##VIDEO ID:y8akj5bzDcE## birthday tomorrow which is 911 it is our very own councilwoman Patricia weeks let's give her a round Applause and if I may sing Happy Birthday to her one two three happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear P happy birthday to you thank you very much I'm very blessed wonderful and many more also in the audience we have the honorable bishop and councilman past president Yours Truly Sean Ferguson in the house please stand and be recognized Mr councilman Bishop sir thank you very much and we have the effervescent Georgiana Gillette J Gillette excuse me man old country boy I want to say thank you from you know where TP in the house so without further Ado let's do um um let's have invocation uh performed by uh Deputy Mayor Hearn and Pledge of Allegiance from uh councilwoman C so we will do the pledge first would everyone secure your cell phones Pages etc etc please stand direct your attention to the flag I pledge my allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation onor God indivisible with liberty and justice for all come to the podium sir Bishop Ferguson you know thank you very much councilman Deputy Mayor Hearns but we have a bishop in the house sir would you give us the honor absolutely let us pray Father in heaven we bless you for this time as We Gather in these sacred Chambers we pray your blessing be upon this meeting as it conf as it convenes father have your way let your will be done your Kingdom Come Bless this mayor and these council members and this city staff father be with them as they make decisions on behalf of the citizens of this city father we declare that you are in charge tonight and you receive Glory and Honor in Jesus name we pray amen amen thank you for being a ram in the bush thank you for the honors yes sir if you wouldn't mind please stand ladies and gentlem I promise you this is all y'all in honor of recognition of 911 Deputy Mayor um would you orchestrate this Force please sir uh yes if everyone please join us in a moment of silence in observance from 9/11 I appreciate it thank you everyone all right you may be seated thank you very much thanks okay Madam clerk arsof ma'am would you lead I ask in roll call please ma'am yes sir mayor Blake present ma'am Deputy Mayor Hearn present council member Goins here council member C here council member weeks here City attorney gargan here and city manager Whitten here thank you thank you very much U Madam clerk proceeding on to item number 2-1 agenda regular meeting of September the 10th 2024 what are the wishes of council motion to approve we have a motion on the floor by councilwoman call second second by councilman gos chair is going to call question all in favor by saying I I and the N eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to item number 2-2 Minutes special meeting of July 10th 2024 word are the wishes of council motion to approve we have a motion on the floor by Dey mayor Hearn second second by Council woman call just going to call the question all in favor by saying I I any NS eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to item number 3-1 presentation by the Space Coast transportation and planning organization consultant HDR engineering Inc on the Intermodal Station feasibility study findings would you please come to the podium chaa cha thank you I was wondering if I was gonna have to do that by telepathy good evening my name my name is Laura Carter I'm the assistant director of the Space Coast Transportation Planning organization and thank you for having us here this evening to present on this wonderful project here in the beautiful city of Coco um we have been conducting an intermodal feasibility study for the past year and myself along with Jeff arms from HDR our consulting firm he will come up in a moment and be presenting ing some of the details of the Intermodal study itself so we're going to give a quick overview and then Jeff will come up and give the technical analysis and provide you some concept plans that have been developed and an implementation plan that we have come up with so this isn't something that we've been working on just recently it's actually been over 12 years bright line previously known as All Aboard Florida back in 2012 was when they originally announced that they were going to bring high-speed passenger rail service back to Florida we were very excited about this and so as progress started on the project we learned of their plans that from Orlando to Miami would not include originally a station here in Bard County we worked with the bright line officials we said what could we do to make that happen sooner than later they recommended that we get together locally and identify where a preferred station should be located in Bard County considering different attributes such as closeness to the local roadways uh proximity to our Port system k space center Port Canaveral and from that analysis Coco was identified as the preferred location we've been working on that for over 10 years and as phase two from West Palm to Orlando was under construction and nearing completion last year we realized we really needed to get the conversation going again and we formed a regional Intermodal connections committee that committee would consisted of our local leaders and the discussions were about what did the station what would that bring to Bard what could that bring to Coco what kind of um Community the benefits could we have and how could we get it moving forward from that we also received a grant from the Florida Department of Transportation where we were given money to fund this study and conduct a further deeper analysis into the surrounding land uses and the Coco station location here around 528 in US1 so as you can see Bard County we know has many destinations that are attractive to both locals and to tourists and the bright line line going from Miami and eventually up to Orlando and over to Tampa has many destinations that can provide our citizens access to so the purpose of our study is really to look at improving that connectivity and encouraging investment and job creation here locally so the study itself is going to be looking at and we'll be presenting on the catchment area some of the writers ship numbers uh station concept plans along with what day one what the station could look like remember these are just ideas this is not the design phase so everybody may get excited when you start seeing plans on paper but they're just ideas to generate the conversation further and then an implementation plan and before I bring up Jeff I just want to mention that we haven't done this in a vacuum without public input um the Space Coast TPO is also developing its 2050 longrange Transportation plan and we were out at public workshops in May and in June and we had a table at all of those events and we received a lot of public support and input on what the station could be and what it could mean for the community and we conducted a survey online with over 25 2700 excuse me responses received and the majority of them the trips that they would be using the station for would be leisure and they did support a higher density development multi-fam mixed use development types uh what we call Transit oriented development near the station which would allow for that mixed use of commercial with residential so You' have a sense of place and that this station won't be just a drop off and pickup location but actually a place to live so with that I'll bring up Jeff and he'll go into more the details all right so once again my name is Jeff arms I'm a vice president at HDR and really enjoyed working with your staff and the community on the study so I'm happy to walk you through the analysis and the findings um really it started with uh data and understanding the travel patterns and who would be interested in using the study um we did an initial ridership analysis and an assessment of where the travel demand to and from the station would be we really did a good understanding um this there's there's this uh there's a tribel demand model called replica and it um sorry got a little bit of a frog in my throat from a cold and I apologize but I'm here and happy so with that we we have a good understanding of where trips are coming from from and where they're going to within Bard County so that's really where we kind of started with was just getting a good handle on that data from there we've followed other similar models that um bright line had done with ridership uh throughout the state for their system and what they really look at is like a 45 minute thank you a 45 minute drive catchment or like where you could possibly um realistically have you'll have some um PE users may want to travel from further the Coco station is actually very unique because the fact it'd be like the northernmost one along I95 not very far off of I95 so you may get even other users that are coming um from North like St Augustine that may travel a little bit further so from there we were able to understand from the that model that there's actually 29 million um trips that would interact with the St just as far as the catchment area and based on some other assumptions that bright line makes in their modeling if you just assumed like that 4% would shift uh modes or perhaps there would be some induced travel that would result in around 1.2 million passengers that would use the Coco station and it would be a combination of some people making new trips that they wouldn't have otherwise made cuz now this there's an option others just shifting their mode because they don't want to go to South Florida and sit in traffic on I I95 and likewise to come um maybe come to Coco for the weekend or for a business from there we started developing um some what we call the Station area plan and as Laura mentioned it's really more about just then this the the building itself and the parking for the station it's about how would we plan out and master plan a community that would be a new place um that would fit within the city of Coco and be part of the overall Coco community and it really starts when you're talking about Transit trying to have like you really focus on like a half mile um within the around the station and that's roughly a 15minute walk it's really close and proximate and then from there we looked at Redevelopment of the area mostly a lot of it is vacant land but there'd be some commercial Parcels we looked at might redevelop as well and we just tried to look at at ways to create a a new mixed use walkable place or Urban more urban Suburban neighborhood so with that we centered and we we just want to show a few examples of of some just to kind of not all transit has to be in New York City and Manhattan in the subway um there's other different scales of Transit oriented development and this one is in Vienna Virginia and you can see this one has like five or six story um mixed use um some smaller lower floor uh commercial and just to the right is actually where the station is and this is actually located um and you can see there's some walkable buildings and blocks in that area um and it's real near uh a Transit line that runs along the freeway so this would be a station backed up to a railroad and backed up to the beach line so we're cognizant of that then we have some other examples like this one in Englewood Colorado that's even lower scale um density you can see these are only like three story buildings um and actually this Center even actually has like a Walmart close by with surface parking um sound kind of familiar to a situation nearby um so you can see how there's a combination of some Auto oriented uses there's a neighborhood that's an existing single family neighborhood um to the north North just like there's existing single family neighborhoods in the same area and through good Urban Design and stepping down there's a way to blend it in um with that so this one does have a Intermodal Hub and connection to a rail line as well so the station are itself we really looked at you have the the 91 Acres of what we call in yellow the Redevelopment or vacant Parcels um the city obviously you own a a good chunk of that um bright line owns a good chunk of that and then we did take into account some other Parcels um that commercial that eventually over time um they do renovate and and update Walmarts from time to time either in place or they sometimes choose to rebuild them and reconfigure so we we took some Liberties just for the purposes of generating ideas we're not saying this is what it has to be but it's just here's some what could be um ideas and we did that by building upon the site and the locations we understand there's there's wetlands and some flood planes that would have to be addressed through the site development process the city's well aware of that I think everyone knows um we're we're a it's somewhat there's a a low-lying area we' have to address um the flood Plaines and wetlands as we do with any development in Florida that's just the nature of the reality of where we are um we took into account the future land use and Zoning of the properties and there would need to be some updates or changes to harmonize as with most areas to make the development for the plan that we are showing um be a little bit more consistent because even the existing future land use and Zoning isn't always exactly the same so there would be some changes that would need to be done so when we looked at the station itself we we really focused to make it similar we interaction some discussions with bright line is that a station's similar to the at what's it boa Ron as far as the size of the building would make sense and we were basically coming up with uh surface parking lots at the beginning because I think there's a lot of um you know that way you can be more sure of what the demand really will be and then you can start sizing your gar and build a garage later on once you start having real pass passenger service to there and you have the land to do that so it's a good good strategy to get a good handle on that um there'd be some locations for shuttle buses to drop off whether they're going to the port or hotels or even uh the the local city bus could have a stop nearby just for interaction um and then we took into account how you get access to and from the properties um basically we assumed that today there's one bright line track that continues towards Orlando we made room so that there would be an additional bright line track plus an additional passing siding track so we built in some extra capacity a room to set back the development from that um and then we built in a platform that could be double-sided and then we we we did try to um we've planned a pedestrian Crossing that could happen over the railroad tracks over to US1 would add some to the cost of the project but it's something to consider because you could have another drop off passenger facility we we during our steering committee meeting we were kind of told that hey it would be really nice and convenient if you didn't have to come all the way and loop around um to Clear Lake if I just want to drop someone off um quicker and I said well that must be someone who's been married for a long time if they're just gonna versus you know drop them off and make them walk across versus like a new couple who's um going to drop them off right at the front door so sorry for a little relationship humor so really with that we have a phase one um opening day um which would have the the drop off the kiss and ride and then phase two would be just some additional development on the bright line and City Parcels themselves or the city Parcels themselves you'll see some structured parcels and then longterm you get the full buildout of of May some other adjacent Parcels so you can see here we had to site uh the the station building itself in a location before the track starts curving it's better for boarding and the train so this is a 1000t platform and it's about the northernmost uh location before it starts curving and you can see the access road um just to the north of the Walmart um there is a a PDN or planned um project development environment like a do study um that's going to be updated for how Clear Lake Road could be designed but in the meantime um there could be some initial improvements and at that location because of the curve a roundabout does make sense because it's really awkward to have like a T intersection 90° curve turn so whether you're a fan of roundabouts or not which I am because they're a lot safer from a severity of crashes um it's a good way to handle an odd intersection at a curve it's just a really smooth way to do that versus uh you run into some problems with signals at locations like that so you can see we have two surface parking lots um over a thousand uh parked cars that could be there and then some some areas for some bus bus bays and then we have the drop off across uh of the other side of US1 and here's like a bird's eyee view of that rendering we have some of the little mini roundabouts in the neighborhood to slow down traffic um for the place that we're going to be creating plus it creates like turnaround opportunities so if you drop someone off and you need to make a U-turn there's a way to do that kind of like on site um here's the phase two and you can start seeing that like number 10 could be like a potential a hotel parking garage mix um number like five up just to the north of the station we envision as a location that would be like the dedicated garage itself and then you could see even further to the north at the edge of the the screen would be like potentially a new big Big Box store that could be developed if that's what the market was demanding in that location um we are noting that there's a a power line easement some re transmission lines that are very constrict the site in addition to the Wetland so we have to factor that in too and then you can see we have that spine Road what I'm calling the spine road going from uh the South all the way at Michigan all the way up and you'll see that evolve more in the the last phase and then I'll talk about the multimodal network so here you can see the hotel and some of the other locations and some new mix to use and then phase three um there's some property to the southeast Corner that was we were told that needed to remain conservation and what we did show in this this idea or scheme or concept is perhaps you could have um more active Park land um adjacent to the conservation space um in that location and then you can see a series of what we're calling like mixed use buildings the dark gray is structured parking and then lots of times the way you do Structure Parking in these is you wrap or ring the buildings with development so you can build like a a concrete parking garage that's maybe three or four uh stories and then you can do like um apartments or mixed use um condos or something around that as a as a feasible way without having to go everything really expensive concrete um like high stories cuz