just curious on that score as to how these credits add up but but Lucy in terms of trees so so every tree that's in the in the area that's donated is is a is a 3: one relationship for every tree they get a three tree credit yes okay and I just found here the table um so for so from 6 in to 23 in is $100 per inch not replace CU they are required to replace the trees so if they're not if they're not able to replace it so they will they will pay $100 per inch and then if it's 24 in and up you know for all the specimen trees then it's $200 per inch that is not replaced okay and so that's a 3:1 ratio so every tree whatever the whatever the inch diameter is there that's in the conservation area you get credit for Three Trees times whatever the cost that Lucy just went over well I'm in favor of the um the palm tree because I do think they are trees people move to Florida for a palm tree so okay thank you very much for your answers appreciate that I'm done is that it ma'am yes sir yes ma'am thank you Count Council woman calls yeah the Palm Tre is in fact our state tree is a palm tree right palm that's right um okay first of all I want to say thank you for increasing the minimum area and the reason that's really important is that we see this when they're you know they're talking about these corridors building these corridors for wildlife that you have to have uh from an Environmental Management standpoint you have to have kind of a minimum amount of land for it for it even to have any ecosystem benefit MH so yes so so that's good and uh also I think um uh leaving the mitigation to consel and moving um the others to the uh tree board is is more appropriate um I did have a couple of concerns um actually significant concern I I I was concerned initially because it seemed like we were downgrading the Palms because they did not have they were not as we are prioritizing ecologically beneficial tree species and palm trees do have ecological benefit and therefore provide ecosystem services to us um I was also concerned because and and I'm still concerned the 12 in which is this will be the minimum that a tree can be to be considered considered a tree there are actually a number of species palm tree species that do not reach a 12-in diameter um but my real concern is the probably my biggest concern and more of a concern since we spoke earlier is the 3inch replacement tree do you know what that is based on what what we determined that in order to replace one of these trees that would be 12 in in diameter uh they would need to replace it with a 3-in replacement tree yeah that would be the minimum that's required for 3in palm tree 3in palm tree no it's it's it's any 3in tree any3 not necessarily a palm tree okay yeah because there are no 3in fruit CL palm trees because it's just a minimum number so they have you know uh option replacement for Palms it's all it's all in the ball the size of the ball is is how they uh how they measure those trees and determine if they can transplant them or not um okay so yeah so I I don't want uh palm trees and I had asked for some analysis I don't know if we were able to do that to determine you know where the issues were because but let me just say this before you take the floor the mitigation Banks what is the value of the mitigation Banks because I understand that's the issue that there was a fairness issue that some developers say uh say the framework group say uh the the Cirrus development did not have a a tree mitigation I don't believe they did because they were developing developed land they were redeveloping Land versus a another developed Windward preserve where they are clear cutting a natural area and so what a mitigation policy does is encourages a certain kind of development not that you can't do it because it's private property and you know you can do what you want on private property provided you have the right approvals but we have the opportunity to encourage a certain kind of development our comp plan makes really clear that we want that we want to encourage low impact development um that's what our mitigation policy does now if it is so stringent that staff is is not being followed at all which I understand I mean what has it been a year since we did the last ordinance I think it's been about a year you know then we need to look at it because you know I'm just one person on this conso I understand uh you know there's a certain that we have a we're really pushing building but this is an opportunity for us to encourage the right kind of building and also that mitigation Bank becomes an opportunity to create uh the you know our streets with Arbors and and more trees in our city where they're appropriate so I don't want to Short change our mitigation bank I want it to be realistic and I don't want to Short change the palm trees because um as was explained to me today they are the pollinator hotspots and there are certain birds that only like those kind of a certain kind of palm and they really attract the bees and they um they're good at absorbing the storm water and breaking the the storm energy um as well as um absorbing carbon dioxide producing the air we breathe so um so I'd like to hear the analysis please yeah so so Lucy go back to the table to the tree um this one to one before this one right there um so so and councilwoman C you're correct so we we we revised last year the Landscaping ordinance um uh made a number of revisions we've we've had time to live under that ordinance um and so uh we we as staff really really had one recommendation as as you as you recall the other recommendations are after some discussion with you and so our recommendation was with regards to Palms for for uh the two big projects that we've had uh Windward preserve and the lakes at CoCo those are those are the properties that that are uh uh 200 plus acres um they they um they The Palms are identified but not the species of Palms in those uh in those two projects there and so the Palm issue is is trying to strike a balance between uh protecting uh the environment and um meeting the objective of the comprehensive plan and at the same time not discourage development um if you recall for just Windover uh preserve alone we had 13 or 14 maybe 15 conditions of approval which included uh some some environmental uh aspects and so and so we believe that that this is a good balance in terms of protecting the environment meeting the goals of the uh of the comprehensive plan and I and I I'll do that by way of of uh comparing us against if you will the competition uh Bard County does not require replacement of palms and so in Bard County if you take a palm out there's no requirement to replace it here we still have a requirement to replace a palm and we're not requiring you to replace it with um with a palm like for like you can replace a palm with an oak tree um and if you decide to replace a palm with a palm then that can't be any greater than what was it 25 or 35% of the total replacement which one was it Lucy 25 or 35 you had it in the presentation here oh it was well they have just a 50% they're required to actually replace with any species but they don't specify palm trees so 50 50% of the of the site but I thought we limited the number of Palms that you could replace oh is at 35% yes for us it's I'm sorry I got confused at 35% for us yeah so so again we're we're we're we're in pursuit of the higher ecological value trees uh in in this ordinance and so um so we we believe it's fair um we have um $ 13ish million dollar in the tree mitigation fund which is you know partly timing partly the diligence of Staff um and so we've never had that amount in the fund uh and so again we're we're trying to present something that uh does not discourage development and again at the same time uh protects the environment we believe that this actually achieves that any other questions y so just to confirm so we're the way this was written part of it it was questionable how we were seeing palm trees in terms of their ecological benefits but we see them as having ecological benefits right we've never yeah and and we and again we we've not removed them again again guess I'll compare us to the competition the county again doesn't require you to replace Palms we still do we just uh we we believe that and again if you look at this chart and the on the existing Palms were in all rows the same replacement requirement as other trees there we're just simply saying if it's if it's now in the revision if it's 12 in 15 ft in height then give us one3 Ian tree doesn't have to be a palm again it could be an oak tree or some other tree but we're not discounting the value of Palms eological value of Palms thank you is that it ma'am yes okay thank you CH like to make a motion I'm we'll open it to the public but chair like to make a motion to First reading of ordinance 18-20 24 zoning text Amendment article a section 22 of the city of Coco code amending tree protection preservation standards and procedures related to waivers of these requirements and I'm looking for a second second got a second by councilman G okay now chair would like to close this portion to councel open to the public if you have any concerns please come forward state your name subit a card going once going twice thank you staff city manager City attorney directors lot D and everybody chair like to close and return to the council chair is g to call the question all in favor by saying I I I eyes have it unanimously thank you ma'am great job proceeding on to the next item um let me make sure I'm squared away here consideration of zoning text Amendment appendix a article 5 of the code of the city of Coco to Define trans Transportation terminals a permitted use applicable to the properties located in the m-1 zoning district and as a special exception use in the C Das excuse me-hg properties located to General commercial district and Commercial mixed use puds and this is the first reading of this esar gargan would you like to expound on this before we turn it over to the planner yes sir number 19224 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Coco barar County Florida amending the zoning ordinance of the city of Coco to Divine Transportation terminals providing for the ration into the codility and an effective date this is first reading of this ordinance also a public hearing item title's pretty self-explained there's been some interpretation issues recommending a definition be placed in the city Z thank you very much as Where gargan Mrs roberio am I saying right yes no that's fine you can call me Lucy no ma'am no ma'am uh my parents and grandparents will beat me to sleep sorry thank you though you're welcome sir so this proposal involves a Land Development codex amendment to appendix a article five of the code of ordinance we aim to establish a clear definition for Transportation terminal in a as a used category this amendment differentiates Transportation terminal from truck parking facilities to clarify permitted uses within the city of coko the proposed designation will apply to M1 communative zoning as allow under CW holel commercial zoning district and apply to special exceptions under CG that for General commercial districts and mixed uses PUD so just to give you a general explanation uh special exceptions allow certain