##VIDEO ID:E_tUiQYgbPU## de 6 first of all when everyone secure your cell phones and pages I have all my phones turned off before we even get started um everyone so of the high school also will be by Council Leander Hearns but before we get started I know coun IAL to Mrs Stewart could you just tell us a little bit about Thursday night sir please you know mind uh yes sir uh KOCO High School have their state championship game in uh Miami at uh FIU Stadium what they call now pit Bull Stadium uh it's at 12:30 p.m. um and then I get into the agenda item uh once we get to that point sir sir um ladies would you all lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance please to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please remain standing while we do implication if everyone to please join me uh in prayer I appreciate it dear heavenly father I'd like to give thanks to you uh for allowing us to arrive here at beautiful city Coco City Hall this evening um safe and sound I'm ask that you continue to watch over our Citizens watch over us give us a sound mind that we only make the best decisions on behalf of the city of Coco uh continue to watch over our Coco high school students as well as well as our neighbors uh in Jesus name we pray amen amen all right seated that's my book okay we have the eff vescent yours truly miss shabo as our assistant to the city clerk she's going to be recording our meeting for tonight let's give her a round of applause before we get started I would like to just say really happy Hanukkah um happy Kwanza Merry Christmas and felish naad to everyone um even though we come from different tribes we belong to One race and that's a human race and we're all God's children amen and here without further Ado ESS is in the house as super attorney yours truly Anthony gargan let's give him a round of applause to with no wheels standing on his very own two feet Madam clerk ma'am would you do roll call please may yes sir mayor Blake president May Deputy Mayor weeks here council member Goins here council member Hearn here council member C here City attorney gargan city manager Wht here thank you thank you very much um M uh Madam city clerk assistant city clerk chair is going to proceed to item number 2-1 regular meeting of December 10th 2020 forward the wishes of councel motion to approve I we got a motion on the floor I'll second it just in case she wants to do an amendment I I would like to do an amendment I'd like to move uh V4 to City business 8.5 if possible please V4 I hope I did that correctly B4 first time I've done that yes sir it's under the consent agenda and I would like to move it to I think I V5 consider the agenda item number ma'am uh oh you're talking about V point for approve the resolution fiscal year budget yeah 20 it's file number 24-70 yes ma'am you want this to go where I I would like it to go to uh 8.5 under City business I believe is where it would move to I hope I did that correctly okay yes sir okay okay got you okay that's it for me thank you sir okay if you amend your motion to reflect her the uh oh okay go ahead sir um like to to add to the agenda to uh City business um for KOCO high school state championship um uh financial assistance that's what we can we can name it as that you want to put that as City business yes uh C Business yes sir and that'll be number six yes sir okay yes hers is in City business yes okay so we have a five and a number six under City business is that correct yes sir sir okay do you want to amend your motion to reflect the necessary and I'll second yes sir I'll amend my uh motion to reflect uh the movement of what is that 5 point 5.5 and 5.4 5.4 M being moved to City business okay number five go ahead the next one and the next one yours were number six number six Coco number six moving uh also over to City business okay all right all right ch's GNA call the question out in favor of saying I I I have it unanimously okay proceeding on to item number 2-2 minutes budget hearing of September the 17th 2024 what are the wishes of council Mo to approve motion on the floor by councilman GES second second by Deputy Mayor weeks chair's going to call the question all in favor saying I I I have it unanimously item number 2-b letter B regular meeting of September 24th 2024 what are the wishes of council move to approve we have a motion on the floor by Deputy Mayor Hearns and a second excuse me by Deputy Mayor weeks second by Deputy Mayor Hearn councilman goes your light is on sorry about that that backwards my bad did I say it wrong Deputy Mayor weeks correct I'm sorry and and councilman Hearn yes sir my apologies that's quite all right yes ma'am okay and sir thank you okay chair's gonna call the question all in favor by saying I I all super fantastic proceeding on to item number three Awards and presentations the national homeless persons Memorial Day Proclamation now I have Mrs Sloan and I have Mrs um Linda Graham in the audience um I understand that you all will be expounding on this ladies is that correct ladies and we're going to read a proclamation we're going to um give our Deputy Mayor weeks the opportunity to share her pleora of information and knowledge okay from here no ma'am we're going to go down front please yes ma'am okay yeah yeah yeah stay I know you and man thank you sir you have a mic I have a mic yes sir although they can probably hear me without it but I know people online okay Proclamation whereas homelessness has caused or hastened the deaths of inadequately housed lowincome persons in Bard County and whereas the spirit of the holiday season of giving provides an opportunity for affirmation affirmation and renewal regarding the commitment to end homelessness and where as December 21st the first day of winter and the longest night of the year has been designated national homeless persons Memorial Day by the National Coalition for the homeless and whereas The Bard Continuum of Care COC has planned countywide memorial events recognizing those inadequately housed persons who have died in our County and whereas in this season of generosity and sharing citizens of Bard County are encouraged to commit themselves to promote compassion and concern for fellow citizens especially those who are poor and homeless and whereas in remembering those who have died on our streets in our in our Emergency Shelters and in condemned or abandoned properties from ailments or conditions directly related to homelessness the cause of ending homelessness is kept urgent as is the collective commitment to preventing such deaths in the future now therefore I on behalf of the city council of the city of Coco do hereby Proclaim to mber 21st 2024 as National homeless persons Memorial Day let's give him a round of applause please you come to the would you come to the podium please ladies and whoever else is that on the staff I don't want to miss anyone else come one come all because there's power in numbers do I do that do I present this to them we're going to do a photo okay do a photo okay just good make sure good evening mayor Blake good evening council members city manager Whitten staff and citizens of this great city and county my name is Linda Graham and I am a member of The Bard homeless coalition's board of directors and chair of the Continuum of cares advisory Council which represents around 190 agencies and people with a heart for the homeless joining me this evening is Sarah Sloan planning director for the Berard Homeless Coalition Shauna Glenn I'm sorry Shauna Jen executive director for the COO housing authority and Jim Carlson grants administrator for housing for homeless all right so just want to say a few things and first of all thank you for your support in declaring December 21st as National homeless Memorial Day I'm pretty sure that whether you are a member of the bavard Homeless Coalition city council staff or resident of this great Community we all have one common goal we do not want to see homeless individuals on our streets we may be drawn to this common goal for different reasons and that is okay but tonight I beg you to let's come together and find a solution to help us solve and reach our common goal at the bavard Homeless Coalition it is our hope to bring awareness about the need for more permanent housing with Supportive Services when I stood before you last year I was proud to announce that coming soon would be our newest Supportive Housing project Orchid Lakes a 90 unit project under the leadership of housing for homeless and and Jim uh Jim represents that organization but the director is Rob cramp tonight I am even more proud to say that they are currently taking applications and should be fully leased up by the end of the month and that's a great thing so thank you city of Coco for your support we are also working to address an immediate need low barrier drop in emergency shelters for our constantly growing unsheltered residents it is important to note the unsheltered population includes men women children veterans seniors those with special needs and disabilities and the list goes on you would probably be shocked to know the reasons that some are homeless and it is usually not because they want to be with the enforcement of house bill 1365 beginning January 2025 providing safe sleeping quarters has never been more critical if you need additional information on the bill just please let us know our 2024 point in time count which is a homeless census for Bard revealed that it's Bard Bard's highest count since 2015 occurred last year at 1,116 people but guard's unsheltered population increased by 177% last year that equated to 779 residents those who are chronically homeless meaning a person who has been unsheltered for over a year with a disabling condition Rose to a heartbreaking 72% some startling statistics nationally Bard county is being recognized for our homeless numbers but not in a positive way in the most in the most recent annual assessment report to Congress our county is in the top five Nationwide for largely suburban suburban coc's with the highest percentage of individuals experiencing chronic patterns of unsheltered homelessness in Florida our County ranks six six in the state for both unsheltered and chronic homeless persons and third in the state for homeless veterans this is a growing problem and one that as a community we must come together to solve together we can make homelessness rare brief and non-recurring for Bard's residents through a regional coordinated approach during the holiday season we will morial memorialize the lives of those who have died on our streets or in shelters from conditions directly related to homelessness in many cases these services will be the only commemoration of their lives we would like to invite you to attend one of the three Memorial services that are going to be offered throughout the county on Friday December 19th and there will be one in the city of Coco at the real Church hosted by Pastor Jarvis was the best pastor okay never mind Pastor Jaris was at 6: p.m. and we have given you booklets I think you have them on Das say okay with details finally our 2025 point in time count will be held on January 23rd we invite you to participate as you will see in the booklet there are many ways that you can become involved for those who did not receive a booklet please go to our website for details thank you for your time and I hope to see you at one of the memorial services on December 19th and again at our point in time count on January uary 23rd thank you thank you very much let's give them a round of applause I'm happy to say we participated uh in the point of time count that was wonderful very educational come on down we will present you with the proclamation our Deputy Mayor there's power numbers come on Jim come on M come on Mrs I'm let's give them a round of applause jut good and faithful for the grace is that you Grace proud to see one of my former gra students there yes yeses my heart go all right this concludes this portion of um Awards and presentations we would like to move forward under delegations I do have several cards here um please be mindful that you have three minutes to expound on each item okay um December meeting Co okay uh Triple G sir are you going on the reports or you going on the delegations report sir thank you sir I just wanted to denote it on the card uh Lieutenant are you under delegation sir yes sir thank you kindly sir uh okay I know you Mr shaer you have an item on the agenda um is it Ted four yes sir oh okay you want to be on the item to as well that we have right sir yes sir yes sir okay thank you all right the floor is yours Lieutenant Paul cus and then after uh Lieutenant Paul cus will be Anita Gibson Paul cus 116 Olive Street District 1 um a few weeks back I came to you about um a water main leak and I suggested well how about if we had a three-digit number to report those just remember water is H2O and on your phone that would be 426 I was just here tonight to see if anybody's going forward with that or do you recall that okay um is any movement on that we're moving forward with the sir we will get back with you in time to come sir so does it look like a good thing I know I cannot well last meeting there was a report about the train station and I remember you saying that um when uh us house representative Mike heropoulos gets in office you felt as though things would move forward on the train station I'm a firm believe in that so that's where I'm at with this if you feel as though I should get in line behind the city at Mike heropolis office you know I could go in front of him and and present this as well with him unless you guys want to run with it no no you I would not deny you from approaching any individual you like I mean I just feel because I talk with folks all over the country on this and and they think this is something we need to do but i' love could be Universal Lieutenant that's to have started here in the city of Coco yes sir and one other thing and I'll leave alone I wore my uh Coco Citizen Academy shirt tonight because I heard at a District 4 meeting there's no coco Citizen Academy this time I guess there wasn't enough folks no that's not true behind you okay look behind you sir raise your hand she's a c so there is good good I just you know that's a great thing because just another thought I had 2:00 this morning I was awake and this came to my head I I these ideas I feel come from God so um at the Dow plant there's like a nerve center okay so when there's a water main leak I feel as though the nerve center knows about it so if this 426 number takes effect maybe it could go directly to there and they may even say yep I'm on it so that's where we're at so thank you I love you all God bless and I have a light on hold on Lieutenant I have a light on but by me being the president of the State of Florida for 411 municipalities Villages and town we've I've discussed this information with them so brother is not falling on death ears thank you very much hold stay right there you councilwoman c yeah I think it's a great idea um I think that we as a council need to direct the city manager to investigate that because that's what we didn't do I thought it we already did previously no yeah he brought it up it well I know Paul was here before but we didn't actually direct the city manager I know the city manager has told me did you talk with him couple meetings actually okay okay so thank you okay thank you this is smile okay K okay thank you thank you 14 26 Paul 426 correct yes sir 1042 yes sir all day every day Coco strong okay Miss Anita Gibson good evening everybody good evening it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood the weather is wonderful I might said starting out um I'm here to represent a family uh personally that I know uh that would be indirectly homeless as the result of having an infestation of bed bugs in their entire house I personally have made numerous phone calls to everybody that you can name or think of to help this family uh out as far as more then let's empty out the house sleep on a um blow up mattress this that and the third and from that time in October 23rd for lack of better day to present um the problem is not as bad but it's still unlivable and so they they felt uh I can't throw this out in front of God and everybody to hear about my problem but I told her if you want help there's no dumb question there's only a solution to whatever the problem might be might not be what you want to hear but you have to throw it out there there needs to be some help with this person in this home to be able to live in this home get off the air mattress they can't afford beds at this cuz Santa's taking part of that money for whatever whatever so my thing going forward is there is somebody somewhere that knows of something that could be done for this family to live in this house without having to buy Walmart TVs with itch cream and this that and the the next with alcohol for the mattresses that have well they've been thrown out so they're all on air mattresses right now but my thing going forward and end all be all is that this family is in need of assistance with bed bugs that have INF infested their entire house clean out your carpet your uh linen your your clothing more or less and do what so she said I no I'm just going to live with it I don't know what to do I said well I'm going to help you and I'm going to make the phone calls cuz I will call and call and call thank you okay thank you very much yes ma'am um ma'am do they rent or do they own the house they they own the house they own the house they haven't contacted pest control because there's treatments that'll kill all those bed bugs and they'll be done they contact the orcan people and they say um from October to the time they called the bed bugs have been put alcohol on them um bought out loaves with the bed bug Foggers um put the house on 90° went in a motel overnight maybe the heat would kill them but they're saying that okay yeah we did all this they came back two weeks later and they said yeah your house isn't as bad but what happens is they lay eggs and you can kill all the parents I guess I can say it like that but there's still the eggs that are there and then once they hatch you're back to square one again the P control company should be coming back and back and getting rid of them because you paying and paying every time they come back and back so that's another issue for another day okay Mr Anita uh do you mind uh by chance maybe writing that address down and and handing it over to miss Samantha Singer and just in case uh someone wants to reach out and assis in that issue okay thank you all right thank you very much lights okay next good next on the list will be for the greatest High School on this side of the Mississippi River the only River r that has four eyes and a cricket letter Cricket letter and a PP um Mrs Smiley would you come to the podium please ma'am is it annah yes sir yes ma'am I love it when our youngsters young group mature teenagers do a phenomenal job the floor is yours ma'am good evening good evening on behalf of science National Honor Society I would like to begin by expressing our heart heartfelt gratitude for the opportunity to address you this evening we are here as representatives of Koco High School led by our dedicated program leader Mr free this mission of the mission of snhs is to ignite passion and awareness for science within our community this prestigious organization recognizes students who demonstrated demonstrate excellence in promoting scientific and intellectual thought membership offers numerous benefits to students in schools Al alike by fostering academic achievement strengthening Community bonds enhancing Science Education and encouraging meaningful community service snhs empowers students with recognition networking opportunities skill development and avenues to make a positive impact this year snhs is organizing a senior field trip focused on studying plastic pollution and waterways outside of Bard County the this immersive hands-on experience will be will provide students with critical insights into environmental challenges and Inspire innov innovative solutions our hope is to bring these lessons back to Bard County applying the principles of sustainability and environmental resilience to benefit our beloved city of Coco Florida to make this transformative Educational Opportunity a reality we kindly seek your financial support our fundraising goal is 2,500 and we are proud and we are proud to have already raised $720 we are now 1,780 away from reaching our Target which we hope to achieve by December 18th 2024 your support would not only help us meet meet this goal but also demonstrate a commitment to nurturing the next generation of environment environmentally conscious leaders we deeply appreciate your consideration and hope to earn your support for the worthwhile Endeavor