##VIDEO ID:slOksPvfRx8## 65th beautiful downtown 65th Stone Street our invocation will be performed by uh councilman GS and Pledge of Allegiance will be by councilman former Council excuse me Greenwood yes sir thank would everyone stand for the pledge please face the flag please I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all invocation byow your head father God thank you for allowing to be here thank you for allowing us to be here another day Lord bless us as we go through these next few days or trying days Lord just protect all of us protect this city protect this country and this state from the hurricane Lord just be with us to this meeting we make sound decision for the citizens of Coco in Jesus name we pray amen amen mad clerk may we do roll call please yes sir mayor Blake pres ma'am Deputy Mayor Hearn pres council member Goins here council member C here council member weeks here City attorney gargan here telephonically thank you city manager Whitten here thank you thank you very much Madam clerk um moving on to item number 2-1 agenda regular meeting of October the 8 2024 chair would like to make a motion to amend October the 8th 2024 city council agenda to table public hearing items one and two as well as Council business item number two and City business item number two to the next regular scheduled city council meeting due to the impending storm I'd also like to do an add on walk on item cons item number 5-8 to approve the second annexation agreement with the city of Orlando that is the um where Orlando is um is in the county and the the city of Orlando wants to Annex our wells we approved it already and what we were trying to do and what we are doing is asking that the agreement be settled and be placed under um um consent item number 5-8 we're not losing anything it's not infecting our property rights or nothing of that nature need a second for that yes ma'am second okay I have a second on the floor by councilwoman um weeks where the discussion yeah I'm I'm requesting to move item 53 and item 55 postpone those till the next meeting five 55 was one that was on the regular agenda was moved to consent when you say consent to item five yeah I'm yes these are both these are both the and the other is approve the amended and restated development agreement um which I haven't had opportunity to ask questions about and contain several different things than were in the previous agreement and because it is a development agreement because it his policy I feel uncomfortable having this in a consent agenda item which one are you talking about ma'am item 5 three and I can I can approve yes sir approve the amended and restated development agreement and restrictive covenant alra at CoCo Mr City Manager Go yes sir I can walk you through that and the developer is here also okay go ahead let let me hear from him we need to approve and well no I haven't called a question yet because I have see if I want to amend or not go ahead let me hear from him so so on on this agreement there are several things that that have changed uh one the one big thing is really in favor of the city I'll let the developer the developer is Jeremy MIRS and I'll let him uh talk about uh the sort of the financial changes there but again that's also uh in favor of the city also and so originally as this came to you all remember this is uh Allegra is a an apartment complex that is providing 10% of the units will be uh for affordable housing I think actually a number of them are reserved for firefighters policemen and and um and uh School teachers um and so 10% of those units are reserved for affordable housing he must maintain the affordable housing component of the project for 30 years um and in this development agreement uh Mr MIRS agreed to actually donate or transfer to the city uh approximately um just going to round up 12 acres of land when we originally proposed the deal um he wanted um he had some environmental um concerns he had the meeting so he wanted a conservation easement on the uh on the property that he was donating to us that took a while and and and again as a developer he'll tell you that time kills all deals and so and So eventually he simply purchas uh mitigation credits as opposed to continuing to uh try to work with uh the St John's uh River Water Management District to do a conservation easement and so that 12 acres comes to us without a conservation easement and so it comes to us without any incumbrances and so that we can do what we we the city can do what we uh feel is best with regards to that remember that we're working on the uh the parcels surrounding the um the bright Line station and so I'm hopeful that uh we can do a deal with St John's uh on the uh conservation easement um perhaps the city establishing its own conservation easement on that 12 Acre Site um that will give us uh the ability to sort of swap out the conservation easement that's that's around the um around the parcels surrounding the train station there and so um so that's the that's the the land uh issue um again it comes to us really unincumbered as before it was going to come to us with a uh with a conservation easement on it he uh actually uh Jeremy I'm going to call this he financed through a bank uh the deal um prior to closing uh he went into a relationship with that bank uh and so we're reflecting we're amending the uh agreement to reflect that the bank recognizes our agreement the developers agreement and that the bank is uh subordinating itself to that agreement I.E um the bank uh recognizes that this is a certain component of it is an affordable housing component it recognizes the rent requirements and it recognizes that uh the 30 the 30y year um uh the 