##VIDEO ID:n3pz6tGCMPs## to order November the 25th 2024 beautiful 65th Stone Street downtown Coco Village home of the state champions We will have invocation by uh councilman Hearn Pledge of Allegiance by military personnel in the back both uh Victoria Mitchner Jones and L Brown and Ron B I mean Ron B help me God Ron shabo all three of y'all military personnel amen everyone stand for invocation and then we do pledge everyone to Bow your heads please and join me in prayer dear heavenly father I'd like to give thanks to you on this beautiful morning for allowing us to arrive here at our beautiful uh City Hall um I'd like to give thanks for watching over our citizens and our neighbors ask that you give us a sound mind that we only make the best decisions uh on behalf of the citizens of Coco continue to watch over us as we go throughout the rest of this year in Jesus name we pray amen amen Ali to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible but liberty and justice for all Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the audience and on the airwaves Happy Thanksgiving uh Madam clerk may we do roll call please yes sir mayor Blake president May Deputy Mayor weeks here council member gos here council member Hearn here council member C here City attorney gargan here telephonically and city manager Whitten okay we have a quum we've done roll call proceeding on to item number two -1 agenda regular meeting of November the 25th 2024 what are the wishes of council Mo approve second we got a motion on floor by councilman GES and the second by Deputy Mayor weeks chair's going to call the question in favor by saying I I eyes have it unanimously Awards and presentations seeing none delegations saying none um consent agenda seeing none no sir you do I have that one a okay sorry I misread it okay chair entertains a motion to approve the consent agenda item to assure this resolution amend fiscal year 2024 adopted budget b # 24130 dt1 comma T2 if and a to show up departmental accounts with negative balances standard procedure yes ma'am yes chair like to make a motion to approve and I'm looking for a second second got a second on the floor by councilman Hearn CH is going to call the question all in favor by saying I I eyes have unanimous ly uh public hearing seeing none Council business consider the reappointments of Ron shabo Frank man Freddy through November 2027 consider the appointment of Katherine Stewart and Joseph bashard to fill one regular member vacancy and one alternate member vacancy on the Planning and Zoning Board Mr city manager sir thank you Mr Mayor um I'm jumping in because probably requires some explanation of how we got here so we have um I'll call them three slots uh Mr shabo occupies one slot Mr Man Freddy occupies this a second slot and then there's a third slot that is uh vacant um what you have in front of you in terms of the uh ballot you have Mr bashard I think this how you pronounce his name and you have okay you don't have but it's coming it'll it'll be so you have Bashan um and then you have Katherine Stewart we failed to give you Mrs Mitchner Jones's application she applied on the 13th as you know there is a a background screening that we go through and just didn't have time to do that obviously she had an expectation because she's here that uh hers would be on the ballot um for for this meeting and it's it has been uh 12 days there so so um we just gave you right prior to uh starting the meeting Mrs Jones's application which again doesn't give you very much time to process that um so you have uh if you choose to do the ranking you you have uh again a slot that's occupied currently by Mr shabo a slot that's occupied currently by Mr manf Freddy and then I would say that for the vacant slot you have Mr Bashan uh competing for that you have Mrs Jones competing for that and then you have Mrs Stewart competing for that um and if Mrs Stewart moves up to the vacant slot slot then you would have two alternate slots available because Mrs Stewart occupies currently an alternate slot so um that's sort of the current uh circumstances if you need me to go over that again I can I'm going to give you two different ballots and and and uh put it out for a council discussion as to how you want to proceed okay um we'll proceed in this order we have uh Christmasy already councilwoman cost and Deputy Mayor weeks yeah was going to say the um two ballots um just a point of order the resolution that we all agreed to as a consult says that members who have not exceeded their maximum allowable number of terms may be reappointed by the city council and will be considered along with any new applicants who have applied for the position so really we have one ballot here and a ranking amongst them this is the this is what we approved in May and we did that based on what had happened at the January 10th 2023 meeting where we ended ended up well where we ended up with the majority of people on the pnz were from district one at that point and we had only one female represented of the nine members so you know we This was um we went through a process and we determined that this was the right way to go so that we all have a vote again we're Council manager form of government each council member has an equal vote of five votes um and our goal is to make this most important committee representative of all the districts so um that is it's on page four under reappointment process for board and committee members yeah agenda let let me let me say it no it's in the resolution that we passed in May I want