##VIDEO ID:hieJjLodX40## Allegiance bar our very own fire department the finest in this land east of the great Mississippi River pleas stand 2416 and everyone else would everyone please stand and secure your cell phones and P Ms and Serv byow your head father God thank you for allowing us to be another day thank you for another day of life health and strength Lord thank you for allowing us to be in this meeting as we uh make the sound decision for the citizens of a Coco be with us as we um carry out this meeting and guide us in all all of our thoughts and decisions in Jesus name we pray Amen to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for thank you very much make us proud all okay proceeding on to item number four roll call Mayor Blake pres ma'am Deputy Mayor Hearn pres council member Goins pres council member cost here council member weeks here City attorney gar here and city manager Whit here thank you yes before we even get started thank you very much Madam clerk Arsenal just want to send our prayers and blessings to the Gulf side of the great state of Florida as they Embrace or endure this storm we ask that it through it really dissipates out there in the Gulf but anything else we just ask you know mercy and blessings to the people that will be impact and we ask it in your sweet son name Jesus amen amen amen okay proceeding on to item number 2-1 regular meeting of September the 24 2024 chair would like to amend the agenda to reflect to add a lead and corporate presentation under Awards and presentations to add City business item number one approving a collective bargaining agreement with the international ass Association of firefighters City business item number two approving a three-year contract with the coastal Florida police benevolent Association it will be under the city business item number three approving a three-year contract with Luna and City businesses under City business item item number four adopting resolution number 2024 d0 95 declaring a state of emergency or tropical storm Al okay so I'm asking I'm looking for a second second we got a second on the floor by council member weeks discussion okay what is your discussion ma'am well I wanted to make an amendment I wanted to move item 5B to City business as well 5B is on the insurance are you trying it's actually it's actually under five-10 take it off the consent agenda put it on City business to wave approval waving the competitive uh no this is on the United Healthcare Medicare advance manage plan I have questions around the trajectory of those expenses okay so okay what is your request so it would be number five under City business number five under City business this which is eight so it' be 8-5 okay please thank you sir I need Okay g pass it down okay um chair will amend this motion to reflect that will you amend your motion to reflect that a thank you councilwoman weed ma'am oh yes I'm sorry being handed docent um yes I move uh to amend my motion to okay no that's okay I I'm amending my motion to move the agenda item 5B to five of City business is that correct yeah yeah okay to 8-5 to 8-5 okay number is1 okay 51 okay y'all get me now 510 B okay yeah yeah yeah we know what you mean and I'll make the adjustments on agenda CH going call the question all in favor saying I I I eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to minutes 2-2 minutes regular meeting July 23rd 2024 what are the wishes what to approve that motion on the floor by councilman G second second by cost councilwoman cost sure CH going to call the question all in favor with saying I I eyes have it unanimously okay proceeding on to Awards and presentations okay we amended to lead or Le lead and corporate presentation under Awards and presentation when we bringing that to City business item number one I just want to make sure I'm squared away all righty okay words we have nothing under Awards and presentation Mr Mayor you want me to go over the the attachments yes sir so Mr Wash is doing a presentation under Awards and presentation uh lead and copper so that was the that's the first walk-on item then you should have what's been passed down to you um I forget the order but but in the left corner it should be 24- 576 which is the three-year contract with Luna okay say that which one so that's 24- 576 oh found it okay thank you I can the order what's the what's the order to the order is the order is 24562 which is I okay and then 24569 is PBA and then 2457 76 is Lona so so again that's that's 24- 562 which is uh I International Association of firefighters 24- 569 is uh Coastal Florida police benevolent Association and then 24- 576 is the uh Luna yes that's correct and so and so we've had five Walk-Ons Mr Wash under Awards and presentations uh the three items that I just mentioned and then the emergency uh resolution for the storm and that will also be under City business yes sir okay all right so is is there supposed to be something here for the presentation or is that just PowerPoint I'm sorry what there isn't a hand out here for the president that was a we didn't hand it out tonight that was a PowerPoint I thought you had previously gotten that it was email yeah it's available after the after I present Abigail emailed it this morning yeah okay okay yes we all on one Accord yep all right let's move forward okay okay Mr Walsh the floor is yours sir thank you sir yes so uh I'm doing the presentation because because we've had some uh significant changes in Rule and law in the State of Florida lead and copper this is the revised rule there was an existing rule that required us to do some intermittent testing of our water system which we've been compliant with for many many years this revised rule uh kind of changes the game a bit so the agenda I've got about 15 slides I'm going to try to go through it fairly quickly this is very high level I'm not getting into all of the testing details which you're probably aren't really interested in but just to know that there are significant changes that are occurring that we will uh we understand that we've been researching the policy was adopted I think in 20121 effective October one of this year we've spent since 2021 getting ready for this coming week uh there's been a lot to do so we'll go over what the lead and copper rule revisions are on a high level kind of go through the those key aspects one by one uh we will um uh there's an example of an informational flyer that that's available uh and actually I think I have an informational flyer I can handle out here uh uh during or after um there is actually a lead and coer improved rule LC which makes it even more confusing because we've barely adopted the LCR R and they're already proposing to make some changes those changes are significant again I have one slide I don't want to confuse you all but we'll go through those really quick just to let you know what because some things will be delayed and some things some requirements will increase so it'll be even harder to be be compliant uh I'll go over customer and utility impacts in general uh some influence or or some issues related to policy because of how we might pay for things in the future just it doesn't have to be decided tonight it's just for thinking about for the future uh and then we can open up for questions during or at the end so leten coer rule as I stated uh was adopted in uh December of 21 so what it requires first off is a com uh basically a service line inventory for all public and private so what that essentially means is everything from the main to the meter we need to we need to inventory what that material is and we also need to know what the material is on the other side of the meter to the building whether it's commercial or private doesn't matter and just for perspective sake we have 93,000 connections plus or minus in our system as of this month so we have a lot we have a lot to deal with uh we have to have a replacement plan if we would have a problem meaning we test our system for lead and copper if we would have a systemwide exceedance that exceeded one of the thresholds then we would have to start Replacements at a percentage basis that could be significant dollars for the utility as well as impacts to the customer uh the compliance sampling criteria there's are numerous ones I won't even begin to go into them other than know that the lab has a lot more homework to do uh on a quarterly and annual uh basis I'll go through a couple of the important ones the schools and daycares are required to be tested now directly um and so we'll touch on that a little bit and we're required to notify send out mailings to everybody in the system if their system is either lead or a galvanized required replacement which is essentially they're treating it as the same as lead or an unknown so any three of those categories I have to send a people the owner or the the actual property address has to get a letter that's a lot and there are a lot of unknowns in our system right now because obviously we don't know we don't have that kind of detail with respect to the service lines so just kind of reviewing quickly the compliance uh criteria is the inventory which needs to be published here in October it's actually between anytime between now and and October 16th is our deadline okay so just so you know we have the database ready we actually are Q seeing it a little bit we're finding some addresses and things that are just not right from the navaline database that we have we have to make some corrections but we're essentially ready to go we have a PO that we're trying to get ready for the printer and also a postage uh to get all that happening before the 16 um we are we are actually collecting and have been for a number of months uh internally been collecting data on our service line system when we have to go out to the meter anyway so it's part of our work orders which when people have a leak at the meter or even just a meter set if we're going out there to touch the meter we're looking at the at each uh upside connection and we have a drop- down menu and a digital uh way to collect that data from the folks in the field and we've been Gathering that I think we got about 9,000 identified just over the last whatever number of months that we're out there probably last six months that we've been doing that so kind of getting two two uh two for the price of one we're already out there doing other work so we touched the meter and and gather that information uh we're required to to have a a letter to go out to all the customers again if if they have lead and right now we have no lead in our system that we know of but or galvanized requiring replacement or unknown they get a letter and right now we're somewhere around 65,000 letters that need to go out so we know about 30 so thousand we know what it is or is excluded because of its age meaning um we stopped using lead by law in 1988 we used 1989 and later if the house was built after that we know that we weren't using those materials so we were able to call that information out of the database plus what we've been been physically inventorying so that still leaves us with about 65,000 or so unnown uh we have a web page that we're getting ready to launch it's ready it's just kind of in a