uses not typically permitted under certain zoning districts in our grand Ed Under s conditions and criteria by the board of adjustments the Transportation terminal is a permitted use under wholesale commercial District which is included within M1 zoning district with the intent to include less int intensive activities this cumulative zoning approach helps limited heavy industrial traffic offering added protection for nearby residentials in no commercial areas as you can see um actually I don't have a highlight in this map but the M1 zoning the majority is along Cox Road between 524 and 520 also uh by the Plaza Parkway between uh Crest View Drive and Main Street also we have a strip there with m1's oning that so would be uh the main idea was to affect those areas and of course uh the special exceptions under the CG and mix use puds also will be affected um I just have a quick um request for Monica if you can just please verify the ordinance has the right definition because I'm not sure if it was included with the agenda the might be missing the last sentence in the ordinance so I don't know just if you can just please confirm so um or Miss garan if you can confirm just the definition just the one let's read the last sentence for the record too yeah so here we have the transportation terminal definition that includes both passenger Transportation Terminals and Freight Transportation terminals in transportation terminals are facility or passengers or freay are sample I just want you to read the last sentence Oh The Last Sentence okay facilities used primarily for shortterm or long-term parking of vehicles should not be considered Transportation terminals okay okay I just want to make sure it's uh because it was some misunderstanding with the planning zoning so I just want to make sure we got the the right ordinance so here we have the definition let me know if you have any questions about Transportation terminal I just want to highlight that um the proposed Zing tax amendment is anticipated to assist and attaining uh the following City goals as appear in our comprehensive plan following the future L use element in the transportation element so staff concluded that the proposed changes will align with the goals set for in the city of Coco comprehensive plan and AMS to support zoning regulations the Planning and Zoning Board unanimous unanimously approved the proposed ordinance for a recommendation from Council to approve this ordinance on November 6th 20124 and so staff requests on this first reading that the city council approv the requested Land Development code amendment to appendix a article five of the zoning ordinance of the city of coko to Define trans Transportation terminals it was presented today thank you yes ma'am and I'll be available if you have any questions yes ma'am do we have any questions for M rerio saying chair like to close this portion to councel open to the public please come forward and state your name you have three minutes to elaborate or expound on this particular item right here going once and the zoning board approved this unanimously going twice chot closes portion to the public in Return of the council what are the wishes of council I move to approve we have a motion on the floor by councilwoman weeks second by the chair chair's going to call a question all in favor saying I I eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to the next item which is the last and final item of public hearing consideration of the first reading of expedited State review comprehensive plan TX Amendment to the city of Coco future land use element policy one decimal point1 decimal 26f relating to the mix use future land use category to provide an additional flexibility for allowable use on the ground floor of the vertical mix used building eligible for density bonus under the comprehensive plan Esquire gagan sir in ordinance of the city council of the city of K County Florida adopting a large scale comprehensive plan text Amendment amending the policy and the future land use element related to the mixed use future land use cat establishing the authorized uses pered on the ground floor of a mixed building such mixed buildings being eligible for residential density bonuses generally of an additional five unit for vertical mixed juice building and up to 125 drawing per acre for vertical mixed juice projects in the very limited geographical area identified as policy 1 1.2.6 of the comprehensive plan require a development agreement by the city council under certain terms and conditions deemed necessary and acceptable to the city council for the repeal prior consistent ordinances and resolutions incorporation into the comprehensive plan cability and an effective date legal status of the plan Amendment this is a city initiated comprehensive plan Amendment this is a transal hearing public hearing for the city council to consider mayor thank you very much esquad gargan sir and it's a pleasure to see you have Mobility on your new scooter there sir long live the Bruins Mr Mayor sir um Patrick uh Murray right that's correct yes sir is with rvi and so we have on the agenda Alexis right Patrick is not Alexis uh thank you mayor council uh yes than again Patrick Murray with rvi planning and Landscape architecture for the record uh again this is a city initiated text Amendment uh to the mixed use future land use category policy 1.1.2 point6 F to allow greater flexibility of ground floor uses in vertically integrated mixed use buildings uh to simplify uh vertically integrated mixed use buildings is a combination of different uses in the same building uh the current policy requires ground floor vertically mixed use buildings to consist entirely of retail sales office services and restaurants the city is seeking flexibility to utilize 51% of the total building length of the ground floor Street Frontage for commercial uses with the remaining 49% available for non-commercial uses so again it's 51% or more for commercial uses and 49% or less for non-commercial residential uses the mixed use future land use category is primarily in the Southeast portion of the city uh this area outlined in purple is approximately 110 acres in size uh the objective of this amendment is to encourage infill Redevelopment while activating Street frontages notable areas within the mixed use future land use designation include Coco Village C Coco Waterfront overlay District Coco Village subdistrict and additionally uh these seven Parcels outlined here um re were approved for an ordinance that would allow for up to 120 five units per acre via a uh development agreement the current policy uh allows for um a mix use building only retail sales offices services and restaurants are permitted on the ground floor these next five slides um are the proposed texts to the policy uh this language allows for a portion of the ground floor to be used for residential while retaining the majority of the building Street Frontage for commercial the policy provides language on how to measure the floor of the street Frontage similarly the policy provides guidance that uninhabitable areas such as entryways of a structure can be subtracted from the calculations uh additionally this allows for the distribution of commercial along Street frontages to be utilized as the applicant sees fit I'll note that if an applicant is to utilize this this text Amendment uh these projects would require site plan review and approval process and also in the uh areas that are designated 125 units per acre that would require a development agreement this authorizes no development uh lastly the policy does not change the allowable uses and limits allowable uses subject to the underlining zoning I'll note that this does not uh this this amendment does not affect the density uh allowed in the future land use it is only an amendment to the bottom floor of a vertically integrated mixed use building uh uh the proposed amendment complies with the Land Development code review criteria for this comprehensive plan amendments has noted uh has no impact on existing public facilities has no impact on environmental or historic resources has no effect on surrounding neighborhood compatibility and is consistent with the city's comprehensive plan as well as the state's comprehensive plan staff Rec recommends approval in addition the Planning and Zoning Board on November 6th recommended approval the proposed amendment will provide flexibility to allow for infill mixed use Redevelopment that aligns with the city's Vision uh I want to note again this does not change the density or intensity of a mixed use and any development that's utilized this amendment will be subject to site plan review and approval to answer any questions we have any questions for Mr Murray Patrick Murray Council woman calls yeah but you said it doesn't affect the density um but the five units in a mixed use development you get five additional units per acre right and it's a bonus you get that bonus if you provide the benefit of mixed juice on your first floor correct and that and that's a current current code so I mean it's not a big difference but just to point out just just to be correct not mislead anyone you could you could develop something and only make in a mixed use zoning and only half of it be mixed use the other half residential or whatever and the only difference I mean that would be your right to do that you just wouldn't get the bonus because we give the bonus us because we want to encourage that mixed use because that mixed use serves the density serves the Vitality of the surrounding area would you agree I mean that's one of the reasons we do mixed use is to increase the vitality and the energy of an area correct yes and that's that's that's the point of this amendment is to um vitalize and and activate the street Frontage this amendment only uh reapportions the requirement for commercial uses versus residential uses on the the first floor right correct so um and and I don't have a big problem for this overall with a lot of the areas in our city but I know Nick Herring from the framework group was here at the Planning and Zoning meeting and I know that he really wants this this is um and I think it's being staff initiated to serve that need to encourage them and and before anyone tries to paint me as someone that doesn't like the framework group I love the framework group I love the serious development I love the fact that they try to do mostly what they do is Redevelopment so they're the kind of player we want here but on that Bank of America in front of our park in I mean that is our most precious space in the village and in terms of keeping it vibrant m if if he wants that or if anyone wants that can't he just bring it in as part of a proposal to the Pud uh they' still be subject to the Pud would follow the zoning and they would be subject to the underlying uh comprehensive future land use category but we would be able to give him that concession and PUD if we were getting something in returned is that under the development agreement process I believe that would that would require some give me give me the question again okay when we do a PUD and someone comes to us for concessions concessions that take away from the social use of that area that take away the benefits to the