30-year affordable housing uh period there affordability period there and so again all um changes that um are really uh positive to the deal there and and I I'll let the developer elaborate if he needs to come state your name for us please sir yeah Jeremy MIRS uh Brownstone I mean he said he said it great that's exactly what happened it was just taking so long with St John's to get approvals and we couldn't start construction and it was just reaching a point with the land seller we just couldn't keep the contract going any longer so we just made a business decision to purchase it was roughly uh around $600,000 worth of mitigation credits uh because and and so now the wetlands will built on another site somewhere else and now the conservation easements not placed on the city property now you have a more valuable piece of property because now you can do with it whatever you want you can build on it you can donate it you can create your own conservation easement and offset land somewhere else I mean it's just now it's wide open so we just made a business decision and not continue going forward with this because it could have taken another six months and then we may not been able to get our financing something could have happened and now we're under construction now so but that that's all it was and we just decided to spend the money and just give it to yall free and clear and that's what happened so okay any questions for Mr mirors yeah I have a couple so um and that's great I mean I didn't get a chance to ask any questions about this I took a look at the old development plan this significant changes um it is there are uh they say one or two bedroom apartments for Law Officers or teachers or whatever and 10% 30 units affordable um I'm and we are waving the tree mitigation which was pretty significant almost a million dollars that of course those trees and and that mitigation is based on the ecosystem services that those trees provide to the area be it absorbing storm water uh blocking sound Breaking Wind you know for for those um I think what concerned me most was recalculation of tree mitigation contribution that's something we've never done before and um so I know that the city manager had mentioned that has mentioned several times to me that we're taking back our tree ordinance which we had only recently passed I mean I think it's only a year maybe a year and a half old and redoing it and then I see this and and that kind of I I'm concerned about that because I think the waiver of the tree mitigation was probably when I looked up the property the 11.5 Acres what you paid for it what is on the market for probably maybe the mitigation is a little bit more than that property was worth so it's kind of a trade but we also have um you know we've done we've reduced the size of the apartments for you um of course this was done through uh because it's affordable they changed the the zoning um so I mean we've made a number of concessions so I am concerned about that what that means exactly that we are going to maybe someone can explain that more to me it is page 10 um on the document you guys don't have it I don't think I think I may be the only one that was given a copy of the actual development agreement it would have been into the original one I will say this uh when you remove a conservation easing off a property it becomes more valuable so our the $600,000 I paid basically you you're almost adding that value to that property because now the now you're creating wetlands in another area nearby so so the wetlands aren't going away they're just being recreated somewhere else you're paying someone else with that property so going and actually if you look at the FEMA firm map that area that that um you're giving to us is is mostly Wetlands so I'm not sure how we're going to trade it for Wetlands but at any rate um the recalculation of the tree medication contribution I mean that's kind of I've never seen anything like that before we're actually going to go backwards and what about the other people that have paid into the mitigation bank I thought that was a part of the original deal uh that if you made it to the 30th year there's a uh uh a payoff if you will a reduction of the uh of the tree mitigation amount there I know when you look at the other uh developments when you look at the Lakes at CoCo uh wiw preserve there's language that talks about if it's amended that Amendment goes to the favor of uh of the developer there and so I'm not I'm not I don't think that this is new language um I recall that this is very similar language that we've talked about in the those development orders there but again I think it was always contemplated that this uh zeros out at some point if he is still maintaining the uh the property as an affordable housing property okay so it's just over the 30 years it's the standard yeah yeah so and that was that was part of the trade for the property uh the affordable housing aspect of it there but again you know 90% market rate um market rate project and he's still agreeing to maintain that affordable housing piece for the 30 years is pretty good his bank recognizes that they have that obligation and so and so we think we're in the we're in the cat bird seat having that as an affordable housing project and getting the approximately uh 12 acres that are the 30 units would do we what will be the system for us will they be tracking will will you be tracking whether or not the units remain or is that a system no I think we're going to require him submit some that he submit something to uh the community services department on an annual basis okay okay I'm satisfied um to leave this on s and I hope we get it built soon if you