holding pattern so when we're ready to to publish the database uh the web page will have information about lead and copper uh frequently ask questions those kinds of links and things uh those will be there and then uh there'll also be a link I think that gets you to the database people can look up by their address or by a map and go on there and say hey what what what's that my address if they don't want to wait for the letter there is a self-reporting survey that we've also developed uh it'll be on the website as well so if a customer and some people are kind of motivated some people aren't but if they're interested enough to put a spade in the ground and look at their service line on their side of the meter and take a picture of it and send it to us we'll enter it into the database we'll do a QC on it if we have any questions we'll follow up with the customer if not we'll uh adopt what they've submitted us and then add that to our database so there's a way for citizens to be able to help us uh get that number back down uh you know get as many of the unknowns known in our system uh the last item is there's a requirement to test uh schools uh all schools within five years so essentially 25 20% of all schools every year and so we've already kind of started that process uh I believe we coordinated with Bard County and a number of the other school districts just to look at certainly the upstream and the downstream side uh of every School System since there's essentially a Master Meter at almost every one of those locations so those are fairly easy to identify uh so we're working with them currently so these are kind of the key aspects if you will for compliance is about identifying uh the inventory both the public and the private side those are just little excerpts um they're very similar one's the internal one that we're using one of them happens to be the one that we'll post on the website for the citizens but it gives you a place for an address it gives you uh you can't really see it real well there um but if you look in the on the left in the center column in the middle under the green bar there's the copper and the lead and it kind of gives you in color when you go on the website you'll be able to see what those things look like uh it'll also be on one of the Flyers and on some of the information on the website so uh again if people have don't really know but they take a picture then we can also identify if we're not sure we'll go out there and we'll physically check it uh I think I gave you the current stats so actually we're down to 58,000 last week or week and a half ago we were at 65 so 58,000 unknowns and falling every day we're going to lock in the database probably I think we've already done that and when we publish anything that we We Gather over the next few weeks we kind of hold and then we'll update uh once we get published so we don't create any confusion we did identify 29 galvaniz replacement required what that means is is if you have a galvanized line and we can't prove that there was always either another galvanized line next to it or never LED then it falls into a required replacement so if I don't have the history on what was essentially installed at the time then it automatically falls into a grr which requires replacement but is that because it could be part Le yeah well what they're saying is if it was previous like say for instance because we have over many many years if we encounter Le we take take it out so if we took out a lead service line from the main to the meter but this we didn't touch the customer side and there stayed galvanized then they're saying that there is still a possibility of contamination because of dissimilar materials and they're they're classifying that as requires replacement so it's that's what the law that's what the rule says don't go ahead sir what's the economic impact on this I mean is it is that I already know the answer but just like an attorney I would say it would be really hard to classify and the reason why is think about a basic service line in a neighborhood where all you have between the main which is not under the road and your front meter might be just piece of grass couple feet of digging come up dig that out not a whole lot little sod replacement in your set right if that main is under the road and it's under a County Road or a DOT road now we just jump to a minimum $10,000 patch a 50x50 replacement of asphalt and compaction andot and so on and so every one of these and think about businesses that have no RightWay between the front of their business the sidewalk and where the main is under the main road in front of the business serving like us one Courtney Parkway you know any of the main roads so very challenging this is from the state it's it's actually Federal oh this is came from the federal yeah it's Federal but implemented through D through the state yeah so EPA yes so could be significant and so that's why the first step is really to identify our unknowns and turn them into known so we can understand and then begin to assess you know and uh gather up you know clusters of of of Replacements that are going to be required uh and then see what those costs potentially could be because every site's going to be unique and the costs are going to vary from very little to extremely expensive I just want funding from the RAS this talked about developing the inventory already um we got to notify the customers I just kind of there's like a little letter there that we've already created it's a form letter so it would go out to each address um for the on that or grr it would be a separate letter that would State grr this one happens to state that it's unknown we have those already prepared they're ready to go so the next items are uh compliance sample at customer tap first round is due in January uh so we're required to take samples not at the meter but on the customer side um we have a replacement plan that's due by the 16th of October that's the date you know to publish our inventory as well um and there's a trigger a level that if we exceed in the system testing a certain level of lead which we never have done by the way so we've never had a problem uh but if we were to exceed it it would trigger from the replacement plan they'd say Okay pull out our replace plan here's what here's how we're going to attack this so we have that plan ready to go um and then we talked about the 20% on the schools already okay so those are kind of the key aspects there's a lot more to it this is an informational flyer that'll be available to council uh as well as to customers uh that'll kind of explain you know where the responsibility relies between the customer side and the Utility side which is up in the upper right hand corner where you can see the house and you can see the meter you can see the the uh utility in the dark in the navy blue um that's kind of demarcation talks about sources of lead and on the back of it it has lots of frequently asked questions um so what is lead and you know etc etc so it's just a good informational thing and uh we'll give that to you to um to carry with you as well in case you're asked questions so just to kind of zoom in a little bit about that was the kind of the materials that'll be available to the customers if they try to self for Port there'll be some good there so they can kind of compare uh lead can get can look like galvaniz when it's dirty and in the ground a long time uh but lead has no iron in it so if you put a magnet to it it won't stick to it if you put a magnet on galvanized it will so there's ways to uh determine those very quickly and easily and that's just a blow up from from the uh flyer just so you can see it a little clearer so again the the connector the water main and the system owned service line is is the city Side uh and then the customer own you know essentially either from the meter or if there's a curb stop uh goes to the house I'm just going to talk on this one briefly this isn't in effect yet but they are proposing that it go into effect almost immediately upon the start of the LCR it would delay the identification uh or the um um oh I guess I'll start with the first one which is identify all the unknowns within 10 years so within 2037 we would have to have all and they put the deadline on it so that's the first thing currently doesn't have a deadline but it has to do with the function of your percent replacement if I have a lot of unknowns and I get into a situation where I'm required to to replace a percentage then I'm placing I'm going to have to replace a percentage of all of what I have inventoried or not inventor so if I can get that number smaller then my percent replacement and the cost goes way way down so that's that's the the incentive to identify the unknowns as quickly as possible but if the LCI is prolongated it goes forward then we have a hard deadline so if we can get those identified in the next three years it even helps us in different ways as well so that would be our our goal um the actual replacement line um the plan is actually not due for another couple years if they adopt the I even though we have the plan ready and we'll keep that ready and keep it updated if it so it just creates a delay it requires the goose necks to be um to be inventoried so I think I might go back if you can see that the goose neck where it says water man and you have that little 90 degree Bend between the word water man and connector yes that's how they used to connect things they used to actually do a what they called a gooseneck a lot of times those were made out of lead for the really really early stuff we basically they're saying that under the LCI that I have to dig all the way back to the main to determine what that connection is what it's made out of so think about digging up all the streets yes yeah it's really scary um again the school Child Care sampling the requirements would be delayed um and also the compliance um tap sampling would also be delayed uh the Action level goes to 10 milligrams per liter instead of 15 so it even makes it more strict it's 15 parts per billion it would go to 10 parts per billion and again we've never exceed needed it so I think we're in pretty good shape so customer impacts this is not all inclusive it's just the ones I could think of you know off the top of my head but uh if the letter galvaniz required replacement lines are found it's customer's responsibility to replace their service line from their meter to their house or opt not to replace it so right now it puts the onus on the customer they can choose not to replace it but what that does to us is every year we still have to send them a letter saying that they are non-compliant and that they have a lead or a galvanized line that needs to be replaced so it costs us money the customer uh must be notified and he also must be notified um um annually so again whether they're doing The Replacements or whether they didn't do anything we still have to we still have to notify them if the homeowner replaces the lead service line on their side if we had galvanized on our side or if we had lead we would replace it of course but they basically want you to replace both sides which we would of course do anyway so the D is really