##VIDEO ID:IIxEjMfcWv8## e e e e e e was so yeah well the other one went to at least two for all right order you provision of Sunshine Law prior to January 10th this year adopting a resolution prescribing the DAT location of all regular meetings of the commission this meeting is one of the Mee list resolution and C resolution January 10 zoning tax the read 1799 to exce appropriation liit so this is um an an ordinance that we adopt every year that uh under state law gives permission that if it's necessary you can exceed the cap on on budgets um it is something that you we have rarely used but if you need to use it you can and if you don't use it in a particular year you can bank that excess over 2% up to three and a half perc you can Bank it to later years in case some kind of emergency or something later years you need it you can Bank it on years that's all that's in public hearing on this will be at the February 6 February 3rd finally I read the agenda sorry February February mayor yes yes and we have the first R ordinance 18800 forting $230,000 from the general Capital Improvement fund for improvements to be feries so this is for the uh construction of pocket park um over uh next to the groove ground kind of over between the bank group ground we've been out on bids before for it since last time we're close to $800,000 uh we Reid it changed it re bid it this is simply taking money that's already been budgeted in Prior year budgets and appropriating it to uh to be spent on on this project later in in theight we have a resolution awarding the contract to u to a company B papers um that's what this is It's allocating money to use for that project public hearing will be at the February 3rd meeting May yes Robson public comment on resolutions so this is the opportunity anybody has any questions or comments about all the resolutions tonight's the start of the year so we have a whole lot of resolutions um of just doing different appointments and reupping all kinds of things that we we do during the year um for most of you that are here tonight you will not be held here for all that okay just to to warn you to let you know in advance um but if anyone has any comment on any of the resolutions or any questions this is your opportunity to ask that anybody Mr clingerman no we're good okay all right um okay I'm gonna read these off in the block or no Let's do let's do the appointment the appoint appointments swearing and we're waiting for one of our officers to get here so we're going to hold on to that for a little bit but see our court administrator is here appointing Erica as administrator for the B Municipal Court yes ER ladies hi why you all get to solemnly swear to solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and con constitution of the state of New Jersey that all will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that I will bear Faith to allegiance to the same and to the governments and to the government established in the United States established in the United States and in this city and in this C under the authority of the people authority of people and I will Faithfully I willfully and partially and partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties as Municipal Court Administrator as Municipal Court admin Colwood according to the best of liability ACC to of us good okay all right in do we then we fors bring your family up have come s that I will support the Constitution of the United States support and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will't bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all the duties as police officer according to best so on yours all right I st your names John youly swear swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the constition of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey consit of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments to the government established in the United States established in the United States and in this state and in this St under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and I will Faithfully partially and justly perform perform all the duties all the duties as police officer police officer all of you that are here for the swearing then you are to resolutions rock and roll yes yes um why don't we do that so we're just going to go through how you read off the titles of these resolutions like I said these are all pretty much reappointments and appointments for the start of the the new year uh and will give a a single vote on all the resolutions at the end go ahead Mark mag as the ad needed electrical inspector and electrical sub code official for the B of college construction Department reappointing B administrator using the municipal housing Leon commun coordinator and represent C Development Authority for the B reappointing Holly M reg statistics reappointing Elizabeth pelli as Certified Financial Officer reappointing r k zoning officer reappointing Alber the four as part-time building inspector for the B College reappointing Joe coocher as recycling coordinator reappointing Andrew marker safety coordinator store management coordinator reappointing and reappointing the bur College Municipal Court Personnel Ela Christine Deo and Aaron boss reing special Law Enforcement Officers Robertson shefy William Ortiz Victoria Sheffield Kevin Dugan Chase Cory Mand Brown Joseph Rivera REO planning members Andy Kelly Robert lowski and marel re all I have yes yes and I just want to point out he's left already right but staz robertt zfy this will be his 50th year as a special police officer for the problem col more of that to come later I guess after 50 years he got the heck out of here quickly as do that okay we have the next of resolutions author professional service contracts do it the same way we're going to do yeah we'll do one vote at the end of those before we get to the resolutions appointing War Consulting of Information Technology Consultants appointing Brown eony as Municipal attorney and labor Council appointing Conor strong as companies as risk management Consultants uh FNS LLC for ambulance and fire department bill Services appointing Phoenix advis advisor llc's financial advisors appointing Parker MC Bond special counsel for and Scott appointing them as Municipal auditor appointing Remington and Vernick as Municipal engineers and land use engineer appointing SLK Community Consulting LLC is marketing and Grant consultant appointing Charles wiggington