ni to see thank [Music] No Sunshine Law by adoped PR January This Year resolution prescrib this meeting is one of the meetings listed such resolution of the resolution January 10th uh commissioner Robinson is not here this evening work commitment maril is there anyone which has been signed is there anybody there's nobody here he 13, Capal fund improv to various mun roads uh pretty self-explanatory anyone like to um just a public hearing on it anyone want any comments questions for the commission may yes yes we have the first reading of 1784 uh TOA nonresident development fees so this is um something that actually uh most towns have had a uh ordinance on the FST for collection of what they call non-residential development fees for affordable housing for like decades uh we never had one because we don't get much new commercial construction at all ever um and we just recently have the um self storage facility on the other side of what used to be the colle with circles been built and under the state law that that's required to make a payment but it's non residential development fee so we're creating the ordinance that sets up the fund the account basically for us to accept that money um that money is then um going to be available to be used um to assist affordable uh housing components of any developments we have in town um one that we have now is the Presbyterian Church that that's going to have affordable component and then the um the water tower development however that ends up going it's residential will have a component of affortable well this money would be available to help those projects include that um so this is the first reading public hearing will be at our June three meeting um okay mayor yes yes we have the first reading of SE Capital ordinance 1785 completion of development completion the department for the first building so this is taking $350,000 from within the sewer um operating budget from the capital allocation of the sewer budget and dedicating it to additional work on the Public Works building which I don't know everybody gets down on Route 130 but if you're drive by 130 you can see uh the construction going hot and heavy um public hearing on this one will be at our June meeting as well H yes ask yes the first reading Ed 1786 283 code removal and replacement of trees onate property so this is an ordinance that's required under state law um the DP has adopted um uh regul adopted statutes that require municipality to adopt uh a tree removal um and replacement ordinance this ordinance has um is is based on the model ordinances that they've issued with some revisions from our shade tree commission uh there's a the shade tree commission has has given us a few comments on it but um we're kind of past our deadline already we're going to introduce this ordinance um would be adopted at the June meeting with an understanding that none of this stuff is gas in stone we'll see how this goes uh over time this regulates um private property owners removal of trees on their property that puts requirements on them for replacement of those trees or payment of a spund into a payment into a fund that's a community kind of town treats so we're going to introduce to anything you want to add yeah no I I think it's it's new territory um the idea we've always sort of along sort of the counter strip you know burrow always had control over it um so this this is New Territory I think in the gr thing is a good thing that we sort of are are aware of and keep our tree County flourishing healthy strong and that we and areas of development grow that we sort of replace things on one to one morees okay yes yes public hearing will be in June at the June meeting is of the second reading the public hearing and that's people yeah but there's also talk about yeah sure the this this is um this now is opportunity anyone has any comments on the rest of the agenda on the agenda items only at the end of this we'll open it up you can talk about whatever you want to talk anything anything any comments questions on the agenda items okay we have the acceptance of the 2023 audit and and stting at the group after so this is our audit um congratulations to thanks to bet Joe and to all of our um all of our burrow staff that we turning in another group good audit um that we don't there's not a requirement we have discussion about right this is just like a group that's the what good practices good Lord yes appointing Timothy Cuchi as part time ENT fire for the college fire department yes yes appointing Grant Mor as parttime ENT firefighter for the college fire department yes appointing class one special Law Enforcement Officers Justin and Shas Cory service contract Tiffany portable house portable house yes appointing Marin Grant to the Colwood historic Advisory Board yes yes all the open bank accounts ATK Bank yes okay we have the following chapter9 approve Revenue um recycling Tage Grant distracted riding Crackdown rggi grant for truck and of Barfield Avenue so the these are simply approving um the receipt of grant money and setting up a uh aign in the budget to spend that money on what the the grants purposes are that's all yes yes authorizing the award of an emergency contract to Garrison Enterprises Incorporated for wood repair yes authorizing award an award to Earl asphal company for the MJ do project for the resurfacing of Barfield ad yes uh boing a contract to National Auto Fleet group uh it's a national coop for an electric vehicle yes the DPW vehicle right thew Trump that is in or is it coming in yet not yet okay yes yes authorizing the ratification of an award of an emergency contract of water repairs and that for AC Schult yes authorizing and application to the Cy County open space Farmland Recreation and hisor Trust for the 2024 recreation facility en project Robert schol yeah authoriz to enter into an agreement the state of New Jersey for the purpose of the rout 30 Cooper Street to G to Grove Street in the county project yes yes this is for um increased police enforcement all the White Horse price right the bigger yeah so it's going to be several towns it's going to be land going down I think all the way into maybe even like Summerdale right um you know where particular interest stressing uh especially pedestrian safety measures uh in our area as well so yes yes authorizing the acceptance of federal funds to participate in the Federal grant program safe and secure Community Grant yes authorizing anou for the bur author M between the burrow of collinswood for the wooder Tower area project T so this is the this is the um the farrow's going through a process of accepting in proposals from um from Developers for development of kind of the Public Works facility public police stations back these back parking lots by the water