thank you for your time generosity and dedication dedication to our community let's give Mrs smile pride and we have the light on from another Tiger Pride individual and I'm sure there's some ideas he would like to share yes sir um I think everyone knows we have a a soft spot to hold Council for our Coco high students and the great work that you all do uh you are the Future Leaders of Tomorrow um so I wanted to jump out there and uh I guess we could do this uh consensus uh direct the city manager to see uh what assistance we can offer financial assistance on making that trip uh possible uh for the students I think we have the information up here you you have that letter city manager yeah can I ask you a question um councilman Hearn yes sir I think we all are able to donate $200 per individual is that right is that my correct understanding um if they present the proper documentation and go through the process I think with your like you alluded to your Keen observation sir I think we can we can make that possible uh help me or correct me if I'm wrong um is that right the way this program works okay and um that's my thing thousand yeah if they fill out an application $200 each five times 200 is a, so so so so so I mean I think we allocate I'm trying to remember exactly how much do we get overall it's a th000 per council member right by application of not for profits right okay so uh we W to well the school is a n okay yeah yeah well it will fall under the offices of the foundation Bard Public School Foundation something to that effect because how do I know when during my campaign I would write a check to the foundation and return as director for Tiger Pride so what we can do is uh have staff reach out uh and I guess make this information get the information that they need to properly fill out and make this happen what's the date what's the deadline date the 18 18 oh so yeah can want to go about that have yeah what they have to Squad okay squar garanes and city manager and city manager Squad garges and Mrs Bowman because you're the finance Guru too uh what are some of the remedies ma'am and S that we can help assist or help navigate and please I know I know I know but next time could you come way in advance that's all I'm asking proper preparation promotes positive productivity yes sir that is pleasing what is your recommendation go ahead Deb I I think it'll be a next time because uh Miss Smiley if I'm correct is a senior yes sir and she's taking dual enrollment courses as well and will be graduating from our Eastern Florida State College am I correct yes sir wow and there's others behind her you're right yes sir you're right what's your recommendation you three please so the one the $1,000 set aside for each council member again it's it's for uh not for profets to apply for that um I don't know the exact language with regards to uh purpose um but so if you if you're directing them to apply um obviously that have to that would have to be an administrative approval because we don't have a meeting prior to the 18th and so staff would uh would review their application and if they meet your criteria then um if you if you guys are um um designating 200 a piece for the $1,000 then we we just make that administrative approval obviously um I don't know that the national the science Honor Society is a 501c3 I don't know that it rolls up to the uh School Foundation but we could give it to the school foundation and they could give it to you guys so so uh that's my quick thought off the top of my head that is correct Mr city manager um let me ask another question what is the total amount come on up I know you're trying to prepare man but help her out a little bit so I do have like the class breakdown if you guys would like to see it for the trip um it's going to be roughly $110,000 for all six students to go um as we will be leaving Bard County and going to Coke Finland um to do cover project with students there okay is this your first I'm sorry de I mean councilman harns can I ask a question oh yes sir um is this your first Pit Stop yes okay all right guess what you're gonna have to do you're gonna make it plural correct okay it would being your keenest idea if I may make a suggestion because I think there will be love and embracing for embracing this Val Talent effort um and you know people like to see the Young Generation because even uh Deputy May weeks has a granddaughter that's part of the kokoh high drill team or color guard I'm thinking and there will be support there in the community just got to pound the pavement as dick Blake used to tell me the loudest will or the whe that squeaks the loud get there you go come on with it gets the oil first so when people see you apply yourself and it's the the reason for the season I think we can uh see there will be support there ladies and gentlemen but I I'm definitely for sure um I'm with $200 and and we'll see but I really would like to see how close you can get to that magical mystical magnificent number sounds good thank you yes ma'am okay any other questions are we clear on what we agreed $200 for the application Mrs okay Mrs Mrs Smiley Miss Smiley in conjunction with your remaining sisters and brothers of the um Honor Society ASAP expeditiously submit your application um Mrs singer you can reach out to her and we'll make sure it falls reach reach out so it's the school foundation so Janice Kershaw I think is the uh still runs the school foundation so have them submit the application and then we give it to them and we designate it for um for your for your trip yes ma'am ma'ams yes super fantastic Administration right okay okay okay this completes do we have any other cards Mrs sing or M Sho we have a carard Miss Gibson you have another card excuse me you have another card no I do not this young man does have one okay as he completes his card come to the podium state your name helloo I'm Jamie Brown um can you speak a little louder please Mr Brown Jamie Brown Can You Hear Me Jamie okay now I do sir go ahead okay move closer to the microphone cuz I know you have your mask on now okay um thank you sir I never been to one of these meeting before so I didn't know you had to have a card I just thought you had a period at the end where you can just come up and say whatever but um I just wanted to bring attention to um on 524 um on the I guess the east side of Cox Road if you're heading towards 520 they're developing some land there now um it's right across from the Cocoa Pine subdivision where I live and they're clearing the land and I guess they're burning it now they're burning the land and it's creating a lot of smoke which is like um obscuring the vision like of like you're trying to drive on that road it's very foggy and then also I have um severe like smoke allergy so if you go outside it's like it smells like there's burning rubber Woods or whatever and I was just trying to figure out how much long it's going to go on and if they have in the future they're going to have like different methods cuz I've noticed that they developed land along that 524 um that portion cuz they're developing something on the um west side of where 524 um intersects Cox Road and they just use typically they use just bulldozers or whatever so I was wondering why they're using the burning now because if they had been like a natural or God God Act of God caused brush fire they typically would have um evacuated because because of the smoke would have been so heavy so I'm trying to understand why they're using that method now cuz like literally I just washed my car two days ago and there was a ton of sediment on it two days later so if that much sediment is just falling on objects houses cars I can imagine what people are inhaling and for people who have respiratory issues whatever like I've had a severe smoke allergy since I was little so I'm just wondering um from in the future going forward are they going to continue to use those burning methods again or they're just going to use like they typically do they just use bulldozers and tools to clear the land as opposed to burning cuz that smoke smells from the time you get up in the morning till when I get off work late at night and also not just this case but for the last six years cuz I work in Via and when I travel home at night I've smelled smoke in the air that smells similar to this although not as heavy and you can smell all the way from viea to at least where my exit is off 524 but I've never seen where the smoke is coming from so it's like there's been some kind of burning going on for the last couple years and I was just wondering what is the source of that that's in V right the second isue yes sir across from my subdivision okay let let yes sir um I have Deputy Mayor week's light on but may I get a comment from the aeve please ma'am thank you yes sir so uh the Florida forestry service has several permitted Burns in that area to include Vieira uh that is a private contractor they have to get a burn permit through the Florida forestry service there's several setbacks things that they have to meet uh which allows them to be able to burn that debris on site uh for two reasons a number one uh with all the hurricane issues that we just went went through and the hauling and all that there's a huge backup at the Landfield so it's cheaper and quicker for them to burn it now part of that process is uh for the Florida forestry service is they cannot start burning until sunrise and it has to be put out by Sunset and they have to have heavy equipment on scene the entire time so we've been getting multiple calls on that I've personally gone out there and checked on it uh they do meet the requirements of the floridity forestry service that's within their purview to permit that uh and ensure that they continue to stay in those requirements we just follow through and check on that when we get those uh complaints or concerns from our citizens uh to ensure that they stay within those requirements but it's completely legal uh for them to do that a lot of construction companies are doing that now um we just saw it in uh phase two of Adamson Creek uh they did not burn what they did was they actually took a mulching machine and ground up a lot of that because they needed to use it for some fill uh this contractor particularly did not do that for whatever reason you know that's really up to them but it is is a permitted legal burn that they're allowed to do now you're referring just specifically to the one between V and cocer you're talking about the one that's right across um the one that's right across from you yeah the one that's right across from you is a permitted legal burn the other ones that are burning in Vieira uh each year division of Forestry picks out certain areas that may be overgrown and that need to be done what's called back bured um in order to cut down the vegetation so it's not such a risk to our community and homeowners and they do that in a controlled environment there's so many different factors that they plays into that before they decide if they're going to burn or not and uh the last several days because of the humidity the weather uh all those things made it perfect for them to do some of that back burning um to be able to clear out a lot of that brush so that's what they've been doing um all the way from Mims and de Vieira there's been some on this side of Melbourne that we've been seeing quite a bit but there's like no regulation as to how close to a subdivision they can do it because I remember I think it was during the early part of the um pandemic there was a natural brush fire something and they were evacuating people people having to leave certain parts of the county so I'm like I'm just trying to understand how they're able to do it that close when if it was a natural brush F they evacuated people before then sure they meet the setbacks and requirements there there are setbacks and requirements according to the Florida forestry service again they go out and go over all that and check on that and they're within the limits of the state requirements for those Burns now there is there a time they're allowed to do because how long brown you've superseded your 3 minutes oh I'm sorry I didn't know yes sir there is a time limit Mr Brown um and you know we were EMP pathetic so we went beyond three minutes so um if you have any additional questions if you would decide to remain at the conclusion of the council meeting sir you may approach the proper authorities all right thank you thank you very much Mr Brown Mr Ted four are you wanting to speak on the delegation or is there a specific item a specific item which one do you know which one sir I can make sure water a water treatment or not a water treatment but a water station I'm Mr four in District One canaval grow 1700 freet of Trail and we've been denied water for so long because the road is only County maintained and they have a water main down it we live off the side streets and okay I'm trying to which item for tonight just a water so he wants delegation yes EXC forgive me I didn't quite understand okay okay okay I need to point up Mr stanet please sir would you restart the clock for me please or now no because I didn't know if you want to speak on the delegation or if there was a specific all right Mr for um the floor is yours sir all right Mr 4 District 1 1700 free to Trail canaval Groves on the west side we're on 52 side we've been denied water for so long somehow the county they don't love us they just want to give people on the main road access to water and water is a quality of life and our life is zero they call our roads unmaintained I just went to the public uh utilities and filled out a form and two years ago we done the same thing but somehow our form got lost this time I had a response within 2 minutes and I asked to speak with Mr Walsh but I didn't know you had to go through certain procedure but it's hard to put everything on a little teeny card but what I'm requesting is a water station to be put over in canaval Grove so all of us can have clean drinking water and access to water and we don't ask to pay for it we ask you know the station be put in and we'll help whatever way we can and if we can get land donated to put the water station on and the reason being I went to visit my sister in Arizona and she's 30 miles Off the Grid I thought Lord You're way out there but we went into town and there was a water station and it was like Christmas you go in you get bulk water you get drinking water and you pay for it and it's right there so if they're not going to let us have water cuz we live on the side streets we're declared unmaintained but our roads are more maintained than canaval Groves the main road but they keep saying we're private we don't have access only the people at the front borders the road is allowed to have access to the water man and all I requested was a water tap be put at the end of the road that where my land borders it and I would run and maintain my own line privately because they said the road's private and you know we was denied it so I'm asking request I talked to Alex he said he would you know head this up and I'm like you said my Feet's on the ground I don't want to squeak real loud but I want to start some squeaking and you know we need water and there's no water nowhere to get and you know was talking about the hom you using wh water now we can't use the well water it's it's arsenic Laden he can't in sodium I called a well driller he said son you're going to waste your money go to the city and see if you can accomplish something well I went to the city and it was you know that was so we'll move forward and we'll just keep working I'll come back to next meeting and Alex said he would headed up and I'm sure this can happen oh say that well okay stay right there Mr uh Todd stay right there give me one second you're good sir Mr city manager and I'm GNA let you all elaborate Mr city manager can you um just help me understand I I do comprehend what he's saying but what are the guidelines rules yeah Mrs inis is better at water than me so I'm gonna I'm going to put her on the spot here we go um so I believe he lives off of a Road um and we responded there's a process in the handbook for extending our services down um to him but that would require that road be brought up to certain standards um we don't put our Ser our Mains on private roads um so it's kind of a what about the the water station oh I'm not sure exactly but I think you're off of Satellite Boulevard correct yeah so there's a main on Satellite Boulevard but all those side streets right well I was requesting the water station be installed so we can go get bulk water and get clean drinking water and pay for it no you'd have to research that it's and we don't have any water stations and no I'm asking one be installed yeah requesting let me let me help go ahead all right so the idea that he has um it really is a good idea it opened my eyes up to uh um a possibility because we we just we've never seen it here and so when he first said I like what is he talking about but I I understand his point because I do a lot of work off of Satellite Boulevard and most of the people who live off of satellite Bear Trail all those um side roads going towards Port St John it's a dirt road unmaintained uh most of the people that live out there have um Wells they don't have electricity they live off the land they they are surviving that's that's what they do and so his thing is he can't get uh water man to his property um because most people out there they don't want to uh be controlled by government and so they won they don't want asphalt roads because as for Road mean I have to do this this I have to do all these different standards and so his ideal is hey you know instead of me going to the store paying a dollar $2 a gallon for water I could give some money to the city the city put a station out there you like a regular gas station but instead of a gas St it's it's water like you have at um Publix has the little station uh something that that hey we'll put in a dollar $2 $5 well we can still make uh money off of this station so they not asking anything for free he's saying provide a station for us to purchase water and so and you'll be surprised how many people live from 520 down satellite all the way down to uh what's the other Street Pine and Bay Street I I pay $1,200 a year taxes taxes and I live at at the end of the road the same gentleman at the front of the road pays 12200 but he has all the amenities and I have zero so to me that's unfair and discrimination but I know there's rules in red tape but somehow this can happen because okay give me one second Mr uh councilman G you're asking for a cost analysis for a water station is that my anticipation if you were to put one out there what would it cost or what will it cost yeah cuz we we have we have a Mainline going down satellite so it don't necessarily have to be on satellite but we do have an area that we have a rideway on 520 correct me if I'm wrong or not it's a main line running down 520 it's well in front of sat talking about the the old that we have that property has like the old buildings yeah that's a old pump house I believe that we do property right and so so it doesn't necessarily have to be on satellite but in the area um so they can just get it instead of driving to wherever to go get the water yeah I research The Pump Station that'd be ideal and and the cost analysis I just done a couple just brief this ballpark 50 Grand I don't know if that include labor the machines you know the electronic you go in you say you want 300 gallons you pull your truck up you put the hose in there and 300 you know and it'll come up with the price it's just the same as with the water company but it's just a little a little bit different right okay and you know it would it would benefit all of us and I've even seen homeless people at the end of the road asking for change to get water out of the water thing at the service station is 50 cents a gallon and I ha my water from Coco Beach a friend gives me City water to there so it's a pretty good challenge but I'm confident this this can happen the brother opened it up with prayer brother said you have not cuz you ask not seek and knock so the reason for the season right the SE G I need someone to open the door you knock come on in and thank you for listening and Alex said he would had it up and we being Tex back and forth hey hey but I'm going to throw a disclaimer I did not promise you anything no you I said you would go for there you go I didn't say you'd promis hold tight Mr for uh are you finished councilman um going sir yes sir uh councilman Hearn sir um yeah I I think that's a great idea to research I know we have a few engineering firms that could possibly uh uh give us some ideas on how we can reach that initiative that you brought forth um that's actually Satellite