the market doesn't always um warrant that type of development and really ultimately it'll get to the point where you know you all will be able to work with bright line and and work with developers on what may make the most sense there we're just showing an illustration of that um so here's the bird ey view of that location and the next one is going to show something I'm I'm really excited about and I I know you all really supportive of mixed multi-use trails and park space um but what we I don't know if this thing has a laser pointer thing or not but um if you follow the spine Road um up uh along adjacent there's a way to create a a PA a trail like a 14 foot um multi-use trail that could basically run through the core of the new development tie r into the station and this Trail would actually be potentially a part of the the East Coast Greenway and then you could look at ways to connect that trail even to the trail that's been talked about on 528 when it's ultimately um redeveloped um so it' be a good way to have like over a mile a mile and a quarter of mix of multi-use um paved trail to that would really be an asset to the entire community and a great way to get people to the station as well so it's it's just and then we've got some other smaller um walkways and we've placed um some storm water ponds throughout the site and like I said when someone actually gets into the full design um they'll be able to go through all the details and figure out all the exact Logistics of storm water and everything and come up with more definitive plans our job at this role is just to have realistic illustrations of buildings that are uh could be developed and would fit and show an illustrate of Road Network and like Trail Network as sort of like guiding framework for the future so with that we we're also going to touch on an implementation plan um and the implementation plan in the report is going to outline really some policy changes remember High talked about some of the zoning and the future land uses um you all have a chance as City Council to review like what Heights do you really want the buildings to to be and and get into the details on on that um any other changes to the comprehensive plan like consistency with the tpo's long range Transportation plan any other Transportation improvements and then start thinking through the design and construction um uh funding and timelines of the access road and then the station itself um some other support supporting infrastructure projects will have to be coordinated with including the Clear Lake Road the access point the roundabout um the widening to two to four lanes we want to minimize um building something and then having to tear it back up and then just take in account like the Transit routes and do we need to tweak a couple routes to to stop closer because this is going to create you know some jobs and different and some of them are going to be retail jobs and some people may want to take the the public transit to get to to those jobs or just to take the train um and then I mentioned the multi-use uh Trail and the there's already a trail Network being planned in the area and how it can best integrate around it um there's going to be more coordination to be done I know Port canaval is really interested in how uh if there's any like mode shifts how can they plan for those type of mode shifts of traffic going to and from the port um the just how has going to be marketed um what's the opportunity for the hotels shuttle services and then just with the EDC with the surrounding development um so we know we've applied for some grants already um the county tourism Grant was already uh approved that you all have been participating with and we're just going to continue to coordinate with um bright line and then this touches on on on the Chrissy uh funding Grant request and just kind of kind of the overall breakdown um of where it's at I know some other staff I know George loves to talk about the different sources of funding because she's the master of uh piecing together how to get projects done so I might phone a friend if you get any detailed questions on some of some of these parts second y so with that we we're we're on on track to finishing the study in October um we're going to write up the some specific steps of the you know summarize the plan in narrative so that when someone needs to pick it up later they can understand all the step byep of what they need to do um our conceptual plans as you've Al seen them we do make some refinements based on input we get and then um we're just waiting to see what happens with with the the grants we we'll give us a lot more information on the timing so yeah those are our our next STS and just appreciate all the comments and feedback and the the welcome uh staff and the community has had U to talk about this project so with that I can answer questions or however you all turn back to the mayor so do we have any questions Deputy M and then councilwoman cost I I just wanted to thank you and your fellow staff for uh all the heart work you've been putting into this um even the advocating at the County board for uh funding um so I know it's a lot of hard work went into this project um so thank you for that and uh welcome here anytime thanks thank you hi thank you that was a great presentation and this is more detail than I've seen so far so I was really happy to see it um the train station is in District 4 which is the district that I represent and if you could go back just to the slide with public participation so no actually was at the end I was just thinking that um you have some things planned for October and do we have any idea yet any more certainty on when we'll know something on the grant the Federal grant um well I'll answer we have um presentation to the TPO board coming up on later this week on Thursday mhm so so that's another public participation um opportunity we don't have any other major public participation we did a lot with the online survey I would imagine there' be a lot more participation as the details of the start site start being discussed um to answer your question on the grant we had all been thinking we would hear before the election um but I know that that there's always uh rumors that that could change or get pushed back between the election and the inauguration so I don't have any definitive um nothing more than that I'm I'm sorry I can tell you what we heard I was hoping I would show up tonight with an answer on that but I can tell you what we heard on the trip remember the city is the uh primary applicant and so we did hear as Jeff said we heard that it'll be before the election and we haven't gotten any anything that uh that uh gives us a definitive timeline on when they'll give us an announcement but okay we did hear before the election okay well I'm hoping it's before October 15th because that's when um we're having a town hall in my district I would like to talk about this as much as we can as much as we can share the plans um since those are all people in the neighborhood yeah that will be directly affected by any construction and development um and then I wanted to ask about scat the Space Coast Area Transit what has been your communication are they involved in this because yes they are seems like that they would be a really important player for people they they've they've been working with us on the on the layout of the of the for the bus Bay and location and at this point we're in the process of actually working on a separate study study um for the transit development plan um with the TPO in coordination with scat so we're in communication with them I think a lot of it just depends on how you would restructure what routes to connect here and in what type of time frame um in all likelihood the development of the station um will be a little bit further not too far out but far enough that enough that um the transit development plan is updated every 5 years and I would say that the next major update to the transit development plan will really be able to um react or coordinate with what would happen in this location where we're at right now is it's still just a little premature to know for sure um there is some concern like I showed the walkway across the tracks and we're just showing it illustrative that is a really narrow strip of land between the railroad and US1 and my some of my Engineers did look at it and it would be very difficult to have buses loop around um and we're also concerned that if buses stopped on on US1 going north and then people have to cross across the six Lanes US1 they obviously need to be at like some sort of like a traffic light to be able to really safely do that because there's not no one's expecting pedestrians in those areas and those are all the details dets that will have to be worked out more once we know the specifics on the timing of the station and how we could realign or connect routes okay thank you kudos to 321 Trent um Jeff uh there new hot commodity in B business news this magazine so kudos to you as well Mrs Gillette you guys are making a a very important Mark in bavar County so thank you all teamwork is DreamWork I tell the people there's no letter i in the word team but they remind me Blake you can spell the word me and then I tell them this just flip that M upside down and you get the word we ex that letter goes from M to W so it's we the people that's that's what teamwork is about so thank you um you want to say something else Council woman call just the fact sheet any chance would have that the next month a fact sheet I thought we we already we had an earlier version of a fact sheet um but I would think as a with all the materials we have here we could put something together that was a good a summary that would serve as a fact sheet okay well that would be great so that we could distribute the neighborhood and last year that was about a 100 people sure okay okay yes sir okay is that it Council woman calls yes okay thank you thank you um councilwoman weeks um I hear that you like roundabouts I personally do not um I know that there are better roundabouts than others the one in Vieira is terrible every time you go through there you feel like you're taking your life in your own hands so how will this roundabout be different where so what one the State of Florida has continued to evolve their their guidance on the design of roundabouts um specifically related to the signage and the way the off tring would work for trucks um I know having been through the one at verer I understand some of your concern and some of that does relate to the approaches they took to signage in the specifics so there is some lessons learned on that um but it goes back to even though it is confusing just the percentage of crashes that are severe crashes at a roundabout are a lot less like drastically less that does end up saving lives statistically so that's why we continue to work through the design of the roundabouts and how we can make them more clear this location wouldn't be since it's only three legs to the roundabout wouldn't be as complicated as the one I believe you're referring to in Vieira which is like a four-lane road and a four-lane road this would really be like a um four-lane Road and a two-lane road so the complications for the roundabout as far as the sign age and Peep drivers navigating it would be a little bit less um confusing to those who aren't used to roundabouts any chance of rethinking the whole roundabout idea for that interchange we're Prett well that would have to be looked at during the the the pd&e and Clear Lake it just goes back to two um the geometrics are really difficult at that location and to have like the main line of the road like go around a a curve 90 degrees like that that's it's really hard to have like a an intersection in time traffic lights for it to flow very well so you would end up with more congestion than you would like if you were to set it up that way with the roundabout you can make the the L so to speak or the turn feel like the main movement and you really can't do that very well um with a signal unless you bow the road way out and make a lot of impacts to properties that does add more to the cost and then when and that was looked at during the PD you're going to add a lot to the cost use up a lot of the developable taxable land um for the city and then you're also going to statistically have it be less safe from a severe um impact severe crashes do you find that big trucks and buses have a hard time getting around those roundabouts you can design them for them to be able to do it so no that's not because that would be going through there obviously with the Walmart and buses out there so y okay well thank you sure thank you very much do we have any other questions for Jeff or any of the members from the space coast TPO seeing now let's give them a round of applause thank you for your G information that you presented to us so we can make a well-informed decision again I would be remiss um councilman Ferguson please stand for one more moment please young man the reason why I'm acknowledging you now sir um let's give him a round of applause because he's the chairman of our advocacy board for the Florida League of cities [Applause] recogniz also would like to acknowledge one of our fellow former athlete oh strong gator in the house former County Commissioner and yours truly Mr Robin Fisher would you stand and be recognized or wave your hand thank you very okay and we will proceed in this order next under Awards and presentation we will have proclaiming the month of September as National Suicide Prevention month U Deputy Mayor Hearns will read this into the minutes we'll be down would like everyone to come down forward and also um councilman G will read the proclamation recognizing Miss OA gum please come forward uh councilman GES would read that into the minutes as well so Council please meet me down below thank you we have one first um is Mr Wayne here Mr Price got oh okay okay that's all right hey the lady in blue will do hold on we're coming we're coming Stay s man turn come on down yeah yeah I'm sorry come on in in get in all right to reiterate this is a uh Proclamation observing National Suicide Prevention month so whereas SE September is designated as National Suicide Prevention month as recognized by the National Association of mental illness and whereas many Health officials and Community leaders locally State and nationally understand the mental illness is a significant issue of concern particularly particularly among Our Youth and whereas we realize that to address mental health issues require more requires more open and honest discussions about mental health and whereas one major hurdle is removing the stigma attached to mental health treatment and discussing and discussion and whereas individual individuals businesses and organizations public officials and many others recognize the importance of emotional health and now therefore be it resolved that the city of Coco supports efforts on the Space Coast to provide education and resources for mental health problems and further be it resolved that the city of coko will encourage a positive effort to encourage those with mental health issues to seek the help of a family member friend colleague and or a licensed mental health professional to assist them in times of need all right let's give this young man a round of applause [Applause] thank you mayor Blake and the Coco City Council Members understanding that suicide prevention is important means a lot to everyone struggling with those mental health issues and those who have threatened or tried to take their own life the age adjusted rate for suicide in 2021 per 100,000 people was over 19% in B County compared to the state average of over 133% we don't know why it's higher in B County but we certainly want to see those numbers reduced and your support certainly helps us on our mission so thank you all and um it's important for the Space Coast communities to know that people like the city of Coco care so thank you thank you all right great thank you County all right come on coun guards sir yes sir you know I'm going get you come on right here I'm going get you brother it's a wonderful thing it's a pleasant thing good evening good evening all right so today uh we honor one of our residents uh she actually lives in District 4 um she's a mother uh she's a wife uh she's a coach uh and also she's a probation officer as well uh so she has a a heavy um a heavy load on her plate every single day and but with all of that uh she's also a world champion um she she runs in the uh Masters uh which Masters is what's the age the the 30 35 39 but in order to run in Worlds you have to be 35 so 35 listen when I'm 35 when I was 35 I wasn't running nowhere except for the refrigerator um so so for for her uh to have the dedication and The Willpower um and also a family that um that also help her and push her as well uh her husband is here as well her mother-in-law is here and some friends are here um I know how hard it is cuz her husband was crying like a baby cuz she was gone for two weeks uh in Sweden uh so she went over to Sweden and she became a champion and so to be away from your family for two weeks and with kids uh she has four children and uh it's tough and a grandmother had all of them at one time my [Applause] so I me I with all do honor I read this Proclamation whereas Oda gum a remarkable athlete mother wife coach and professional has continually exemplified the Pinnacle of dedication and Excellence both on and off the track whereas at age 35 Oda has become a beacon of success in the realm of track and field having achieved AED the prestigious titles of Three Time Masters American and world record holder and proudly standing as the 2023 usatf Master's outdoor 400 meter champion and the 2024 usatf Masters indoor 400 meter and 200 meter Champion as well as the 2024 usatf Masters outdoor 100 400 and 200 meter Champion whereas Oda gizman born in Montego be Jamaica that's my favorite place to visit as well Jamaica and relocated to the us at the age of nine has been a passionate and influential figure in the track and field Community from her early days at Oakridge High School in Orlando where she was a part of the multiple state championships teams and still holds records in 100 and in 200 meters so she's also a coach at CoCo high school track as well so I added something else on top of it uh whereas as oda's academic Journey led her to the University of Georgia on a full track scholarship where she earned her undergraduate degrees in criminal justice and sociology and further pursued a master degree in criminal justice from the University of Central Florida whereas Oda is a devoted mother of four and wife to high school head coach Rockledge High head coach that's [Music] why balancing her athletic career family life professional responsibilities and her recent completion of a master's degree in criminal justice I think uh I think my chief need to give you a