towers um we have got in seven proposals I I believe um we've gone through a process in House of reviewing them and I've selected a developer tantm deorah taram is the is the principal uh and we're um we're going to be begin working with uh Deborah and our company um we're intrigued it's a residential um a market rate residential and also a seed or affordable component on the project project um we have scheduled we've scheduled a couple of meetings one is on May 29 and another one in June to um begin our our public input process kind of the same way we did with the public uh safety building where we you know kind of had some Concepts some ideas and then we started holding meetings with the neighborhood and also just the public in general that fine tuned the changes updated uh we think made it come out really really good so that's um that's what this is tonight this is having to post in escro to cover the Burrows cost of negotiations with them and um and we're on the path on the next step and the only other thing I would add is um bur staff did a great job of putting a lot of information online all seven of the proposals uh on there there history and some you know documents and other great information I hear about people reading it they have a lot of questions stuff which I appreciate there to be and hope people can uh share their thoughts and uh with us so we make it the best project that it could be yes yes authorizing an award for professional service contract with spal architect group for the poet yes yes think we missed the change order McDonald change McDon compy construction DPW building and approving the payment bills and general water yes ask thank you U two things I wanted to mention first of all uh you have an we have a advisory for health um actually started during Co that continues to uh to meet um online I think actually also available in the library our uh our resident surveys and is really helpful to us to get you know feedback on um thoughts your ideas your behaviors around around things with public health so um please June 1st I think is the deadline so you can please take that survey more people to take it more information get would be really helpful um this Saturday was the 25th anniversary of uh opening of the farmers market and uh congratulations and thank you to all volunteers the staff that you know that makes it so successful one thing that was really special this year is that we had all the past directors were there Soo hat there and our good and it's really fantastic to hear the stories folks had you know Sil drive down s County and me the farmers and sort of negotiate them coming up here and you know farmers markets were not a big thing 25 years ago there were a lot of incredulous uh farmers and um see where we're at now see the vibrant seeds the amount of folks that are there is is a great thing it's test to of so many so congratulations already mentioned water tower development so done yeah and I want to piggy back on the you know 25 years the success of the farmers market um dependent upon volunteers from from the first from the beginning when Pam and syvia came and sat down and said we'd like to do this and the work that they did as volunteers um um is what made it it's what makes it run today um and and I want to emphasize at the end of this month is our big Festival the May um does not run does not run without volunteers uh and we need volunteers we need people to help on every little bit of it we need you to get involved in it uh as I have said a number of times now doing this sitting at home is not volunteer uh you need to come out get involved do a little something email contact the tomorrow email me email Rob let us know you'd like to get involved we'll be happy to get involved we really need people to help on this um it is a Monumental undertaking uh and we need all the people that we can get the help and I will can I just ask that yeah I will say we recently just had a thank you again for for for volunteers it's really fantastic one of the things that I heard from a couple folks is that they don't volunteer as individuals they they don't organize their own crew folks so sometimes it's it's they're part of a church and and they decide to make this part of their service um and sometimes just a bunch of friends and neighbors and say let's do it together and do some cool stuff so um sometimes you know the idea of doing this feel a little uncomfortable or something like that bring brings and come involved you you'll appreciate it and you know the thing I remember most the volunteer thing the other night is people saying that the G involved in like three different things I'm not really sure what I got invited and it's just that's just kind of a sign of like it's same people doing a lot of stuff so uh we encourage you to get involved okay all right we're going to open it up to the public anyone like anything you like to say you can leave up I I only read I think your name and address for the recordin I only read thein really quickly here it looks like anybody takes down a tree illegally under this newe ordinance will $2,000 no it's it's it's a it's a lot more complicated um but what what it does and I'm not going to go I can't tell you I know every detail of okay but it is there's a requirement to get to file an application to get permission to remove a tree on private proper I understand what happens some doesn't abide by that just cuts down the tree what are you going to do looks like you're 000 do well there's there's exclusions there's exceptions so we we'll see as this is working oute and they get $2,000 they own $800,000 house $2000 a lot more than the $2000 okay we watch all the Tre that cut down last year and on the corner you need if you need you need to give your name very sad usug trees little piece of and then right across the street we watch Park you saw down at [Music] least I have no doubt that people will complain that uh that that government is going to be telling them that the tree in their backyard they're not allowed to cut down absolutely that's a that's a pretty big step State isting well yeah we Liv in hfield people over there are complaining at their Council meetings about excess water storm water R and that's what well that's why the state is yeah so so we've in we've introduced ordinance we'll see how this all goes okay because it's new for well it's not new for everybody sometimes have had something like this for a while okay so we'll see how it goes go for us we tried to on some people we know cons they thought horrible and I a lot my gu I appreciate but appreciate back I think it's something we need is being foral reason help stor I will say the other part of this is that you know H this will be on us to communicate how to make sure that