everyday Coco citizen we bargain with them they come in they make this request and you know we have that negotiating power and all these conferences we go to they encourage us to use that negotiating power to get what we want to get a city that we want to live in because of course the developers goal is to maximize the dollars that they're making we understand that um so the question is rather than do this you know overarch this this sweeping change to our comp plan why is that not just brought to us as part of a PUD yeah I I don't I don't know that the Pud can exempt you from the comp plan requirements if the comp plan requirements override we've done before and and and comp plan re comp plan you would be subject to a comprehensive plan amendment to okay yeah so so you so the the the comp plan uh overrides or is governing um and we we do a lot of negotiating a lot of asking up front the I think the first question I ask is okay what do you have that benefits the city you know and that maybe in terms of land donation I mean we've done quite well in the last couple of developments um and so again just in terms of understanding your question um you know a PUD has certain requirements open space requirements all those other requirements there I don't know that you you can negotiate a development agreement that puts you in conflict with the comprehensive plan what's what your fingers yes or no I mean we changed the comprehensive plan just to get to the 125 units I mean can I just say yeah so in the past you got you got to say it in the in the in the mic there but am I correct Lucy yeah you cannot negotiate comp plan resolutions the all the developers they have to follow comp plan in the past since I seen all the developments the major developments that we have all the development agreements um the the main Exchange sometimes is related to trees right so tree credit tree mitigation in exchange for amenities or um elevations or things like in that nature there are requirements for the zoning PD under the zoning but not under the compain you cannot have a complain policy added to the development agreement and and so I just want to make that clear even with the tree now those will come if if it's if it has anything to do with the fee the mitigation amount it comes to it comes to you guys the um the the and so and so the the goal of this is is is to actually there are some projects that the market will bring you that perhaps uh does not need an entire ground floor of mixed use and so this is to be flexible to the market um and being flexible to the market yes it covers um um the the Bank of America site it covers the 915 Florida site um but it covers everything that's mixed use because again the goal is to be flexible and responsive to the market again without uh moving totally away from the mixed use concept and that's why we went to the 51% still the majority of the ground floor has to be mixed use but perhaps you lose projects where if the majority of the ground floor had to be 100% mixed use and so and so that that again is the the flexibility we're trying to achieve uh and and bringing you this recommendation okay so getting back to the a purpose of mixed juice to create Vitality I'm like you know the most of the properties we have this would not bother me but with Bank of America and the fact that it's that is our main drag I mean that's bravard on one side delanois on the other and if half of that is going to be residence it it makes it private property it takes that real estate away from Coco overall and here's another place I'm coming from and that is um you know when I lived in DC and had to walk seven blocks from the metro to work I would always avoid those blocks and all of that was mixed use and all of that was tall right 100 feet and whatever I would avoid those blocks that were they were either I don't know covered parking or whatever they were that's where the homeless hung out that was for security reasons I would avoid it it created that um so it's another thing to consider in terms of this this policy and this policy being in uh probably our most traveled couple of blocks most important center within the village and again trying to keep the character of The Village trying to build the Vitality of the village to serve that more dense population and we're looking at you know once that's built once the uh Rock Ledge development is finished and once we have something on Seven Acres I mean we're talking you know a thousand plus maybe 2,000 more people in the area and having those storefronts having those services keeps them there keeps it walkable keeps it viable and keeps us an attraction and not just a high-end apartment building so that is what I don't like about this like I say it's that Bank of America property in regard to this that really bothers me and I also know that that they're coming to they've already announced that they're coming to us for a uh a tiff uh tax abatement um we've already done their bidding to bring the height up so I mean I think we've been pretty amenable with them uh I think we're going to be a great location for them yeah just a just a couple of things there Patrick can we go over the last bullet point again and then and then let's talk about I'm looking yeah you had it on the screen yes that slide you just went away from the one that was on there before you collect the away keep going what no no keep going yeah right there and so and so again the the Patrick again explained that last bullet point and also the path is still the same right if it's 125 units per acre doesn't change if the ground floor is uh is a 51% commercial as opposed to 100% because it's it's per acre so the acreage doesn't change the math is still the same um that's correct yes and it and it's your your density calculation does not change additionally it's it's 51% or more also note that the 49% is not restricted to residential uses this all this is included for non-commercial uses so this in this includes uh residential fitness centers so if a a department complex has a fitness center or they have a leasing office or a maintenance building those two could be on on the bottom floor as well again the the the goal is at at some point in time again some some other Council some other city manager planning staff recommended the 100% ground floor mixed use I think the market has changed somewhat you know again it's responding to the market um again you don't you don't you don't want to have that absolute and and lose a good viable project because uh they couldn't make the 100% ground floor mix use um and again you still have uh it's the the density doesn't change the the math is still the same again this just allows flexibility there's nothing that prohibits someone from coming in saying I want to do 100% mixed use on the ground floor any other questions for Patrick your light is illuminated M it's cost thank you seeing none we have no other questions for Mr Murray CH like to close this portion to the council open to the public please come forward and state your name you want a card or a card hi and I just a question this because it seems a little oh I live in Coco by the way it seems a little disingenuous to say that the majority of the footage or the frontage will be used for um for commercial when you're only checking about 51% why not make it 7030 or 6040 just so that that majority Rings a little bit trer that would be my only recommendation thank you okay anyone else please come forward is this your handwriting Mrs dolphin it isad is it hieroglyphics okay Cher like to close this portion to the public return to the council chair like to make a motion to approve um City Council on this first read propos expedite the state um review comprehensive plan text amendment to policy 1- 1-26 F providing additional flexibility related to permitted on the ground floor vertical use buildings eligible for density bonuses and and I have a second on the floor by Deputy Mayor h okay you're L on councilwoman weeks yeah I just had a quick question so with this any project that came be uh came in it would still have to be approved as far as what they're going to do with that mixed use correct yes ma'am it still goes to the same through the same review process and and and 51% I don't believe that I'm being uh disingenuous 51% is a majority simple okay thank you I'm done okay thank you Council one more calls yeah I'll just um ask the chair to the mayor to consider amending no ma'am his motion no ma'am 65% I know you're going to find a lot of people in the village that are upset that we gave it up so easily okay thank you ma'am just going to call the question all in favor by saying I I I any Nays nay at the record reflect 41 the only dissenting vote is councilwoman the r Co okay moving on to our final item for tonight Esquire gargan since we're going to talking about this Indian River Drive septic to seur conversion um councilwoman cost is abstaining is that correct so she has to fill out that form as far Gan yeah she's going again right and and is she at Liberty to expound on anything what's the rule on that because I know I had to leave the room I know once a upon of time she said in the back of the room I'm just trying to get this understanding the for elected officials is an opportunity to participate if they so choose I have generally advised not to participate when you have a voting conflict um but if a council member feels that it's necessary to contribute some sort of factual information to the discuss discussion I you know I think that would be uhu be permissible Define factual something that's not advocacy okay I just want to make sure okay councilwoman um weeks the floor is yours ma'am I was go ahead yeah because I have to uh recuse myself um before I did that I wanted to offer facts that are incorrect in the agenda item and that would be the amount that is being shown on page 104 of the item the oral includes a cost of living increase each year this project has been available to us since 2017 it was initially funded at 6.1 million but now is with the cost of living adjustment is 6715 well 6,715 820,000 and that does not include the contingency that we had requested and with that I will recru myself and move to the back of the room okay um so uh this septic to sewer um has been before the council a number of times and obviously I'm new I'm trying to get to M there it is um and so I wanted to start off uh by saying that um uh I I want to move to approve the option two uh in the plan um in the J&K area with cost overruns to be paid by utility rate payers now from my rationale on this is um sewer makes the most sense uh Advanced septic has a yearly cost of $500 at least to maintain talking to people who've already put this in and they can break and then they need replacing sewer is a one and done uh we have a state and County mandate for it the sorl money will cover everything including homeowner hookups per what was done before the cost analysis that Jack did of course figured high and that's a good thing but we had two homeowners uh who had CNB Plumbing come out and the actual cost to hook their home up to sewer would have been about half of the estimate but of course you always want to figure High better to have too much money than not enough also with the uh sewer the homeowner