Road that's my old run area as a firefighter so I'm very familiar with the you'll be amazed how many houses are back there or trailers and there's a lot of people back on that area our road is maintained better than and Satellite Boulevard come and drive down it it's police come there fire I mean we spend more money there than we do the main satellite yes sir name of your street sir I live on owski at the end of it okay and I board freed to Trail and owski freed to Trail is the back road and owski is the main road but there's no one lives on that road I'm at the end we come we come actually through Burning Tree fre to Trail and cut back to frea Trail yes sir so and then also that water station real quick would help the homeless cuz like I say they ask for change at the end of the road to get water cuz there's nowhere to get no drinking water and you could give them tokens or something they could get at these sharing centers to go there to even get water for themselves cuz I see a lot of them go everywhere to get water yes sir and it's very hard thank you for your time and I appreciate you open up this this uh you open up Pandora's Box that's all right brother I'm I'm going pound the payment and keep squeaking okay you have anything else um c i I just want to say I think this a good initiative and uh I'm real confident that the city manager try to find some solutions to make that happen and I'm very confident of course we welcome everybody to that that Liquid Gold that we possess so well sometimes I'm a mouthpiece for those that don't want to be a mouthpiece just like he said some don't want anything but I kind of like clean drinking water and I don't want lead Arsenic and sodium and I kind of like to live a little longer certainly thank you very much all tight brother we with you Deputy Mayor on weeks I just want to say um I have sold many properties out there off of that area and I do know how many people live out there and I do think that this is a great idea I don't know because it's County property if we have to work in conjunction with them but uh I do think this is a great idea well the old water pumping station like she said would be an idea you know it don't have to be exactly right there like you say it could work right there you know where you can come in and you know it's digital you just push in what you want I went to my sisters and I I pulled up there and I thought I I've won the lottery I thought gee W you know never seen so that opened my eyes so thank you thank you sir okay before I close out delegations do we have any additional cards looking into it we need not yet I think we manager you have Direction correct sir yes sir I'm researching okay how to in the cost of a water station 104 sir can I say one more thing can I no but come on and where your three minutes is up cuz Got a Brand brother I you got M people I don't sister live somewhere where they had contact me water utility contact me okay 10 for what were you saying Deputy I'm Excuse me what were you saying City man he said his sister lived in some state that had Arizona okay what city Yu y she lives 30 miles off the main road Lake Habu okay and there's a water station right there and okay the yuck tree and the plant all right this this concludes this portion of delegations we would like to proceed forward to consent agenda item what are the wishes of Council motion to approve we have a motion on the floor by councilwoman call second second by councilman uh Hearn she's going to call the question all in favor by saying I I let's have it unanimously now we're starting public hearing thank you very much um citizens in the audience item number six-1 approval of ordinance number 17- 2024 final reading am meing chapter 2 Administration article 7 excuse me article 8 firefighters retirement plan of The Code by amending section 2-3 to6 cost of living increase section-2 331 deferred retirement option plan providing for codification provided for severability of Provisions repealing all ordinances in Conflict here with and providing an effective date um we approved this November the 12th uh Esquire gargan so this is a no-brainer ladies and gentlemen um and this was a unanimous vote esquad gargan the floor is yours second and final reading public heing ordinance 17- 2024 in ordinance of the city council city of Coco forar County Florida amending chapter 2 Administration article A8 firefighters retirement plan of the code of ordinances of the city of Coco by amending section 2-3 26 cost of living increase amending section 2331 deferred retirement options plan providing for codification providing for severability Provisions repealing all ordinances and conflicts here with and providing an effective dat there have been no changes since first reading mayor okay thank you very much esquad gargan uh Mr stanet do you have any questions before I close it out and bring it to the public do you have any comments sir no there just been no changes to this since the original reading sir thank you very much Mr stanet Sir seeing that we have no questions for um Mr stanet or the Esquire city manager CH all right hey baby hey baby all right you got power in that hammer chair like to close this portion to council to the public you have 180 seconds to elaborate on this particular ordinance 17- 2024 final reading going one once coin twice chair let the close this portion to the public and return of the council what are the wishes of council move to approve we have a motion on the floor by count uh Deputy Mayor weeks second second by councilwoman call ch's going to call the question all in favor of saying I I eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to item number 6-2 identical ideas and similarities approv ordinance number 16 -224 final reading related to chapter 2 Administration article 7 police officers retirement plan amending section 2-1 96 benefit amounts and eligibility amending section 2-1 98 disability amending section 2-28 deferred retirement option plan providing for incorporation into the code providing for cability of Provisions repealing all ordinances and resolutions and conflict herewith and providing an effective date approved by Council the 12th of this uh year November the 12th Esquire gargan the ordinance second reading 16-22 24 an ordinance of the city council city of cocar County Florida amending chapter 2 Administration article 7 police officers retirement plan of of the code of ordinances of the city of Coco by amending section 2196 benefit amounts and eligibility amending section 2-1 198 disability amending section 2- 218 deferred retirement option plan providing for codification repeal of um um oops sorry providing for severability Provisions repealing all ordinances in Conflict here with and providing an effective date no no changes since first reading thank you very much esquad G Mr stanet sir you have any comments no nothing more to add Mr Mayor thank thank you very much do we have any questions from Council saying none hey um we would like to open this portion to the public please come forward to state your name you have three minutes to expound on item number ordinance number 16-22 4 and its final reading going once going twice chill let close his portion to the public and return of the council what are the of council move to approve we have a motion on the floor by Deputy Mayor weeks second second by councilman Hearn just G to call the question all in favor by saying I I eyes have it unanimously moving forward on item number 6-3 pass on the second and final read ordinance number 19-20 24 a zoning text Amendment regarding dependance a article five of the code of the city of Coco to Define transportation terminals a permitted use applicable to properties located in m-1 cumulative zoning district and as a special exception in The c-g General commercial district and commercial mix use puds this was approved by Council unanimously November the 12 2024 approved by uh November the 6 by pnz board unanimously um I asku gargan would you read this and then we will turn it over to Mrs Webster he second and final reading ordinance number 19-22 4 an ordinance of the city council of city of coka bavar County Florida amending the zoning ordinance of the city of Coco to Define transportation terminals providing for the repeal of Prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions incorporation into the code severability and an effective date again second and final reading we had any changes to this right between first and second reading that's correct Esquire uh there have been no changes since the first reading nothing additional okay do we have any questions or comments for either the city manager City attorney or M Webster from Council saying none okay they got it right in there um we would like to turn this over to the public please come forward and state your name for this second and Final reading for this particular item going once going twice sh like to close this portion of the public and return of the council what are the wishes of councel move to approve we have a motion on the floor by Deputy Mayor weeks second second by councilman Hearn she's G to call the question all in favor by saying I I I have it unanimously proceeding on to item number um 6-4 pass on second and final reading ordinance number 18-202 a zoning text Amendment revising tree protection preservation standards including procedures for waivers of this requirement as outline in appendix a article number 13 section 22 of the city of Coco cod as Squad Aran but before he reads it in I do would like to say this has been started ever since December 2018 or sorry March the 14 2027 and concluding on November the 12 2024 and we Council pass it on its first reading esar gargan hey ordinance number 18224 second and final reading an ordinance of the city council of city of cooko bavar County Florida amending the zoning ordinance of the city of coko regarding tree protection and preservation amending procedures related to waivers of tree protection and preservation requirements providing for the repeal of Prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions incorporation into the code severability and in effective date again second final reading and there haven't been any changes since first reading thank you very much Esquire gargan sir Mrs Webster thank you mayor um that's correct uh planning has nothing additional to add there have been no changes since the first reading okay I know we're going to have a light turn on but while this light is um being illuminated um chair would like to make a motion to approve the second and final reading of this ordinance and we will still discuss it but I'm looking for a second second okay we have the second on the floor by councilman Hearn okay councilwoman calls yeah um again um I thank staff as of last time for the uh the enhancements that were made to it expanding the minimum area that could be traded uh for credits um as well as you know taking it out of putting it in the tree board authority as well as a mitigation actually coming to council um but again I wanted to make the point that the reason we have mitigation on the trees because the point points were made to me that the reason we were doing this was because it was unfair to developers because one developer has one price for mitigation another developer has a different price for mitigation but I think what's missed there in that understanding is that the reason we mitigate is to provide economic signals to direct development to Redevelopment so when you come up with a [Music] mitigation you know one mitigation is 2 million another mitigation is 1 million is because a forest is being cut down and that has value to all the citizens of Coco so um I ask the city manager and I don't know if he's had an opportunity to confirm perhaps you have the information on what the changes are going to mean to the mitigations that are out there right now I don't know that Frank ever got back with me but let me let me just give you the example whenw preserve whenw preserve with with um Palms count it was 2.8 somewhere in that neighborhood with Palms not being counted it is a 1 Point 4 that they've already paid there so so that's the order of magnitude for that particular property it's going to be different for each property because they have a different amount of trees they have a different amount of palm trees versus oak trees versus other trees there and so it's not that the that it was costing developers different amounts because they have different sizes of uh land it was uh was it fair and balance was it balance on the Environmental side was it balanced on the on the development side and so that's what staff is trying to address there just have something that's balanc um unlike again the example we used the last time was the county doesn't require any mitigation any replacement of oak tree of uh palm trees we still require a replacement of palm trees not just not to the extent to which the prior ordinance uh did um and by example also the city of rockage does not charge you any monetary uh mitigation amount for the removal of trees now you have to replace trees and you can do it onsite or offsite we still have that also and so and so again this is just an attempt to to have a balance ordinance that uh protects the environment protects ecological systems but also does not stifle development mhm and I understand not wanting to stifle development um I'm just very eager to see us do some Redevelopment um you know particularly you know Dixon that whole Boulevard that whole Corridor and places where we don't seem to be attracting developers whereas I know rockage doesn't have it doesn't have the mitigation but they also don't have the undeveloped lands that we have and that's probably why this is I I've really struggled with this um and when we were told um on Monday when I met with the city manager and we were told that that the Lakes at CoCo grows were actually at 4.3 million and now they would dropped down to 1 million I guess that's because it's the poorest of native Palms evidently Abby do you know the number on uh the Lakes at CoCo Grove uh yes it it was at uh 4.4 million down to 1.1 million actually and it was uh 3,638 replacement trees um uh as opposed to um 14552 replacement trees and again the intent with the Lakes at CoCo Grove is that we'll never see 4 million 1 point something million because they will build the station uh in their development agreement um and again and and councilwoman cost and I talked about this in their development agreement if if in five years there is a Coco station then then the mitigation uh requirement goes away goes away um if in 5 years they build a certain percentage of homes the mitigation goes away and so again that that is a that is I think it's like 200 plus acres there that is that is a a parcel that probably had an overabundance of palms and so again it's different based on uh the number of Palms based on the size of the parcel but but again it's that looks dramatic and it is dramatic but again the city uh already has an agreement where uh keep your fingers crossed we'll never realize any of those amounts okay so can I ask then do okay so bright line having announced what what is the connection there because bright Line's already announced that there's going to be a station I mean what of my concerns is that it's probably when you're looking at those kind of profit margins probably giving up the mill milon dollar is um is palatable yeah so so and and remember we when we did the development agreement I forget the timing of whether they had announced the station or not there but again um it was the the there was a thought from staff um you know not just staff there was a good thought to hey let's let's certainly make sure that we have an additional incentive for the station there and so tie it to you know um you you can have that amount forgiven if the station happens within a certain period of time or if the homes happen within a certain period of time now remember whenw ww preserve and Coco Lakes at CoCo Grove are two will be two of the biggest subdivisions in the city there'll be gated subdivisions and those homes will start half a million dollars on up and so and so the the you know bright line did announce the station again I don't I don't know the timing of it that's that deal is ink and so whether it's 4 million whether it's 1.2 million I guess ultimately if if they have to pay something that that cost I won't say is never absorbed by the uh by the developer but certainly passed on to the potential uh home buyer and so and so you can look at it that way but you know again and I go back to you know it is various uh municipalities uh counties and cities do it different ways you know right right south of us south of us our competitor doesn't require any uh mitigation funding the county doesn't require any replacement of Palms again we still have and Jen I don't remember the ratio that was there before but again if a palm is 12 in or more or I think it's maybe six then you then it's a a 3in replacement tree that's required you know so was it what is it it's four 3 in trees four before so so before it was 4 3in trees for a 12in palm yes and now it's a a one 3-in tree for a 12in palm so so we still are requiring uh some replacement value for the Palms just again just not to the extent that we were before and again and I know it's difficult when people ride by algra and they see um you know the trees all gone well there's also a landscaping plan that's required for any subdivision and so trees are going to be planted or replanted also um so again councilwoman C I don't know if I answered your question yes and just to verify again so the we are any mitigation or waving of any mitigation from here on out then would be brought to the council the council would make that decision yeah it I mean for the four years that I've been here they've been brought to you in in Via a development agreement so they always came back to you I mean we have a development agreement for alra we had a development agreement for Cirus uh uh we have development we have a development agreement for Lakes at CoCo Grove um and others that I can't think of but they always came back to you but yes ma'am you're correct they will they will come directly to council okay thank you councilman going you ready sir yeah can I say something yes sir I appreciate everyone's patient I'm this is a second and final reading I know a lot of these questions have been there's redundancy and and I do understand but I I would love for you to collaborate with the city manager as well councilman go the floor is yours yeah I I just it was just a we we've been through this conversation before um but we also went through it um in similar in Coco C when when we talk about the the developers and the potential profits or their profit Market margins and and so I'm I'm I'm in in in support of this item I'm also in support of uh L projects um I'm I'm in support of protecting the environment but we must understand the more the more added red tape that we add to uh the construction process that cost has no other choice but to go down to the owner of that particular home Andor the renter and so so on one hand we we are are doing a a great job of of trying to protect their environment which was which is Yan's work great job but at the same time when we see rent at 2,2 uh $2,200 for an efficiency apartment in the city of coko it's also going to be a adverse effect um it could be an ad adverse effect on on citizens as well so it's I love what we're doing but I just wanted to make that statement is that it it it does having another adverse effect as well uh on the on the buyers so I just just wanted to make make that point question is that it Council MC going yes sir okay uh Deputy Mayor weeks um I just wanted to say as well that my concern with the uh High mitigation fees is what it's going to cost the home buyers the renters because 40% of Regulation is the cost of a home is all regulation and so I would like to see it kept as low as possible because everybody wants our homes to be affordable and for people to be able to buy or rent and the more we add to it the less affordable it's going to be that's all I wanted to say tto ditto councilwoman C ma'am I was just gonna ask uh councilman gos do you know of any liid projects low impact development projects U not I can't name them on top of my head um but but I I I I say this um either it's one project or 20 projects in marar County if if it continues the way that it's going I'm telling you the construction projects are up two and 300% right now and and again great job protecting environment but when you add so many layers it it it it causes a okay oak tree five years ago 3 Ines mature used to cost 125 bucks that same tree 7800 to $1,000 those same palm trees that we saying replant that same tree used to be 150 bucks you go to