to get a comment from Anthony too on that because let me can I say it let me say it differently Mr Mayor because I don't want anyone to think that I'm trying to pull something so I got two ballots here right one uh includes uh Mr Bashan Mr shabo Mr BR Freddy and Mrs Stewart the other ballot includes uh those same names and also Mrs Jones and so and so and so I I I gave you that that convoluted explanation but but these ballots follow the process that you adopted the question now is whether or not you want to add M Jones to the bot because again she submitted on November 13th but again we haven't gone over uh done the background review obviously she's a known commodity and so I don't think she she would have any issues making it through the background and so so I'm going to give you the two different ballots and then you guys determine whether or not how you want to proceed from there and then remember the ballots have your names on them so take your ballot and well well hold on yes sir are you finished sir yes sir thank you sir so cut to the Chase and I want to hear from Anthony there's two ballots out of the two ballots we're going to vote just on one of the ballots right is that my correct understanding that's that's correct yes so so if I want the ballot to include Mrs Jones name on it that's the ballot I choose correct yeah you guys got to decide that yes that that's that's what I'm that's what I'm trying that's why I I'm not opposed to that I'm not opposed to that I thought it was being explained in a different way I probably screwed it up but no but you you now have a ballot that includes Jones yeah so so we need to vote on which ballot we're going to use is that what I'm hearing correct we just need to corre request that is correct P ballot I can't hear youo M Mr Mar can you hear me yes I hear you now sir yeah the first the first order of business is as the manager indicated is Select which ballot you're going to use right and then and then the council pursuant to the resolution as councilwoman C indicated will complete the ballot and you know ranking you know one through one through whatever and then the scoring the the the three candidates with the lowest cumulative score would be put on the the pnz board as a regular board member and then my understanding is there's one alternate so the the fourth lowest score if you selected the ballot with five candidates would get the alternate position they passing two ballots we're not passing two ballots we have to vote on which ballot well one one is the one without Jones on but we have to vote which ballot we're going to use so this is one where's the second one one but that's the only difference okay yeah okay I you can keep mine because I don't need that I want her name I want to vote on the ballot that has her name on it that's all I let's take the vote this one doesn't have her name on it which one this one does not have Victoria's name on it it's a third one a oh oh okay oh oh I see so this has this yeah you yeah yes yes ma'am you good you're good you're good you're good you're good honey so everyone right now right now everyone's ballot should have um I don't if his alphabetical ties whatever alphabetical order Joseph bashard Ram sh Victoria Jones frankman Freddy and Katherine Stewart everyone has that one right yes Cil woman call do you have that ma'am yes uh Deputy Mayor weeks yes thank you okay uh councilman Hearn yes yes sir uh councilman go yes sir yes sir ban oh we good we have to vote though yes yeah you can either vote on which ballot to use or if it's a unanimous consensus or consensus then use and use that ballot that that's the one we just got unanimous consensus on what this B name but we okay I thought we were going to vote whether to use okay I'll make it easy no problem uh CHL to make the motion to approve this ballot that was just stated by myself and I'm looking for a second second okay we have a second on the uh floor by uh councilman Hearns just gon to call the question all in favor saying I in a eyes have it unanimously are we all clear on the process of theot yes so make sure we have okay now let's read the directions uh uh Mr city manager give me the instructions go ahead sir okay sir on the on the ball actually says please select a nominee for the board vacany vacancies by ranking each nominee one through five with one being the highest choice and three being the lowest Choice it should be one five being the lowest choice the top three scores will fulfill the three regular member seats and the uh two highest scores will fulfill the alternate number of vacancies so so you're just going one through five one through three are the seats four and five are the alternates okay make sure your paper a pen or a pencil pen please make sure your name is on top that paper before you start signing it I need a pen make sure your name is on top of that paper of course my pen doesn't want to work that thank you I'm digging I've got them in the bottom of my purse Jimmy hofa down there too so okay you want my pen cuz you WR in pencil they're [Applause] questioning okay um can I yes ma'am um yes ma'am um hold on De let me ask this question can I get another um form printed up for Leander because we crossed just get a form printed up for Leander so there's no no no no shenanigans you go oh you may have your pen back sir thank you you know I just want to keep it right right you know cuz understandable yeah and and again you're just ranking one through five that is correct yep got it hold on you can be the aitor double Che you