home values will increase because homes with sewer are worth more than homes with septic um and again the state and County have already mandated that they want everybody to either hook up to sewer or go to the advanced septic and the advanced septic all you're doing is kicking the can down the road one and done with septic and um it just makes the most sense to do it that way so that is why I move that we do that would you do me a favor please man would you reach over there and turn off Council woman costes night yes sir thank you very much and I'll be happy to um you know that's what I have to say on the subject at the moment' do we have any um dialogue or questions for Mrs um councilwoman weeks Deputy Mayor um so um as in the past I've been an advocate of this project as well um I definitely see the uh reasoning why we need it um it's always been an issue is the funding um recently I spoke to a resident over on Coco place um they're on septic as well in that location and uh it was a concern to them as far as far as if we were to uh do the mandatory hookups as well as how it would be paid um I think you stated um putting that cost on the utility uh I I did say that yes um although I know from looking at the numbers before there was enough money to pay for all the all the homeowners to get hooked up the soral money will cover that so um is that now true uh City man this this issue is we you you know what the soral money is you don't know what the cost of the project is so the project hasn't been bid um and so we know whatever the numbers are whether it's 7.2 or the 7.2 uh includes the additional dollars that that we uh lobbied for um remember those were going to be a match to uh what funding that had an expiration date on it so so I wouldn't count those dollars there so if Soro has 7.2 Sor has 7.2 for the project what is the project cost is an unknown number at this particular point in time yeah so uh those costs uh just being fiscally responsible is is definitely concern I'm taking into consideration uh especially after dealing with the Fisk uh and Bradmore Acres project um as you probably know we had to come back to the council what three was it two or three times for we we bid it out twice um fortunately I think FEMA gave us additional dollars and we've had Abby how many change orders uh We've Come to council twice um that was contingency funding I know I know the the Water Utility change orders have been 1.7 million and I forget what they were on the other side and and that that project on a $700,000 bid 1.7 in changes that project is also in my district and uh I've watched that project clearly and uh there's no uh coino Rock in that location uh there was just simply uh unknowns that popped up so uh just me being uh fiscally responsible and hearing from other Citi since um I'm just trying to make sure we weighing out every uh detail to this project um the last time we brought this up I had a couple legal questions and I'm hoping gargan could help me out on that uh one of my questions were as far as the mandatory hookups are we able to designate that only to the 88 homes along Indian River Drive and not to the rest of the uh City that's on septic one of my questions D I mean that's a you know we've talked about that before that's that's a that's a possibility um based on the tetratech report I mean the the council would have to make a legislative finding that just this group of ada8 should be treated specially um and have a legitimate basis for doing so um so because any other similarly situated um properties um should be treated the same so I mean it's a possibility I would say does the state and the county mandate come into play in that the fact that they either have to go to advance septic or they have to hook up to se period now the question is whether or not we as I understand uh the councilman's question is whether we could the city can just impose a mandate just on the 88 homes it's not a question of whether they get sewer or Advance septic it's a question of if you go sewer can the city mandate that they hook up because obviously um if the city was going to go to City Council where to decide to go forward with sewer then um as I understand it 100% participation um will be required so 100% participation is required not only for funding purposes um it's going to be if it's going to be required there needs to be an enforce M mechanism so the city council will have to establish not only the Mandate but in the enforcement mechanism perhaps um to uh cover any differences if the council's decision is um that the homeowners would cover the differences not the general rate payers who don't stand to benefit from this particular um in a manner of speaking they are benefiting in cleaner water in the Indian River but yeah yeah not not in that context just in the context of receiving sewer not in the context M sure I mean reducing the the nitrogen loads and phosphorus in the Indian River Lagoon benefits everyone it question exactly no question that at all so you kind of alluded into my second question which was the uh if there was any overages on this project uh obviously the one way to get that uh that funding would have to be like a special uh a special assessment on the rate payers of utilities um is there any way that there were overages just that location receiving this project the benefits from this project uh could that fee uh special assessment fall only on those 88 homes and not the whole city or even our uh utility payers outside of the city as well in terms of a special assessment correct for the for any uh differential correct well because as you know we have uh utility payers outside the city as well right right so as you know from the other special assessments that the city has established like fire services and and storm water you know there's a there's a legal test that would have to be satisfied and that legal test first and foremost requires a special benefit to the property owners that are that have to pay so the you know I would G I would take uh you know an educated go on the limb here that if if you if you have a differential for this sewer project that only benefits the 88 homes I don't think the city's going to be in a position to say that other property owners receive a special benefit and therefore should pay part of an assessment um because special you know special assessments require special benefits to the property owner you know they have to be receiving the benefit directly it's a legal test Goa okay I I'll yield at this time um I I will say that uh because we passed the half cent sales tax for the uh Indian River Lagoon and one of the big things was the septic to sewer and we can go back to them for more money if so needed because they are very anxious for everybody to do septic toore and let's face it this is right along the Indian River Lagoon and it really needs to be done and um again doing Advanced septic is just kicking the can down the road uh when uh Mr Walsh did did his study before there was um as to what it would cost to do which I've looked at and I know it was done in 2022 and um so it would need to be done again I'm sure but um they have a lot of money in the uh soral account and they want are anxious for people to do this so I feel like it's incumbent on us as respons you know to be responsible and um and yeah there's Co Rock but they put sewer all along other places through the coina rock we have lovely modern uh machines that can do that that's not a problem and the from what I understand the gravity thing goes right down Mr Walsh showed me it goes right down uh two Indian River drives so they just have to put the pipes in that way to hook up to it so it's already there it's just we need the sideways stuff and then to hook up to the homes and again I just really feel strongly that this is something that we need to do for us and for the future and it does make their homes more valuable is that it ma'am that's it for the moment yes sir yes ma'am do we have any questions for Council woman weeks thing CH like to close this portion of counsel over to the public okay um first on the list is Frank Sullivan then Al Basquez then Alec Greenwood if you have a card please submit your card I already have your card that's why I'm calling your name5 I'm probably one of the few in this room that can remember back I'm 8070 years old now you leave your boat in the river and the next morning you'd have six or seven mullet dead in the bottom of it because they jump around at night if you wanted a good shrimp dinner on the weekend if you had a dip neck you go down the river and you could get all the shrimp you wanted that's a long time ago today I'm kind of confused because I'm hearing you all start talking about the benefit to raising the cost of the house the value of the house we're not talking about raising the value of the house we're trying to save the Indian River L Grom that half cent that we all paid on everything you pay you bought we've been arguing about this for the last year and a half with you all it's not the value of the house is the value of the Lagoon and what it brings to this area what it brings to the the city of Coco so I think you're getting off on the wrong tangent here the half cent we had we all paid was more than enough to pay for this project uh as you probably know not too long ago a member of our legislative group tried to get another 12 or $18 million for city of Coco to change to the to septics from to uh get rid of the septic tanks and the answer he got back from Tallahasse was we've already put a couple hundred million dollars out there and they haven't taken advantage of it we're not giving them any more money so somewhere along the line uh Deputy Mayor Hearns and and councilman goens you were supporting this some months ago and uh all these other questions didn't come up then I don't know where this is coming from but I was hoping that we might get a legitimate Council vote tonight to get this behind us and do something not for the value of your house but for the Lagoon that we ought to be looking at thank you thank you uh next up we have Al vquez good evening I'm uh it's nice to see some familiar faces uh I am uh managing partner for close Waters LLC we're a firm that does forward-looking economic impacts and we did the uh 2016 economic impact for the referendum that uh that was passed uh and and uh I recognize some faces from that activity that was one of the best things I've ever seen in government uh I was here two and a half years ago when this was discussed before and and uh I found out it was still being discussed uh that that's a concern to me and I'm here uh pro bono uh on be on behalf of the uh residents of Bard County as well as the residents here in the city of Coco uh the numbers the numbers are very important here the overall benefit to the county was $6.3 billion in benefit and that was in $ 2016 the downside of not addressing these nutrient pollution problems was uh 4.3 billion of that so toxic Alo blooms which can happen near sources of nutrient pollution where these houses are that you're considering today can have a very devastating effect Koko certainly has a lot of uh tourism benefits in KOCO Village in particular if there is a toxic Alo Bloom that happens as a result of these nutrients