go out there I've been out there a couple of times yeah number okay yeah and number five um that was on I think that was on Console business before um I think that needs needs to have the the light of the public um that is I'm concerned if you've heard me talk about this before for foret house that we are renting it at below market value that it is a Heritage what you would consider a Heritage value or premium historical premium value and we are currently renting it um see if I can find the dock so again you know my platform when I ran for office one of my wishes was to make the Porche house an actual attraction for Coco rather than just a a rent um a place an office rental and um right now we have I think that the businesses that are there understand the value they get for it being a historical property and in fact when you look up you know how you evaluate value of properties historical properties there is a premium placed on that they do go for more rent than a non-historical property but there it is and so this is just a a discussion I think that needs to happen around the rent prices as well as what I've requested numerous years is a plan to eventually make this into a historical home one that is worthy of of being on the um historical home list of bravard there are several throughout the county and people come here for the holidays and they go and they visit all those houses and pret house is every bit as good as any of these others and it has a story to tell and um anyway I think we start by just making it pricing it correctly for those that are staying there um I recall when Leander brought that issue of forward and I thought we fundamentally agreed on what we just discuss now with that um 10% uh I mean excuse me 3% let me see it correctly and I'm in favor of that but you made a motion to table that and then I'll give you a chance to get a second and if it doesn't then it dies motion that's for a second now I go back to my original motion that was point of order point of order councilwoman weeks was had her finger on the button wait a minute wait she didn't she just excuse me no excuse me excuse me point of order sir ma' no ma'am I looked because I heard her made a noise and I waited an additional second that's when I hit that g now I delayed I apologize thank you so now I'm getting ready to call my question it dies of a second now we're going to go back to my motion and call the question on the motion that I stated to you to amend the agenda all in favor by saying I I any Nays nay and I would like it noted wait a minute wait a minute let me let me get it correctly councilwoman C how are you voting I'm voting nay coun the agenda weeks I voted Jay thank you uh Deputy Mayor Hearn yay thank you Council mes yes that direct reflected is 41 uh as esad G are we in standard sir um yeah for the approval of the agenda okay thing it be noted on the at least in the minutes that my nay vote is a result of this particular item okay that will be reflected as um Madam clerk you have it ma'am yes sir thank you ma'am turn your light off please Council woman call okay make sure your light is off U City Manager witton all right thank you and Council woman weeks ma'am I just had a quick question when it comes to this item uh there's nothing saying we can't re bring that up later on at another date correct correct ma'am you know the routine J and K ma'am J and all right you know the routine yes okay all right very good all right proceeding on to minutes item number 2-2a regular meeting August 13 2024 what are the wishes of council we got a motion on the floor by Council mcor second by the chair chair's G call the question all in favor saying I I I eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to Awards and presentations Proclamation for customer service week for the financial director and I will read this into the minutes please customer service week is an essential service provided to all of our citizens utility customers the United States Congress proclaimed customer service week a national recognized event with the goal of emphasizing the importance of customer sa satisfication and the value of the work the customer service team provides the city of Coco would celebrate the importance and commitment of customer service and the people who serve and support customers on a daily basis and yes they do the city of coko has a regional water utility which encompasses over 90 plus thousand utility accounts and the utility customer service a division of finance are a valued and appreciated group of dedicated professionals serving the community with pride the city council deserves to express its sincere fa thanks and appreciation for the excellent service provided by the employees of the city of Coco and wish to acknowledge the quality service provided by the employees to the public and internally to their fellow co-workers by recognizing National customer service week we can provide an opportunity to generate an even stronger commitment to customer service Excellence through motivation and teamwork to continue through the year now I Michael C Blade the mayor of the great city of Coco and it's illustrious staff and councel on behalf of the city of Coco due by Proclaim October the 7th through the 11th customer service week let's give them a round of applause Mr Mayor I'm going to accept that we like city manager would like to accept this photo who did I don't know it came from the city or somebody okay proceeding on delegations do we have any cards and I thank everyone because look let's be honest we within the next 12 hours ladies and gentlemen um we going we will be hunkering down and I'm asking everyone to not only look out for yourself but