the notice provisions of Sunshine Law by adop part January 10th of this Year resolution prescribed at days time notifications of all regular meetings commission this meeting is one of the meetings listed such resolution and copies of the resolution were prior to January 10 okay H okay there minut evening I the F reps zoning and tax collector second we had a probation day OB on April 26 the following ordinance second meeting public hearing of CIT approvement 1782 of an ambulance to own properties and infrastructure improvements so this is um taking money to the creating money from our budget the capital Improvement fund for an ambulance purchase the 225,000 you spent with borrow property is the pocket park uh out on P Avenue um this is the public car this ordinance anything anyone like to be heard on it this is your opportunity to be heard on it Lind anybody out there okay may yes yes Mr Robson okay we the first reading of ordinance 17 83 appropriating $250,000 from the general Capital fund for the improvements of various Municipal grows uh this just road projects ongoing taken out of the capital Improvement funds again from the budgets not borrowing any money for it um second reading will be May 6 um okay may yes ask yes Robertson okay and we have uh we're going to take yeah okay all right all right 1784 nonresident development nonr development fees and establish spending plan okay second reading of that oh P I'm sorrya okay so this is now public comment or any resolutions on the agenda so this is this public um comment period is limited to just those items on the agenda at the end of the meeting we'll have a public forum where any anybody can talk about whatever they want so anybody want to speak about any items on on the agenda okay okay the following resolutions appointing William Ortiz as fulltime police officer from B Collin yes yes authorizing a contract for court collection vendor with tax serve Capital Service New Jersey LLC so this is the first time I just want to bring it up for the first time state law allows us to um hire a collection agency for fines in the courts um we're close to $500,000 in outstanding fines which is kind of a rolling number it's always kind of been a really really big number but you're really Limited in what you can do to try to collect it so big big step we're really um glad the state changed the law on this and we'll see what this uh what this appr yes yes authorizing the ratification Award of emergency contract for wood repair and this is for repairs on one of our water wells yes authorizing to bid for the resurfacing of various RS yesing a contract Remington Engineers for construction Bas services for the col Avenue wood treatment plant upgrades yes authorizing the acquisition of properties yes approving Raff license 20248 and 2024 Civic colletive yes and then we have the public hearing on the 2024 Municipal budget okay so the municipal budget this year year um is a an approximate 3 Cent increase uh on the budget uh for the average of that property which the average assessment is $232,000 uh it's it equates roughly $70 year uh within this um we are in the last year we've been saving in years but you've saw tonight the ambulance money the we purchasing a fire truck the pocket park improvements the road improvements the street improvements for approving all of those Capital expenses are also being covered under the budget as well as maintaining operations trash expense police fire and covering the salary increases in contraction obligations I want to thank Sandra Ben Joe for their work and getting the budget together um this is the public hearing on the budget anyone like to be heard on it this is your opportunity to do so all right okay the following budget items on Roll authorizing the 2024 Municipal budget be read by title mayor yes yes Robson yes to amend the 2024 Municipal budget as introduced mayor yeski yes and now we have we have to do a budget amendment now we're adopting the budget because the state's um providing one of our grant programs an extra like $5,000 um so because of that and we already introduced a budget we have to now do a budget amendment in order to accept that three month so go ahead we have to have a public hearing on the budget amendment oh oh so anyone wants to be heard on adding 5,000 of Revenue once Municipal budget this is your opportunity to do okay okay authorizing ad 2024 Municipal budg yes yes approving salary resolution borrow collinswood and approving the payment bills in general water and Sil okayy commiss Robinson um Lots going on in the spring we've all woken up including the flowers and poll but um coming up first is April 18 well this week go lots and lots of activities plann for spectrum and wellness um little league opening day the 13th of April also has that collection day unrelated 13th of April and the hwood Green Day Festival the 20th of April and the farm market returns onth of May thank you lski a couple things there by the way Wellness week is fantastic it's not just about physical wellness Mental Health financial um and it's really lot of phys volunteer things scen Events off the great opportunity spring maybe try something new so couple other things I want to mention uh con Community lale which obviously been here before it's a huge thing for towns with Community Collective which you know supports so much that town that's that's so yes find that US Army fi um we're really honored that they choose to come to con is their third time com to town be right Auditorium on the 22nd tickets are free but are limited so please uh you know go Toom okay um the we taken in proposals um a few weeks ago on the development of the water tower area kind of back the parking lots back here we're completing our review of that um and hope to narrow that field we got six proposals in um really great companies and great Concepts we're hoping to reduce that to a couple um that we'll start negotiations with about and going over what exactly we can do there um and we're also um trying to get things moving on Ocean First on the bank over ocean first um probably going to spend some time talking with the the folks are redoing the building in the former water lot that's from be Sarah Sarah um that's all I have this is a public forum anybody is your opportunity to say anything if you'd like to now if you just would would would stand up and give us your name and address for the record please yeah my name is Robert jordano my address is 620 callings Avenue the place of business so okay all right so what I understand my daughters are telling me I own the building first of all they don't they rent and they pay rent for me so I thought this was all like you know whatever they're telling me about this take the parking lot that you know I didn't think anything of it you said what could they how can they take my parking lot so now I see that it seems to get getting serious here so I I had to start leave work to come here