job too you know uh so now therefore on behalf of Michael C Blake mayor of the city of Coco along with co coco city council do hereby deem it a pleasure and an honor and to celebrate Oda gum for her extraordinary achievements tireless dedication and unwavering commitment to her sport family and her community everybody give a [Applause] hand come on bring lot of everybody let she T was what's his name bo how to run man come on up here Coach man come on yeah we got love man you got your ready to Blue so so just to further build on what councilman G stated about Miss gum um I want to give you a praise as well um I wish we had more not only uh women in the community but families such as the G family um what she's accomplished on the track is amazing but what this family does off the track is amazing as well uh from coaching and mentoring kids from as my son age five on up to high schoolers which I know it's got to be difficult but you guys are not only dedicated to your families but the community as well so I also give you your flowers and I thank you for that so yeah [Applause] yes I am the fastest in the household so he would say different but I am but no on with all seriousness I am honored um always say all glory to God because without him I am absolutely nothing to be able to balance being a mom a wife and being able to train alongside athletes and Coach them as well isn't isn't easy but I have a great support set my mother-in-law supports so much with watching the kids and allowing me to be able to do this because this is something that I've always wanted to do and I'm honored again for being recognized for this accomplishment being over in Sweden for the past two weeks was a great experience I've never been overseas to compete um and just going over there and and being able to medal in every single event that I participated in was the best thing ever again all glory to God and I'm uh grateful for this recognition because not all Master's athletes get recognized you know we hear about the Olympics all the time and we hear about the pro athletes but we don't hear so much about the master athletes that actually do well at this level at the World level and at the national level so thank you all for the recognition I appreciate it [Applause] okay ready one two three and one more one two three perfect [Music] [Applause] [Applause] again let's give Miss o Round of Applause again please USA Baby USA am I close Okay uh J oh type don't move a muscle all right yes we have one more just when you thought we were getting ready to get away on behalf of the great city of Coco and the president of the Florida League of cities we would like to recognize one of our very own uh councilman excuse me councilwoman weeks would you please come forward ma'am we would like to recognize councilwoman C for her positive ACC accomplishments let's give her a round of applause [Applause] please yep yes sir okay dear councilwoman Lorraine C congratulations on achieving a gold FLC university certificate for elected Municipal officials this year we know the hard work and dedic ation required to achieve this certificate and the league greatly appreciates your participation we have had a strong response since the program launched and look forward to even more officials is this going in and out yeah participating in the coming years as long as you can hear me your points were tabulated from July 2023 to July 2024 the flyer enclosed with your packet has information about each tier how to accumulate points and when FLC University will give you a midyear status update we hope you are already planning next year's activities to move up or maintain your status if you have any questions regarding the certificate program for elected Municipal officials please contact FLC University Christian Barton again congratulations and thank you for supporting FLC University's educational programs there you well I just let me say that the the education that we received through the Florida League of cities is more than just networking it's really invaluable to us to stay informed by that larger body of work and better practices so I really appreciate pursuing this and being able to achieve it and your recognition thank you congratulations that is awesome come right over here you get right in the middle Go For It Go For It come on over here St well done good and faithful Serv to get a lot of calls about that that's all right man it's all good in the neighborhood okay this conclude this portion of um delegation no Awards and presentation great job okay first on the list the delegations yes ma'am thank you I'm asking the two ladies come forward please Mrs Dawkins and M Edwards I have your cards here in front of us would you please come and state your name please ladies yes my name is L Edwards I live at 1046 Olive Street Coco and Leola Dawkins at 510 North Kentucky and the reason we're here listen um I'm here because for the last seven months we basically have been inconvenient without notice without nothing but now they're taking my property Val you down they took a fence down and in the process of why they taking that fence down they said that they would replace it with another fence and today when I approached the guy he told me no we're not doing that you was on uh city property I said okay this was my yard for all these years so if you felt like I was on city property why didn't you knock on my door and asked me to move my fence in three four feet or whatever he didn't do it they they got my fence leaning the other part of the woods on the side of my house dry rotten just laying there and I know deputy mayor he's very familiar with my house the fence and everything it's not there and the guy told me we're not doing it so you do what you need to do and he was very nasty to me and her today and I told him I said no I'm not going to tolerate that you know so I want to know who's going to be accountable for my fence I already had a plumbing problem and I still pretty much have a plumbing problem cu the um pressure in my water is not running worth of nothing and the thing of it is they feel like they can come and do what they want to us and don't do nothing about it so I just want somebody to be accountable for my fence this time cuz I am on disability and that's what I live off of and the other go ahead oh and the other thing is that um on the north side of my house it said it's an empty lot and it's all right if they put the dirt there whatever it has to go somewhere but the fact of it is is that all the debris and everything that they put there like the bottles and uh the bags and stuff stuff like they ate out of or whatever they put everything just right there so it puts the value of my house down because then afterwards when they leave in everything I'm out there with my little pick and picking up everything which isn't right you know so they need to clean up after themselves after they leave okay um two things ladies and I'll refer the floor to uh Deputy Mayor Hearn because it's is his district and I will honor that we will all your district oh going okay in the old days you are in District to long time ago sorry you're right right um first of all our city manager will look into this and I'm sorry for the unprofessionalism of the provider that who's repairing or enhancing the facility the road work infrastructure I do apologize and we'll get to the bottom of it ladies rest assur which means that we will see you guys right you will see us in live and In Living Color yes ma'am I want to reiterate on that okay because I've Been Told that several time it started with um councel we started put it on me ma'am put it on me it's several things just leading up to it okay it started because I complained about the storm drainage because we didn't have it but we was paying for it I've been paying for it ever since 1988 we just stopped paying for it when I brought it up to her okay she did do her part other things L up me and U Mr Whitten you know about my Plumbing nobody never came to see me about that so me the person I am very clean I had to go ahead and do that and I did that haven't had heard from nobody now you're telling me about my fence y'all going to get with us so how do we really know when nobody never gets to it they don't even give us notice half the time our family could even get in there I had to be rushed to the hospital they couldn't even get in there to me so I really want to know who's going to really contact me because this is not fair this is my home this is what I paid for and this is what I've been keeping up and keep my house up very nicely again Mrs Edwards city manager will reach out to you Ma'am I hope so thank you thank you have a good day po Deputy Mayor Hearns has Hearn as a statement okay um so just as a little backup um I can um I can also identify uh uh what she's speaking on as far as the problems that's going on um I've had some complaints as well as some other citizens on the next street about the water pressure so I don't know if it's a temporary thing because I know they're replacing pipes in the area as well um so I don't know if you can speak to that um Jack um or I don't have any information right now but I'll I'll get with city manager and we'll we'll see what we can figure out the other thing I wanted to say also is that are they're supposed to use our water they've been using our water they're using our water and I just went out that side and I went like why are you using my water when you guys already have a a a truck that has the water on it you know and they're doing it at 5 gallon buckets you know and I told him I said no you need to turn my water off okay which there okay we appreciate it thank you yes ma'am thank you than sir thank you next on the list will be Miss Harley Nellis am I saying that right yeah thank you ma'am good evening good evening um do I need to tell you where I live first just it' be fine okay so good evening my name is Holly Nellis and I reside in rockage Florida I am the owner and creative director of pivot to moments a dance company which is a pre-professional and professional Dance Company based out of Koco with a mission to educate and cultivate the love and public appreciation for The Art of Dance for the past 35 years I was the owner of dance by H Rock which prior to closing its doors this summer had 35 successful years in Coco Village and Coco for the past 5 years pivotal moments home base was Danced by Holly Rock and is now looking to Branch out on its own to enrich the community not only with company performances but with a space that will draw dance professionals from all across the country I have found such a space in beautiful downtown Coco Village at the Civic Center which is very rarely ever used these days and and is conveniently located next to the amphitheater with your help the opportunities for growth for pivotal moments Coco Village and the City of Coco are endless we hire notable names in the dance industry bringing recognition and interest from the public to our original shows and it is our intent to bring the amphitheater to life with beautiful outside performances that will immerse our audience with dance local musicians and visual artists and because the Indian River provides a picturesque backdrop pivotal moments has future goals for a summer Dance Festival that will bring Unforgettable eclectic shows from local dance studios and professional dance companies from across the state for the past two years we have provided rehearsal space for creating waves which is a unique dance intensive that brings in over 40 dancers a year from all over the country creating waves Founders Peter Chu who is also a local and Jess Hendrick are at the top of their field of contemporary dance and bring to the area an experience like no other including a respect for the environment in which participants not only immerse themselves in dance but spend time respecting the local environment with a beach cleanup day creating waves also uses local vendors to provide unique experiences for their dancers continuing this relationship with creating waves would be favorable for the city years ago I served as the resident choreographer for PGT entertainment which created major Productions on some some of the finest cruise ships worldwide including the big red boat which sailed right out of cake paveral it's no longer considered big PGT had rehearsal space in Coco housing dancers from all over the globe building relationships and providing Coco once again with a bridge to the ever growing cruise ship industry for economic growth for our community would also be beneficial I was born and raised here and believe that the Space Coast is long overdue for more immersive culture in the Performing Arts this area is full of aspiring professional dancers and I am eager with the help of the city to give them a platform to share their talent with our community I look forward to collaborating and working with the city of Coco to build something special for our city thank you for your time thank you very much and as an homage to your dad coko High there go time PR your dad used to call right we have a question here for you 100% yes um we uh talked before I was the one who asked her to that maybe she should come and speak I understand she was working with uh Matt Matt baringer on this project and looking into trying to rent space in the Civic Center and uh so I didn't know from there where the next step would be um so that's why she's here this evening and my granddaughters took from her as well so and my dancers used to perform at the Coco High pageant all the time lots of ties to the to the city been here my whole life yeah amazing Council woman calls ma' yeah I was just going to say Holly I think it would be a great addition to Coco to have a dance studio and for you to continue your work here as well as expand on it um and I think we're really ready for that I'm not sure of what your ask is okay so um I worked with Matt a little bit and so I don't know how familiar you guys are with the Civic Center but there's a room um not the main room but there's like a like about a thqu foot space um and I think it's very rarely used um I have flooring so basically what I'm looking to do is I know there's other dance studios that use that Amphitheater we would like to use the amphitheater too and I would just like the dance company itself to have a home base to have a rehearsal space that we could also share so the city would own the studio space we would rent it and use it but it would also be available to do things like a Dance Festival in other Studios and other companies like say first a dance studio wants to use the amphitheater they would have a studio right there to also house the dancers use for changes costumes warm up things like that um also if there was a beautiful space CU we wouldn't be using it all the time now you've got a beautiful space maybe somebody in Coco um would like to teach dance classes to make maybe somebody who can't afford a down studio and the city could provide like a space for that and I also know that there's things like building bones and other things in the community where a space like that might work other than maybe the library to give it more of a feel of a studio space so just kind of like providing a space that could bring some economic growth to this area as well as the art you know I know we have the playhouse and it's just a little bit different than what we bring um and we're we are excited to work with live musicians especially the ones in this area just to provide something different we did a company show at um field Manor in merid Island it was outside along the river in merid island and it was just amazing it was beautiful it had a very I'm I don't know how familiar you would be with Jacob's pillow but it had this Jacob's pillow feel and it was just amazing and I just think that Coco Village oh yeah is picturess just for that and I agree with you we're really I would really love to see a we've lost a couple of Studios since I've lived here so I'm hoping you can speak with the manager I'm hoping that we can find a space in Coco whether it's the Civic Center or someplace else where you can continue and expand your work and we can even become known for it exactly okay awesome thank you very much thank you for your time one more question oh sure sorry councilman go um yeah that was my question I didn't know what she was asking for but another thing too I know our one of our back rooms at the civicon is already booked through St Marks correct yeah they use it as a classroom during the school year so so that the only other room we have that's a smaller room is that conference room so it's it's actually used quite often for birthday parties and baby showers and because the only other room we have is the big large Ballroom so we have two rooms that we can rent which is a big large Ballroom or the smaller comp room gotcha yeah okay so yeah I just in my opinion you probably need to meet with Leisure Services and kind of give them your plan on how many kids you in the city might be able to it may be another spot somewhere right well this wouldn't be for kids this is a would be a professional Dance Company right so I'm done 35 years of teaching and and mostly what I focused on was teaching dancers who wanted careers as Professionals in fact Peter Chu is one of my former students he graduated from Cocoa Beach High in 1997 it's that's pretty old but so he now you know he's now travels the world he had his own dance company and and and he's very actually world-renowned my dancers are now studying him in their college dance programs that's how well-renowned he is now but this is more about having a professional Dance Company this wouldn't be for kids this wouldn't be like a dance studio I'm trying to bring something like like a hubard street like an Alvin ay like an ABT but in Coco Village that this would be more based like Koko having its own professional Dance Company not a dance studio I just want to make that clear my goal is to be a nonprofit Dance Company okay I don't know what you're talking about sorry but but okay okay I'll give you a call Holly okay thank you so much appreciate it thank you have a PR that's right there you go yes ma'am last but not least Triple G come to the podium please thank you Mr stole uh Greg stole uh The Comedians call us a throwback so we're going to jump back to the train station uh real quick uh I know uh when HDR and and uh TPO did their presentation to the board of County Commissioners it was rather contentious and uh uh I believe one of them uh beat up Jeff pretty good on his 4% number uh one of the things that had come up during that meeting was uh the fact that brightline had done away with their uh discounted commuter type ticket between Miami and West Palm in favor of the long distance ticket from Miami all the way to Orlando simply because it makes more business sense why fill a SE seat for you know 50 60 mil when you can fill that seat for more money for the whole length