what people do you have come things but this year it's only six well that's a lot still yeah um oh oh yeah yeah I think we're 13c apprciate okay I gotta recount so how big a bird did you get I get 16 PB I got a 16b if you first year I got a I decided to do the green wise again ah because we do ham too we have ham I've got grandchildren who won't eat turkey ham I do ham and turkey for Christmas you go My Pan okay perfect thank you so yes sir my daughter works for Macy's and she has to go that day even though they're closed but because she does fulfillment and they have to do so she gets off at 4 she work at the yeah yeah y she's the Fulfillment and but she didn't get off till a four and then my son EMT doesn't get off to a six so dinner's ready at 6 we start and gram comes and you know we're all eating when he gets there thank you man' open up mouth yeah he went and saw that Massacre those Bulldogs want baby hurt going to the uh Heritage Bo celebration Bo yes sir that's it know truth let the truth let the truth be told I really want fam you to come back so we can smack but I guess they're be call me my surgery colon Sanders here like colon Sanders original recipe yes sir do you do you want me just read the results okay well they've got the results they got the results they're waiting on you I was getting ready to [Music] say okay okay so we were able to Total everybody's ranking sheets and um the three regular members will be shabo Stewart and Jones and the two altern and that means Miss Stewart will move to a regular member so the two alternate members will be man Freddy and Bashan congratulations to the nominees let's give them a round of applause uh Mr shabo Mrs Mitchner would y'all come to the PO Podium come to the podium please school teacher if you would like to share any words of first thank you Ser thank you ma'am i' like to reiterate first of all congratulations mayor week thank you sir thank you I also serve my country this very seriously thank you influence from the outside straight forward that's always to you both we say thank you very much I know I was stand up and show my support to you both thank y'all very much and to the other nominees as well okay U let let me let me maintain um the agenda for today um next will be let me get my glasses um we've did uh we completed item number 7-1 City business seeing none informational informational agenda seeing none reports see oh we have one go ahead if you like to do your reports go ahead I I I do but I need the clicker because I have pictures okay I would just save mine until J uh December I know well I missed last time so I st in mayor relax you're great go ahead do your thing okay all right let's see I hit the button right I'm pulling it up right now okay thank you sir y you good um yeah w i i want to start off by saying um how honored I am to have been elected by you all as Deputy Mayor and I appreciate all the kind words that were said the other day um I never really got a chance to express that and uh I'm just honored to serve with you all and so um thank you very much um this first slide here was a constituent who called me because she can't walk down her sidewalk well if you look at that truck and where the sidewalk goes there's absolutely no way anybody could ever walk down that sidewalk and she wanted us to do something which I let the uh city manager know about but there's nothing that can be done because the sidewalk goes underneath everybody's driving way right down the middle of the driveway and this is in um a 524 and um shoot I can't think of the neighborhood but it's right off 54 yeah cry it's part of Coventry and uh so I don't know why it was allowed to be built that way obviously there's no going back and fixing that now but um I feel bad cuz she's an 80 80 or 90 year old lady who wants to walk the sidewalk and there's nothing because that's the street there so I just wanted to point that out out that sometimes there's nothing we can do as as Council people but can I ask you is is maybe as city manager is that decided in the Pud is that something we have to be aware of well that's pretty significant obviously it would never it would never happen now but but it's an old subdivision and so it is so that that would be caught at the uh obviously at the planning stage and I think these are private roads if yes it is and and when she she said she used to be able to walk down the sidewalk and now she can't and and when I went I went I don't know how anybody could have ever walked down that sidewalk so anyway I feel bad for her but I just wanted to point out that that's something for the future that we never let happen again as well catch um yes good catch okay where do I aim it at can you bring up the next slide uh just click the right arrow button the right oh I went the wrong way and then we all went to the well three of us went to the recycling plant and I had never shared some of these pictures of I'd never been in a recycling plant before but it was impressive to see all that they're doing there and many people didn't know that it had been shut down and now reopened again but uh the people there do a great job and then this event was at Lost Lakes with the general contractor for the new BP station that's going to go in on the corner and um I was called that day and asked if I would please attend by some of the homeowners in Los lakes and so he did a great job explaining to the homeowners and as you can see the room was packed standing room only uh over that but uh unbeknownst to me even though I had talked to the