look out for your neighbor and I'm asking you go beyond the Call of Duty and I'll give you my number 32147 4175 this public information you can call on me because in the past I've written along with others too as well on the staff and Council In the Heat of the battle and I'll do it again every time I'll only do it one time and that's all the time so I'm asking all right seeing none we have no delegations correct ma'am Madam clerk no sir thank you kindly ma'am moving on to consent agenda what are the wishes of councel Mo approve with discussion I second okay we have a motion on the floor by councilman go and a second by Council woman weeks I just request when we bring back uh if we bring back the 3% increase that uh councilwoman cost brings back us a a number on what that number should be so that we won't have just empty discussion um if if you feel like it need to be x amount let's do whatever that is I don't want to have a discussion just because um we want to make it a historical side and we want those businesses to be out if that's going to be the discussion we need to bring that to the table not to bring a discussion about finances or about money when it really that's not really the real issue if we want to if that's we need to make the main thing the main thing whatever that is yeah let's bring it okay okay we have a motion on the floor by councilman go and a second ma'am I please ma'am and a second by councilwoman weeks discussion councilwoman calls yeah and so you're right and the only reason this came up is because I brought this up in the past and it hasn't gone anywhere so the only place that I can catch it right is when it actually comes to our face and we see that no we're charging less for these properties than we are for the other now we have voted to increase at 3% and I'm fine with that what I really want is that plan and the opportunity to talk about a plan and as you know we have very few opportunities to be here together and talk about this and it's not the time because we've got more important issues at the moment okay chair's G to call the question all in favor of saying I I eyes have it unanimously under Council business item number two approval of resolution F conditions and potential of hurricane Milton 24601 Mr city manager yes sir this is a resolution that is required as we enter into uh state of emergency I'll let the fire chief give you the particulars of uh the resolution and then give you the update on where we are with the storm thank you Mr city manager yes sir this is just like the resolutions we've done in the the past uh this is in order to give the city manager the authority to help us move forward and not only protective measures but also uh recovery events uh as the hurricane moves through without having to go through uh the bureau bureaucracy part of it um so we can provide the best resources to our citizens to help them recover uh through the hurricane obviously you know I know everybody's been watching the news we had a 3:30 briefing today with uh the County EOC and I just want to uh bring everybody kind of up to speed to where we are at I would ask our citizens please please do not be laxed in your preparations just because the weather says it's going to be a category one by the time it crosses the state and goes exits bravard County this system will be exiting Bard County with sustained tropical Forest Winds of up to 74 mph so uh this is still a very dangerous storm we will uh be in a very high category for possible tornadoes in our area uh we'll start seeing the effects of hurricane Milton tomorrow afternoon our EOC will activate to a level one starting tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. what that means is all of our available resources will be brought in to answer the calls throughout the night as a storm comes through uh start prioritizing things once it's safe to be out on the roads to um get our city back up and running and operating and answer the calls of our citizens who are in need I would strongly strongly encourage any of our citizens who live in manufactured homes who live in a flood prone area or who are electricity or um Power dependent to please on our website we have listed the County shelters that will open up tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. please evacuate to those shelters our crews and the police Crews will not be able to respond once sustained winds reach more than 40 m an hour for our police cars and our utilities trucks and 55 mph for our fire trucks it puts Our People In Harm's Way so I would just ask you to please please please go to those shelters they are prepared for you the county has done a great job in ensuring that they have proper Staffing uh for those also the um individuals who may have medical needs where they need oxygen machines or things of that nature they have those facilities set up and prepared and ready for you tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. um our uh telephone service will be available here at City Hall we'll continue to push out messaging throughout the night uh as the storm goes through we will see impacts uh as I said early tomorrow afternoon with uh the major impacts happening sometime in the middle of the night between 2:00 a.m. and 4: a.m. going into Thursday morning uh this storm has slowed significantly we'll see if it picks up and maybe comes a little faster but it has slowed significantly that's why the times have changed so we will see those impacts go all the way through Thursday um we did ask for in the emergency declaration just a little bit of wiggle room because of like every hurricane we've ever had they never make up their mind and they don't come on our