tonight to talk about this like what is going on with this you want to take my parking lot that I paid for with the building just ahead okay you good talk so we we had a meeting with um the there's two other property owners that own portions of the lot this is a parking lot for those that don't know over on colle Avenue on the other side of the pipe um and it's it's a shared there's a shared ownership of the lot um and it has been um well it's been an issue for the burrow for many many years long before you guys the proper um we've made several attempts to try to get some coordination um so get it looking better get pain better having it overall be in better condition uh We've lately had a number of issues with respect to uh uh problems with folks in the evening and uh not good control over that site partially because and so the with the to do is the borrow is um what to gain ownership of the remainder of that lot make it public parking right have it be available for everybody in the community to use those the businesses and be available there and so that's what uh we had set up a meeting um and I know that the barl had all the contact theyve had had another meeting before about this and it was your um it was the young ladies that were there for the meeting and they were there was some followup on that which we didn't get much response so we had another meeting with everybody and with Mr Patel that know the the corner building and kind of roughly half the lot um and talked about want to acquire this and that's what the meeting was and you would emailed us the next day or within a couple days of that said that you know you wanted all Communications through you and I think oh through your attorney right which you you forward that if you sent this to us so we'll we'll deal with him and we'll we'll contact him we're getting the drawing prepared or form an engineering sketch of the area that we intend to um to acquire and that's yeah but first okay first it started out if we agreed to it like first the lady comes into my salon talks to my daughter Jamie and my other daughter was there you nice this that what do you think about if we just take it off your hands and just pick your brain do you think about all that and what as for an easement an easement and all this stuff but then from there it's like almost like threats if you don't go with what we say okay but it seems like it though I understand but they're trying it seems like it's to me because when we said that the business CL you have an attorney right okay we do and we will be in touch with your attorney and we will go through that go through that drill and we'll deal with your okay but the thing is I don't want my family threatened and if you don't comply with us in other words but you might not you're going to see what you're going to see in other words with the backlash understand will follow your other words it's my parking lot I bought it fair and square you should have bought it when it was up for sale for two years you understand I purchased it I purchased it because we own our own parking lot my daughters wanted that building I could have been on had an Avenue it could be anywhere I want you understand first of all we didn't want to because there's no parking right there we went and bought this place I had my eyes on the building I was going to buy so we forgot that and we bought this because it had a parking lot and that's what they want they want their clients to be able to park they want they want to be able to park and all my employees you understand that's why we purchased it that's why I invested so much money into the place made it all brand new we're trying to make the area nicer I'm just saying behind my parking lot is clean there no trouble there now other spots that's I don't know about the other spots I see other things but behind my salon we keep up with it there's nothing needs to be paved you understand the trash is all taken care of it looks good now the other Lots you want to do some with them fine but my daughters want this lot you understand that's it they want the place that's why we bought it that's why we came to Collingswood I don't want somebody taking something off of me that I own that's all I also have to add um thank you you get your name and address the ref J jordano 620 West Collins Avenue Salan J in our meeting you said that that there was criminal activity going on we have not been informed or aware of any criminal activity happening in our speciic any criminal activity that we have ever seen has been on Collings Avenue in the front nothing that we own when we brought up to you well what about say like Leber Roots parking lot you said well there's no criminal activity there we were just informed that somebody's car was stolen out of the lot while the people were in the building eating dinner so I'm saying that could happen anywhere there people's cars are being stolen everywhere in Collingswood so why are we just being targeted plus I have cameras front back the whole parking lot I got cameras and the police come and they look for my cameras for anything they want we we cooperate with them inside outside everywh so I don't know what else to do you know okay so you you've advised this you have an eternity we'll deal with your eternity you wanted us to deal with your eternity deal with going to deal with me and him because I own the place but you will deal with him yes yeah so we'll follow up with Mr with your ter okay be clear the outcome that I hope is you're GNA be happier with what comes out of I know but we have to talk right and and I we're open to talking and and and doing I want to listen to not just talk to you but I to listen to you ultimately the hope is what's going to come out of it is you know better controlled and in a better repaired lot which also will take some some of the liability off of you while providing access for customers but all that can be work all that should be just talked about so that's one thing about I understand one thing talking about something but not trying to forcefully take something from if I decide I want to do something and I agree with you that's one thing but we do live in the United States of America I do have some rights some rights I purchased it it's on my deed it's on my survey that you made me pay for to do some work inside I bought the per the survey it has it on there it's my parking lot what you want to do with the others is fine do whatever you want we let everybody Park here anyway I don't think you understand don't we have signs but ze's next door we let all their customers Park we're not there we don't care do you understand but not doing our business erors we need it for our girls that work at whatever seven eight 10 girls our clients you understand they don't want to walk play with this play with that years old there's people okay thank you thank you you say thank thank you very much anybody else anything okay we are jour