it would have a serious impact the other reason for doing this is that Coco uh 55% of the nutrient reduction that has to be executed by the city of Coco according to the uh Basin management action plan uh comes from these areas uh along that uh part of Coco this project is just the beginning of some 400 houses as I understand but it is a beginning and uh it's it's it's critical there are only three ways to reduce this nutrient pollution from septic septic tanks one is people leave that's probably not something that you want to look at but that's one way the other way are are these uh systems that are called advaned septic to to uh Advanced septic systems those are that's the most expensive way to go I I know some people that have done that on their own on South tropical Trail uh they require a lot of Maintenance it's very very expensive to go that way and the Third Way is this connection to the U you know to the city sewage processing system which is a very refined uh system that is uh we know it works so the situation for uh Coco is that the these have to be done in order to comply with the law with the you know administrative law if it is not done there will be fines but the fines are nothing compared to the uh economic imp impact of not doing it so I urge you to take advantage of the fact that there's money being offered right now and do it because it has to be done good luck thank you next up uh Mr Alex Greenwood thank you council members uh Alex Greenwood rard Avenue Coco Florida uh I've been up here before about this subject and I just have a simple question it's not an issue of whether we want this to be done the reason why it's been delayed is because of doing it in a way that is uh not so cost prohibitive and also other ways of solving this issue about the nutrients that go into the river uh i' I'd like to know and why it hasn't really been brought up uh for this Advanced septic tank systems that I need to contradict what was stated earlier it is not the most expensive way to go I have a lot of people that prefer to go that way that have told me about solving this they also have suggested that they'd like to be responsible for it is it possible that we can work with our citizens Which is less expensive for for the advanced septic tank system and work with them or uh assisting them in some way of uh helping that to be installed rather than a complete brand new system which means and a lot of people don't like talking about it you're going to see a lot of coina rock that adds up to a lot of the cost but the main thing is you're going to alter permanently what we have now on any River Drive and I'm talking about trees they the majority of them are in the way some of the septic the septic tanks that we're talking about is in the rear of some of these properties they're not in the front these are homes that were built in the 1920s and that can really add up now the advanced septic tank systems they last lifetimes now there is maintenance on them and all that but it doesn't equal in the multi Millions there's the difference the other problem is where they're located these are very old established homes and you're going to be ruining not just River Road about how you're going to have to get it installed there which means removing trees and things like that that are even on the property that's not even on River Road so is it possible that there could be another method that could be less expensive it's always best to go where you go to the route where you can get the problem solved and corrected without having to spend a lot of money and I think really that if that's something that could be looked further into I think that's the route that we need to go because uh it it is um less intrusive it's less expensive uh and you're working with the citizens because a lot of them flat will not be happy having to pay like what they're seeing other people that are going to have to pay that can afford it and not everybody can uh I really feel that we need to pursue this a little further uh I know everybody's anxious to get it done and get it behind you and all that that's not how you make decisions we need to actually find something that could actually be beneficial financially for everybody to get this done without altering permanently the way Coco Coco looks like now on River Road thank you next up we have Miss Linda dolphin hi my name is Linda dolphin and I live in Coco and I know I've been up here A bunch but I guess what I would be asking you to do today would be to approve Pat's motion because while that would allow us to do would be to go out and get the project to bid and once we have a bid maybe it'll come in at way more than the 12 million that we have the high estimate for and then the council can say this makes no sense we have to reconsider but until we get a bid we're just continuing to push these numbers around my second um thought would be I forgot it um let me think for a second um oh the second thing would be uh lavander or Mr Hearns um thinking about the fact that then there's going to be a lot of cost overruns and that could be the case um because even though we get a bid in you know once they start the project they could run into problems but as Pat mentioned we have a lot of uh opportunities to get money for this project it's something that the state and the county are really pushing and the money is all free to us now and it won't be for long so I really would encourage you to approve Pat's motion thank you okay got a question from the mayor Jack Sir Mr Walsh yes sir you're electrical engineer I mean excuse me you're an engineer correct sir sir I am how many years you been an engineer long time 40 plus 40 plus do you you have your PE profession engineer I do sir yes sir so you've been doing budgeting bidding for ever since Moses pretty much Spread spread the red seat right pretty much all that time yes sir so and um just a fair assessment from you if you wouldn't mind how spoton have you been throughout your tenure of this process just and be frankly honest if you can I I I don't think you know I've never built a perfect project where went in and came in exactly on budget um and there's been a number of projects that have gone way over budget for different reasons every every project is unique every project takes risk it's just that simple I mean I I think overall in my opinion for this project I think we should less think less about the numbers and think more about what we' kind of been talking about which is how the council woman weeks brought it up which is policy it's this is really the numbers will be the numbers the agenda item wasn't updated we didn't spend a lot of time with this we brought it back at her request but in the end construction costs have gone up but the save our Indians allocation went up fairly but did they go up equally did the cost of construction actually follow exactly the cost of the allocation by stve AR I don't know I mean they went up by a couple percent but did construction go up by one or two or 3% these are these are tough questions to ask in normal construction you know we can usually get within you know 10% that's usually where we like to be it's a successful project I think in general when projects can brought in at 10% or less with something as high risk as this which is on the coast in Cina rock that we've researched and done Geotech work on and know that it's there even though that we anticipate it it still represents a significant risk and if this was a one or2 million doll project then we were risking it we understand that when we talk about an eight or a 10 or A14 million project with a 10% or 20% or a 30% overrun those numbers can get can get out of control but again I don't think it's about trying to add up the numbers because to one of our citizens points that we don't know what the numbers are and that's unfortunately that's the way we have to do it we have to you know go out make an estimate and then go out and then take these you know take these projects on um I I think it still comes back to whether or not this council is comfortable adopting a policy that would say allow or require the utility to pay for any overages that occur on this project that we can't get from the grant or we or can't get from Saar Indian Grant and or can obtain from D say if we got a D Grant to to do the match like we talked about in some of the earlier sessions that's really what we're talking about and if we're not comfortable with that are we comfortable with putting that cost on the on the homeowners themselves specific to the area generally in the Basin map or generally Citywide is there a Citywide requirement that we we would want everybody to eventually connect to sewer and water if it's available and in front of their property another policy question that needs to really be thought about because you I said I I think we can manipulate or not manipulate but just the numbers are going to move and they're going to shift around a bit and I just I think fundamentally the council has to come to grips with where these costs should lie uh and I would just only just quickly remind you that you are a Regional Council making a regional water decision about a project where we get you know probably 10% or less of our general revenues for project such as this and 90% come from water so when the when the Water Project goes over typically on and there was some sewer in there but water was driving part of the problem right we had a big line on Fisk and and all kinds of things 90% of our water or our revenues come from water we have a big overage you know we we take the revenues necessary to do the capital and get the project done not necessarily the same on a sewer if it's a small change and we have it budgeted those things can can often be managed but when we put something in in play this large and this at risk it has a tendency to have a completely different rub on it and if we're using a substantial amount of Revenue to pay for the overages on this project and that would be the if that was the policy that this Council would choose I think that that could raise some eyebrows outside of the city limits of the city of coko because the other citizens who live outside this area require and rely on this Council to act on the city behalf but really the general welfare of the utility that provides the water services and the sewer Services only for the city limits now let me ask you from a different perspective there's 80 plus homes is it total 88 and out of the 88 how many we got a com a positive affirmative answer that they would sign up for this uh we don't know we we really have survey the only survey we did with a couple years ago one of the uh one of the workshops that we did and it was really a number of questions that they asked but the primary one was that if uh if it was free there were a lot of people that were up for it but if there was any cost it was more than 50% of the people at that meeting 40 40 something 44 people that showed up said no we were we were not supported if there were cost involv and I can understand that nobody wants to get hit in the pocket for additional costs it's it hurts and maybe some people can afford it maybe some people can't you know some of some of the homes along there people have inherited or or elderly