looking for both sides to be replaced so it's so it's good all the way it's been our policy for years uh to replace galvanized and or lead and I can't even remember last thing I think we I remember finding was a lead fitting not a not a line or a surface line but a fitting which is uh a lead solder that was used on the elevated tank when we did the the years ago about five years ago we did some work and we added a hydron over there there was an old fitting that went off to the 24-in transmission man that runs right there on Peach Tree right on the property and we pulled that whole thing out we did a change order and we got that out that's the last I mean I've been here 15 years that's the last thing I remember uh they they went after the lead probably 10 years before I even got here 15 years ago and took out a lot of galvanized at Coco Beach and any lead that they encountered it was years ago there was a lot of backyard easements and um you know where Mains were running in people's backyards instead out in the streets and they got rid of that got all the stuff where it should be and so we're not finding a lot so I said with like 9,000 that we've done in house we've discovered 29 so a pretty small ratio relative so if we kept that same if it was linear and we said hey we did all 60,000 or 58,000 maybe we might find two or 300 galvanized and then we can work with that so but that's just speculative there I don't know whether that is going to be true or not or whether we might find more or less so is yes ma'am isn't there you know certain we we've used different materials at different points in time so do we have a way to prioritize based on knowing the date of installations yeah yeah that's how we started we we basically took all of the data about the house when it was built from property appraiser as well as when the customer became a customer as least as far back as we can go if they became a customer after 1989 then there is no lead it was probably PVC copper probably copper because that's much what we're using at that point um and so we can call that from the database a lot of it is older than 1988 and that we can't because we don't we have records of maybe some subdivisions but we don't necessarily show what the service line material is it was not a detail that was included and there was no details on the permit or anything else that was issued if we could even find it so we're kind of stuck with it okay yep Jack I know we did um during my sorry for the interruption but during my second term as mayor um I think we invested a lot of money in replacing a lot of the galvanized pipes um I think we brought in a couple of your pipes that had calcium build up yeah so we could actually see it so yes sir yeah so and just to think about that and it's another kind of a a nice fact um the calcium build it that you remembered is actually a way that no matter what our lines are it protects citizens from what the pipe is and that lately was intentional because we run a higher alkalinity in our water for that very reason so if you have an old copper you know lines in your house and they've been there for 70 years I guarantee you that you're not you're the water you're drinking isn't even touching copper because there is a solid white coating on the inside of that copper pipe that the water is actually flowing against so I know I had it at my house because I had to clip off some copper and do a little repair and sure enough my pipe had that same buildup on the inside of it so so and uh you know that's by design it it is for the good of the citizens and for their benefit to have that alkalinity run the way it is and we have permission it's in our cup with the water plant and that's how we have specific parameters that we test for on a monthly basis and throughout the system and we are compliant with that and that helps us stay compliant with the lead and copper rule previously as well as in the future uh we talked about the continuous excuse me update of the inventory notifications are also required currently um $177,000 uh to to uh to create all the notices that's just to print the notices and the Flyers that'll go out all decision that doesn't cost the the doesn't include the cost of postage which I'm estimating assuming we do bulk is going to be probably about 20 grand for if it's still you know 58,000 35 Cent notti notices it's a lot of money um if there is a system exceedence uh the replacement requirement is there is's a percentage we'd have to step into uh so that's an impact to us that would be a cost to us it would be an unbudgeted cost because we don't we that's not something that we can predict per se um additional laboratory sampling and testing is required for this year and we have that already in the budget because we knew about that so um and then um we did add a full-time conservation officer which will be um you know available you know be added to the headcount as of October 1st with the approval of the budget and the start of the new fiscal year and we're still actually struggling on what that job description was going to be because it's really somewhere between an engineer and and a customer service marketing PR person um but they need but they need technical skills because this is really highly complicated and there's going to be a lot of things coming at this person uh to manage the database a lot of different things so um but that's kind of a high level overview of of the of our impacts so a quick Financial summary so if you're looking at your meter and that's kind of a a little schematic of a meter and you have acceptable service line material on both sides right on each side there's no cost so if I have copper on our side and go to your house as copper everybody's good no problem no cost no impact nothing happens if the Cityside is lead or some kind of grr and the customer side is okay I still I'm going to still going to replace that okay it's going to be replaced so that will be an impact it would be an impact to the utility if the opposite is happening if we have copper up to the meter but your side is either lead or some kind of grr uh there there's going to be a cost there um we are required to notify if they don't choose to replace it uh there are no current grants available for this particular combination so the money is coming down through EPA through the state revolving Loan program the specific language in there at least as it is currently because this is all new states that it's only if both sides are replaced so for whatever reasons whether they overlooked it or don't really understand operations if we went ahead and did the right thing years ago and replaced one side and left the customer side they're kind of being left out of the uh the grant process for qualifications right now I would imagine enough utilities are identifying this and I would imagine there'll be uh some pressure to go back to uh D via EPA and say hey you need to revise this language because there's going to be there's no reason to penalize folks for having dissimilar materials so and then if both sides of course are bad um that's would qualify for a grant or a loan uh it's actually a forgivable loan under the srf and the way it splits right now is 49 and 51 so 49% of the costs are are borne by um uh utility and or the customer and 51% I'm sorry may I got the other way 51% is the customer and 49 is is by srf so there is some funding available so with respect to how this might fall out you know with Council and policies I think it's important uh I think we've talked about these kinds of things before but it's just another item that's putting kind of some pressure um but when full service line replace is needed for the one thing what I just talked about that 49 51% split the first thing that comes to mind is is regardless of the cost meaning if I have $10,000 in in on the Utility side but the customer side is only 5,000 do we still do a 4951 split and call it good that would be the first thing meaning regardless of the costs we'll take what we can from the from the feds and we'll call we'll put our 51% in regardless of how it actually falls and say you know this is done and no cost to the customer that could be one way or we could actually divvy up the cost and then we would need an additional policy related to costs that are over and I think we've heard that before so somewhere yeah so a policy required for overages if it's above the cost and depending on what you might think about the 4951 split so that's up for discussion it's not necessary I don't need anything tonight uh all of these rules are just starting on October 1 uh and then the LCI might come on board but regardless these kinds of things will come up what I would imagine it happening is as we get and as we identify like say for instance if we don't find anything else but 29 grrs over the next 12 months I'll take those 29 grrs try to do some cost specific cost estimates put put in for a grant from through the srf and say Hey you know I want x amount of dollars uh but prior to taking those dollars again we need to understand how that split might fall and if there were overages how we would deal with them but that would be the 29 and we would group them together and then we're required and not required but we would want to replace those and take them out of the system and as we gain each year as we gain more and more information We Gather those ones that we know come up with some kind of cost estimate and then go for the loan the forgivable loan and then and then go forward so okay do we have any questions for Mr Walsh that's presentation sir okay uh Council woman calls yeah the uh so when did we find out about the inventory has that just been a part of the rule since 21 we've been developing the inventory since 21 okay yeah we'll publish it in the next we just sto we just started Ed looking at the customer side yeah we we only just started looking at it because we had to get basically the data structure involved we had to get um kind of a digital drop down menu so our you know so our supervisors and people in the field could take it with them collect the data in a form where we could just automatically upload it so that took some time to organize that so um but yeah yeah we're underway we have all those things in process every day a work order that's out there if they're out there messing with the meter we're gathering information okay and then the um so we're going to PVC everything's going to be PVC what is it no no we we've been using copper for years okay yeah so all Copper to Copper is fine it's only when copper is it gets dissimilar they they tend to get it to a problem but it's the galvanized lead combo that's the biggest that's a serious problem huh the galvanized because it erods or because uh it has to do with the composition of galvanized uh the material that's used to make the pipe and how it interacts with water and its constituents chemically again with the coating on the inside I know that our water is safe and I'm but the rule is the rule and so they don't take into consideration whether your pipes are coated by by a calcium buildup over you know whatever 80 years of water delivery or however many years since your galvanized line was installed and so what