Miami put it on back of a truck 150 bucks go down to Miami now get a get a tree $1,500 is is the construction world has changed so much um but I again I'm not bashing any lid projects I'm not bashing any Environmental Protections but I just just wanted to make it clear that there is there there are adverse effects that could come into play we've seen our construction project that we put out for bid one cost we thought it was $700,000 we get the bids back it's 1.5 million and so a lot of that is because of um a lot of Regulation that's in in in play in that and so U I just I just wanted to to uh again I'm I'm supportive of this 100% but I just wanted just to make that make that statement okay and just to say that um I do appreciate the time issue for developers I mean that is uh time is money um I don't know how we how we direct to low impact development or save um parts of the environment that are so important to our storm water protection um as well as just our quality of life here and attracting people to this city so I mean it's just something that I'm struggling with um you know I recognize that I'm the only one on this console with the environmental background um and I hope that you will respect that just as I respect the real estate and construction backgrounds um yeah so I just have a lot of angst about it because anything that makes it less protective you know puts my the you know puts Flags out for me so CH would like to close this portion of counsel open to the public please come to the podium state your name for this particular item here ordinance number 18-202 4 second and final reading going once going twice second councilman Hearns I do believe in staff and their recommendation I do believe in the city Man City attorney I do believe in land excavation and development and I do believe in real estate because I'm reading the tea leaves and we must move forward we must have a vision it's biblical we will perish so now we're going to call the question all in favor saying I I any n and nay let the record reflect only one day and that is from councilwoman cost but I know we need development in order to make our city survive but beyond that thrive so we can have safety police fire and utilities as councilman Hearn said Liquid Gold bit proceeding on to item number five consideration of second and final reading of ordinance number of the city of coko Council of the city of cokar County Florida amending append a article 11 sections 4A and 22 of the zoning ordinance of the city of coc to allow for neighborhood commercial mix use development and public parking on searching very limited properties within the consent decree area also known as the heart of Coco consistent with substitute consent decree admitting the list of pered and special exception uses for the consent decree area amending the building types commanded for those certain properties authorized by neighborhood commercial and also mixed use development within the heart of Coco subdistrict of the Coco Waterfront overlay District as more particularly depicted on exhibit a attached to here to and amending the bulk of regulations for single family duplex Triplex and fourplex development in in the consent decree area amending the minimum yard setbacks in the consent decree area updating the building types of table for the consistency with the list of permitted uses for the consent decree area August 7th pnz approved this August 27th Council unanimously approve this Esquire gargan sir okay um second final reading of this very important ordinance ordinance number 11224 an ordinance of the city council of city of Coca bvar County Florida amending appendix a article 11 section 4A and 22 of the zoning ordinance of the city of coko to allow for neighborhood commercial mixed use development and public parking on certain very limited properties within the consent decree area also known as the heart of Coco consistent with the substitute consent decree amending the list of permitted and special exception uses for the consent decree area amending the building type permitted for those certain properties authorized for neighborhood commercial and mixed use development within the heart of Coco subdistrict of the Coco Waterfront overlay District as more particularly depicted on exhibit a attached here to amending the bulk regulations for single family duplex Triplex and fourplex development in the consent decree area amending the minimum yard setbacks in the consent decree area updating the building type table for consistency with the list of permitted uses for the consent decree area providing for the repeal of Prior andc consistent ordinances and resolutions incorporation into the code severability and an effective dat again this is second and final reading um this ordinance is being proposed um consistent with an amendment that was done to the consent decree area some time ago that would permit the city to establish neighborhood commercial uses to try to reestablish um you know those types of uses in in the consent decree area um there have been some small changes between first and second reading um I think Jennifer is going to go over those primarily have to do with building types for the authorized um residential structures up to four um dwelling units uh per building um there's a small change about the the type building types that's correct correct thank you Esquire gargan so um so as he was saying there just have been just a few minor changes regarding building types and I can go over those really quickly and refresher of what was covered on the pnz presentation and the first reading so um so this ordinance is doing four things uh one is allowing for optional neighborhood commercial and public parking on limited properties to support the commercial uses and those properties are identified on the regulating plan which is in section 22 of article 11 of the code so um and then the second thing is to ammend the list of permitted uses and structures uh so there uh there are uh certain building types that are permitted to be used in the heart of Coco consent decree and we just included two more building types to that list there was already the estate home the home single family home the cottage the townhouse and we added Courtyard apartment and apartment building so those were the only two additions or changes and the townhouse apartment building and Courtyard apartment are all limited to four units per building and also of course limited to the seven dwelling units per acre governed by the low density residential um and number three it was amending the building types permitted on certain properties authorized for bless you uh amended those building types permitted on certain properties authorized for neighborhood commercial and mixed use updating the building types table so that's going back to there is a table indicating the building types allowed on the regulating plan and uh number three is addressing the types of commercial buildings that we are proposing to be allowed and then number four is amending the lot regulations and setbacks for residential lots so what this is doing is originally the bulk regulations in section 4A um was there was a chart regarding the um development regulations for for the the buildings and now that is just directing you directly to section 22 which is the regulating plan so we're just kind of condensing and um trying to consolidate and um clean things up there in the ordinance so those were the four things that the uh ordinance 11- 2024 is going to accomplish thank you very much go ahead Mrs webs and that's the excuse me that's the regulating plan if anybody wanted to get a visual that's the regulating plan um that's present in section 22 thank you thank you Mrs webon uh Council m is this your District yes sir okay sir okay yes sir you say you oh okay all right do we have any questions okay you finished ma'am okay yes thank you okay do we this was approved unanimously so chair close this portion to councel and open to the public please come to the podium and state your name Force please you have 180 seconds going once going twice CH like to close this portion the council I mean the public and return of the council word of the wish we got a motion on the floor by Council M second second okay second by Council War calls thank you Deputy Mayor chur G to call the question all in favor by saying I I eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to item number six excuse me um item number six here get my notes real quick here consideration of the first reading for approval ordinance number 13-20 24 a Land Development code text Amendment appendix a article 11 section 12 of the code of the ordinance of the city of Coco to add major recreational on equipment sales and rentals and limited types of commercial vehicles and heavy equipment sales and rentals to the list of permitted use of subsection A2 in the c-g commercial General zoning District this was approved by pnz October the uh 2nd 2024 um I also have Pat Murray is that correct sir yes sir because I know you do not look like a Jennifer Webster um as garan Sir would you read this into the minutes please okay certainly this is first reading of the ordinance 13- 2024 an ordinance of the city council of city of Coco bvar County Florida amending the zoning ordinance of the city of Coco to add major recreation equipment sales and rental and limited types of commercial vehicle and heavy equipment sales and rental to the list of permitted uses in the general commercial zoning district and establishing conditions for such use providing for the repeal of Prior Inc consistent ordinances and resolutions incorporation into the code severability and an effective date and as I noted this is first reading and so staff's prepared to give you some background regarding this ordinance mayor thank you very much esquad gargan and I do approve of this ordinance U Mr Murray the floor is yours sir thank you Mr Mayor sir Council uh Patrick Murray with our VI planning for the record uh this request is to amend the Land Development code under appendix a article 11 section 12 of the CG zoning District through discussions with the applicant staff is recommending to include major recreation equipment sales and rental limited types of commercial vehicles and heavy equipment sales and rentals and to be subject to limitations the CG zoning category is noted in red on the city zoning map these areas are primarily surrounded by uh major thorough Affairs and away from residential areas of the city uh primarily uh noted around US1 524 and around the on and off ramps of I95 the request warrants its own subsection in the CG category and should be subject to its limitations the proposed limitations are to further protect the health safety and Welfare of the community while also providing for an overall sense of Aesthetics and compatibility of the CG corridors the recommended text is written to limit the uses to sales and rentals of enclosed and unenclosed utility trailers and to provide for design standards the following five conditions are to promote compatibility and include a only equipment and unenclosed utility trailers are to be parked in front of the building and are limited to one vehicle per 30 ft of Street Frontage these unenclosed trailers are to not exceed 16 ft in length B enclosed trailer shall not be parked in front of the principal structure see storage areas are to be screened from view with either a solid wall or an opaque fence at least 6 feet in height D Equipment and trailers are not to be elevated for display purposes E major Recreational Equipment shall be limited to 13 1/2 ft in height and F major recreation equipment shall not be used as living quarters the proposed change is consistent with the intent of the CG District additional uses in the CG District are Auto oriented and include the sale of Automotive vehicles and agricultural equipment the provided limitations and design standards created for uniformity along the CG corridors the consistent future land use category is commercial the commercial future land use category is intended to support various retail and professional uses with access to four and two lane throw fars on October 2nd the Planning and Zoning Board unanimously recommended approval to the proposed Texs and conditions staff also recommends approval to the proposed Land Development code amendment to add major Recreational Equipment Sales and rentals limited commercial vehicles and heavy equipment and sales and rentals to the the list of permitted uses in the CG zoning district with limitations and designed standards happy to answer any questions and I believe the STA uh the applicant is also here thank you okay do we have any questions for Mr Murray is the applicant here would you come to the podium Sir with Council approval would you like to hear from the applicant I know we normally do but I just like to hear you confirm just to give him affirmation uh good evening mayor council members I'm Tom Sullivan with the great Robinson Law Firm on behalf of uh the property owner uh that uh submitted their request I just wanted to compliment your staff um on their presentation don't really have anything to add unless unless you had questions for me so would appreciate your support thank you thank you very much sir okay seeing that we have no questions for this young man CH like to close this portion to council open to the public um public if you have any questions pertaining to this particular item please come forward and state your name for us you have three minutes to elaborate or expound on this particular item now ordinance number 13-20 24 going once going twice sh like to close this portion to the public and return to the council Sher like to make a motion to approve second you have a second on the floor by Deputy Mayor weeks just G to call the question all in favor saying I I any NS I have it unanimously proceeding on to item number seven consideration on the and congratulations thank see you at the second reading um U consideration the first reading of ordinance number 15-20 24 a city initiated ordinance amending the official zoning map designation of 16 partials of R property totaling 8.36 Acres more or less generally located adjacent to the State Road 520 near the intersection of Virginia Avenue Ruth Avenue Aurora Street and Coco Florida more particularly depicted and described on exhibit a attached here from bavari County single family residential Ru 1-9 General commercial bu-1 and Retail warehousing and wholesale commercial bu-2 to the city of Coco General commercial um and this was this is item number seven just for the record I just want to make sure that we get this in that it was um originally adopted um May 18th 2004 then annexation adopted 2006 January the 4th and ordinance number 5 -224 unanimously approved by the pnz board December 4th 2024 Esquire gargan hey first reading ordinance 15-22 24 an ordinance of the city council of City Coco bavar County Florida amending the official zoning map designation of 16 Parcels of real property totaling 8.36 Acres more or less and generally located at Jason to State Road 520 near the intersection with Virginia Avenue Ruth Street and or Street in Coco Florida more particularly depicted and described un exhibit a attached here to from General County single family residential i19 General retail commercial bu1 and Retail warehousing and wholesale commercial bu2 to City of Coco General commercial CG providing for the repeal of Prior consistent ordinances and resolutions severability and an effective date again this is first reading of this item thank you esad Gan this webst ma'am the floor is yours thank you mayor um and as has been previously stated this is ordinance 15 2024 Pine grve Park commercial zoning map Amendment and so uh these Parcels are like has been said are adjacent to West King Street West of Coco Village near the intersections of Virginia Avenue Ruth Street and Aurora Street in the city of Coco they're also close to the West boundary line between the city of Coco and Bard County 15 of these partials were annexed into the city in 2004 from Bard County and one from um in 2006 they're bordered uh by existing commercial on the north and east and a single family residential neighborhood on the south and Bard County directly to the West they were assigned to Future land use of commercial but a zoning category was not assigned at the time of the annexations this makes future development challenging with absence of a City Zoning designation the adjacent future land uses are generally commercial to the north and east and low density residential to the South and Bard County again to the West so part of the staff analysis in a rezone request is the potential of creating non-conforming Lots so per Article Five of the City Zoning code non-conforming lots lots are legal uses but don't conform with the zoning regulations such as lot size setback minimums of the district they're in as shown here there are a mix of uses Auto Sales and storage furniture and thrift sales shutter manufacturing and sales welding mixed retail parking Auto Repair personal services and vacant unused property the next slide is a breakdown of The Bard County zoning classifications of the subject part Parcels when they were annexed there's one parcel in the subject area with the former County classification of Ru 1-9 single family residential which is currently vacant keeping in mind these Parcels have a commercial future land use assigned by the city this parcel will be considered a conforming commercial parcel in the proposed city of Coco CG zoning district one business in the subject area has the former classification bu1 General retail commercial which is The Bard Sharing Center Thrift Store this is a primary allowed use in the proposed city of Coco CG zoning district and will also be considered conforming the remaining 14 Parcels in the subject area have the former classification of bu2 retail warehousing and wholesale commercial and are a variety of retail personal services light industrial manufacturing vacant or unused two of these businesses notated in Blue uh are of light industrial and or manufacturing nature and they were allowed in the County zoning designation but with imposed conditions however in the proposed City CG zoning District they are not permitted uses and will be considered legally non-conforming as described in the city of Coco code AS legally non-conforming they'll be allowed to continue as they have been as long as they remain compliant with city code requirements and standards for screening parking safety Etc or until the use is expanded or abandoned they will not be penalized or be required to bring their site up to conformance with the development regulations of General commercial if they have not already done so the remaining 12 of the former Buu Parcels will be considered conforming in the city CG zoning District all of the businesses will be expected to comply with the code requirements and standards for screening parking safety Etc and all of the businesses will be required to maintain current business tax receipts with the city as per city of Coco code chapter 12 on local business taxes upon analysis it was determined as discussed that the most compatible zoning District to assign to these Parcels is the city of Coco General commercial as described in pendex a article 11 schedule of District Reg regulations Section 12 of the city code which outlines the allowed uses and development regulations for The General commercial District this assignment is also an extension of the existing zoning District to the existing City boundary so the Planning and Zoning staff report covers the analysis of the criteria according to appendex a of the city of Coco code article 21 section 1G with regard to impact to land use patterns school districts consistency with the comprehensive plan traffic storm water and other utilities and public services and has determined that the zoning change will not negatively or adversely impact the neighborhood or the surrounding areas nor it is is it expected to adversely affect property values okay staff has also determined consistency with the comprehensive plan future land use policy 1.1.2 point9 for Comm commercial future land use and that CG is an applicable zoning District in the commercial future land use staff um the previous actions Planning and Zoning Board unanimously approved ordinance 15 2024 on December 4th uh 2024 staff requests that the city council approve this reading of ordinance number 15 2024 a consideration of a city initiated zoning ordinance amending the official zoning map designation of 16 Parcels of real property totaling 8.36 Acres more or less and generally located adjacent to State Road 520 near the intersections with Virginia Avenue Ruth Street and Aurora Street in Coco Florida from Bard County single family residential Ru 1-9 General retail