or unfixed incomes whatever and and it the house was affordable 20 30 40 years ago when they bought it but you know they hit them up for a large and and again there's also an unknown we you know you go forward with this policy we don't know what we're if we would to say we would have just like it would be for the utility or the citizens we don't know what the end point would be if it goes to the citizens you're basically asking to create a policy and not know what the impact individually to those 88 losses would be until after the project was pretty far down the road so I have no idea it could be $5 it could be zero it could be $5,000 it could be $10,000 we we just you know we really don't know um so so that again don't want to get into the dollars but only the implication of what you have to decide up front here about this mandatory connection policy and then on another layer is then okay who pays and then how do you enforce if it goes one way and then are we are we spending utilities dollars correctly in the other way that's what's at stake thank you sir Deputy thank you sir all right was there any other cards oh yeah we have some more cards sorry about that uh Mr James Smith good even I'll take this off um my name is James Smith I live in 21 7 Claremont Drive Coco Florida uh I've been there for um over 44 years and so uh one of the things I was concerned about is that or was thinking about was that uh at one point we didn't have reuse water and the city decided to um give it to the citizens but there was a an initial hookup fee that was um burdis some for most people and most people turned it down so the city went back and said well uh it would be better if we just paid for it up front and prated it to so they had a the City by having the citizens use that water and the hookup was virtually free the citizens are now paying for that expense U forever and so I don't know if they've ever paid that off but um um I don't see why the same thing couldn't apply here the other thing I've heard and I don't know if this is true is that if they hooked up the 88 or whatever number it is uh people from this area to the Sewer that it would stress the sewer ability to handle it and I don't know if that's true or not but I'm wanting to know it's been over two years in that two years we've added hundreds of other units that are now on the the sewer system from all the uh development we've put in and now these people that have lived here in this neighborhood all this time now they you can't we can't uh afford to give them the sewer that has been given to all these newcomers uh there're it sounds like you're going to try to force us to put go to this septic to sewer um well the the the advanced sewer I'd rather be on the sewer system one time than than to have that advanced sewer which smells and it um is you put something in it's going to break down if you put something there that takes everything away it's not going to break down that much thank you very much for your time thank you thank you uh next up we have Mr Frank Sullivan oh sorry oh so we're out oh sorry uh this is for you okay sir all right yeah I just wanted to add one more thing um no wood uh that whole neighborhood was changed from septic to sewer and all the homeowners were hooked up to it they weren't given a choice that also had coina rock that was done by the County Down in nolwood and it was very successful though um and um and I know Mr Sullivan said it doesn't matter that it makes the homes more valuable but as far as from the real estate perspective that is a benefit to the homeowners besides the fact that they are on sewer and um but this has been done all over and it's being done all over over because that is what the state and why we pass the half cent on the Indian River Lagoon and the money is there and I know we can go back and get more if needed because they want us to do this so but n wood was done and in the same same vein right there with uh coina it can be done I got more of a guess it's kind of a question so I keep hearing these words about they want us to do that they want us to come get this money right well well how about the Sor make a commitment to 100% fund all the overrun or the potential overruns I mean is have have they made that commitment um to to 100% cover any overruns that's my question cuz I don't I don't know the answer to that I don't but I but I think that that's I will support it 100% if that's done it is very hard for me to to support it when when we don't know how much commitment that they will have to the funding that can come back to the city of Coco that that's where I am because okay I I hear that I heard that the last two years about they want us to get this money but then we go in and ask for for 14 million then there's a murmur about how much funding they're going to give so I I just I don't go to the soral meetings I haven't been to the soral meetings I don't know the answer to that question but that that's something that the citizens I'm for sure um are asking that yes sir um that's a that's a really good question that I have the answer for because I asked that same question seven years ago when this project first came up and if you read the tetr report it goes through a methodology that they needed to create in order to fairly distribute these millions of dollars that they're collecting for this so think about it uh the allocation that the $7.2 million that we are getting is proportional to uh the distance to the Indian River Lagoon and so on and so as you move further and further away the influence of nitrogen and phosphorus diminishes and therefore the folks that are directly on Indian River Drive within I forget how many 6 yards or whatever it was uh get the most reimbursement that divided by or multiplied by the number of units is how we come up to the 7.2 or so a million dollars so your question about 100% funny I agree 100% you know that would make things a lot simpler uh but the reason why I was given by Anthony Gubler six years seven years ago when I first asked this because he came to our conference room when the dollar started coming in and are trying to understand what was going on was well you know how do we how do we wrap up all the funding and he said it's all proportional you know related to the study so that you know everybody has a fair component not just it's not just our component it's the seagrass stuff the demucking there all are metrics that have been developed in this big fat tech tetr tech report and our section is in there but it has a methodology that talks about the contributions for nitrogen and phosphorus based on the distance and other things that they did you know analyzing the influence of sepic along the coast and they came up with a metric you know is it perfect Pro you know I I don't know I think it's a it's a method in which I think that they all agreed to and adopted so that they would have a way to say okay we got whatever hundred million and this is how it's going to proportion to these pots of money and to these particular projects this is how we're going to fund it so uh I think to say that you know there's additional monies available I don't know maybe if if the committee decides they want to change that policy then yes as it stands today and the way that report is written no we we've maxed out the amount we can get per lot uh and we've also chased and gra and asked them for the contingency because they tucked away a little contingency and we said hey we you know we think we're going to probably need that right up front and they they wrote us a letter saying that yeah you could go ahead and use that contingency money as well add that together to what you have so but but based on today that's Max that I think we're going to get does that mean it couldn't change no it potentially could change next year the year after but but it's not uh it's as far as I know and maybe they did in Bard County but as far as I know they haven't uh done that other than what they've apportioned so if they have it's you know I haven't I haven't followed all the other counties things but you also remember the county is a different animal that generates all their money based on sewer so I mean they've already got a mandatory connection ordinance that was far predated the save our Indian R Lagoon tax and all the other things that they did that mandate has been on their books for a long time time I heard somebody say they had the answer to that so answer okay so from the feeling I'm getting uh this Motion sounds like is on the verge of dying but I want to uh prevent that um from happening and keep this going so here's a solution I want to offer um there are some questions that I need to have answered and I'm not talking about six months from now a year from now hopefully we could speed all this uh first off how often does the Sor Sor committee uh committee meet how often they meet yes sir every month thir Friday every month third Friday so if council is on board and uh willing to I would love to have a representative attend one of those meetings and ask are they willing to make an amendment to to their policy to fund this project 100% uh also I would like to have brought to the council because this although it was put on the the agenda it was not much new information added um but I see the importance why it needed to come on the agenda um if there can be uh some options for the council to choose as a control mechanisms or enforcement mechanisms for the mandatory hookups because right now we're seeing atory hookups but what is the enforcement uh we know there are some people on on the 88 uh homes that don't want to go to this uh we heard a couple meetings ago when we discussed this as well um so what are the uh the enforcement measurements um so if that can be brought back to the council as well as um within that same uh language uh only have uh the mandatory hookups to that 88 homes only um as I stated uh I've spoken to some other citizens in the city of Coco who are on septic they're not affecting the Indian River Lagoon uh because their distance and they just they they can't imagine the hardship of having to uh have that increase in their utilities right now um although we haven't raised taxes uh taxes go up because property value is gone up we haven't gone with a road back rate so I you know I understand I don't want to add any extra burden on citizens outside of this location so however I still support this project I want to make it happen if council's on board um I would love to table this and have that action I just stated happen immediately not something six months from now we can get that a and and have those findings come back to the council I would appreciate it so okay city manager yes sir are you aware of his concerns I think I think I've captured his notes there so we would go to the Soro committee and ask if they would reconsider the funding methodology uh I.E if they would commit to funding um any cost overruns associated with our project um we would come back and advise you of potential enforcement actions um and the mandatory hookup uh more of a legal question there could the mandatory hookup be applied to only the 88 homes right and uh on that same token I would employ um all the residents along that location as well to attend those meetings