uh so how does that tie into our station uh well of course we all have our fingers crossed for our station uh what I would like to do is have y all keep in the back of your mind down the road when another station pops up uh I guess steuart is bailed out but maybe Fort Pierce let's throw our support behind them as well but that helps us in the long run as far as ticket pricing in my opinion I'm here as a a citizen not a Representatives okay thank you sir yes Point well taken all right this sir steuart steart yeah yeah so four pi to be potentially the next on the list potentially all right this includes this portion of delegations and we will proceed on to item number five which is the consent agenda item what are the wishes of the consent agenda Council motion approved got a we got a motion on the floor by councilman go second second by Deputy Mayor Herms chair's G to call the question all in favor saying I I eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to item number 6-1 second and final reading approve ordinance 12-2020 amending appendix a article 11 section 3 of the code of the city of coko to create a new minimum yard requirements applicable to properties located in the diamond Square community redevelopment area zone for Ru 1-7 District pnz approved this August the 7th the pnz board approved it then and August 13th excuse me and also this is the second and final reading Esquire gargan okay ordinance 12-22 24 in ordinance of the city council of city of Coco barar County Florida amending appendix a article 11 section 3 of the code of the city of Coco to create new minimum yard requirements applicable to properties located in both the R17 zoning district and the diamond Square community redevelopment area providing for the repeal of Prior and consistent ordinances and resolutions incorporation into the code cability and an effective date as you noted mayor this is second and final reading also a public hearing item this ordinance reduces the minimum yard requirements uh in the diamond square area with R17 to deal with substandard lots that exist in that community and there haven't been any changes since first reading to this ordinance mayor thank you very much es gargan do we have any questions for esquad gargan if not we would like to turn it over to the city planner I don't think we have any other modifications would you like to say something Mrs Webster yeah the um attorney is correct there haven't been any changes to the to the ordinance or anything since the first reading okay all right chair would like to close this portion to council open to the public please come forward to state your name you have three minutes to expound on this particular item going once going twice CH like to close this portion to the count uh public and return of the council what are the wishes of council chair like to make a motion to approve second we got a second on the floor by Council MC chair's going to call the question all in favor by saying I I any Nays I have it unanimously proceeding on to item number 6-2 first reading consideration of ordinance number 08-20 24 a city initiative future land use map better known as flam Amendment consistent with the Florida state statute chapter 163 of 20 Parcels of real property totaling approximately 3.36 Acres from the city of Coco commercial to City of Coco neighborhood commercial pnz approved this September the 4th and their first reading I think it was unanimous um Esquire gargan sir he may that's right first reading ordinance 08224 an ordinance of the city council City coka bavar County Florida relating to comprehensive planning amending the future land use map for 20 Parcels of real property within the city of Coco totaling 3.36 Acres more or less and generally located along Coco Place West of the intersection of Coco place and North Coco Boulevard and Coco Florida more particularly depicted and described on exhibit a attached here to changing the future land use map designation of set Parcels from commercial to Neighborhood commercial providing for the repeal of Prior and consistent ordinances and resolution severability incorporation into the comprehensive plan and an effective dayt and legal status this is also a public hearing item and a legislative matter for the council's consideration Mr Mayor thank you very much Squad gagan sir Mrs Webster ma'am thank you Mr Mayor yes good evening all Mr Mayor city council and staff I'm Jennifer Webster city planner for the city of Coco and as already stated this request is a city initiated request and the purpose is to correct an inconsistency between between the current future land use and the current zoning of these Parcels along Coco place as shown which are currently incompatible from a Redevelopment standpoint um the goal of this is to allow the expansion of the current single family use and future Redevelopment of the property as explained by Florida's growth Policy Act a future land use policies guide the growth and development of a community and are required to be implemented by the standards established in the zoning standards this is the reason that in Florida specifically future land use categories and Zoning designations must be consistent so all of the parcels along Coco place currently have the future land use designation of commercial as shown on the map on the left however the current zoning District of 18 of these partials is r-7 single family residential and two are residential professional as shown on the map on the right upon the city's review of the city comprehensive plan staff determined that the future land use and Zoning of these partials are inconsistent as neither Ru 1-7 nor RP are allowable zoning districts within the commercial land use it this incompatibility prevents the property owners from any expansion of current use or Redevelopment should it be necessary due to a loss or vol arily the subject Parcels were ploted and developed as a single family residential neighborhood in 1980 excuse me 1952 the the future land use subsequently became commercial in 2010 as part of the comprehensive Plan update in order to be consistent with the surrounding character and increasing intensity of commercial development single family residential as a land use is not comp compatible or permissible within the commercial F future land use furthermore r-7 is not anable zoning District within the commercial future land use and it was recently brought to the city's attention that one of the property's primary structures was completely lost due to a fire because the lot is now vacant a single family residence cannot be reconstructed uh until the future land use and Zoning designation are reconciled and consistent and are established such that single single family residential is again unallowable use staff recommends amending the future land use to Neighborhood commercial this category does allow the development and continuation of single family residential use as part of this correction this request is in combination with the request to also rezone 18 of the 20 Parcels to the neighborhood commercial zoning district and we'll talk about that in the following uh item under 09 2024 ordinance 9 2024 which will be the next agenda item the request for the reassignment of a future land use must be consistent with the city's comprehensive plan policy 1.1.2 point8 for neighborhood commercial states that these areas are intended to be low impact in nature and to seres serve the needs of the immediate residential area so as a graphic you can see these Parcels are less than 500 ft from other neighborhood commercial uses and are less than 1,000 ft from a variety of residential uses 18 of the parcels are currently single family homes two are homes that have been converted into businesses and are considered neighborhood commercial in nature this future land use supports commercial uses but is Transitional as it allows for smallscale commercial and smallscale multifamily and is in between single family and large scale commercial Additionally the neighborhood commercial is the only future land use that allows the RP zoning District so staff the the staff report covers the analysis of the consistency with the Coco city of Coco comprehensive plan with regard to city services sta finds that the proposed future land use map amendment is best designed to allow the current single family use to continue without being in conflict with the future land use and although limited commercial uses are allowed the property use is anticipated to remain single family residential staff also finds that the proposed future land use amendment is consistent with the land use element policies and goals of the comprehensive plan in conclusion staff recommends the planning pardon me recommends uh to city council approve ordinance 08224 a city initiated request of a future land use map Amendment considered with consistent with Florida statute chapter 163 to change the future land use map designation of 20 Parcels of real property totaling approximately 3.36 Acres from commercial to Neighborhood commercial thank you do we have any questions for Mrs Wester councel just verify go ahead ma'am just to verify everyone has been contacted yes that lives in this area and did anyone object to this or yeah as a matter of fact yes um to answer your first question yes notifications went out to the surrounding properties um you know within five um within 500 ft and um as as is required by city code and uh there were two or three um residents of of Koko Place directly on KOCO place that came and um um showed their objections to the um the re the the future land use Amendment and the rezoning um and their reasoning just was that you know the the concern about commercial development even though even though the the nature of neighborhood commercial is a small scale very smaller scale right but we're forced to do this right I mean we have to make some sort of zoning change tonight in order for the uh family that was burned out to move forward that's correct so so the so the current state of the disparity between the future land use of commercial and the zoning of r-7 single family residential is that is it because of the incompatibility it just we're at a standstill and nothing can happen if were anything were to happen to any of the other Parcels or if anyone wanted to get a permit for an accessory structure or anything like that this this would still have to be resolved in some way to move forward hey Jen as we as we talked today so what this does and I think it was just a lack of understanding from the from the residents there so so as Jen indicated the the the future land use map is inconsistent with the zoning going to Neighborhood commercial doesn't affect uh the residential nature of their properties there and so so they still are uh residential uh Jen talk about if if one of those properties become vacant then what they would have to do to become commercial or the the specific requirements or the the sort of um the contingencies regarding becoming commercial of course so the current the current uh state of the parcels U most of the parcels there are 60 ft wide so according to our standards of development for Ru 1-7 for single family those lots are less than the required 70t width so they are legally non-conforming so in order for any anything other than residential uh single family residential development to happen uh a number of lots at Le at least two lots would have to be combined in order for to create to correct the non-conformity in order to become conforming for the future development but as it is right now um the only as the lot the geometry of the Lots right now will only allow single family and so no one's going to be able to to move next door to your single family Family Home and and and have a commercial uh establishment unless they buy two lots and combine those there and so it really is a very small fear that the neighborhood becomes commercial there I think that was that was part of the the misunderstanding by the uh by the uh the residents and if I might also add um even even if that were to happen and two or more Lots were combined to accommodate um any of the limited commercial uses that come along with neighborhood commercial zoning the the Lots the development would still have to show that they have the capacity for on-site parking on-site drainage uh storage and on refu you know storage onsite they would still have to meet those requirements in the code you know so that would be a challenge in itself you know even with just a combination of two lots would be difficult for a commercial type development so just going to say I mean I drove down the street I mean it's it's actually a nice neighborhood but it's it's very oddly Place given everything that's around it so um you wouldn't know it was there that's for sure okay thank you sure have uh yes real quick without hope hopefully I'm not getting too far out the scope of this item before us um since there is a concern concern from a resident needs to rebuild their home um with that being said when they would they come forth with plans is there any requirements for them to uh hook up to uh sewer since I believe that street is all septic I don't I don't know if it's septic there but if they if they if uh this this case came to us because the home actually burned down right and and because of the inconsistency between the future land use and the zoning there that that person couldn't do anything uh let me let me think about or get some help from staff if if if you if there was a vacant lot and you wanted to to build um to build a single family resident and sewer isn't available I think you I think you go to septic I don't know if it's Advanced septic you have to I'm struggling with that one Jack for the moment there do you have to go to advance septic if yes if no sewers available uh by by 2030 yes yeah so so so that person would make the decision to go to advance because you wouldn't want to do it twice correct correct just real quick it is actually is they're not approving conventional septic anymore so that was part of the legislation last year that you already addressed okay even better so you go directly to advance septic 30,000 um so with that being said I'll move to make a motion to approve I'll second it for discussion I know we're going to hear from the public but I'll second any other questions for Mrs weer great presentation thank you saying none chair like to close this portion to um counsel open to the public please come forward state your name so you can address this particular item here item number 08- 24 City initiative future land use going once going twice Cher let to close this portion from the public and return to the council we have a motion on the floor by deuty mayor Hearn and a second by uh the chair going to call the courts in all in favor by saying I I eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to the next item number three 6-3 first reading consideration of ordinance number 09 2024 a city initiative excuse initiated zoning map amendment to change the zoning category of 18 Parcels of real property total in approximately 3.1 Acres from the city of Coco ru-1 D7 single family resident to CNN neighborhood commercial city planner reading them by title I'm sorry es just reading man no oversight in you brother approved by the pnz September the 4th now it's your turn I apologize Squire my turn or ordinance number 09-222 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Coco barar County Florida amending the official zoning map designation of 18 Parcels of real property totaling 3.1 Acres more or less and generally located along Coco Place West of the intersection of Coco place in North Coco Boulevard and Coco Florida more particularly depicted and described on exhibit a attached here to from R17 single family residential to CN neighborhood commercial District providing for the repeal prior inconsistent ordinances and resolution severability and an effective date this is first reading of this ordinance this is a quasi judicial related matter and it's the companion zoning ordinance to the um 18 of the 20 Parcels that you uh just considered for the future land use map Amendment except for the two Parcels along US1 Mr Mayor again my paron me as gargan no problem now it's your turn Mrs web thank you Mr Mayor yes ma'am as so as already stated this request is a concurrent with the request to change the future land use category of all 20 Parcels from commercial to Neighborhood commercial future land use under or ordance 08 and assumes that request has been heard and granted by city council so as previously stated before uh 18 of these Parcels are currently zoned Ru 1-7 single family there are two Parcels adjacent to us one that are zoned RP residential professional the two RP Parcels are to retain their zoning as RP is compatible with the neighborhood commercial future land use on the right would be the result of the zoning map Amendment although the subject Parcels have existed in the city since 1952 the lot dimensions are considered non-conforming to the city's current development standards for the r-7 zoning District particularly the lots are only 60 ft wide where the minimum lot required for Ru 1-7 is now 70 5 there is a provision in the zoning code that allows a non-conforming single lot which is of record even if it is non-conforming due to its Dimensions any new homes that are erected will be required to meet applicable setbacks without needing to obtain a variance not only will rezoning to Neighborhood commercial allow the permissible Redevelopment of single family uses it would also exp the opportunity for other uses such as smallscale multif family and neighborhood commercial however multifam and Commercial uses would be permitted if and only if two or more of these Lots were to be combined in the future this is to ensure they are no longer non-conforming and that the parcels can accommodate the new development any new development would need to show that parking storm water and refuges could be accommodated without impacting parking on the street the Planning and Zoning staff report covers the analysis of the criteria according to appendix a of the city of Coco article 21 section 1G with regard to impact to land use patterns school districts consistency with a comprehensive plan traffic storm water and other utilities and public services and has determined that the zoning change will not negatively or adversely impact the neighborhood or surrounding areas with regard to concurrency the max maximum density increase possible as a result of the rezoning could could be a net gain of 27 units this is minimal and is not anticipated to negatively impact public facilities particularly because the property is adjacent to a major arterial of US1 however because the lots are non-conforming in nature the density is likely to remain unchanged and no further impact to public facil facilities is anticipated staff recommends city council approve the zoning map Amendment assistant with appendix a