as Municipal public defender Tiffany LLC is co consultant appointing Timothy Higgins as municipal prosecutor and appointing Timothy scati as special counil Council conflict matters appointing brat wiy as hisor Bond solicitor appointing mad Madden as L solicitor appointing independent Cal control for animal control services and authorizing an agreement with the Bo's animal shelter for 2025 shelter services and authorized agreement with Edmond and Associates for software support in 2025 yes yes the next I'll read individually yes please requesting permission for the dedication by rer for revenues derve from the affordable housing trust fund hang on you missed the page okay got yep author authorizing between do one by one right requesting permission for the dedication by Rider revenues of the affordable hous of trust fund this is simply uh setting the stage that to the extent that we want to do any expenditures from the affordable housing trust fund affordable housing projects that we're able to do that simply this the beginning of the year so you can make those specific expenditures during the year yeah yes authoriz authorizing anou between the B of col and the career fire fire officers of Cy County I loal 3249 this is thanks to Cassandra and Betty Joe for the work that they've done in getting um agreement with our firef Union this is the first step to a contract to finalize them for for the next few years yes yes authorizing refund of tax overpayment 247 West yes approval to submit a Grant application and execute the grant contract with the New Jersey Department of Transportation for the safe SE Transit safe Ada ramps phase two is this is for the second wave that we've got now what was the total number on that 660 so this is authorizing execution of a grant agreement for kind of the second phase what we applied for for Ada U compliant ramps on intersection sidewalks uh it's for $660,000 um this is authorizing bring in free money to do more of that work yes authorizing participation and pricing agreement with the county handed the marketing service for recyclable materials yes proving pass management plan for the B of collwood yes approving depository for the B OFW approving the year 2025 temporary budget Appropriations yeah yes approving the interest and grace period on taxes W and Sewer in 2025 yes authorizing the taxor to file heels in 2025 yes designation of the official newspapers for legal advertising yes authorizing a temporary even state of New Jersey Department of Transportation for sidewalk site sidewalk site improvements yes which one is this what's that um CL no which which improvements sidewalk improvements the easement for the state of New Jersey I'm sorry that's for the repeating of Route 30 for the run it's just a small piece of easement they want that easement that they were given for out on roe3 or 13 it's on 130 but it's part of the 30 G the intersection of 30 130 allow work to get done there by the St okay yes Yesa affordable obligations New Jersey Department of Community Affairs affordable obligations for 2025 through 35 so this is under the new state law with respect to affordable housing um the the DC State Department of Community Affairs has established new uh numbers for for time period going forward it sets our number at 45 4 six going forward and this is simply we're agreeing to that number as required by State Statute we're simply agree that's yes aing a contract think papers LLC for the park at and so this is the PO Park I referenced earlier that we're allocating um funds from prior budget years in order to pay yes authorizing the to enter an agreement to qualified with a qualifi rehabilitation entity yes appointing a public officer consum the New Jersey B of properties reation act yes and approving payment bills in the general St thank you yes okay commissioner Robinson feel like you just want to say your name a few times um I'd like to say happy new here I would like to remind people that our Gala is coming up with snowball Galla on the 25th still some Pap available but not that many so be about it it's a good time for good um accessible playground equipment yes um and also um I'm always Lindy thumbs up thank you Lindy um and also as you plan for your 2025 make a plan to volunteer we have lots of opportunities you can go to our website and or just ask around email me.om I'll help you out find a way yeah thanks commission Lisi okay I'll just update everyone on the um ocean first two different things one on the ocean first building we have signed today signed agreements which you have to sign the witness signature candra but we' signed agreements uh finalizing that transaction there'll be a little per of due diligence um the group is very anxious to get started the back uh portion of that lot is going to remain a parking lot a public parking lot uh but we worked out the details for that Transit that transaction the um and the last one is on the rebound we've uh completed the phase of informal uh appeals that's that's finished now um the the the assessor is certifying to the new values uh and everybody will be receiving a postcard over the next few weeks that postcard is now your next step if you want you don't agree with that the assessment that's been given to it then you now have the option to file a more formal tax appeal um to challenge that to to you know bring your issues up with the County Board of T taxation um overall I think strong signs for the burrow because uh our our assessments our our burrow assessments were approximately $1 billion doar prior to the reval and now post reval the value of our community is now just over two billion doar so in the 15 years since there's there's been this reval property values in town in general have increased uh have doubled um so that's the next steps on that that's all I have New Year anything have anyone have anything they like to bring before the commission Mr clar go ahead Community Garden in early December had put out a unusable rainb right okay as of this day it has not been picked up I don't know if it's the part of the recycling people or the G people but the garbage people usually comes first well Sten where exactly is now it's been taken off the street and put up against the path the passway door on Washington Avenue okay up for and any any if it doesn't get picked up just let um just let's Ste it not right they'll make sure they get it okay okay the second question I have is when will the get the