time clock uh so that's why there's a little bit of change that says that we can activate earlier if the system worsens uh and take those proactive measures but uh Council and the community have always been very supportive of us taking Pro those protective actions and measures to protect our community community and our citizens uh I'm very proud of our public works department our police officers our firefighters our mechanics and our utilities department uh on how they're up Staffing and how we have Crews ready to answer those calls to get our city and our community back in order as quick as possible our governor along with our Emergency Management uh fdm director director Guthrie have uh made calls and said that they are prepared to provide any services that we need along with the county so Coco is ready to answer those calls Chief lamb and and just I know in the past um we've had U shelter for animals too and um that will be denoted on our website Mr city manager and chief chief CO as well yes sir and that's a that's a good point because all all the shelters are coordinated by the county through the state there and so and so again the county has announced shelters I think there are only three of them that they're opening up uh I forget which ones are the uh special needs you got it okay yes sir he can give you those so South mland community center off of 3700 Allen Avenue and moo Walter Butler Community Center 4201 North Coco Boulevard Wickham Park Community Center 285 Leisure Way in Melbourne uh there's a good possibility that there will also Al be opening up some others and we will push out that information but those shelters will will be available for general population and families wishing to bring their pets so those will be your pet shelters and then the rest of the community shelters uh for our special needs and all are also listed on our website thank you C sir and then Mr Mayor another another uh important matter of note is is that uh Waste Management did agree and and uh uh was making sweeps within the city the complicating part of that is is that there is a 3H hour over three-hour weight at the Landfield and so so they couldn't rotate through as quickly as they as we had hoped but they did attempt to make uh sweeps for uh for yard debris and and uh any bulk items that were out uh on the on the curb site there so we appreciate them doing that um again we talked shelters uh was just a couple of other follow-ups with that uh as the city manager stated just so all of our residents know the landfill will be open till noon tomorrow but it will be closed after that and on Thursday they'll re-evaluate once the storm passes uh where that's at scat will stop uh running bus services as of tomorrow and Thursday so there will be no SCAT bus services on Wednesday and Thursday and then count all County offices and along with the municipalities are following the same suit as far as being closed Wednesday and Thursday and an evaluation done probably late Thursday on what uh municipalities and government buildings will be open going into Friday determining the impact of the storm okay um one more other question yes ma'am one more other question sir um the other question I have is this um I know we talked about sandbags we don't have anymore but the Mounds are still out there so people get their own plastic bags they can still go and shovel um and that that's what we did yesterday because several senior citizens I was working my gluteus Maxs in order that they're you know safe and secure and I'll be out there again even though I have a 91 year old baby called Dick Blake I'll still go out there and help some women and and and men to as well anyone that needs help that's safety safety safety uh c wost yeah I was out there today too darn I could have used some [Laughter] help trust me away okay um waste management will they be doing anym because I counted at least 12 piles on the way here going down Indian River Drive and for some reason people like to put them right on top of the storm drain yeah we asked that you not put them in the storm Dr um they misre and I don't I I got to go back to my text message I forget when they stop uh but I think they were attempting to do that today they may stop midday tomorrow but let me just let me just check that's it it's on the east side of the road it looked like things were picked up the street man Indian River Drive they were big that's a long s yeah give me B from the 2100 block what to from the 2100 block to uh City Hall $20 F yes ma'am we we had already talked to waste management about that cuz I to drove Indian River Drive and again as the city manager alluded to you know once their trucks are full they're sitting 3 hours at the landfill waiting to dump so you know they're getting backed up just like anybody else and once the Landfield closes there's really nowhere for them put that so they have been at it hard at it all day today okay it's a three-h hour wait it's the problem yeah that's the problem and they they did run Indian River Drive approximately 2 p.m. today and they also ran the fif and Broadmore area uh today too and so they must have just done one side though because there were literally there were 12 piles okay I got to R down North and even River Drive 2100 block and all the way in yeah okay on the storm drains city manager um while we have here you and the chief lamb Chief coryer at Mr beach too as well um and Corbin can you talk about the new since October 1st the new laws that have been Incorporated just briefly like for an example what took place at uh you know on adderson Creek you how they modifi the hours and now charging people Peron where traditionally they they they was