zoning article 21 to change the zoning map designation of 18 Parcels along Coco play totaling approximately 3.1 Acres from r-7 to CN neighborhood commercial thank you thank you questions do we have any questions for Mrs web Council sing none CH like to close this portion to councel open to the public please come forward and state your name you have 180 seconds to elaborate on this particular item 0-9 2024 first reading of the ordinance C okay I got you going once going twice sh like to close this portion of the public and return of the council councilman Go sir can you go back to the variance um so they would not have to seek a variance but also maintain the current um setbacks even for with the 60 by 125 they would still have to be seven and seven and 25 yes they we would take that under consideration but um it's without without uh needing to get a variance that go through to zoning itself so they can request that through you guys directly yes okay all right I got you thank you thank you good yes what are the wishes of council I move to approve okay we have councilwoman uh Mrs weeks make a motion to approve staff recommendation I'll second it we have any questions G to call a question all in favor saying I I and then a I have it unanimously proceeding great job proceeding on thank you Mrs web thank you proceeding on the council bill business consider the reappointment of Melissa aasta Bonia to fill a regular member vacancy on the code enforcement board through June 2027 what are the wishes of council motion to approve okay we got a motion on the floor by councilwoman calls second second by councilwoman weeks CH going to call the question all in favor by saying I is Mrs um Melissa in the audience no okay all right just want to give for the opportunity all in favor saying I I and in A's eyes have unanimously proceeding on to the next item request reappointment of Mrs Maran Jackson as a regular member of the housing authority of the city of Coco through December 31st 2027 CH like to make a motion to approve second and we have a second by councilwoman weeks ch's going to call the question all in favor by saying I I and in a i have it unanimously consider the reappointment of Michael Kern and or appointments of Nicholas blankin ship or Keith wall as members of the police pension board through September 30th 2028 and ratify the appointment of Mr John a casy to the police pension board as the fifth member through September 30th 20128 Mrs Jamari ma'am because we have a paper being circulated here yes sir the voting yes with our new board appointment process with board appointments um we advertised them um prior to them expiring these um for the pension boards um they expire in October so we're bringing this to you as part of our process and um there's two um vacancies or that are up for reappointment or or two slots I should say and with that we have three eligible um applicants and that's why we're doing the ranking sheet like that and then as a um just for the record we're bringing um the fifth member Mr John Casey as the fifth member um he's voted on by the members of the pension board and that's brought to y'all as a as just a process but so I don't want to confuse are any of these I have a question ma'am are you finished I'm sorry forgive me for interrup my apologies all three of the various individuals name on this committee are former policemen because um all right all three are former police officers blanken um Nicholas Blankenship yeah I know Nick yeah okay is a retired um police officer um and Michael K is a retired police officer and um Keith wall is a citizen that contacted the city clerk's office as an applicant and interested to serving on the board as well so so we have three applicants and their applications were attached to the item okay and out of this we're selecting two or just one two okay all right it'll be it'll be for a three-year appointment okay or I'm sorry a four-year appointment no worries what's up f my paper in John Handcock on that paper please ma' please sir pass down she's still working oh okay mayor Blake ma'am if I could just to be clear are we voting one being the highest or first choice and okay yes one being the highest yes ma'am great question I think it was indicated but you're right and five being the the lowest well it would be three being the lowest right do I need mine back yes you had to put a number beside I'm sorry I did not put Council mg could you pass oh sorry that I apologize no no pass it back this way yeah I I goofed on mine I just yes we using numbers how many are are any of the members in the audience look see if this is yours thank you sir is this yours or mine no that's yours okay good thing I did it in pencil oh look if I had read it says to put numbers I'm so sorry about no so one B same that's on okay do you have to put a number by each one or just right one two I will pass again Mr thank you oh here we go and of course have the ballots have your name on them so this is not this is not a secret ballot it's for the record okay this isn't my Chrome everyone's done square square it away is I think they already passed their down Council woman calls I think Mrs Jamar has four she has three Here Comes four thank you thank you fine thank you okay thank you we waiting for the results okay go ahead wait keep that don't I might want to Rob your Cheerios over there ma' I won't do that to you okay got that one oh put your John Hancock on there for sir that's what they said to the 50 plus delegates when they signed the Declaration of Independence 55 or 56 50 plus delegates John was the first okay so I can go we make a motion prove whatever what happens if there's a what is is antie give us the results esqu g c man okay um Mr blankin ship was ranked number one and there's a tie between the other two candidates if I may I'm good good yes sir how do how do we verify that the three people are actually people right do do we do we do when they come in to apply do they bring their driver license with them when they apply for it or do they can they do it online they bring it in and and Monica can tell you the process yes so they actually apply online but we run a background on them so we actually each person we communicate directly with each person we call them we have to get their their social I asked for a reason yeah I asked for a reason I'm not going to say why but yeah we have to run a background I got you I got you and blankin ship is a retired police officer from Coco that's why I asked that question yeah yeah one of them is external and he just wants to serve on a board so or on this board which two um Mr Kar and Mr wall you can I don't see no reason why not if it ends in the ti why you got your Li is on you going to make a make a motion for uh to select appoint Mr wall okay you looking for a second now second for discussion okay since we have a tie let me make sure it's within our parameter within the rules of Robert rules or law G right I'm looking yeah I'm looking at the 2024 resolution that we adopted a couple months ago I don't think it addresses ties so let me hear from him then I hear from you Council woman C give me a minute so what are you saying sir let me hear it again I'm sorry just hold on one second if there yeah the uh the new procedure doesn't address um ties so the council would um be free to select uh one of the two candidates in this particular case there there's only two remaining candidates that are tied so you would select from one of those through a majority vote okay so we have a a motion on floor by Council M Gorn for Mr wall and the chair seconded councilwoman call thank you Squad G I don't I'm not familiar with any of these folks I had the application so the we had the order that we had listed that we were just given was was it blankin chip wall and turn is that right yes those two in and attack and Chip and wal those are the two that are actually have a police background linoln ship and Kar have a background yeah that's what I thought okay but Kur Kern is a current member of the board and wall would be a new member wall is just ordin traditional citizen but he's not a retired police officer no sir okay and I can pull up his resume I don't have it print okay so he is tied with yes there's a tie between Mr Kern and Mr wall okay and we're breaking the tide between Mr wall and Mr ker okay other one got more votes so he's in yes Mr Blank That's What I want okay yes ma'am just want yeah no no excellent question all questions are legit like it okay yes ma'am councilman Goins made a motion to select Mr wall I second it okay and now I'm getting ready to call the question all in favor saying I I for Mr wall I any nay eyes have it unanimously okay so we have Mr blankin ship and Mr wall on the pinion board okay AB right and I think the agenda item also is requesting that the council ratify the appointment of John Casey correct Tammy yes who is the pension board's um elction for the fifth member okay motion to approve we have a motion on the floor by councilwoman calls to approve Mr John K says the fifth member of the pinion Board second all quick John Casey former police officer yeah uh second was by whom y'all Y all okay Council woman weeks okay CH going to call the question all in favor saying I I eyes have it unanimously okay proceeding on to the next appointment again a no-brainer consider the reappointment of M Sherry Woodhouse as a member of the general pension board through September 20128 um is that okay you want to share anything ma'am before I this is a three-year term as a reappointment she's a long-term member of the board okay I saw her to approve we got a motion on floor by Council M go second second by Deputy Mayor Hearn she going call the question all in favor saying I I and in a eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to item number five approve final development order reversing the board of adjustment decision and denying Farm bar inks application for special exception application for a bar or lounge with or without a package store at 638 bouard Avenue now you can only speak about this particular item and and Esquire gargan will go into the details of this particular item Esquire sir right if you recall at the last council meeting on August 27 the city council conducted a denovo uh hearing considering um whether the whether or not to um uphold or reverse a board of adjustment decision regarding a special exception that was granted Ed to Farmar comma Inc uh for purposes of um operating a bar and lounge the council conducted the hearing and uh the council unanimously voted after uh the hearing to reverse the board of adjustment and in essence deny the spe fbar inc's special exception application Council directed that um a final written development order be presented at this meeting uh what's before you is that final development order uh consistent with um consistent with the board's previous decision and um you know for purposes of this evening to the extend anyone has any public comments regarding this matter it's only related to the final development order that is presented in the agenda um it's not to reopen this matter for uh evidentiary hearing so it's just about the order also um Miss weeks I believe you were on the board of adjustment that's what I was going to bring yeah I would uh recommend since you were on the board of adjustment when they made the decision um I would recommend that you recuse yourself that's what I was goingon to ask and then fill out the voting conflict um um memo 8B 15 days after after tonight's uh meeting and the city clerk will get you that document okay I know I can't I have to recuse myself from the vote per se corre but am I allowed to speak at all um or no I would recommend that this particular case um you that you not speak because you were on the board of adjustment that actually approved the special exception and the council reversed so I mean for due process purposes I would just recommend that you not no okay that's fine thank you so do I leave or do I no if you you could sit there if you choose or you can go this this may not be long or you can go sit in the audience it's your prerogative well I if it's okay I'll just sit be quiet which is unusual for me okay you can sit myair okay we have a motion on the floor correct no no motion yet no okay good see y'all P y'all alert do we have any questions for esar gargan okay uh I do not have any cards so I see no one in the audience would like to come forward and talk about this particular item okay now okay seeing that do not have any cards and no one would like to speak on this particular item okay what are the wishes of council motion to approve second okay we got a motion on the floor by Deputy Mayor Hearn and second by councilwoman C she's gonna call the question on in favor saying i i n's eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to the next item 7-6 approval of petition of annexation related consent forms after David for the voluntary annexation into the city of Orlando of 23 Parcels of land owned by the city of Coco in Orange County authorizing the city manager to execute said documents note the approval is subject to reconsideration and recession by the city council under the conditions stated in the agenda item and approval of the annexation agreement by the cities of coko and Orlando as SAR gargan okay thank you man this should look familiar um we had a similar request a couple months ago in this particular case deser Ranch um which is Farmland Reserve um has approached the city of Orlando to Annex approximately 52,000 Acres of land uh into the city of Orlando Deseret Ranch has contacted the the city of Coco seeking the city of Coco's participation and this annexation because within that 52,000 plus or minus acres is are 23 Parcels of land consisting of well sites um the woodi pre-treatment facility among other facilities owned by the city of Coco uh and its water utility um so they are seeking the the city's participation of of their request so we're asking that the council consider approving the petition to Annex and and approval to execute the consent forms for those 23 Parcels um staff supports this um this request um the city is as you know um had a very Cooperative relationship with the with Deseret Ranch regarding uh the utility out in uh in this part of Orange County um you know for example Deseret Ranch has has invade um um the um Perpetual easement that the city has to withdraw water from Taylor Creek Reservoir as well as Co cooperated with the city regarding um you know the conveyance of well sites and aqua aquer storage recovery uh land that the city uses for its water utility so staff is um since essentially this is this is Deseret ranch's request of Orlando City staff is uh in support this of this request mayor thank you very much sad G said have two lights on Madam clerk your light is on ma'am yes sir could you Circle back around to me when you're done pleas the item okay I just want to make a correction to a previous item yes ma'am okay all right um Deputy Mayor Hearn uh yeah so I I've tried to do some research and my due diligence in this uh item and um I I'm very familiar with with desire R uh the ranch one of the largest land owners in the state um my question is Just for information um if if anyone can answer what is the pros to this annexation for the city of Coco and the benefit of the city and uh is there any cons to it okay Mr city manager you can and Mr Jack and ask Squad Aran I thought that was is going to come to me um you know the the the obviously we need to maintain the uh the uh access to our to our our wells um our wells are on private property and so um so so we have a relationship with the Deseret Ranch that uh requires us to to work cooperatively to uh to meet our mission um deset Ranch has a desire to be in the city of Orlando and and so I think the the the positive of this is is that we maintain that good working relationship with Deseret by not opposing them um going into the city of Orlando so I can't really see any uh that's the positive I can't see really any cons in it we talked about uh having to make sure that once that once perhaps the ranch gets devel veloped 50 60 70 100 years from now maintaining our ability to uh access our wells to not have uh uh uh other infrastructure uh interfere with those Wells and we'll have those discussions with Deseret Ranch there but it's a relationship uh maintaining a good positive working relationship with a private land owner who wants to be in the city of uh Orlando um and that that's exactly what I thought it was I just wanted to reinforce that and um with that being said uh and I can't I can't think if you spoke about this the last time this similar item came forth uh is there a possibility of us providing uh water in the future for these uh developments that's coming online send sending water back uh they they utilities have territories right jack I did ask Jack this question yes sir by Statute our our boundaries are dictated from the state and so only upon either I guess Mutual consent or a change of that agreement would would we be able to serve yeah on the territorial side but you know just as as the council is aware um there there are there's a regional um agreement that the city of Coco participates in with Orange County OU EC ECF which is in essence the the ranch um and their you private utility and um Oola County and under those agreements um it's Envision that the city would be providing um you know raw water or partially treated water uh that will will service I presume that particular area some point in the future our understanding is that you the development of of this particular land I mean that the plan is is out 30 40 50 years um it's just at this point Des Ranch desires to be annexed into the city of Orlando and has approached the city with this request of course as you mentioned you know we're not without concerns and that's one of the reasons why um this is conditioned upon finalizing an annexation agreement with the city of Orlando like similar to what we did the last go around to protect the city's interests which are even more even greater in this particular area than the last area um given um know we have the um wooti treatment plant out there and we also have um you know Maj um pipeline that feeds all of the central Bard County um so you know we will work closely with Orlando to finalize an Annex annexation agreement that gives us the ability to afford more protections for those facilities than we would otherwise have just just relying on on the County's current regulations thank you for that Y and then then the the number of CPUs would change as time moves forward yeah well ja everything's changing yes sir Everything Changes consumption permit usage how much water we can draw down from it Oh you mean the C yeah I see CPU okay sorry I was thinking like a computer he's thinking he's thinking of skater too you got to include the skater system in there CU it's all driven by computer usage for y that's all I'm seeing people