commercial bu-1 and Retail warehousing and wholesale commercial bu-2 all to the city of Coco General commercial CG okay do we have any questions for Mrs Webster I did have a question saying none I do support this project and this zone changes you have a light on Deputy Mayor weeks ma'am y I just wanted to clarify the two uh Parcels that are going to be now non-conforming uh again the restrictions that are going to be on them if they decide to move something else can't go in there like what they had is that what you're saying that's correct okay just wanted that clarifi thank you thank you thank you ma'am again like I said I do support this so let me um close this portion to councel and open to the public please come forward and state your name if you have any concerns for ordinance number 15-20 224 on its first reading goinging once going twice CH like to close this portion of the first reading of this ordinance 15- 2024 CH like to make a motion to approve based on staff recommendation second we got a second on the floor by uh Deputy Mayor weeks chair is g to call the question all in favor saying I I any N I have unanimously proceeding on to item number 7-1 approve the current code enforcement lean for the property located at 228 Beverly Road be reduced at $2,741 decimal 58 uh Mr Wilkerson and chief on call you to as well I know that this duration started from um July 7th 17th 2021 to February the 9th 20 24 the total fine was $ 93,7 120 I know Mr schaer here in the audience um and I do have a card where you at Mr schaer would you come to the podium please and then I turn the floor over to you Chief cour and Mr Wilkinson I'm um my name is Barry schaer I'm just here to answer questions if there's a question from the council okay council do we have any questions for Mr shaer okay I was there I say something yes yeah I was there I attended the um as the council liaison and um so uh I approve I mean I heard the whole story and I think this is a good idea to reduce his fine okay thank you yes ma'am thank you motion to approve second we got a motion on the floor from councilwoman c and a second by Deputy Mayor weeks Mr Wilkerson and I thank you for your valuable input uh Deputy Mayor weeks ma' Mr Wilkinson sir I hear from you sir well I I'll take it we don't have anything else to add unless you have any specific questions for us okay man I want to hear from it this is be his first time hearing from him Chief this is his first time just want to say good evening all right I apprciate all right then since see that I have the blessings of Chief call yes and his staff and we have a motion on the floor by councilwoman C and the second by Deputy Mayor weeks CH going to call the question all in favor saying I I I any Nays I have it unanimously congratulations Mr schaer okay proceeding on to item number 7-2 the reappointment of Mrs shenita joner as a member of the Coco Housing Authority through de excuse me December the 28th um I am in support of Mrs Jordan she's a former city of Coco employee I think out of Community Development so the chair would like to make a motion to approve Mrs shenita Jer and we got a second by councilman G CH gonna call the question all in favor by saying I I eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to item number three number three city council liaison appointments an appointment of the Space Coast League of cities and Florida League of cities voting Del delegates and alternates for 2025 this is item number 7-3 you can see on page one of two and two of two affordable housing uh committee uh Mr gings Mrs weeks the former was a board of adjustment and code enforcement you're there Diamond Square councilman go Housing Authority uh Mr Hearn pnz oh sorry councilman Hearns for pnz and Housing Authority councilman go for police community relations sustainability U Deputy Mayor weeks utility Advisory Board councilwoman cost I would like to still maintain my space coast TPO position uh alternate is now uh councilwoman calls Space Coast League of cities primary is myself and Alternate is councilman gos the Florida League of cities this is myself and the alternate councilwoman cost are there any questions or modifications um so is everybody wanting to stay the same or okay everyone would like to stay the same that answer your question are you make that does answer my question y okay did you want approve we got a motion on the floor by councilman G and a second by councilman hear just just going to call the question all favor saying I I and the N eyes have unanimous unanimously proceeding on to item number 8-1 let's see here now okay approve the evaluation committee's recommendation to select lar holes LLC for RFP p-25 d02 C the Michael C Blake subdivision affordable housing project to construct homes on the remaining Lots in the Michael C Blake subdivision authorizing the city manager and City attorney to negotiate a project agreement which will then be returned to the city council for final approval 24681 to me this is a no-brainer uh Mr City manager is there anything you would like to say Sir okay okay okay Mrs N when have I ever been brief on anything well I'm excited to present this item uh for consideration tonight um as you had noted Mr Mayor this is for the construction of homes in the Michael C Blake subdivision and to authorize the city manager and attorney to negotiate a project agreement uh the solicitation went out on September 20th uh we received uh uh we had a total of 1629 notifications that were sent out to the vendors and 39 individuals downloaded the RFP proposals were due October 25th we received one single proposal from lenar Holmes uh on October 29th the evaluation committee held a meeting um the evaluation committee was comprised of the following individuals myself Community Services director Rebecca Bowman Finance director and Angelia Smith a board member for the diamond Square CRA uh met the representatives met with lenar on November 15th to go through the proposal which they presented uh their project ideas and we did a scoring of those of The Proposal uh the scoring overall was 9617 out of 100 um I will jump right to what you see up on the screen in front of you uh there are 17 lots that are currently vacant for development uh Lenard presented us with a proposal that will split those lots into uh 15 of those lots will be split into two lots each uh for a total of 30 and then the two lots that you see out Ling on the left side of your screen are small Lots as as noted and will be built as con as uh the same house structure uh The Proposal is for homes ranging from the size of 12200 to 1600 square ft uh I have envelop the elevations included in the packet and I'm going to present those to you so as you see here is the proposed site plan of what the the remaining development is uh if I can point up here the northern part of these lot area that you see vacant above you that's where the five homes that we just finished building for the Michael SE Blake subdivision uh that is the more center right here to the East and so these are the remaining Lots on Mango and Valencia and and then again right here along mango Valencia and Blake Avenue and and then you have these other uh two outling on Temple and Barbara Jenkins the next slide gives you a rendition of what uh this is Valencia Street looking down Valencia of what the homes would look like uh with the development these are two story homes garage with a extended driveway to fit multiple cars on the um in the driveway uh you see the sidewalks with the trees and the Landscaping this is the first elevation the breeze elevation give you an idea of what it looks like uh this is the second elevation which is Cyprus uh very similar in elevations look and then this is the third elevation of element and each of the elevations have three different versions that they can the the uh the Builder will present to the buyer to review to to to select when they go so there will be uh as far as the subdivision is concerned you're not going to have the exact same house side by side by side along the uh the street so it will be broken out um quite nicely and and so that's the presentation I do have representatives from lenar here um like I said we're very excited to begin this process to finally be able to complete the Michael SE Blake subdivision and and actually build more homes than what we had we had 22 lots for the subdivision uh when we complete this we will have 37 homes that will be constructed total in the subdivision which is uh wonderful um uh that is a tax benefit for Diamond Square it's a tax benefit for the city ultimately and um and it adds a wonderful um group of people to our community so we're very excited about this um but I do have Representatives here from lar if they would like to come up and and introduce themselves and um say anything and then we can I will have any other questions ask sure thank you ma'am great presentation uh my name is Matthew pasota I'm the director of land Acquisitions for lar palom Atlantic division um I you know I want to commend your staff and and the city on making this process very easy um you know we're very excited about this subdivision um I'm here to answer any questions you may have okay so we have a few lights there it's Christmas we proceed in this order sir um Deputy Mayor weeks then councilman Hearn okay um I my question is uh twofold is that's a single car garage correct it's a single car garage yeah okay and are they made out of block or are they frame the first floor is blocked the second floor is frame okay so with the um how would that work insurance-wise because I know it has to be so much Block in order to get the discount for being a block house you know I don't know the answer to that I do know that we build you know extensively throughout the State of Florida with this the same kind of development pattern of block with uh Center would block would stick above so um I don't know specifically about the exception you're talking about but I I believe they are insurable throughout the state okay well I know that they're insurable it's just you get a discount if it's over 50 something per block I believe and I can't remember what what that exact number is but I I'd have to double check I do believe that the first floors which are block are larger than the second floor so it may be above okay that that'd be good and are all the bedrooms upstairs on those I know you don't have floor plans yet but um I I believe there is one bedroom downstairs and then the rest are upstairs oh that's good and they're all three bedroom bedrooms there're uh two of the elevations are three-bedroom and one is four bedroom oh wonderful okay thank you okay um councilman Hern uh yes thank you for your interest in Coco um my question may be a question you can answer maybe a question for Steph uh once this news break I'm gonna have a lot of questions as far as a timeline when construction can take place so any the answer without being too flip about this is as quickly as we possibly can start building these as we want to yeah so so in the RFP uh and we still have to negotiate the uh the development agreement there but in the RFP um they've committed to I think it's 14 to 16 months after the site plan is approved I believe the RFP stipulated you know 16 months as the outer limit and I think we can get this done and fit we can bu build out the community in 15 months yeah so that's that's a that's a a very good thing there and I do have a question after the council members get there question is that it sir that's it Council woman calls well I don't know if my question is for you or maybe staff but I'm just curious any ideas why we only had one applicant is it that I I I can't answer that you know in any kind of intelligent way you know I think it is it's a larger project these you know it's targeted at a price point that I think is difficult for some developers to you know make that work in terms of construction it's easier for a national developer to do that and National developers often look past sites like this because they're looking for larger sites so well thank you for applying and um yeah appears to be a fine product sorry ma'am are you finishing ma'am Miss city manager could you expound about lar they yeah yeah and previous Construction and Matt's being um um very humble I mean he I I think he he answered appropriately I mean it's a there not many Builders developers that can actually do it within uh the time frame that he uh actually uh uh covered um they have agreed to do it at the HUD sales price and at the uh at the uh affordable housing income levels there and so not everybody's going to be able to do that not everybody is willing to do that and so so again kudos to to lar for for stepping up to the plate on that um I do have a question about if you look at the bottom of the screen here on Barbara Jenkins those uh and you see a home in the middle of that those lots are owned by uh the housing authority and so I'm not sure Matt if you've talked to them about acquiring those lots and if so uh would would lenar be willing to to sort of replicate um the type of home that's there the type of home that we built on the first five under the same sort of income and sales price guidelines absolutely we we did talk to the Housing Authority there are some procedural hurdles to work out relating to HUD um but as soon as we can work that out we'd be absolutely happy to um to acquire those from the city and to continue the same program that you see on the North side of Barber Jenkins yeah and I'm going to again say to the Housing Authority if they're listen listening I think it's easier for the city to acquire and then to to uh to sell to you guys there and we get there quicker that way but but I I just want to put that on the record for for M again um but but again um I appreciate them actually responding to the RFP and and as you can see it is doing big impactful things in a short period of time councilwoman C did you get your question answered oh yeah okay thank you um um councilman G sir um I'm probably out of place on asking this question but you know I like uh so we have we have a um a center that's directly uh impacted on this project and so um I know you'll have a lot of Subs on this project and Lance caping is one of the things that we had a lot of conversation about with that particular building to see if we can possibly piggy back on some of the sub subcontract the contract that you have to assist with us with enhancing that building because we putting uh 30 plus homes are surrounding this you know facility we have a a a dream about what this facility could be uh I think it it may benefit both of us to um and I I know city manager is going to run with that hopefully um but I I just think it's a perfect opportunity while you're already there to to possibly do some sort of a um a community benefit contract you know to help with that you know that that facility that's right there connected to it I I think that's a great idea um we'd be happy to explore that while we negotiate the developers agreement and um you know see if it what's viable okay thank you I appre appreciate you is that a form of emotion oh yeah I wouldn't even know how to word it but yeah you referring to the yeah well I I I think the building itself is right now getting a facelifted getting brand new windows inside is is getting upgraded but just the outside Aesthetics is is really not where it should be based on what's getting built and so this has been going to get surrounded um with you know millions of dollars value worth of homes in that area right and so we need to enhance that building I think that that'll be that'll be clutch for those residents as well because again we have a dream of what that facility could be and I think it's a perfect opportunity with the garden in the back and you know just just in mind I'm ask the question again is that a form of motion and I will hear from you Mr Mayor that's that wouldn't be necessary I think the comment has been noted okay I mean the the recommended action is to uh direct the manager and City attorney to negotiate the contract it's going to come back to you okay so we'll take that as a as a deal Point okay Point taking and that's well let me let me do this while we already here so that that's Landscaping fencing um those aesthetic things surrounding that building and I think uh air air conditioning improvements I'm just it's a whole another set got shoot for the stars you you know but I appreciate that we're happy to engage with the city and you know be helpful in whatever way we can here yes sir appreciate you thank you is that it Council M yes sir Deputy Mayor weeks ma'am and then councilman her yeah I just wanted to say um in the realtor world lonar is a stellar Builder and they have great um uh they do a great job and they did a lot of the Vieira um area as well so they're great Builders so thank you very much for taking this on thank you very much deputy mayor thank you for that additional support man that's wonderful uh councilman her sir yes I just need a a point of clarification uh I know that the garages are one single car garages are the parking um or the driveways is that for a single vehicle as well or no it's actually a double wide driveway that can fit two vehicles uh next to each other I I know and I I asked that because I know now we have uh we have issues now with uh parking at a few residents is with children staying at home later and uh which kind of brought me to councilman Go's inquiry uh inquiry about the uh uh Museum we have here and uh I just wondered if he was conveying his idea as well parking lot improvements um which could also assist with overflow parking if residents decide to have you know events at their home so I just wanted to throw that out there so um M Miss Miss Morgan and I and her staff met there about three months ago I guess two or three months ago and uh we discussed the parking lot but it it wasn't um asphalt at the time it was going to be I think asphalt millings we talked about um which is you know it'll do the job um but it you know it won't bring what I'm talking about but it still would bring more parking y yeah cuz you're right we going to need three vehicles keep them off the side of the road much as possible exactly and we we have the space to do it here there's you know pretty wide setbacks between the homes so it actually fits very nicely into the community thank you very much okay gentlemen your lights on U Council Mah your light is on sir no harm no fou what are the wishes of council that's what I move to approve okay district one did you get it to approve okay second second by District number three yes sir let me let me do it for official councilman go made the motion for the city of clerk U Deputy May weeks May the second ma'am CH gonna call the question go for it young man great project Nob brainer all that favor saying I eyes have it unanimously thank you very much okay uh let me see let me see let me see let me see let me see um well okay sorry no no it's no no question esire gargan yes sir um do I need to let the public expound on this no I'm asking esar Gan thank you ma'am which one the the Bank of America loan or the no no no just for my man here lar homes I mean technically there was an opportunity to speak under um under public delegations because this is a non-public hearing item so that would be the appropriate time to make comment but certainly the bo can open it up as it sees fit if necessary thank you sir uh we're good we're good Deputy Mayor we're good I just wanted to make sure the I know ma'am you're good I didn't know if anybody was here no no you're good man you're good thank you esquad Gan excellent proceeding on to item number 8-2 accept a Bank of America proposal for lease financing to purchase Capital Equipment approve resolution 24-18 for a Master Lease agreement with Bank of America for debt processed no no proceeds sorry up to a maximum of 2.6 million approve a resolution to amending the fiscal year budget bath hash 25-15 Dasa in the amount of 39,7 193 for critical it infrastructure approval for the city manager to execute documents related to the debt financing approval the city manager's authority to make necessary budgetary changes of debt proceeds and debt payments and Equipment costs to correspond to Bank of America's a proposal 24692 Council approved this September the 17th 2024 Finance director Guru M Bowman thank you Mr Mayor yes ma'am um if city council will recall in the fiscal year 2025 adopted budget the city manager proposed um purchasing some uh Capital Equipment through the use of lease proceeds uh council did approve the adopted budget and and that was included in the adopted budget uh included in that also was an estimate of what we thought the Debt Service payments were going to be um and the estimated amount based on the quotes we had at the given time on