transportation office they're going to put a light there outside of that uh their the drive there going into an out of Lost Lakes which was something the homeowners really wanted now there's still concerned about the amount of traffic that's going to come uh out into their drive but they also thought it was going to be a truck stop and it's not it's strictly it's going to have 12 pumps and four of them will be diesel um but it's not designed for semis to pull in there to fill up they'll go over to the Flying Jay for that so it was uh very educational uh for the homeowners and um uh and I was glad that I got to attend that and talk with all of them uh on that issue so there's still some who aren't happy but um for the most part I think they're in favor of it so and that's going to make a huge difference up there on that corner cuz that lot's way bigger and then uh we attended uh Alex's uh district one um talked to me Tuesday which was really good and so I snap some pictures of you up there and uh this is some of the folks that attended and of course we had um Charlene and Abby and the city manager there as well and they did presentation and hopefully down the road when I do one for District 3 yall will be able to attend as well anyway make it happen make it happen but uh and and there's the city manager up there uh answering questions and uh it was very informative and you did a great job Alex um oh and then I was at Boston for the National Association of realtor convention I serve on the state and local issues policy committee I've been on that for four years now and uh affordable housing was was a big topic of conversation with that so I just wanted to point that out then of course I have to reshow my lovely family from from last week and uh and and then all my gang that was there um again I never really got a chance to say my husband isn't in this picture because he had gone to the playhouse BLS drums there and he had to leave so he missed the deputy mayor part and my son texted him and told him what that I'd been voted in and he thought it was a joke and then I sent him the picture of me standing next to it and he thought it was staged and so by the time he got done with rehearsal that night uh and we talked I said no it's true I am Deputy Mayor so he says there'll be no living with her now so but um all these folks have just been instrumental and and uh helping me to get where I am and I'm very grateful to all of them and especially the good Lord because I would not be here he wanted me in this spot and he opened the doors for it so I just wanted to say that thank oh and then this was the luncheon last Friday and the mayor and uh councilman C both attended that it was appreciation lunching at Space Coast Association of Realtors this gentleman is Tim weire he will be president of of Florida Realtors next year if you aren't aware uh Space Coast Association of Realtors is the largest Trade Organization in Bard County we have over 5,400 members and then Florida we have two almost 250,000 Realtors and we are the largest Trade Organization in the state and so it was a really a nice lunch in here's a kind of a shot of the whole group there's Timbo Banick and we invite all elected officials and then our major investors um to come and and have lunch together and I it was a nice event I hope you all enjoyed it thank you very much that's end of my report good report uh Mr city manager sir yes yes sir and I I know I sent this to uh the council there but again uh we have the entire budget staff here which is really one person and then the uh then the uh two people and then the um and then the finance director and again I think this is the fourth year of the fifth year in a row that we received the gfoa distinguished budget award it's the fifth year well yeah numers is not my thing kudos to you all so Mr Mar you obviously you all know uh um Rebecca Bowman and Laura how um our budget analyst is Zoe bov Hey Zoe welcome to the team team Zoe and so again two things that we look for in budgeting each year are the gfoa distinguished budget award and then the state trim compliance letter which says that you've done everything according to uh Florida statute and so uh we did receive that again this year and that's always uh uh nice um good to have so again I just wanted to acknowledge them today all right yeah oh man is councilman uh Gone says even a poor frog will praise his own PA and Leander councilman Hearn has said that too as well so rivit rivit Team Coco rivit is that it ma'am uh sir I need a motion for the uh the board appointments did we make a motion or did we just congratulate them I think we congratulated them uh well if not we'll do thought we made a motion CH like did we did for the ballot select the ballot for him but we need one make a motion to approve the results and the board appointments looking for a second second by Deputy Mayor weeks just going to call the question all in favor saying I I go in peace uh anything else before we conclude this because Palm Beach here we come I have a state yes ma'am I have to go to West Palm Beach travels thank you ma'am any other comments hey again thank you all congrats thank you to all great citizens of the city of coko and bvar County and this outstanding United States of America and Happy Thanksgiving to you please be safe be safe chair entertains motion to adjourn motion to adjourn we got a motion on the floor by Deputy Mayor oh sorryy mayor weeks yeah I got to get trained all the favor saying I I eyes have it unanimously Happy Thanksgiving Pisano