like what just keeping you on your [Music] toes okay councilwoman weeks and then councilwoman cost um well you've were addressing some of my concerns as far as long-term uh because I'm obviously new to to this but um I hate to see us give up anything uh that long-term could hurt us and I know you'll look at into the annexation um agreements but we would still own those properties they would just now be in Orlando is that what I'm hearing correct it's just changing If This Were to if the annexation were to go through the jurisdiction changes so we would be in the city of Orlando at least these 23 Parcels would be in the city of Orlando like the other 10 Parcels that were that we the city of Coco owns that was annexed a couple months ago but that is not where our wells are our wells are part of them are the wells and part of them you said was on private land think of it this way you have the all of the desert Ranch is the private land and then you have 23 Parcels owned by the city within that and that's where our wells are the wells the wooti uh pre-treatment plant is is out there the the pipeline transmission um easement and what and pipes are out there so there's a lot of utility infrastructure out there owned by the city of Coco that's been constructed and put out there um in 70 L 70 years or so more or less 56 yeah a long time 57 56 is it possible that the city of Orlando would say hey we want that now you know if we allow them to Annex us our rights are with desert Ranch those rights would continue with the land even if they took it as a right away yeah that and that's part of the annexation agreement will address that okay thank you okay Council want call ma'am yeah um and I think my concerns are I know Mr Whitten said 5060 70 years in the future but then you said 30 40 50 years in the future and I'm looking at the boom that we're currently in the State of Florida I think we're the fastest growing in the nation now aren't we that is correct um it can happen quickly um and I just trust that you're you know Wise enough and have worked out all the safety measures here um I don't think you know being annexed by Orange County is going to or Orlando is going to make a difference but having all that land developed around our wells seems like um just in my experience developments go up and they don't like what's next to them you know and there are complaints I don't I and I've never been out to the Wells I don't know if they would pose any issues to a community or not I imagine there's a lot of heavy equipment but um at any rate that's all I wanted to say just Express that concern for how quickly the state's developing and how that could impact our wells I think we thank you very much uh do we have a representative from um the in the audience yeah thought that recognize you come on up brother yes just for the record I chair like to make a motion to approve the petition for annexation related to the consent forms and after David for the volent annexation into the city of Orlando of the 23 Parcels land owned by the city of Coco because what I'm understanding your word is your bond yes sir and I'm a firm beli in that and you're going to get his word right here live and In Living Color okay at 8:15 the state your name for us please sir Mr Mayor thank you very much my name is Mickey grindstaff I'm an attorney with the law firm of shuton Bowen 300 South Orange Avenues Sweet 1600 Orlando Florida here tonight on behalf of Farmland Reserve Inc and the deser ranch was here as an observer uh until you ask if there was a representative here to come forward so I I come forward and and before I forget I know she made a motion but I don't think it's been seconded right no I'm waiting yeah I'm just waiting depend sorry spined thing I um I didn't want to interfere with that and um uh and yes sir we we um we're looking forward to uh annexing into the city of Orlando I will tell you that people say well why would you want to do that there's the the ranch has and sister companies uh Southern Suburban land and as sister company with Farmland Reserve got land in both jurisdictions they felt it was more more important to have uh their land in one jurisdiction for long-term planning they do plan and and U commissioner C they do plan in chunks of decades okay like not just 30 40 50 but 20 40 60 80 uh they do they they start with the environment they uh they are land stewards their future depends on being uh stewards of the land the good and and they um I think you will be pleased to be uh partnering with them for years and decades to come I mean possibly centuries but I I just tell you that this is they're looking forward to it they very much appreciate your cooperation and uh and your support and um that was really all I have to say we do know that there's got to be an annexation agreement uh to be negotiated between the city of Coco and um city of Orlando where the issues that have been raised would be uh addressed and um to your satisfaction or you have the right to resend this approval tonight so um we're excited about it we hope you are too and um I think yall enjoyed a a good relationship with the ranch already for decades and U no reason to think that's going to change thank you asquire chair made a motion I'm looking for a second second got a second on the floor by Deputy Mayor her she was going to call the question all the favor but saying I I the n i eyes have it unanimously go in peace we thank you look forward for that lifelong relationship sir okay proceeding on to item number seven request for approval of the payments of the Space Coast Black Chamber Gaya City membership and Boards of directors investment fees this has been brought To Us by Deputy Mayor Hearn turn it over to you sir can you say that right here um number seven item number 7-7 you made a request for the approval of the payments of the Space Coast Black Chamber Gayla City membership and board of directors Investments fee yes sir so uh when I uh first approached the council with this motion or item um I had an era um there was confusion uh there's actually two separate fees there was a fee for the Gayla um which was a sponsorship and there's also a annual membership fee there are two separate fees uh so I wanted to correct that and uh hopefully have the council support and uh continuing our relationship with the Space Coast Black Chamber I got a question yes sir okay Council go on you have your light on go ahead sir no I'll follow you up out you okay what is the investment fee help me understand what is the investment fee and how much will that cost so the investment fee from my understanding is our annual membership uh which we do with our other various Chambers in the county um we make that uh membership payment annually um and city manager if you want to further expound if I'm leaving something out yeah well here's here's my understanding we got the the invoice includes three fees it it's the three uh cost or expenses there it's the the chamber Gaya was the, 1500 the annual membership for the city would be 500 and then uh if you serve on the board of directors I'm assuming the the board of directors investment fee is for those members of the board of directors to have a to contribute financially to the organization so so there we were actually invoiced uh uh three uh fees three expenses again the annual chamber the the uh the chamber Gaya for 1,500 the chamber annual membership is 500 and then uh if you're on their board of directors they require their board members to um commit to an investment fee of $1,000 so what is the total cost Mrs Bowman ma excuse me sir I'm sorry yes ma'am what is the total cost for this investment the city man just roughly $3,000 annually um my understanding from what I saw was that the investment fee and the $500 membership fee would be annually and then they would request for the 1,500 for the um table at the Gayla event each year which you council could approve or deny okay okay um we'll proceed in this order councilman go thank you for answering my questions councilman go then Council War weeks yeah I'm I'm okay with the uh the Gaya cuz that's already took place already I believe uh our table I'm pretty sure was was full um so that's $1,500 I'm okay with the uh chamber of membership fee because we are also a part of the Coco Beach Chamber which has a fee as well I think there's a thousand this one is 00 but I'm not in agreement with the board of director's investment fee because I believe um so if Deputy Deputy Mayor Hearn or anyone even if you're not elected official um you can be on the board and by choosing to be on that board apparently this fee or for whatever board has a fee is a th000 bucks so I don't feel that's a choice that any person makes to be on that board I don't believe the city should be responsible for that $1,000 but I do agree with the $500 cuz I think it is a wise investment for the city to be a part of the chamber itself um for sure just like we're a part of the Coca Beach Chamber but I do not agree with uh a person as voluntarily choosing to be on the board and then all of a sudden we we get hit with a fee of $1,000 um and I I believe that's a voluntary choice and when you make that choice um you have the right to choose to pay or not to pay but I don't the city should be responsible to pay for it but $500 I'm in agree agreement with okay um councilwoman weeks and then Deputy Mayor her I was just gonna say exactly what he said so I I agree with him on that that's it okay okay uh Council woman C you just turn your light on just now okay depy M okay and think council is there an investment fee for members that serve on the other chambers within the city of uh out of the city council not the city council I'm sorry the city of Coco yeah not not I I sit on I'm the city's representative on the uh on the Coco Beach area Chamber um and there's no there's no investment fee or no um Board of director member fee for that I mean we we sponsor various events but there's no I don't have to pay to be on the the board of directors or there's no commitment fee or investment fee whatever you want to call it okay uh councilwoman C and then councilman go yeah I haven't heard it referred to as an investment fee before but it is really common to have a board of directors first of all I would imagine you were invited rather than you solicited to be on the board board and the you're representing the city of Coco in doing so so with the uh with the nonprofits with the 501 c3s that I've worked with in the association World um and I think with the Economic Development Council um there is it may not be called an investment fee and maybe they just make it part of the membership but but um it's not uncommon I'm not really surprised by there being a fee for for coko to have a seat on that board because they would it gives us some weight and making decisions there I was done okay cman G yeah in in L of the Thousand I think um kind of like what city manager said about we we do host events for uh kocab Beach Chamber and we do wave some fees we do we do things in conjunction with them and I think that could be an idea where certain events at Porche house certain events at um Coco Civic Center those could be fees that could be possibly waved and that can you know chunk take chunks away from that $1,000 so if it's 400 bucks to to host an event we wave a fee I'm not I'm not saying do that but I'm just an example we wave a fee and then I think that's could be a good ideal as well but just I stand by what I just my opinion you know on that so uh if no one else has anything else to add to that uh I'll go out and make a motion to approve uh the following fees or fee Corrections that's uh stated in the motion I'm sorry stated in the item which are uh to approve the well the one fee was already approved for the Gaya so to approve the two additional fees which is the membership and the investment fee or um if there's any better terminology for the investment fee I'll second that okay okay what what is the bottom C what is the bottom cost be be for us so the cost in uh my motion would be the $500 for the membership and the $1,000 for the investment fee ,000 for investment so we're looking at annually $1,500 annually yes sir Mr Mayor and I would like to add that these fees weren't budgeted in the fiscal year budget um we can add them well come back and try to uh reduce cost somewhere else next year or do a budget amendment um because we are adopting the budget for next fiscal year on Monday night um and these costs were not included in the budget for fiscal year 24 so we would look for some cost Savings in the city council's budget somewhere okay all right thank you very much Mrs Bowman welcome okay okay so I have a motion on the floor by councilman Deputy Mayor Hearn and a second by councilwoman cost so that there is a $500 membership fee and $1,000 investment fee which makes a grand total of $1,500 annually is that correct yes sir is that correct with your motion yes sir is that correct Council woman cost okay all right CH going to call the question all in favor saying I any Nays n nay I make a motion to approve the chamber membership of $500 I'll second okay we have a motion on the floor by councilman gos to make a motion for the $500 membership fee and a second by councilwoman weeks she's going to call the question all in favor by saying I I in n n no one I just hate they have to figure out where to do it in the budget right figure out let the record reflect yeah I'm a name ma'am we got we got coun our Council budg our yes sir yes sir it's coming up it's coming up okay and and and and I know to be a member of the rotarians I have to pay to be a part of that right councilwoman cost yeah that's right do you recall how much that cost cost quite a bit yes over 700 bucks out of my own pocket that's not uncommon yes all right okay I'm sorry you have to tell her where the money com from oh she's going to tell us at the budget I'm assuming I'm going tell you okay I ask one more question wait one more question Monica you asked me and I might if I apologize did I did I answer your question you asked me to backtrack to you do you have anything you want to say um yeah I just wanted to clarify on the item for Sher Woodhouse she's actually a three-year term not a four-year term so her term will expire uh September 30th of 2027 not 28 okay no no okay General yeah again yeah I problem with that everyone can we affirm that confirm that okay all right we're good ma'am all right Mr city manager 81 yes 81 okay requesting a change in the route okay I thought you was going to talk about but you saying that at a later date okay City business item number 8-1 requesting a change in the route for the up incoming Alzheimer walk 921 2024 item number 24- 498 um this is no Brer but Ms singer man um I don't have anything to add the the streets are in there it's really just expanding it to Derby Street to expand the walk um and then the event is on September 21st yes ma'am I chair like to make a motion to approve the Alzheimer walks okay we're GNA call the question all in favor by saying I I and in a eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to item number 8-2 request for proposal for the purchase and disposal of surplus real estate for the development of affordable housing in the Michael C Blake subdivision and other selected Parcels in Coco Florida um situated in the diamond Square community redevelopment area and I definitely would like to have like a three car driveway so that they do not park on the streets I just want that to reflect in the records has been brought to my attention and a lot of those citizens in that area that which we all do ride through and we do support three yeah figure out a way that we can get three cars in in the driveway cuz you know why think about what took place thank you yes sir yes sir and also the Arlon apartments right Point well taken okay Mr city manager sir thank you Mr um this is this is an RFP as as you aware we just finished up the build of uh five homes in the Michael SE Blake subdivision and and in doing so we were I'll just give you the quote there we were building homes in district one that cost more than they could be sold for uh and I won't challenge uh the the the uh the veracity of that of that statement that that's kind of what an affordable housing project is and so just let me give you the accounting of those five homes and I I'll get quickly into the RFP and so we actually the total costs for those homes were uh 1.61 uh and 851 million so 1.6 uh uh 111 comma 851 and we sold those homes for uh 1.24 5 comma 029 and so that's a difference of$ 366,924 and so and so I guess at the end of the day uh you you put out 366 ,000 to put uh a Schoolboard employee two Schoolboard employees this is the one home uh one is a retired Schoolboard employee he's also a retired military veteran in a home uh I think at approximately 70 years old this is his first home um you put a school teacher and her daughter into uh an affordable home you put um uh a young young man who is a manager of one of the wws and his uh cyber security student wife in one home uh and then you put a single dad who works for I think Orlando Health in another home and then you put a nurse who uh who is a single mother in the in the fifth home there and so again 366,000 uh $822 um uh you were able to accomplish that as you know that was a slow process that's a process where every time you repeat that you lose more and more uh uh return of a principal if you will and so proud of the fact that after uh six seven eight years we were actually able to finally do affordable housing in the micro Blake subdivision we think this RFP gives us a better process for doing that and that we're going to put out there in the marketplace that we're going to sell uh the Lots um and in return we want that Builder that developer to build affordable house housing uh not only build affordable housing but but we've we've we've uh did it we've done it by uh by the HUD definitions of affordable housing so so in terms of the HUD definition what we would require of the Builder to developer is is that the homes obviously must meet the minimum living area square footage of 1,200 square feet and uh could not exceed the maximum current maximum uh HUD sales price of 273 273,000 that moves each year last year was 269 this year it's 273 um and then it is also the CI intent that the affordable housing uh these uh homes benefit buyers that have uh uh an income range between 30% to 120% of The Bard County area medium uh median uh income and that that that higher range may be adjusted down there we'll look at that as we get into the further development of the RFP and so uh we're also we would also require that again this is a takedown of all the Lots so this is sort of The Big Bang Theory where where we're going to build out the subdivision you have to have the capacity to take down all of the lots and you have to have the capacity to do that within uh 12 12 to 16 months from the from the date of the of the