they're assuming is that the water's interacting directly with the galvanized and if you have galvanized Downstream or Upstream of lead the combination of those impacts and the water is going to potentially create a problem it doesn't mean you have a problem it only means there's a potential and they want us to identify it and eventually for those materials to remove them do you know roughly what the age of the system is like what percentage of homes were were built after 89 uh about 58,000 or actually about 60 5,000 but we've eliminated about seven or 8,000 of them okay now there's probably built after or before we're we're still going through because there's like when we call the database we're finding errors like we we know we just looked at the data and we found some stuff from Vieira that was built five years ago it's because if the address gets messed up it'll default to a it's it's unknown or it's in that pile so we got to kind of call through that and still get some of that out um so it's not perfect the navaline system is very difficult to work with its data is really hard uh and it doesn't really interact very well with our GIS system so there's a lot of manual checking and a lot of manual scripts that have to be written to even bring the data across so that we can analyze it and can you just throw like I mean I know each line is going to be different in terms of costs what are we talking 10,000 20,000 I'm talking about from the city system to the home honestly man' it really depends on how how it's situated so if you're talking about one of the businesses right downtown at uh 520 uh you know right by the bridge and I've got to go the main is under the do rway no I understand that but for most of the homes that are in neighborhoods like we know for example septic theur connections what they cost in roughly around 11,000 but more in some cases Less in others but in this case if it's just going to be grass and the Main's not under the road it's going to be fairly reasonable okay you know if it's it's going to be a couple thousand bucks right because you're just digging up grass and you got some crew time to dig but if you're into sidewalks Landscaping trees you know I mean it can get complicated just like any construction and if you what happens if you have a 150 old oak tree right out in front of the house what do we do now yeah it creates problems so and you know not that they're insurmountable uh but we have to figure them out and some cost will be more uh some cost will be less and it really just depends on what's in the way and and you know what's out in front of the customer how far back the customer is you know and what's in between the customer and their meter so if it's just grass gets pretty straightforward uh when it becomes sidewalk and Landscaping and driveways and now you're getting into costs and if the Bane is not in the shoulder but under the road expensive it's on the other side of the road now I got to dig under the road right right okay so I mean it'll be great to have this behind us because we know lead has a very detrimental effect on our cognitive abilities and you know particularly for children um so I'm sure and I I know we're we need to be promoting widely that if people suspect they have lead pipes that they need to flush their pipes before they drink water um because the problems may not be coming from our system but from the lines that lead to their homes or is it's possible and that's why and that's why we're required to notify them that they're unknown and then required to notify them of course if we happen to find it and it's LED and they don't choose to replace it we continually remind them that it's recommended that it be replaced if it falls into one of those categories where we can catch a grant with it and so on we have policies in place then we take over and we get that done for them all of that information is in the letter too yes it is it's in the letter explains it okay great yeah and we'll get a copy of the letter I guess we'll get a copy of the letter unless you want a copy of the letter you you'll be getting a copy of the letter in about four weeks um I think I have the Flyers with me so if I do I'll hand I wouldn't mind reading it beforehand so I know if I get because I do tend to get those questions thank you question thank you Mr wsh yes sir knowledge is power and let me say one more other thing even though you're refriger refrigerator may have a filter you know what I'm saying if you press your water to get water through your filteration through your refrigerator still check still check okay this concludes this concludes Awards and presentations we will proceed to delegations we have one card proceed to the podium young man thank you um this is thank you council issue I think this is going to be the second time I presented it and I think it's very important that we pursue it I'm also going to try to meet with the city manager to see if it can be put on the agenda and that's about our city ordinances um there's some loopholes that nobody has really noticed until some issues have come up uh which also includes uh trip X businesses things like that including this is the charter I don't remember when the last time it was that we went over the charter guidelines I think they also need to be addressed and updated uh there's uh issues that could continuously be brought up and cause some uh issues in reference to our ordinances uh the other thing too is I'd like to refresh everybody's memory we got October coming up we're probably going to see through Main Street uh the golf cart uh parade that turned out to be an excellent turnout and that's coming up so that's another reason why I'm bringing up the idea of the golf cart thing I know that we're required I think by federal law to look into an opinion for 30 ,000 I hate to hear it I wish there was a way that we could keep it with our super attorney and making sure that everything's in order but apparently that can't be done so th that's the other issue that I'm going to be meeting with the city manager if anybody's opposed of it let me know and then I'll share it with the city manager uh if there's any questions that's it thank you thank you very much uh Mr Greenwood sir um do we have any other additional cards for delegation saying none we will proceed on to the consent agenda item what are the wishes of council move to approve the consent agenda we got a motion on the floor by agent C excuse me council member weeks second second by councilman G chair is going to call the question all in favor by saying I I I have it unanimously proceeding under public hearing please be mindful that you will get the opportunity to elaborate on this particular item second and final reading for item number 6-1 consideration of the final adoption of ordinance 09-222 a city initiated zoning map amendment to change the zoning category of 18 Parcels of real property totaling approximately 3.1 Acres from the city of Coco are you [Music] 1-7 single family residential to CN neighborhood commercial 24-55 um Esquire gargan sir and then we will go to you Mrs Webster First public caring is actually 08 d224 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Koka bavar County Florida relating to comprehensive planning amending the future land use map for 20 Parcels real property within the city of Coco totaling 3.36 Acres more or less generally located along Coco Place West of the intersection of Coco place in North Coco Boulevard and Coco Florida more particularly depicted and described on exhibit a attached here to changing the future land use map designation of set Parcels from commercial to Neighborhood commercial providing for the repeal of Prior Inc consistent ordinances and resolution cability incorporation into the comprehensive plan and an effective date and legal status of the plan Amendment this is second and final reading the adoption hearing for this proposed comprehensive plan Amendment changing the future land use map also a public hearing item Mr Mayor thank you very much esquad Gan um Mrs Webster before you get started has anything changed since the first time no uh Mr Mayor nothing has changed since the first reading of this ordinance thank you very much the floor is yours ma'am thank you esire Gan you're welcome so as previously stated this is the second reading of ordinance uh 08 2024 uh for our future land use map Amendment for Coco Place uh it's in consideration of amending that future land use map for 20 Parcels of real property within the city of Coco totaling approximately 3.36 Acres generally located along Coco place which is uh um uh perpendicular uh into US1 uh right around Forest Avenue um at the intersection of Coco place and North Coco Boulevard or us one this is a city initiated request to correct an inconsistency between the future land use and the current zoning of these Parcels along Coco place which are currently incompatible from a Redevelopment standpoint and the goal is to allow the expansion of the current single family use and the future Redevelopment of the property so as explained by Florida's growth Policy Act future land use policies guide the growth and devel velopment of a community and are required to be implemented by the standards established in the zoning standards this is the reason that in Florida specifically the future land use categories and Zoning designations must be consistent all of the parcels along Coco play currently have the future land use designation of commercial as shown on the left map however the current zoning District of 18 of these Parcels is Ru 1-7 single family residential uh as shown on the map on the right and two of those Parcels are RP residential professional upon the city's review of the city comprehensive plan the staff determined that the future land use and Zoning of these Parcels are inconsistent as neither r-7 or RP zoning are allowable districts within the Comm commercial future land use this incompatibility prevents the property owners from any expansion of current use or Redevelopment should it be necessary due to loss of property or voluntarily the subject Parcels were platted and developed a single family residential neighborhood in 1952 the future land use subsequently became commercial in 2010 as part of the comprehensive Plan update to be consistent with the surrounding character and increasing intensity of the commercial development single family residential as a land use is not compatible or permissible within the commercial future land use furthermore Ru 1-7 is not an allowable zoning District within the commercial future land use it was recently brought to the city's attention that one of the property's primary structures was completely lost due to a fire because the lot is now vacant to single family residents cannot be reconstructed until the future land use and Zoning designations are consistent and reconciled and are established such that single family residential is again un allowable use staff recommends amending the future land use to Neighborhood commercial from commercial this category does allow the development and continuation of single family residential use as a part of this correction the request is in combination with the request to also