doing it for free so long as you were not a business yeah I think I think there's a new a new fee structure for dumping at the landfill I forget off the top of my head whether or not that's County initiated or whether that was State initiated but there are new new fees for the landfill um and so again with the storm everybody wants to to dump at the Landfield and so that again the the the around time is is the real issue there um I think a couple of citizens were surprised that where in the past they could actually go and drop off for free now uh there there is a charge there um and so that that uh that is uh that is uh affecting the circumstances there again the uh and I don't know if you want to talk about you want specifically that one or you want to talk about 1365 or just a little bit of that because we're dealing with this hurricane to as well while we have then we'll move on I'll call the question for this item yeah so so 1365 actually uh makes it against the law for uh individuals to sleep or camp in public places there and so cities are actually required to prohibit uh that sort of activity and so third and so 101 uh was the start date of that then whatever this means January 1 of 2025 is when uh when the uh when the uh the penalty phase is implemented there so so uh you know we we're we're going to be um working on that um as you know Mr Mayor um the Coalition for the homeless actually has a working group to address that um again and and specifically that law requires a um an encampment be established um within the county um as a requirement of that law the the strange thing about that is is that if you're going to do it within a city it requires a vote of the city council of that City and it also requires a vote of the County Commission and so um so there is a working group uh led by of the Coalition for the for the homeless um Amber Carol and her staff I am actually on that working group and so we're meeting periodically to try to come up with a plan uh for implementation or to address those issues but it's going to be complicated and uh it's a different way of uh of uh going about addressing uh homeless in the cities and in the county yes sir uh Mr city manager real quick and then we'll move forward elaborate on what's on Camp Ro that was once Department of Corrections you remember they had the big state portion and know Wayne's what do he call the ivory steel yeah so so so a lot of folks are are not too familiar with Camp Road but Camp Road consists of uh the County Jail uh there's a juvenile uh facility and then there was a old uh State Prison and um our Detention Facility I'll call it um they tore that down in 20 12 or something like that and so uh I think the sheriff occupies a little bit of that space they actually uh tore it down and and uh put the deed in the mail to the county so so so uh I remember that so so again as as we as we figure out where uh an encampment could be then you know I guess we'll be talking about uh Geographic locations obviously that's going to be a NB issue for for whole lot of people there but again um traditionally you've had uh state county and State uh juvenile sort of all on Camp Road rest sure I can get guarantee you every citizen along that road like myself support amendment number two I can guarantee you okay all right what are the wishes of council for item number two resolution 20249864 favor by saying I I I say I unanimously thank you sir item number three approved resolution 2024 d99 providing for a temporary excuse meary waiver of building permit fees uh related to building or structural damage caused by Hurricane Milton and this is something we've done before in the past and I am in support of this but I Mr city manager you want to say anything before I turn it over to counil uh no sir you covered it it would be for a six-month period okay move to approve got a motion on the floor got a motion on the floor by Council woman um weeks second second by councilwoman cost chair is going to call the question all in favor by saying I I I have it unanimously proceeding on to the next item um informational um we're going to do reports Mr city manager yes sir just a reminder that the CR a plan update Workshop uh which was scheduled for tomorrow was cancelled I think we've already messaged out that the vulnerability assessment Workshop which was scheduled for October 10th is uh cancelled as well and the next Workshop will be October 17th from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at The Bard Museum on uh Michigan Avenue there and there'll be another uh Workshop date um that will schedule I think that is it for us sir all right okay well I just want to make ask one more additional question in event we go to an emergency we shut it down etc etc will there be a curfew that's all I want to know depending on the county actually actually the county sets the curfews okay so but no no one has talked about on the county yeah they they've not talked about the curfews y all right hey okay um let me say happy birthday to Triple G uh Greg stole he finally turned 25 plus 10 makes it 35 happy birthday to you Greg all right who would like to go first uh just to say that I did not prepare a report because I was told this was an abbreviated agenda same here pass so am I me too passing too all right Council M go everybody's passing no pressure on you no I got it I said no pressure on you everybody pass up me yeah yeah it's abbreviated agenda man Deputy Mayor Hearns uh I got to hear from you too as well uh so um this were the lines that uh city manager was talking about these are the lines that's every single day at the county D it is L I know when I pulled up with my truck I was all the way