the vehicles uh since the beginning of the fiscal year staff has negotiated uh through uh the financial advisor uh put out a uh quote request for proposals um and Bank of America had came back with the most favorable interest rates um of note we're going to or we're pro proposing to do two different um amortization schedules because one of the things that's being proposed to be purchased is a fire truck which has a longer life than the rest of the equipment um so there's two different terms one a six-year term the other a 10year term um this agenda item is requesting approval to execute a master lease agreement and then as each piece of equipment is purchased um there will be other documents that need to be approved appr D the estimated closing date on this master lease agreement is December 17th which is next week um so uh this item is requesting approval to approve the agenda item and allow the city manager to execute those forms documents associated with this master lease agreement in addition to the the mayor as well um and then uh an additional item that came came up that uh was a critical need uh with some infrastructure related it infrastructure related um uh type of equipment for $39,000 roughly and so in order to be transparent we're bringing forward the budget adjustment to include that piece of equipment on the list that we have provided to Bank of America um so we are asking for that and then we're asking for the city manager to be able to do the budget adjustments so right now we just budgeted an estimate of what we think we need as far as debt proceeds and then the cost of each piece of equipment and there's going to be related financing costs and so we can't really know how to budget exactly until we get all the final cost and so we're requesting approval for the city manager to be able to go ahead and do those budgetary adjustments and then staff will come back at a later date to city council and inform City Council of EX exactly what the numbers were in the accounts and and all that so there is a listing of the equipment attached to the city council agenda item but generally speaking it's a fire truck some um other vehicles and then this it infrastructure okay CH like to make a motion to approve staff recommendation for item number 8-2 and I'm looking for a second second by councilman Hearn Deputy Mayor weeks you have a question and also city manager you're after her sir I do um I I just want some clarification you're calling this um a lease but is it like a line of credit or are we borrowing 2.6 million total and then this is what we're using it for this is an estimate of the cost of the equipment which is 2.6 million it is an actual lease agreement to purchase this equipment um not a line of credit so we're estimating it's up to 2.6 million and then as I said as each uh piece of equipment is purchased will draw out of an escrow account so these funds will be put in escrow we'll pay for the equipment and then we'll submit all the documentation to Bank of America and we will get reimbursed for that okay thank you I just didn't understand all the nuances because it was different verbiage than what I'm used to so thank you yes ma'am um Mr city manager yeah and I U Deputy Mayor weeks I actually I just wanted Mrs Bowman to explain to the general public because we're using the term lease but this is a this is a purchase ultimately yes chair made a motion to Second by um councilman Hearn for this particular item 8-2 just G to call the question all in favor saying I I and in a eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to 8-3 approved first addendum to Improvement agreement for the Lakes at CoCo Grove subdivision 27- 708 approved by Council preliminary plat February 13 2024 May 28 2024 approval final plat uh Mr city manager sir um yes sir so this is just uh extending the deadline for for the developer to actually have in place uh a performance bond for the uh for the uh platted improvements there and so obviously they were not able to make the December 1st 2024 deadline and so we're moving that out uh one year okay do we have any questions for the city manager saying n chair like to make a motion to approve the first agendum to the Improvement agreement second and we have a second on floor by deputy mayor weeks CH gonna call the question all in favor saying I I eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to item number 8- true excuse me four approve a multi-year contract for full depth payment Reclamation with asphalt paving Systems piggybacking off the Citrus County contract ITB 24088 in the amount of 366,000 $565 for Range Road approve additional milling and Paving from goods and Paving Inc piggybacking off the bavard county contract B- 6-23 d70 in the amount of $267,900 for Range Road approved striping with false night line and stripe piggybacking off the existing simal County ibf D 64562 d23 in the amount of $ 27,29 approved bath 25 011 DPT authorizing the city manager to sign the related agreements with multi-year contract renewals authorizing the city manager to issue the purchase orders approve a contingency resolution authorizing the city manager to approve and execute change orders in the amount not to exceed 50,000 for a total project of$ 7,763 24- 620 this was approved June 10 by full depth Reclamation for Pine um Mrs Morgan ma'am thank you mayor yes ma'am this request is to approve the funding for the full depth of reclamation for a portion of Range Road from Coco Bay South uh to the city limits and regular milling and Paving for the remaining portion of Range Road uh from Cocoa Bay to Rice Drive okay what are the wishes of council I feel like I'll get to you yes ma'am I'mma get to you uh chair would like to make a motion to approve this and I'm looking for a second then we'll open the floor for discussion second we got a second on the floor by councilman going councilwoman calls yeah the um can you explain why like so when I travel down that road um I can see you know the disrepair but then I go further down Michigan closer to Clear Lake and the road is just as bad at least to the untrained eye so what I want to understand is um the trained eye and the test that you've done okay how does it determined because it yeah because that's what I'm going to hear from my constituents okay why are we doing that part of the road and not another part that looks just as rough so we had our uh geotechnical consultant go out and take uh core samples of the roadway to assess the condition of the pavement at various locations and of the three stretches to of the ones that were recommending full depth um Rehabilitation uh uh show to uh lack the the the stable uh subbase needed uh to provide an overlay on uh so uh they're recommending full depth Reclamation where they take the portion of of pavement they kind of pulverize it they blend it with uh a mixed design that they recommend based on the sample okay so they're like core samples like when they do ice samples okay yes and so they blend uh motions and uh Portland cement uh uh with with uh with the the materials that they kind of pulverize Blended together to come uh to kind of lay down a subbase that is more stable than than what the core samples are showing okay thank you you're welcome is that it ma'am yes okay we have a motion on the floor uh we would like to hear from my city manager okay sir CH GNA call the question on in favor saying I I eyes have it unanimously Mr city manager yeah Mr Mayor and council members we we put this on um is is City business or Council business we put it we put it on City business because again I wanted to note that because this is coming over over what we originally projected we we're actually taking 135,000 from the existing Paving program so I just wanted you guys to be aware of that that that you have what do we have for existing payment 500,000 500,000 so we're taking 135 of the 500 from the existing Paving program and moving it to this particular project that's correct right that's correct yeah we felt that we could do it since we spent close to a million dollars on Paving last year so we thought it would was the perfect opportunity since the county had uh just recently uh replaced their portion of Range Road for us to come in and and do our section and so we we're we're we'll be able uh Abby to show them which uh projects drop off of the regular as a result of moving the 135 to this project right you have those identified yet the ones that we will not do well what we what we were going to do is take the funding uh that was that was left over and take the roads with the worst condition that are remaining okay and kind of prioritize those that's correct okay so so again just wanted to for for full transparency disclose that to to you all um the item that was on consent the arpa item um I was actually going to recommend and probably still will recommend that some of that be um utiliz to take up to show up this shortfall in case you wanted to replace some of those streets that would be removed from the regular Street Paving program but I we can I'll talk about that when we get to that item okay okay so we have concluded item number eight Dash four under City business now we are going on to item number five Council uh Deputy Mayor um mayor weeks asks that item number 5-4 approve the budget excuse me budget resolution amending fiscal year budget b2501 14-a be placed on the city business item number five Deputy Mayor the floor is yours ma'am okay I I well I just had some questions on I wanted to hear what um uh especially over uh where it talks about the ship rehab program um was previously approved but was not allowed so um all of these items that uh are coming from what's left and obviously it has to be uh something has to be done with it before the 31st of December correct has to be designated is that what I'm reading correct yeah okay yeah so what happened with the ship rehab money uh I mean did they just lose out or what what happened um staff um has been reconciling this since 2021 I think um and we had initially thought and brought to council the suggestion of using some of the unallocated money for ship to help with some of the rehabs and then upon further review we realized that um the use of the money could be programs that are eligible under cdbg and ship as a state funding program so it's not the same thing so we identifi we couldn't use the money for that I got you so then they just lost that 90 something thousand that you'd planned to use for them yes ma'am but we do have ship funding through the state to do we were just going to enhance the program I got you and and then I see here that it has like Park overruns 22,000 um the remaining uncommitted balances so that's what's the park overruns um as part of this funding uh city council previously approved for um Provost and Gilmore stradley Park some of the park projects um to take a portion of the arpa money to supplement anything that ran short um that needed additional funding and now that we're up against the wall to commit the money money meaning we have to pull a purchase order so aby's going to need to pull a purchase order pretty quickly for this um Range Road um we need to get that money on a purchase order and so we didn't have time for I know there's still money in the sign fund balance for juny Rios but that project is not like underway where we could use this money for that uhhuh so it was just kind of leftover balances that I had my staff kind of consolidated everything and identify how much money was left so we have the 12,24 is that what's left it's actually about $95,000 a portion of that was already committed so this agenda item is to roll over what was on an existing purchase order um SL program and then to reallocate this money to what the city manager um uh deems an appropriate per purpose of the money and as alluded to in the previous agenda item he is going to suggest using that to fund this cost of Range Road to be able to put more money back into the regular Paving program so just kind of switching the money around but we have to keep track of it all separately yep yep okay I just wanted to understand because reading through this obviously I wasn't on the council when all this took place and I just uh because it was on consent I couldn't get my questions answered that way so I wanted to do it this way so yes ma'am lot of information that's on the spreadsheet there it is it is and of course I want to make sure we're spending the our money wisely so okay I'm done thank you okay we need a motion to approve okay we got a motion on the floor by Council MCG chair second it because I got to approve your this item that you're inquired about yeah okay okay all in favor sing I I I eyes have it unanimously item number six councilman go um I think we we are well aware that U CH high school has a state championship game um Thursday video yeah um and they they have ask um so I also have attachment one of theills but I only did that to show um what the expenses is you Trel usually running the buses themselves $7500 8,000 you have pregame postgame uh also on top of everything else once they win we have over 20 30 $40,000 Marines so so my my goal is today is help them offset um a cost whatever that may be whatever we choose that to be um the buses are are already paid for um but that also would mean that they pulling from the money that they raised and so we're trying to pulls the same amount of money from the same people over and over and over again and so um you good evening Coco city council members and other esteemed dignitaries I apologize for not being present in person but I appreciate the opportunity to speak to you very briefly um from my phone I am actually at a school board meeting this evening supporting one of our teachers um I just wanted to take a moment first and foremost to thank the city of Coco for your unwavering support of Coco High School of our students our programs our teachers and um you know this evening the request to consider um helping to financially support our Varsity state championship B football team repeat loading um comes from a place of understanding that budgets are limited and there's a lot of different places that um money needs to be spent um my ask is simply that there are a lot of costs that go into helping support our extracurricular activities such as football um some of those costs can be quite extensive and the only means of us um earning funds for those programs is through ticket sales and um as well as through some fundraising and we have been certainly doing all of those things this year we have been very blessed with the support of booster club who has also been assisting us but um the cost of a state championship trip is quite extensive and so any consideration that you might be able to provide to us would be certainly very much appreciated great so if you don't know that that's principal steart I know pretty much everybody um so this is just an example of one of the bills for for um I asked him to send this to me yesterday just so that you can see a cost for the bus $700 7,000 7,800 bucks and so this also is not just football they have to get the TR leaders down there as well and the B and so it's not just football that's having to foot this bill and and so again this is not a program like in other parts of bavar County and VI and other places where parents are fluent enough to shoot off $1,500 $2,000 whatever it is um and and also then the area in Coco where everybody is every sport at CoCo is going after the same donors trying to rece re the same fund so even though you may have a team just say for example basketball might be three and 20 for the year they still pushing trying to receive that, or $1,500 and it's only so many times you go to Mike her okay and everybody is going to Mike irban every single week and so Mike irban is a is is a great great sponsor for Coco high school but uh I think everything has has a limit right and so I'm asking for us to to once again step up if if possible um to to assist wherever we feel is need um I don't know what that is so I'm coming to you guys for and a suggestion and they have been fundraising uh through GoFundMe and other means um but it is not again you raise $20,000 and get a $7,800 bill and so that funding did go to an item but they still have a lot of other things again once they win this game R run probably Le 20 30,000 so whatever we can do to help help anybody anybody had any thoughts on so would this come from uh are you talking like the $200 that we already did 200 a piece because you know I don't know what else we have I think probably more city manager question on that yeah the the again that that process is for not for-profits to come in and apply for that funding so I'm not sure you know BMT coaches is a is a city of Coco business and so you know maybe there's some discount that uh you know um that that perhaps they're willing to uh to uh consider um you know this would just be from Reserve or from contingency to contingency has to be replaced Rebecca no it does not need to be replaced but um city council needs to approve use of contingency and it would still be a donation and follow fall under the donation policy yeah funding source could be that yeah so you could fund it out of contingency whatever donation amount that you you chose um I think there is a good opportunity to ask uh uh BMT coaches to to be a good Community partner and and uh look at at uh the cost of their Charter so Council MC can I throw another excuse me another caveat into the formula please yes sir um I'm in favor um I collaborated with the city attorney um some of our business partners sir if we can establish a flyer and it's at the end of the year so we're they're looking for tax write offs sir um maybe we if that's in agreeance with both the City attorney and the city manager and his staff because you know it's a team effort so um I mean to me we should get us a number and then work toward that number and then whatever we receive from maybe if it's legal or not those that we do business with whatever that shortfall may be or it may even supersede that you get what I'm saying so so if we can do something of that nature or that magnitude you know reach out to our business partners so that one person is not being bombarded you know what I'm saying um I think that would be a good idea too as well it's up to you all um Mr City attorney and Mr city manager can y'all expound on that a little bit please if you can yeah I I'll rely on Anthony to keep me out of trouble on this one but but if if you guys sort of establish what you want to contribute I'm happy to go to for instance I'm happy to actually be take the lead on the BMT coaches and and try to get that uh that discount now they are businesses in the city and so you know I wouldn't ask anybody that does business with the city but but the only relationship we would have would be a BTR and whatever regulatory stuff there but but again I know of a couple of businesses that'll probably be happy to to assist hopefully they will be so so if you guys could actually say hey we're going to we're going to I don't know if you're trying to help them with the the entire 7800 or if you're going to establish yours at 2500 and then um again would be happy to approach um the folks that I know that uh have a relationship with BMT to about their charge here so yeah I I just in my opinion just knowing how much I know the cost last year and we know everything goes up if if we just replace or or attempt to replace what the 78 $7,800 will be because that's already a fixed cost that's the actual bill it's not going up or down as far as what we we know if we can replace that 7,800 um just make a good price point $8,000 and we leave it at that price point and and then work our way with with sponsors or whatever El case may be um I think that will to me just in my opinion smart okay let me like C manager stated let me hear from the legal side asquire gargan because yes we want to help but be mindful now you know we got children you got to love them all the same we have multiple schools here you know what I'm saying so one state CH yes sir but what's wrong with other schools primary and secondary schools that's all I'm saying we primary schools here in the city of Lio that's all I'm saying sir esquad garan from a legal perspective sir um on a couple of is issues just to remind you that you of course the city um is limited to expenditures that serve a municipal purpose so that first and foremost has to be a municipal purpose um you know and I know the city has been very generous with um the school um District over the years and I mean uh the stadium that they play in it was funded by the city of Coco so I mean the city of Coco has a community interest with respect to solicitation of funds I mean it's the their responsibility to fundraise it's not the city of Coco's responsibility to fund