rezone 18 of the 20 Parcels to the neighborhood commercial zoning District referring to ordinance 09 2024 to pre presented on the next item the request for reassignment of a future land use must be consistent with the city's comprehensive plan policy 1.1.2 point8 for neighborhood commercials states that these areas are intended to be low impact in nature and serve the needs of the immediate residential area these Parcels are less than 500 ft from other neighborhood commercial uses and are less than 1,000 ft from a variety of residential uses 18 of the parcels are currently single family homes and two are homes that have been converted into businesses and are considered neighborhood commercial in nature this future land use supports commercial uses but is Transitional as it allows for smallscale commercial and smallscale multifam and is in between single family and large scale commercial additionally neighborhood commercial is the only future land use that allows the RP zoning which two of the parcels are already zoned so the staff report covers the analysis of consistency with the city of Coco comprehensive plan with regard to city services and finds that the proposed future land use map amendment is best designed to allow the current single family use to continue with without being in conflict with the future land use and although limited commercial uses are allowed the property use is anticipated to remain single family residential staff also finds that the proposed future land use amendment is consistent with the land use element policies and goals of the comprehensive plan the Planning and Zoning Board voted unanimously on September 4th to recommend city council approve ordinance 08 2024 and the city council unanimously approved the first first reading of the ordinance on September 10th 2024 staff now recommends that city council approve the second reading of ordinance 08 2024 a city initiated request of a future land use map Amendment consistent with Florida state chapter 163 to change the future land use map designation of 20 Parcels of real property totaling approximately 3.36 Acres from commercial to Neighborhood commercial we have any questions for Mrs Webster saying not sure I like to close this portion of counsil and turn it to the public anyone from the audience if you have something you would like to elaborate on this particular item please come forward to state your name and you have 180 seconds to address this particular item going once going twice shot close this portion of the public and returning to council what are the wishes of council I moved to go ahead to approve okay got motion on by councilman G and the second by councilwoman weeks chair is going to call the question all in favor saying I I I eyes have it unanimously thank you very much we're moving on to the second item 6-2 second reading considering excuse me consideration of the final adoption of the ordinance number 09-20 24 a City initiative or initiated zoning map amendment to change the zoning category of 18 Parcels of real property totaling approximately 3.1 Acres from the city of Coco ru-1 D7 single family residential to CN neighborhood commercial 24-55 1 Esquire gargan ordinance 0922 an ordinance of the city council City Coco bvar County Florida amending the official zoning map designation of 18 Parcels of real property totaling 3.1 Acres more or less and generally located along Coco Place West of intersection of Coco place in North Coco Boulevard and Coco Florida more particularly depicted and described on exhibit a attached here to from R17 single family residential to CN neighborhood commercial District providing for the repeal prior and consistent ordinances and resolution severability and an effective date this is second and final reading of this ordinance related to the same property that you just approved for a comprehensive plan future land use map Amendment no changes since first reading also a public hearing item mayor thank you very much Esquire gargan thank you as you can see nothing has changed but we'll hear from uh Mrs Webster um ladies and gentlemen the floor is yours ma'am thank you thank you Mr Mayor um yes as stated this uh request is also concurrent with with the request to change the future land use C category of all 20 Parcels from commercial to Neighborhood commercial under ordinance uh 08224 just previously approved and assumes that that request again has been heard and granted by Council 18 of these Parcels are currently zoned Ru 1-7 single family residential there are two Parcels adjacent to US1 that are zoned residential professional the two RP parcels are to retain their zoning as RP is compatible with the neighborhood commercial future land use on the right would be the result of the zoning map Amendment if it was approved although those subject parcel Parcels have existed in the city since 1952 the lot dimensions are considered non-conforming to the city's current development standards for the ru 1-7 zoning District particularly the law the lot widths are only 60 ft where the minimum required lot width for R 1-7 is now 75 ft there is a provision in the zoning code that allows a non-conforming single lot which is of a record even if it is non-conforming due to his Dimensions to still be developed any new homes that are erected will be required to meet applicable setb without needing to obtain a variance not only will res zoning to CN allow the permissible Redevelopment of single family uses it would also expand the opportunity for other uses such as small scale multifam and neighborhood commercial however multifam and Commercial uses were would would be permitted if and only if two or more of these Lots were be to be combined in the future this is to ensure that they are no longer non-conforming and that the parcels can accommodate the new development any new development would need to show that parking storm water and refu could be accommodated on site without impacting parking on the street the Planning and Zoning staff report covers the analysis of criteria according to appendix a of the city of Coco article 21 section 1G with regard to impact to land use pattern school districts consistency with a comprehensive plan traffic storm water and other utilities and public services and has determined that the zoning change will not negatively or adversely affect or impact the neighborhood or surrounding areas with regard to concurrency the maximum density increase possible as a result of the rezoning could could be a net gain of 27 units this is minimal and is not anticipated to negatively in Impact public facilities particular because the property is adjacent to a major arterial of US1 however because the lots are non-conform in in nature the density is unlikely to change and no further impact to public facilities is anticipated Planning and Zoning Board voted unanimously on September 4th to recommend that city council approve ordinance 09 2024 and the city council unanimously approved the first reading of the ordinance on September 10th staff now recommends city council approve this second reading of the zoning map Amendment consistent with a pending index a zoning article 21 to change the zoning map designation of 18 Parcels along Coco Place totaling approximately 3.1 Acres from r-7 single family residential to CN neighborhood commercial do we have any questions for Mrs Webster saying none CH me close this portion to council open to the public please come forward and state your name you have three minutes to expound on this particular ordinance going once going twice CH let close this portion to the public and return it to council what are the wishes of councel I move to approve we got a motion on the floor by uh councilwoman weeks second second by councilman G just going to call the question all in favor by saying I I eyes have it unanimous ly proceeding on to item number 6-3 conduct the final public hearing for updated proposed action plan for fiscal year 2024 d225 and citizens participation for the submission to HUD and authorize the mayor to sign all subsequent certifications and agreements authorize the city manager to make adjustments for the fiscal year 2025 budget as necessary 24- 553 Mr city manager before I turn it over to our community service director do you want to say anything sir okay the floor is yours ma'am uh thank you Mr Mayor of course ma'am as I noted in my agenda the at the May 28th city council meeting we presented the C cdbg allocation estimates for the city after the May 28th meeting we received the uh updated allocations for 2025 and those estimated allocations that were presented um at the May 28th meeting was 12869 and the new allocation is 11 19567 and additionally at the May 28th meeting we noted that the home funds also decreased to 63,9 2402 um after deducting the County's portion it is actually 63,0 25547 um the the reason for bringing this back with updated numbers is because of our action plan has to have the updated numbers so we needed to bring this back as a final public hearing to update the citizens and and the Council of these numbers and to get approval and to authorize city manager to make those adjustments to the fy2 budget as necessary and to authorize you the mayor to sign all certifications and agreements that will be brought to you after approval of this item tonight no other uh amounts have changed the only adjustments that we made were to decrease the repayment of the section 108 loan um all Public Service Awards that we had previously made for the community services Council Family Promise of Bard Central Bard Sharing Center and the Salvation Army remain the same and we just adjusted our the other numbers accordingly so we're just requesting approval of this updated proposed budget for our action plan and to authorize the signatures of all certifications and the mayor to or the city manager to approve any budget adjustments should like make a motion to approve staff recommendation this is a public hearing sir you'll have to do all of that afterwards thank you make a motion to approve staff recommendation thank you we'll open it for the public yes ma'am thank you we have a second time weeks if you have any concerns please come forward to the podium and state your name make sure you submit a card please going once going twice sure like to close that portion to the public and return it to council ch's going to call we got a question Council Ms it's not really a question it's more of a a statement the Public Services um the the individuals that we gave finances to can we get them to um do some sort of update on um how that money was spent we received that on a quarterly basis from them yeah just I mean just come to account well or you can put it in information or have if they're if they choose to they can come in and do especially for like the rent and mortgage assistance um because I get a lot of um complaints from individuals who go to different agencies and those FS are are not available and so um just for a peace of mind just so that so these Awards won't be active until after October 1st so we won't be able to provide you with any reporting until fiscal year 2025 thank you is that it sir yes sir Council woman calls yeah um you said that we decrease the