closer to uh what's the subdivision Adam yep so I was so my truck was all the way past the subdivision so so it's very true that that's why they taking so long um so the um we talked about the other day about just because it's in the county doesn't mean it doesn't affect us and so this is at Bernett Road the ditches and the the uh debris in front of the pipes were clogging up that's why pluck a bomb uh ponds was was full of water and they wasn't draining to St John's and so um thankfully they got out there and they was today I seen couple guys with rakes uh inside of the ditches as well moving debris and so um you know kudos to all those guys getting out there getting it done um another great thing about about our city for sure um most of the people you see here was already done with their bags they stayed to help other individuals um get it done um some some uh individuals showed up who with special needs she didn't have anything no bag no shovel no nothing these these people came in and said hey look we have three or four more bags and we all chipped in and uh and and helped out um so this this is our City truck I called um uh city manager Whitten uh within 10 15 minutes he was there uh well he wasn't there um but but this is U Mr Jones um they brought the dirt in I mean maybe 15 minutes later and you should have seen the smiles on the people face um even though we're not providing the um bags some people upset with us about that um but there so many more people that was happy that we were doing anything cuz there are cities that are not providing piles they're not doing nothing and everybody waiting on the county so kudos to um public works as well yeah I can't take credit for that they were on the way okay when you called me okay well you got to take it all right but that's one on Ros right Railroad and R the second power man yep yep yeah I was at the first Power Man yep so so you know all of us getting out there I brought my Bobcat out there and I probably shouldn't have but I brought my Bobcat out there moved some of the grass off to some of these piles that uh that people were kind of struggling with and um man again even though we we don't know what's going to happen with this storm I mean people's out there we went through four piles uh four dumps today alone so again another another group um Saturday morning uh thank you uh councilwoman weeks um for for coming to uh to City Hall we had a group of kids coming in and see all of you guys' chair was full with young kids uh from ages actually was somebody here three three years old uh from 3 to probably like 13 12 13 years old uh thank you also to city manager and um what's my guy from It Corbin cor Corbin he came as well um again another opportunity for kid oh Corbin back there I see okay I see you got got all dark back there thank you Corin for coming on Saturday uh and that's said I hope everybody just be safe out here um help your neighbor thank you uh one thing I know this a political season and all this crazy stuff going on but one thing bring us together is is sometimes Sports and storms and so um and we don't care what political party you're part of if you see me swimming please come and get me um I'm not going to ask to a political party all right so um so again uhk you know thank to staff all of the Public Works uh Street division utilities is I think how many guys you got working uh next couple of days as far as the public works yeah we we have all hands on deck and so and so uh I don't want to um prolong the meeting there but but again I mean just here we we have the suits and ties in the in the building you know um and so we have Finance we have HR we have public information obviously we have utilities we have Public Safety uh we have a police fire yeah we have a it we have Community Services uh and then uh um public works there and so we all staff the emergency uh Management Center and then uh in the field um it's pretty much all hands on deck uh at the the water wastewater treatment plants um we have standby uh police department the fire department stages up and so we're all ready to go uh the public generally doesn't understand um the role of the city when it comes to emergency preparedness and emergency management but but we uh we will uh 8:00 tomorrow morning we will be here for at least a 24hour period I think it's a 36 hour a 36h hour maybe it's a 30h hour period at a minimum there and so uh those staffers do not go home and so that's a big sacrifice but again we we have I forget what the number is there it's 10 and some odd people that are uh that are on Deck ready to assist where they can under the various departmental roles okay good good well um thank y'all for y sacrifice I know you got to be here with uh city manager Whitten I know that's tough uh but but but again you know thank you guys for watching out for the city uh cuz I I we don't know what's going to happen and so everybody just be safe provos Park have one question Oh provos Park oh we had a um National Night Out October 1st we also did a a reopening of the park as well uh the park looks great uh thank you for public workers for getting out there getting that done um we don't I don't see any future issues because we have a lot of positive foot track going on at the park now uh thanks PD for for also being very mindful um I'm here we got some other surveillance coming around here soon and so uh yeah no they need to know 246 was in the house right yeah yeah thank fire department was there as well I mean the kids enjoy always seeing the the fire trucks nonets show them love the nonprofits but yes again everybody just be safe uh take care of each other and I I think we'll be okay God willing thank