raise on behalf of the of any team or any or the school district but how however if they have um information or flyer right that they are bringing attention to their need financial needs for this important uh Championship um the city can certainly share that through its social media um vehicles and and share the that flyer with um you know the people that interact with the city to try to generate generate support but again it's not the city's responsibility to solicit funds for them that's the I mean I understand the importance of the to the community but that's just not the function of the city council Goa thank you sir okay uh you got it now we will proceed in this order councilwoman Coston councilman Hearns so I had a question for Miss Bowman you mentioned the policy on nonprofits on contributions yes ma'am um what what is that policy I'm sorry I didn't hear you you mentioned the policy that this needed to be um in adhere to the policy on on making nonprofit contributions correct what what is that what's the policy I'm just curious I'm not in the financial operations manual this op is adopted by city council there's about three pages of what the policy is um and it has stipulations like uh the organizations need to submit and go through the city clerk and submit the application 60 days prior to the event it needs to serve the public purpose as the City attorney just referred to um they need to provide docu certain documentation so there's a lot of stipulations in that donation policy okay thank you um I I want to go on the record though and say that we have waved we have waved the uh amount of days so um we we definitely have a policy but we have in the past I know since I've been here for certain situations we have as a council wave certain things absolutely absolutely and that's stand in solidarity with that councilman sir so uh when I first uh heard of this in um this inquiry here um I definitely thought long and hard on this situation here and uh one of the points that I kept thinking about as I've been traveling as a council member across the state um I can't tell you I have numerous people even I think me and councilman goens was together in Tallahasse people come up to us and one of the reasons that they knew of Coco is because of our football team and I know that we want to grow Coco we want people to move here and to be honest a lot of times schools are a selling point for people to move to an area rather than academics or Sports and uh I look at this as an opportunity to further brand Coco and and get the word out of of a good place to live uh here and uh those guys have worked hard all seasons I've attended multiple games and uh to the mayor's Point uh and uh gargan uh yes uh they need to raise money and I can witness that uh their uh not quarterback Club what are they called now booster club booster club they have been working hard trying to raise money um I've bought many dinners that they put on different things different and um I even volunteered uh starting the new year I want to start uh I'm going to put myself out there and try to help raise money um for the football team for the next year so I support this um I'm proud of those guys I've got to witness all the adversity they've been through this year and um I I support it for sure is that it sir yes sir okay being the president of the Florida of cities where there are over 411 municipalities you're absolutely correct uh correct uh councilman her and uh councilman GS and Deputy Mayor weeks and councilwoman cost uh people know about the great city of coko and how we're growing um they know our um economic challenges but we always persevere the football team is needless to say it's known because every time we play one of our opponents I reach out to that mayor of that City and politely remind them and we have someone from the school board sitting in the audience is that correct yes sir yes sir yes sir so so there is love for our school because biblically charity starts at where first home so we stand in solidarity now I'm going ask the question question one more time and then I'm going turn the floor over to you um councilman going esar gargan give me some verbage and also uh Mr city manager give me some give us some verbage so that we can move forward with this event that's all so we can you know address it so then I know councilman G is going to make his motion and somebody's going to Second it and then I would love to call the question so then we can proceed on to reports uh gentlemen either one of you all two would like to go first either city manager or City attorney whichever would like to go first just give me some verbage so we can make this decent and in order I mean that I'd break it down into I mean there was two issues of discussion one is direct funding whether or not the city council wants to um contribute uh to this cause and and you believe it serves a municipal purpose you know that's one aspect of of that your of your discussion and the other is you know to the extent that um you can help them distribute their fundraising efforts and making it known to various uh organizations in the community um that I I see that as part two to the um discussion now manager may see it different he's putting pad pen to pad and obviously um you know there's a budget issue here yes sir yeah and I and I would just piggy back in terms of the public purpose on the things that uh the council members have said that that there's a belief that in um in providing funding and getting the city of Coco's name out there it would ultimately uh a sort of a Economic Development return and maybe tourism return and certainly a branding uh uh return that may lead to uh further economic devel velopment may lead to um um additional um activity in terms of uh folks wanting to actually visit and or live in the city of coko uh somehow just tie that together with uh you know cuz again we should all be reminded that uh Brady Hart um yes sir is not live live in the city of Coco and so there there there are folks who actually will move um their kids to Coco to play for the Coco uh Coco football team which again um enhances the tax base so I'll string together something and and um run it by the uh City attorney and Mrs Bowman and and try to get you where you need to be okay super team so we don't have a meeting until I believe January correct and so uh m i I don't have a and maybe you can help me out with this I'm not sure if you can uh but she said she was going to be here so um I'm not sure of the date after state championship when they start ordering the Rings um I'm sure they probably didn't want to jinx they s and order them early um but but I guess my the issue is cuz we're in between we're in between on meetings let's let's let's do the bus 8,000 I time to discuss that yeah let's let's let's try to do the bus okay and then we go from there cuz can I say one other thing brother uh um Hardy right the quarterback yeah he's going to Texas ANM yeah can you say n it's true can you say over 2 some odd million dollars just for he to attend that school yeah and I'm airm believe you what you put in the well you draw from the well yeah like the previous uh our individuals Point well taken just just so let's lock Us in on this 8K sir if you don't mind and let them come back and and give us some numbers but they will know that we're in supported them that's all I'm saying that that that's all because I you know trust me they got bookkeepers and they and and and BPS has Financial directors just like the city will but I'm just saying I think a commitment from us to assist and Aid them will be sufficing okay if that's okay with you yes sir because you brought it for yes sir is that okay with counsel yes can we yes ma'am okay thank you uh we good on that uh councilman GES find out he a question about is it I'm find out right now okay go ahead hit her up okay so um we can proceed from there now we will go to reports okay we will go to reports as uh councilman go assertain that Triple G come on down here man I don't have to call your name but one time Triple G Mr eaglet man um um Greg and then uh good evening everybody uh just so you know uh uh the the the last uh Space Coast TPO meeting uh we were off playing some Milton Bradley games and so uh uh I am here to report on uh the uh uh Tac CAC meeting that was held yesterday uh we had a couple actions that came through uh mostly administrative election of annual officers uh the uh sepo policy positions that's very high level uh and then there were two uh uh trans uh Transportation Improvement program amendments uh neither affected Coco uh under presentations uh we had several presentations uh the first one was the draft 2050 long range Transportation plan or lrtp this is a 10-year plan uh to note if uh your project isn't in the lrtp you're not going anywhere meaning no money uh in the lrtp the draft uh there are uh six projects involving coko uh I'll go over them real quick but I believe the uh uh Public Works folks do have up on their website uh uh where you can actually go and tag every one of these projects uh but it's the 528 widening that'll start it industry over to the river and keep going uh of course the Coco uh inter modal station uh the Clear Lake uh uh Michigan to Industry Road widening State Road 524 widening industry to South Friday Fisk Road uh uh uh Rosa Jones to 520 it's a complete streets project and then Dixon Clear Lake to US1 is also the complete streets uh study uh the next uh uh presentation was on the 2035 Transit development plan that's Space Coast Area Transit this is a 10-year plan uh some of the things that they talked about uh were the proposed service changes is one of them now this is a 10-year plan uh one of them being the Intermodal Station to the port and Coco Beach Pier uh so that's you know anticipating that we get that that train station uh uh there under the capital needs uh was listed the new transfer station uh that's down at VAR uh and of course that has like no funding but at least it's on the road map uh the next steps for that uh TDP uh they'll be it will be addressed at the uh governing board meeting on Thursday and then uh in January it will goes to the barard County Board of Commissioners and the March deadline to get it to F uh uh the Florida Department of Transportation uh under the f. report uh again uh uh you can hit these on either the Coco website you can go to uh the F website uh they list project managers so if you have issues you can go tag them there but uh the fart report they reported out on the uh 520 Aurora to the ubit Humphrey Bridge uh that's the mill and resurface seems to be going along pretty well estimated completion date early 2025 520 uh to Aurora let's go the other way uh the Safety project uh estimated completion uh late 2024 well isn't that where we're at now uh uh so yeah they should be finishing that up but I don't get out that way very much uh of course the uh Clear Lake Road uh 520 to Michigan that Safety project uh that seems to be coming along really well uh I uh uh take Clear Lake quite often and uh it looks like now they're just down to a couple of the uh Corner uh concreting in because they're setting up the traffic control devices they've set the big new arms uh the one thing I did note but did not ask about yet was I noticed uh Clear Lake and Rosen teen slash I don't have it in my notes but I noticed the traffic control cameras were not up on those new arms yet so you know uh you don't no longer have the loop of wire in the road uh you've got the cameras up top there's a couple of different versions of cameras they're running in software they can narrow it down I was even told they can count pedestrians with them so uh uh and then uh last but not least uh there's a uh right on the the very North End of the city uh an intersection Improvement sidco Road at US1 that's a intersection Improvement and also be happen up in Spring of 2025 and that completes my report thank you very much okay next one okay next we have report from the city manager thank you madam Deputy Mayor um we have a number of reports tonight Abby I'm going to save you for last um so Chief lamb uh miss a singer um and then I have something and then Mrs uh Morgan will go last all right real quick I just wanted to recognize uh District Chief Robert Seer this week he was designated as Chief Fire officer through the center of Public Safety Excellence uh very hard designation to get but he went through the process and he got his confirmation just a couple weeks ago and then on top of that he graduated from the Emergency Services Leadership Institute which is uh several classes over the course of a year uh that he had to complete so he just finished his last class and graduated last week so we're very proud of his accomplishments let's give him a round of applause Chief lamb what about Chief Hennessy I was going to say that from December but I'll do it now this is do we I mean January but I'll I'll do it now when when's the award January 31st oh save [Laughter] it um okay so I just wanted to remind everybody we have our holiday boat parade this Friday at 6 o'clock and then in um we'll also have our tree lighting and holiday movie going on in Riverfront Park that same night and then Saturday we have our cocoa rockage holiday parade uh Le leaves from Rockledge High School goes through Coco Village and will um end right about Riverfront Park where we will have our Coco holiday festival um the festival runs from 11:00 to 3 in Riverfront Park and the parade starts at 10: a.m. I just wanted to remind everybody too on that holiday parade they have implemented a quiet zone of the parade so the first part of the parade um from rockage high school to buganvilia will be a what they consider a quiet zone so it won't be as loud so not horns blaring or any loud music um for anybody that might be sensitive to to loud sounds they could go to that area to watch the parade um so we are implementing that this year for the parade and then um a reminder of our annual economic development business Showcase Event we will be sending out invites um probably sometime next week to all of the council um and inviting our um the public as well we have um our business Showcase Event it's our annual event that we highlight our achievements in Economic Development um and we invite our local businesses to showcase at the event and um they sample products and sell their items so um we have a number of businesses who have already signed up I think we're at four or five different food vendors so far um and I think just about as many businesses that have signed up it is January 15th it's a Wednesday um at 4:30 and it should be on your calendars already um but if not I will make sure that is on there um and that's all I have and Mrs singer we're going to have at the at the economic development business showcase we'll have a brief presentation from from Bright line representative yes sorry um we are going to do a little presentation at the beginning of the event um so we'll have a short presentation from line that will talk about development around train stations and what that looks like and what the potential is for the Coco Community um so we're really looking forward to that presentation we'll have our um video that the mayor just recorded um for our highlights of Economic Development achievements in the city of Coco that we'll present to the public to the attendees as well um and then we will also have um and then we'll have everybody that can visit all the businesses that are in attendance okay and then also with regards to Bright line the the Grant application is due on Monday Monday and we we hopefully we'll turn that in on Friday uh bright line has requested and we'll bring back to the council uh in January that that uh we do the site plan for for the station there and so and so doing the site plan doing the environmentals um uh of course it it's in the city of Coco and so it's a city the city will uh be requested to advance fund those and and and hopefully uh with a successful Award of the grant we'll get 80% of those costs reimbursed uh from the grant there but you know I think it's I think it's a a real good sign that bright line has say has said let's go forward let's uh let's advise the uh the grant tours that we are uh going to do the site plan and we're going to do the environmentals there so feel really good about that yeah good news um and so Mrs Morgan is going to uh talk to you about the uh traffic calming devices remember you you guys gave us direction to do that on Blake Avenue but before you do that uh Abby uh can you give the council and the and the public an update on when the roads are going to open back up uh on the Fisk and Broadmore Acres project yeah yes so through traffic uh uh uh will be open for through traffic by the end of next week yay I had somebody call ma'am you remember the Beverly HB billies are you remember granny used to say speak in my good ear ma'am I I didn't have my good ear to would you said that just one more time no disrespect ma'am uh the roads will be open by the end of next week thank you Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas okay all right so uh wanted to kind of describe some of these uh traffic calming devices we're going to start with uh raised crosswalks a raised crosswalk is a raised flat area where pedestrians can cross the road it spans the uh it runs the span of the road up to 10 ft in length tapers off to the roadway pavement and has a height of anywhere between 3 and 3 and2 in a speed hump is a rounded raised area of payment typically 12 feet in length they are often placed in Series 300 to 600 ft apart across all Lanes of traffic and have a height of 3 in uh a speed cushion is a modified speed hump with an unraised path for TR for fire trucks through the hump um so uh staff uh recommends a raised crosswalk at the amle Charter Academy crosswalk and three speed cushions at the other locations um to meet the distance Criterion uh we recommend one south of Barbara Jenkins and north of the church South one south of Bernard Street and um south of 9th Street um if you look at the illustration there it shows the fire engine traveling the roadway avoiding the cushion so so just just to make sure I got it right so approximately by the real Church what what is that's a speed cushion speed cushion um just uh what would that be south of Bernard on Blake yes there then raised crosswalk in front of the school and then speed cushion um uh south of the school yeah south of night stre okay yeah see the little notes on the on the side the boxes on the side the call out boxes thank you ma'am we Church guys it now I got you yeah yes and then and it's so that all of that is a total cost of $122,000 and we'll take that out of the police department budget yes yeah certainly we'll figure out the funding for that but again just wanted to to uh advise you all of that so we we can get to work on that as soon as as possible yes sir so just so when I get a phone calls about Stone Street so Stone Street is not is not recommended correct okay so here we have the proposed Stone Street LED solar stop sign locations they are at mango uh Blake we have two and uh one at Wilson so we'll be installing five LED solar stop signs at those locations and then that's it for us right yes thank you [Applause] okay and so uh Madam Deputy Mayor the last thing for us is um and this is uh obviously credit to the council Mrs Bowman Mr W um uh Mrs Anis there our our two uh 2016 Capital Improvement refunding revenue bonds for the uh for the water utility uh the bond rating was raised from an A+ to uh a double A minus and so Bond ratings are AA a is the highest and then you get into the Double A's there and so this is the only time that a that a minus is better than a plus because you threw me on that how's that better because our double our double A minus is above a A+ so so again it goes Triple A Double A and then single a there and so again credit to um you know uh uh Deputy Mayor talked about you know uh the fiduciary responsibility of the council and of staff there and this is a a great indication of that by uh having our again Bond rating raised from again d uh single a uh A+ to uh double A minus does that save us money uh ultimately it could yeah to help get lower interest rates and it attracts more companies towards us when we do Bond yeah so make sure that we're reminded of that time when it's budgeting time sir so that um we do not um you know fall on death ears please once again please thank you and thank you Esquire Gan potentially speaking and that's it for us U Mr city manager can I ask you a question yes sir I know we were doing our food drive is it too early yet when we will when is the deadline date for the food drive um yeah so we um are deadline was on we set it for last Friday but we do not deliver until next Tuesday so we potentially could still accept