amount of the loan payment sir is that correct uh we had to de increase that amount in order to meet the budget requirements how much by we went from approximately $6,000 difference okay $7,000 differ I mean last time I checked I think it's under a half a million that we owe now I believe it's about 600,000 yeah okay and we won't be able to raise any of these until we pay that off um that is correct cor but it it would uh change those dollar amounts dramatically in terms of what we were able to do Under the Public Services yes the sooner we can pay off the section 108 loan the the sooner that we can provide additional dollars to those public service agencies um it was a 30-year uh section 108 loan so and I believe we've knocked it down to 24 25 years at this point okay thank you any other questions thank you CH going to call the question all in favor saying I I eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to item number 7-1 consider the reappointments of Mr Elliot Zimmerman and Mr Mr Milton Norris Park as members of the Board of Trustees for the firefighters retirement plan through September 30th 2028 CH like to make a motion to approve second um okay uh councilwoman weeks okay Mrs Jamal I mean I'm in favor this is Elementary we we doing we did advertise it but we didn't get any new applicants for this items all right just going to call a question thank you gentlemen all in favor by saying I I and thank you eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to City business we're doing the first item the first one is pertaining to the firefighters excuse me the International Association of firefighters for their contract term October the 1st 2024 through September the 30th 2027 Mrs Jami ma'am yes sir take your time ma'am yes sir um as you're aware these items are walked on tonight because negotiations have been um ongoing um and we wrapped up negotiations on September 13th with the fire Union and they took it to a ratification vote and they finished their vote on September 22nd and it was um they voted complete um yes so we're able to bring it to council tonight so thank you firefighters Coco the audience tonight so 2416 yeah it was unanimous vote unanimous thank you it's a three-year contract so it's really good for employees to have a three-year contract you like to make a motion to approve second second by Council MC go CH G to call the question in all in favor by saying I I All Eyes Havey unanimously anyone from the fire department would like to say anything okay I hear you over [Laughter] there okay the next item is to approve a three-year contract between the city of coko and Coastal Florida police benevolent Association for the contract term of October the 1st 2024 through September the 30th 2027 contingent on passing ratification vote with cfba ma'am yes and when this item was written um just yesterday they were still voting they finished their vote this morning and I was informed it passed um with a affirmative vote um only person voted no I heard so how many um I didn't get the final count um I'm not exactly sure so I think it was a pretty good turnout so they did it on every shift of their patrol so so um so it was all favorable um again a three-year contract so it's really positive for the employees so once again staff city of Coco great job both sides of the bargaining table kudos to you what wish of council if not I'll make the motion move to approve got a motion on the floor by councilwoman weeks second a second by Deputy Mayor Hearns just GNA call the question in all in favor by saying I I I I have it unanimously proceeding on to City business item number three approve the three-year contract between city of Coco and the laborers International Union of North America affectionately known as Lona local 630 Union for the contract term October the 1st 2024 to September the 30th 2027 contingent on Li owner having a passing ratification vote and I'm sure they did but I would like to hear from the effervescent yours to Mrs Jamal okay this one um is a little unique um in order for us to get it um in front of council and also get it um to the for a vote we're doing it kind of backwards this according to our labor attorney U Mr Mandel he said it doesn't matter which order we bring it to Council in which order the union takes it for a vote so this is truly contingent on the union passing the vote their vote is going to be this coming Friday and that'll still give us time to process their wage increases in payroll for fiscal year 25 so um if it doesn't pass the ratification vote on Friday um we'll go back to to the bargaining table again and continue bargaining but we're pretty favorable or positive that it'll pass on Friday so okay what are the wishes of council move to approve got a motion on the floor by Council woman weeks second by the chair discussion Council woman calls yeah I just wanted to ask how does this compare to other municipalities and their contracts like so we have 5% and 25 6% and 26 7% and 27 well um we're trying to remain competitive um a lot of especially in the police and fire department a lot of our other neighboring cities are increasing their starting pay um for example in the fire department in Palm Bay they're I think in two years they're going to 588,000 and they're also increasing the solo paramedic pay um so our contract um increased it to 53 and um we increased our solo pay so so we did ours in steps um and and those other cities also did theirs in steps as well because it's a bigger impact to do it all in one big chunk so but um so everybody's fighting over the same people right but in leuna they they're Progressive each year it's a bigger increase yeah and Lona is a little different so we're we're also competing with the state minimum wage that passed um that's going to there's a state statute that passes in 2026 to $15 an hour and um so we need to remain competitive with that so when that passed under the state statute a lot of um just going to work at McDonald's now um right and basic jobs um the if you see the advertisements the minimum wage keeps going up and up so we're trying to remain competitive to hire um you know continue to hire employees and keep them so okay thank you call question all in favor saying I I I eyes have unanimously proceeding on to the next item which is item number four City business pertaining to the storm this is being passed on from the governor resolution of the city of coko and the city council of the great city of Koko bavar County Florida declaring a State of Emergency due to the impending disaster conditions and the potential of tropical storm Helen to cause extensive damage to life and property within the city of coko providing for repeal or prior inconsistent resolutions providing for surveil ability and providing an effective date this this is from Governor DeSantis anyone want to expound on this if not chair make a motion approve this resolution I mean it's standard procedure Mr Mayor um I'll just give you a brief update on where the storm's at and why this is before you if that's okay yes sir so um one of the main themes that we have been talking about through all of our state conference calls and County conference calls is don't focus on the track of this current tropical storm really look at the overall swath and impact that um we're going to see expect rapid intensification as Helena enters the gulf uh this will be one of the largest wind Fields we've ever seen so just to put that in perspective Uh current forecast modeling is showing from the center of the eye out will be 230 mil that this uh hurricane will actually impact so when you figure the State of Florida from coast to coast is about 170 miles everybody's getting a little bit of this so um the track uh continues to show through uh our hurricane modeling which is herac that we're using through the state it'll be fast moving squalls will bring heavy rain and tropical storm force winds uh gust between 40 and 60 MPH we are under tropical storm watches as of tonight uh it looks like that those will be changed to tropical storm warnings probably by uh midday tomorrow timing for the arrival has actually slowed they originally thought that uh we would see some of these storm force winds on Wednesday uh it actually now is showing Thursday we'll see those early Thursday morning with a majority of the impact of the Winds and all being later Thursday afternoon probably around 2:00 now again just remember once this passes Cuba it will head into the Gulf that's when it will be named uh hurricane Helena it will pick up speed if it wobbles just a little to the east more than it is now all this is off the table we will probably see a lot more impacts things of that nature so these are all forecast models we see this every year during hurricanes it only needs to make a little wobble to change where we're impacted or how the city of Coco is impacted uh they are predicting anywhere between 2 to 4 Ines of rain as of right now with us getting the outer bands uh with a majority of it um causing localized flooding uh the one nice thing about it is we did not have a lot of rain this year so we can absorb some of that rain nobody's going to be able to absorb 6 in in less than 30 minutes I mean you will have some standing water for a little while but the ground's going to take most of that in and it should recede or move back so um those are some of the aspects of looking at that the reason we're bringing this resolution before you tonight is prior to uh this morning the governor had declared a state of emergency for certain counties in Florida bravard was not one of those this morning bravard County was included in that Declaration of emergency uh hurricanes never come conveniently uh normally it's always when we don't have a city meet uh council meeting so in order to be ahead of that and give us the opportunity to have things in place for the city manager and staff to make those emergency calls uh activate things that we need to uh we're asking for the resolution for an emergency declaration be passed tonight to be enacted starting at 8:00 a.m. if needed tomorrow morning so or Thursday morning I'm sorry lost my days uh Thursday morning so we're trying to be very proactive about it all of our city departments have followed our hurricane preparedness uh cycle that we normally do when an impact's coming fuel's been loaded up we're watching our storm drains uh all of our braco pond all those things have been lowered so we're still staying in that battle Rhythm just in case because we know that we're going to get rain so this is just another proactive measure to protect our community and our citizens as we move forward any other question okay councilman go yeah I know I know Public Works and I believe probably streets as well have already um start working on a lot of ponds and getting prepared right um but are we planning on doing anything with sand piles this year yes so I'm sorry so we did push out the advertisement for our sand piles Samantha has pushed that out on our social media sand the sand piles are there they're available in the normal spots where we have them uh we just to let the citizens know you'll need to bring a shovel and S bags the sand is there but the tools and the sandbags