site plan approval so so this is this is uh it's been done elsewhere um but this is to go and get uh it done um um in one sort of fail swoop uh this is consistent with the diamond Square Redevelopment plan this is consistent with um city of Coco uh Strate strategic plan and comprehensive plan and so I would ask your favorable approval of this we'll play with some of the dates that we have listed in the RFP but again uh Mr Mayor and uh council members I would ask your favorable approval of this RFP okay we will proceed in this order if you have any questions you can direct them to the city manager um Council woman weeks ma'am um I don't see in here and maybe I've missed it how many many lots are there there are there are 17 Lots 17 vac if you go to exhibit a it's the ones that we have uh dotted I guess okay and you said you're going to you want us to sell the Lots um to all of One developer correct yeah it's a it's a I anticipate that you got to be a pretty pretty significant developer to come in and take down all of the lots and build Within that time frame that we specified would would Council or would uh you be um does it have to be siteb built homes or could it be um steel modular homes because those cost only 70% of a siteb built home yeah the the the the proposal is is open so so if you have an ability to to to come come in build to pay us for the lots to build and sell at the 273 to that income range um the PO proposal is fairly open I'm I'm fairly traditional and so I I think you know I anticipated concrete block traditional um and I and I I would think that anything other than that that's really not my recommendation but that may be a policy discussion for the council I see the reason I say the still modular they have stucco on the outside but they're hurricane proof earthquake proof termite proof so that's why I'm throwing that out there okay um and uh and yes that timeline easily could be could be done um and is the infrastructure in place already yes ma'am we have water sewer and reclaim reclaim yay there so is it's a it's a ready to go subdivision okay do you I didn't see a price for the Lots or you looking for an offer on them yeah I'm looking for offer gotta big big offers yes ma' okay yes sir Mr city manager did you want to talk about the RFP selection process oh thank you I did tell you to remind me of that did and so included in this would be a selection committee not a selection committee I guess an evaluation and ranking Committee of uh Mrs Newman um Mrs Bowman as the finance director and then because it's in Diamond Square I think we'd have to have a representative off of that board so it' be a threers evaluation committee again consisting of Mrs nman uh Mrs Bowman and then a representative from Diamond Square all right Council m is that it okay Council Mone sir um yeah only thing I just had two things I I agree with councilwoman weeks on um the new style of homes like it it's just changing now on the style I'm used to block as well but you starting to see different different um ways of building homes um definitely with the roofs that's another way to cut cost as well you seeing more now you seeing these new homes with these more flat roofs with the um um drainage on top of the roof you starting to see all kinds of different um so I don't think we need to get in my opinion get locked in to one particular style of home you know we all used to seeing the pitch roofs and all of that it's you starting to see some um some changes you know if you go to like if you get time tomorrow go by the hospital um right here Rock Ledge Regional right behind the scooters you see that that new home they don't have the high pitch anymore you're starting to see more low pitch because it's a lot cheaper than than nor so um and so what and another thing the question is um the size of the home the 12200 square foot we we learned at the Florida Le of cities that of of small size square footage does not necessarily mean smaller um appraisal of a home as well so um why are we locked in to say 12200 is it like what what cuz that's 1,00 living space that's NE not necessarily I think I think that's your comp plan that's your comp plan y That's your comp plan okay that's 1 12200 that's is that 1,200 with the garage that's 12 theable that's living that's a living area plus Mr city manager isn't that the lot that the ordinance was just about splitting them narrowing them yeah I mean the the the again you the the comp plan obviously you can amend comp plans but but that's the current comp plan and so the homes that we just built are 12200 square fet and above there so so so again not these are not huge homes at 1200 F feet but again that's your comp plan requirement okay did last question the the home that are there now the five that are is each one of those homes they're not the same square footage am I correct yeah they're they're I think we had three different models there were three different models uh the largest was 19 and change uh total square footage and I think the smallest was just a little bit over 18 sareet total square footage okay thank you all of them were about 1300 under air good yes sir do we have any other questions for the city manager what are the wishes of councel Mo to approved we have a motion on the floor by Deputy Mayor Hearn second second by councilwoman weeks ch's going to call the question all in favor by saying I I eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to the final item 8-3 great job city manager and staff thank you all approve oneyear policy renewal for The General insurance program with Florida Legal cities Inc for the period of October 1st 2024 through September 30th 2025 with an estimate a premium of 2,757 189 pending approval of the fiscal year budget approve a resolution to w competitive bidding authorizing the city manager to execute the agreement if necessary Mrs Jamar yes sir um so every year um we bring this to council for our insurance renewal this includes our general insurance and liability property coverage and auto coverage um last year we had a huge spike in property coverage just like um most homeowners across the state of Florida and so we're no different to that with all the property that the city owns um you know in our general area and with our water utility so um this past year our insurance carrier did what was called an asset survey to True up the values to make sure that we have current insurance coverage for the proper values um and it's very detailed process and it increased the insured value from $157 million of covered assets asss to 237 million so it was a pretty big significant um change in coverage so with that it was a big significant change in premium so our broker at gearen group helps work with fmit to look at different scenarios to try to lower that um most of the scenarios included things like increasing our hurricane deductible and things that would put the city at a higher risk um in the name in the event we had a name storm and so and really the different scenarios didn't result in much of a savings so after talking that over with um the city manager it was recommended to continue the same coverage so so I'd like to make a motion to approve staff recommendation second okay we have a second on the floor by Council woman weeks chair's going to call the question all in favor saying I I any N I have it unanimously proceeding forward reports Triple G would you come forward please uh uh we just had our SC TPO uh CAC uh Tac meeting uh yester yesterday uh of course uh mayor you'll get the the read out on uh bright line again on Thursday uh I will give you everything but bright line uh uh a couple of items uh state of the system report is out uh they are expecting a completion by December uh 2024 uh couple things to note and I have reported this in Prior years uh the uh uh top 10 vehicle high velocity industry Network intersection uh Chief you can uh uh police chief you can probably check this out uh number three on the list 520 and Clear Lake Road number five on the list Friday Road and 524 Coco has two of the 10 top 10 not good uh let's move on to the Dixon uh complete streets uh they're getting ready to to kick off a workshop on that uh this is analysis for uh something similar to what they've done on Clear Lake Road and uh with an estimated completion date of October 2025 uh really what I'm trying to do here is if you guys are Fielding calls from constituents on road complaints give you a heads up all along but you're right uh uh under F doot uh we got a couple of resurfaces going on obviously uh the one through Coco Village uh they're slated to complete late 2024 everybody BL happy about that uh also us went to State Route three uh on 528 only a portion of that is to the north end of our city that's a resurfacing completed by early 2025 so that's going to be some uh Paving out on 528 uh we have the two safety uh projects going going on uh uh uh the one coming across 520 uh that's Aurora to Cox Road uh uh you know the barrels and stuff are out there now uh complete October 2024 mid and then uh our favorite one the the safety on Clear Lake from 520 to Michigan summer 2025 uh and like I said uh yeah so we still got a few months to go there uh uh uh at the previous TPO meeting I did ask fot to take a look at what they could do to kind of help that I mentioned uh lines and I me mentioned the the bull noses and sure enough they went ahead and they've got those painted yellow and now uh just within the last week or so they put the uh yellow reflectors on them uh but yeah you can if you look at them it's yellow with black tire marks on a lot of them until people get used to that uh again I've stated before personally I like the weaving uh because it does slow people down and makes it look a little bit more aesthetically pleasing so uh as usual if you have any technical questions uh your Public Works director is is at your becking call if you have any questions uh call me all right you're a great man Triple G thank you very much for your stess and also more so than anything else committed in making our community better so long live trains I didn't bring my whistle next time sir city manager sir I'm I'm at a loss for who has a report so I I do sorry okay are you doing Amazon also yes if you want me to okay go ahead um so we are um I did send out the calendar invites for the provos park grand reopening event on Tuesday October 1st at 4 P.M we're going to do it before the National Night Out event so we're kicking off the National Night Out um and coordinating with Dolores and her team um on that event and we will do the ribbon cutting for the opening of provos Park uh that evening Tuesday October 1st again ribbon cutting will be at 4 and then we will kick off the National Night Out of them um Amazon announced let me let me just jump because we're if we're on pars there just to remind the council that uh starting October one we have uh maintenance and operational responsibility for Gilmore family Park Anderson Park and Coco Manor and Coco Manor so we have those three parks and obviously recall uh after you pass the budget next week we have an additional estimated half a million dollars in expenses because of uh that uh the inking of that agreement there so so so all good news in Parks okay um Amazon announced this week um as I said at the last meeting um Amazon announced their uh hiring event for the Coco facility um they actually released the jobs on Friday uh a bulk of jobs for the KOCO facility on Friday um and apparently due to high demand uh they took those down so um they will release they only release new positions on Friday so new positions will come open beginning Frid this Friday again um and all of the information is on our website it's been sent out in the media um and there's ways that people can sign up they can Tech get text alerts for new job openings um you can go on to the Amazon website to get um the newest job listings as well they are hiring hundreds of jobs um for this facility so we're talking probably close to 300 plus jobs um at this facility Alone um so there will be plenty of opportunity and they're looking to hire the next six to eight weeks hire uh for that facility um let me stand up and give you a round of applause cuz that's impressive ma'am because a lot of rumors disseminated throughout the community Comm talking about it would not open because of location location and what was adjacent to it yes sir all those false narratives we persevered but now here we are standing enhancing our tax base and making coko a better place to live and a safer place to live so thank you to St yeah Mr Mayor just just um the the fire chief uh our former building official um deserve a lot of credit because they we we worked hand inand with uh with Amazon to to put that on The Fast Track there and so I think I think if you recall the Amazon Representatives they would sing the Praises of Chief lamb and uh and uh uh will um and who who else am I forgetting will carbol carbonell and and um Genevie lean who was the fire inspector yeah so so again I I can't thank uh uh those members of Staff enough there because again they they made that happen and in a time frame because that remember that was a conversion from a from a Last Mile facility to a what's this thing call fulfillment center fulfillment center fulfillment center which which was about an additional 2030 million in improvements to the building jobs jobs and additional jobs and and and and which district is that in please just ref [Laughter] District okay that's what I like go ahead ma boys um one last thing I just I did also send out a calendar invite to all of you um to save the date for our economic Showcase in Coco Market which is our economic annual Economic Development update event um it will be January 15th um from 4: to 6:30 p.m. we're going to do a very similar to what we've done the last few years where we're going to Showcase Coco businesses and give them the opportunity to set up and um showcase their their services or their um items that they have for sale and that's all I have for you tonight does anybody else have anything we're we're good Mr Mayor thank you okay sir thank you very much um Asad Gan oh I'm good no report okay sir we have time just in make the debate here tonight maybe good time good time um let's see it again yes sir here no no no no I got yeah yeah be quick yes sir Deputy you tell moves first EV okay District Four yeah okay I wish I it's all right man' I hope you guys are recording yes we're with our Rowdy friend here yeah Mitch lawyer I hadn't done a report in quite a while so I got a little carried away today but I'm going to make it real brief just you know the high points should I just do I click or give me one second okay yeah well chairman I think the big news is the town hall we have the annual Town Hall October 15th mark your calendars we're going to this is uh District Four citizens opportunity to come meet some staff ask some questions make some suggestions and learn about opportunities to be involved what time yeah good what time what time it's at 6:00 um oh we on I believe it's the 26 or the 25th of October the Florida Wildlife hospital at 10:30 a.m. is going to give a presentation and bring some Ambassador album um Ambassador animals to tra um the museum at the Pavilion and that should be a lot of fun fun um really looking forward to promoting them they're under tremendous pressures right now because as we've been developing as everyone has been developing across the county that's put well it's made it challenging for wildlife and so you run into more and more accidents and we really want people to know this is available it's on the 25th and I'll verify that before we're it's a Saturday so that's either the 25th of the 26th um 10:30 a.m. October right ma'am yep oh that was a couple months ago when they released one of their one of their patients into Coco Conservation Area I attended the live local act Town Hall that the Space Coast Realtors sponsored last week that was interesting um learned a few things got the sense that this isn't going quite as smoothly as I thought and we were warned um that you know this legislation uh look for some changes um uh is it Kim Kim ran Kim Ranka uh she gave us a big shout out we were actually the first the county you know to really jump in on this okay this was uh a story sent to me by um one of District 4 citizens that loves trees and it's I think it's quite a a great idea and I'm wondering if we might even consider it for Arbor Day celebration this year so I know the photography contest didn't go quite like we wanted it to last year but what they've done here is that they have picked out some specimen trees and then they wrap this around with information that gives uh information about what kind of tree it is how tall it grows uh all the benefits that the ecosystem Services I should say that it provides the community and the other thing I wanted to bring up real quickly because I do want to pursue this is that I noticed on our development list we have um several potential applications to the board of adjustment to wave our tree mitigation and I would really like to see I I'm concerned that the board of adjustment is doing that without the full picture without the full perspective with all all of the pieces so that you have a business going to board of adjustment to wave the the tree mitigation without having those other pieces in place whereas if they could still come for tree mitigation but they would have to come in front of the counil so I would like to see us address that I think I'm not sure could um you tell me does that involve a resolution I mean it would it would require an ordinance change I mean that I think we're going to be stockt and I correct me if I'm wrong I think we're going to be looking because they looking at the tree ordinance in the next month or so we're coming up on one year oober we were on bringing it back right so that's that's an idea that we can um we can consider during the during that amendment process it probably makes a lot of sense since the tree ordinance has been modernized extensively in the last few years that you know the tree mitigation aspects and tree bank requirements are all really dependent upon full sight plan review and and Analysis and there's a financial issue and there's a waiver ision an old waiver provision for the board of adjustment that probably goes back to the mid 90s before the modernization of the tree ordinance I mean sounds like an idea that we can we can consider um yeah I'd really like to see that that we take a closer look at that and the last well I don't know if this is my last item but we have this is the report that we submitted to the state on August 1st it was required by the clean waterways act that was passed coup a couple years ago and I've asked that we have an opportunity to look at this I know everyone received it but I think it's probably a little bit hard to understand I'm sure Jack can present and explain it to us better I'm particularly