and express the same sentiment if you you bring bring to the council the importance of why we need this to happen uh is is power and numbers so uh the same way we come to this council with the passion I would ask that you attend that meeting as well and and let them know why we need this is done and we need the extra funding um so it's in the council hands at this moment okay uh esar gargan yes sir does it require a 100% hookup even those that may be exist what do you mean does it require 100% hookup mandatory hookup I think the soral policy requires 100% contract does yeah and then um um councilman Hearns is talking about well if that's the case I mean if we can just mandate 88 homes is I think I'm understanding what he wants a response to plus one of the enforcement mechanisms yeah so the enforcement Mech me mechanism going to be twofold one is going to be a you know if this Council decides to require homeowners to pay the difference then you got a cost financing Enforcement issue then the other Enforcement issue of course is um requiring the property owners to actually do um the capital work on their own property required to hook up so I mean those two issues I will be happy to look at that and that that cost isn't included in save Indian that would be part of that 3 million that I estimated yeah so we'd have to get a grant for the private side right and some will go high some will go long so that'll have to be managed and if that goes over what do we do yeah well that's why I said what your estimate was when they had it checked out it was uh half of what you asked and I know that was two years ago I get it goes long what do we do just need a policy what do we do that that's the ultimate question we don't need it right that's the ultimate question absolutely well then we look again back into the what we can get at which we're going to find out from the sorl so go so you going to table this if I'm willing to table it yes sir thank you very much I I agree with what you said yeah want to keep it no ma'am so so you're GNA amend your motion to table this item Yes again for additional future information that will be applicable to septic to sewer conversion correct y okay you got it Madam clerk yes sir I'm getting the answers that were requested right yes okay and a second by Deputy Mayor Hearn I mean I don't mind if they going to bring us some money yeah but we doesn't obligate us to anything just but if the answer comes back and it's still the same boo y okay we have a motion on floor going to call the question all in favor saying hi hi any N I just have it unanimously just some fact finding information correct correct all right okay you may come back forward U Council woman call okay this concludes this portion of the meeting back at block again that's big tall skinny lanky Anthony right Anthony go yeah to talk he's been here to our council meeting before correct yes sir he has I met with him privately as as I have yeah you all right under reports Mr city manager um these are the reports from staff um I think you guys previously announced this I don't I don't recall this is our first meeting back from the uh CRA um conference there but again um just acknowledging that we did win an award for our for for our our affordable housing project over in the Michael SE Lake subdivision um again as we do each year it is uh Coco versus uh South Coco IE Rock Ledge um now through December 6 in our in our annual food food drive I think we are winners the last two out of the three years or maybe three years in a row and so um that collection event happens at uh the Walmart on Monday November 25th from 10:00 a.m. to 300 p.m. and again that's in support of the annual competition that benefits the Sharing Center for the uh food drive competition between Coco and Rockledge that's it for me sir okay sir thank you very much all right um es Squad Gan thank you sir okay Le who goes first odds or evens we'll just start it off fresh and go uh odds okay which odd would like to go first which odd which odd I'm the eyeball okay I like it's if one three then two four it doesn't matter that's why odd numbers he knows you all just trying to make him y y'all are Grand standing like somebody else I know I well you got do you have anything on I I do not okay all right so you go you got it it's on you you want me to go okay I'm I'm gonna be quick because I just got I didn't T here I just got back last night I was in Boston for the last week for at the National Association of realtor convention however uh I will have stuff for the next meeting but I did have the honor of um judging the costume contest for the for Halloween and boy is that hard to do I've never judged a contest before and that was hard to do because they're all so cute you know you want to give them all a prize so uh but it was an honor to do that and um so I was glad you know to be asked to do that and uh I've attended all kinds of things and but I will get into all that next week because I'm short on sleep at the moment Ahad next all right I just got a couple things all right this was uh this past Saturday uh the youth football team that I coach they won the Super Bowl uh Championship um we out of rock ledge but we have a probably 70% of our kids uh live in the city of Koko um and so this weekend we beat pooki um which is a very tough game but we end up winning 4126 oh good um this was at our CRA conference um this is a mixture of Coco CRA and Diamond Square CRA along with council members as well along and and Mr Brown as you aware we winner of the um um Housing Initiative award um and that's for the Michael C Blake subdivision I need a copy of that picture because I I get it to you no problem you must have talked to Larry today because I got that yeah he sent it to me say did you give him my okay you good brother you good good uh this was on um a a website on Facebook and I cannot forget the name of it but I just came across it and they was talking about Coco and I think they're they're based out of somewhere out of state um but it was kind of neat that I kind of ran across it but it just shows how a small town is um on the lips of a lot of different people um there's a our flag football team we took him down to uh Miami Dolphin game and we all took the uh bright line uh from arlando and uh it was a neat for the kids five and six years old to um I would never take five or six y to a momy dolphin game again but um but it was a good thing just for them to ride the train and and all of that stuff so um uh November 19th um talked to me Tuesday um I really wanted to do something after the election um in our in my district but also who um for other council members to come as well if they had anything to share with the community um only people we'll probably have there is uh law enforcement code enforcement um Solid Waste which would be Public Works um at the Family Promise building uh which is the old fire station um right around the corner old fire station one at 114 First Street uh in coko that'll be at 6:30 p.m. and um that was it good was just keep it moving in order and I I'll step in now for District Two um so the first thing I wanted to do is uh if the council wasn't aware uh I think it was last week we lost uh Koko High's athletic director uh coach uh ybo uh sess um don't know the details it was sudden caught everyone off guard um I just was with him at the game The Rock L uh Coco High game and he passed that following week so on was a huge loss uh not only for the students at coko for the city of Koko because he was a huge advocate um he was trying to push forward a lot of positive things for Koko high and uh hopefully the school continue to push those U initiatives that he had um so send my condolences to him and his his family um also I wanted to put this in the air now is something I'm going to be looking forward uh at the beginning of next year and I'm bringing it up now because I think it may take some coordination for it but um as we talk about our vision and uh accomplishes some of our initiatives for the city next year um I would like to coordinate um some type of event for the council I don't know if you have to put us all in different vehicles and we ride each ride with a city staff if we could be uh put in the same van but I would like for us to take a tour around the whole city all 15 what4 miles of the city of Co uh hit every neighborhood and just put eyes on the entire city um everybody takes take notes we bring it back when we uh have our meeting um you know when we want to make our improvements what our uh our goals are um I think that's the only way we going to really get a fair assessment of what needs to be done in the city if we're all putting eyes on it at the same time I know we can't discuss it uh due to Sunshine line but somehow I'm sure we have a great staff that can coordinate that and uh like I said I'm putting it out in the air now because I really want want it to happen at the beginning of the year before we even get into budget talk anything like that so uh that's a great idea other than that that's all I have for district 2 at this time before you go can I ask you a quick question the Coco rockage Christmas parade are we all in it we got leave so you have to wear Santa hat just so happens I have may the first year that I won't make it up this one well are they doing the fire truck still I don't think so stock driving the truck that's usually the district three Council M Driving the fire truck District three okay I'm sure you could drive a stick no I can't no no my husband tried to teach me it was not pretty we'll make sure I think it's on jary already December on my a driver out there I I have a big red truck that we could ride in the back of it's a big Dy F350 M diesel diesel y I can't drive s i drrive a stick in so long I'm burn a clutch up okay well thank you I I thought when I saw that about the parade I said oh I need to ask about that okay go ahead line I'm sorry yeah I um I was going to say I'm just add a fact to our last conversation the last item and that fact is that many municipalities have gone after this money have had money have gotten matching grants from the state and citizens not one citizen has had to pay yet now just that's just a fact uh it's also a fact that it was passed by referendum and the amount is based on the amount of nitrogen that is prevented from going into the Lagoon that is in the language of the referendum okay um show me the money and it's a fact that there are lots of contingencies available okay um District 4 we had our um we had our town hall it was really well attended and there was but it was really unsuccessful because it was impossible to communicate in that particular facility um it was not set up for facilitating a meeting like that and so these are tentative dates but um we're going to do another town hall for District 4 tentatively March 18th based on Staff Schedule it's going to be a facility where it can actually be facilitated we had over a 100 attendees and there is a lot of interest so you have to be in a place where the meeting can't be taken over and where people that are there to genuinely listen have the opportunity to do so and ask questions so um oh so I know that next year we will do it in the Florida solar energy center which has great