are not there so just like we've done in the past those are open and in the locations that we uh normally have set up for the public the other thing I would say about that too is just encourage our citizens a lot of people are starting to clean their yards in anticipation of the storm coming please please please do not put your lawn debris and stuff over the storm drains that will keep the water from draining off of other people's property and possibly your own we've seen that every year so I know people don't want to kill their grass but it's better than flooding your house so just encourage them to please not cover up the storm drains I was at the gas station and lines were forming so people are making proper preparation absolutely to promote positive productivity get your water get your meds in order please just just standard procedure I mean it's not our first rodeo and I pray to God it's not our last but just prepare yourself okay we do have a motion on the floor in a second yeah mayor just one quick question um the way the resol I know we were working on this just right before the meeting the way it's reads right now it definitely is going to be effective 88: a on September 26 do you want a TR you want a condition on that or this will go in a fact yeah I would ask that um in the resolution that that be left to uh consensus between the mayor and the city manager if we don't need to enact the emergency declaration at 8:00 a.m. uh we need to be very careful of activating it too soon uh henceforth it may be need to to be activated at 2 o'clock so with consensus between yourself and the city manager allowing that authority to go through you and him to say the emergency declaration will take effect at a certain time and and make sure that that they notify other council members as well yes sir absolutely so you want this upon um you know approval of the ma of the mayor and city manager I'll Amit my motion to reflect it not notif and if if it becomes effective not ify the city council yes sir okay so we'll need to make some word smithing changes but I have to just yeah Mrs weeks will be willing to amend I will be willing to amend to those terms yes thank you stated by the attorney good okay we good we all we good Esquire I'm good Chief we good City we good sir yes sir all right chair's going to call the question all in favor sing I I I have unanimously last and final item for tonight um this item is number five originally it was what 10B approve a multi-year renewal of the United Health Medicare Advantage plan for eligible retirees 65 and over who's on this today 65 years and older me who else you're not a long range or somebody else is 65 years old I will 65 years come January but yes okay and also from December 31st to 2025 and payments to be eligible retirees for Medicare Part B reimbursement fiscal year 2025 excuse me expenditures are pending the adoption of the fiscal year 2025 budget okay um Council woman C you brought this to our attention like to hear from you and then we hear from Mrs Jamar well we can hear from Mrs jamat she might answer my questions or do you not yeah this maybe you don't have this plan normally doesn't have an increase or it's usually really minimal the government uh made a lot of changes to to the Medicare plan this year um that we didn't anticipate when we planned our budget so um they called it the inflation reduction act and um it did the opposite on medical plan for this um retiree benefit so um initially the the renewal came in at 30% and our benefit broker was able to go back to United healthc Care and make some plan tweaks to make the renewal 19% and they also try to get additional quotes because of all the changes in Medicare um most providers um declined to quote and um it's just a market that um they there just a lot of in changes that are further changes that are coming that um they didn't a lot of the carriers didn't want to quote new business so we did get another quote from Humana um when we looked at the hospital coverage and the doctor coverage um the health first hospitals weren't in the network um and a lot of our um retirees use those hospitals that we are aware of so we didn't want to live limit hospitals to the retirees that might need the hospitals you know so yes so my question the dollar amount of the increase is the total dollar amount of the increase is that the 42902 the total dollar amount in the general fund or it's split by fund where the where the retiree retired from some some retirees pay for it out of their pocket um like a spouse they'll pay for a spouse so we we have an open enrollment period there's little like 25 people that pay for it on their own now they might drop off because you know I mean but they're going to face increases wherever they go because there was changes Nationwide our total increase from current fiscal year to next fiscal year is what what dollar amount um aund sorry there's like Clea um 90 ,000 90,000 and it's split by well that but not all of that is under the city um so it's just 90 between general fund and water sewer funds oh hang on I have it on a spreadsheet I think it was the difference was like that wasn't budgeted was like 35,000 yeah I see the I see the 429 yeah it was about 40,000 so now the part B rates haven't been adopted by the federal government yet so we anticipate those to come out next month we kind of estimate the budget in those and so when further in the year when the budget is more defined or when the enrollment is more defined we'll be able to figure out if we have to do a budget transfer the budget might be okay we just don't know so yeah so I mean it's like 642 th000 is is the budget item what I was trying to get at and I know in 92 we we changed our Pol I think it was 92 and we changed our policy for retirees we no longer have lifelong health insurance but the executive team still has lifelong health insurance as a policy um what how do you project because you know do we anticipate the 600,000 price tag for a certain L of time are we able to kind of look at that and determine what kind of liability does this pose to our future budgets well that number is it's kind of funny um not really funny I hate joking around about it um a lot of retirees pass away throughout the year um so um like last year we had two retirees pass away in the water department so their budget um we anticipated um um so many retirees in a year and and the number actually stayed the same you know we it didn't increase you know so it it just depends on you know but but as far as the the executive benefit I mean that director would have to qualify under the definition of retirement and the plan they in so Tammy can I say it this way so so what I think what you're trying to avoid saying is is it because the benefit went away and the retirees eventually die then that number continues to go down minus inflationary increases correct yeah okay and I was just trying to figure out what if we had any sense of those of those ages and I mean insurance people I'm sure the actu we have an actuary that does analysis on it um Rebecca is not here tonight but Rebecca would be probably be able to explain the actuary analysis that we hire it's an OPB number that they report in the budget and and the bottom line is is that the number doesn't get bigger because more folks are eligible for the benefit it gets bigger because of the inflationary increases corre but again the actuaries could actually tell you um could project out expenditures into the future but again what she was trying to avoid saying was none of us are getting out of this uh life alive and so we eventually die and the expenses the expenses go down and if the government makes more changes um depending on what CH like in healthare there's always changes coming which could affect UND um health insurance so undefeated okay thank you so you want to make a motion to approve this since you tagged this ma'am sure I'll make a motion to approve I'll second all right just going to call the question all V by saying hi hi hi I have it unanimously just keep on living baby that's all you have to do keep on living keep on working and enjoy your retir okay reports that help us all say Mr city manager thank you Mr Mayor yes sir Mrs singer has reports and I think that is it for staff um I just wanted to say quickly just remind everybody we have our provos Park grand opening one week from today at provos Park it will be at the beginning of the National Night Out event which will um is from 4 to 7 o'clock so we'll be um at 4:00 we'll be doing the ribbon cutting for the new um projects over at provos Park and that's all have that's all oh I apologize and Citizens Academy sorry we have uh the same night we have our first session of Citizens Academy um and that is um that starts at 5:30 so we have a busy evening that night um so we'll be rushing back here to um kick off our Citizens Academy and um if council is able to join us you're welcome to join us for that any of the sessions um but for that one in particular we'll be introducing our council members to the class and um talking a little bit about their local government are you feeding people no we were not planning on feeding there will be food at National Night outs you can get food there and then come for better bring enough for the people here CU you know what that means okay um esad garan okay we moving right along along depy M Hearns no reports okay councilwoman calls okay I didn't receive anything Chief are we having a is there a chief walk on the uh in District 4 will we be able to do that yeah we're doing that tomorrow and do you know the vicinity because there was actually I got one notice that that said it was in pin Ridge then another notice had it located elsewhere do you recall the yeah I'll get that for you just give me a second okay it's at 5 but it's at 5:30 tomorrow let me look at my my calendar yeah that's we don't have no rain what's the weather forecast for tomorrow there Chief lamb my meteorologist better than Danny [Laughter] trainer yeah you may want to postpone it man I'm not knocking it but I'm just saying police we're not firefighters we're not afraid of rain but uh the walk would be on Auburn Drive that's what we're going to start to walk at long as the weather permits there you go oh start where Auburn Drive Auburn Drive Auburn so it's in a completely different neighborhood okay do we have the oh he doesn't have your report he doesn't I didn't receive anything what I didn't receive anything from I sent it to Rob I did not on vacation okay well I do my presentation go ahead I only received something from councilman go that was it okay okay well I don't have video but I do have did you want to say anything or well yeah I have a couple of things that's a shame I spent time doing that um so I guess Monica got it but yesterday oh yeah okay okay yeah no I didn't receive any oh okay okay well then my mistake the um see well let me just make a couple announcements um the biggest one would be the town hall which is on the 15th October 15th be at Travis recreation center and we should have lots of information for the public so I'm hoping we get a good turnout like we have in years past um I was over at the Museum this weekend at the Natural