concerned um because as you know the traditional septics conventional septics systems will have to upgrade uh by 2030 and as you can see the map on the left is all of the this is where the the septic inventory is right now now for the most part uh there may be a couple in district one but overall is saged so it and of course District three is newer so everything's been saged so District Two and District 4 are really going to be taking on the burden of these requirements um and so I'd really like us to be informed well by this report on the right side what first of all Let Me Explain the yellow is essentially it's the Watershed all the water that drops on the ground there goes into the Lagoon on the right and and then what you see the purple are where the septics are on the right you have estimated um septics that we may be adding and then all these little lines it is a really interesting report to look at to understand our our city better and the infrastructure you have the blue represents the forest Mains and then the uh little railroad crossings those are all uh gravity flow Mains right I can't tell from the scale okay yeah but I'm assuming yes if it's okay and this is in regard to the Lagoon this is what we don't want to do this is one of my neighbors um their um Landscaping Service dumping everything into the Lagoon which is yeah I don't think we have any ordinances against that but I know the the Savar Indian River Lagoon um the citizen advisory committee I know we funded an an education campaign on this and obviously it hasn't gotten to this uh particular landscape uh worker but what that does is push a lot of excess nutrients in the lagoon so everyone should be aware of putting grass clippings down their storm drain and that's the end of my report who's next uhy mayor I'll be real quick uh from District 2 this week um I don't have any photos uh so just real quick I want to uh give a big kudos to our Coco High football team they went over to Bradon and played um IMG Academy which is basically a Jo uh you could say they have a 13th grade um but our guys put up a good fight against them um we knew the odds of beating them was very slim um you know these are NFL I mean D1 uh Scouts on that team but they put up a good fight I think our boys got some good practice and is going to help us be successful uh up to the road to State this year um so shout out to those uh guys and the whole team of coaches and everyone that just supports them um this Friday they have a game at home against Heritage um anybody out there listening staff anybody I encourage you to come out to the game and show support you won't be disappointed it'll be a really good game game maybe a early game um second thing uh concern out of uh District 2 I know we've been bringing it up a lot and uh staff been working hard to try to get the word out but the trash the bulk trash is still an issue especially in my district um it's quite frustrating for myself and a lot of residents been reaching out to me um if we could somehow maybe I was thinking maybe we can get a hold of Code Enforcement And when they see these piles of trash especially been sitting out from you know weeks now maybe we can come up with a tag or something to let the residents know there's a number they need to call yeah we we just sent out Samantha correct me if I'm wrong we just sent out the uh the refrigerator stickers or whatever they are uh we just did postcards this time we did the the magnets for the yard Wass um but we did send out the bulk waist postcards notifying people they need to call Waste Management to get those picked up if they're not getting picked up let Public Works know and we will contact waste management to because that's part of the contract we need to make sure we stay on top of them right I I think that's a good effort are we putting those in Spanish as well because in District 2 we have a large Hispanic population that's a that's a that's a good thought I mean the the good thing is is that each and every time we've done those we've uh We've uh been able to convince uh Waste Management to pay for them so so let me see if we can go back to the well once more and uh so thank you on any efforts on that appreciate it um another thing Samantha maybe you can help out on this initiative uh I got this idea last year but I I really would love for the city to try to add this as an event if we can uh do the trunker what is it trunk ATT treat uh event at City Hall U maybe encourage any City staff if they would like to join in in the parking lot um decorate their vehicle vehicles and hand out candy just provide another safe environment for the kids to come out and enjoy uh the festivities of Halloween um so if that's something we can work on I would love to be a part of it I would bring my vehicle and decorate as well kids yep for the kids so just wanted to say that we do have a holiday festival in the village here that we do and all of the merchants are trick-or treat stops oh wow in the village so um you have there's a whole trick-or treat Trail Fall Festival Halloween golf cart parade all of that is going on in Coco Village is this on actual Halloween the day of Halloween it's on the Saturday prior to Halloween so um and it it's free event um we asked for food donations for our food drive but it is a free event nice okay if uh I'll guess I'll uh connect with you this week and get some more information on that um so thank you for that uh and that's all I have uh for this week okay District number three first off let me say my one of my granddaughters won the costume contest a few years ago at the Halloween thing so uh I can't I can't remember who she was dressed up as but anyway she won um uh from Nightmare on a nightmare Christmas whatever anyway she was dressed up as one of those um uh I do have some pictures so I'm trying to decide what what to go through first so we'll do this other way other way oh so this is uh in the middle there is my 15-year-old granddaughter who is at CoCo high and she is on the Roc and she is part of the color guard and she's learning how to be in the color guard and let me do this one there she is again and Friday at the Coco game she will be carrying the saber and we'll be part of the color guard that goes out before the game so of course Grandma will be there to support her on that um she sent me these these two pictures I said who are they she goes I don't know but obviously Coco High color guard um so got rid the huh nothing no he's talking about the old traditional uni oh yeah I don't know but um this is her first year in RC she's ninth grade there um and then this is uh Adamson Creek and the road is about to go in in the last 30 homes however where that road goes through used to be a lake and I keep saying I can't they said they moved the lake exactly how do you move a lake but anyway um uh but that's uh how it's coming along there and you can see it won't be long before the last 30 homes in adson Creek goes up um that's oh and then they have this up there about the storm water pollution which is um why they couldn't build as many homes as they wanted originally there were supposed to be 191 back there in Spanish too at that yep um I also attended the sustainability committee which uh the city manager uh was doing and learned a lot from that and they really want to concentrate on um the um uh students and uh working with that they really wanted to narrow in on that um and then last night I attended the league of cities dinner uh and um mayor Blake had a giant cake in honor of his being president of the Florida League of cities so it was an honor to to attend that last night um and also uh October 1 unfortunately I'll be in Arkansas for my Mom's 90th birthday so I won't be here for the for the thing on October 1 and I do apologize for that so but that's all I have great job great job and thank you for attending last night Mr Mayor I just yes sir go ahead sir before uh councilman going there actually fail to mention I like to give staff Kudos um um wherever we can there and this is a very good initiative there I'll give the kudos to uh uh Mrs Morgan and uh Tony Jones our fleet manager and and Mrs singer we'll tell you what that is um so uh Tony Jones had uh been approached by uh I think it was utilities with an extra vehicle that they had a a truck um that they had that was no longer useful for what it was being used for and so um he had the idea to donate it to The Bard adult education center for their new CDL program um which hasn't started yet um but they um wanted they need to get more equipment and and get the program started so we did a whole promotion piece on that we put that out to the Press we put it on social media um and because of the work of putting it out there and getting the information out there they were able to find somebody to Now teach the classes so they are able to start the program now um so because of the work that we've all done to help promote the program and put the word out from the city of Coco um they are able to get that program started and we're able to find a um a teacher to help with the program nice that's awesome great job team so yeah that was a great um idea from Tony that we were able to to make into to reality and um probably help some people and maybe we'll get some employees from that program as well very good yes sir sir okay um first uh thanks to Miss Morgan and the streets um Crews for getting uh bag soil to the museum for the planning Saturday morning uh thank you for organizing that uh the guys that came out on Saturday and and took care of that so we appreciate you for that the um football team cokoh High um quarterback Club sent an email um requesting some things um that they need they they have some Financial constraints right now um so they have they know their team is probably 45 50 people U so posting pregame meals is is a is a issu at times because they got to pay for their own buses they got to pay for all these different things um and so they wanted a few things I sent the afforded them email to city manager last week I think um some of the things were cases of um a Gatorade poster pregame meals um for the team and or the chil if the chili do go or not but I know they go to Venice next week and again that's another trip that may cost you know over $2,000 for the buses and things of that nature and so um I would like for us as a city to help wherever we can um with that endeavor they they're like every other High School um they have to fight for dollars going to different um corporations getting donations whatever the case may be and because of bravard public schools they have to share some of their dollars from ticket sales they go to other sports and and so um we have a national Powerhouse team within the city um and and I believe they should uh eat well travel well uh and look departed um as well so I know definitely the water is a is is definitely something that I know we can do um so financially um I'm I'm asking them for a dollar amount for post and pregame post and or pregame meal for next week home games is a lot easier they just do subs and potato chips and stuff like that but when they travel they usually have to stop at maybe a restaurant or something like that to get you know baked chicken or whatever the case may be so uh is a counsel in support of of uh financially supporting um the football uh program that's the question that I have before I got to answer yep um because of the new fiscal year budget coming in come October the 1st they can apply for that $1,000 okay that's the first thing okay okay that's a start I love he you acknowledge that too all right yeah of course uh I I don't like the colors but I love the children you know so um so you said $1,000 okay so what about Venice the they they go to Venice next week and so um that's still going to be an issue even if we even if they apply for it October 1st which I agree with uh they still going to have um a concern about taking care of that particular game because this week they home but they still paying for post and pregame meal as well so um is it is anyone against the city manager having that conversation with the quarterback Club um seeing what that dollar amounts look like um for the for the for the game for the game next week yes y God bless you I'm okay with supporting him for the next game and uh for any uh games further out there I would ask that they submit uh the application uh to the city manager staff and I would being in supported that okay so they they did send they did send an email last week so that did come it didn't have it had just the item that they need they did not put a dollar amount to each item so I'll just defer that to city manager to have that conversation with that so I just want I just want I just don't want it to be today is Tuesday it's going to be next Monday real quick yeah can I answer that too as well look you make this football schedule a year in advance pretty much don't you agree so that's proper preparation promotes positive productivity they know they need this and and my thing is um I mean I don't mind helping those that need help but uh be mindful that there are other businesses I know for a fact that will come to them um and assist them if they go and ask yep let's cut to you know there's no longer a pink elephant in the room a white elephant in the room right Monica so so so that's my thing sir um it's imperative that you know look man start preparing for it just like you preparing for your league course your season you start getting you you know your ducks in a row so that's what I'm saying and I know we all have tough times tough times don't last but tough people do so that's my thing that's my thing I think they can do a better job oh of course okay and and that's what I firmly believe in and I graduated from Coco High School just like Dey M Hearn but I mean it's just like you with kids you got you know you gotta love them all the same because Endeavor comes at me Emma Jewel comes at me yeah you know what I'm saying come at us rather let me make it plural us Middle School yes yeah yes sir so you get it man that's all I'm saying they they know and but let's be honest you got what how many guys in Big League now man uh four three yeah three from C lives in my neighborhood right so that's all I'm saying you know there's more than one way to skin this cat you just got to not you per se but they have to be proactive that's all I'm saying of course y'all agree me with the water our water yeah let us see where we are yeah let's see about that cuz I I I you know I could talk to some people that are donate some water but we let's put it in the manager's hand and you're right I'm in favor like you said just said that to us okay yeah all right put it in the manager hand all right we can probably go Sams and ass right there you go that's where I was getting ready to go Mr city um okay the LA last thing I had was the uh there is a free dental screening at Family Promise um Wednesday October 16th from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. um Family prom is located 114 First Street in Coco uh free oil scen screening um fluide or health education um and it's going to be all sponsored by Eastern Florida State College so that's Wednesday October 16 from 3:00 to 5 that's it great job great job to you all everyone L do and everybody is that it yes sir okay which button I press you all 104 you're the right person all right this is where we're at the Florida League of cities um one of the supporters that helped and voted for me during the time as uh second vice president first vice president from the city of I want to make sure I get it right Oakland um hap uh this is Curtis Johnson and also the mayor of uh puns Inlet Miss parisy that's one fine suit that I have on say a Salman this is also one of the chair uh chairwoman of our board members Miss Dortha you guys know B Taylor bogert this is myself skinning chin grining you know cheesing uh the lady in the middle mayor Pat Bates very instrumental in My overall Success With The League through the process of going second first and becoming the president her husband um Mr uh dley Bates Pat Bates is a former president of the league as well and this is our night of Celebration this is Gibb who just won the EJ Harris award um from the city of ela former firemen as well this is councilwoman CA two Dynamic photos that we took hold on hold on you got to put this I know man this got to go in the lobby not only that but they also put the picture we just took then when you just brought up that I got yeah trust me so have I so have I so thank you all for Council Members attending the national league of cities event for my indoctrination City staff city manager etc etc you all do a phenomenal job and to each and everyone I say thank you very much uh this was last night where councilwoman weeks was talking about the indoctrination the celebration that posted there the bill booy we had a beautiful cake myself and I want to say thank you councel for attending this is the cake that she spoke about every yeah man you guys missed out if you weren there lot it doubt even thought about you councilman gens why did he say that Michael Blake because of that rid of colors man that's all I'm saying those rated of colors yes sir um this is at the community garden Council mgon donated some soil and that's Mrs Candace Rogers there uh we were tanning our buns in the Florida Sun early 8:00 in the morning Saturday morning we're beating the rain uh this is our overall picture there at the event my family want to say thanks because I said they didn't want to share any of the photos Council woman call because you were not here you were in Minnesota okay that's the reason why okay uh this is my sister who used to kick my butt when I was a little kid still can the city manager my sister myself circus SLE you guys were there am I saying that right yeah that was there so I appreciate you all for in attendance and one last thing special shout out to our Police Department Space Coast daily Public Safety violent crime has been reduced by 14% they did an awesome article in the space coast da shout out to Chief Co and his staff um to all the men and women of Public Safety YouTube Chief Fire Chief flam but the entire community of our 400 plus employees for the great city of Cocos you make things happen you make dreams come to reality so please I say thank you you guys don't hear those two words enough thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you you mean the world to me and I sincerely mean that I I'm the president we're the president because of you all in this room and counsel and staff so I thank you I'm riding off your shirt tail coattail ponytail dress tail I'm that person and even people out in the audience too as well citizens of Coco make sure you watch the debate chair entertains a motion to adjourn okay we got a motion on the floor by Council woman weeks second by councilman GES thank you 3G appreciate you brother all in favor by saying I go in peace