facility for that but attracts a different kind of audience and that's why I've been playing with the different facilities because seems like I get different people according to where I am Coco Library works good to following that event on the 26 60 people showed up for the Wildlife Fund day so that was great and they are in the midst of a fundraising drive right now so I was really happy to get the word out for them we had flute players uh Native Plant Society was there um a lot to appre appr in the Johnny Johnson nature trails and this was actually this is 2 months old that figure so I'm not sure what it is now but they've had almost 4,000 visitors yeah and they have big groups coming in left side yeah yep and um anyway so and that's without any kind of publicity really that's without having any sort of ability to capture visitors names and addresses to be able to Market to them so if we had you know even a mildly even a mild effort to uh promote it would uh increase those numbers I'm sure and then lastly last week uh the mayor and I went to the Florida Liga cities legislative committees and um I am on the utilities and natural resources committee the uh prob this is likely we we chose two different issues then in December we'll choose one issue but I'm sure this is the one that we will land on um the this will um this legislation will probably has been coming up every year every couple of years but this time the uh the folks that were actually pushing against it are no longer in office so um we expect it will have legs I don't don't think it's a threat to Coco per se because I mean our Roi is like 6% or sear charge 10% where this is really a problem is where you know you've got charging a 25% sear charge they're only a couple Utilities in the state that are doing that we don't have a completely accurate inventory but um you know it's really driven because you know utilities were they're monopolies and um so you know they're in that Bullseye um and targets for this sort of thing and and if it is being abused of course you don't want the citizens to be affected by that so uh we will it was this issue is a onewater issue and then next month we'll determine which will be the primary issue and then I think May goes to amongst the issues from different committees they select five topics ones cor right yeah and that's what we lobby with when we go to yeah um well let me just go back to this and say there's so many utility issues the one we discussed tonight the lead and copper rule the uh you know the water issues we have the storm water issues um we have lots of things coming up and we no longer have an operating utilities Advisory Board it was allowed to Sunset just by not meeting I would like to see it we we never as a council we did not make the policy decision to get rid of the committee and there is no other time where we have needed it more than now I would like to see a concerted effort to put that committee together because it gives us additional eyes on the issues it gives us a a additional another place where questions can be asked and then public can learn about it and um so anyway that's what do I need to make a motion you all know how I feel about making motions under with all due respect May that the city manager has made it so clear to me that unless there's a motion that represents the Cil which is where the power is put it on the agenda ma'am that's all you have to do just have it and why would I do I need a motion though because I don't like doing business like that it's at the I'm not talking about a motion do I need a motion to get that committee operating again we never put it down can you which committee you say the utilities Advisory Board oh which I served on since 2014 and it just expired because the members there was not called to meet I was meeting quarterly and um the members uh terms expired I didn't know there was they only met like once once a year once no they met quarterly and so if there was a rate increase um those were discussed in front of that body well if it wasn't allowed to I mean if it wasn't disol and it was created by the conso way back when so wouldn't you just put out that that like all the other vacancies you need membership okay and it's can we do that will it be will it meet this is why I say you need motions to get things done not necessarily I mean the city manager here you put it on the agenda you vote on the agenda you can also televise it advertise it yeah yeah that's the standard the procedure okay but I need we need to recruit members so that means it goes on the list to recruit members I would like I would hope that we all understand the importance of the issues and that we look to recruit members to serve on that board so that it's reflective of the entire city okay so I can expect then that it will be on the next it will be on social media we'll start recruiting that way the the do you want me to to give give uh the staff perspective and that that committee has changed over time there are a number of revisions uh that committee consist of um there may be some public uh members there but there also members from County staff City staff and so yeah I'm I'm not you know County staff and City staff sitting in a committee talking about our rates um is is was not the goal over there so let me let me give you a report on on that committee again the committee doesn't sunet Sunset because terms expire I I don't you know I don't think that it prescribed uh regular meeting meetings I think the meetings were as necessary or as called by the council or by the manager and so just let me give you staff perspective on that not saying that the ne committee doesn't exist doesn't need to exist there but let me update you on the committee okay that would be great I have attended those meetings since 2014 and yes we have County staff there but the voting body was the V the body that was put in place by this cult okay um the reason this comes up now is because throughout these discussions one of the issue that came up time and time again and again in our two-hour discussion last week with other council members from across the state was the whole what was driving this legislation is the fact that so many of the utilities do not we the there is no um transparency in terms of rates and there's no reach out there's no reaching out and rate paers that are not citizens have no say so I just think that um creating more transparency is going to be a good thing for our utility um as well as talking about these really complicated issues thank you ma'am that's it ma'am yeah that's it thank you well you've seen my photo I just wanted everyone to see that at the F we had a great time there uh Diamond Square was there our own CRA members was was there and I just want to say Co to everyone that attended and took the photo because that was the Pinnacle Point of the overall event to me to be recognized by your peers and have that photo up it's imperative that we uh even my grandmother would tell you a poor frog would praise his own p and if we don't acknowledge the men and women that volunteer their time there and you and they go to that extra mile I think we should recognize them and acknowledge them like I say Larry from the Merit Island Myra showed up and and participated with us at the photo op tour as well that was awesome um Tigers play um Lake plet the 15th of this month that's uh this coming Friday at 700 p.m uh beautiful dick Blake Stadium uh and the track is by James Fon and eventually I'm assuming um uh uh coach Snider he gets him another state championship Co um now um coach goens I didn't rub the I didn't smear you I didn't kill you but I can't remember what the score consisted of but I'mma just leave that alone um also during my time of canvasing uh throughout the the city of Coco during my reelection um several parents talked to me about Mr city manager and and Mrs Morgan as well um about some crosswalks near the school the elementary schools and I'm sure we'll talk about that for the Cambridge location um as councilwoman uh C alluded to um the Enterprise fund of transferring funds from one um uh portion or agency to another or budget item whatever you want to call it homeowners insurance and also I want to talk to you about something very important which is uh sovereign immunity that's where we have to provide a certain um financial obligation from the city to protect our interest and that can be a a healthy healthy feet and this B this bill expands the popular meaning of sovereign immunity protect profession farms and their employees meaning municipalities as well and this is House Bill 619 I think if I'm not mistaken and it's coming back ladies and gentlemen homeowners insurance get ready it's getting ready to escalate uh because that's just the way of the world right now absolutely um last but not least I want to say thank you for the improvements uh Mr city manager Mrs Morgan for Leon and ju cins Museum um the kids are proud of the improvements I saw the bake up being there but more so than anything else uh to God be the glory uh for our Victory um this past November the 5th uh secondly I want to thank the citizens of Coco because you voted through your ballot it was clear and concise and you you you know the area of Victory and last but not least I want to say thank you to the green and white machine because we do things decent and in order and I'm a firm believer in that and all the unions that supported our campaign from from 2416 to the teachers unions to real estate which I'm very proud of too as well first time ever in my 177e history and that goes to show you we're moving in the right direction and ladies and gentlemen rest assured we're going to get that contract or that Grant from the various organizations federal agencies so that it's going to take place Bank on it baby is just like the Undertaker the last one to let you down and the last one to throw dirt in your face so I'm a firm beli in that and I believe in staff I believe in Council I believe in city manager and City attorney and all the great citizens of Coco you're near and dear to our heart a happy early Thanksgiving chair entertains a motion to journ motion to second okay sorry second second doesn't matter not all the favor saying I you want to say something I did real quick uh did everybody get their invitation to the realtor Association for lunch next on the 22nd on the 22nd at 11:30 they invite all um elected officials in Bard county is that an email you would have gotten it from Peggy Ward yes I just got into my email today I've been locked that oh okay yeah oh me too my phone yeah it's been but anyway it's next uh THS or next Friday at 11:30 at the Space Coast Association of Realtors and also uh what do we need to do for the 25th when we the three of us get sworn in talk to Monica she she'll break in as city manager okay have your family here man oh they're coming I got a lot of people coming I just didn't know if there was same yes same reenactment you know I they said sometimes there's Refreshments do we need provide refresh no no they'll take care of all that City good question I'm asking ma'am good question nobody's chastising good question all CH gonna call a question all in favor by saying I I much love 2416 we hear you all day every day baby go in peace