evaluations of the home because I want against some of the property in the same block so right now the within I would say within a week the assessor is finalizing those values that'll be up on our website like it'll be publicly available then so the assessor has to certify to it all that they're the final numbers and then it'll be uploaded onto the system January 10 January 10 is when John Diamond gets the from the County Board of Taxation will'll get the accessor book which will have all those numbers in but it's going to take us a few days to upload it into our system so so figure by January by January 1520 it should be up in the mail and the reason why ask is this past week I got a real estator that want to buy my house and it's within the $100 of the value that was placed on it by the are they passing this on to other people no no it's generally um it it might be what houses are going for in your neighborhood I mean I I I don't know but that information is not public yet it's not all out there yet you got that but there's no public record that's available for anybody to go look at you'll have it you'll be able to do that by the end of this month you'll be able to do that it will be up the new assessments will be up and available on our system 15th 15 20th they come the 10 maybe a a little bit longer Billy saying they get it so we get it back in the county January 10th and then it has to be inputed and up updated onto the system so by the time you get your postcard it should be up on the system look at it online you should be able to yeah if not you just let us know shoot us an email we'll try it and see where it's at give us a call we have it on the system okay it's public record okay thank you you got it you sir hi Dan Smith um so I want to talk a little 225 L ad I didn't ask Mr the time is to do the public arten together is great yes yes is um so little 225 Lincoln Avenue I have a question about the schools um so the part of this is probably not controversial is my understanding is that the burough leadership and the school districts used to have more of a communicative and a more of a collaborative um Arrangement than they do it was that is that fair to say in the past and well you know times yes yeah it's not real great right now and as long as we handed like the issue is that when what from what I hear from the burough it seems like they're saying that you guys talk to the or you try to you try to open up a communication with the district and that they kind of rebuff you and then when I talked to the district about it in their you know meetings they said that they try to communicate with you it's just like we keep getting bounced back and forth I'm I'm I don't really have a dog this fight I'm just curious why where did this breakdown happen like how can we get it back on track where you guys can coordinate and communicate better well we're we're well let me let me first of all I can point out there is tons of communication between school okay right so Public Works and B and and buildings and grounds okay you know Athletics and our Recreation programs you know our Public Safety and and the school district I mean the business of the town and as much as there's collabor cooperation is happening the there are some big picture items that you know but you know right now I believe they're swearing in you know new board members as we speak um you know so you know there's always there's always an opportunity so for day-to-day business things are going smoothly but for like leadership and planning and new things that's the part that's not really you're just not seeing to on it's listen it's been a rocky year okay the last year's definitely been a rocket year um we've made listen I've sent emails I've made phone calls to try to get together and I'd love to see and hear how they claim we rebuffed them on opportunities to be because we've been ask like I I can't speak to the veracity of either one of us I don't have but I can just tell you what what I asked them in like what they said and um basically they said that I asked you know by the breakdown they said the district has attempted to communicate with the bureau often and I would say that the communication issues are not ones that lie with the district and that know the will to work together is them whose email are you reading from oh it was public comments it was from the public comments at the last board meeting um and so so it's a member of the board that said that the lead the the the president of the board okay and so like everyone's titled opinions and but I to know what we can do we're going to make we're going to make another run our Recreation plan is is at the end of completion we're going to be making another run to have discussions I think as Rob is alluding to we're hopeful that with some new people on the board um that maybe we can get those discussions going you do you know when just about the the the recreation that's what I'm most interested in within within um what about we're talking about the recreation plan that the Burl did that study that we did right so within the next few weeks we'll be making some making some attempts to start things again and and that the public might hear about that later on then no you should hear about it kind at the same time yeah okay thanks so much and we can do to coordinate or to help kind of bring people together I almost be like The Parent Trap and we just had the parents to talk to each other again back together but anything we can do we just lot D yeah well look here's here's something I will say as a person in public service is you know there are always times that things don't go well and you know what I can't get to buy people in my family to on have for dinner so but the thing is she's always got to be ready to get back talking to the table and you can communicate like hey I'm really disappointed or whatever right but but ultimately right we're people we're all trying to do our best and we have an oath and an obligation to do something and I believe that they theying with people well you know just keep working there's things to work through or like I'm optimistic well thank you for your time I appreciate oh don't hesitate Sho an email anytime you don't come out on a 12 degree snowy Monday night you email anytime we have Happ anybody happy to keep you posted about our attempts at discussions great thank you yeah all right I think that's everybody that's in the room we're jour