residents very clear about what the responsibilities we don't want to get to the point someone slave slave you know does this them to understand what the expectation hopefully we do is that people are a little more thoughtful before they do things and and if they have to sometimes you do is that at least we have a plan on how to regenerate and to sort of you know to reinvest into our into our so thank you you got anyone else o skip name an address for the records Joan Leonard 759 had three things one is Arbor Day went so nicely so thank you to the burrow for bigger better trees and public works for digging these Gargantua holes for these trees and the children were thrilled and I think it's our 30th year of planting with the children it was started the Arbor Day celebration was started the Horticultural Club that's how far back it goes and then we adopted it as a burrow with our own ordinances and budget and protection so here we are really about 30 years later and about 3,000 trees later so the burrow has done great work in educating children and giving that enthusiasm for taking care of night Park and the trees so it went really well so thank you to Steve and the crew for that for Arbor Day um again and then um the green Festival went really well and I want to say thank you to all of the people who helped we had a lot of volunteers from the community gardeners to the Sha tree folks to the sustainability people and um police and public works there too so the day went well so thank you to that to continue to promote um all of the things that the burrow stands by for the environment including uh composters and rain barrels and you know pollinator friendly plants so that went well so that's two and third is um thank you for beginning to pass this ordinance it's not strong enough for me but nothing is so I understand that um and I think that we the Shay tree board is very committed to working together with the burrow to try to look at particulars and kind of flush them out to see which would really be applicable or not to our little town with little Parcels of land um and think you mentioned education and how it rolls out and that's going to be really important I think to let people know um that when a tree comes down their basement's flooding but so is everyone else's so it really makes a big impact on nature and I think that you know we maybe the shade tree group could work with the burrow to try to really get the word out and move this forward I'm really happy that we have an ordinance that protected our trees for all this time on the curb strips I think as the EP instructed all municipalities to have this ordinance many municipalities did not have tree protection or a budget or instruction on the um the tree Lawns the curbside trees so we are we are uh 1997 to now way ahead of the game with that so this just gives us to the next level because that's probably not enough so that's you know why they're saying that but I am proud of our V for being so far ahead in that that we did not need to be told how important it is to preserve our neighborhoods for our tree line streets so thank you really my pleasure all over I think we're all very great and my guess is you were at that first armor Day celebration I guess me yeah I think I was off a tree all right anyone else yes Avenue I'm wondering what what priority was we on priority from Washington but basically has been done yeah standard where we probably somewhere in the middle of the pack you do have an asset management priority list and Maples probably not there roads worse than maple I'll put it that way if we were gonna rank which we did so and I don't know I don't know if you remember about this asset we worked with Rowan University College of engineer College of Engineering and our own Engineers um on sort of evaluating every inch of every roadway and sort of putting in your fancy engineering number of crunchy stuff to sort of evaluate based on traffic and conditioning you know what prioritization was now you just don't do it totally on that technical sometimes you have to make decisions to put things ahead but it's a really helpful tool for the burrow to have that kind of information to make decisions so I just I bring it up because I don't know if you remember was started probably two years ago C right yeah took a while so when we talk about that list that asset inventory sort of coming out that so it's not top it's not bottom yes MR3 there's a lot of traffic on M Avenue there you have event onen and Street really up we're aware I no and listen we're not saying it's in great shape we're just saying that there are other roads that are worse that's all the the other thing I'll say right sometimes um there are sometimes especially in the spring po season and stuff like that there are things we're not aware of so if there are specific things please call it in on the website anything like that because sometimes we don't know your eyes as well that might not affect curb General conditions but but I mention it because sometimes there are easy fixes to there smaller problems there one place there at Washington [Music] and that no water goes in there because it's sitting so high [Music] Maple and it's Atlantic and Par yeah yeah yeah all right yes yes sir any address for the record please uh Michael ruso one Center Street um I just want to also kind of thr my support behind the uh the tree ordinance um and and I would like to you know just Express that this is a a big step for the state um it's great to see the state I mean I don't I know there's a couple of towns and cities throughout the country that have done this but seeing the whole state do it um it's a big deal and I just you know think making sure that people are informed out wi it's being done against storm water I know is the the driving issue um and you know we regulate in this town and every town and City we regulate lots of things that goes on private property things that are merely aesthetic these are much more than aesthetic obviously there's you know then when someone cuts down the tree it affects all of us around them so I think making sure people are informed about why this is being done um would really help and you know look forward to hopefully we don't we're all Bo we don't disagree with you just yeah when you it's a it's a change what no I'm here to support not not see the fall come by in the fall when it's filled with the people that got told about just get getting on the you know I will say aside personal and Joan you're the one that taught me this but with so much rain water my backyard time tell hey you're the one that taught me about Willows and how they just gobble up water and so now I'm working on a plan TOS in the backyard because any else anybody okay all right thanks see you June