you I just have one question go ahead ma'am um the we were there were supposed I don't know if it even happened um but I didn't get I didn't find out about it until later but the vulnerability assessment public Workshop um that didn't end up on our calendars and I know second or at least I was told in the rear there was one and that there's was supposed to be one on October 10th and um was it the 30th was the it's Council yeah so I think they all got canell okay so they all can they they held the one on the 7th there was not a big turnout on it it was publicly advertised and then we just cancelled the one that's on the 10th due to the hurricane that will be rescheduled but I know there was a big push and um media push for all those meetings so once they're rescheduled we'll make sure that we get that out again um Charlene oversees it but I sit on that with her for the regional planning Council so um but we'll make sure we get the information out okay and if we could also get that that on the um Council calendar we missed it Council woman yes ma'am oh um I I wanted to ask first off you guys are doing a great job thank you for working hard to keep our city safe um and I wanted to find out because this is my first storm as a councilwoman is there something that as Council that we need to be doing during the storm I could be safe um talk with the city manag that's not your question to answer right yes well I thought she meant from the EC side yeah yeah the the uh yeah let me let me hear your answer so the biggest thing uh councilwoman weeks that I would tell you is just please encourage all of our citizens to continue to watch the city's website and social media for the latest updates on anything that are going on if they're standing water please don't get in it don't drive in it don't walk in it any of those things and again the employee and the um hotline for our citizens is up um 911 is for emergencies only so please don't call to ask questions about where the storm's at cuz it will quickly overwhelm our our communication Center who again is doing a good job but the biggest thing from our council is just continuing to support our social media sites because as we get stuff we are shooting that out as fast as we can to keep our public informed of where we're at thank you I will do that yeah Council woman weeks I'm trying to do a better job in updating you guys on the Storm there and so if you just check your your text uh messages I think that's the quickest easiest way uh and so after each of the uh emergency uh management meetings I try to send you guys an update but but it's it's generally you know taking that update and um and uh as the chief said disseminating the information like for instance on uh there was a big question or concern out there on uh the city not providing water to the Barrier Islands there and so and so we try to dispel a lot of rumors there we're going to need you guys to do that and so I try to give you the pertinent information on those uh text message updates but generally it is uh pretty much um um disseminating the public information as we as we give it to you and then um you know again these guys have and ladies have been through this and they they're professionals there and so uh if you have questions if you have concerns uh that those calls should come directly to me because uh they're busy doing what they do and so uh send those to me and and um and then we can we can figure out uh something out from there but but again it is making sure that the public gets good information and we'll try to our best to give you good in good information in a timely manner thank you yes I've been getting your text appreciate that very much is that that's it for me yes sir depy M uh yes uh good evening everyone uh first off I'd like to say please excuse my absence today uh in person um as some of you may know I'm assisting in evacuations for the hurricane um um so one thing about my crew if you don't know Emergency Management I often see the uh the planning side the mitigation side as well as recovery so um I ask the city staff um City uh city manager uh please keep a close eye on any resources that come become available after the storm um as far as the recovery part and make that available uh to our citizens um there'll be a lot of resources out there in regards to FEMA um so I just want to make sure all our citizens have access to that information um another thing also I would like staff pay attention to the uh debris on the side of the roads After the Storm as well they I've been complaining each meeting about debris still being left out on the side of the road because of the lack of uh I would say the lack of knowledge on how to have trash picked up a large degree V degrees picked up so uh let's be mindful of that um other than that I'll say uh be be safe everyone and and take care of each other thank you very much um Deputy Mayor Hearn in conclusion uh just I'm a firm believing proper preparation promotes positive productivity we are brothers and sisters keeper please secure your trash cans bring them inside or tether them to a secured railing or something so it will not blow into the wind get your meds get your water get your non perishable goods and stay connected you know more than so than anything else make sure you charge up your phones please please please and on that note I ask God blessings for our entire city our entire County and our entire nation the great state of Florida can I get amen amen chair entertains a motion to adjourn looking for a second second second by Council woman weeks call a favor all in favor by saying I I go in peace and take care of your neighbor God bless keep your drains clean please