donations okay okay okay and I'm asking that for a reason because of um I know two events at Walmart um with both the fire and the police and then the police also did a fun uh toy drive to as well so I mean we're all working together on the same team correct amen yes okay because I'm a firm believer in that there's power in numbers and we all on the same team we can agree to disagree but it's okay Mr Mayor after we win this year this will be third or fourth year in a row third third is that like the K football team be fourth is that like football team a tri peat so and again I don't know if Deputy Mayor weeks is familiar we have a competition each year between the city of coko and the City of Rock LGE to see who can raise the most uh food for the for the homeless there and we we've won it the last two or three years in a row hopefully this is our fourth year in a row awesome that's good uh and one other comment from your Miss city manager last night we were at an event sir could you expound on the event from last night because I know there were others our council members had pre um um pre-bookings so um I'm asking maybe you can talk about that yeah so so every December um I don't know how you guys pull this off but every December the league of cities meeting uh happens in the city of Coco and so last night was that meeting um and my continue here that's the most number of door prizes I think we've given out there so it was 26 26 or 27 door prizes all donated by um by um um Coco businesses one by a private citizen and so last night we had that it was a great event um Gil Ramirez um presented sort of the future of Transportation um you know you noted earlier that uh shenita Joiner was um was a former city employee shenita was also a former County employee and Gilmer Ramirez was also a former County engineer and so so he did a great job it's very very fasc it's fascinating what the technology will be in the future there and then uh TPO administrator georgana uh Gillette also presented uh on the station and on things to to come with regards to uh the space coast and and just our transportation improvements improvements of the network and and so those sort of things and so uh great night uh food was good um um and and everybody seemed to enjoy themselves yes sir yes sir and I I know I know council members had uh pre obligations and I understand perfectly um but you miss out on some great food man great food it's seems like everyone wanted a uh a gift except the city of coko who sponsored it but it was all good in the neighborhood yes sir alrighty um go ahead ma'am City attorney no no no report no report okay okay now to you sir thank you kindly Deputy Mayor weeks councilman um Hearn are we odds or EV sir refresh odds odds today odds today so it's one and three which would like to go first number one District number one or District number three number one may go can you yeah okay it's quick did you s yours to beach I've sent it to Mitch um so this is a coha graduate um he's now a junior at um it's crazy came Junior so fast at Florida University he was the Homecoming University just so happen I'm just watching the game at the Florida classic and guess who walks by um so I try to with my Android that's why it look so bad um but yeah it it was good to see again we had two players from the area one with the rock one with the Coco that was playing in the game another Coco citizen is in the homecoming court so it was you know another cheerleader cman she was Coco graduate as well so it was good to see so many people that from the Coco area um this was at um the Sharing Center for Thanksgiving my year there it's always a good time this year they actually put seasoning in the food and it was really really good um but they don't do sweet potato pie do pumpkin pie I don't know why they do just a good time all around just to serve serve Community this was a lot of the uh this was a young man he is 10 years old um that's Vinnie's son Vinnie is to the right he ran for County Commission um but he's a good dude all over commun it was just people that just came together who not from Coco they from all over County they just come together to serve commun for Thanksgiving this was um the event for talk to me Tuesday was that Family Promise just a photo of community thank you for sta for coming um and and giving information really really good information a lot of people have some good questions um we we had some disagreements on some things which is always good as well um because it was good to have so many different people with different perspectives um and so thank you for the councel who came and staff for being there as well and the citizens that's all I well I you said one and three so I'm next right yes ma'am um I didn't send anything since I was the only one last time who did when everybody else didn't but I did want I did want to say um that uh the event last night was was awesome and uh Georgiana was at our table and she told us that uh the 524 widening project the design is fully funded so they were going to start the design Pro part of it so I was thrilled with that obviously and then um she also said I know it's not in the city of Coco but Ellis Road is fully funded they're they've got all the money to finally do Ellis Road down there uh it's taking two years worth of TPO money to do it but they but they are doing it so that was that was good information and um I think coko you know showed well last night for that and thank you to the staff you did an awesome job decorating um and it was it was a great event so thank you I'm sorry I'm going to miss the parade on Saturday I'm having little surgery on Friday and I'll be out of commission for a couple of weeks so bless thank you thank you can I can I just remind um Council uh deputy mayor weeks on the 524 widening uh again that is a another city of Coco initiative because the council committed um transportation impact fees for that and so it's a combination of Transportation impact fees from the city of Coco and um a commitment from TPO for the remainder that actually funded or is funding the design there so so we can we can attribute that directly to the actions of this Council so we're moving up Jacob's laders so when our event takes place for the widening of 524 uh just one word hallelujah that's all I'm going say are are they going to do anything with the uh all those trucks for uh Walmart the Walmart Distribution Center um you know they've got all the signs up no parking no par the trucks are all over the place out there now they built that huge facility fa why do they not have a place where those trucks can park on that property instead of all over the roads I'm just curious are those Walmart trucks or is this just uh private public the trucks that's going to Walmart they're going to the Walmart yeah they stage on the side of the road they're on the on ramps off ramps all over the place that's terrible yep and I don't know why they can't park on Walmart property they should be able to park out there but they don't even let them park on the road out you know when you turn off a 524 headed that huge long road is there and no trucks are allowed to park there correct only can she she's saying park on the Walmart property they need to park oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you don't have any jurisdiction over that yeah so anyway that I it's one of those questions people ask me so well tell Walmart to buy more land purchase more land that's Economic Development thank you I'm done yes ma'am um Council mcor your like I I apologize so uh I'm sorry mayor yeah go ahead man M Miss Morgan I just I had a question um and I know this is not our contract um and I I talked to the city manager about it the 52 for um from Walmart all the way down was when they're cutting the grass they're not picking up traps before they cut it and there it is trash all over the rideways but I do know that's that's their baby but is a lot of citizens don't know that they just drive through Coco and they they don't know about pockets of different you know ownership so is there any way we can let them know hey you know tell your contractor to do this to clean up or whatever I don't know Abby do you know if that's if that's a State Contractor is the county doing that for the state so we have a uh a memorandum of uh of understanding with fdot so we maintain that area but we have a contractor that goes out and performs that the mowing of that area and they will send photos of their staff picking up trash and mo before and after they mow and so that trash that they that people see um we we we believe is from the waste management trucks that are okay going to the dump that fly off the the the trucks and litter the the roadway okay either way it's still us so we'll we'll make some calls Abby we so we our contractor maintains the the entirety of 524 or there are sections it's it's a particular mileage up to I believe the uh the industry Road okay uh interchange okay so we we'll reach out to waste to waste management thank you uh the the the next thing I have was for utilities um I know you I woke you up I woke you up I know I got it um Stone Street in Washington Street there was a a utility fix um it's a right in the middle of the road where the diamond is for Diamond Square um there was utility fixed it been it been months since it it got fixed but they filled Rock up to the road but not a rock is all over the place so they just didn't come back and rep patch it yeah and so I would just wondering maybe you can look into that absolutely thank you is is that yes sir yes sir I'm done you promise I promise I'm done okay for now okay who's next there counc okay so since he was asking staff questions I was going to um ask Miss Morgan about the area on that is north of Dixon on Indian River Drive that Swale or trench or whatever you want to call it so I got several calls today that people saw activity over there and I was just wondering what you have planned um I sent our plan to the city manager this afternoon uh after I received your email uh so I said that upon his approval of our plan but I mean what what she's doing is remember we have the complaints about the uh the residents that are on the north side of the ditch and so she's going to regrade the Southside slope back to the original grade prior to us doing anything there and so so that should address the uh the the issue of flooding of that home there okay thank you um my report is brief um I was also glad to hear about Ellis Road because uh 524 we'll get on we'll we'll be pushed up as soon as that thing's done and we knew that we weren't going to get any traction until it was done so I was glad to see that they've got that fully funded um I'm looking forward to Friday because um we will have the um um Orchid Lakes grand opening quite a Christmas present um I'm looking forward to seeing the facility and and um other than that last week uh we were at the Florida Le of City I'm sure the mayor will have more on this I say the um the utilities and natural resources committee which is the one that I sit on uh made their priority made one of the priorities the utility Enterprise fund transfers and restrictions we've talked about that before that that's under threat and with this legislature because the um folks that were really kind of protecting us there have moved on so um we're going to wait and see what happens there and I'm sure the mayor will report on other priorities I have to say that um as excellent conference as always um the big I think the the big idea I came away with is that uh Florida is at the epicenter of of politics right now and that um there going to be a lot of surprises because a lot of the um St state level folks are being picked up by the feds and um you know the people that do this fulltime do the legislative um relationships and lobbying um they're really just saying that that you we just have to be prepare be prepared for surprises so uh that's all I have Merry Christmas to everybody and thank you to staff for last night hey District Two the diamond and the rough of Coco all right so uh as far as my reports see what we got first um as Council woman call state of conference was very uh very uh needed learned a lot um in the few workshops that I attended um one of the biggest things they T we had went to one session where they spoke of the 2025 Senate priorities um and one of the things that I thought pertain to the city of Coco is one of the priorities is water uh she stated that they're going to be looking more into Data driven outcome based approach uh to protecting our water supply and removing excessive nutrients from septic tanks and other sources which means there is a eye um from the state level on these issues that you know we've been navigating through um so a lot of great information a lot of D data driven information that was given to us um there's our mayor he didn't already have this photo up for his reports but uh I captured this mayor did a great job um C great job representing us on a state level um definitely felt the sense of Pride to see him up there of course everybody know who who he is and because of that uh more people know of the city of Coco so I'm appreciative of that um uh this is uh one of the youth track teams that we have here in the city of Coco uh we actually awarded the coach uh was it a key to the city or just a Rec it was recognition recognition we recognize her uh this is one of the teams she have the youth teams uh they're going to be doing a indoor track uh track meet and uh at Gainesville at UF my school um that's coming up they're raising money so they're having a car wash right across the street from the mayor's home so I know he loves to hear the kids outside I'm sure we'll hit his pockets up as well so so uh if you can come out and support this car wash fundraiser uh it's going to be on December 21st 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. um great initiative that's my son right there up front and councilman going son as well so this is after the the aftermath that's what I want to use that's the word aftermath of a great win by our Coco tigers against uh Cardinal Mooney uh last Friday it was that was a great game to see our guys went out there and and um uh oh it got cold I did not expect that temperature to drop like that I had a jacket on but it did nothing U but those guys played through with heart they represented us well super proud of them and uh before that game they had the national Signing Day uh at KOCO High School yeah and this is just a few of our guys that signed on that day uh we had five on but we're going to have more signes I'm sure uh at the next signing event uh we have one guy that committed to Missouri uh it's one of the top rated defensive players in the state one guy is going to UCF offensive lineman uh you see our quarterback there Brady uh he actually committed to Texas A&M and we had another guy going to FSU and one is going to FAU so uh that's just a few of the is there's more to come more announcements to come so these are guys is getting full full scholarships getting a great education from Great Schools and hopefully they're going to come back to the city of Coco and bring um all that intelligence back and uh so that's another reason why we invest in our kids at Koko High because of reasons like this these kids are going to schools out of state that's going to put us on the map on a national level and that's all I have from District Two all right the hidden Jewel as you say is that it sir fantastic well first of all to all the council members City staff City attorney city manager I thank you for your commitment and dedication of what's going on um um thank you all for attending legislative conference um I I I know you're the Newbie on the Block uh Deputy Mayor weeks but there's still room at the top for you ma'am I would love for you to get involved on maybe one of the boards because councilwoman cost is on one board and and councilman um Hearn is on another board and I think there's power and numbers and and and just for the record there has been a new number we have new excuse me there are nine new state senators in the State of Florida there's a complete change from as councilwoman cuss alluded to earlier so a lot of the ideas will change ranging from insurance ranging from soling immunity ranging from um General funds on how we transfer funds from our they're trying to lock that down so we must be in the loop I'm happy to say that um I would like to maybe invite um House Representatives uh tyy to one of our council meeting prior to legislative day so we can get the 411 because we're going to need he and also Al Senator rights support and also I think now Senator Mayfield she won the house of reps but she originally started from the the the the Senate side went to the house side and with the departure of Senator Randy fine I think that slot has come available and for and right so it's imperative we stay in tune all right here we are uh top teens at uh councilman G Church myself my nephew one of my former students that's a mother Miss Ashley um and her daughter they were inducted into the top teens um event I think the president is councilman GES your mother is the president I definitely uh excuse me councilman Hearn you're right you got me brother this is the tour drive that we experienced uh last week last Friday at the Walmart uh officer tab uh um my man uh Ral Peron and yours truly Gabe we were out front collecting um uh toys for uh the police department in the previous no within that same week that was done on a Friday on Wednesday we had the fire department doing uh Thanksgiving turkeys as well they actively supported that event as well we fed the people so clearly we have the support of the community it was fundraising gifts and also food for the citizens of Coco um right here we were at uh Palm Beach County where I went and spoke to their league and this is um the city that uh Palm Beach itself and Wellington combined where we had the opport Unity to speak and bton Beach that's bton Beach as well the mayor and City staff and council members um here we are again U we were located at a fine facility in bton beach and some of the city clerks as well myself our Richard Radcliffe um M Sheila dun Hue and myself at this event Orlando and the mayor for our no Palm Beach County was there miss Chelsea in the white to our left um Mrs Chelsea Reed is the uh president of the Palm Beach County and that is the mayor for Palm Beach County um these are the people from pooki Florida and yes sir in South Bay and and also West Palm Beach uh this is the group right here we were at the realtor's office right there and that's Mrs Radcliff M Dana blickley and Mrs uh Sue cutter right s s off what did I say rad Cliff I'm sorry s off thank you sir she was a recipient Rachel was a recipient last night it was funny because uh President Kennedy I think uh was kind of reserved on giving out the gifts last night uh this is one of our comical moments here as you can see myself and my our our Rowdy Friends um as you can see uh a lot of power heers here from the real estate all also supervisor of election uh Tim banck uh he recently won his election against former commissioner John toaya and Senator Wright and is it David and who else um Miss yeah the one on the right is David he's the uh uh rpac trustee for our area and that's Rusty Mel in the middle he's going to be the president of Space Coast next year now Deputy Mayor weeks did you hold a position Once Upon a Time yeah I was president of the association in 2021 ding ding ding ding ding so girl you H CAU and last year I was District vice president see there H there we go again that Senator writing ourselves I know it's not proper English but hey man I'm a firm believer in that um one other thing I want to say knowledge is power and as we move into the new year uh Mr city manager and staff I'm asking that we become uh re-educate Waste Management I know we got a magnet I know they sent out literature and Mrs singer but I would also just because of the new year I think a lot of people are now being concerned about how some of the rules have changed so I would like to have a sit down with Waste Management so we can be brought up to speed again as we prepare for the New Year please ma'am please sir and on that note I would like to say Tiger Pride TIG Pride Tiger Pride and also good luck to the men and women of our our football team and ball girls and cheerleaders and our esteem leader um Mrs Denise Stewart Mary Christmas happy Hanukkah happy kuanza felish na'vi do happy and happy New Year please be safe God loves you and so do I and there's nothing you can do about sh a motion to a Jour move to a Jour we got a motion on the floor by Deputy Mayor weeks and a second by our councilman her just going we call the question all the favorite saying I go in peace Tiger Pride big blue