History Museum had 50 people come in the hour and a half I was there oh good yeah I had to help uh Greg tried to uh give people walking around but um I added up the numbers and I had that on my report to it's somewhere well over a thousand in the last three months um so it's just a lot of enthusiasm there the other thing we have going on that people can mark their calendars for is wildlife Funday and you may have seen the article this week about the Florida Wildlife Hospital hospital that they have been just overwhelmed with with new patients with Wildlife that are injured maybe displaced and then injured and um they are in need of of funds and exposure and we're going to host them over at the Museum probably Under The Pavilion we would hope and there'll even be some flute music that day and it should be a lot of fun it'll be at 10:30 Saturday October 25th and let's just leave it at that and we'll add items next time so me okay yeah I just uh unfortunately I did not get a chance to do uh uh visual which I had planned to but um I attended the Coco High game two weeks ago which we won and uh of course my granddaughter was part of the color guard and they honored the military that night which was awesome and um then uh I've also attended the Coco Beach Chamber of Commerce Heroes dinner where they honored a lot of the businesses and and picked those uh Saturday went to the Coco Village Playhouse Fiddler on the Roof excellent you need to go and my husband is the drummer there so if you didn't know that best drummer around um and then uh I've met with all the department heads and I want to thank you all that are here and those that are not um I have learned so much and it will continue to learn and you all were just a joy thank you for being so patient with me answering my questions and I'm sure they will continue but how you're just fabulous people so thank you very much for your time and all your information and I will read all the stuff that I was given um in addition to the uh uh stuff I already had um the uh City manager's done a great job I know many of you have been here for a long time some of you are newer but uh you're all great folks so thank you very much um also I've never announced October 9th I'm doing a meet and greet at Lost Lakes uh meeting with all those folks over there and um they asked me to come and talk to them about what's happening in the city and uh she's going to fix me up with some uh goodies to give out there on that score so and unfortunately I'm going to miss the night out because I'm supposed to fly Friday morning to Arkansas for my mother's 90th birthday which happens to be October 1st and uh so hopefully Lord willing this hurricane gets out so I can fly out and go to Arkansas I've had it happen once before where a hurricane came through and my flight got cancel when I was going to visit my mama so uh hopefully it doesn't happen again I will not be a happy camper but that's all I have thank you I love how you say my mama yeah girl I like that twine what did Tennessee see the same thing that Arkansas saw boy you Ki that y yes sir you're K and I'll show you that's my mama turning 90 is those are two of my sisters see that's my mom in the middle and that's two of my sisters I know I know and that's no work that's just turning 90 and this was just got good three of my aunt her aunts live2 304 okay um again it's free dental screenings um and I believe it's all ages at Family Promise at 114 First Street Coco from three to five um I phone number on it no but so so this day and I know I talked to them several times the last week about um some of the kids coming as well so they really really want the children to come but the parents will get screened as well so um it really can't take a whole lot of people so from 3 to 5 you're not there between that time frame um that's all they can take um this is I'm going call him the wine guy cuz I forgot to write his name down but he owns a business downtown and it is called of the not wine Bo he's been down there for a year um I visited him this past Friday um for the open of October Fest a really cool business so if anyone you know is in the mood for a wi or a bunch of different things as well um please give him a to give him a shout out where is it it is at the in the kiosk at the beer garden you walk in the beer oh somebody was telling me about him yeah there he's good um so that is not what you think that is water and good cocoa water yeah cocoa water um so I opened up the October Fest I had to tap in the um little spout on the ceg and um it was very cool I learned a lot of history about October Fest I never knew what it was about in Germany but guy gave a great history on it and so I was honored to uh to tap and drink water lot of um this is at uh serus Apartments this is the final bit Final Phase of uh serus they're putting curbs in they already asphalted the second phase uh dog going in and all kinds of amenities over in District number three um and so they probably would maybe the next I say maybe two months or so they should be finished with that particular phase I think I've seen some fire guys out there too as well doing their um final inspection things so U October f um know this from September 20th to October 26 in Coco Village so I think everybody's all the B kind of Tak this was the not bar this is their business card and the um I brought this to the city manager before I really haven't said it to coun there's a lot that's next to provos Park um that could possibly be um help to the park for parking um it's been there for a very long time just just cleared it off recently maybe the last few months or so um I really would like the city manager to um look into that for the park possibly for potential parking um and and I'm assuming that that address because next to it is 517 I think that's 515 southest Boulevard um I know it's for sale now and it could be an option before it goes and then we might regret it down the road um but if been for sale now for I think maybe maybe eight eight eight months or so n months or so what do they ask um I don't know I I was going to call I should have called but I didn't I know the value on it right now is between 90 and 100 grand um but I'm not sure it's been sitting for a while you know and it's kind of a weird spot to put anything commercial the way the way maybe that's why it's been sitting on the market for a long time um but with your with your consent I would like for look into that particular property and maybe bring something back to us at least for a conversation I don't know if that's a diamond Square thing not sure if it's a city you know Council thing but maybe again I think we can get some information on it and we see where we we go from there if we got cons on that goad um the I just wanted to say that I had asked the city manager to look at another properties you know in District 2 and District 4 we have a park desert there's another property that there was a property that was vacant trying to look into um I think it's a bigger discussion if it ends up being I'm certainly supportive of more parking if it's needed there but if it's a bigger discussion I don't want I have a constituent who has been after me for four years on this and every time something becomes available she calls we do nothing and the property usually the property goes so um I am determined this has been it's been on my goal sheet each year the budget I'm determined to at least get something allocated for that Park deserts three neighborhoods uh Coco Hills Pinehurst College Manor all are without parks and um so I'm just saying I support purchasing that if you know that is something that we're going to need but it also has to be done if we're making opportunity cost choices it has to be done within the bigger picture can I CH me yes sir so councilwoman C I um I definitely hear your uh your concerns on that issue and I too deal with that um as you know both of our districts uh align with each other um but on along that same conversation uh I know we were discussing a park at the new uh train station location and uh I I think it may be a a good discussion down line on connecting that neighborhood uh to that Park if possible so we can look at that as an option as well thank y'all for hijacking I appreciate it so so I I think well it could be a big conversation then it was it look that what it looks like yeah um and I don't mind that conversation we'll see um so city manager um I think he needs consensus though from all of us well I would like to know how much it costs for sure so at least we know you know what if we looking at a bargain deal here I got you of course we're talking about it in the council meetings the price just went up so you can get all the details and then move forward okay all right what did you say the address you thought um I I think it's 515 South fist Boulevard but is it doesn't come up cuz it's vacant but the parcel number is is uh 24 36 32 75 2313 it's right it's it's to the South correct of provos Park so it is on it's on property of pron and I think that's all I had oh uh last one the uh Leon and JW Collins African-American history museum um is available for tours but you have to reach out uh CU right now we don't have the Staffing or volunteers to be there two or three days a week um so there are are opening up for for Mr Brown to do tours um his number is 321 433 8577 Ryan Brown number is 32143 38577 and Charlene that that is correct right we scheduled through a call to Yes we schedu through a call to Li okay yes trying to do it on the m is that it sir yes sir okay mine is short site no photos today been on the road life looking behind the windshield which we all can identify with my thing is making proper preparation for most positive productivity prepare yourself for this storm may be one drop or a billion drops please prepare yourself for the storm because we are in this season um I will be visiting Koko high school tomorrow speaking to the children excuse me children there at Koko high school so we will bring greetings from the great city of coko also um on Thursday we're having the floa league of Mayors in our own backyard at the Civic Center so I'm happy to say that we will be well represented it from the league itself in our own backyard they're going to have breakfast so I am happy to say that I will be bringing a business guest so be there or be square but there will be other municipalities throughout the entire State of Florida that are committed to attending the Florida League of Mayors event held in our own backyard and I'm happy to say we just had our first completion of the board of directors and the executive board of directors and which I navigated ourselves through and it was a success and we consummated a contract with our Fierce leader executive director and CEO jeie Gardner she does a phenomenal job the league has been in existence way over a 100 years and I'm glad the city of coko is a part of this organization so my thing is kok High's off this week good luck to all the rounding high schools in bvar County please please please prepare yourself on this note chair attains a motion to adjourn move to adjourn okay got a motion on the floor by Council woman weeks and a second by councilman go